Spring - Poodle Club of Canada
Spring - Poodle Club of Canada
SPRING 2013 ISSUE TWO T H E PO O D LE SCENE N e w s l e t t e r SPECIALTY RESULTS & FOCUS on STRUCTURE Executive & Committees!! ! ! ! ! 2 It’s What’s Up Front that counts by Patricia V. Trotter! ! ! ! ! 3-4 Putting up a Good Front by Patricia V. Trotter! ! ! ! ! ! 5 - 6! Dog Gaits & Structural Images! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7-8 Specialty Results! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9 -19 Congratulations to Members! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20 - 24 Poodle Humour! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25! ! ! ! ! 26 ! ! ! ! ! ! Requests to Contribute to Poodle Health Testing THE POODLE SCENE ! POODLE CLUB OF CANADA SPRING 2013 Poodle Club of Canada: list of Officers and Committee Chairs September 2011 - August 2013 Executive President:! ! ! ! 1st Vice-President! ! 2d Vice-President! ! ! Corresponding Secretary! Recording Secretary! ! Treasurer! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mary Jane Weir Teresa Myrfield Dawn Cullen Priscilla Suddard Priscilla Suddard Peter Welsh Event Officer/Committee Field! ! ! Obedience! ! Rally! ! ! Chair and Event Top Producer! Versatility! ! ! ! ! Cheryl Ingwersen ! ! ! Gillian Anglin ! ! ! Debby Dacosta & Show Officer Deb Drake ! ! ! Joanne Reichertz ! ! ! Vivienne Swarbreck Standing Committee Chairs: Amendments! Education! ! Good & Welfare! Membership ! Newsletter! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Teresa Myrfield ! Volunteer Needed! Margot Jorgensen Diane Welsh Lisa Kimberly Glickman Please note that all these positions are volunteer! SAVE THE DATE: The National Specialty is in Beautiful Nanaimo, BC on June 14, 2013 PCC National Specialty Members Advertising: Full Page: $10.00 1/2 Page: $ 5.00 Business card $2.00 Join us on FACEBOOK PCC members join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/poodleclubofcanada/ Non-members, please join our PUBLIC page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ poodlescanada/?fref=ts and if you live in Canada and love poodles, please JOIN the club! NEWSLETTER: PLEASE SEND ME BRAGS, HUMOUR, RECIPES, ETC - WHATEVER YOU’D LIKE TO SEE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER TO LK.GLICKMAN@VIDEOTRON.CA NEXT NEWSLETTER, SUMMER ISSUE T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! winter 2013 2 It's What's Up Front That Counts By Patricia V. Trotter reprinted with the express written permission of the author, this article first appeared in the December 2012 AKC Gazette If we wish to achieve our goal of breeding quality dogs in fewer numbers, we must set our sights on producing and rewarding dogs with correct front-end assemblies. In my February column, I discussed front-end assembly and the problems associated with incorrect, upright shoulders. Because so many world-class dog people are concerned about the disappearance of correct forequarter structure from the gene pools of our breeds, the subject merits further discussion. The unfortunate fact is that straight shoulders, as incorrect as they may be, appear to facilitate winning in two ways, which makes them very seductive. First, they provide picture-perfect posture, making the dog seem to always be "on" because it cannot "let down" and lower its suspension as easily as a well-angled animal can. Therefore, the dog requires less effort to project the kind of stand-up show dog persona that may impress judges and ringside observers more than the correctly angled dog does. For example, consider the three setter breeds, which were bred to crouch near the birds while the hunter quietly approached with nets to throw over the dogs and the birds. These flexible sporting dogs further utilized their correct angles to lower themselves and crawl out from under the nets in that pre-gun era, leaving the captured birds for the huntsman. Now flash forward to a lineup of setters standing tall and proud in the modern show ring. Chances are that only a precious few have correct shoulder angulation, while there are others that stand out because they are jacked up on incorrect, upright shoulders that contribute to the façade of the show dog. The second way in which straight shoulders facilitate winning is by making it easier for the dog to move straight and with what many perceive as more trueness on the coming-and-going movement. Because the range of motion of the straighter-angled dog is much less than that of the correctly angled one, the reduced distance of forward extension and follow-through shortens the stride, diminishing the room for error. The longer stride provided by the correct shoulder has much more extension and follow-through. Consequently, this greater range of motion allows more room for deviation from absolutely straight movement. Side Gait If the tempting elements described above are indeed seducing breeders and judges into subconsciously rewarding animals with incorrect fronts, how do we turn this trend around? By concentrating on breeding correctly structured forequarters and valuing them more highly. Our expectations for most breeds should be to produce dogs with correctly sloping shoulders that are accompanied by equal length and angle of upper arm. The juncture of these two bones should be close to a right angle. Such a correct forequarter assembly, when complemented by correct hindquarter assembly, would assure efficient, easy and unlabored side gait, displaying the picture of type in motion. Being able to see side gait is much more vital to our assessment of breeding stock than dogs standing on the line or dogs moving straight down and back. Experts studying the side gait of the dog are able to judge how the dog would endure in the field at work. Those dogs able to cover the most ground with the least amount of effort will normally outwork others on a daily basis, as well as on a long-term basis continuing into old age, simply because their correctness accommodates exercise. Because the show ring is not a demanding physical test for an athletic dog, it is difficult to evaluate athleticism in the show ring. Small rings actually support the straighter-shouldered dogs by asking little of them and even hindering their more angulated competition. This is because the animals that are correct never have an opportunity to exhibit their liberty of motion and their efficient, ground-covering side gait before they run out of ring space. In such rings the dice are loaded to favor the straighter-angled dogs that immediately go down and back with restrained and true footfall, even though they may not have the desired side gait. Dogs with well-angled fronts and rears need space in which to warm up. It takes them a few steps T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 3 to get into the rhythm of body control that presents them doing a down-and-back at their best, something they are routinely denied by the limits of time and the confines of space in the show ring environment. An Unfortunate Phenomenon An unfortunate yet interesting phenomenon is occurring in many of our breeds today on a regular basis. Lovely dogs are showing up that have angles of one kind in the forequarters (usually straight) accompanied by angles of another kind in the hindquarters (usually well angulated and occasionally extremely angulated). This, of course, contributes to an exaggerated, sloping topline and takes balance out of the equation. Unhappily, if the incorrect straight front assembly is also forward set, and it usually is, it is able to accommodate the drive provided by the correct rear end, resulting in a picture of side gait that can fool the evaluators. In other words, the front does just enough work to stay out of the way without supplying anything positive to facilitate function. How this type of imbalance contributes to the fatigue factor of an animal at work is another question. Two laps around the show ring simply do not tax any animal enough for us to observe the results of such poorly assembled parts. It is only by observing dogs at work performing their original job description that you can appreciate the disservice breeders render their breed when they keep only show ring performance in their mind's eye. Breeders who strive to produce a correctly constructed animal with the athletic ability to perform its function will need to study a composite of the bones and their angles to obtain an uncomplicated skeletal picture. Utilizing this study process, along with a thorough assessment of gait and physical usefulness, will lead to better dogs with correct front-end assemblies, dogs that are able to tolerate exercise and work. The ideal dog, when standing, will have a well-sloped shoulder with good return of upper arm that brings the elbow under the top of the shoulder blades and well under the rib cage. (Even though a straighter-angled dog may have its elbow under the top of its straight shoulder, the elbow will not come well under the rib cage but will instead be too far forward.) When moving, the ideal dog will exhibit cleanness in coming and going, and efficiency when viewed in profile. Prioritizing If we must sometimes make compromises when we breed, we must value correct and efficient side gait (which is not to be confused with the fastest gait) more if we are to turn the trend around. If we demand correct structure and efficient movement, whatever gaiting trade-offs we must make will not come at the expense of side gait. We will accept that these dogs require more work to learn body control and must spend more time "warming up" before they go into the ring. And we will never forgive straighter-angled dogs for being anything other than true on the down-and-back. Because of their reduced range of motion, when such animals move poorly coming and going they have more serious conformational defects than a simple lack of angulation. I have not addressed the issue of body proportions in this article, although I am aware of the quandary that judges of a square breed are presented with when choosing between a rectangular dog with the most efficient side gait and a correct, square dog that covers less ground. These are difficult choices that should not be made without factoring in desired type. Type is always the major consideration. The suggestions in this article for improving front ends apply to what we might consider the normal, athletic canine performer, a description that applies to most breeds. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule because some dogs are bred to do specific jobs that require a somewhat different conformational configuration. I plan to deal with some of these breed-specific differences in future articles. Meanwhile, our collective sights must be set on rewarding dogs with correct front-end assemblies if we wish to achieve our goal of breeding better dogs in fewer numbers. From the great beyond, such 20th-century experts as the famous Alva Rosenberg would approve and encourage us to proceed. T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 4 Putting Up a Good Front By Patricia V. Trotter reprinted with the express written permission of the author, this article first appeared in the February 2013 While breeders must concentrate on selecting stock with good fronts, so too must judges reward correctlymade dogs. Analyzing the role that superior judges play in contributing influential "know-how" to breeders' decisionmaking has been the focus of my most recent columns, as well as most of my life! Among the experts whom you should treasure and whose opinions you should utilize are those who truly understand front-end assembly and who reward it in the ring whenever possible. There are two reasons I place so much emphasis on judges whose opinions value correct front-end assembly. First, correct fronts are the hardest structural trait to keep in any family of dogs. Second, once correct fronts are lost from the gene pool, they are very difficult, if not impossible, to recover. To further complicate matters, there seems to be widespread misunderstanding about exactly what constitutes a good front. The ideal front assembly is one that stands true when viewed from the front and that features a well-laidback, correct shoulder, as well as good return of upper arm that brings the elbow well under the top of the shoulder blades when viewed from the side. In addition, correct lay-on of the front will ensure proper melding of the blades at the top of the shoulders. Most of all, these elements combine to allow a gait that has great liberty of motion, giving the dog tireless, effortless and efficient locomotion. The front foot moves well out under the head and stays close to the ground, which conserves energy at the same time it helps the dog to "cover a lot of ground." Complications Although this sounds relatively simple, it becomes more complicated when you factor in how the front looks when the dog is coming toward you. The fact is that a correctly made animal with functional and efficient side gait has much more opportunity for error when viewed coming toward you than a straighter-angled dog has. This is because the longer the length of the stride from front-most extension to follow-through under the rib cage, the greater the likelihood for deviation from absolutely straight movement. And consequently, the poorer-constructed front may often be rewarded because it is more likely to satisfy the judge's requirement for so-called "sound" front movement due to its more restricted range of motion. Breeders and judges desire dogs that move straight coming and going. The constant challenge in achieving this is to find the perfect column of support on correctly angled dogs and avoid inadvertently selecting breeding stock with compromised angles just because the animal moves straight when viewed from the front. Although it may be easier to find straight-moving fronts (viewed coming at you) on straighter-shouldered dogs, isn't it counterproductive if a correctly angled front assembly has been sacrificed to achieve it? In my December column it was noted that upright fronts, though undesirable, certainly do contribute to the impression of ramrod-straight, picture-perfect posture that is associated with the ultimate show dog. If straight fronts also make it more likely that a dog will move toward you with what appears to be "trueness," maybe we should ask ourselves this question: Are straight shoulders becoming such a facilitator of wins that we are subconsciously selecting for them? Are straight shoulders so seductive that all of us, breeders and judges alike, are falling into the trap of rewarding incorrect ones because they make winning easier? World-class judges are unanimous in the belief that fronts are, across the board, the most faulty area of our breeds. Some even bemoan the fact that there are breeds that seem to have lost the gene pool for the desired front! This is a serious concern that merits our studious attention. THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! 5 An interesting chain of events started in my own breed, the Norwegian Elkhound, about a half century ago, when the parent club started holding national specialties every three years. (Today the national is held on a biannual basis.) The Norwegian masters who came to judge our breed in the 1960s and '70s included the most knowledgeable people in the history of the breed, and they unanimously voiced their concerns about the stuffy, short-legged animals in America. It was not until 1968 that the standard was revised to elevate the size of the bitch from "about 18 inches" to 19½ inches. Breeders started breeding for leggier puppies and seeking more stately, hunting-type Norwegian Elkhounds. Unfortunately, many dogs were picked simply because they were taller. Little attention was paid to the fact that their straight front ends were contributing to that look. In essence, some breeders neglected to breed for more leg (length of bone) from the elbow down and were just selecting for the tallest puppies. Consequently, they were often inadvertently selecting open-angled animals. Fortunately, as the decades passed and the dogs conformed more to the desired type with extra leg length, breeders began seeking correct front-end assembly and became less forgiving of straight-shouldered animals. Nonetheless, Elkhound breeders today acknowledge that continuing effort is required to breed animals that satisfy the standard. Getting Better With Age In our roles as guardians of our breeds, we must explore what we can do as fanciers to protect well-made fronts. The dogs with more angles require more work to be physically fit than their straighter-fronted brethren do because they are built for work and their structure accommodates exercise more easily. If they are not worked enough to learn body control, they are at a disadvantage. Furthermore, they should be "warmed up" before going into the O ring. This will help them get into their rhythm as well as take the edge off any excessive exuberance. Interestingly enough, dogs with correctly made fronts get better and truer with more work and age, while those with straighter fronts tolerate long-term work poorly, loading up in the shoulders and getting stuffier and bulkier with time. Exactly how successfully good shoulders tolerate hard work in old age was exhibited by a senior hunting bitch at a Plott Hound seminar we attended last year around the time the breed entered AKC competition. The students represented some of dogdom's most knowledgeable people, many of whom remarked that the dogs there, whatever other traits they displayed, all possessed excellent front-end construction. And, of course, they all were competent hunting animals. One judge's observation has haunted me since: "I wonder how long it will be before the American show ring takes its toll on these fronts." Since the ultimate goal of the dedicated breeder and judge is to select correct functional working type, built to endure and to stay healthy well into old age, it makes sense from every point of view to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to retain correctly made animals in our breeding programs. The instant gratification associated with "flyers" who win big at dog shows is simply not worth the long-term sacrifice of valued traits in the gene pools of our beloved breeds. Competent breeders and judges working together to insist on correct fronts will be the trustees of the breeds as we begin a new century. Patricia V. Trotter is a longtime breeder of Norwegian Elkhounds and is approved to judge more than 20 breeds, as well as Junior Showmanship. She is the author of Born to Win. THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! 6 POODLE STRUCTURE Scanned from the book: Poodle Clipping and Grooming The International Reference by Shirlee Kalstone (Howell Book House); from the PCA breed standard, illustrations by Wendell Sammett. THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! 7 POODLE STRUCTURE SUPERB WEBSITE about GAITS http://vanat.cvm.umn.edu/gaits/ NORMAL AND ABNORMAL GAITS http://cal.vet.upenn.edu/projects/ saortho/chapter_91/91mast.htm T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 8 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional POODLE CLUB OF CANADA - ONTARIO REGIONAL SPECIALTY March 17th, 2013 Barrie, ON Judge: David Miller, Mentor, Ohio BIS & Best Canadian Bred In Show GCh. Vetset Kate Winsit - Poodle (Standard) BOS to BIS Marbella Sweet Valentine – Poodle (Miniature) BPIS Marubi Thalpet’s Symphony – Poodle (Standard) Unofficial Classes Best in Bred By Exhibitor Classes in Show Marubi’s Ode To Joy – Poodle (Standard) Best Parti Colour in Show J-C Pioneer’s Sumthin to Tk Bout RAE CGN – Poodle (Standard) Best in Field Trial Class in Show Ch. Bibelot Josol Greysky at Tolka CGN CD WC – Poodle (Standard) Best in Obedience Trial Class in Show Ch. Bibelot Tolka VIP of Vibrant JH WC CDX RE – Poodle (Standard) POODLE (TOY) BB & Best Canadian Bred Ch. Pomroth Sweet Acacia, Bitch, YU430264, 10/22/2011, Breeder: Helen M. Hamilton, by Ch Pomroth Rockstar ex Ch Pomroth Sweet Mesquite, Canada. Owner: Helen Hamilton. Best Baby Puppy Reinehaus The Missing Link, 11/02/2012, Breeder: Barbara Reine, by Reinehaus Gibbs ex Reinehaus White'n Red Aimee, Canada. Owner: Deborah J. Hoskin. Best Parti Colour Paisley`s I Get Delerious, WS312691, 09/28/2009, Breeder: Priscilla Suddard, by Sisco’s ABC’s Parti Mr Mojo ex Ynot I Must Be Crazy At Pioneer CGN, Canada. Owner Priscilla Suddard, Michelle Hope. POODLE (MINIATURE) WD, BW & BB Marbella Sweet Valentine, Listed, 03/12/2005, Breeder: Mr. Patrick Luk, by Ch Minstrel Der Letzte Tanz ex Marqualis Gypsy Melody, Elsewhere. Owner: Mr. Patrick Luk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. RWD Adanac’s Shake Rattle And Roll, ZN478099, 07114/2012, Breeder: Michele Kerr & Alysia Reichertz, by Logo's Causin A Commotion ex Ch Bellefleet Adanac's On My Way, Canada. Owner: Michele Kerr. Agent: Carolyn Savage. WB, BP & BBBE Bellefleet’s Secret Brew, ZJ457l84, 05/26/2012, Breeder: Alysia Y. Reichertz, by Ch Dimarniques Starbucks For Bellefleet CGN ex Ch Bellefleet's Secret Force, Canada. Owner: Alysia Y Reichertz. T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 9 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional RWB Bellefleet Don't Pass Me By, YS431913, 09/30/2011, Breeder: Alysia Reichertz, by Ch Karadale No Way ex Ch Bellefleet's Living In The Fast Lane, Canada. Owner: BOS Ch. Sanvar’s Sinful Pleasure, Bitch, ZA468744, 01/31/2012, Breeder: Anne Bell, by Ch Sanvar Baker's Chocolate Dimarnique ex Ch Amity Mystical Hidden Fantasy O'Sanvar, Canada. Owner: Anne Bell. Agent: Allison Cowie. Best Canadian Bred & Select Dog Ch. Axinite Black Magriffe Thalpet, Dog, XS376211, 09103/2010, Breeder: Peter D. Laventhall-Wolfish, Diana M. Dafoe, Jeanette Dafoe, by Ch Thalpet Black Gem Of Tameral ex Ch Axinite's Signature, Canada. Owner: Peter Laventhall-Wolfish. Agent: Laurie Campbell. Best Parti Colour Honey Bear Silkens Forest Gump, ZA48181 0,01/29/2012, Breeder: Deborah J. Hoskin. by Honey Bear's Lucky Charm ex Honey Bear's Anna Of Oak knoll, Canada. Owner: Deborah J. Hoskin & Lori Silverthorne. POODLE (STANDARD) BB & Best Canadian Bred GCh. Vetset Kate Winset, Bitch, WJ292906, 05/27/2009, Breeder: Dr. Elly Holowaychuck, by Ch Vetset Highfalutin' Hallmark ex Ch Tango Black Tulip, Canada. Owner: Dr. Elly Holowaychuk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. WD & BOS Swag`s The Heat Is On, Listed, 11/11/2011, Breeder: Terri Meyers & Cindy Trosen Sundet, by Feldspar Jukebox Hero ex Berlar Swag Y Not Breamar, Elsewhere. Owner: Terri Meyers. Agent: Allison Cowie. RWD Vetset You Really Got Mee, ZJ458030, 0512912012, Breeder: Dr. Elly Holowaychuck, by Ch Vetset Highfalutin' Hallmark ex GCh Vetset Happy Days, Canada. Owner: Dr. Elly Holowaychuk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. WB, BW & BP Marubi Thalpet’s Symphony, Listed, 05/25/2012, Breeder: Laurie Campbell, Meredith Walker, by Ch Jaset's Satisfaction ex Ch Marubi's Singing In Harmony, Canada. Owner: Peter Laventhall-Wolfish, Laurie Campbell. Agent: Laurie Campbell. RWB & BBE Marubi’s Ode To Joy, Listed, 05/25/2012, Breeder: Laurie Campbell & Meredith Walker, by GCh Jaset's Satisfaction ex Ch Marubi's Singing In Harmony, Canada. Owner: Scott Mcdonald & Laurie Campbell. Best Parti Colour J-C Pioneer’s Sumthin to Tk Bout RAE CGN, 1086605, 05/04/2004, Breeder: Sara Gessner, Julie Rossi, H.Henrickson-Davis, by Maple Corner Right On Target ex Pioneer’s Dynamite Lady JC, Elsewhere. Owner: Priscilla Suddard. Best in Field Trial Class Ch. Bibelot Josol Greysky at Tolka CGN CD WCSW150651, 11/09/2006, Breeder Joan & Sol Falchuk, by Ch Graphic Smoking Gun At Bibelot ex Josol’s Silver Belle, Canada. Owner Debra Drake & Susan R. Fraser. Best in Obedience Trial Class Ch. Bibelot Tolka VIP of Vibrant JH WC CDX RE, WE278439, 03/12/2009, Breeder Susan Fraser, Debra Drake,by Tyldesley Blue North Phoenix ex Ch Bibelot Josol Cherod Silver Joy CD RN, Canada. Owner Vivienne Swarbreck. T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional LICENSED OBEDIENCE TRIAL RESULTS Judge: Paul Oslach, Guelph, ON QUALIFIERS NOVICE B CH EAGLEHILL'S KEEP THEM GUESS N, AGN AGIJ, 1103717,0912612008, Breeder: Tim Garrison & David Williams, by Ch Eaglehill Ravendune Regalia ex Eaglehill's Butterfly Kisses, Elsewhere. Owner: Dawn C. Thomas. POODLE (MINIATURE). Score 196.5 HIGH IN TRIAL NOVICE - INTERMEDIATE KARBITS TNT RUDOLPH VALENTINO, 111 OS44, 11/05/200S, Breeder: Karin Benker, by Dick Tracy Le Papillon ex Yaddas Total Eclipse Of The Heart, Elsewhere. Owner: Melissa Blazak. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 193.5 OPEN B CH BIBELOT TOLKA VIP OF VIBRANT, JH WC CDX RE, WE278439, 03/12/2009, Breeder: Susan Fraser, Debra Drake, by Tyldesley Blue North Phoenix ex Ch Bibelot Josol Cherod Silverjoy, CD RN, Canada. Owner: Vivienne Swarbreck. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 192 BRACE CH PALMAN'S HEART OF ROCKN ROLL, CD RAE2, RU046632, 10/06/2005, Breeder: Elizabeth Pateman, by Manorhill's Rock On ex Ch Saruko Palman Alexi, Canada. Owner: Roslyn D. Beaman, Elizabeth Pateman. POODLE (MINIATURE). CH VANIR'S PALMAN'S BEAU JEST, COX RAE AGNJ WC, MW846265, 11124/2002, Breeder: Charles E. & Louise Fahlgren, by Ch Palman's Icelander ex Michelle's Reflection Of Sarah, Canada. Owner: Roslyn D. Beaman. POODLE (MINIATURE). Score 191.5 VETERANS MOTCH JO WHlRL WINDS ISLAND ROOK, RE WC HT, PC917895, 02/0212004, Breeder: Patricia Rose, by Ch Tudorose Roman Emperor CDX, WC, JH ex Ch Motch Napoli Oneacmepoodlekit, Canada. Owner: Cheryl Ingwersen. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 198 THE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA RALLY TRIAL NOVICE A CH BIBELOT JOSOL GREYSKY AT TOLKA, CGN CD WC, SW150651, lli09/2006, Breeder: Joan Falchuk & Sol Falchuk, by Graphic Smoking Gun At Bibelot ex Josol's Silver Belle, Canada. Owner: Debra Drake & Susan R. Fraser. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 98 CH BIBELOT CHRYSTAL BALL AT TOLKA, CGN, 1110265, 10112/2009, Breeder: Daria Hancock & Mary Sanders, by Ch Blacktie Slyvm Sea ex Ch Chrystal Leyna Cleo Evelyn, Elsewhere. Owner: Debra Drake & Susan Fraser. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 95 BIBELOT TOLKA STEAL MY HEART, YN429393, 071l5/2011, Breeder: Susan R. Fraser, Debra J. Drake, by Bibelot Tolkia VIP of Vibrant, CD RE ex A 'Ward's Steel Magnolia (USA), Canada. Owner: Laura McNally. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 94 T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional CARSON'S STRIKER OF CANTOPE, ZL473583, 06111/2012, Breeder: Cathy Carson, by Silken Cadbury Double Decker ex Carson's Oops A Daisy, Canada. Owner: Diane Welsh. Agent: Peter Welsh. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 74 NOVICE B CH EAGLEHILL'S KEEP THEM GUESS N, AGN AGIJ, 1103717,09/26/2008, Breeder: Tim Garrison & David Williams, by Ch Eaglehill Ravendune Regalia ex Eaglehill's Butterfly Kisses, Elsewhere. Owner: Dawn C. Thomas. POODLE (MINIATURE). Score 100 KEJA SILKEN VEGAS OF CANTOPE, 1117996, 09/23/2011, Breeder: Kenneth & Jacqueline Fargey, by Mithril Silver Bullet Of Cantope ex Keja Edition Fine Spun Silk, Elsewhere. Owner: Diane Welsh. Agent: Amber-Dawn Moss. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 98 TORBEC PERFECTION, UL231133, 06/02/2008, Breeder: T. Gordon Mclntyre, by Torbec That's The Way It Is ex Torbec In Recognition, Canada. Owner: Susan Thome. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 98 COQUETEL HERE FOR A GOOD TIME, XQ385357, 08/07/2010, Breeder: Julia & John Munro, by Ch Coquetel The Apprentice, RN ex Coquetel Current Edition, Canada. Owner: Julia & John Munro. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 95 ALLENSWILLOWLANESCASINOROYALE, XQ379747, 08/17/2010, Breeder: Maryann Farquhar, by Sunset Acres K C Chief ex Allen's Cocoa Moe, Canada. Owner: Diane Welsh. Agent: Deb Martin. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 96 CAROLAINE CANTOPE MADISON AVE, ZA447237, 01/25/2012, Breeder: Gail Morash, by Carolaine Acres' Ulysses S Grant ex Carolaine Acres' Missouri Sassy Lady, Canada. Owner: Diane Welsh. Agent: Sue Ruttan. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 91 CANTOPE'S APPLE BLOSSOM TYME, ZG45Z770, 041l6/Z01Z, Breeder: Diane & Peter Welsh, by Cantope's Texas Cowboy, CGN ex Ch Cantope Keja Maxiliv Sierra, RN, Canada. Owner: Diane Welsh. Agent: Helen Sinclair. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 82 T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional RALLY RESULTS CONTD. ADVANCED B MOTCH 10 WHIRL WINDS ISLAND ROOK, RE WC HT, PC917895, 02/0Z/2004, Breeder: Patricia Rose, by Ch Tudorose Roman Emperor CDX, WC, JH ex Ch Motch Napoli Oneacmepoodlekit, Canada. Owner: Cheryl Ingwersen. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 100 KARBITS TNT RUDOLPH V ALENTlNO, 1110844, 11105/2008, Breeder: Karin Benker, by Dick Tracy Le Papillon ex Yadda's Total Eclipse Of The Heart, Elsewhere. Owner: Melissa Blazak. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 100 CH BIBELOT TOLKA VIP OF VIBRANT, JH WC CDX RE, WE278439, 0311Z/Z009, Breeder: Susan Fraser, Debra Drake, by Tyldesley Blue North Phoenix ex Ch Bibelot Josol Cherod Silverjoy, CD RN, Canada. Owner: Vivienne Swarbreck. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 99 OTCH CANTOPE TRIPLE THREAT RAE, CGN, SE07681Z, 03/ZI/Z006, Breeder: Peter Welsh, by Ch Keja Edition Be Amazed ex Ch Cantope Bibelot Secret Gem, Canada. Owner: Vivienne Swarbreck. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 99 EXCELLENT B OTCH CANTOPE TRIPLE THREAT RAE, CGN, SE07681Z, 03/ZI/Z006, Breeder: Peter Welsh, by Ch Keja Edition Be Amazed ex Ch Cantope Bibelot Secret Gem, Canada. Owner: Vivienne Swarbreck. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 97 MOTCH 10 WHIRL WINDS ISLAND ROOK, RE WC HT, PC917895, 02/0Z/Z004, Breeder: Patricia Rose, by Ch Tudorose Roman Emperor CDX, WC, JH ex Ch Motch Napoli Oneacmepoodlekit, Canada. Owner: Cheryl Ingwersen. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 90 CH BIBELOT TOLKA VIP OF VIBRANT, JH WC CDX RE, WE278439, 0311Z/Z009, Breeder: Susan Fraser, Debra Drake, by Tyldesley Blue North Phoenix ex Ch Bibelot Josol Cherod Silverjoy, CD RN, Canada. Owner: Vivienne Swarbreck. POODLE (STANDARD). Score 88 KARBITS TNT RUDOLPH V ALENTlNO, II 10844, 11105/2008, Breeder: Karin Benker, by Dick Tracy Le Papillon ex Yadda's Total Eclipse Of The Heart, Elsewhere. Score 87 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS - PCC Regional POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS MINIATURE POODLE CLUB OF ONTARIO SPECIALTY SHOW Saturday March 9, 2013 1st Junior Puppy Dog, WD ADELHEID’S COFFEEBEAN, 1120623, 07/31/2012. Breeder Renate Newcomb, by Kamann’s Silver Surfer ex Ch Palman’s Memory Lane, Elsewhere. Owner Chantal Rioux. 2nd Junior Puppy Dog ADANAC'S SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLL, ZN478099, 07114/2012, Breeder: Michele Kerr & Alysia O Causin A Commotion ex Ch Bellefleet Adanac's On My Way, Canada. Owner: Michele Reichertz, by Logo's Kerr. Agent: Carolyn Savage. 1st Open Dog RWD MARBELLA SWEET VALENTINE, LISTED, 03/12/2005, Breeder: Mr. Patrick Luk, by Ch Minstrel Der Letzte Tanz ex Marqualis Gypsy Melody, Elsewhere. Owner: Mr. Patrick Luk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. 1st Bred By Exhibitor Bitch, RWB, BP BELLEFLEET'S SECRET BREW, ZJ457l84, 05/26/2012, Breeder: Alysia Y. Reichertz, by Ch Dimarniques Starbucks For Bellefleet, Cgn ex Ch Bellefleet's Secret Force, Canada. Owner: Alysia Y Reichertz. 1st Open Bitch, WB, BW BELLEFLEET DON'T PASS ME BY, YS431913, 09/30/2011, Breeder: Alysia Reichertz, by Ch Karadale No Way ex Ch Belletleet's Living In The Fast Lane, Canada. Owner: Alysia Reichertz. BB, BCB CH SANVAR'S SINFUL PLEASURE, Bitch, ZA468744, 01/31/2012, Breeder: Anne Bell, by Ch Sanvar Baker's Chocolate Dimarnique ex Ch Amity Mystical Hidden Fantasy O'sanvar, Canada. Owner: Anne Bell. Agent: Allison Cowie. BOS CH BELLEFLEET’S STEALTH FORCE, Dog, YW438105, 11/03/2011, Breeder: Alysia Reichertz, by Ch POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS POODLE CLUB OF ONTARIO SECOND ANNUAL SPECIALTY March 17th, 2013 Barrie, ON Judge: Linda Millman, Hamilton, ON BIS & Best Canadian Bred In Show GCh. Vetset Kate Winsit - Poodle (Standard) BOS to BIS Ch Axinite Black Magriffe Thalpet – Poodle (Miniature) BPIS Gala’s Knowing Me Knowing You – Poodle (Standard) Unofficial Classes Best in Bred By Exhibitor Classes in Show Gala’s Knowing Me Knowing You – Poodle (Standard) Best Parti Colour in Show Jacknic’s Color Of The Steeple – Poodle (Standard) A gathering of Parti Poodles for the UnOfficial Classes POODLE (TOY) BB & Best Canadian Bred Ch. Pomroth Sweet Acacia, Bitch, YU430264, 10/22/2011, Breeder: Helen M. Hamilton, by Ch Pomroth Rockstar ex Ch Pomroth Sweet Mesquite, Canada. Owner: Helen Hamilton. Best Baby Puppy Reinehaus Kindred Spirit, 11/02/2012, Breeder: Barbara Reine, by Reinehaus Gibbs ex Reinehaus White'n Red Aimee, Canada. Owner: Deborah J. Hoskin. POODLE (MINIATURE) WD Marbella Sweet Valentine, Listed, 03/12/2005, Breeder: Mr. Patrick Luk, by Ch Minstrel Der Letzte Tanz ex Marqualis Gypsy Melody, Elsewhere. Owner: Mr. Patrick Luk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. RWD& BP Adanac’s Shake Rattle And Roll, ZN478099, 07114/2012, Breeder: Michele Kerr & Alysia Reichertz, by Logo's Causin A Commotion ex Ch Bellefleet Adanac's On My Way, Canada. Owner: Michele Kerr. Agent: Carolyn Savage. WB, BW & BOS Bellefleet Don't Pass Me By, YS431913, 09/30/2011, Breeder: Alysia Reichertz, by Ch Karadale No Way ex Ch Bellefleet's Living In The Fast Lane, Canada. Owner: RWB& BBE Bellefleet’s Secret Brew, ZJ457l84, 05/26/2012, Breeder: Alysia Y. Reichertz, by Ch Dimarniques Starbucks For Bellefleet, CGN ex Ch Bellefleet's Secret Force, Canada. Owner: Alysia Y Reichertz. BB & Best Canadian Bred Ch. Axinite Black Magriffe Thalpet, Dog, XS376211, 09103/2010, Breeder: Peter D. Laventhall-Wolfish, Diana M. Dafoe, Jeanette Dafoe, by Ch Thalpet Black Gem Of Tameral ex Ch Axinite's Signature, Canada. Owner: Peter Laventhall-Wolfish. Agent: Laurie Campbell. Best Parti Colour Honey Bear’s Mia Of Oakknoll, 1117195, 12/23/2009, Breeder: Kelly Henderson, by Baileys Irish Cream Of Oakknoll ex Oak Knoll’s Fallen Angel, Elsewhere. Owner: Deborah J. Hoskin. T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 SPECIALTY POODLEPOODLE SPECIALTY RESULTSRESULTS - PCC Regional POODLE CLUB OF ONTARIO SECOND ANNUAL SPECIALTY continued POODLE (STANDARD) BB & Best Canadian Bred GCh. Vetset Kate Winset, Bitch, WJ292906, 05/27/2009, Breeder: Dr. Elly Holowaychuck, by Ch Vetset Highfalutin' Hallmark ex Ch Tango Black Tulip, Canada. Owner: Dr. Elly Holowaychuk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. WD & BOS Vetset You Really Got Mee, ZJ458030, 0512912012, Breeder: Dr. Elly Holowaychuck, by Ch Vetset Highfalutin' Hallmark ex GCh Vetset Happy Days, Canada. Owner: Dr. Elly Holowaychuk. Agent: Allison Foley, CPHA. RWD Swag`s The Heat Is On, Listed, 11/11/2011, Breeder: Terri Meyers & Cindy Trosen Sundet, by Feldspar Jukebox Hero ex Berlar Swag Y Not Breamar, Elsewhere. Owner: Terri Meyers. Agent: Allison Cowie. WB, BW BBE & BP Gala’s Knowing Me Knowing You, Listed, 06/18/2012, Breeder: Allison Cowie, Alan Waterman, De Angelo, by Magin Drive Me Crazy ex Ch Alamans Its All About Me, Elsewhere. Owner Kendra Henley, Allison Cowie. Agent Allison Cowie. RWB Marubi`s Ode To Joy, Listed, 05/25/2012, Breeder: Laurie Campbell & Meredith Walker, by GCh Jasset's Satisfaction ex Ch Marubi's Singing In Harmony, Canada. Owner: Scott Mcdonald & Laurie Campbell. Best Parti Colour Jacknic’s Color Of The Steeple, Listed, 07/03/2009, Breeder: Kathleen Esio, by Versailles Color Me Bad ex J-C Pioneer’s Sumthin to Tk Bout RAE CGN Best Parti colour at PCC Ontario Regional Speciality March 17 2013 T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS POODLE CLUB OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGIONAL - CONTD. POODLE CLUB OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGIONAL SPECIALTY May 18th, 2013 Dollard Des Ormeax, QC Judge: Skip Stanbridge BIS Osmanthus Ma Griffe-N (ITA) (Miniature) BOS to BIS Leanns Aces Are Trump (Toy) BPIS Osmanthus Ma Griffe-N (ITA) (Miniature) Best Canadian Bred Bonvivant Macintosh (Toy) Best Bred by Exhibitor in Specialty Gala’s Knowing Me Knowing You (Standard) POODLE (TOY) WD - Leanns Aces Are Trump, Male, 1121370, 20 July-12. Breeder: Kay Hunt by Echocreek’s Mister Bogie Bogart ex Ch Echocreek Diamond Pave, elsewhere, Owner: Leann Jackson RWD - Rainbows Flame Keeper, Male, Lister, 3-sept-12, Breeder: Connie Halcom by Rainbows Lil Bit of Flash ex Rainbows Cinnamon Bliss, elsewhere, Owner: Martin Richard Pallen WB - Rainbow’s Dance to the Music, Female, ERN 13000284, 4-nov-12, Breeder: Connie Halcom by Ch Faustina American Gentleman ex Starz Take N A Bow, elsewhere, Owner: Connie Halcom RWB- Madthai Sweet Harmony, Female, ZQ473597, 5-Aug-12, breeder: Martin Richard Pallen by Kisbur’s Red Hot Fox ex Kisbur’s Cherry Cordial, Canada, Owner: Cindy Scully & Martin R Pallen BOB - Leanns Aces Are Trump, Male, 1121370, 20 July-12. Breeder: Kay Hunt by Echocreek’s Mister Bogie Bogart ex Ch Echocreek Diamond Pave, elsewhere, owner Leann Jackson BOS - Rainbow’s Dance to the Music, Female, ERN 13000284, 4-nov-12, Breeder: Connie Halcom by Ch Faustina American Gentleman ex Starz Take N A Bow, elsewhere, Owner: Connie Halcom BOW & BPIB- Leanns Aces Are Trump, Male, 1121370, 20 July-12. Breeder: Kay Hunt by Echocreek’s Mister Bogie Bogart ex Ch Echocreek Diamond Pave, elsewhere, Owner : Leann Jackson POODLE: (MINIATURE) WD - Light N’Lively at Leanns, Male, 1120197, 12-Aug-12, Breeder: Joan Markowitz by Kiyara Living out Loud ex Light N’ Lively Sweet’N up, elsewhere, Owner: Leann Jackson WB - Osmanthus Ma Griffe-N (ITA), Female, ZS490224, 22-Sept-12, Breeder: Bruno Nodalli by Nutlee Ennis Del Mar ex Osmanthus Alluresensuelle, N, Elsewhere, Owner: Pearl Bouchard T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 POODLE SPECIALTY RESULTS POODLE CLUB OF CANADA - QUEBEC REGIONAL, continued RWB - Leanns Dark Enchantress, Female, ZL463592, 8 June -12, Breeder Leeann Jackson by Echocreeks Chronicle of Juniper CGN ex Ch Palman’s Angel Dust of Leanns, Canada, Owner: Leann Jackson BOB - Osmanthus Ma Griffe-N (ITA), Female, ZS490224, 22-Sept-12, Breeder: Bruno Nodalli by Nutlee Ennis Del Mar ex Osmanthus Alluresensuelle, N, Elsewhere, Owner: Pearl Bouchard BOS - Light N’Lively at Leanns, Male, 1120197, 12-Aug-12, Breeder: Joan Markowitz by Kiyara Living out Loud ex Light N’ Lively Sweet’N up, elsewhere, Owner: Leann Jackson BOW & BPIB - Osmanthus Ma Griffe-N (ITA), Female, ZS490224, 22-Sept-12, Breeder: Bruno Nodalli by Nutlee Ennis Del Mar ex Osmanthus Alluresensuelle, N, Elsewhere, Owner: Pearl Bouchard N, Elsewhere, Owner: Pearl Bouchard SELECT FEMALE - Ch Laporte Lady Guinevere Shetara, Female, TJ64303, 23 May-07, Breeder: Douglas C Hill, Sherry I. Hill, by Clas Haus WIld Crd ex Ch White Magic Feel Precious, Canada, Owner: Genevieve Lafrance POODLE - (STANDARD) WB - Gala’s Knowing Me Knowing You,Female, Listed, 18-Jun-12, Breeder: Allison Cowie, Alan Waterman, De Angelo, by Maagins Driving me Crazy ex Ch Alaman’s It’s All About Me, elsewhere, Owner: Allison Cowie, Kendra Henley RWB - Sandhill Ruby Slippers at Moet, Female, ZN466173, 1 Jul-12, Breeder: Janis M. Bate by Bibelot Tolka Vip of Vibrant ex Moet Sandhill Talk of the Town, Canada, Owner: Janis M Bates & Lise Purkis BOB & BPIB Gala’s Knowing Me Knowing You,Female, Listed, 18-Jun-12, Breeder: Allison Cowie, Alan Waterman, De Angelo, by Maagins Driving me Crazy ex Ch Alaman’s It’s All About Me, elsewhere, Owner: Allison Cowie, Kendra Henley Best In Specialty and Best Puppy In Specialty Osmanthus Ma Griffe-N (ITA) Breeder - Bruno Nodalli Owner - Pearl Bouchard May 18 2013 T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS Ch. Bellefleet Don’t Pass Me By “Miata” – Black Miniature bitch - owned & bred by Alysia Reichertz (Can. Am. Ch. Karadale No Way ex BISS Am.SGCh. & MBISS Can. Ch. Bellefleet’s Living In The Fast Lane) Shown finishing her Championship at the Kent Kennel Club show April 2013 by taking a BEST IN SHOW from the Open Bitch Class under Virginia Lyne and Jack Ireland. She followed this up by taking BEST IN SHOW again the next day under Mario Di Vanni. Thank you all! Miata was also BW at the MPCO Specialty and BW and BOS at the PCO Specialty. Way to go Miata and handler Kim Wendling. Bellefleet Reg’d Alysia Reichertz joanne@bellefleet.com 519-843-7728 T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! 16 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS Ruby, Sandhill Ruby Slippers At Moet, went WB, BOS and Best Puppy In Specialty at the OVPC specialty in Arnprior. Daughter of Troy, CH Bibelot Tolka VIP of Vibrant and Libby, Moet Sandhill Talk Of The Town. Submitted by Janis Bates of Sandhill Standard Poodles Cavri Devil Made Me Do It...aka Leonard went Best of Breed and Group 2nd at Kitchener Dog Show!!! submitted by Cathy Siverns Cavri Toy Poodles Perm Reg. http://www.execulink.com/ ~csiverns/cavri_toys.htm THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS Our “COLE” son “ACE”, finished his U.S. Championship title in short order, at 10 months old, with 4 Majors, beautifully presented by Becky & Jeff Arch. His first weekend out in Canada resulted in back to back to back WD, BOW and a BPIG, for 4 points. Thank you to the judges who recognized this beautiful young dog’s quality and showmanship. Owned & Loved by Ora Marcus, Ormar Standard Poodles, Perm. Reg’d. www.ormarpoodles.com Ch. Bellefleet’s Secret Brew “Brew” – Black Miniature bitch - owned & bred by Alysia Reichertz (Can. UKC. Ch. Dimarniques Starbucks for Bellefleet ex Can. Ch. Bellefleet’s Secret Force) Shown finishing her Championship at the Ottawa Valley Poodle Club Annual Specialty May 2013 Thanks to handler Kim Wendling. Bellefleet Reg’d Alysia Reichertz joanne@bellefleet.com 519-843-7728 THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS My new pup "Yolo" Brielle's You Only Live Once went Best Baby Puppy In Show at Ontario breeders association show. This was his first weekend out and he had a blast! Submitted by Priscilla Suddard CH. EAGLEHILL’S KEEP THEM GUESS N, AGIJ, AGN, RN, FM, HIC, HIT(Am/Can Ch. Eaglehill Ravendune Regalia T.P. x Am. Ch. Eaglehill’s Butterfly Kisses) “Denim” is off to a great start in his obedience career. Competing in the Novice B class at the Poodle Club of Canada Regional Specialty “Denim” obtained his Second Leg towards his CD title with a First in Class and High in Trial. “Denim” also obtained his third leg in Novice Rally to complete his RN title with a perfect score of 100 and a First placement. We are hoping to finish “Denim’s” CD this spring and will then concentrate on his Agility Excellent level titles and perhaps a WC title this summer. Follow Denim on his blog at www.cheaglehillskeepthemguessn.blogspot.ca A special Thank you to Judge Paul Oslach for this memorable win and to all those involved in putting on a great Regional Specialty. Owned, trained and Loved by: Casryn Reg. Dawn Thomas THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS Sookie- CH Violet's Epique True Blood RN CGN got a high in class to complete her Rally Novice title. submitted by Tory Tomblin New CD Title for “Denim” Ch. Eaglehill’s Keep them Guess N, AgI, AgIj, CD, RN, HIC, HIT “Denim” Completed his Novice Obedience title at Swansea Dog Obedience with a score of 196 and a second placement under judge MarieJohanne Cloutier. “Denim” is just getting started in his performance career and has accomplished so much in the past year. I look forward to our many more years together in the ring. Watch for “Denim” and his daughter “Scandal” in the performance rings. Owned, trained and Loved by: Dawn Thomas Casryn Reg. www.cheaglehillskeepthemguessn.blog spot.ca THE POODLE SCENE spring 2013 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS Ch. Eaglehill’s Keep them Guess N, AgI, AgIj, CD, RN, HIC, HIT Pictured at the KW Kennel Club agility trial, “Denim” obtained his last “Q” with a first placement for his Standard Intermediate Agility title. He also obtained his first “Q” towards his Excellent Jumpers. Although “Denim” is versatile, I must admit Agility is his favorite sport! We will be working this summer towards his Excellent standard and jumpers titles, so watch for Denim in the agility rings at Belleville, Flamborough, Ottawa and Long Sault trials. Owned, trained and Loved by: Dawn Thomas Casryn reg. www.cheaglehillskeepthemguessn.blogspot.ca Photo by Renee Koch, Gardenpath Standard Poodles Spring is in the Air: 9 week old Glicks Springtime Aria (Aria) takes a flying leap at Glicks Keeper of my Heart CD RN CGN HIC (Keeper). Photo by T H E P O O D L E S C E N E! spring 2013 POODLE HUMOUR THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3! Health Testing and News DEPARTMENTS of RADIOLOGY NEUROLOGY & PSYCHOLOGY Do you own, breed, or handle miniature or standard poodles? • Researchers at the University of Missouri would like to invite you to participate in a research study examining social behavior in miniature and standard poodles. • Participation in this study involves the completion of an online survey. Owners, breeders, or handlers of miniature and/or standard poodles are eligible for the survey. This survey asks about the general social behaviors of a dog, such as attention, gesturing, and eye contact. Other information collected by the survey includes general health and training information. • This study will provide insight into dog social behavior and how it relates to human behavior, especially in terms of social disorders such as autism. Shelley Green-‐Wooldridge, AKC handler, has advised the study investigators that social behaviors similar to autism have been observed in a subset of miniature and standard poodles. With thirty years of experience in working with poodles, Green-‐Wooldridge believes that this breed seems to be most appropriate to study for social behavior. • Please join us in helping to conduct this study. If you would like to participate, please follow the link below for the survey. If you currently have more than one poodle, please complete one survey for each poodle. Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MiniaturePoodleSocialSurvey If you are interested in being contacted for future research studies, please email Rachel Zamzow at rachel.zamzow@mail.missouri.edu with your contact information. Feel free to contact Rachel Zamzow with any questions or concerns. Glicks Midsummer BlueSky RN AKA Tyler; with blossom dust on his face enjoying spring 2012 THE POODLE SCENE SPRING 2 0 1 3!