Youth Ministry Outreach in Kalayaan


Youth Ministry Outreach in Kalayaan
● River of Life is a regular publication of Life in Christ Ministries ●
Issue No. 183 March 2012
being used by the Lord Jesus Ch rist in
bringin g the 'Good News', not just in
the Philippines, but throughout the
world. DZAS will be transferrin g to its
new location in One Corporate Centre, also in Ortigas, sometime in March
night of praise, testimon ies and
dinner fellowship filled on e of the
function rooms of McDonalds El Pueblo
as the Faith Builders held its second
monthly Bible Study on Feb ruary 20
with its Theme: “Celebrate Lov e”, a
post-Valentine celebration . Bro. Dody
Lacuna, anchor of “Tawag ng Karunungan (TNK)” of 702 DZ AS Radio
Station, Far Ea st Broadcastin g Center
(FEBC), and a former broadcast er of
Channel 9, graced the ev ent with his
life t estimony in the Media. He spoke
on how God touch ed his life when he
was feelin g v ery low, and how his
whole bein g was changed – from his
corrupt state to who he is now, a faithful follower of Jesus Ch rist! He acknowledged God’s Sov ereignty and
His goodness in his life and also shared
God’s Word in Acts 24. He also challenged the brethren to pray for reforms
in the Philippine Media, as well as 702
DZAS, the only Christian radio station
The ev ent was well attended by the
Life in Ch rist brethren together with
some inv ited guest s. The n ext Faith
Builders Bible Study is on Monday,
March 19 at 7pm, still at the same
v enue. And, since March is considered
as “International Women’ s Month”, Sis.
Floramel Joy Son gsong, also a broadcaster/newscaster of 702 DZAS Radio
Station, will share on the Vital Role of
Women in God’s Kin gdom.
Faith Builders Dinner Fellowship was
recen t ly
fo rm ed
by LIC’s
P r o fe ssion als
a n d
Y oung
P r o fe ssionals t o
ev angelize
p eop l e
from all Bro. Dody Lacuna shares his testimony
walks of
life in the surrounding areas in O rtigas
Center, Pasig City. They regu larly meet
ev ery third Monday of the month.
Ev eryone is cordially inv ited to come
and listen to God’s Word and fellowship with one another and be blest !
- des i -
The LIC Faith Builders
Youth Ministry
Outreach in Kalayaan
Easter Family Camp
April 5-7, 2012
UP Los Baños, Laguna
 
For camp d etails and reg ist ration ,
please cont act Sis. Yollie Canico sa at 928- 4088
ome eighteen members of the
Youth Ministry, headed by Bro.
Robby and Sis. Venel Landicho, and
Bro. Joemar Sumalinog, ventured
into the area of Kalayaan-B GAO Outreach in Quezon C ity on January 28
as part of their Outreach and Evangelism Program.
Sis. Baby Talle offered her home
as the meeting place for the youth,
with free breakfast and lunch for the
Continued on page 3
F r o m t h e PASTOR’S D esk
My Father is a Businessman
(Luke 19:21-26)
here is a story in the Bible regarding a
nobleman w ho called his ten servants
before going to a far country. He gave
each one of them a single mina (a man’s 3
-month salary) and said, “Do business till I
come.” When he came back, one of the
servants w ho traded his mina yielded ten
more minas, another servant gained five
more. Because of their faithfulness, the
servants w ere rew arded and author ized to
oversee ten and five cities, respectively.
How ever, the servant w ho hid the mina the
whole time his master w as aw ay, profited
nothing. The mina w as taken back from
the unpr ofitable servant and w as given to
the one w ho invested w ell.
A business man know s there is money
in trading. Money begets money. Each
servant is expected to profit from the mina
their master gave them. God gave talents
to each one to yield saved souls. We are
expected to use our talents by trading our
joy for the w orld’s grief, our peace for
man’s chaos and most of all, Jesus as the
answ er to all the problems of this universe.
Another lesson w e can learn from this
parable is to entrust our investment to
people w ho has the right attitude and action, w here our money w ould yield most.
We can say this of our Father in heaven.
Though at first, He gave each one of us
talents to produce souls, He w ill later reward profitable servants. This explains w hy
some company adheres to profit sharing
and bonuses, and given based on the performance. God expects to gain from His
investments and needs people w ho w ill
invest them w isely.
The King James Version of this passage says, “Occupy till I come.” It is a
business man’s dream to monopolize or
capture the w hole market for his product.
He w ould alw ays try to minimize competition or if possible, buy out his competitors
A New Hope is Dawning in Darkness
ebruary 5 marked the start of a new
ministry as the Lord opened another
door for a Bible Study at Tahan-Tahanan located inside East Avenue Medical Center
(EAMC), Que zon City.
Tahan-Tahanan is a
“halfway home” for
children with noncommunicable diseases and their family/caregivers
came from the different provinces, seeking
medical treatment in Metro Manila hospitals.
Bro. Bong and Sis. Grace Cordova, together
with volunteer-brethren from Life in Christ
Ministries, hold a weekly Bible Study for the
cancer-stricken children who require long
period of treatments. Together with their
parents/guardians, these young ones need the
Lord Jesus, not just to be cured, but also for
Sis. Baby and Sis. Mercie pray for the
Tahan-Tahanan pediatric patient and her father.
hope, peace and eternal assurance.
As Sis. Grace uttered, “Who would not be
to control the market. This w ould mean
more profit for his company. One good
example is the business move of Jollibee
Food Company, w herein recently has acquired a number of food chains in the local
market (i.e. Red Ribbon, Chow King, Delifrance, Mang Inasal, to name a few ).
Our Father w ants to “ monopolize” people for them to be saved. He w ants “to
occupy” the w orld to hear the Gospel of
Salvation. He w ants to eliminate the w orks
of His competitor, the devil. God w ants “to
control” His people and be saturated by
His pow er. Christians are “to capture” this
time to spread the Good New s of Jesus
Chr ist. They are encouraged to make
friends w ith mammon for the furtherance of
God’s Kingdom. Indeed, OUR FA THER IN
In Christ’s name,
Death and Life in
Christ Jesus
raise God!
Our God is truly alive and
It was in the year 2009 when we started the
Bible Study at the residence of Sis. Aida Asuncion in Dakila Compound, Marikina.
In March 2010, Bro. Amorsolo Asuncion,
husband of Sis. Aida, contracted a severe kidney
malfunction. He underwent dialysis twice a
week, Monday and Thursday. He felt really
weak after every dialysis due to the strong effect
of the medications that he cannot even stand or
moved by the sight and by such knowledge
that behind those innocent smiles are struggling little lives who need comfort, healing and
love? In the midst of pain, sorrow and suffering, it is solely the love of the Lord Jesus that
sustains us. We can bear all things because we
know we are not alone. God holds us with His
mighty hand! Let us pray for these little ones
and their families for there is power in prayer!
There is nothing impossible with God!”
*Volunteers who have experienced the love
and comfort from God are encouraged to
share their time and love to these less fortunate kids, whom Jesus loves so dearly. You
can volunteer as counselors, teachers, playmates to toddlers and gift-givers. Please contact Sis. Grace Cordova at 0922-5157893 for
the schedule of visits to Tahan-Tahanan.
- desi -
It was the first day (Holy Thursday) of the
2010 Easter Camp in Los Baños, Laguna, when I
suddenly felt some kind of heaviness in my
chest. I sat down and the Lord reminded me
about Bro. Amorsolo’s condition. I readily
declared victory that God will really touch and
heal him.
When we went home from the Camp that
Saturday, I went straight to Sis. Aida’s house to
give her the “buko” pie I bought. I was informed that Bro. Amorsolo got confined at St.
Vincent Hospital and was in critical condition.
As Sis. Aida recounted, they were all anxious
about Bro. Amorsolo’s condition. Praise God,
He used a Christian person, unknown to them,
to pray and rebuke death from taking over Bro.
Amorsolo. He was delivered from death!
God is rea lly so good, even if Bro. Amorsolo
was still undergoing dialysis, he was able tolerate
the intense effect of the medications!
- elena rojas -
Out of the Grave,
Now in CHRIST We
are Saved!
The New Creations in Chris t with LIC Pastor and Workers
t wa s a beautiful and jubilant
sunny Sunday
aftern oon a s
twenty fiv e m em bers of Life in
Chri st Mini stries subm itted them selv es t o water bapti sm on February
19 at the Bernardo Park Swim m ing
Pool, in Kamuning, Quezon City.
The y oungest am ong them was a 12 y ear old girl fr om the BMA Outreach; while, th e ol dest was sev enty
-six y ears old br other fr om the sam e
Youth Ministry. . .
Continued from page 1
members of
t h e
After a
briefi n g
a n d
Sis. Venel shares the Word of G od
p r a is e
and worship service, the
members of the youth were
then grouped into five with
three members each group,
and subsequently were sent
out to distribute tracks and
invitatio ns to a ttend
church and the Bible Study
being held at Sis. Baby’s residence.
The five groups then
spread out, reaching out to
the residents of that huge
area, sharing the Word of God
to them, and praying for their
Br o. Bogart Cruz c oor dinated the
ev ent, while Br o. Robby Landicho
and Br o. J oem ar Sum alinog pray ed
for the brethren a s they were sub m erged in water
and em erged a s
new creati on s in
Chri st. S om e LIC
w orkers and el der s al so cam e
t og et h er
w ith
P a st or
T on y
Canic osa t o wit ness the jubilant
occa si on.
brethren were ask ed ab out how they
felt aft er the water ba pti sm , m ost of
them sai d they felt such l ightness of
the heart, the feel ing of hav ing been
set free. On e si ster shared that she
felt all her burdens were taken
away, and she felt the fullness of
unexplained j oy in heart.
This liberation is indeed experienced by all who decide to bury their
old self and wholeheartedly follow the
Lord Jesus Christ!
- desi problems that they are encountering.
The groups expected rejections and
setbacks, but there are equally many
stories of people readily accepting
Jesus in their hearts, and even welcoming the groups in their own
Actually, this is the third Evangelism and Outreach for the Youth Ministry. The first one was held at the
Arkong Bato area, and the second
one during the Hospital Visitation at
East Avenue Medical C enter last
December 2011.
- kim -
The Pastor on
a Mission
n February 4,
Canicosa, Life in
Christ Senior Pastor,
left for Macau, China
for a mission trip. He ministered to
the Oversees Filipino Workers (OFWs)
in that restricted area for several days
and came back with bright reports on
the opportunities that our church
could take part in bringing hope to the
Filipino brethren abroad.
Many of our countrymen in Macau
feel homesick, and some are in prison
due to various offenses. Nonetheless,
only God’s Word being preached to
them could ease out all the pains, worries and hurts they are experiencing,
as they seek to support and uphold
their families’ needs here in the Philippines.
Together with two other pastors,
Pastor Tony reached out and brought
the OFWs new hope and joy through
the Word of God. "For everythin g that
was written in the past was written to
teach us, so that through en durance and
the encouragement of the Scripture, we
might have hope." (Rom. 15:4, NIV)
- desi -
Sis. Josie Policarpio
Editor in Chief
Grace Cordova
Managing Editor
Immanuel “Kim” Canicosa
Editorial Staff
Sis. Desi Rent oria
Sis. Elena Rojas
Sis. Jennylyn Mongado
Sis. Elena Rojas
Chris Cubilla
The LIC Youth at Sis. Baby ’s residence
Grace Cordova
Layout Artist
Fullness of Life in Christ
o God be all glory and honor!
He is certainly good and powerful above all! I praise and thank Him
for giving me a healthy baby boy.
Even during my pregnancy, my
daughter Lalaine and I still continued
to serve the Lord by teaching the
Word of God to the children. Whenever I had my pre-natal checkups, I
was told that my baby was in normal
It was on my last term when I felt
something wrong so I prayed that
God would take control of the situation. On December 12, my water
bag broke, prompting us to hurriedly
go to the nearby hospital, but to our
dismay, there were no available doctors around. My husband and I decided to go to Karuhatan Hospital
instead where I had my pre-natal
checkups. I was fervently praying to
the Lord tha t time. Upo n reaching
Karuhatan Hospital, I was readily
admitted, but many pregnant women
were waiting in line a t the Labor
It was around four o’clock when I
was told that I was going to undergo
C aesarian Section (C S), but I hesitated, claiming that I would have a
normal delivery just like I had with
my eldest daughter. An equipment
was then put on to my belly, revealing tha t my baby was having difficulty in breathing. During the delivery, it was observed that I had trouble delivering the baby, so the doc tor
decided that my baby be delivered
through C S. The doctor explained
that my baby was already swallowing
feces so they needed to perform such
emergency procedures. I prayed for
God’s mighty intervention and protection on my baby and me. During
the delivery, I saw my baby’s umbilical cord was already twisted around
his neck. But, by God’s grace and
help, my second baby was delivered
safely and in good condition!
I also want to exalt God for His
provisions for all the hospital bills
and daily expenses. Praise the Lord!
- Sis. Jennylyn Mongado Valenzuela Outreach
God Moves in Mysterious Ways!
regularly attended the Bible Study
and Sunday Ser vices , but the passion to shar e the Gos pel of Chr is t ignited w hen I w as baptiz ed on Nov ember
21, 2010. A t firs t, I w asn’t able to understand it w hen I f ound my self w itnes sing to my class mates . I thought it
w as impossible, but God mov ed mightily, touching the mind and heart of my
class mates to r ec eiv e and acc ept the
Lord Jes us as his pers onal Lord and
Sav ior.
He is my c lass mate w ho c laimed
that he did not believ e the Bible, not
even God becaus e to him the Bible is
just the w or k of man. I then s tar ted
shar ing to him the
goodness of our God,
and I w as reminded in
Coloss ians 1:17, “ He
existed b efor e anythi ng
else, and he hol ds all
creati on together.”
pr ayed for that c lassmate of mine, and
claimed that God w ould
really s peak and manifest Hi ms elf to him.
A day c ame w hen
he had a family problem. I shar ed the Good
New s to him. He r eadily prayed the Sinner ’s
Pr ay er as I led him,
and acc epted the Lord
Jes us ! I could not forget the looks on his
face after that!
Timog, Quezon City
Schedule of Services
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
Morning Worship
Children's Church
1:30 PM
Afternoon Worship
3:30 PM
Youth Discipleship
3:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:30 PM
Bible Study
3:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:30 PM
Contact Information
24/7 Prayer Text Hotline
0917 554 0702
I continued shar ing God’s Wor d to
him, and it w as ev ident that c hanges
w ere taking plac e in his lif e. A t one
instance, he c onduc ted a c lass pr es entation and he shar ed about God in his
topic. A ll our c lass mates w ere amaz ed
bec aus e they knew he did not believe
in God.
Phone/Fax: (02) 928-4088
I thank and prais e God f or w hat He
has done to me and my class mate! To
God be the glory !
Ptr. Tony Canicosa 0927 - 5265029
LIC Center, Quezon City
- Mylene of Pampanga Outreach is a
student at Don Honorio
Ventura State University -
Bro. Dan Lineses 0920 - 4007471
Imus, Cavite
Ptr. Pete Sampiano 0920 - 6924762
Kasiglahan Village, Rodriguez, Rizal
Sis. Jane Raymundo 0915- 6115230
Sasmuan, Pampanga
Sis. Lita Wong 0919 - 2051933
Bautista, Pangasinan
Ptr. Jayme Latuga 0919 - 5798948
LIC Masbate - Masbate City
Bro. Bogart Cruz 0917 - 5267620
BMA, Quezon City
Sis. Mercie Enriquez 0917-8664187
Arkong Bato, Valenzuela
Bro. Robby Landicho 0922-8309423
Campus Ministry