nelly_Layout 1


nelly_Layout 1
By Kim Hargreaves
by Kim Hargreaves
Rowan Big Wool
A Smitten Kitten 003
B White Hot 001
x 100gm
x 100gm
1 pair 15mm (US 19) needles
Large crochet hook
71⁄2 sts and 10 rows to 10 cm measured over stocking stitch using
15mm (US 19) needles.
Hat measures approx 49 cm (191⁄2 in) around head.
Shape for earflaps and lower edge
Next row (WS): Cast off first 4 sts, P until there are 9 sts on right
needle and slip these sts onto a holder for second earflap, cast off
next 11 sts, P until there are 9 sts on right needle, cast off rem 4 sts.
Keeping striped st st correct, re-join appropriate yarn to last set of
9 sts with RS facing and cont as folls:
Work 1 row.
Dec 1 st at each end of next and every foll alt row until 1 st rem.
Slip this st onto crochet hook and work a chain of approx 28 cm
before fastening off.
Complete second earflap to match first.
Join back seam.
Cast on 7 sts using 15mm (US 19) needles and yarn A.
Row 1 (WS): P7.
Row 2: (K1, M1) 6 times, K1. 13 sts.
Row 3: P1, (M1P, P2) 6 times. 19 sts.
Row 4: (K3, M1) 6 times, K1. 25 sts.
Row 5: Purl.
Row 6: (K4, M1) 6 times, K1. 31 sts.
Row 7: Purl.
Row 8: (K5, M1) 6 times, K1. 37 sts.
Row 9: Purl.
Join in yarn B and beg with a K row, work in st st as folls:
Using yarn B work 2 rows.
Using yarn A work 2 rows.
These 4 rows form striped st st.
Work in striped st st for a further 7 rows, ending with a RS row.
All right reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this brochure is strictly forbidden. No part maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright owners having
been given in writing. The designs in this brochure are copyrighted and must not be knitted for re-sale. Reproduction of this publication is protected by copyright and is sold on the
condition that it is used for non-commercial purposes.Yarn quantities are approximate as they are based on average requirements. Colour reproduction is as close as printing will allow.
First published in Great Britain in 2011 RowanYarns Ltd, Green Lane Mill, Holmfirth,WestYorkshire, England, HD9 2DX Internet: Email: © Copyright Rowan 2011