stradbroke r-2 christmas sing-along
stradbroke r-2 christmas sing-along
STRADBROKE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Koonga Avenue, Rostrevor, SA 5073 Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment Anne Lamont 8337 2861/8337 5349 Student Absence Ph: 8365 5621 8337 0041 8365 5677 Rebecca MacQueen 00018A Principal: Telephone: Fax: email: website: Out of School Hours Care: Director: CRICOS Provider Number: 12th November, 2015 STRADBROKE SING-A-LONG 2015 NOVEMBER th th Mon 9 – Fri 13 th Fri 13 th Wed 18 th Thurs 19 th Fri 20 DECEMBER th Mon 30 Novth Fri 4 st Tues 1 th Mon 7 th Wed 9 th Fri 11 th Fri 11 PE Week R-2 Assembly, 12.15pm Year 4-7 Swimming Carnival Camp Quality Puppets 2016 Rec Orientation Visit Yr 4-5 Swimming Lessons – Payneham Pool JP Christmas Sing-along, 6pm Year 7 Graduation End of year reports sent home R-7 Assembly Last day of term Term Dates for 2016 st th 1 February – 15 April nd th 2 May – 8 July th th 25 July – 30 September th th 17 October – 16 December Reminder Spell-A-Thon Money due back Thursday 19th November Year 7 Graduation STRADBROKE R-2 CHRISTMAS SING-ALONG The R-2 staff and students warmly invite you to our end of year Christmas sing-along: Date: Tuesday 1st December 2015 Time: 5.30pm Picnic tea (Oval) Bring: Picnic blanket or chairs and picnic tea (no food inside the hall please) Venue: Singing from 6.00pm – 7.00pm in Rehn Hall Entertainment: Your children Rostrevor Kindergarten will be selling BBQ sausages for $2.50 as a fundraiser. Stradbroke School Playgroup will be selling cans of drink and bottles of water for $2 as a fundraiser. And the school canteen will also be open and will be selling a selected range of items. th Monday 7 December 5.30pm – 5.45pm Students to assemble in the practice hall 6.00pm - Ceremony at Rostrevor Baptist Church 7.15pm – Dinner/Dance at San Giorgio La Molara Community Centre. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment -1- ABSENCES FLEXI AMPHITHEATRE Please telephone the school on 8365 5621 every day your child will be absent from school. We will be initiating an email service of daily notification of any unexplained absences. A test email was sent from the school today (Thursday 12 November). If you have not received the test email, please email your email address to with Update email address as the subject. Please include your child’s name, class and parent/caregivers name in the email. The redevelopment of the Flexi Amphitheatre will be finished by the end of this week. The new paving, steps and garden bed look great and children, staff and families have commented that the area looks welcoming and a fabulous place for performances or to sit and chat or to read a book. STRADBROKE HIGH ACHEIVER Congratulations Luca Castello who won two University of New South Wales ICAS medals! Students with top scores in each subject in each year level are awarded a medal. Luca was the highest achieving Year 3 student in the ICAS Digital Technologies and English competitions in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Of the 1,000,000+ students that enter ICAS competitions worldwide, there were only 514 medal winners from Australia. This puts Luca in an elite group of high achievers in ICAS competitions. Great effort! STRADBROKE SPELL-A-THON The Stradbroke School Spell-a-thon for the students was th successfully held last Friday 6 November. The children did a wonderful job of learning their special spell-a-thon list words and participating in the school spell-a-thon. The next step for students, with the help of their families, is to collect their donations from sponsors, to fill in the sponsorship form with their full name, class and the name of the gift they are eligible for. Any money raised needs to be returned to the school, on Thursday 19 November, 2015. Please note change of date. There will be only one collection day. Your child’s gift will be arriving 2-3 weeks after the whole school order is placed. Thank you from the Governing Council fund raising committee. INSTUMENTAL MUSIC – STRINGS BEGINNERS Auditions for students who have returned an expression interest for strings lessons in 2016 th will be held on Tuesday 17 November from 9.30am – 11.00am in the Music Suite. If you already have an instrument please bring it along. Letters to successful students will be sent home by the end of term. th CAMP QUALITY PUPPETS THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER All classes are invited to the latest show by Camp Quality th Primary School Educational Program on Thursday 19 November. The show is a live, educational performance focusing on cancer education, optimism and friendship. There is no charge to the school, but donations are welcome. After the show, students are encouraged to ask questions and share their concerns. Teachers also have access to information sheets, and should you wish to follow up at home, the website is SPEECH AND DRAMA The Speech and Drama course is a rare and unique opportunity that is offered in very few schools in South Australia, yet effective speaking is so crucial to everyday life. Every year, Speech and Drama students enter for AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Bard) exams. This year the following Stradbroke School students are to be congratulated on their very successful efforts: Voice and Communication First Grade Credit Ayla Gamtcheff First Grade High Credit Natasha Hennig Second Grade High Credit Jodi Bouwer Third Grade High Credit Keeley Smith Third Grade High Credit Emily Ledda-Smith Emily Ledda-Smith has also been studying Speech and Performance Theory and has been successful in passing both Grades 1 and 2 in the one year. It involves learning sound recognition, syllabic stress, emphasis, the international phonetic alphabet, literary forms and ways of communicating meaning, all of which support her practical communication skills and acting. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 2 2016 information and enrolment forms are now available in the office or on my website – Please make the most of the opportunity Stradbroke offers its students and enrol before the end of November. Lois Brimblecombe STRADBROKE PIANO SCHOLARSHIP 2016 Welcome back to all the playgroup families. A lot is happening this term with the R-2 sing-along, making lots of Christmas decorations and we have new lino put down in our wet area. A big thank you to Fred Cetta from Choices Flooring for donating the lino to playgroup. Andrew Effingham, Playgroup leader LOST PROPERTY Yvette Baer teaches piano to a number of Stradbroke School students. Once again Yvette is offering a piano scholarship for a year of free lessons for a student at this school. Last year’s scholarship recipient, Emily Best, has done very well and just passed her piano P-plates. The scholarship is offered to a student who has not taken piano lessons, but would like to start next year. If your child would like to apply, forms can be found at the Front Office or with Penny in the Leabrook Activity Room. Closing date for th applications is end week 7, Friday 27 November. Thank you to Yvette for her very generous offer. PIANO EXAMS Congratulations to the following piano students who successfully completed piano assessments and exams recently with the Australian Music Examinations Board: Felicity Cuba-Chiem Alyssa Cuba-Chiem Emily Best Emily Smith PLAYGROUP Keeley Smith Tsamaya Gooding Samadhi Chandrasena Special recognition goes to Alyssa and Keeley who were both awarded High Distinctions. SHOPPING AT AMART STORE Parents, if you shop at the new AMART Sports Store near Target and receive a loyalty card, please nominate Stradbroke as your school, as Stradbroke will then benefit by gaining sports equipment from any purchases you make. SECONDHAND UNIFORM STALL In the spirit of reducing, re-using and recycling uniforms the Stradbroke School Uniform Committee are holding a secondhand uniform stall on: th Friday 4 December from 8.30am - 9.30am and 3.00pm – 3.30pm in the yard outside Student Services. Please support us by: • donating washed logo uniforms in good condition to Kristen in the Finance office th • delivering items during the 2 weeks leading up to 4 December only • lending or donating hanging racks to display the clothes rd • lending a hand to sort clothes on Thursday 3 December th or assist on the stall on Friday 4 December Items will be available for a gold coin donation and proceeds will go to assisting students in our school community. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Kristen in the Finance office. Has your child lost one of the new school jackets with the light blue stripes and it was not named? Please come in and see Kristen in the Finance Office. Thank you UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open at the school on Wednesday and Friday mornings 8.30am – 9.30am. Also the Uniform Shop is open at Unit 1/6 Montrose Ave Norwood. Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm Many thanks Sonia De Corso, Mobile 0419 004 522, Email AT CANTEEN We are really excited to once again offer our very popular st “Christmas Lunch” on Tuesday 1 December. This is a wonderful way to enjoy the festive season as a class and for the students to try something new and different to what they would normally enjoy at home. The meal includes turkey, gravy, roast potatoes and vegetables. Included is a Santa marshmallow chocolate and a Bon-bon. Regular size $10.00 and Junior size $7.00. Please find in this week’s newsletter the order forms, which need to be returned to the canteen th no later the Friday 27 November. Unfortunately due to finalising numbers late orders will not be accepted and because of the high volume of Christmas lunches on the day, not other canteen menu will be offered. We hope everyone enjoys this special treat. Just a reminder that Sushi is available every Friday for over the counter at recess or as a lunch order. Chicken or Tuna $1.00 per piece. Canteen volunteers: If anyone is available to help on th th Tuesday 24 November or Friday 27 November, please let me know. Thank you Kate Majewski, Canteen Manager TRAFFIC MONITORS Week 6 am pm Week 7 am Jonty Leslie, Harry McGinty, Jesse Panfilo. Sune Myburgh, Ketura Pati, Jasmine Phillips. Fotini Tatsis, Dasha Havrilenko, Maya Radcliffe. pm Adam Rice, Judson Richards, Jordan Sparnon. NGRATULATIONS Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 3 SAPSASA SPORT Congratulations to Rita Zhiltsova selected in the Torrens River Tennis team to play in the SAPSASA Tennis Carnival next Broadview Tennis Club. N for being SAPSASA Statewide week at The girls had another fabulous game. Their development has been nothing but amazing, you would never guess it was only the third game for most of them. Captain was Emerson Warren Primary 5 th SPORTS Basketball rd Stradbroke 2/3 basketball played Tuesday 3 November. Stradbroke 7 was defeated by Athelstone Primary 16. A great team game with lots of passing and persistence. Well done Jayden and Matthew for their efforts in defence. Levi carried the ball well down the court and protected the ball. A blinder of a game by Maddie with 5 points and thanks to Vincenzo for filling in for us. Stradbroke Sugargliders played 16 October Stradbroke Sugargliders 6 defeated Trinity Gardens 2 A great first game for our Summer season, everyone played their positions to the best of their ability. Awesome team work in defence with Pippa and Matilda owning the defensive goal ring. Olivia kept her player out of the game all night, Alicia was incredible in centre and Talia made beautiful leads in WA. Dakota played all her positions well and Tsamaya shot an impressive 4 goals at GA. Last but not least, Mercedes had a wonderful debut game shooting 2 great goals! Coach's Award: The Whole Team. Well done Sugargliders! th 30 October Stradbroke Sugargliders 9 v Comets 10 Year 4/5 Basketball coached by Vincent Donato st Stradbroke 4/5 basketball played on 21 October Stradbroke Bombers 10 defeated St Pius Rockets 4 Great game! Keep sharing the ball and use your players. Great outcome! Coaches award: Sebastian Cole th Year 4/5 Basketball played on 28 October Stradbroke Bombers 16 defeated by Trinity Vikings 18 Much better teamwork this week. Only lost in the last 2 minutes. Great second half come back. Great work boys! Coaches award: Atheon Petropoulos. A really close game that was exciting to watch! You all played fantastically and worked hard, it seemed to really come together in the last quarter - well done! Special mentions to Talia for great movement into offense and Tsamaya for really tight defense. Coach's Award: Alicia for a great game of outrunning your opponent and good all round skills. Primary 6 coached by Jenny Lock th Cricket Junior Cricket coached by David Fountain. The Junior cricket team had a great start to the season with a strong win over St Joseph's. The team scored 83 runs for the loss of only 3 wickets. In a good bowling performance they also took 6 wickets. st Junior cricket played on 31 October 30 October The Lightning Strikes lost to Loreto Blue 13 – 8. We had been up by 2 goals at the end of the first quarter. It taught us that lollies and Halloween picnic food is fun but doesn’t give us energy that lasts a whole game! Coaches award goes to Lily and Hayley for good shooting and working well together in the circle. th The junior cricket team came up against a very tough opponent in East Marden this week. Despite scoring well they just couldn’t take enough wickets to secure a victory. th Junior cricket played on 7 November This week the junior cricket team played a cracking game against Dernancourt. After lending the opposition a player (top marks to Ethan for sportsmanship), we scored well and lost a few wickets along the way. When bowling we kept the opposition to a low score, but again struggled to find wickets. In the end it was an incredibly close result, with Stradbroke losing by a bowling average of just 0.1 runs per wicket. 6 November Lightning Strikes scored 2 goals against Nailsworth’s 11 goals. Even though we did not win, we showed good skills during the game – working together to move the ball down the court. Our cheer chant is sounding awesome! Coaches award goes to Tara for trying her hardest in C in the first half, Katie for being thrown in the deep end playing C in the second half and doing such a great job and Jasmine for strong play in GD throughout the game. Netball Netta Netball coached by Hayley Melino th Stradbroke netball played on Friday 30 October Stradbroke 37 defeated East Marden 0 Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 4
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Koonga Avenue, Rostrevor, SA 5073
Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment
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