A Word from our Pastor


A Word from our Pastor
MARCH 2014
Upcoming Events
A Word from our Pastor...
Greetings in Jesus Name!
Well, it’s March and it’s still cold and the
forecast calls for more winter, but I can
sense that spring is on the way. We just
returned from the cornfields of Herrick,
Illinois where 24 of us traveled to enjoy
the 2014 Men’s Conference, sponsored by
our good friends Bishop Thomas and Debbie Suey. I would like to thank our Men’s
Director Steven Arden for organizing a
great retreat for some of our men. All of
the services and speakers were a tremendous blessing to all in attendance. As you
know, I reinjured my foot and Sister Sarah
Smith has let me borrow her scooter. My
wheeling around on it seemed to be the
excitement of the conference.
Since January, we have been training new
leaders to better help serve the saints of
Open Door and our community. We have
had around 80 participants in this new
training, which is held every Tuesday evening. I am excited about the results of
these meetings. One of the main things to
come out of these sessions is the appointment of seven couples as Care Pastors to
help with the responsibilities of the Care
of the Saints. Open Door Care Pastors include Hubert and Becky Fowler, Dave and
Annette McClure, Steven and Kim Arden,
Gary and Bonnie Switzer, Joey and Crystal
White, Ted and Susan Sizemore and Andrew and Heather Fowler. On Sunday evening, March 9, Bishop Thomas Suey and
his lovely wife will be conducting an ordination service where the seven couples
will be ordained and commissioned to
help serve as Care Pastors at Open Door
Apostolic. Each of these couples will serve
as an extension of Sister Vonda and me.
I will be giving more information to all of
you about this exciting expansion of our
leadership. On Sunday, March 9, I believe
that there will be a Spiritual Impartation of
compassion and burden for God’s people
placed upon these fourteen Godly men and
women. I ask that each of you begin to
pray that God will protect and use each of
them. Their duties and responsibilities will
be clearly defined. These men and women
have been chosen and accepted this position for one reason, and that is to help
serve each of you and help us all to grow
in the Lord.
We look forward to the Suey’s joining us
on Sunday, March 9, for both services. We
are also excited about the ministry of
Prophet Morton Bustard who will be with
us on Sunday, March 16. We believe God
for mighty things this month. Please get
the word out about our special services
that are coming up. If you have friends,
family or neighbors that are in need of a
miracle, bring them to these services and
let’s see what the Lord will do.
I was blessed by the presentations of our
youth during the February Blast Youth
Service. Bro. and Sis. Switzer asked everyone to make a circle around the sanctuary
and it was a beautiful sight to see the love
and unity of so many young people who
are not ashamed to worship the Lord together. There is a scent of Revival in the
Continued on page 2
Every Tuesday evening at 7 pm
Leadership training
class with Pastor Sowards
March 6
Christian Skate Night
Party @ the Grand Prix
in South Ridge.
March 7
WV State Youth Rally
March 9
Ordination Service for
Open Door’s new Care
Pastors, conducted by
Bishop Suey
March 16
Prophet Morton Bustard
March 22
Youth Day Out
More events TBA
Service Times:
Sunday 10am & 6pm
Wednesday 7:30 pm
Contact Us:
2630 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 346-9175
the air. Expect the supernatural power of God to be manifested every time we gather together in His name! Jesus said, “If I
be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.” Let us do our part to lift Him up.
To all of you who serve in some capacity...THANK YOU! To you who are burdened for the lost souls of our city, we need
you!!! Our mission statement for the church has been clearly defined. It is a three step process: 1) Loving God, 2) Loving
People and 3) Serving Others. Each of us need to ask ourselves where we fit in that mission. This is going to be a momentous year for Open Door Apostolic. Please join with us and add your faith to the mission of reaching the Kanawha Valley
with the life changing message of Jesus Christ!
Pastor Sowards
Feed His Sheep March Menu
Serve or be served
8:30 – 9:30 am
Sunday Night
After Service
Wednesday Night
After Service
Pancakes and Bacon Baked Spaghetti
Biscuits and Sausage Gravy
Jacob Gilbert is currently at
the Mountaineer Challenge
Academy. Send him a card or
letter and continue to keep
him in your thoughts and
Cadet Jacob Gilbert
1001 Army Road, Camp
PO Box 586
Kingwood, WV 26537
Open Door News
March 2014
Potato Soup
Waffles and Sausage
Muffins, Cereal &
Scrambled Eggs, BaTacos
con and Biscuits
Tuna Casserole
Veggie Soup and
Grilled Cheese
Peanut Butter and
Jelly Sandwiches
Goulash Casserole
Bro. Roger & Sis. Geni
Bro. Ron & Sis. Yvonne
Sis. Vonda Sowards
Page 2
Believers Learning and Serving Together
Hello everybody from BLAST
Sunday School! We are excited
to announce that Sis. Vonda Sowards is our new BLAST choir
director. She is inspiring and
motivating the kids to do their
best in singing for Jesus. The
BLAST choir practices every
Sunday morning for their performance at the monthly youth
service, We are also starting a
Sunday School visitor contest. It
will run from the first Sunday in
March until Easter. The Sunday School classroom that brings the most visitors will win an ice-cream party. Parents,
please encourage your kids to bring a visitor. Thank you so much for your support!
Tim and Shawnda Harless, Blast Sunday School Directors
Spiritual Warfare Assault Team
Greetings from SWAT youth department,
And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered; and
let them that hate thee flee before thee. (Numbers 10:35 KJV). Moses was commanded by God to speak to the children
of Israel on several occasions about what they should do and what they should not do. Along with that came either
blessings or curses. When the children of Israel worked together in unity and followed after God, God performed great
things and the enemy was scattered.
Over the last year the youth department has become more unified and God has become more magnified. Even though
the enemy has tried to come in and destroy what God has put together, we stand firm in what the prophet Isaiah said in
chapter 54: " no weapon formed against thee shall prosper." God is large and in charge of Open Door’s youth department.
We are very thankful for the things that have been accomplished in February. As a fund raiser SWAT made and sold
over 700 peanut butter hearts. We were to attend the WV Youth Convention but it had to be postponed due to inclement weather. It has been rescheduled for April 17th and 18th so we are very excited to see what God has in store for us.
The Wednesday Night Blast youth service what very successful featuring SWAT in the skit "Does Anybody Hear Her",
Zach Carte on the guitar and Caleb Dean ministering to us about Faith. God has used them in a mighty way as they have
helped usher in the presence of The Lord.
Love and Prayers,
Bro. G and Sis. Bonnie
Upcoming Events :
March 6th-Christian Skate Night Party @ the Grand Prix in South Ridge. 6:30-8:30pm $4.00. You must tell them you are
with Open Door Youth to get this price.
March 7th-WV State Youth Rally, Spreading Truth Ministries in Parkersburg. Van will be leaving the church at 5:45.
March 22nd- Youth Day Out-more details to come.
Open Door News
March 2014
Continued on page 4
Page 3
S . W. A . T S p o t
Owen Smith
Age/Birthday: 11 / December 28
School: Mary C Snow
Favorite Subject: Recess
Hobbies: Football
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Blue
Place I would like to visit: Miami, FL
Desired Occupation: Video Software Developer
If I could meet a famous person I would like to
meet: Lebron James
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If you have something you’d like to share in the Open Door Newsletter, please
see Sis. Jessie or email jhale2@wvstateu.edu.