Michael Farrell enjambment sisters present
Michael Farrell enjambment sisters present
Black Rider presents Lyrics 4 Michael Farrell enjambment sisters present Michael Farrell books open sesame (Giramondo 2012) a raiders guide (Giramondo 2008) BREAK ME OUCH (3 Deep 2006) ode ode (Salt 2002) chapbooks thou sand (Tinfish 2011) thempark (Book Thug 2010) whale diary (Merrijig 1997) as editor (with Jill Jones) Out of the Box: Contemporary Australian Gay and Lesbian Poets (Puncher and Wattmann 2009) contact Michael: limecha@hotmail.com Black Rider presents Lyrics 4 First published 2012 by Black Rider Press. Copyright © Michael Farrell 2012 Cover photo by Agan Harahap All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-61979-294-4 (ebk) Black Rider Press We publish like thieves in the night www.blackriderpress.com Monica Vitti ’ s Muddy Shoe Oedipus the King , - Hop 1 Hoicking 2 Some Enchanted Odding4 QED & Alice5 A Pigtail of Your , or Gail ’ s Imagination 6 Co ld, Turnback Time7 Phone I , Eve8 Bullock - proof9 Schopenhauer , Ford 10 Dr Prankenstein Meet Dr Crankenstein 11 Monica Vitti ’ s Muddy Shoe - Hop Would you Like to Go to ‘ Moni - ca Vi - tti ’ s muddy Shoe - hop 1 Oedipus the King , Hoicking … sto - nes into The fu - tur - e Hitting Australia , killing my father There ’ s a world outside the theatr - e , an imaginary world of black Skies , of grey moons Where galleries Are hieroglyphic vaults & Beckett pores over Sophocles … here , I remember Is the librar - y … here , I remember Is the librar - y I Follo - w facts with o - pinions so You Think it ’ s what I Think We imported blondes later As a counter - point Of all The ‘ ism s ’ , ‘Imperial - ism ’ sounds the finest 2 Roots of the Ancient tongue Unre - adable dictionarie - s , compe - te on the Free Market My family ( Cre - on , Eury - di - ce , Poly - ni - ce - s , Anti - gone ) loved to watch M * A * S * H 3 Some Enchanted Odding YO - u lead your cO untry like an O wl Detecting bravehearts FO - llO w the beeped lO O se ‘ e CO - me enchanted O dding , this is O nly the first date There are 00s ahead : like eyes all iris What ’ s in the backgrO - und ? What ’ s underlined Reading pO - ems O - verhead , as if frO - m a helicO - pter fO - untain – O - ne that ’ s O - pen O - n a mO - untain O - f bO - Oks There ’ s fO - g O - f cO - urse , and sO - me yO - ung man we O - nly knO - w by his nickname - raging , fO 4 QED & Alice With ha - lf friends like these Who nee s Fleas I want to climb ha - lf an a - lpa - ca Won Re - ’ t you be al ha lf nice to me They said her name was ha - lf a melody , but she Said , right , more like One third melodr - ama The answer was ha - lf right : he Did lea - ve the ha - m on the Stere - o , & he Did marry The one He ha - d ha - lf a crush on , and came to ha - rm , in advance of brahm Use the yellow one : it ’ s ha - lf cle - an we Always use the Yellow one 5 A Pigtail of Your , I don ’ t know where I Live , out of the forest - nto the Castle or Gail , ’ s Imagination I Let him out for being bad When they attacked me , I Gave them fruit , and when they adored me Starved them , I Till they fell on the bats with a frenzy I talk to Gail , I Say I don ’ t know where I Live This Took I s a memory of three sticks I n the road , I the proven , the bloody We were in the dam , talking , learning our lines We I - magined each word , crushed , forgotten . I Came around , you were sorry , I ’ d brought flowers . Your son I - s happy for me ; he I - s the one they always go to for sympathy . I Own son , patient for the funeral , doing the arrangements , - nstructing the florist , the bank manager , making I Proud I 6 Co ld, Turnback Time Cool Summ . Dial r r Quay fig r e ; deckchair ectic Car - ved our Initials deep in the bar Str - ang e voices fr om the r adio What ( - do they say ? Things . I car nt under stand . Then . & ther e . I was sor r y . Wor ds are like r aindr - ecor ds , - ainbows ) - ops , they come fr om Mar s If I could r - each the star - s 7 Phone I , Sewn I , Believe Eve Eve There ’ s good , I , Eve & bad , I , Eve & never the flibbertigibbet shall meet I , Eve , phone them , if anything The major rag dolls of a generation Believe Our tongues are in our cheeks I agree : don They say so much I , , ’ , are they t underestimate the underdidact , but can ’ t read their own praise Eve , get wet riding through the park a civil matter Stuffed with phone , comfortable A basin , , I , Eve an orange , a knife and thou You groan , I , Eve , must find somewhere for your velveteen Body , your wispish , Middle English Hair & the auto - correcting Sting you reserve for the mongoose 8 Bullock - proof Shinned up , skinned up – lookd around Proud Of my toread - or skills What ’ s on my mind Tonight ? A skull can Make me less A man ; doing is a less - er Ser - en - ade Gave my Body To the Earth , long as noone Comes by With their spade : don ’ t Need A bunch of strangers singing hy - mns – don ’ t Need to tell the Bush about my Book . . . this time 9 Schopenhauer , Ford La la La la La la La nothing is a Way to start a Poem This is not for a view Of the Barbe - cue : it ’ s for my sister If any - one , my friend , for me I was brought up an anim - al – but I loved Catch 22 . I Didn ’ t com - e – am I there yet ? – to praise fam - ous , or m - ean – I Mean : great m - en . I Don ’ t know any . M - aybe I - ’ ve got fli - es in m - y eye - s / m - aybe in m - y m - outh / m - ind from the Chi - nese bi - ble Bla - - bla bla - bla bla - bla blame is ok bla - bla bla - bla bla - bla me is ok . Bla 10 Dr Prankenstein Meet Dr Crankenstein ‘ Hi ! Try This donut made out Of doll rubber , tarpaper , and seaweed . ‘ Hi ! Try This lethargy made from hopelessness And sawdust . ’ ‘ Miraculous ! ’ ‘ I love lethargies , but they make make My teethache ache . . . ’ ‘ I ’ ve seen that on television . ’ ‘ Really ? ’ Are you My loved one? Can I Talk to you This way ? Or must I Tart words up for poetry heart - ies , part - ies , newspaper latt - e gagas ? That ’ s no country , that A map . It doubles as a Picnic blanket . What a - bout the ants ? Sister Harvey intake : - oh ohh , ohhh oh - oh ohh ’ s Ohhh oh 11