- Apostolic Christian Church of America
- Apostolic Christian Church of America
Vol. 70, #1 Jan. 2015 God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth... Job 37:5-6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Presenting the Gospel page 3 Monthly Sermon page 4 Building Houses Restoring Hope page 6 Feeding His Lambs in Small Churches page 7 Small Church Profile Lamar, MO page 8 Miscarriage page 10 Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage page 66 If Ye Continue page 67 To Our Readers Correspondence For February Issue (news from Dec 16-Jan 15) Due: January 20, 2015 Taking stock and making plans When a new year begins, it’s an opportunity to take account of where we’ve been and where we are going. Looking back over the past year, each one of us likely experienced a mixture of blessings and difficulties. I trust that we can say that God has been faithful through it all. Praise Him, for His mercy endureth for ever! Here at the Silver Lining, we are making plans for 2015, which will include adding new content areas in the publication. In addition to all the normal sections, we’ll be periodically featuring articles around certain edifying topics, and inviting you readers to contribute as you feel led. Watch this column for more information in the coming months. Our goal is that God be glorified and the brotherhood strengthened. In Christ, The Silver Lining 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 USPS 496780 Published Monthly by the Apostolic Christian Church of America Counselors: Tom Stock, Rick Plattner Official Apostolic Christian Church Website: www.apostolicchristian.org Send correspondence to: editor@acsilverlining.org Silver Lining Counseling Elders Rick Plattner and Tom Stock (email is preferred) The Silver Lining 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 Ph: 309-657-4455 The Silver Lining subscriptions are due from the following churches: 1. Champaign-Urbana 2. Eureka 3. Junction 4. Portland 5. Prescott 6. Rockville 7. Sardis 8. Tremont 9. Tucson 10.Lester 11.Peoria Suggested donation: $18/subscription. SILVER LINING January 2015 at Roanoke, IL 61561 and additional post offices. The subscription rate is a donation. Send zip number with Send all payments to: Apostolic Christian Publications P.O. Box 52 Eureka, IL 61530 Photos courtesy of: Front cover: Bro. Eric Virkler, Rockville, CT Back cover: Sis. Amy Ekren, Morris, MN 2 Periodical non-profit postage paid address. Remember to send changes of address. Send both old and new addresses (with both zips). Postmaster send address changes to: The Silver Lining 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 Writings based on God’s Word Light from the Word Editor’s Note: Each quarter of this year will feature articles related to the Four Pillar Mission of our church respectively: Presenting the Gospel, Nurturing the Believer, Preserving Sound Doctrine, and Offering Deeds of Service. shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Act 1:8). In this scripture, we understand that we are to be witnesses and examples beginning with our own families and homes at “Jerusalem” and then in ascending distance to Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the Key verse: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the earth. These would include our neighborhood, the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth workplace or school, and the marketplace. Samaria peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth could be those places or people with whom we salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” initially are somewhat out of our comfort zone. The (Isa. 52:7) “uttermost part of the earth” includes all nations on “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, the earth. We are well advised to undertake these and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). areas as directed by prayer, the Holy Spirit, and Sometimes referred to as the Great Commission, this counsel with church leadership. commandment of Christ is unmistakable regarding Although we may feel more comfortable sharing its intent. Gospel literally means the “good tidings” the gospel only when someone inquires of “the of the Kingdom of God. The gospel of salvation hope that is within us” (1 Pet. 3:15), there are times is manifested through faith in the atoning death, when a more proactive, Spirit-directed approach burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:1is appropriate. In at least three examples in the 4). God excludes no one from hearing and receiving Scriptures, the disciples employed this method this message, “Who will have all men to be saved, and under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The disciple to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). Philip followed the instruction of the angel of the A genuine belief in the gospel results in a spiritual Lord and travelled the approximately fifty miles rebirth, followed by God adopting us as His sons and from Samaria to the desert of Gaza. Once there, daughters (2 Cor. 6:18). This opportunity is available the Spirit gave him more specific instructions, “Then to all regardless of our status or position in life. “For the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. this chariot” (Acts 8:29). As the opportunity opened For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ up, Philip straightforwardly “preached Jesus unto have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, the Ethiopian” (Acts 8:35). In a somewhat different there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor situation, the Spirit directed Peter to travel thirty female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:26-28). miles with gentile strangers even when doubts filled The Word tells us that we are “ambassadors his mind at first. “Now while Peter doubted in himself for Christ,” or someone who possesses both the what this vision which he had seen should mean, … experience and qualifications to represent Jesus the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee. Christ faithfully both by word and example (2 Cor. Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, 5:20). Jesus gave a similar instruction to the disciples doubting nothing: for I have sent them” (Acts 10:17, immediately before His advent into heaven, “But ye — Please turn to pg. 63 Presenting the Gospel January 2015 SILVER LINING 3 Monthly Sermon Sermon by Elder Bro. Dan Kilgus, Remington, IN Numbers 5:1-22 & St. John 11:1-44 Greetings and good morning! It’s a blessing to assemble on a beautiful Sunday morning. I had to think as we come, there’s a level of expectation, isn’t there? We trust as we have come together that our hearts have been prepared, and we have prayed. We know if it was just about someone coming and speaking to us, it would be fruitless, but we trust and have confidence and have experienced time and time again of when the Spirit of God could be among us, the difference that it makes. It makes all the difference. So we pray that God’s Holy Spirit, His presence, and I know you have prayed and many of you have shared that, will be among us as we worship. I had to think of what that must look like. As we think of communication in our world today, of the telephone that we wear on our belt and the communications through technology and so forth, of all of the communication waves that are traveling through the air, possibly even at this time in this room, I don’t know. We can’t see that, but we see the result of it or we hear the result of it when someone may forget to put their phone on vibrate. I think, as we come together today, of the confidence we can have of God’s Spirit. I didn’t wonder what was going to be here on the pulpit. I knew the Word was, and this Word is what we stand on and trust in because it’s God’s Holy Word. Even as the Word is shared, the Spirit can take it and mold it even from the lips of the speaker to the ear of the hearer, and I believe the Spirit can grab a hold of that and then deliver it individually to what we need. If we’re quiet, if we listen, that Spirit we will hear, and we’re thankful for that. If it was about the 4 SILVER LINING January 2015 delivery of a message of man, I wouldn’t be here. We would go out and could invest in speakers that could move the audience, but we want to be moved by the Spirit of God. We trust that will happen today, and it’s through your prayers and His presence that we can come and assemble around this Word and have confidence that He will meet us here. As we read some of these accounts in the Old Testament, a couple things come to mind. One of them is that God is a holy God, isn’t He? As we read these accounts in the Old Testament and the way issues were dealt with, there are things we can relate to and can understand the concept, but when it gets down to some of the details that are shared here in Numbers and in some of the workings through of the law that came directly from God, some of it makes our heads spin, doesn’t it? It’s so detailed and so many things to go through. It reminds us and shows us that God cannot deal with sin. Sin complicates things, even as we read this chapter. Sin complicates things, and it has from the very beginning of time. God’s purpose was this beautiful paradise for man to live in, and then He put man in it and gave man his will, his free will to choose. We know the story, don’t we? Through the temptation of Satan, sin entered into the world and then death by sin. God cannot tolerate it. In parts of some of these chapters that we read, I marvel at the communication that Moses had with God. It just says “and the Lord spake” so many times in this part of the Word, and I think we read it a few times. It says the Lord spake unto Moses. Wouldn’t we desire that at times - just Lord speak to us, show us. But we need to be quiet and listen and to search, and as He promises, if ye search me, ye shall find me if ye search with all your heart (Deuteronomy 4:29). As we get back here to the thought of sin, from the very beginning God could not tolerate it and through this time of history was finding a way to deal with it. Thanks be to God for the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Through these Old Testament readings, it’s all pointing to a time of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ who came, and as a result of His sacrifice, there is not a sin that cannot be dealt with. In this law of leprosy, the lepers were expelled from the camp when they would be inflicted by this disease, and they were put out and separated, weren’t they? I believe even in that time as they were set aside from the camp and as they were walking down the road and would meet someone, they would be required to call out ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ because they were avoided and there was a separation as a result of this dreaded disease of leprosy. I think, Loved Ones, we can relate to that as well even though we may not have a leper among us. We know what sin is. We know what it has done. We know what it has done to us in our life, but thanks be to God that it can be lifted. It can be removed. There’s a cleanness that can come and a purifying through Jesus Christ. Satan would tell us it’s too big. It’s too complicated. But as we read the Word and look back and learn from the past and understand what Christ has fulfilled, we have so much to be thankful for. We can serve Him and praise Him, and we can give unto Him our hearts and we can love Him, even as it was shared to us earlier this morning that we can love Him with our heart and serve Him with our heart and our soul and our mind and our strength. This is always an interesting account that we read, isn’t it (St. John 11). There are a lot of different thoughts that it generates in our minds as we think about the actual account in and of itself. As I think of the concept of what Jesus had done here this day in a miraculous way, I think of what He said. The sisters, Mary and Martha, “…sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.” (v.3) They were presenting a situation before Jesus that they were hopeful He would take care of. “When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” (v.4) You know, what is life? My dad is 89 years old, and he still says it. He has a simple little phrase, and it’s beginning to make more sense to me. He says “Life’s a school”. But what does our life consist of? Those of you that are younger, you most likely see life as this broad expanse of time that is just stretched out with endless opportunities. As we get a little older, the broadness of it continues to restrict and restrict and restrict, and before long we understand that we’re looking beyond this life. But what is life because all of us that are here this morning are a part of life, aren’t we? We’re living. We’re breathing, in a miraculous way when we think of what’s going on inside our bodies at this moment. We breathe, our heart beats, the blood flows without us even thinking about it, and here we are. It’s life. It consists of experience after experience. As we think about coming into this life as a baby, to a child, to a young adult and all the experiences that go along with it, what is the purpose? I remember a time when there were three of us that were juniors or seniors in high school, me and two of my buddies. I wasn’t converted. We went out in the middle of the country one night, and it was one of those clear summer nights. I don’t know if we sat on the ground or the hood of the car, but we looked up at the sky. Each one of us was from a different, varying background, and we tried to analyze what life was. What’s it all about? Looking up at the stars and you wonder what’s this all about. We didn’t get there. We talked about God, and we talked about our faith. We asked each other the question. We all believed in a heaven and a hell but like I say we were from different backgrounds. We asked each other — Please turn to pg. 59 January 2015 SILVER LINING 5 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10 Building Houses – Restoring Hope In late April of 2014, a powerful tornado brought permanent change to several communities in central Arkansas. Although the storm’s fury lasted for just one hour, it inflicted scars that will last for a lifetime for many residents of Vilonia and Mayflower – small communities north of Little Rock. In some cases, death claimed the lives of family members, neighbors and friends. Parents lost children and children lost parents. In all, sixteen lives were lost in this deadly tornado. A young family of four was reduced to two when the couple’s young sons, ages seven and nine, were killed in the storm. There were several families that lost more than one member to this devastating storm. The finality of death does not change – not here on earth. For many more, while they were thankful to be alive, nearly all of their earthly possessions were gone and a long and difficult road lay ahead. What was once “home,” no longer exists and everything that it represented – security, comfort and familiarity – is entirely gone. Scarcely can we imagine the feelings of loss and despair that must surely fill the minds of those who experience such a tragedy. Willing Hands – Compassionate Hearts Thankfully, there are caring and compassionate local people who willingly gave of themselves to minister to the needs of their neighbors and friends. The Vilonia Disaster Recovery Alliance is made up of such people. Beginning the day after the tornado, volunteers began cooking and serving hot meals to storm victims and those who came to help. Donations of disaster relief materials, food, bottled water, clothing, personal hygiene items, bedding, 6 SILVER LINING January 2015 cleaning supplies and various other items began to arrive and they organized and distributed these items to those who needed them. In time, the cleanup phase wound down and activities around town resumed in the “new normal.” Families whose homes were insured began to make plans for rebuilding or repairing the house that was damaged in the storm. Meanwhile, there are families (such as renters) who had no insurance and are unable to recover without help from others. For these people, it is a long, slow process. In recent disasters where World Relief has been involved in the recovery, it has taken at least six months from the time of the storm for local agencies to gather pertinent information and evaluate families requiring assistance. For some, this has meant living in a damaged house nearly unfit for habitation. They have no other option. Waiting for Help In Vilonia, an elderly mother living with her disabled son continues to live in the mold infested house that resulted from roof damage during the storm. Unable to recover on their own, they patiently wait for help from charitable organizations such as Apostolic Christian World Relief. A family of eight had been living in a two-bedroom rented trailer that was destroyed by the storm. Following the tornado, this family moved into temporary housing that was donated. They picked up used furniture from a donation center just to get by. After several weeks, the children developed a rash only to find out that the house was infested with bed bugs. Leaving everything behind, they moved once again — Please turn to pg. 64 ...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38 Feeding His Lambs in Small Churches Small Church Support So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. St. John 21:15 Jesus instructed John to show his love for Jesus by feeding the lambs of the flock. Believers can show their love to Jesus by caring for the lambs of the fold. While lambs in the body of Christ can be at all ages, they are often in reference to those that are young or need extra nurturing to grow in God’s ways. Support the youth in our small churches Some of the lambs that need special attention are those that worship in smaller congregations. Oftentimes there is no one their age to visit with and when they travel, they can feel left out. Always look for those who may be visiting and make the effort to introduce yourself and help make them feel welcome. This is especially needed for young people and students that may not be comfortable in such large gatherings. Cross-generational fellowship is such a blessing, but so is having a relationship with someone your age. Young adults enjoy spending time with others their age as it increases their willingness to listen and get involved. For those families with children the same age as those in a small church, make an extra effort to visit over a weekend. Plan a service activity that all can participate in on Saturday; serving others together is a great way for students to connect with each other. Another idea is to consider hosting a family reunion at a small church location; this could be such a blessing in fellowship to both the small church and those attending. Other opportunities to help the youth include hosting an invite for a Sunday School from a small church while inviting the families to come and share in the fellowship too. Prepare a care package for a small church or host a babysitting day so busy parents in the small church can have time together. Ways youth in larger churches can assist Work to invite those from smaller congregations when hosting single group functions even if there are only a few. Pool the funds of those hosting in a larger church to sponsor a visit from those in distant churches. For example it may cost only $10 for each to contribute from the large church but it would be $400 for them to cover their own travel expenses. Include those from small churches in your email announcements or social media circles so they know what is going on and have the opportunity to participate or lift up the efforts in prayer if they cannot attend. See what activities interest them the most and help them plan such an activity in their community. Consider utilizing Skype for a small group Bible study that would include someone from a small church that would otherwise be unable to participate in such an activity. Ways those who are a little older can assist Another avenue to assist lambs in the fold is through mentorship. This can be especially helpful for converts. When you hear one is repenting in a small church, reach out to be a pen-pal or accountability partner. Call or email daily or weekly, perhaps visit monthly. Share your challenges and how God helped you overcome when you were repenting. Bring others with you when you visit. This is an excellent way to encourage those beginning their spiritual journey. Check the minister rotation schedule (www. acmission.org) and ask to go along when your ministers visit a small church. Provide fellowship, singing assistance, offer to help in Sunday school or to assist with serving lunch. When visiting a small — Please turn to pg. 64 January 2015 SILVER LINING 7 ...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38 Small Church Profile: Lamar, MO Doors Swing Widely Open at Lamar Church “There were snow covered roads and fields on that first Sunday morning, but doors swung widely open, and there was friendly warmth inside. How good it seemed to hear Bro. Fred Koehl speaking in clear and tender tones, teaching a strong faith, deep and true.” This account was penned by a local historian describing the first Sunday that services were held in the Lamar Apostolic Christian Church back in December 1902. Today, the doors still swing widely open and there is “warmth” inside from the 25 members, friends and children that worship there regularly. The gospel of salvation is still spoken to all who will listen and seek the Savior. Visiting ministers come every Sunday from various congregations adding to the fellowship and blessedness of worshipping in the Lamar congregation. Where is Lamar, Mo.? If you have never visited the congregation, you may be wondering where Lamar is located. On May 22, 2011, Joplin, Mo., which is the closest city to Lamar and approximately 30 miles south, was in the media spotlight due to the EF-5 tornado that ripped through over 22 miles of the city. Over 150 people lost their lives and more than 7,000 homes and businesses were destroyed. The church, which is located southwest of Lamar about 11 miles, thankfully did not sustain damage. However, Lamar brethren as well as many others from various congregations helped those in need through the 8 SILVER LINING January 2015 re-building efforts and monetarily. The Lamar congregation was also blest with visitors who came to worship with them during this time. Today, after 3 years of rebuilding from the tornado, Joplin is returning to more normal life. For those who may be considering moving to the area, the city offers factory jobs, medical opportunities through two large hospitals, education at Missouri Southern State University and, of course, lots of shopping. The city of Lamar, which has approximately 4500 people and is the birthplace of Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the U.S.) also provides many conveniences. Included is a good school system, nice small hospital and two manufacturing companies. Some of the families who live in the area farm, which is what brought many people to the area as far back as the 1890’s. Others in the congregation work in small businesses. Church roots run deep In 1889, the Apostolic Christian heritage began in this area, according to Marching to Zion, when a Lamar land agent, C.T. Trice met Peter Roth in Illinois. Peter came to visit Barton County where the price of land was far below values in Illinois. He then purchased 640 acres of land and built a house. Many other brothers and sisters moved to the area over the next 20 years and stayed in the “Roth place” until they could get established. Families continued coming to the area from Kansas, Iowa and Illinois, and in 1902, the group incorporated as “The Apostolic Christian Church in Barton County, Mo. Construction began on the first church in the summer. In December 1902, 50 people moved from West Bend, Iowa and the memorable first Sunday was recorded above. The church continued to grow and reached peak membership in this early 1900’s time period. During WW II, the church at Lamar served as a haven for brothers of the church nationally who were stationed at Camp Crowder, Fort Leonard Wood and Camp Clark. Several from the congregation today have roots that continue the legacy started by brethren over a century ago. Building the Current Church In 1980, a new church building, where members and friends currently worship today, was constructed in the same peaceful rural setting. Elder Bro. Doug Schock has oversight for the congregation. To teach the seven children ranging in age from 5 to 16, two Sunday school classes are held. A fellowship center was also constructed in 2010, and a potluck and singing are held the first Sunday of every month there. ”How Shall It Be?” was a favorite hymn the congregation enjoyed singing that turned their thoughts and hearts heavenward. The closest Apostolic Church is in Fort Scott, Kansas which is approximately 45 miles northwest of the church. The third Sunday of every month, the Lamar congregation goes to Fort Scott for a singing. The Kansas City, Mo. church is about 120 miles north. Consider a Visit to Lamar The Lamar congregation welcomes anyone to come and worship with them. They love fellowship and meeting new people. Traveling can be done by car or by flying to airports in Kansas City (2 ½ hours north), Tulsa, OK (2 hours), Springfield, MO (1 hour) or into the commercial airport in Joplin, Mo. If you travel, directions are -- From the North - I-49 South (old Hwy 71) to Exit 70, Hwy 160 west 51/2 miles to Hwy O, then south 5 miles. From the South I-49 North (old Hwy 71)to Exit 77, Hwy 126 west 51/2 miles to Hwy O, north 2 miles. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” Isaiah 52:7 January 2015 SILVER LINING 9 Miscarriage A miscarriage is a special type of loss, perhaps not well understood by those who haven’t experienced it. How do you lovingly and sensitively respond to someone who has just shared with you this private loss? Miscarriages and stillbirths are a difficult hurt, and, as with any grief, knowing what to say or what not to say is important to someone dealing with it. Statistics about miscarriages Every year in the United States alone, 600,000 women experience pregnancy loss through miscarriage and 26,000 through stillbirth (after the 20th week of pregnancy).1 It is an occurrence which happens much more frequently than often realized. Many miscarriages occur before women even know they are pregnant, and most occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. After having a miscarriage, it is common for women to wonder if they will be able to get pregnant and carry a baby to term. Approximately 85% of women who have had a miscarriage will go on to have a successful pregnancy. For those who have had two or three miscarriages, 75% will eventually go on to carry a baby to term.2 One of the most common questions people have about miscarriage is, “Why?” Sometimes this causes women to question and blame themselves. Many times the reason will simply never be known personally or medically. Other times, by working with healthcare providers, the reason may be identified. Regardless of the cause, having a miscarriage is often an emotionally painful experience. Emotions after a miscarriage Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Most often, our society does not publicly recognize the emotions women go through after a miscarriage because there is usually no funeral or 10 SILVER LINING January 2015 public notification. The excitement of being pregnant comes to a crashing halt. If you have a miscarriage, you may go through a wide range of emotions at different times or re-experience emotions you have already felt. There is no right or wrong way to move through your emotions, and each individual’s grieving is different. You and your husband may grieve differently, and your friends and neighbors may grieve yet another way. Grief may include feelings of shock, confusion, low self-esteem, loss of control, denial, disappointment, jealousy, anger, guilt, self-blame, frustration, relief, sadness and depression. It is unlikely that you will experience these in any particular order. Learning to live with your loss takes patience and time. Right after the loss, the emotional pain may be very sharp, and as months pass, emotions may rise and fall like waves. Remind yourself that the varying emotions you are feeling will lessen with time, and healing does come. It is important to know that whatever you are feeling is normal and okay. Things to avoid saying3 In her book on miscarriage, Elise Erikson Barrett shares a number of things to avoid saying to someone who has had a miscarriage. 1. Any sentence that starts with “at least.” For example, “At least you are young; you can have another child.” Comments like this can invalidate an individual’s loss. 2. Overly simplistic spiritual advice. Until individuals have time to process the loss and experience God’s hand through their loss, spiritual platitudes fall on “raw” ears. As it says in Proverbs 25:20, “As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart.” 3. Any sentence that tries to come up with a reason for the loss or a way to prevent future loss, such as, “It probably happened because . . .” or, “You should . . .” These comments make an individual feel as though miscarriage is her fault. 4. Giving advice or “quick-fix” solutions, like, “You should try to adopt.” It is not the time to make suggestions. An individual’s hurting heart may interpret this as though you have no compassion. Things to say and do Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” Individuals who have experienced a miscarriage need empathy and support. Saying something like, “I am so very sorry for your loss,” or, “You have my sympathy,” is appropriate. She may want a hug. She may want you to say, “Would you care to share it with me?” And then be ready to listen. Offer some specific ways to provide care, such as bringing a meal or babysitting. Keep communication open through calling, sending a card, or emailing regularly. Remind her of comforting Bible verses, songs, or poems. Ask how you can pray for her. Then pray. Not only will God hear and respond, but you may be given further guidance as to what to do. Response to others Depending on the circumstances of your pregnancy loss, you and your husband may be the only ones who know about the loss, or it may be very public. How do you deal with the reaction of others? It is difficult for someone who has never lost a baby to comprehend what you are going through. Often, people do not know what to say to you. Some people will avoid the topic because they don’t want to upset you. Other times, in their attempts to make you feel better, they may say things that upset you or make you angry. Most people do not purposely try to be insensitive; they simply do not understand the impact the miscarriage had on you. The best way to deal with other people when you are grieving is to be honest. You might say, “I’m not sure if that’s how I view things, but I appreciate your thoughts.” Some women have found it helpful to write notes to their family and friends telling them exactly what is needed from them. For example, sometimes you may need more interaction with others while other times you may want to be alone and not talk to others. People may not understand the depth of your hurt and feelings. Taking care of your body after a miscarriage If you have had a miscarriage, you will also need to take care of your body. Your physician will help you determine if there are additional procedures needed to help your body adjust. It is very important to eat a balanced diet, exercise (even if it is just a short walk), drink plenty of water, and maintain a regular rest routine. Besides your emotional reactions, you will also be dealing with hormonal responses as your body readjusts. Depending on how far you were along when the miscarriage occurred, your body will go through some, and possibly all, of the hormonal changes that are normally experienced with a full-term delivery. At times, you may experience mood swings, fatigue, insomnia, inability to concentrate and/or irritability. Your energy levels and appetite may be erratic. By taking care of your health, you will physically feel better over time. Specific tools for grieving Specific things to help you as you go through your grief journey are: 1. Write your thoughts in a journal. You might list — Please turn to pg. 65 January 2015 SILVER LINING 11 Congregation Updates Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped www.achh.org December brings full schedules of activities for our residents as each home builds up to Christmas Day. Early in the month, the Peoria Bible class provides a Christmas meal and a full afternoon or evening of activities and gifts at the Peoria Fellowship Hall. Christmas parties occurred throughout the month and each resident has the opportunity to attend one or more. Late afternoons or evenings, carolers came to sing and praise the new born baby, Jesus Christ our Lord. The music is a special way to communicate with our people and they thoroughly enjoy participating in their own ways. Even those who are unable to sing are able to tap their foot or move their heads or bodies to the music. One of our staff members, Becky Gleason, helps our residents make wonderful ceramic ornaments for the group homes’ Christmas trees and some of the Timber Ridge residents gave ceramic gifts to their families. Christmas sticker crafts and the ceramic projects give a sense of accomplishment for those who are able to be part of crafting a project. Christmas tapes, books and DVD’s also brought the 12 SILVER LINING January 2015 season into our facilities. The East Peoria Festival of Lights is a beautiful way to “get out of the house”. Who doesn’t enjoy viewing beautiful Christmas lights and displays? Another way we join in the community is to attend programs such as “The Messiah” and other special Christmas programs and plays. Shopping is also a highlight for those able to be out and about. In this Season of Giving, many of you have given of your time, talents, items on our Wish List (found on the back of The Times newsletter), and donations. We want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one for each prayer and deed of kindness done for our residents. Please remember that an accepting friendship and relationship with a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities is not only a gift to them, but also a gift for yourself! of foster parents we work with in the Gateway Woods Foster Care Program. In my mind, the foster parents are the heart of our department and without godly foster families our jobs would be much harder. In the past year, I have learned many lessons from my foster families. A reoccurring lesson I have learned is surrender. My foster families constantly surrender their wants and desires over to God. Many of my families expressed to me how God pricked their hearts to be foster parents and how God changed what they thought their wants and needs were. For example, there was one family in particular who did not want to take any babies into their home initially. Meanwhile, at Gateway, we received a call that there was a baby needing to be placed in one of our foster homes. The foster parents who said they did not want to take babies in the Gateway Woods Apostolic beginning ended up accepting Christian Children’s Home the placement! Now they cannot Amanda Winn imagine life without this little foster baby. They talked with me Foster Care Case Manager To begin, I want to thank God how God taught them through for giving me the opportunity having the baby in their home to to work with Gateway Woods rely on Him to provide for what and specifically being able He is calling them to do. They had to work with different foster to surrender their own thoughts families in the community. I am and preferences to God and hope encouraged daily by the quality that He would give them peace and assurance. They have been blessed beyond anything they could imagine by surrendering their desires to God. Stories like this help me get through any rough situations I encounter at work. My foster families show me how much God loves us, and how we are called to surrender to Him daily. It is a great privilege to be a foster care worker at Gateway and I cannot imagine doing this job without our wonderful foster families. News: We have begun the process of launching a new program! The Linking to Attain Responsibility & Community, or LARC initiative seeks to build organic relationship between former Gateway Woods clients and community partners. These relationships will lead to employment opportunities, mentorship, spiritual growth and more. More information about this program is available at gatewaywoods.org/LARC. We are currently in the process of hiring a LARC coordinator. See the ad in this addition of the Silver Lining for more information. We are searching for a Summer Volunteer Coordinator for 2015. Please see the notice in The Silver Lining or contact Bro. Clint Plattner at clint.plattner@ gatewaywoods.org or 260.627.2159 for more information. This is a great opportunity to impact the lives of the children on our campus! As one former resident put it, “It really makes a huge difference to [residents] when volunteers come out. It’s great when they work with us and play Frisbee and stuff. We notice.” We are also searching for our Summer Education Intern and Top Quality Coordinator. Please see the notices in The Silver Lining or contact Bro. Adam McAfee at adam.mcafee@gatewaywoods. org or 260.627.2159 for more information. This is a great opportunity to gain some experience while impacting our residents! There are four different career positions available currently at Gateway Woods, including: several openings for Alternate Houseparents, one opening for a counselor, one opening for a Home-Based & Adoption Case Worker, and one opening for a LARC Coordinator. For more information please see the notices in the back of this month’s issue or visit the Career Opportunities page on our website at www. gatewaywoods.org/careers. We trust that God will continue to provide qualified, mature brothers and sisters who will serve Him in a ministry that is ‘Turning Lives Around’. Perhaps this includes you! Gateway Woods Illinois Adoption Program is open for business and seeking to serve our brothers and sisters in Illinois. Visit GatewayWoodsIL. org or contact Sis. Luci Koch at 309.266.0767 or Luci.Koch@ gatewaywoodsil.org. Apostolic Christian Preschool Athens, AL Susan Koch The themes for December were Christmas and winter. We’ve been busy creating lots of Christmasthemed crafts like candy canes, wreaths, holiday candles, Christmas trees, snowmen, and snowflakes. One of the students’ favorite jobs is helping put up our own Christmas tree and bringing their presents for the gift grab. Our Christmas party was very fun. The students prepared songs to tell the story of the details of Jesus’ birth. I was impressed with how well they memorized some of the traditional carols like “Joy to the World” and “O Come All Ye Faithful.” One of my favorite parts of the Christmas program is observing the parents watch their children as they sing. Their expression of love and joy must mirror God’s expression when He watches us show spiritual fruit. For the month of January, one of our themes is Community January 2015 SILVER LINING 13 Helpers. We need your help! If you feel led, please send us a picture of you doing your job and provide a brief description of your job. As we receive your letters, we’ll share them with the students and hopefully learn about many different occupations. You can email us at acpreschool@att. net or mail us at 15284 Hastings Rd. Athens, AL 35613. Thanks in advance for your support! Volunteer Information: Contact me at 309.202.4897 or susankoch2@yahoo.com. Visit our website at www.acpreschool. org. The “About Us” tab will offer information on volunteering at the preschool. Talk to other volunteers to see what their experience was like. They are always listed in the Silver Lining. Alabama, Athens Roger and Becky Roberts “God’s best gift to us is Jesus, Born on earth at Christmas time. Jesus came from heav’n above To be a friend of yours and mine. Hallelujah!Hallelujah! Jesus Christ, the Lord, is born.” Children’s Harp #102 December 14, our Sunday School children reminded us of the greatest gift that we have ever received at Christmas. We were also reminded to not stop there, but go to the cross. Our small congregation has enjoyed being able to Christmas carol several times. Several families were also able to fellowship with the Nashville, TN congregation for a Christmas 14 SILVER LINING January 2015 supper and singing. We wish to thank Bro. Gary (Sis. Paulette, Latty, OH) Sinn for bringing the Word to us this month. We greatly appreciate having Bro. Phil and Sis. Janie Price (Milford, IN) worshiping with us for several months. Arizona, Phoenix Heather Hinrichsen Bro. Lyle Zeltwanger (Sis. Marilyn) has asked for prayers as he has surgery. Bro. Rudi Bertschi passed from this life to his heavenly home. Our prayers are with his family. The Sunday School provided Thanksgiving dinner to 40 African Refugee families in our community. Teachers and students were blessed to hear stories of God’s provision during difficult times and to meet survivors of wars and genocides. Our Sunday School Christmas program was December 14. The children reminded us of our Savior’s story through song and memory verses. “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 89:1 Arizona, Tucson Dean and Jackie Knobloch “The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away, Blessed be the name of the Lord”. Job knew that each of us have times of joy and then there are times of concern and sorrow. The families here in Tucson have experienced both this past month. Bro. Curt and Sis. Caroline Kaufman welcomed a new daughter-in-law into their family as their son, C J, married Kristen Touche. Also, their youngest daughter, Christie, graduated from college. We wish each of them God’s blessings on these new paths of life. Bro. Bob Haas has been undergoing medical treatment and we are keeping him and Sis. Carol in our prayers. Bro. Don and Sis. Glo Bauer are mourning the passing of her sister, Sis. Phyllis Lang. Sis. Phyllis wintered here for many years. We will all miss her. We are lifting Rob and Angie Wilson (son-in-law of Bro. Don and Sis. Glo) up in prayer as he completes his chemotherapy treatments. The Grace and Promise house residents (sheltered homes) and our brethren will miss Max Sallee. He passed away after a fierce battle with cancer. Our Sunday school children are presenting their Christmas program this month. We give special thanks to Bro. Doug Bauer and Sis. Sara Hattan for helping the students present the Christmas story to us. Our winter visitors are arriving and we are grateful for everyone who chooses to gather with us and worship our Lord and Savior. May God bless each who gather here and across our land as we close out 2014 and welcome in a new year. California, San Diego Janelle Brewer The weekend of November 22 and 23, we had a large group of Bible Class students and parents from Silverton, OR that came down for a work day at our church. They helped with yard clean-up, painting, and many other tasks. We are truly grateful for their eagerness and hard work. It was humbling to be the recipients of these labors of love. Bro. Harvey Kuenzi (Sis. Jennifer) was also along with the group and ministered to us on Sunday. May God bless each and everyone that made the effort to come! Our hearts were full of joy to hear the engagement of Bro. Brian Wagenbach (Bro. Doug and Sis. Lillian) to Sis. Annaleise Kuenzi, Silverton (Bro. Troy and Sis. Sherri)! May God bless them and guide them as they prepare for their upcoming wedding and life together serving the Lord. The Sunday School students shared the Christmas story with us on December 14. We were blessed to have some visitors with us that day including Elder Bro. Marvin Dotterer (Sis. Nancy, Forrest, IL). We have been thankful for recent rains here in our area. It is amazing how quickly the hillsides and mountains are renewed and turn green after they receive some water. It reminds us of how we need to drink of the Living Water to constantly be renewed. If anyone is vacationing in the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area this winter, please feel free to contact Bro. Doug and Sis. Janelle Brewer at djbrewer2003@gmail. com or 309-256-9606. We plan to have services on Thursday evening starting in January until the end of March. Also, if you know of anyone with church connections living in the area, we would also like to know about them so we can reach out to them. Connecticut, Rockville Lauren Gottier, Sheila Gerber “The Sunday school is our delight. We love it more and more; Tis here we learn to do the right and live forever more…How blessed ‘tis when we as lambs, are gathered ‘round our Lord; in youthful years with tender hearts, to hear the Master’s words.” Hymns of Zion #73 Our annual Sunday school program was held on December 14. We always enjoy listening to our Sunday school classes, from those in youthful years with tender hearts to those brimming on young adulthood, bring forth praises to our King at this time of year. We appreciated the preaching of visiting ministers this past month. On the pulpit to bring us God’s Word were Bro. Brad Gudeman (Sis. Teresa, Bradford, IL) and Bro. Adam Luginbuhl (Sis. Jami, Philadelphia, PA). Bro. Steve and Sis. Joan Hoffman have another sweet grandchild to love. Bro. Eldon and Sis. Alice Metz (Silverton, OR) became first-time parents this month to precious little Sarah Elizabeth. We wish them God’s blessings and nearness as they raise their little girl. We extend our sympathy to Sis. Marlene Galat (Bro. Dave) in the passing of her brother, Bro. Kenneth Babin from Morton, IL; and to Bro. Ralph Schneider (Sis. Tina) in the passing of his brother, Bro. Don Schneider (Sis. Sandra) from Gridley, IL. We are thankful to have Sis. Alma Luginbuhl (Bro. Edward, dec.) worshipping with us again after her recent surgery and recuperation. District of Columbia, Washington Henrietta Meyer Our caretakers for November were Bro. Ralph and Sis. Diane Lanz from Rittman, OH. If you feel led to support one of our small churches, being caretakers here would be a wonderful way to do so. If you are interested and are free to spend 3-4 weeks in the DC area, please contact Sis. Doreen Steffen at dkgsteffen@gmail.com or 302-540-6574. Our ministers this month were Bro. Todd Graf (Sis. Lydia, Akron, OH), Bro. Jerry Isch (Philadelphia, PA), Bro. Tim Gerber (Sis. Wendy, Mansfield, OH) and Bro. Doug Harmon (Sis. Lanna, Toledo, OH). Our other visitors this month were from Bluffton North, IN. Thanks to all who have included us in your vacation plans. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bro. Phil Steffen as recovers January 2015 SILVER LINING 15 from surgery. If you are planning to visit Washington, D.C. area for vacation or business, please contact Bro. Joe and Sis. Holly Bohart at jbohart@gmail.com or Sis. Henrietta Meyer at 703-9048301 for assistance and to let us know how many to expect for Sunday services. Florida, Ft. Lauderdale Mike Hohulin We were fortunate to have Elder Bro. Art Ingold (Sis. Bonnie), Rittman, OH visit and share God’s Word. We pray He will bless them for their work. Our annual Christmas caroling was on December 7. While we hope to bring a blessing to those in the nursing home, we inevitably receive an even greater spiritual gift from this time of sharing. We are rejoicing with Bro. Mike and Sis. Renee Mangold whose grandson, Benjamin Mangold (Roanoke, IL), is repenting. We pray that God›s love and guidance surround him as he begins his spiritual journey. Florida, Fort Myers As our new church building so comfortably accommodated the many winter visitors, our hearts rang out in sweet praise to our Great Savior, these meaningful words. “Our song of praise to God ascend, And there with angels’ voices blend. The day of gladness now is near. Sing hallelujah with good cheer. 16 SILVER LINING January 2015 Hallelujah!” Zion’s Harp #7, verse 1 That lovely hymn, with the Classic Hymn, “The Babe of Bethlehem” added real meaning to our hymn singing, from The Hymns of Zion. The dedication of our new church building is planned for January 11, 2015. We’re so very thankful to our building committee for all their great efforts to provide us our sanctuary. We are thankful to Bro. Wayne Hartzler (Sis. Camille, Rittman) for sharing the Word with us this month. The New Beginnings This past month at The New Beginnings, we said goodbye to one of our single mentors. Sis. Janessa Wahl spent a little over a year here with us. While we were sad to see her leave, we are thankful for the impact she made while here. We look forward to when she finds time to come visit us again! As our numbers get a little thinner here in southwest Florida, we put on your heart again the option to serve with The New Beginnings. There are a number of different ways to get involved. We need laborers down here with us. Both couples and single sisters are needed to help support and grow this ministry. If you don’t feel called to come to Florida, but feel there is a need for a New Beginnings house in your area, please feel free to get in touch with us to talk about it! If you’re in the area on vacation or just passing through, feel free to visit. Stop in and see what’s going on in our neck of the woods. We thank you for your prayers as we continue to learn and grow in this ministry. Florida, Sarasota Kim Ott “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:11,14 What a humbling realization to think on the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas time! Jesus could have arrived with a huge caravan of camels and servants. He could have had the best five-star rated accommodations for his birth. Instead, God planned for him an ordinary and unpretentious birth to an unwed mother in a cold, dark stable. The Savior, who would someday give us the very best gift we could ever imagine, deserved the most outstanding welcome that this world had to offer and yet God chose for His Son to have such a quiet, modest entrance. We were blessed to have our Sunday School students retell this wonderful story in song and recitation at our annual Christmas program. We hope the message of God’s love at Christmas will be reflected in our lives this season and throughout the coming year. Our congregation was able to host the winter 2014 World Relief board meeting this December. What a blessing for us to be able to serve others who have given so much time and effort to ease the needs of hurting people around the world. “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” 1 John 4:7 We rejoice with Bro. Timm Kaeb and Sis. Sandra Gal as they were united in marriage on November 2. We wish them God’s blessings and nearness throughout their lives’ journey together. We were thankful to have retired minister, Bro. Nelson Beer (Sis. Minnie, Milford, IN), assist in their wedding service. We have also appreciated having Elder Bro. Tom Klotzle (Sis. Judy, Altadena, CA), Elder Bro. Mike Leman (Sis. Deb, Denver, CO), Elder Bro. Duane Farney (Sis. Karen, Croghan-Naumberg, NY), Elder Bro. Steve Ringger (Sis. Myra, Bluffton North, IN), Elder Bro. Art Ingold (Sis. Bonnie, Rittman, OH), Bro. Curt Rassi (Sis. Kathy, Tremont, IL), and Bro. Loren Schrenk (Sis. Betsy, St. Louis, MO) share God’s Word. May God bless each visiting minister and their family for their service. Our church plans to host our annual Sunday School auction on February 14, 2015 at the Fruitville Elementary School. We welcome everyone to join us for a chili lunch, bake sale, and silent and main auction. The funds raised at the auction will not only benefit the Sunday School students for mission trip travel expenses, but and gone, we can be so thankful will also assist others in need in the for all the blessings that God has community. bestowed on us from above. We are thankful for the love Georgia/Peachtree City, of the brotherhood. We feel so Atlanta blessed to receive visitors to our Elise Waldbeser small church among who have As a church family, it was been from Morton, Bloomfield, special to share our annual Winthrop and others. We wish Christmastime traditions once to extend a heartfelt “thank you” again this year! We filled plastic to two busloads of brethren from shoeboxes with gifts for Operation Forrest, IL who not only brought Christmas Child, enjoyed our a multitude of visitors, but also the Sunday School Christmas lunch and supper as well. program, shared a Christmas We are thankful for the dinner and went Christmas ministers who stand delivering the caroling. While everything looked Word of God to convict, encourage and felt a little bit different this and speak to each heart. We thank year in the midst of moving our home ministers for their and transitioning into our new continual deliverance. We also building, many sweet memories thank Bros. Jason Dotterer (Sis. were made. Lynn) and Paul Zimmerman (Sis. It has been so exciting to see Loretta) from Forrest, IL as well the renovations begin on our as Bro. Dean Messner (Sis.Wanda) Peachtree City church building! from Winthrop, MN for their We humbly thank the group from efforts. Ohio and Illinois who devoted We are thankful for prayers their Christmas break to beginning being answered as Grant Anliker the project! We look forward to (Bro. Brian and Sis. Peg) has found the changes that the next months peace with God and man and will hold. Our new address is: desires to be baptized. This miracle 202 Robinson Road, Peachtree of becoming a new creature in City, Georgia, 30269. Come visit Christ is evidenced by a new walk us, however please call ahead! of life, restoration of peace with (Tom Waldbeser 770.463.4788 or God and man and bearing of the 678.416.6586 or Richard Aberle fruit of the Spirit, by His grace. For 678.364.0507) this we are so thankful. We are thankful for the Illinois, Belvidere children who also delivered Gods Doreen Moser, Shayla Steffen message through verses and song “In everything give thanks: for Sunday afternoon during the this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Christmas Program. Our preschool concerning you.” 1 Thess. 5:18 children sang the song “As Each As the year 2014 has come Happy Christmas” from the January 2015 SILVER LINING 17 Children’s Harp #97 which tells of the special time at Christmas and throughout the year when we can focus on Christ being in our hearts. As the New Year is now upon us, we are thankful for “all unknown beside me He will ever stand and will safely lead me with His own right hand.” Children’s Harp # 97 Illinois, BloomingtonNormal Sarah Maurer, Terri Huber Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones. Bro. Randy (Sis. Marj) Schmidgall’s father, George of Mackinaw, IL, passed away in November. Bro. Roger Belsley also died in November. His cheerful and outgoing personality will be missed in our congregation. Sis. Virginia Blunier of Eureka left this earth to be with her Heavenly Father. Her daughter, Sis. Joy, is in our prayers as she will miss her mother! In December, Bro. Glen and Sis. Susan Hodel’s son, Jon, unexpectedly passed away and we grieve with them. At Christmastime we have many ways to celebrate the birth of God’s son. Our congregation has remembered Christ’s coming with a choir program, a Sunday School program, and caroling. Watching almost 200 children sing songs about Christmas is heartwarming. We would like to recognize the tremendous amount of work that the Sunday School teachers put forth. 18 SILVER LINING January 2015 Congratulations are in order for Brian and Stephanie Lee of Arizona as they welcome their first child, Voss McCarthy. Local grandparents are Bro. Steve and Sis. Bev Virgil. The Bible Class held a fundraising auction to plan for their summer mission trip. It was well-attended and needed funds for travel and building supplies were raised. Visiting minister for the month was Bro. Mike Hohulin (Sis. Faye, Fort Lauderdale, FL). Once again, we are thankful that Mike allowed God to work through him and thankful for the fellowship and traditions that give us unity across the land. treatment in Rochester, MN. Cards can be sent to him at 20 Pine Street Road, Kewanee, IL 61443 and the family will forward them. Bro. Jordan Elsasser recently had an ankle replacement, and we pray that he may soon be worshipping with us again. As we move into a new year, may we thank God for the blessings and joys He has brought, along with the sorrows, as each one strengthens us for the coming year. “Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be, in working or in waiting, another year with Thee.” Hymns of Zion #150 Illinois, Bradford Sarah Eisenmann Roseann Stahl, Sandi Joos We extend thanks to ministering Bros. Dale Wulf (Sis. Becky, Lester, IA), Glen Steiner (Sis. Rachel, Winthrop, MN), Ned Stoller (Sis. Heidi, Alto, MI), and Dan Koch (Sis. Julie, Tremont, IL) for bringing the Word. We keep a prayer upon our hearts for the family of Deann Baer (Ron), who passed from this life on November 22. She is the daughter of Bro. Raymond Klumpp (late Sis. Eunice), mother of Sis. Rachel (Bro. Brad) Kieser and Bro. Brandon (Sis. Melissa) Baer. Our prayers for God’s healing touch are with Bro. Gary Endress (Sis. Evelyn) as he has recently been diagnosed with a treatable form of leukemia. He is receiving Illinois, Champaign Greetings from ChampaignUrbana! We are thankful to have had several visiting ministers this month, including Bro. Matt Kaufmann (Sis. Rebekah; Bloomington, IL), Elder Bro. Steve Sauder (Sis. Mary; Tremont, IL), and Elder Bro. Ted Witzig, Sr. (Sis. Cindy; Morton, IL). Thank you for everything you do. December 14 was our Sunday School Christmas program in place of the afternoon service. We were blessed to be reminded of the miraculous coming of the Light of the world. The program was followed by all-church Christmas caroling and a delicious chili supper. God has blessed members of our congregation with many diverse gifts that all came together to make such a busy day run smoothly. May you all feel God’s presence as this Christmas season draws to a close and a new year dawns. Happy New Year! Renault and Suzanne Subra and their two boys, Aiden and Kieran, to our church family. In December, we had the opportunity to mourn with several in our congregation in the loss of their loved ones. We extend Illinois, Chicago our sympathy to Mildred Siepka Diana Eisenmann in the death of her brother-inGod’s blessings to you in the law, Bro. Lloyd Nohl (McAllen, New Year! We closed the year TX). Bro. Greg and Sis. Diana with the joys of new life and Eisenmann bid farewell to Diana’s engagements and with sorrow at dear grandmother, Sis. Marilyn the passing of some loved ones. We Wagenbach (Bro. John, Oakvilleare thankful for God’s goodness Mediapolis, IA). and His direction in every step of “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath our lives. taken away; blessed be the name of Bro. Chris Wuethrich the Lord.” Job 1:21. encouraged our church with the topical Bible study “Pressing Illinois, Cissna Park toward the Mark.” We extend Sandy Rudin, Janie Waldbeser thanks to him and the other Our Elder Bro. Tom Stock ministers and their wives in their and his wife, Sis. Karol, are service to us. experiencing the joys of being Esther Rose Young was born first-time grandparents to little to Lucas and Bethany Young Oliver Thomas Francisco, son (Bradford, IL) and is the newest of CJ and Bonnie Francisco. We granddaughter of Bro. Greg and rejoice with this family and pray Sis. Carla Rassi. CJ and Bonnie will always look Bro. Dave and Sis. Julie to the Lord and His Word for the Westfall look forward to guidance needed in raising little welcoming a new daughterOliver. in-law to their family with the Our dear Sis. Mary Ann engagement of their son, Brant Mann will be spending her first Westfall, to Audrey Harris. Sis. Christmas in Heaven this year. Julie Eisenmann (daughter of Bro. Lynn Knapp is a surviving Elder Bro. Brad and Sis. Cindy brother of hers. Mary Ann will Eisenmann) is excited to be be remembered for her faithful engaged to Bro. Michael Luthi sewing for World Relief and being (Lamont-Gridley, KS), son of Elder a special aunt. Sisters LaVerne Bro. Jay and Sis. Jane Luthi. We Kaufmann and Sal Markwalder rejoice with these families in this bid farewell to their brother, Arch time of new beginnings. Kaufmann recently. Just recently In November, we welcomed Bro. Gib Stock bid farewell to a sister and now he bids farewell to a sister-in-law, Wilma Stock. Our Bro. Steve Walder (Sis. Kathy) recently lost his father, Melvin Walder of Eureka. Let us remember these loved ones in our prayers. Sis. Marge Alt recently spent some time in the hospital and is now recuperating at home. Bro. Dewayne Dill of Minneapolis, MN recently shared a Sunday with us. We had our first services back in our newly-remodeled church on Thanksgiving Day. With thankful hearts our church shared in a rededication service on Sunday morning, December 7. To God be the Glory in this recent endeavor! Our all-church Christmas caroling was held on the first Sunday evening in December. It seems like those that we carol for really enjoy the little children that come along with their parents. It is so precious to see our little people learn these old-time carols that mean so much to us. We want to thank our Sunday School teachers and students for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with us on December 17. Mark and Sis. Dinah Wilkening are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marissa, to Kevin Maciejewski. This young couple is planning a June 13 wedding. Another year is about to close and I am reminded of the verses that tell us that another year is dawning. (Hymns of Zion #150) January 2015 SILVER LINING 19 Illinois, Congerville Erica Steffen May the ministers who have visited our church in the last month feel God’s nearness and blessings. Special thanks to Bros. Frank Sauder (Sis. Kathy, Roanoke), Jedd Rocke (Sis. Marsha, Goodfield), Elder Trent Meiss (Sis. Lucille, Eureka), Brent Walder (Sis. Naomi, Rockville), Ted Witzig, Jr. (Sis. Donna, Morton), Daren Metz (Sis. Rita, Gridley), Ron Palito (Sis. Lynell, Akron), Paul Kilgus (Sis. Carmen, Fairbury), Barry Dietz (Sis. Rachel, Bradford), Merlin Meyer (Sis. Marilyn, Lester), and John Cottrell (Sis. Gloria, Eureka). “Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world’s temptations, Sin cannot harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears; Only a few more trials, Only a few more tears.” Several of our loved ones have experienced loss in this past month. We extend our prayers to them. Although we have a hope of heaven, the empty places at family gatherings, especially during this Christmas season, will surely bring some sorrow. We know that we can cast all our cares upon the One who knows all our grief and pain. Sis. Madalyn Terrini, sister of our Sis. Maryellen Zimmerman (Bro. Fred), passed away on November 12. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her husband, children and the rest of her family 20 SILVER LINING January 2015 who are sure to miss her earthly presence. Our Sis. Sandy Steiner (Bro. Dave) and Bro. Bob Walder (Sis. Gloria) have felt the loss of their father and brother, respectively. The family of Melvin Walder of Eureka will surely be in our prayers. While we have been reminded of the surety of death, as well as the joy of a life lived in the Lord, we also celebrate new life and new journeys for others in our church family. Bob and Emily Getz welcomed their first child, Sawyer Jesse, into their hearts and lives in this past month. The new little family is celebrated by their family, including grandparents Bro. Wayne and Sis. Mary Getz of Eureka and Mark and Lisa Schmidgall of the Roanoke area. Tyler Dietrich and Dominique Lara, where united in holy matrimony on December 13. Tyler’s parents are Bro. Tim and Sis. Sandy of Congerville. May the Lord bless their union and their new life together as husband and wife. Illinois, Elgin Amy Gasser We thank Elder Bro. Brad (Sis. Cindy) Eisenmann for his labors this month. Our all-church Family Christmas Caroling was on December 7, followed by a chili supper at the Fellowship Center. On December 14, our Sunday School students presented the Christmas program. We extend sympathy to the family of Sis. Joan Scheitlin, who passed away on December 17. Surviving are her husband, Bro. Al; her children: William (Debbie) Scheitlin of Elgin, Bro. Steve (Sis. Marsha) Scheitlin of Leo, IN, and LeeAnn (Steven) Veinotte of Campton, NH; four grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild. We rejoice with Shelby and Shania Young (Tom and Sis. Jolene), who have found peace with God and man and are awaiting baptism. “Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be, In working or in waiting, Another year with Thee. Another year of service, Of witness for Thy love; Another year of training For holier work above.” Another Year is Dawning, Hymns of Zion, #150 Verses 1 & 4 Illinois, Eureka Debra Blunier, Linda Rocke As we move past Thanksgiving Day and on into the Christmas season, we should continue to count our many blessings daily. If we would sincerely do this, we will find ourselves “singing as the days go by.” The weekend of November 22, 23 was a special blessing as three dear souls gave their testimonies and were baptized into a new life in Christ. These were Bro. David Getz (Bro. Gary and Sis. Gail), Bro. Merle Blunier (Bro. Roger and Sis. Wendy), and Bro. Samuel Cottrell (Bro. John and Sis. Gloria). Elder Bro. Jon Schmidgall (Sis. Julie, Oakville, IA) assisted Bro. Trent in these services. One of our rich blessings is the fellowship among the brotherhood, and having visiting ministers come and share God’s Word. This month they included Bro. Randy Beer (Sis. Debra, Milford IN), Bro. Kent Getz (Sis. Betty, Elgin, IA), Bro. Nathan Wiegand (Sis. Janel, Goodfield, IL), Bro. Paul Kilgus (Sis. Carmen, Fairbury, IL), and Bro. Don Manz (Sis. Connie, Junction, OH). Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Kalsey Knecht were blessed with a son, Axel Jeremy. He is welcomed home by older sisters, Rylee and Summer. Our thought and prayers are with Sis. Thelma Saathoff as she is in the hospital dealing with health issues. May God grant her his strength and comfort. It was a special evening on Sunday, December 14, as the Sunday School youth shared the blessed story of Christ’s birth. We are thankful for them and for all the efforts their teacher’s put forth to prepare for this evening. Illinois, Fairbury Angela Herr, Janelle Stoller As we think upon the Christ child during this season, we are often reminded that it’s not the manger but the cross that sets the spirit free. We’re thankful Thadd Waldbeser (Jim and Sis. Renae) has answered God’s call and is making a beginning in repentance. May many more see their need and kneel at the foot of the cross. Our visiting ministers this past month were Bros. Al Schambach (Remington, IN), Brian Waibel (Champaign, IL), Jerry Wagenbach (Mediapolis, IA), Dennis Rassi (Austin, TX), James Fehr (Tremont, IL) and Elder Bro. Jay Luthi (Lamont-Gridley, KS). Each of these brothers have family in Fairbury, and we’re thankful when they come to visit and share God’s word with us! Bro. Don Schneider (Gridley, IL), father of Sis. Melanie Teubel (Bro. Ed), passed away on December 13. We’ve always enjoyed having Bro. Don and Sis. Sandy visit us. We extend our love and sympathy to the family during this time of sadness. Our annual Sunday School Christmas program was held on December 14. What a blessing to hear our youth bring us the story that never grows old. God blessed the home of Bro. Kirk and Sis. Jeana Steidinger with a daughter, Emerson Jane, on December 15. Emerson’s grandparents are Bro. Martin and Sis. Trish Steidinger and Bro. Ernie and Sis. Carol Leman (Forrest, IL). Bro. Duane Kilgus (Sis. Arlene), Sis. Barb Mashburn (Bro. Billy), and Bro. Ralph Bahler (Sis. Jeanette) were hospital patients. Katie Walter was a surgical patient. Our prayers are with each one for healing and successful recovery. Illinois, Forrest Karla Zimmerman, Molly Zimmerman “Now thank we all our God With heart, and hands and voices, Who wondrous things has done, in whom the world rejoices, Who from our mother’s arms Has blest us on our way, With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today.” All Come and Thank the Lord! Zion’s Harp #236 As we reflect on this past month, we have so much to be thankful for. We are thankful for the many visiting ministers that came and were willing to share God’s Word: Bros. Darren Fehr (West Bend, IA), Mike Grimm (Goodfield, IL), Mark Klaus, (Athens, AL), Art Mueller (Belvidere, IL), and Elder Bro. Curt Frank (LaCrosse, IN). May they each be richly blessed. Our congregation had a wonderful opportunity to travel to Belvidere to spend a Sunday with them. It was such a blessing for us to worship and fellowship together. How special it is to be able to travel so freely and gather with brethren of like mind and faith. We rejoice with our converts Ted and Teresa Bachtold who have found peace and await baptism. May they continue to feel the grace of our Lord. We pray for our Bro. John Eisenmann (Sis. Bev) as he has spent time in the hospital. Also hospitalized this month were Bro. Alan Gerber (Sis. Marcia) and Sis. Dorothy Zimmerman (late Bro. Perry). May they feel our prayers January 2015 SILVER LINING 21 and love, and God’s healing hand. Gone to her reward. Sis. Virginia Blunier passed away on December 5. May her children: Stanley (Peg) Blunier, Forrest, IL; Sis. Gail (Bro. Marvin) Hodel, Peoria, IL; Scott (Aldine) Blunier, Santarém, Brazil; and Sis. Joy Blunier, Normal, IL, find comfort in our Lord during this time of loss. We thank Ministering Bros. Frank Sauder (Roanoke, IL) and Randy Mogler (Washington, IL) for their messages in the funeral service. Our thoughts and prayers are also with Bro. Jim (Sis. Sandra) Schneider in the passing of his brother, Bro. Don Schneider (Gridley, IL). “Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is bright ‘Round yon virgin mother and child! Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.” Hymns of Zion #35 As I look at the upcoming week and the busyness of this time of year, I can’t help but look forward to hearing that wonderful story again told to us by our Sunday School children. The manger, the star, the wise men, the shepherds…what a wonderful time of year! To think that God sent his only Son to be born in a manger, then to die for us! In our busyness of the season, let’s not forget the true meaning of Christmas. Note of Thanks: My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all on my 90th birthday for the cards, phone calls, gifts, or any other professions of 22 SILVER LINING January 2015 love and caring. May God bless you all. Lorene Boner Illinois, Goodfield Kayla Wiegand, Melissa Rokey Our Church Christmas Caroling was held on December 5. It is always a blessing to join together in song to tell of Jesus birth. On Sunday December 7, the Sunday School brought forth the story of Jesus birth to our congregation during their Christmas program. It is always a blessing to see their excitement in singing their songs and telling the story. We want to thank each of the Sunday school teachers who give of their time teaching and preparing the children for the program. Bro. Doug Brewer from San Diego had our topical Bible study this month. He spoke to us on “Peace”. It was a very encouraging evening and we thank him for his willingness to come and share God’s Word. On December 13 and 14, we had the testimonies and baptisms of two dear souls: Caleb Rocke (Bro. Luke and Sis. Jill) and Haley Rokey (Bro. Ben and Sis. Shelly). We rejoice with them and trust that God will continue to be with them. We also want to thank Elder Bro. Steve Sauder (Tremont, IL) for assisting Elder Bro. Jeff. We lift Sis. Audrey Ruegsegger up in prayer as she is on a mission trip to help at Hospital Lumiere in Haiti. We also lift Bro. Kurt and Sis. Joan Plattner and their family up in prayer to our Heavenly Father that they may feel His nearness as they settle into their home in Haiti. We also are prayerful for Bro. Jedd and Sis. Marsha Rocke and their family as they plan to travel to Africa to be with Bro. Eric and Sis. Carrie Wiegand and their family. We think of each of our dear ones from our congregation as they are serving overseas in the mission field, that God will be with them during this Christmas season. We are thankful to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of Bro. Jesse Ruegsegger to Sis. Tiffany Hinrichsen. Bro. Jesse is the son of Bro. Lee and Sis. Alice Ruegsegger. Sis. Tiffany is the daughter of Bro. Mike and Sis. Gerri Hinrichsen. We, as your church family, wish you God’s richest blessings as you take this step in faith. Our dear Sis. Heidi Schumacher has not been feeling well for quite some time and would appreciate your prayers. Mark Rocke (Connie) had knee replacement surgery and is home recovering. Bro. Gary Allen also had some surgery, so we want to be prayerful for him and Sis. Connie as well. May each of them feel God’s healing hand. Bro. Tim Wiegand (Leo, IN) came and shared God’s word also this month. May he be blessed for his service. Note of Thanks: My family and I greatly appreciated your prayers, cards, love and visits during my time in the hospital and recovery. May God richly bless you, our extended church family for your giving and loving hearts. Bro. Duane (Sis. Vermeda) Freidinger Illinois, Gridley Perry Klopfenstein We rejoice over the baptisms of three souls: Sisters Rose Stork, Hannah Renner, and Sarah Hermes. Elder Jeff Grimm, Goodfield, was here for the occasion. Also, Bro. James Fehr, Tremont, was a visiting minister. Elder Bro. Kevin Ryan, Rockville, CT, was here on December 18. Bro. Les Kaeb, Francesville, IN, was also a visiting minister. Bro. Don Schneider, 64, passed away on December 13. He had contracted double-pneumonia. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Sis. Sandra. Also, a daughter, Sis. Melanie (Ed) Teubel, Fairbury, and a son, Todd Schneider, Morton; two brothers, Bro. Jim (Sandra) Schneider, Forrest and Bro. Ralph (Tina) Schneider, Ellington, CT. Bro. Don’s illness came fast and was short-lived. We rejoice over his readiness for the end. He is remembered as a kindly brother to visit with in our fellowship time. He appreciated the legacy of our faith. Tyler Gramm underwent dental surgery, and is recovering nicely. Bro. Clyde Kuntz was hospitalized with heart issues, and is back home being treated with medications. The seasonal joy experienced by Christmas, and its deep meaning, is now over and we thank God for all the get-togethers for meals, worship, and fellowship. This was a special time of bonding, and strengthening the ties of family and faith. Now, the New Year is ahead of us. As always, there will be joys and sorrows. Amid it all is the great hope of Salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise be to His name, now and forever! Illinois, Morton Annette Tanner, Julie Bahr By the time we will be reading this writing, we will be in a brand new year of 2015! Our prayer is that we will be given the Grace and Strength to look out for one another, all because of the Confidence we have in what our Precious Savior did IN us and FOR us! Our church was greatly blessed by several ministers bringing us the Gospel Message. Our thanks to Bros. Arlen Leman (Sis. Denise, Forrest), Bro. Matt Koehl (Sis. Emily, Sarasota), and Bro. Howard Plattner (Sis. Kristin, Alto). We also want to thank Bro. Ted Witzig, Sr. for the message he gave us on “Choosing Our Attitudes” within our Topic of “Walking the Halls”. Oh Father, help us to “Choose” a wholesome attitude so that we can be used as a Faithful servant for Thee! “The Way to Christ” was the titled theme for our Sunday School Christmas program. Our lives were enriched as we listened to the special numbers presented, in order to tell the precious story that is a Souls’ one and only “Way to Christ”! We rejoice with Bro. Fred and Sis. Diane Funk who welcome a new grandson, William Fredrick, who entered the home of Bro. Aaron and Sis. Kendra Funk. Maternal grandparents are Bro. Herb and Sis. Lori Leman, Washington. On November 22, Bro. Steve and Sis. Lynn Roeschley became thankful grandparents to a new baby granddaughter, Abigail Grace, who was born to their daughter, Summer, and Sae Han Park. Our hearts grieve with our dear church body that has lost loved ones this past month. Our sympathy is shared with the family of Bro. Roger Belsley (late Sis. Martha) of Bloomington. He is a brother to our Sis. Joyce Hirstein (Bro. Ted) and also our Sis. Joanne Endress. Our deepest sympathy is shared with the family of our dear Sis. Norma Zeller who entered into her Eternal Home. She is survived by three sons: Bro. Jon (Sis. Christie) and Bro. William (Sis. Dannelle) of Morton, and David (Chris) Zeller of Gridley; a brother, Bro. Hank (Sis. Mary Lou) Grimm; and two sisters, Sis. Marie Taufer, and Sis. Joyce Domnick. One son, Bro. Eric Zeller of Indianapolis, preceeded her in death for a Heavenly reunion! We extend our deepest love and sympathy to our dear Sis. Jackie Babin and her family in the January 2015 SILVER LINING 23 loss of her dear husband, Bro. Ken Babin. Surviving are their children Kevin, Jason and Jonathan Babin and Kimberly (Britt) Fonner. Tears are a language that God understands! Father, help us to have an understanding of your higher ways for us, your children. Our dear Sis. Louise Steiner (late Bro. Melvin) went to her Heavenly home on December 2. Surviving is her daughter Cheryl (Ruben) Mangels and her family. Illinois, Peoria Pam Fritzenmeier We are so thankful that Bro. Gregg and Sis. Heather Rumbold have submitted to the Spirit’s call to serve in the pulpit ministry. Bro. Gregg’s first sermon was Sunday, November 23. May God bless them and their family for their willing hearts. Our visiting ministers this month were Bro. Rick Kaisner (Sis. Michelle, Chicago), November 30, and Bro. Craig Martin (Sis. Terri, Princeville), December 3. November 22 was the Senior Citizens Dinner at the Fellowship Hall. The young group served a delicious meal and presented a short singing program for all those aged 65 and over in our church family. The annual Sunday school pizza party was held December 6. The children enjoyed pizza, Christmas carols, and the Christmas play performed by the Bible class. Sunday, December 14, was 24 SILVER LINING January 2015 our Sunday school Christmas program. We were so sweetly reminded of the birth of our Savior through song and verse. A number of families have said a final goodbye to loved ones this past month and need our prayers. Sis. Phyllis Lang, Tremont, was a sister to Bro. Howard (Sis. Nancy) Herman, Bro. Allan (Sis. Lois) Herman, Sis. LouAnn (Bro. Albert) Funk, and Sis. Mary (Bro. Dave) Ginzel, and sister-inlaw to Mary Ann Herman. Bro. Don (Sis. Vi) Messner’s brother, Bro. Melvin Messner, Winthrop, passed away November 17. Gene (Sonny) Hess (Rhoda) passed away suddenly November 29. He was a brother to Sis. Bernetta (Bro. Robert) Binkele and Sis. Katy (Bro. Max) Hoerr. Sis. Virginia Blunier, Forrest, passed away December 5. She was Sis. Gail (Bro. Marvin) Hodel’s mother. On that same day, Bro. Cleve (Sis. Kathleen) Klopfenstein’s sister-inlaw, Linda (David) Klopfenstein, Petersburg, passed away. Others desire prayers for healing. These include Bro. Mike Wiegand, Marilynn Herman, Bro. Ken (Sis. Darlene) Hoerr, Sis. Karen Dunbar, Bro. Mike (Sis. Carol) Rieker, Sis. Mazie Thomas, Sis. Nanette David, Bro. Harry (Sis. Loretta) Eisenmann, Mary Funk, Rosalie (Bruce) Johnson, Sis. Dee Metzger, Sis. Linda Miller, Mary See, Andrea (Aaron) Staley, and Bro. Jeff (Sis. Melissa) Waibel. Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Bere Aupperle, Bro. Zach and Sis. Daniela Knobloch, and Bro. Jason Grassi need our prayerful support as they serve in Magdalena at CVE. Please keep Fede, Sis. Daniela’s brother, in your prayers as he deals with the ups and downs of life confined to a wheelchair. Illinois, Princeville Gloria White, Renee Herrmann Our visiting ministers this month were Bro. John Grimm (Sis. Julie-Columbus, OH) and Bro. Clark Stoller (Sis. CindyGridley, IL). We are grateful for their willingness to bring the Gospel to us. May God continue to give them boldness to speak the truths of God. Bro. Roland and Sis. Linda Joos and John and Sharon Delheimer are thankful for the safe arrival of another granddaughter. Elaina Louise was born to Brian and Jodi Joos on December 8. Elaina was welcomed home by big sisters, Ellie and Emily. We pray that Brian and Jodi will seek God’s guidance as they raise these precious girls. Our hospital patients this month are Sis. Helen Knobloch, Bro. Walter Christ and Sis. Janet Martin Joos. It is so easy to be busy with our own lives and forget the needs of our brothers and sisters. May we all continue to remember them before the throne of God. We were recently reminded of the great effort that the Queen of Sheba made to seek out the wisdom of Solomon and to discover if the things that she had heard were true. In a day when travel was difficult, she went to great lengths in her search for truth. The question was raised, has easy access to information in our age made us less willing to put forth diligent effort to seek God’s truth? He has promised that if we diligently seek Him, we will find Him. chosen as our new Nursing Home trustee. And Bro. Tim Martin will serve as our new Fellowship Hall trustee. We thank all those who so willingly give of their time and resources to serve our congregation. The annual church caroling and potluck was held on December 7. It is a joy to sing for “seniors” from our congregation and also residents at our area nursing Illinois, Roanoke homes. Barb Schwind, Judy Sauder St. Luke 2: 11: For unto you is Bro. Jim & Sis. Marge Braker born this day in the city of David a are thrilled to welcome another Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” grandson. Logan Anthony was December 14 was our Sunday born on November 23 to Seth & School Christmas program. It is a Angela Braker of Morton. His blessing to see our youth present older sister is Gracie. His maternal the story of Christ’s birth in word grandparents are Mike & Janet and song. Weber of Peoria. The Prairie Choristers and our Then, Finn Daniel arrived to Youth Choir presented a beautiful bless the home of Craig & Laura evening of Christmas songs and Janssen of Peoria on December scripture reading, “The Way to 14. His older sister is Reese. His Bethleman”, on December 17. We thankful grandparents are Kurt & thank those who sang in the choirs Janine Young of Bartonville and and Bro. Phil Hodel, their leader, Bro. Fred & Sis. Cheri Janssen. for a very inspiring and uplifting May God bless these loved ones evening. as they raise their children in the Erin Martin (Bro. Tim & Sis. ways of the Lord. Linda) was united in marriage Our annual Thanksgiving to Josh King (Phil & Kathy) of singing was held at our Fellowship Tremont on November 22. Hall on November 23. It was a Laura Schwind (Bro. Dennis & blessed evening of worship and Sis. Rita) and Jarrett Heintz, both praise. of Indianapolis, have announced St. Matthew 20: 27: “And their engagement and upcoming whosoever will be chief among you, marriage. Jarrett’s parents are Mike let him be your servant:” & Gayle Heintz of Greenwood, Our annual business meeting IN. was held on December 3. Bro. Don Justin Fehr (Bro. Jon & Sis. Leman was elected our new church Jill) is engaged to be married to trustee. Bro. Mike Barth was Kerri Zimmerman of Peoria. Her parents are Jill Levine and Gary Zimmerman. We ask for God’s blessings on these dear couples as they take this important step. Psalm 116:15: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Bro. Rudy Bertschi (Phoenix) passed away November 21. He was a brother-in-law to Sis. Dorothy Bertschi. Our Sis. Clara Fischer went to be with the Lord on November 29. Her survivors include her sons: Bro. Bruce (Sis. Deb), Glenn (Evie) and Roger all of Roanoke; along with her daughters: Linda (Ronnie) Johnston of Long Grove, IA, Beth (Don) Wilton of Vestal, NY, Colleen (Steve) Byrd of Roanoke, Doris (Brent) Cox of Mt. Washington, KY, Janelle Highland of Washington, and Sis. Kristen (Bro. Brian) Schneider (Remington). Also two foster sons, Les Knollenberg of Groveland and Darrell Lucas of Bloomington and 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild survive. Other family members are six brothers including Art (Carolyn) Wilkey of Secor, Jim Wilkey of Eureka, and Keith Wilkey of Roanoke; and four sisters including Martha Lyons of Roanoke. Also a brother-in-law, Bro. Richard Fischer; and sistersin-law, Sis. Marge Fischer, Sis. Pat Fischer, and Sis. Sara (Bro. Jim) Byrd all of our congregation are part of Sis. Clara’s extended family. Sis. Clara inspired us with her quiet godly ways. Linda (Dave) Klopfenstein (Petersburg, IL) exchanged her January 2015 SILVER LINING 25 earthly cross for a crown on December 5. She was a sisterin-law to Sis. Cathy (Bro. Tim) Hohulin. Our Sis. Virginia Blunier went to her heavenly home on December 5. Her daughters: Sis. Gail (Bro. Marv) Hodel (Peoria) and Sis. Joy Blunier (Bloomington); and her sons: Stan (Peg) of Forrest and Scott (Aldine) of Brazil are left to mourn her passing. Her other survivors include seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren, a sister, Sis. Joyce Gasser (Akron), and a sister-in-law, Sis. Pearl Leman of our congregation. Sis. Virginia worshiped with us in her later years and was a blessing to us! We extend our love and deepest sympathy to these families and pray for our Lord’s comfort upon them. Bro. Mike Hohulin (Ft. Lauderdale) was our guest minister on Thanksgiving Day. He talked about God’s provision, His protection, His power, His presence, and His promises. Then on December 7, Bro. Duane Reutter (Rockville) served us on the pulpit. On December 14, Bro. Curt Rassi (Tremont) was our visiting minister. We thank these brothers for their faithful service to us. We welcome Sis. Anna Marie Reutter to our church fellowship. She is residing at our Country View apartments. Sis. Anna Marie formerly worshiped in Cissna Park and Gridley. We hope she feels “at home” here! 26 SILVER LINING January 2015 Many of those in our congregation have had the privilege of sending “care packages” to Andrew Mangold (Bro. Matt & Sis. Jennifer), who is serving in South Korea in the military. We are so thankful that others who are serving with him can also be the beneficiaries of these packages. Matt and his fellow servicemen and women have expressed their deep appreciation for these gifts also. What a privilege to lift up those who serve our country in prayer for God’s protection and safety and to thank them for their service to us. We also lift up Bro. Scott and Sis. Mandy Yordy and their family who are serving with MEBSH in Haiti. We pray they feel our love and support as they minister there. We continue to pray for Bro. Denny (Sis. Rita) Schwind, Sis. Karel (Bro. Nate) Hoffman, and Sis. Pearl Leman for the Lord’s healing, strength and nearness, as they deal with health issues. Note of Thanks: Our sincere thanks to everyone who showed their love and thoughtfulness to our daughter, Sally Martin Achterberg and her family. The cards, prayers, meals and gifts of love were so appreciated, also the loving care at the Eureka Apostolic Christian Home. Thank you so much! The family of Sally, her parents Bro. Jim & Sis. Helen Martin and their families Illinois, Tremont Teresa Rowell, Janice Sauder As Christmas fast approaches, we tend to get into the “spirit” of the season instead of the “Spirit” of the season. Hopefully we can all remember the real Reason for the Season and not get caught up in the commercialism and materialism of the season. Our Sunday School students were all remembering the Reason in song when they presented their Christmas program. It was moving to watch 3-18 year-olds bring us the story of Jesus birth, and yet we are also reminded in the last song of the evening to not just stay at the manger but to go to the cross, to not just remember the Babe, but surrender to the Man who can give us eternal Salvation. We were blessed to have visiting ministers with us this month. They were Bro. Don Manz (Sis. Connie ) and Bro. Tony Manz (Sis. Denise) from Junction, OH. We thank them for their service to us. Sis. Phyllis Lang has gone on to her reward after a short illness. Her smiling face will be missed in our church. Her family remains in our prayers as they deal with the loss of a mother, aunt, grandma and sister. Sis. Dorothy Meister (Bro. Mike) has lost her brother, Eugene Hess (Peoria, IL). We pray that God’s comforting presence would be with all those who have lost loved ones. Illinois, Washington of Christ’s birth through song and Marlene Prather, Jodi Fehr verse. A precious baby was added The Lord has led our to the Washington congregation congregation to select a brother when William Fredrick Funk to be added to the ministry. Bro. was born to Bro. Aaron and Sis. Scott Aberle has received the Kendra Funk on November 20. prayerful support of the church. Loving grandparents are Bro. Herb We surround him and his wife, and Sis. Lori Leman and Bro. Fred Sis. Dorine, and their children: and Sis. Diane Funk of Morton. Kalahan, Klaire, and Kamden, We joyfully welcomed many in love as they take on this new friends and visitors on November responsibility. 30 as Bro. Grant Heinold of We lift Sis. Betty Klaus and West Lafayette and Sis. Anne Sis. Jan Sigafus up in prayer as they Wagenbach were united in have both experienced medical holy matrimony. Although Sis. concerns over the past month. Anne will be greatly missed in Washington, we wish them God’s Indiana, Bluffton richest blessings as they begin a Suzie Fiechter, Kim Meyer new life together. Their parents are “For unto us a child is born, unto Bro. Dan and Sis. Carol Heinold us a son is given: and the government and Bro. Don and Sis. Marie shall be upon his shoulder: and his Wagenbach. There were several name shall be called Wonderful, ministers present for the wedding. Counsellor, The mighty God, The We thank those that shared in everlasting Father, The Prince of the services including Bro. Craig Peace.” Is. 9:6 Stickling (Sis. Jackie) of Peoria, As we celebrate the birth of Bro. Randy Gasser (Sis. Sue) of Jesus, we have a couple of families Detroit, Bro. Doug Wagenbach celebrating Christmas with new (Sis. Lillian) of San Diego, and additions in their families. Bro. Bro. Joe Klotzle (Sis. Sue) of Dan, Sis. Abby, Lucy, and Henry Altadena. welcome Alice Ruby into their Bro. Mark Klaus also family. Her grandparents are Sis. ministered to us this month and Dina Fae (Bro. Glen-dec.) Moser we thank him for being with us. and Bro. Doug & Sis. Ruby As December is full of activity, Gerber. Avi Ann was born to Bro. we recently enjoyed an evening of Quinn & Sis. Sarah Fiechter. Christmas caroling followed by a Not only is she their first child, meal back at the church. It never but also the first grandchild for grows old to sing of the story of Bro. Jon & Sis. Juli Kaehr. Her Christ’s birth. paternal grandparents are Bro. On another recent Sunday, the Jim & Sis. Jenny Fiechter. Bro. Sunday School blessed us with a Ryan & Sis. Mandy and Caleb Christmas program to also share Schwartz are thankful to add Spencer William to their family as well. Grandparents, Bro. Scott & Sis. Patti Schwartz and Bro. Gary & Sis. Nancy Schladenhauffen, welcome him as well with loving arms. Newborns make the Christmas season extra special because of the physical reminder they are of Christ as a babe in the manger. May God bless these parents with wisdom and love as they raise these little ones. As we pray for those in hospitals and/or recovering, we specifically lift Bro. Doug & Sis. Susan Dailey up in prayer as he will be undergoing chemo for pancreatic cancer once he’s fully recovered from surgery. Elder Bros. Lynn Fiechter and Steve Ringger shared the Memorandum with the church family. I really appreciated the scriptural content used by the elder body to compose the memorandum. It wasn’t just brothers’ opinions, but scriptures that properly portrayed biblical principles. I am sure that most memorandums are composed this way, but, for some reason, this thought really stood out to me while listening. As we ponder messages from the memorandum, may God give us the desire to be teachable and moldable as a church body and as individuals. Indiana, Bluffton North Corinne Stettner, Amy Moser Much more important than all the presents this Christmas is God’s presence through Jesus Christ. November 22 and 23 was January 2015 SILVER LINING 27 a great encouragement to our church family. Kayla Yergler (Bro. Jeff & Sis. Peg), Brandon Gerber (Bro. Todd & Sis. Michelle), and Ben Pfister (Bro. Dan & Sis. Sherry) gave their testimonies of the saving grace of Jesus and were baptized. We are thankful to God for His Spirit’s transforming work in young hearts seeking for truth. We were blessed to have Bro. Lynn Stieglitz (Sis. Leonda) from Leo, IN, share in the weekend and deliver the morning message for us. Our Bro. John and Sis. Laura Beeks suffered an unexpected death in their family when John’s father, Tom Beeks, passed away after having suffered a massive stroke. We pray for them, trusting God to bring His comfort and peace as they say goodbye to their father. The 2014 Memorandum was delivered on the afternoon of November 30. Elder Bro. Lynn Fiechter (Sis. Rhonda) from Bluffton shared this responsibility along with our Elder Bro. Steve. This was a time of reflection for us as we look at our roles in the body of Christ and our denomination. This is a blessed and busy time of year for everyone and we were given many opportunities this month to share in the joy of this season. Our annual church Christmas caroling was on December 7, which was followed by a chili supper. This year was the greatest turnout yet. What a special time of fellowship for the young and old while sharing the 28 SILVER LINING January 2015 gift of Jesus with our community. The following weekend of December 14, our Sunday School Christmas Program was held. The glory of the Lord was truly present as our children sang of Jesus and His gift to us. Along with the joys we share as a congregation, the trials of life also keep our eyes turned toward Jesus. Our Bro. Steve Longenberger (Sis. Kathy) is having a hip replaced again this month. Also, Sis. Sally Dotterer (Indianapolis, IN), who worships with us frequently, is recovering from surgery and will begin a series of chemotherapy treatments for her cancer. As a church body, we are continuing to pray for Phil Ringger and his wife, Becky. They are currently in New York where Phil has undergone surgery for his cancer. They are far from home, with many concerns and unknowns still ahead. We pray mightily that all of them will feel God’s presence and strength during these times of trial. It is always wonderful to have visiting ministers to share the Word with us, and even more special when their family roots are planted in our home congregations. Bro. Seth Gerber from Magdalena, Mexico, and Bro. Jerry Isch (Sis. Linda) from Philadelphia, PA., preached on a Wednesday evening this month. Indiana, Francesville Jacki Huber, Mildred Clauss “If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear. His eye is upon us, His arm over us, His ear open to our prayer—His grace sufficient, His promise unchangeable”. -John Newton As the new year approaches, we all understand there will be challenges and disappointments. But if we are living “in Christ”, we claim His wonderful promises and we know He will be our Refuge and He will be our Strength!! (Psalm 46) It was a blessed evening on November 29 when our congregation shared Holy Communion. We were grateful to have Bro. Ted Steffen (Sis. Sandy) from Alto, MI assisting Bro. Steve Gutwein and Bro. Randy Gudeman with the service. We welcomed Bro. Nick Gutwein (Sis. Suzanne) from West Lafayette and Bro. Chris Wuethrich (Sis. Carla) from Chicago to our pulpit on Sunday morning, December 14. We were indeed blessed by the message. The Sunday afternoon service was given by the Sunday School Classes who presented the Christmas Message in their own special and inspiring way. In the evening, the Church Caroling was well-attended. When the carolers returned to the church, a chili supper was served in the dining room to be enjoyed by all. Bro. Jonathon Pelsy (Bro. Roger & Sis. Lily) is graduating mid-term from Purdue University. We congratulate him; and are glad he will be returning to Francesville. Bro. Sid Leman (Sis. Fern) has been in the hospital and we pray he We welcomed the following will have a speedy recovery. ministers this period who exhorted Note of Thanks and encouraged us from the I want to express heartfelt pulpit: Bro. Brian Huber (Sis. thanks and appreciation for all Jacki, Francesville, IN), Bro. John your prayers, cards, gifts, and Rowell (Sis. Nelda, Tremont, IL), many other deeds of kindness Bro. Kevin Knapp (Sis. Dixie, during the time of my broken hip Bloomington-Normal, IL), and surgery, rehabilitation at Parkview Bro. Scott Schafer (Sis. Gigi, South Haven and since returning home. Bend, IN). May God bless you all. Some of us visited the women’s Sis. Glendoris Huber prison, accompanied by Lemuel and Donna Vega of Christmas Indiana, Indianapolis Behind Bars of Bluffton, IN. Gail Bradford, Sandy Lichtle For our visit, the Sunday school The advent of the Christmas prepared more than 800 individual season brought both joys and Christmas cards with a scripture sorrow to our local fellowship. verse and personal note, to be Sis. Ginny Zeller (Bro. Eric included with the gift packages. – dec.) and children said farewell The children embraced this to Sis. Norma Zeller of Morton, project with enthusiasm, while IL, a beloved mother-in-law and learning how blessed it is to give, grandmother. She showed the gift as a demonstration of gratitude for of encouragement to everyone she God’s gift of salvation. Matthew met. 25:35-40. They also learned that We said farewell to Bro. Matt Jesus loves everyone, including and Sis. Rachael Ringger, who those who make bad choices. The will be serving as alternate house women heard that it is never too parents at Gateway Woods, Leo, late for repentance and a turning IN. We wish them and their two toward righteousness. young sons God’s blessing as they embark on this new ministry. Indiana, Lacrosse Sixty-five children from preMeagan Frank, Julie Rocke school to high school praised “For unto us a child is born, unto the newborn King in poems, us a son is given: and the government song and Bible verses during the shall be upon his shoulder: and his annual Sunday School Christmas name shall be called Wonderful, program. The theme, “The Names Counselor, The mighty God, The of Jesus” from Isaiah 9:6 resonated everlasting Father, The Prince of with the families and friends who Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 came for this special occasion. While this season is a special Bro. Jonathan Magnin gave an time to rejoice in the birth of our interesting presentation about his Savior, Jesus Christ, the Troxel experiences living in Nicaragua. family is also rejoicing in the arrival of another son. Parents Bro. Rudy & Sis. Rosario, along with siblings: Nathan, Marianna, and Olivia, are excited to welcome home Nolan James. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Tom & Sis. LuAnn Troxel, and Sis. Bertha & the late Bro. Javier Gonzalez. As a church we feel so blessed, new babies bring such life & joy to the congregation! Little Gena Sawyer (Bro. John & Sis. Melinda) was recently hospitalized after doctors discovered she had a very low platelet count. There was intense relief and rejoicing when they discovered she had a treatable auto immune disease. We praise God that her counts have now returned to normal. Our hearts & prayers go out to everyone in our congregation that has had recent illness or heartache. Too often we are unaware of the suffering of loved ones near to us. Along with our faithful home brothers, we are always thankful for visiting ministers. Elder Bro. Ted Steffen (Sis. Sandy, Alto, MI) along with Bros. Jim Butikofer (Sis. Diana, Iowa City, IA) and Lucas Frank (Sis. Crystal, Detroit, MI) each gave of themselves on our behalf. We pray God will bless these brothers and their families. Indiana, Leo Kirby Reutter “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained— what is man, that thou art mindful of him?” Psalm 8:3-4 January 2015 SILVER LINING 29 Happy New Year! God, in His sovereign power and providence, has allowed the Planet Earth to complete yet another revolution around the closest Star—which reminds me of a famous article written 500 years ago: “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.” In this article, a famous scientist named Copernicus argued that the earth makes revolutions around the sun—and not the other way around. This idea represented such a radical transformation in thinking that ever since the publication of this article, the word “revolution” has come to mean any radical transformation. Here in little Leo, we have experienced many revolutions this past year—and even a few this past month. Whenever a new soul is born into this world, that is a radical transformation. “Congratulations to Bro. Aaron and Sis. Michelle Stoller on the birth of their daughter, Avery Elisabeth, born on December 14.” Whenever fresh blood relocates from foreign parts of the country to join us in the Midwest, that is radical a transformation. “Please welcome Sis. Amanda Knochel to Leo. She is originally from Phoenix, AZ, and has recently taken a job at Parkview Hospital.” Whenever a soul passes from mortality to everlasting life, that is a radical transformation. “Bro. Steve Scheitlin’s mother, Sis. Joan Scheitlin of Elgin, IL passed away. The visitation and funeral 30 SILVER LINING January 2015 will be held at the Elgin Church.” Whenever a soul passes from bondage to freedom in Christ, that is a radical transformation. “The Leo church has a new convert, Connor Beer, son of Bro. Joseph and Sis. Heather Beer. We thank God for his desire to walk closely with the Lord and with us in fellowship.” Or, how about when a former Gateway resident—decades later—remembers to write us an encouraging letter? The following note was recently scanned to my inbox: “We, my husband and I, believe in the ministry of Gateway Woods so much since we know it spreads the Gospel of our Lord and Savior. I know how hard each of the staff works to help the children in their care. So many times, I am reminded of my time spent there as a resident and the lessons I learned. I can remember having conversations about God at the kitchen table. Having conversations with my assistant housemom till way too late at night, working through my stuff. Learning from our ‘grandparents’ about marriage and family and serving others. Learning about earning trust and keeping it. Today, my own children are reaping the benfits of so much that I learned at Gateway…of a godly family, of two parents who show a united front, and who show love to their kids and to each other, of learning about salvation at a young age. If it wasn’t for Gateway Woods and the ministry they provided me so many years ago, I don’t know if I would have ever found Christ, or if I would be able to be the mother I am today.” Now that, my friends, is a radical transformation. God is not in the business of resolutions. Rather, God is in the business of revolutions. I have no idea what 2015 will bring for you or me, but let us all (both individually and collectively) seek a Christ-centered revolution—in both senses of the word. First, may every aspect of our lives orbit around the One and only source of Life and Light. May all of our earthly thoughts, feelings, plans, desires, dreams, wants, needs, ambitions, and aspirations fall in line with the gravitational pull of the Son. Secondly, may others observe the radical transformation which results from a Christcentered orbit. May any thing that obscures our view or obstructs our path fade away into the cosmic dust of the balance. When I was younger, my dear father once told me: “Son, the world does not revolve around you.” (He was right, as it turns out.) However, let us never forget that the world does revolve around the SON! In fact, the entire universe revolves around the SON. It is “probably” best we come to terms with this reality on this side of eternity. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.” Colossians 1:16 Elmer Beckley (Nancy). Elmer was also the brother-in-law to Bro. Indiana, Milford Ken Schneider (Sis. Bernice). Sis. Minnie Beer, Jodi Beer Kristen Schneider (Bro. Brian) Many thanks to Our Elder lost her mother Sis. Clara Fischer Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. Emily, of Roanoke. Bro. John Walder Junction) and Elder Bro. Mark (Sis. Lisa) lost his father Melvin Masters (Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield) Walder (Irma) of Eureka. And for sharing the memorandum and Bro. Gene Waibel (Sis. Diane) and bringing forth God’s Word on Bro. Harold Waibel (Sis. Arleta) Sunday. Thanksgiving Day brought lost their brother James Waibel. visiting ministers: Bro. Daron We extend our deepest love and Metz (Sis. Rita, Gridley) and Bro. sympathy to each one who mourns Chris Laukhuf (Sis. Rachel, Latty). and ask you to pray for them too. May God bless each brother and Convert Wes Corbin was in their families. Philadelphia again for treatments Bro. Lee Beer (Sis. Sandy) had earlier this month. We ask you to surgery on his knee and we are pray for him that these treatments thankful he is doing well. could be effective and that he “For unto us a child is born, unto could be healed. Sis. Lois Bahler us a son is given:” Isaiah 9:6. was also a hospital patient this We spent a Sunday evening month. We ask for your prayers for Christmas caroling to our her as well. neighbors, friends and church Bro. Stuart Kilgus is family. What a blessing it is to graduating from Purdue this fellowship together. month. He will be taking a job We thank our Sunday School in Finley, OH. We offer our students and teachers for the congratulations to Bro. Stuart for beautiful Christmas program. We his accomplishment. We pray that always enjoy the enthusiasm of God will continue to guide him in the young children in singing and this next step in his life’s journey. reciting various poems. We will miss him! May we all feel God’s love, This past Sunday we had peace and joy as we reflect on the our annual Christmas program, true meaning of Christmas and Sunday School get-togethers, what Christ has done for us. and Christmas caroling. First, we heard our youth proclaim Indiana, Remington the tidings of Good News that Jenni Honegger, Marcella Tyler were brought to all men on that Our hearts are heavy and wonderful first Christmas day. full of prayers for several in our Then, the Sunday School students, congregation who have lost loved teachers, and wives got together ones this month. Sis. Velda and Sis. for an afternoon of fellowship and LaVina Beckley lost their brother games. Through that interaction, it is our hope and prayer that the youth will know how much the church loves and values them. And finally, we then took to the streets and country roads to sing beautiful carols to some members of our community who are not able to get out and about anymore. It was a very busy day, but it was full of blessings! Indiana, South Bend Joshua Martinez “I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:30 We are happy that Arlene Kaehr has recovered from recent foot surgery and that she is able to worship with our church family. Our Sunday School children made joyful noise unto the Lord during our church Thanksgiving program. The children also praised the Lord and brought cheer to various homes in our community by Christmas caroling. May the Lord bless Bro. Regg Beer (Sis. Beverly, Milford, IN) for sharing the Word with us. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” Colossians 3:15 Indiana, Valparaiso Marguerite Hoerr, Sherry Meiss Okay, so here we are close to Christmas day and where is the snow? Not that I really want it like last year, but it would make it feel more like Christmas. So why is it that we look for the earthly things to make us feel January 2015 SILVER LINING 31 the holiday, when God is with us every day blessing us in the way He sees fit? Though it is good to be reminded how God created all things in the very beginning. He even had the birth of His son, Jesus planned out way ahead of everybody else. I am sure Mary never would have thought in her wildest dreams that she would conceive a child in this way. Put yourself in her shoes and try to wrap your mind around that thought. Don’t get me wrong, she was Truly Blessed by God. But, in those days what could have happened to her by the people is one thing completely different. I’m talking about being the Chosen one, the one with such High Honor to give birth to God’s only begotten Son. Now that would be something you would never forget! May we strive for this feeling throughout the New Year and never forget God’s eternal love. Our Sis Leona Bucher was so gracious to open her home to the congregation to host the Christmas dinner. Some sang, read a poem, a letter written of thanks and shared things held close to their heart. Special efforts were made to make sure Bro. Bob and Sis. Marguerite Hoerr were able to join us in this fellowship. There was such a warm feeling of love in everyone’s heart that evening. It was a special night. As many of us that could, went caroling for those in need, shut-in or living in one of the homes. As we walked the hallways, the sound of our voices echoed 32 SILVER LINING January 2015 into the rooms. The looks on those faces inside of those rooms was both heart-breaking and joyous at the same time. One of my fellow sisters shared her emotions with me. It reminded her of how busy we make our lives and how we need to slow down and make a lot more time for the elderly. How they need to be our priority and how they deserve our time to be spent with them. Many have been ill this season, please pray for good health. Our Bro. Lyle Zeltwanger and Sis. Marilyn left early for Phoenix this year, so Bro. Lyle could see doctors down there. He had good success in his surgery and will be back to himself soon. Keep Becky Pelath, the daughter of Bro. Bob and Sis. Marguerite Hoerr, in prayer as well. If you’re in the area, stop in and fellowship with us, we are just South of US Hwy 30 on IN State Road 49. Love and hugs sent Bro. Blake and Sis. Tashi Widmer home to Jamaica, as Sis. Tashi completed her deaf internship while they lived in Indianapolis the last four months. The days go faster this season, don’t they? A burst of activity erupted as we navigated through our church Christmas program, the Purdue youth group Christmas program and a night of caroling. And... here we are! The Advent! A time of remembrance. As we heard at one of our programs, a time when Jesus left His home. A time when we all love to come home. I googled “what is the Advent”? Google responded with, “In Christian theology, the coming or second coming of Christ”. Perhaps it is a good time to contemplate both events. Thank you Bros. Dan Pfister and Lucas Frank for giving our local ministers a respite as you shared our pulpit. Indiana, West Lafayette Indiana, Wolcott Kris Widmer, Libby Wahl Michelle Earney, Beckie Lehman It was a day for Phil 4:8 whatever is lovely - when Bro. Grant Heinold and Sis. Anne Wagenbach exchanged wedding vows in Washington, Illinois. We share the joy of the Heinold and Wagenbach families. What a blessing to have another couple worshiping in our local church. Welcome, Sis. Anne! We also welcome home Sis. Janessa Wahl, who has returned after over a year with The New Beginnings in Ft Myers, FL. We are thankful for Bro. Mike and Sis. Deb Leman as they traveled out from Denver to help with the memorandum. We appreciate his willingness to travel out to Indiana and extend his services with us. Bro. Dennis Virkler and Bro. Arlan Miller also came to help spread the Gospel on a Wednesday evening. They presented a topic on “Growing from milk to meat” and also gave a presentation on the Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services. We thank them for their time. We rejoice with Bro. Tim and Sis. Rachel Schwab as their son Justin has expressed a testimony of peace. We pray for this time in his life leading up to his baptism. We are so thankful to have several that have begun their walk with the Lord. Mary Lydia Lehman (Bro. Rob and Sis. Beckie), Larissa and Kenzie Bahler (Bro. Jeff and Sis. Heidi) and Ryan Warren have each given their hearts to the Lord. May the Lord grant them grace along the way. Bro. Eric and Sis. Marissa, Elliot and Ivy Bahler (Leo, IN) welcomed home Finn Solomon. Grandparents are Chris and Sis. Teresa Bahler and Bro. Mark Schwab and Sis. Shari Schwab of Wolcott. Beyer (Sis. Dawn), present the ACCFS Marriage Seminar on that Saturday. We heard much for our marriages and our lives also. One thing was that ‘a good conversation includes a good listener’. And that if we are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, we need to H.A.L.T. and try to communicate later. Sunday morning, December 7, we heard a lot about faith and that we walk by faith. Then we heard the engagement of Bro. Nathan Schock (Elder Bro. Doug and Sis. Clara) and Sis. Kaylyn Lanz , who have the faith that they are to be united in marriage. Her parents are Bro. Robby and Sis. Kris of Mediapolis. We rejoice with them. their sins.” St. Matthew 1:21 Iowa, Elgin Maria Rocke Bro. John & Sis. Janet Schupbach welcomed another grandson into their family circle. Beck Michael was born to Michael and Nikki Schupbach (Spirit Lake, IA) on December 2. He joins his big brother, Knox. Bro. Charles and Sis. Sue Schneider are also thankful grandparents again. Kyra Joelle was born to Luke & Brenda Squires (Tama, IA) on December 14. Eager to welcome her home were siblings, Malachi and Audra. Gene Moore and Alex Callahan spent some time in the hospital this month. We pray God Iowa, Burlington will continue to provide strength as Ivy Steiner, Monica Eisenmann they recover. “What happened at Christmas Our church gathered to make that gives us such joy? God sent to “encouragement baskets” for those Iowa, Bloomfield the earth a sweet baby boy!” who suffered loss or health issues Teresa Schock This is a verse from our this year. Afterward, many went I think new-fallen snow across Christmas program that we had Christmas caroling about our small the landscape makes everything this past month. This is a simple town. Then we regrouped for a seem so quiet and peaceful. I once reminder of the meaning of meal together at the church. read, “The quieter you become, the Christmas. We enjoyed the Sunday more you can hear.” Deer hunting We were privileged to have school’s Christmas program on around here is enjoyed by many, several visiting ministers this December 19. Through poems, and they know they have to be month: Elder Bros. Wayne verses and songs they shared the quiet. Wishing joy and peace to Grimm (West Bend), Wayne message of Jesus’ birth and the everyone in this new year. Banwart (Champaign, IL), and Jon Gift of Life He gave us when He Don Schaer’s sister, Sis. Janet Schmidgall (Oakville-Mediapolis); went to the cross. We’re thankful Schaer (Taylor), passed away and Bros. Dan Koch (Tremont, our elder Bro. Wayne & Sis. Rose suddenly. We extend our sympathy IL), Aaron Frank (Elgin, IA), and Grimm (West Bend, IA) could join to him and all the family. Dale Frank (Oakville-Mediapolis). us for the program. We appreciated We thank Bro. Ted Witzig, May God bless them abundantly in his closing comments. Jr. (Sis. Donna, Morton) for this life and much more in eternity. ministering to us on November “And she shall bring forth a son, Iowa, Garden Grove 23. We were also privileged to have and thou shalt call his name Jesus: Laura Funk Bro. Ted, along with Bro. Kaleb for he shall save His people from Visiting ministers this month January 2015 SILVER LINING 33 were Bro. Brian Metzger (Lester, IA) and Elder Bro. Doug Schock (Bloomfield, IA). Other visitors accompanied these brothers which increased the blessings. Many thanks! “May we take a quiet moment to reflect on God’s own son And remember in humility all that He has done. May we share His peace with others in joyful, sweet delight, As we celebrate that love was born That perfect, silent night.” -author unknown Iowa, Iowa City Diana Butikofer We appreciate the visit of Bro. Jon and Sis. Sharon Pratt (Valparaiso, IN) this month. May the Lord bless Bro. Jon for his service to us. Iowa, Lester Audrey Metzger, Joyce Moser Our congregation was privileged to have the Memorandum read and exhorted by Elder Bro. Ron Messner (Washington, IL) and our Elder Bro. Rod Bajema the weekend of November 22. How thankful we are for willing servants who sound the warnings and preach the Gospel for the benefit of our soul’s salvation. Other visiting ministers this month were Bro. Virgil Metzger (Chicago, IL), Bro. Mitch Fehr and Bro. Kevin Wulf (Morris, MN). We appreciate their labors on behalf of the precious faith. Those spending time in the 34 SILVER LINING January 2015 hospital this month were Sis. Cassie Mogler (Bro. Chet), Sis. Marie Knobloch (Bro. Ezra) and Sis. Beth Knobloch (Bro. Myron). We continue to pray for those who are suffering serious afflictions. May the Lord be their source of comfort and strength. We had two families become first-time parents this past month. December 10, Scott and Joni Metzger were blessed with a precious baby boy, Colin Matthew. Happy grandparents are Bro. Mark and Sis. Audrey Metzger. Bro. Joe and Sis. Esther Barber welcomed little Charles Joseph on 12-13-14! Becoming first-time grandparents are Mike and Sis. Donna Barber. God has blessed these family circles! We congratulate Paula Bosch (Bro. Tony and Sis. Pam) and Brad Bergman on their recent engagement. We wish them God’s blessing and guidance as they make plans for their wedding on February 14, 2015. We are so thankful our convert, Vance Metzger (Bro. Rodney and Sis. Polly), has come to the point of peace in his life and now looks forward to baptism. May the Lord continue to grant him grace and godly wisdom in rich measure. It was a blessed evening when we could listen to 171 children sing the beautiful Christmas songs and tell the story of our Savior’s birth at our Sunday School Christmas program on December 21. We want to thank all the teachers who give of their time and talent as they work with the students. As the New Year 2015 unfolds before us, may we reflect on our many blessings and go forth with faith in the Lord Jesus that He will provide for our every need! “Onward strive to reach the goal, Heaven’s Fatherland…” Zion’s Harp, #92 Iowa, Oakville-Mediapolis Sharla Wiegand We were very thankful to have many visiting ministers on Thanksgiving Day, although sorry we couldn’t use them all. Our visitors were Elder Bro. Doug Schock (Bloomfield, IA), Bro. Darin Massner and Bro. Greg Fehr (West Bend, IA), Bro. Bruce Frank (Cissna Park, IL) and Bro. Dallas Massner (Burlington, IA). Believing God has brought them together, Sis. Kaylyn Lanz and Bro. Nathan Schock have announced their engagement. Their parents are Bro. Robby & Sis. Kris Lanz and Elder Bro. Doug & Sis. Clara Schock (Bloomfield, IA). Iowa, West Bend Yvonne Bruellman, Becky Virkler “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” Psalm 95:2. The Thanksgiving holiday is past and we look forward to the Christmas season. We are thankful for the precious gift we received many years ago. It is always a blessing when the Sunday school children remind us of the gift of his Son in word and in song. We extend our sympathy to Kevin Babin and children in the passing Kevin’s father, Bro. Ken Babin, (Morton, IL) and also Sis. Dorothy Zaugg in the loss of her brother-in-law, Bro. Lloyd Nohl (Sis. Joyce, McAllen TX). Emily Banwart (Bro. Kevin and Sis. Sandy) and Chris Nielsen have announced their engagement. Plans are being made for an August wedding. We are thankful to have them in our midst. It is our prayer that they always look to God for His guidance and direction. Hospital patients this month were Bro. Dennis (Sis. Judy) Fehr and Bro. Jim (Sis. Sandy) Knobloch. May the Lord bless them with a full recovery. With the Holiday season upon us, we have been privileged with many visitors and among them was ministering Bro. Lowell Moser (Sis. Karen, Morris, MN). We are thankful for the bond of our brotherhood. Tokyo, Japan Marie Inoue We were thankful to be able to sing Christmas carols at two local nursing homes this month. All who can are wheeled into the large room in their wheelchairs. A few sing along with us on a song or two. Our visiting minister, Bro. Akihiro Ito, (Sis. Carrie) of our Shioda church, could minister to us one Sunday and could help us sing at one of the homes. He also gave a Christmas message at our December ladies’ meeting. Being a medical doctor he is able to be helpful to questions of stress and hardship. We thank the Ito family for their visits to our assembly. Guests we are enjoying at this time are Bro. Keith and Sis. Ida Kellenberger (Bradford, IL) as they are visiting their son, his wife, and grandchildren who reside here in Tokyo; Gary, Yoko, Koa and Kia Kellenberger; whom we love and enjoy very much. On December 21, we could enjoy our Christmas program with Sunday School children and some adults participating. A flannel graph story was presented, songs sung, and “something we want for Christmas” with Jesus being the best gift which we already have. Thanks to the Detroit church for this idea from their 2013 program. We thank all who loved and prayed for us this past year. May the New Year hold many blessings for you. Tokyo, Japan Marie Inoue Loving Christmas greetings to all Silver Lining readers and your loved ones. Once again we are privileged to think and ponder concerning the first Christmas at Bethlehem. May the remembrance of the gift of God’s Son, our Savior Kansas, Bern and Redeemer, help us to live more Jill Meyer, Rita Menold closely to Him in the coming year Greetings in our Lord and of 2015. Saviors name! We always enjoy having visitors among our congregation, and are thankful for those who served us in the ministry this past month. We appreciate Bro. Dean Steffen (Sis. Carol, Belvidere, IL), as well as Bro. Jerry Meeks (Sis. Christy), Bro. David Hartter (Sis. Beth) and Bro. Klint Beyer (Sis. Kara), all from our neighboring church, Sabetha, KS, for their willingness to feed us from the Word. We rejoice with the angels in heaven that Michael Baumgartner (Bro. John and Sis. Lori) has answered the call to repentance! As we enjoy the festivities of the Christmas season, it is good to be reminded of the true meaning of the holiday. We have all heard…..”Jesus is the reason for the season”, and it is with joy that we were able to sing of Christ’s birth as we enjoyed our all church Christmas Caroling on December 6. The following Sunday, our Sunday school children brought us the Christmas story in song and verse. We extend a thank you to our Sunday school teachers who so willing plant the seed of salvation in our youth. Kansas, Ft. Scott Karen Kellenberger Wednesday, December 17 was the date of the Sunday School Christmas program. It was inspiring to hear the beautiful songs of Christmas and hear the wonderful story of Christ’s birth retold. A New Year’s Prayer “May God make your new year a January 2015 SILVER LINING 35 happy one! Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain, But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes; Not by making your path easy, But by making you sturdy to travel any path; Not by taking hardships from you, But by taking fear from your heart; Not by granting you unbroken sunshine, But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows; Not by making your life always pleasant, But by showing you when people and their causes need you most, and by making you anxious to be there to help. God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead.” (Author unknown) Kansas, Kiowa Janice Bahr, Jenny Stewart “The blessed story of the Christ, The Babe of Bethlehem, Is worthy of our song and praise and stirs the hearts of men. The fullness of God’s love divine surrounds the Christ so mild. Alas how many only know the Saviour as a child? Our saving hope is all in vain if here our love should cease, For in the man of Gallilee we find the gift of peace. ‘Tis not the babe, but Christ the man, who walked in Galilee. ‘Tis not the manger, but the cross, that sets the spirit free. Be not content this babe to know, 36 SILVER LINING January 2015 nor stay at Bethlehem, But go with Christ to Calvary’s land, beyond Jerusalem. ‘Tis there men learn to know the Christ, for there he bore man’s sin, Then open wide the door of heart and let the Savior in.” Hymns of Zion #36 What a blessed people we are!! We have a Wonderful God who created us, walks with us, and loves us so much even in our sinful state, that He sent Jesus (His own son) to earth to be born in a stable in Bethlehem, grow up as a carpenter’s son in Nazareth, and then die on a Cruel Cross in Jerusalem, as the Supreme Sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is the Reason for this Season as we Celebrate all that He is and stands for!! We were so privileged this past month to have a very special group of young people (21) come to Kiowa to share in our Celebration of Christ’s Birth. They caroled with us, traveled to Cherokee, OK to package meals (13,000) at Kids Against Hunger, joined us for our Christmas Program, and sang a couple of beautiful songs to end the program. The fellowship was wonderful, and we truly appreciate the effort they made to travel all those miles to give us a joy-filled weekend. May God bless each of them. “Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast; There by His love o’ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest.” Hymns of Zion #218 Our dear Sis. Helen Murrow fell asleep in the arms of her Precious Lord this past month. She will be greatly missed by all of us, and especially by her husband, Bud, and loving family. May God be their comfort and the memories they share bring them a measure of peace in their loss. As we begin the New Year, another song from the Hymns of Zion #150 comes to mind: Another year is dawning. Kansas, Lamont-Gridley Dorene Metzger Our little church was delighted to hear of the engagement announcement of our Bro. Michael Luthi to Sis. Julie Eisenmann from Chicago. Their parents are Bro. Jay and Sis. Jane Luthi and Bro. Brad and Sis. Cindy Eisenmann. As a small congregation, we are so thankful to be looking forward to another young couple and pray that God will work in their lives on a daily basis as they prepare for married life and continuing to glorify God. Christmas is a wondrous time of year because of our celebration of the birth of Christ. The snow reminds me of Christ’s blood that can makes my sins white as snow. The evergreens remind me of life everlasting and red berries remind me of the steadfastness of God’s promises to mankind. God’s care His children goes far beyond our daily needs when He assures us He is (and will always be) there for us. “Jesus came to earth one day: The Bible tells me so. He came in a most humble way; The Bible tells me so. In harmony the angels sang; The Bible tells me so. Our Saviour Christ will be the King; The Bible tells me so Shepherds came from hills afar The Bible tells me so. Wise men followed the bright star: The Bible tells me so. But from this manger we must go; The Bible tells me so. Out to the cross of Calvary; The Bible tells me so. If you want Christ to be your King; (The Bible tells me so), Your must believe and let Him in; The Bible tells me so. In a manger low He lay, Christ was born on Christmas day. He came to wash our sins away The Bible tells me so. Christ was born to die one day, So we can live in Heav’n some day. He came to wash our sins away; The Bible tells me so.” The Children’s Harp #109 Our Christmas season began with wrapping gifts for 80 residents of Hartford, Inc., who are challenged physically and mentally. We gathered at the home of Bro. Kent & Sis. Marissa Kraft to wrap these gifts that they, along with Bro. Jacob & Sis. Krystal Knoblock, had purchased. Each resident had a special wish. Bro. Jacob said that one person requested a key chain and a hat. These gifts were delivered one evening as we caroled to them and they participated in the Joy of the blessed Christmas season. This Christmas “tradition” began about 30 years ago in our little Gridley church and has continued when we became part of the Lamont church in 1995. One of our brothers was a pharmacist and knew that some of the Hartford, Inc. residents were there because of abuse, as well as physical limitations. Many were “forgotten”. Their needs are seen to by the staff, but the “little wants or desires” could be filled by the extension of Christ’s hands through believers. Thinking of Black Friday and its frenzy, as compared to wanting a key chain and a hat, should put the believer into a mode of compassion instead of greed. On Sunday, December 7, our Sunday School presented the ageold, but always inspiring story of the birth of the Christ Child, His life, and His role as Redeemer-tobe of all mankind. The caroling, supper and fellowship that followed were enjoyed in the home of Bro. Justin & Sis. Liz Isch. On December 14, our church family caroled at several nursing homes. Seeing the thoughtful smiles and movement of lips increased our joy as we sang ageold hymns which conveyed the true meaning of this wondrous time in the history of mankind. We again enjoyed soup and fellowship in the home of Bro. Albert & Sis. Mara Jean Edelman. May the year of 2015 be a time of grace, mercy and love from our Heavenly Father for each believing heart. Every day is another opportunity to serve Him, in Whom is no variableness or shadow of turning. Kansas, Sabetha Crystal Hartter, Dawn Strahm We are thankful Bros. Dale Zeltwanger (Sis. Rachel, Morris North, MN) and Seth Hartter (Sis. Brenda, Burlington, IA) were present to minister God’s Word this past month. Bro. Mark Schurter (David and Pamela Schurter of Washington, IL) and Sis. Tasha Knoblock (Bro. Steven and Sis. Rose Ann) have announced their engagement. We wish them God’s blessings and nearness as they look forward to being united. The prayers of the church are with Sonia Irwin (daughter of Bro. Elmer and Sis. Phyllis Strahm) as she undergoes treatment for cancer. There have been several opportunities to share the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior as the church, Sunday School, and Young Group spent evenings caroling. Our precious youth also shared the story of Jesus’ birth in our annual Sunday School Christmas program. It is a blessing to hear voices raised in songs of praise to honor our King. Kansas, Wichita Max and Judy Reimschisel Thanksgiving services, really gave me something to think and meditate on: Do I murmur and complain? Philippians 2:14 says “Do all things without murmuring and disputing.” January 2015 SILVER LINING 37 Then Philippians 4:6-7 really gave me the right direction! “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” The word given really wants me to remain on the peaceful path with thanksgiving as the main focus. Christmas caroling is one thing we enjoy doing weekly during the month of December. It is exciting to see the smiles, joy and anticipation in the singing of Christmas carols this time of the year. At the home where Sister Emma now resides, the song, “O Holy Night” was sang. After another song, “O Holy Night” was given again by a resident. The comment was made that we had already sang that one. Nonethe-less, the older lady said with excitement in her voice “Sing it again!” How it does one’s heart good to sing songs about Jesus! Each year we are excited to be reminded of this special time when Jesus was born. It should be new again and fulfilling each time when we have an opportunity to sing and hear about Emmanuel -- God with us. Often times after a sermon we say, “I sure needed that!” This was the blessing from our visiting minister this month. Bro. Gerry Hertzel and wife, Sis. Ellen, from Sabetha, presented us the challenge to live courageously with 38 SILVER LINING January 2015 hope and peace. Sister Anna Marie Warner was hospitalized for a short time. Our prayer for her is that she will continue to improve and be able to worship at church once again, Lord willing. Mexico, Ixtlán Ruth Gerber It’s always the right season for thankfulness, for those of us that know the love of Christ… As we wrap up this year, we want to share a few of the things we’re thankful for: We’re thankful for the four new believers that were added to the church in Ixtlán and for several newcomers that have started to attend regularly. One family in particular comes to my mind. They started coming through a family connection with one of our schoolteachers. We’re thankful for God’s provision in the school. This is the first year with all six grades. We thank God for the faithful staff, for the open door to share the gospel with so many families and for the way He has provided a Christian schooling option for our church families. Thank the Lord and all of you that support in prayer and financially. We’re thankful for the visitors that travel so far to encourage us and to broaden our fellowship. We’re thankful for the children that have been born into our families. This month we rejoiced with Sis. Bertha de Gonzalez on the birth of her grandson, Nolan James Troxel, born on December 6 to Bro. Rudy and Sis. Rosario of LaCrosse. And we’re thankful for God’s daily blessings of health and protection. This past month our little Betel Torres (Bro. Javier and Sis. Veronica) had an accident and fractured her ankle. It’s been a rough start to recovery, but God has given this family a wonderful measure of grace – as it appears from their patient, cheerful spirits and their continued service in the church. We look forward to a new year of God’s blessings and want to say with the hymn writer, “Leave to thy God to order and provide. In every change He faithful will remain…” (Be Still My Soul, Hymns of Zion #191). Michigan, Alto Renee Steffen, Shelli Oesch Merry Christmas from Alto, MI. We’ve had a quiet month. The church remodel project has been completed and we are back in the church for regular worship services. We extend a special thanks to all who were involved in helping to coordinate this project. Our prayers have been with Jeff Oesch as he is recovering from surgery last month. In December, we had the pleasure of attending our annual Sunday School Christmas program. At the conclusion, Bro. Wally Gerst commented on having had many of the current teachers as his own students years ago. Also, the same Christmas songs proclaiming Christ’s birth are sung from generation to generation, yet the message remains the same. Thanks to all the students who helped tell the story of Christ’s birth in word and in song. Michigan, Bay City Sarah Knochel Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been confined to hospital or nursing home in the past weeks. We pray that God would stand by their side and give them strength to heal. They include Norm (Sis. Linda) Andrzjewski, Sis. Leanore Knochel, and Sis. Esther Meister. Our prayers are with Sis. Carola and Bro. Jay Schlatter and their family in the passing of Sis. Carola’s father, Bro. Vladimir Fortenbacher (Kitchener, ON). We also want to remember Sis. Edie and Bro. Daryl Wieland in the passing of Sis. Edie’s brother, Bro. Ted Klotzle (Altadena, CA) Burial services took place in Bay City for Bro. Don Schneider. His wife, Sis. Sandy (Gridley, IL), is originally from Bay City and our prayers are with Sis. Sandy and the Schlatter family during this time. Our annual Sunday School Christmas Caroling and Program were held on December 12 and 14. It is always a blessing to hear the students recite song and verse that reflect the glory of Christ’s birth and the promise of His triumphant return. We are thankful for God’s presence in our lives during the past year. We are looking forward to the coming year and pray God would be near each one in the coming days. February is Bay City’s month for Silver Lining dues and all dues should be put into the General Fund. If you have any address changes, please contact the correspondent. Michigan, Detroit Manuela Denes “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13-14 Happy New Year! Here we are, January 2015. Are you making a resolution? So many people are taking time to look at the year that passed and will be changing something in their life. As many of us know, those resolutions don’t always stick. I so appreciate the “resolution” that the scripture from Philippians presents to us. Forget about what is behind you and reach for what is ahead—that special prize that we find in Christ Jesus! What better way to start the New Year than to commit ourselves more fully in our spiritual walk. December was a very busy month for many of us here. There were a number of festive activities that took place. Here is a brief recap. Thanks to the Toledo, OH church for hosting church services at Woodhaven. The group included ministering Bro. Doug Harmon along with Bros. Gale Stoller and Brice Gasser. Prior to the service, the residents enjoyed a musical Christmas presentation by four of Woodhaven Board President Bro. Jason (Sis. Carrie) Rauhe’s children; Tyler, Stephanie, Trevor and Joshua. An ensemble of church musicians from both the Livonia and Toledo churches joined the Rauhe family in sharing Christmas carols with the residents. God’s blessings were evident that evening! Christmas caroling took place early in December. Caroling began at Woodhaven in the dining room while residents enjoyed their dinner. From there the group divided with one group visiting a neighboring assisted living facility and then to a Livonia group home for the differently abled. The other group went to a Farmington group home. Everyone got back together to sing at Woodpointe. The evening ended with shared treats! The annual Christmas program took place the following Sunday evening at church. The theme was “Come and See”. The various classes focused individually on these subthemes: “Gabriel Told the World to Come and See”, “The Shepherds Came to See”, “The Wise Men Came to See”, “Simeon and Anna Came to See” and the climax, “Will You Come and See?”. The Christmas message was shared musically as well with songs from a ladies group, a men’s group, the young group and Bible class and the church choir. Always a special evening! January 2015 SILVER LINING 39 Two of our families received very special gifts this Christmas season. Brennan Lee was welcomed by Bro. Steve and Sis. Tiffany Weiland. Waiting at home for their early Christmas gift were sister, Alexa, and brothers, Gabriel and Austin. Grandparents are Bro. Rodney and Sis. Evelyn Wieland, Bay City, MI, and Bro. Fred and Sis. Mary Gasser, Rittman, OH. Bro. Phil and Sis. Dawn Bahr welcomed a new granddaughter. Avery Elisabeth was born to Bro. Aaron and Sis. Michelle Stoller, Latty, OH. She has a big brother Jeremiah. Other grandparents are Bro. Jim and Sis. Tam Stoller also of Latty, OH. We share in the sadness of loss that some are experiencing. Sympathy to Sis. Eloise, Bro. Mark and Bro. Phil Bahr in the passing of their son-in-law and brother-in-law, Roger Belsley. Sympathy also goes out to Sis. Beth (Bro. Dana) Knochel in the passing of her brother-in-law, Bro. Don Schneider (Sis. Sandy) of Bloomington, IL. May the Lord comfort all those who have lost a loved one. We are so blessed to be able to have and share beautiful memories, especially during the holiday season. Congratulations to Bro. Pat and Sis. Bonnie Allen as they begin their life together as husband and wife. May they and their families be richly blessed with much happiness and joy. 40 SILVER LINING January 2015 Minnesota, Minneapolis Brenda Messner, Betty Rassi Lindwall On Sunday, December 14 our Sunday School classes brought to us, “Immanuel – Our God is with us” for their Christmas program. It’s so precious to hear the children proclaim Jesus’ birth and to heed His call. “So what will be your answer? Oh will you hear the call Of Him who did not spare His Son, but gave Him for us all? On earth there is no power, there is no depth or height That could ever separate us from the love of God in Christ!” Many blessings were received as Bro. Jamie Pelzel (Sis. Jodi), his daughter, Lucy, and niece, Kennedy, returned from a medical work team to Haiti. We are thankful for their efforts. We hosted our first Christmas Gathering and Auction on Friday, December 5. Everyone brought items to have auctioned off and all the proceeds went to a local charity. All had a wonderful time enjoying good food and fellowship. Our prayers are with Fede as he was hospitalized this month with health complications. Minnesota, Morris Amy Ekren, Heidi Pfaffmann We are again grateful for the brethren who came to visit us this month! They include Elder Bro. Rod Bajema (Sis. Sue, Lester, IA) along with ministering Bros. Mike Grimm (Sis. Amber, Goodfield, IL), Leland Plattner (Zapata, TX), and Michael Wagenbach (Sis. Erica, Wolcott, IN). We rejoice with Bro. Travis & Sis. Rita Moser as they became one in the Lord. It was a blessed Sunday and we’re thrilled to have another young couple in church! Their parents are Bro. Lowell & Sis. Karen Moser and Bro. Jerry & Sis. Linda Wulf. Bro. Lloyd Nohl from the congregation in McAllen, TX was laid to rest in Morris. Our prayers are with his wife, Sis. Joyce, as well as their children, grandchildren and siblings. “My lifetime doth pass away; Hourly to the grave I hasten, And I know each fleeting day My allotted span will lessen. Think, man, death comes soon or late. Tarry not, it will not wait!” My Lifetime Doth Pass Away, Zion’s Harp #253, vs.1 As 2014 comes to a close and we reflect on our lives, let’s not forget to give thanks to God for the gift of His Son, along with all the material blessings which have been showered upon us. Minnesota, Morris North Lois Schmidgall, Wanda Gramm Our appreciation goes to those in our congregation that gave of themselves in service to the Magdelena mission project this past month. Blessings beyond measure were experienced by all. At this time of year it is a unique season to enjoy to the fullest. The sparkling lights, dazzling decorated trees, and fresh snowfall are all around us. Let us remember the greatest GIFT of all time….the GIFT of JESUS whom came into this world over two thousand years ago. Special events to proclaim the GIFT of JESUS was Christmas caroling and the annual Sunday School Christmas Program. Baby Clayton Jerry was welcomed into the family of Tyler and Brittany Fehr. His big sisters are Chloe and Callie. Grandparents are Bro. Randy and Sis. Lori Fehr. May God shower his blessings upon this special family. We want to remember in prayer those whom are experiencing health issues. They are Bro. Gene Schmidgall, Sis. Josie Esterling, Sis. Marion Schmidgall, and Sis. Roberta Stoller (Eld. Bro. Andy). Each of us is an “innkeeper” who decides if there is room for JESUS….. May the GOD of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you TRUST in Him so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Lord Jesus and His shed blood. “Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, A light to my path alway, To guide and to save me from sin, And show me the heavenly way.” Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart, Tabernacle Hymns, #24 We had the privilege to have Bro. Doug Moser (Sis. Dawn), Morris, MN share the Word with us this month and may God bless him for his efforts on our behalf. “Carol, sweetly carol, a Savior born today; Bear the joyful tidings, oh, bear them far away: Carol, sweetly carol, till earth’s remotest bound Shall hear the mighty chorus, and echo back the sound.” Carol, Sweetly Carol, Hymns of Christmas #50 On December 7, our church went Christmas caroling. Afterward, we gathered for a potluck supper for more fellowship. It is such a blessing to be able to sing carols to those that are unable to get out and about. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which Minnesota, Winthrop the Lord hath promised to them that Lindsay Schmidt, Becky Braulick love him.” James 1:12 “Giving thanks always for all Our prayers and sympathies things unto God and the Father in go to Sis. Magdalena Schmidt the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” (Bro. Clint) with the passing of her Ephesians 5:20 father, Bro. Vladimir Fortenbacher Now is the time that has been of Kitchener, ON. Others set aside for us to look back on the mourning his loss are his wife, year and think of all the wonderful Sis. Margaret, her children and blessings we have had that we grandchildren and his siblings. can be so thankful for. First and “Likewise, I say unto you, there foremost, let us be looking to our is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10 We are so thankful that God is stilling calling souls to repentance. Our church rejoices that two souls have turned to God. We pray for God’s continued grace and guidance as Sam and Sandy Miller begin their walk of faith. Missouri, Lamar Venetta Banwart As we think about this season of the year, we celebrate Christmas and what it really means to us as Christians. In the song, “The Babe of Bethlehem” verse 2, it reminds us that it is the man that walked in Galilee, not the babe and not the manger, but the cross that sets our spirit free. Our hospital patients this month were Misty Marti (Andy), Bro. Leonard and Sis. Bonnie Braker. May God continue to grant them healing strength. Our visiting ministers this month were: Bro. Dave Hartter, Sabetha, KS (Sis. Beth), Bro. Larry Bahr, Ft. Scott, KS (Sis. Julie), Bro. James Koehl, Morris, MN (Sis. Hildegard), Bro. Justin Koch, Washington, IL (Sis. Marcia), Bro. Jeff Bahr, Kiowa, KS (Sis. Janice). Bro. James Koehl was also here for our Thanksgiving eve service. May God richly bless each of these brothers for being willing to lend of themselves to feed us from God’s Holy Word through the Holy Spirit. January 2015 SILVER LINING 41 Missouri, St. Louis Kary Mangers The birth of Jesus, our Savior – does it make you still wonder and cause you to worship? As I reflect on our children’s Christmas program and think about a song they sang, “What can I give Him”, it says “what can I give him poor as I am?. . .And it goes through the shepherd and wise men and ends with saying, I’ll give him my heart. I think about how poor of spirit we are as humans with hearts full of sin and yet our hearts are exactly what He wants! He wants to wash us clean and make us new. So as we are in the midst of the season of giving, my prayer is that all of us give our hearts, our souls, and minds over to Christ as we celebrate His birth and live this life He gave us on earth. Thank you to our visiting ministers and their wives who shared their hearts with us this past month. We had Bro. Chris and Sis. Carla Wuethrich (Chicago) and Bro. Dave and Sis. Lori Marquart (Taylor). Missouri, Taylor Marcia Sutter “We shall sleep but not forever, There will be a glorious dawn; We shall meet to part, no, never On the resurrection morn.” We Shall Sleep But Not Forever, Hymns of Zion, #125, chorus A Memorial service was held on 12/7/14 for Sis. Janet Schaer at the Taylor church. She died unexpectedly in Springfield, MO 42 SILVER LINING January 2015 where she has lived with her twin sister, Jane (Lester, deceased) Reiman for the past 2 years. Prior to moving to Springfield, she lived in Canton, MO and attended the Taylor church with Jane and Jane’s daughters, Melissa and Edie. We extend our deepest sympathy to Jane, and her other siblings: Vera Linden of Wapello, IA; Donald Schaer of Drakesville, IA; and Bro. David Schaer of Burlington, MO and all their families. Melissa Reiman-Newberry and her husband, Mike, were unable to attend the memorial service because they were at the hospital having their baby boy, Gage Remington. We wish them joy and happiness with their dear little one. After church on 12/7/14, there was all-church caroling at the Elmore Building at the Illinois Veterans Home in Quincy. This has been a tradition for the past 6 or 7 years. The veterans and their wives thoroughly enjoy the singing and the visit. Following the caroling, everyone was invited to a Soup Supper at the AC Fellowship Hall put on by the Sunday school teachers and students. Donations were made for the Sunday school for their activities. Visiting ministers this month include Elder Bro. Herb (Sis. Laurie) Knochel from Phoenix, AZ, who had the morning service on 11/23/14 and Bro. Tom (Sis. Mary) Lanz from Mediapolis, IA who had the morning service on 12/7/14. We thank them for their willingness to preach God’s Living Word. On 12/3/14, we had our monthly Wednesday night Bible study given by Bro. Ted (Sis. Donna) Witzig, Jr. on “Safe Technology Use for the Family.” Bro. Ted said that discernment is the key based on the Word of God. You need to know what the Bible says so it can be decided if what technology you are using is right or wrong, good use of time, beneficial, and edifying. He gave warnings about the evils that are threaded in the technology, what our children should avoid, and the guidelines that families should use for safe technology. Thanks Bro. Ted for the timely knowledge and warnings. Those who were hospitalized include: Bro. Arnie (Sis. Marjorie) Gerst; Bro. Gerald (Sis. Marjorie) Sutter; Sis. Loida (Henry, deceased) Hodel and Sis. Kathy (Bro. Paul) Haab. We lift them up in prayers. Bro. Rick and Sis. Kim Steidinger are our new local World Relief representatives. We wish them God’s richest blessing. We are so thankful to report the safe arrival of Miles Ryan Sutter, new baby son of Bro. Caleb and Sis. Mercedes Sutter. His big sister, Riley, is enjoying helping take care of him. Grandparents are Bro. Richard and Sis. Kay Sutter and Randy Thompson. Jared and Jen Haas are moving to the Tremont, IL for employment and will be sorely missed. Hopefully they will visit often. Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is fast approaching. On 12/14/14, our Sunday school children recited their verses and sang Christmas Carols telling the old, old story of Jesus as a babe and ultimately our Savior. Also on 12/14/14, two souls were announced to have peace and are ready for testimonies and baptisms. They are Jennifer Hoerr, daughter of Bro. Brent and Sis. Charlotte Hoerr and Kristen Wegman, daughter of Bro. Scott and Sis. Dawn Wegman. We wish them God’s continued nearness and His wonderful grace. Shelby Sutter and Brandon Davis announced their engagement on 12/13/14. Shelby is the daughter of Bro. Roger and Sis. Dianne Sutter of Taylor and Brandon’s parents are DeWayne and Laurie Davis of Winamac, IN. share the teaching of Jesus’ birth with others at Christmas time. We enjoyed caroling at Lewis County General Hospital and Extended Care Facility on December 14. The children looked forward to this too as we got to share pizza and snacks together afterward. The children also enjoyed assisting us in putting together cheer baskets on December 9. What a wonderful time to show them little ways that we can brighten someone’s day and share God’s Love with others. May we especially remember to keep in mind the true meaning of Christmas and share it with others throughout the year! “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 Elizabeth Manz Greetings! This morning while reading the Bible, I came across a chapter that struck me and would like to share a few verses. “And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. And to the others he said in my hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary.” Ezekiel 19:4-6 Reading this made me think, “What is my response to the evil around me? Do I grieve for the sin Ohio, Akron that has become so common-place Carla Miller in our culture, or have I become New York, CroghanWe extend our sympathy and callused and even apathetic to it? Naumburg prayers to Sis. Lydia Graf (Bro. And, just as important, how do Hope Graves Todd), Sis. Rosanne Graf (Bro. I view the sinner, whose soul is We appreciate ministering Dan) and their families on the precious in the sight of God? It is Bro. Tom and Sis. Lanae Bahler death of their father, Bro. Vladimir my prayer that God will find us, (Rockville, CT) for traveling to Fortenbacher (Sis. Margaret). We His children, laboring faithfully worship with us on November also want to remember Sis. Joyce and with zeal in His vineyard 23. It is always a blessing to have Gasser in the passing of her sister, when He comes and asks for an visitors and we enjoy the weekends Sis. Virginia Blunier. account of our lives. that Rockville comes to share We are thankful for God’s We are thankful for many Sunday lunch with us. healing and provision as several visitors during this holiday season. We express our sympathy have been hospitalized recently: Among them where Bros. Bruce to Bruce and Betty Richie after Sis. Donna Dotterer (Keith), Sis. Frank (Sis. Bonita, Cissna Park, the loss of her brother, Norman Mary Leidal, and Sis. Judi Steidl IL), Bill Brake (Sis. Miriam, Sardis, Widrick, on November 19. (Bro. Les). OH), Bob Dotterer (Sis. Laura, Our prayers go out for Sis. Sardis, OH) and Matt Manz (Sis. Anna Mellnitz, who was recently Deanna, Toledo, OH). We pray hospitalized. that God will bless each of them We cherish the opportunity to Ohio, Junction for their labors. January 2015 SILVER LINING 43 Our prayers go out for our Sis. Kathryn Emch who fell and broke a hip. We are thankful that she is in recovery now and pray that God will be near her in a special way. Ohio, Latty Josephine Stoller, Sis. Ann Plummer, and Jet Stoller (Van Wert, OH). Our prayers and sympathies go out to each of these dear family circles and we pray that the Holy Spirit would be their Great Comforter. Carmen Stoller, Mindy Stoller Ohio, Mansfield Greetings of love to each of you! We are thankful to report that our convert, Abbey Linder (Jim and Sis. Jane), has been announced for peace. We pray that she will feel our love and prayers as we look forward to her testimony and baptism. We would like to thank our visiting ministers who labored on our behalf this month. They included Bro. Matt Feucht (Sis. Jennifer, Roanoke, IL), Bro. Earl Beery (Sis. Susie, Rittman, OH), Bro. Randy Gasser (Sis. Sue, Detroit, MI), and Bro. Justin Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washington, IL). Several in our congregation have lost loved ones in the recent weeks. We mourn with Sis. LeAnn Schlatter (Bro. Gus) as she has lost her father (Bro. Rudy Bertschi) and Bro. Greg Greutman (Sis. Kristy) as he is also mourning the loss of his father (Kenny Greutman). We are prayerful for Sis. Deb Klopfenstein (Bro. Leon) as she is mourning the loss of her sister-in-law (Deann Baer). We also were made aware of the passing of Sis. Katherine Oesch (Mansfield, OH) who is a sister to several of our congregation: Sis. Dolores Riggenbach, Sis. Elizabeth Walter 44 SILVER LINING January 2015 We think of several loved ones who have suffered from sickness or required surgery this month. May God’s healing hand touch Sis. Pat Beer, Sis. Miriam Bird, Bro. Phil Keiper (Sis. Theresa), and Zackory Walter (Bro. Curt and Sis. Elizabeth). Our annual business meeting was conducted the first of December. We are thankful for the labors of each one who served over the past year. We are also glad for the willingness of those taking on new responsibilities: Bro. Dave Baumann (Trustee), Bro. Justin Miller (Usher), Sis. Seida Hill (Kitchen Committee), Sis. Tami Griffey (World Relief Committee), and Sis. Dorina Miller (World Relief Committee). We were saddened at the death of our Sis. Katherine Oesch, but thank God for the hope that we have beyond this life. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sis. Kate’s children: Michael (Jackie) Oesch, Cheryl (Ed) Shumacher, Cinda Walp, Sally (Mel) Westcott, Lori McCartney, Mary (Jim) Cartwright, Dr. Betsy Oesch, Kristi (Alaric) Cauley, Tammy (Dave) Grauer, Amy (Jeff) Murray, John (Lori) Oesch, Traci Sonon, and son- in-law, Chip Fugate. We also remember her siblings and many extended family members. May each one feel comfort from the Heavenly Father. We were filled with joy to hear the engagement announcement of Sis. Rachel Gerber (Bro. Tim and Sis. Wendy) to Bro. Abram Rufener (Bro. Leon and Sis. Lori, Rittman, OH). Thankful that God continues to work in our midst, we pray He will bless the couple and their families during this special time of preparation. The joy of youthful voices always uplifts us when we hear the story of Jesus’ birth as told by our children at the Sunday School Christmas Program. We appreciate the sincerity and vigor of the young ones, as well as the efforts put forth by the Sunday School teachers. As we anticipate a new year ahead, may we contemplate the words of the hymn and remember our calling as servants of the Lord! “Another year is dawning, Dear Master, let it be, On earth, or else in heaven, Another year for Thee.” Hymns of Zion #150 Ohio, Rittman Anna Bauman, Julie Steiner We have several new babies to report in Rittman! Bro. Matt and Sis. Gail Steiner are thankful for new grandson, Joshua Merle. His parents are Ethan and Lisa Steiner and Bethany is his older sister. First-time parents, Bro. Jesse and Sis. Laura Rufener, welcomed Kason James on December 11. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Jim and Sis. Pat Rufener and Bro. Bob and Sis. Linda Sinn (Silverton, OR). Bro. Kent and Sis. Greta Dotterer welcomed Corinne Noelle on December 12. Grandparents are Bro. Earl and Sis. Suzanne Beery and Bro. Gary and Sis. Sandy Dotterer. Bro. Tim and Sis. Jonell Ramsier are thankful for new grandson, Landon Cole. Landon’s parents are Bro. Jon and Sis. Kelly Zollinger (Smithville, OH) and older siblings are Peyton and Austyn. May God bless all of these parents with wisdom to teach and guide their children. We were thankful to hear of the engagement of Bro. Abram Rufener to Sis. Rachel Gerber (Mansfield, OH). His parents are Bro. Leon and Sis. Lori Rufener. Her parents are Bro. Tim and Sis. Wendy Gerber. May God bless this couple as they prepare to begin their lives together. Our prayers are with those hospitalized this month including Sis. Carole Widmer (Bro. Harold), Sis. Delores Bauman (Marion), Brock Gasser (Bro. Ken and Sis. Brenda), Gladys Bauman (Richard), Sis. Martha Walder, Bro. Bob Widmer (Sis. Joann), Sis. Kim Hanzie (Tim) and Sis. Betty Keiper (Bro. Reinhart) May God grant them His nearness and healing according to His will. Our sympathy and prayers are with Sis. Wanda Hilty (Bro. Roscoe) and Sis. Barb Zollinger (Bro. Arlyn) in the passing of their father Bro. Vladimir Fortenbacher (Kitchener, ON). May they feel the nearness of God and the prayers and support of the church. Visiting ministers this month were Elder Bros. Ken Indermuhle (Sardis, OH) and Vic Bauman (Smithville), and Bros. John Steiner (Oakville, IA) and Chris Laukhuf (Latty, OH). May God bless these brothers for their willingness to be used. Ohio, Smithville Sara Crist, Kara Stoller “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. “ Ephesians 5:1 Our church rejoiced with Bro. Phillip Maletich (Bro. Dave and Sis. Connie Maletich) and Sis. Mariah Indermuhle of Sardis, OH as they were married in the Lord on November 9. We are so thankful that they will make Smithville their home church. We pray that God will richly bless their union. Bro. Jon and Sis. Kelly Zollinger joyfully welcomed a precious new son, Landon Cole, born on December 12. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Ken and Sis. Becky Zollinger and Bro. Tim and Sis. Joni Ramsier (Rittman, OH). Landon is welcomed home by older siblings, Peyton and Austyn. Hospitalized this month were Sis. Shari Indermuhle (Bro. Dennis), Bro. Herb Bauman (the late Sis. Berniece), Bro. George Schuster (Sis. Carol) and Sis. Lorene Blough (the late Bro. Elmer). Our prayers are with you all for a speedy recovery as God wills. We offer our heartfelt sympathy and prayers to Bro. Mike Walder (Sis. Susie) upon the loss of his father Melvin Walder (Irma, Eureka IL) on December 5. “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces;” Isaiah 25:8a We are grateful to Bro. Wayne Hartzler (Sis. Camille, Rittman OH) for ministering to our church this past month. May God grant you grace and strength to continue proclaiming His Word for His Name’s sake. Ohio, Toledo Deanna Manz Jenny Manz This month we were blessed to spend several days together as a congregation. On December 6, we spent the afternoon caroling to some in our congregation and then gathered for a meal together. It is a privilege to worship our Lord in song. On December 14, it was a joy to be able to sit and listen to our young children as they sang songs and recited verses for our Christmas program. What excitement and joy they had on their faces as they told of our Savior’s birth! I feel confident in saying all who were in attendance that night received a blessing. We also are thankful for our Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. Emmy, Junction, OH) and Elder Bro. Mark Masters (Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield, OH) who ministered January 2015 SILVER LINING 45 to us this past month. We truly appreciate all the effort they give on our behalf, and trust the Lord will bless them abundantly. Ontario, Kitchener Johanna Fortenbacher Bro. Vladimir Fortenbacher passed away peacefully at his home sometime during the night November 26. His dear wife, Sis. Margareta, found him there the next morning. Their children are: Astrid (Henry Schlauch), Aron (Tamara McCarty), Carola (Jay Schlatter, Lydia (Todd Graf), Wanda (Roscoe Hilty), Ingrid, Rosanne (Dan Graf), Magdalena (Clint Schmidt) W. David, Johanna, Barbara (Arlyn Zollinger), and Miriam (Nathan Ruetter). Mom and all of us appreciate the cards we’re getting! What a way to encourage us. It is so nice to see a letter from a long, lost friend as well as new ones. We will miss Pop and the wonderful example of steadfastness he left behind. We were so grateful that Bro. Mark Bahr and Bro. John Jackson were available to come and have the funeral service on Sunday November 30 at the funeral home in Kitchener. “Precious father, loving mother, Fly across the lonely years, And old home scenes of my childhood, in fond memory appears. Precious memories, how they linger, how they ever flood my soul, In the stillness of the midnight, Precious, sacred scenes unfold.” Gospel Hymns #408 46 SILVER LINING January 2015 We sang this song at his burial. Ministering Bros. Adam Luginbuhl from Philadelphia, John & Rosemary Hartman from Fairbury, Tom & Lanae Bahler from Rockville and Ned & Heidi Stoller from Alto came here and shared God’s Word which always encourages us. God bless you all and the people who come with the ministers. Oregon, Portland Louisa Gallup This past month we were blessed with the following minister support, all from our neighboring Silverton congregation: Bros. Harvey (Sis. Jennifer) Kuenzi, Jim (Sis. Tresa) Zollinger, Ron (Sis. Liz) Jones, Chris (Sis. Mary) Kuenzi and our Elder Bro. John (Sis. Jane) Wiegand. We are thankful for the sermons we heard and enjoyed and appreciated the fellowship with these dear brethren and their families. We also appreciate the ongoing song leader support! Five young Sunday School students sang for us in their annual Christmas program and produced an admirable volume for such a small group. They practiced diligently. We can all learn from their eagerness to do their best in praising our Lord. After the program, we went caroling for Sis. Ginny (Bro. Ray, dec.) Cooper who recently was hospitalized, but is now back at the care facility where she lives. She gets lonely and enjoys visitors. She really appreciates the prayers and support. Oregon, Silverton Kelsey Walder, Ann Kuenzi Our visiting minister this month was Bro. Mike Leman (Sis. Lisa) from Portland. The weekend of November 22, the Bible Class went and spent time with the San Diego church brethren. They were able to do some outside cleanup work and painting inside the church, as well as have a wonderful time of fellowship. The older people, in our church, enjoyed a special dinner and evening hosted by the single brothers and sisters. These times help keep the old young at heart and the young can glean wisdom from their elders. Bro. Eldon and Sis. Alice Metz are thrilled to have a new little daughter. Her name is Sarah Elizabeth, born November 25. Grandparents are Bro. Steve and Sis. Joan Hoffman (Rockville, CT) and Bro. Art and Sis. Betty Metz (Portland, OR). Thanksgiving Day was extra nice, as we reflected on all that we have to be thankful for, and the limitless God that we worship. We are happy to hear of the engagement announcement of Sis. Annaleise Kuenzi (Bro. Troy and Sis. Sherri) and Bro. Brian Wagenbach (Bro. Doug and Sis. Lillian, San Diego, CA). We will miss Sis. Annaleise very much, but know she will be a wonderful asset to the San Diego church. We continue to ask for prayers for several of our brethren that have been having health struggles: Sis. Megan Walter (Bro. Chad), Sis. Becky Von Flue (Bro. Dan), Sis. Mary Kuenzi (Bro. Nick) and Ron Lichty (Ginge). We always rejoice when there is a new convert, and Malinda Stadeli (Bro. Nick and Sis. Lori) has started her journey with the Lord. Sunday, December 7 was our all church caroling. It was so enjoyable to go and sing and visit with those who are in the care centers, and some older brethren. We enjoyed a dinner and time of fellowship following the caroling. Bro. Tom and Sis. Edith Sinn are enjoying being grandparents again, as their daughter Sis. Laura and Bro. Jesse Rufener have a baby boy. December 11 was his birth date and his name is Kason James. December 14 was our Sunday School Christmas program. What a joy to watch the children’s faces as they said their verses, and sang their songs. It is always amazing to hear the progression in their voices, as they grow up too. With a stage full and overflowing with children, we feel blessed, and yet prayerful that these children will seek our Father some day. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Laura Isch “Lord Jesus, honor, thanks and praise Be to Thy goodness all our days. Thy people in Thy grace rejoice, In comfort they lift up their voice; ‘Thou shalt remain in all eternity!’ Thus we repose in blest security.” The Shepherd and His Flock, Zion’s Harp #14 We are thankful that we can trust the Good Shepherd to take care of His flock at Philadelphia church. We rejoiced with the Lanz family (Bro. John and Sis. Kay) as their son, Chris, has been announced for peace. The church is looking forward to witnessing Chris’s testimony and baptism at a later date. The Christmas program is always a special time for our church. We really enjoyed listening to the Sunday School children sing the Christmas story to us. We appreciate all the children and teacher’s efforts in the program and throughout the year. Tennessee, Nashville Mike and Monica Fritz We are blessed to have Bro. Buck Henry’s mother, Edith, once again assembling with us as she has moved south for the winter. It is a joy to have her gentle spirit in our midst. We are thankful for the opportunity to have a Sunday School Christmas program and to sing Christmas carols at a local nursing home. We have been encouraged and admonished from God’s Living Word by our recent visiting ministers: Elder Bros. Dave Graf (Sis. Barb, Akron) and Lynn Stieglitz (Sis. Leonda, Leo), and Bros. Ron Kipfer (Sis. Linda, Bluffton) and Mark Ramsier (Sardis). We have also appreciated the fellowship of visitors from Athens, AL; Francesville, IN; and Akron, Rittman, and Sardis, OH. If you are traveling to or through the Nashville area, please plan to worship with us. Please contact us ahead of time to confirm our schedule. Contact Bro. Mike & Sis. Monica Fritz, 615-866-5543, fritzmb.family@ gmail.com; or Bro. Buck & Sis. Taunia Henry, 615-920-9584. Texas, Austin Candy Meiss Sending our Love and Greetings from Austin! We are so thankful for our visitors and encourage everyone passing through to stop and worship with us! We have been strengthened in recent weeks by God’s Word shared with us by our visiting ministers: Elder Bro. Wayne Banwart (Champaign), Bro. Leland Platter (Sis. Mary, Zapata), Bro. Tim Roecker (Sis. Diane, Peoria), Bro. Ned Stoller (Sis. Heidi and family, Alto), Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis. Margo, Leo), Bro. Ken Wuethrich (Sis. Lyn, Indianapolis), Bro. Jeff Neihouser (Sis. Sue, Morton), Bro. Gary Sinn (Sis. paulette, Latty), and Bro. Ronald Heiniger (Sis. Kayleen, Bloomington-Normal). Our congregation continues to be blessed by God’s mighty spirit of love. We are rejoicing with our new converts, David Brummit January 2015 SILVER LINING 47 (son of Bro. David and Sis. Shella, Austin) and Maria Penable, (daughter of Bro. Brian and Sis. Darlene Acker, Rittman). It is such a blessing to see how God works in open hearts who seek His will and direction in their lives. May we continue to daily lift them up in prayer as they desire to do His will and live for Jesus. We appreciated Elder Bro. Wayne Banwart and our Deacon Bro. Leland Plattner’s willingness to serve and share the memorandum. What a blessing to have an elder body of brothers working together so that our church can continue in the Unity of Love. We appreciate our many visitors who share their love in so many ways. Recently, our church was able to make a huge impact on some families with a child in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at an Austin Hospital. Thank you all for your generosity. Your love goes far beyond measure. Ministers scheduled: 12/28, Tony Manz (Junction) and 1/04, Lester. Please refer to the minister’s directory for directions and contacts. Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth Services are generally being held the second Sunday of each month at the Holiday Inn Express, 4450 W John Carpenter Freeway, Irving TX. Please call ahead to verify. Leland and Mary Plattner 956-265-0351 or Dennis & Diane Rassi 512-321-2345. 48 SILVER LINING January 2015 Zapata, Texas Vermont, Clarendon Mary Plattner Nathan and Miriam Reutter We appreciated Elder Bro. Marvin Dotteter and Sis. Nancy and some of their family as they made a weekend visit to McAllen and the Zapata Church. We anticipate them returning again this winter. Bro. Tom (Sis. Joan) Schrenk of Alto has returned for the winter and serves on the pulpit here in Zapata during the winter months. Also, retired Elder Bro. Wayne Fehr (Sis. Kathy) arrived from Portland, OR. Our congregation grows each Sunday and we are always glad to see our winter family returning. With saddened hearts we bid Bro. Lloyd Nohl farewell as he was laid to rest. There was a memorial service in Mission, TX followed by a funeral in Morris, MN. Bro. Lloyd and Sis. Joyce have lived in South Texas for nearly 38 years and had many acquaintances. They also had around 30 foster children in that length of time. Many of them attended the memorial service in Mission. We will certainly miss him as he was strength in our congregation. Andy and Kristi Plattner have answered the call to repentance. We are anticipating their testimony in January in Zapata. We certainly welcome anyone coming to South Texas to include Zapata in their travels. During the winter season, we have services also on Wednesday evening at 7. p.m. We greet you in the precious name of Jesus. Winter has set in quickly this year and taken us by surprise. Getting a foot of snow by Thanksgiving is just not usual for us. Nevertheless, we give God thanks for the passing seasons, all of which are beautiful in their own right. A lovely white snow covering the ground reminds one of the cleansing found in the shed blood of our Savior. The words of Isaiah 1:18 come to mind as well as those from the hymn, “Snow white, snow white, we must be washed from sin.” The visiting ministers who preached of this cleansing fountain this month were Bro. Brad (Sis. Teresa) Gudeman, Bradford, IL and Bro. Brent (Sis. Naomi) Walder, Rockville, CT. We wish to express our gratitude for and wish God’s blessings upon them for travelling to us and spending time with us. Those who take care to be with us are not soon forgotten, we can assure you. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 We were bereaved of a father, father-in-law, and opa this past month in the passing of Sis. Miriam Reutter’s father, Bro. Vladimir Fortenbacher (Kitchener, ON). His memory and spiritual legacy will not be forgotten and by God’s grace carried on to future generations. We mourn at his missing physical presence in our lives, yet rejoice in the spiritual victory he has gained. Thank you for remembering us in your thoughts and prayers. Throughout this upcoming Christmas season, when the snowstorms are keeping you inside, take time to read, remember, and reflect on the story of Christ’s birth as well as His mock trial, horrific crucifixion, and glorious resurrection. In all the accounts found in the Bible, Jesus shines forth in all His glorious majesty. Be awed by Him. You are welcome to worship and fellowship with us anytime. Contact Bro. Nathan and Sis. Miriam Reutter at 802-447-2426 or nmrbenn6@gmail.com to let us know when you are planning to be in our area so we can accommodate you. Service times are as follows: • Mid-week services (Contact local brethren) • Sunday Morning Service: 10:10 AM • Sunday Afternoon Service: 12:15 PM • Sunday school held during the morning service. Seven Reasons NOT to Worry in 2015 Matthew 6:25 ...Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life. Matthew 6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today. Matthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? Worrying is more harmful than helpful. Matthew 6:28-30 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? God does not ignore those who depend on him. Matthew 6:31-32 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. Worrying shows a lack of faith in and understanding of God. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Worrying keeps us from real challenges God wants us to pursue. Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry. January 2015 SILVER LINING 49 News & Notices Alternate Houseparent Needed - Gateway Woods Houseparenting at Gateway Woods offers an opportunity for a couple, directed of the Lord, to come to work in a full-time on going ministry at Gateway Woods. Due to a change in staff, we have a need for an Alternate Houseparent couple. This position offers competitive wages and generous benefits and a close relationship with brothers and sisters whose hearts and lives are dedicated to a common mission with an eternal reward. If you feel the call to explore this possibility, please call one of the brothers listed below. Clint PlattnerLynn Stieglitz Residential Program Manager Counseling Elder PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283Cell: 260.466.6712 clint.plattner@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com Christian Guesthouse and Worship Services in Rochester, MN Accommodations for Mayo Clinic outpatients and families: Three bedrooms with private baths, laundry, kitchen and family room area. Sunday Service: (held monthly at guesthouse residence) 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM For schedule, see: www.acmission.org/minister-rotation For information and reservations, contact caretakers: Bro. Mark and Sis. Sandy Stork 4733 Birdie Lane NW Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 288-0072 Mid-week Service: (held on 3rd Wednesday in Rochester area) For information, contact: Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb Tilbury (507) 281-2875 50 SILVER LINING January 2015 Home-Based & Adoption Case Worker Needed – Gateway Woods Gateway Woods has a need for a full-time Home-Based & Adoption Case Worker. This position provides the opportunity to work partially with adoptive families and partially with hurting children and families in our Home-Based Program. Requires a Bachelors Degree in Social Work or a related field, experience working with children and families preferred. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children and families. Contact one of the brothers below for more information concerning this position. Jeff WaibelLynn Stieglitz Director of Clinical Services Counseling Elder PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283Cell:260.466.6712 jeff.waibel@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com Counselor Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods has a need for a full-time Counselor. This position provides the opportunity to work directly with struggling children and families in need of help and guidance. Requires a Master’s Degree in social work, psychology, or counseling from an accredited college or university. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children. Contact one of the brothers below for more information concerning this position. Jeff WaibelLynn Stieglitz Director of Clinical Services Counseling Elder PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283Cell:260.466.6712 jeff.waibel@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com Light from the Word Now available by downloadable PDF from the Apostolic Christian Publication website: www.acpublications.org After entering the website, click on the item located at the left hand frame entitled, “Light from the Word Reprints”. The entire set of editorials are available in a complete download (June 1987 to current). January 2015 SILVER LINING 51 LARC Services Coordinator Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods has an opening for a brother or sister to manage our LARC (Linking to Attain Responsibility and Community) Services Program. We are seeking someone who desires to serve in a ministry that serves troubled and broken children and families. The LARC Services Coordinator is a key full-time position that offers the opportunity to create and manage connections between youth transition to independence and partners in the community. If you have strong organizational, interpersonal and relationship building skills, please contact one of the brothers listed below for more information and a job description. Ed GrafLynn Stieglitz Executive DirectorCounseling Elder PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283Cell:260.466.6712 ed.graf@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com COMING SPRING 2015... CENTRAL Apostolic Christian Central a new church-operated system for accessing sermons The system includes: • Mobile apps • Online database of sermons • Embedded players for your congregation’s website Through an agreement with Route24 Computers, AC Central will eventually replace AC Sermon Streamer. AC Central is currently being tested by small number of congregations. More information will be shared when we get closer to full rollout in April 2015. Learn more by visiting apostolicchristian.org/sermons 52 SILVER LINING January 2015 Education Intern Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is in need of a Education Intern for the summer. The Education Intern position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with Gateway Woods Staff, as well as the chance to grow as a teacher and spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities and to have a positive impact in the lives of residents this summer, please call one of the brothers listed below: Adam McAfeeLynn Stieglitz Director of Education Counseling Elder PO Box 125, 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283260.466.6712 Adam.McAfee@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com Summer Volunteer Coordinator Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is currently searching for a Summer Volunteer Coordinator. The Summer Volunteer Coordinator position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with fellow volunteers as well as Gateway Woods Staff and residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities, please call one of the brothers listed below: Clint PlattnerLynn Stieglitz Residential Program Manager Counseling Elder PO Box 125, 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283260.466.6712 Clint.Plattner@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com January 2015 SILVER LINING 53 Top Quality Coordinator Needed - Gateway Woods Gateway Woods is in need of a Top Quality Coordinator for the summer. The Top Quality Coordinator position offers the opportunity to grow deep relationships with Gateway Woods Staff and summer volunteers, as well as the chance to spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with residents. If you feel the call to explore the possibilities and to have play a role in a group of residents lives this summer, please call one of the brothers listed below: Adam McAfeeLynn Stieglitz Director of Education Counseling Elder PO Box 125, 15417 Doty Rd. Leo, IN 46765New Haven, IN 46774 888.443.4283260.466.6712 Adam.McAfee@gatewaywoods.orglynnstieg@gmail.com Administrator Position - Highland Oaks (Apostolic Christian Resthaven) Highland Oaks, a 50 bed long term care facility with attached apartments, located in Elgin, Illinois has an immediate opening for an Administrator. The job of Administrator includes managing and directing the complete operation of the long-term care facility and its departments. The position requires a Bachelor’s Degree in any field or a Nursing Diploma/Associates Degree with prior nursing home administration/management experience. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity. Contact one of the brothers below for more information concerning this position. Boyd MetzgerBrad Eisenmann Board of Directors – President Counseling Elder 847-980-5488815-693-9533 bem@northwestern.edubdeisenmann@comcast.net Matt Kinsinger Board of Directors – HR 847-774-4015 54 SILVER LINING January 2015 Bible Distribution: Sharing His Word in Love Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Psalm 96:3 Together we can provide Bibles for seeking people. This may be someone you attend school with, someone you work with, or someone God has shown you at a gas station. Bibles and approved Bible story Books are available. Carrying a New Testament to distribute can help you remember what our real task is. To order, contact: Apostolic Christian Church Bible Distribution 651 E. Peoria Street Goodfield, IL 61742 Phone: 309-965-2141 bibledistribution@acpublications.org Volunteer Caretaker Opportunity – Washington, D.C. The Washington, DC church caretaker program is entering its eighth year. It has been such a blessing for our visiting caretakers, as well as our local members and friends. We are taking reservations for 2015. Our church home is located in Silver Spring, MD, and meets both church and residential needs. The fellowship that caretakers provide is vital to our small congregation and visiting ministers. Caretakers can be couples, singles or families who would enjoy spending time near the Nation’s Capitol and other points of interest on the East Coast. Caretakers would perform routine household and yard maintenance chores, and should plan to stay at least three Sundays. Families with children are urged to give this opportunity prayerful consideration. We have three children (pre-teen and teen), who would welcome other children in their Sunday School class. For more information, please contact Barry and Doreen Steffen at 302-540-6574 or dkgsteffen@gmail.com . Interested in receiving a printed sermon? Used Bible, Bible Story Book, and Song Book Distribution To order, contact: Printed Sermons P.O. Box 154, Forrest, IL 61741 (815) 848-5113 • printedsermons@gmail.com Used Bibles, Bible Story Books, Hymns of Zion, Zion’s Harp, Gospel Hymns, and Tabernacle Hymns are needed. AC Publications is now the collection center for your donated books. 651 E. Peoria St, Goodfield, IL 61742 January 2015 SILVER LINING 55 Patient Care Manager Needed at Hospital Lumiere H ospital Lumiere is seeking a qualified person to be assigned as Patient Care Manager of the hospital in Bonne Fin, Haiti. This is full-time position. to learn the Creole language, be a member of the Apostolic Christian Church and be willing to relocate to Haiti for a term of up to 5 years. For more information contact: Robert Beebe Executive Director robert.beebe1@gmail.com 574-276-6748 Description The duties of Patient Care Manager include planning, supervising & training employees and coordinating & implementing programs of nursing care for all hospital patients. Requirements Applicants should hold an RN degree and have at least 3 years of nursing experience, some management capability, be able www.acworldrelief.org Give a Child Hope Child Sponsorships T To sponsor a child hose in the child sponsorship program have several things in common. They are very poor, desire to learn and they have an undying soul. To sponsor a student fill out this form and send to the office. A student will be assigned to you and you will be sent further information. The goal of this program is to provide an education to help these children learn life skills to improve their standard of living, and also to provide spiritual training to address the true need...the need for a knowledge of and a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Name _________________________ And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. IsaIah 54:13 56 SILVER LINING January 2015 Mr. Mrs. Miss Spouse ________________________ Address _______________________ City ____________St ___ Zip _____ Home Ph ______________________ Cell Ph ________________________ Email _________________________ Please check preference: Haiti Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Zambia Wherever needed If possible I would prefer: Boy – Age Girl – Age No Preference Cost: $30.00/month For details: www.acworldrelief.org Send to: ACWR Child Sponsorship PO Box 36 Morton, IL 61550 Phone: 309-266-6080 Fax: 309-266-5281 E-mail: childsponsorship@acwr.org www.acworldrelief.org Bonne Finn, Haiti Nov 8-15 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Nursing Proficiencies lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Dec 13-20 8 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 General Medical lydiabertschi@yahoo.com 8 Haiti Medical Work Teams Haiti Medical Work Teams Project 2014 Coordinator Year 2015 Bonne Finn, Haiti Aug 9-16 Jan 10-17 Capacity Lydia Bertschi 8 Project Year 2015 Coordinator Bonne Finn, Haiti Jul 11-18 Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Medical Team Bonne Finn, Haiti Sept 13-20 Lydia Bertschi Feb 7-14 8 Bonne Finn, Haiti Aug 8-15 309-467-6110 lydiabertschi@yahoo.com 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Cancer Screening Eye Speciality lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Oct 11-18 Mar 7-14 Lydia Bertschi 8 Bonne Finn, Haiti 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Dental Team Cancer Screening lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Cancer Screening lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Nov 11-18 8-15 Apr Lydia Bertschi 8 Bonne Finn, Haiti Oct 10-17 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Nursing Proficiencies Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Dental Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Dec 13-20 May 9-16 Lydia Bertschi 8 Bonne Finn, Haiti Nov 7-14 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 General Medical Dental Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Nursing Proficiencies lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Year 2015 Lydia Coordinator Jun 13-20 Bertschi Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Jan 10-17 Lydia Bertschi 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere Cancer Screening 309-467-6110 lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Inventory Team lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Feb 7-14 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Eye Speciality lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Bonne Finn, Haiti Mar 7-14 Hospital Lumiere Dec 12-19 8 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere Project Bonne Finn, Haiti 8 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere Bonne Finn, Haiti 8 Sept 12-19 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere Bonne Finn, Haiti 8 Lydia Bertschi Hospital Lumiere Bonne Finn, Haiti Capacity Lydia Bertschi Capacity 8 Bonne Finn, Haiti 8 Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 General Medical lydiabertschi@yahoo.com 8 Lydia Bertschi 8 8 Haiti Awareness Tours 8 Lydia Bertschi 309-467-6110 If you’d like to see thelydiabertschi@yahoo.com ministry of Hospital Lumière and other Haiti projects in person, but do not Cancer Screening have the time or desire to participate in a week-long work team, please consider our new Awareness Tours. Bonne Finn,are Haiti 11-18 8 These quickApr trips that Lydia give Bertschi interested parties the opportunity to meet our missionary families, learn Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 more about the hospital, see the completed renovations and work in process, and visit some of the other lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Inventory Team World Relief projects in southern Haiti. These trips are scheduled, as needed, based upon demand. Bonne Finn, Haiti May 9-16 Lydia Bertschi 8 Bonne Finn, Haiti Jun 13-20 Lydia Bertschi 8 To learn more, contact: 309-467-6110 Hospital Lumiere Rich Bertschi at 309.467.2351 or lemangm@mtco.com or lydiabertschi@yahoo.com Dental Team Rick Wuethrich at 219.863.4163 or rick@wuethrichfarms.com Hospital Lumiere 309-467-6110 Cancer Screening lydiabertschi@yahoo.com January 2015 SILVER LINING 57 Vocational School andy@getzitdone.com Les Cayes MEBSH/Bluffton Construction Dec 5 -‐12 Lane Gerber 260-‐241-‐4099 lane.gerber@gmail.com Simone Orphanage Dec 26 -‐ Jan 2 Rick Wuethrich Francesville-‐Father/Son 219-‐863-‐4163 Construction Haiti Work Teams -‐ Les Cayesrick@wuethrichfarms.com Project Project Les Cayes Bonne Finn, Haiti MEBSH/Ohio Hospital Lumiere Construction Construction Jan 9-‐16 Oct 18-‐25 Construction Les Cayes MEBSH/Silverton Les Cayes Construction SEED Jan 30-‐Feb 6 Nov 13-‐21 Agricultural Les Cayes Haiti Trade Schools Les Cayes Vocational School AWA Feb 6-‐13 Year 2015 Jan 20-27 Year 2015 Jan 3 - 10 Coordinator Ryan Eisenmann University of Illinois 815-953-1443 rdeisenmann@gmail.com Steve Kaeb 217-781-4709 kaebsb@myfrontiermail.com Richard Kraft 12 503-‐364-‐3103 Art Mueller 8 richard@kraftmasonryinc.com 608-‐676-‐4365 Magdalena Construction Jan 17-24 Troy Lanz 217-202-5959 troy@lanzinc.com Magdalena Construction Feb 11-21 Jon Baner 309-532-9435 jbaner@gridcom.net Magdalena Construction Mar 7-14 Caleb Hoerr ISU 309-370-3153 calebhoerr@me.com Magdalena Construction Mar 21-28 Linc Rinkenberger Bluffton/BN Senior Class 260-273-3566 rinkfamily@adamswells.com Magdalena Construction Mar 28 - Apr 4 Mike Zobrist Congerville 309-660-7004 zobfam@gmail.com Reynosa Construction Mar 28 - Apr 4 Chuck Koch Tremont Bible Class 309-925-3905 cckoch1988@gmail.com Magdalena Construction Mar 30 - Jun 6 Mike Rokey Bern Bible Class 785-284-3855 msrokey@yahoo.com Magdalena Construction Jun 13 - 20 Jon Baner 309-532-9435 jbaner@gridcom.net Magdalena Construction Jun 20 - 27 Kevin Gutwein Indianapolis Bible Class 765-427-0697 kgutwein@financialguide.com Scheduling Questions? Contact Mike Fiechter mfiechter@onlyinternet.net art.marlene.mueller@gmail.com Andy Getz 4 4 12 ACWR-‐CC 12 4 574-870-5046 Maurice Schaefer andy@getzitdone.com 4 309-‐253-‐9003 Lane Gerber 12 schaefs2@gmail.com 260-‐241-‐4099 Rich Bertschi 12 lane.gerber@gmail.com 309-‐467-‐2351 Rick Wuethrich 12 lemangm@mtco.com 219-‐863-‐4163 Jon Zeller ACWR-‐CC rick@wuethrichfarms.com 309-‐266-‐9009 jczeller1972@gmail.com Coordinator Capacity Ron Palitto 12 Jon Zeller 12 330-‐336-‐5373 309-‐266-‐9009 Ronp@palittoconsulting.com jczeller1972@gmail.com Maurice Schaefer 309-‐253-‐9003 schaefs2@gmail.com 4 12 Coordinator Capacity 503-‐364-‐3103 Darren Fehr 12 richard@kraftmasonryinc.com 1-815-674-9363 dkfehr@maxwire.net Andy Getz 574-870-5046 Jan 27- Feb 3 Ted Steidinger andy@getzitdone.com 1-815-848-5495 Feb 6-‐13 tsteid@frontier.com Feb 26-‐Mar 6 Larry Kaufmann 815-‐716-‐6018 Feb 3-10 Matt Kinsinger 1-847-774-4015 steffenstrahm@comcast.net 4 12 12 12 Dumay Lifeline Construction Feb 10-16 Paul Zimmerman 1-815-848-2173 pallan2@frontier.com 12 Dumay Lifeline Construction Feb 24-Mar 3 Paul Zimmerman 1-815-848-2173 pallan2@frontier.com 12 Dumay Lifeline Construction Mar 3-10 Neil Bahler 1-815-848-3861 nbahler@gmail.com 12 58 Reynosa Construction Jan 10-17 Haiti Lifeline Work Teams Jan 30-‐Feb 6 Richard Kraft Haiti Trade Schools Dumay Vocational School Lifeline Construction/Concrete Lifeline Construction Mexico Work Teams Location Magdalena Construction 574-870-5046 Maurice Schaefer andy@getzitdone.com 309-‐253-‐9003 Feb 26-‐Mar 6 schaefs2@gmail.com Larry Kaufmann 815-‐716-‐6018 Nov 19-‐24 Jon Zeller ljkaufmann@juno.com 309-‐266-‐9009 Feb 27 -‐ Mar 6 Steve Leuthold jczeller1972@gmail.com 309-‐645-‐2208 Nov 28 -‐ Dec 5 sleuth@speerbank.com Andy Getz Jan 9-‐16 Construction/Concrete Les Cayes Les Cayes SEED Dumay 12 Maurice Schaefer 4 309-‐253-‐9003 Daryl Luginbuhl Rockville schaefs2@gmail.com darylluginbuhl@gmail.com Nov 14-‐ 21 Water Aid Les Cayes SEED Les Cayes Agricultural MEBSH Les Cayes Haiti Support MEBSH/Peoria Les Cayes Construction Haiti Trade Schools Les Cayes School Mar 6-‐13 Vocational AWA Les Cayes Dec 5 -‐12 Water Aid MEBSH/Bluffton Les Cayes Mar 27 -‐ Apr 3 Construction MEBSH/Roanoke Simone Orphanage Dec 26 -‐ Jan 2 Construction Francesville-‐Father/Son Les Cayes Apr 15-‐20 Construction MEBSH Haiti Support Project Year 2015 Les Cayes Jan 2-‐9 Les Cayes Apr 20-‐27 MEBSH/Ohio MEBSH Construction Maintenance Les Cayes Project MEBSH/Silverton Dumay Construction Lifeline Updated 10/17/14 Year 2015 Coordinator Capacity Year 2014 Coordinator Capacity Jan 2-‐9 Ron Palitto 12 Sept 27-‐Oct 4 330-‐336-‐5373 Daryl Luginbuhl 12 darylluginbuhl@gmail.com Ronp@palittoconsulting.com Les Cayes AWA Bonne Finn, Haiti Water AidLumiere Hospital Les Cayes AWA Water Aid 12 SILVER LINING January 2015 Jamaica Work Teams Project Year 2015 Coordinator JDV CCCD May 22-30 Mark Lindberg 40 815-641-9065 Lindbma@Email.Phoenix.edu If you are interested in sponsoring a work team to Jamaica contact Loren Dettwyler at lmdettwyler@gmail.com Capacity Monthly Sermon, continued — Continued from pg. 5 the question, if you die tonight would you go to heaven or would you go to hell. One of the young men spoke up pretty quickly and said ‘I’m going to heaven.’ The other one said ‘I’m not sure.’ And I said ‘I’m going to hell.’ They looked at me and they said ‘What is your problem? Why don’t you do something about it if you know that?’ They were concerned. But in an effort to analyze life as a teenager, we were trying to understand what it’s all about. Sometimes we can even confuse ourselves with that question. The point here is as we go through life, as we make experience, that God, this great God whom we serve, has a purpose and a plan. We look up in the sky and we see the stars and we see the order and we experience the seasons. I know that most of us here in the Midwest are tired of cold and snow, but God has promised that there will be a winter and summer and a springtime and a harvest. We see the robins showing up. We see geese that are flying north, and we say praise God! He’s faithful. We try to figure it out, but this great God has put the universe together and then has created us. We go back to the creation story and what was it that He did there with Adam? He breathed His breath into Adam - the breath of God, and man became a living soul. He’s placed us here on this earth, this great God who at times seems so distant but yet He can be so close. He knows our name. He knows when an insignificant sparrow, as we would say, would fall. He knows that, and He calls us to serve Him. So what is life all about? This experience that Jesus was taking them through in that time - it’s amazing how time after time Jesus uses those moments to teach and to further the kingdom of God and to further the salvation story. He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” Isn’t that what we want life to be about, Loved Ones - for the glory of God? Sometimes it’s sickness that can be for the glory of God. Sometimes it’s suffering that can be for the glory of God. It’s not that God punishes us with those things, but as we experience life, I believe that God’s purpose for that is that it would be for the glory of God and that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, might be glorified thereby. Can we use that for a purpose for our life? I believe we can. Through our lives it could be for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. In order for that to happen, Christ has to be a part of it, doesn’t He? He needs to be leading us, and we need to be following Him. We’re just thankful for these lessons that we learn even as Christ says just a few words and it can mean so much. Then as this story unfolds, after Jesus came and we know through that there was a sense of urgency in their message your friend, Lazarus, is sick! What did Jesus do? It says “…he abode two days still in the same place where he was.” (v.6) He stayed where He was. “Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.” (v.7) Again we see a learning point from Jesus where they said “…Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again? Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.” (v.8-10) We could spend the rest of the morning on those verses, couldn’t we? “If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.” We could talk a couple different ways about that light of the world. Ultimately Jesus is that light, isn’t He, but I believe it was Jesus that said, speaking to His children, “Ye are the light of January 2015 SILVER LINING 59 Monthly Sermon, continued the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” (St. Matthew 5:14) Purpose for life in serving God - reflecting. There was a little boy in New York City who was back in a back alley with a little piece of glass, and he was catching the rays of the sun - we’ve probably all done this in some way or another - and reflecting it off that little glass up to a window on the third story apartment, just playing around with it, taking the reflection from the sun and shining it up on that window. An officer came around, grabbed him by the nape of the neck, lifted him up, and said, ‘You little trouble maker! What are you doing? Get on your way!’ The little boy said, ‘My brother is crippled, and he’s up there in that apartment looking out that window. This is the only sun that he ever sees.’ I wonder when Jesus used this analogy - if any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world - we as His children have that opportunity to reflect, not to generate our own light but to reflect, the light of Jesus Christ unto a world that is hungry. Again we could talk a long time about that - a world that is hungry for fulfillment. We see that being played out in many different ways, but thanks be to God that we can 60 SILVER LINING January 2015 sit here this morning and that we can be fulfilled, that we can be at peace with our God because of what Jesus Christ has done there upon Calvary. Then He calls us to be the light of the world. Going on with this story, He said, “…Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.” (v.11) Many of us, and there are probably several of you here this morning, have been with somebody when they died, when life went. It’s a moment that is impacted within our lives that we will never forget. Three years ago, almost to the day, I was at the bedside of my mother. She had cancer that was diagnosed in the previous June and had battled that in the bile duct. It had come to a point where they couldn’t do anything more for her, and we were sitting there at her bedside. Her life was quickly leaving her. She had a lot of energy, and she said, ‘I suppose that this is a time that we should make sure that things are right between us.’ I asked her, ‘Mom are you at peace with God and are you ready to die?’ She said, ‘I’m ready. I’m ready to meet Jesus at the Eastern Gate.’ Because of what He had done and because of the faith that she had, she was ready, and that was a part of life. As some of you, I’m sure, have experienced, we were there and held her and felt the life go from her, and all at once she wasn’t there anymore. It was just a body. Life is something that you can sense and that you can feel, and when it’s over, I really didn’t have a desire to be back in the room because it wasn’t the same. It was final, and it is final. But Jesus said look beyond that. He tells us to look beyond that even as we think of the finality of death today and it pangs our hearts, but yet we look beyond it because of the hope that we have through Jesus Christ. In this story of Lazarus, He gives us that example, doesn’t He, in an earthly way, in a powerful way, but yet Mary and Martha couldn’t understand. What was it they said? They said if You had been here, he wouldn’t have died. (v.21, 32) What really was it they were saying to Him? They were saying, Jesus, you were too late, and how often do we say that in our minds? Maybe we have expectations of how something should go or how something should work out, and we say, Jesus, you’re too late. But we go back to what He said. “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” (v.4) That’s what life is all about, isn’t it. We want our lives to glorify God, but yet we also understand the commitment and the submission it takes for that to happen. As we go through this story when Jesus came to the grave, there were a few statements that Jesus made. First of all we can’t overlook verse 25. “Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” (v.23-24) Then verse 25 is another one of those moments that Jesus interjected a short phrase that is so powerful where He said, “…I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (v.25-26) Let’s ask ourselves that question this morning. Do we believe that? Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. When we think about what life is, as we sing in that hymn, it’s full abundance when it’s in Christ Jesus. He said “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live”. We see contrasts in the way that lives are lived, don’t we? There are times when we could say there are those who are dead that are living, where their life is drudgery to them, without purpose, or maybe they’re chasing a dream that even when they achieve it, it’s not what they expected and the fulfillment isn’t there. But life is Jesus Christ where He said I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. We once were lost, now we’re found; were blind, but now we see - the difference that Christ makes. Though we were dead, yet shall we live, and there comes a point in every one of our lives where we recognize the leprosy, don’t we? We recognize the deadness in our lives because of sin and the lack of faith and of Jesus. Though we be dead, yet through that power of the resurrection, we can live and have hope. Six little words that came to my mind this morning - I don’t know why - just says “the grave could not hold him”. We think of the resurrection and the power that it brought when Jesus came and conquered life and death and hell and the grave, and as a result we can look beyond. He also comes and He gives us life and fulfillment, even though in struggle. He says in John 10:10, I am come that ye might have life, and that ye might have it more abundantly, the abundant life that He brings. Then as we go on here, Jesus went to the grave. Their desire was that Jesus would come to the bedside of their sick brother. They thought He was too late because instead of the bedside, he went to the grave. There are a few statements that He makes here even as we think about the way this has all come together. First of all He said, “Where have ye laid him?” (v.34) Where is he, and we know their response. Well, he’s in the grave, but he’s been dead four days. It’s final. It’s over. They were limiting Jesus weren’t they. Do we ever do that - keep Him in His little box? They were limiting Him. We can relate to that - their faith wasn’t beyond the grave in this sense, but Jesus said where have ye laid him? Those words to me this morning make me think of the phrase we sing in that hymn of seeking the lost. Where have you laid him? Where is the dead? Jesus has a plan. Though we’re dead, yet shall we live. Jesus said where have you laid him? He was seeking him, wasn’t He? “Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it. Jesus said, Take ye away the stone…” Something pretty unusual to be asked, and that’s when Martha said, “…Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.” (v.38-39) Jesus was showing them and teaching them, wasn’t He. Where have you laid him? Take away the stone. There are stones in our lives that separate us from Jesus, and I think each one of us can go back to a time in our life when we were dead and January 2015 SILVER LINING 61 Monthly Sermon, continued there was a stone. Maybe it seemed like a big, big stone. Maybe there’s someone here this morning with a huge stone that you feel is in front, in between, you and Jesus, and Jesus is seeking you out. Where are you? Take away the stone. There are times when it seems like the stones that would separate us from Christ are stones that we may need to pick up and move with the effort that we can put into that. I remember visiting with an 80 year old convert who had just started repenting. He had been under the sound of the Word all his life. He said there was this wall that was just too big for him to get past, and I said, ‘What has changed?’ He said, “I said the words out loud to my son - I need to repent - and the walls came crumbling down.’ The walls can crumble down, but yet there are times when we may need to pick up that stone. Maybe it’s just a phrase, a word, an expression of faith, and that power of God can be revealed. Where have ye laid him? Take away the stone. Then Jesus said, “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” (v.40) Then even Jesus Himself being the Son of God, what did He do? He went to His source of strength, the almighty Father - “Then they took away the stone from the place 62 SILVER LINING January 2015 where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.” (v.41-42) That was His phrase to the Father. His simple phrases to those here were where have ye laid him? Take away the stone. Then, I don’t know what this sounded like, and I’m not going to try to pretend that I do or try to even portray that, but Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” (v.43) You know as we think of coming to the Lord when we are dead, Jesus seeks us out. Repentance is about turning, and that takes a little bit of an effort. That may be picking up a stone. Then as that stone is removed, as we present ourselves in humility to Jesus Christ, that voice that must have echoed through Bethany that day - “Lazarus, come forth” - and we know the result. The limitations that we as people and that they at that time had put upon Jesus, we should never give up on anyone. We should always continue to pray, and never give up on ourselves. There are times when Satan can push us down and say this is something you cannot do and you probably will never do, but yet the power of God is beyond that. He said, “Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin…” (v.44) I appreciate the last phrase of Jesus. If we just go through the four that He spoke - “Where have ye laid him?” “Take ye away the stone.” “Lazarus, come forth.” We see the progression. Then He said, “Loose him, and let him go.” He’s alive the miracle of Jesus Christ, the miracle that He works within our hearts and our lives, the miracle of purpose that He gives unto us as we live this life that it can be as a reflection of His light unto others. “As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth songs to an heavy heart.” Proverbs 25:20 Continued Articles Presenting the Gospel — Continued from pg. 3 19-20). Paul and his companions also followed the Holy Spirit’s leading during their second missionary journey into Greece. The prompting of the Spirit led them to avoid Asia and Bithynia and instead travel into Macedonia “to preach the gospel unto them” (Acts 16:6-7, 9-10). From the combined efforts of these three disciples an African palace official, a Turkish woman recently moved to Greece, a rough-hewn Macedonian jailer, and a centurion in the Roman army, along with many of their family members and servants were all baptized by faith into Jesus Christ. While we may think our own qualifications pale in comparison with those of these men, the scriptures remind us that Paul also felt his unworthiness, “Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). “And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Cor. 2:3-4). If we have been converted, through faith in the shed blood of the Lamb, and are walking in the love, grace, and peace of God, and in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to speak of God’s wonderful plan of salvation. What should we say, and where do we begin? We can begin by sharing our own experience with being cleansed from our sin and being reconciled with our Creator through Christ, “Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul” (Psalms 66:16). The Apostle Paul related his own conversion experience when he spoke to the Jews in Jerusalem and later to King Agrippa (Acts 22, 26). We can tell of God’s abundant blessings, His kindness, and mercy in our life. “I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, and the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness … which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses” (Isa. 63:7). Perhaps we, or a loved one, have experienced God’s faithfulness through a great trial, and others would benefit from hearing of it. “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22-23). Though many scriptures pertain to the spoken word, our example will often speak even more clearly, “… be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation (conduct), in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4:12). The essence of the gospel message is love, which God manifested to us before we loved Him or even knew Him. As great as it is, God’s love saves no one unless we reciprocate it back to Him as well as to our fellow man. “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another” (1 John 4:11). Presenting the gospel message of salvation to others is just one of the ways we demonstrate our deep appreciation for “His great love wherewith He loved us” (Eph. 2:4). “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 January 2015 SILVER LINING 63 Continued Articles Building Houses... — Continued from pg. 6 into a rental trailer. We have the opportunity to help them. Opportunity to Serve Beginning on January 5th and continuing through March 27th, 2015, World Relief will be building multiple affordable, Habitat for Humanity homes, making possible a permanent residence for many of the those still displaced from the storm. Each week, 50 volunteers are needed. Skilled tradesmen along with the unskilled will all have a role in this effort. Volunteers are housed at the Pentecostal Church of God – Central Campus just two miles west of Vilonia. Dormitory type housing for both men and women is available. Meals are served either at the camp or on the work site. One night of each week is a “night out” were everyone enjoys dinner at a local restaurant of their choice. 64 SILVER LINING January 2015 Work teams arrive on Sunday afternoon and typically work for one week leaving on either Friday evening or Saturday morning. A Sunday worship service will be held each week at 4:30 pm for those who were traveling throughout the day. To learn more or register, visit acworldrelief.org. The work team experience is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fellowship with brethren and friends from across the country. While you may not be acquainted with many of the team upon arrival, it is likely that you will be well acquainted with most of the team by the end of the week. Building relationships is a priority; with homeowners, with the leadership team and with fellow work team members. Work projects are not about us. They are an opportunity to show Christ’s love to all we come in contact with. We are representatives of His Kingdom doing the work He has called us to do. It is an opportunity to lift up His Name as we serve those in need. To God Be the Glory! Small Churches — Continued from pg. 7 church, ask if there are any shutins that you could visit Sunday after church. There are so many opportunities to be of assistance for those willing to be of service. As your love for Christ compels you to assist in these efforts, consider those living in small congregation that you may have connections with through family, or take a road trip and work to make relationships that can yield fruit for a lifetime. “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11 “Is any thing too hard for the LORD?” Genesis 18:14 Miscarriage — Continued from pg. 11 specific Bible verses and songs that helped you through that hour or day. 2. You may want to create special reminders of your baby: write a letter to him; make a memory box and include anything that reminds you of your baby; plant a tree, bush or special garden; make donations to your favorite charity in your baby’s name. 3. Find and keep in regular contact with a support group of solid women in your church. Leaning on God after a loss 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” Isaiah 53:3 says Jesus was “acquainted with grief.” This truth can give us comfort and courage to share our feelings with Him. Sometimes after a loss, a person may feel as though God has deserted them or is distant. Despite this, do your best to stick to a routine of reading the Bible and praying. It may feel like you are going through the motions for awhile. You will realize later that God was always with you and at those deepest, darkest times, He was carrying you. Allow the Word to renew you. Proverbs 3:5 states, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” God will bring Scripture to you with a new depth of meaning. He will be with you as you go through your grief journey. You will eventually come out of the valley. By His grace you will become a more mature Christian walking more closely in Christ’s footsteps as you discover a “new normal.” God will help you through the darkness. Keep holding His hand. Endnotes 1. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/ main/statistics.html 2. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/ pregnancyloss/mcgettingpregnantagain. html 3. Elise Erikson Barrett, What Was Lost: A Christian Journey Through Miscarriage (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010). 515 E. Highland Street, Morton, IL 61550 • Tel: (309) 263-5536 Fax: (309) 263-6841 • www.accounseling.org ACCFS has numerous resources to assist someone who is going through a wide range of hurts and emotions, from the pain of loss to worry and loneliness to anger and stress. Each resource, either created by or reviewed and recommended by ACCFS staff, is meant to assist in identifying the challenges of these powerful emotions and in bringing our actions into obedience to God’s Word. For more information and resources, please visit our website at www.accounseling.org/emotions. January 2015 SILVER LINING 65 Learning from our history Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage This article is a continuation of events leading to the conversion of Joseph Kovacs. He and his wife had just heard of the experience Louis Hencsey had with a Catholic priest, wherein the latter had treated the former harshly -- and Hencsey took it meekly, without retaliation. He had received the priest’s abuses with a “turn the other cheek” attitude of nonresistence. In light of that, Kovacs said he could never accept such a faith. Excerpts continue from The Nazarenes, a 1909 account of how the church of our faith was established. It was written by a Hungarian, Karoly Eotvos. Hencsey had just told Kovacs why he didn’t fight back toward the priest. The Conversion of the Kovacs (Editors note: Kovacs informs Hencsey he can’t accept his new faith in light of his feeble response to the priest’s abuses). The young Hencsey answered him in a quiet, gentle voice, “Don’t be foolish. A purified soul knows no hatred or revenge. It is our God who performs justice. The priest and his brother will be judged very soon. You will see it, dear friends, very soon.” Hardly had he uttered these words when a messenger appeared from Boldogasszonyfa entered the house hurriedly. “Have you heard the great news, dear sir? Something horrible has happened. The parish priest of Pahok died suddenly. God has taken his life. At noon the high reverend fell dead in his armchair. His brother died also, when a rafter from the ceiling fell and struck him in the head.” Hencsey and the Kovacs were amazed at hearing this news. Hencsey sighed and said, “Oh God, give them thy forgiveness and eternal life. Mrs. Kovacs began to pray. Joseph Kovacs, this fiery nobleman, expressed on that very day that he would like to join the new community of believers if the brethren would be willing to receive him. The one who led him out of his dead spiritual state was merely a poor 66 SILVER LINING January 2015 lad who knew he would be persecuted in this world. News Of The Kovacs Conversion Spreads The village people saw a miracle, even God’s punishment and direct intervention, in the sudden death of the Catholic priest and his brother. In the neighboring villages of Pahok, Boldogasszonyfa, and Memesfalu the news spread like wildfire -- from one village to another. The news of how the priest raged at the pious Hencsey, how the latter turned to God in prayer, and how God imposed sudden punishment on the priest spread far and wide, even beyond this region along Lake Balaton. Hencsey’s Exortation The conversion of Joseph Kovacs and his wife was regarded by Hencsey as greatly important, but this miracle did not make him conceited. His concern was that Kovacs might eventually fall away and go back to his old life. Therefore, he wrote him man letters of encouragement. In one letter he wrote, “Of one thing I am certain -- the One who started a good work in you will bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. I want you to know that if you go back to live your former life, your lot will be worse than before. Therefore, gird up yourself with the Holy Spirit that you would prefer death rather than turning away from the divine truth you found.” It was signed, ‘With brotherly love, your humble servant, L. Hencsey.’” -By Perry Klopfenstein Next Issue: More on the growth of the new church in Hungary. The Light of Hope If Ye Continue interested in what our responsibility is and what God What is Christ’s responsibility regarding our wants us to do, and what He doesn’t want us to do, salvation? I believe we can say that it was His while we are here on earth. So far, we know that we responsibility to come to earth as a baby, to grow up have the responsibility of belief, or faith, in Christ. to be a man, to die for our sins on the cross, to arise Another responsibility we have is to repent. “Repent from the dead, and to ever live to make intercession ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be for us. “Even as the Son of man came not to be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19. ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28. This verse tells us We face a new year, 2015. What does God expect that He came to give His life for many. In order to of us in the new year? In this regard, I notice two do that, He needed to be born and grow to be a man. words which may be quite important. Those two There is also the Bible verse which says, words are “if” and “continue.” “Then said Jesus to “Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that those Jews which believed on him; If ye continue in my come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make word, then are ye my disciples indeed.” John 8:31. In intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:25. This verse tells us the new year, I reckon I better continue in Christ’s that one of His responsibilities is to make intercession Word. What do you think? And what does that for us. We understand that he prays to the Father on mean? Doesn’t it mean that I should do what He tells our behalf. Christ is in a good position to speak to me to do, and to avoid those things which He tells the Father on our behalf because of what we are told me to avoid? in the following verse. “For in that he himself hath The idea of continuing is also taught in the suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are following verse, “Behold therefore the goodness and tempted.” Hebrews 2:18. severity of God; on them which fell, severity; but And so we see that Christ, the Son of God, toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: had the bulk of the responsibility for what needed otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.” Romans 11:22. to be done for our salvation. If He had all of the “To present you holy and unblameable and responsibility, all people would be saved. Yet, we unreproveable in his sight: If ye continue in the faith know that is not the case. Jesus said, “Because strait is grounded and settled.” Colossians 1:22,23. Believers the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, are given the responsibility of continuing in the faith, and few there be that find it.” Matt. 7:14. continuing in His goodness, and continuing in His One responsibility we have is to believe on Jesus Word. As we face the new year, may God give us the Christ. The jailer was told by Paul and Silas, “Believe grace to continue in looking for ways in which we on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and can serve God more and serve ourselves, less. thy house.” Acts 16:31. Here, the word “believe” -by Willis Ehnle has a very deep meaning. I understand it to mean to believe enough to obey. We should remember that Scripture warns us, “The devils also believe and tremble.” James 2:19. I have no anxiety whatsoever about Christ carrying out His responsibility. However, I am keenly January 2015 SILVER LINING 67 THE SILVER LINING 1523 County Road 400N Congerville, IL 61729 Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not. Psalm 17:5