ALPHA CHI OMEGA Iota Phi The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega


ALPHA CHI OMEGA Iota Phi The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega
February and March 2015
Iota P hi
The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega welcome the
Spring ’15 new member class!
After a very put together COB Week, headed by VP of Recruitment Julie
Ursch, Alpha Chi Omega Iota Phi welcomed home 12 new sisters on February
8th. Screaming sisters and our VP of New Member Education, Lizzy Donovan
greeted the new member class. Lizzy will be teaching them all they must know
before their initiation on April 15th. Congratulations to our Spring ’15 class, we
are so happy to have new sisters!
February and March 2015
Healthy Relationships Week
February 9 - 13, 2015
From February 9th through February 13th
our sisters celebrated Healthy
Relationships Week. Throughout the week
various Greek organizations and sisters
posted pictures saying what love means to
them and how to maintain healthy
relationships. Although our campaign was
only a week we should always remind
ourselves what love is and what makes a
healthy relationship. To the sisters of Alpha
Chi Omega love is always respect!
Culture Dinner
February 25, 2015
When it comes to Alpha Chi Omega and a
potluck dinner there is rarely anyone who
misses the occasion. On February 25th all
sisters came together for a new take on our
traditional culture dinner. VP of Membership
Programming Danielle Schrieber and Culture
Dinner Chair Katherine DiConza planned a
Potluck dinner that divided sisters into
countries and called for the sisters to bring
food from their designated country. From
McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets, to Calzones,
all sisters left with happy full stomachs.
February and March 2015
February 28, 2015
Many of our sisters participated in QTHON on
Saturday February 28th. QTHON is Quinnipiac
University’s dance marathon that welcomes
students, friends, and family to come together
to raise awareness and donations for
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Our
sisters had a blast meeting children that attend
CCMC, dancing the night away with sisters,
and helping QTHON raise $55K. We can’t wait
for next year!
February and March 2015
Big Little Reveal
March 18, 2015
On Wednesday March 18th, our Spring ’15
class got their big sisters! The potential littles
received presents on Monday and Tuesday.
Littles were greeted excitedly by their bigs who
hid behind bed sheets in Burt Kahn waiting
patiently to welcome home their littles to their
families. We are so excited for all the Bigs and
February and March 2015
Laser Tag
March 21, 2015
On Saturday March 21st our sisters
attended the first off campus sisterhood
event in a very long time. With their game
faces on, our sisters left Quinnipiac and
headed to Laser Quest in Newington,
Connecticut for an intense afternoon of some
sister competition. Thanks to VP of
Membership Programing Danielle Schreiber
for hosting such an awesome event!
The Golden Lyre Gala
March 27, 2015
On Friday March 27, our sisters and their dates boarded 6 buses and headed to
Anthony’s Ocean View in New Haven for our Alpha Chi Omega Formal, also known as
The Golden Lyre Gala. The evening was filled with impressive dance moves and
delicious food. Thank you to the Risk Management committee for planning such a fun
and safe night for all to enjoy!
February and March 2015
K E E P I N TO U C H :
April 12, 2015
Wa l k A M i l e I n H e r S h o e s
Fa c e b o o k : A l p h a C h i O m e g a a t
Q u i n n i p i a c U n i ve r s i t y
Tw i t te r : @ Q UA l p h a C h i O m e g a
I n s t a g ra m : @ q u a l p h a c h i o m e g a
Tu m b l r : a x o q u . t u m b l r. c o m
We s b i te : w w w. a l p h a c h i q u . o rg
April 15, 2015
Comments or Ideas? Contact our VP of PR and Marketing:
Alyson Cleaves at