Arbor Hills Family Fun Night


Arbor Hills Family Fun Night
Arbor Hills
February 2014
Feb 11 7:30 AM Donuts with Dads
Last names A-M
Feb 12 7:30 AM Donuts with Dads
Last names N-Z
Feb 14 10:00
PTO Meeting
Feb 16
OMEA Music Festival
Feb 17
President’s Day
No School
Feb 18
In-service Day
No students
Feb 27 7:30 PM AH Band Concert @
The 2nd semester of the year is underway. Students cleaned lockers to
organize for this second half of the
year. Now would be a great time to
check over your child’s supplies. All
those pencils and pens, folders and
notebook paper you purchased in August may need to be replenished. We
thank you for your cooperation in
seeing that your child is prepared
with the proper materials to learn. If
you need assistance with this, please
contact our counselors: or
8th Graders Begin High School
Registration Process
8th graders will begin the registration process for high school in
February. If your child will be
attending Northview, he or she
will meet with counselors from
Northview at Arbor Hills through
their Tech/Computer Applications class on Tuesday Feb 11.
Students will receive information
re: high school courses and will
be given a registration sheet with
course recommendations
checked off.
These forms should be completed, signed by parents and
returned to Cutway or Reed by
Fri Feb 14.
NV counselors will return on
Thursday, March 20 to speak
with each NV bound student individually regarding their registration and schedule choices, again
through Tech classes.
8th graders will begin the registration process for High school
the first week in February. If your
child will be attending Southview,
he or she will meet with counselors from Southview at Arbor Hills
on Tuesday, Feb 11 during 2nd
period in the commons. Students
will receive information re: high
school courses and will be given
a registration sheet with course
recommendations checked off.
These forms should be completed, signed by parents and
returned to Cutway or Reed by
Friday Feb 14
SV Counselors will return on
Thursday, Feb 13 during 8th gr
lunch to follow up and speak with
any SV bound student who has
questions regarding their registration and schedule choices.
Arbor Hills Family Fun Night
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Booster and Parent Club Fund Raiser
Thursday, March 20 for Arbor Hills @ 6PM
Come join the Parent Club and Boosters as they team up to
bring you a night of fun including dinner, games and a silent
auction/raffle. We are in need of parent volunteers to help in
many areas of planning, from helping plan the dinner to asking for donations. We are also in need of donation items that
we can include in our silent auction/raffle. If interested in
helping plan or have items to donate, please contact Cheryl
Kujawski at (419) 885-5894 or email at
Hope to see you there!
Arbor Hills Safety and Security Update
Arbor Hills and Sylvania Schools continue to revisit safety and
security initiatives making your child’s safety our first priority.
One safety intervention begun at Arbor Hills, as in many of our
buildings, is Police presence in the morning as students are arriving and at the end of the day when students are waiting to board
busses or for parent pick up.
Already in place are the A.L.i.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform,
Counter, Evacuate) procedures in which students and staff have
been trained. These procedures are proven to be a more effective way to make a proactive decision in the case of an armed
intruder entering the building. Like the monthly fire drills at AH,
students are presented with quarterly “Active Intruder Scenarios”
where discussions take place on making the best decision based
on the information given. Teacher feedback notes students have
been mature and insightful with the scenarios. They offered logical
questions answered by teachers and administrators in the building.
Sylvania Schools has implemented a Safety and Security Steering
Committee that meets weekly, and a Safety and Security District
Team that meets monthly. Together, these groups will continue
to review and update all facets of district safety measures.
Future plans for the district include placing outside cameras where
there presently are none and updating lighting.
Once again, the commitment in creating a positive and safe learning environment for all of our students is the first priority of the
AH Staff. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this
topic, feel free to contact Mrs. Gaiffe or Mr. Zieroff.
Geography BEE
The National Geography Bee is for students in grades 4 8. Materials are prepared by the National Geography Society
with the motive to inspire student and teacher interest in geography. AH has competed in the NGB for the last few
years. Our students first compete at their grade level and
must qualify to compete in the finals. The winner of the AH
Bee will then take a test which is sent to the headquarters of
the NGB. If that student scores well enough on the test, he/
she will compete at the state level and then eventually at the
national level. This year's first place winner is 6th grader
Alec Murd and runner up is 8th grader Ryan Kelly. We will
find out in the spring if Alec will be invited to the state level
National Geography Bee in Columbus. Congratulations,
Alec and Ryan and all of our semi finalists:
Math Counts
The Math Counts team, under the leadership of Mrs.
McAlees and Mr. Lucius, participated in the district
competition on February 1st at the University of
Toledo. The competition included schools from NW
Ohio with almost 200 student competitors. The competition is split into two rounds, individual round and
team round. A final score is tabulated by adding all
the individual scores together and combining them
with the team score.
Congratulations to 8th grader David Mulligan who
placed 11th overall, 4th overall in Speed and 6th
overall in individual competition.
Math Counts Team: David Mulligan, Caleb Meister,
Hussein Hawamdeh and Jeffrey Burns
Go Roadrunners!!
Donuts with Dads
You are invited to Donuts with Dads on Tuesday and
Wednesday, February 11th and 12th beginning at
7:30 a.m. We have designated two mornings, the 11th
for students whose last names begin with A-M and the
12th for last names beginning with N-Z. Please feel
free, however, to join your child for breakfast whichever day is best for you.
For those unfamiliar with Donuts w/Dad, this is simply an informal time to have breakfast with your child.
There is no meeting, just spend time with your child.
This will take place in the gym .We will be serving
juice, milk, coffee, bagels, and donuts.Hope to see you
there !
Power of the Pen
The Power of the Pen teams have been hard at work
since October practicing their creative writing, in
preparation for their first tournament. Our District
Competition, an all day event, was held at Timberstone Junior High on Saturday, February 1.
Congratulations to the following AH Power of the
Pen Team Competitors for placing in the competition:
Danielle Schuster placed 15th and Kay Clark
placed 8th in the 8th Grade competition.
7th grade: Alek West, Jordyn Jurski, and Quinn Murphy
Thank you to all team members for their hard work
preparing for the competition
8th Gr: Danielle Schuster, Andrew Sterling, Paige
Valley, Jessica Friedel, Kay Clark, Erin Chambers.
7th Gr: Aaron Brady, Alsedeaq Hawamdeh, Jack
Noviski, Audrey Berling, and Nolan Cramer.
8th grade: Jude Baroudi, Lora Sahmarani, and David Mulligan
Coach: Mrs. Pinkerton
6th grade: Audrey Clark and Maggie Jurek
Page 2
Safeguarding Kids’ Technology Activities
The internet is
truly a wonderful resource
for our children. No matter what our children are
interested in, there are
dozens, if not hundreds of
sites available to help
them follow their curiosity
into new levels of learning.
However there
are frightening aspects of
the Internet as well, which
is why families need to be
involved. The following
are some tips for you to
help safeguard your
child’s on-line learning
1. Limit their access
2. Create your own version of “Never” land
(make sure they understand “never” rules
of the internet, what
not to do on-line)
3. Cut out Spam!
4. Freedom of Information (Explain that whatever they post on-line
is available for anyone
to see, they should
have no problem with
you reading it. Exs.
5. Be “Checkpoint Charlie” (keep the computer
in a public area of the
6. Learn the Lingo
7. Pictures uploaded to
cell phones are easily
transferable and easily
8. Be understanding to
their wants and needs
when it comes to web
9. Read more about it!
Parents can check out wonderful info. that can help
them keep their children
safe anytime at
Relationships are a big deal to
junior high school and high
school students. They need you
to stay involved and attentive to
what’s going on.
By setting rules with your child,
you will help them learn and
make good choices and
build healthy relationships.
AH Orchestra & Band Ready
to Entertain
The Arbor Hills Band will present their Winter Concerts at SV on February 27 at 7:30 pm
The Arbor Hills Orchestra will play at NV on March
5 at 7:00 pm
Musicians are asked to arrive early for tuning and
warm-up. The concerts are free. Come enjoy the
music and support these talented, hard working
AH Goes to District I
Honors Festival
Each year District I of the Ohio Music Education Association sponsors an honors festival for the "best of
the best" JH and HS choir, band and orchestra students from over 40 schools in NW Ohio.
Participants are selected by teacher recommendation and audition for an opportunity to participate in
The District I Honors Festival at the Stranahan Theater on Sunday, February 16.
Students rehearse during the previous week and
have a "marathon" rehearsal with their guest conductor/clinician on the day of the concert.
The festival culminates in a free concert Sunday, Feb
Arbor Hills Participants for the 2014
OMEA Honors Festival
Erin Chambers
Sydney Kenworthy
Joshua Peatee
Danielle Schuster
McKenna Burke
Kevin Chatman
Kelsea Gorsha
Gabriel Kobylak
Quinn Murphy
Andrew Eble
Claire Gray
Alexander Keck
Miranda Futrell
Trista Bonde
Kevin Gaynor
Also: On Feb 15
Riker Thomas, Clarinet is
participating in the
State Middle School Honor
Page 3
Sylvania School District Promotion Policy for
7th / 8th grade
Page 5
All students must pass 2 (two) years English, math, science and
social studies with at least a 1.0 grade point average. In addition, a student must pass the 4th qtr of these subjects for promotion, regardless of previous grades. Again, a passing grade is
earning a 1.0 “D” average in each of the four mentioned classes.
If a course is failed, at this time the following options are open
to students:
Work with a private tutor, approved by Sylvania Schools, to
raise the grade point average to a 1.0 in the following
courses: English, math, science and social studies. A student is limited to taking two of these courses each summer.
Preparing for
Standardized Tests
The Ohio State Achievement tests will be in
our school before you know it. The name has
been changed for OAT to OAA (Ohio
Students not completing the jr high requirements by the end Achievement Assessment) As parents you can
do much, even through your busy schedule to
of their summer may be made required to attend a conferhelp your child perform well.
Correspondence Summer School. Contact Arbor Hills counselor for information.
ence with the administration to determine their placement for
This year’s testing will take place as follows:
the up coming school year.
The options of a private tutor or a correspondence course
will be an expense to each student.
If your child forgets to write an assignment in his
or her agenda book, or you and your child need to
double check an assignment, go to
and click on the link for
Arbor Hills Homework Matrix.
Every Arbor Hills teacher enters homework assignments on this one database to make it easier for
parents and students to be up to date on HW info.
Assisting Students &Forgotten Items
We understand that students forget homework, gym clothes, lunches,
lunch money, etc. If you drop off any item to school, put your students first &
last name and grade on the item and bring it to the office to the designated
area that students will check for pick up. Students should check the office if
they are expecting things they forgot to be brought from home. We also
have a lost and found area in the commons your child should check for
missing clothes, books, supplies and lunch boxes. We have lots of lunch
Tuesday April 22 All grades: Reading
Thursday April 24 All grades: Math
Tuesday April 29 8th grade: Science
 Schedule medical appointments outside of
school hours.
 Likewise schedule family trips and activities
on non-school days
 Have your child prepare for school the
night before, so tardiness will not be an issue
 Help your child make a habit of eating a
nutritious breakfast for needed brain food.
 Help your child develop a sleep routine
which involves 8 hours of sleep each night.
 Encourage your child to exercise as increased oxygen to the brain helps with thinking
and memory.
Honor Roll Students
Students earning a grade point average of
3.5 and above are treated to an ice cream
sundae during lunch. These Honor Roll students will also be receiving honor roll letters and ribbons. We are proud of these students and their efforts!
Box Tops for Education
Student Council and Youth to Youth are sponsoring the collection of Tyson Project A+ labels and General Mills Box Tops for Education labels.(General Mills includes Betty Crocker, Yoplait Yogurt, and
Lloyd’s) Tyson labels are worth twenty cents (20¢) and Box Tops for Education are worth ten cents
(10¢) each. The money that we can get from collecting the labels adds up quickly. The money that we
receive will allow our school's student council to provide extra services or hardware for all Arbor Hills
students. We encourage Arbor Hills families to participate by saving labels and sending them to school.
We are throwing money away if we do not all participate. Students should bring labels to their A+ class
and deposit them in the box in their homeroom. Thanks for helping !!
Our January AH Track Award
Congratulations to :
Audrey Clark
Emma Allen
Jacob Sulewski
Joe Rambo
Madison Barnes
Blake Crace
Angela DelReal
Caleb Whitmore
Ashley Kiker
Matt Mahoney
Brandon Hensley
Zach Kujawski
Does your child deserve a Track Award?
Parents as well as teachers can nominate any student for a Track Award each month.
See the Track Award Criteria and Nomination Form on the following page of this newsletter.
Complete the form and turn it in to the office or email it to Mr. Zieroff before the end of each
month and your child will be included in this motivational reward.
AH Track Award
Does your child deserve a Track Award? The goal of this program is to promote academic excellence
through recognition, communication, and action. This program is an opportunity for parents to nominate
their child for improved study habits /behavior at home, grade improvement, positive academic
attitude, etc. Parents of Arbor Hills students can nominate their child by completing the “AH Track
Award” below and submitting it to Mr. Zieroff who will then reward students in a variety of ways
such as a certificate, pencil, slushy, ice cream, pass, etc.
Thank you for helping keep our students on the RIGHT TRACK!.
“AH Track Award”
Please fill out the entire form and submit to Mr. Zieroff, at Arbor Hills
Name of Student __________________________________ Grade __________
Reason for Nomination _____________________________________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date __________________
Page 8
Know! To Shatter The Myths of Drug Abuse
When it comes to drugs and drug abuse, youth receive an abundance of misinformation from television, the internet, movies, music and peers. That’s why
January 27th through February 2nd is being honored as National Drug Facts
Week; a health observance for teens that aims to shatter the myths and share
the truth about drugs and what they can do to one’s brain, body and behavior.
Take “Molly” for example, a drug that is all the rage among party-going teens.
Molly gained much of its popularity from songs by various music artists including Madonna, Miley Cyrus and Kanye West - to name a few. For most parents,
hearing a song about “Molly” would not signal a red flag. But the fact is, it
The word on the street is that Molly is a kinder, safer way to get high, but that
couldn’t be further from the truth.
Talking regularly with youth about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
reduces their risk of using
in the first place.
Know! encourages you to
share this Parent Tip with
friends and family.
Click here to join others who
Know! by taking the
Know! Pledge.
Know! is a program of:
So who exactly is this Molly character and what is she capable of?
Molly is the powder or crystal form of MDMA, which is the chemical also
used in Ecstasy, that produces a high. Molly comes in tablets, capsules or colorful pills (which sometimes have cartoon-like images on them) and typically
sells for between $20 to $50 a dose.
Molly is a Schedule I controlled substance, meaning it has a high potential
for abuse and no accepted use in medical treatment.
Many people believe Molly to be the pure form of Ecstasy, but in truth, this
drug tends to get mixed with a variety of other components, from talcum powder to Heroin. What is truly being ingested by the user is dangerously unknown.
Molly is typically taken for the euphoric high and feelings of extreme alertness it can produce. But, many people don’t realize that some users will instead experience feelings of sadness, anxiety and depression from the drug
(and this can last up to a week or longer for regular users).
Other side effects of Molly include muscle cramping, nausea, blurred vision, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and in some cases, seizures,
hyperthermia and even death.
You are encouraged to use the observance of National Drug Facts Week as
yet another opportunity to increase your knowledge and talk with your children
about the dangers of drugs and drug abuse.
For additional information on Drug Facts Week and to take advantage of the
many resources offered, please visit
Sources: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), The Partnership at, USA
Today: Old Drug Making a Comeback as Molly, January 2014.
Drug Free Action Alliance
6155 Huntley Road, Suite H
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Lifetime Prevention
Lifetime Wellness
Link to the article on the Drug Free
Action Alliance Facebook Page
District News February 2014
Board Elects New Officers
Welcome to Stephen Rothschild, the Board’s newest member. After the official swearing in of incumbents
Julie Hoffman and Dave Spiess and new member Stephen Rothschild, the Sylvania Board of Education
elected Jim Nusbaum as President and Julie Hoffman as the Vice President for 2014. Profiles of the board
members are available at
Board agendas and minutes are archived online for community members to track directions and decisions
made each month. Agendas are posted the Friday before the meeting and minutes go online the month following the meeting. Community members are invited to attend board meetings held on the second and fourth
Monday of each month. The first meeting is the work session and is held at the Administrative Offices at
4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road at 5:00 pm. The second meeting of the month is held at Southview,
7225Sylvania Avenue at 7:00 pm.
Ohio Graduation Testing
On March 10-14 both Northview and Southview High Schools will be administering the 10th grade Ohio
Graduation Tests (OGT). To help facilitate the testing, all students participating in the testing will report at
the normal start time.
Freshmen at both high schools will report at the normal start time to take a practice OGT test; however testing for freshmen at Northview is Monday – Friday and at Southview it runs Monday – Thursday, so
freshmen at Southview will report on a two-hour delay on Friday, only.
Buses will follow their normal routes and times for students. Buses will not be running two hours late. It is
important that students find alternative transportation or plan on bus transportation at their normal pick up
time. A study hall will be provided for those students arriving on buses at the normal start time. Regular
classes will begin at 9:35 am for all students.
Educators of the Year for 2014
Do you know a deserving teacher, administrator or support personnel? Maybe one of the parents at your
child’s school has gone beyond the norm to help students and/or staff? In this newsletter is a copy of the
nomination form for you and/or your child to nominate that special person. Nominations are also available
online at Completed nominations are due by May 5. Please send completed information to the Communications Office, 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 or drop off at
the school office.
Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2014
Registration is open for any child residing in the Sylvania School boundary area that will be five years of age
on or before August 1, 2014. If you or a neighbor missed your school registration night or were unable to
attend, contact Student Services at 419-824-8581.
District News February 2014
Winter Weather is Here
Winter weather brings the chance of school delays and closings. When inclement weather is an issue, there are
two decision points. The first one comes at 5:45 am. when the Superintendent makes the decision to remain
open, delay two hours, or to close. At times the call may come later than 5:45 a.m. if the weather situation is
still developing and we need additional time to assess the roads. The second, and final decision, comes by 7:45
am. Ohio school districts are granted five calamity days. Any extra days will be made up at the
end of the school year.
Please note that weather delays and closings are relayed to parents and staff via all of the local TV and radio
stations, by calling the closing/delay info line at 419-824-8696, or via electronic updates via Facebook, the
District website at, and/or Dynacal and email alerts.
News You Can Use…
Postsecondary Education Resource.
This free online resource was designed to help Ohio students and their families determine the best and most
affordable ways to earning college degrees and career-technical credentials. http://
Kids Tech University
Is an interactive science program for children 9-12 years of age offered on Saturdays throughout the year at
Bowling Green State University.
Triumph Through Challenges. Double ARC/NOFAS Ohio
offers classes for parents and families dealing with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
For Parents…
11th Annual Showcase Sylvania Expo,
Hosted by the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce, will be held on March 22 at Tam-0-Shanter Exhibition
Hall on Sylvania Avenue, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Nearly 200 vendors will attract about 4000 consumers for this
one-day event that is free and open to the public.
For Kids…
Pool Fun. The Sylvania Natatorium at Northview offers swimming lessons, lap swims and community open
swims as well as pool parties for birthdays and celebrations. More information is available at or call 419-824-8717.
Creative Theater.
The Sylvania Arts Commission is offering theater classes for students in grades 4-8 and students in grades 912. Classes will run on Tuesday and Wednesdays after school beginning on February 25 through May at
Northview High School.
District News February 2014
Love Films?
Seeking student videographers for the “Shorties” Shorter Short Film Challenge but need help? The Sylvania
Arts Commission is offering a 4-week “shorties U” beginning on February 22. This workshop series will provide professional help in scripting, editing and producing to help students learn the craft before shooting their
short film for the Tree City Film Festival. Limited seating so reservations a must – sign up forms available on
January 25 at Northview or after that date online at
Did You Know…
2nd Annual Tree City Film Festival will be held April 24-26. This year a special showing of the Oscarnominated Short Films will be screened on Saturday, April 26 at Northview. This is the only location in NW
Ohio showing all of the short films. Tickets available at
Reminder: NO SCHOOL –
Tuesday, February 18 for the second in-service day for staff training. Past years, one of the two in-service
days was taken at the beginning of the year but due to curriculum changes and District needs, that day was
moved to mid-year.
Community Happenings
February 5 Late Start – 2-Hour Delay
February 6-8 CougaReview, 7:00 pm, Southview
February 8 Garage Sale, Northview
February 7 Parent School Council Meeting, 12:00 pm, Administration Office
February 17 NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day
February 18 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Inservice Day
Your Input is Appreciated
If you have questions and/or concerns that you would like addressed, please fill in the form below. We want to hear from you. Comments:
Phone Number__________________________
Please send to: Superintendent’s Office, 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road., Sylvania, Ohio 43560 or via email to:
District News March 2014
Ohio Graduation Testing
On March 10-14 both Northview and Southview High Schools will be administering
the 10th grade Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT). To help facilitate the testing, all students participating in the
testing will report at the normal start time.
Freshmen at both high schools will report at the normal start time to take a practice OGT test; however
testing for freshmen at Northview is Monday – Friday and at Southview it runs Monday – Thursday,
so freshmen at Southview will report on a two-hour delay on Friday, only.
Buses will follow their normal routes and times for students. Buses will not be running
two hours late. It is important that students find alternative transportation or plan on bus transportation at
their normal pick up time. A study hall will be provided for those students arriving on buses at the normal
start time. Regular classes will begin at 9:35 am for all students.
Educators of the Year for 2014
Do you know a deserving teacher, administrator or support personnel? Maybe one of the parents at your
child’s school has gone beyond the norm to help students and/or staff? In this newsletter is a copy of the
nomination form for you and/or your child to nominate that special person. Nominations are also available
online at Completed nominations are due by May 5. Please send completed
information to the Communications Office, 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 or
drop off at the school office.
Foundation News
Academic Excellence Foundation will hold the 23rd Annual Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame banquet
on Friday, May 2 at the Sylvania Country Club. Honorees will be announced next month. Nominations
are accepted year round for consideration – please send nominations to the Communications Office at
4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road.
Sylvania Athletic Foundation is seeking graduates of the Sylvania Schools – Burnham, Sylvania, Northview or Southview - that have made their mark in sports while in Sylvania Schools and beyond. The
Foundation also honors retired coaches and supporters of the athletic programs in the schools. Nominations are available online at or call 419-824-8656. The Foundation
will honor nominees as part of the Northview-Southview football game in October 2014.
District News March 2014 Continued
Winter Weather is Still Here
When inclement weather is an issue, there are two decision points. The first one comes at 5:45 a.m. when
the Superintendent makes the decision to remain open, delay two hours, or to close. At times the call may
come later than 5:45 a.m. if the weather situation is still developing and we need additional time to assess
the roads. The second decision point comes by 7:45 a.m. when a final decision to remain open or close is
made if warranted.
Please note that weather delays and closings are relayed to parents and staff via the local TV and radio
stations, by calling the closing/delay info line at 419-824-8696, on the District Facebook and Web page,
through Dynacal blasts and/or via electronic updates at Alert calls will not be
made for weather delays/closings.
For Parents…
Ohio Achievement Assessment Test Information. Information is available to help parents learn more
about the State achievement tests. Reading about these tests with your children will help both of you become more familiar with the format and help your child(ren) feel more confident and know that they have
your support as they take their tests. Go to and click on testing to see practice tests
and other resources.
Autism Society of Northwest Ohio offers families workshops that offer practical solutions for everyday
10th Annual Showcase Sylvania Expo, hosted by the Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce, will be held
on March 22 at the Sylvania Sports & Exhibition Hall at Tam-O-Shanter, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. An interactive children's area is one of the nearly 200 vendors that are expected to attract over 4000 to the event.
For the Kids…
Pool Fun. Five levels of lessons are offered at the Northview pool as well as various activities and parties
as well as junior high swim classes. Hours and details are available online at or
call 419–824–8718.
Summer School opportunities for students in grades 9-12 will be available during two sessions; session
one will run June 10 - June 27 and session two will run July 8 - July 25
at Timberstone Junior High. Information will be available later in March with registration beginning after
spring break.
Sylvania Recreation is now accepting registrations for spring outdoor sports: soccer, lacrosse, baseball
& softball. To register go to: or if you have questions, contact Sylvania Recreation at 419-882-1500
District News March 2014 Continued
Community News
21st Annual 24-Hour Relay Challenge. Love the outdoors? Love to hang out with friends? Be a part of the 24-hour relay challenge
team and run, walk, crawl or jog around the Timberstone track on May 9-10. Packets are available in the SCAT office,
4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road. Contact the Sylvania Community Action Team (SCAT) at 419-824-8588 or the school office for more details.
Community Happenings
March 2
Parent School Council Meeting, Noon at 4747 N. Holland Sylvania
March 5
LATE START – 2-Hour Delay
March 10
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Begins – Spring ahead 1 hour
March 11
Board of Education Work Session, 5:00 pm, at 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road
March 11-15
Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT)
March 21
A Parent’s Guide to School Safety will be held at Central Trail, 6:30 pm.
March 23
Sylvania Business Expo at Tam-O-Shanter, 10 am – 3 pm
March 24
Gliding Stars of Greater Toledo Ice Show at 2:30 pm at Tam-O-Shanter
March 25
Board of Education Meeting, 7:30 pm, at Southview High School
March 28
Last day of School Before Spring Break
April 7
Classes Resume
Your Input is Appreciated
If you have questions and/or concerns that you would like addressed, please fill in the form below. We want to hear from you.
Phone Number_____________________
Please send to: Superintendent’s Office, 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road., Sylvania, Ohio 43560 or via email to: