Term 4 - Taihape Area School


Term 4 - Taihape Area School
becomes progressively more and more
Taihape Area
Term 4 – Newsletter Number 1
Tuesday 13th October, 2015
Tena koutou katoa
Welcome back after the holidays, and a
special welcome to all new families. We
hope you all had a wonderful break, and
the opportunity to spend lots of quality
family time.
As with all new beginnings, this term
promises much, and will hopefully be a
time of further growth and development for
our school, and for the people we work so
hard for, our students. This is an extremely
busy term with a large number of events
and activities scheduled. And with the term
only eught weeks long, it is going to be
The start of a new term is a very important
time for everyone involved at school. It is
essential that all children, parents, and
teachers get things right, and begin the term
in a positive manner. Good habits and
attitudes at school need to be reinforced by
a positive support system at home.
Hopefully you were able to take the
opportunity in the holidays to talk to your
child/children about their school work, and
provide plenty of positive encouragement,
and help set some goals for term four. As
student’s progress through the school
system, each term, and each year in turn,
Phone: 063880130
We aim to set all children up for success
from day one at school, and hope to avoid
the “ambulance at the bottom of the cliff
scenario”, whereby students are
continually behind the eight ball, and spend
their time in catch-up mode. To ensure this
happens, and that all students are given
every opportunity of success, they really do
need your unconditional support and
For our Year 13 students, and other leavers,
in particular, this is a very significant term,
as it is their last at School - next year they
take another big step in life’s journey when
they tackle the realities of the outside
world. Therefore we expect an even bigger
effort from them as they prepare for the
challenge of life away from Taihape Area
School. For a number the next 8 weeks are
absolutely crucial, as they set themselves
up for life.
A major headache we will soon face is the
allocation of the End of Year Prizes,
Awards, and Scholarships as once again
there will be many strong candidates.
Nevertheless this is a positive challenge we
A number of major activities are planned
this term – see later in this newsletter for
the detailed list. As you can see, the final
term of 2015, promises to be a very
exciting time for us all. Please remember
we operate a genuine open door policy –
contact us with any concerns, problems,
enquiries, or suggestions.
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
We had an enjoyable end to last term with
a large number of Students and Staff
enjoying breakfast as they watched the All
Blacks v Namibia World Cup Game on the
big screen in the Hub. Breakfast (at least
toast and milo) is provided every morning,
but on this occasion a cooked breakfast was
delivered (and much appreciated).
Have a great week and start to the term,
and go the All Blacks!!
Brynel Santos and Makere Gregory (Year
9) - for showing Rangatiratanga, passing
the Statistic test with High Merit;
All Year 9S and 9T students - for a very
high standard of film camera-shot analysis;
Level 3 Biology Class – for showing
Rangatiratanga - Nicola-Mary Geraghty,
LeAna Gregory, Emma McCaughan,
Michaella Simpson, Mikaela Turfrey, Vidya
Vijayakumar, Level 2 Biology Class - for
Richard McMillan
showing Rangatiratanga - Serenity Barry,
The TAS School Wide
Behaviour Expectations are: Rangatiratanga:
We are Learners
We show Rangatiratanga
Hayley Maher, Millie Law, Ashleigh
Squires,Teresa Sumich, Leah Sullivan,
Emma Makinen;
Liam Fellingham, AJ ForsterDuckmanton, Bryan Santos, and Shelby
We are Caring
We show Whanaungatanga
Inwood for assisting the Level 1 Pit Bikers
We are Reflective
We show Wairuatanga
Georgia Adams, Dione McClay (Under 15),
We are Respectful
We show Manaakitanga
Rugby Representative Teams.
finish their projects during the holidays;
Brooklyn Walker, and Rachel Conlon
(Under 19) members of Wanganui Girls
Tall Poppies
25 club
The following Taihape Area
School students rose above the
crowd last week as outstanding
achievers, and members of our
Ondrae Hesloot
200 club
learning community:
Emma Fellingham (Year 9) - for showing
Rangatiratanga, passing the Statistics test
with Low Excellence.
Phone: 063880130
Kierah Hay-Martin
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Term 4 Events and
Student Trustee
During the last two weeks of term three,
elections were held for a new Student
Trustee. The successful candidate, from a
strong field, was Harry Randall.
There is a great deal to look forward to this
term including: 
The Year 9 Camp at Whakatane;
Pit Bike racing @ Manfeild;
NCEA Exams (probably not in the look
forward to category for some!!);
Interschool (Year 1-8) Cross Country;
Top Town;
Prize Giving;
Summer; …plus, plus….
NCEA Evening
On the last Thursday of term 3, we held an
evening for the parents and whanau of our
Year 10 Students to provide information
about the requirements of NCEA Level 1.
For many students the step up from Year
10 to NCEA is a challenge, but we were
very encouraged by the excellent response
and turn-out for this evening – it was the
biggest attendance we have had.
With this support next year, we are hopeful
that these students will enjoy a successful
NCEA experience.
At the close of Voting on Friday 18
September 2015, the results were as
Elers, Erika
Geraghty, John
Lewaruarua, Talei
Randall, Harry
Swainson, Gina
White Zarn
Accordingly I hereby declare Harry
Randal duly elected.
R Somerville
Returning Officer
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Rangitikei Tough Kids
NCEA - What Parents
On the last day of Term 3, over 40 Junior
Students participated in the Rangitikei
Tough Kids Competition. This was a
spectacular day with a total of over 1,200
children taking part from all around the
Wanganui Region.
Can Do To Help
Planning for 2016
Planning for 2016 has started, and will
continue this term. It would be hugely
helpful if we knew of anyone who is
intending to enrol their children here in
2016 – or if you are shifting. This makes
planning easier.
An issue we face is ensuring that classes
are set up as well as possible from day one
we endeavour to avoid disruption to
classes, but unknown enrolments can make
this difficult at times. The Primary School
Students will find out their classrooms and
teachers for 2016 in the last week of term.
TAS’s Got Talent Invite
We invite all to attend TAS's GOT TALENT
SHOW Wednesday 21st October at 6:30pm
in the Multi Function Centre at Taihape
Area School. Prizes up to the value of $150
dollars will be won. Entry is free. Doors will
be opened at 6pm. We look forward to
seeing you.
Phone: 063880130
How can you as parents help your children
succeed at School? Talk often about how
school is going, what is happening in the
classroom:  Discuss their goals for the year, for the
next 3-5years;
 Be a coach on time management. Avoid
making it a battle. Gently remind them of
their longer term goals;
 PART TIME WORK: Watch the amount
of hours. It is a balance. Research has
shown that 10-12hours per week can
enhance NCEA performance. More than
this can be detrimental. Reduce the hours
around exams and revision time;
 SOCIAL LIFE: Again work out a
balance. Perhaps as a reward for
completion of tasks;
 Find out when they work best on their
study, morning, afternoon, or evening;
 Create a good space to learn. A desk,
good-light, comfortable chair, quiet;
 Music: Appropriate for the task; 
Revision for externals should mirror the
exam situation – quiet;
 Breaks every 40-50 minutes;
 Practice exams for external assessments
are on the NZQA website:
 Practice tasks for internal assessments at:
N.B. NCEA External Examinations begin
on Monday November 9th.
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Supporting Your Child
The most important lessons your child
needs for success aren’t taught in the
Classroom, they’re taught at home.
Children’s performance in School has more
to do with parents than with their natural
brainpower or even their teachers.
One recent study claimed the parental
effect on exam results at 16 is 5 times
greater than any other factor. So what
should we be doing to maximise their
chances? This is one of 25 practical ideas
from the Next Solutions Magazine:
7. Protect family Time. It’s easy for older
children to slink off into their rooms with
phones or tablets, only emerging for late
night cheese sandwiches. But some family
time each week is vital to keep
communications going. Research in the US
showed teens who spent more time with
their parents have higher self-esteem and
confidence, Eat together as often as
possible – it’s the best way for parents to
stay in touch with older children and subtly
pass on their values by debating the news
or what’s on TV.
Getting homework done can sometimes be
an arduous task for both parent and child.
Here are some great tips to ensure you and
your child get the most out of the time
spent on homework and hopefully make
homework time a little less stressful for the
whole family.
1. Make sure your child has a quiet,
Phone: 063880130
well lit, area to do their homework. Try
and associate one room or area with doing
2. Be positive about doing
homework. Explain to your child why it is
important. Remember if you are positive
your child will be too.
3. Provide help but do not give the
answers. Giving them the answer will
speed things up but your child needs to
learn how to tease out problems for
themselves and learn to be independent.
4. Keep communication open
between the school and home. Watch out
for signs of your child struggling with
aspects of their homework or if they are
spending too much time on it. If you think
a problem exists, talk to their teacher and
maintain regular contact in order to update
each other on how you think your child is
5. Keep a routine. It is important as a
Family to get into a routine of doing
homework. Sit down together and agree a
homework routine. Remember to involve
your child (even young children) in the
decision process. If they feel they were
asked and gave their opinion they are more
likely to stick to the routine.
6. Reward Progress. If your child is
working hard and making a real effort,
celebrate it. For example, allow them to
pick out a DVD, go to the cinema, get a
pizza, or buy a nice book to read together.
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Wanganui Girls Rugby
On the last Thursday of term, Georgia
Adams and Deonie McClay (Under 15),
and Brooklyn Walker and Rachel Conlon
(Under 19), played for Wanganui Girls
Rugby Representative Teams, in curtain
raisers prior to the ITM Cup Game
Taranaki v Tasman. The girls all played
well, with Georgia and Brooklyn scoring
tries in their games.
Phone: 063880130
Rakau House Singing Waiata during an InterHouse Waiata Competition held last term
Quotes of the Week
“I think”, said Christopher Robin, “that we
ought to eat all our provisions now, so we
won’t have much to carry” - A A Milne.
“Life is either a daring adventure or
nothing at all” - Helen Keller.
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Term 4
Friday 16th
Year 1 – 8 Cross Country
Year 9 Gala
Wednesday 21st
Wanganui 7’s Rugby
TAS’s Got Talent
Friday 23rd
Ruapehu 7’s Rugby
Monday 26th
Queen’s Birthday SCHOOL CLOSED
Friday 30th
Inter-school Cross Country (Hunterville)
Tuesday 17th- Friday 20th Year 9 Camp- Whakatane
Friday 27th
Year 7 & 8 Softball Tournament (Hunterville)
Monday 30th
Taihape Schools Athletics
Friday 4th
Top Town
Year 13 Leavers Dinner
Wednesday 9th
Prize Giving
End of School Year
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz
Phone: 063880130
email: rmcmillan@tas.school.nz or office@tas.school.nz
Lead Me to Lead My Learning
Website: tas.school.nz