May - Poodle Club of Canada
May - Poodle Club of Canada
M AY 2011 ISSUE THREE VOLUME THE POODLE SCENE SPRING EDITIOn CONTENTS: PAGE # Susan Fraser Interview OVPC Specialty Results - Obedience and Rally Important Notice Regarding Nominations Congratulations to our members PCC EXECUTIVE as of April 1st 2011 DON’T FORGET TO SEND YOUR P.C.A. & P.C.C. RESULTS FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER. PLEASE SEND BRAGS, PHOTOS, STORIES, ADS, RECIPES, WHATEVER IS POODLEY! DEADLINE JUNE 30th 2011. LKGLICKMAN@VIDEOTRON.CA P.C.C. PREMIUM LIST IS OUT- COME TO OUR SPECIALITY AT EERIE SHORES JUNE 2-5. http:// /mjnplists/ erieshorespl2011.pdf 2 -3 4 - 10 11 12 NEWSLETTER EDITOR THANK YOU, President Cheryl Ingwersen First VP Debby DaCosta Second VP Mary Jane Weir Treasurer Vivienne Swarbreck MERCI ! LISA KIMBERLY GLICKMAN Secretary Anne Bell Recording Sectretary Debra Drake Directors: Ora Marcus - PQ Dr. Joanne Reichertz - ON Jacqueline Fargey AL in conversation with Susan Fraser reprinted with the express written permission of both Susan Fraser and Dogs in Canada Magazine.... This interview originally appeared in the April/May 2011 issue of Dogs in Canada. Bibelot Perm Reg’d Standard Poodles. When did you become involved with purebred dogs? My parents purchased a Standard Poodle in the mid-ʼ40s before Poodles became popular. About that time Bay Meyers began her obedience classes, to which I took our Poodle. We were both quick learners (we won three pounds of Laura Secord chocolates on graduation night!). Bay Meyers encouraged me to enter an obedience trial – we came second High in Trial and won a trophy. Of course we had to finish that CD. My parents were travelling and as they had arranged to leave our Poodle with the breeder, they jokingly asked if the breeder would consider boarding me too. Mistake. I brought home a puppy that quickly became a champion and earned her UD. Then puppies. Dog breeders all know the story. What drew you to the breed? Everything I tried with our first Poodles proved successful. I soon learned to groom and other Poodle owners asked me to groom their dogs. That money helped pay university expenses. I opened the Poodle Studio in Toronto. By then I was breeding and showing white, black and apricot Standard Poodles, gaining champion- ships and obedience titles. Then the puppy of our dreams was born. ʻTrampʼ gained his Canadian and American championships with group wins as a puppy. But what to do with him, as we were living in a one-bedroom apartment? Solution: Send him to England for 18 months to our friend Marilyn Willis, who guided him to his English championship and many Bests in Show, culminating in Crufts Reserve BIS in 1966 and Englandʼs Dog of the Year. As well, no one could ask for a better family companion. What struggles do you see facing the breed? Poodles are popular as they come in all sizes and colours. The breed standard says that any solid colour is acceptable in the conformation ring, but that doesnʼt stop particoloured Poodles from being bred and entered in all the other competition events open to purebred dogs. Poodle breeders also THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 2 have to contend with Poodle crosses. So-called breeders want to breed other breeds to Poodles because a Poodle is exceedingly bright and lovable and does not shed. These characteristics are promoted. Pups are fluffy and cute. The public falls for them. Most recently, breeders must decide whether to leave tails long, or dock. What activities do they excel at? The show coat may not appeal to most people but there is an exceedingly intelligent, willing-to-please Poodle under all that hair. The hunting gene is still evident, even in the Miniatures and Toys. Poodles make excellent therapy dogs, special-needs companions and all-round reliable family companions. You will find Poodles competing and taking high scores (or zero, if they so wish) in all dog sports. In my opinion there is no more versatile breed. Watch them work. They are laughing and enjoying themselves. What are your breeding priorities? I want my dogs to maintain the intelligence and charm that makes a Poodle so adaptable. The appearance of the ideal show Poodle has changed over these 60 years from a solid, sound, slightly longer-bodied dog into one thatʼs ultra-refined, high on leg and rather narrow- headed. Showing has become a hairdressing skill. Canʼt we find a happy medium? I want a Poodle sound of body and mind. I want that joie de vivre to shine forth. Every breed has its health issues. As breeders we must face them in our breeding program, do the suggested genetic testing and support canine research programs. How would you like to be remembered? I have had fun with Standard Poodles, taken on new challenges and encouraged and mentored others. I enjoy evaluating pups and then seeing how well they turn out. I enjoy working with Poodle Club of Canada members to turn out our annual specialty shows. I have never wanted to be a judge because a judge is restricted in what he or she can do outside the ring. I would like to thank all those who have encouraged and influenced me in my goal to breed Poodles of quality. Susan Fraserʼs Bibelot prefix was registered in 1953 and has produced over 180 conformation, obedience, agility and field champions, the most famous being Eng., Am. & Can. Ch. Bibelotʼs Tall Dark and Handsome CDX, Englandʼs Dog of the Year in 1965 and Reserve Best in Show at Crufts in 1966. More recently, Bibelot Standard Poodles have taken top honours in field events. Susan resides with her husband Don in Gravenhurst, Ont. PHOTOS COURTESY OF SUSAN FRASER THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 3 Ottawa Valley Poodle Club Obedience and Rally Specialty, Results Saturday, March 26th 2011, Obedience Trial High In Trial Judge: Gail Wormington Golden Retriever GMOTCh Morninglo's Traces Of Lace Novice A - Gail Wormington Ch Polobar's Hit The Road Jack Dawnoday's Rockin Robbie Samoyed Barbara Heal 193 Shetland Sheepdog Brian and Carolyn Lynch 192 Novice B - Gail Wormington Ch GAD's Nova Scotia Duck Quintessential KD's Tolling Retriever Treasure Rideauview's Push To Golden Retriever River Gaylan's I Am Not A Golden Retriever Gaggle Shelagh MacDonald 197 Bruce Gibbons 196 Frances Holmes 195 Open A - Gail Wormington English Cocker Spaniel Diane Solman 190 Flat-Coated Retriever 197 Cedarstone's Elfin Sprite Open B - Gail Wormington William McKissock Ch Knightcastle Dagonet Does Jest THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 4 Standard Poodle Lisa Day 197 Shetland Sheepdog Helene Dargis 197 Golden Retriever Louise Bastien 197 Shetland Sheepdog Helene Dargis 196 Shetland Sheepdog Lynda Morrissey 194 GMOTCh Tudorose Smooth Operator MOTCh Silkseal Pandamonium Utility - Gail Wormington GMOTCh Morninglo's Traces Of Lace MOTCh Silkseal Pandamonium GMOTCh Hunterbraes Jade Enchantress Saturday March 26th Obedience Trial High In Trial Judge: Michelle Armitage Standard Poodle GMOTCh Tudorose Smooth Operator Novice A - Michelle Armitage Ch Albanor Full O'The Spirit Jake Golden Retriever Lindsay Harvey 196 Labrador Retriever Maureen McLaughlin 195 Novice B - Michelle Armitage THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 5 Rideauview's Push To Golden Retriever River Gaylan's I Am Not A Golden Retriever Gaggle Ch GAD's Nova Scotia Duck Quintessential KD's Tolling Retriever Treasure Bruce Gibbons 197 Frances Holmes 196 Shelagh MacDonald 195 Suzanne Cogswell 189 Standard Poodle Lisa Day 199 Flat-Coated Retriever William McKissock 198 Pamela Martin 197 Golden Retriever Louise Bastien 198 Golden Retriever Pamela Martin 198 Shetland Sheepdog Lynda Morrissey 197 Open A - Michelle Armitage Ch Jaegerhouse's Gucci Boxer Wins All Open B - Michelle Armitage GMOTCh Tudorose Smooth Operator Ch Knightcastle Dagonet Does Jest OTCh Gaylan's High Golden Retriever Roller Utility - Michelle Armitage Morninglo's Northern Exposure OTCh Gaylan's High Roller GMOTCh Hunterbraes Jade Enchantress THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 6 Open B - Michelle Armitage Standard Poodle Lisa Day 199 Flat-Coated Retriever William McKissock 198 Pamela Martin 197 Betty Despard 196 GMOTCh Tudorose Smooth Operator Ch Knightcastle Dagonet Does Jest OTCh Gaylan's High Golden Retriever Roller OTCh Sanvar's Mighty Miniature Poodle Mouse Saturday March 26th, Rally Obedience Trial Judge Rod Beaudry Novice A - Rod Beaudry Sandbrook's Miss Staples Ch Highrails Current Edition Highrails Ariel Pursuit Australian Shepherd Lucie Marie Guilbert 94.0 Australian Shepherd Lucie Marie Guilbert 91.0 Australian Shepherd Lucie Marie Guilbert 89.0 Linda Sheldrick 96.0 Terry Pearce Raymonde Roy 96.0 90.0 Lisa Day 89.0 Patti Waddell 93.0 Novice B - Rod Beaudry MOTCh Nanjay's English Springer Common Cents Spaniel Ch Tudorose Munroe Standard Poodle Cosak des Trois Petits Hovawart Diables Ch Bibelot Josol Cherod Standard Poodle Silverjoy Advanced A - Rod Beaudry Ch Wynsum Knight Dreamweaver THE POODLE SCENE Bearded Collie POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 7 Advanced B - Rod Beaudry Thistlecrest Zac Macbarra Ellayna Border Collie Shetland Sheepdog Chris Corbett 89.0 Margaret Revine; Brian 83.0 Williams Excellent B - Rod Beaudry Bravepoint's Mud Puddle Bellefleet Glicks Sarsaparilla Pointer (German Short- Gail Docherty Haired) Standard Poodle L K Glickman 92.0 86.0 Sunday, March 27, 2011 - Obedience Trial High In Trial Judge: Gail Wormington Golden Retriever OTCh Gaylan's High Roller Novice A - Gail Wormington Ch Glick's Midsummer Night Nala SS Maritime Splish Splash Blackcomb's Waiting For Ewe Standard Poodle L K Glickman 188 Newfoundland Judi Walton 183 Belgian Shepherd Dog Wendy Beard 181 Golden Retriever Bruce Gibbons 197 Golden Retriever Frances Holmes 195 Whippet Katherine Darbyshire 187 Newfoundland John & Joan Fisher 186 Flat-Coated Retriever William McKissock 198 Pamela Martin 198 Novice B - Gail Wormington Rideauview's Push To River Gaylan's I Am Not A Gaggle Clearhounds Pell Mell Open A - Gail Wormington SS Maritime Altantiika Open B - Gail Wormington Ch Knightcastle Dagonet Does Jest OTCh Gaylan's High Golden Retriever Roller THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 8 Utility - Gail Wormington OTCh Gaylan's High Roller GMOTCh Hunterbraes Jade Enchantress Ch Toplooks Mystic River Golden Retriever Pamela Martin 198 Shetland Sheepdog Lynda Morrissey 197 Golden Retriever Esther Cox 193 Sunday March 27th Obedience Trial High In Trial Judge: Michelle Armitage Shetland Sheepdog GMOTCh Hunterbraes Jade Enchantress Novice A - Michelle Armitage Ch Mikea's Catch A Falling Star Dawnoday's Rockin Robbie Belcanto Laurchel's Tempi Ch Glick's Midsummer Night Nala Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Shetland Sheepdog Julie Guilmet 194 Golden Retriever Beth McKibbin 187 Standard Poodle L K Glickman 187 Mary Turcin 175 Lisa Day 198 Brian and Carolyn Lynch 189 Open A - Michelle Armitage Kerrera Flying BC Skipper Shetland Sheepdog Open B - Michelle Armitage Standard Poodle GMOTCh Tudorose Smooth Operator THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 9 Standard Poodle Cathie Newey 196 Welsh Springer Spaniel Nelly Benabou 195 Ch OTCh Sandhill's Material Girl Nafeesa Wind Of Change Ch OTCh Ellery's Bright Standard Poodle Star In Nixie Terry Pearce 194 POODLE HUMOUR below submitted by Ora Marcus and Nancy Milroy Musters THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 10 From the April Meeting Minutes: According to the constitution the Vice and Second Vice must be filled from the board. Joanne Reichertz declined V.P., Teresa Myrfield accepted first V.P., Ora Marcus accepted second V.P. . According to the constitution the vacant directors are appointed by the executive. At the board meeting a number of nominations were put forth. Janice Bates became director for Quebec , Margot Jorgensen became director for BC. All these appointments and changes to the executive/ board have been confirmed. Nominating committee will be chaired be Suzanne Loblaw and will represent all regions of the country. Nominations for the executive must be received by May 1st for the May 2011 meeting. Please confirm that the member nominated is willing to run for office. ALL POSITIONS OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS DURING A REGULAR ELECTION CID=WSAVA2006&Category=2686&PID=16050&Print=1&O=Generic article of interest - inbreeding, genetic diversity, infertility..... If you have a poodle with ANY genetic disorder, or have bred one- do the RIGHT thing as a member of Poodle Club of Canada and enter the information in the Poodle Health databases to help us all with research and pedigree information: Poodle Health Registry: Poodle Club of Canada Data base:Health Survey -< How the doctor almost killed her dog....interesting blog entry by a doctor by treating him with Ibuprofen.... THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 11 CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW TITLE HOLDERS Ch. Bellefleet Dimarniques Dynamite "Dyna" (left) Black Miniature bitch -owned by Alysia Reichertz, bred by Alysia Reichertz & Mary Ann Dirocco (Can.Am.UKC Ch.Bellefleet Dynamic Force ex Can.Am.Ch. Dimarnique’s Limited Edition) Shown finishing her Championship at the Scarborough Show - March 2011. Second Champion for her sire “Mic” Bellefleet Reg’d Alysia Reichertz 519-843-7728 Ch. Bellefleet Back To Basics "Base" Black Miniature dog - owned by Alysia Reichertz, bred by Alysia Reichertz & Anne Bell (Can.Am.UKC Ch.Bellefleet Dynamic Force ex Sanvar Bellefleet Brooks) Shown finishing his Championship at the Nickel Show - March 2011. Third Champion For his sire “Mic” Bellefleet Reg’d Alysia Reichertz 519-843-7728 THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 12 CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW TITLE HOLDERS Ch. Dimarniques Bellefleet Edition "Edi" Black Miniature bitch - owned by Mary Ann Dirocco, bred by Alysia Reichertz & Mary Ann Dirocco (Can.Am.UKC Ch.Bellefleet Dynamic Force ex Can.Am.Ch. Dimarnique’s Limited Edition) Shown finishing her Championship at the Credit Valley Show - December 2010. First Champion for her sire “Mic” Bellefleet Reg’d Alysia Reichertz 519-843-7728 Congratulations to Cathie Newey and Chablis (Ch OTCh Sandhill's Material Girl) for having recently earned their GMOCh and OTCh Ex. Chablis is currently the second highest scoring Obedience Poodle in Canada. She turns 4 years old May 7th. Cathie and Chablis are also training in Agility and are about to learn water retrieving. Photo here shows Cathie with Michelle Armitage at the OVPC trial. Submitted by Janis Bates, Sandhill Photo by L.K. Glickman THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 13 CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW TITLE HOLDERS Spur "UKC CH TSF Paisley's Ride a Cowboy " finished his CKC Rally Novice title in 3 straight trials. 1st leg was at the purina national and the last 2 at belleville the following weekend with scores of 97 98 and a perfect 100 ! The boy sure likes to work. submitted by Priscilla Suddard; http:// www.multicoloredpoodleclubofam poodlewoman2 One of my poodles (a puppy I bred and kept ) Sunshine was in a runway show during Toronto Fashion week. The company is Korhani a rug maker which choose to showcase their rugs by fashioning them into wearable? art. The black standard is Henry owner by another groomer. It was great fun and Sunny was quite the sensation as she was PINK. So many pictures were taken of her . Cilla and the gang THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 14 CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW TITLE HOLDERS Ch. Valmara’s Lost in Translation (Davka) finished his Canadian championship from the puppy classes with another Best Puppy in Group win. Submitted by Marra Messinger Ch. Glicks Midsummer Night Nala RN earned her last Rally Novice Leg and first two CD legs (in two trials) at the Ottawa Valley Poodle Club Trials March 26 & 27, with a first place and a second place . She looks a little worried about the ribbons on her neck but she sure was happy in the ring with her metronome tail flagging away. Lisa Kimberly Glickman GLICKS STANDARD POODLES photo by Terry Blenkarn THE POODLE SCENE POODLE CLUB OF CANADA NEWSLETTER SPRING 2011 page # 15
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