Men Month - Agape Storehouse Apostolic Church


Men Month - Agape Storehouse Apostolic Church
The Storehouse News
Volume 8  July 2013  Issue 7
2013 Theme: “The Year of Manifested Promises” Psalm 37:3-5
“Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he
shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
Words of Encouragement from Pastor and First Lady...
Prophet John H. Willis
Prophetess Linda Willis
Agape Storehouse
Apostolic Church
4603 Hwy 39 North
Meridian, Ms 39301
P O Box 2048
Meridian, Ms 39302
Office # (601) 485-2870
Fax # (601) 483-8988
Church Office Hours:
Mon – Thurs
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Praise the Lord Saints of the Most High God!! July is Men Month at Agape and Sis.
Willis and I would like to this month to honor our Men of God!! Men you have stepped up
to the plate and have shown yourselves as men. The world defines men as those who are
hard, tough, and controlling but God’s definition of a man is way more than what meets the
natural eye. When God called David a man after His own heart, He wasn’t basing it upon
David’s flesh. God looked within the man and saw what David through God (Himself)
would become. Apart from God none of us would be anything. Men of Grace keep
standing for what’s right and the Lord will reward you. There have been activities and
events planned with you in mind. We have often heard the saying.. IT TAKES A MAN
TO TEACH A MAN HOW TO BE A MAN. If we as husbands, fathers, uncles,
brothers, don’t help to bring our young men into the knowledge of Jesus Christ the world is
waiting for an opportunity to mold them into this world’s system. We must band together
and take our families, cities, neighborhoods, from the guttermost to the uttermost. We
decree and we declare that our young men will be gentlemen. They will know how to work
and make a living for their families. But most of all they will know JESUS as Lord and
Saviour. Men you are on the wall doing a great work and you cannot afford to come down
don’t let the deception of the devil and his imps cause you to let go of the almighty hand of
the Lord. You have the support of your leadership, your families, and the Almighty God
backing you up. For such a time as this the world needs the real Men of God taking a firm
and a bold stand like never before. Can God count on you? Can we do this? I say, YES
WE CAN!!! God bless each and every one of you in the Matchless Name of Jesus!!!
Pastor and First Lady Willis
Men Month
It is with the love of God that we, the Agape Storehouse Church Family, along with our
Pastors, Prophet John H. Willis and Prophetess Linda Willis, welcome you to our
service on today. We believe that our ministry is not about us, it is all about the
Kingdom of God. It is our desire to expand the Kingdom by proclaiming the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. We are so thankful to God for allowing us this privilege to have you in our
service that the Word of God can be engrafted into your spirit. We welcome you to join
us anything to fellowship, to learn and to worship with us. God is an awesome God and
we are a growing congregation whose desire is to fulfill our God given purpose and
would love for you to be a part of it. If you do not have a church home, please
prayerfully consider becoming a part of the Agape Storehouse Church family. Agape
Storehouse, a place for you and me!! Be blessed in Jesus Name!
Scripture of the Month…..
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the
countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17
Worship Opportunities
Radio Broadcast105.7 FM)
Church School
New Birth Class
Morning Worship
7:30 – 8:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:15 AM
Morning Bible Study
The Gathering
Evening Bible Study
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Morning Intercessory Prayer 5:00 AM
Noon Day Prayer
12:00 Noon
Praise Team Rehearsal
5:00 PM
10:30 AM
Nursing Home Outreach Schedule
Intercessory Prayer
5:00 AM
Choros Dance Rehearsal
Intercessory Prayer
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM
1st Saturday
2nd Saturday
3rd Saturday
The Oaks / Popular Spring
East MS Nursing Home
Street Witnessing/Hospital
Golden Living Center
Our Spiritual Parents
Apostle A. R .& Elder Sherrilyn Williams
World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church
6655 Winchester Road, Memphis, TN
Apostle Alton R. Williams has served as Senior Pastor of World Overcomers Outreach
Ministries Church in Memphis, Tennessee, since 1981. He has entered into a new dimension
of ministry as one of the end-time Apostles that God is raising up around the world. He is a
graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is one of the 12 founding
Fathers of the Full Gospel Church Fellowship of New Orleans, LA.
Apostle Williams is
committed to impacting the world by teaching God’s Word with simplicity for personal life
Elder Sherrilyn Williams truly exemplifies the Proverbs 31 woman. A beautiful and virtuous
lady, she is the wife of Apostle A. R. Williams and the mother of their five children. Thousands
of women at WOOMC esteem her as their spiritual mother. She is also an accomplished
author, licensed minister, and motivational speaker. A dynamic minister, she preaches the
infallible Word of God with authority and conviction. Elder Williams' greatest sermon,
however, is the one she lives daily as she touches the lives of others with her "million dollar"
smile, capacious heart, and her upright character. Like a ripple, her influence never ends as
she encourages others and spreads the love of Jesus Christ.
The Men Ministry will have a Men’s Prayer on Sunday July
7th beginning at 8:00 AM. All men are asked to come and
go before the Lord in prayer as we pray for our families, our
government and
our nation.
The Mother’s Board will have their monthly
meeting on Wednesday, July 3rd immediately
following morning Bible Study.
The Men Ministry will have a
Men’s Gathering on Saturday,
July 13th beginning at 9:00 AM.
The speaker will be our very
own Pastor John Willis. All men
are asked to come and partake in
this time of fellowship.
The Men Ministry will be going bowling on Saturday,
July 20th at 6 pm at the Family Bowling Lanes. This
will be a time of great fun and fellowship amongst the
brethren. Make plans now to attend this fun-filled
The Usher Ministry will have a meeting on Sunday,
July 14th immediately following morning worship
service. The meeting will be held in the Adult
Sunday School Class. All ushers are asked to
please be at this meeting.
There will be a Men and Women Meeting on Sunday,
July 21st immediately following Morning Worship.
The Men will meet in the Overflow and the Women
will meet in the Adult Sunday School Class. Please
make plans to attend these important meetings.
Other Activities
Jump House
Men’s Day: “The Family Ultimate Blast”
Theme Scripture: 1st Samuel 17:47 “The Battle is the Lord’s”
4603 Highway 39 North
Meridian, MS 39301
For more info, contact the church office at (601) 485-2870
The Security Ministry will meet on
Sunday Morning, July 28th at 8:00
AM. All Security Team Members are
asked to please be at this meeting.
There will be a Sunday School
Teacher’s Meeting on Wednesday,
July 31st at 6:00 PM. All Sunday
School Teachers and Assistants are
asked to please be present.
Orientation Breakfast for New Members will be held
on Sunday, July 28th at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship
Hall. All new members that have not attended the
Orientation Breakfast is asked to please sign the list
posted on the board on the North Wing so that we
may know how many members we need to prepare
for. Any questions please see Elder Mia McCoy.
Happy Birthday and Happy
to those
Birthdays and
during the month of July!!
Welcome New Members
Deridre Odom
Dana Logan
June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013
Don’t forget to pick up a copy of First Lady’s Manual…..
Cost of the book is only $14.00. A representative of LFW Ministries will be on
hand at the table in the foyer after each Sunday service for your convenience to
purchase a copy. You may also purchase a copy by sending check or money order
in the amount of $16.00 which includes shipping and handling to:
LFW Ministries
P O Box 1752
Meridian, Ms 39302
Agape Storehouse Apostolic Church
P O Box 2048
Meridian, Ms 39302
For more info, you may call the church office at (601) 485-2870.
Our Prayers and Concerns…
Prophet John H. Willis
Apostle Alton R. and Elder Sherrilyn L. Williams
All Pastors & Wives
Mr. David Gates (Continued healing)
Ms Leanna & Kylan Gates
Bro Ben & Sis Sonya Willis
Sis Altisha Glover (God’s Protection)
Prophetess Linda Willis
Agape Storehouse Church Family
Mrs. Mary Walker
Sis Loretta Webb and Family
Sis Vanessa Walker & Family
Bro Anthony Donald (God’s Protection)
All Men and Women in the Military
Bro George Willis
Sis Dorothy Gilliam
Bro David & Sis Belinda Tention (protection and guidance)
Sis Judette & Rishard Pierre
Rob & Lonnie Hampton & Family
Bro Julius Jones and his entire family
Mother Meley Smith
Bro Jatavious Walker
Sis Shirley Jean Sawyer
Sis Evonne Bumpers
Bro Warren Price
Sis Annis Collins
Mother Amy McCarty
Bro Larry Evans
Mother Yvonne Ivy
Bro Solomon Willis
Sis Shatagia Bell
Sis Loukisha Lewis
Bro Johnny McCarty
Sis Vernie Powers
Mother Bessie McGowan
Sis Lillie King
Sis Flora Sumrall
Mother Janie Cameron
Pastor Terry Ivy
Sis Ginger Dykes
Mother Henrene Mosley
Bro Richard Thomas
Bro Arthur Johnson Jr.
Bro Hollis Spencer
Bro Willie Freeman
Bro William Price
Evangelist Inez Sumrall
Bro W. C. McDonald
The Family of Theresa Ann Watts, 46, who passed on June 9, 2013
The Family of Bobby Ray Pollard, 54, who passed on June 16, 2013
The Family of J’Caden J’Maury Jenkins, 6 months, who passed on June 18, 2013
The Family of Dymond Hannon, 20, who passed on June 19, 2013
The Family of George Bartee, 75, who passed on June 20, 2013
The Family of Avery Cortez Williams, 24, who passed on June 22, 2013
The Family of Kenyatta Shadwick, 34, who passed on June 25, 2013
The Family of Mamie Ruth Reed, 88, who passed on June 26, 2013
The Family of Jordan Raynese Houston, 11, who passed on June 29, 2013
By this shall all men know
that ye are my disciples; if ye
have love one to another”
John 13:35
Church Vision
is my vision through the Word of God to bring people into a relationship with Jesus
Christ, to break down and destroy racial and denominational barriers, and all forms of
religious and traditional ways that may hinder or limit us in serving the Lord in Spirit
and in Truth. Therefore, by empowering God’s people with the Word of God, through
preaching and teaching, it will aid in destroying the spirit of poverty in all areas of their
It is also my vision to edify men, women and children, enabling marriages and
families to be successful and whole. The Lord’s goal for this Storehouse is to fulfill the
great responsibility in supplying the needs of His people which entails salvation,
education, counsel, sustenance for parishioners, our community, city, county and state.
I will teach God’s people how to live a victorious life above sin, sickness, poverty,
fear and unbelief through practical application of the Word of God in prayer, fasting,
praise and worship. With God’s help, I will nourish the wounded, the hurting and the
lost. God’s people will be spiritually sound and secure, physically, mentally,
economically and educationally therefore, raising their level of self-worth, selfmotivation, self-determination, and self-sufficiency. In doing so, we will fulfill the
Word of God as it relates to Christ’s definition of what a storehouse should be
according to Malachi 3:10 “that there may be meat (provision) in mine storehouse.
God’s Storehouse is blessed and prosperous!