Current Newsletter - Stradbroke School
Current Newsletter - Stradbroke School
STRADBROKE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Koonga Avenue, Rostrevor, SA 5073 Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment Anne Lamont 8337 2861/8337 5349 Student Absence Ph: 8365 5621 8337 0041 8365 5677 Rebecca MacQueen 00018A Principal: Telephone: Fax: email: website: Out of School Hours Care: Director: CRICOS Provider Number: 26th February, 2015 KIDSMATTER at STRADBROKE In previous years students have been elected from each class to join a group called Student Voice (sometimes known as SRC). This year this committee will be called “Kids’ Voices Matter”. 2015 FEBRUARY th Fri 27 MARCH th Wed 4 th Wed 4 R-2 Assembly, 12.15pm th Thurs 5 th Fri 6 th Mon 9 th Tues 10 th Thurs 12 Fri 13 th th Tues 17 th Thurs 19 Fri 20 th Mon 23rd - Wed 1st Thurs 26 th Thurs 26 APRIL rd Fri 3 th Mon 6 th Fri 10 th Governing Council AGM, 6.30pm Torrens River SAPSASA Swimming Carnival 123 Magic Parent Workshop Pupil Free Day Adelaide Cup Public Holiday School Photo Day Engaging Adolescents Parent Workshop Family BBQ & official launch of KidsMatter, 5.30-8pm Yr 3-7 Sports Day Engaging Adolescents Parent Workshop R-2 Sports Day Parent Teacher Interviews Engaging Adolescents Parent Workshop State Swimming Championship Nominations and elections have taken place in all Yr 1 – Yr 7 classes and we have had one ‘Kids’ Voices Matter’ meeting where the students were buddied up and we played ‘get to know you’ games. These meetings will take place in odd weeks on Thursday mornings 8.50-9.30 in the Music Suite. The year 6 and 7 students have two representatives from each of their classes come along to these meetings and on alternate weeks they also form a ‘Senior Executive Leadership Group’. The Senior Executive Leadership Group meets in even weeks, Thursday mornings 8.50-9.30 in the Music Suite. This group specifically look at how their leadership skills can help and influence younger students within our school. Congratulations to our Senior Executive Leaders for 2015: Year 6 - Lathika Guruge, Claudia Berlingeri, Emma Myers, Joshua Evan, Lewis Dally and Kiyah Rumsby Year 7 - Jonty Leslie, Suné Myburgh, Karla Spera and Dewini Perera, Thomas St Vincent and Chloe Sierat-Minchin Congratulations to the following year 1-5 students who will be representing their class at Kids’ Voices Matter Committee during the first semester of 2015. F4 Alexios, F5 Zarek, F6 Toby, F3 Bradley, F1 Jake, M2 Liliana, M1 Cheyarn, L6 Jennifer, L5 Siwoo, FR1 Sonja, FR2 Ashlyn, L3 Chamath, L4 Emily, L7 Adele, L8 Oxford, K1 Coco, K2 Anika & K3 Charlie. Good Friday Easter Monday Last day of term Reminder Pupil Free Day 6th March Today the year 7 House Captain and Senior Executives have the privilege to be involved in an amazing Student Leadership conference called GRIP. Some of our students will write a report highlighting what they have learnt in next fortnight’s newsletter. Stradbroke are also investing in our year 6 Student Executives and nominated class leaders. 21 Yr 6 students will be attending ‘Halogen Young rd Leaders Day’ on Tuesday 3 March. We also look forward to seeing and hearing about the new learning they bring back to Stradbroke from this opportunity. PRINCIPALS TOUR Stradbroke School invites parents of babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers interested in enrolling their children at Stradbroke School to th attend a 2015 Principals Tour on: Tuesday 17 March 6.00pm Bookings are essential. Please contact the Front office on 8337 2861. Exciting leadership learning at Stradbroke School, Rachel Pontifex STUDENT INFORMATION Last week a print out of student details was posted home to the address we have on file. We ask all families to update the details and return them th to school by tomorrow, Friday 27 February. Even if there are no changes please sign and date the form and return it to school. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment -1- ROAD SAFETY CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2015 HOUSE CAPTAINS Thank you to all the families who are using the Stradbroke School crossing to cross Koonga Avenue safely. Parents and caregivers have a key role in educating their children about road safety. Children learn about road safety largely by experience. Parents and adult carers have opportunities in day to day routines to discuss road safety with children on the way to the newsagent, local shops or going to school. Whenever crossing roads, it is an idea to talk about when and why it is safe to cross the road with your children so they can gain a good understanding of road safety issues. All Year 7 students were invited to apply for the positions of House Captain and Deputy House Captain. The applicants this year presented their leadership skills through a presentation to the year 5-7 House Teams. The number and quality of applicants was particularly high, with over 50% of our Year 7 students nominating. We recognise and congratulate all of the applicants for their commitment and courage in nominating. Throughout the year this group of student leaders will be given opportunities to take on leadership roles through student voice, UNICEF Ambassadors, Open Night and many other events and activities where our senior student leaders proudly represent Stradbroke School. CARPARK AND DROP OFF ZONES The car parks provided on school grounds are for staff and official visitors only. This includes the drive way near Flexi building which must be clear at all times for the school bus and the special class taxi service. The Flexi driveway is not a parking zone or a drop off and collection area for families. This also applies to all staff car parks. DECD guidelines require us to minimise the movement of traffic on school grounds when children are moving around (between 8.30am-9am and 3.10pm-3.30pm). Traffic management around schools is complex as traffic is extremely busy for 20-30 minutes twice each day. We are fortunate to have a designated kiss and drop zone on Koonga Ave at the front of the school which can accommodate up to 10 cars at any one time. The kiss and drop zone works if all drivers follow some simple guidelines. 1. The maximum waiting time in the zone is 2 minutes and drivers must stay in their cars at all time. 2. When driving into the kiss and drop zone please park as far forward as possible. When cars park at the entrance to the kiss and drop zone leaving the rest of the zone empty it causes risk as cars are trying to enter and exit in the same section of road. SCHOOL PHOTOS th School photos will be taken on Tuesday 10 March. All students are to be dressed in school uniform and will be photographed in a class photo and individually unless we receive written requests not to photograph your child. You only receive a copy of your class photo, your individual child or family photo if you purchase them. Please enclose the correct money with your photo order which needs to be brought to th school on Tuesday 10 March. Please read the instructions carefully on the outside of your individualised photo order envelope. Family photo orders / envelopes are available from the Front office. Money is paid directly to the photographer on the day only. MASTER SCHOOL PORTRAITS PHOTO INQUIRIES Phone: (08) 81321148 Fax: (08) 81321149 Website: PO Box 3292, Norwood SA 5067 We congratulate the following students for being appointed as House Captains and Deputy House Captains. They were th presented at our primary assembly on Friday 20 February. With our sports days in March we will see these students leading, inspiring and organising their house teams. LEABROOK Captains: Deputy Captains: Max Mercer Sione Latu Antonia Gelekis Irina Bal Jordan Richter Yasshvin Prem Kumar Nikita Rendina Darcey Farmer FOREST Captains: Deputy Captains: Rory Dowdell Blake Bastick Elouise Dunn Parveena Kaur KOONGA Captains: Deputy Captains: James Kim Darcy Richards Fotini Tatsis Sevanah Hagidimitriou MORIATTA Captains: Deputy Captains: RESOURCE CENTRE NEWS Our Library Monitor programme is up and running for the year. Our monitors are Year 7 students who’ve applied for the position with a written application. They are rostered to work in the library for a week each term. Their role includes tasks such as managing the borrowing and returning at lunchtimes, helping with re-shelving of books, helping with display work, reviewing new books and other jobs the Resource Centre staff need assistance with. Our 2015 team includes the following students: Blake Bastick, Jordan Richter, Karla Spera, Eden Henderson, Chloe Kahl, Emily Baldasso, Anthony Grotto, Ryan Ramesh, Irina Bal, Sohniya Rajan, Jonty Leslie, Adam Rice, Ashley Tan, Ketura Pati, Ariyana Dhillon, Sevanah Hagidimitriou, Kate Stephens and Dalia Kadem Once our monitors have accrued 100 minutes of service they earn a Library Monitor badge. Congratulations to these students and welcome to our Resource Centre team. We appreciate your support. With so many new families to our school we thought it would be timely to remind everyone about our borrowing limits. Students in Reception classes have a limit of one book at a time. Year 1 and 2 students can borrow 2 books. All students R2 are expected to have a library bag when borrowing. Our general rule is 'no bag, no borrowing' for this age group. Year 3-5 students can borrow 4 books and the Year 6 and 7 students Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 2 can borrow 6 books. Year 3-7 borrowers have a higher limit on their card but the extra spots are usually taken up with text books like dictionaries or music books. Resource Centre Staff SCHOOL FEES th Reminder: Last day for payment of school fees is Friday 20 March. Parents unable to pay school fees on or before the due date need to contact the school to meet with the Business Manager (Jean McGuire) or Finance Officer (Kristen Johnston) to negotiate an extension. Parents may also request to pay fees by instalments. This can be negotiated by completing a form which may be collected from the Cashiers Office or by meeting the Finance officer or Business Manager. If any instalment becomes overdue, then reminder letters will be issued. ICAS INFORMATION International Competitions and Assessments for Schools Your child is invited to participate in ICAS in 2015. ICAS provides an opportunity for all students in Years 3 to 12 to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external testing situation. It provides teachers, parents and students with comprehensive reporting of results in the areas of Digital Technologies, English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Writing. The tests are an excellent preparation for national tests and the student report is useful for highlighting your child’s strengths and weaknesses. PUPIL FREE DAY – FRIDAY 6 MARCH On Friday 6 March school staff will be participating training and development workshops. R-5 teachers and SSOs will be working with Ann Baker, a maths consultant; this workshop will also include R-5 staff from local schools. Our Year 6-7 teachers will be beginning a maths project with Dr Pauline Carter from DECD, this project will include maths teachers from local primary and secondary schools (year 6-9). Specialist teachers will be attending a workshop at Trinity Gardens focused on planning and programming for students with special needs. STRADBROKE SWIMMING Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to compete in the Stradbroke Swimming team at the th Torrens River SAPSASA Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 4 March. Goodluck everyone! Jacob Campbell, Artyom Makagon, Chiara Panetta, Tyson Sammells, Jack Sammells, Emily Best, Sara Lefevre, Josh Gooding, Rory Dowdell, Darcy Richards, Bridie Effingham, Emma Zbierski, Abigail Berry, Anika Younus, Meg Bouwer, Lauren Daly, Thumith Chandrasena, Oliver Reilly, Jordan South, Samuel South, Zac Tripodi, Harry Woods, Faisal Umar. KIDSMATTER PHOTO Have you seen the KidsMatter photo on the Koonga window? All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score compared with the rest of the students tested. The certificate and individual student report are also suitable for your child to include in a portfolio. Certificates are awarded for each year level as follows: High Distinction to the top 1% of entrants Distinction to the next 10% of entrants Credit to the next 25% of entrants Participation to all other participating students. A UNSW medal is awarded when the highest score in each year level in each state in each subject is judged to be sufficiently meritorious. Students must sit on the official sitting dates to be eligible for a UNSW medal. In 2014, Stradbroke had 2 recipients of the UNSW medal. The entry fee per student is as follows: Digital Technologies Yr 3 - 7 Science* Yr 2 - 7 Writing Yr 3 - 7 Spelling Yr 3 - 7 English* Yr 2 - 7 Mathematics* Yr 2 - 7 All of the above *Open to Year 2 students 19 May 2015 3 June 2015 15 - 19 June 2015 16 June 2015 28 July 2015 11 August 2015 $8.00 $8.00 $17.00 $11.00 $8.00 $8.00 $60.00 If your child is interested in participating in one or more of the tests, please collect a parent letter and permission slip from the Student Services office or one can be downloaded from the school website . All entries must nd be in by Thursday 2 April (Week 10), 2015. Week 6 am pm Ethan Fry, Anthony Grotto, Peter Grotto. Jonty Leslie, Harry McGinty, Jesse Panfilo. Week 7 am pm Ketura Pati, Jasmine Phillips, Fotini Tatsis. Adam Rice, Judson Richards, Jordan Sparnon. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 3 BASKETBALL Wanted Thank you to Lori, Othene, Celine, June, Margaret and Andrew who helped make the Pancake week such a success and run so smoothly. I hope the students enjoyed it. If there are any students in year levels 4 and 5 that are interested in playing after school basketball. Come to Student Services and see Mel for a basketball form. If you collect your child due to illness prior to lunch, please remember to let the canteen know if they have a lunch order. Lunch orders: please place multiple children’s order and money all in the one bag. Don’t forget 1 lunch bag for each item ordered for lunch or 10c extra. Thank you Kate Majewski WINTER NETBALL REGISTRATION Netball Winter season begins next term. If you are in Year 6, 5, 4, 3 or Year 2 (turning 8 this year) and you would like to play netball please see Mel in Student Services for a winter netball registration form. LOTS OF MUSIC NEWS! Festival Choir 2015 Students planning to sing at the Festival Centre in September need to have their own book and CD as soon as possible. Book and CD set costs $15, free for school card holders. Collect your admin forms from Penny or the Choir noticeboard outside Leabrook Activity Room. Clarinet and flute lessons with Nicola Tuesday afternoons in Leabrook side room (opposite L5) See front office or Penny Kitchen for SPORTS PRACTICES details. Practices are automatically cancelled if the predicted temperature is 35 degrees or over. Songbirds has started! Basketball Tuesdays 8.30-8.45 in Leabrook Activity Room with Lia and Penny If you are in years 2, 3, 4 or 5 you are welcome to come and sing with us. Stradbroke Bombers 2 defeated by East Marden 43 Come and play with our band! Great effort from all team members. Looking forward to a great season. 8.30am Mondays with Penny and Tammy in the Leabrook Activity room. Stradbroke Bombers 3 defeated by Trinity Trojans 8 For students who can read and play at least 8 notes on their instruments. SPORTS Great game boys. Coaches award Sebastian Cole. Stradbroke Storm 40 drew St Francis Tigers 40 on Monday 16th February, I would like to congratulate the whole team, they all played really well together. Stradbroke Allstars 17 defeated SPX 15 Coaches award: Peter Minervini for stopping opposition from scoring in the final 10 seconds. JUNIOR SOCCER Wanted Junior Soccer Under 13 Girls Season 2015 Campbelltown City: Club address Whites Lane (off Stradbroke Road) Newton Contact Angelo Maio on 0412 807 739 or Linda Carpinelli (office Assistant –Junior) for more information. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 4