03-23-1961 - Rawson Memorial Library
03-23-1961 - Rawson Memorial Library
CASS SECTION ONEPages 1 to 10 FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION ONE1 to 10 PAGES CITY, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 VOLUME 54, NUMBER 49 FOURTEEN PA'JES Untimely Striffler Death Causes Problems Kingstonite Awaits Sentence of Court Wide Open A presentence investigation of Raymond Gammage, 37, of Kingston, who pleaded guilty of statutory rape with an 11-yearold girl when arraigned in Tuscola County Circuit Court The untimely death of C. J. Striffler has caused conWednesday, Mar. 15, revealed tusion m the coming spring township election. Mr Strifthat he had been arrested once tier was one of the candidates in Elkland township for previously on a charge of break6 f£ K°II 4° Jll.s^lce of "the Peace. His name will appear on ing and entering. the ballots which were printed prior to his death This was Gammage's . only Morton Orr of Cass City this Already one person has announced that he will be a canprevious brush with the law, but week Completed 50 years as a didate on slips for the job. He ;s Charles Newas volunteer member of the Cass he has a long history of ill health, Mr.. Newas is assistant pur- • 1__U of the Court John City and Elklancl Township Fire Friend chasing agent at Erla Food CenHumm's report revealed. Department. ter and has become well-known He quit school when in the 10th Mort was; elected a member of Betty Powell, Lorene Rienstra, Bessie Battel, Dora Karr, in the comparatively short time PROFITABLE BUSINESS for the Fraser Presbythe Cass C ty Fire Department grade because school work was he has been in community. Mar. 21, 1911, and has been the hard for him and he experienced terian Church is the work of the church's Ladies Aid which Ella Profit, Luella Root, Winnifred McLellan and Aletha I Although he the has never run foi Fox. frequent headaches. organization's secretary since has been a steady source' of revenue since 1929. From left office previously in Cass City, he Standing are Stella Crawford and Hazel Thorpe. He received a special discharge to right, seated: Lucy Seeger, Roberta Stine, Doris Mudge, Nov. 19, 1912. is known in local political circles Army after three (Chronicle photo) as The Cass City oldster can re- from the a Democrat. call when the department used months because he spent most of Look for Republican his service career in the hospital, j hook and ladder wagons that Mr. Striffler was a member of ^ Members of the M-81 Highway were hand drawn. He tells of Early this month he suffered a the Republican party and the John Extension Association acquainted winter meetings in the room heart attack and he has had slate of officers on the ballot Maclr'e. state highway conn which housed the fire equipment ' kidney trouble. His headaches ! ! is listed as running on the GOP roissioner, of their problem witl that were curtailed because by persist. Gammage is not married. ticket. i Cass City Road, .east of M-53 .Gammage was remanded to the the time the old wood stove was For this reason the local Re- i Saturday afternoon. warmed up the firemen were custody of the sheriff by the Tne publican committee would like to Mack group conferred with Mi There's been a lot of comment froze and forced to adjourn their court and will be sentenced Frifind a qualified Republican to ie when he visited Cass City in recent weeks about the parkday, Mar. 31. meeting. take the post. However, qualified Sorenson, Democrat, ing in front -of the post office. Sentenced Thursday, Mar. 16, he was The Cass City High School persons who want the job are jand a candidate for the UniverIn the only other criminal case The reason that the village has presented with a 50-year gold Band received a division II rat- hard to find. " , sity of Michigan Board of Rebadge by the Tuscola County heard Wednesday. -Joe Makos Jr. not filled the holes is that the ing at the District Band and OrHowever, party affiliation on ' gents. was sentenced to probation for ground is still settling from the Firemen's Association. 32 years the Ladies Aid of money swelled the donations of chestra Festival held Saturday the local level is not as important ! Mr- Mackie was told of the breaking into a toolshed owned drainage work completed last theFor Fraser Presbyterian Church the Aid to the church. at Flint Bendel High School. as it is in state and. national !aims °f tne association . . . to exby Clair 0 slander of Koylton fall. : tend has been meeting every other Ratings of the bands are given Although the current Ladies elections. In township elections highway M-81 on a straight township. In addition, he was As soon as the area settles, reand the meetings have re- Aid has been operating since numerically from Division I most folks vote for the person on , line to M-19. ordered to pay $100 fine and $100 pairs will be made and decent week sulted in money for many of the 1929, other Aids had served the through Division V. A division the ballot they wish to see elecThe highway commissionercosts and make $60 restitution, parking established. improvements at the church. church in previous years and then II is the second best available. suggested that a conference be ted regardless of party. all at $10 per month. Work in Tuscola and Sanilac F^r, at each of the meetings the disbanded. For instance, present Justice arranged, after election, with inFour adjudicators recognized When repair of the parking ladies gather around for a quilt.counties was among highway But the current organization the band as one of the better Reva M. Little is a Democrat terested parties attending. Mr., area starts, we'd like to see som ing bee and the proceeds go for lists some 12 charter members units of the 18 competing in who has served well with the Mackie said that he would confirm. construction projects totaling $14, sort of parking arrangement 1 church work. 928,378 let on bids last week, his remarks made at the meetingwhich must set some kind of a Class B. Nelson Hauenstein of Republican township board. made. Cars now park anyway John . Mackie, state, highway Charging $6 for a pieced quilt record for a continuing project the University of in a letter written to Dick Erla,, Michigan they please and many times two an( j commissioner, announced. an appliqued quilt, for any area church. Democratic party worker in. the: wrote, "This band achieves a fine In Tuscola county pavement cars have parked in front at such the group, which now has about Cass City area. full band sound and has excellent repairs will be made at intermitcrazy angles that they use all 25 members, has earned 'plenty of ^ Biggest threat to the extenpossibilities." Mr. Hauenstein the available room. tent locations on M-15 between I money. ' ; sion, he said, was the lack of awarded the band a Division I ; Millington and Vassar. Low rating. funds. Similar proposals are sent hi recent years somr- of the bidder was Midland Contracting to the department 'from all over The first meeting of the year Adjudicator Keith Stein of money has been used to improve Friday, March 24 — William John Ellis was the featured Co. of Midland at a cost of $27,the state, he explained. Deterof the newly elected village coun- the church. Projects include over Noble, administrator of Florence Michigan State University wrote Principal Arthur Holm-berg mining factor for the department 024. Completion date is June 24. speaker at the regular meeting cf J Tuesday. One of j 31,000 for a blower and carpeting Smith estate, will hold a house- that only a few minor flaws kept the Junior Woman's Club ThursIn Sanilac county two jobs were its first duties will be appointing j of the sanctuary, over $800 to hold auction four miles west, two the band from receiving the this week released the names of is_ the amount of traffic the road let. Frank Strausberg and Son of day at the home of Mrs. Clyde an assessor to replace the late C. i help pay for the church addition miles north and a half mile west coveted first division rating. Mr.' students at Cass City School who _ will have. \ Saginaw was low bidder at $88,- Wells. J. Striffler. and $250 for tiling the basement of Cass City. Stein was highly complimentary earned listing on the honor roll, i He talked about the "Federal 981 for 8.1 miles, of asphalt surSeveral of the students earned Mr. Striffler had handled the floor Wildlife Refuge" and showed Saturday, March 25—Mrs. Ed- of the musicianship displayed an enviable all A record. To be facing as follows: while playing "most difficult In addition, the ladies pay about win Wilson will sell tractors, On Maple Valley Road south colored slides of the project. He job for the last several years for listed, students must have recompositions." from a point; five miles east of was introduced by Mrs. Rodney the village. Assessing at best is a 95 per cent of the repair bills and machinery and dairy equipment ceived a B or better in- all Other adjudicators, Leonard job that makes no friends. He ' spend money for mission work,; on the premises located nine and Marlette; on Ruth Road south j Krueger. courses. Meretta of Western Michigan In the business meeting, the re- handled the work satisfactorily including Christmas gifts and; a half miles west and a half from a point 4.5 miles west of The complete list: University and Edgar Ross of Applegate; on Marlette Road port of the nominating committee for the vast majority of village j ~andv for an orphan homo in theV mile south of Caro on Vassar Central Michigan University, al^eers will be taxpayers. Finding someone to j .South. * indicates better than a B avepresented, Road, .....-•.•._ .. , -,., . . „ .. west from a point 5.5 nailer southso wrote coraplimentarily of the do the job as well will be difWednesday, March 29—Gerald Sand. In the last four years the rage. west of Applegate; on Deckerville elected -at the April meeting. ' Members were told that the flcult Road east from, a point four ' In the 32 years they have/been Muentener will hold a farm auc- band has earned three top rat- ** indicates all A's. 7th A class in religious instruction miles north of Hemans, and on book cart is now established in working, the word-of-mouth ac- tion at the place, a half mile east ings and one division II rating. ** Ballard, James for retarded children, sponsored Palms Road north from M-51 at the Cass City Hospital as well as claim for the ladies' work has re- 'and three miles north of Pigeon. The next event for the high by the Tuscola County AssociaDeckerville. Completion date is Hills and Dales General Hospital. sulted in more requests for quiltTuesday, April 4—Loren Trath- school band will be a spring con- * Baudoin, Keith Mrs. Pat Kendall gave a report tion for Retarded Children, was AU&-. 15. ing than the ladies can do. Right en will hold a farm axiction on cert at the high school Sunday, * Doerr, Robert Freiburger, James announced at the regular . meetThe other job let in Sanilac entitled "When You Reach the now they have 25 names on their the premises, five miles east and April 16. * Galloway, Brent ing of the group at Caro High. went to West Michigan Eng-i- Evergreen Years, Will You Be waiting list and it takes about two and a half miles north of At the ->-eouest the U. S. two Wednesdays to complete the Cass City. School Thursday. Greenleaf, Donald neering Co. of Hart for $39,121. Ready or Afraid of Them?" The club voted to attend the Treasury, Savings Bond Division, Javerage qunt. Miss Dorothy Robinson of the * Hartwick, Richard Tt calls for three miles of preWednesday, April 5 — Burton Thumb Bible Mission will teach * Heckroth, Nancy liminary work in preparation for Bauer Theater in Flint April 12. Hills and Dales General Hospital • The ladies use a cotton batt for Morrison will sell cattle and mamembers of the club are today started a savings bond the quilting and will bind the "* Knoblet, Jerry the classes at the Wahjamega surfacing on Maple Valley Road,, New . chinery at the farm, two mile? * Kolb, Larry country church Saturday mornsouth from a point - five miles Janice Voyer and Joyce Harr. drive for its employees. The em- edges for an extra dollar. southeast of Mayville. ings at 9:30. The Rev. Robert Luettke, Dennis east of Marlette. Completion Guests Thursday were Joan Al- ployees will buy bonds on the inOther Revenue fano, Cathy Stou^enburg, Sharon stallment through payroll Hazen, pastor, has donated the * MacRae, David. date is June 20. Not all of the money the ladies Ellis, Mary Ann Lowe, Penny savings; The canvassers ai'e: use of the church for the instruc* Rabideau, Robert Max " Stoutenburg, Anne Ellis, ' earn comes from the quilting Smith and Barbara Hauck. tion and 10 retarded children are ** Roveda, Charles Co-hostesses were Mrs. Howard Esther Dorman, Joyce D'eich-'j work. expected to attend. * Ruhl, Douglas Prio e ch mann and Margaret Matuszak. I ., £T ^° ^ ^meeting every Bacon and Mrs. Don Gillette. The regular meeting of the * Schember, David Miss Robinson is now conductThey will contact each employee Cass City Zonta Club was held * Schuckert, Susan ing classes for children at the in their department sometime f. Sixteen members of the Wom- Tuesday night, March 14, at the * Searls, Les Caro State Hospital and has ~redients except the meat are an's Society of World Service and New Gordon Hotel where the * Speirs, Ronald this week. taught classes for retarded chilAf f er m?n.y hours of .hard furnished by the members. The hospital, in making this two guests attended the March meeting was highlighted by the ** Spencer, Mary Lou dren in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. work the Wilbur .M>™o^nl 4-H This meal is open to anyone meeting of the organization election of officers. service available to its employees, * Starmann, Barbara Building will be officially reJoseph Nagy, state cancer is making it easier for each in- •vho cares to attend and visitors Thursdav afternoon, March 23, in President is Mrs. Marie Krue- * Whittaker, Guy opened this week end. The building has been remodeled recently field representative, showed a dividual to effect a planned sav- pay whatever they think it is Salem Evangelical UB Church. ger. Other officers are: vice- * Yedinak, Diane film about cancer, "The Other ings by allotting as little as $1.25 worth. Over the years many Mrs. Ralph Gauer was hostess president, Wilma Fry; secretary, 8th by the 4-H Council. and treasurer, * Ballard, Jane The open house Saturday eve- City," to 29 members and four per pay period. The goal is for area residents have eaten their and the lesson on "working to-' Helen Baker, J: noon meal at the church and the Aether with other churches was! Helen Stevens. * Bringardner, Richard ning and Sunday will acauaint guests at the regular meeting of 75 per cent participation. The regular meeting of the given by Rev. S. R. Wurtz. the Cass City Extension Club I Members of the board of di* Champion, Jim the public with the facilities Woman's Study Club was heW Election of officers for the ' rectors named are: Betty Bassett, Thursday evening, Mar. 16, at :<* p eeman, Ruth Ann r available and also give 4-H memTuesday, Mar. 14, at the home coming year was held. Elected ! Edith Little and Marion' Douglas, K* Freiburger. Linda1 bers a firsthand view of the Bush's Restaurant. of Mrs. Keith McConkey. were: president, Mrs. Wilma S. | The program was featured by * Guinther, Beverly Mrs. Margaret Neitzel, chairbuilding find a review of the plans Featured speaker for the day Fry; vice-president, Mrs. Carrie'an address by Mrs. Isabelle man of the Tuscola County Edu' • * Knoblet, James of the 4-H program. was the Rev. John Fish, pastor Wendt; secretary, Mrs. Ralph i Starkey, assistant director of the * Krohn, Jerry The open house will be under cational division, and Mrs. Helen of the Presbyterian Church. He Gauer; treasurer, Mrs. Harry j Michigan Association for Better for Laming, Melvin the direction of the 4-H Council. Lorentzen, dressing chairman told of the ecumenical movement the area, attended the meet ; n<x. ^oung. t Hearing, who talked about her * McConkey, Linda : of the Protestant churches. Various secretaries who will' work. In other business, the club sel- j * Milligan/Bob Roll call was answered by tellserve are Mrs, Ray Silvernail, j Mrs. Gladys Fort told her life ected Mrs. Sam Vyse as "womMulrath, John ing a Bible verse. The next meetspiritual life; Mrs. Alma Seeger, i history to members. As part of *• Sawicki, Peggy an of the year" for the club. Mrs. ing will be at the home of Mrs. missionary education; Mrs. S. C. i each program, a club member :* Seale, Larry Otto Goertseii acted as chairman Adolph Woelfle Tuesday. Striffler, social relations. In tells the grourt the history of her * Searls, Lynn for Mrs.'Herbert Ludlow who was charge of missionary education life. absent. Buying price 9th for youth is Mrs. Walter Anthes Program chairmen were Mrs. The next regular monthly :* Arndt, Martha Soybeans ................................ 2.75 and in charge of mission-1 luncheon meeting was to have * Barriger, Maryanne R. O. Avery and Mrs. Wrayburn Beans ........... ,...........................5.65 ary education for children been held Wednesday at the * Copeland, Sandra Cranberries..............................6.00Krohn. Mrs. Avery told what to Miss Helen H.nver. New Gordon Hotel. Concluded on page ten. 6.50 look for when buying new carLight Red Kidney beans pets and the selection of rug The Caro Drive-in Theatre will Dark Red Kidney beans 6.25 reopen for the season Friday, Small Reds 6.25 cushions. Mrs. Krohn explained the right Mar. 24, authorities announced Yellow Eyes 11.50 type of sweeper for carpets and this week. Grain told how to care for carpets and The theatre will be open week Corn, shelled, bu. . 98 rugs. She also presented hints for ends until April 7 when it will Oats 36 Ib. test open nightly. 54 cleaning difficult spots. Wheat, new ............................ 1.85 Mac & Leo added the play-off Dean Hoag with 11 and Don SimAmong the early attractionsMac & Leo vs. Erla's Rye........................; 80 championship to its regular sea- mons with 10 led the losers. are Elvis Presley in "G. I. Blues," Mac & Leo was forced to come Elizabeth son title last week ,by winning Feed Barley............................1.50 Taylor in "Butterfield Mac & Leo vs. Sherman's from behind to whip Erla's. They three straight games by convincBuckwheat..............................2.00 High scoring Mac and Leo' trailed 16-13 at the end of the 8," "Swiss Family Robinson,"' 5m: margins. soared to victory with a big last first period. But the champs found Jerry Lewis i)i "Cinderfella" andl Livestock The annual Science Fair is The tourney opened Tuesdav. quarter for their 82-60 victory Cows, pound .................. .14 .20 scheduled for Saturday and Sunrange in the second quarter "North to Alaska." Mar. 14. In the first round, Erla's over Sherman's. At the three- the and went into the lead at interCattle, pound ................ .18 .23 day afternoons at Cass City High dumped Fuelgas, 59-56, Mac & quarter mark the score was 55- mission, and then pulled Calves, pound ................. 20 .30 School. The work this year has •' Leo overwhelmed Sherman's 82- 51 with the Gasmen ahead. A 27- steadily 36-34, away. Comment Hogs, pound been carried on outside of the i1 60, and Tuckey's edged Walbro, 9 last quarter margin made the whipped in 28 andClare John MeininProduce ',27 dassroom. The majority of the 55-49. game a runaway, Clare Comment had 27 for Mac & Leo. Herb Eggs, large, doz ...................... 39 exhibits are the result of elej In the second round Tuckev's poured in 34 points. John Meinin- ger Rutkowski and Czekai had 20' The Woman's Auxiliary of mentary school projects. drew a bye and Mac & Leo had ger had 24 and Chuck Grady, 14, each Hills and Dales General Hospital for Erla's. Fish Fry The work of the students is j little trouble with Erla's, 85-69. for the winners. Fred Leeson kept will hold its regular meeting All you can eat. $1.45 Every Fri- open to the public on both afterMac & Leo vs. Tuckey's I In the championship tilt, it was the losers in the game with 29. March 27 at 8 p.m. in the hosday. New Gordon Hotel. Adv. It noons of the showing. i Mac and Leo all the way, 82-67, He was helped by Bill Finkbeiner The championship game was a pital meeting room. Ed Prim is Local winners will be eligible to f over Tuckey's. with 24. repeat of the title tilt of a year to speak on "Prescriptions for Annual Turkey Dinner compete in a contest in competij Erla's vs. Fuelgas Tuckey's vs. Walbro ago, only .this year Mac & Lao Tomorrow." Mrs. Ford Bovne of today (Thursday), March 23 tion with students from other j With Fuelgas unable to find A last half rally gave Tuckey's won. Last year Tuckey's upset Marlette, first vice-president of Lutheran Church. Servings at schools. j the bucket in the first half, Er- a 55-49 decision over Walbro. the regular season champs. East central district, will be a 5:30 and 6:30. Adults $1.50, chilEVER WONDER HOW the windows of the recent;'H's, which just won one game They trailed 28-23 at half time, The game was close until the guest. dren 75c. ' • • 3-23-1 To the voters of Novesta addition of the Methodist Church are washed? It's done by i during the regular _ season, but a 23-6 third-quarter margin last three minutes when the Township. I am a Democratic a professional concern from Saginaw at periodic intervals.! yaliltred ]nt? a 32'20 first nalf sent them into the lead to stay winners pulled away. John MeinGreenleaf Township Notice candidate for the office of townJ^?1 Jung °* 1for th^ Ron Copeland had 24 and Frank inger had 26, Don Root, 20, and Notice is hereby given that the I am a candidate for re-election ship clerk. Your support in the Although not high for the concern which is accustomed to' . ? • Gnandt, 1"), for the winners. Bill Clare Comment, 15, for the win-1 annual Greenleaf township meetfor Novesta township clerk. Your April election will be greatly ap- tall buildings, the ^ at the top of tlu, tower makes a, C^X^M"S^S Kritzman with 15 and Paul ners. Ron Copeland had 28, Hoy,' ing will be held Saturday, April I, votes will be appreciated. Henry preciated. Francis Smentek. descriptive camera shot that illustrates the work. ; honors for the winners with 13 O'Harris with 10 paced the Tuckey, 18, and Frank Gnandt, at 1:30 p.m. Signed, Anson Karr, Rock. 3-23-2 3-23-2*1 (Chronicle photo.) {points each. Jim Johnson with 12, losers. 112, for the losers. clerk. 3-23-2 Mort Orr Feted After 50 Years Of Fire Fighting Highway Group Seeking Action On Cass City Rd legular Meetings for 32 Years Division Two Corner Profitable Quilting Rating for Senior TO TT i /-"i i Band Saturday Bees Help Lhurcn Let Road Work For Area Counties :.-. sf * * * John Ellis Tells Junior Woman's Club of Refuge Coming Auctions Okay Religious Classes for Retarded Youth Slate Open House At 4-H Building WSWS Names Officers Thursday Marie Krueger New President Of Zonta Club Extension Club Cancer Film Rev. John Fish Speaker at WSC ens Gasmen Cop Play-off Crown Schedules Science Fair Hospital Auxiliary S CASS CITY CHRONICLE— THURSDAY, MAfcCH 23, 1961 PAGE TWO CHECK THE CHRONICLE'S SERVICES GUIDE It Tells You Where To Buy AUTO REPAIR WE'RE Specialists In BEAR Wheel Alignment * Wheel Balancing Frame Straightening D&L Dick Sugden 4545 Maple, 1 Block North Of Baldy's Sunoco. Phone 80 wo FARMERS insure their cars and trucks with State Farm Mutual than with WALLPAPER Now In Progress If You Plan To Decorate, See Us Because they get better service at home or away .. . they get low rates plus a 15%-30% discount for working farmers Ask To See Our Free Color Harmony Guide Wrayburn Krohn Sherwin-Williams Paints 6704 Main St. CLEANEST. Phone 360 Paint & Hobby Shop Cass City Area Church News in Brief The Salem Evangelical Utnited and Hue Streets, Cass City. S. E. Wurtz, Minister. Church Bible School 10:00 a.m. Donald Buehrly, church school superintendent; Mrs. Walter Anthes, director of youth work; Mrs. Jack Esau, director of children's work. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Thursday - 7 p.m. choir practice. Every Friday - 2 p.m. prayer service at church. Cass City Methodist Church— Rev. Robert Searls, minister. 10 a.m., Church school, nursery through adults. 11 a.m., morning worship. 6:30 p.m., Intermediate MYF, 7th and 8th grades. 6:30 p.m., Senior MYF, 9th12th grades. Thursday, 8:00 p.m., choir rehearsal. Gagetown Church of the Nazarene— Russell Stanley, pastor. Lawrence Summers, Sunday School Supt.. Sunday Services: Sunday School 10:00. Morning Worship: Message by the pastor - 11:00. Nazarene Youth Society, 7:00. Audrey Stanley, president. Nazarene Junior Society, 7:00. Shirley Howard, leader. Worship service, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service Wednesday 7:30. The hour of prayer, power and praise. You are invited to attend all of our services. You will especially enjoy the chorus time every Sunday night. St. Pancratius ChurchSchedule of Masses 7:00 Low Mass 9-00 High Mass 11:00 Low Mass Shabbona RLDS Church — 2 Phone 380 miles east of M-53 on Shabbona Road. Elder Howard Gregg, pastor. Associate pastor, Elder Dean ^MWS^I/^ •%• W%^ Smith. Church School 10 a.m., Voyle EATING-PLBG. Dorman, church school director. Church services 11 a.m. When You Take Your Zion League meetings Friday evening once a month. With ^^:mm?mif'mMim%iWim Wednesday evening worship service 8 p.m. Women's department meeting third Thursday of each month. tsiirance Leader Mary Kritzman. Everyone is invited to ttend AUTO all services. There's A Big Difference In The Rear of Bill and Inside That's Why Owners Tom's Barber Shop FIRE Report LIABILITY Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan, Oil Savings See Patricia and Chris and Mr. and For Prompt Mrs. Jack Thompson and famPICK UP AND Up To 25% ily of new Baltimore, Mr. and Delivery Service Mrs. Robert Lichon and family of Saginaw, Thomas Phelan of Agent Detroit, Mrs. Helen Woods of Bad Axe and James DeNoyles of 1 South, 1 3|4 West of Cass City Caro were Sunday, March 12, Home-Phone'Cass City 7334-W dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 6417 Church Office Phone Caro OS 3-3232 Emmet Phelan and family. The occasion was the 21st birthday of Joan 'Phelan, student at Central Store Your Grain With Us Michigan University in Mt. PleasFor A Nominal Fed Then— ant, who spent the week end at her home here. A PHOME CALL Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hunter spent Saturday and Sunday in Brings Us To Your Farm Royal Oak with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson. Richard Phelan, who served FEED MIXED TO YOUR with the Army three years, was SPECIFICATIONS discharged February 27 at ArDairy, Heg or Poultry lington, Virginia, and is now here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Phelan. He was at Fort Ord, California, six months; Fort Leonard Wood for sixty j. days, and the rest of the three © years in Washington, D. C. His twin brother Robert, who enlisted Phone 61 C«ss City at the same time, was also discharged. The Gagetown Farm Bureau Authorized met Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Parts - Service Seurynck. Chairman Harlon Hobart opened the meeting and CASE AND NEW Richard Burden led the discussion HOLLAND on "Call a Con-Con." Twelve FARM members were present. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hofmeister. PLYMOUTH-VALIANT The North Elmwood Home Demonstration members met Get Our Estimates Wednesday, March 15, at the home- of Mrs. Roy LaFave with seven members present. Mrs. Jerome Rocheleau gave the lesson on rugs and carpets. This MOTOR SALES was an all-day meeting with a cooperative dinner at noon. Mrs. Cass City Phone 267 MORE AND MORE people are finding out that exacting clean- Frank Lenhard was nominated ing work is better when it comes from Eicher's. Whether it's that best woman of the year for this Easter suit or dress or special work such as drapes, curtains and group. The Williamson Farm Bureau lugs, you can depend on us to do it best. Deliveries are made exactly when promised in our spotless new met Wednesday evening at the delivery truck. Why not give us a call and see why the biggest Williamson school with 25 members present. Assistant leader RESIDENTIAL majority of our business comes from satisfied customers who use Michael Renn acted as leader. INDUSTRIAL our service again and agjwi. We know YOU WILL BE SATISFIED, The topic under discussion was COMMERCIAL TOO. "Call a Con-Con." Voters will decide April 3. Cards were played and a cooperative lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nitz of Bach spent Sunday in Bay City CHEERFUL with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HenderFREE ESTIMATES son. Miss Mary Ann Hobart, student at Michigan State University at East Lansing, came Monday to Guaranteed Satisfaction spend a 10-day vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan GUARANTEED Hobart. Miss Marlene Salgat and RichAAA Wrecker Service Finest in Quality ard Chepko of Detroit were 1 Block North of .Standard week-end visitors at the home of Station, MM Farm Equipment Fairest in Price Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Salgat. Roy "Bud" Jeffery Phone 465W Parts & Service Mrs. J. C. Pitcher of Sebewaing and Mrs. William Johnston From Complete Garage of Cass City were Sunday visitService ors at the homes of Mrs. Harry Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. RichMobil Gas & Oil ard Carroll. Window Shades MONUMENT CO. Mr. and Mrs. Corner and Jeff Cut To Size went to Mason Sunday to celeFeaturing | brate the 60th wedding anniver(While You Wait At \ sary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Scenburst Memorials" No Extra Charge) I E. A. Bravender. Mr. and Mrs. James Downing Roger L. Little Corner M-53 & M-81 and family of Bay City spent Cass City KEYS MADE TO Phone 209 Sunday with his father, Wesley Cass City Downing. ORDER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kehoe entertained for dinner Sunday, Mar. 12, Mr. and Mrs. Harold LaFave family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell 6530 E. Main Phone 432-R and Birch and family of Bay City, Mrs. Elaine Kovarik and William • * Rebuilt Guaranteed Motors Preoir of Detroit. The occasion 1|6 to 3 h.p. Single Phase was the celebration of the birthday of Mrs. Henry LaFave. Mrs. * Electrical Wiring and Motor Repair Cass City LaFave received many nice gifts. \m Cass City H 'BSiiliiElteafM FARMERS! WIRING ASS CITY. MICHIGAN Novesta Baptist Church—PasSt. Agatha Church— Gagetown, The Lutheran Church of The tor, Rev. George Harmon. 4672 South Street. Rev. Frank L. Good Shepherd—Garfield and Sunday School, 10 a.m. McLaughlin, Pastor. Maple, Cass City. Paul H. HeitWorship service, 11 a.m. Mass schedule: mann, Pastor. Youth meeting, 7 p.m. Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 Sunday, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Midweek service Wednesday, 8 a.m. Week Days, 8:15 a.m. p.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Holy Days, 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Midweek Evening service, 8 p.m. First Friday, 11:00 a. m. Funeral and Nuptial Masses by Lenten service. Lamotte United Missionary appointment. Sunshine Methodist Church— Church—8 miles north of Mar- Confessions: Rev. Alfred Gascho, pastor. Daily before Mass iette. Rev. Dellis Hudson, pastor Church School 10:30. Saturday, 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. Phone Marlette ME 5-2012. Worship Service 11:30. Eve of Holy Day and Thursday Morning worship, 11:00. .SunWednesday evening prayer before First Friday, 7:00 day School, 10:00. Sunday eveservice and Bible study. p.m. ning, 8:00. You are cordially inBaptism, Sunday, 1:30 p.m. vited to attend. Novesta Church of Christ— Choir practice, Monday 7:00 George V. Getchel, Minister. p.m. First Baptist Church— Cass 10:00 a.m. Confraternity high scheol of Bible School City. Rev. Richard Canfield, pasMrs. Leo Ware, Junior Dept. religion, Monday 8:00 p.m. tor. Catechism class for public Supt. Sunday Services: Classes for all ages. grade school pupils, Thursday Fraser Presbyterian Churefi— Sunday School. 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.. Rev. Glenn Fishbeck, minister. 7:30 p.m. Worship service, 11 a.m. "And they continued steadfastMeetings: Sunday School 10 a.m. Youth meeting, 7 p.m. George Fisher Sr., SuperintenAdult inquiry class, Tuesday ly in the apostles' doctrine and Prayer groups, 7:30 p.m. dent. Ladies Altar Society, Wednes- fellowship, and in breaking of Evening service, 8:00 p.m. bread, and in prayers." Acts 2:42 Worship service 11:15 a.m. day following 4th Sunday. Wednesday, 8 p.m. prayer servEvening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth ice. Holy Name Society, WednesHour of Power, Wednesday Fellowship. Mrs. Arthur Battel, day after 2nd Sunday. | Bible study. leader. Mizpah— Riverside United Mis- Communion Sunday: Junior Choir practice, WednesFriday - 8:30 p.m., choir prac- j sionary Churches— Rev. Fred H. Students, 1st. Sunday. tice. Mrs. Harry Stine, pianist. Holy Name Society, 2nd Sun- day 7:15 p.m. Johnson, pastor. Phone 8283-J. Senior Choir practice, WednesBruce MacRae, Clerk of the Mrs. Ethel Whittaker, Secretary day. Session. Ladies Altar Society, 4th Sun- day 3:45 j>.m. Phone 495. day. Sunday School 10 a.m. Junior ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Notice of Hearing—Appointment of Ad] First Presbyterian Church- and senior departments. ministrator and Determination of Heirs. Morning Worship 11 a.m., the John Hall Fish, minister. ..... \: or Michigan, The Probate Court Gagetown Methodist Church for thf> County of Tuscola. 9:45-10:45 Church School, Jun- pastor preaching. Fred Werth, pastor. In the Matter of the Estate of Evening Services at Mizpah, ior, Junior Hi., Senior Hi., Adult. Elizabeth A. Quinn. Worship service 9:30 a,m. At a session of said Court, heid on 11:00-12:00 Church School care 8 p.m. Sunday school for all ages at the 13th day of March A. D. 1961. gro'-p, nursery class, kindergarMidweek Prayer Service, 10:30 a.m. . Present, Honoraole Henderson Grah."' Tud'ye "'•' Profci'fi Wednesday, 8 p.m. Notice is Hereby Given, That the peti1.1:00 - worship. Junior choir practice, for grade of Beatrice M. G.uenther praying Methodist Church— tion that the administration of said estate be school children, Saturday, 3:00. Rev.Shabbona and Mrs. Joseph Shaw, min- granted to Beatrice M. Guenther or to Riverside Church some other suitable person ; and that the Cass City Assembly of God— Phone Snover 2399. heirs of said deceased be determined', Morning Worship 10 a.m., the isters. Corner Leach and Sixth St. Rev. will be heard at the Probate Court on Sunday School Supt., Dale pastor preaching. April 6th, 1961, at ten a.m ; Earl E. Moses, pastor. It is Ordered. 'That notice thereof be Sunday School 11 a.m. Classes Turner, Assistant, Arthur Sev- sjiven by publication of a copy hereof for C A young people's service, erance. for juniors and seniors. three weeks consecutively previous to Sat. 7:00 p.m. ?aid dny of hearing, in the Cass Cii-j Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Evening Services at Mizpah, Chronicle, and that the petitioner cause Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship service 11:30 a.m. at 8 o'clock. a copy of this notice to be served upon Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night, prayer meeteach kn®wn party in interest at his last Cottage Prayer Meeting, known address by registered or certified Evening evangelistic service ing, 8 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. mail or by personal service, at least 7:30 p.m. WSCS, second Wednesday fourteen (14) days prior to such hearYou are cordially invited to ating. WMC second and fourth Sattend the services of the Riverside every month. nenderson Graham, Judge of Probateurday at 2:00 p.m. ' r u e con« : and Mizpah United Missionary MYF (Methodist Youth Fellow- \ Beatrice P. Berry, Register of Proship) meets every other Sunday bate. Churches. James J. Epskamp, Attorney at church, 8 p.m. New Greenleaf United MissionEvervr>rie is invited to attend 447 N. State St., Caro, Mich. ary Church—Richard R. Kurtz, 3-16-3 Hillside Brethren In Christ As- all services. pastor. sembly at the Hillside School, CASS CITY CHRONICLE Morning worship, 10 a.m. one-half mile west, one-half mile PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Sunday school, 11 a.m. Deford Methodist Church— AT CASS CITY, MICHIGAN north of Elmwood Store, Hurd Evening services at Bad Axe. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF Sunday services: CIRCULATIONS Cottage Prayer service at Corners Road. Church, 9:30 a.m. Rev. i Alan 6552 Main Street Order of the meeting: Sunday Weeks. Sunday School, 10:30 John Haire, Greenleaf, Thursday, 8 p.m. publisher. National Advertising Representatives You are cordially invited to at- 10 a.m. Breaking of Bread. Sanctuary. Leola Retherford, Weekly Major 'Markets, 10 E. 40th St. 11:30 Sunday School and Bible superintendent. tend all services. New York 16. N. Y. Class. The Cass City Chronicle established in Sunday evening—Youtn meet- 1899 by Frederick Klump and the Cass 7:30 p.m. Gospel or ministry City Enterprise founded in 1881, consoliing, 7 p.m. Evening service, 8 p. Church of the Nazarene—6538 I meetin dated under the name of the Cass City m. Third Street. Rev. L. A. Wilson, S Chronicle on April 20, 1906. Entered as Saturday 7:30 p.m. Prayer second class mail matter at the post ofpastor, Prayer and Bible study, fice City, Mich., under Act of * Wednesday, 8 p.m., in the church. Mar. at8, Cass 10:00 a.m. Sunday, Bible School meeting and Bible reading. 1879. Subscription Price—To post offices in 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. Family fellowship, fourth Fri- Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac Counties, 7:15 p.m., Young People's Holbrook Baptist Church—•Pas- day night of each month. $3.00 a year, $1.75 for six months. In other parts of the United States, $3.50 a Service. tor, Milton Gelatt. WSCS, second Tuesday of each year. 25.,, cents extra charged for part 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Sunday School, 10 a.m. month. year order. Payable in advance. 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Primary department, Mrs. For information regarding newspaper advertising and commercial and job meeting. Evening service, 7:30,p.m. Elsie Hicks, supt. •-.!« ,. •<•. (M-M'h-.HP NO I? WRECKER Jeffery Electric HOUSEHOLD LITTLE'S PHONE 458 2 FOR 65c BEN FRANKLIN HERHALT ELECTRICAL CO. Historically, the nation has always recognized Michigan's leadership in education. Michigan, from its earliest days, has recognized that education holds the key to future leadership and greatness. Michigan's annual investment of nearly one billion dollars in education has resulted in an educational system, from kindergarten to c< 'sge and beyond, unexcelled anywhere in the world. For industry in Michigan, this educational system provides skilled workers and managers, versatile technicians and scientists in number and quality equalled in few other places. One more reason Michigan is a great place for industry. Help carry Michigan's message to the nation. .• Clip this ad and mail it to someone in another state with your own comment. Let's talk up Michigan and its advantages for industry. Together, we can assure a greater future for all of us, This ad is one of er series published as a public service by this newspaper in cooperation with the Michigan Press Association and the Michigan Economic Development Department, JPAGE THREE CASS CITY CHRONICLE—THURSDAY, MARCH 23,1961 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN "WANDERING Personal News and Notes from Holbrook The Happy Dozen met Saturday j Axe, Mrs. Roy Bouck, Elkton, they will spend a couple weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wills were evening at the home of Mr. and; and Orville and Tom Bouck of Sunday dinner and supper guests Mrs. Tony CieslinsM. High Detroit. prizes were won by Mrs. Dale •* Mr. and Mrs. Olin Bouck spent of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wills Hind and Bryce Hagen. Low Monday afternoon with Mr. and and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hind and prizes were won by Mrs. Bryce Mrs. Charles Bouck of Elkton. Hagen and Dave Sweeney. The Mrs. Charles Bouck is suffering family spent Saturday with Mr. next party will be March 25 at a nervous breakdown and is con- and Mrs. Harry Hind at Bad Axe. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- fined to her home. ald Wills. A potluck lunch was Mrs. Don Stanbough spent Born to Mr. and Mrs. John .served. Henderson a 8-pound, 14%-ounce Monday forenoon with Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson and son on March 17, at Hubbard Wills. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Robinson Hospital in Bad Axe, named Mrs. Jake Osentoski enterspent Tuesday evening at the James Patrick. tained at two tables of 500 at home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mrs. Howard Britt and Mrs. her home Tuesday afternoon. •Gracey and family. Helen Underwood of Gagetown Mrs. Dan Haley and Mrs. Billie Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gracey and spent Sunday afternoon at the Lewis won prizes. The hostess Mrs. Earl served a dessert lunch. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Gibbard and home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbirds Carl Jr. were Sunday dinner Schenck and family. guests of Mr. and Mrs. O'Bert Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ericson spent and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Starr Regal and family in Detroit. Monday evening at the home of and family of Cass City and Mr. and Mrs. Evans Gibbard and famChuck Franzel of Detroit spent Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson. the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sara Campbell attended the ily were Sunday supper guests of Arlen Lee Hendrick and family. funeral of John Jones at the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibbard. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson and Mrs. Lynn Spencer and Mrs. Jewell funeral home in Sandusky Jonell Miller were Sunday din•Curtis Cleland attended the on Sunday. Greenleaf extension meeting at Mrs. Olin Bouck and Mrs. Cliff ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gaythe home of Mrs. Lucy Seeger on Jackson spent Wednesday in lord LaPeer and Charlene. Sunday supper guests were Mr. and Thursday. Saginaw. Mrs. Ross Miller and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Decker Mrs. Carl Schook of Burt and spent Wednesday evening and Mrs. Milo Herman of Montrose Mrs. Lynwood LaPeer and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Doug VanAllen Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith of Cass were Sunday dinner guests of City spent Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyrrell and and family of Cass City were the Lee Hendrick home. family. Jim Tyrrell returned with Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Sunday dinner and supper his grandmother for a few days. Mrs. Ernest Campbell and famMr. and Mrs. Jack Krug of ily. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Mrs. Mike Maurer and daughBouck, Roger and Ernest were Ubly and Mr. and Mrs. Hank Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Yageman, Sofka, Janie and Steven left ters of Ubly spent Sunday afterRonnie, Janet and Sandy of Bad Wednesday for Florida where noon at the Dave Sweeney home. Mrs. Dale Hind and Daisy spent Monday with Mrs. Bill Zuluaf in Ubly. The Pedro club met Friday evening for a 7 o'clock potluck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rathbun. High prizes were won by Mrs. Ernest Wills and Bob Grey. Low prizes were won by Mrs. Irene Allen and Robert Henderson. The next party will be March 81 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wills. Ann Fay of Cass City was a Friday overnight and Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord LaPeer. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brown, Wayne and Linda of Gass City and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jackson were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neal and family of Reese spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood LaPeer and sons. Mrs. Bob Hey and sons of Bad Axe spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Grecey and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher Sr. and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Lee Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Fay Sr. were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord LaPeer and Concluded on page ten. FLOOR TILE j Spring arrived - officially, that is - last Monday. In the words of C. P. Cranch, "If there comes a little thaw, still the air is chill and raw, here and there a patch of snow dirtier than the ground below, dribbles down a marshy flood, ankle-deep you stick in mud . . . this is spring." In February I thought spring was early this year - but March changed my mind! ### *** Ron, my husband, has to work in the store in Bad Axe on Fridaynights so I have the car on Fridays and do my laundry, at the laundromat while I'm waiting for him. One such evening not too long ago, we didn't have supper together and this gave me an early start on the laundry. Finishing well over an hour before store-closing time, I drove uptown and decided to do some shopping. I parked near the bank and fumbled for my coin purse to feed the always-hungry parking meter. I noted that the meter designated a two-hour limit and Per Case This is only IGc each in full case lots. Broken Case lots slightly higher. ASPHALT TILE Belongs Celebrate 40th Anniversary III since I had almost that much time to wait I decided to put in a dime and be done witn it. Click, went the dime - but nothing happened the red flag stayed up. I banged the meter a couple of times thinking that perhaps the dime hadn't gone all the way in. Still nothing. I tried another dime same routine all over again. After that, I walked around and looked at the street-side of the meter; there, in very legible letters, was the information to use either nickels or pennies. Well, thought I, that'll teach me to read before I leap. I thought I had learned a lesson. Not so. Last Thursday, David Baker of Bad Axe was coming to our house for supper. I wondered what to have for dessert then I remembered that a few weeks ago I had purchased a package of chocolate pudding-cake mix. I'm not a devotee of mixes and had never made pudding-cake before - but, having eaten it elsewhere and liking it, had purchased a package to have it handy for just such an emergency as arose last Thursday. Humming happily, I glanced over the instructions: mix batter - sprinkle top with second mixture - then I spied instructions on the side of the package telling how to make a fudge-nut pudding-cake. Ah, I thought, I like nutty things (how true) so I'll put some walnuts in like it says here. I proceeded to mix the batter and spread it in the baking dish; picked up the sealed package containing the pudding mix and read the words "sprinkle over batter." This done, I shoved -the pan into the oven, noted the time and went about my other affairs.. When thirty minutes were up, I checked the pudding-cake and . . . good grief! There was the pudding mix still on top and just as dry as it was when I put the pan in the oven. Retrieving the carton from the wastebasket, I checked the instructions . . . I had failed to notice the direction to pour an amount of boiling water over the mix before putting it in the oven! Certainly it was no good as it was, so anything I might do to salvage it would do no harm. I hesitated to pour water over it so I compromised and used milk and left it in the oven at reduced heat for another 15 minutes. My method of rescue must have been fairly successful for both Dave and Ron asked for second servings (a la mode) and ample ones at that. It didn't quite taste like pudding-cakes I have eaten but it was crusty and flavorsome. One thing is for certain: I've been convinced that it pays to read instructions carefully. ### COLOR B III WARREN — Despite Spring Thaw It's Chill and Raw WE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CARLOAD OF ARMSTRONG FLOOR TILE. TO BE SOLD AT CASH AND CARRY PRICES ONLY; VINYL EXCELON WITH Per Case 5c each in case lots. Color C Asphalt $5.95 per case. Tapestry Tones $6.50 per case. CHECK PRICES FOR THIS FIRST QUALITY TILE IN CATALOGUES OR ANY OTHER PLACE-SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW MUCH YOU CAN SAVE BY PAYING CASH AT LEESON'S CASH AND CARRY DEPT. DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS WELCOME TO PURCHASE! *** Last Thursday forenoon the dogs were let out of the pen for a run. A .light snow had fallen during the night .giving the yard a fresh white covering. Pride likes to gallop and off he went in his usual . pell-mell fashion. He was no more surprised than I when one snowy section suddenly gave 'way beneath him and he found himself breaking through the ice that coated a shallow water puddle. His hind feet slipped and he fell on his side. The temperature was below freezing and in a short time his wet hair was sticking together in frosty tufts so he spent the rest of the morning in the utility I wonder if he's smarter than I've been giving him credit? BAD AXE MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS (NOT SECONDS) AT RICHARD CLIFF LOW LOW PRICES 4300 West St., Cass City Bad Axe, Mich. Phone CO 9-7421 LEES Re, ENAMEL 16-oz. can GOES FURTHER COVERS BETTER NO CLOG NOZZLE WALLPAPER & PAINT STORE PHONE 122 CASS CITY CAN YOU AFFORD A NEW CAR THIS^TEAR? If you've been looking over the new '61 models but holding back because you didn't think you could afford one, them here is something to think about. Recent national studies have borne out the fact that the difference in cost of owning and operating a new car compared to ooie three years old or more is diminishing. In our growing automation economy, service costs are increasing faster than manufacturing costs, coupled with the fact that today's new cars are less and less subject to breakdown. Anyone who owns a car purchased in 1955 or 1956, for instance, would be amazed at the improvements in this year's models. Even in the last three years there have been great changes. The new cars perform and ride tremendously better. Body squeaks and rattles have been almost completely eliminated and there is increased operating economy. Automatic transmissions are also vastly improved. If you are driving a car you purchased three or more years ago then you owe it to yourself to take a demonstration ride in one of the new ears. Only sitting in and driving one of these new cars can make you realize what you are missing in not owning one. Finally, if you add up the cost of depreciation and maintenance of your present car against that of a new one, you'll be surprised at how little the two figures will vary. You may find that the pleasure and comfort and safety of owning a new car will more than outweigh that difference. STATION WAGONS SCARCE? We have five (5) Nice Ones in Stock. Come in and TRY THESE: 1958 Chevrolet 9 Passenger - 6 Cylinder. 1958 Chevrolet 6 Passenger - 8 Cylinder. 1956 Ford 6 Passenger - 8 Cylinder. 1955 Chevrolet 6 Passenger - 6 Cylinder (2) Let us show you how nice and how little? , NOTICE OF BIENNIAL To be held in Elkland Township, precincts No. 1 & 2, State of 'Michigan. Precinct No. 1 -- Elkland town hall Precinct No. 2 — Municipal Building Within Said Township On For the Purpose of Electing The Following Officers: STATE OFFICERS: Two regents of the University of Michigan; superintendent of Public Instruction; Member of the State Board- of Education ; two trustees of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science; two members of the board of governors of Wayne State University ; and state highway commissioner. NON-PARTISAN OFFICERS: Two justices of the supreme court. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS: supervisor, clerk, treasurer, 3 trustees, justice of the peace, member of the board of review, constables (not to exceed four) , commissioner of highways. And to vote on a constitutional convention proposal and any additional amendments or propositions that may be submitted. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. C. E. PATTERSON, Townsliip Clerk LOOK YOUR BEST EASTER Bring your clothes to us now - Avoid last minute rush - And be sure of sparkling, like new clothes for Easter. Local Representative ROBERT M. BADGLEY JAP ALAC Advertise It In The Chronicle FOR Large and Fine Stock of Merchandise Starting At , Mr. and Mrs. Delong were married March 15, 1921. They have six daughters and 18 grandchildren. The couple reside at 1130 Howard Street, Port Huron. iiimuiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimiiiiiiimmiinmimmmi.'Miiiiiiiiimiimmmi PLASTIC WALL TILES Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Belong, former residents oi Cass City, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Claude Harrington in Port Huron. An open house was held and seventy-five guests attended. Want Help Finding What You Want? Try The Want Ads Special Cleaning Service At King's In Friday By 5 p.m. Delivered Saturday Satisfaction Guaranteed Always FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ANYTIME PAGE POUR CASS CITY CHRONICLE— THURSDAY, MARCH 28,1%1 CASS CITY. CASS CITY HOSPITAL Born March 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ginter of Cass City, a seven-pound, nine-ounce daughter, Sally Ann. Born March 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Lester O'Dell of Caro, a sixpound, eight-ounce girl, Peggy Sue. Born March 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hartsell of rural Cass City an eight-pound, 14-ounce son, Leonard William. Patients in the hospital Tuesday forenoon included: Bill Ballagh of Ubly; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Davis of Snover; Mrs. Florence Gervais of Sandusky; Mrs. Katherine Biebel and Gerald Begeman of Kingston; 12-year-old Susan Walsh of Tyre, who underwent an emergency appendectomy; Ralph Sbresny and Prank Wagner of Unionville, and Floyd Spencer, 11, and John Doerr of Cass City. Patients recently discharged were: Mrs. Ginter and baby, Mrs. Prank Chippi Jr. and baby, Mrs. Clayton Karr and baby, Mrs. George Frank and baby and Mrs. Ralph Soffradien and baby; Mrs. Phyllis Lawrence of Port Hope; Elizabeth and Joseph Wenta of Kingston; Mrs. Loie Evans of Wilmot; Harold Hoose of Mayville; Mrs. Patricia Walsh, of Tyre, and Mrs. Lanore Field of Decker. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS TUSCOI.A COUNTY Miss Sally Hunt, who attends Otto Rushlo is a patient in Bay! Mr. and Mrs. James Young and William C. O'Dell attended a Ca« you answer ttoe questions about.the WateTWonderland State? to visit any of our sessions, with the college at Winter Park, Fla., and children of Saginaw were Sunday hope that he will enjoy many happy imsiness meeting in London, Ont., I City General Hospital which he and healthy years of retirement. a college classmate flew to Nasguests of Mrs. Young's_ parents, Be it further resolved, that this resentered March 14. Monday. olution shall be spread in full in the sau last Thursday. They were to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Little. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fleenor of records of Tuscola county. Benny Hennessey, -son of Mr. Respectfully submitted, Clarence Zapfe of Clio and his return to college Monday. and Mrs. Dan Hennessey, was Lansing spent the week end at ARCHIE HICKS Mrs. Vern McConnell, son Charsons, Erwin and Eddie, of MayJOHN B. McINTYRE taken to Mercy Hospital at Bay the Ray Fleenor home. ED GOLDING les and daughters, Pat and Peggy, ville spent the week end at the Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wentworth Harry Beatenhead City Tuesday for observation. were visitors Sunday at the Don Lyle Zapfe home. Shuford Kirk Mrs. Duncan Battel and Mrs. of Dryden were Sunday guests at Quentin Howell McConnell home at Utica and visMr. and Mrs. Duane Kettlewell the William Patch home. L. C. Draper Edward Knight spent last week ited Don McConnell in a RochestEverett Starkey and children of Algonac spent 2- THE STATE'S NAME COMES FROM Mrs. Emma Graham of Caro Lester Jones •with Miss Leila Battel at Mider hospital. from Friday until Sunday with Milton Hoffmeister THE ALGONQUIN INDIAN NAME FOR was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. UN SPRING, THOUSANDS COME TO land. Mrs. Alex Greenleaf and Mrs. James Osburn Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kettlewell. LAKE MICHIGAN,"MldC-AMA" DO YOU THE WDRLD-FAMOUS TULIP FESTIVAL Dayton Davis Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finkbeiner William Joos from Saturday until Lester Evens took Mrs. GreenMr. and Mrs. Curtis Hunt were Charles Woodcock KNOW ITS MEANING? Wednesday. IN HOLLAND.ANOTHER UNIQUE MICHand Patti visited Mrs. Finkleaf's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth MEton Bedore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry IGAN SPRING ATTRACTION ISA GIANT Mr. and Mrs. D&n Hennessey Clayton Hunter beiner's aunt, Mrs. Mary Brock, Gledhill, to Roseville March 15 1 Hool at Gagetown Sunday and Earl Butler GARDEN !!? ACRES OF SPRING BULBS, and children visited Mr. and Mrs. in Caro Sunday afternoon. where Mrs. Gledhill stayed to Harold Johnson enjoyed the smorgasbord meal at SHRUBS, BORDERS AND VIRGIN FOREST Howard Clement visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Meiser and John Wentworth near Brown City Gagetown. Conrad Mueller RINGING A LAKE. WHAT IS IT? George Kinney children spent Sunday with his Sunday. The Golden Rule Class of SalMrs. Harry Willard and son Roy Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Volney Wright of sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Haley Mark of Ferndale spent from em Evangelical UB Church will Elmer Conant Robert Thompson and children Farmington spent Friday night Thursday until Saturday with meet Friday evening, March 24, and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Moved by Supervisor Kirk supported at Davison. with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Damm Mrs. Willard's mother, Mrs. Wilr by Supervisor Mueller that the resoMax Agar. for a monthly business and social lution be accepted and adopted. Motion Mr. and Mrs. David Meiser and ma S. Fry. carried. Mr. and Mrs. Leveret Barnes meeting. children of Flint spent the week Mrs. Fred Linderman and Mrs. Moved by Supervisor Bedore supportend with their parents, Mr. and and Robert Brown were Sunday Harvey Linderman were in GarMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graham ed by Mueller that an appropriation 4-A REAL TREAT FOR KIDS.AND A guests of the Loren of $275.00 be made to cover the exMrs. George Goka of Colwood dinner TIME-SAVER FOR GROWNUPS, IS A den City Friday to attend the fu- and two girls of Caro and Mrs. penses of the special comm. appointed and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meiser. Trathens. to attend the assessors' meeting at FE8BY RIDE ACROSS ONE OF THE neral of their uncle, Fred Streets. Edna Wethers of Kenmore, New Ann Arbor Dec. 12th, 13th, and 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trathen York, were supper guests Thurs- 3-AFFECTIONATELY CALLED "THE FLATS;' GREAT LAKES .YOUH CAR GOES WITH Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Woelfle Motion carried. • Mrs. Allena Wentworth of Os- day of Mrs. Luella Bullock. THIS FAMOUS SPORTS AREA IN SOUTHwere Sunday supper guests of Moved by Supervisor Woodcock supand Mrs. Lloyd Reagh attended YOU, AND YOU SAVE MILES OF coda spent from Thursday until ported by Supervisor Draper that the EASTERN MICHIGAN OFFERS SPECTACMrs. Trathen's cousin, Mrs. Earl the Kingesta Farm Bureau meetThe Tri Sigma class of Salem DR1VING.HOW MANY FERRY ROUTES report be accepted and paid accordSaturday at the William Patch ingly except the sheep claim of Mr. ing Monday at the Carlisle Ever- Griggs. Evangelical UB Church will meet ULAR BOATING, FISHING AND WILD ARE THERE ? home. Reine Shields, which be held over until UFE-AND EVERYTHINGFROM LUXUMr. and Mrs. Walter J. Anderett home at Kingston. Friday, March 24, in the church the January session. Motion carried. Roddy, Debbie and Jimmie RY RESORTS TO CAMPING SITES. Supervisor Hofmeister, chairman of QUIZDOWN Mr. and vMrs. Harry Reagh and son of Springfield, Wisconsin, Wentworth spent the week end at for noon luncheon and business WHERE IS IT? the committee on Co. Officers' Claims, 02 -^ presented six bills and recommended sons of Bay City spent Sunday came Saturday to spend two the William Patch home and at- meeting. The regular weekly they be added to the Co. officers' with his mother Mrs. Lloyd weeks visiting their sisters and tended the donkey basketball prayer service for the church will iff Claims account report presented at the HILLS AND DALES families, Mrs. Wilbur Morrison be held at 2 p.m. Dec. 5th session. "3PPIH -I Reaghgame Saturday evening. GENERAL HOSPITAL Moved by Supervisor Kirk supported and Mrs. Art Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McClorey Mrs. Stanley Morell and Mrs. by Supervisor Osburn that the report Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loomis spent Born March 14 to Mr. and Mrs. be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison accepted and the provisions carried Sunday afternoon with Mr. t/afey Lorentzen visited Mr. Morattended a special meeting of Roger Philpot of Snover, a out. Motion carried. ell's mother, Mrs. Maude Hunter and family were Sunday guests Fairgrove chapter OES Friday and Mrs. George Frank and baby Supervisor Golding, Chairman of the daughter. committee on salaries presented the of Sandusky, in the Marlette hos- in the Art Kelley home. Other evening. Mrs. Loomis was a at Akron. Mrs. Frank and baby following report No. 3. Born March 18 to Mr. and Mrs. guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. went to their home Wednesday, pital Friday. Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Superguest officer for the friends' March 22, from Cass City HosRichard Loeding of Snover, a son, visors, Gentlemen: The Evergreen Woman's Chris- Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- night meeting. Dwight Richard. Your committee on salaries to whom pital. bur Morrison. referred the request of Judge ffclan Temperance Union will meet Patients in the hospital Tues- was Vickie Morrison and Judy SpenGraham for extra help for the county Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Morrison, Mrs. Eva Hudson, 71, of High^Friday, March 24, at 2 p.m. with The Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor. In most in- day forenoon, besides Mrs. Leod- agent recommend that it be allowed at cer spent the week end in Bay land Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Anderson of Park, wife of Wesley Hudclerk's salary of $2,700.00 per year instances letters will be printed in full. However, the paper reserves ing and baby, were: Mrs. Richard "Mrs. A. J. Knapp. Devotions, City with Vickie's father, Dean cerasing at the rate of $125.00 every trasmess meeting and program Springfield, Wise., spent Monday Morrison. They attended a party son and a former resident, died the right to edit letters to fit space requirements. All letters must Root, Carl Maxam, Stanley Con- six months until the maximum salary of $3,200.00 be reached. -will be in charge of Mrs. Helen in Saginaw at the William Mor- at the Wenonah Hotel as guests March 6. Funeral services and be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. nor, Mrs. William Parrott, Char- Signed: burial took place in Detroit March rison home. E. G. GOLDING Adam of Decker. March 17, 1961 graduate. Stay with your crowd les Skinner of Cass City; James of Mayor James Tanner and saw 9. Besides her husband, she leaves DAYTON DAVIS Miss Betty Lorentzen of Grand the St. Patrick's Day Parade SunAnderson, Mrs. Wendall Allen, About 17 attended the meeting —you'll probably never again find H. JOHNSON I Mr. John Haire two daughters. Blanc was a Monday visitor in Moved by Supervisor Mueller supZMarch 14 of Tri-County post No. in one place as many people in- Mrs. Norman Buhl, Mrs. Helen ported day. by Supervisor Draper that the The Art Club met with Mrs. Cass City Chronicle J507 American Legion in Cass the Don Lorentzen' home. terested in you and your success. Fader, Mrs. Leo Emmons, Lloyd report be accepted and adopted. Motion S|Sgt. Gray don Agar, who has Otto Goertsen Wednesday, Mar. Cass City, Michigan carried. Petiprin, Mrs. Wanda Perry of City. Visitors at the meeting inMrs. Arlington Hoffman and attended school at Lowry AFB in . . There will be fewer jobs for Supervisor Golding, chairman of the .'eluded Seventh district associa- Mr. and Mrs. Basil Wotton at- Denver, Colo., for the past seven 15. Nine members were present. Dear Mr. Haire: committee on salaries presented the the untrained in this satellite era Caro; Mrs. Donald Wiswell, Mrs. following T would like to address this report No. 4. Members enjoyed, dinner at j Elwyn McNaughton, .Mrs. Kathtion commander Bob Williams tended an OES Friends' Night months, left Wednesday to rewe live in. Apprenticeship proMr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Super;and Legion members Roman meeting at Vassar, Tuesday eve- turn to Egland AFB at "Ft; Wal- Fraser Church. After the business Open Letter to High School grams in nearly all trades are in- I erine Hutson of Snover; Mrs. visors, Gentelmen: meeting, Mrs. GoodalL was in Situdents: Richard DesJardins, Mrs. Mary Your committee on salaries recomCrlaza and Clarence VanConant, ning. ton Beach, Fla. that the extra help in the county This year in the United States, sisting on high school graduates. Kester of Marlette; Aaron Ewald, mend charge of entertainment. The all of Teck. A silver collection of Mr. and Mrs. John Guinther Nurses office receive $31.50 every two Employers as well as the armed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loomis next meeting of the club will be sqme 2,600,000 boys and girls weeks as of Jan. 1st, 1961. Steven Barriger, Gustave Kroske, ;$11.00 was presented to Mr. and were surprised when they rewill be celebrating their 18th services prefer to train workers Mrs. Allen Ewald and Mrs. Frank Signed: Mrs. Elwin Cox who lost their turned from church Sunday. Mr. had as week-end guests, Mr. arid April 12 with Mrs. GoodalL E. G. GOLDING Mrs. A. J. Murray and family of birthday. Many will be graduat- who have a foundation upon Gludovatz of Unionville; Mrs. DAYTON DAVIS Mr, and Mrs. Herb Bartle of home by fire. and Mrs. Bud Gruber, Mr. and Williamston and Mr. and Mrs. which a career can be built. H. JOHNSON ing from high school. They are Darwin Gracey of Pontiac; John Mr. and Mrs. Mark O'Dell and Mrs. Jack Doerr, Mr. and Mrs. IrVin Kritzman and children of Cass City and Mrs. Frank Nicol Moved by Supervisor Mueller supGet holer of the tools of living. facing a future bright with promported by Supervisor Bedore that the Davis of Sandusky; Mrs. Simon of Sandusky were among the 150' son Grant and Lester O'Dell and Chuck Hover and Mr. and Mrs. KawkaWlin. Learn math and science. Learn to report be and Motion carried. guests who attended the 50th ise — they are preparing to take write and speak well. Don't, goof Szychulski and Mrs. Adeline Al- Minutes adopted of today's session read by little son Bradley, all of Caro, Dick. Szarapski were at the house their places in the business Mr. and Mrs. James MacKay the clerk and approved as read. brecht of Owendale; Mrs. Gerald wedding anniversary celebration were Sunday supper guests of Mr. to celebrate the Guinthers' 43rd out on your future! Moved by Supervisor Davis support•world, or go on to higher educaof Kokomo, Ind., spent the week Johnston of Kingston; Mrs. Roy in the Carsonville school Sunday ed by Supervisor Butler that we adand Mrs. Theo Hendrick. The wedding anniversary. A ham! What kind of a person you're r n until Dec. 19th, 1960 at 9:30. MoBarr of Deckerville; Patrick journ ILester O'Dells (Joan Fuester) dinner, was served. In the after- end with relatives here. Also at honoring Mr. and Mrs. George tion or training. " >'i ' to be depends.on you. You tion carried. But to an alarming number of can go as far as you want. But Zuraw, Mrs. Emery Kady and Signed: :are the parents of a six and a noon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence the Robert MacKay home Sunday Rhead of Carsonville. ELMER CONANT, Chairman Mrs. Clara Bunker spent last '18-year-olds, the door to steady one thing is sure: Education will Mrs. Richard Mouton of GageTrnlf pound daughter, Peggy Sue, Guinther and Mr. and Mrs. Roger were their son Fred, who is home FRED MATHEWS, Clerk on furlough, and Mr. and Mrs. employment, regular advancetown. week with her sister, Mrs. Emma December meeting of the Tuscola %orn March 17 in Cass City Hos- Guinther came and were supper Robert MacKay. help- you get there. County Board of Supervisors held in Patients discharged during the ment, and higher wages is closed. Awe in Detroit. Sunday, Herbert guests. Stanley Guinther was. an jpitaL Dorothy Canaday the Court House in the Village of Caro, week were: Mrs. Robert Rich of ]i Dec. These are the boys and girls who 19, 1960. Leonard Fulcher, formerly of Awe and daughters, Janice and afternoon caller. Bureau of ApprenticeMr. and Mrs. Harold SchwaderI Meeting called to order by chairman Deckerville; James Butcher, quit high school before graduatthe Cass City area, has enlisted Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert ship and Training Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Muntz f&r visited the Clare Schwaderer Conant. Clerk called the roll Clapp, Randall William- j Elmer ing — the "drop-outs" who sneriall supervisors present except superU. S. Department of George liome in Rochester over the week were honored at a surprise party in the Army and is receiving Awe and son Michael and Carol ficed a lifetime of profits for n visor Osburn, Jones and Sylvester. son, Barbara Ann Keilitz, Mrs. basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. Miller, all of Detroit, brought Labor <end and also visited Mrs. Clare, Saturday evening, March 18, to order of business taken up. ; David EJdredge> William Daud, i Regular few dollars' today. His address is: Ret. Leonard R. Supervisor Draper chairman of the Mrs. Bunker home and were Saginaw Schwaderer who is in St. Joheph's j observe their 40th wedding anniStudents, before you decide to1 'EcTitor's' note: Although this Paul Thorpe, Alger" Scott, Den- > special committee who attended the Mercy Hospital, Pontiac. She en-1 versary. Those. Who attended Fulcher RA 16691683 -1st platoon, guests for the day of Mr. and leave i Tax assessors meeting Arbor your books for the glamour is a form letter -sent to many nis LaPratt and Mrs. David Dec. 12, 13 and 14, gaveat aAnn verbal retered the hos.pital March 11 and' were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Co. C, 10th Bn. 4th Tng. Regt. Mrs.' Earney Seeley. Brown of Caro; Mrs. Lydia Gettel port on their meeting stating he beof an immediate paycheck, stop to USATC Armor, Fort Knox, newspapers, the Chronicle has Thirty were present Tuesday consider these factors: •was to undergo major surgery Muntz, Mrs. Andrew Muntz, Mr. Inf. leived there would have to be some of Unionville; Fred Ahrens of Ky. changes in our system of assessment, published' it because of the posevening, March 14, ,when the Tuesday. Her room number is and Mrs. Homer Muntz, Mr. and . . You're going to have to work sible value, and good advice, to Akron; Baby girl Hoagy Mrs. and .discussed the several, recommendaJohn Sommers, Mrs. Joseph Kouples Klub met in the MethMrs. Leslie Muntz, Mr. and Mrs. that were made at their meeting 435. Philpot and baby and Rosemarie tions for a long, long time. All yoxir a lengthy discussion followed with no Mrs, Joel Hurley and baby Sam Blades, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sommers, Mrs. Ward Benkelman odist Church for a monthly meet- life you'll be competing for jobs the- area's; yotrtli. action taken. Wilier of Snover; Mrs. Henry Moved by supervisor Mueller supdaughter, Rebecca Lynn, went to Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mer- and Mrs. Harold Guinther at- ing. Entertainment was arranged and promotions with people 'betSherman, Mrs. Edmund Patera of ported by supervisor Clement that we Croswell Sunday after spending chant, Mrs. Liza Moore, Mrs. tended the March Bakers Demon- by Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Hoff- ter educated and better prepared Deford; Walter Orzel of Gageadjourn putil 1:30. Motion carried. stration in Saginaw, Monday man and Mr. and Mrs. Jack GalEmma Creguer, Mrs. Harriet McSESSION* the past week at the home of her town; Glenn Tuekey and Mrs. MeetingAFTERNOON than. you. The typical high school called to order by chairman evening. Among the highlights of. lagher. Lunch was served under parents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Donald, and Mrs. Gertrude Conant with quron present. Herman Stine of Cass City. . graduate during his lifetime Thei question of overpayment of the O'Dell. Mr. Hurley, who has Schwaderer of Cass City, Mr. and the meeting was a color film, "In- ] the direction ;of Mr. and Mrs. Ray, earns $30,000 more than the Calvin J. Striffler of Cass City County Road Commissioners salaries Fleenor and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert i high school drop-out. spent the past two weeks travel- Mrs. Steve Tesho of Kingston, side Story of Cake Baking." Arthur Holmberg will talk died March 16. was brought up and discussed. Albee. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson, and Mr. and Mrs.' Max Agar reMoved by supervisor Haley supported ing through the Eastern states . . .Employers want workers about "The Christian Faith and oy supervisor Bates that this matter be with the Asbury Theological Misses Joan and Mary Margaret turned home Friday after spend- ; Sixteen were present Thursday with a sense of responsibility. the Church'T in the final Sunday Many a convincing public! referred to the committee on Roads :Bridges for further study and recSingers, will come this week «nd Patterson of Decker. They re- ing 10 days with their son and evening, March .16 when the; •Right now school is your respon- evening- Lenten program at 7:30 speaker can't get' a hearing at and ommendations. Motion carried. to take his wife and daughter ceived many beautiful and useful family, S Sgt. Graydon Agar; in Progressive class of Salem Evan-; sibility. Your diploma will prove o'clock at the Presbyterian home. Supervisor Johnson chairman, of the committee on Buildings and Grounds back to their home at Wilmore, gifts. Lunch was served following Denver, Colo. They- were aceoni- gelical U3; .,-Church met with Mr.]1 that you* have what it takes to Church,. Cass -City. prestnted the following report: no. 1 panied by Mr. and Mrs. I. R. and Mrs. Gerald A,ut'en for a see a job through. a social evening. A panel discussion will feature Kentucky. Forget the sorrows of yesterMr. Chairman Hon. Board; of \Supervi:i1 sorsj County . Tedford of Milford. While in Denmonthly business and social meet-) . . Your happinf^s w deo^n--! Mr. Holmberg, Mrs. K. I. Mac- day—seek only the joys of to- YourTuscola committee on Buildings and : ver, they spent a day : with "the ing. Don. Kaufman was in charges on your ability to get along with Rae. Donald' MacLachlan and day. " ' ' "'";'• Grounds; recommend that the premises to" -' wit: . • • - . • • - • ' ' . • • • ;' James Colberts and called on Mr. of presenting the lesson studyj oeopie. In scnool you are learning Mrs. James A. Millig-an. j The, NJB% of sec. 34 T 13N R 9E exand Mrs. B. Fouts (Sally Col- Officers were elected for the com- how to work and enjoy associaRefreshments will be served The man who Practices and i1 cept that portion now occupied and bert). ing year in the business meeting tions with others. Most of your following the meeting. The church fails thinks it's up to him to used as the Tuscola County Nursing Home be leased on a renewal basis to as follows: president, Richard .•las^in-iteo v-.-'Il stny in school an:! choir will S'ng a special number. preach. Wm. Tonkins for an annual cash rent The Variety Club of the Church AT of $1800.00. The sum of $100.00 on the Hampshire; vice-president, Mrs. of Christ met Monday evening signing dfthisr lease and the balance in two equal installments to be paid with Mrs. Gerald Stilson. Mrs. Don Kaufman; secretary, Mrs. Aug. 15th 1961 and Oct. 15, 1961. Kenneth Nye presided over the Ronald Geiger, and treasurer, The remaining provision of the lease Richard Gaffney. The April class to follow the lease dated Dec. 10, 1959, meeting and members heard a reexcept that an additional provision be 2:00 p.m. port from Mrs. Duane Lester on meeting will be in the Hampshire added to-wit: County of furnish seed and fertilizer the mother-daughter banquet home. on approximate 6Vz acres west of and held at the church and sponsored approximate 5 acres north of the new Nursing Home. by the club. A project which the Signed Committee on Buildings and young women hope to complete Grounds. H. E. Johnson by Easter is to decorate the nursClayton Hunter ery in the church. Mrs. Arthur Quentin Howell Moved by supervisor Draper supportLittle was a guest and discussed Palm Sunday at the Presbyed by supervisor Woodcock that the parliamentary procedure with the '-r>?ian Church will be "One Great report be accepted and adopted. MoNOTICE OF BIENNIAL tion carried. members. The hostess served re- Hour of Sharing." according to County Drain Commissioner Freeland freshments from a table dec- the Rev. John Fish, pastor. The Sugden present the following appointment for the Boards approval. orated in red. offering will be used to help Appointment of Deputy Drain Commissioner. William Ridley of Carsonville, refugees and disaster victims (see section 24, of chapter 2, act no. who was in a truck accident last throughout the world. Over 30 40, p. a. 1956) In pursurance of sec. 24 of chapter week, is in serious condition at a denominations will share in this 2, act no. 40, p. a. 1956, I do hereby hospital in Port Huron. Mr. Rid- effort to alleviate human sufappoint John Metiva as deputy drain commissioner of the County of Tusley is the brother-in-law of Mr. ferings. cola subject however to the consent of and Mrs. Elton Willis. Principal At the worship service the The Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland who signed my bond as Counworry of attending physicians is choir will sing "The Palms" and ty Drain Commissioner of said County the eye sight of the victim. He is Mr. Fish's sermon topic will be of Tuscola. . _ Dated this 19th day of Dec. A. D. reported to have only partial "Behind the Big Words." 1960. sight in one eye and the other There will be a coffee hour in Freeland Sugden Within Said Township On County Drain Commissioner could be permanently destroyed. the memorial room following the of the County of Tuscola His burns are expected to keep' worship perviee. Circle three is in We, The Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, the bondsmen who him hospitalized for nine days. charge. Everyone i°- welcome. signed the bond of Freeland Sugden, as Letter to Editor Holmbergr to Speak Sunday Eve EVERGREEN TOWN MEETING SHABBONA COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY, APRIL 1 Multiple Use— Special Activities On Palm Sunday For Presbyterians To be held in Novesta Township, State of Michigan Monday, April 3, 1961 For the Purpose of Electing The Following Officers: STATE OFFICERS: Two regents of the University of Michigan; superintendent of Public Instruction; Member of the State Board of Education; two trustees of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science; two members of the board of governors of Wayne State University; and state highway commissioner. NON-PARTISAN OFFICERS: Two justices of the supreme court. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS: supervisor, clerk, treasurer, 3 trustees, justice of the peace, member of the board of review, constables (not to exceed four), commissioner of highways. And to vote on a constitutional convention proposal and any additional amendments or propositions that may be submitted. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. HENRY ROCK, Township Clerk I Will Be A Sticker Candidate Fcr Justice of The Peace Elkland Township Your Support Will Be Appreciated CHARLES NEWAS Michigan's forests mean many things to many people. They offer recreation and places to relax; game and places to hunt and fish; trees for a growing wood products industry. Despite their already heavy use, the state's woods, waters, wildlife, and minerals are faced with even greater pressures brought on by a burgeoning population. Shifts in outdoor interests, increased needs for production and consumption, limitations in managing resources, and other factors call for constant weighing of conservation programs for a best over-all balance in uses. Underscoring today's job to meet tomorrow's challenge is this year's theme 6f National Wildlife Week, "Multiple Use—Balanced Conservation Planning for the Future," which will be observed nationwide, March 19*25I , Mich. Dept. of Conservation County Drain Commissioner of the County of Tuscola do hereby consent to the appointment of John Metiva as deputy drain commissioner of the County of Tuscola as above. The Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. . „ . By: Bates Wills Atty. m fact. This appointment is subject to the approval of the Tuscola County Board of" Supervisors. . Moved by supervisor Davis supported by supervisor Beatenhead that the appointment be accepted and approved as presented. Motion carried. Moved by supervisor Bedore supported by supervisor Kirk that the per diem of supervisors Osburn and Sylvester be paid for this session as they were ill and unable to attend. Motion Moved by supervisor Draper supported by supervisor Davis that the committee on equalization be authorized to purchase for the County a supply of real and personal property report forms. Motion carried. Minutes of todays session read by clerk and approved as read. Moved by supervisor Woodcock supported by supervisor Golding that we adjourn until the regular Jan. session Jan. 9th 1961. Motion carried. Slg EIMER CONANT, Chairman FRED MATHEWS, Clerk Sometimes when history repeats itself we are all hard of hearing. r ASS ClW OHftdNIGLE— THURSDAY, MA&CH~ 2S, 1961 €ASS CifY, MICHIGAN YOUU THE WANT ADS! PANCAKE-Sausage CHECK THE TAG on Farm FOR SALE—80 acre farm, good I FOR SALE—'56 Ford one-ton CUSTOM Butchering Monday, SEPTIC TANKS—cleaned by the buildings, picture windows, car- ] truck, dual wheels, good condi- Tuesday and by noon Wednes- original Lloyd Trisch septic supper. 100 per cent pure Maple Typewriters priced below Dis- Bureau clover seed and see the peting, built-in stove and oven, tion. Don Brinkman, 4% west of day. Cutting and wrapping for tank service. Since 1947. Clean- Syrup. Serving starts 5:30 p.m. count Catalog prices. Used port- difference. Farm Bureau Servfamily room. 2 chicken coops, Cass City. Phone 7383M. 3-16-2 deep freezes. 1% miles south. ing, manufacturing and install- Apr. 6. Fraser Presbyterian able and standard typewriters ices. Cass City, call 15. 2-16-8 good barn, also machinery. Carl Reed, Cass City. 10-27-tf. ing. Call collect. Caro OS-33980. Church. Adults $1.25. Children f-rom $17.95. 218 N. Franklin St. WILL TRADE or sell—2 year old 3-9-3 Saginaw, Michigan. Phone PL Guaranteed work. 3-23-tf. 75c. 3-23-1* ARE YOU MOVING? Call FOR SALE—1953 Ford tractor, Phone 134M. 2-9533. John "Arn" Reagh, Cen- (modern tri-level duplex home Wayne Southworth, Caro OS in good condition. 4205 Leach EXPERIENCED auctioneer. tral Office Equipment Co. \ to use as income property. Will WE HAVE for sale several good 3-3240 collect. 1890 W. Gilford 3-23-1 i FOR SALE—June and Mammoth Street. -trade for full line farm machinComplete auctioneering service. _ 12-17-tf used portable a»d upright typeclover. Both state tested. $17.00 Rd., Caro, % mle from Standery of equal value or will sell I am now doing income tax writers; also a complete stock of Handle <anywhe.ro. Ira Osentoski, j TO ALL our friends, relatives, cash. Stanley Muntz, phone pipe Corner. Local and Icng disnew typewriters, all makes. We 6219 Pringle Ed. Phone 8557R ' FOR SALE—Apartment house, outright. For further informachurches and organizations we 7487-W. 3 north, 3|4 west of tance moving. Also agent for filing at my new location at , 9-30-tf two apartments, two bedrooms tion write box L CjO Chronicle. 260 N. Stanley St., also service any make of office Cass City. want to say sincere thanks for Cass City. 3-16-4 U.S Van Lines for out-of-state 3-9-3 equipment. McConkey Jewelry their kindnesses of gift? to us Bad Axe, Mich. FOR SALE—1953 - 4-door Chev- each and both newly redecmoving. 7-30-tf 10-15-tf and Gift Shop. after the fire. Jane and Elwin FOR SALE—'55 Chevrolet halfrolet. 1 east, 4% north of Cass orated. FOR SALE—8 ft. International Phone CO 98552 Cox. The Carpenters. 3-23-1* ton pickup and 2-ton '54 Ford 3-23-2 $7,800, rents f or $90 a month, j double disc, also two seamless Appointments Only FRANKENMUTH INSURANCE City. Reginald Vargo. Inquire 200 W. Congress St., Universal short-tube milker truck. Joe Frederick, Cass City. No appointments after April 1 —For service or information Caro OS 3-3223. 3-16-2* units. Bruce Wentworth, 6 south, Phone 123. 3-23-2* call Harris-Hampshire Agency. 3|4 east of Cass City. 3-23-2 Phone 237M or 288. 3-17-tf Best deal in the Thumb FOR RENT—two bedroom apartBRAND NEW Fire - Automobile - Life - Farm ment, immediate and possession, FOR SALE—Bean puller l-2€-tf FOR SALE—New-Easy combo3-BEDROOM Ranch-type home cultivator will fit A or B John ready to rent. $45.00. 200 W. matic washer-dryer, automatic with all large rooms; carport at- Men's boys' and women's shoes) Deere. Leslie Russell, 1% east, Congress St., Caro. OS 3-3223. tached; built-in flower well room BABY CHICKS: Hy-Lines, washer, automatic dryer, spin2 pairs for the price of one. \ % north Gagetown. 3-23-2* 3-16-2* dryers, wringer washers. See divider; bookcase; extra large Ghostley Pearls and /White Vz price if you buy two pair. WANTED—disabled livestock. Marv for a good deal. Marv's kitchen with built-in range, Ladies' winter cotton and rayon FARMERS ATTENTION— We Rocks. Automatic nests, feeders Sebewaing Call 130 Kinde, Mich, or write will butcher your beef for the oven, hood, exhaust fan and and Myzon. Bowles Hatchery, 1 Washing Machine Service, phone dresses, % price Lee Arnott, Box 55, Kinde. TU 1-3031 double basin sink in Coppertone hide. Hogs - $2.50. No appointmile northeast of Caro on M-81. OS 33482 on Colwood Rd., Oaro, 2-2-tf. ment 6293 W. Main St. Mich. 2-23-tf Phone 390 - large bathroom with built-in Ladies' winter skirts, large selecnecessary - Monday 2-16-tf 5-31-t' tion of small sizes, regular Cass City vanity - Pittsburgh plate glass Tuesday - Wednesday. We cut TRENCHING — Foundation For Your $5.98 and $6.98 values, only FOR SALE—two York sows and mirror; aluminum siding; $1,500. and w-rap for deep freeze, each trenches, septic tank holes, tile $2.99 SAVE enough this year to pay! one York boar, all 16 months down - Immediate possession FOR SALE—About 450 bushels drains, etc. Large size backhoe. l%c per pound. Gross and your taxes next year by using j old. Also ten 7-week-old York 4-16-tf 84x170 lot in new subdivision. of ear corn, also mow of loose Reasonable rates. Free esti- Maier. Farm Bureau bulk fertilizers, i pigs, five south, 3 east and % hay, milk cans and barn fan. mates. Sheldon Peck. 6379 4th I NOW have openings for piano THINKING OF BUILDING? Farm Bureau Services, Cass south. Don Hendrick. 3-16-2* Call 8527M. Frank Nemeth Jr., St., Cass City. 11-24-tf. students. Beginners a specialty. 3-16-3 City, call 15. See us for a desirable Lot - we 2-16-12 And 7 south, 1% east of Cass City. NEW AND USED BOATS— Shirley Russell, 1% miles east have over 20 lots 84' wide - New 3-23-1* FOR SALE—'49 H - McCormick of Owendale. FARM LOANS: Finance your WE HAVE on hand a nice selec- Motors - Trailers - Marine ac3-23-2* Subdivision. Deering tractor, plows and cultifarm credit needs with a land tion of registered Holstein cows cessories - Water Skis - Fiber"We Have -a House Plan To Suit NOT1CE—We repair zippers and vator, 4 section drags g,nd birch See bank loan. Low Interest. Long and heifers. Some with records glass materials - rope - Trailer 1 HOUR SERVICE—Photo finYour Taste" replace them in jackets, etc. and slab wood. Phone 8470M. 24ishing, term. Call or write for complete Calfhood vaccinated. TB and parts - windshields from $5.00' hi-gloss finish. Service, Riley's Foot Comfort, Cass City. 3-9-tf quality and fair price. Enlargedetails. Federal Land Bank Bang's tested. See us for your up, save more at Lee ArmbrustFREE FREE FREE 8-23-tt Ass'n., 651 North State, Caro. replacements. No \Sunday sales. er Sales, Unionville. 3-9-6 FREE—6 black Cocker puppies. ments made from yomr negaFOLDER with complete listings Phone 597. Phone 265 Ca0 12-22-tf 2 miles east, % mile north of WANTED good home for four- Call 209." Roger L. Little. 3-23-tf tives. Neitzel Studio, Cass of FARMS, HOMES AND 4-3-tf month-old male puppy. Mrs. Marlette. Taylor Holsteins, FOR SALE—8 feeder steers. 6 City. 10-20-tf FOR SALE—Homelite chain MEdford 5-5761. BUSINESES. 5-10-tf miles north, 3 miles east of Cass WANTED—used western saddles. Douglas Parker, Gagetown, NO- MODERNIZED house for rent, Call, write or stop at the office, saws; Johnson outboard motors, City. Eli T. Martin. 3-23-2* 3-23-1* four bedrooms, oil furnace, all FOR SALE—player piano, highW buy, sell, trade and repair 5-2442. boats and accessories. Boyd yours for the asking 3-23-1 conveniences. Available April 10. est bidder. Call 79M. WE BUY, YOUR livestoek, pay saddles. Riley's Foot Comfort, Shaver's Garage, Caro, across Phone 215. 3-23-1 Cass City. 5-15-tf PRICED TO CLEAR! Clothes top prices. See Dick Erla, Eria's ; from Caro Drive-in. Phone 5-7-tf OSborn 33039. 1-23-tf. SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM frame j Food Center. RED WING WORK shoes for dryer, steel wardrobe, MixHAVING SOMETHING special? home, lot and 3|4, additional un20 PER CENT OFF ON longer wear. Sweat proof in- master, hot water heater (oil) We have decorated or plain ice FOR SALE: Sun Flame FiveAT HILL Orchards: Apples and furnished bedrooms, dining room REBUILT MOTORS soles. Guaranteed never to crack 30 gal. base cabinet and 150 6306 W. Main St. sweet cider. Open daily and Sun- too, full basement, new furnace, room, oil heater, two-wheel cream slices for weddings, show- % h.p. Master-Howeli; totally en- or curl. Riley's Foot Comfort, Rock pullets, ready to lay. Three « 36C ' day till 6 p.m. R. L. Hill, 7 miles Cass City excellent residential location. A trailer, timothy seed. Melvin ers etc. Also try our delicious closed ball bearing $16 - 24. Cass City. 10-1-tf 2700 egg incubators. Bowles 2-9-tf southwest of Caro on M-81. Hatchery, 1 mile northeast Caro real family home and only $8,- Particka, 8 miles east, 1 north, i fruit punch. Call 337. Parrott 3|4 ,h.p. Dayton - sleeve bearings east of Cass City. 3-l6,-2* Ice Cream Co., N. Dodge Rd., 3-9-tf 500. Cash or liberal terms. 2-16-tf FOR SALE—Sewing machine on M-81. NOTICE: Beginning April 8, Cass City. 6-30-tf 3 h. p. Wagner Ball bearing $100. needles, bobbins, shuttles and 1961, and until further notice, FOR SALE—770 Oliver tractor 3 BEDROOMS, kitchen, dining REWARD—for a small, brown Like new condition, every motor belts. Bigelow Hardware, Cass dachshund, about one year old, we will load stone Saturday like new - 180 hours. 4344 Oak room, living room and bath all WEIGHT PROBLEM? Don't stop 3-16-4 City. mornings from 8 to 12. Wallace St. Hollis Seeley. eating but curb your appetite sold with a 30-day money back i3-23-2 on one floor, full basement, new answers to the name of "Tom." l ; Stone Company. Bay Port. with Dex-A-Diet tablets. Only guarantee. We accept motors as NOTICE—To the qualified elec- Contact Bill Woodward, Phone ATTENTION FARMERS! I buy furnace, garage, corner lot. Very .Save your Buildings and 3-23-3 down cattle for animal feed. trade in, regardless of condition. Foundations. ;• ! -98c at Wood's Drugs. 1-26-24* 3-23-1* tors of Greenleaf township, a 7283W. small down payment and easy Reroof and Eavetrough Now. Biennial Spring Election will be APARTMENT FOR RENT—6 Call or contact Robert Anderr terms. Immediate possession. HERR^S RADIATOR SERVICE: Drop Card or Call held within said township Mon- SWEET CLOVER seed for sale. rooms. Appliances and heat fur- son, Elkton, ' Mich. Phone; Only one will be lucky Cleaning, repairing, recoring. 158F13. 3-16-3.*; day, April 3, 1961, for the pur- $6.00 bu. State tested. Clifford nished. Inquire Cass City State 6530 E. Main St. Milking machine covers and NEAR DOWNTOWN, 4 room pose of electing state officers, Robinson, Ubly, Mich. Phone Bank. 3-2-tf. FOR RENT or l.-r sale—40 acres j home, full basement, very nice Phone 177R2 Cass City, Mich. claws tinned. 3 miles east of 0-8-3098. 3-9-6 Caps City OP M-81, phone 7250R. 3-9-4 non-partisan officers, township FOR SALE—1956 3|4 ton Ford in Brookf'.eld Township, Huron lot, excellent location. $6,000 full officers and to vote on the ConFOR SALE—2 Holstein cows, 5 3-11-tf pickup, $395, very good, con- County, Mi/:h. Contact Robert H. price. A small cozy comfortable FOR -SALE—five saddle horses, stitutional Convention proposal. years old. One due April. Call . 3 25-4* home. dition. 5 miles north, % .mile Keating, Cass City. quiet for children. 2 mares in The polls will be open at 7 a.m. after 4 p.m. Earl Hendrick, 4 Terms to 5 years .east of Snover. 3-23-1 WHY GAMBLE? You farm for JUST OUTSIDE the village, foal, 2 mare ponies in foal. Bob and close at 8 p.m. Anson Karr, east, 2 south, 2% east Cass City. 3-2-tfc Greenleaf township clerk. 3-23-2 Sheridan, Phone Peck 3731. 3-23-1* profit and Genuine Pfister Hy- blacktop road, near grocery -j—-—r— WANTED—Scrap metal, bat- brids can be worth up to $50 store, 4 rooms and bath down, j. FOR SALE or rent—25-ft. trailer NEAR CARO: Home and 2 acres, 3-16-3 SALE—Chain, 3|16 %. teries, junk cars. Pick tip on more per bu. than other hybrids. TO RENT ON SHARES—60 house. Jay Sugden, 6417 Church 2 car garage, nice large bed5)16 and 3|8 inch. Grab and acres of land. 1 mile west, */a quantities. Call 313. Sottthside Call me for your extra corn 4 rooms and % bath up. Home St., Cass City. Phone 525. 3-23-2 rooms, knotty pine interior, part is in excellent condition, corner round chain hooks % in. to 3J4 south of Shabbona. Harvey MeAuto Parts, Cass City. 11-30-tf basement, high and dry, $9,000, needs and extra corn profits..!] location, 2 car garage, lot and A-vm inch. Cold shuts and chain Gregory. 3-16-2* .,f ^ M-l AUTOMATIC $2,800 down. $50. per month inEASTER SPECIAL, Children's deliver. Jack ' Gallagher, Cass i/2, fruit trees, berries, etc. And rifles, repair links 316 to 3|4 inch. 30-06 Cal., all choice con- cluding interest. 3-2-4 City. Phone 8113R. only one tax a year. Small down oxfords, brown or black. Sizes Bigelow Hardware, Cass City. THE GOLDEN Rule Class of 5 shot clips, available now ' dition, 9-3. Regular $2.98. 2 pairs:for FOR SALE—Maole syrup by the payment and easy terms. 3-16-3 EUB Church will hold a bake at Lee Armbruster Sales, Union'i- 10 ACRES—Christmas tree land $5.00. Federated Store. 3-23-2 quart or gallon. Kenneth Mori- j A SMALL 2 FAMILY home,1 ville. sale Saturday, April 1, at the 3-9-3 iCheap! FOR SALE—modern living room Daixmi Implement'.store. 3-23-1 iouth of Deford. near downtown ;area, always KEYS'. Any kind at Buten tei, 3 east, 40,ACRES: About 10 acres clear Suite, platform rocker and a : 3 23-3* rented. A bargain at $5,500. Only .DISTRICT ,„ MANAGER .: .,. will be 1 Motors. Cass City, Mich. IrS-tt dinner bell. Glen Guilds at Cass FOR SALE—40 acres, peet moss, 10 Bales or more delivered $1,000 down and $50 per month.! hiring ladies for fashion coun. ' $1,900 with $600. down. City Auction House. 3-23-1* '% mile east city limits on M-81. FOR SALE—House trailer^ 12x12 DON'T BURN those bags. You No better place to invest a; selors in this area. sVery good 2-APARTMENT house, 3 ~bed- Troycord 220 ft. 265 $3,500. Mrs. Arthur Kelley, phone pay, easy work, and : no invest-1 rooms in one, 1 bedroom in the don't have to when you use $1,000. enclosed cabana. Arthur Kelley. | ments. Chances for promotions. .strength :„.,.„....„-„ $6.35 'after 6 - 7(*67M. 3-9-4 -:. ' ' -. ;• •' 3-9-4 Farm Bureau bulk fertilizer. 'other. New tile on floor. ,$7,000 Giant Grip 220 ft, 270 -. : Farm Bureau Services, Cass A MEDIUM SIZED 2 family near j Call ndw for interview, Snovferi ..with $1,00.0 down. FOR SALE—600 bushel of corn, '"',' .'.'., strength ^.,..„;.. -,JV-'6.65 -FOR SALE—Baled Hay. IG-hp.; City, call 15. 3-23-1! 2-16-12 downtown, each apartment has ) 3883. 600 bushel :of oats, steel .wheel Baler, Joy 225 ft. 280 . ! ; Scott. Boat i motor, like:: new.; BRICK home: practically elimihown bath, property ; always 40 : for H tractor, 2-14 in. bottom •= strength j..Ma .,.....„ 6.80 3-23-1*; Phone 134M. TO FIT ALL TRACTORS. ' .ates the paint brush. Nice:lafg;e plow. Phone 8362M Jack Zellar. ! Holland 231 ft. 325 , raph? with every camera home, running water,, or. heat, 2-: |reduced to $6)500 f : ick sale> rooms, full basement, fiiel 6il j 3-23-1 FOR SALE—200 bales first, cut- car garage, 30 acres clear land, strength 7.90 by Neitzel. 9-30tt Order Now and Be Ready '•furnace, 500 gallon underground ting alfalfa. 3 hogs r6ady to $5,250. 2 3i4 miles east of Shab- Small down payment and balance John Bull 231 ft. 325 ; ,For. Spring Work. HELP WANTED; For cleaning tank, 2% baths,.1% acres, yard butcher. 1% south, & west Cass bona. Kenenth .^ritteriden. Phore on easy terms. strength ,..,....;, 8.25 Also, TRACTOR CHAINS to at the Cass City Post Off ice. I 'high and dry, evergreens. Upper City.U. Kritzman. . '3-23-1* Snover 3691. 3-23-2* A NICE HOME in Caro, 7 rooms, Portuguese Corfi Mill Fit All -Size Tires. Interested parties please call atj apartment rented out now, plus Men's boys' and women's shoes 7.95 bath and %, 3 car garage, good +T^ inn*} Pn«t OffW Kf^wfiPTi' small amount added makes the 9,000 ft. (325 Ib.) 2 pairs for the price of one. FOR SALE — four-light chick location and home is in excel- the local Post Office between 10,000 ft. (290 Ib. ) 7.95 % price if you buy two pair. brooder. Charles Hartel, 1 mile lent condition. $12,000. Cash or the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 payments. Live in below. 2-car Sior Mill faro Livestock 3-23-1* garage. $3,000.00 down, $75.00 9,000 ft. 330 Ib west, 20 rods north of Cass City. terms, or will take land in trade p.m. Ladies' winter cotton and rayon SHOP TIRE 8.25 per month includes interest. If 3-16-2* for all or part. 620 E. Huron Bad Axe dresses, % price you are a shrewd buyer you will 10,000 ft. 300 Ib 8.25 Auction Yards Phone CO 9-8471 Ladies' winter skirts, large seleccall 7266R at once for an ap- Baling Wire FOR SALE—Stew. 2% west and) WE HAVE farms of every type 14% gauge 2-23-5 tion of small sizes, regular pointment. 2V2 south of Owendale. Merlin' March 21, 1961 Belgium 3150 10.50 and size Talk is cheap come in E Hospital $5.98 and $6.98 values, only Kain. 3-2;M':: and shoot the breeze. No obliga-1 AN INEXPENSIV 11.15 TO THE VOTERS of Novesta 30 ACRES: all cleared, ready to U.S. Mid-states 3150 $2.99 Best Veal 35.00-38.25 11.50 Township. I am a Democratic farm. Check the gravel potent- U.S. Mid-states 6500 RENT—furnished apart- tion. You might find just what Medical Plan by American, Fair to good ..._. 32.00-34.00FOR Place Orders Now - May Delivery candidate for the office of townial! Build a new home in the ment. Main Street. Call 365. Im- j you are looking for. Call Common kind .... 29.00-31.00 mediate Possession. 9.50 ship clerk. Your support in the country, spring is around the Barbed Wire (Heavy) 3-2-tf THE GRASS will soon be green I 3-16-3 April election will be greatly Blade Type plow shares Lights & Rg. . For Information corner. Act now. $800. down $30. and if you need pasture, look) appreciated. Francis Smentek. 3 and 4 hole 14 inch Hvy. 22.00-28.00 FOR SALE—Registered Polled over this 40 acres, no buildings, per month. 3-23-2* I GOT 25 acres or more to work Any make plow. Box of 6 Deacons 5.00-28.50' Hereford bulls service age, 7 well and windmill, fenced, only i on shares, if someone wants it. Inc. Bolts $14.50 WANTED: listings on farms and Tonr! "Rntrh ' north 1% miles east of Cass $3,200. Easy terms. FOR SALE—V Belts and Pul- 1 south, 1% east of Cass City, j homes and businesses. When the Steers ' 23.50-24.75 _City- Alva MacAlpine. 3-23-2* 3-23-2* (California) $22.56 leys.. A & B groove, 17 in. to John Zabinski. weather breaks be prepared for 100 inch. Pillow blocks, shaft Cass City, Phone 493 Common kind .... 18.00-23.00 FOR SALE—International H THE RESPONSE to our ad in the Vernal Alfalfa ACTION. FUELGAS CO. Bulk gas, for of February 23 concerning tractor with wide front end, issue Good Butch. (Washington) $25.00 collars. Bigelow Hardware, Cass every purpose. From 20 pounds 3-16-2 3-BEDROOM apartment for rent, "The New Michigan Homes" has City. 3-16-3 Heifers -- 23.00-24.50 good condition. Don Brinkman, been very gratifying. The orto 1000 gallons. Rates as low as . FOR SALE-Alfalfa hay second immediate possesion. Common kind ....'•17.00-22.00 4% west of Cass City. Phone, ders are FOR SALE—John Deere 11-hoe 4c per pound. Furnaces, ranges, 2309 Baxter Road 3-16-2! ber, The^^fy^birTg^slhe^ cutt^' / ™ile east, 1% miles 76 ACRES: Frontage on M-53, Best Cows - - 16.50-17.50 7383M. grain drill. Good condition. Har- water heaters, refrigerators, Davison old Field, 3% east of Deford, wall furnaces, floor furnaces, Cutters 15.00-16.00 FOR SALE—24-inch girl's bike. earlyJ home." We feature TOP ' *•""-•^ of Cass City. Sam Ur- ideal for new home construcPhone OL 35524 3-23-2* tion, about $3,000 down, immed3-23-1 washers and dryers. If it's gas, 3-23-2* south side. Canners 13.00-14.50 Also Bissell carpet sweeper. QUALITY HOMES, reasonably chick. we sell and service it. Corner Good Butch. Call 564. 3-23-1 priced. Come in and talk it over EDWARD HAHN—your DeKalb iate possesion. Attention Mr. BRIGHTEN up your home for M-81 and M-53. Phone Cass City Bulls 19.50-21.50 seed corn dealer. Order now. Al- Builder. SUPP-HOSE Hosiery by Mojud;- Easter with furnishings from 4-21-tf so 220 gal. fuel tank $15.00 100 ACRES: Land in g;ood shape, that triumphs over leg fatigue. Satow's. 8,000 square feet of 395 for free estimate. Common kind .... 16.00-19.00 MONROE HEALTH STUDIO-* Feeder Cattle .... 30.00-97.00 Scientific Swedish Massage and for rent. Separate entrance, pri- each. Vacuum sweeper, shrub- buildings'need some repairs, corn, Both men's and women's. Riley furniture and draperies on dismedicated steam baths. Call for bery orders taken now for early beef cattle farm. Be your own Foot Comfort. Cass City. play. Free graduate interior Feeder Cattle by 239 E. Sherman vate bath, $35 month. spring planting, shrubs sheared. 12-17-tf decorator service. Satow's Home pound 17.00-19.50 appointment. St., Caro OS 3-2832. 3-9-3* 7 ROOM HOME in the country, % south of stoplight. Phone boss, buy now. of Fine Furnishings. Sebewaing. FOR 21 consecutive years more Best Hogs 18.00-19.00 3-9-3* NEARLY new home in town, 2 WANTED—larger farm. Will Phone TUcker 15621. downstairs bedroom and bath 7266R or 8231R. 3-9-4 farmers have planted DeKalb Heavy Hogs ...... 16.50-17.50 trade 40 acres with 3-bedroom Nice shady yard, garden spot large bedrooms, room for anoth; than any other hybrid. Why? FO R SALE—Refrigerator and Light Hogs ...... 15.50-17.20 too. Only $4,00. Terms available. er, full basement, nice location. modern home for 120-160. Bal- MRS. HOUSEWIFE, Mr. Busi- You owe it to yourself to find cabinet. Call after 5 •3,200 down to responsible party. ance cash or terms. Gagetown nessman. Spring is on its way. Bough Hogs 13.00-15.60 3|4 of a mile to a grocery store. china NO 5-2278. 3-23-2 Now is the time to make ar- out. Feeder Pigs 8.00-25.50 New Listings needed on all o'clock. 8 miles south, 1 east of Cass City. Phone 7437R. William FOUR BEDROOM home new alurangements to have us take types of property. 3-23-2* minum siding, wall to wall car- FOR SALE—Yellow blossom down your storm windows, wash Nagy. peting, really looks sharp. Stop sweet clover seed, state tested MAMMOTH CLOVER seed for running, look these homes over. 99.88 per cent pure. Wesley your windows and screens and put up your screens. Write Complete Service Handled sale. $15.00. Hutson McPhail, Lockwood, 2 south, % west of Supreme Window Cleaning ServAnywhere GVi miles east of Cass City. Phone 7266R days Colwood. Phone OS 3-2881. 3-23-3 ice, 113 N. Elm St., Saginaw or 3-16-3* 8231R Evenings 2-23-6* call Cass City 13. A representaPhone 3386 APARTMENT FOR RENT— 6471 Main St., Cass City FOR SALE—2 homes in Bad NOTICE to the qualified electors tive will contact you at no obli- Mrs. Ross Brown, 4545 Leach St. 1800 Krueger Rd. Snover, Mich. Phone 200 3-21-tf gation. Axe, phone CO 98353. 3-23-1* of Evergreen Township — That Phone 143M. 1-5-tf. % mile south of stoplight 3-23-1 3-23-8 Grow Salesman for William Zemke, a Biennial Spring Election will FOR SALE—Punch n' NEW AND USED Garden Tracbe held in the township at ShabI WISH to express my grateful garden and vegetable seeds. MORE FARMERS plant Man- BABY AND STARTED CHICKS tors - Roto Tillers - Lawn Mow- Broker. 3-23-1 bona Community Hall, Monday, Packaged garden and vegetable appreciation to all our relatives tey's Pedigreed Seed every year. —Hy-Line for layers; Andrus ers - Chain Saws - Riding TracApril 3, 1961, for the purpose of . seeds. Bulk garden seeds. Lawn and friends for cards, letters Why don't you ask for it at White Rocks for dual purpose, tors - Riding Mowers, we serv- FOR SALE—three Holstein electing state officers, non-parti- seed. Bigelow Hardware, Cass and gifts and prayers on ray beand Cobb or Vantress for meat. ice what we sell. Lee Armbruster your local elevator or seed deal- Order early to get all discounts. due in one week, one san officers and township of- City. 3-16-3 half during my illness. Ray 3-9-6 heifers Sales, Unionville. er's? Mantey's Pedigreed Seed joins me in thanking you again Holstein cow four years old, •ficers and to vote on the conProducers. 3-23-1 Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Monday FOR SALE—1500 bales of first fresh one week. One Ayrshire stitutional convention proposal. EASTER SPECIAL. Children's and again. May God bless everythrough Friday, Saturday by apFOR SALE—mixed hay. 1 east, pointment. Andrus Hatchery. cutting hay. Mixed green, no heifer due in one week. 5 miles Polls shall be open at 7 a.m. and oxfords, brown or black. Sizes one of you. Gratefully yours, 1 north of Cass City. Virgil VO 8-9812 or VO 8-4584, Keese. rain. Elmer Parrish, IVz east of north, % mile east of Snover. close at 8 p.m. Harvey Fleming, 9-3. Kegular $2.98. 2 pairs for Mrs. Bay Boughton, 206 10th 3-28-1 3-16-1 Evergreen township clerk. 3-2S-2 $5.00. Federated Store. 3-23-2 St., Zephyr-hills, Ma. 1-19-tf Cass City. 3-23-1* Phone Saover 2408. Peters. Phone 7142K. 3-23-1* WANT AD RATES Want ad of 20 words or less. 80 eeat* each insertion; additional words. 2% cents each. Save money by enclosing cash with mail orders. Bates for display want ad on application. Tax Accounting RAMBLER CLEARANCE General Insurance T. W. Gracey Brad's Sales & Service Auctioneering Arnold Copeland Excavating Problems .Fill Dirt Federated Store Rusch Contracting B.A. CALKA REAL ESTATE BUY NOW "Beat the Spring ; Rains" : Herhalt Electric Co. Bill Sprague Elkton Roofing and Siding -;:•; REAL ESTATE Philip S. Hill 30 day Spring Sale IDUAL WHEELS ^s^z — • * Wy! SU 2 «S^ooTffi^*ZSr^™JZ#«3t CLEARANCE FOUND Federated Store ED DOERR DeKalb Seed Corn Evans L. Krueger Auctioneer Want Help Finding What You Want? Try The Want Ads See Edward Hahn Now McCormick Realty and Insurance Edward Hahn PAGE SIX CASS CITY CHROMCLE— THURSDAY, MARCH 23, X961 Across From Cass City Bowling Alley CASS CITY, MICHIGAN South of Hills and Bales General Hospital Plenty of Free Parking WE SUPPORT TUSCOLA COUNTY YOUNG FARMERS -H BOUGHT FROM SHOW IN CARO FEET Ibs. HICKORY SMOKED DRESSED These 4-H and FFA Hogs are ready for the table. They meet the highest standards and are inspected by Ernie Miller, left, John Srla, right, shows the top quality meat. WHOLE OR HALF LOINS FRANKS 2 .T-TS.ckcry Smoked (Sliced) ORK CHOPS SLICED FREE 45Ib. ibs. WHOLE - HALF - QUARTERS VEAL AND LAMB Ib. and up We Have Donated Floor Space So the Eastern Stars Can Sell BAR BO AND CHICKENS Friday And Saturday SPRY SMELT 2 ErVg Val-U-Pac POTATO CHIPS ^c^o-D-I'ite " • KIDNEY BEANS ;s SALAD BEER—WINE TO TAKE OUT HUNT'S Halves or Sliced Top Frost BREADED SHRIMP Bars 10 bars in •Cypress Gardens 2l/2 size can 8-oz. pkgs. Liquid ORANGE JUICE 4 ^. HEAD LETTUCE 2-29c Texsun Unsweetened White bag Cello Pkg. Detergent •*' CARROTS 22-oz. Plastic Bottle 39c 25c ^%^% ib. CABBAGE STORE HOURS Pri. Till 8 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. 24-oz. btl. cans Size 24 size Z4 GRAPEFRUIT 25c GRAPE JUICE m New Green DEBBIE PAW PAW S FROZEN FOODS PIES 59c lOc t> !-f Afield Sliced or Whole SHEDD'S Banquet Beef-Chicken-Turkej 14-oz. Sat. Till 9 p.m. Open 8 to 6 INSTANT COFFEE -0-oz. Jar ORANGE JUICE can TOILET TISSUE OASS CITY CHRONICLE-THURSDAY, MARCH 28, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Michigan Mirror Honest efforts to corr~".t the recognized inequities in the tax situation are not hard to find. *** Unfortunately, there is some self-seeking, a great deal of political maneuvering, a touch of misinformation and mountains of misunderstanding surrounding taxes. Gov. John B. Swainson has presented his ideas on fiscal reform to the Legislature, and promises that these will be followed up by specific proposals in the form of By Elmer E. White Michigan Press Association Michigan's muddled tax waters are being stirred up by proposals, counter-proposals and just plain talk. Action in the Legislature, on revenue questions is expected to be hot and heavy this year, but not until after the April 3 election. That doesn't slow up the avalanche of proposals reports and smokescreens concerning taxes. Most of these are in good faith. FUELGAS 3 TIMES FASTER Only At Fuelgas in the Thumb Do You Find The DEGREE DAY SYSTEM We Keep Track of the Weather so you can't run Out of Fuel. Our Trucks are RadioControlled for Faster Service Fuelgas Co. of Cass City Phone 395 Junction M-53 and M-S1 bills. He is giving his plan, which includes a 3 per cent personal income tax, a 3 -per cent tax on corporation profits, tax relief for industry, sales tax exemptions on •food and prescription drugs and increased state payments to local units of government, the hard sell. *** At every opportunity he has to speak, Swainson presses the theme that his fiscal revision plan is a way to start solving Michigan's fiscal woes. The Governor is also promoting governmental reorganization plans and economic development proposals whenever possible. A state senate study committee which looked into the Michigan tax picture recently reported back to the upper chamber an analysis which grew out of a series of hearings in various .parts of the state. *** Tfes chairman of this committee, Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings, who is also the chairman of the Senate taxation committee, has advocated a plan which he says would hit the heart of the problem; inequities at the local level in taxes on real and personal property. His ideas, backed by several strong groups, would cut the local taxes on business with some loss of revenue to the local governments. This could be made up, Geerlings believes, by giving the local units the power to levy certain taxes such as payroll taxes, sales taxes on certain items and other levies, after a vote by the people in the local unit approved them. ##* There is some opposition to this plan on the grounds that it would be giving the local governments a taxing power which should be reserved to the state. Another plan in the legislative bill hopper was prepared by Rep. E. D. O'Brien, D-Detroit. Like Swainson's plan, it would produce no more revenues for the PAGE SEVEN FARM AUCTION state. O'Brien's plan also incor- jurors, and the jury system. ##* porates many of the features of Length of term of office of the Governor's proposal, but would gain most of the revenue elected county and state law enlost through tax concessions to forcement officers. Jurisdiction of local police and business by levying a 5 per cent whether it should be broadened. corporation profits tax. It does not include a personal j Search and seizure, a highly 2 income tax. \ controversial subject due to recent decisions of various courts. It is too early to say which, if , T and dutieg of any, of these plans will be con-, Attorne'/General> and including sidered seriously by the Legisla-1 fe * prosecuting atture. Other tax ideas are certain . f Jl » *thp Attornpv orne s_^ to be introduced, and the best bet | * y as well as the Attorney is that any solution attempted by! ^eneralla\vmakers will include elements pardons and paroles, Beginning At 1 p.m. of several plans. including extradition and powers The powerful interest groups of the Governor. . that watch closely legislative acTRACTORS John Deere 4-row bean puller Justices of .the peace. tion are certain to advocate tax Human rights as declared in John Deere Tractor, A, good condition Int. 4 row corn cultivator proposals of one kind or another { the state Constitution. EZ flow clod buster International A Tractor, good condition as they crystallize. • MM Tractor, Model U, good condition, International Field Cultivator, power It would do well for the aver-! If it,g true that money is the good rubber, with power troll, live troll age citizen to watch the legisla- root of all evil then most of us power tive maneuvering and the tax should rate the pearly gate. New Holland chopper, with hay and com plans as closely, and make known International H Tractor, A-l condition heads his desires on how he wants to Feeding on tomorrow's hope John Deere bean rake, 1 year old pay for government in the im- icauses many to suffer from want. MACHINERY John Deere hay rake, 4 bar mediate future. Due to the death of my husband, I will sell the following personal property at auction on the premises located 9% miles west and y mile south of Caro on Vassar Rd., on SATURDAY, MARCH 25 In the event of a Constitutional DIRECTORY Convention, at least one group in' the state will be ready to lay out j its ideas for revision of the 1908 j CASS CITY VETERINARY CLINIC basic law. | Veteran law enforcement offi-1 4849 N. Seeger St. cers are directing a study to de- j termine what areas of the ConstiR. C. HERVEY, D. V. M. tution most affect their line of Phone 251 work. SMITH-KALLGREN, INC. A sub-committee of the permaBookkeeping Systems nent legislative committee repreAnd Monthly Service senting law enforcement agencies Tax Preparation has so far isolated nine areas which it believes must be looked State and Federal into in relation to a Con-Con. TWO CONVENIENT OFFICES *** 230 W. Main St. Former state police commisMayville, Michigan sioner and Republican candidate Phone VI 3-6156 for Governor, Donald S. Leonard, 3358 S. Main St. is in charge of the research proMarietta, Mich. gram. Phone ME 5-2071 The areas that will be studied: K. I. MacRae, p. 0. Judicial selection and tenure; j non-partisan selection of supreme | Osteopathic Physician and court justices, qualifications of! Surgeon judges and a proposed intermedi- j Corner Church and Oak Sts. Res., 226M ate court of appeal. i Office, 226W Qualifications and selection of DR. D~E. RAWSON DR. W. A. HARR DENTISTS j Phone 95 Cass City TER and FLAMELESS Case 6-ft. Combine, trailer type with motor, A-l shape John Deere 15-hoe grain drill McCormick Deering Field cultivator with power troll New Holland Manure spreader, PTO Moline Manure spreader John Deere harrow, 3-sect. John Deere Harrow, 4-sec. Spike Tooth harrow Tractor grass seeder Manure Loader, good shape Lime Spreader, EZ flow Tractor Weed Sprayer Case Rotary Hoe, 3 section John Deere 4-row beet and bean drill, good as new John Deere 4-row corn planter, good condition MM 8 ft. Double Disc, power troll MM 3-14 plow, power troll, radex bottom John Deere 4 row Int. gang cult. David Bradley Tractor mower, 6 ft. cut AC Hay Baler, good working order Farm wagon, flat rack Farm Wagon, grain box Silo chopper wagon, unloader, heavy duty John Deere blower, with pipe Bunk feeder auger conveyor, with motor Revolving sileage distributor Corn crib, metal 1,000 bu. cap. Case hay and grain elevator, 34 ft. Jewelry wagon DAIR^ EQUIPMENT Schultz Milk Cooler, 12 can Chore boy milker 2 Chore boy units, pipe line Electric water heater, 50 gal. 28 Milk cans, wash racks, wash tanks., etc. Portable paint sprayer and compressor AUTOMOBILE 1949 Cadillac, in good condition Terms: Contact Bank Prior to Sale Date for Credit Akron State Bank, Clerk ' * ' =- *"" " MRS. EDWIN WILSON, Owner DR. W7"s7 SELBY Optometrist Hours 9-5, except Thursday Evenings by appointment. 6669 E. Main St. 3% blocks east of stop light Phone 389 Boyd Tait, Auctioneer < Phone Caro OS 3-3525 For Auction Dates PHOTOGRAPHER CAMERA SHOP NEW G.E. LECTRIC RANGE Harry Crandell, Jr., D.V.MJ - office 4438Jrnone southiiseeger st. . ARNOLD COPELAND, Auctioneer v : *' DR. J. H. GEISSINGER Chiropractor Mornings: 9-12 Daily Afternoons: 1:30-5 except Thurs. Evenings: 7-9, Tues. and Friday OS 3-4464 Caro beside Post Office AUTOMATIC COOKING UNITS! """JAMES BALLARD^M. D. Office at Cass City Hospital Phone 415M Hours, 9-5, 7-9 DENTI¥TRY~" "" E. C. FRITZ Keyboard Control— E a s y to switch units on or off. S measured h e a t s on each unit. Office over Mac & Scotty Drug Store. We solicit your patronage when in need of work. i Expert Watch Repairing PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES Satisfaction Guaranteed No job too big - No job too smal WM, MANASSE JEWELER 180 N. State St. Caro, Mich, Focused Heat Broiler —Charcoaltype broiling; intense radiant heat focused on food. STEVENS' NURSING HOME Cass City Specializing in the care of the chronically ill. Under the supervision of Helen S. Stevens, R. N. H. T. Donahue, A. B., M. D. Physician and Surgeon X-Ray Eyes Examined Phones: Office, 96 — Res., 69 23" Master Oven—With automatic timer, lift-off door for easier oven cleaning. Mode! j-304 COOK WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC-AUTOMATICALLY! © Ultra Hi-Speed Sensi-Temp Unit Boils a Pint of Water in Just 130 SecondsFaster Than Ever for W61! 0 Sensi-Temp Means Controlled Heat * Flameless-No Filmy Fuel Grime Ever Collects on Walls or Furnishings . . . No" Soot on Pots and Pans Telephone Cass City S90 Having decided to quit farming the following personal pro perty will be sold at public auction on the premises located % east and 3 miles north of Pigeon DR. E. PAUL LOCKWOOD CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Ph. 549 Main St., Cass City Mon.-Sat. 9-5; Closed Thurs. Evenings: 7-9 TUGS, and Fri. 3 blocks west of traffic light Super SertsiT«mp—Select the heat to fit any pot o r pa n— small, medium or large. a As Fust As Fire . . Flame! SALE FRITZ NEITZEL, P. A. of A. 1 Day Photo Finishing Phone 245 Cass City General Electric presents the faster range for '61 . . . what's more it "cooks clean" because it's ftameless! Super Sensi-Temp surface units provide better controlled heat faster than ever before . . . watch over cooking automatically. The oven preheats fast, maintains even, uniform heat, has an automatic timer and such a wide« open capacity that one (helf holds 4 big pies! See it now! CASS CITY OIL & Hair Styling by Stasia 6265 Main St. (Across from Leonard Station) STASIA'S BEAUTY SHOP Phone 202 Cass City t D R . B . V . CLARK I CHIROPRACTOR Mon. - Fri 9-12, 1-5, 6:15-9 Tues. - Wed. Sat. 9-12, 1-5 i Closed Thursday { House calls made ' Phone 370 233 S. State St. Caro WALNUT TRAILER PARK Clean Comfortable Lots for any size trailer Reasonable Rates Your Hosts Yvonne and George Davy Phone 304 TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL Still on hand—a full line of Nursery Stock STILSON TREE SERVICE 5161 Mayville Road Silverwood, Mich. Phone Cass City 499 Commencing at 12 o'clock CATTLE Holstein cow, 4 years old, due in Sept. Holstein cow, 4 years old, due July 4 Holstein cow, 4 years old, due September 13 Holstein cow, 5 years old,jjresh Holstein cow, 4 years old, fresh Holstein cow, 5 years old, due Nov. 22 Holstein cow, 4 years old, due in August v Holstein cow, 3 years old, due Nov. 5 Holstein cow, 3 years old, due Nov. 11 Holstein cow, 5 years old, due Sept. 16 Holstein cow, 2 years old, due June 9 Holstein cow, 4 years old^4ue Oct. 8 Holstein cow, 4 years old, 'due Nov. 28 Holstein cow, 6 years old, due Nov. 22 Holstein cow, 5 years old, fresh Holstein cow, 4 years old, fresh Holstein cow, 6 years old, due Oct. 14 Holstein cow, 2 years old, due Oct. 9 Holstein cow, 4 years old, due Sept. 14 Holstein cow, 4 years old, fresh Holstein cow, 4 years old, due Oct. 10 Holstein cow, 5 years old/411® ¥<>v. 5 Holstein cow, 5 years old,'Jpe\in August Jersey cow, 5 years old, due June 10 Jersey cow, 4 years old, due June 11 Holstein cow, 8 years old, due in Sept. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Large Surge pipe flow line, complete with 3 units, used one year Surge automatic washer 3 wash vats Surge single unit Stainless steel 200 gallon fjdaillf tank, 2 years old % !,i Surge 55 gallon electric h<|I w^ter heater, nearly new -^ 9 drinking cups and pipe MACHINERY McCormick Deering super ,M tractor with wide front end, new rubber, completely overhauled McCormick Deering 3 bottom 14-in. plow Ford tractor (740) with power steering, nearly new, with 4 row cultivater and 2 row bean puller Ford tractor (800) nearly new, with wheel weights Ford loader with wide gravel and manure buckets, new Ford 3 bottom 14-in. plow with new style trip bottom Ford 7 ft. power mower and hay crusher, new Ford grader blade , Ford 5 bar side delivery rake, new Dearborn pickup hay baler with Wisconsin air cooled motor, nearly new Avery pickup beaner, 28 inch cylinder, completely overhauled R. V. 1 row beet harvester, 2 years old McCormick Deering corn picker, nearly new New Holland 110 bushel, power take off, manure spreader, new Heavy duty implement trailer 1948 International IVa ton truck with grain box and hoist Case 26 foot elevator with motor McCormick Deering 4 row beet and beaa drill McCormick Deering 8 ft. double disc 12 ft. field cultivator on rubber John Deere 17 hoe grain drill with all attachments John Deere 12 ft. harrow John Deere 12 ft. spike tooth harrow 10 ft. Roto hoe with 3 point hookup 12 ft. single cultipacker Coby 6 ton farm wagon and grain box, with 6 ply tires, new 2 heavy duty farm wagons with 6 ply tires new TERMS: All sums of $25^and under casli, over that amount 9 months time will be given on approved bankable, notes at 7% interest. GERALD MUENTENER, Owner BAY PORT STATE BANK, Clerk CfiftdMCLE—THURgfiAY, MARCH 23, 1961 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS TUSCOLA COUNTY SUPERVISORS Moved by supervisor Davis supported -by supervisor Osburn that we adjourn until 1:30. Mention carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Meeting called to order by Chairman Elmer Conant, with qurom pre^Regular order of business taken up. Supervisor Bedore Chairman of the i^Smmittee on Ways and Means pre'Jgrited the following report No. 8. ^ Mr. Chairman: ; Honorable Board of Supervisors C Your committee on Ways and Means recommend that 5Va Mills be spread on the State Equalized Valuation for County purposes for 1960. Milton M. Bedore Earl Butler .Charles F. Woodcock Moved by supervisor Mueller supported by supervisor Osburn that report ' b e accepted arid adopted. Yea and Nay vote taken of which there were (yes 24) (no 0) absent 1. Motion declared carried by Chairman Conant. Supervisor Johnson Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds presented the following report No. 9. Mr. Chairman Honorable Board of Supervisors Tuscola County . . . Your committee on Buildings and Grounds recommend the purchase of a new electric typewriter for the Probate Judge Office for a sum of not to exceed $200.00. H. Johnson Quentin Howell Clayton Hunter Moved by supervisor Sylvester supported by supervisor Draper that .the report be accepted and the Provisions of the report earned out. Motion ^Supervisor Golding chairman of • the committee on Co. Officers Salaries brought up the question of salaries for county officers and employees for discussion. After a thorough discussion it was moved by supervisor How• 'ell supported by supervisor Reavey that the report on salaries be set tor 10 o'clock Thursday morning, Oct. 13. Motion carried. . Moved by supervisor Woodcock supported by supervisor Haley that we adjourn to tomorrow morning at 9:30. Motion carried. • Signed: Elmer Conant, Chairman Fred Mathews, Clerk OCTOBER SESSION October 13, 1960 October session of the Tuscola County Board of Supervisors continued '- arid held in the court house October Meeting called to order by Chairman Conant. Clerk called the roll with all supervisors present. Regular order of business taken up. Supervisor Golding chairman of .the committee on salaries" presented the following report No. 10. Section 1— „ _ Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: . Your committee on salaries after much study and consideration recommend that the compensation for the elected county officers be as follows. County Clerk $5600 County Treasurer »°«" Reg. of Deeds 5600 Pros. Attorney • • -f~Xx Drain Commissioner »buu Sheriff •• • aowi Director of' Social Welfare 5600 With two weeks vacation including convention time. Signed E. G., Golding Dayton Davis H. E. Johnson Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: , . ^ „ •, Your committee on salaries beg leave to report that they have had under consideration the compensation of the county employees and recommend the following: Deputy Clerk Extra Help Deputy Treasurer «,;AA-AA Special Clerk 3700.00 Deputy Reg. of Deeds Extra Help Probate Register '"v^nnA Court" Recorder 4000.00 Deputy County Agent .,.. . Pros. Attorney's Steno 3700.00 Two Deputy Drain Comm i°JX'XX Full Time Deputy 4800.00 Part Time Deputys 600 Matron -°0 Meals *™ Agri. Agt's'steno 4000.00 Extra Help 3300.00 Costodian •„„..„*--. Care Taker 3300.00 Two Secretarys to Director of Social Welfare ...-4000.00 County Nurse t^Hn Friend of the Court 5400.00 Asst. bounty. Nurse f£$nn Extra Help 3300.00 1 Msmtiers of Road Comm 99x<0»2 Social Welfare Board 500.00 To rfeceive increase as provided by "other salaries that we do not set but furnish the money for be given an increase accordingly. We recommend 5 days sickleave or if hospitalized 10 days witn no acumulation, also one week vacation after six months and two weeks after eighteen months. All new employees to start at $200 per year less and increased $100 each six months until maximum, scale has been reached. • Signed • . ' E. G. Golding Dayton Davis H. E. Johnson Section 3— Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: Your committee on salaries recommend that the supervisors receive $15 per diem. Mileage to remain at seven cents per mile. Effective Jan. 1, 1961 if not in conflict with status. Signed E. G. Golding Dayton Davis H. E. Johnson Moved by supervisor Mueller supported by supervisor Haley that we vote on the committee recomendations by a Yea and Nay vote. Clerk .called the-roll with the following results. Those voting yes in favor . of the- recomendation 10. Those voting no against the recomendation 15 The majority voting against the recomendation chairman Conant declared report and recomendation de feat'ed. . Moved by supervisor Kirk supported by supervisor Woodcock the report of . the committee on salaries be reconsidered arid action taken on each individual group seperately. Motion carried. Supervisor Golding chairman of the committee on salaries presented the following report. Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: Your Committee on salaries after much study and consideration recommend that the compensation for the elected county officers be as follows: County .Clerk • .$5600 County * Treasurer . . 5600 Reg. of Deeds' 5600 Pros Attorney 5600 56 Drain Coriiinissioner . . 9x Sheriff . ., • 5600 Dir. of Soc. Welfare 5600 With two weeks vacation including converitidri time. Signed: E. G. GOLDING DAYTON DAVIS H. E. JOHNSON Moved by Supervisor Kirk supported by Supervisor Haley that the report be accepted and adopted. Moved "by Supervisor Howell supported by Supervisor Bedore that an amendment be made to the report changing the amount of salaries for each officer from $5,600.00 to $5,400.00 with a yea and nay vote taken on the motion. Clerk called the roll with the following results. Members voting yes in favor of the amendment 19. Members voting no against the amendment 6. The majority voting in favor of the amendment it was declared carried by Chairman Conant. Yea and Nay vote taken on the Original report as amended with the following result (yes 17) (no 8). The . majority voting in favor of the report as amended it was declared carried by Chairman Conant. Supervisor Golding presented the following Section 2 of the first salaries report. Moved by Supervisor Hicks, supported by Supervisor Haley that the report be accepted and adopted with a yea and nay vote requested. Clerk called the roll with the following results (yes 6) (No 19). Motion defeated by chairman Conant. Moved by Supervisor Draper supported by Supervisor Kirk that the committee on salaries be instructed to bring in a revised report on salaries of section No. 2 of salaries report. Motion carried. Supervisor Golding presented the following report: Mr. Chairman Hon. Board of Supervisors , L. C. DKAPEtt for the township Treasurers. Moved Edward J* Miles M. D. Motion supported by Supervisor by supervisor Reavey supported by mental exam 30.00 3000 supervisor Beatenhead that the Coun- Howell. Motion carried. Lloyd L. Savage ty Treasurer be authorized to pur- Election of the Co. Canvassing Board mental exam 50.00 50.00 chase a blanket Bond with coverage a Co. Road Commissioner and a MemJames J. Epskamp >er of the County Welfare Board which of 100%. Motion carried. guardian service 10.00 10.00 Moved by Woodcock supported by was a special Order for today was Fitzgeralds supplies 8.77 8.77 aken up. And Chairman Conant deHofmeister that we adjourn until 1:30. Doubleday-Hunt-Dolan clared the meeting open for elections. Motion carried. Co supplies 7.06 7.06 Moved by Supervisor Beatenhead supTuscola Co. Adv. sup ... 14.00 14.00 AFTERNOON SESSION by Supervisor Sylvester that the Typewriter Exch sup 5.00 5.00 Meeting called to order by chair- ported Chairman appoint two tellers. Motion Doubleday-Hunt-Dolan man Conant, with qurom present. Co supplies 15.97 15 97 The County Road Commission was carried. Chairman Conant appointed superThe Drug Shop prescr. .. 5.90 5.90 present and Orville Kitelinger clerk Sylvester and Mclntyre as tellJ. C. Penney Co clothing. 14.37 14.37 to the commission was also present. visors ers. Tellers were sworn in by Co. J. C. Penney Co. clothing 7.83 7.83 Chairman Conant called upon com- Clerk. Chairman declared the J. C. Penney Co. clothing 4950 49.50 missioner Slafter, Chairman of the meeting open for Conant nominations for the Board of Supervisors commission, who stated they were member to the Co Canvas-1 Clayton Hunter here to answer questions and discuss Democrat Supevisor Clement preperdiem 7th dist 12.00 12.00 Road problems in general. Many sing Board. the name of John Hunter of Conrad Mueller questions were asked and discussed sented Koylton Twp. for nomination. Nominaper diem 7th dist 16.20 16.20 The question of the overpayment of tion of John Hunter supported by SuHoward Clement salaries of the County Road Commis pervisor Butler. per diem 7th dist 12.00 12.00 sioner as claimed by the Auditor Gen There being only one It Dayton Davis eral Dept. was brought up and dis was moved by Supervisor nomination Mueller, supper diem 7th dist . . . . . 12.84 12.84 cussed. It was requested by the Co ported by Supervisor Draper that nomJames Osburn Road Commission that the Board o ination be declared closed and the secper diem 7th dist 12.00 12.00 Supervisors take some action to havi retary instructed to cast the unanimous Earl Butler this matter cleared up, as they be vote of this board for John. Hunter. per diem 7th dist ..... 12.00 12.00 lieve the salary in question is theirs Motion carried and Chairman Conant Total funds for year . .. $1,087.26 Harry Beatenhead because of the fact the salary wa declared John Hunter elected. 13 claims were allowed per diem 7th dist 14.80 14 80 paid and accepted on the strength o totalling 383.91 Supervisor Mclntyre presented the John B. Mclntyre a report on resolution passed by the name of Wm. Anderson of Fremont per diem 7th dist 36.30 36.30 Tuscola County Board of Supervisor Twp. in Bal. Oct. 13, 1980 $ 703.35 nomination as a Republican Everett Starkey authorizing the payment of said sal member of Claims by townships were as follows: the Co. Canvassing Board, per diem 7th dist 13.40 13.40 aries. Millington $ 60.00 Supervisor Jones supported the nominQuentin Howell Moved by supervisor Kirk supporte Akron 25.00 per diem 7th dist . 13.25 13.25 by supervisor Johnson that prosecutin ation. Kingston 25.98 George Kenney There being only one nomination it Attorney James J. Epscamp be in Vassar 214.43 per diem 7th dist 14.80 14.80 structed to initiate appropriate pro- was moved by Supervisor Kirk supIndianfields 58.50 L. C. Draper ceeding in the Tuscola County Court ported by Supervisor Bates that nominSoldiers and Sailors Relief per diem 7th dist 14.10 14.10 to have the right and liabilities of the ations be closed and the Clerk inComm. of Tuscola County Elmer Conant parties determined. Motion carried. structed to cast the unanimous vote of H. H. JOHNSON, Chairman per diem 7th dist 16.20 16.20 Supervisor Golding Chairman of the this Board for Wm. Anderson. Motion EDWIN SCHIEFER Charles Woodcock Committee on salaries presented the carried and Wm. Anderson declared NICH VANPETTEN per diem 7th dist . 12.00 12 00 elected by Chairman Conant. following report No. 16. Moved by Supervisor Woodcock Archie Hicks spec. hosp. 25,14 25.14 Supervisor Butler presented the Mr. Chairman, Honorable Board of supported by Supervisor Starkey that Quentin Howell adult name of Edgar Ross of Wells Twp. in Supervisors, Tuscola County: the report be accepted and placed on mental health 9.00 9.00 the record. Motion carried. | We recommend that the Tuscola nomination as the other Republican L. C. Draper Social County Board of Road Commission, member of the canvassing Board. SuSupervisor Golding, chairm.m of the Welfare Comm 15.64 15.64 and the Board of Social Welfare, and pervisor Reavey supported the nomcommittee on salaries present ad the L. C. Draper the Board following revised report No. 12. Supervisors receive 7 ination. There being only one nominper diem, miles, meals 43.76 43.76 cents per mile for travel expense to ation it was moved by Supervisor HunMr. Chairman, honorable Board of Shuford Kirk and from their residence to all board ter supported by Supervisor BeatenSvipervisors, Gentlemen: per diem, miles, meals 57.76 57.76 Your committee on salarbs recomand committee meetings. And while head that nominations be closed and Milton M. Bedore engaged in any commission, or board | tne clerk instructed to cast the unanmend that the compensation for the per diem, miles, meals 810 8.10 work for the county. imous vote of this Board for Edgar county employees effective Jan. 1, 1961 Tuscola Co. Road Comm be as follows: That all other County Offices and Ross. Motion carried and Chairman maint. Vanderbil Park 430.20 430.20 Deputy clerk $4,000 employees, receive 7 cents per mile Conant declared Edgar Ross elected as J. Arthur Haley Clerk $3,200 travel expense on all county business the third member cf the canvassing per diem and exp .... 57.50 57.50 Deputy Treasurer $4,000 except travel to and from their resi- board and declared the election open Alton Reavey Addressograph Opp. $400 dence to the office they hold. for nominations for member of the per diem 7th dist 14.10 14.10 Clerk $3,200 That all necessary expenses be County Social Welfare Board. Freeland Sugden Deputy Reg. of Deeds $4,000 paid for travel for the aforsaid for Supervisor Mclntyre presented the calculation of tax rates 37.50 37.50 Clerk $3,200 trips outside of the County and on name of Elmer Haines for nomination. Shuford Kirk Probate Recorder $4,000 County business. Supervisor Howell supported the nomcalculation of tax rates 37.50 37.50 Court Recorder $4,000 E. G. Golding ination. There being only nomination Shuford Kirk Pros. Attorney's Sec. $3,600 H. E. Johnson it was moved by Supervisor Hicks sup7th dist suprv assn 13.40 13.40 Deputy Drain Comm. $4,000 Dayton Davis ported by Supervisor Bates that nomCaro Roofing Co. roof rep 30.00 30.00 Full Time Deputy Sheriffs $4,800 Moved by supervisor Woodcock sup-inations be closed and the clerk inGrover Bates 13 05 13.05 Part Time Deputy Sheriffs $15 per ported by supervisor Mueller that the structed to cast the unanimous vote of All of which is respectfully subday not to exceed 6 months per year. report be accepted and adopted. Mo- this Board for Elmer Haines. Motion mitted. Matron $600 tion carried. carried. Chairman Conant declared ElMliton Hofmeister Meals 45c Moved by supervisor Johnson sup- mer Haines elected as a member of the Agr. Agent's Sec. $4,000 ported by supervisor Clement, the spe- County Welfare Board for a term of Alton Reavey Extra Help $3,200 cial order on elections that was sched- 3 years. And declared the meeting George Kinney, Committee • Janitor $4,000 uled for today be postponed until open for nominations for County Road Moved by supervisor Woodcock, supCare Taker $3,200 Tuesday, October 18. Motion carried. Commissioner. ported by Supervisor Sylvester that the Sec. to Director of Social Welf. $4,000 Moved by Johnson supported by Supervisor Bates presented the name report be accepted and orders drawn County Nurse $4,200 supervisor Hunter that we adjourn Howard Slafter of Tuscola Twp. for for the several amounts. Motion carAsst County Nurse $3,800 until Tuesday, October 18, 1960, at of nomination. Moved by Supervisor Draried. Friend of the Court $5,000 9:30. Motion carried. per supported by Supervisor HofmeisSupervisor Butler, chairman of the Friend of the Court Sec. $3,200 Signed: ELMER CONANT, Chairman ter that nomination be declared closed committee on Claims and accc ints preMembers of Road- Comm. $1,000 FRED MATHEWS, Clerk. and there being only one nomination sented the following report NJ. 14. Social Welfare Board $500 October Session, October 18, 1960. Court House and Grounds Other salaries that we do not set but October Session of the Tuscola Coun- the clerk instructed to cast the unanimous vote of this Board for Howard Joseph M. Day Co. gas furnish the money for be given an ty Board of Supervisors continued and heating 2,986.00 2,986.00 increase accordingly. We recommend held in the court house October 18, Slafter. Motion carried and Chairman Conant declared Howard Slafter elected Consumers Power Co 5 days sick leave or if hospitalized 10 1960. Meeting called to order by Chairdeclared elections closed. inst of gas serv 168.00,168.00 days with no accumulation, also one man Elmer Conant. Clerk called the and The question of help in the Veterans' Thumb Motor Shop week vacation , after six months and roil with all supervisors present. «esCounseling office was brought up and Jtnotor repair 92.12 92.12 two weeks after eighteen months. ular order of business taken up. discussed. Grady's Hdw supplies .... 17.47 17.47 All employees to start at $500 less Supervisor Draper presented the folMoved by Supervisor Draper supTuscola Co Road Comm l--er year and increased $125 every six lowing report and moved its adoption ported by Supervisor Mueller that this work on heating plant 14.07 14.07 Months until maximum scale has been Report No. 17. matter be referred to the committee reached. Mechanics Laundry Co .. 6.00 6.00 Resolution salaries. Motion carried. Sherman Ogden laundry , 10.30 10.30 Signed E. G. Golding Whereas, a resolution was passed, onMoved Supervisor Johnson supDayton Davis Hills Groc soap 4.02 4.02 authorizing the Tuscola County Drain ported bybySupervisor that H. E. Johnson Mich Bean Co. seed 4.80 4.80 Commissioner to manage the Murphy we adjourn until 1:30.Hofmeister Motion carried. Grady's Hdw scwitches etc 1.77 1.77 Moved by supervisor Jones, supportLake Dam Project, consisting of the AFTERNOON SESSION ed by supervisor Bates that the report Caro Supply Co bolts ... .55 .55 letting of the contract, for the necesMeeting called to Order by Chairman be accepted and adopted, yea and nay W. A. Forbes labor 3425 34.25 sary construction and the spreading Elmer Conant with quorum present. vote taken of which there were (yes Sq. Deal Auto Parts glass. 3.00 3.00 and review of the necessary assess22) and (no 3). Motion declared carried H. E. Johnson ph. calls 1.54 1.54 ment, and authorizing the County Drain Regular order of business taken up Supervisor Clement, chairman of the by chairman Conant. Coroners Commissioner to tiire a Consulting Enon Co. Tax presented the J. Benson Collon 6 bills Supervisor Hofmeister, Chairman of gineer to prepare the assessment and committee following Report No. 18. the committee on County O Dicers per diem 30.00, milage revise the plans and specifications. Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of SupervisClaims, presented the following report 27.50, ph. calls 2.45 ... 59.95 59.95 Therefore, be it resolved that the Gentlemen: County Nurse necessary preliminary expense be paid ors, Your committee on County Tax beg County Treasurer Saginaw Gen Hosp from the General Fund of the County Double-Day Hunt-Dolan Co. T B patient 400 4.00 of Tuscola, and the same be returned following amounts be raised by the supplies 9.75 9.75 Fitzgerald's supplies 3.03 3.03 to the General Fund of Tuscola Coun- several township and City of Vassar Tusc. Co. Adv. env 156.2. 156.25 Lucy J. Miller mileage .. 62.09 62.09 ty after the assessment is collected, for County Tax andI Nursing Horn; Tax. Double-Day-Hunt-Dolan Co. Mary Elizabeth Montei mil. 44.45 44.45 supplies 6.86 6.86 Mercy Hosp 3 children ... 252.00 252.00 Tax for the Yea r 1960 Double-Day-Hunt-Dolan Thomas B. Wright 3 child 58.00 58.00 State equal. 5.5 Co. equal. Tax Rate Co., cash receipts 76.10 76.10 Uniyer hosp patient 60.52 60.52 Co. tax rate Co. tax Nurs. 2,0038 Addressograph Mult. Corp. Saginaw Co Hospital State (equal. Home Co. Nurs. maint. agree 315.96 315.96 hospitalization 2,795.002,795.00 equal. Home Tax Addressograph Mult Corp. Dept. of Social Welfare Akron 4,559,697 supplies 4.40 4.4(j 25,078.33 2,835,790 5,682.36 Der. Maybury san 395.87 395.87 Aimer 3,596,246 Arthur M. Willits, open 19,779.35 2,236,591 4,481.68 Hooper Drug St. drugs .. 24.90' 24.90 Arbela 2,392,604 dep. box 2.10 2.10 13,159.32 1,488,020 2,981.69 Dept. of Social Welfare Columbia Arthur M. Willits, 4,113,099 22,622.04 2,558,040 5,125 80 Maybury San 543.74 543.74 Dayton 2,296,796 open dep. box 1:68 1.68 12,632.38 1,428,431 2,862.29 Justice Court Denmark Arthur M. Willits 6,468,853 35,578.69 4,023,140 8,061.57 Doubleday Bros & Co sup 17.51 1751 Elkland open dep. box 1.68 1.68 Ivan Middleton just fees. 111.50 111.50 7,903,383 43,468.61 4,915,311 9,849.30 County Clerk Ellington 1,515,323 8,334.28 942,416 1,888.41 Ivan Middleton just fees. 17.91 17.91 Cass City Chronicle Elmwood 3,067,442 16,870.94 3,822.68 1,907,715 Reva Little just fees .... 31.50 31.50 ballots 362.70 362.70 Fairgrove 4,228,005 23,254.00 2,629,500 5,268.99 Rosemary Skirlo just fees 21.20 21.20 Tuseoia- Co. Pioneer Times 3,102,171 Fremont 17,061.94 3,865.98 1,929,323 Rosemary Skirlo just fees 25.20 25.20 Ballots 1605.00 1605.00 Gilford . 3,412,616 18,769.39 2,122,394 4,252.85 Ruth Tennant just fees . 44.10 44.10 Fitzgerald's suppliss 3.15 3.15 Ruth Tennant just fees .. 163.35 163.35 Indianfields 12,738,019 70,059.10 7,922,092 15,874.49 Typewriter Exch. supplies 28.50 28.50 Juniata 2,229,832 2,778.84 12,264.08 l,386,7§e Rosemary Skirlo just fees 3.05 3 05 Typewriter Exch. supplies 19.72 19.72 Kingston 2,191,721 12,054.47 Live Stock 1,363,084 2,731.35 ,Typewriter Exch. supplies 7.00 7.00 1,789,536 Koylton 9,842.45 1,112,960 Milton Baur 21spr lambs . 255.00 255.00 2,230.15 Typewriter Exch. supplies .89 89 Millington 4,111,386 22,612.62 All of which is respectfull submitted, 2,556,974 5,123.66 Keystone Env. Co. 1,909,174 Novesta 10,500.46 Earl Butler 1,187,360 2,370.23 Circuit Ct. files 130.54 130.54 Tuscola 4,115,992 Archie Hicks 22,637.96 5,129.40 v 2,559,838 Agricultural Agent Vassar 2,087,097 11,479.03 1,298,015 2,600.96 Milton Bedore, Committee Alfred P. Ballweg, mileage 46.27 46.27 Watertown 2,354,058 Moved by supervisor Davis, support12,947.32 1,464,048 2,933.66 Don R. Kebler mileage . 40.25 40.25 Wells 1,456,456 ed by supervisor Hunter that the re8,010.56 905,809 1,815.06 Ed. E. Schrader mileage 64.89 64.89 Wisner 1,831,954 port be accepted and claims paid as 10,075.75 1,139,338 2,283.01 Frances T. Clark milage Vassar City : 7,204,589 recommended. Motion carried. 39,625.29 4,480,717 8,978.46 and meals 16.03 16.03 Totals ..... Moved by supervisor Reavey, sup90,676,000 498,718.36 56,393,692 113,001.87 wnwATm ( Typewriter Exch. sup ... 62.05 62 05 ported by supervisor Butler that we Alfred P. Ballweg stamps 12.00 12.00 adjourn until 1:30 tomorrow. Motion JAMES OSBURN c'orm, 200 copies of same at an amount Drain Commissioner carried. ARCHIE HICKS $100.00. Freeland Sugden, mileage Moved by Supervisor Mueller sup- not to exceed Elmer Conant, Chairman James Osburn and meals 87.25 87.25 Fred Mathsws, Clerk ported by Supervisor Golding that the Everett Starkey John Metiva mileage 113.19 113.19 October session of the Tuscola Counreport be accepted and adopted. And Clayton Hunter Typewriter Exch. sup .., 5.27 5 27 ty Board of Supervisors continued and a yea and nay vote taken and turned Register of Deeds held in the Court House in the Vilover to the committee on ways and Moved by supervisor Hofmeister Doubleday-Hunt-Dolan Co. lage of Caro October 14, 1960. Meetmeans clerk called the roll with the the report be accepted and adopted. binders 166.65 166.65 ing called to order by Chairman Elfollowing results (yes 20) (no 0) absent Motion carried. Prosecuting Attorney mer Conant. Clerk called the roll 5. Motion declared carried by ChairMoved by supervisor Jones supportJames J. Epskamp man Conant. with all supervisors present except ed by supervisor Beatenhead that the Aug. office exp 32.38 32.38 supervisor Strakey. Supervisor Mclntyre, chairman of the salaries of the members of the CounJames J. Epskamp committee on Social Welfare presented ty Canvassing Board and the Clerk to Mrs. Gladys Hile of Cass City, Mrs. Seer. vac. pay 60.00 60.00 the following report No. 19. Naomi McCoon of Marlette and Mrs. the Canvassing Board be paid the James J. Epskamp Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of Super- the Canvassing Board be paid the same Clarence Ewald of Unionville were mileage exp 4.10 4.10 visors, Gentlemen: present in regard to aid for the bers of the County Board of SuperJudy Miklovic taking stateschool for Handicaped Children at KilYour committee on Social Welfare visors. Motion carried. ments 38.30 38.30 managh who requested aid from Tusto whom was referred the budget reSupervisor Haley chairman of the Grace Heidrick, taking quest by the Social Welfare Board. committee on Bank Depository precola County at the Oct. llth session. taking statements 58.75 58.75 Make the following recommendation sented the following report No. 22. County School superintendent Wm. Friend of the Court Scott was called in. Many questions The Social Welfare budget be set at Mr. Elmer Conant, Chairman, HonJohn F. Humm mileage .. 36.83 36.83 140,000 this amount to include salar> orable Board of Supervisors, were asked. Probate Judge Graham MacDonald & Stingel sup. .82 .82 increases and added employes. was also called in and a general disGentlemen: Circuit Judge cussion followed. JOHN B. MclNTYRE Your committee on Bank Depository Intern! Bus. Mach. Co. ROY SYLVESTER Moved by supervisor Draper supbeg leave to report the following: supplies 8.32 8.32 L. C. DRAPER ported by supervisor Clement that WHEREAS, there may now be in and MacDonald & Stingel this matter be referred to the comfrom time to time Moved by Supervisor Kirk supported may hereafter supplies 1.78 1.78 mittee on Education for study and by Supervisor Hunter that the report come into the hands of Arthur Willits, County Sheriff recommendations. Motion carried. Treasurer of Tuscola County, certain be accepted and adopted. Yea and nay Srnest Hildinger 10 dys Supervisor Draper of Millington Twp. vote taken (yes 20) (no 0) absent 3. public monies belonging to or held work 100.00 100.00 presented the following report No. 15. for the State, County or other politMotion declared carried by chairman Clarence Schroder RESOLUTION ical units of the State, or otherwise Conant. labor and mileage 117.54 117.54 To the Honorable Board of Superviheld according to law, and Supervisor Golding chairman of the Melissa Marr 2 dys wk ... 20.00 20.00 sors, Tuscola County. committee on salaries presented the WHEREAS, under the laws of the state Larry Tomlinson 1 dy wk 10.00 10.00 Whereas, the Board of Superviof Michigan this Board is required to following report No. 20. City of -Vassar lab & mil . 6.16 6.16 sors requested the Prosecuting AttorMr. Chairman, Honorable Board of provide by resolution for the deposit Wm. Schram lab & mil .. 157.18 157.18 ney, James J. Epscamp, to initiate of all public monies, including tax Supervisors: Vernon Everett lab & mil 76.10 76.10 proceedings in the Tuscola County monies, coming into the hands of said Gentlemen: Hayes Comm Serv radio Circuit Court to determine and estabYour committee on salaries recomTreasurer in one or more Banks, to mint , 93.85 93.85 lish the legal level of Murphy 'Lake, mend that the office of Veterans be designated in such resolution. Caro Supply Co rep 155.25 155.25 an inland lake located in Tuscola NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVCounciling service be continued Tuscola Co. Rd. Comm County, and, WHERE, on November through Jan. 31, 1961. That we con- ED:That the said Treasurer, Arthur boat trailer material 8.89 8.89 26,1958, Honorable Timothy C. Quinn, tinue to employ Mrs. DeBoer as sec-Willits, is hereby directed to deposit Tuscola Co. Rd. Comm. Circuit Judge, Fortieth Judicial Cirretary of the office at the present sal- all public monies, including tax mon1300 gals of gas 266.50 266.50 cuit, by Decree, fixed the legal level ary of $2,900.00 until Jan. 1, 1961 and ies now in or coming into his hands Auten Motor Bales for Murphy Lake in accordance with thereafter at the salary of $3,200.00. as Treasurer in accordance with the car upkeep and ins. ... 532.25 532.25 Act No. 194 of the Public Acts of the That we assume the normal cost of terms of the following Depository Thumb Laundry cleaning 28.65 28.65 State of Michigan for 1939 and Amendthe office for the conduct of Veterans Agreement: Meredith Store sup . ; 1.60 1.60 ments thereto, and, This CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT, Business. Wm. Putnam garb pickup 3.00 3.00 Whereas, the Department of Conmade and entered into the eighteenth E. G. Golding Caro Pharmacy drugs .. 26.96 26.96 servation has recommended that cerflay of October, 1960, by and between ' Dayton Davis Greens Stnd Serv trailer tain improvements be made to the the duly authorized representatives of H. E. Johnson hitch 3.00 3.00 existing structure by which the level Moved by supervisor Mclntyre sup-1 the Tuscola County Board of SuperTuscola Co. Adv. froms of the said Murphy Lake is controlled, visors, J. Arthur Haley, Chairman of ported by supervisor Howell that the and env 33.50 33.50 and, report be accepted and the provision the Bank Depository Committee, and Doubleday-Hunt-Dolan Co. Whereas, L. C. Draper, supervisor L. C. Draper, Chairman of the County carried out. Motion carried. forms and env. 12.79 12.79 of Millington Township, has been inSupervisor Starkey Chairman of the Finance Committee, said County of E. y. Price & Co parts ... 45.73 45.73 formed that the present owner of the Tuscola, being hereinafter designated Committee on agriculture presented Cadillac Overal Supply control structure has indicated a desire as the Depositor, and the State Savings the following report No. 21. Co. laundry 22.2,0 22.20 to transfer ownership by gift to the Bank of Caro, Michigan, and the Mr. Chairman, Honorable Board of Western Auto Store sup .. 5.78 5.78 County of Tuscola, and, Peoples Bank of Caro, Michigan, hereSupervisors Mrs. Wm. Tomlinson Whereas, the act above stated sets inafter designated as the Banks. Gentlemen: meals 466.65 466.65 forth procedure for the acquisition NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by Your agricultural committee to Chas Vaskowitz dog man 72.41 72.41 of property by the County and the and between the Depositor and the whom was referred the matter of 4-H Probate Court procedures to be taken to create a premium appropriation to the Tusco- Banks that, Commencing as of JanuMrs. Wm. Montague special assessment districtary 1, 1961, and continuing for a la County Fair Association, recomboard and care .... 138.20 138.20 Now, therefore, be it resolved mends that the Tuscola County Board period of two years thereafter, termMrs. Steve Brantigan that the Tuscola County Board of inating as of December 31, 1962, deof Supervisors appropriate the sum board and care 14.29 14.29 Supervisors, in the name of the Counof $1,172.05 which is sixty per cent | posits will be made at the Banks as Mrs, Loren Ewald ty of Tuscola, acquire the ownership follows: of the total 1960 4-H premiums. (To- '"" board ancl care 94.79 94.79 of the control structure in fee, and be 1st. The Treasurer of the County of tal $1,936.75) to the Tuscola County Mrs. Franklin Turner it further resolved that the Board of Tuscola is to deposit one-half of all Fair Association. board and care 25.00 25.00 Supervisors, Tuscola County, cause a public monies, including tax monies Everett Starkey Mrs. Robet McPherson special assessment district to be crecoming into his hands, in the State Milton Hofmeister board and care 30.00 30.00 ated and authorize the Tuscola CounSavings Bank of. Caro, Michigan, and Roy Sylvester Mrs. George Burton ty Drain Commissioner to employ Moved by supervisor Howell support- one-half of such monies in the Peoples board and care 76.25 76.25 consulting engineers to establish the State Bank of Caro, Michigan, said deed by supervisor Davis that the reCatholic Social Service special assessment district benefited port be accepted and the provisions posits to be made in the checking acboard and care 58.82 58.82 by the proposed construction and account, subject to the following condicarried out. Yea and nay vote taken Mrs. Lyle J. Thurston quisition, and any necessary revisions of which there were (yes 20) (no 0) tions: board and care ,... 98.30 98.30 of the State Department of Conserva1. In the event that the public absent 5. Motion declared carried by Mrs. Ernest Ostaorn i tion plans and specifications that may monies in the hands of the treasurer chairman Conant. . board and care 85.80 85.80 be necessary to bring them up to date of Tuscola County exceed the sum of Supervisor Osburn Chairman of the Mrs. Frank Chamberlain and adequate. And be it further recommittee on printing presented the one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollboard and care 98.50 98.50 solved that the Drain Commissioner ars, then the depositor has the right following report No. 21V2. Mrs. Franklin Burgett of Tuscola County be authorized by Mr. Chairman, Honorable Board of to deposit the excess up to the sum of board and care 90.00 90.00 this Board to control and manage the twenty-five thousand and no/100 ($25,Supervisors, . Baptist Children Home project, consisting of letting of the 000.00) dollars in any or all of the Gentlemen: board and care 508.40 508.40 contract for the necessary construcfollowing banks: Your committee on County printing Kunish Clothing clothing 7.68 7.68 tion and spreading and review of the The Pinney State Bank beg leave to report as follows: J. C. Penney Co. clothing 116.11 116.11 necessary assessment. Cass City State Bank That the Supervisors Proceedings Kramers Dept. St clothing 48.23 48.23 L. C. Draper for the year beginning April 1, 1961 Vassar State Bank Collins Shoe St. shoes ... 13.98 13.98 Frankenmuth Bank, Reese, Michigan and ending Mairch 31, 1962, be pub.Moved its adoption, supervisor Davis . Warner Lane b and c .. 44.95 44.95 Frankenmuth Bank, Millington, Mich. lished in The Tuscola County Adversupported the motion. Yea and Nay T. W. Atkins Co. clothing 36.59 38.59 State Savings Bank of Gagetown tiser, Cass City Chronicle and Tuscola vote taken of which there' were (yes Gamble Store clothing .. 2.00 2.00 Kingston State Bank County Pioneer Times, and the same 21) (no 0) absent 4. Motion declared Kays clothing 20.89 20.89 Mayville State Bank to be paid for at Va the legal rate carried by chairman Conant. Preston's Dept. Store State Savings Bank of Unionville cor 1 ach of the publications. County Treasurer Arthur Willits clothing 114.90 114.90 State Savings Bank of Fairgrove Tl at they be published in book appeared before the Board in regard Mrs. Merle McCollum Akron State Bank supported by supervisor Clement that to the purchase of a Blanket Bond clothing 161.61 161.61 Gentlemen: Your committee on salaries recommend that the supervisors receive $15 per diem. Mileage to remain at seven cents per mile. Effective Jan. 1, 1961 if not in conflict with statute. Signed: E. G. GOLDING DAYTON DAVIS H. E. JOHNSON Moved by Supervisor Draper supported by Supervisor Howell that the report be accepted and adopted with a yea and nay vote taken. Clerk called the roll with the following results (yes 22) (no 2) not voting 1. ilotion declared carried by Chairman Conant. Mr. Harold (Spike) Johnson, Chairman of the Soldiers and Sailors Relief commission presented the following report No. 11. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Tuscola County. Your Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission wishes to report as follows: Oct., 1959 balance on hand $ 287.26 April transf. from gen. fund 800.00 in the following manner: at the di& Kingston State Bank cretion of the County Investment state Savings Bank of Fairgrove Committee, consisting of the County Akron State Bank Treasurer, County Clerk, Register of n the following manner: At the disDeeds, Chairman of the Board of Su- cretion of the County Investment pervisors, and Chairman of the Finance Committee, consisting of the Countv Committee, the excess or surplus funds Treasurer, County Clerk, Register oi may be made available to the banks Deeds, Chairman of the Board of Suabove named and deposited in Cer- pervisors, and Chairman of the Finance tificates of Deposit in denominations Committee, the excess of surplus funds of Two Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars bearing interest at the above named and deposited in Certifirate of three (3%) percent, subject, 3ates of Deposit in denominations of however, to the following condition, Two Thousand Five Hundred and that is to say, that Deposits made in no/100 Dollars bearing interest at the the manner above specified shall not rate of three (3%) percent, subject, exceed Twenty-five Thousand and however, to the following condition, no/100 ($25,000.00) Dollars in any of the that is to say, that deposits made in the afore-named banks, and in the event manner above specified shall not ex the excess public monies coming into ceed Twenty-five Thousand and no/103 the Treasurer of Tus- Dollars in any of the afore-named exceed Two Hundred banks, and in the event the excess Thousand arid no/100 ($200,000.00) Dol public monies coming into the hands lars, the balance of the excess monies, of the Treasurer of Tuscola County exsubject to the approval of the County ceed Two Hundred Thousand and Investment Committee, shall be used no/100 ($200,000.00) Dollars, the balin the purchase of United States Gov ance of the excess monies, subject to the approval of the County Investment ernment bills. Second, the Depositor agrees to have Committee, shall be used in the purthe Treasurer of Tuscola County rec chase of United States Government oncile the deposit in the State Sav bills. 2nd. The Depositor agrees to hav? ings Bank of Caro, Michigan, and th« Peoples State Bank of Caro, Michigan the Treasurer of Tuscola County recat least once each month so that th oncile and deposit in the State Savdeposit will be equal at the beginnin ings Bank of Caro, Michigan, and th • Peoples State Bank of Caro, Michigan, of each month. The Banks agree to accept the De at least once each month so that th,? posits of the Depositor, to honor a] deposit will be equal at the begin checks issued by the said Deposito Jiing of each month. The Banks agree to accept the do without any - charges whatsoever f 01 handling said deposits, and the Banks ,tosits of the depositor, to honor ail checks presented by the Depositor without any charges whatsoever for handling said deposits, and the banks without charge for said service. further agree to cash any and all BANK DEPOSITORY COMMITTEE checks presented by the Depositor FINANCE COMMITTEE without charge for said service. This Contract and Agreement made TUSCOLA COUNTY, MICHIGAN and entered into this eighteenth day J. Arthur Haley, Chairman, of October, 1960, by and between the Bank Depository Committee duly authorized representatives of TusL. C. Draper, Chairman cola Counyy Board of Supervisors, J. Finance Committee Arthur Haley, Chairman of the Bank STATE SAVINGS BANK Depository Committee, and L. C. DraOF CARO, MICHIGAN per, Chairman of the County Finance Carl Palmer, President. Committee, said County of Tuscola F. B. Campbell, Cashier hereinafter designated as the DeposPEOPLES STATE BANK OF itor, and the State Savings Bank of CARO, MICHIGAN" Caro, Michigan, and the Peoples State A. O. Purdy, President. Bank of Caro, Michigan, hereinafter M. R. Smith, Executive designated as the Banks. Vice President Now, Therefore, it is agreed by and Moved by Supervisor Howell supbetween the Depositor and the Banks ported by Supervisor Hunter that th t that commencing as of January 1, 1961, report be accepted and adopted ana and continuing for a period of two the chairman of the Depository Co u years thereafter, terminating as of De- mittee and the Chairman of the Ficember 31, 1962, deposits will be made nance Committee be authorized to si;m at the Banks as follows: the Bank agreements yea and nay vot; 1st. The Treasurer of the County of taken of which there were (yes 20) (ro Tuscola is to deposit one-half of all 0) absent 5. Motion declared carrij.i public monies, including tax monies, by Chairman Conant. coming into his hands, in the State Supervisor Haley, Chairman of tliz "Savings Bank of Caro, Michigan, and Bank Depository Committee present. J one-half of such monies in the Peoples the following Report No. 23: State Bank of Caro, Michigan, said deYour Bank Depository Committ • posits to be made in a checking ac- recommends that the Chairman of t;i * count, subject to the following condi- Finance Committee of the Board c-i1 tions: Supervisors be designated as Chairm; i 1. In the event that the public monies of the Tuscola County Investment in the hands of the Treasursr of Tus- Committee and further that said Incola County exceed the sum of One vestment Committee meet at least Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, once in each of the months of Januar , then Depositor, at the discretion of the February, March and April, and me t County Investment Committee, consist- at least once each three thereafter, or ing of the County Treasurer, County more often at the discretion of th.? Clerk, Register of Deeds, Chairman of Chairman of said Investment Commrche B9ard of Supervisors, Chairman of tee and further that said Investment the Finance Committee, has the right Committee present regular reports to to deposit the excess, up to the sum of the Board of Supervisors of Tuseoia Twenty-five Thousand and no/100 County at its regular sessions. $25,000.00) dollars in any or all of the J. ARTHUR HALEY following banks: HOWARD CLEMENT The Pinney State Bank DAYTON DAVIS Cass City State Bank Moved by Supervisor Johnson s-ar> ported by Supervisor Golding that t h > report be accepted and the provisions IB! of the report carried out. Motion c~rState Savings Bank of Gagetown ried. State Savings Bank of Unionville Supervisor Bedore, Chairman of the Mayville State Bank Committee on Ways and Means presented the following Report No. 24: CO COCOOCNCO OO5C<3O^ CO O CO LftCO (A CO t"* C3 N ^ -vp vj >; £j^I"~'lfli r-t go n »•* SH <y *•* ,OP ! ^"*J* CO o£t1 0>CO CO j-*a> od PSrS ^ o «-" gf 3$ • r-< esjt>o rH CO 00 O W^i OcO doi- tnco"" £l£ ft^_. « CD O HS % fl £> <n <M <35 oi"SQ O ts^lO WCJO^ CO^cO^O 05 t~ *3,<M o to tH O^OJ l> C75 CO CO^j S COCOC^Wr-l lOCOr-fC^CO W^Or-tr-i 1—iCOrHCOfH US 1r"* rH JH Cl* l°«5 >* Qx 5, <a ujeo<Nt- -<-« <NTJ«N COI> COrtTcOCONNCJ •HTji'rHVpf 15505 t»o>-<eoc» 2?ioc»^*m ineocooeo <oeo.cs, irsco-^soos ojcqcvjoqS? r4SS^cft JSIn <0^COCQ€O £2JS2S3S3' $Olf31>t>» Sn'SS!00"'-*M COCSJI>e<lo owoieed OC4<D ^rH OS SCO CO COIN CO(NCOt-t2 MrHCOrHO ^iiniN COOSTHCOUS mtfincJc* NinVfinc-f 5 ft ,« t» t» in M co i> so co t> in «P to in «o in •* r-t o co E- N ** 1-1 !> S2 <a Ot>*H50«0 U)^OTCON Ot>o gjo 03C0SJ0•# <OOJCJO s-< o l> .g"S£ % i Hill W : U< £ • • ' * ' ' ! '. * ' • ' • ' &e • ! '.2 ••* ' e « > ^ > ' « • « • § ' • :6& §&3ljg!fi!&!s!3!!H!s*! £• g.a2 >> «3-S M r-H t~t O CTJ O £_J JZ3 «;-3e« vf.&ft •o§£ CD 5«L "•< ^co5*-* &&<»o Moved by Supervisor Mueller sup- County Road 122,801.51 ported by Supervisor Golding that the Delinquent Tax 6,990. n report be accepted and adopted. Yea Drain 156,428.'.5 and Nay vote taken of which there Drain Revolving 6,422 3) were (yes 21) (no 0) absent 1. Motion Soc. Sec. Cont. (F.I.C.A.) 3,695.7 > declared carried by Chairman Conant. Inheritance Tax o 03 Minutes of today's session read by Library 2,938. J clerk and approved. May Tax Sale o 0? Moved by Supervisor Woodcock sup- Prim. Sch. & St. Sch. Aid .. o' it ported by Supervisor Reavey that we Redemption 17 71 adjourn until 9:30 Nov. 7th 1960. MoSold. & Sail. Relief 693>i tion carried. Veteran's Trust 1,569 73 Signed: ELMER CONANT, Chairman State Tax 423.-52 FRED MATHEWS, Clerk. Swamp Land o ')) Tax Collection o )j Teachers' Institute 1,281 :> NOVEMBER SESSION 6,476 !• i November session of the Tuscola Withholding Tax o;» County Board of Supervisors held in Sales Tax Diversion o o-) the Court House in the Village of Caro, Township City & Village o/O November 7, 1960. 200.0 i Meeting called to order by Chairman Escheats . . . 52,172. 3 Elmer Conant. Clerk called the roll Intangible Tax Imprest "Cash Fund 525.0) with all Supervisors present. 110,252. )H Regular Order of Business taken up. Invest. Fund, co. jail 4,000 09 Supervisor Mueller, chairman of the Invest. Fund, cemetery 377.51 Committee on Roads and Bridges pre- Tuscola Med. Care & Fac. bldg. Co. Nurs. Home debt retirem. 84,485.77 sented the following report No. 1. Total 723,257.50 Report of Committee on Roads & Bridges. Debit Bal. Accounts Mr. Chairman: Hon. Board of Su8,769.72 pervisors, Gentlemen: Your commit- Co. Treasurer's Cash 525.00 tee on Road & Bridges checked the Imprest Cash 4,000.0) expense accounts of the Board of Coun- Invest. Acct., cemetery 110,252.00 ty Road Commissioners for a period Invest. Acct., co. jail Banks from April 1, 1960 to Oct. 21, 1960, Peoples State, Caro, general . 94,102.75 The amounts are: Peoples State, Caro, co. road. 122,801.51 Grover Laurie $ 48.27 Nick Van Petten 45.36 Peoples State, Caro, dir. rel. . 14,181.;;", Howard Slafter 67.42 State Savings, Caro general .192,822.5.) State Savings, Caro, cemetery 385.7.". $161.05 State Sav., Caro, bd. of ed. .. 229.43 324.23 Your committee recommends that State Sav., Caro, co. jail sink. said expense accounts be allowed and Sundry Co. Banks, C. ofD. gen. 90,000.01 Tus. Co. Med. Care & Fac. be paid out of County Road Funds. bldg 377.51 All of which is respectfully submitCo.Nurs. Home debt retirem. 84,485.77 ted. Revenue Signed: CONRAD MUELLER Disbursements ED GOLDING Surplus QUENTIN HOWELL Total 723,257.50 MILTON M. BEDORE Moved by Supervisor Davis supported I hereby certify that the abovj by Supervisor Beatenhead that the statement is a true condition of t h ; report be accepted and the provisions County Funds, Cash and Bank balof the report carried out. Motion car- ances at the close of business October 31, 1960. ried. Supervisor Draper, Chairman of the Signed: ARTHUR M. WILLITS, committee on County Finance presentCounty Treasurer ed the following Report No. 2. FRED MATHEWS, Co. Clerk. TUSCOLA COUNTY Moved by Supervisor Jones supported Monthly Statement and Trial Balance by Supervisor Bates that the report Funds Cred. Bal be accepted and placed on the record. General 123,388.33 Moved by Supervisor Woodcock supSoc. Welf., gen 6,262.24 ported by Supervisor Reavey that wa Soc. Welf., direct , U^SlM adjourn until 1:30. Motion carried. Board of Education 229.45 AFTERNOON SESSION Meeting called to order by Chairman Court & Ind. Trust 7,524.22 Cemetery Trust 385.78 Elmer Conant with quorum present. School Dist. fund 6,649.12 County Agricultural Agent Alfred Co. Jail Sinking 324.22 Ballweg came before the board in reLaw Library . . 2,562.39 gard to the following letter No. 3. < ASS CI'FI CHRONICLED- THURSDAY^ MARCH 23, 1961 OASS CITY, MICHIGAN Personal News andNotes from Shabbona Luncheon was served by the hostess at 4 p.m. Lillian and Margaret Dunlap of Caro were supper guests last Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kritzman. Richard Lefler is in Detroit visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heronemus spent Friday night and Saturday in Pontiac. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Kritzman spent Friday night visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'Connor in Argyle. Mrs. Margaret Dunlap of Caro spent Friday evening visiting Mrs. Mary Leslie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leslie.. The RLDS Junior Zion's League met last Friday evening at the home of Eddie Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullis of Detroit were visitors last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chinees Hirsch. Miss Linda Severance and Miss Jean Leslie were overnight guests of Miss Sharon Heronemus last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlap Sr. spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steed of Pontiac spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Steed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lefler Sr. OF WHAT GOES ON WHEN Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kritzman SCHOOL LETS OUT.. and family of Kawkawlin spent Friday night and Saturday at the Horiff of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kritzman. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Flatt of Warren spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hazen ill5" DOLORES HART- GEORGE HAMILTON - YVETTE MIMIEUX Kritzman. In CinemaScope Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Murray and JIM Hi™ • BARBARA NICHOLS • PAULA PRENUSS and METROCOIOR family of Williamston arrived last Satuday afternoon at the Apr. 1-2 home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muroming : Sat. & SWORD AND THE DRAGON" ray. They remained overnight. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lefler, Mr. 2nd Feature and Mrs. Rader Hammett, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lefler, Mr. and Stop, Look & Laugh Mrs. Howard Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vatter, Mrs. Hazel BEN HUR Starts Apr. 5th. One show each night. Jones John D. Jones gathered Starting at 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. . at the and home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene n children 50c Adults $1.25 's Vatter last Saturday night to sur' prise Rader Hammett with a party in honor of his birthday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cum?s of. Pontiac were Sunday visitors in the Shabbona area. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Auslander. son Dale and Mrs. Paul Auslander spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Phillips in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Kritzman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wed., Thar., FrL, Sat. March 22-23-24-25 Carmen Flatt of Warren, visited last Sunday at the home of Mr. Kiddies Matinee Saturday at 2:00 and Mrs. Dean Kritzman and children, Marilyn, Nancy and Mrs. Margaret Dunlap of Caro spent Wednesday and Thursday last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kritzman. Mrs. Wilfred Turner has been on the sick list. Mr. Paul Dunlap spent a few days in Lansing last week. Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Dorman visited at the Bruce Kritzman home Wednesday night, March 15. Grant Brown, Ernest Bullock, Bruce Kritzman, Milford Robinson and Wayne Fleming attended the Conservation and Drainage Conference, Wednesday evening, March 15, in the Farm Bureau Building in Sandusky. There was a panel discussion followed by an informal question and answer periosl Robert Lefler is spending some time in Detroit visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Deneen of Cass City spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Kritzman. The Women's Department of the Shabbona RLDS Church met at the home of Mrs. Floyd Mclntosh near .Argyle last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dean Smith was co-hostess. There were 11 members present. Visitors were Mrs. Lorn Mclntosh, Mrs. D. B. McNaughton and Mrs. Nellie Lindsay. Roll call was "Tell an experience in which you feel you were guided by the Holy Spirit. Plans were made to entertain anohter women's group and to have a mother-daughter banquet. in9fde story JIMMIE'S A FIGHTINLSINGINLLOVIN'MAN -LIVING THE GREAT ADVENTURE OF Tommy, in Deckerville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunlap and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Waren. Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Dorman, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mclntosh, Miss Karen Dorman, and Mr. Gordon Patterson were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerbyson in Flint. During the afternoon, they visited other relatives in the Flint area. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Behr (the former Charlotte Masten) of Marlette were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Masten. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Maurer (Lorraine Murray) and family of Bad Axe were dinner guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bulock and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Omar Bullocks in Saginaw. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith were dinner guests at the Wilbur Dorrnan home near Decker last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atwood of Bay City were visitors last Sunday evening at the Harley Dorman home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bader, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chapin, Mr. and *-'*•«. Bob Bader, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caister, Miss Wanda Bader and Mr. Ron Parrott were dinner guests last Sunday at the -one of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bader in North Branch. The occasion was in honor of Willard Bader's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Auslander went to Flushing last Sunday. They visited Mr, and Mrs. Chuck Osentoski. Mr. OsentosM just returned home after having undergone surgery at the University Hospital in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlap Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith •and children went to Detroit last Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gene Czapla and sons, Brian and Dana. The Shabbona Methodist WSCS met recently at the home of Mrs. !la = })h Smith, There were 12 member and several visitors present. Secret pals were revealed and new names drawn for the coming year. Plans were formulated for an Easter Sunrise service followed by a breakfast to be sponsored by the WSCS and the MYF. Also under discussion were plans to entertain the Clifford WSCS April 21. The lesson, "Giving in Lent," was taught by Mrs. Peter Heronemus. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Heronemus. ^f^v^^^'sBS'Sffil -Ssf!«"'- :-rrl*$ll||S§i3r||:iii?g DRIVE-IN NIGHTS ARE HERE AGAIN co-starnne LINDA HUTCHINGS WILLS Produced by MAURY DEXTER Directed t>y ANDREW D. MclAGLEN Screenplay by BARRE LYNDON bun., Men., Tue., Wed. Continuous Sunday from 2:45 March 26-29 THE LIVES AND LOVES story makes fiction seem tame! FRIDAY, MARCH 24 FrL, Sat., Sun. 3 Color Hits THE BRIDGES XS TOKO-RI production TECHNICOLOR • Wi.h ROBERT STRAUSS • CHARLES McCRAW • KEIKO AWAJI • Product by WILLIAM PERLBERC uii CEORCE SEATON O.rtcltJby MARKROBSON ScmnpUyby VALENTINE DAVlES-Fcerallx No>el by ]>mn A. Miclunn-A PARAMOUNT RE-RELEASE And DEFORD PAGE NINE OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CORONERS and postage 23.18 23.18 Melvin Weissenborn, calls CIRCUIT JUDGE from May to Oct ,147.20 147.20 MacDonald & Stingel, sup. 7.06 7.06 J. Benson Collon, 3 calls PROSECUTING ATTORNEY William Zemke visited Clarence and mile 24.50 24.50 Dorothy A. Craig, testiTownship of Millington, Chadwick at the Wayside Nursmony expense .......... 6.75 6.75 ;^«. Home w^™« in iv, Elkton, •pub-f™ Monday Twr/sv>/i,y.TTo: Members of Bd. of Supervisors serv. to Millington fire PROBATE OFFICE mg Mr- Elmer Conant3 Caro, Michigan. dept 15.00 15.00 Mrs. Warner Lane, bd. and Dear Mr. Conant: Village of Millington Fire afternoon. 42.90 42.90 Mrs. Helen Schmidt, bd. Mr "RiW anaj arid During the- past four years a num- Dept., call to Frank mr. and ana Mr<? mrs. William wmiam icice farmers ber of our younger COUnty Franckiowak 9.00 9.00 and care 80.QQ Calvm, and Mrs. Ruth Moore of have taken part in what_we have re JUSTICE COURT Montague, bd. to as "Farm, or Public Policy" Ruth Tennant, court fees .261.00 261.00 Mrs.andWm. care Caro called Sunday evening at ferred 133.20 133.28 meetings. Both men and women have Ruth Tennant, 5 part Civil taken part in these meetings the past Docket the Melvin Surine home. 18.13 18.13 Mrs. Ern. Osborn, bd. and two years. Tennant, rail. exp. 4.08 4.08 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hurd From experience gained, we find that Ruth Ruby Crammer, bd. Bus. Forms Service 128.63 128.63 Mrs. and children were Sunday dinner the real benefit of This Type of educa- Ivan Middleton, court fees 86.85 86.85 Mrs. Wm. R. Lehman,'bd." o-np«t« nf Mr* "Ravmnnd tional program seemsneed to be with the Ivau Middleton, court fees 27.05 27.05 guests 01 Mr Mr. nnrl ana Mrs. icaymona vounger 15.72 15.| younger farmer farmer rthev (they neednot notneces neces Rosemary Skirlo, ct. fees 27.80 27.80 and care Commins and family of Roches- sarily be farmers) from the age of 2C Reva Little, court fees . . . 20.90 20.90 Mrs.careLoren Ewald, bd. and to 35 or 40 years. 80.0 8Q.CL SOLDIERS & SAILORS AND POULTRY Mrs. ter. Franklin Burgetti bd.' Problems discussed are those which L. A. Blackmore, burial Mr. arid Mrs. Norman Alward affect agriculture and the farmers in of Edward Schmidt 966.59 200.00 Mrs. Mary" Carter,'bd "and general. These meetings have pro W. E. Briggs and Son, bur. of Grand Blanc were Saturday vided 64.7ft 64.70 a splendid opportunity for thost of Clifford Downing 889.85 200.00 Mrs. Roy J. Smith, bd'"and visitors at the Gordon Holcomb participating to get both sides of any Mrs. Paul L. Partridge, care . . j 19.56 19.56 question or problem. I personally feel 3 white ducks 9.00 9.00 Mrs. Frank D. Chamberlain home. that the time our cooperative Exten Mrs. Ellen Riness, 4 wh. an are ^ r—-* sion Off c has s en ^£ "-""IT;" 98.50 98.56 Mr. and Mrs. Leland Roach and; ! e . P t on this phase pi rock hens 10.40 10.40 Mrs. Lyle Truemner, bd. jour program has and will continue to John Gross, 2 doe rabbits . 15.20 15.20 care oo co oo K™ children of Pontiac visited the|pay good dividends. Mrs. Louise Prochnick, 7 Mrs. Norman McConneli," " '5 **• 15.50 15.50 bd.and care We would like to get a new group ol ducks and fees Lyle Roach family Sunday. 2150 91 w younger farmers (from 20 to 30) to Dan TerBush, 6 geese, Mrs. Merle McCollum, bd" Mrs. Effie Warner and Harriet gether this winter for a series of four 1 chicken and fees 35.60 29.60 and care 103 62 103 8'" visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Warner vnVOc Policy meetings The topics o ted.All of which is respectfully submit Mrs. Lyle Thurston, bd and care KR 59 aa 39 , , ., , ,, ,,. , j these meetings are listed on the e* 0 and children 01 Kingston, Sunday, closed pink sheet. Earl Butler Kith Haven, bd. and »»..o<£ Archie Hicks care 070 on 97n m Milton Bedore, Committee Mich. Baptist Child. Home ' 239 50 239 50 inp" her children, Mr. and MrsJofthattwo or three from your townshi* Moved by Sup. Davis, supported b> | board and care we ' onrl -fa-mi'lir n-f might contact with regard t< Sup. Clement that the report be ac iChildren Home Family Soc.' ana idmuy OJ.their interest in taking part in tlu: cepted and order drawn for the several board and care '*79n nn 790 no, ' Catholic Soc. Serv., series of meetings. If you will list th< amounts. Motion carried. Livonia this week. and care Minutes of today's session read by on the attached slip and dro? .......... 67.75 67.75 Mrs. Viola Wipple, Mrs. Grace itnames off at your November 7th meeting clerk and approved as read. Moved by Sup. Hunter supported by go'.' we can proceed to contact those yov Rice and Mrs. Maud Stickland, Supervisor Butler, that we adjourn clothing suggested. 7.96 7.96 all of Caro, were Sunday evening have If you have time at your Novembex to December 5, 1960. Motion carried. Kunisch Clothingj' 'cYo'th. ' 24.62 24.62 S. S. Kresge Co., clothing ./o 6.7S o./t> visitors at the Norman Hurd 7th session, two or three of the youn; 06.76 farmers who have taken part during iKritzman Inc., clothing ...142971429? DecotnSer Session, 1960 home. 'Preston's Dept. Store, *•«••»« past years have volunteered to come ii Megting G& the Tuscola County Board clothing 52 60 52 express their views on the valu f^fggbeitvisors Mrs. Gordon Holcomb and chil- and held in the courthouse I^S^AX sch2ol'' sup.''!. 605.44 of these meetings. s!44 13ec>^8j; 1960. 'Sebewainf? PitfT dren called on Mrs. Thelma Pratt Very truly yours, Meeting called to Oder by Chairman! school supplies0^10""*' WK mi*. ALFERD P. BALLWEG, and family Sunday. . Clerk called the rob jAkron-Fairerove Sch County Extension Director ElmerallConant. supervisors present. 8.69 8,6S Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Churchill! Mr. Ballweg called upon Mr. Ronald with Regular order of business taken up sch. supplies Pub. Schools, sch. £ Vassar who discussed th« Supervisor Howell, chairman of tlu Vassar of Belleville were Saturday oversupplies ~-*-±-"_-.-.5 o.ou avots General. 5.60 Committee on Health presented a re Typewriter Exch., sup. ...191.10191.lt night and Sunday guests of his County school Superintendent Wm port of the adult mental health clink Choppers Guide, rec. Scott appeared before the Board in re of Saginaw Valley. Moved by Sup. form and notice parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ;ard to what was being done in re Bedore, supported 16.3 by Sup. Osburn that Doubleday Bros. Co., sup.16.38 gard to the establishing of a school ii the report be accepted Churchill. and placed OR ;Doubleday Hunt Dolan Co., 6 21 6 '< ;he county for mentally and physicallj file. Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartwick Handicapped Children. ' .^PP^68 • • • 141.27 14U Supervisor Howell Chairman of the Sup. Howell also stated that he had a! . R. Knepp Co., cloth. ... 11.78 entertained at dinner Sunday, :ommittee request of Mrs. Lucy Miller, county1 j C P e n n e Co" cloth '" 7 9 on: health presented the re nurse, for an appropriation of $25.00 to SHERIFF DEPT '" * Mrs. Ray Lewis and Miss Rachel port from the Saginaw Mental Health l " cover the costs of the polio program ;Ernest Hildinffpr No. 4. for the remainder of this year ^iiieat rauumger, Beers of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Clinic Moved support - Mnwrl hv Sun GnlrHns? < S T i n n n o r l Hv HT .UVEU by uy Supervisor ou.yej.VJ.sur Bedore oeuure suppor±* .................. 75.00 . 75.00 . Ie 1SSa Ted Hergenreder and Mrs. Philip by Supervisor Osburn that the re Sun JohnLn thf ' r-auJst » ¥arr>> 2 davs work 20.00 20.00 n n ?hat a r - a u s t b* lRlid Petzold sort be .accepted -and placed on file. " %nd the annronriation rnad-f j ! y T > work on he a r riatlon Hergenreder of Kingston and Motion PP °P made, books carried. 30.00 30.00 carried. Mrs. Olive Hartwick. Mr. and Supervisor Hofmeister Chairman of Motion 7-7 nn0 «n ft committee on County Ofi'icres Moved by Sup. Kirk, supported by I days w o r k a n d mil* Mrs. Robert Jordan and daugh- the Silvester .that ^ we adjourn untiJ cityof v£sar* s e™ " ' °'° 75M "laims presented the following report » 1:30. Motion carried. f o Oct 3.60 3.60 ters of Flint and Mrs. Clarence NO. 5. AFTERNOON SESSION Schroeder,, wk.. BOUNTY TREASURER Afternoon session meeting called to Clarence Foster and son Clinton of Pon- Robert and mileage ... ......... 35.12 38.12 J. Peter Doert j. i-eter short bnon term lerm order by Chairman Conant with quor Quenton O'Dell, labor on 1,386.90 1,386.9-, um present. . tiac were afternoon callers at the tax bond building Arthur M. Willits, mileage to 3.00 3.00 j. Chairman Conant read a communica- Cadillac Overall Sup Co'., Hartwick home. Mayville 1.6 • ition from the University of Michigan comm. washing 21.00 21.00 M. Willits, mileage to A. J. Hoffman of Detroit Arthur ^stating there would be a short course Caro Supply Co., sup. 3.25 3.25Vassar •for assessing officers conducted by 'V. A. Forbes ~ -was a visitor last week at the Maiers & Sons Motor Freight ,'University of Michigan institute of i material , . 4.90 4,90 freight chgs. administration,, and University Ex--,. home of Mrs. Lee Sefton. Maimatppr gasoline p^nii^e arl Palmateer, Carl 4.50Rapids Loose Leaf Inc - t e n s i o n Service In collaboration with Lokke^i & Sotnl Jn^?%*' 4.50 Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lyons of Grand interest tabes ^............12.43 12.43Jthe Munlcipal Assessors Association^0^11 & Spauldmg, flash- TUSCOiA COUHTY SUPERVISORS 4o.oo mm Mrs. Blanche Brennan is visit-U^r^yo^wouW tX7T'f'h Kingston were Sunday callers at SuPearl-Ative Office Supply ^o. the Glen Tousley home. Doubleday-Hunt-Doian" 'cb'. oo oa ^,y.»y Mrs. Gladys Redman and Nor- DRAIN COMMISSIONER man Boyne of Marlette were Sun- Freeland Sugden, mileage and day afternoon visitors at the Nor1.79 ris Boyne home. Freeland Sugden sup 4.50 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds and children of Flint were week JOANBl&WHOBEplDDira and co-starring -•wit««n««*^ i/ini liiinri! SKW^UUWO-BRIH O»«M» ROBERT MUIUCM «! HENRY MANCINI, conpwef America'* as "Father Devlin" FREE GIFT TO EACH PATRON Next Week Johansson-Patterson Fight-Films CJ11W£»T»1J-1 Gf\t*C Y1T*£ieOn'f t- __ -. . • 3 P :::: •LI_g-^ciK^ of|^|^J^%P^' ^ ™:™ o ^u._i_ oUp. IvO,, oo QQ Assessing Ifficers and the State m Tax|xi.diit? JrJttg. dnCLpowder 31.00 z».s» commission of Michigan on Dec. 12, 13, 14, 1960, at Lansing. gloves 1.85 1.85 Moved by Sup. Howell, supported by Hardware, sup. is Groc., 18.41 18.41 Laundry, 42.99 42.99 with compensation and their i Auto, 57.90 57.90 - 19.10 19.10 15.00 15.00 Tuscola County Advertiser notices committee to attend this meeting, Putnam, garbage home and Sunday dinner guest; and ballots . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 55.00!theSup_ Hunter5 chairman of the Sher- William pickup 3.00 3.00 of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Babich and Tuscola County Advertiser iff committee'presented the followingVillage of Caro, water and ., ballots odu./o oou./. NO 1 u ret)Orj- ±.^ -p A t~*?l-r< i £6.50 CA R6,50 an '•^i'v*-*' * *• __ _ _ m g 17.06 17.05 Typewriter sup family. - „ , - ;A— 1^1Exchange _*~ «-,-.« .. . Mr. Chairman, Hon. Bd. of Super S | ' V M Son 12.38 ivsors, Gentlemen: 12.38 rtm-nf atT-he Reigle Press prtng. «wno ^ ant 7innprkpr zanneckei, aa strident stuaent au AGRICULTURAL AGENT 3.33 3.33 Your sheriff's committee the University ot Mien., was a A if re( j p, Ballweg mileage and „„ RQ<mends: Due to the fact that three. , 19.99 19.99 meals CAR?nights a week we don't have a night pa-'Bi week end visitor at the home of Don R. Kebler mil. & meals 56.63 0b>&iJ Station, paint 7.75 7.75 we recommend that the sheriff Box Co., sup. his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ed E. Schrader mil & meals 58.89 58.5s9|trol, be 'authorized to hire one more full Box Co., sup. Frances T. Clark mileage and .time deupty so we can have a patrol\ Zinneckei*. o >7Q q'™' on tne three nights in question and Mrs. Lee Sefton and daughter Typewriter Exchange sup 143-5 ,}./» 6. if on tne otjjer nights to have two men; Mr ° 1-0 MacDonald & Stingel sup. 1.30 1.3P on patrol or such other duty as the' <i Catherine, were week end visitors TV . .469.35 469.35 Center repairs 25.00 25.00 sheriff deems necessary. i BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Miss Judy Vanderlist of De- REGISTER OF DEEDS Signed: Quentin Howell, per diem 8.00 8.0' Tuscola Co. Adv. cert. Clayton Hunter and mileage 9.0 9.00 CIRCUIT COURT L. C. Draper Iton Reavey, per diem Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gedro Cass City Chronicle court Lester Jones and mileage 8.52 8.52 calender ................ 147.00 147.00 Moved by Sup. Golding, supported by Charles F. Woodcock, per and son, Stacey, of Caro, Mrs. FRIEND OF THE COURT the report be ac „« ^ on ni iSup.. Clement that deim and mileage 6.00 6.00 Howard Kelley and sons, Randy John Humm mileage ---- . 32.91 ^2.9l q est granted. Mocepted and the re U All of which is respectfully submitMacDonald JUDGE— & Stingel sup. 4.06 4.06 tion carried. and of Cass duvA Brian j^iioiii v/j^<^.u>j City, -S-L-'J , and ^,~~~ Mrs. PROBATE ed, Sup. Butler, chairman of the ComMilton Hofmeister1 Althea Kritzman were Wednes-Bay Co> juveniie Det. Home board & mittee on the Claims and Accounts Alton Reayey care T "... .7. 117.00 117.00 presented the following report No. 2. day evening dinner guests of Mrs. Mich. George Kinney, Committee Reg. Baptist Child COUNTY COURTHOUSE & GROUNDS Moved tiy Sup. Mclntyre, supported Edna Malcolm. Home, bd. & care 227.00227.00 Rushland Peat Co., court>y Sup. Butler that the report be acCatholic Social Service board & house lawr 45.00 45.00 Clinton Bruce of Oxford visited epted and orders drawn for the sev2 17 52 1 care .-,•••,;• ? ; i, ' ! Caro Farmers* Coop. 'Kiev., amounts. Motion carried.. Mrs. Mattie Bruce Thursday aft- Children's Home Family Society board courthouse lawn 5.00 5.00 ral Moved by Sup. Haley, supported by & care .600.00 600.00 HSHS Groc., supplies 3.34 iupervisor Golding 3.34 ernoon. that the chairman Child Welfare Expense mil. & misc. Sheman Ogden, laund. 10.30 ippoint 10.30 a comittee of two to handle Boyd Tait of Caro and exp Mrs. ........... .... ........... 19.36 19.36|TB HOSFITALIZATION publicity release on behalf of the 10.00 10.00 ounty E1mendorf M. D. Mrs. William Zemke were Friday Mrs.' Warner , Lane -----board., &o44.30 44.30 _ of the report from the state ; Saginax County Hosp. 2,633.51 2,633.5; commission. Motion carried. evening visitors at the Ray Mc- Mrs. George Burton board & Saginaw County Hosp. 3,302.00 3,302.00 axChairman Conant appointed Sup. care 65.99 65.99 CORONERS Caslin home in Rochester. irk chairman of the Comm. on EqualMrs. Lyle Thurston board & Osgerby Agency, bond J. zation and Sup. Bedore of Mr. and Mrs. John Chapin en- care 102.36 102.36 Benson Collon 29.75 29.75 he Ways and Means as the chairman committee. Keith Haven board & care 117.80 117.00 Osgerby Agency, bond tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. Supervisor Golding, chairman of the Mrs. i -B a-r-r T i s~vi • T -n/r iVJUL"2>. Frank x' JLcmiv Chamberlain \_/j.xctiiiMc;jLAciJiJ.i board K/VO.JL w. & ot, Melvin Weissenborn 29.75 29.75 committee on salaries stated that proand Mrs. Harold Chapin and Mrs. care 120.00 120.00 J. Benson Collon, 2 calls Judge Henderson Graham had & telephone bills . . . 10.82 10.82 bate Carolyn Chapin and family of M Norman McConneli board contacted their committee and stated 47.00 COURT hat ha believed that if the County Centerville, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mrs. Merle McCollum board & Ivan Middleton, just, court . 16.45 16.45 Agent on Corrections was given ancare 144.25 144.25 fees Chapin and children of Shabbona, Mrs. other helper in that department they Franklin Burgett board & Ivan Middleton, justice ct. be able to save the county Mr. and Mrs. Dick Long and fam- care 40.00 40.00 fees .139.70 139.70 money on the of children taken ____________ ..... 16.60 16.60 over by their care Wm. Montague board & Reva Little, just,_____ .ct. fees ily of Millington, Mr. and Mrs; Irs. department. ..................... 141.49 141.49 Ruth D. Tennant, justice ; care Moved by Sup. Mueller, suported by Wynn Groner of Clifford and Irs. Ernest Osborn board & .191.45 191.45 court fees Sup. Hunter that this matter be left care 88.60 88.60 Rosemary Skirlo, justice Mrs. Alice Jackson and Ray !rs. with the committee for further study . 12.90 12.90 Ruby Cronmer board & court fees . study and recommendations. Motion Walker of Marlette. Mr. and Mrs. care 51.29 51.29Q. W. Foster, justice carried. . 4.30 4.30 Atkins Co. clothing 11.93 11.93 court fees Elwin Kitchen of Mayville and V. W. Minutes of today's sessions read by R. Knepp Co. clothing 29.12 29.12 COUNTY NURSE Freeman Kitchen and son of Caro reston Dept. Store cloth. 5.47 5.47 Lucy J. Miller, mils. 52.78 52.78 clerk and approved as read. Moved by Sup. Jones, supported by 80.84 80.84 Itzgerald's, supplies .... 4.40 4.40 M. E. Montei, mile. re afternoon callers at the Cays Sup. Haley that we adjourn until Friclothing 6.98 6.98 Fitzgeralds, supplies 2.41 2.41 day, Dec. 9, at 9:30 sharp. Motion car3hapin home. rs. Nigg & Miles med care 46.50 46.50 POULTRY CLAIMS ried. obert R. Hewlett M. D. med. Fred Hollingshead, 2 goats ELMER CONANT, Chairman exam y 10.00 10.00 fern, and fees 49.80 49.80 FRED MATHEWS, Clerk. Don't despair—the less you 'ersa V. Cole M. D. med Harry Haske, 11 chickens, 2 December meeting of the Tuscola 24.30 24.30 exam 10.00 10.00 ducks and fees lave, the more there is to get. ounty Board of Supervisors continued . L. Savage M. D. med. John Gross, 1 spring lamb and held in exam 14.00 14.00 and fees 20.20 20.20 ber 9, 1960. the Court House DecemL. Savage M. D. med. Willard Freeland, 17 rabTo flatter some people it pays . exam Meeting called to Order by Chairman 20.00 20.00 bits, 60 Ib. and fees ... 19.10 19.10 Elmer Conant. ;o keep still and listen. 'uscola Co Adv. pub 30.50 30.50 Harry Sutherland, 10 layer Clerk called the roll with all superhens and fees 14.50 14.50 'ypewriter Exchange sup. 34.93 visors present. itzgerald's supplies 4.70 4.7C George Taylor, 30 layer Chairman Conant dispensed with the Time is money—and the man HERIFF'S DEPARTMENT—hens and fees 34.40 34.40 regular Order of business and called Hallis F. Hayes radio main 27.40 27.40 George Taylor, 25 chickwho kills it loses both forever. upon Mr. Dale Campbell District Su29.40 29.40 ill Montague Gar welding 17.50 17.50 ens, lyr. and fees of the State Tax Commission Anderson Radio repairs . . . 28.96 28.96 All of which is. respectfully submit pervisors who was in charge of the State Tax Pharmacy presc. 26.24 26.24 ted. People who wait too long for a ?aro Commissions Study on Valuations in Earl Butler Itzgeralds supplies 4.50 4.50 Tuscola County for the past two years. jreak are apt to go broke. Milton Be doe Melissa Mar SVz days work 55.00,55.0C Mr. Campbell introduced Mrs. E. Shel/Loore Drug Store acid . . . . 1.75 1.75Archie Hicks, Committee Moved by Sup. Woodcock, supported don Markle Director of Field AdminTillage of Caro use of walkieof the State Tax Commission, The want ads are newsy, too. talkie 25.00 25.00 by Sup. Bates that the report be ac istration cepted and claims paid as recommend Mr. Markle introduced Ernest Zelzman, N. A. Forbes Co. glass & George Hall, Stanley Blackmer, Culmer glazing 2.70 2.70 ed. Motion carried. Sup. Hofmeister, Chairman of th< Peterson and Robert Meyers who were uscola Co. Adv. 300 wanted lommittee on County Officers' Claims the Field workers in the study and posters 8.75 8.75 presented the following report No. 3 Equalization of Tuscola County. flax Rusher D. D. S. professional Mr. Markle there presented the reOUNTY CLERK service 9.00 9.00 port on the State Equalization No. 1 Doubleday Bros. & Co., Clarence Schroeder mil & per of Tuscola County with many questions . 4.29 4.2< diem 50.87 50.87 record sheets being asked and explained. Mr. Markle 'numb Laundry, cleaning 34.70 34.70 Doubleday-Hunt-Dolan Co., post binders Hurd Lock & Man., padHouse on Dec! 15th and 16th "of "next 90.28 90.28 The Riegle Press election locks and keys eek .566.40 566.4 ^ *°. check over the report of each supplies looper Drug Store 8.85 8.85 Towi shl 981 981or i P an<* City with the supervisTypewriter Exc,, sup. uss Hudson, labor and gab. of tnat 8 78 8 7 township or City. pipe 4.50 4.50 Typewriter Exc., sup. . 5!l8 5.181, M°ved by Supervisor Jones supported Fred Mathews, mileage Auten Motor Sales, upkeep by Supervisor Haley that the report be of cars 414.00 414.00 Osgerby Agency, emp. blanket bond' '. 141.98 141.98 accepted and placed on file. Motion iharles Vaskowitz, per arried. diem and mileage 87.52 87.52 Luckhard's Nurs., replace121.00121.00 Moved by Supervisor Woodcock suparry Tomlinson, 1 day wk. 10.00 10.00 of shade trees ported by Supervisor Golding that we COUNTY TREASURER Tus. Co. Rd. Com., 900 gal. adjourn until 1:30. Motion carried. gas 184.50 184.50 Doubleday-Hunt-Dolan Co., AFTERNOON SESSION 385.44 385.44 lharles F. Kroswek, mile. 21.70 21.70 tax receipts Meeting called to Order by Chairman Maiers & Sons Motor Frt., Cadillac Overall Sup. Co. lme 3.72 3.72 § ? Conant with quorum present. freight charges laundry 16.40 16.40 Regular Order of Business taken up. Doubleday Bros. & Co., Mrs. Wm. Tomlinson, 18.31 18.31 Supervisor Hicks, chairman of the meals 483.75 483.75 kennel tags comm. on resolutions presented the Doubleday Bros. & Co., West. Auto Assoc. Store, toll 14 53 14 53 owmg resolution No. 2. misc. sup 34.13 34.13 pencils .Mr. Chairman, Hon. Board of SuperErnest Hildinger, per diem 105.00 105.00 Doubleday Bros. & Co., . .294.29 294.29 visors, Gentlemen: All of which is respectfully submit- records and receipts Whereas. Fred Mathews having faithArthur Willits, mile, to ted. 4.48 4.48fully served Tuscola County as County Vassar Milton F. Hofmeister Clerk for the past eighteen years, is Arthur Willits, mile, to Alton Reavey 2.io about to retire, and 2.10 Unionville George Kinney, Committee Moved by Sup. Howell, supported byiFitzgeralds, supplies 24.88 24.88 Whereas, he has given unstintingly of his time and talent as well as of his Sup. Sylvester that the report be ac- REGISTER OF DEEDS patience in dealing with the several cepted and claims paid as recommend- Photostat Corp., photo 294.36 294.36 boards of superivsors, as clerk of their supplies d. Motion carried. session, and Sup. Butler, chairman of the Com. DRAIN COMMISSIONER 11.45 11.45, Whereas, by nature and training he on Claims and Accounts presented the Doubleday Bros., sup. • AH with bath, radio and TV has daily demonstrated his deep faitls Typewriter Exch., type following report No. 6. • Grenadier Dining Room 2.95 2.95m the democratics principles of our ribbons "OURT HOUSE & GROUNDS . . John Metiva,"mYleage""!"ll4!87 114i87 American way of life, and Amer. Chemical Sup. Co. and Lounge, Coffee Shop Whereas, he is known as the "mam polish 21.00 21.00 Freeland Sugdtn, mile, and • Fine Convention Facilities 62.13 62.13 stay" of the court house by his pracmeals Laundry, Sherman Ogden . 10.85 10.85 • Ample Parking tice of good judgment and skill in doAGRICULTURAL AGENT A. W. Scott, Saginaw, mop ing and saying exactly what is experefills 3.30 3.30 Alfred P. Ballweg, mile. 38.82 38.82 dient, or suitable at air times, and Lanson M. Boyer, Banner Linen Serv., sup. .. 26.70 26.70 and meals 29.00 29.00 Whereas, the many friends he has 6.00 Alfred P. Ballweg, stamps Mechanics Laud. Co., sup. . 6.00 Gen. Mgr. made in the county will miss his pleasMich. Fire Protection Co. . 6.00 6,00 Don R. Kebler,, mile. meals 32.40 32.40 ant smile and soft voice in the court Grady's Hardware, sup 1.53 1.53 house; Frances % Clark, mile. Now therefore, be it resolved that we and meals .............. 43.76 43.76 8.50 Kingston Enterprise 8.50 •gg gQ 55.30 Ed E. Schroeder, mile 30.80 30.80 the members of the board of super82.60 Tuscola Co. Pioneer Times --*—-— of- Tuscola - County, visors of Michigan* M. E. Montei, "mile 82.60 69.75 69.75 do • in our present session, express our Stationery TB HOSPFEALIZATION Typewriter Exch., sup. ...160.78 160.78 sincere sense of loss by his retirement Saginaw Co. Hospital, 8 3,042.00 3,042.00 Wilson's Studio, camera .. 35.50 35.50 from public service and that we repatients iPRIEND OP THE COURT cord here and now our appreciation; Saginaw Co. Hosp., 1 and extend a cordial invitation to hina . . . 91.60 91.00 John F. Harem, mile patient . W troit. 800 rooms of ,C©rttf*rt€ibIe HOTEL .WARD BOND —3rd Hit— BRIDGET BARDOT "HELEN OF TROY" oil COUNTY NURSE &*7 77 fiC?i*'A*llC VACUH*' » "*-* vv t; v-«ll i-tc.4 v i^ t* t-titi \ri CASS CITY CHRONICLE-THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 PAGE TEN Mrs. Patterson^ 91 Mrs. Anna Patterson, 91, widow of James Patterson and a resident for more than 60 years of the Cass City area, died Friday night in the home of her son RAY CONNIFF CONCERT IK RHYTHM Volume H Buried Monday Ag0ntfs Corner Hazen at Ellington. Mrs. Patterson lived the last six years with her son. She was born March 9, 1870, in London, Ont. A son, Lester, died in service in World War I. Mrs. Patterson was the oldest member of the Cass City Methodist Church and a charter member of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. She was a Gold Star Mother and a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Surviving, besides her son, are two grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Services were held Monday at the Douglas Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert Searls, Methodist Church pastor, officiated. Burial was in Elkland Cemetery. CASS CITY OIL Criticism should be treated like charity—let it begin at home. GAS APPLIANCE The want ads are newsy, too. Tuscola County Farm Bureau women have kicked off a campaign to raise $890 as its share of the. cost of building a 60-bed dormitory at Camp Kett, 4-H Camp at Center Lake, 12 miles south of Cadillac. The camp was purchased by the 4-H Foundation and is to be used primarily for 4-H leadership training, special education programs and conferences. The emj phasis will be on youth. The cost of operation and maintenance will be derived from fees and the ELKLAND TOWN HALL 2:00 p.m. To raise t!ie reeded funds, the Farm Bureau \\oiren are asking area resident button for ~A FOR THE LIFE If you have a Foot problem, better see your Doctor at once or see Joe for a Foot Comfort Consultation and a Free Demonstration of Foot-So-Port Shoes. The Comfort will amaze you. We carry shoes in stock to size 15. Open Saturday 'Til 9. Closed FrL at 6 rm Bureau i.fficc- at Caro contact Mrs. Olaxe Cass City. Total cost of the dormitory is $25,000. 'The best way to lengthen your life is to shorten your worries. Be fired with enthusiasm, and you'll never be fired off the-job. Cass City, Mich.' Phone 167 To get more kick out of life put a punch in everything you do. FOR Children love them! Adults do too! Wonderful for parties or Easter get-togethers. Be sure to get plenty for the kids . . . and yourself too ;••:-,-.." ''"ffovs! Delightful! • •' - -/'• EASTER CANDY Only Sparkling sugar jackets of assorted colors and flavors with smooth textured, tender jelly centers. Medium large shmallow Eggs Chocolate covered, various centers. Dear Mister Editor: they been doing since 1900. I I see by the papers where one reckon the number of Guvernof them safety organizations in ment checks they print to the Washington aims to lobby fer a sheet has been put in the top law in Congress making car secret drawer. Sometimes I think manufacturers put safety belts that me and Senator Byrd is the in ever automobile. only two people in the country If them Congressman git to that worries about these things. messing in such items as this, I Fer instant, I was reading the got a few suggestions fer 'em. I official tally sheet the other day ain't saw a single thing the folks where the private and public that makes cars has ever done debt is now right at $890 billion, fer the pedestrian. If the Con- or a average of about $20,000 gress is going into this field. T fer ever family in the United think they ought to work both States. Of course, me and my old sides of the street. When a fel- lady will never live to pay ours are cooling on shining racks, just ler goes to town these days the smelling up a home wilh warm- only safe place fer him to walk off, but I shore hate to pass it hearted memories - that is a real is where no motor vehicle can be along to my young neighbor and his family down the road a piece. memory. ' drove, bounced, skidded, carroomBut debt or no debt, Mister From the Stone age, when ed, catapulted , rickocheted, or Editor, I'm mighty glad to see flour for breadmaking meant flung. I recommend collapsible the new administration coming crushing ^ wheat between stones, j bumpers and padded radiators, out strong fer funds fer the down to the remarkable precision and a slanted rubber ramp in schools.- The principal over at of today's milled, blended, front to scoop up the pedestrian, our school was telling me they processed and packaged flours, with a soft pad up on the hood ain't even got enough money fer the skill of the bread-maker has fer him to land on. After all, they new baseball uniforms this been a treasured art. is a few people left who has to spring, let alone books. As you bake mouth-watering walk and they need some conYour truly, coffee cakes, batches of tasty sideration. Uncle Tim cinnamon buns, crusty roll or I admit they ain't too many golden, tender-crusted loaves of pedestrians left and if the Conhomemade bread, the flour chosen gress is looking at the matter will make a difference. Each of "^m the vote angle, them that today's different flours is a uni- has to walk to the polls won't quely consistent product. So git much relief. The old song Funeral services for William T. many homeniakers ask, which about the -boy "walking his girl Cummings, 76, resident of Cass 1 flour for what? back home" is out of style. To- City for 12 years, were helc An all-purpose, general fam- day if he ain't got a car, he ain't We.lnesday at 1 p.m. in the DougThe mentally handicapped are ily flour may or may not be a f.ot no girl. The family car is las Funeral Home. Rev. Ernest Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles on not equally deficient in all di- blend. When a blend of hard and gitting to be more important in Robinson of Bancroft officiated rections. Most of them can learn soft wheat flours is satisfactory f-e American household than and burial was in Maple Grove mentally handicapped children. Mentally handicapped children to vork with concrete materials for all baking and cooking uses, the cook stove. It's a good thing cemetery near North Branch. r than they can it's an all-purpose flour. Bread it runs on gas I4: don't stand are those who because of poor inSon of the late James and symbols or flour is milled from a blend of still long enough to ref^ol on hay. Eliza Cummings, he was born at tellectual endowment are unable In the realm of winter and spring, hard, "highto cope with the standard repapers Georgian Bay, Canada, May 30, Well, I see by can, as a group, protein" (12 to 14 per cent) j wner e them folks "in Washington 1884. He came to Michigan when quirements of regular grades. their wheat kernels. It is usually i has admitted that cheap money young and much of his life was They are in particular need of j learn about as much special educational services "mental age" may indicate, in Creamy in color,, has a small is here to stay. A news item spent at Gaylord and Detroit. He planned for intellectually .sub- terms of what average children of proportion of starch and is heavy says the Bureau of Engraving was a security officer at Burnormal : children. These include that age accomplish. and "strong" with gluten. When will now print $1 bills in sheets roughs Adding Machine Co. in As for emotional experiences. rubbed between your fingers, it of 32 instead of sheets of 12 like approx mntely two per cent of the school population. Regard-1 the mentally handicapped, share feels dry and slightly granular. Mr. Cummings died of a heart the ordinary human emotions. When less of the decree of mental pressed tightly, then attack Monday afternoon in the tardation or the particular edu- They "have feelings," and their shaken, it falls to powder and Payne home northeast of Cass cational plan prescribed for the feelings are much the same as will not show any finger prints. City where he made his home. Concluded from page three. mentally handicapped child, the other children's. In some sections, soft wheat i-i Charlene. He was married to Florence Under the system of school i used for bread flour. In that case, basic needs of these children are M • an-1. Mrs. David R. Thorn- Ogden. After her death/ he marthe same. Adjustment should be by grade, mentally bread recipe changes are needed. "nturday callers at the ried Minnie White, who' also premade in accordance with the handicapped children are fre- You will use less liquid or more ceded him in death. Decker home. limited capacities w'lich they pre- quently subjected to tasks which flour and increase the yeast Vz He is survived by a brother, Mrs. Nelin Richardson Mr. sent. In whatever segment of the they cannot possibly understand ounce, sugar 1 tablespoon per of Shabbona spent Wednesday Frank Cummings, of Highland school system they may be found, or perform. Frequently they are pound loaf of bread. The dough and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brown, Park. they all call for sympathetic un- j permitted to go from grade to rises faster but not so high, over- Wayne and Linda of Cass City, derstanding and intelligent gin 1-1 grade without achieving anything long fermentation weakens the spent Sunday afternoon at the Ed ance. '• of satisfaction to themselves or gluten, causing the bread to col- Jackson home. to their teachers. Studies of un- lapse in baking. So handle the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold desirable behavior among pupils bread lightly and choose a shal- were Sunday dinner guests of HONOR ROLL _ Now is the time to start faceshow that there is a tendency for' ]ow pan "to bake it in. Rusch m lifting the home grounds. In fact, Eddie Concluded from r>age one. ' disciplinary problems to be .con-' I've been asked, "what is glu-' r;ass Citv the sooner the better rpmnrka ^9" T4- ,'r, „ -Pl/vt-iT. ^^vt-^iv, ev,K. ! „, , | centrated among mentally handi- ten?" •* Ewald, Phyllis It is a flour protein subMr and Mr.. Ernest Wills were Don R. Kebler, county'eS on I capped children who are not given stance which combines with * Hoppe, Sharon . | the special educational help that water or milk and develops a Tuesday supper guests of Mr. agent in agriculture * Hunter, John and _ Mrs. Harold/ Ballagh and The lawns and shrubs have had i they need. The known facts about dough elasticity through knead- family * James, Lorraine in observance of Betty a hard time the last four or five I child development-and the instru*McIntosh, Dale ing. The stronger the flour is Ballagh's birthday. months. What these plants need I ments of child study give educa- with gluten, the more liquid -it * Perlaki, Mary Mr. and Mrs. tors the opportunity to free men- will absorb and the more loaves Farmington and Bob Wedge of now js a goocj stimulant to give Phillips, Alice Mr. and Mrs. them vigor so they grow well • "tally handicapped from 'the prob- per pound of dough your recipe Bill VanAllen and David * Reid, Fredrick and Mr. during the year. lems that arise from expecting will make. Roch, Marilyn and Mrs. Jack Hartwick of Cass Most of the time, all the grass them, to perform tasks that are * Schroeder, Gene amount and quality of City were Sunday dinner guests js is a spring tonic of about ** Spencer, Bonnie gluten varies among wheat de- of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hendriek. nee( 5 or 6 pounds of actual nitrogen Spec'sil education may be pro* Stine, David pending on wheat variety, growMr. and Mrs. Jim Doerr and 1>000 square feet of lawn vided for the mentally handi- ing, harvesting, milling and stor- Wendy of Argyle and Eugene on each ** Yedinak, Martin' are£L ^ complete fertilizer high capped. The mentally handicapped age conditions. ** Zalte, Gunta Cleland of Bad Axe spent Sun- m nitrogen will do fine. A good require special education be- , Pastry flour is milled from day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. raking to remove dead material cause they represent a group of * Ballard, Kathy "low protein" (8 to 10 per Curtis Cleland . is a must one should not forget . children who present wide dis* Barriger, Russell wheit kernels. It is whiter . Five tables of cards were before fertilizing. crepancies in growth patterns. in color, less glutenous, higher , piayed when the Euchre Club met Dead wood should be removed * Dobbs, William In physical growth, in height, proportion of starch. It makes a Saturday evening at the home of f * Freiburger, Robert rom the shrubs and gome shapweight, strength and motor co- "short" dough which breaks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laming. ing * Fritz, Carol up done to i mprove the ap> ordination - most of these children j^ easily; when the flour is rubbed High prizes were won by Mrs. * Gross, Virginia stimulate bushipea rance and * Harmon, Robert , are quite similar to the normal between the fingers, it feels Gaylord LaPeer and Arnold La- ness> Some of the woody shrubs i child. It is mental growth, how- j smooth and soft. It is superior for Peer. Low prize* were von b^ * Jones, Mary Lou which loose their leaves in the j ever, that these children are def- j cakes, cookies, doughnuts, bis- Mrs. * Kloc, Chesterine Cliff Jackson and Harry fall have become stemmy and initely subnormal. Therefore, the quits, pastry and crackers. * Kostanko, Patricia Jackson. The next party will be need to be cut off near thp i curriculum * MacLachlrn, Jane Cake flour i?_,.milled ,. . for .. ,.these children . . . . „ from spft{ „ , , held at the — home of — Mr. and ground. This gives the shrub a * MacRae, Charlene must fit the wide discrepancies m. wheat kernels. Rigidly controlled j jyf rs< Arnold LI Peer. A potluck chance to rtart over and give the growth shown by the mentally. blending yields a very uniform * Matlack, Elizabeth fuller growth desired. Those handicapped child. To this extent! product, twice as fine as bread * Miljure, Joanne Gerber of yeWs and Junipers could stand the curriculum or educational flour. It usually is a better grade Snover. Glen Hunt and Mrs-.To-n some pruning and shaping too. Pelton. Karen plan adopted for these children , Of flour than pastry flour. * Powell, Karen Gibbard went to Pontiac SaturAt the same time lawn fertilimust be special since it is addi- j Self-rising flour has had cal- H?v to see Mr-,. James McClure, zer is being applied, give the' * Reid, Richard tional to the regular program * Severance, Linda cium acid phosphate, baking soda who fell and broke her hip. shade trees and evergreens some designed for average children. and salt added to it. The baking * Shaw, Brewster Phyliss and Lucille Rutkowski f ood too. Here again a complete In the last few years the men- powder ingredients, * Skripy, Joan salt of Detroit snent the week end fertilizer such as used on the tally , handicapped child has had * Willis, Ruth Ann vith Mr. and Mrs. Enick Rutkow- iawn wni <jo a fj ne job on ^road a new lease on life. Parents no and uniformly than can be done ski and family in Cass City. Mrs, jeaf trees. Evergreens like less * Zawilinski, Joann longer need to hide these chil- at home. Some self-rising flour- Cliff Jackson was a Saturday fertilizer than broadleaf trees. llth dren. They do not feel the neces- also contain powdered milk .and afternoon visitor. Avery, Bruce Well rotted manure or other crsity of keeping the problem to either egg or fat. Behr, Beverly Tommy Nicol of Pontiac is ganic fertilizer at the rate of 2 themselves. Parents and society j Bleached flo^r h?s had hnrrnfe w da g with Mr * Behr; Nancy , ,, y ' Pounds for every inch of "trunk are beginning to accept the men-'' less, tasteless bleaching chemral-] Brown, Wayne Leland Nicol. diameter will suffice. If no mantally handicapped child for what pdeled to the flour to whiten an * Bullock, Robert Beardsley of Oxford is ure or organic fertilizer is used, he is. Parents, teachers, educators age it. Enriched flour is regular * Dillon, Wayne T fy weeks with Mr. then about 1 pound of your lawn and other interested persons are white wheat flour that has been and Mrs. Fred Wills and son. * Jones, Tom fertilizer for each inch of trunk working together to provide op- enriched by the addition of iron * Kennedy, Carol • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Decker and diameter is enough portunities for the mentally and the three important B vita* McRae, Flora Mrs. Cliff Jackson visited Frank Further complete information handicapped child's happiness ; mins. Parrott, Sharon Wagner of Umonville and _ Mr. can be obtained at your extension and development. These people | Graham, whole wheat or entir and J.--.S. Georare JIac Dav^s at Office, related Kebler. Rawson, Jim * Spaulding, Betty are helping society to recognize | wheat flour means the samej They } Cass City Hospital Tuesday afterthe rights of mentally handi- contain all nutritive value of the no^n. 12th ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR HEARING CLAIMS capped children to life, opportuni- whole grain. They all contain the Albee, Dick Born March 15 to Mr. and Mrs. State of Michigan. The Probate Court ty and the pursuit of happiness. ' wheat germ and outer layers of * Bartle, Gary far the County ®f Tuseola. In the Matter of the Estate of the wheat kernel. * Britt, William h a wi Hospital in Bad Axe. Sholte, Deceased. Wheat which makes the - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wills and Nina * Crawford, Mary Lou At a session of said Court, held on strongest flours are grown (with j Bor}, ,J^ P H d David Beardsley February 27th, 196L * Dorman, Betty Erla, Marilyn the exception_o_f a bit of Illinois), j spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. judgTof p?oba£? Henderson Graham' Notice is Hereby Given, That all Palm Sunday will be observed | west of the Mississippi. The big and Mrs. David R. Thornton. * Hahn, Jeanne creditors of said deceased are required at the Cass City Methodist ; production states are Kansas, * Hobart, Sally -•nd M --S. Orrm Wright and to present their claims in writing and TWi* onrl mi TVTvafa. L*GT a under oath, to said Court, arid to serve Church with several Lenten . Montana, North Dakota, Okla* Holmberg, Paul mr. ana a copy thereof upon M> B> Auten of activities. ! homa, Wah'ington and Nebraska. * Hudson, Kay NlCOl were Sunday dinner Cass City, Michigan, fiduciary of said and that such claims will be At 'the regular service the j Soft wheat flours grow in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle estate, * Hunter, Fran heard by said Court at the Probate OfSacrament of Baptism will be i three principal regions: Michigan, McColl in Cass City. * Hurd, Beverly fice on May 15th, 1961, at ten a.m. It is Ordered, that notice tnereof be iven and the Rev. Robert J. New York and Pacific northwest. * Krueger, Ann Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fuester given by publication of a copy hereof Searls will preach his sixth ser- j Michigan's wheat production spent the week end in Detroit. * Krueger, Thelrna foi il»'pe we1'* fonsecntivply previous sa-id day of hearing, in the Cass City mon in the Lenten series, "On! varies from 40 to 41 million Little, Hazel Mrs. Dale Hind entertained 14 to , , TV . Chronicle, and that the fiduciary cause Choosing Christ's Way," with a! bushels. Eighty-five per cent of Children * Mclntosh, Carl at a party for Daisy aach copy of this notice to be served upon sermon titled "On Going from j this soft wheat goes into cereals Hinds fourth birthday at their f kno^n J>artv in interest at Ms last * Maleck, George _., „ „,, known address oy registered, certified or Bethany to Gethsemane." and pastry flour. * Paladi, Eddie home Thursday afternoon. They ordinary mail (with proof of mailing), played games and ice cream and or fey personal service at least fourteen The final Sunday night supper * Reid, James (14) days prior to such hearing. and Lenten service will also be Kind words never die—they cake was served. * Ross, Jim Henderson Graham, Judge of Probate. true copy held on Palm Sunday with the • just become victims of ingratiShaw, Susan Becky Robinson spent Monday A. Beatrice P. Berry. Register of Probate Rev. James Nixon, speaker. ' tude. Wildman, Donna nt the Cliff Jackson home. 3-9-3 Camp Kelt For 4-H Leader Training Elkland Tender marshmallow centers in shiny sugar shells of assorted colors aiadijiavors. Uncle Tim From Tyre Sez: Frances T. Clark County Home Demonstration Agent The Fostoria reupholstery workshop will be March 21, 22 and 23 at the home of Mrs. Roy Brown, 8356 Fostoria Road, Fostoria. If anyone in that area would like to drop in and observe such a workshop, they will be welcome. How many of you have memories of home baking from your mother's kitchen? When golden No man knows how cheap advice is until he accepts it at par. Cass City CASS CITY, MICHIGAN dimallow Eggs Marshmallow centers in speckled sugar shells of assorted colors and flavors. 2 /'•• -oz. hollow mold milk chocolate candy. € Ik lOc Open All Day Thursday Candy and toy in 3 5/2 -in. seethru egg. Retarded Children Can Be Problem Hold Final Rites For W. T. Cummings Time to Work on Lawn and Garden Terrific new cleaning service for work clothes, play clothes, casual wear and clothes for storage. Low, low 39-49-59 cent cleaning price. Call OS3-2151 Caro for free pickup and delivery. Servicing Cass City Monday & Thursday. Upper Thumb Tuesday and Friday. THUMB LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 4 FOURTEEN PAGES TMUKSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 VOLUME 54, NUMBER 49 FOURTEEN PA'JES Calvin J. Striffler Dies Thursday dward Hahn Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at Little's Funeral Home for Calvin J. Strif fler. Rev. S. R. Wurtz officiated and burial was in Elkland cemetery. Mr. Striffler died in Hills and Dales Hospital Thursday evening. He had been in ill health the past three years. Mr. Striffler was born in Cass Sity May 1, 1885, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Striffler. He married Rose Bixby January 3, 1907, in Syracuse, New York. He had held the office of Justice of the Peace of Cass City for a number. of years and was the present city assessor. He was also a member of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Survivors are his wife; four sisters, Mrs. Ida Nique and Mrs. Lillian Ricker, both of Cassx City, Mrs. F. A. (Margaret) Smiley of Drayton Plains, Michigan, and Mrs. A. W. (Laura) Weaver of Flint. A Resident of Cass City Area For 18 Years Is Now A Licensed Real Estate Salesman For William Zemke, Broker I! Lots of Jofes In Agriculture , PROTECTION WHEN YOU NEED IT The time to think about adequate insurance is before disaster strikes — not afterward! So stop needless worry . . . and end needless risk , of your livelihood; and life-long investment. Proteet-y.ourself from property loss by investing today in a Hastings Mutual Homeowners Insurance Policy. Then you'll have . . . PROTECTION WHEN YOU NEED IT! HOMEOWNERS • LIABILITY • FIRE • WIND • HAIL • MULTIPLE PERIL HASTINGS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY HASTINGS, MICHIGAN "76 Years of Continuous Service." Your Hastings Mutual Agent Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Guidance Counselors from the high schools in the -county met in the Pine Room Restaurant to learn of the \naany careers in today's agri\ culture. The meeting was in coj operation with the cooperative extension staff, the Farm Bureau ANPTHER GRAND CHAMPION was shown by a and the high schools of the counmember of the Cass City Junior Livestock Club. Showing ty. Ed Schrader, of the Coopera- the grand champion individual hog- (a Berkshire) Tuesday, tive Extension Staff explained Mar. 14, was Robert Bullock (right) of Cass City. It was that the purpose of the meeting purchased by Tom Knaggs (left) of Caro. (Photo by Tuswas to familiarize the counselors cola County Extension). with agriculture today. He furthj er stated the importance of the guidance counselors personnel j and the role they play in the ( lives of high school students. Alfred Ballweg, County Extension Director, spoke on Agriculture in Tuscola County. He pointed out that income from the ( i sale of cash crops in Tuscola : i Conty in 1960 amounted to $13,-1 : 551,219.00. Mrs. Frances Clark, county extension agent in home| economics, pointed out the many i wide and varied careers available • to girls who receive degrees in j home economics. j Dr. Rosalind Mentzer, assistant! to the dean, college of home economics, described the educational program available to students of home economics, at Michigan State University. Dr. Vern Freeh, coordinator of student activities, at Michigan! State University, spoke about the! critical shortage of agricultural trained, personnel. He pointed out the fact that for every graduate1 in agricultural engineering, there were 20 jobs. He further pointed, out the shortage in other fields in | agriculture are very serious. | Guidance personnel attending the meeting were: Mrs. Eva Hill, Reese Publie Schools; James Seals, Cass City Schools; Mrs. Julia Berg, Unionville Community Schools; Joe GRAND CHAMPION PEN at the livestock show was Kelly, Vassar Public Schools; Rauli Aho, Kingston Community exhibited by Dave Brady of Unionville. Holding the ribbon Schools; Francene Smith, May- is Jack Hurford of Caro who purchased the hogs for the ville Community Schools, and Ed- Peoples State Bank of Caro. (Photo by Tuscola County Exward Schell and Norman Grien- tension.) inger of the Millington Community Schools. The Want Ads Are Newsy Too. Annual OES Gagetown PTC Annual FISH SUPPER FRIDAY, MAR. 24 Starting At 8 p.m. School Cafeteria At Masonic Hall Serving Country Style From 5 To 8 p.m. Prizes and Refreshments $1.00 Each Merchanette League Team .Standings March 16 Cass City Concrete Bush's , Riley's Foot Comfort Fuelgas Auten Motors Tuckey Block London's Dairy-... Bulen Motors Pts. 31 23 23 21 17 17 15 13 to said day of hearing, in the Cass City Chronicle and that the fiduciary cause a copy of this notice to be nerved upon each known party In Interest at his las' known address by registered, certified or ordinary mail( with proof of mailing), or by personal service at least fourteen (14) days prior to such hearing. Henderson Graham, Judge of Probate. A true copy Beatrice P. Berry, Register of Probate. Donald E. MeAleer, Attorney Cass City, Michigan Barlette, King and Learman, Attorneys 201 Mutual Savings Bldg., Bay City Want Help Finding What You Want? Try The Want Ads 3-9-3 everybody's going to the at .Michigan State University. Each calf must be tattoed in the right ear. And a certificate issued by the Michigan Department of Agriculture should be stapled on each an;mal's production records or registration papers. Children under 12 .:'.'.... ..' It's impossible for a man to blow his own horn without coming out on the little end of it. The well being- of our nation depends on the well-being of each and every individual. A pessimist stands in his own light and imagines that the whole world is in the dark. Get a when you come home? $1.25 75c €IEif€E FAIR SAT. & SUN. March 25-26 * Majority are Elementary School * Children Have Project In by Friday night Projects * At High School Gym * Open To Public Both Afternoons IPRIIISEHTERTMNNIENT ALL DAY FRIDAY SEE THE NEW OLIVER 1800 TRACTOR • Pulls 6 bottoms in most soils « Plows 3.38 acres per hour ® Uses only 29Vz4 worth of gasoline per acre plowed • Smooth, 6-cylinder diesel, gasoline or IP-gas engine ® Three models—Row-Crop®, Wheatland and Riceland « Weight and power balanced for smooth, easy operation SEE THE NEW OLIVER 1900 TRACTOR • Pulls 8 bottoms.. .big multiple hookups of harrows, chisels • Plows 4.03 acres per hour by test « Uses only 19 tf worth of diesei fuel per acre plowed • Powerful 2-cycle, 4-cyiinder GM diesel engine © Two models—Wheatland and Riceland Arrange for a demonstration at an early date,.. Try one of these new power twins on your own farm Family frigid? Pop in the doghouse again? A modern WILLIAMSON Furnace will melt your family's frozen welcome . . . change their scowls to nice warm smiles. Phone us today. No obligation. yoyr WILLIAMSON deafer Sponsored In Community Interest By The Cass City•/ State Bank • " ' the Oliver Ifn Be wary of too much flattery —bait is always used to cover the hook. At Gagetown Admission Team high series: Fuelgas 200 Games: Kilbourn 234-212, 2085, Riley's Foot Comfort 2085, Schell 234, Musall 229, C. GuinthCass City Concrete 2078, London's er 221-204, Morell 216, Coleman Mell-Wigs Dairy 2052. • Manhattans 215, Johnson 215, Kolb 215, Four A's "Team high single: Cass City Rienstra 213, Lee Hartwick 212, Termites Concrete 755, Fuelgas 752, Lon-Parsch 211, Willy 209, Knoblet Jims don's Dairy 709, Riley's Foot 204, Knight 202, Krause 200. Jokers Comfort 708. 600 Series: Kilbourn 334. Pin Splitters 500 Series: C. Guinther 592, High individual series: V. LaFour R's Peer 500, B. Andrus 499, L. Hart- Willy 583, Kolb 576, H. Hartwick Individual high series (wom- wick 454. 564, Schell 564, Knight 562, en): C. Mellendorf 499, B. Auten Individual high single game: Krause 560, Morell 559, Rether467, M. Bridges 462, J. Asher 459, M. Guild 187, V. LaPeer 186, N. ford 558, Rienstra 552, Novak V. LaPeer 449. Mellendorf 184, B. Andrus 178, A. 550, D. Wallace 549, Knoblet 547, Individual high games (wom- Driscoll 175, T. Foldenauer 168, Lee Hartwick 543, Coleman 537, en): M. Bridges 195, J. Asher J./. Hartwick 167, E. Crane 167, Thompson 534, H. Guinther 533, 178-161, C. Mellendorf 175-167, V. L. Henry 167, I. Hildinger 164, L. J. Zmierski 533, Johnson 530, LaPeer 170, B. Auten 169, N. Hel- Profit 156, "R. Ashcroft 156, M. Parsch 530, A. Tyo 530, Gremel wig 160. Rabideau "155, P. Profit 150, M. 522, Smithson 522, Mellendorf • 500 Series (men): T. Ashcroft Rabideau (sub) 150. 521, Allen 512, Profit 508, Chippi 552, J. Weber 547, J. Smithson Splits converted: M. Rabideau 506, Kritzmari 503, Musall 503. 521, B. Bridges 517. (sub) 6-8-10, T. Foldenaurer 5-7, 200 Games (men): T. Ashcroft L. Bigham 5-9-7, R. Zmierski Ladies City League 201-200. 4-5-7, D. Karr (sub) 5-10, R. March 14 High Team Games: Mell-Wigs Ashcroft 6-10-7. Cuik! 25 -374. B. Hihihiger 25 High Team Series: Manhattans I. Hildinger 25 Merchants' Bowling League '910. Rusch 24 Standings Week of March 15 Capetown 22 Croft-Clara 33 City Bowling League _ 17 Cass City Oil & Gas 31V2 Deford Team Standings as of March 13 Frutchey Bean Johnston 17 30 ' earn W L Pts. Bowling Alley Cass City Lanes 15 26 T usco Products 21 29 15 Hartwick Market 25 Vi Freiburger Frutchey Bean 19 26 Spencer 13 Auten Motor Sales 23 Copeland's 16 11 23 Team high series: Freiburger Jseler's Turkeys 23 Cass City Lanes 17 10 22 2168, Guild 2167, Spencer 2083, Jim's Standard Service 21 Erla Food Center 15 12 21 Rusch 2046, Johnston 2009. Fuelgas 20 12 Corkies' 15 19 Team high game: Guild 790Cass City Concrete 19 Jeffery's Electric 13% 13% 18% Strohs 709, Freiburger 765-751, B. Hil19 Gallagher's 13 14 18 dinger 754, Spencer 699-699, Evan's Products 18 Ternes' 12% 14 Vs 17% Bankers Rusch 696, Johnston 695. 17 Bulen Motors 13 14 17 Individual high series: D. Forts 17 Bridge's 12% 14% 16% Brownies Bar Klinkman 492, M. Guild 477, M. ... 15 American Legion 13 14 16 Bridges 463, B. Carmer 462, A. Oliver 14 Cass City Pack. 10% 16% 13% McComb 455, S. Doerr 450. ORDER APPOINTING TIME Dillman's 9 18 13 Individual high game: L. For Hearing Claim Bush's 10 17 12 State of Michigan, The Probate Court Henry 190, M. Bridges 186. B. for the County of Tuscola. Sherman's 6 21 6 In the Matter of the Estate of Carmer 185, E. Grey 181, D. 500 Series or better: R. Phillips Elizabeth H. Walpole, Deceased. Klinkman 180-172, M. Guild 177, o78, C. Dickinson 564, G. Ware At a session of said Court, held on P. Boylan 173, M. Claseman 174, 6th, 1961. 561, G. Dillman 560, A. D. Fred- March J. Freiburger 170. Present, Honorable Henderson Graham, ericks 559, J. Smithson 552, J. Judge of Probate. Splits converted: I. Hildinger Weber 55,1, J. Freye 536, M. Hel- Notice is Hereby Given, That all 6-7-10, O. Crawford 3-7-10, M. creditors of said deceased are required wig 527, H. Copeland 515, A. Mc- to present their claims in writing and Bridges 3-6-7, K. Gross 5-7. Lachlan 513, N. Mellendorf 504, under oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon Walter E. Walpole R. Wallace 500. of Cass City, Michigan, fiduciary of said 200 or better: G. Dillman 235. estate, and that such claims will be by said Court a,t the Probate OfR. Phillips 214, J. Root 210, A. D. heard fice on May 19th, 1961, at ten a.m. it is Ordered, That notice thereof be Fredericks 204, G. Ware 204, J. siven by publication of a copy hereof Weber 202, J. Smithson 200. for th"ee weeks consecutively previous- Galf hood Vaccination on Many Farms Be courteous—take advice, but always make your own decisions. During the months of January and February, 417 heifer calves Don't be misled—A man's were vaccinated against Bang's f toughest competitor should be or brucellosis, by Tuscola county farmers, according to Alfred himself. Ballweg, county extension diHealth gym—A place where rector. This is an increase over the same period last year which ~*~ , , ~ ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v , w ^ +.w. | they make mountains out of Hmi"mmmmmiHmMmiiuHi»mimmmmummmimmmiimMmmmmimmmiwmwiiiwmmmHmmm»nimininnmimimmuimiiim I , l-i'llc} indicates a healthy trend but a good many calves need to be vaccinated to safeguard our herds against an outbreak of this disease. Michigan State University dairy specialists report that calfhood vaccination for brucellosis isn't official unless it is completed before animals exceed 269 days of age. The law requires careful records on calfhood vaccination against brucellosis, stresses George Parsons, dairy scientist Arnold Copelcntd / Jack & Jill Cass City BRING THE FAMILY...EVERYONE'S INVITED TO THE All-NEW OLIVER SPOTLIGHT PREMIERE FRIDAY, MARCH 24 LEONARD DAMM & SON Cass City XSS CITi', MICHIGAN CASS CITY CHRONICLE- THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1961 PAGE TWO 50 Extra MM Stamps 50 Extra MM Stamps IGA With Purchase of 14-oz. Brach's ^^ j^ With Purchase of 2-lb. ^^ POPCORN 39c Chocolate Drops 39c With Coupon Void After Saturday, Mar. 25, 1961 With Coupon Void After Saturday, Mar. 255 1961 50 Extra MM Stamps With Purchase of 2-lb. IGA Elbow mm With Purchase of 18-oz. : — Peanut Butter 55C Spring is here! ...Yes and with it comes fresh, tasty fruits and / vegetables to excite every appetite. Your IGA Store this week is featuring all the fixins that go to make up a fresh, crisp salad. And just look at the values! Come in today...shop the IGA way...you'll be glad you did. MACARONI rr With Coupon Void After Saturday, Mar. 25, 1961 With Coupon Void After Saturday, Mar. 25, 1961 TABLERITE • 50 Extra MM Stamps CANNED HAMS With Purchase of IGA 8-oz. French Pouring HOCKLESS CHUCK 25c DRESSING TABLERITE 6-lb. 4-lb. 4l€ With Coupon Void After Saturday, Mar. 25, 1961 GIANT BRAND 303 Can TABLERITE BEEF 100 Extra MM Stamps PEAS With Purchase of Lilt Home 12-oz, PERMANENT IS CORN SHANK PORTION CANNED 45c 39c *1.19 No, 2V2 R& R Center Slices Roast FARMER PEET FRESH OR SMOKED POLISH cn SAUSAGE 59 Ib. c APRICOTS / Giant 10-oz. SCAFE Ib. Fawner Peet 2 m\ ; HAM "" 03 With Coupon Void After Saturday, Mar. 25, 1961 for MARHOEFER ^%A^ ^% SUNNY MORN WHOLE BEAN COFFEE Lb. Can 3-lb. Can CHICKEN-OF-THE-SEA TUNA FISH Flats CHRISP FIRM DUNCAN HINES BANQUET Your choice. Date Nut, Fudge Nut, Butter Pecan, Applesauce Raisian 2 Radishes pkg. Green Winesap Onions Applesi| 300 can ^— ^^ Ib OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE pkg. 59C Long ong Green re ^^ ? Calif. — —^ Cucumbers ZR Oranges 59L. Gulf Kist BREADED SHR!MP 10-oz. SNO KREM DAIRY DEPARTMENT Bulk Longhorti M mm CHEESE 45L THE WAY SHORTENING .for the lalf wb« pushes the cart! Ib. TableRite Ib. ctns. Kraft 5-oz. pkg. HORSERADISH • • CASS CITY CASS CITY CUno.N'ICI.K—THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 L'fT'i FACE THREE GREENLEAF Down Memory Lane We give a warranty in writing that your Pole-Type building will last for at Five Years Ago Forty-six; new members were -• 1;' ted - n.tothe Cass Ctiy Chapvided it is a Q.: of the National Honor Society '•* ^-ftek. Twelve seniors were in this group. They are: Patricia ':Conliell, Caren Cummings, Constance Bartle, Marlene Rickttr, Marie Gurdon, Keith O'Dell, Jack Clara, Beverly McComb, Sharon Ackerman, Janet Caister, Yvonne Krohn and Beverly Mc.and has been erected by our experienced builders. Clorey. These seniors were sel8"ted on the basis of outstanding abilities in scholarship and leadership. Five Cass City High School students left Thursday afternoon, March 22, for Hillsdale College to participate in the annual II N Phone 15 Cass City Model Assembly. Participating from Cass City will be: Carol Hoffmeister, Connie Bartle, Jerry Perry, Judy Huff and Ruth Merchant. IOOK FOR THIS EMBLEM Alex Murray, a student in the It's your assurance that we school of veterinary medicine at Michigan -State University, was are an authorized ABC Center. among the top ten in his class, ':he college registrar's office announced this week. James E. Foy, a senior at Michigan State University, was recently initiated into Pi Mu EpsiThe Want Ads Are Newsy Too. lon. national honorary mathematic fraternity. least 30 years pro- FARM BUREAU C BUILDING Mrs. Doris Mudge left Sunday how to use the mails. The hostess, afternoon with her nephew, Keith Mrs. Seeger, served a two-course Karr, to visit the Karrs and oth- lunch. The next meeting will be FROM THE FILES OF THE CHRONIC!.E er relatives living- near- Detroit. April 15, 8 p.m. at Fraser church. l^^+»++»j,»^^»»<»£^«^»»«»+^»> >^ Roger, Myron and Timmy Karr Kenneth Mac Rae and his The Cass City Home Demon- bell; treasurer, George Clara; Tuesday evening. Winners were: •r>d vv'r'ter Hempton were Satur- daughter, Miss Evangeline Macstration Group held its regular sergeant-at-arms, James Bauer; first prize, The Treble Clef Club; day afternoon visitors at the Rae, were dinner guests on Tuesmeeting Thursday, March 15, in members of the board of direct- second prize, William McCallum home of Mr: and Mrs-. Herary Me- day of Mr. and Mrs. Henry the home economics room at Cass ors, Robert Hunter, H. M. Bulen, t-Mrd m-ize Carolyn Auten and Lellan and Jimmy. KMnkman. Mr. MacRae has been•City School. In charge of the Louis Bishop, Leonard Damm and |Christina Graham and honorable John McRae from Detroit visi- strffering from a lame shoulder. 6:30 supper were Catherine Mc- Alger Freiburger. mention, Vaden Bros, and Retta ted his cousiu!,, KeMantfe McRae, The Men's council of Fraser Gillvray, Gertrude Gray, Clara on Sunday. Only two per cent of the Fu- Charter. met at the church Tuesday eveAvery, Grace Sandham, Margaret ture Farmers of America are Frank Hall, letter carrier on • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher ning. A state trooper was the 1 Boag and Myrtle Ludlow. The given the award, "State Farmer," Route No. 2, Cass City, is con- ispent the week end at Ms parent- speaker. tables were decorated with a St. every year and three Cass City fined to his home with severe! al home. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Winter left Patrick Day motif and high- students were honored this year. bruises received Tuesday at the I Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher Sunday Bight, March 12, for lighted with Shamrocks in blos- They are: Lee Hartel, James Fox farm home of his mother, Mrs.' Jr. and family were week end Florida, called there by the illsom. Charles Hall when he was at- j guests of Mrs. Fisher's brother ness of Mr. Winter's and Duane Rushlo. mother, Mrs. tacked by a bull. Mr. Hall was' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold George Winter, who had sufThe Junior Class of Cass City aft S'rtover.. High School will present a three thrown more than six feet against! Ten Years Ago fered a stroke. At last report, in the barn. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher Sr. she was slightly improved. Cameron Connell, Cass City, re- act comedy, "A Mind of Her a stanchion William A. Parrott has pur- were Sunday dinner guests of turned here Friday after attend- Own," on April 5 and 6. Mary Fraser Ladies Aid met Wednesing a month-long course in lum- McClorey plays the feminine lead. chased the brick block three j their daughter, Mr. and Mrs day at the church for dinner and doors west of the Folkert store j Arfen Hendricfcs. Other students in the play are: ber merchandising at Michigan quilting. One quilt was finished Tom Schwaderer, Bonnie Benkel- from Mrs. Alice Moore and will 1j Mr. and ' Mrs. Earl Hartwiek and two others started. State College. Pvt. Nelson Ic. Linderman, son man, Nancy Sinclair, Doris Root, use _ it for his retail ice cream were guests the past week of relMiss Evangeline MacRae is of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Linderman, Jane McMiller, John Ellis, Betsy business which will be in charge' atives in Detroit, spending a week's vacation at her of Mrs. Mason Wilson and daugh-; The Greenleaf Extension Club Cass City, has completed a 10- Thoryse and Lemoyne Krohn. home south of New Greenleaf. Cass City High School's £>and ter, Lucile. This building has met Thursday, March 16, at the week course as a Construction been occupied F. A.. Bliss;, home of Mrs. Lucy Seeger. Four- Tuesday evening she showed picEquipment Mechanic, which cov- wins number one rating for the harness maker, by and John May, teen ladies were present and roll tures of her trip to Fareo Islands first time in history. ers the maintenance of all engiJeweler. call was answered by telling how at the Anson Karr home. The neering equipment. He is also ateach member earned her easiest Rodney Karr family and Mrs. t^eherl to the Heavy Equipment Twenty-five Years Ago Thirty-five Years Ago dollar. The date for Extension Doris Mudge were present. section of the .T901st Engineer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auslander R. N. McCullough reports the family night to be held at Fraser Aviation Battalion at Fort Leon- celebrated their golden wedding following real estate sales: the The man who considers every anniversary Wednesday, March residence of Miss Martha Strif- Church. April 14 has been •~vd Wood Missouri. day the start of a new year is changed to Saturday, April 15. 18 when 154 relatives and friends Curtis Hunt was elected presion Pine St. east to Charles The lesson on "Business for Fam- well along the road to success. dent of the Cass City Rotary Club gathered at their home in Ever- fler Tedford for $2,300. The J. D. ilies" was given by Mrs. Henry at the Tuesday luncheon. Others green township. elected are: vice-president, H. F. A large crowd attended the Funk residence on the corner of McLellan and Mrs. George Fisher. Every day looks black to the Ave. and Houghton St. j It included many items from the' man who is trying to figure a T enzner secretary, Willis Camp- amateur night at the auditorium Woodland to Roy Taylor for $1,350. proper way to write a check to way to get out of the red. The Mothers' Club enjoyed a delightful afternoon with Mrs. Inventory Reduction Roy Rogers last Thursday. A Specials Good Thru good number were present. Mrs. Willis Campbell and daughter, Jane, were guests. Mrs. Landon will entertain in Located at 2460 Midland Road at 3-mile road or 2 miles west of Rogers has sold the fran- ay City, Mich,, on premises of Whitman Tractor Sales, on ights on the Cass Cityw bus line to W. 0. Stafford for $3,000. Mr. Stafford will Quantity Rights Reserved ^'e p3ssession on April 15. Mr. Rogers sold the Flint bus line to I Ray Henry of Flint two weeks o~o and received in exchange the Reed City-Midland-Bay City line. Schwaderer and Striffler, local stock buyers, paid out $4,950.00 New & Used Farming Machinery to farmers of this community on 0 vturday, Mar. 20, issuing several attractive checks in payment. 10:00 A.M. Among these was one to Alex In Milligan for $843.20 for eight 40 Tractors j head of Cattle weighing 9,610 ! pounds. Another check of $643.20 Demonstrator 971 gas Ford tractor with wide front and selecwas made to W. J, Schwegler in payment for seven head of cattle o-speed; demonstrator 871 gas Ford tractor with select-o-speed; demonstrator F-340 Farmall tractor; TD6 Int. crawler tractor cattle weighing 8,040 pounds. Store Hours: Monday Thru Friday 8 Till 6 with new blade; 1957 M&M 445 tractor and loader; 1949 John Peere A tractor ; !950 John Deere B tractor with power trol: w + i the +V, clock i i on the «. job • v aridi Saturday 8 Till 9 Watcn 195-4 Ferg. 80 tractor with Davis 102 loader; 1&52 Cub with angle you 11 remain one of the hands. I blade and touch control ;1952 SC Case with Hydro system; 1953 _._. -----------------vac Case with 2-row cult.; 1947 H Int. tractor; Ferg. 20 tractor It takes lots of backbone to | 6and Black Hawk trencher; Ferg. 20 tractor with Superior loader; back down from a wrong position. '. Ford Ferg. 8N tractors, 1948 to 1950; Oliver 70 tractor and cult.; Oliver 70 tractor ;Oliver60 tractor; 9N-F, Ferg. tractor with stepIt pays to look pleasant-even ^transmission. Ferg. tractor 9N; 1945 John Deere B; Massey 81 tractor; ^in rWn if tbp -sTYiilp it tne smile skin deep. M&M-R and plow; AC-B tractor and cult.; '1946 John Deere B; W30 tractor on rubber; 1949 Massey 22 with plow and cult.; Int. Advertise It Tn The Chronicle A with new tires and 2-row cult.; Massey 30 tractor; M&M-E with Robin Hood wide front and 4-row tool bar cult.; Int. H tractor; Massey 81 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION tractor and cult; Avery tractor; Wheel Horse garden tractor with Sale or Mortgage of Real Estate State of Michigan, The Probate Court sickle bar, blade, cult. ,plow. disc; Planet Jr. garden tractor and for the County of Tuseola. cult., 6 h.p. Saturday, Mar. 25 Center Cut Boneless ROAST CHUCK ROAST BONE ROAST Cass City Bcineiess Lb STEWING Round Bone SWISS STEAK CHUCK STEAK < AfUARTHUR'S SUPER MARKET McArthur's Lean - Top Quality - Really Fresh GROUND BEEF Campbell's Soup Sale Chicken Noodle - Mushroom Veg. Beef Your Choice 7 $ 1.69 Tall Cans Kraft Salad Dressing Pizzapit Frozen PIZZA PIES Pepperoni - Mushroom Cheese EacI Old South Qt la ORANGE JUICE Old Farm Red (Without Coupon 49c) RASPBERRY PRESERVES With This Coupon Coupon Good For 1 Jar of Miracle Whip At 39c. One Coupcin Per Family. Coupon Expires Sat., March 25 - FRUIT COCKTAIL Campbell's AS -GREEN BEANS * Navy Beans *WAX BEANS. *Pillsbury Biscuits Famo 'TOMATO SAUCE Florida *PANCAKE MIX ORANGES 3-oss. Jar ^MARASCHINO CHERRIES CABBAGE 2 19c Ib. YOUR CHOICE SCOT TOWELS CLOROX Most of our business comes through people we've thoughtfully served. The reason— understanding, sincere guidance and dependability in helping you select a fine monument, New Port Whole and Cut New Port Who?e and Cut SCOTTIES 39c In the Matter of the Estate of Glarenee Campbell, Mentally Incompetent. At a -"-si^Ti of said - CouH, held on March 8th, 1961. Pre ent, Honorable Henderson Graham, Judtre of Probate. | Notiee is Hereby Given, That all persons interested in said estate are diI rected to appear before said Probate Court on April 6th, 1961, at ten a.m.. to show cause why a license should not be i granted to, Lawrence Campbell, guardian I of said estate, to sell or mortgage the j interest of said estate in certain real estate described in his petition, for the pir-'pose of maintaining ward; It Is Ordered, that notice thereof be or! -~7i by publication of a copy hereof to.- tV-p<i weeks con=ecutively previou? to said d iy of hearing, in the Cass Ci's Chronicle and that the petitioner cause a copy of^ this notice to be served upor Bf.ch known party in intpiwt at his lasv known address by re«yiftered m^il, return receipt demanded, at least fourteen (14) days prior to such hearing:, or by personal service at least five (5) day* prio" to such hearing-. Rer.de/son Graham, Judge of Probate. A true copy Beatrice P, Berry, Register of Probate, i James J. Epskamp, Atto-—'ey 447 N. State St., Caro, Tliehigaii ' 3-16-3! Facial Tissues 2 45c 2 400 Half Gallon Size 37c Shari Easter Candies Hen or Pigeon EGGS 12-oz. 39c Apple Streusel (Oven Fresh) A ->S*f"^ UVi. «^ti01-i \^SY\sll JL J. Cl^il / 15c ^M 4!B!^ COFFEE CAKE 43c GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 z 39c NIBLETS CORN 2 2° 39c 29c Jack Rabbit Pkg. We are specialists in monuments sculptured from Select Barre Granite fully guaranteed. Between now and Memorial Day why don't you plan like thousands of others do — by deciding mow to honor and commemorate a dearly loved one. Our large variety will make your selection easier. SEE WHAT YOU BUY •COMINGS Memorials 258 South State Street Caro, Mich. OS - 82234 Same family ownership Same location for 49 years. Ne'vy & Used Equipment 1957 self-propelled model 141 Int. combine with 12-ft. header, used three seasons, spike cyl.; Massey Harris 2-row self-propelled corn picker; 12-ft. self-propelled Massey Harris combine model No. 21; 2 1955 Massey Clipper combines; 2 A-6 Case combines; i<-2 Case combine; 2 Allis-Chalmers 60 combines with bean attachment; Wood Bros, combine with attachments; model 1840 Ford hay baler, demo.; model 68 New Holland baler, new; model 250 Ford baler, demo.; 1954 Massey Harris twine-tie baler; Case twine-tie baler with motor; 2 New Holland No. 76 balers; 2 Olson Roto Beaters; New Holland No. 611 forage harvester with No, 631 sickle bar attachment; Ford forage harvester with corn and hay heads, used; Ford forage harvester with row crop attachment and windrow attachment, used one time; Gehl forage harvester with motor and hay head; 2 1954 model D. Mar-Beet 1-row beet harvesters. Int. 1-row beet harvester with cart; 2 1953 Scot Viner 1-row beet harvesters with cart; model E22 Mar-Beet beet harvester with cart and long elevator; 3 mounting kits for Mar-Beet harvesters, 2 for Massey, 1 for Int.; John Deere 1-row beet harvester; Int. 1-row beet harvester; 2 Int. No. 32 beet harvesters 2-row; 2 Int. beet and bean drills No. 40 & 44; Ford 1-row mounted corn picker, demo.; Massey 1-row corn picker, demo.; No. 7 New Idea 1-row corn picker; 6 2x14 Dearborn plows some with Economy bases; 2 Ferg. disc plows 2- & 3-bottom; No. 411 fast hitch 4x14 Int. plow,-new; Int. 4x14 pull-type plow; Int. 3x14 pull-type plow; 4 Int. 2-bottom pull-type plows; Oliver 3-bottom lift-type plow. 10 2- & 3-bottom pull-type plows, various makes; 2 Roseman 3-g-ang mounted lawn and golf course mowers; New Idea side rake; Case side rake; model 606-1 Ford grain and forage blower with pipes; John Deere tractor spreader; John Deere 4-wheel spreader; New Idea No. 15 PTO manure spreader; New Idea No. 14-A tractor manure spreader; Massey manure loader; Ferg. manure loader; 3 2-row lift and pull-type corn planters; Case field cult, on rubber; John Deere field cult.; Boggs potato grader with motor; Trexler potato cutter: 2-row potato planter; potato duster; Int. 1-row potato digger; Int. 2-row potato planter; Jackson mounted transplanter; Ferg. dyna-balance. mower; Dearborn industrial side mounted mower, 5'; 2 Dearborn rear mounted 7-ft. mowers; jJanhouser post hole digger. -,-,3o^ftTtype disc narr°ws; Dearborn 10-ft. wheel-type disc, No 11-245; Int. 8-ft. disc; 2 Oliver 8-ft. discs; Moline 10-ft disc- Int offset disc on rubber; 4-sec. rotary hoe; 5-sec. rotary hoe;'New idea stalk chopper; Durabilt grain box end dump; Dearborn dozer blade and frame; Massey tool bar for 4-row cult, rear gang; 2 New Holland 5-ton wagons; 2-bottom clod buster; 9-ft. Harriman packer; wagon unloader unit complete; new Arps dozer blade and trame with hydro.; new Ford lime and fert. spreader; Arps landscaping frame and rake with dual gauge wheel. 3 Int. 2-row cultivators; Dunham 10-ft. packer; John Deere 4sec. drag; Int. 3-sec. drag; Wood Bros, grain separator; Kerrick steam cleaner; Ferg. spring tine cult.; 3-point rear blade; Int. green crop loader; rollover scraper; 2 Bennett computing gas S?-mpSvU£ Wayne computing pumps; 2 Hydro, tractor chain saws; Wise. VE4 motor with clutch and trans. — plus many small items. NOTE We are not going out of business and will be dealing every day. Thus additions and subtractions may be made to the above list. Be sure to..attend..this..sale as., there are., a lot of good and valuable items to sell at your price. TERMS—CASH, unless time arrangements are .made with owners prior to auctioin time. Not responsible for accidents or for equipment left on lot after sale * Lunch on Grounds* WHITMAN TRACTOR SALES & AREA DEALERS 2460 MEDFORD RD., BAY CITY, MICH. Sale conducted by Yoder and Frey, Inc., Archbold, Ohio AUCTIONEERS: Elias H. Frey & S«tis, Archbold, Oh»; Don Fry, Edon, Ohio. CASB CITY CHRONICT .F— PAGE POUR LADIES' HOSE Reg. LEE RIDERS $1.00 4.48 Reg. $ to $8.95 ^ CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Hanes and Berkshire Men's 13 3|4-oz. LADIES' DRESSES THURS^Y, MARCH 23, i%i 69f 3 pr. $3.50 Children's SHOES W A N T E D ! FIFTY WOMEN TO JOJN GRAND PRi'ZE CAMPA1GN CREATED BY OUR ADVERTISING AGENCYJUST TO HELP US ADVERTISE THIS SALE. Boys & Girls 'TTin to $5.95 * jj MEN'S HERE IS FUNFASCINATION- DRESS SHOES ~ EVERY CON- Reg. 9.95 to 13.95 MEN'S CASUAL /.' ' , V TROUSERS Lee Brand-Wash & wear TESTANT $' RECEIVES FULL, Boys' Therm'al-King LEE RIDERS 111/4 -oz. Blue or Tail Reg. 2.98 & 3.50 MEN'S Just FAIR OPPORTUNITY TO WIN Beautiful Prizes Given i^ Contlst Wm Ladies' SKIRTS a^^^ Brand New Spring Cottons 1. 3 PC. BEDROOM SUITE Palamino finish, Dresser, Chest &. ««?QO O Book-Case Bed *^S».IK 2e Matched Luggage Reg. $3.«m & $4.95 92^ Reg. |1» ^ $3.95 ""^g. iff ^ $4.96 !kj MEN'S Healthknit WORK SHOES Wolverine 6" Tops Reg. 10.95 Undershirts & Drawers One Lot Ladies' Reg. $2.98 Ladies 3 pc. set American Tourister 3. Mahog. Kneehole desk & 69.95 matcMng chair 4. Westinghouse Transistor 53.95 Radio 5. TV Lounge Q>r>*~ 49.50 6. Faribo Fluff loomed all lb -,a 0y5 ~ wool blanket ' 7. Pendelton Robe & Case 13.95 Retail value of prizes C l TS FURNITURE PRIZES BOUGHT PROM LITTLE FURNITURE CO. Contest closes 5:30 p.m., April 15th. A A A Wool - Orion - Bajnlon Reg. $4.95 To $10.95 1. JACKETS Lightwear -- For SpringWear Reg. C*%QQ MEN'S Ladies' NYLON SHOES Flats - Heels - Wedgies to $9.95 SWEATERS Pullover & Coat AH 100% Wool Reg. to $9.95 1/2 Price 1 ff M3Z* Hoy ® BUY YOUR EASTER OUTFIT CASS CITY