The Poodle Tales Book Three: The Poodle Talent Show


The Poodle Tales Book Three: The Poodle Talent Show
The Poodle Tales
Book Three: The Poodle Talent Show
Written by Toni Tuso Faber
Illustrated by Benton Rudd
Written by
Toni Tuso Faber
Illustrated by Benton
Author creator......................... Toni Tuso Faber
Executive Manager........................ Bruce Faber
Production Manager.....................Jonny Zurba
Illustrator...................................... Benton Rudd
Voice-over.........................Amber Lee Connors
Executive Assistant........Ashley Zitlaly Munoz
Animation..................................... John Emurai
Audio Effects.......... Adrian Ross, Jonny Zurba
Lyrics........................................ Toni Tuso Faber
Website Design.......................... Jennifer Gross
Website Optimization...............Patrick Ellison
App Developer........................... Michelle Mata
The Poodle Tales, Book Three: The Poodle Talent Show
Copyright © Toni Tuso Faber. All rights reserved.
THE POODLE TALES and The Poodle Talent Show are trademarks and service marks of Toni Tuso Faber.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are
used fictitiously and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For more information, e-mail all inquiries
Published by Mindstir Media
PO Box 1681 | Hampton, New Hampshire 03843 | USA
1.800.767.0531 |
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN-13: 978-0-9886409-8-6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012953826
Visit Toni Tuso Faber on the World Wide Web:
With thanks to Cheryl and Caryn Alpert of XIV Karats Ltd.,
Beverly Hills, for their tremendous support!
Now it’s been six weeks since that day of April five,
The birthday of our twelve poo pups, the day they all arrived.
Their colored bows which now were snug and showing signs of wear,
Were replaced with larger bows that fit and wouldn’t tear.
As children do, poodles too grow up with different traits.
Some had very thick coats and some were ultra tall,
The perfect choice of homes would insure their happy fates.
Colors varied drastically and one was extra small.
Just like you are so not like your sister or your brother,
Every single puppy here was different from the other.
Most of them accepting of anything that’s new,
Searching out adventure or something new to chew!
The pink-bowed girl was a little meek, unusual for a poodle.
If startled by a noise, then quickly she’d skadoodle.
Most were very active, a few though not as much,
Another seemed to feel content just lying in your lap,
All were loving cuddlers, fun to teach and walk and such.
To calm your soul and make you smile and perhaps enjoy a nap.
Some spent countless hours just playing ball outside.
And some liked being on the go, always waiting for that ride.
One thing for sure, a given fact, each poo had such ability,
All, of course, were sweet and smart, each one was quite impressive.
Could it be a super nose or maybe star agility?
And as they all were poodle pups, no one was aggressive.
Their nature varied drastically, each with a gifted talent.
And as I said, some were meek but some were downright gallant.
Much older now, each puppy had decisions they must make.
Each had to choose their final home for every poodle’s sake.
Their homes would be the place to spread the love each had to give,
With humans there to love them back, a perfect place to live.
With this in mind, late that night, cuddled in a heap,
Their discussion led to worry and their worry led to fright.
Just before these puppies should have fallen fast asleep,
Apparently this could be a long and sleepless night.
The subject of new homes came up in conversation.
“How will we ever do it? How can we ever choose?”
How exactly would each choose their final destination?
Said a saddened poodle girl, with a case of poodle blues.
“Oh, oh, I know! I have it!” said another wide-eyed poo.
For instance, those who like to run might choose a special yard.
“I have a great idea of what we all should do.
For those who need a job, perhaps a home that needs a guard.
To help select the best homes to which we each will go,
We’ll choose our homes and humans by what we want and need.”
Let’s show each other our best stuff in a poodle talent show!
With that the poo pups giggled and everyone agreed.
They fell asleep with dreams about their poodle talent show,
But rested in the morning, the suspense began to grow.
So on this day in June, the blue sky filled with sun,
They’d solved a major problem, replacing it with fun!
The first step for these poo pups, was to plan their talent show,
Deciding on an order, who’d be first and last to go.
The End