In This Issue …… Student Pick-Up/Drop-off


In This Issue …… Student Pick-Up/Drop-off
Issue 3
Youth to Youth
Youth to Youth successfully held
its first meeting on September 19,
2013.We sign the Youth to Youth
Pledge and created “Above the Influence” posters for the school. Our
next formal meeting is scheduled
for October 15th from 3-3:45 pm to
plan for Red Ribbon Week.
PowerSchool News. . . . . . .
October 2013
In This Issue ……
Parent Grade Access System:
It is
called Parent Portal and information
about how to create your own account
can be found on the district website. You
will need the access ID and password found on your student’s schedule they received on the first day of
school in order to create your
The latest Youth to Youth news will
be posted on the bulletin board at the Student Grade Access System:
Students will use the Portal from the
top of the main stairs in addition to
being read on the morning and after- district website as well. Their username and passwords are the same as
noon announcements.
last year (ID and birthdate); however,
leading zeroes have been removed.
Students still interested in joining
Youth to Youth are welcome to sign For example: a January 9, 1996 birth
date will now be entered as 191996.
up by coming to the meeting on
October 15th. The $25 Timberstone
Pay to participate fee needs to paid
to join. Please contact Ms. Heil or
Mrs. O’Brien with any questions.
Youth to Youth
PowerSchool News
Student Pick-up/Drop-off
Interim Reports
Absence from School
Picture Retakes
Inservice Day
Timberstone Awards
Book Fair
Student Activities
Parent Organization
Parent Conference
Pastries with Parents
Bead for Life
Student Council
Quiz Bowl
Power of the Pen News
8th Grade Washington Trip
District News
Student Pick-Up/Drop-off
No School
Monday, Oct 21
In-service Day
Late Start
Please follow the student drop off/ pick up procedures. Students
should not be dropped off in front of the building between
7:45 -8:15 am and 2:45 - 3:15 pm.
This procedure for traffic flow is designed for student safety and we
appreciate your cooperation with the process. Picking up and dropping
off your child at the west end of the building has eliminated
students darting between buses to get into the parent’s car.
Most of our students and parents have been cooperative throughout
this process. We appreciate your concern and support.
Timberstone Parent Organization News
A big thank you to all the parents who have supported our students by purchasing a Timberstone Parent Club Booster Membership! Booster memberships are $50 per family, $25 for a student and $20 for Grandparents. This
allows members entrance into all home Timberstone athletic events. Funds
from booster sales and concession sales have allowed the Timberstone Parent
Organization to do so much for our students. Some of this money goes toward educational support grants that Timberstone teachers can apply for in
order to fund special projects or learning opportunities for our students. TPO
also helped the school purchase the new football helmets our players are using this year.
Parent Conferences are
scheduled for Monday evening,
November 4th from 3:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. and again on Tuesday,
November 5th, from 8:00 to
11:30 a.m. Unlike conferences in
the elementary school, all
parents do not come to school
for a conference.
Booster memberships will be available throughout the year. With your continued support, we look forward to being able to make even more great opportunities possible for our kids! Anyone interested in a booster membership
please contact Kathie Hagmeyer at You may also pick
up a form in the school office.
Teachers do request conferences
in situations where a concern
exists. If you do receive a letter
requesting a conference, it would
be appreciated if the letter is
We had a great turnout for our first meeting of the year on August 28th. It was returned promptly indicating if
wonderful that so many parents were able to join us! We look forward to see- you plan to attend the confering everyone at our next meeting which will be on Wednesday, September
ence. Parents also may schedule
25th at 11:30 (due to the Late Start) at Timberstone.
conferences by calling the school
Future Parent Organization meetings:
at 419-824-8680.
September 25 at 11:30
February 26th at 9:30
October 23rd at 9:30
March 26th at 9:30
November 20th at 9:30
April 23rd at 9:30
January 22 at 9:30
May 28th at 1:00 for end of year luncheon
Pastries with Parents
Quiz Bowl
Picture Retakes
You are invited to “Pastries with
Parents” on Thursday, October
17th beginning at 7:30 a.m. to
join your child for breakfast on
this day. For many of you who
are unfamiliar with Pastries with
Parents, this is simply an informal opportunity to have breakfast with your child. There will
be no meeting, just time to spend
with your child.
The 2013 Quiz Bowl team members
have been named. The team members are: Lydia Applin, Jacob
Connolly, Jeremy Davis, Jacob
Forche, Hassan Hafeez, Akhil
Katragadda, Usman Khan,
Marwin Li, Daniyal Nadeem,
Megan Peng, Owen Topf, Alex
Truman and Kathryn Urrutia
Picture retakes will be held on
Wednesday, October 2nd. The
retakes or first time pictures will be
taken during the lunch periods, beginning at 11:15 a.m. Your child must
return his/her entire picture package
to the photographer to receive a free
retake. Checks made payable to:
Our season begins the week of
October 7th through the week of
The breakfast will take place in
November 18. We look forward to
the cafeteria where we will be
another successful season! The team
serving juice, coffee, bagels, and is coached by Mrs. Tracey Estep and
donuts. It will last until 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Lynn Nedrow.
Go Wolves!
We look forward to seeing you
on the 17th!
If your child is getting his/her picture
taken for the first time, please send
him/her to the office prior to the retake day to pick up a flier which describes the different picture packages
that are available to you for purchase.
Even if you do not intend to buy a
package, we would still like to take
your child's picture.
Coming To Timberstone: Oct. 7 – 11, 2013
The Reading Oasis Book Fair!!!
The Reading Oasis Book Fair… a Cool Place to Read Hot
Books…will be here before you know it! Mark your calendars for
this exciting event. A large selection of some of the best books out
will be available every day before school, throughout the day, including lunch times, and will remain open until 3:00. Reading classes
will visit the Book Fair at least once during the week, but students
can make a Wish List and come back another time. Check out our
online Timberstone Book Fair at:
homepage/timberstonejhs There will also be a link on our Face Book
page, as well as the Library Media Center Homepage at The Online Book Fair will be available from Oct. 2 – 22. Be sure to view samples of some of the popular titles that will be featured, including book descriptions and special
author video clips.
Please call us at 824-8680 at
ext. 4303 to report your child's
absence each morning before
8:45 am. Notes are required for
absences on the day a child
returns. ALL notes must be
brought to the office immediately
upon arrival to school for an
admit slip.
See you in October for the Reading Oasis Book Fair,
and remember….
Read Everyday…Lead a Better Life!
Interim Reports
The interim reporting period ended
on Friday, September 20th.
Please check the PowerSchool
program for the interim grades as a
paper copy will not be sent home
this year.
Peer Tutoring
The Timberstone Peer Tutoring program is ready to start soon. This is a voluntary program that connects an
8th grade student with a 6th or 7th grade student twice a week during A+. Peer tutors help with organization,
test preparation and homework assistance. The 8th grade students who are making a difference this year as
peer tutors are:
Reem Abdel-Khaleq
Brenden Anderson
Lexa Bauer
Maddy Crandall
Sam Curran
Katie Estep
Arukshita Goel
Katie Ingham
Akhil Katragadda
Asher Kripke
Emma Miller
Saanie Naqvi
Meghan Nash
Olivia Nielsen
Kotone Pax
Benny Rosen
Mikayla Rummell
Jordan Topoleski
Edward Walsh
Lark Yan
My DynaCal
We have converted our school calendar over to My DynaCal so we
can keep you updated on our school activities and athletic events.
Please follow the instructions below to subscribe to My DynaCal.
Our monthly newsletters will be posted to this calendar as well as
the daily announcements. We believe you will find this calendar
program a useful tool in keeping up with the events at Timberstone!
My DynaCal Instructions
Go to:
Click on the My DynaCal link (left navigation panel)
Enter email and password
Choose “Add New Calendar”
Give the calendar a name (i.e. Johnny’s Band Events)
Select the categories of events that you would like to view in
this calendar.
7. Once you select the categories you wish to view in this customized view click on “Save”
You can create as many different calendars as you wish, by
repeating steps 4 through 7, listed above. Once your calendar
views are created, you can choose to be notified via email or text
message in case of changes to events in your selected categories.
The notifications will be automatically generated once the
event is cancelled, postponed, or rescheduled. The notifications
can reach you via email or mobile phone messages.
1. From the My DynaCal screen set your preferences for Alerts
for each calendar view.
2. Choose the option of when you would like to be notified as
changes are posted to the system a certain number of days
prior to the events’ date
3. If you choose to receive Text Alerts you will need to enter
your mobile phone number and the mobile carrier.
Be sure to set your email spam filter to receive emails from Mobile carrier charges may apply for text message
alerts. Be sure to verify your text message options and rates on
your mobile plan.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is October 21-25.
Our theme this year is "Above the Influence”. Help us celebrate in several
ways. Talk to your children about the
importance of living a drug free life.
Remind them that alcohol is an illegal
substance for those under 21. Kick off
Red Ribbon week by attending the
“Walk of Light” at Northview Stadium
on Thursday, October 17th at
7pm. Please come and walk with your
child on this night.
Here at Timberstone we will be
featuring motivational drug free
themes during Red Ribbon Week so
that students can show their support
for being drug free. These themes will
be posted throughout Timberstone and
read over the announcements. Please
encourage your child to participate in
these positive experiences.
Thank you,
Kelly Heil
and Leslie O’Brien
Youth to Youth
Magazine Sale
Homework Hotline
Timberstone’s final fundraising totals show nearly $39,000 in sales!
Thank you and congratulations to everyone involved. Management
of this sale would not have been possible without the strong support
of parent volunteers who spent several hours tabulating sales and
balancing spreadsheets. Those volunteers were Jen Brown, Leslie
King, and Stacey Anderson. A very special thank you goes to
Stacey Anderson, our fundraiser coordinator. Our successful
fundraiser could not have happened without the strong support our
parent volunteers as well as the support from all parents who helped
their children during the sale. Thank you!
The Timberstone Homework
Hotline is designed to provide that
extra support for students and parents
in understanding what is expected
each evening for homework.
Sylvania Fall Festival
It is also very helpful for students
who missed a day of school due to
illness. This service, coupled with the
daily assignment books that we encourage students to use, should assist
with that tendency to "forget" that can
be characteristic of some students of
this age.
The summer heat has begun to fade and soon, leaves will be falling.
Each autumn, the best of Sylvania is on display in the Fall Festival Each teacher has a Homework HotParade on October 20th.
line voice mailbox. Daily messages
are left in the mailbox which outlines
the homework assignment for the day
Winter Athletics
plus upcoming tests or projects. Simply call 419-824-8680 and enter the
four digit Homework Hotline numWinter athletics at Timberstone include boys' and girls' basketball
ber. The list of voice mail and Homeand wrestling. These teams are for the 7th and 8th graders. Since
work Hotline numbers was sent home
Timberstone is a member of the Ohio High School Athletic Assoin September. If you need a copy, this
ciation, we cannot include 6th graders as part of our competitive
list is available on our website,
teams. The 6th graders will continue to play sports through or a
nia Recreation.
copy can be picked up in the office.
A touch tone telephone is required to
Wrestling is a non-cut sport. Any student who would enjoy wresaccess this service.
tling for our school is welcome to be part of our team. Athletes
wrestle other athletes of similar weight from schools in this area. A
parent meeting to learn about the team will be scheduled for the
first part of November.
Athletic Admission
Boys' basketball (7th and 8th) will begin toward the end of October/
beginning of November. In both boys' and girls' basketball (7th and
8th), the students must tryout for the team. No more than fifteen
players are on each team. Girls' basketball begins after winter
Admission for all away and home
athletics contests is $2.00 for
students, $3.00 for adults and $1.00
for Seniors. Booster passes can be
used at all home games (not tournaments).
Attendance Procedure
Written Excuses
Each absence must be explained in writing. The policy states that “each absence shall be explained in writing and signed by the student’s parents.”
A student will be considered unexcused each day he/she is absent without a written excuse…”
Professional Appointments
Doctor, dentist, legal and other necessary appointments during the school day are discouraged. When
there is no other choice, these steps, listed in the handbook within the assignment book, shall be followed:
• The student shall have a statement to that effect (appointment is necessary) from his/her parents.
• The student shall bring a signed statement from the doctor, dentist, lawyer, counselor, etc. to the effect
the he/she reported promptly for the appointment.
• The student shall report back to school immediately after his/her appointment if school is still in session.
Medical absences will not count against the student's attendance record.
Excessive Absence
These steps will be followed for absence not covered by a medical excuse or a PCA:
• A student who misses ten days of school in the current school year will have a letter sent informing
parents that future absences will require a doctor’s verification to be excused.
• A student reaching 15 days of absence will have his/her name forwarded to Student Services. Student
Services will set up a hearing with the parents, the school principal and the director of Student Services.
Possible results of this hearing could be referral to the court or children services.
PCA--Request for a student vacation
Personal Convenience Absences are allowed by Board of Education policy, however, there are a variety
of provisions:
• The student will be considered unexcused.
• The forms must be completed and on file BEFORE the absence.
• PCA forms will not be issued during district-wide testing or during EMIS count week
(usually the first full week in October).
• Students will be permitted to make up graded assignments, classroom tests and examinations that are a
part of the student’s grade.
PCA absences will not count against the student's attendance record.
Please check your child’s student handbook in the assignment book.
Power of the Pen Tryouts
Is your 7th or 8th grade student a great, creative thinker and writer? If so, they should try out
for Timberstone Power of the Pen team. This interscholastic writing team battles with the pen
at the district, regional, and state level. Meetings will be on Thursday from 3-4pm, and competitions occur in January, March, and May. Students must be able to attend competitions in
order to be on the team. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Nelson at:
7th Grade auditions-Thursday, October 3rd in room 220D, from 3-4pm
8th Grade auditions-Monday, October 7th in room 220D, from 3-4 pm
Callback will be on Thursday, October 10th
If your student is unable to attend their grade’s initial audition due to a
Quiz Bowl or other school related events, please have them see
Mrs. Nelson in room 220D.
Student Council
The votes have been counted and we would like to congratulate the following students who
have been chosen to represent Student Council this year:
6th Grade: Marilla Hulls, Alexa Kessler, Phoebe Zhu, Trent Simms
7th Grade: Mackenzie Grady, Abigail Mann, Lauren Smith
8th Grade: Preston Fischer, Alexa Bader, Lexi Mann, Jacob Connolly, Jordan Topoleski
October Events sponsored by the Student Council
October 4th-Box Top Competition during A+
October 14th-National Dessert Day-a surprise in A+
October 18th-Timberstone Spirit Day-Wear your favorite TS attire!
October 23rd-Box Top Collection in A+, SC Meeting 3-4 pm
Clip Box Tops—earn cash for our school!
Box Tops for Education
Welcome to another great year at Timberstone. Student Council is once again running the Box
Tops for Education Program. This year, our goal is to raise $1000.00 by collecting boxtops.
Each A+ Class will have a collection box. We will be running fun contests each month between
the A+ classes to see which class can bring in the most boxtops.
One of the easiest ways you can help is to watch for boxtops on products you buy all the time.
Below is a list of products that have the coupons. Each boxtop coupon clipped equals $0.10 for
our school. Sometimes your register receipts will have bonus boxtops printed on them. This
adds up quickly when many people participate. Send the boxtops with your child to school. It’s
that easy. Don’t throw away good money. Watch for the boxtops on the following items:
General Mills Cereal
Yoplait Yogurt Multi-packs
Betty Crocker - baking products, potato dishes and fruit snacks
Gold Medal Flour
Pillsbury Frozen and Refrigerated Products
Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Pop Secret, Chex Mix, Bugles, Gardetto’s, Dunkaroos and Nature Valley Snacks
Hamburger Helper Products
Old El Paso Products
Ziploc, Kleenex, Hefty, Scott and Cottonelle Paper Products
Avery School and Office Supplies
Green Giant Frozen Products
Huggies, Goodnites and other personal care items
Earn cash for our school every time you shop for groceries. Clip Box Tops from hundreds of
your favorite products.* Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10¢ to our school—and that adds
up fast!
Store Incentive Programs
Many businesses offer to their customers or potential customers opportunities for a school of
the customer’s choice to receive a financial reward for their patronage. Timberstone periodically receives a check from a company where a Timberstone parent has identified Timberstone
as their “chosen” school.
As an example, we recently received a check for $350 from Target. The Meijer store runs a
similar promotion as does Kroger and Giant Eagle. When shopping, please check the availability of such a service and consider Timberstone as your chosen recipient of the financial reward
that may be offered. Any checks that we receive go into a fund that is used exclusively for the
benefit of students.
Bead for Life Sales
November 21,26 andDecember 3
7:30 A.M.-3:00 P.M.
Timberstone Library
BeadforLife is a nonprofit organization that works to eradicate extreme poverty by creating bridges of understanding between impoverished Africans and concerned world citizens. Ugandan women turn
colorful recycled paper into beautiful beads. Women in Northern
Uganda, displaced by the 20 year war led by Joseph Kony, are now
rebuilding their lives by gathering shea nuts and pressing them into
shea butter for cosmetics and soaps. And people who care open their
hearts, homes and communities to buy and sell both products. The
beads and shea butter become income, food, medicine, school
fees and hope. It is a small miracle that enriches us all.
A 4-day Bead for Life curriculum will be taught to raise awareness in
Timberstone 6th graders of people living in extreme poverty. The
bead sale is the culminating event that will help students put this
awareness into action. As families, please consider visiting the
school on the sale days to support this organization. The jewelry
makes beautiful and meaningful gifts for the holidays and throughout the year!
**All proceeds from the jewelry sales will be given back to Bead for
Life** (Prices are on the next page)
Bead for Life Prices
Lip Balm
Shea Soap
Shea Butter
Jewelry Pouches
Loose Beads
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip
Please note that the departure date for the annual summer trip has been officially changed.
Students who wish to attend the Summer DC Trip will now depart on the morning of Monday, June
9, and return the morning of Thursday, June 12, 2014. This change has been made to accommodate
those families with children participating in the Northview and Southview High School graduation
ceremonies on Sunday, June 8.
We apologize for any anxiety that might have been caused before or by this scheduling
change. However, we feel the change is important so that our students can now participate in our annual Summer DC Trip, and still be able to attend a most important family graduation ceremony.
Parents of 8th grade students who plan to attend the annual trip to Washington DC are reminded that the
application with the first deposit is due Friday, October 11, 2013. You are also reminded that the Medical Emergency Form must be notarized. Applications can be downloaded by visiting then
select American City Tours and follow the instructions. The second deposit is due by Friday, February 21,
Some parents have inquired about the possibility of being a chaperone. If you are interested, email Eddie
Boggs, the trip coordinator, at Chaperones will be chosen by the lottery system, and
there is no cost to those who are chosen.
Parents who wish to attend the trip as a paid traveler may do so. Please contact Eddie Boggs for more
If you have any questions concerning the trip, please contact Eddie Boggs at : or call 419-704-7837.
1st Trip—March 29-April 1, 2014 OR 2nd Trip—June 9-12, 2014
Qualification Criteria for Timberstone Awards
Quarter Honor Roll – Grades 6, 7, 8
Quarter Honor Roll is for students who have maintained a 3.5 GPA or above; having no failures.
Awards and Criteria for “Awards Night”
Grade 8
Advanced Achievement Award is for students who have earned all A’s in each of their classes for the
first three quarters of the school year.
President’s Awards for Educational Excellence is to recognize academic success in the classroom.
The selection criteria are two fold:
1. Students are to earn a grade of all A’s in each class of their 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years or for nice
consecutive trimesters/quarters (6th, 7th, plus 3 quarters in their 8th grade years). Effective for 2014-2015
school year the criteria will change and require students to achieve all A’s in each of their 6 th, 7th and
first 3 quarters of their 8th grade years.
2. Advanced achievement on standardized test(s) or teacher recommendation for outstanding
Timberstone’s Pride of the Pack Award is awarded to students who meet high standards of personal
conduct and maintain ethics of care, respect and responsibility.
Archie Griffin Award developed by the Ohio High School Athletic Association is awarded to the
student who displays sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity. Students are nominated by coaches and
physical education staff; however nominees do not have to be involved in sports programs to be
Grade 7
Advanced Achievement Award is for students who have earned all A’s in each of their classes for the
first three quarters of the school year.
Grade 6
Advanced Achievement Award is for students who have earned all A’s in each of their classes for the
first three quarters of the school year.
Academic Teams
All members of academic teams will be recognized. Photo plaques will be awarded to students and
teams that place first in leagues and/or tournaments.
October 2013
MySchoolBucks offers Families Online Payment Option
Sylvania Schools now offers families an online payment option for school lunches through the MySchoolBucks Program. Simply go to and follow the simple instructions.
Safety – eliminates worries about your child carrying money to school.
Convenience – make payments when it is convenient for you, from the comfort of your own
home, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Control –able to view your child’s meal purchases at the school cafeteria. You can also set up
an automatic e-mail reminder to alert you when a payment is needed for your child’s account.
Efficient – make payments for all of your children in one step, even though they may attend
different schools in our District.
2013 Educators of the Year
Congratulations to the following Educators of the Year: Lynn Nedrow, Timberstone science
teacher, earned the distinction of the Teacher of the Year and will represent Sylvania Schools at the
Ohio Teacher of the Year. Joining Lynn are Tami Blue, Northview interactive media teacher, Joan
McCarthy, Sylvan 4th grade teacher, and Lindsay Denny, Stranahan 2nd grade teacher.
Dawn Watson, District Custodial Manager, is honored as the Administrator of the Year. Support Personnel of the Year include: Carolyn Akins, Timberstone custodian,
Rose Albert, Hill View office secretary, and John Rodriguez, McCord/Transportation paraprofessional/driver. The District also recognizes volunteers including:
Stacy Anderson, Timberstone parent, Shelly Ferris, Sylvan volunteer, and
Nicki Greenberg, Sylvan parent.
All of the 2013 Educators of the Year were honored at a Board of Education meeting in September.
Congratulations to Lynn Nedrow and all of the 2013 Educators of the Year.
Third Grade Guarantee
Ohio recently passed Senate Bill 316, an education bill that includes a Third Grade Guarantee. By
definition, students entering third grade in 2013-2014 school year will have to score at/above a level
determined by the State in order to advance to the fourth grade. The majority of Sylvania students already meet/exceed that level but measures are in place to identify and support struggling readers. More
information about the Third Grade Guarantee is available on the Ohio Department of Education Website.
Calendar of Events
Updates and changes are reflected daily in the interactive event listings via the Sylvania Schools dynamic calendaring system on the Web. The full 2013-2014 school calendar is also available on the
District website at Follow events and happenings on the District Facebook
Red Ribbon Week
October 21-25 marks the annual Red Ribbon Week activities throughout the community. Activities
are planned in each of the schools to help build awareness and education on substance abuse and to
promote substance-free activities for children and adults. The annual candlelight vigil will kick off the weeklong observance at CATS Stadium on October 17 at 7:00 pm.
News You Can Use
Digital Guide for Parents. The Pearson Foundation has created a new digital guide to education and
learning called Learning Starts. This free, online publication highlights the latest developments in
education and how they transform teaching and learning inside and outside the classroom. The webpage was designed for parents who want to stay up to date on the trends and technologies shaping today’s learning.
Mobile Apps? Anyone with kids in their lives probably has a collection of kid’s mobile apps. The
FTC has a website that will help parents make smart choices about apps and other security issues.
Government Information on the Go. Get official governmental information and services from your
mobile devices, including weather, travel alerts, health information and more.
Disaster/Emergency Recovery. The American Red Cross offers resources to help families planning
efforts as well as recovery from events. Recovery includes a 24/7 counseling or support through 1-800
-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” at 66746. Additional resources are available online at
Did You Know
Sylvania Athletic Foundation announced the 2013 Hall of Fame honorees: Burnham High School:
Harold Hall, 1945; Herm Stokes, 1957; and Jack Boyd, 1959; Sylvania High School: Frank Lukacs, 1964; Mark Simpson, 1966; and Kevin Shaw, 1975; Northview: Matt Trumbull, 1995; Julia
Dempster Koralewski, 2004; and Jessica Okorafo, 2005; Southview: Kate Pendry Guttormsen,
1992; Kelly Rowe, 2004; and Aaron Waldie, 2005; along with coaches: Lewis Whitman, Burnham/
Sylvania/Northview; Ted Dennison, Sylvania; and Mike O’Reilly, Southview. They will be honored
at the Northview/ Southview Football Game on November 1 and at a special banquet on November 2
at Sylvania Country Club. Tickets are on sale for $45 per person. Contact Brian Kezur at 419-3047561 for reservations and/or sponsorships.
Fall Cleaning? Southview is looking for gently used clothing, appliances and other household
goods for their annual garage sale on October 12. Drop off dates: October 4, 5 and 11.
Sylvania Academic Excellence Foundation is seeking nominations for the 23nd Annual Hall of
Fame. Forms available online at or call 419-824-8553.
Check it Out
Sibshops. Brothers and sisters of kids with special needs support group is for children
8 – 14 years of age. Meetings held once a month at 10:00 am at the Alternate Learning Center at 3939
Wrenwood. or call 419-471-0384.
Search for Extra Terrestrial (SETI) will be shown at the Appold Planetarium at Lourdes University
on October 12, 19 and November 9, 16 at 7:30 pm.
Sylvania Natatorium. The pool at Northview is open for swim lessons, open swims and even birthday parties. New hours are now posted. Check out the new information at or
contact Melissa at
Community Events
Garage Sale – October 12, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm at Southview
Ray of Hope Awards – October 10 at 5:30 pm at Central Park West
Sylvania Fall Festival – October 20, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm with the parade at noon
Racing for Recovery - 12th annual 5K/10K run will be held on October 20 at Lourdes University.
Host the Ghost 5K walk/run will be held at Northview on October 28 at 9:00 am.
Your Input is Appreciated
If you have questions and/or concerns that you would like addressed, please fill in the form below. We
want to hear from you.
Name_____________________________________ Phone Number __________________________
Please send to: Superintendent’s Office, Dept. C, 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road., Sylvania, Ohio
43560 or via email to:

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Arbor Hills Family Fun Night

Arbor Hills Family Fun Night free, however, to join your child for breakfast whichever day is best for you. For those unfamiliar with Donuts w/Dad, this is simply an informal time to have breakfast with your child. There is no...

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