October 2015


October 2015
Freezing Nights
We are a Christian Community Intentionally Living and Sharing God’s Love
Puyallup and Whitney United Methodist Churches
Volume 63, Number 10
October 2015
Training Sessions for Volunteers
October 9, 7-9 pm Celebration Center
October 17, 9 to noon, Puyallup Nazarene Church
October 24, 9 to noon, PUMC Wesley Hall
Benefit Concert
Puyallup Nazarene Church
Sunday, October 4, 2pm
Featuring Jazz Disciples Tickets $5
See Ronnie Price
(Check out Freezing Nights’ information on the bulletin board across
from Pastor Ron’s office.)
Circuit Rider is published monthly by
Puyallup United Methodist Church
1919 West Pioneer, Puyallup, WA 98371
Phone: 253.845.0547
Church e-mail: office@puyallupumc.org
Church website: www.puyallupumc.org
Circuit Rider e-mail:
Editor—Keith Jenkins
Circulation—Kathy Skipper,
Dolores Rohlman and Betty Warner
Postage Paid
Puyallup, WA 98371-5211
(USPS) 113-600
Send address correction to
PUMC, 1919 West Pioneer
Puyallup, WA 98371
Youth Appalachian Mission Sunday
Sunday, October 11, 2015
8:55 and 10:35 Worship Services
Pastor Ronald Myers, Lead Pastor
All Church
November 8
will be
different this
year! Prepare
to Share Your
I was reading Thomas Keating's little book entitled, "The Human
Condition: Contemplation and Transformation.” I said it was a little book but
it is packed with an abundance of insight that I find refreshing. In the very
first chapter, Keating offers the following story from Sufi literature:
"A Sufi master had lost the key to his house and was looking for it in the grass outside. He
got down on his hands and knees and started running his fingers through every blade of
grass. Along came eight or ten of his disciples. They said, "Master, what is wrong?" He
said, "I have lost the key to my house." They said, "Can we help you find it?" He said, "I'd
be delighted." So they all got down on their hands and knees and started running their
fingers through the grass. As the sun grew hotter, one of the more intelligent disciples
said, "Master, have you any idea where you might have lost your keys?" The Master replied,
"Of course. I lost it in the house." To which they all exclaimed, "Then why are we looking
for it out here?" He said, "Isn't it obvious? There is more light here." ( page 8)
End of year reports
will now be due
January 1, 2016 due
to the change in this
year’s All Church
Charge Conference.
More details soon.
Have you lost the keys to the house where your heart dwells? And are you looking in the
wrong place for the happiness that God desires for you? I'm still reflecting and I hope you
are also.
The call to Christian Discipleship must not be described as an amusement park ride in
"Tomorrow Land" at Disney World where the focus is on personal enjoyment with the
pretense of focusing creative energy on the future. The call to Christian Discipleship is a
call to engage in a life giving mission which is critical to the transformation of the world,
and leads us to become the true human beings that God intended, who care for one another
as we would want to be cared for by another.
Meet Our Youth
Each month we will be highlighting two of our young people so you can learn
more about them.
Meet Kheira Bach: Everything through God
gives you strength. I happen to find my most
physical strength through women's wrestling! It
has been such an exciting thing for me, and
now I'm going three years strong. Wrestling has
taught me discipline, respect, and the chance
to always forgive and move on. Outside of the
wrestling mats, I also run track and play
soccer. I have played soccer every year since
my sixth grade year. To help me maintain my
physical and emotional strength I like to join
outside activities to always keep me
conditioned and ready to go. My physical
activities include: Judo and private wrestling
lessons. Also, for emotional strength I
volunteer at Waller Road Elementary and I
always find time to help around the community or through church.
Thanks to the help of the congregation, I recently went on a mission
trip to Louisville, Kentucky. It was such an eye-opener for me and
helped me connect with youth and children that I did not know that
well. I had such a wonderful time. The things I felt that week cannot
be put into words.
One of my favorite things to do with PUMC youth group is to go on trips
or places to explore together. Once we all went to Seattle for the day
and we even went to the fair last year; and that was so much fun! It
gave me the chance to grow closer with my peers because we got to
experience time together and talk about our lives and share all types of
things with each other. I think that the things we learn together help
me put all my strengths to work in the classroom. My favorite subjects
are: Science, Human Health and Development, and English. My main
aspiration is to graduate and go on to a University and get a major in
Social Work or Child Psychology. I hope to be able to go out in the
world with a lot to offer to others in the community.
My eldest daughter is a serious seeker of the truth. A year ago, she was engaged in an
intentional process of personal discernment regarding her vocation as a lawyer. During this
intense process, Rachel had a conversation with a wise woman that reminded her that true
meaning is found where we celebrate our worth because we are human beings, and not
because of human "doing". I had used that exact image with my congregation on a Sunday
just prior to her own encounter with this phrase. The world needs more human beings who
do, and less doers who doubt who they are as children of God (human beings) created in
the image of God. Christian Discipleship starts first with this idea of "human being", and it
organically leads to balanced "human doing".
Our Youth
helps support the
salary of our
Associate Pastor.
Your gifts will help
to assure this
position is properly
staffed. For more
information as to
how you can give to
an endowment,
contact the church
Adam Rollins is a senior at Rogers High
School. He is an active member of the
Rogers Army JROTC program, has run track
and cross country, and is an Eagle Scout.
Adam has taken a variety of AP and pre-AP
coursework in High School. He hopes to gain
an appointment to the United States Coast
Guard Academy or the United States
Merchant Marine Academy to get a degree
in mechanical engineering and serve as an
officer in the Coast Guard.
Used by permission
253.845.0547 Ext 101
Camp Harmony Talk
October 14, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
Associate Pastor’s Letter
On Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, Whitney Memorial UMC and
Puyallup UMC will be collaborating with First Christian Church of
Puyallup to sponsor a special presentation about Camp Harmony.
Camp Harmony was the unofficial name of the Puyallup Assembly
Center, a temporary facility within the system of internment
camps set up for Japanese Americans during World War II.
Approximately 7,390 Americans of Japanese descent from Western
Washington and Alaska were sent to the camp (nearly doubling
the town of Puyallup's then-population of 7,500) before being
transferred to the Incarceration Camps at Minidoka, Idaho, Tule
Lake California, and Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
Wow — where did September go? The Fair just finished their 17-day run and I have to admit, I
certainly had my share of Fisher scones for the year. I can’t get enough of those — they are the
best. The Tweeners and Youth Group outings to the Fair were a huge hit. I just want to take the
time to thank all of you who donated Fair tickets to allow our kids to have free admission. Thank
you, thank you, thank you.
Karen Yokota
Two survivors from the Japanese-American community, Elsie
Taniguchi, formally of Fife, and Cho Shimizu of Puyallup (Leaders
from the Camp Harmony Committee) will share their memories and family stories of growing up
behind barbed wire.
If you haven’t seen me in worship for the full hour with Pastor Ron, it’s because I’m spending time with the
Sunday School and getting to know the children in the Nursery, Preschool and of course, our kids in Sunday
School. Currently, each Sunday’s curriculum reflects the sermon scripture that Pastor Ron or myself is preaching
on. We’ve gone ahead and hand-crafted an activity for that Sunday. With the recent visit from the Missionaries,
Nan and Miguel, we created a whole theme around “What’s Your Mission?”
This is a unique opportunity to educate our faith congregations in the Puyallup community. There is
limited space and an RSVP is required. Please let Pastor Karen know if you're interested. The event
will be located at First Christian Church of Puyallup at 623 -- 9th Avenue SW, Puyallup, WA 98372.
In class, we taught our kids about what a Mission Statement is, shared PUMC’s Mission and had our children
create their own Mission books with their own mission statements. Each Sunday, we have something exciting
planned, but I cannot do this alone. I am currently searching for more servant leaders who would like to teach.
Please reach out and email me at PastorKaren@puyallupumc.org. Our children are our church and are our
Puyallup Candidate Forum
The League of Women Voters will moderate a Puyallup Candidate Forum on October 22 at 7 pm in
Wesley Hall. Hear the Puyallup City Council and Puyallup School Board Candidates. Open to
Reading Program Needs Volunteers
Communities In Schools Program is searching for volunteers for the Good Smaraitan Readers tutoring
program. This provides several elementary schools in the district with much needed tutoring. Over
150 volunteers are needed so that each student will have a tutor. The commitment is for only 1 hour
a week from October until June. You are trained by the program. If you are interested in
volunteering contact Chris Stockslager, CIS of Puyallup, Good Samaritan Readers program
coordinator, Chris@cispuyallup.org or 253.988.0051.
Sanctuary Lights Are Being Installed!
The first two weeks in October will be a busy time in the sanctuary. Our new lights will be installed!
Keep in mind that the sanctuary will be closed during the week and will be open only on weekends.
Please respect the construction zone and do not enter; this is for your safety.
And, finally, we have many activities coming up in October, including a Juicing event, an event to learn more
about Camp Harmony, the Appalachian Mission Trip and of course, the Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat. I’m
currently looking for servant leaders to help out at the Fall Festival. Please contact me if you would like to help.
In peace,
Pastor Karen
Youth Schedule for October 2015
Sunday, October 4th, 2015
World Communion Sunday: Pastor Karen will preach
both services
Youth Group, 6pm
Fall Festival
PUMC Office 253.845.0547
On another note, I’d also like formally invite all of you to come to Whitney Memorial. We meet every 2nd and
4th Sunday of the month at 10:30 a.m. I’ve had many people from PUMC approach me and asked if they can
worship with Whitney, and I would like to invite you to come, worship, and afterwards we typically have lunch.
Come and meet the people at Whitney Memorial. This is a great opportunity to get to know one another and to
build new relationships and renew old ones.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Grape Juice Making for World Communion Sunday
(Youth, Tweens, and Children)
10am-12pm: Juicing
12pm:12:30pm: Lunch (will be provided)
12:30pm-1:30pm: Canning Juice
Sunday, October 25
I’m living Back-to-School and being in school vicariously through all of the kids, tweens and teens here as I
continue to formulate, develop, and plan for this year. What an adventure it is — as I quickly adapt into the role
as an education and discipleship pastor at Puyallup UMC while continuing to serve the needs of the people at
Whitney Memorial UMC. I want to thank you for your insight, patience, and helpful suggestions and
encouragement as I continue to discover all of the surprises and delights in this position.
With a new school year, we’ve gone from not having any volunteers from our first day of Sunday School to
having many servant leaders who are stepping up to the plate who seem to know what it takes to commit to our
Using photographs, they will share what their experiences were like when they left and returned to
the Puyallup and Fife communities, the support of friends and neighbors, and the adjustment after
the war.
I’ve always thought the New Year should begin in Fall. Or at least that's when we should make New Year's
resolutions. There's something about September that coincides well with new beginnings — whether it’s the Back
-to-School rhythm ingrained into us in kindergarten or the crisp breeze that starts to break up the summer heat.
Or, the start of the Washington State Fair (or Puyallup Fair as everyone here knows it). Or, maybe it’s the scent
of sharpened pencils in the air.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Appalachian Mission Trip Sunday Worship: Our Youth
Mission Team will organize and run the 8:55am and
10:35am services with song, a slideshow, and words of
wisdom based on The Book of James.
Youth Group, 6pm
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Youth Group, 6pm
Saturday, October 24, 2015
2pm-4pm: Youth Set-Up for Fall Festival
Sunday, October 25, 2015 from 2pm-4pm
12pm-2pm: Set-Up for Fall Festival
2pm-3pm: Fall Festival
3pm-4pm: Trunk-or-Treat
No Youth Group
253.845.0547 Ext 102
October 2015
Pray For…
PUMPKIN Carving and Potluck!
-Sally Nash
October 24, 3pm
Koinonia (adult group) will have their annual
pumpkin carving and potluck. This year it will be
at Kristen Turpen’s home. The fun will begin in
the garage at 3pm, then a potluck dinner,
followed by the lighting of the pumpkins. Please
bring something to carve and something to add to
the dinner table. All ages are invited. If you need
information or directions contact Kristen 253-3769519 or superk445@gmail.com
-Peggy Barnes
-Shirley Brown
-Janis Cupp
-Jerrie Isom
-Marilyn Bernd, ALS
Remember our military and first
10:30 Bible Study R7
11 Yoga
5:30 R Ringers R5
6:30 Theology at Pub
To Jill and Jessie Reichel in the birth of their
daughter Liliana Elaine; Jill is the daughter of
Dawn Harmon.
Making Juice with
Jenny Phillips
Youth Mission Trip ……………….. returning July 3
Communion Sunday
No youth meeting
9:30 Staff Mtg
10 Quilters
11 Yoga
6:00 Outreach CR
7 Web Committee
11Youth Lead 12
1 Hunger Walk
Worship Services
6 Jesus in the
Gospels Room 7,10
12:30 Library Com.
6 Jesus in the
Gospels Room 7,10
Book Sale in WH
6:30 Young Adults
6 Jesus in the
Gospels Room 7,10
9:30 Staff Mtg
10 Quilters
11 Yoga
7 Finance
7 Trustees
8:15 Admin Council
9:30 Staff Mtg
10 Quilters
11 Yoga
7 Ministry Council
6 Youth Group
2 pm Fall Festival
6 Jesus in the
3 pm Trunk or Treat
9:30 Staff Mtg
9 Maintenance Team
10 Whitney Bible St.
10:30 Bible Study R7
11 Yoga
5:30 R. Ringers R5
6:30 Connections SA 6:30 Verses & Vittles
7:00 SPR
7 Faith Singers
10 Whitney Bible St
2:00 Faith Beginnings
6:30 Camp Harmony
Remembrance at
Faith Christian
6:30 Connections SA
10:30 Bible Study R7
11 Yoga
5:30 R. Ringers R5
6:30 Verses & Vittles
7 Faith Singers
10 Whitney Bible St
10:30 Bible Study R7
2:00 Faith Beginnings 11 Yoga
6:30 Connections SA 5:30 R. Ringers R5
6:30 Verses & Vittles
7 Faith Singers SA
10 Whitney Bible St
10:30 Bible Study Cot
6:30 Connections SA 5:30 R. Ringers R5
6:30 Verses & Vittles
7 Faith Singers SA
7 Ladies Book Club
8 Men’s Breakfast at
9 am Freezing
Nights Orientation
Phoenix Housing
Church Council
———————————————————-Phoenix Housing——————————————————————X
Sunday Schedule
8:30 Prayer Time
(Conference Room)
8:30 Choir Practice FS
8:55 Traditional Worship
and Bible Study Classes
10:35 Contemporary
Worship and Bible Study
UMC / Church History
United Methodist Doctrine
& Distinctives
Puyallup UMC Core Values,
Vision, and Mission
Expectations of Membership
Ladies Book Club
While attendance at all four sessions is encouraged for
those seeking membership, everyone else is invited
and welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.
Marie-Laure lives with her father in Paris near the
Museum of Natural History, where he works as the
master of its thousands of locks. When she is six,
Marie-Laure goes blind and her father builds a
perfect miniature of their neighborhood so she
can memorize it by touch and navigate her way
home. When she is twelve, the Nazis occupy Paris
and father and daughter flee to the walled citadel
of Saint-Malo, where Marie-Laure’s reclusive great
-uncle lives. With them they carry what might be
the museum’s most valuable and dangerous
Sign up today by calling the church office.
Communities in Schools of Puyallup
In a mining town in Germany, the orphan Werner
and his younger sister become enchanted by a
crude radio they find. Werner becomes an expert
at building and fixing these crucial new
instruments, a talent that wins him a place at a
brutal academy for Hitler Youth, then a special
assignment to track the resistance. More and
more aware of the human cost of his intelligence,
Werner travels through the heart of the war and,
finally, into Saint-Malo, where his story and Marie
-Laure’s converge.
November 1:
Lunch will be served. Reservations necessary.
What’s With the Red Bucket?
The red bucket with the letters “FRS” is for
donations to the Family Renewal Shelter which is
a ministry for victims of domestic violence.
Please place donations of
hygiene items, clothing for
women and children, and they
will be delivers to the shelter by
our volunteers. Want to know
more about Family Renewal
Shelter? Check out their
website: http://domesticviolencehelp.org/
Phoenix Housing Coming
October 24-31
Phoenix Housing (now Family Housing Network)
will be our guests and we need your help! Each
night we will need two people to stay overnight
to be available for families if a need or
emergency arises (folding cots provided). We also
need evening meals to be provided and people to
volunteer to provide activities for the children.
For more information, check out the table in
Wesley Hall beginning October 4 during fellowship
times or contact the church office 253.845.0547
Used Book Sale
October 18th in Wesley Hall during
Fellowship Hours. Donations needed of
new and nearly new books which can
be left in the Conference Room. Please label
your donations "Church Library Book Sale." If you
have questions, contact Janet Myers at 253-8459911.
FS= Fireside Room
October 11:
October 18:
October 25:
Please join us on October 29 at 7 PM at The
SA= Sanctuary
WH=Wesley Hall
CR=Conference Room
Cot=Cottage/Whitney UMC
Learn More About...
Thank you for your generous school supplies
donation! We love to see the community
supporting our students at Stewart Elementary.
They have been put to great use for students in
need. Much appreciated,
“All The Light We Cannot See”, by Anthony Doerr
Puyallup UMC 101
Bring a Thing
meals (rice-a-roni, mac and cheese,
etc.) Place your items in the PUMC bus in
the Narthex.