April, 2011 - Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter
April, 2011 - Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter
The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter April 2011 COMMUNITY EDUCATION FOR GIRL SCOUT TROOP 4082 Terry DallaValle, a volunteer for the Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter, spoke to the 4th and 5th grade Wonewoc Girls Scouts, about pet responsibilities. Information was presented about her role at CWNAS, the 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 1 foster kitten that she has and what she has to do to take care of them. The shelter’s 4 anchor programs of education, foster care, elderly assistance, and the spay & neuter program were explained. Age appropriate pet care and responsibilities were explained through roleplaying and a drawing exercise. The scouts were informed that the yearly cost to care for a cat could be has high as $1,200.00, $2,500.00 for a dog and that about 8-10 million dogs & cats are in shelters and about half areeuthaniz ed each year. Each scout was given a choice of a coloring book entitled "Let’s be Safe Around Dogs and Cats", donated by Culver’s of Mauston, or "Fido: Friend or Foe?", donated by Leroy Holthaus Insurance & Financial Service of Mauston. The scouts were educated on bite prevention by teaching them ways to identify different animal behavior. As they left they were each given a stuffed animal made by inmates at New Lisbon Correctional. We would like to thank Scout Leader, Judy Pesz, and the entire troop of Daisy, Brownie and Junior Scouts for holding a Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser in March that raised $500.00 to benefit the Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter. Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 1 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter CWNAS Receives a $5,000.00 Grant The Carl W. Nelson Trust Fund has awarded a $5,000.00 grant to CWNAS. The grant provides the funds to have our animals checked by a veterinarian, spayed or neutered, and brought up to date on vaccinations. It also provides the funds to have the animals tested for certain communicable diseases, which helps prevent the spread of these diseases to the general population. CWNAS would like to extend a big thank you to the Carl W. Nelson Trust Fund trustees for helping to ensure that we can carry on our work to help the homeless animals of Juneau County. April 2011 Memorials LInda Sue Miller (L), Carl W. Nelson Trustee, hands check to Ann June (center), and Kathy Storandt, CWNAS board members. Valerie Remington made a donation in memory of Pumpkin, a yellow tabby belonging to Sue & Mike Roraff. Dale & Nancy Santroch made a donation in memory of Michelle "Shelby" Santroch, who was a firm believer in shelter adoptions. The following people made donations in memory of Joyce Weed: Curtiss & Pam Jorgensen, Sue & Tommy Thompson, James & Barbara Dorothy, Donna & Douglas Case, Midor Ltd., Deb B. Belmonte, John Militzer, Mike & Pat Frankenstein, Sheryl & Emil Skorik, and JLS Foods International Inc. Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 2 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter April 2011 Maus ton H eads tart S tudents get Pet S afety Les s on On April 6, the students at Mauston' s Headstart got a lesson in pet safety, compliments of the Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter (CWNAS). As part of their "I Love my Pet" learning section, CWNAS representative, Rosemary Aney, visited the students and talked with them about being safe around their own pets, and pets they may meet in the community. The children each received a stuffed animal made by the New Lisbon Correctional Institution. The Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter presents humane educational programs to area youth groups in an effort to teach pet safety, compassion, and responsibility to the children. “CWNAS believes that changing the future of animal sheltering in Juneau County begins with teaching the children responsible pet ownership at an early age”, said Aney. LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE MOTHER'S DAY GIFT? Make a donation to the Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter in her honor. Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 3 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter EVERY PENNY HELPS! April 2011 We need you to join us in our effort to build a state of the art animal shelter for Juneau County. We accept donations in any amount. Thank you in advance for your help. CARL W. NELSON MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION& DONATION FORM ************************************************************************************** Annual Membership: _______ $1 5 Adult _______ $1 0 Youth(1 7 under) /Senior (60 and above) _______ $25 Family _______ $1 00 Business _______ $250 Lifetime Donations: $1 0 _______ $25 _______ $50 _______ Other ______________________ You may want to think about a cash gift, securities, a membership, an assigned life insurance policy, or a family memorial fund. Contact Deb Flint at (608) 847-4060 for more information. Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter is a registered non-profit corporation under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Your donations may be tax deductible. Name: _____________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Email:____________________________ Make checks payable to: Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter Mail to: Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, Wisconsin 53948 Receipts are sent via email for all donations, as long as we have your email address. Receipts will be mailed via USPS only for donations of $50 or more, unless requested. *CarlW.NelsonAnimalShelterSeekingVolunteer* B E A F O S TE R H O M E F O R C WN A S The Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter is currently looking for a volunteer to fold, label, and mail* our newsletter. *Postage paid by CWNAS. For more information, visit our website at www.carlnelson.org or contact our Foster Care Coordinator at: fostercwnas@yahoo.com or (608) 847-4060. If you think you might be interested in volunteering for this duty, please contact us at: (608) 847-4060 or by email at: theaneys@mchsi.com. Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 4 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter April 2011 Available For Adoption If you are interested in adopting any of our available pets, please contact our Foster Care Coordinator at 608-847-4060 or email fostercwnas@yahoo. com Bart is a very handsome boy with Andy & Oreo are silky long black hair. Bart loves to litter mates who play fetch with his ball. He loves are about 8 people and will be a fantastic pet. months old. These boys have been together since they were born and must be adopted together. They are very loving towards people and other cats. Sugar is a sweet, young female tuxedo with long hair. She was removed from an abusive situation. Now Sugar just needs someone to give her a good home so she can show them what a loving kitty she is. Binx is a very affectionate, beautiful 1 8 month old grey and white male cat. He has been neutered and is declawed in the front. He is getting used to having other cats around, but he might be happiest being alone, or with just one other cat for a playmate. Continued on next page Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 5 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter April 2011 Available For Adoption If you are interested in adopting any of our available pets, please contact our Foster Care Coordinator at 608-847-4060 or email fostercwnas@yahoo. com Continued from previous page Solo, SweetPea, Striker, and Seven were Striker abandoned in Mauston this winter. They were in very poor condition when they were found, but with loving care in a foster home, they are now healthy. Seven Despite their poor beginning, these are amazing cats. They love to play and get into trouble. Though Seven was a little Solo & SweetPea anxious at first, she has come out of her shell, and is much more social now. She is playing like a kitten with the rest of them. Seven's hair is growing back and she will be a great pet. Solo, SweetPea, and Striker are littermates about 3 months old. Seven is about 1 year old. Save CWNAS the cost of having this newsletter printed and mailed to you, get it by email instead! Think of it as making a FREE Donation! Email your request to cwnas@gracefulglassart.com Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 6 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter April 2011 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT Vic & Leonice Abbs Alan J. Abrahamson Robert P. Albrecht Jill & Tim Andres Rosemary Aney Chris Arens Mary Austin Babco Metals, Inc Sue Barrette Bruce Barton Margaret Barton Steve & Carol Baures Dr. Dennis Becker Cindy Bell Karyn Bell Deb Belmonte Shelby Bjerke Kristine Blundon Linda Bohnert Tom & Elaine Bresnahan Gladys Brigham Ed Brown Wendy Bruce Karen Buechler James V & Rose Bump Pierson Burbach Madison Burbach Amalia Buryhardt Sara & Jim Butler Elaine M. Butler Rose Buttner Kim Christopherson Deb Clark Jossalin Clark Reid Clark Kevin W. Clark William Clark Mary Clark John Clark Mary Jo Coleman Marsh & Kathleen Cunz Diane Dahl Terry DallaValle Diane Davis Scott Dean Robert Deasy Tom Derkez Karen Di Carlo Durjak Joyce Eastman Barbara Eder Phyllis Edgerton Cathy Eldridge Joy Elsing Barry Emrich Joyce Erickson Randy Fabian Albert Felber Robert Fitzgerald Deb Flint Charles Fochs Dr. Joseph Foerner Maureen Fox Wendy Fritz Eleanor Funk Gerald & Karin Ganther Geraldine Sikorra Potter Helen Gibbons Carol Gibbons Denise J. Giebel Graceful Glass Art Debra L. Grams Charlotte Gribauskas Stehhanie Hahn Dorothy Haima Albert Hajek John & Rita Hall Rosie Halverson Rita M. Hamm Lisa Hansen Charles Hanson Grace Hanson Margaret Harvey William H. Hatch John Hayden Dr. Eric Heaney Leslie K. Heding Ellen Heitman George & Barb Hepler Heritage Manor Denim Day Robert Hikade Darrell Hines Mr & Mrs Art Hobson Debra Hohl Paulette Hora Raymond Hurtado Lowell A. Insenberg Deborah Jackson Marcia Jakubik Elaine Janczak Phillip Janik Debra Jensen Rose Johnson Curtiss & Pam Jorgensen Tony Jurkowski Mamie Kannerer Mike & Jane Keichinger Emma L. Kellaher Karen Keller Pam Kilty Lisa Klinker Jeff Klinker Rosemary Klinker Cindy Klongland Peter Kloser Jeri Kolba Mary Kovacik Dorothy T. Kranas Michael & Roselind La Porte Sr. Anita Lash Janice Pinterics Last Shot Saloon Pam & Tony LaValliere Lindina Busy Bees 4-H Club Marc Londo Lela R. Luke Dianne Lutes Stan & Pat Macheichok Eileen Macrafic Anna Madden Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 7 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter April 2011 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT Joelle Malouff Darlene Markowski Donna Martens Gary Matson Henry Mattson Ann Maturno Jan McDonald David McGowan McKinney's Home Decorating, Inc. Karen Mead Drea Mehner Mark & Michel Messer Robert Metza Barbara Dawn Meyer Kerry Mielcarek Mark K. Millar Margaret Miller William G. Miller Steve & Linda Sue Miller Rose Miner Mary Morgan Margaret Murphy Robert Nadherny Tim & Jane Napier Necedah 3 C's 4H Donna Nelson Alberta Neve John Norling Julie Nutting Sylvia Olivares J.P. Olson Orange Mills 4-H Deborah A. Parker Susan Pegel Celia Pfaff Norma J. Phillip Roger Pierce George Pierce Darlene J. Pierz Allen J. Pipke Kathryn Pitzel Marie H. Potter Robb & Nancy Primley Tom & Mary Puetz Dennis Purgatorio Tom & Pat Quilty Carol Rattunde Gertrude Ratzer Gene E. Reber Jordan Reichel Valerie L. Remington Valerie Remington Lillian Rogge Annie Rose Deanna Rose Jennifer M. Rubel Janet Rudisill Chris Runge The Syverson Agency, LLC Rural Mutual Ins. Co Wanda Rux Tamara Ryan Dolores Salmon James H. & Patricia Sampson Dale & Nancy Santroch Bill Scheve Jane Schienle Patty Schlutes Dianne Schmidt Audrey Scholl Adreann Schweikl Jeff & Molly Scully Bernadine Seitz Thomas W. Shoettler Dale Simonson Emil & Sheryl Skorik Bette Smart Bernadine Smith Faye Smith Marcella Sobeck Pat Spirek Blaine T. Stabbe Dennis Stalsbery Anna Starego Geraldine Statler Bryan & Holly Steen Kathy Storandt Mary Strack Alice Strohmeyer Strohmeyer Construction Betty Sumiec Brian Swenson Sherrill Swieciak Judy M. Taft Barbara Talley Kathy Taylor The Donald J. Burnstad Family Foundation Sue Thompson Bruce & Kim Thomure Wendy Trahan Carol Turner Kathleen Turner Don & Ann Marie Vinopal Patsy Waits Walker Stainless Equipment Merle Wallin Alfred Walling Mary Jean Weber Bill & Alice Weber Dorothy Wegner Sharon Weidling Elaine J. Welda Patricia Wester Don Wildes Patricia Williams Dianne & Mike Wilson Don & Connie Wilson Helen Wiora James & Dorothy Wolf Linda Wollschlager Charles E. Wright Rich Young Olga Zachanias Dionne T. Zajackowski Beatrice Zuelzke Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez www. carlnelson. org Page 8 of 10 The Fuzzy Mewsletter Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter Calendar Contest 2 0 1 2 April 2011 Get out your camera and beg your pets to hold adorable poses because the annual "Love My Pet" calendar contest has begun. Entries must be received by June 1 , 201 1 . Visit our website for more information or to download an entry form. Even if you weren't able to enter a photo, you can view all the photos and vote for your favorite after June 1 . Cast your vote by email, or at your local library. First a nnu a l "Ru nning for Rover" Ru n/Wa lk! Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter is inviting you to participate in the first annual "Running for Rover" Run / Walk. This fundraiser is designed to help build a modern, state-ofthe-art, no-kill animal shelter for the Running for Rover homeless animals in Juneau County. Event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at May 7, 2011 Mauston High School. The www.carlnelson.org distance of the run will be 17km. Don't Miss The The distance of the family walk will Doughnut Relay! be 2 mi. Event is open to all ages. Start training now! Free T-Shirt with More information is available on our website: www.carlnelson.org $25 Donation a Event Coordinator: cwnas_events@yahoo.com T-shirts available on-site to purchase, while supplies last. www. carlnelson. org Page 9 of 10 Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 Editor: April Velazquez NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mauston, WI PERMIT NO. 30 P. O. Box 345 Mauston, WI 53948 Return Service Requested To: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Deb Flint, President Ann June, Vice President Terry Dalla Valle, Treasurer Rosemary Aney, Secretary Greg Bova Jan Brendle Mary Clark John Dalla Valle Lorrie Dewar Kathy Storandt ADVISORY BOARD Sue Ann Thompson Julie Berkos Rosetta Boyle Kim Connors Dr. Ann Hoffmann Dr. C. J. Laridaen Linda Sue Miller JOIN US AT A 2011 MEETING Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM at the UW Extension Meeting Rm, 211 Hickory Street Mauston, WI 53948. 01 -1 9-2011 02-1 6-2011 03-1 6-2011 04-20-2011 2011 Meeting Dates 05-1 8-2011 06-1 5-2011 07-20-2011 08-1 7-2011 09-21 -2011 1 0-1 9-2011 11 -1 6-2011 1 2-21 -2011 Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter * P.O. Box 345 * Mauston, WI 53948 * (608) 847-4060 www. carlnelson. org
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Fuzzy Mewsletter - Carl W. Nelson Animal Shelter
It requires over 2,000 sheets of paper, plus printing and postage fees, not to
mention the hours of volunteer time to send the CWNAS newsletter via snail mail