Construction of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, MIZORAM
Construction of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, MIZORAM
Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) JANGPURA, NEW DELHI-110014 Construction of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, MIZORAM NIT No. HPL/DGM(Engg.)/Sainik School/TC/36/2013-14 DT. 19-11-2013 NOTICE INVITING TENDER AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS ISSUED TO: M/s. ________________________________ ________________________________ Ph- (011) 43149800-899, Fax: - (011) 26340365 E-mail:- Website: - Signature of Tenderer with seal 0 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) JANGPURA, NEW DELHI-110014 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NIT No. HPL/DGM(Engg.)/Sainik School/TC/36/2013-14 DT. 19-11-2013 1.0 M/s. Hindustan Prefab Ltd., (HPL) has been appointed by the Department of School Education, Govt. of Mizoram as the “Executing Agency” for implementation of their Projects in various parts of North Eastern Region. 2.0 On behalf of Department of School Education, Govt. of Mizoram sealed percentage rate basis tenders are invited by the Hindustan Prefab Limited Jangpura, New Delhi-110014 in Two bid system/three bid system from the reputed, experienced , technically and financially sound contractors and from the empanelled contractors of HPL who are empanelled in the Category ` 25.00 Crores and above for NER and all India basis, for the work “Construction of School Building, Hostel Building, Sub-station, Market, Medical Inspection and Junior Staff Residence of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, Mizoram” as per the following details: S. No 1 3.0 Name of Work Construction of School Building, Hostel Building, Sub-station, Market, Medical Inspection and Junior Staff Residence of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, Mizoram. Estimated Cost EMD Cost of tender documents (` in Lakhs) ( ` in lakhs) (in ` ) 2503.00 35.03 5,000/- Time of completion 30 months (nonrefundable) The tender documents can be purchased from the office of DGM (Engg./ T&M) Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi-110014 from 20-11-2013 to 03-12-2013 up to 4.00 PM on furnishing a Demand Draft drawn on a Nationalized Bank/Schedule Bank in favour of “Hindustan Prefab Limited” payable at New Delhi for ` 5000/- as tender cost (non refundable). Tender documents can also be downloaded from HPL’s website However, cost of tender documents, as aforesaid, shall be payable in addition to EMD at the time of tender submission. Signature of Tenderer with seal 1 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4.0 Earnest Money amounting to ` 35.03 lacs shall be furnished along with the tender in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “Hindustan Prefab Ltd.,” payable at New Delhi from any Nationalized Bank/Schedule Bank in India. 4.01 The EMD shall be valid for a minimum period of 90 days from the last day of submission of tender. Any tender not accompanied with the aforesaid EMD shall be rejected and such tenderer will not be allowed to participate in the opening of the bids. 4.02 The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers shall be returned within (30) thirty days of the award of the contract to the successful bidder. However, EMD of successful bidder in the form of Demand Draft shall be treated as part of Security Deposit 5.0 The tenders shall be submitted in the office of DGM (Engg./ T&M) by 05-12-2013 up to 3.00 PM and opened on the same day at 3.30 PM. 6.0 Hindustan Prefab Limited (HPL) reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders in part or full without assigning any reason thereof. HPL may award the work amongst more than one bidder at L-1’s accepted rates, terms and conditions, if required. DGM(Engg./T&M) Signature of Tenderer with seal 2 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (ITT) 1.0 Mode of Submission The tender is to be submitted in three separate sealed covers as under:a) Envelope – I (EMD, Cost of tender documents and Unconditional Acceptance Letter) This Envelope shall contain the following i) Requisite EMD as specified in the NIT. ii) Cost of Tender documents, (if downloaded from Website) as specified in the NIT. Copy of cash receipt to be enclosed (if purchased from HPL’s office). iii) Letter of Unconditional Acceptance of tender conditions as per proforma Annexure-I. This envelope shall be properly sealed and superscribed as “Envelope – I”, indicating the NIT No., Due date, Name of work and Name of the tenderer/ Contractor. b) Envelope – II ( Technical Bid) This envelope shall contain the following:- i) Application form for prequalification, initial criteria for eligibility for prequalification, evaluation criteria, letter of transmittal etc. as per proforma given in Technical Bid. ii) NIT, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions Corrigendum/ Addendum, if any and Technical Specifications. iii) Copy of Power of Attorney / Partnership Deed duly attested by Notary Public authorizing the person to sign the tender. iv) Any other information required to be submitted along with the tender. v) The enlisted contractor of HPL in the category above Rs. 25.00 Crores will be exempted from Technical bid (PQ procedures) and need not to submit the envelope –II for Technical bid. Copy of certificate issued by the HPL will have to be attached along with the bid document at the time of applying for. of Contract, This envelope shall be properly sealed and superscribed as “Envelop–II (Technical Bid)” indicating NIT No., Due date, Name of Work, Name of tender/ Contractor. c) Envelope – III (Financial Bid) This envelope shall be properly sealed and superscribed as “Envelope – III Financial Bid”, indicating the NIT No., Due date, Name of work, Name of tender/ Contractor. This Envelope shall contain the BOQ/ Schedule of Quantities (duly filled in). Signature of Tenderer with seal 3 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED All the three sealed envelopes shall be wrapped in an outer envelope which should also be properly sealed super-scribing the NIT No., Due date, Name of work, Name of tenderer/ contractor. The tenders will be received in the office of DGM (Engg./ T&M), Hindustan Prefab Ltd., Jangpura, New Delhi 110 014 by 05-12-2013 upto 3.00 PM and will be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM in the presence of representatives of tenderers/ contractors who wish to be present there. In case, the date of opening of tenders, happens to be Holiday then the tenders would be received and opened on the next working day at the same place and time. The tenders received after the due date & time of submission shall not be entertained, and shall be returned to the tenderer unopened. HPL shall not be responsible for any postal delays. Tenderer shall take care to ensure the submission of tender at place of receipt of tender before due date and time. 2.0 (a) First, Envelope – I Containing the Requisite EMD, the cost of tender documents (if down loaded from Website) and Letter of Unconditional Acceptance of tender conditions shall be opened. Once the tenderer has given unconditional acceptance to the tender conditions in its entirety, he is not permitted to put any remark(s) / condition(s) (except unconditional rebate on price if any) in/along with tender. Tenders not accompanied with prescribed EMD and letter of unconditional acceptance of tender shall be summarily rejected and such Tenderers shall not be allowed to attend the Opening of Technical & Financial Bids. b) Envelope – II Containing Technical Bids shall be opened of only those tenderers who have complied with the requirement of Envelope – I. c) Envelope – III Containing the Financial Bid of those tenderers shall be opened who are technically qualified. Date of opening of Financial Bids shall be intimated to the tenderers, who are found to be technically qualified after evaluation in accordance with the prescribed criteria. 3.0 In case the condition(s) mentioned above is/are found violated at any time before opening of tender, the tender shall be summarily rejected and HPL shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the full earnest money absolutely. 4.0 If any information furnished by the tenderer is found incorrect at a later stage, he shall be liable to be debarred from tendering / taking up of work in HPL. HPL reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the tenderer independently. 5.0. It will be obligatory on the part of tenderer to sign (along with seal of the Firm/Company) each page of tender documents, consisting of Technical Bid, Financial Bid, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of contract etc. cutting or over-writing, if any, shall be signed and stamped by the person signing the tender. 6.0. The sites for the work are available/shall be made available in parts. Signature of Tenderer with seal 4 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 7.0 The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 30 months commencing from the 10th day after the date of issue of letter of acceptance of tender (Letter of Intent) or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated with the tender documents. 8.0 Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tenders. The tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools and plants, water, electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by HPL and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work. 9.0 HPL does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender, and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received and or sub-divide the tender without assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 10.0 Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the tenderer/ contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 11.0 FOR PERCENTAGE RATE TENDERS 11.01 In case of Percentage Rate Tenders, tenderer/contractor shall fill up in the Schedule/ Bill of Quantities, percentage below / above (in figures as well as in words) to total estimated cost given in Schedule / Bill of Quantities, he will be willing to execute the work. The tenderer should quote a unique single percentage plus/ minus over the total estimated amount given in schedule/ bill of quantities. In case more than one schedule is given, stipulating quoting of separate percentage (plus or minus) over the estimated amount of each schedule, the tenderer can quote separate percentage for each such schedule. Under no circumstances, tenderer is allowed to quote separate percentages for individual items, trades or group of items. In case tenderer quotes separate percentages for individual items, trades or group of items instead of to the total amount of schedule(s), the tender shall be rejected and earnest money of the tenderer shall be forfeited in totality. Signature of Tenderer with seal 5 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 11.02 In case of Percentage Rate Tenders, the tenderer shall also work out the total amount of his offer after adding percentage plus or minus over the total schedule amount and the same should be written in figures as well as in words in such a way that no interpolation is possible. In case of figures, the word ‘Rs.’ should be written before the figure of rupees and word ‘P’ after the decimal figures, e.g. Rs.2.15P and in case of words, the word “Rupees” should precede and the word “Paisa” should be written at the end. 11.03 In case of Percentage Rate Tenders, only percentage quoted shall be considered. Any tender containing item rates is liable to be rejected. Percentage quoted by the tenderer in Percentage Rate Tender shall be accurately filled in figures and words, so that there is no discrepancy. However, if the tenderer has worked out the amount of the Tender and if discrepancy is found in the percentage quoted in words and figures, the percentage which corresponds with the amount worked out by the tenderer shall be taken as correct. If the amount of the tender is not worked out by the tenderer or it does not correspond with the percentage written either in figures or in words then the percentage quoted by the tenderer in words shall be taken as correct. Where the percentage quoted by the tenderer in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the percentage quoted by the tenderer will be taken as correct and not the amount. If contractor fails to mention plus or minus (above or below) against the percentage but has worked out the amount, the percentage whether above or below shall be worked out from the amount. For any other discrepancy, the decision of Tender Scrutiny Committee of HPL shall be final and binding on the contractor including on rejection of Tender and forfeiture of EMD. 12.0 The tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works if his near relative is posted as an Accountant or Project Engineer or any higher rank officer in any capacity in HPL He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any Accountant or Project Engineer or any higher rank Officer of HPL. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be made ineligible for tendering in HPL. 13.0 A) HOW TO FILL UP THE TENDER The offer shall be given for different construction works as follows : 1. School Building, Hostels, Senior Staff Residence, Junior Staff Residence, Principal Residence, Subordinate Staff Residence, Guest House, Market, Sub-station, Medical Inspection, Road work in the Campus: I) The estimated rate and amounts are given in the BOQ. The tenderer have to quote their offer in percentage above or below or at-par the estimated amount. The payment will be made as per the actual work done and item wise measurement basis. (II) Individual items in respect of individual structure are payable separately on actual measurement basis of respective structure. However, in no case the quantities of different structures will be merged together for payment Signature of Tenderer with seal 6 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (III) Quantities given in BOQ for development works are tentative, these quantities may vary as per site condition/technical requirement during the execution of work. (IV) (B) The rate quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of Sales Tax, Turnover Tax on Works Contract/ VAT or any similar tax as per the Sales Tax Act/ VAT Act applicable in the State and it shall not be reimbursed by HPL. Tax deductions at source shall be made as per laws prevalent in the State. The BOQ items based on DSR’s 2007 for the Civil & Electrical Items accept few which are on market rate. (Please refer the BOQ). The tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works if his near relative is posted as an Accountant or Project Engineer or any higher rank officer in any capacity in HPL He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any Accountant or Project Engineer or any higher rank Officer of HPL. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be made ineligible for tendering in HPL. 14.0 TAXES AND DUTIES 14.01 The bidder should quote the rates inclusive of all taxes as applicable in the State (like, the sales tax, Work Contract Tax and value Added Tax (VAT) on work contract). In the event of non payment / default in payment of any octroi, royalty, cess, turnover tax, sales tax, including the purchase tax, consignment tax or any labour dues and E.P.F. etc, by contractor, the HPL reserves the right to withhold the dues / payments of contractor and make payment to local / state / Central Government authorities or to labours as may be applicable. 15.0 VALIDITY The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of opening of Tenders. If any tenderer withdraws his tender during the validity period or makes any modifications with terms and conditions of the tender and/ or in the letter of unconditional acceptance of tender, then HPL shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit entire amount of the earnest money as aforesaid. Further, the tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the re-tendering process of the work. The validity period may be extended on mutual consent. 16.0 This Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to the tenderers shall form a part of the contract documents. The successful tenderer, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall, within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work sign the contract agreement in prescribed form on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-. The following documents shall form part of the Contract Agreement:- Signature of Tenderer with seal 7 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED a) Notice inviting tender, Instructions to Tenderers, General Conditions of Contract, Special conditions of Contract, Technical specifications, Integrity pact and drawings, if any, forming part of the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto. b) Standard form of agreement. c) Bill of Quantities (BOQ)/Schedule of Quantities. 17.0. The drawings attached with the tender documents are Tender Drawings and are indicative only. 18.0. The Witness to the Tender / Contract Agreement who shall be other than the tenderer / tenderers competing for this work must indicate full name, address, Status/occupation with dated signatures. 19.0 Transfer of bid documents purchased by one intending bidder to another is not permissible. 20.0 Before commencement of work, the Contractor shall submit the following documents:i) Performance Bank Guarantee. ii) Copy of Valid Labour Licence. iii) Copy of electrical licence valid upto the date of completion of project in the name of contractor. iv) Copy of Labour Cess Registration under Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996. v) Copy of ST/ WCT /TOT/ VAT Registration No. vi) Copy of E P F Code No. vii) Contractor’s All Risk Policy / Erection All Risk Policy. viii) Insurance under Workmen Compensation Act ix) Copy of Service Tax Registration No. x) Copy of ESIC registration as applicable. xi) Integrity pact Agreement on Stamp paper as per performa enclosed. The release of first payment (Running bill or any advance except Mobilization Advance) shall be subject to the submission of above mentioned documents. Signature of Tenderer with seal 8 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 21.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED AWARD CRITERIA 21.1 The employer reserves the right, without being liable for any damages or obligation to inform the applicant to : a) amend the scope and value of contract if any to the applicant. b) reject any or all of the applications without assigning any reasons. 21.2 Any effort on the part of the applicant or his agent to exercise influence or to pressurize the employer would result in rejection of his application. Canvassing of any kind is prohibited. DGM (Engg./ T&M) Signature of Tenderer with seal 9 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Annexure-I ACCEPTANCE LETTER TO BE ENCLOSED ALONGWITH EMD IN ENVELOPE – I Hindustan Prefab Limited (Address of submission as mentioned in “Notice Inviting Tender”) Sub : Construction of School Building, Hostel Building, Sub-station, Market, Medical Inspection and Junior Staff Residence of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, Mizoram. Sir, ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER CONDITIONS 1. The tender documents for the work as mentioned in “Memorandum to Form of Tender” have been sold to me/us by Hindustan Prefab Limited and I / we hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions and tender documents in its entirety for the above work. 2. The contents of clause 2.0(a) and 3 of the Tender documents (Instructions to the Tenderers) have been noted wherein it is clarified that after unconditionally accepting the tender condition in its entirety, it is not permissible to put any remark(s)/ conditions (s) (except unconditional rebate on price, if any) in the tender enclosed in “Envelope-1” and the same has been followed in present case. In case this provision of the tender is found violated at any time after opening “Envelope-I” , I/ We agree that the tender shall be summarily rejected and HPL shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely. 3. The required earnest money for this work is enclosed herewith. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the tenderer) With rubber stamp Dated: _______________ Signature of Tenderer with seal 10 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INTEGRITY PACT To, Dy. General Manager (Engg.) Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi : 110 0 14 Name of Work : : NIT No. Construction of School Building, Hostel Building, Sub-station, Market, Medical Inspection and Junior Staff Residence of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, Mizoram : HPL/DGM(Engg.)/Sainik School/TC/36/2013-14 DT. 19-11-2013 Dear Sir, I/We acknowledge that HPL is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document. I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We acknowledge that THE MAKING OF THE BID SHALL BE REGARDED AS AN UNCONDITIONAL AND ABSOLUTE ACCEPTANCE of this condition of the NIT. I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct from the main contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by HPL. I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement, which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement. I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Agreement, while submitting the tender/bid, HPL shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid. Yours faithfully (Duly authorized signatory of the Bidder) Signature of Tenderer with seal 11 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INTEGRITY PACT To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorised to sign the relevant contract on behalf of HPL. INTEGRITY AGREEMENT This Integrity Agreement is made at ........ on this ........ day of ...........2013. BETWEEN President of India represented through Dy. General Manager (Engg.), Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, on behalf of ________________________ (Hereinafter referred as the New Delhi-110014, ‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns) AND ............................................................................................................. (Name and Address of the Individual/firm/Company) through .................................................................... (Hereinafter referred to as the (Details of duly authorized ignatory) “Bidder/Contractor” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns) Preamble WHEREAS the Principal / Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No. … ……. …………………..……………….) (hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down organizational procedure, contract for : ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ NIT No. HPL/DGM(Engg.)/Sainik School/TC/36/2013-14 DT. 19-11-2013 hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”. AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s). AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents and Contract between the parties. Signature of Tenderer with seal 12 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties hereby agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under: Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner 1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe the following principles: (a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his/her family members, will in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract, demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to. (b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution. (c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavour to exclude from the Tender process any person, whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature. 2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down policies and procedures. Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) 1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees and agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the Government / Department all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes aware, during the tendering process and throughout the negotiation or award of a contract. 2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the Tender process and during the Contract execution: Signature of Tenderer with seal 13 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in the Tender process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or during the execution of the Contract. b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to rices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding process. c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act. Further the Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or documents provided by the Principal / Owner as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically. d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of agents / representatives in India, if any. Similarly Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality shall disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian agent on behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a tender but not both. Further, in cases where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender for the same item. d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the Contract. 3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an accessory to such offences. 4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm indulge in fraudulent practice means a wilful misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or causing damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the procurement process to the detriment of the Government interests. 5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or influencing a decision through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their participation in the tendering process). Signature of Tenderer with seal 14 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Article 3: Consequences of Breach Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or the Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner shall have the following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and the Bidder/ Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal/Owner’s absolute right: 1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form, such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving 14 days notice to the contractor shall have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) from the Tender process or terminate/determine the Contract, if already executed or exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of transgression and determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a limited period as decided by the Principal/Owner. 2) Forfeiture of EMD/Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit: If the Principal/Owner has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the Contract or terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued the right to terminate/determine the Contract according to Article 3(1), the Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights that may have accrued to the Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit, Performance Guarantee and Security Deposit of the Bidder/Contractor. 3) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or Contractor which constitutes corruption within the meaning of IPC Act, or if the Principal/Owner has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the same to law enforcing agencies for further investigation. Article 4: Previous Transgression 1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender process. 2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner. Signature of Tenderer with seal 15 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 3) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner may, at its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely. Article 5: Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors 1) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be responsible for any violation(s) of the principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any of its Sub- contractors/sub-vendors. 2) The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders and Contractors. 3) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly signed Pact between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its provisions at any stage of the Tender process, from the Tender process. Article 6- Duration of the Pact This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor/Vendor 12 months after the completion of work under the contract or till the continuation of defect liability period, whichever is more and for all other bidders, till the Contract has been awarded. If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is discharged/determined by the Competent Authority, HPL on behalf of Deptt. School Education, Govt. of Mizoram. Article 7- Other rovisions 1) This Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and jurisdiction is the Head quarters of the Division of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the Tender. 2) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been made. 3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the partners or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and consortium members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly authorized by board resolution. Signature of Tenderer with seal 16 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intensions. 5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any action taken by the Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/ Pact or interpretation thereof shall not be subject to arbitration. Article 8- LEGAL AND PRIOR RIGHTS All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights and remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence over the Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions covered under this Integrity Pact. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses: ............................................................... (For and on behalf of Principal/Owner) ................................................................. (For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor) WITNESSES: 1. .............................................. (signature, name and address) 2. ............................................... (signature, name and address) Place Dated Signature of Tenderer with seal 17 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM OF TENDER Hindustan Prefab Limited (Address of submission as mentioned in “Notice Inviting Tender”) 1. “Memorandum to Form of Tender” as per tender documents within the time schedule of completion of work as per separately signed and accepted rates in the Bill of Quantities quoted by me/ us for the whole I/We hereby tender for execution of (Name of work as mentioned in work in accordance with the Notice inviting Tenders, Conditions of Contract, Specifications of materials and workmanship, bill of Quantities, Drawings, time schedule of completion of jobs, and other documents and papers, all as detailed in tender documents. 2. It has been explained to me/ us that the time stipulated for jobs and completion of works in all respects and in different stages mentioned in the “Time schedule for completion of jobs” and signed and accepted by me/ us is the essence of the contract. I/ We agree that in case of failure on my/ our part to strictly observe the time of completion mentioned for jobs or any of them and the final completion of works in all respects according to the schedule set out in the said “Time Schedule for completion of jobs” and stipulations contained in the contract the recovery being made as specified therein. In exceptional circumstances extension of time which shall always be in writing may, however be granted by the HPL at its entire discretion for some items, and I/ We agree that such extension of time will not be counted for the final completion of work as stipulated in the said “Time schedule of completion of jobs.” 3. I/We agree to pay the Earnest Money, Performance Guarantee, and Security Deposit and accept the terms & conditions as laid down in the memorandum below in this respect. MEMORANDUM TO FORM OF TENDER Clause No Values/ Description to be applicable for relevant clause(s) Sl.No i) Description Name of work ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) NIT No. : Client/ Owner Type of Tender Earnest Money Estimated cost Time for completion of work Mobilization advance Interest rate of Mobilisation advance Schedule of rates Applicable Validity of tender Performance Guarantee Security Deposit/ Retention Money Escalation /Price variation Time allowed for starting The work 69.0 Defect liability period 74.0 viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) Signature of Tenderer with seal Construction of School Building, Hostel Building, Substation, Market, Medical Inspection and Junior Staff Residence of Sainik School at Chhingchhip, Mizoram. HPL/DGM(Engg.)/Sainik School/TC/36/2013-14 DT. 19-11-2013 Deptt. of School Education, Govt. of Mizoram Percentage rate NIT NIT NIT 30 months 8.0 8.0 10 % of contract value in three installments 10% (Ten percent) 4.0 9.0 10.0 16.0 43.0 Rs. 35.03 Lacs Rs. 2503.00 Lacs For Civil work DSR 2007 & for Electrical items as per CPWD SOR -2007 with latest amendment if any. 90 (Ninety) days 5.00 % (Five percent) only of contract value within 15 days after signing of agreement 5.00 % (five percent) only of the contract amount, which shall be deducted in the manner set out in this contract Escalation /Price variation is not applicable/ payable in this contract. The date of start of contract shall be reckoned from 10th day After the date of issue of telegram/Letter/Telex/Fax of intent of Acceptance of tender or from the 1st day of handing over of the site, whichever is later. 12 (Twelve) months from the date of taking over of the work. 18 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4. Should this tender be accepted, I/ We agree to abide by and fulfill all terms and conditions referred to above and as contained in tender documents elsewhere and in default thereof, to forfeit and pay HPL, or its successors or its authorized nominees such sums of money as are stipulated in the notice inviting tenders and tender documents. 5. I/ We hereby pay the earnest money of amount as mentioned in the “Memorandum to this Form of Tender” in favour of HPL payable at place as mentioned in the “NIT/ITT”. 6. If I/ We fail to commence the work within 10 days of the date of issue of Letter of Intent or from the 1st day of handing over of site or and/ or/ I/ We fail to sign the agreement as per Clause 84 of General Conditions of Contract and/ or I/ We fail to submit performance guarantee as per Clause 09 of General conditions of contract, I/ We agree that HPL shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to cancel the Letter of Intent and to forfeit the said earnest money as specified above. 7. I/ We are also enclosing herewith the Acceptance letter on the prescribed proforma as referred to in condition of NIT. Dated the _____________day of ___________________ SIGNATURE OF TENDERER: NAME (CAPITAL LETTERS):________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ SEAL OF TENDERER SIGNATURE OF WITNESS _______________________ NAME (CAPITAL LETTERS) ________________________ OCCUPATION ADDRESS ________________________________ __________________________________ Signature of Tenderer with seal 19 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) Signature of Tenderer with seal 20 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) 1.0 GENERAL Unless otherwise mentioned elsewhere in the tender document, the work in general shall be carried out as per the latest DSR-2007 including subsequent Addenda and Corrigenda issued from time to time / relevant BIS Codes or otherwise as directed by the Engineer In-Charge. Being a Fixed Rate Contract no price escalation shall be allowed after the work allotted to the Contractor. The Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of contract (GCC), Specifications of the work i.e. particular specifications, drawings, BOQ and any other document forming part of this contract. However, if there is any variation from the GCC, SCC shall prevail over GCC. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Department of School Education, Mizoram has appointed Hindustan Prefab Ltd., (HPL) as the Executing Agency for the implementation of construction of proposed Sainik School at Chhingchhip, in the State of Mizoram. The project will be funded by the Government of India and Government of Mizoram. 3.0 APPROACHES TO SITE : The proposed site for this project is located near the State /National Highway and within Municipal limits of Chhingchhip town. 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK : The General scope of work is described below: 1. Site clearance Jungle clearing and site clearance shall be done in a planned manner as per requirement on site and strictly as directed by HPL. Before start of any earthwork, the site levels shall be recorded jointly with HPL and the contractor in requisite format. Copies of these signed records, in duplicate, shall be submitted with each bill. 2. Earthwork Preparation and cutting of hill/slopes in terraced formation including disposal of the soil within the site, as per approved embankment for construction of roads. Excavation for retaining walls and trench excavation for box culverts. Signature of Tenderer with seal 21 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 3. 5.0 6.0 7.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Roads Roads shall be constructed after due care is taken in layout and gradient of roads and road geometry. The road sub base shall be well compacted. Rates: The rates shall be quoted on Percentage Rate basis (below/at par/over) CPWD Schedule of Rates (2007). The rate quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, octroi, VAT, Labour cess and any other taxes applicable in the state. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. The rate quoted by the contractor shall remain firm through the entire contract period including extended period if any. No escalation / price variation against labour and material shall be paid to contractor. . Secured Advance: No secured advance shall be paid to contractor against any material brought by him at site. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR : Contractor has to provide the following facilities to HPL and the cost of these facilities shall be deemed to be included in the rates quoted by him. All these facilities including consumables are to be kept intact/ operational during the tenancy of the contract i.e. till completion or commissioning whichever is earlier, after which these facilities shall be the property of the contractor. A suitably furnished office accommodation of approximate 80 Sqm. Area equipped with basic facilities such as Telephone, Fax, Internet/ broad band connection, photocopier, Window AC, Fridge, one office attendant, computer (with latest software of MS Office, MS Projects etc. loaded), laser printer, UPS along with computer operator, regular electricity and drinking water supply along with proper toilets etc. shall be provided, properly maintained and kept in running condition. A four wheeled AC vehicle of latest model like TATA Indigo/ Maruti swift etc. in good running condition with Driver and consumables shall be provided at site/Head Quarter whose distance is restricted to 3500 Km per months. The above facilities should be kept intact upto the end of defect liability period. The contractor shall make sufficient arrangement for photography/ videography preferably by maintaining the camera/video camera at site so that photographs/ video films can be taken of any specific activity at any point of time. Note:- (In case the contractor do not provide the above facilities and the same are arranged by HPL, the cost of these facilities shall be recovered from the bill of the contractor.) Signature of Tenderer with seal 22 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 8.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED UTILIZATION WORK FORCE OF HPL BY THE CONTRACTOR HPL shall provide Two nos. skilled / semi-skilled workmen like work supervisors, masons, wireman, plumber etc. or any other category to assist the contractor in execution of the works at the fixed recovery rate of Rs. 14500/- per month for each number of workforce (Rupees Fourteen thousand Five Hundred only per month). Recoveries, as stated above will be made by HPL from the monthly running account bills. The contractor shall deploy such work force on the execution of the works as per their trades and deployment shall be for the period of 36 months. Further, the monthly rate per person is for the purpose of recovery only and in no way shall be constructed to be the rate applicable for working out analysis, justification of rates, extra items, claims etc. 9.0 The contractor shall make all arrangements for ground breaking Ceremony/ inaugural function etc. for the projects as required and the cost towards it is deemed to be included in his rates/offer. Any expenditure already incurred /to be incurred by HPL shall be recovered from the Contractor. 10.0 HPL shall not supply or procure any material for use on works and the contractor has to make his own arrangements for supplying, procuring, transportation and storage of all such materials required for the work, at his own cost. 11.0 PAYMENT : It is clearly agreed and understood by the contractor that notwithstanding anything to the contrary that may be stated in the agreement between HPL and the contractor, the contractor shall become entitled to payment only after HPL received the corresponding payment(s) from the client / owner for the work done by the contractor. Any delay in the release of payment by the client / owner to HPL leading to a delay in the release of the corresponding payment by HPL to the contractor shall not entitle the contractor any compensation / interest from HPL. 12.0 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT Earnest Money of amount as mentioned in “Memorandum to Form of Tender” required to be submitted along with the tender shall be in the form of Demand Draft payable at place as mentioned in “N.I.T., I.T.T.” from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank. 13.0 RELEASE OF SECURITY DEPOSIT: While claiming the refund of security deposit, the contractor shall submit no claim / final claim certificate, duly notarized on a stamp paper of appropriate value, as per the prescribed format of HPL and also submit the following :- Signature of Tenderer with seal 23 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 14.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED i) Clearance certificate from labour department. ii) Certificate from the client to the effect that all the defects have been rectified to their (client) satisfaction and nothing is pending as such. iii) An Indemnity Bond on Judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value indemnifying HPL against any possible demand raised against the company on account of taxes, duties, cess, royalty, trade mark, fees, fines, penalties, demand raised by statutory bodies including court cases and arbitration etc. ARBITRATION CLAUSE : A Standard clause to appoint arbitrator by the CMD, HPL only. The application has to be made by the contractor in a standard format only. "Except where otherwise provided for in the contract, all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of specifications, design, drawings and instructions herein before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship materials used in the work or as to any way arising out or relating to the contract design, drawings, specifications, estimate, instructions order or these conditions or otherwise concerning the work or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising after award of work or during the progress of the work or after the completion of work or abandonment thereof shall be referred to the CMD of HPL in prescribed format attached as Annexure-1, who will appoint the Sole Arbitrator or reappointment another person on transfer or vacation of office or unable to act as Arbitrator in place of the original Arbitrator. There will be no objection if the arbitrator so appointed is an employee of HPL and he had to deal with matters to which the contract relates and that in the Course of his duties as such as he had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. Subject as aforesaid the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. 1996, or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made hereunder and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration. The venue of arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole discretion." The cost of arbitration shall be totally borne by the contractor. Signature of Tenderer with seal 24 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Notice for appointment of Arbitrator Annexure - 1 To CMD Dear Sir, In terms of clause ____ of Special Condition of Contract (SCC), I/we hereby give notice to you to appoint an arbitrator for settlement of disputes mentioned below: 1. Name of applicant 2. Whether applicant is Individual/Prop. Firm/Partnership Firm/Ltd. Co. 3. Full address of the applicant 4. Name of the work and contract number in which arbitration sought 5. Contract amount in the work 6. Date of contract 7. Stipulated date of initiation of work 8. Stipulated date of completion of work 9. Actual date of completion of work (if completed) 10. Total number of claims made 11. Total amount claimed 12. Date of submission of final bill (if work is completed) 13. Date of payment of final bill (if work is completed) 14. Amount of final bill (if work is completed) 15. Date of request made to DGM for decision 16. Date of receipt of DGM decision 17. Date of appeal to you 18. Date of receipt of your decision. Specimen signatures of the applicant (only the person/authority who signed the contract should sign) I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We enclose following documents. 1. 2. 3. 4. Statement of claims with amount of claims. Yours faithfully, (Signatures) Copy in duplicate to: 1. The Engineer-in-charges Signature of Tenderer with seal 25 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GCC) Signature of Tenderer with seal 26 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INDEX S.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 DESCRIPTION CLAUSE NO. General 1.0 Site visit & collecting local information 2.0 Scope of Work 3.0 Validity of Tender 4.0 Acceptance of Tender 5.0 Set of Contract Documents 6.0 Earnest Money Deposit 7.0 Mobilization Advance 8.0 Performance Guarantee 9.0 Security Deposit/Retention Money 10.0 Mobilization of Men, Material & Machinery 11.0 Income Tax Deduction 12.0 Taxes & Duties 13.0 Royalty on Materials 14.0 Rates to be firm 15.0 Escalation/Price Variation 16.0 Insurance of Work etc. 17.0 Insurance under Workmen Compensation Act. 18.0 Third Party Insurance 19.0 Indemnity Against Patent Rights 20.0 Labour Laws to be complied by the Contractor 21.0 Labour Safety Provision 22.0 Indemnity Against non-observation of Labour 23.0 Laws 24 Law Governing the Contract 24.0 25 Laws By-laws Relating to the Work 25.0 26 Employment of Personnel 26.0 27 Technical Staff for Work 27.0 28 Land for Labour Huts/Site Office and Storage 28.0 Accommodation 29 Watching & Lighting 29.0 30 Health & Sanitary Arrangements 30.0 31 Workmen’s Compensation Act. 31.0 32 Minimum Wages Act. 32.0 33 Labour Records 33.0 34 Release of Security Deposit After Labour 34.0 Clearance 35 Secured Advance against non-perishable 35.0 Signature of Tenderer with seal 27 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED materials Measurements of works Payments Work on Sundays, Holidays and During nights No Idle Charges towards Labour or P&M etc. Work to be executed in accordance with Specifications, Drawings, Orders etc. Direction for Works Order of Precedence of Documents Time schedule & Progress Water & Electricity Materials to be Provided by the Contractor Schedule of Quantities/Bill of Quantities Anti Termite Treatment & Water Proofing Treatment Indian Standards Centering & Shuttering Proprietary Materials Records of consumption of Cement & Steel Materials and Samples Tests & Inspections Borrow Areas Bitumen Work Care of Works Work in Monsoon & Dewatering No Compensation for Cancellation/Reduction of works Restriction on subletting Prohibition of unauthorized construction & occupation Co-ordination with other Agencies Setting out of the works Notice before covering up the work Site Clearance Valuable articles found at site Materials obtained from Dismantlement to be owner’s property Set-off of Contractor’s Liability Materials Procured with the Assistance of HPL. Alternation in Specification, Design and Drawing Action and compensation payable in case of Bad Work Signature of Tenderer with seal 28 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 49.0 50.0 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 56.0 57.0 58.0 59.0 60.0 61.0 62.0 63.0 64.0 65.0 66.0 67.0 68.0 69.0 70.0 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 71 72 73 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 90 91 Possession prior to completion Compensation for Delay & Remedies Withholding and lien in respect of sums due from contractor Defect Liability Period Force Majeure Jurisdiction Suspension of works Termination of Contract on Death of Contractor Clarification after Tender submission Addenda/Corrigendum Quality Assurance Programme Approval of Temporary/Enabling work Contract coordination Procedures Co-ordination meetings and Progress Reporting Contract Agreement Manner of Execution of Agreement Purchase preference to Public Enterprises Change in firms’ condition to be intimated Labour Safety Provision Model Rules for the Protection of Health & Sanitary Arrangements for Workers Contractor’s Labour Regulation Prescribed Pro-forma of Workers 92 Application for Extension of Time 93 94 95 Proforma of Bank Guarantee (EMD) Proforma of Bank Guarantee (Performance) Proforma of Bank Guarantee (Mobilization Advance) Proforma of Bank Guarantee (in lieu of Security Deposit) Guarantee Bond for Anti Termite Treatment Guarantee to be extended by Contractor for Removable of Defects after completion in respect of Water Proofing Work Agreement Form 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 96 97 98 99 Signature of Tenderer with seal 29 71.0 72.0 73.0 74.0 75.0 76.0 77.0 78.0 79.0 80.0 81.0 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0 86.0 87.0 1.0 to 15.0 1.0 to 11.0 1.0 to 17.0 Appendix-A to Appendix-L Part-I, Part-II & Part-III DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 GENERAL The Contract means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof and the formal agreement executed between the competent authority on behalf of HPL and the contractor, together with the documents referred to therein including these conditions, the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions issued from time to time by the Engineer-in-Charge and all these documents taken together, shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another. 1.1 In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings, hereby respectively assigned to them. 1.2 Hindustan Prefab Limited, hereinafter called HPL propose to get the works executed as mentioned in the Contract on behalf of Owner/ Client. 1.3 The work will be executed as per drawings “GOOD FOR CONSTRUCTION’ to be released by HPL unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the tender documents. 1.4 OTHER DEFINITIONS a) ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE means the Engineer of HPL who shall supervise and be incharge of the work from time to time. b) WORKS OR WORK: The expression works or work shall unless there be something either in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, be construed and taken to mean the works by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed whether temporary or permanent, and whether original, altered, substituted or additional. c) CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall mean the individual, firm or company, whether incorporated or not, undertaking the works and shall include the legal personal representative of such individual or the persons composing such firm or company, or the successors of such firm or company and the permitted assignees of such individual, firm or company. d) DRAWINGS mean the drawings referred to in the Bill of Quantities, specifications and any modifications of such drawings or such other drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved by HPL. e) SITE means the lands and other places on, under, in or through which the works are to be executed or carried out and any other lands or places provided by HPL or used for the purpose of the agreement. f) APPROVAL means approved in writing including subsequent written confirmation of previous verbal approval. Signature of Tenderer with seal 30 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 2.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED g) WRITING means any manuscript typed written or printed statement under or over signature and/ or seal as the case may be. h) MONTH means English Calendar month “Day” means a Calendar day of 24 Hrs each. i) CONTRACT VALUE means the sum for which the tender is accepted as per the letter of intent. j) LANGUAGE: All documents and correspondence in respect of this contract shall be in English Language. k) BILL OF QUANTITIES or SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities or Schedule of Quantities forming part of the tender. l) OWNER/ CLIENT means Central Government/ State Government/ Municipal Corporation/ Municipal Committee/ Central/State Government Agency for whom HPL is acting as an agent/ implementing agency and on their behalf HPL is entering into the contract and getting the work executed. m) IMPLEMENTING/ EXECUTING AGENCY means HPL (Hindustan Prefab Limited) n) TENDER means the Contractor’s priced offer to HPL for the execution and completion of the work and the remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract, as accepted by the Letter of Intent or Award letter,. The word TENDER is synonymous with Bid and the word TENDER DOCUMENTS with “Bidding Documents” or “offer documents”. o) The headings in the clauses/conditions of tender documents is/ are for convenience only and shall not be used for interpretation of the clause/ condition. p) Words imparting the singular meaning only also include the plurals and vice versa where the context requires. Words importing persons or parties shall include firms and corporations and organizations having legal capacities. SITE VISIT AND COLLECTING LOCAL INFORMATION Before tendering, the tenderer is advised to visit the site, its surroundings to assess and satisfy themselves about the local conditions such as working and other constraints at site, approach roads to the site, availability of water and power supply, application of taxes, duties and levies as applicable, nature of ground, soil and sub-soil condition, underground water table level, accommodations they may require etc. river regime, river water level , other details of river, steams and any other relevant information required by them to execute complete scope of work. The tenderer may obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances (insurgencies etc.) which may influence or affect their tender price. Tenderer shall be deemed to have considered site conditions whether he has inspected it or not and to have satisfied himself in all respect before quoting his rates and no claim or extra charges whatsoever in this regard shall be entertained/ payable by the HPL at a later date. Signature of Tenderer with seal 31 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 2.1 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ACCESS BY ROAD Contractor, if necessary, shall build temporary access roads to the actual site of construction for works at his own cost to make the site accessible. The Contractor shall maintain the same in motor-able condition at all the times as directed by Engineer-inCharge at his own cost. The contractor shall be required to permit the use of any roads so constructed by him for vehicles of HPL or any other agencies/ contractors who may be engaged on the project site, free of cost. Non-availability of access roads or approach to site, for the use of the contractor shall in no case condone any delay in the execution of work nor be the cause of any claim for compensation. 2.2. HANDING OVER AND CLEARING OF SITE 2.2.1 The Contractor should note that area for construction may be made available in phases as per availability and in conjunction with pace of actual progress of work at site. The work may be required to be carried out in constrained situations. The work is to be carried out in such a way that the traffic, people movement, if any, is kept operative and nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor due to this phasing/ sequencing of the work. The contractor is required to arrange the resources to complete the entire project within total stipulated time. Traffic diversion, if required, is to be done and maintained as per specification by the contractor at his own cost and the contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment, whatsoever in this regard. 2.2.2 The efforts will be made by the HPL to handover the site to the Contractor free of encumbrances. However, in case of any delay in handing over of the site to the Contractor, the HPL shall only consider suitable extension of time for the execution of the work. It should be clearly understood that the HPL shall not consider any revision in contract price or any other compensation whatsoever viz. towards idleness of Contractor’s labour, equipments etc. 2.2.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for removal of all over-ground and underground structures (permanent, semi-permanent and temporary) and constructions from the site. The cost to be incurred in this regard shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates of Bill of Quantities items and contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment whatsoever, in this regard. Old structures on the proposed site, if required, shall be demolished by the contractor properly. The useful material obtained from demolition of structures and services shall be the property of the owner/ HPL and these materials shall be stacked in workmanship like at the place specified by the Engineer-incharge. 2.2.4 If required, the contractor has to do site clearance, enabling work, barricading, diversion of Roads, shifting/ realignment of existing drains, nallahs etc. at his own cost as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment whatsoever in this regard. Signature of Tenderer with seal 32 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 2.2.5 Necessary arrangement including its maintenance are to be made by the contractor for temporary diversion of flow of existing drain and road, as the case may be. The existing drain, road would be demolished, wherever required, with the progress of work under the scope of proposed project. The existing Road and drain which are not in the alignment of the said project but are affected and/ or need to demolished during execution for smooth progress of the project, shall be rehabilitated to its original status and condition (including black topping) by the contractor at his own. The cost to be incurred by contractor in these regards shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates of the Bill of Quantities items and contractor shall not been entitled for any extra payment whatsoever, in these regards. 2.2.6 The Contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate with service provider/ concerned authorities for cutting of trees, shifting of utilities and removal of encroachments etc. and making the site un-encumbered from the project construction area required for completion of work. This shall include initial and frequent follow up meetings/ actions/ discussions with each involved service provider/ delay in cutting of trees, shifting of utilities and removal of encroachment by the service provider/ concerned authorities. However, HPL shall consider suitable extension of time and no extra payment on account of compensation for delay will be payable to the contractor. 2.2.7 The information about the public utilities (whether over ground or underground) like electrical/ telephone/ water supply lines, OFC Cables, open drain etc. is the responsibility of contractor to ascertain the utilities that are to be affected by the works through the site investigation and collection of information from the concerned utility owners. 2.2.8 The contractor shall be responsible to obtain necessary approval from the respective authorities for shifting/re-alignment of existing public utilities. HPL shall only assist to contractor for obtaining the approval from the concerned authorities. 2.2.9 Any services affected by the works must be temporarily supported by the contractor who must also take all measures reasonably required by the various bodies to protect their services and property during the progress of works. It shall be deemed to be the part of the contract and no extra payment shall be made to the contractor for the same. Shifting/ re-alignment of public utilities should be done without disturbing the existing one. New service lines should be laid and connected before dismantling the existing one. 2.2.10 Shifting/ re-alignment of existing public utilities shall be done by the contractor as per technical requirement of respective bodies or as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Shifting/ re-alignment of public utilities includes all materials, labour, tools and plants and any other expenses whatsoever for the same. The cost to be incurred in this regard shall be paid as per BOQ rates or as per terms and conditions of Contract. In case any of these services are shifted by the State Govt. / local authorities themselves for which deposit as per their estimates is to be made to them, the same shall be deposited by HPL on submission of estimate of concerned Department. However, nothing extra shall be payable to the Contractor. Signature of Tenderer with seal 33 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 The scope of work covered in this tender shall be as per the Bill of Quantities, specifications, drawings, instructions, orders issued to the contractor from time to time during the pendancy of work. The drawings for this work, which may be referred for tendering, provide general idea only about the work to be performed under the scope of this contract. These may not be the final drawings and may not or indicate the full range of the work under the scope of this contract. The work will be executed according to the drawings to be released as “GOOD FOR CONSTRUCTION” from time to time by the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL and according to any additions/ modifications/ alterations/ deletions made from time to time as required by any other drawings that would be issued to the contractor progressively during execution of work. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to incorporate the changes that may be in this scope of work, envisaged at the time of tendering and as actually required to be executed. 3.2 The quantities of various items as entered in the “BILL OF QUANTITIES” are indicative only and may vary depending upon the actual requirement. The contractor shall be bound to carry out and complete the stipulated work irrespective of the variation in individual item specified in the bill of quantities. The variation of quantities will be as per clause No.69 of contract. 4.0 VALIDITY OF TENDER The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of opening of Price Bid of Tenders. The earnest money will be forfeited without any prejudice to any right or remedy, in case the contractor withdraws his tender during the validity period or in case he changes his offer to his benefits which are not acceptable to HPL. The validity period may be extended on mutual consent. 5.0 ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER The HPL reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. The acceptance of a tender shall be effective w.e.f. the date on which the telegram/ letter of intent of acceptance of the tender is put in the communication by the HPL. HPL also reserves the right to Split the work among two or more parties at lowest negotiated rate without assigning any reason thereof. The contractor is bound to accept the portion of work as offered by HPL after split up at the quoted/ negotiated rates. 6.0 SET OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The following documents will complete a set of tender document. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Notice inviting tender Instructions to tenderers. General Condition of Contract Special Conditions of Contract Technical specifications (General, Additional & Technical specifications) Schedule of Rates/Bills of quantities Tender Drawings Signature of Tenderer with seal 34 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 7.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT Earnest Money of amount as mentioned in “Memorandum to Form of Tender” required to be submitted along with the tender shall be in the form of Demand Draft payable at place as mentioned in “N.I.T., I.T.T.” In case the amount of earnest money exceeds Rs.10 Lakh (Rs. Ten Lakh) the balance amount of the earnest money is acceptable in the form of Bank Guarantee also. The unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee should be issued by a Nationalised Bank/Scheduled Bank. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid at least for 180 days effective from the last day of submission of tender. 7.1 EMD shall accompany the offer and be placed in the sealed envelope cover of the offer as detailed in Notice Inviting Tender/ Instructions to Tenderers. Any tender not accompanied with the requisite E.M.D. along with letter of acceptance shall be rejected and such tenderer (s) will not be allowed to attend the opening of bids. 7.2 The EMD of all unsuccessful tenderers will be returned within (30) thirty days of the Award of the Contract to successful bidder. Subject to clause 7.6 herein below, EMD in form of Bank Guarantee of successful tenderer shall be returned after submission of Performance Guarantee by him. 7.3 Once the tenderer has given an unconditional acceptance to the tender conditions in its entirety, he is not permitted to put any remark(s)/ conditions(s) (except unconditional rebate on price, if any) in/ along-with the tender. 7.4 In case the conditions 7.3 mentioned above is found violated at any time after opening of tender, the tender shall be summarily rejected and HPL shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the full said Earnest Money absolutely. 7.5 No interest will be payable by the HPL on the said amount covered under EMD. 7.6 EMD of successful tenderer, if deposited in the form of Demand Draft, shall be treated as part of Security deposit. 7.7 In case the contractor fails to commence the work specified in the tender documents on 10th day or such time mentioned in letter of award (LOI) after the date on which the engineer-in-charge issue written order to commence or from the date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, the HPL shall, without prejudice any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit whole of the Earnest Money absolutely. 8.0 MOBILIZATION ADVANCE 8.1 Mobilization advance not exceeding 10% of the tendered value may be given in 3 (three) installments, if requested by the Contractor in writing within one month of the order to commence the work. In such a case, the Contractor shall execute an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee/Bond from a Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge, for the full value of advance before the release of payment of such advance to the Contractor. 8.2 The first installment of 50% (Fifty percent) of total mobilization advance shall be paid after signing of agreement and upon submission of Performance Guarantee. Signature of Tenderer with seal 35 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 8.3 The second installment of 25% (twenty five percent) of total mobilization advance will be paid after setting up of site office and facilities as per contract, completion of mobilization of Plant & Machinery, scaffolding & shuttering materials etc. 8.4 The third installment of balance 25% (twenty five percent) of total mobilization advance shall be paid on completion of 10% of work in terms of cost and after contractor has fully mobilized at site. 8.5 Mobilization Advance shall be admissible only for works where estimated cost put to tender is Rupees Two Crore and above. 8.6 Recovery of Mobilization Advance The mobilization advance shall bear simple interest at the rate of 10% (Ten percent) per annum, and shall be calculated from the date of payment to the date of recovery, both days inclusive, on the outstanding amount of advance. Recovery of such advance shall be made by deduction from the contractors bill commencing after first ten percent of the gross value of the work is executed and paid on pro-rata percentage basis to the gross value of the work billed beyond 10% in such a way that the entire advance is recovered by the time eighty percent of the gross value of the contract is executed and paid together with interest due on the entire outstanding amount upto the date of recovery of the installment or 80% (eighty percent) of the stipulated contract period is over, which ever is earlier. If there remains any balance amount of Mobilization advance yet to be recovered on expiry of 80% of contract period the contractor shall deposit the amount in cash immediately failing which HPL may realize the balance amount by invoking the bank guarantee of contractor for which decision of the HPL shall be final and binding on all concerned. 8.7 The mobilization advance bank guarantee shall be released progressively on recovery of the respective amount of Mobilization Advance. 8.8 Notwithstanding what is contained in clause Nos. 8.1 to 8.4, no mobilization advance whatsoever shall be payable, if payment of mobilization advance is not mentioned in the memorandum to the form of tender. 9.0 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 9.1 Within 15 (Fifteen) days after signing of the agreement or within such extended time as may be granted by HPL in writing, the contractor shall submit an irrevocable and unconditional performance Bank guarantee in the form appended from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank equivalent to 5% (Five percent) of the tendered amount, in addition to other deposits mentioned elsewhere in the contract for the proper performance of the contract agreement (notwithstanding and/ or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract) within the contract period (including approved/ extended period of contract, and defect liability period as specified in the contract. In case the contractor fails to submit the Performance Guarantee of the requisite amount within the stipulated period, letter of Intent/ award will stand withdrawn and EMD of Contractor shall be forfeited. Signature of Tenderer with seal 36 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 9.2 In case the cost of the work exceeds the original tendered value/ contract value on account of extra items, deviations, additional works, etc. the Performance Guarantee equivalent to 5% of additional cost (over and above the tendered value/ contract value) shall be furnished by the contractor, failing which recovery @ 5% of such additional amount shall be made from the Running Account Bills including final bill of the contractor. 9.3 The Guarantee shall be in the form of demand draft from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Hindustan Prefab Limited payable at New Delhi (in case Guarantee amount is less than Rs.100,000/- (Rupees One Lac). In case the Guarantee amount is Rs.100,000/- (Rupees One Lac) or more, the Bank Guarantee shall be given for the equivalent amount from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank. 9.4 The Performance Guarantee shall be valid upto 60 (sixty) days after the end of defect liability period. On expiry of 60 days after satisfactory completion of Defect Liability period as certified by the Engineer in charge, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the contractor without any interest. 9.5 In case the contractor fails to extend the validity of Bank Guarantee beyond the validity date the Engineer-in-charge shall invoke the Bank Guarantee and claim full amount stipulated therein from the issuing Bank. 9.6 The Bank Guarantee shall also be invoked in case the contractor fails to pay HPL any amount due either as agreed by him (Contractor) or determined under any of the claims/ conditions of the agreement within 30 days of the service of notice to the effect by Engineer-in-charge. 9.7 In the event of the contract being determined or rescinded under provision of any of the clause/ condition of the agreement, the performance guarantee shall stand forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of HPL. 9.8 ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR EXISTING CONTRACTOR. 9.8.1 In case bidder is a working contractor of HPL at the time of issuance Letter of Intent (LOI) for the work, the bidder has to furnish an additional performance Bank Guarantee of 1% (One percent) of the Contract Value of the work, in case working capacity of the bidder is less than the aggregate of balance work-load of all the works of the bidder with HPL as on date of placement of LOI for this work. The balance work-load shall also include the value of work awarded but not yet started and finally approved value of this work. This additional Performance Bank Guarantee shall be in addition to the Performance Bank Guarantee of the works to be furnished by the bidder as specified `in clause No. 9.1 above. Further, no relaxation in Performance Bank Guarantee as in clause No.9.1 above shall be made in case working capacity works-out to be more than the balance value of works as mentioned above. The working capacity of the contractor shall be calculated as under: 9.8.2 WORKING CAPACITY=2.5X (Average Turnover of the party as per latest three audited Balance Sheets) Signature of Tenderer with seal 37 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED NOTE: The decision of amount of additional performance Guarantee as above shall be taken by HPL and shall be final & binding to the contractor. 9.8.3 In case the contractor fails to submit the additional Performance Guarantee of the requisite amount within 15 days from the date of issue of letter of award or within such extended time as may be granted by HPL in writing, the letter of Intend (Award) will stand withdrawn and EMD of the Contractor shall be forfeited. 9.9 ABNORMALLY HIGH AND LOW RATED ITEMS For item rate tenders if, the rates quoted by the lowest bidder for certain items of the Bill of Quantities of the Tender are found to be abnormally high or low in comparison to the Market Rate Analysis of the item(s) done by HPL and/ or in comparison to HPL’s method of working out market rate justification for the items, the same shall be governed as under in order to avoid financial loss to HPL in the event of default of contractor: (i) For Abnormally High Rated items (AHR), the progressive payment shall be 80% (Eighty percent) of the payment due to the contractor against execution of the AHR item. The balance withheld 20% (twenty percent) payment shall he released after 75% of total value of the original contract is complete in financial terms. This 20% withheld payment can be released to contractor on submission of an unconditional Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount in the proforma of HPL. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid till completion or extended completion period. The withheld amount/Bank Guarantee shall be revoked in case of failure of contractor to execute some or all Abnormally Low Rated (ALR)items required for completion of work. Further, deviation limit for AHR items shall be nil on plus sides and 100% on minus side. The provision of deviation limit of clause 69.1 (vi) shall not apply to AHR items. In case of deviation of quantities given in schedule of quantities for AHR items on plus side, the same shall be governed by clause69.2. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge of HPL in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor. (ii) For Abnormally Low Rated (ALR) items, the contractor shall submit Bank Guarantee of difference in total of amount of ALR item(s) and the total amount of corresponding items at Market Rates of HPL. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid till completion of project. In exceptional circumstances, the amount of Bank Guarantees may be reduced or Bank guarantee released earlier than completion period if, in view of engineer-in –charge, all ALR items as provided in the contract are executed as per terms of contract and/ or not required to be executed. Notwithstanding what is contained in para 9.9 (i) & (ii) above, the provisions of para 9.9 (i) & (ii) shall not be applicable on tenders invited on percentage rate basis. The decision of HPL on identification/marking of AHR and ALR item shall be final and binding on the contractor. In case the contractor do not agree for furnishing of Bank Guarantee as above towards AHR and ALR items, at the time of award of works, the EMD/ Performance Guarantee of the contractor shall be forfeited and decision of HPL in this regard shall be final & binding on the contractor. Signature of Tenderer with seal 38 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 10.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED SECURITY DEPOSIT/ RETENTION MONEY The Security Deposit or the Retention Money shall be deducted from each Running Account Bill of the contractor @ 5% (Five percent only) of the gross value of each Running Account Bill. The Earnest money deposited by the tender in the form of DD only will be treated as part of Security deposit. The Security Deposit or Retention Money shall be refunded without any interest to the Contractor after satisfactory expiry of defects liability period (referred to in clause No.74) or on payment of the amount of the final bill which ever is later. (Please refer clause No.34.0) If the amount of Security Deposit deduction in cash is more than Rs. 10.00 lakh (Rupees ten lakh only), the excess amount can be refunded to contractor against submission of Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in the prescribed proforma of HPL. 11.0 MOBILIZATION OF MEN, MATERIALS AND MACHINERY: 11.1 All expenses towards mobilization at site and de-mobilization including bringing in equipment, work force, materials, dismantling the equipments, clearing the site etc. shall be deemed to be included in prices quoted and no separate payment on account of such expenses shall be entertained. 11.2 It shall be entirely the Contractor’s responsibility to provide, operate and maintain all necessary construction equipments, scaffoldings and safety, gadget, lifting tackles, tools and appliances to perform the work in a workman like and efficient manner and complete all jobs as per the specifications and within the schedule time of completion of work. Further, contractor shall also be responsible for obtaining temporary electric and water connection for all purposes. The contractor shall also make standby arrangements for water & electricity to ensure un-interrupted supply. 11.3 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain the approval for any revision and/or modification desired by him from HPL before implementation. Also such revisions and/ or modifications if accepted/approved by the HPL shall be carried at no extra cost to HPL 11.4 The procurement and supply in sequence and at the appropriate time of all materials and consumable shall be entirely the contractor’s responsibilities and his rates for execution of work shall be inclusive of supply of all these items. 11.5 It is mandatory for the contractor to provide safety equipments and gadgets to its all workers, supervisory and Technical staff engaged in the execution of the work while working. The minimum requirement (but not limited to ) shall be gum boots, safety helmets, Rubber hand gloves, face masks, safety nets, belts, goggles etc. as per work requirements. Sufficient nos. of these equipments and gadgets shall also be provided to HPL by the contractor at his own cost for use of HPL officials and/or workforce while Signature of Tenderer with seal 39 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED working/supervision at site. No staff/worker shall be allowed to enter the site without these equipments /gadgets. The cost of the above equipments/ gadgets are deemed to be included in the rates quoted by the contractor for the items & works as per Bill of Quantities and contractor shall not be entitled for any extra cost in this regard. The above norm is to be strictly complied with at site. In case the contractor is found to be deficient in providing Safety Equipments/ Gadget in the opinion of Engineer–in-charge, the Engineer-in-charge at his option can procure the same at the risk & cost of contractor and provide the same for the use of worksite and shall make the recoveries from the bills of the contractor for the same. The decision of the Engineer-in-in-charge shall be final and binding on contractor in this regard. 11.6 All designs, drawings, bill of quantities, etc., except Bar Bending Schedule, Shop & Fabrication drawings, for all works shall be supplied to the contractor for all buildings services and development works by HPL in phased manner as the works progress. However, it shall be the duty and responsibility of the contractor to bring to the notice of the HPL in writing as to any variation, discrepancy or any other changes required and to obtain revised drawings and designs and/ or approval of the HPL in writing for the same. 11.7 One copy of contract document including drawings furnished to the contractor shall be kept at the site and the same shall at all reasonable times be available for inspection. 11.8 All materials, construction plants and equipments etc. once brought by the contractor within project area, will not be allowed to be removed from the premises without the written permission of the HPL. Similarly, all enabling works built by the contractor for the main construction undertaken by him, shall not be dismantled and removed without the written authority of the HPL. 11.9 Contractor shall have to prepare the Bar Bending Schedule, shop and fabrication drawings free of cost, if required, for any of the items of work. Five copies of these drawings each including for revision will be submitted to HPL for approval. Before executing the item, shop drawings should be got approved by HPL. 11.10 HPL shall supply Work Force in the various categories to assist the contractor in execution of the works on recoverable basis as per provision mentioned elsewhere in the contract. 12.0 INCOME TAX DEDUCTION Income Tax deductions shall be made from all payments made to the contractor including advances against work done, as per the rules and regulations in force, in accordance with the Income Tax rates prevailing from time to time. 13.0 TAXES AND DUTIES 13.1 The contractor shall be responsible for the payment, wherever payable, at his own cost of all taxes such as excise duty, custom duty, sales tax/ turn over tax/ WCT/ VAT, including the purchase tax, consignment tax, service tax or any other similar tax in the state concerned, toll tax, octroi charges, royalty cess, Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess, levy and other tax(es) or duty(ies) which may be specified by local/ state/ central government from time to time on all materials, articles which may Signature of Tenderer with seal 40 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED be used for this work. The rates quoted by him in the tender in bill of quantities shall be inclusive of all such taxes, duties etc. The imposition of any new and/or increase in the aforesaid taxes, duties, levies (including fresh imposition of Work Contract Tax, Turnover Tax, Sales Tax on Work Contract, VAT, Building & Other Construction Workers welfare cess, service tax or any other similar Tax) etc. during the currency of the contract shall be borne by contractor and shall not be paid or reimbursed to the contractor by HPL. In the event of non-payment/ default in payment of any octroi, royalty cess, turnover tax, sales tax/ WCT/ VAT, including the purchase tax, consignment tax, Building & Other Construction workers welfare cess, service tax or any other similar tax in the state concerned, customs, excise or any other levy/ tax including labour dues etc, by contractor/supplier, HPL reserves the right to with-hold the dues/payments of contractor and make payment to local/state/ central Government authorities or to labourers as may be applicable. The contractor should submit alongwith the tender Registration Certificate with Sales Tax on Works contract/VAT authorities etc. Otherwise appropriate recoveries shall be made from his bills. 13.2 The rate quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of Sales Tax, Turnover Tax on Works Contract/ VAT or any similar tax as per the Sales Tax Act/ VAT Act applicable in the State and it shall not be reimbursed by HPL. Tax deductions at source shall be made as per laws prevalent in the State. 13.3 The stamp duty and registration charges if any, on the Contract Agreement levied by the Govt. or any other Statutory Body shall be borne by the Contractor. 13.4 It will be incumbent upon the contractor to obtain a registration certificate as a dealer under the Local Sales Tax Act/ VAT Act and the Central Sales Tax Act and necessary evidence to this effect shall be furnished by the contractors to HPL. Sales tax on the transactions between the contractor and his sub-contractor/ venders etc. shall not be reimbursed by HPL. The contractor shall be responsible for any taxes that may be levied hereunder on the transaction between contractor and HPL. 13.5 The bidder shall quote his rates inclusive of Turnover Tax/ Sales Tax on works contract/ VAT payable to State Govt. with other taxes, duties, levies etc. in conjunction with other terms and conditions. In case, the Turnover Tax/ Sales Tax on works contract/ VAT on execution of works is waived off by the State Govt. at later stage for this project the equivalent amount from the date of waiver of such tax (as per prevailing rate as on the date of waiver of Turnover Tax/ Sales Tax on works contract) shall be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor from subsequent Running Accounts Bills. 13.6 VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) The consideration agreed for the execution of said contract shall includes the tax, duties, cess etc. such as excise duty, service tax, VAT which is leviable or may be levied in future under, any State Law or the Central Law on execution of said contract, such taxes shall be borne by the contractor and shall not be reimbursed by HPL. Further if dues of any variance in such tax, duties, cess etc., if there is any increase in the taxes, the same shall also be borne by the contractor where under any of the State or Central Law, these is requirement of deduction of tax at source, the same shall be deducted from the amount paid or payable to the contractor pursuant to this contract and shall be deposited to the Government/ Authorities by HPL. HPL shall issue the documents/ forms/ certificates as prescribed under the relevant law, in respect of the amount so deducted from the amount paid or payable to the contractor. HPL shall have full rights to withhold the amount payable to the contractor in pursuant of this contract if contractor does not Signature of Tenderer with seal 41 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED fulfill his obligations under any State or Central Law relating to execution of said contract. In case the amount has already been paid, HPL has the right to recover such payment from the Contractor. 14.0 ROYALTY ON MATERIALS: The contractor shall deposit royalty and obtain necessary permit for supply of bajri, stone, kankar sand etc. from the local authorities and quoted rates shall be inclusive of royalty. The contractor shall be required to furnish with each bill as documentary evidence in support of deposit of royalty charges with the local authority. 15.0 RATES TO BE FIRM 15.1 The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be firm, fixed and final for the entire period of completion and till handing over of the work. No revision in rates or any escalation shall be allowed on account of any increase in prices of materials, labour, POL and Overheads etc. or any other statutory increase during the entire contract period (including extended period). 15.2 The contractor shall be deemed to have inspected the site, its surrounding and acquainted itself with the nature of the ground, accessibility of the site and full extent and nature of all operations necessary for the full and proper execution of the contract, space for storage of materials, constructional plant, temporary works, restrictions on the plying of heavy vehicles in area, supply and use of labour, materials, plant, equipment and laws, rules and regulations, if any, imposed by the local authorities. 15.3 The rates and prices to be tendered in the bill of quantities are for completed and finished items of works and complete in all respects. It will be deemed to include all constructional plant, labour, supervision, materials, transport, all temporary works, erection, maintenance, contractor’s profit and establishment/ overheads, together with preparation of designs& drawings pertaining to casting yard, shop drawing, fabrication drawing(if required), staging form work, stacking yard, etc. all general risk, taxes, royalty, duties, cess, octroi and other levies, insurance liabilities and obligations set out or implied in the tender documents and contract. 15.4 Unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), the contractor has to make his own arrangement for dewatering/ bailing out of water, effluent including strutting, shoring etc. At every stages of work wherever required (including Tunnel work) including working under foul condition as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge at his own cost and the contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment, whatsoever, in this regard. 15.5 If required to make work site suitable for execution, contractor shall have to clear jungle including of rank vegetation, grass, trees etc., clear & clean existing drains/ canals (including strutting, shoring and packing cavities) and dispose them out of the site up-to any lead and lift as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor should inspect the sites of work from this point of view. Unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantities, the cost to be incurred in this regard shall be deemed to be included in his quoted rates of BOQ items and the contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment in this regard. Signature of Tenderer with seal 42 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 15.6 If any temporary/ permanent structure is encountered or safety of such structure in the vicinity is endangered due to execution of the project, the contractor has to protect the structures by any means as per direction of Engineer–in-Charge. If any damage caused to any temporary or permanent structure(s) in the vicinity is caused due to execution of the projects, the contractor has to make good the same by any means as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor should inspect the site of work from this point of view. The cost to be incurred in this regard shall be deemed to be included in his quoted rates of BOQ items and the contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment in this regard. 16.0 ESCALATION/ PRICE VARIATION No claim on account of any price variation/ Escalation on whatsoever ground shall be entertained at any stage of works. All rates as per Bill of Quantities (BOQ) quoted by Contractor shall be firm and fixed for entire contract period as well as extended period (including defect liability period), for completion of the works. No escalation/price variation clause shall be applicable on this contract. 17.0 INSURANCE OF WORKS ETC. Contractor is required to take contractor’s all risk policy from an approved insurance company in the combined names of owner, HPL and Contractor and bear all costs towards the same for the full period of execution of works including the defect liability period for the entire cost of contract against all loss of damage from whatever cause arising other than excepted risks for which he is responsible under the terms of the contract and in such manner that the Owner,HPL and the contractor are covered during the period of construction of works and/ or also covered during the period of defect liability for loss or damage, as under.: a) The work and the temporary work for the full value of such works. b) The materials, constructional plant, centering, shuttering and materials and other things brought to the site for their full value. scaffolding The contractor shall submit the original policy or the policies of insurance and the original receipts of payment of the premiums to the Engineer-in-Charge to be kept in the custody of HPL. 18.0 INSURANCE UNDER WORKMEN COMPENSATION ACT Contractor is required to take insurance cover under the Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 amended from time to time for the whole period of execution of works including the defect liability period from an approved insurance company and pay premium charges thereof. The contractor shall submit the original policy or the policies of insurance in the combined names of owner, HPL and Contractor and the original receipt of payment of the premiums to the Engineer-in-charge to be kept in the custody of HPL. Recovery of compensation paid to workmen in the event of an accident any workman employed by the contractor for execution of the works, suffers an injury or death and is to be compensated under the provisions sub-section (1) of section 12, of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 by the contractor and if the contractor fails to compensate, the employer shall be entitled to recover from the contractor the amount of the Signature of Tenderer with seal 43 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED compensation so paid and, without prejudice to the rights of the employer under section 12, sub-section (2), of the said Act. The employer shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due to the contractor whether under this contract or otherwise. Employer shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under sub-section (1) section 12, of the said Act, except on the written request of the contractor and upon his giving to employer full security for all cost for which employer might become liable in consequence of contesting such claim. 19.0 THIRD PARTY INSURANCE Contractor is required to take third party insurance cover in the combined names of owner, HPL and Contractor for the whole period of execution including defect liability period for amount of 5% (five percent) of entire cost of contract from an approved insurance company for insurance against any damage, injury or loss which may occur to any person or property including that of Owner, HPL, arising out of the execution of the works or temporary works. The contractor shall submit the original policy or the policies of insurance and the original receipt of payment of the current premiums to the Engineer-in-Charge to be kept in the custody of HPL. If the Contractor could not effect a comprehensive insurance cover against risks which he may be required to effect under the terms of the contract, then he shall give his attention to get the best insurance cover available and even in case of effecting a wider insurance cover than the one which the subsidiary of the General Insurance Company could offer, such an insurance is ought to be done after the HPL’s approval, by or through the subsidiary of the General Insurance Company. 20.0 INDEMNITY AGAINST PATENT RIGHTS The contractor shall fully indemnify the HPL from and against all claims and proceedings for or on account of any infringement of any patent rights, design, trademark or name or other protected rights in respect of any construction plant, machine, work or material used for in connection with the works or temporary works. 21.0 LABOUR LAWS TO BE COMPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR 21.1 Labour License: The contractor shall obtain a valid license under the contract labour (R & A) Act 1970 and the contract labour Act (R & A) central Rules 1971 as amended from time to time, and continue to have a valid license until the completion of the work including defect liability period. The contractor shall also abide by the provision of the child labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act.1986 as amended from time to time. Any failure to fulfill this requirement shall attract the penal provisions of this contract arising out the resultant for non execution of the work before the commencement of work. 21.2 BUILDING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKERS WELFARE CESS: The Contractor shall be liable to pay Cess levied under the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996, at such rates so may be notified by the Govt. from time to time. The HPL shall deduct at source from every Running Account Bill of the Contractor, the said Cess at such rates for the time being prevailing which Signature of Tenderer with seal 44 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED shall not exceed 2% (Two percent) but not be less than 1% (One percent) of the cost of Construction incurred by the contractor. 21.3 22.0 No Labour below the age of 18 years shall be employed on the work. LABOUR SAFETY PROVISION The contractor shall be fully responsible to observe the labour safety provisions 23.0 INDEMNITY AGAINST NON-OBSERVANCE OF LABOUR/ LABOUR LAWS 23.1 The contractor shall be fully responsible for observance of all labour laws applicable including local laws and other laws applicable in this matter and shall submit indemnity bond on non-judicial stamp paper duly notarized indemnifying Employer/ HPL against effect or non observance of any such laws. The contractor shall be liable to make payment to all its employees, workers and sub-contractors and make compliance with labour laws. If HPL or the client/owner is held liable as “Principal Employer” to pay contributions etc. under legislation of Govt. or Court decision in respect of the employees of the contractor, then the contractor would reimburse the amount of such payments, contribution etc. to HPL and/ or same shall be deducted from the payments, security deposit etc. of the contractor. 23.2 The contractor shall submit proof of having valid EPF registration certificate. In absence of the said certificate payment to the extent of 5.277% (Five point two hundred Seventy Seven percent only) of the value of the Running Account bill may be withheld by HPL and shall be released only after the production of the EPF registration certificate from the concerned authorities. If it is incumbent upon HPL to deposit withheld amount with EPF authorities, the withheld amount shall be deposited by HPL with EPF authorities. In such a case HPL shall not refund this withheld amount to the contractor even after the production of EPF registration certificate. 24.0 LAW GOVERNING THE CONTRACT This contract shall be governed by the Indian Laws for the time being in force. 25.0 LAWS, BY LAWS RELATING TO THE WORK The contractor shall strictly abide by the provisions, for the time being in force, of any law relating to works or any local authority or any water & lighting agencies or any undertakings within the limits of the jurisdiction of which the work is proposed to be executed. The contractor shall be bound to give to the authorities concerned such notices and take all approvals as may be provided in the law, regulations or by laws as aforesaid, and to pay all fees and taxes payable to such authorities in respect thereof as may be provide in the law, regulations or bylaws as aforesaid, and to pay all fees and taxes payable to such authorities in respect thereof. 26.0 EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL 26.1 The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals as his representatives, servants and workmen after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. He shall ensure that no personnel of doubtful antecedents and any other nationality in any way is associated with the works. Signature of Tenderer with seal 45 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 26.2 The HPL shall have full power and without giving any reason to the contractor, immediately to get removed any representative, agent, servant and workmen or employees on account of misconduct negligence or incompetence or whose continued employment may in his opinion be undesirable. The contractor shall not be allowed any compensation on this account. 27.0 TECHNICAL STAFF FOR WORK 27.1 The contractor shall employ at his cost the adequate number of technical staff during the execution of this work depending upon the requirement of work. For this purpose the numbers to deployed, their qualification, experience as decided by HPL shall be final and binding on the contractor. The contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment in this regard. The technical staff should be available at site, whenever required by HPL to take instructions. 27.2 Within 15 days of letter of intent, the contractor shall submit a site organizational chart and Resume including details of experience of the Project-in Charge and other staff proposed by him and shall depute them on the project after getting approval from Engineer-in-Charge. If desired by the contractor at later date, the Project-in-Charge and other staff whose resume is approved by HPL can be replaced with prior written approval of HPL and replacement shall be with equivalent or superior candidate only. Decision of Engineer in-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor. Even after approving the site organizational chart, the Engineer-in-Charge due to nature and exigency of work can direct the contractor to depute such additional staff as in his view is necessary and having qualification and experience as approved by the Engineerin-Charge. The removal of such additional staff from the site shall only be with the prior written approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall not be paid any thing extra whatsoever on account of deployment of additional staff and decision of the Engineer-incharge shall be final and binding on the contractor. 27.3 28.0 28.1 In case the contractor fails to employ the staff as aforesaid he shall be liable to pay a reasonable amount not exceeding a sum of Rs25,000(Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) for each month of default in the case of each person. The decision of the Engineerin-Charge as to number of Technical Staff to be adequate for the project and other period for which the required technical staff was not employed by the contractor and as to the reasonableness of the amount to be deducted on this account shall be final and binding on the contractor as to the amount and the contractor’s liability to pay the said amount. LAND FOR LABOUR HUTS/SITE OFFICE AND STORAGE ACCOMMODATION The contractor shall arrange the land for temporary office, storage accommodation and labour huts at his own cost and get the clearance of local authorities for setting up of labour camp and same is deemed to be included in the rates quoted by the contractor for the work. Signature of Tenderer with seal 46 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The contractor shall ensure that the area of labour huts is kept clean and sanitary conditions are maintained as laid down by the local authorities, controlling the area. The labour huts shall be so placed that it does not hinder the progress of work or access to the work site. The vacant possession of the land used for the purpose shall be given back by contractor after completion of the work. The security deposit of the contractor shall be released only after contractor demolishes all structures including foundations and gives back clear vacant possession of this land. 28.2 In the event the contractor has to shift his labour campus at any time during execution of the work on the instructions of local authorities or as per requirement of the work progress or as may be required by HPL, he shall comply with such instructions at his cost and risk and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account. 29.0 WATCHING AND LIGHTING The contractor shall at his own cost take all precautions to ensure safety of life and property by providing necessary barriers, lights, watchmen etc. during the progress of work as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 30.0 HEALTH & SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS In case of all labour directly or indirectly employed in work for the performance on the contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall comply with all rules framed by Govt. from time to time for the protection of health and sanitary arrangements for workers 31.0 WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT The contractor shall at all times indemnify HPL and Owner against all claims for compensation under the provision of workmen’s compensation Act or any other law in force, for any workmen employed by the contractor or his sub-contractor in carrying out the contract and against all costs and expenses incurred by the HPL therewith. 32.0 MINIMUM WAGES ACT The contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the minimum Wages Act, 1948, contract labour Act (R&A) 1970, and rules framed there under and other labour laws/local laws affecting contract labour that may be brought into force from time to time. 33.0 LABOUR RECORDS The contractor shall submit by the 4th & 19th of every month to the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL a true statement, showing in respect of the second half of the preceding month and the first half of the current month, respectively, of the following data:a) The number of the labour employed by him (category-wise). b) Their working hours. Signature of Tenderer with seal 47 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) c) 34.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The wages paid to them. d) The accidents that occurred during the said fortnight showing the circumstances under which they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused. e) The number of female workers who have been allowed Maternity Benefits and the amount paid to them. f) Any other information required by Engineer-in-Charge. RELEASE OF SECURITY DEPOSIT AFTER LABOUR CLEARANCE Security Deposit of the work shall not be refunded till the contractor produces a clearance certificate from the Labour Officer. As soon as the work is virtually complete, the contractor shall apply for the clearance certificate to the Labour Officer under intimation to the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge, on receipt of the said communication, shall write to the Labour Officer to intimate if any complaint is pending against the contractor in respect of the work. If no complaint is pending, on record till after 3 months after completion of the work and/or no communication is received from the Labour Officer to this effect till six months after the date of completion, it will be deemed to have received the clearance certificate and the Security deposit will be released if otherwise due. (Please refer clause No. 10.0). 35.0 SECURED ADVANCE AGAINST NON-PERISHABLE MATERIALS Interest free secured advance up-to a maximum of 75% (Seventy five percent) of the Market value of the Materials or the cost of materials as derived from the tendered item rate of the contractor, whichever is less, required for incorporation in the permanent works and brought to site and duly certified by HPL site Engineer-in-charge shall be paid to the Contractor for all non-perishable items as per CPWD/MOST norms. The advance will be paid only on submission of Indemnity Bond in the prescribed pro-forma. The advance shall be recovered in full from next Running Account bill and fresh advance paid for the balance quantities of materials. The contractor shall construct suitable godown at the site of work for safe storing the materials against any possible damages due to sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc. at his own cost. He shall also employ necessary watch & ward establishment for the purpose at his costs and risks. Such secured advance shall be payable on other items of perishable nature, fragile and combustible with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge provided the contractor provides a comprehensive insurance cover for the full cost of such materials. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor in this, matter. No secured advance shall however, be paid on high risk materials such as ordinary glass, sand, petrol, diesel etc. 36.0 MEASUREMENTS OF WORKS Unless otherwise mentioned in the bill of quantities the measurements of works shall be done as per MOST/ CPWD specifications (as specified in Technical Specification of tender) and if the same is not given in the MOST/ CPWD Specifications, the same shall be measured as per latest relevant BIS codes in force. The quantity of steel reinforcement and the structural steel sections incorporated in the work shall be measured & paid on the basis of standard coefficients of sections as per BIS Codes of practice. Signature of Tenderer with seal 48 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED All measurements and levels shall be taken jointly by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative and by the contractor or his authorized representative from time to time during the progress of the work and such measurements shall be signed and dated by the Engineer-in-charge and the contractor or their representatives in token of their acceptance. If the contractor objects to any of the measurement recorded, a note shall be made to that effect with reason and signed by both the parties. If for any reason the contractor or his authorized representative is not available and the work of recording measurements is suspended by the Engineer-In-charge or his representative, HPL shall not entertain any claim from contractor or any loss of damages on this account. If the contractor or his authorized representative does not remain present at the time of such measurement after the contractor or his authorized representative has been given a notice in writing 3 (three) days in advance or fails to countersign or to record objection within a week from the date of the measurement, then such measurements recorded in his absence by the Engineer-in-charge or his representative shall be deemed to be accepted by the contractor. The contractor shall, without extra charge, provide all assistance with every appliance, labour and other things necessary for measurement and recording levels. 37.0 PAYMENTS 37.1 The bill shall be submitted by contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge for all works executed in previous months. The contractor shall prepare computerized bills using the programme as approved by Engineer-in-charge as per prescribed format/ proforma. The Contractor shall submit two numbers of hard copies and one soft copy of floppy/ CD for all bills. Subject to clause 37.3 herein below, the payment due to the contractor shall be made within fifteen days of getting the measurements verified form the Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate/ representative and certification of bill by the Engineer-in-charge. 37.2 All running payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payment only and not as payments for work actually done and completed and/ or accepted by HPL and shall not preclude the recovery for bad, unsound and imperfect or unskilled work to be removed and taken away and reconstructed or re-erected or be considered as an admission of the due performance of the Contract, or any part thereof, in this respect, or the accruing of any claim, nor shall it conclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the HPL under these conditions or any of them as to the final settlement and adjustments of the accounts or otherwise, or in any other way vary/ affect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within three months of the completion of work, otherwise HPL’s certificate of the measurement and of the total amount payable for the work accordingly shall be final and binding on contractor. Each Running Bills should be accompanied by two sets of at-least requisite photograph as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge taken from various points depicting status of work as on Report/ Bill date along with Monthly Progress Report for the concerned month in the proforma to be given/approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Intermittent progress photographs as and when required shall also be provided by the Contractor at his own cost as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. No payment of running account bill shall be released unless it is accompanied by progress photographs and Monthly Progress Report as above. Signature of Tenderer with seal 49 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 37.3 It is clearly agreed and understood by the Contractor that notwithstanding anything to the contrary that may be stated in the agreement between HPL and the contractor; the contractor shall become entitled to payment only after HPL has received the corresponding payment(s) from the client/Owner for the work done by the contractor. Any delay in the release of payment by the client/Owner to HPL leading to a delay in the release the corresponding payment by HPL to the contractor shall not entitle the contractor to any compensation/interest from HPL. 37.4 All payment shall be released by HPL by Account payees cheque from its office, New Delhi directly at the address notified by the Contractor (postage charges shall be charged to the contractor’s account). In case payment is made by Demand Draft at the request of the Contractor, Bank Commission charges shall be debited to the account of contractor. In case payment is released online, necessary bank commission for online transfer shall be debited to the account of contractor. 38.0 WORK ON SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS AND DURING NIGHT For carrying out work on Sunday and Holidays or during night, the contractor will approach the Engineer-in-charge or his representative at least two days in advance and obtain his permission. The Engineer-in-charge at his discretion can refuse such permission. The contractor shall have no claim on this account whatsoever. If work demand, the contractor shall make arrangements to carry out the work on Sundays, Holidays and in two, three shifts with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge at no extra cost to HPL. 39.0 NO IDLE CHARGES TOWARDS LABOUR OR P & M ETC. No idle charges or compensation shall be paid for idling of the contractor’s labour, staff or P&M etc. on any ground or due to any reason whatsoever. HPL will not entertain any claim in this respect. 40.0 WORK TO DRAWINGS, BE EXECUTED ORDERS ETC. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and work man like manner both as regards materials and other wise in every respect in strict accordance with the specifications. The contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and faithfully to the design, drawings and instructions in writing in respect of the work assigned by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall be furnished free of charge one copy of the contract documents together with specifications, designs, drawings. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the contract and execute the works with care and diligence and maintain the works and provide all labour and materials, tools and plants including for measurements and supervision of all works, structural plans and other things of temporary or permanent nature required for such execution and maintenance in so far as the necessity for providing these is specified or is reasonable inferred from the contract. The contractor shall take full responsibility for adequacy, suitability and safety of all the works and methods of construction. Signature of Tenderer with seal 50 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 41.0 DIRECTION FOR WORKS 41.1 All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to approval in all respect of the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points and in what manner works are to be commenced and executed. 41.2 The Engineer-in-charge and his representative shall communicate or confirm their instructions to the contractor in respect of the execution of work during their site inspection in a “Works Site Order Book” maintained at the site office of Engineer-inCharge. The contractor or his authorized representative shall confirm receipt of such instructions by signing against the relevant orders in the book. 42.0 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF DOCUMENTS In case of difference contradiction, discrepancy, dispute with regard to conditions of contract, specifications, Drawings, Bill of quantities and rates quoted by the Contractor and other documents forming part of the contract, the following shall prevail in order of precedence. i) Fax, Telegram or Letter of intent, detailed letter of work order along with statement of agreed variations and its enclosures. ii) Bill of Quantity/ Schedule of Quantities. iii) Special condition of Contract. iv) v) Technical specifications (General, Additional and Technical specification) as give in Tender documents . General Conditions of Contract. vi) Drawings. vii) CPWD/MOST specifications (as specified in Technical Specification of the Tender) updated with correction slips issued up-to last date of receipt of tenders. viii) Relevant BIS Codes. 43.0 TIME SCHEDULE & PROGRESS 43.1 Time allowed for carrying out all the works as entered in the tender shall be as mentioned in the “Memorandum to the Form of Tender” which shall be reckoned from the 10th day from the date on which the letter / telegram of intent is issued to the Contractor or from the first day of handing over of the site, whichever is later. This shall be the essence of the contract and contractor shall ensure the completion of the entire work within the stipulated time of completion. Signature of Tenderer with seal 51 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 43.2 The contractor shall also furnish within 10 days of date of letter/ telegram of intent a CPM network/ PERT chart/ BAR CHART for completion of work within stipulated time. This will be duly got approved from HPL. This approved Network/ PERT Chart shall form a part of the agreement. Achievement of milestones as well as total completion has to be within the time period allowed. 43.3 Contractor shall mobilize and employ sufficient resources for completion of all the works as indicated in the agreed BAR CHART/ Network. No additional payment will be made to the contractor for any multiple shift work or other incentive methods contemplated by him in his work schedule even though the time schedule is approved by the Engineer-inCharge. 43.4 During the currency of the work the contractor is expected to adhere to the time schedule on miles stone and total completion and this adherence will be a part of Contractor’s performance under the contract. During the execution of the work contractor is expected to participate in the review and updating of the Network/BAR CHART undertaken by the HPL. These reviews may be undertaken at the discretion of HPL either as a periodical appraisal measure or when the quantum of work order on the contractor is substantially changed through deviation orders or amendments. The review shall be held at site or any of the offices of HPL/ Owner/ Consultant at the sole discretion of HPL. The contractor will adhere to the revised schedule thereafter. The approval to the revised schedule resulting in a completion date beyond the stipulated date of completion shall not automatically amount to a grant of extension of time to the contractor. 43.5 Contractor shall submit fortnightly/ Monthly (as directed by Engineer-in-charge) progress reports on a computer based program (program and software to be approved by Engineer-in-Charge) highlighting status of various activities and physical completion of work. 43.6 The contractor shall send completion report with as built drawings and maintenance schedule to the office of Engineer-in-Charge, of HPL in writing within a period of 30 days of completion of work. 44.0 WATER AND ELECTRICITY The contractor shall make his own arrangement for Water & Electrical power for construction and other purposes at his own cost and pay requisite electricity and water charges. The contractor shall also make standby arrangement for water & electricity to ensure un-interrupted supply. The contractor shall however ensure that the water used by him is fit for construction purpose to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 45.0 MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR The contractor shall, at his own expense, provide all materials, required including Cement & Steel for the works. The contractor shall at his own expense and without delay, supply to the Engineer-incharge samples of materials to be used on work and shall get the same approval in advance. All such materials to be provided by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the specifications laid down or referred to in the contract. The contractor shall, if Signature of Tenderer with seal 52 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED requested by the Engineer-in-Charge furnish proof, to the satisfaction of the Engineerin-Charge that the materials so comply. The contractor shall at his risk and cost submits the samples of materials to be tested or analyzed and bears all charges and cost of testing unless specifically provided for otherwise elsewhere in the contract or specifications. The Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative shall at all times have access to the works and to all workshops and places where work is being prepared or from where materials manufactured articles or machinery are being obtained for the works and the contractor shall afford every facility and every assistance cost in obtaining the right and visit to such access. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have full powers to require the removal from the premises of all materials which in his opinion are not in accordance with the specifications and in case of default, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be at liberty to employ at the expense of the contractor, other persons to remove the same without being answerable or accountable for any loss or damage that may happen or arise to such materials. The Engineer-in-Charge shall also have full power to require other proper materials to be substituted thereof and in case of default, the Engineer-in-Charge may cause the same to the supplies and all costs which may require such removal and substitution shall be borne by the contractor. 45.1 CEMENT AND CEMENT GODOWN Cement shall be procured by Contractor of 43 Grade confirming to BIS: 8112 specification latest edition or higher Grade as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The cement shall be procured directly from the reputed manufacturers/ stockiest, which will have to be got approved from HPL in advance. Relevant vouchers and test certificates will be produced as and when required. The cement shall be stored by the contractor in such suitable covered and lockable stores, well protected from climate and atmospheric affect. The cement godown shall be constructed by the contractor as per CPWD specifications at his own cost. The cement will remain under double lock, one from HPL and other from Contractor. The cement in bags shall be stored in godowns in easy countable position. Cement bags shall be used on first in first out basis. Cement stored for beyond 90 days will be required to be tested at contractors cost, before use in works. 45.2 STEEL & STEEL STOCKYARD Steel conforming to BIS specifications (latest edition) shall be procured by the Contractor directly from reputed manufacturers/ producers as per approved list of HPL.The manufacturer has to give a certificate that the material supplied is not a rerolled. Relevant vouchers & test certificates will be produced by the certificates will be produced by the contractor. Re-rolled sections will not be allowed. Reinforcement steel, structural steel shall be stored and stacked in such manner so as to facilitate easy identification, removal etc. The contractor shall take proper care to prevent direct contract between the steel and the ground/ water for which he shall provide necessary arrangement at his own cost including ensuring proper drainage of area to prevent water logging as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Steel shall also be protected, by applying a coat of neat cement slurry over the bars for which no extra payments shall be made. Signature of Tenderer with seal 53 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Test certificates for each consignment of steel shall be furnished and tests to be got carried out from the authorized laboratory as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge, before incorporating the materials in the work. 46.0 SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES / BILL OF QUANTITIES 46.1 The quantities shown against the various items of work are only approximate quantities which may vary as per the actual requirement at site. 46.2 All items of work in the bill of quantities / schedule of quantities shall be carried out as per the CPWD/ MOST (as the case may be) specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL and the rates shall include for supply of required materials including proper storage, consumables, skilled & unskilled labour, supervision and tools, tackles, plant & machinery complete as called for in the detailed specifications and conditions of the contract. No item which is not covered in the bill of quantities shall be executed by the Contractor without the approval of the HPL. In case any Extra/ substituted item is carried out without specific-approval, the same will not be paid. 47.0 ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT & WATER PROOF TREATMENT 47.1 Pre-construction treatment shall be carried out in co-ordination with the building Work and shall be executed in such a manner that the civil works are not hampered or delayed by the anti-termite treatment. The treatment shall be carried out as type and specifications as detailed in BIS (Part II) latest revision. The water proof shall be of given in the schedule of quantities. 47.2 The treatment against water-proofing of basement, roofs, water retaining areas and termite infestation shall be and remain fully effective for a period of not less than 10 (Ten) years to be reckoned from the date of expiring of the Defect Liability period, prescribed in the contract. At any time during the said guarantee period if HPL finds any defects in the said treatment or any evidence of re-infestation, dampness, leakage in any part of buildings or structure and notifies the contractor of the same, the contractor shall be liable to rectify the defect or give re-treatment and shall commence the work or such rectification or re-treatment with in seven days from the date of issue of such letter to him. If the contractor fails to commence such work within the stipulated period, the HPL may get the same done by another agency at the Contractor’s cost and risk and the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL for the cost payable by the contractor shall be final and binding upon him. 47.3 Re-treatment if required shall be attended to and carried out by the Contractor within seven days of the notice from Engineer-in-Charge of HPL. 47.4 The HPL reserves the right to get the quality of treatment checked in accordance with recognized test methods and incase it is found the chemicals with the required concentration and rate of application have not been applied, or the water proof treatment is not done as per specifications, the contractor will be required to do the retreatment in accordance with the required concentration & specifications at no extra cost failing which no payment for such work will be made. The extent of work thus rejected shall be determined by HPL. Signature of Tenderer with seal 54 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 47.5 Water proofing and anti-termite treatment shall be got done through approved/ specialized agencies only with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge. 47.5a The contractor shall make such arrangement as may be necessary to safe guard the workers and residents of the building against any poisonous effect of the chemicals used during the execution of the work. 47.6 During the execution of work, if any damage shall occur to the treatment already done, either due to rain or any other circumstances, the same shall be rectified and made good to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge by the contractor at his costs and risks. 47.7 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for all equipments required for the execution of the job. 47.8 The contractor whose tender is accepted shall execute guarantee Bond in the prescribed form as appended for guaranteeing the anti-termite treatment and waterproof treatment. 48.0 INDIAN STANDARDS Wherever any reference is made to any IS in any particular specifications, drawings or bill of quantities, it means the Indian Standards editions with the amendments current at the last date of receipt of tender documents. 49.0 CENTERING & SHUTTERING Marine plywood only or steel plates of minimum thickness as approved by Engineer-incharge shall be used for formwork. The shuttering plates shall be cleaned and oiled after every repetition and shall be used only after obtaining approval of HPL’s Engineer at site. The number of repetitions allowed for plywood and steel shuttering shall be at the discretion of Engineer-in-Charge of HPL depending upon the condition of shuttering surface after each use and the decision of Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor. No claim whatsoever on this account shall be admissible. 50.0 PROPRIETARY MATERIALS 50.1 Following proprietary materials shall be brought to site after the approval of HPL a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 50.2 Water proofing compound. Cement Steel. Primer / paints / varnish etc. Bitumen. Chemical for anti termite treatment. Any other materials as per discretion of the HPL. The quantity of proprietary materials shall be measured and recorded in the Measurement books and signed by the Contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the required quantities as required for execution of works as per specifications have been brought to site for incorporation in the work. Signature of Tenderer with seal 55 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 50.3 Proprietary materials brought at site shall be stored as directed by HPL and those already recorded in Measurement book, shall be marked for identification. 50.4 The contractor shall ensure that the proprietary materials are brought to site in original sealed containers or packing bearing manufacturer’s markings and brands (except where the quantity required is a fraction of the smallest packing). Materials not complying with this requirement shall be rejected. The empty containers of such proprietary materials shall not be destroyed/disposed-off without the permission of HPL. 50.5 The contractor shall produce receipted vouchers showing quantities of the materials to satisfy Engineer-in-Charge that the materials comply with the specifications. These vouchers shall be endorsed, dated and initialed by Engineer-in-Charge giving the contract number and name of work and a certified copy of each such voucher signed both by HPL and the Contractor shall be kept on record. 50.6 When the cost of each category of materials is less than Rs.500/- production of vouchers may not be insisted upon if the HPL is otherwise satisfied with the quality and quantity of materials. 51.0 RECORDS OF CONSUMPTION OF CEMENT & STEEL 51.1 For the purpose of keeping a record of cement and steel received at site and consumed in works, the contractor shall maintain a properly bound register in the form approved by the HPL, showing columns like quantity received and used in work an balance in hand etc. This register shall be signed daily by the contractor’s representative and HPL’s representative. 51.2 The register of cement & steel shall be kept at site in the safe custody of HPL’s Engineer during progress of the work. This provision will not, however, absolve the contractor from the quality of the final product. 51.3 In case cement or steel quantity consumed is lesser as compared to the theoretical requirement of the same as per MOST/ CPWD (as the case may be ) specifications/ norms the work will be devalued and/or a penal rate (i.e. double the rate at which cement/ steel purchased last) recovery of lesser consumption of cement/ steel shall be made in the item rates of the work done subject to the condition that the test results fall within the acceptable criteria as per MOST/ CPWD (as the case may be ) specifications otherwise the work shall have to be dismantled and redone by the contractor at no extra cost. In case of cement, if actual consumption is less than 98% of the theoretical consumption, a recovery shall be affected from the contractor’s dues at the penal rate for the actual quantity which is lower than 98% of theoretical consumption. 52.0 52.1 MATERIALS AND SAMPLES The materials/ products used on the works shall be one of the approved make/brands out of list of manufacturers/ brands/ makes given in the tender documents. The contractor shall submit samples/specimens out of approved makes of materials/ products to the Engineer-in-Charge for prior approval. In exceptional circumstances Engineer-in-Charge may allow alternate equivalent makes/ brands of products/materials at his sole discretion. The final choice of brand/make shall remain with the Engineer-in- Signature of Tenderer with seal 56 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Charge, whose decision in this matter shall be final and binding and nothing extra on this account shall be payable to the Contractor. In case single brand/ make is mentioned, other equivalent makes/ brands may be considered by the Engineer-in-Charge with prior approval. In case of variance in CPWD/ IS/ BIS Specifications from approved products/ makes specification, the specification of approved product/ make shall prevail for which nothing shall be paid extra to the Contractor. In case no make or brand of any materials, articles, fittings and accessories etc. is specified, the same shall comply with the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and shall bear the ISI/ BIS mark. The Engineer-in-charge of HPL and the owner shall have the discretion to check quality of materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work, at source of supply or site of work and even after incorporation in the work. They shall also have the discretion to check the workmanship of various items of work to be executed in this work. The contractor shall provide the necessary facilities and assistance for this purpose. 52.2 The above provisions shall to absolve the contractor from the quality of final product and in getting the material and workmanship quality checked and approved from the Engineer-in-charge of HPL. 52.3 The contractor shall well in advance, produce samples of all materials articles, fittings, accessories etc. that he proposes to use and get them approved in writing by HPL. The materials articles etc. as approved shall be labeled as such and shall be signed by HPL and the contractor’s representative. 52.4 The approved samples shall be kept in the custody of the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL till completion of the work. Thereafter the sample except those destroyed during testing shall be returned to the contractor. No payment will be made to the contractor for the samples or samples destroyed in testing. 52.5 The brands of all materials, articles fittings etc. approved together with the names of the manufacturers and firms from which supplies have been arranged shall be recorded in the site order book. 52.6 The contractor shall set up and maintain at his cost, a field testing laboratory for all day to day test at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. This field testing laboratory shall be provided with equipment and facilities to carry out all mandatory field test as per MOST/ CPWD (as the case may be) specifications. The laboratory building shall be constructed and installed with the appropriate facilities, Temperature and humidity controls shall be available wherever necessary during testing of samples. All equipments shall be provided by the Contractor so as to be compatible with the testing requirements specified. The contractor shall maintain all the equipments in good working condition for the duration of the contract. The contractor shall provide approved qualified personnel to run the laboratory for the duration of the Contract. The number of staff and equipment available must at all time be sufficient to keep pace with the sampling and testing programme as required by the Engineer-in-Charge. Signature of Tenderer with seal 57 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The contractor shall fully service the site laboratory and shall supply everything necessary for its proper functioning, including all transport needed to move equipment and samples to and from sampling points on the site etc. The contractor shall re-calibrate all measuring devices whenever so required by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall submit the results of such measurements without delay. All field tests shall be carried out in the presence of HPL’s representative. All costs towards samples, materials, collection, transport, manpower, testing etc. shall be borne by the Contractor and are deemed to be included in the rates quoted by him in the bill of quantities. 53.0 TESTS AND INSPECTION 53.1 The contractor shall carry out the various mandatory tests as per specifications and the technical documents that will be furnished to him during the performance of the work. All the tests on materials, as recommended by CPWD, MOST and relevant Indian Standard Codes or other standard specifications (including all amendments current at the last date of submission of tender documents) shall be got carried out by the contractor at the field testing laboratory or any other recognized institution/laboratory, at the direction of the HPL . All testing charges, expenses etc. shall be borne by the contractor. All the tests, either on the field or outside laboratories concerning the execution of the work and supply of materials shall be got carried out by the contractor or HPL at the cost of the Contractor. 53.2 WORKS TO BE OPEN TO INSPECTION All works executed or under the course of execution in pursuance of this contract at all times be open to inspection and supervision of the HPL/ OWNER. The work during its progress or after its completion or during O&M period may also be inspected, by Chief Technical Examiner (CTE) of Government of India and/ or an inspecting authority of State Government of State in which work is executed. Also periodic third party quality checks/ testing of materials shall be carried out through a Government institution/ laboratory by HPL. The compliance of observations/ improvements as suggested by the inspecting officers of HPL/ CTE/ State authorities/Govt. Institutions/ Laboratory as third party/ owner shall be obligatory on the Contractor at the cost of contractor. 54.0 BORROW AREAS The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for borrow pits and borrow disposal areas including their approaches and space for movement of man, machinery, other equipments as required for carrying out the works. The contractor shall be responsible for taking all safety measures, getting approval, making payment of royalties, charges etc. and nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor on this account and unit rates quoted by the contractor for various items of bill of quantities shall deemed to include the same Signature of Tenderer with seal 58 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 55.0 BITUMEN WORK 55.1 The contractor shall collect the total quantity of tar or bitumen required for the work as per standard formula, before the process of painting started and shall hypothecate it to the Engineer-in-charge. Although the materials are hypothecated to HPL the Contractor undertakes the responsibility for their proper watch, safe custody and protection against all risks. The materials shall not be removed from site of work without the consent of the Engineer-in-charge in writing. 56.0 CARE OF WORKS From the commencement to the completion of the works handing over, the contractor shall take full responsibility for care thereof and all the works and in case any damage/ loss to the works or to any part thereof or to any temporary works due to lack of precaution overdue to negligence on part of contractor, the same shall be made good by the contractor. 57.0 WORK IN MONSOON AND DEWATERING The execution of the work may entail working in the monsoon also. The contractor must maintain labour force as may be required for the job and plan and execute the construction and erection according to the prescribed schedule. No special/ extra rate will be considered for such work in monsoon. The contractor’s rate shall be considered inclusive of cost of dewatering required if any and no extra rate shall be payable on this account. 58.0 NO COMPENSATION FOR CANCELLATION/REDUCTION OF WORKS If at any time after the commencement of the work the HPL shall for any reason whatsoever is required to abandon the work or is not require the whole work thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out, the Engineer-in-charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor, who shall have no claim to any payment of compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out or for-closure, neither shall he have any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions which shall involve any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated. Provided that the contractor shall be paid the charges on the cartage only of materials actually and bonafide brought to the site of the work by the contractor and rendered surplus as a result of the abandonment or curtailment of the work or any portion thereof and then taken back by the contractor, provided however, that the Engineer-incharge shall have in all such cases the option of taking over all or any such materials at their purchase price or at local current rates whichever may be less. In the case of such stores having been issued by HPL and returned by the Contractor to HPL, credit will be given to him by the Engineer-in-Charge at rates not exceeding those at which they were originally issued to him after taking into consideration any deduction for claims on account of any deterioration or damage while in the custody of the contractor and in this respect the decision or the Engineer-in-charge shall be final. Signature of Tenderer with seal 59 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 59.0 RESTRICTION ON SUBLETTING 59.1 The contractor shall not sublet or assign the whole or part of the works except where otherwise provided by the contract, and even then only with the prior written consent of the HPL and such consent if given shall not absolve the contractor from any liability or obligation under the contract and he shall be responsible for the acts, defaults or neglects of the sub contractor, his agents, servants or workman as full as if they were the acts, defaults or neglects of the contractor, his agent, servants or workman provided always that the provision of labour on piece work basis shall not be deemed to be a subletting under this clause. 59.2 The contractor may entrust specialist items of works to the agencies specialized in the specific trade. The contractor shall give the names and details of such firm whom it is going to employ for approval of HPL. These details shall include the expertise, financial status, technical manpower, equipment, resources and list of works executed and on hand of the specialist agency. 60.0 PROHIBITION OF UNAUTHORISED CONSTRUCTION & OCCUPAITON No unauthorized buildings, construction of structures should be put up by the contractor any where on the project site, neither any building built by him shall un-authorizedly occupied by him or his staff. 61.0 CO-ORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES Work shall be carried out in such a manner that the work of other Agencies operating at the site is not hampered due to any action of the Contractor. Proper Co-ordination with other Agencies will be Contractor’s responsibility. In case of any dispute the decision of HPL shall be final and binding on the contractor. No claim whatsoever shall be admissible on this account. 62.0 SETTING OUT OF THE WORKS The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works and for correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the works, if any time during the progress of works, shall any error appear or arise in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the works, the contractor shall at his own expenses rectify such error to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. The checking of any setting out or of any line or level by the engineers of HPL shall not in any way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the correctness. 63.0 NOTICE BEFORE COVERING UP THE WORK The contractor shall give not less than seven days notice before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement any work, to the Engineer-incharge in order that the same may be inspected and measured. If any work is covered up or placed beyond the reach of inspection/measurement without such notice or his consent being obtained the same shall be uncovered at the contractor’s expenses and he shall have to make it good at his own expenses. Signature of Tenderer with seal 60 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 64.0 SITE CLEARANCE 64.1 The contractor shall ensure that the working site is kept clean and free of obstructions for easy access to job site and also from safety point of view. Before handing over the work to the HPL the contractor shall remove all temporary structures like the site offices, cement godown, stores, labour hutments etc. scaffolding rubbish, left out materials, tools and plants, equipments etc. clean and grade the site to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. If this is not done the same will be got done by HPL at his risk and cost. 64.2 The contractor shall clean all floors, remove cement/lime/paint drops and deposits, clean joinery, glass panes etc., touching all painter’s works and carry out all other necessary items of works to make the premises clean and tidy before handing over the building, and the rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to have included the same. 65.0 VALUABLE ARTICLES FOUND AT SITE All gold, silver and other minerals of any description and all precious stones, coins, treasure, relics, antiques and all other similar things which shall be found in, under or upon the site, shall be the property of the Owner/ Government and the contractor shall duly preserve the same to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge and shall from time to time deliver the same to such person or persons indicated by HPL. 66.0 MATERIALS OBTAINED FROM DISMANTLEMENT TO BE OWNER’S PROPERTY. All materials like stone, boulders and other materials obtained in the work of dismantling, excavation etc. will be considered Owner/ Government property and may be issued to the contractor by the Owner/ HPL, if required for use in this work at rates approved by HPL or the contractor may be asked to dispose these items at his cost. 67.0 SET-OFF OF CONTRACTOR’S LIABILITIES HPL shall have the right to deduct or set off the expenses incurred or likely to be incurred by it in rectifying the defects as aforesaid from any or against any amount payable to the contractor under this agreement including security deposit and proceeds of performance guarantee. 68.0 MATERIALS PROCURED WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF HPL If any material for the execution of this contract is procured with the assistance of HPL either by issue from its stores or purchase made under orders or permits or licenses obtained by HPL the contractor shall hold and use the said materials economically and solely for the purpose of this contract and shall not dispose them without the permission of Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor, if required by the HPL, shall return all such surplus or unserviceable materials that may be left with him after the completion of the contract or at its termination on whatsoever reason, on being paid or credited such price as the HPL shall determine having due regard to the conditions of materials. Signature of Tenderer with seal 61 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 69.0 ALTERATION IN SPECIFICATION, DESIGN & DRAWING 69.1 The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to make any alterations in, omissions from, additions to or substitutions for, the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary during the progress of the work, and the contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and such alterations, omissions, additions, or substitutions shall not invalidate the contract and any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work. The time for the completion of the work shall be extended in the proportion that the altered, additional or substituted work bears to the original contract work, and the certificate of the Engineerin-Charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion. Over and above this, a further period to the extent of 25 percent of such extension shall be allowed to the contractor. The rates for such additional, altered or substituted work under this clause shall be worked out in accordance with the following provisions in their respective order. i) The rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are specified in the contract for the work, the contractor is bound to carry out the additional, altered or substituted work at the same rates as are specified in the contract for the work. ii) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically provided in the contract for the work, the rates will be derived from the rates for a nearest similar item of work as are specified in the contract for the work. In case of composite tenders where two or more schedule of quantities/ bill of quantities form part of the contract, the rates shall be derived from the nearest similar item in the schedule of quantities/ bill of quantities of the particular part of work in which the deviation is involved failing that from the lowest of the nearest similar item in other schedule of quantity. The opinion of the Engineer-inCharge as to whether or not the rate can be reasonably so derived from the item in this contract will be final and binding on the contractor. iii) If the altered, additional or substituted work includes any work for which no rate is specified in the contract for the work and which cannot be derived in the manner specified in sub para (i) and (ii) from the similar class of work in the contract then such work shall be carried out at the rates entered in the Schedule of Rates (as mentioned in “Memorandum to the Form of Tender” for Civil/ Sanitary Works) minus/ plus the percentage which the tendered amount of schedules items bears with the estimated amount of schedule items based on the Schedule of Rates (as mentioned in “Memorandum to the Form of Tender” for Civil/ Sanitary Works). The scheduled items mean the items appearing in the Schedule of Rates (as mentioned in “Memorandum to the Form of Tender” for Civil/ Sanitary Works) which shall be applicable in this clause. This clause will apply mutates mutandis to electrical work except that Electrical Schedule of Rates as mentioned in “Memorandum to the Form of Tender” will be considered in place of Civil/ Sanitary works Schedule of rates as mentioned in “Memorandum to the Form of Tender”. Signature of Tenderer with seal 62 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) iv) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in the manner specified in sub-clauses (i) to (iii) above, then the contractor shall, within 7 days of the date of receipt of order to carry out the work, inform the Engineer-in-Charge of the rate which it is his intention to change for such class of work, supported by analysis of the rate or rates claimed, and the Engineer-inCharge shall determine the rate or rates on the basis of prevailing market rates of the material, Labour, T&P etc. plus 10% (Ten percent) to cover the contractor supervision, overheads and profit and pay the contractor accordingly. The opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the current market rates of materials and quantum of labour involved per unit of measurements will be final and binding on the contractor. However, the Engineer-in-Charge, by notice in writing, will be at liberty to cancel his order to carry out such class of work and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable. But under no circumstances, the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-settlement of rates of items failing under the clause. v) Except in case of items relating to foundations, provisions contained in suchclause (i) to (iv) above shall not apply to contract or substituted items as individually exceed the percentage set out in the tender documents (referred to herein below as “deviation limit” which is 25% for this project) subject to the following restrictions. a) The deviation limit referred to above is the net effect (algebraically sum) of all additions and deductions ordered. b) In no case shall the additions/deductions (arithmetical sum) exceed Twice the deviation limit. c) The deviations ordered on items of any individual trade included in the contract shall not exceed plus/ minus 50 percent of the value of that trade in the contract as a whole or half the deviation limit, whichever is less. d) The value of additions of items of any individual trade not already included in the contract shall not exceed 20 percent of the deviation limit. For the purpose of operation of clause 69.1(v), the following norms shall be treated as works relating to foundations. a) For buildings, compound walls, plinth level or 1.2 meters above ground level whichever is lower excluding items of flooring and DPC but including base concrete below the floors. b) For abutments, piers, retaining walls of culverts and bridges, walls of water reservoirs, the bed of floor level. c) For retaining walls where floor level is not determined, 1.2 meters above the average ground level or bed level. d) For roads all items of excavation and filling including treatment of sub-base and soling work. Signature of Tenderer with seal 63 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED e) For water supply lines, sewer lines, under-ground storm water drains and similar works. All items of work below ground level except items of pipe work proper masonry work. f) For open storm water drains, all items of work except lining of drains. NOTE: Individual trade means the trade section to which bill of quantities annexed to the agreement has been divided or in the absence of any such division the individual section of the MOST/CPWD (as the case may be) Scheduled of rates specified above, such as excavation and earthwork, Concrete, wood work and joinery etc. The rate of any such work except the items relating to foundations which is in excess of the deviation limit and deviation in quantities of AHR items on plus side as contained in clause 9.9(i) shall be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in Clause 69.2. 69.2 In the case of contract or substituted items or additional items which result in exceeding the limits laid down in sub-clause (v) of Clause 69.1 except the items relating to foundation work, which the contractor is required to do under Clause 69.1 above and deviation in quantities of AHR items on plus side as contained in clause 9.9 (i), the contractor shall within 7 days from the receipt of order claim revision of the rate supported by proper analysis in respect of such items for quantities in excess of the above limit, not-with-standing the fact that the rates for such items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (ii) of Clause 69.1 and the Engineer-in-Charge may revise their rates, having regard to the prevailing market rate and the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the rates so fixed. The Engineer-in-Charge shall, however, be at liberty to cancel his order to carry out such increased quantities of work by giving notice in writing to the contractor and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable. But, under no circumstances the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-settlement of rates of item falling under this Clause. All the provisions of the proceeding paragraph shall equally apply to the decrease in the rates of items for quantities in excess of the deviation limit, not-with-standing the fact that the rates for such items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (ii) of the proceeding Clause 69.1 and the Engineer-in-Charge may revise such rates having regard to the prevailing market rates. 70.0 ACTION AND COMPENSATION PAYABLE IN CASE OF BAD WORK. If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized subordinate in charge of the work or to the Chief Technical Examiner or to any other inspecting agency of Government/State Government/Owner where the work is being executed, that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with materials of any inferior description, or that any materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted for or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall on demand in writing which shall be made within six months of the completion of the work from the Engineerin-Charge specifying the work, materials or articles complained of notwithstanding that the same may have been passed, certified and paid for forthwith rectify, or remove and reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part as the case may require or as the Signature of Tenderer with seal 64 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED case may be, remove the materials or articles so specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own proper charge and cost, and in the event of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge in his demand aforesaid, then the Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent on the estimated amount put to tender for every day not exceeding ten days, while his failure to do so shall continue and in the case of any such failure, the Engineerin-Charge may rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove and replace with others, the material or articles complained of as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the contractor. 71.0 POSSESSION PRIOR TO COMPLETION 71.1 HPL shall have the right to take possession of or use any completed or partially completed work or part of the work. Such possession or use shall not be deemed to be any acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the contract agreement. If such prior possession or use by HPL delays the progress of work an equitable adjustment in the time of completion will be made and the contract agreement shall be deemed to be modified accordingly. The decision of HPL in this case shall be final binding and conclusive. 71.2 When the whole of the works or the items or the groups of items of work for which separate periods of completion have been specified have been completed the contractor will give a notice to that effect to the Engineer in writing. The Engineer shall within 7 days of the date of receipt of such notice inspect the works and either the Engineer-inCharge issues to the contractor a completion certificate stating the date on which in his opinion the works were completed in accordance with the contract or gives instructions in writing to the contractor specifying the balance items of work which are required to be done by the contractor before completion certificate could be issued. The Engineer-inCharge shall also notify the contractor of any defect in the works affecting completion. 71.3 The contractor shall during the course of execution prepare and keep updated a complete set of ‘as built’ drawings to show each and every change from the contract drawings, changes recorded shall be countersigned by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor. Four copies, of ‘as built’ drawings shall be supplied to HPL by the contractor within 30 days of the completion. All costs incurred in this respect shall be borne by the contractor only. 72.0 COMPENSATION FOR DELAY AND REMEDIES 72.1 If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress in terms of clause 72.4 or relevant clause of Special Conditions of Contract, to complete the work and clear the site on or before the contract or extended date of completion, he shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available under the law to the HPL. on account of such breach, pay as agreed compensation the amount calculated at the rates stipulated below or such smaller amount as the Engineer-in-Charge (whose decision in writing shall be final and binding) may decide on the amount of tendered value of the work for every completed day/ week (as applicable) that the progress remains below that specified in Clause 72.4.1. or the relevant clause in Special Conditions of Contract or that the work remains incomplete. Signature of Tenderer with seal 65 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED This will also apply to items or group of items for which a separate period of completion has been specified. i) Completion period (as originally stipulated) not exceeding 3 months @ 1% per day ii) Completion period (as originally stipulated) exceeding 3 months @ 1% per week Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this Condition shall not exceed 10% of the tendered value of work or of the Tendered Value of the item or group of items of work for which a separate period of completion is originally given. The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set-off against any sum payable to the Contractor under this or any other contract with HPL. 72.2 CANCELLATION DETERMINATION OF CONTRACT IN FULL OR PART Subject to other provisions contained in this clause the Engineer-in-Charge may, without prejudice to his any other rights or remedy against the contractor in respect of any delay, inferior workmanship any claims for damages and/ or any other provisions of this contract or otherwise, and whether date of completion has or has not elapsed, by notice in writing absolutely determine the contract in any of the following cases. i) If the contractor having been given by the Engineer-in-Charge a notice in writing to rectifying, reconstruct or replace any defective work or that the work is being performed in an inefficient or otherwise improper or unworkmanlike manner shall omit to comply with the requirement of such notice for a period of seven days thereafter; or ii) If the contractor has, without reasonable cause, suspended the progress of the work, or has failed to proceed with the work with due diligence so that in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge (which shall be final and binding) he will be unable to secure completion of the work by the date for completion and continues to do so after a note in writing of seven days from the Engineer-in-Charge; or iii) If the contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated date or items of work with individual date of completion, if any stipulated, on or before such date(s) of completion and does not complete them within the period specified in a notice given in writing in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge; or iv) If the contractor persistently neglects to carry out his obligations under the contract and/ or commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract and does not remedy it or take effective steps to remedy it within 7 days after a notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge; or v) If the contractor shall offer or give or agree to give to any person in HPL service or to any other person on his behalf any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or Signature of Tenderer with seal 66 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED forborne to do any action relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other contract for HPL; or vi) If the contractor shall enter into a contract with HPL in connection with which commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or to his knowledge, unless the particulars of any such commission and the terms of payment thereof have been previously disclosed in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge; or vii) If the contractor shall obtain a contract with HPL as a result of wrong tendering or other non-bona-fide methods of competitive tendering; or viii) If the contractor being an individual, or if a firm, any partner thereof shall at any time be adjudged insolvent or have a receiving order or order for administrative of his estate made against him or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or composition (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any conveyance or assignment of his effects or composition or arrangement for the benefit of his creditors or purport so to do, or if any application be made under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force for the sequestration of his estate or if a trust deed be executed by him for benefit of his creditors; or ix) If the contractor being a company, shall pass a resolution or the Court shall make an order for winding up of the company, or a receiver or manager on behalf of the debenture holders or other wise shall be appointed or circumstances shall arise which entitle the Court or debenture holders to appoint a receiver or manager; or x) If the contractor shall suffer an execution being levied on his goods and allow it to be continued for a period of 21 days; or xi) If the contractor assigns, transfers, sublets (engagement of labour on a piecework basis or of the labour with materials not to be incorporated in the work, shall not be deemed to be subletting) or otherwise parts with or attempts to assign, transfer sublet or otherwise parts with the entire works or any portion thereof without and prior written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. When the contractor has made himself liable for action under any the Engineer-in-Charge may without prejudice to any other right have accrued or shall accrue hereafter to HPL by a notice in contract as a whole or only such items of work in default from the of the cases aforesaid, or remedy which shall writing to cancel the Contract. The Engineer-in-Charge shall on such cancellation by the HPL have powers to: a) Take possession of site and any materials, constructional plant, implements, stores, etc., thereon; and/ or b) Carry out the incomplete work by any means at the risk and cost of the contractor; and/ or c) To determine or rescind the contract as aforesaid (of which termination or rescission notice in writing to the contractor under the hand of the Engineer-inCharge shall be conclusive evidence). Upon such determination or rescission the full security deposit recoverable under the contract shall be liable to be forfeited Signature of Tenderer with seal 67 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED and un-used materials, construction plants, implements, temporary buildings, etc., shall be taken over and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the HPL. If any portion of the Security Deposit has not been paid or received it would be called for and forfeited; and/ or d) To employ labour paid by the Department and to supply materials to carry out the work or any part of the work debiting the contractor with the cost of the labour and the price of the materials (of the amount of which cost and price certified by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and conclusive) against the contractor and crediting him with the value of the work done in all respects in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the contractor under the terms of his contract. The certificate of the Engineer-inCharge as to the value of the work done shall be final and conclusive against the contractor provided always that action under the sub-clause shall only be taken after giving notice in writing to the contractor. Provided also that if the expenses incurred by the department are less than the amount payable to the contractor at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be paid to the contractor; and/ or e) After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor and to take such whole, or the balance or part thereof as shall be un-executed or delayed with reference to the General Conditions of Contract clause No.72.4.1 and/or relevant clause of Special Conditions of Contract, out of his hands and to give it to another contractor to complete in which case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to the original contractor if the whole work had been executed by him (of the amount of which excess the certificate in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the original contractor and may be deducted from any money due to him by HPL under his contract or on any other account whatsoever or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sales of unused materials, construction plants, implements temporary buildings etc. thereof or a sufficient part thereof as the case may be. If the expenses incurred by the HPL are less than the amount payable to the contractor at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be paid to the contractor; and/ or f) By a notice in writing to withdraw from the contractor any items or items of work as the Engineer-in-Charge may determine in his absolute discretion and get the same executed at the risk and cost of the contractor. Any excess expenditure incurred or to be incurred by HPL in completing the works or part of the works or the excess loss or damages suffered or may be suffered by HPL as aforesaid after allowing such credit shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to HPL in law be recovered from any moneys due to the contractor on any account, and if such moneys are not sufficient the contractor shall be called upon in writing and shall be liable to pay the same within 30 days. If the contractor shall fail to pay the required sum within the aforesaid period of 30 days, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to sell any or all of the contractors unused materials, constructional plant, implements, temporary buildings, etc. and apply the proceeds of sale thereof towards the satisfaction of any sums due from the contractor under the contract and if thereafter there be Signature of Tenderer with seal 68 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED any balance outstanding from the contractor, it shall be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the contract and law. Any sums in excess of the amounts due to HPL and unsold materials, constructional plant etc. shall be returned to the contractor, provided always that it cost or anticipated cost of completion by HPL of the works or part of the works is less than the amount which the contractor would have been paid had he completed the works or part of the works, such benefit shall not accrue to the contractor. In the event of anyone or more of the above courses being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reasons of his having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advances on account or which a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case action is taken under any of the provision aforesaid the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work thereof or actually performed under this contract unless and until the Engineer-in-Charge has certified in writing the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified. Provided further that if any of the recoveries to be made, while taking action as per (d) and/or (e) above, are in excess of the security deposit, forfeited, these shall be limited to the amount by which the excess cost incurred by the department exceeds the security deposit so forfeited. 72.3 CONTRACTOR LIABLE TO PAY COMPENSATION EVEN IF ACTION NOT TAKEN. In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Engineer-in-Charge by relevant clause thereof, shall have become exercisable and the same are not exercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the contractor and the liability of the contractor for compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the Engineer-in-Charge putting in force all or any of the powers vested in him under the preceding clause he may, if he so desires after giving a notice in writing to the contractor, take possession of (or at the sole discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be final and binding on the contractor) use as on hire (the amount of the hire money being also in the final determination of the Engineer-inCharge) all or any tools, plant, materials and stores, in or upon the works, or the site thereof belonging to the contractor, or procured by the contractor and intended to the used for the execution of the work / or any part thereof, paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract rates, or in the case of these not being applicable, at current market rates to be certified by the Engineer-in-Charge, whose certificate thereof shall be final, and binding on the contractor and/or direct the contractor, clerk of the works, foreman or other authorized agent to remove such tools, plant, materials, or stores from the premises (within a time to be specified in such notice) in the event of the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Engineer-in-Charge may remove them at the contractor’s expense or sell them by auction or private sale on account of the contractor and his risk in all respects and the certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the expenses of any such removal and the amount of the proceeds and expenses of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against the contractor. Signature of Tenderer with seal 69 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 72.4 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TIME ESSENCE OF CONTRACT & EXTENSION FOR DELAY The time allowed for execution of the Works as specified in the terms of contract or the extended time in accordance with these conditions shall be the essence of the contract. The execution of the works shall commence from the 10th Day or such time period as mentioned in letter of award after the date on which the Engineer-in-Charge issues written orders to commence the work or from the date of handing over of the site whichever is later. If the Contractor commits default in commencing the execution of the work as aforesaid, the Executing Agency shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the earnest money absolutely. 72.4.1 Within 10(Ten) days of Letter of Intent, the Contractor shall submit a Time and Progress Chart (CPM/PERT/Quantified Bar Chart) and get it approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in the contract documents for completion of items of the works. It shall indicate the forecast (milestones) of the dates of commencement and completion of various items, trades, sections of the work and may be amended as necessary by agreement between the Engineer-inCharge and the Contractor within the limitations of time imposed in the Contract documents, and further to ensure good progress during the execution of the work, the contractor shall in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month (save for special jobs for which a separate program has been agreed upon) complete 1/8th of the whole of work before ¼th of the whole time allowed in the contract has elapsed, 3/8th of the work before one half of such time has elapsed and ¾th of the work before ¾th of such time has elapsed. The physical report including photographs shall be submitted by the contractor on the prescribed format & the intervals (not later than a month) as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. The compensation for delay as per clause 72.1 shall be leviable at intermediate stages also, in case the required progress is not achieved to meet the above time deadlines of the completion period and/or milestones of time and progress chart provided always that the total amount of Compensation for delay to be paid under this condition shall not exceed 10% of the tendered value of work”. 72.4.2 If the work(s) be delayed by: i) force-majeure, or ii) Abnormally bad weather, or iii) Serious loss or damage by fire, or iv) Civil commotion of workmen, strike or lockout, affecting any or the trades employed on the work or v) Delay on the part of other contractors or tradesmen engaged by Engineer-inCharge in executing work not forming part of the Contract, or vi) Non-availability of stores, which are responsibility of the HPL, or vii) Non-availability or break down of tools and plant to be supplied or supplied by HPL, or, Signature of Tenderer with seal 70 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) viii) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Any other cause which, in the absolute discretion of the HPL, is beyond the Contractor’s control. Then upon the happening of any such event causing delay, the Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge but shall nevertheless use constantly his best endeavors to prevent or make good the delay and shall do all that may be reasonably required to the satisfaction of the Engineer-inCharge to proceed with the works. 72.4.3 Request for extension of time, to be eligible for consideration, shall be made by the Contractor in writing within fourteen days of the happening of the event causing delay on the prescribed form. The Contractor may also, if practicable, indicate in such a request the period for which extension is desired. In any such case HPL may give a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of work. Such extension shall be communicated to the contractor by the Engineer-inCharge in writing within 3 months of the date of receipt of such request. Non application by the contractor for extension of time shall not be a bar for giving a fair and reasonable extension by the Engineer-in-Charge and the extension of time so given by the Engineer-in-charge shall be binding on the contractor. 73.0 WITHHOLDING AND LIEN IN RESPECT OF SUMS DUE FROM CONTRACTOR 73.1 Whenever any claim or claims for payment of a sum of money arises out of or under the contract or against the contractor, HPL shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain such sum or sums in whole or in part from the security, if any, deposited by the contractor and for the purpose aforesaid, HPL shall be entitled to withhold the security deposit, if any, furnished as the case may be and also have a lien over the same pending finalization or adjudication of any such claim. In the event of the security being insufficient to cover the claimed amount or amounts or if no security has been taken from the contractor, HPL shall be entitled to withhold and have a lien to retain to the extent of such claimed amount or amounts referred to above, from any sum or sums found payable or which may at any time thereafter become payable to the contractor under the same contract or any other contract pending finalization or adjudication of any such claim. 73.2 It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money or moneys so withheld or retained under the lien referred to above by the Engineer-in-Charge or HPL will be kept withheld or retained as such by the Engineer-in-Charge or HPL till the claim arising out of or under the contract is determined by the competent court and that the contractor will have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on any account in respect of such withholding or retention under the lien referred to above and duly notified as such to the contractor. For the purpose of this clause, where the contractor is a partnership firm or a limited company, the Engineer-in-Charge or the HPL shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain towards such claimed amount or amounts in whole or in part from any sum found payable to any partner/limited company, as the case may be, whether in his individual capacity or otherwise. HPL shall have the right to cause an audit and technical examination of the works and the final bills of the contractor including all supporting vouchers, abstract, etc. to be made after payment of the final bill and if as a result of such audit and technical examination any sum is found to have been overpaid in respect of any work done by the Signature of Tenderer with seal 71 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED contractor under the contract or any work claimed to have been done by him under the contract and found not to have been executed, the contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of over payment and it shall be lawful for HPL to recover the same from him in the manner prescribed in sub-clause(1) of this clause or in any other manner legally permissible; and if it is found that the contractor was paid less than what was due to him under the contract in respect of any work executed by him under it, the amount of such under payment shall be duly paid by HPL to the contractor, without any interest thereon whatsoever. 73.3 LIEN IN RESPECT OF CLAIMS IN OTHER CONTRACTS Any sum of money due and payable to the contractor (including the security deposit returnable to him) under the contract may be withheld or retained by way of lien by the Engineer-in-Charge or by HPL against any claim of the Engineer-in-Charge or HPL in respect of payment of a sum of money arising out of or under any other contract made by the contractor with the Engineer-in-Charge or the HPL. It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money so withheld or retained under this clause by the Engineer-in-Charge or the HPL will be kept withheld or retained as such by the Engineer-in-Charge or the HPL or till his claim arising out of the same contract or any other contract is either mutually settled or by the competent court, as the case may be, and that the contractor shall have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on this account or on any other ground in respect of any sum of money withheld or retained under this clause and duly notified as such to the contractor. 74.0 DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD The contractor shall be responsible for the rectification of defects in the works for a period of twelve months which shall be reckoned from the date of successful completion of trial running period of three months after completion of works. Any defects discovered and brought to the notice to the contractor forthwith shall be attended to and rectified by him at his own cost and expense. In case the contractor fails to carry out these rectifications, the same may without prejudice to any other right or remedy available, be got rectified by HPL at the cost and expense of the contractor. 75.0 FORCE MAJEURE Any delay in or failure of the performance of either party hereto shall not constitute default hereunder to give rise to any claims for damages, if any to the Extent such delay or failure of performance is caused by occurrence such as acts of God or the Public enemy, expropriation, compliance with any order or request of Government authorities, acts of war, rebellions, sabotage fire, floods, illegal strikes, or riots (otherwise than among the contractor’s employees). Only extension of time shall be considered for force majeure conditions as accepted by HPL. No adjustment in contract price shall be allowed for reasons of force majeure. 76.0 JURISDICTION The agreement is deemed to be executed at New Delhi on non judicial stamp paper purchased in Delhi and the Courts in Delhi/ New Delhi along will have jurisdiction to deal with matters arising there from, to the exclusion of all other courts. Signature of Tenderer with seal 72 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 77.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED SUSPENSION OF WORKS a) The contractor shall, on receipt of the order in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge, suspend the progress of the works or any part thereof for such time and in such manner as the Engineer-in-Charge may consider necessary for any of the following reasons. i) On account of any default on part of the contractor, or ii) For proper execution of the works or part thereof for reasons other than the default of the contractor, or iii) For safety of the works or part thereof The contractor shall, during such suspension, properly protect and secure the works to the extent necessary and carry out the instructions given in that behalf by the Engineerin-Charge. 78.0 b) If the suspension is ordered for reasons (ii) and (iii) in sub-para (a) above i) The contractor shall be entitled to an extension of the time equal to the period of every such suspension plus 25%. No adjustment of contract price will be allowed for reasons of such suspension. ii) In the event of the Contractor treating the suspension as an abandonment of the Contract by HPL, he shall have no claim to payment of any compensation on account of any profit or advantage which he may derive from the execution of the work in full. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT ON DEATH OF CONTRACTOR Without prejudice to any of the right or remedies under this contract if the contractor dies, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the option of terminating the contract without compensation to the contractor. 79.0 CLARIFICATION AFTER TENDER SUBMISSION Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the fact that during the period, the bids are under consideration, the bidders are advised to refrain from contacting by any means, the HPL and/ or his employees/ representatives on matters related to the bid under consideration and that if necessary, HPL will obtain clarifications in writing or as may be necessary. The tender evaluation and process of award of works is done by duly authorized Tender Scrutiny Committee and this committee is authorized to discuss and get clarification from the tenderers. 80.0 ADDENDA/ CORRIGENDA Addenda/ Corrigenda to the tender documents may be issued prior to the date of opening of the tender to clarify or effect modification in specification and/or contract terms included in various tender documents. The tenderer shall suitably take into consideration such Addenda/ Corrigenda while submitting his tender. The tenderer shall Signature of Tenderer with seal 73 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED return such Addenda/ Corrigenda duly signed and stamped as confirmation of its receipt and submit alongwith the tender document. All addenda/ Corrigenda shall be signed and stamped on each page by the tenderer and shall become part of the tender and contract documents. 81. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME To ensure that the services under the scope of this contract are in accordance with the specifications, the Contractor shall adopt Quality Assurance Programme to control such activities at the necessary points. The contractor shall prepare and finalize such Quality Assurance Programme within 15 days from letter of intent. HPL shall also carryout quality audit and quality surveillance of systems and procedures of Contractor’s quality control activities. A Quality Assurance Programme of Contractor shall generally cover the following. a) His organization structure for the management and implementation of the proposed Quality Assurance Programme. b) Documentation control system. c) The procedure for purpose of materials and source d) System for site controls including process controls. e) Control of non-conforming items and systems for corrective actions. f) Inspection and test procedure for site activities. g) System for indication and appraisal of inspection status. h) System for maintenance of records. i) System for handling, storage and delivery. j) A quality plan detailing out quality practices and procedures, relevant standards and acceptance levels for all types of work under the scope of this contract. inspection. All the quality reports shall be submitted by the Contractors in the formats prescribed by the Engineer In-charge. The Format for the same may be developed and submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for approval and the same shall be adopted/ followed by the Contractor. These filled in formats shall be prepared in two copies and duly signed by representatives of contractor and HPL. All the costs associated with Printing of Formats and testing of materials required as per technical specifications or by Engineer-in-Charge shall be included in the Contractor’s quoted rates in the Schedule/ Bill of quantities. 82.0 APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY/ ENABLING WORKS The setting and nature of all offices, huts, access road to the work areas, and all other temporary works as may be required for the proper execution of the works shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Signature of Tenderer with seal 74 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED All the equipments, labour, material including cement, reinforcement and the structural steel required for the enabling/ temporary works associated with the entire Contract shall have to be arranged by the Contractor only. Nothing extra shall be paid to the Contractor on this account and the unit rates quoted by the Contractor for various items in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to include the cost of enabling works. 83.0 CONTRACT COORDINATION PROCEDURES, COORDINATION MEETINGS AND PROGRESS REPORTING. The Contractor shall prepare and finalize in consultation with HPL a detailed contract coordination procedure within 15 days from the date of issue of Letter of Intent for the purpose of execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall have to attend all the meetings at any place in India at his own cost with HPL, Owners/ Clients or Consultants of HPL/ Owner/ Client during the currency of the Contract, as and when required and fully cooperate with such persona and agencies involved during these discussions. The Contractor shall not deal in any way directly with the Clients/ Owners or Consultants of HPL/ Owner/ Clients and any dealing/ correspondence if required at any time, with Clients/ Owners/ Consultants shall be through HPL only. During the execution of the work, Contractor shall submit at his own cost a detailed Monthly Progress report to the Engineer-in-Charge of HPL by 5th of every month. The format of monthly progress report shall be as approved by Engineer-in-Charge of HPL. 84.0 CONTRACT AGREEMENT The Contractor shall enter into a Contract Agreement with the HPL within 15 days from the date of Letter of Intent or within such extended time, as may be granted by the HPL. The cost of stamp papers, stamp duty, registration, if applicable on the contract, shall be borne by the Contractor. In case, the contractor does not sign the agreement as above or start the work within 10 days of the issue of letter/ telegram of intent, his earnest money is liable to be forfeited and letter of intent consequently will stand withdrawn. 85.0 MANNER OF EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT i) The agreement as per prescribed Performa enclosed to the General Conditions of Contract shall be signed at the office of the HPL within 15 days from the date of issue of Letter of Intent. The Contractor shall provide for signing of the Contract, appropriate Power of Attorney and the requisite documents/ materials. Unless and until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the Letter of Intent read in conjunction with the Bidding Documents will constitute a binding contract. ii) The agreement will be signed in three originals and the Contractor shall be provided with one signed original and the other two originals will be retained by the HPL. iii) The Contractor shall provide free of cost to the HPL all the Engineering data, drawings and descriptive materials submitted alongwith the bid, in at least three (3) copies to form an integral part of the Agreement within seven (7) days after issuing of Letter of Intent. Signature of Tenderer with seal 75 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) iv) 86.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Subsequent to signing of the Agreement, the Contractor at his own cost shall provide to the HPL with at least five (5) true hard bound copies of Agreement within thirty (30) days of its signing. PURCHASE PREFERENCE TO PUBLIC SECTOR ENTERPRISES HPL reserves its right to extend Purchase Preference to Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) as per policy of Government of India, if any, as applicable on this work. The tenderers are requested to go through latest instructions of Government of India on its preference policy for CPSUs before quoting for the tender. 87.0 CHANGE IN FIRM’S CONSTITUTION TO BE INTIMATED. Where the contractor is a partnership firm, the previous approval in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained before any change is made in the constitution of the firm. Where the contractor is an individual or a Hindu undivided family business concern such approval as aforesaid shall likewise be obtained before the contractor enters into any partnership agreement where under the partnership firm would have the right to carry out the works hereby undertaken by the contractor. If previous approval as aforesaid is not obtained, the contract shall be deemed to have been assigned in contravention of Clause 59.1 hereof and HPL shall be entitled to take action under Clause 72.2 (xi). x………………..x…………………..x Signature of Tenderer with seal 76 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED LABOUR SAFETY PROVISIONS 1.0 Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely be done from the ground, or from solid construction except such short period work as can be done safely from ladders. When a ladder is used an extra Mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well, suitable footholds and hand holds shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given in inclination not steeper than ¼ to 1 (1/4 horizontal and 1 vertical). 2.0 Scaffolding or staging more than 3.6 m (12 feet) above the ground or floor, swung or suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationery support shall have a guard rail properly attached or bolted, braced and otherwise secured at least 90 cm. (3 feet) high above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such opening as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure. 3.0 Working platforms, gangways, and stairways should be so constructed that they should not sag unduly or unequally, and if the height of the platform or the gangway or the stairway is more that 3.6m (12 feet) above ground level or floor level, they should be closely boarded, should have adequate width & should be suitable fastened as described in (2.0) above. 4.0 Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing whose minimum height shall be 90 cm (3 feet). 5.0 Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 9m. (30 feet) in length while the width between side rails is rung ladder shall in no case be less than 29 cm. for ladder upto and including 3m (10 feet) in length. For longer ladders this width should be increased at least ¼” for each additional 30 cm (1 ft.) of length. Uniform step spacing shall not exceed 30 cm (12”). Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No materials on any of the sites of the work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. The contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights to protect the public from accident, and shall be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other proceeding at law that may be brought by a person for inquiry sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages and cost which may be awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings to any such person or which may, with the consent of the Contractor, be paid to compensate any claim by any such person. 6.0 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING All trenches, 1.2 Mts. (4 feet) or more in depth, shall at all times be supplied with at least one ladder for each 30m (100 feet) in length or fraction thereof, Ladder shall be extended from bottom of the trench to at least 90 cm (3 feet) above the surface of the ground. The side of the trenches, which are 1.5m (5 feet) or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope or securely held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger or sides to collapsing. The excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5m (5 feet) of the edges of the trench or half of the depth of the trench whichever is Signature of Tenderer with seal 77 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED more. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances undermining or undercutting shall be done. 7.0 Demolition – Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the progress of the work 7.1 All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably protected. 7.2 No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger or a cable or apparatus used by the operator shall remain electrically charged. 7.3 All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk or fire or explosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other part of the building shall be overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe. 8.0 All necessary personal safety equipments as considered adequate by the Engineerincharge should be kept available for the use of persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use, and the contractor should take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned. The following safety equipment shall be invariably provided:- 8.1 Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, cement and lime mortars shall be provided with protective footwear and protective goggles. 8.2 Those engaged in white washing and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any materials which are injurious to the eye shall be provided with protective goggles. 8.3 Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welders protective eye shields. 8.4 Stone breakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and seated at sufficiently safe interval. 8.5 When workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in active use, the contractors shall ensure that the manhole covers are opened and ventilated at least for an hour before the workers are allowed to get into the manholes, and the manholes so opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or boards to prevent accident the public. In addition the contractor shall ensure that the following safety measures are adhered to:a. Entry for workers into the line shall not be allowed except under supervision of the P. E. or any other higher officer. b. At least 5 to 6 manholes upstream and downstream should be kept open for at least 2 to 3 hours before any man is allowed to enter into the manholes for working inside. c. Before entry, presence of Toxic gases should be tested by inserting wet lead acetate papers which changes colour in the presence of such gasses and gives indication of their presence. Signature of Tenderer with seal 78 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED d. Presence of Oxygen should be verified by lowering a detector lamp into the manhole. In case no Oxygen is found inside the sewer line, workers should be sent only with Oxygen kits. e. Safety belt with rope should be provided to the workers. While working inside the manholes such rope should be handled by two men standing outside to enable him to be pulled out during emergency. f. The area should be barricaded or cordoned of by suitable means to avoid mishaps of any kind. Proper warning signs should be displayed for the safety of the public whenever cleaning works are undertaken during night or day. g. No smoking or open flames shall be allowed near the blocked manhole being cleaned. h. The malba obtained on account of cleaning of blocked manholes and sewer lines should be immediately removed to avoid accidents on account of slippery nature of the malba. i. Workers should not be allowed to work inside the manhole continuously. He should be given rest intermittently. The Engineer-in-Charge may decide the time up to which a worker may be allowed to work continuously inside the manhole. j. Gas masks emergency. k. Air-blowers should be used for flow of fresh air through the manholes. Whenever called for, portable air blowers are recommended for ventilating the manholes. The Motors for these shall be vapour proof and of totally enclosed type. Non sparking gas engines also could be used but they should be placed at least 2 meters away from the opening and on the leeward side protected from wind so that they will not be a source of friction on any inflammable gas that might be present. l. The workers engaged for cleaning the manholes/sewers should be properly trained before allowing to work in the manhole. m. The workers shall be provided with Gumboots or non-sparking shoes, bump helmets and gloves non sparking tools, safety lights and gas masks and portable air blowers (when necessary). They must be supplied with barrier cream for anointing the limbs before working inside the sewer lines. n. Workmen descending a manhole shall try each ladder step or rung carefully before putting his full weight on it to guard against insecure fastening due to corrosion of the rung fixed to manhole well. o. If a man has received a physical injury, he should be brought out of the sewer immediately and adequate medical aid should be provided to him. p. The extent to which these precautions are to be taken depend on individual situation but the decision of the Engineer-in-charge regarding the steps to be taken on this regard in an individual case will be final with Signature of Tenderer with seal Oxygen 79 Cylinder should be kept at site for use in DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 8.6 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The Contractor shall not employ men and women below the age of 18 years on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Wherever men above the age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting the following precautions should be taken:- 8.6.1 No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or readymade paint. 8.6.2 Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when paint is applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint is dry rubbed and scrapped. 8.6.3 Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractor to the workmen and adequate facilities shall be provided to enable the working painters to wash during the cessation of work. White lead, sulphate or lead work products containing those pigments shall not be used in painting operation except in the form of paste or of paints ready for use. b) Measures shall be taken whenever required in order to prevent danger arising from the application of paint in the form of spray. c) Measures shall be taken, whenever practicable to prevent danger arising out of dust caused by dry rubbing down and scrapping. Adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painter to wash during and on cessation of work. b) Suitable arrangements shall be made to prevent clothing put off during working hours being spoiled by painting materials. Cases of lead poisoning and of suspected lead poisoning shall be notified and subsequently verified by a medical man appointed by the competent authorities of the Consultant. b) The HPL may require when necessary a medical examination of workers. c) Instructions with regard to the special hygienic precautions to be taken in the painting trade shall be distributed to working painters 9.0 When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary equipments should be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate provisions should be made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be obtained during the course of the work. 10.0 Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments encourage and supports shall conform to the following standard of conditions:- 10.1 a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength and free from patent, defects and shall be kept required in good working order. Signature of Tenderer with seal 80 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) b) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate strength and free from patent defects. 10.2 Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no person under the age of 21 years should be in-charge of any hoisting machine including any scaffolding winch or giving signals to operator. 10.3 In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle swivel and pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension the safe working load shall be ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with the safe working load. In case of a hoisting machine having a variable safe working load, each safe working load and the conditions under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of testing. 10.4 In case HPL machines, the safe working load shall be notified by the Engineer-in-Charge. As regards Contractor’s machines the Contractor shall notify the safe working load of the machine to the Engineer-in-Charge whenever he brings any machinery to site of work and get it verified by the Engineer-in-Charge. 11.0 Motors gearing, transmission electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting appliances should be provided with efficient safeguard. Hosting appliances should be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk of accidental descent of the load. Adequate precautions should be taken to reduce the minimum the risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are employed on electrical installations, which are already energized, insulating mats, wearing apparel, such as gloves sleeves and boots as may be necessary be provided. The worker should not wear any rings, watches and carry keys or other materials, which are good conductors of electricity. 12.0 All scaffold, ladders, and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be maintained in safe condition and no scaffold ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be provided at or near places of work. 13.0 These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a notice board at a prominent place of work spot. The person responsible for compliance of the safety codes shall be named therein by the contractor. 14.0 To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions the arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to inspection by the Labour Officer or Engineer-in-Charge or their representative. 15.0 Notwithstanding the above Clause from (1.0) to (14.0) there is nothing in these to exempt the contractor from the operations of any other Act or Rule in force in the Republic of India. Signature of Tenderer with seal 81 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED MODEL RULES FOR THE PROTECTION OF HEALTH AND SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR WORKERS. 1.0 APPLICATION These rules shall apply to all building and construction works in which 20 (twenty) or more workers are ordinarily employed or are proposed to be employed in any day during the period during which the contractors work is in progress. 2.0 DEFINITION Work place means a place where twenty or more workers are ordinarily employed or are proposed to be employed in connection with construction work on any day during the period during which the contractors work is in progress. 3.0 FIRST-AID FACILITIES 3.1 At every work place first aid facilities shall be provided and maintained, so as to be easily accessible during working hours, First-Aid boxes at the rate of not less than one box per 150 contract labour or part thereof ordinarily employed. 3.2 The First Aid Box shall be distinctly marked with a red cross on white ground and shall contain the following equipments. 3.2.1a)For work places in which number of contract labour employed does not each First Aid box shall contain the following equipments. exceed 50, i) 6 small sterilized dressings ii) 3 medium size sterilized dressings iii) large size sterilized dressings iv) 3 large sterilized burn dressings v) 1 (30 ml) bottle containing a two percent alcoholic solution of iodine. vi) 1 (30 ml) bottle containing salvolatile having administration indicated on the label. vii) 1 snake bite lancet viii) 1 (30 Gms) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals ix) 1 pair of scissors x) 1 copy of the First Aid leaf let issued by the Director General, Factory Advise Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India. xi) 1 bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grams) of aspirin Signature of Tenderer with seal 82 the dose and mode DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL of Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED xii) Ointment for burns xiii) A bottle of suitable surgical antiseptic solution. 3.2.2 For work places in which the number of contract labour exceed 50. Each First Aid box shall contain the following equipments. i) 12 small sterilized dressings ii) 6 medium size sterilized dressings iii) 6 large size sterilized dressings iv) 6 large size sterilized burn dressings v) 6 (15 gms) packet sterilized cotton wool vi) 1 (60 ml.) bottle containing a two percent iodine alcoholic solution. vii) 1 (60 ml.) bottle containing salvolatile administration indicated on the label. viii) 1 roll of adhesive plaster ix) 1 snake bite lancet x) 1 (30 Gms) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals xi) 1 pair of scissors xii) 1 copy of the First Aid leaf let issued by the Director General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India. xiii) A bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grams) of aspirin xiv) Ointment for burns xv) A bottle of suitable surgical antiseptic solution having the dose and mode of 3.3 Adequate arrangements shall be made for immediate re-coupment of the equipment when necessary. 3.4 Nothing except the prescribed contents shall be kept in the First Aid box 3.5 The First Aid box shall be kept in charge of a responsible person who shall always be readily available during the working hours of the work place. 3.6 A person In charge of the First Aid box shall be a person trained in First Aid treatment, in work places where the number of labour employed is 150 or more. Signature of Tenderer with seal 83 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 3.7 In work places where the number of labour employed is 500 or more and hospital facilities are not available within easy distance of the works, first aid posts shall be established and run by a trained Compounder. The Compounder shall be on duty and shall be available at all hours when the workers are at work. 3.8 Where work places are situated in places, which are not town or cities, a suitable motor transport shall be kept readily available to carry injured person or persons suddenly taken ill to the nearest hospital. 4.0 DRINKING WATER 4.1 In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for drinking. 4.2 Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work place shall be provided with storage where such drinking water shall be stored. 4.3 Every water supply of storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50 feet from any latrines drain or other source of pollution, where water has to be drawn from an existing well which is within such proximity of latrine, drain or any other source of pollution, the well shall be properly chlorinated before water is drawn from it for drinking. All such wells shall be entirely closed in and be provided with a trap-door which shall be dust and water proof. 4.4 A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well, trap-door shall be kept locked and opened only for cleaning or inspection which shall be done at least once a month. 5.0 WASHING FACILITIES 5.1 In every work place adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be provided and maintained for the use of labour employed therein. 5.2 Separate and adequate screening facilities shall be provided for the use of male and female workers. 5.3 Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept clean and hygienic condition 6.0 LATRINES AND URINALS 6.1 Latrines shall be provided in every work place on the following scale, namely:a) Where females are employed there shall be at least one latrine for every 25 females. b) Where males are employed, there shall be at least one latrine for every 25 males. Provided that where the number of males or females exceeds 100, it shall be sufficient if there is one latrine for 25 males or females, as the case may be, upto the first 100, and one for every 50 thereafter. Signature of Tenderer with seal 84 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 6.2 Every latrine shall be under cover and so partitioned off as to secure privacy, and shall have a proper door and fastenings. 6.3 Construction of Latrines: The inside walls shall be constructed of masonry or some suitable heat resisting non-absorbent materials and shall be cement washed inside and outside at least once a year. Latrine shall not be a standard lower than bore-hole system. 6.4 a) Where workers of both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed outside each block of latrine and urinal, a notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers “For Men Only” or “For Women only” as the case may be. b) The notice shall also bear the figure of man or of a woman, as the case may be. 6.5 There shall be at least one urinal for male workers upto 50 and one for female workers upto 50 employed at a time. Provided that where the number of male or female workmen, as the case may be, exceeds 500, it shall be sufficient if there is one urinal for every 50 males or females upto the first 500 and one for every 100 or part thereof, thereafter. 6.6 a) The latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. b) Latrines and urinals other than those connected with a flush sewerage system shall comply with the requirements of the Public Health Authorities. 6.7 Water shall be provided by means of a tap or otherwise so as to be conveniently accessible in or near the latrines and urinals. 6.8 Disposal of Excreta Unless otherwise arranged for by the local sanitary authority arrangements for proper disposal of excrete by incineration at the work place shall be made by means of a suitable incinerator. Alternatively excreta may be disposed off by putting a layer of night soil at the bottom of a pucca tank prepared for the purpose and covering it with a 15 cm layer of waste or for refuse and then covering it with a layer of earth for fortnight (when it will turn into manure). 6.9 The Contractor shall, at his own expense, carry out all instructions issued to him by the Engineer-in-Charge to effect proper disposal of night soil and other conservancy work in respect of the Contractor’s workmen or employees on the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of any charges which may be levied by Municipal or Cantonment Authority for execution of such work on his behalf. 7.0 PROVISION OF SHELTER DURING REST At every place there shall be provided, free of cost four suitable sheds, two for meals and the other two for rest separately for the use of man and woman labour. The height of each shelter shall not be less than 3 meters from the floor level to the lowest part of the roof. These shall be kept clean and the space provided shall be on the basis of 0.6 sqm per head. Provided that the Engineer-in-Charges may permit, subject to his Signature of Tenderer with seal 85 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED satisfaction, a portion of the building under accommodation to be used for the purpose. construction or other alternative 8.0 CRECHES 8.1 A every work place, at which 20 or more women workers are ordinarily employed, there shall be provided two rooms of reasonable dimensions for the use of their children under the age of six years. One room shall be used as a play room for the children and the other as their bedrooms. The rooms shall be constructed with the specifications as given below:i) The rooms shall have walls of sun-dried or burnt bricks laid in mud mortar or other suitable local materials as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. In case of sun-dried bricks the walls should be plastered with mud-gobri on both the sides. The floor may be kutcha but plastered with mud gobri and shall be at least 15 cm (6”) above the surrounding ground. The roofs shall be laid with thatch or any other materials as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall ensure that throughout the period of their occupation the roofs remain water tight. ii) The rooms shall be provided with proper ventilation iii) All doors/ windows and ventilators shall be provided with suitable leaves for security purposes. 8.1 The rooms shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for light and ventilation. There shall be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the places clean. 8.2 The Contractor shall supply adequate number of toys and games in the playroom and sufficient number of cots and beddings in the bed-room. 8.4 The Contractor shall provide one Ayaa to look after the children in the crèche when the number of women workers does not exceed 50 and two when the number of women workers exceeds 50. 8.5 The use of the rooms/earmarked as crèches shall be restricted to children, their attendant and mother of the children. 9.0 CANTEENS 9.1 In every work place where the work regarding the employment of Contract labour is likely to continue for six months and wherein contract labour numbering one hundred or more are ordinarily employed, an adequate canteen shall be provided by the Contractor for the use of such contract labour. 9.2 The canteen shall be maintained. By the Contractor in an efficient manner. 9.3 The canteen shall consist of at least a dining hall, kitchen, and storeroom, pantry and washing places separately for workers and utensils. 9.4 The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person has access to it. Signature of Tenderer with seal 86 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 9.5 The floor shall be made of smooth and impervious material and inside walls shall be lime-washed or colour washed at least once in each year. Provided that the inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime-washed every four months. 9.6 The premises of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. 9.7 Waste Water shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall not be allowed to accumulate so as to cause a nuisance. 9.8 Suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection and disposal of garbage. 9.9 The dining hall shall accommodate at a time 30 persons of the labour working at a time. 9.10 The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service counter and any furniture except tables and chair shall not be less than one square meter per dinner to be accommodated. 9.11 (a) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off and reserved for women workers in proportion to their number. (b) Washing places for women shall be separate and screened to secure privacy. 9.12 Sufficient tables, stool, chairs or benches shall be available for the number of dinners to be accommodated. 9.13.1 (a) There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils, crockery, furniture and any other equipment necessary for the efficient running of the canteen. (b) The furniture, utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. 9.13.2 (a) Suitable clean clothes for the employees serving in the canteen shall be provided and mentioned. A service counter, if provided, shall be top of smooth and impervious material. (b) (c) Suitable facilities including an adequate supply of hot water shall be provided for the cleaning of utensils and equipment. 9.14 The food stuffs and other items to be served in the canteen shall be in conformity with the normal habits of the labour. 9.15 The charge for food stuffs, beverages and any other items served in the canteen shall be based on ‘No profit’, ‘No loss’ and shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen. 9.16 In arriving at price of food stuffs, and other articles served in the canteen, the following items shall not be taken into consideration as expenditure, namely: (a) The rent of land building. (b) The depreciation and maintenance charges for the building and provided for the canteen. Signature of Tenderer with seal 87 equipment DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (c) The cost of purchase, repair and replacement of equipment including crockery, cutlery and utensils. furniture, (d) The water charges and other charges incurred for lighting and ventilation. (e) The interest and amounts spent on the provision and maintenance and equipment provided for in the canteen. 9.17 The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited once every 12 months by registered accountants and auditors. 10.0 ANTI MALARIAL PRECAUTIONS The Contractor shall at his own expense, conform to all anti-malarial instructions given to him by the Engineer-in-charge including the filling up of any borrows pits which may have been dug by him. 11.0 AMENDMENTS HPL may from time to time, add to or amend these rules and issue such directions as it may consider necessary for the purpose of removing any difficulty which may arise in the administration hereof. Signature of Tenderer with seal 88 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED CONTRACTOR’S LABOUR REGULATIONS 1.0 SHORT TITLE These regulations may be called the Contractor “Labour Regulations” 2.0 DEEFINITIONS 2.1 “Workman” means any person employed by the HPL or its Contractor directly or indirectly through a sub-contractor, with or without the knowledge, of the HPL to do any skilled, semi-skilled, un-skilled, manual, supervisory, technical or clerical work for hire or reward, whether, the terms of employment are expressed or implied but does not include any person. (a) Who is employed mainly in a managerial or administrative capacity: or (b) Who being employed in a supervisory capacity draws wages exceeding Rupees Two thousand Five hundred per person or exercises either by the nature of the duties attached to the office or by reason of powers vested to him, functions mainly; of managerial nature. (c) Who is an out worker, that is to say, a person to whom any articles or materials are given out by or on behalf of the principal employer to be made up cleaned, washed, altered, ornamental finished, repaired, adopted or otherwise processed for sale for the purpose of the trade or business of the principal employer and the process is to be carried out either in the home of the out worker or in some other premises not being premises under the control and management of the principal employer. 2.2 “Fair Wages” means whether for time or piece work fixed and notified under the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act from time to time. 2.3 “Contractor” shall include every person who undertakes to produce a given result other than a mere supply of goods or articles of manufacture through labour or who supplies labour for any work and includes a sub-contractor. 2.4 “Wages” shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of Wages Act. 2.4.1 Normally working hours of an adult employee should not exceed 9 hours a day. The working day shall be so arranged that inclusive of interval for rest, if any, it shall not spread over more than12 hours on any day. 2.4.2 When an adult worker is made to work for more than 9 hours on any day or for more than 48 hours in any week, he shall be paid overtime for the extra hours put in by him at double the ordinary rate of wages. Every worker shall be given a weekly holiday on a Sunday, in accordance with the provisions of the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules 1960 as amended from time to time, irrespective of whether such worker is governed by the Minimum Wages Act or not. Signature of Tenderer with seal 89 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Whether the Minimum Wages prescribed by the Government under the Minimum Wages Act are not inclusive of the wages for the weekly day of rest, the worker shall be entitled to rest day wages at the rate applicable to the next preceding day, provided he has worked under the same contractor for a continuous period of not less than 6 days. Where a contractor is permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge to allow a worker to work on a normal weekly holiday, he shall grant a substitute holiday to him for the whole day on one of the five days immediately before or after the normal weekly holidays and pay wages to such worker for the work performed on the normal weekly holiday at overtime rate. 3.0 DISPLAY OF NOTICE REGARDING – WAGES, ETC. The contractor shall before he commences his work on contract, display and correctly maintain and continue to display and correctly maintain in a clean and legible condition in conspicuous places on the work, notices in English and in the local Indian languages spoken by the majority of the workers, giving the minimum rates of wages fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, the actual wages being paid, the hours of work for which such wages are earned, wage period, dates of payment of wages and other relevant information as per Appendix ‘ A’ 4.0 PAYMENT OF WAGES 4.1 4.2 4.3 The contractor shall fix wage periods in respect of which wages shall be payable. No wage period shall exceed one month. The wages of every person employed as labour in an establishment or by a contractor where less than one thousand, such persons are employed shall be paid before the expiry of the seventh day and in other cases before the expiry of tenth day after the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable. Where the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the date on which his employment is terminated. All payments of wages shall be made on a working day at the work premises and during the working time and on a date notified in advance and in case the work is completed before the expiry of the wage period, final payment shall be made within 48 hours of the last working day. Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct or to other person authorized by him in this behalf. All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency or in both. Wages shall be paid without any deductions of any kind except those specified by the Central Government by general or special order in this behalf or permissible under the payment of Wages Act 1956. A notice showing the wage period and the place and time of disbursement of wages shall be displayed at the place of work and a copy sent by the contractor to the Engineer-inCharge under acknowledgement. It shall be the duty of the contractor to ensure the disbursement of wages in the presence of the Engineer or any other authorized representatives of the Engineer-inCharge who will be required to be present at the place and time of disbursement of wages by the contractor to workmen. 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Signature of Tenderer with seal 90 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4.11 The contractor shall obtain from the Engineer or an other authorized representative of the Engineer-in-charge as the case may be, a certificate under his signature at the end of the entries in the “Register of Wages” or the “Wage-cum-Muster Roll” as the case may be in the following form: “Certified that the amount shown in column No-------- has been paid to the workmen concerned in my presence on------- at----“. 5.0 FINES AND DEDUCIONS, WHICH MAY BE MADE FROM WAGES 5.1 The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except the following – 5.2 a) Fines b) Deductions for absence from duty i.e. from the place or the places where by the terms of his employment he is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in proportion to the period for which he was absent. c) Deduction for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed persons for custody, or for loss of money or any other deduction which he is required to account where such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default. d) Deduction for recovery of advance or for adjustment of over payment of wages, advances granted shall be entered in a register. e) Any other deduction, which the Central Government may from time to time allow. No fines should be imposed on any worker save in respect of such acts and omissions on his part as have been approved by the Chief Labour Commissioner. Note: An approved list of Acts and Omissions for which fines can be imposed is enclosed a Appendix-1. 5.3 No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be made from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such fines or deductions. 5.4 The total amount of fine which may be imposed in any one wage period on a worker shall not exceed an amount equal to three paise in Rupees of the total wages, payable to him in respect of that wage period. 5.5 No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him in installment, or after the expiry of sixty days from the date on which it was imposed. 5.6 Every fine shall be deemed to have been imposed on the day of the act or respect of which it was imposed. Signature of Tenderer with seal 91 omission in DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 6.0 LABOUR RECORDS 6.1 The contractor shall maintain a “Register of persons employed” on work on contract in form XIII of the CL (R&A) Central Rules 1971(Appendix-B) 6.2 The contractor shall maintain a “Muster Roll” register in respects of all workmen employed by him on the work under contract in form XVI of the CL (R&A) Rules1971 (Appendix-C). 6.3 The contractor shall maintain a ”Wage Register” in respect of al workmen employed by him on the work in form(Appendix-D). 6.4 Register of accidents-The contractor shall maintain a register of accidents in such form as may be convenient at the work place but the same shall include the following particulars: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) 6.5 Full particulars of the labourers who met with accident Rate of wages Sex Age Nature of accident and cause of accident. Time and date of accident Date and time when he/she admitted in Hospital Date of discharge from the Hospital Period of treatment and result of treatment Percentage of loss of earning capacity and disability as assessed by Medical Officer. Claim required to be paid under Workmen’s Compensation Act. Date of payment of compensation. Amount paid with details of the person to whom the same was paid. Authority by whom the compensation was assessed. Remarks. Register of Fines- The contractor shall maintain a “Register of” Fines” in the form (Appendix-H) The contractor shall display in a good condition and in a conspicuous place of work the approved list of Acts and Omission for which fines can be imposed (Appendix-I) 6.6 Register of Deductions–The contractor shall maintain a “Register of Deductions” in form (Appendix-J) 6.7 Register of Advances-The contractor shall maintain a “Register of Advances” in form (Appendix-K) 6.8 Register of Overtime-The contractor shall maintain a “Register of Overtime” in form (Appendix-L) 7.0 7.1 ATTENDANCE CARD-CUM WAGE SLIP The contractor shall issue an attendance card-cum wage slip to each workman employed by him in the specimen form at (Appendix-E). Signature of Tenderer with seal 92 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 7.2 The card shall be valid for each wage period. 7.3 The contractor shall mark the attendance of each workman on the card twice each day, once at the commencement of the day and again after the rest interval, before he actually starts work. 7.4 The card shall remain in possession of the worker during the wage period under reference. 7.5 The contractor shall complete the wage slip portion on the reverse of the card at least a day prior to the disbursement of wages in respect of the wage period under reference. 7.6 The contractor shall obtain the signature of thumb impression of the worker on the wage slip at the time of disbursement of wages and retain the card with himself. 8.0 EMPLOYMENT CARD The contractor shall issue an Employment Card in form to each worker within three days of the employment of the worker (Appendix-F) 9.0 SERVICE CERTIFICATE On termination of employment for any reason whatsoever the contractor shall issue to the workman whose service has been terminated, a service certificate in from AppendixG. 10.0 PRESERVATION OF LABOUR RECORDS All records required to be maintained under Regulations Nos. 6 and 7 shall be preserved in original for a period of three years from the date of last entries made in them and shall be made available for inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge, Labour Officer. 11.0 POWER OF LABOUR OFFICERS TO MAKE INVESTIGATIONS INQUIRY The Labour Officer or any other person authorized by HPL on its behalf shall have power to make inquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the Fair Wage Clauses and the provisions of Regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding the default made by the contractor or sub contractor in regard to such provision. 12.0 REPORT OF LABOUR OFFICER The labour Officer or other persons authorized as aforesaid shall submit a report of result of his investigation or enquiry to the Engineer-in-charge concerned indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the contractor’s bill be made and the wages other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. In case appeal is made by the contractor under these regulations, actual payment to labours will be made by the Engineer-in-charge after HO has given decision on such appeal. i) The Engineer-in-charge shall arrange payments to the labour concerned within 45 days from the receipt of the report from the Labour Officer or the HO as the case may be. Signature of Tenderer with seal 93 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 13.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED APPEALS AGAINST THE DECISION OF LABOUR OFFICER Any person aggrieved by the decision and recommendations of the Labour Officer or other person so authorized may appeal against such decision of HO concerned within 30 days from the date of decision, forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the Engineer-in-charge concerned but subject to such appeal, the decision of the officer shall be final and binding upon the contractor. 14.0 PROHIBITION REGARDING REPRENTATION THROUGH LAWYER i) a) b) c) ii) a) b) c) iii) 15.0 A Workman shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or enquiry under these regulations by:An Officer of a registered trade union of which he is a member. An Officer of a federation of trade unions to which the trade union referred to in clause (a) is affiliated. Where the employer is not a member of any registered trade union, by an officer of a registered trade union, connected with industry in which the worker is employed or by any other workman employed in the industry in which the worker is employed. An employer shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or enquiry under these regulations by:An Officer of an association of employers of which he is a member. An Officer of a federation of associations of employers to which association referred to in clause (a) is affiliated. Where the employer is not a member of any association of employers, by an officer of association of employer connected with the industry in which the employer is engaged or by any other employer, engaged in the industry in which the employer is engaged. No party shall be entitled to be represented by a legal practitioner in any investigation or enquiry under these regulations. INSPECTION OF BOOKS AND SLIPS Contractor shall allow inspection of all the prescribed labour records to any of his workers or to his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received or to the Labour Office or any other person, authorized by the Central Government on his behalf. 16.0 SUBMISSION OF RETURN The contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time to time. 17.0 AMENDMENTS The HPL may from to time, add or amend the regulations and on any question as to the application, interpretation or effect of these regulations the decision of the Engineer-incharge concerned shall be final. Signature of Tenderer with seal 94 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix –‘A’ LABOUR BOARD Name of work Name of Contractor Address of Contractor Name and Address of Site Name of Labour Enforcement Officer Address of Labour Enforcement Officer S.No Category Minimum wage fixed Actual Wages paid Number present Remarks Weekly Holiday Wage Period Date of Payment of Wages Working hours Rest interval Signature of Tenderer with seal 95 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM 13 SEE RULE 75 Appendix -‘B ’ REGISTER OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED BY CONTRACTOR Name and Address of Contractor Name and Address of Establishment in/ under which contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and Address of Principal Employer S.No Name and surname of workman Age & sex Father’s/ Husbands name Nature of Employment/ designation 1 2 3 4 5 Date of commencement of employment 8. Signature or thumb impression of the workman 9. Signature of Tenderer with seal Permanent Home address of the workman (village and Tehsil Taluk and District) 6 Local address 7 Date of termination of employment Reasons for termination Remarks 10. 11. 12 96 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM XVI Appendix – ‘C’ (See Rule 78(2)(193) MUSTER ROLL Name and address of contractor Name and address of establishment in/ under which contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and Address of Principal Employer For the month / fortnight S.No. Name of the workman Sex 1. 2. 3. Signature of Tenderer with seal Father’s/ Husband’s Name 4. 97 Dates Remarks 5. 6. DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM XVII Appendix – ‘D’ (See Rule 78(2)(03) REGISTER OF WAGES Name and Address of Contractor Name and address of establishment in/ under Which contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and Address of Principal Employer Wage period: monthly / fortnightly S.No. Name of workman 1 2 Dearness Allowance Over time 9 10 Serial No. in the register of workman 3 Other cash payments (Nature of payments to be indicated) 11 Signature of Tenderer with seal Designation nature of work done Nos. of days worked 4 5 Units of work done 6 Daily rate of wages/piece rate Basic wages 7 8 Total Deduction if any (indicate nature) Net Amount paid Signature or thumb impression of the workman Initial of contractor or his representative 12 13 14 15 16 98 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM XIX Appendix – ‘E’ {SEE RULE 78 (2) (B)} WAGE – SLIP Name and address of contractor Name and Father’s/ Husband’s name of workman Nature of location of work For the Week/ Fortnight/ Month ending 1. No of days worked 2. No. of Units worked in case of piece rate workers 3. Rate of daily wages/ piece rate 4. Amount of overtime wages 5. Gross wages payable 6. Deductions if any 7. Net amount of wages paid. Signature of Contractor Signature of Tenderer with seal 99 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix – ‘E-1’ WAGE – CARD Wage Card No. Name and address of Contractor Date of Issue Nature of work with location Designation Name of workman Month/ Fortnight Rate of Wages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Morning Rate Evening Amount Initial Received from the sum of Rs. On account of my wages Signature The wage card is valid for one month from the date of issue Signature of Tenderer with seal 100 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM XIV Appendix – ‘F’ (SEE RULE 76) EMPLOYMENT CARD Name and address of contractor Name and address of establishment under which The contract is carried out Nature and location of work Name and address of Principal Employer 1. Name of the workman 2. S. Name in the register of workman employed 3. Nature of employment/ designation 4. Wage rate (with particulars of unit in case of piece work) 5. Wage period 6. Tenure of employment 7. Remarks Signature of Contractor Signature of Tenderer with seal 101 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM XV Appendix – ‘G’ (SEE RULE 77) SERVICE CERTIFICATE Name and address of contractor Nature and location of work Name and address of workman Age or date of birth Identification Marks Father’s/ Husband’s name Name and address of establishment in/ under which contract is carried on Name and address of Principal Employer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.No. 1 Total period for which employed From To 2 Nature of work done Rate of wages (with particulars of unit in case of piece work). Remarks 4 5 6 3 Signature of Contractor Signature of Tenderer with seal 102 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix – ‘H’ FORM XII {SEE RULE 78 (2) (D)} REGISTER OF FINES Name and address of contractor Name and address of establishment in/ under which Contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and address of workman Name and address of Principal Employer S.No. Name of Workman Father’s/ Husband Name Designation/ nature of employment 1. 2. 3. 4. Act/ Omission for which fine imposed 5. Date of offence 6. Whether Workman showed cause against fine. Name of person in whose presence employee’s explanation was heard Wage period and wages payable Amount of fine imposed Date on which fine realized Remarks 7 8 9 10 11 12 Signature of Tenderer with seal 103 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix – ‘I’ LIST OF ACTS AND OMISSIONS FOR WHICH FINES CAN BE IMPOSED In accordance with rule of Labour Regulations, to be displayed prominently at the site of work both in English and local language 1. Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone or in combination with other 2. Theft, fraud or dishonestly in connection with contractors beside a business or property of HPL 3. Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratifications 4. Habitual late attendance 5. Drunkenness, fighting riotous or disorderly or indifferent behavior 6. Habitual negligence 7. Smoking near or around the area where combustible or other materials are locked. 8. Habitual indiscipline 9. Causing damage to work in the progress or to property of the HPL or of the contractor. 10. Sleeping on duty 11. Malingering or slowing down work 12. Giving the false information regarding name, age, fathers name etc. 13. Habitual loss of wage cards supplied by the employer 14. Unauthorized use of employer’s property of manufacturing or making of unauthorized articles at the work place. 15. Bad workmanship in construction and maintenance by skilled workers, which is not approved by the HPL for which the contractors are compelled to undertake rectifications. 16. Making false complaints and/ or misleading statements Signature of Tenderer with seal 104 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 17. Engaging on trade within the premises of the establishment 18. Any unauthorized divulgence of business affairs of the employees 19. Collection or canvassing for the collection of any money within the premises, of an establishment unless authorized by the employer. 20. Holding meeting inside the premises with out previous sanction of the employer. 21. Threatening or intimidating any workman or employer during the working hours within the premises. x………………..x…………………..x Signature of Tenderer with seal 105 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix – J FORM XX {SEE RULE 78(2) (D)} REGISTER OF DEDUCTION FOR DAMAGES OR LOSS Name and address of contractor Name and address of establishment in/ under which contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and address of Principal Employer S.No. Name of Workman Father’s/Husband Designation / Name Particulars of Date of nature ofdamage or damage/ Employment loss loss 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of recovery Whether Workman Showed cause against deductions Name of person Amount of in whose deduction presence imposed employees explanation was heard. No. of First installment installment Last installment Remarks 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Tenderer with seal 106 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix - K FORM XXII (SEE RULE 78(2) REGISTER OF ADVANCES Name and address of contractor Name and address of establishment in/ under which contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and address of Principal Employer S.No. Name of Workman Father’s/ Husband’s Name Designation/ nature of employment Wages period and wages payable Date and amount of advance given 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose/for Which advance made No. of Date and Date on which Remarks instalments amount of last instalment by which each was repaid advance is instalment to be paid repaid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. 8. 9. 10. 11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Tenderer with seal 107 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Appendix - L FORM XXIII {SEE RULE 78(2)(E)} REGISTER OF OVERTIME Name and address of contractor Name and address of establishment in/ under which contract is carried on Nature and location of work Name and address of Principal Employer S.No. Name of Workman Father’s/ Sex Designation/ Date on which Husband’s nature of overtime Name employment worked ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total overtime Normal rate Overtime Overtime Rate on Remarks worked or of wages rate of earning which production in wages overtime case of piece wages rated paid …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Tenderer with seal 108 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME (To be completed by the Contractor) PART–1 1. Name of Contractor 2. Name of the work as given in the Agreement. 3. Agreement No. 4. Estimated amount put to tender 5. Date of commencement work as per agreement 6. Period allowed for completion of work as per agreement 7. Date of completion stipulated as per agreement 8. Period for which extension of time has been give previously. Extension granted a) b) c) d) First extension vide Engineer-in-Charge letter No……… Months Days 2nd extension vide Engineer-in- Charge letter No……… Months Days 3rd extension vide Engineer-in- Charge letter No………date Months Days Months Days 4th extension vide Engineer-in-Charge letter No………….. date Total extension previously given 9. Reasons for which extension have been previously given (copies of the previous application should be attached). 10. Period for which extension is applied for 11. Hindrances on account of which extension is applied for with dates on which hindrances occurred, and the period for which these are likely to last. Signature of Tenderer with seal 109 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED a) Serial No. b) Nature of hindrance c) Date of occurrence d) Period for which it is likely to last e) Period for which extension required for this particular hindrance f) Over lapping period, if any, with reference to item. g) Net extension applied for h) Remarks, if any. Total period for which extension is now applied for on account of hindrances mentioned above…….. Month/….. days. 12. Extension of time required for extra work 13. Details of extra work and on the amount involved:- 14. a) Total value of extra work b) Proportionate period of extension of time based on estimated amount put to tender on account of extra work. Total extension of time required for 11 & 12 Submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR Date: Signature of Tenderer with seal 110 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME (PART- II) 1. Date of receipt of application from Contractor for the work in the Engineer-in-Charge office. 2. Acknowledgement issued by Engineer-in-Charge vide his letter No., the 3. Engineer-in-Charge remarks regarding hindrances mentioned by the Contractor 4. i) Serial No. ii) Nature of Hindrance iii) Date of occurrence of hindrance iv) Period for which hindrance, is likely to last v) Extension of time period applied for by the contractor vi) Over lapping period, if any, giving reference to items which over lap vii) Net period for which extension is recommended viii) Remarks as to why the hindrance occurred and justification for extension recommended. Engineer-in-Charge recommendations. (The present progress of the work should be stated and whether the work is likely to be completed by the date upto which extension has been applied for. If extension of time is not recommended, what compensation is proposed to be levied under the agreement). SIGNATURE OF ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE Signature of Tenderer with seal 111 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED PROFORMA FOR EXTENSION OF TIME P A R T - III To Name Address of the Contractor SUBJECT: Dear Sir(s), Reference your letter No._________________ dated _____________, in connection with the grant of extension of time for completion of the work. The date of completion for the above mentioned work, is ______ as stipulated in the agreement, dated _______________. Extension of time for completion of the above mentioned work is granted upto _______________, without prejudice to the right of the HPL to recover compensation for delay in accordance with the provision made in Clause of the said agreement dated the ____/_____/____. It is also clearly understood that the HPL shall not consider any revision in contract price or any other compensation whatsoever due to grant of this extension. Provided that notwithstanding the extension hereby granted, time is and shall still continue to be the essence of the said agreement. Yours faithfully, FOR HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Signature of Tenderer with seal 112 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE (E M D) Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi : 110 014. In consideration of Hindustan Prefab Limited, having its Registered Office at Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi - 110 014 (hereinafter called “HPL” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns) having issued Notice Inviting Tender No. _____________ and M/s _______________________________________ having its Registered Head Office at _________________________ (hereinafter called the “TENDERER”) is to participate in the said tender for ________________. Whereas HPL, as per Special Condition of Contract, has agreed to accept an irrevocable and unconditional Bid Bond Guarantee for an amount of Rs. ________ valid upto ________ from the tenderer in liue of Cash Deposit of Rs__________ (Rs. ___________ only) required to be made by the tenderer, as a condition precedent for participation in the said tender. We the _______ (hereinafter called the “BANK”) having its Registered, Office at __________ and branch office at ______ do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay to HPL immediately on demand in writing and without demur / protest any amount but not exceeding Rs. _______. Any such demand made by HPL shall be conclusive and binding on us irrespective of any dispute or differences that may be raised by the tenderer. Any change in the constitution of the tenderer or the Bank shall not discharge our liability under the guarantee. We, the ________ Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the prior consent of HPL in writing and this guarantee shall remain valid upto _________, unless a claim is made within three months from the date of expiry i.e. _____________ (three months after the date of expiry), we shall be relieved of our liability under this guarantee thereafter. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF BANK PLACE: DATE : WITNESS. 1. 2. Signature of Tenderer with seal 113 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE (PERFORMANCE) Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi-110014. (Address as mentioned in Notice Inviting Tender) Whereas the Hindustan Prefab Limited (hereinafter called HPL which expression shall include its successors and assigns) having awarded a work order/contract/supply order No. dated…… (hereinafter called the contract) to M/s……………………… (hereinafter called the contractor/supplier) at a total price of Rs……..subject to the terms and conditions contained in the contract. WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the contract require the contractor to furnish a bank guarantee for Rs…….. (Rupees……….) being……. % of the total value of the contract for proper execution and due fulfillment of the terms and conditions contained in the contract. We, the Bank, (hereinafter called the “Bank”) do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay to HPL immediately on demand in writing and without protest/or demur all moneys payable by the contractor/supplier to HPL in connection with the execution/supply of the performance of the works/equipment, inclusive of any loss, damages, charges, expenses and costs caused to or suffered by or which would be caused to or suffered by HPL by reason of any breach by the contractor/supplier of any of the terms and conditions contained in the contract as specified in the notice of demand made by HPL to the bank. Any such demand made by HPL on the bank shall be conclusive evidence of the amount due and payable by the bank under this guarantee. However, the Bank’s liability under this guarantee shall be limited to Rs…… the aggregate and the bank hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions:- (i) This guarantee shall be continuing guarantee and irrevocable for all claims of HPL as specified above and shall be valid during the period specified for the performance of the contract including the period of maintenance/warranty i.e upto…….. (ii) We, the said bank further agree with HPL that HPL shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations and liabilities hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time for performance of contract by the contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by HPL against the contractor/supplier under the contract and forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variations or extension being granted to the contractor or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of HPL or any indulgence by HPL to the contractor or by any such matter or thing whatsoever, which under the law relating to the sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. Signature of Tenderer with seal 114 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (iii) This guarantee/undertaking shall be in addition to any other guarantee or security whatsoever HPL may now or at anytime have in relation to the performance of the works/equipment and the company shall have full re-course to or enforce this security in preference to any other security or guarantee which the HPL may have or obtained and there shall be no forbearance on the part of the HPL in enforcing or requiring enforcement of any other security which shall have the effect of releasing the Bank from its full liability. It shall not be necessary for HPL to proceed against the said contractor/supplier before proceeding against the Bank. (iv) This guarantee/undertaking shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up, dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the supplier/contractor, but shall in all respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all moneys payable to HPL in terms thereof are paid by the Bank. (v) The Bank hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this Guarantee and the obligations of the bank in terms hereof, shall not be otherwise affected or suspended by reasons of any dispute or disputes having been raised by the supplier/contractor (whether or not pending before any Arbitrator, Tribunal or Court) or any denial of liability by the supplier/contractor stopping or preventing or purporting to stop or prevent any payment by the Bank to HPL in terms hereof. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of HPL in writing. Unless a claim is made in writing sixty days after the date of expiry of this guarantee i.e. ……… we shall be relieved from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. Signed this…………… day of ……………. at……. For and on behalf of Bank WITNESS. 1. ________________ 2. ________________ Signature of Tenderer with seal 115 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE (FOR MOBILIZATION ADVANCE) Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi-110014. 1. In consideration of the Hindustan Prefab Ltd. (hereinafter called “The HPL” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context include his successor and assigns) having agreed under the terms and conditions of Contract No……dated…..made between …….. (hereinafter called the said contractor) and the HPL in connection with …… (hereinafter called “the said contract”) to make at the request of the Contractor, Mobilization Advance of Rs……. for utilizing it for the purpose of the contract on his furnishing a guarantee acceptable to the HPL, we the …. Bank Ltd.(hereinafter referred to the “the said Bank”) and having our registered office at ……do hereby guarantee the due recovery by the HPL of the said advance as provided according to the terms and conditions of the contract. We….. do hereby undertake to pay the amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the HPL stating that the amount claimed is due to the HPL under the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the …. shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the ….. under this guarantee and …. agree that the liability of the…. to pay the HPL the amount so demanded shall be absolute and unconditional notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor and notwithstanding any legal proceeding pending in any court or Tribunal relating thereto. However, our liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs………. 2. We……..Bank further agree that the HPL shall be the sole judge of and as to whether the amount claimed has fallen due to the HPL under the said agreement or whether the said Contractor has not utilized the said advance or any part thereof for the purpose of the Contract and the extent of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the HPL on account of the said advance together with interest not being recovered in full and the decision of the HPL that the amount has fallen due from contractor or the said Contractor has not utilized the said advance or any part thereto for the purpose of the contract and as to the amount or amounts of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the HPL shall be final and binding on us. 3. We, the said Bank, further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect till the said advance has been fully recovered and its claims satisfied or discharged and till HPL certify that the said advance has been fully recovered from the said Contractor, and accordingly discharges this Guarantee subject, however, that the Corporation shall have no claims under this Guarantee after the said advance has been fully recovered, unless a notice of the claims under this Guarantee has been served on the Bank before this expiry of the said Bank Guarantee in which case the same shall be enforceable against the Bank. Signature of Tenderer with seal 116 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4. The HPL shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee or indemnity from time to time to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Contract or the advance or to extend time of performance by the said contractor or to postpone for any time and from time to time of the powers exercisable by it against the said Contractor and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of terms and conditions governing the said contract or the advance or securities available to the HPL and the said Bank shall not be released from its liability under these presents by any exercise by the HPL of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reasons of time being given to the said Contractor or any other forbearance, act or omission on the part of the HPL or any indulgence by the HPL to the said Contractor or of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of so releasing the bank from its such liability. 5. It shall not be necessary for the HPL to proceed against the Contractor before proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding any security which the HPL may have obtained or obtain from the contractor or shall at the time when proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder be outstanding or unrealized. 6. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the HPL in writing and agree that any change in the constitution of the said Contractor or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder. Dated this…… day of……. For and on behalf of Bank (NAME AND DESIGNATION) Dated:- Signature of Tenderer with seal 117 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE (IN LIEU OF SECURITY DEPOSIT) Hindustan Prefab Limited, Jangpura, New Delhi-110014. In consideration of the Hindustan Prefab Limited (hereinafter called “The HPL”) which expression shall include its successors and assigns having awarded to M/s………............ (hereinafter called “the Supplier/Contractor”) which expression shall wherever the subject or context so permits include its successors and assigns) a contract in terms inter-alia of the company’s letter No…………….dated…… and the Contract/Purchase Conditions of the Company and upon the condition of the supplier/Contractor furnishing security for the performance of the supplier’s obligations and/or discharge of the contractor’s/supplier’s liability under and/or in connection with the said supply contract upto a sum of Rs……(Rupees…………………only) We,………. (hereinafter called” The Bank”) which expression shall include its successors and assigns) hereby undertake and guarantee payment to HPL forthwith on the same day on demand in writing and without protest or demur of any and all moneys payable by the supplier/contractor to the Company under, in respect or in connection with the said contract inclusive of all the losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses and other moneys payable in respect of the above as specified in any notice of demand made by the Company to the Bank with reference to this guarantee upto and aggregate limit of Rs……….(Rupees……………….only) and the bank hereby agree with the Company that:1. This Guarantee shall be continuing guarantee and shall…….. remain valid and irrevocable for all claims of the Company and liabilities of supplier/Contractor arising upto and until midnight of………….. 2. This Guarantee shall be in addition to any other Guarantee or Security whatsoever that the Company now or at any time have in relation to the Supplier’s obligations/liabilities under and/or in connection with the said supply/contract, and the company shall have full authority to take recourse or to enforce this Security in preference to any other Guarantee or Security which the Company may have or obtain and no forbearance on the part of the Company in enforcing or requiring enforcement of any other Security shall have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability hereunder. 3. The Company shall be at liberty without reference to the Bank and without affecting the full liability of the Bank hereunder to take any other security in respect of the Supplier’s/Contractor’s obligations and/or liabilities under or in connection with the said supply/contract or to grant time and / or indulgence to the supplier/ contractor to increase or otherwise vary the prices or the total contract value or to release or to forbear from enforcement of all or any of the conditions under the said supply/ contract and/ or the remedies of the Company under any other security/securities now or hereafter held by the Company and no such dealings, increase(s) or other indulgence(s) or arrangement(s) with the supplier/ contractor or releasing or forbearance whatsoever shall have the effect of releasing the Bank from its full liability to the Company hereunder or prejudicing rights of the company against the Bank. Signature of Tenderer with seal 118 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4. This Guarantee shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up, dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the supplier/ contractor but shall in all respects and for all purpose be binding and operative until payment of all moneys payable to the company in terms thereof. 5. The Bank hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this Guarantee and the obligations of the Bank in terms hereof shall not be otherwise affected or suspended by reason of any dispute or disputes having been raised by the supplier/ contractor (whether or not pending before any Arbitrator, Tribunal or Court) or any denial or liability by the supplier/contractor stopping/preventing or purporting to stop or prevent any payment by the Bank to the Company in terms thereof. 6. The amount stated in any notice of demand addressed by the company to the Guarantor as liable to be paid to the Company by the supplier/contractor or as suffered or incurred by the Company on account of any losses or damages, costs, charges and/or expenses shall as between the Bank and the Company be conclusive of the amount so liable to be paid to the company or suffered or incurred by the company as the case may be and payable by the Guarantor to the Company in terms hereof subject to a maximum of Rs……..(Rupees……..only). 7. Unless demand or claim under this guarantee is made on the Guarantor in writing within three months form the date of expiry of the Guarantee i.e. upto …….. the Guarantor shall be discharged from all liabilities under this Guarantee there under. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs…….. (Rupees ………………… only). This guarantee will expire on ….. Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us within three months from the date of expiry i.e………….(date, three months after the expiry date) and if no such claim has been received by us by that date all your rights under this guarantee will cease. For and on behalf of Bank Place Date WITNESS. 1. ________________ 2. ________________ Signature of Tenderer with seal 119 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FORM FOR GUARANTEE BOND (FOR ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT) THIS AGREEMENT made this _______day of two thousand__________ between M/s ……….. (hereinafter called the guarantor of the one part) and M/s Hindustan Prefab Limited, (hereinafter called the HPL, the Execution Agency of the other part). Whereas this agreement is supplementary to the contract hereinafter called the contract dated________ made between the guarantor of the one part and Hindustan Prefab Limited, of the other part whereby the contractor inter-alia, understood to render the buildings and structures in the said contract recited, completed, termite proof. And whereas the guarantor agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said structure will remain termite proof for ten years to be so reckoned from the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract expires. During this period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects and for that matter shall replace at his risk and cost such wooden member as may be damaged by termite and in case of any other defect being found, he shall render the building termite proof at his cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge and shall commence the work of such rectification within seven days from date of issuing notice from the Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects falling which the work shall be got done by HPL by some other contractor at the guarantor’s cost and risk and in the later case the decision of the Engineer-in-charge as to the cost recoverable from the guarantor shall be final and binding. That if the Guarantor fails to execute the Anti-Termite treatment or commits breaches hereunder then the Guarantor will indemnify HPL against all losses damages, cost expenses or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reasons of any default on the part of the guarantor in performance and observance of this supplemental Agreement. As to the amount of loss and or damage and/or cost incurred by HPL decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on the parties. In witness where of these presents have been executed by the Guarantor_____________ and by _______________ for and on behalf of HPL on the day of month and year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered by (Guarantor) IN THE PRESENCE OF: 1. 2. Signed for and on behalf of HPL by/in presence of 1. 2. Signature of Tenderer with seal 120 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED GUARANTEE TO BE EXECUTED BY CONTRACTOR FOR REMOVAL OF DEFECTS AFTER COMPLETION IN RESPECT OF WATER PROOFING WORKS The agreement made this…………….day of…………….Two thousand and ……….between ………… (hereinafter called guarantor of the one part) and the Hindustan Prefab Ltd. (hereinafter called the HPL, the Execution Agency of the other part). WHEREAS this agreement is supplementary to a contract (hereinafter called the Contract), dated …………………and made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE part and the HPL of the other part, whereby the Contractor, inter-alia, undertook to render the buildings and structures in the said contract recited completely water and leak proof. AND WHEREAS the Guarantor agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said structures will remain water and leak proof for ten years from the date of handing over of the structure of water proofing treatment. NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that water proofing treatment given by him will render the structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment shall be ten years to be reckoned from the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract. Provided that the Guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or structural defects or misuse of roof or alteration and for such purpose. a) Misuse of roof shall mean any operation, which will damage proofing treatment, like chopping of fire wood and thing of the same nature which might cause damage to the roof. b) Alternation shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of the roof or construction adjoining to existing roof whereby proofing treatment is removed in parts. c) The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to cause of leakage shall be final. During this period of guarantee, the Guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any defect being found render the building water proof to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at his cost and shall commence the work for such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of notice from the Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by the HPL by some other Contractor at the guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost, payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding. That if the Guarantor fails to execute the water proofing or commits breach there-under, then the Guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successors against all laws damage, cost, expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/ or damage and/ or cost incurred by the HPL the decision of the Engineerin-Charge will be final and binding on the parties. Signature of Tenderer with seal 121 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the Obligator……. and by …………….And for and on behalf of the HPL on the day, month and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered by Obligator in the presence of: 1. 2. Signed for and on behalf of the HPL by______________ In presence of:1. 2. Signature of Tenderer with seal 122 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED AGREEMENT FORM This agreement made this ….. day of (Month) (Year), between the Hindustan Prefab Limited a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at Jangpura, New Delhi-110014. (hereinafter referred to as the “HPL” which expression shall include its administrators, successors, executors and assigns ) of the one part and M/s (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Contractor’ which expression shall unless the context requires otherwise include its administrators, successors, executors and permitted assigns) of the other part. Whereas, HPL, has desirous of construction of (NAME OF WORK) (hereinafter referred to as the ”PROJECT”) on behalf of the (NAME OF OWNER / MINISTRY) (hereinafter referred as “OWNER”), had invited tenders as per Tender documents vide NIT No._________ AND WHEREAS (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) had participated in the above referred tender vide their tender dated________ and HPL has accepted their aforesaid tender and award the contract for (NAME OF PROJECT) on the terms and conditions contained in its Letter of intent No. _______ and the documents referred to therein, which have been unequivocally accepted by (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) vide their acceptance letter dated ____________ resulting into a contract. NOW THEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER: ARTICLE 1.0 – AWARD OF CONTRACT SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 HPL has awarded the contract to (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) for the work of (NAME OF WORK) on the terms and conditions contained in its Letter of Intent No. ________dated___________ and the documents referred to therein. The award has taken effect from (DATE) i.e. the date of issue of aforesaid Letter of Intent. The terms and expressions used in this agreement shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them in the “Contract Documents” referred to in the succeeding Article. ARTICLE 2.0 – CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.1 The contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditions stipulated herein and in the following documents attached herewith (hereinafter referred to as “Contract Documents”). (a) HPL Notice inviting Tender vide NO.__________ date __________ and HPL’s tender documents consisting of: (i) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) along with amendments / errata to GCC (if any) issued. Special Conditions of Contract including Appendices & Annexures, Bill of Quantities along with amendments/corrigendum of schedule items, if any ________________________________________________ (ii) (iii) (iv) Signature of Tenderer with seal 123 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) (v) (vi) 2.2 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ (b) (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) letter proposal dated ______ and their subsequent communication” (i) Letter of Acceptance of Tender Conditions dated _____________. (ii) __________________________________________________ (iii) __________________________________________________ HPL’s detailed Letter of Intent No. _______ dated ________ including Bill of Quantities. Agreed time schedule, Contractor’s Organization Chart and list of Plant and Equipments submitted by Contractor. All the aforesaid contract documents referred to in para 2.1 and 2.2 above shall form an integral part of this Agreement, in so far as the same or any part thereof conform, to the tender documents and what has been specifically agreed to by HPL in its Letter of Intent. Any matter inconsistent there with, contrary or repugnant thereto or any deviations taken by the Contractor in its “TENDER” but not agreed to specifically by HPL in its Letter of Intent, shall be deemed to have been withdrawn by the Contractor without any cost implication to HPL. For the sake of brevity, this Agreement along with its aforesaid contract documents and Letter of Intent shall be referred to as the “Contract”. ARTICLE 3.0 – CONDITIONS & CONVENANTS 3.1 The scope of Contract, Consideration, Terms of Payments, Security Deposits, Taxes wherever applicable, Insurance Agreed Time Schedule, Compensation for delay and all other terms and conditions contained in HPL’s Letter of Intent No. __________ Date _______ are to be read in conjunction with other aforesaid Contract Documents. The contract shall be duly performed by the Contractor strictly and faithfully in accordance with the terms of this contract. 3.2 The scope of work shall also include all such items which are not specifically mentioned in the Contract Documents but which are reasonably implied for the satisfactory completion of the entire scope of work envisaged under this contract unless otherwise specifically excluded from the scope of work in the Letter of Intent. 3.3 Contractor shall adhere to all requirements stipulated in the Contract documents. 3.4 Time is the essence of the Contract and it shall be strictly adhered to the progress of work shall confirm to agreed works schedule / contract documents and Letter of Intent. Signature of Tenderer with seal 124 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 3.5 This Agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties and terms of the presents. It shall supersede all prior correspondence to the extent of inconsistency or repugnancy to the terms and conditions contained in Agreement. Any modification of the Agreement shall be effected only by a written instrument signed by the authorized representative of both the parties. 3.6 The total contract price for the entire Scope of this Contract as detailed in Letter of Intent is Rs. _________ (Rupees ____________________ only), which shall be governed by the stipulations of the contract documents. ARTICLE 4.0 - NO WAIVER OF RIGHTS. 4.1 Neither the inspection by HPL or the Engineer-in-charge or Owner or any of their officials, employees or agents nor order by HPL or the Engineer-in-charge for payment of money or any payment for or acceptance of, the whole or any part of the work by HPL or the Engineer-in-charge nor any extension of time nor any possession taken by the Engineer-in-charge shall operate as waiver of any provisions of the contract, or of any power herein reserved to HPL, or any right to damage herein provided, nor shall waiver of any breach in the Contract to be a waiver or any other or subsequent breach. ARTICLE 5.0 – GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICITON 5.1 The Laws applicable to this contract shall be the Laws in force in India and jurisdiction of Delhi Court(s) only. 5.2 Notice of Default Notice of default given by either party to the other party under the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and properly served upon the parties hereto, if delivered against acknowledgement due or FAX or by registered mail duly addressed to the signatories at the address mentioned herein above. IN WITNESS WHEROF, the parties through their duly authorized representatives have executed these presents (execution whereof has been approved by the Competent Authorities of both the parties) on the day, month and year first above mentioned at New Delhi. For and on behalf of: (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) For and behalf of: M/s Hindustan Prefab Limited WITNESS: WITNESS: 1. 1. 2. 2. Signature of Tenderer with seal 125 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Signature of Tenderer with seal 126 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: These specification shall be read in conjunction with the latest, IS specifications In case these specifications are found wanting in any way the relevant C.P.W.D. Specifications shall apply. 1.0 MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED/BEST QUALITY: All the materials employed in connection with the permanent work, shall be new and the best of its kind. All materials shall be in accordance with these specifications and shall be as approved by the Architect/PMC. 1.1 STANDARDS: Except where otherwise specified and permitted by the Architect, all materials shall conform to the latest edition of Indian standard specification. 1.2 Indian Standards----------139 1.3 SECTION – I CONCRETE AND MORTARS INDIAN STANDARDS All relevant Standards as specified elsewhere in this Volume are applicable. Frequency of testing of various materials shall be strictly as per IS codes. Indian Standards to be followed are: (1) IS 269 Specification for Ordinary and low heat, Portland cement. (2) IS 383 Specification for Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. (3) IS 456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. (4) IS 460 (Part I, II & III) Specification for test sieves: i) Wire cloth test sieve ii) Perforated plate test sieve iii) Method of examination of test sieve (5) IS 516 Method of test for strength of concrete (6) IS 1199 Method of Sampling and analysis of concrete. (7) IS 1489 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement (8) IS 1542 Specification for Sand for plaster (9) IS 2116 Specification for Sand for masonry mortars (10) IS 2386 Method of test for aggregate concrete. (Part I, II, & III) i) Particle size and shape ii) Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities iii) Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking Signature of Tenderer with seal 127 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (11) IS 2646 Specification for Integral cement water proofing compound. (12) IS 3025 Methods of Sampling and test (Physical and Chemical for Water used in construction (13) IS 3068 Specification for Broken brick (burnt clay) coarse Aggregate for use in lime concrete (14) IS 4031 Method of Physical test for hydraulic cement (Part i to xii) (15) IS 4032 Method of chemical analysis for hydraulic cement. (16) IS 6452 Specification for high Alumina cement for structure use (17) IS 6909 Specification for super sulphated weather (18) IS 7861 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting i) Recommended practice for hot weather concreting ii) Recommended practice for cold weather concreting (19) IS 8041 Specification for Rapid hardening Portland cement. (20) IS 8112 Specification for high strength ordinary port land cement. (21) IS 9103 Specification for admixture for concrete. (22) IS 11433 Specification for one part gun grade i) (23) Poly sulphate based joint sealant: general requirements. IS 12118 (part I) Specification for two parts poly sulphate based sealant: i) General requirements. (24) SP 23 Handbook on concrete mix (25) SP 24 Explanatory handbook on Indian Standards code for plain and reinforced concrete (IS 456) (26) SP 27 Handbook of method of measurement of building works. (27) IS -1200 Mode of Measurement 1.4 MATERIALS 1.5.1 CEMENT Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement/PPC conforming to IS 269 for all purpose. It shall be received in Paper bags of 50 kg and each batch shall be accompanied with a test certificate of the factory. Also it shall be tested before use to ascertain its strength, setting time, etc. In no case cement which has been stored over 4 weeks, shall not be used unless tested as per the direction of the PMC prior to use in the works. Cement shall be stored in such locations so as to prevent deterioration due to moisture dampness. A dry and water proof shed shall be best suited for this. Bags shall be stacked on rigid water-proof platforms about 15 to 20 cm clear above the floors and 25 to 35 cm clear or away from the surrounding walls. A maximum high stack of 12 bags is permitted. Stacks shall be so arranged that the first batches are used first, (FIFO) & that they permit easy access for inspection and handling. Signature of Tenderer with seal 128 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The following other types of cement may be used in works if specified or with prior approval of the PMC in writing. Specialist literature shall be consulted for guidance regarding use of these types of cement. 1.5.2 Rapid hardening Portland cements conforming to IS 8041. Portland pozzolana cement conforming to IS 1489. High strength ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 8112. High Alumina cements conforming to IS 6452. Super sulphated cement conforming to IS 6909. COARSE AGGREGATE Coarse aggregate shall be obtained from natural sources such as stone, gravel etc. crushed or uncrushed or a combination thereof from approved quarries. Aggregate shall be hard, strong, dense, durable, clean and free from veins and adherent coating. It shall be free from soft, feeble, thin, elongated or laminated pieces and shall be roughly cubical in shape. It shall consist of coarse material most of which is retained on 4.75 mm IS sieve. Coarse aggregate shall not contain any harmful material such as iron, pyrites, coal, mica shale or similar laminated material neither shall it contain clay, alkali, soft fragments, sea shells, organic impurities etc. in such quantities that adversely affects the strength and durability of the concrete. In addition to the above, in reinforced concrete the aggregate shall not contain any material, which might attack the reinforcement. The maximum quantities of deleterious materials in the coarse aggregate when determined in accordance with IS 2386 Part I and Part II “Method of test for aggregates for concrete’ shall not exceed the limits laid down in table 1 of Annexure. Aggregate crushing value, impact value, abrasion value and soundness of aggregate shall respectively be in accordance with Para 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of IS 383. Grading of coarse aggregate shall be in conformity with the requirements laid down in IS 383. See Table 2 and Table 3 of Annexure. Source of aggregate shall be from an Government approved location. It shall be tested prior to the approval of the PMC from an approved testing laboratory. In case available aggregates do not meet certain requirements of IS 383 or any other specification, required processing shall be carried out by the contractor at his cost. No extra cost towards these processes, treatment or combination of both shall be paid. It shall be the duty of the contractor to make sure that aggregate material received by him is from Government approve quarries and with fully paid royalties, taxes, duties etc. as may be in force from time to time for respective locations. Aggregates shall be stored in such a way that it does not get mixed with mud, grass vegetables and other foreign matter. The best way is to have a hard surface platform made out of concrete, bricks or planks. It should be to the approval of the PMC. Coarse aggregate shall have a minimum specific gravity of 2.6 (Saturated surface dry basis). Aggregate below this specific gravity shall not be used without the special permission of the PMC. Once a specific source of supply of coarse aggregate is approved; the source shall not be changed without the prior approval of the PMC. Signature of Tenderer with seal 129 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 1.5.3 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FINE AGGREGATE Natural sand deposited by stream or glacial agencies as a result of disintegration of rock is the best form of fine aggregate. The fine aggregate shall confirm to following standards. I. For plain and reinforced concrete: IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. II. Mortar and grout : IS 2116 Specification for sand for masonry mortars. III. For plastering : IS 1542 Specification for sand for plaster (Class A grading) Sometimes it is obtained from crushed stone screening but often contains a high percentage of dust and clay. It tends to be flaky and angular. This type produces harsh concrete and should be avoided. Sea sand should not be used unless approved by the PMC. If approved, the required treatment shall be done at the contractor’s cost. Sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic matter and shall not contain any appreciable amount of clay. Sand shall not contain harmful impurities such as iron, pyrites, coal particles, lignite, mica shale or similar laminated material, alkali, and organic impurities in such form or quantities as to affect the strength of durability of concrete or mortar. Also it should not contain any material liable to attack the steel reinforcement. i) When tested as per IS 2386 Part I and Part II, fine aggregate shall not exceed permissible quantities of deleterious materials as given in table 1 of Annexure. ii) Fine aggregate shall be thoroughly washed at site with clean fresh water such that the percentage of all deleterious materials is within the permissible limits laid down. Grading of fine aggregate shall conform to IS and shall fall within limits of one of the four zones given in table 4 of IS 383 and of Annexure. Damp and moist sand increases the volume and is called bulking. Due allowance is to be made while preparing the mixes based on volume measurements. It shall be determined as per IS 2386 Part III Appendix A. For rough guidance table 5 of Annexure gives the relation between moisture content and percentage of bulking. Storing of aggregate shall be as given in Clause 1.5.4 WATER Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean, reasonably clear and free from objectionable quantities of silt, oils, alkalize, acids, salts so as not to weaken mortar, or concrete or cause efflorescence or attach the steel in RCC while curing. It shall be free of elements, which significantly affects the hydration reaction or otherwise interferes with hardening of concrete during curing or those elements, which produce objectionable stains or deposits. Potable water is generally satisfactory but is shall be tested prior to use in the works. Water tested shall be in accordance with IS 3025. Maximum permissible limits of deleterious materials in water as given in IS 456 are reproduced for ready reference in table 6 of Annexure. Suitability of water shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and initial setting time test as specified under: i) Average 28 days compressive strength of at least three 15 cm concrete cubes prepared with water proposed to be used shall not be less than 90% of the average strength of three similar concrete cubes prepared with distilled water. Preparation and testing in accordance of IS 516. Signature of Tenderer with seal 130 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 1.5.5 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ii) The initial setting time of tests blocks made with proposed cement and water to be used shall not be less than 30 minutes and shall not differ by ± 30 minutes from the initial setting time o f control test block prepared with the same cement and distilled water. iii) Preparation and testing of block shall be in accordance with IS 4031 iv) The PH value of water shall not be less than 6 and more than 9. v) Water storage tanks shall be such as to prevent any deleterious materials getting mixed with it. vi) Water shall be tested and approved in writing by the PMC prior to use in the works. vii) Sea water in concrete shall not be permitted unless specifically approved in writing by the PMC for purpose stated. The PMC under unavoidable circumstances may allow mixing or curing of seawater in concrete construction, which are permanently under seawater. ADMIXTURE These are substances other than cement, aggregate and water and shall be permitted to be used to modify the properties of concrete for single or a combination of purposes. This shall be used only on the written approval for specific purpose and at the cost of the contractor. Good concrete shall be achieved without the aid of any admixtures. Admixtures should be free from chlorides and sulphate, which might affect concrete or any other material which may cause problems to the concrete in the due course of time. Also it should have no effect on the reinforcement in case of Reinforced Cement Concrete. Admixtures generally in use are classified as under: a) Accelerators b) Retarders c) Workability agents d) Water -repelling agents e) Air-entraining agents f) Gas-forming agents. These are manufactured and sold by various companies under brand names. The contractor proposing to use any of them shall submit to the PMC technical literature with its chemical composition, purpose of use and method recommended by the manufacturer and what he proposes to follow at site for strict control. i) The contractor’s proposal shall accompany the following with his request to use admixture. ii) The trade name of the admixture, its source and the manufacturer’s recommended method of use. iii) Typical dosage rates and the possible detrimental effects of under and over dosage. iv) Whether the admixture contains chloride in any free form or any other chemical present as an active ingredient, which is a likely cause of corrosion of reinforcement or deterioration of concrete. v) The average expected air content of freshly mixed concrete containing an admixture, which causes air to be entrained when used at the manufacturer’s recommended rate of dosage. Signature of Tenderer with seal 131 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 1.6 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED CONCRETE Concrete is prepared by mixing graded aggregate stone along with cement, in a specified proportion. Mixing shall be done by a mechanical mixer. Manual hand mixing shall be permitted in specific cases with the written permission of the PMC/Architect on account of small quantity or location or any other reason acceptable. 1.6.1 CEMENT CONCRETE This shall be classified as plain cement concrete or reinforced cement concrete. Plain cement concrete shall be in leveling course under foundations, floors, copings etc. and shall include form work as part of the work. Reinforced cement concrete shall be at all locations and comprise of form work, reinforcement and concrete. Concrete shall be classified by its compressive strength at the 28th day. The concrete grades shall be as designated in table 2 of IS 456 and are given as ready reference in table 7 of Annexure. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to carry out design mixes and approval of the same shall be obtained from the PMC at least 35 days in advance from the actual pouring of concrete at site in the permanent works. The basic aim of mix design shall be to find the most economic proportion of cement, aggregates and water which will give the desired strength of concrete, proper workability and durability. Also it is important that the mix should be easily worked with the help of equipment available at site. The operations involved at site are, measurement of materials, their mixing, placing, compacting, finishing required and curing. The design shall be carried out strictly to IS specifications and IS code practice 456, SP 23 and SP 24.Further the contractor should ensure that the minimum cement content per cubic meter of reinforced concrete should not be less than that stipulated in table 23, 24, 25 and 26 of SP 23. For ready reference refer table 8 and 9of Annexure, but the BOQ shall specify minimum cement content for each item. For expected strength of cubes tested on the 28th day the design mix at preliminary test and work site shall be as per table 10 of Annexure. The water cement ratio shall be 0.50 to 0.52. Additional water may be permitted only at the discretion of the Structural Engineer. The slump shall be 25 mm to 35 mm depending upon the location and type of work. Higher slump with use of plasticizers shall be permitted. Design mix and trial mixes 1.6..1.4.1 As stated above in clause the contractor shall submit, at least 5 weeks in advance, to the PMC the mix design that the proposes to use at site. The mix design shall also give basic details (when tested according to IS 1199 and IS 2386 – Part III, 1963) such as. a. Slump b. Bleeding c. Compacting factor d. Vee-Bee time e. Cement required for one cubic meter of concrete. On receipt of this, the PMC may immediately order to carry out work site test before the final approval. This shall be done with mixer and materials actually being used at site. This shall give the contractor additional chance to check for himself actual workability and make sure that the mix proposed by him will be fully satisfactory with regards to slump, segregation, bleeding, water –cement ratio and workability. 5 cubes shall be taken from each of the 3 batches to test the mix. Cubes shall be cast, stored, cured, transported and tested to IS 516. The test may be carried out at site or laboratory as approved by the PMC. Trial mixes shall be approved provided that average strength of 3 consecutive cubes is not less than that specified and that one out of three may give a value less than specified but limited to a maximum of 90% of the specified strength. Signature of Tenderer with seal 132 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED In case the trial mix falls below the above criteria, the PMC shall order fresh trial mixes to be made as before, until the desired strength is arrived at. This design mix and trial mix hold good so long as the materials continue to be of the same quality and from the same sources. For any change, the PMC may order fresh design mix and trial mixes to be carried out before the same is used at site. It is the responsibility of the contractor to prepare and get the cubes tested and to provide all the material, labour, moulds, equipment, casting and curing facility, charges for testing etc. Further, the contractor shall have to provide and maintain all the equipment and staff at the site throughout to carry out the following tests in a small laboratory or get these tests from approved laboratories without extra cost to the contract. i. Slump ii. Grading of coarse and fine aggregates. iii. Silt content of sand. iv. Moisture content of coarse and fine aggregates. v. Slump test of concrete. vi. Concrete cube test. The contractor shall maintain full records of all above tests in a register. The format of records shall be prepared in consultation with the PMC and either he or his representative shall have full access to the contractor’s laboratory. The contractor shall include charges for the above work in his rates and no extr whatsoever shall be admissible on this account of designing, testing maintaining laboratory etc. 1.6.2 READY MIX CONCRETE (RMC) will be used for mass concreting work as per the structure design and drawings. However, for small concreting such as individual column, beam, etc, will be cast in situ. 1.7 CEMENT 1.8 i) The type of cement used for this work shall be ordinary Portland cement. PPC may also be used with approval of Architect/PMC/Bank if OPC is not available in market and work is suffering due to non availability of OPC based on approval of Architect /PMC. ii) Cement shall be used in the order in which it is received. Cement in bags in storage for more than 3 months shall be re-tested before use. AGGREGATES: Used for concrete shall be in accordance with the requirements of IS 456.Ref. IS 4926:2003 RMC code of practice Clause 4.4 TESTING: A sample taken once for every 1000 bags shall be tested. Tests shall be carried out for Fineness, initial and final setting time, compressive strength (IS: 4031) and the results approved by the Engineer, before use of the cement in permanent works. Samples shall be taken immediately on receipt of cement at site. The methods and procedure of sampling shall be in accordance with IS: 35555 Signature of Tenderer with seal 133 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The Engineer may specify other forms of sampling and tests including chemical analysis (IS: 4032). If in his opinion the cement is of doubtful quality, the costs of such additional tests shall be borne by the contractors. In addition to above, the cement shall confirm to standard specifications of Government of Mizoram PWD/CPWD 1.9 MIXERS AND VIBRATORS: i) For all structural concrete work the contractor shall provide platform types of weighing machinery of a capacity not less than 200 kg. ii) The contractor shall provide concrete mixers (IS:1791) iii) Batch type concrete mixers (Is:-2439)-roller APN mixer and vibrators(IS:2505) iv) Concrete vibrators Immersion type (IS:20506) v) Screed-board concrete-vibrators( IS:250) vi) Screed board concrete vibrators (IS:4656) vii) Form-vibrators for concrete supplied by recognized manufacturers. 1.9.1 CONVEYING: Concrete shall be conveyed from mixer to forms as rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent segregation and/or loss of ingredients. In case such segregation occurs invade concrete shall be remarked before being placed in final position. It shall be deposited in final position as early as practicable, but always within a period of 30 minutes after mixing. When initial set has taken place in Concrete before it is placed in final position, such concrete shall be rejected and taken away from the site to a distance and disposed off as ordered by the Engineer’s Representative. 1.9.2 GRADE OF CONCRETE: The Concrete is designated as M-15, M-20, M-25, and M-30 etc. The letter M refers to the Mix and the number represents the characteristic compressive strength in Mpa (Mega Pascal’s). Maximum content of cement as per table 5 of IS 456. 1.9.3 TRIAL MIXES: a. The Contractor is entirely responsible for the design of Concrete mixes. The design however to be approved by the PMC at least 7 weeks before commencing an concreting in the works and which have been tested in an approved laboratory. A clean dry mixer shall be used and the first batch discarded. b. The required average strengths of different grades of concrete at 28 days, for which the mixes shall be designed are specified below: Grade of Concrete Characteristic strength at 28 days (MPs) Target Mean Strength at 7th day (MP) M15 15 18 24 M25 20 21 29 M25 25 23 24 M30 30 26 39 Signature of Tenderer with seal 134 F’cm (Mpa) at 28 days DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED M35 35 31 44 M40 40 36 49 M45 45 40 54 The mixes are designed to yield mean strengths (F’cm) greater than the corresponding specified characteristic strengths (F’ ck) as indicated in above table. The difference between F’cm and F’ck is called the current Margin. The value of the current margin has been set at 9 Mpa for all grades of concrete. The concrete mixes shall be designed on the basis of required strength, desired workability, the maximum size of aggregate and also upon the various grades of cements as specified in IS 10262-1982. Accordingly the required cement content shall be ascertained. The Contractor may be allowed to use either approved plasticizers or increased cement content to achieve the required strengths at his own cost. c. For each grade a total of 18 cubes shall be made. Of these 18 cubes made, not more than 6 may be made on any day and further of the 6 cubes made in one day, not more than 2 cubes, each representing a different batch of concrete shall be tested at the age of 7 & 28 days. The making of the cubes, their curing, storing, transporting and testing shall be in accordance with Indian Standards IS: 516. The test shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the PMC. d. If the average strength of the concrete cubes falls below the required strength, fresh preliminary mixes for that grade shall be made as before, until the trial mixes yield cubes of compressive strength at 28 days greater than the required average strength at that age. e. Whenever there is a significant change in the quality of any of the ingredients for concrete, the PMC may at his discretion, order the carrying out of fresh trial mixes. All costs for trial mixes and tests shall be to the Contractor’s account and held to be included in the contract rates, f. Before commencing the work, the contractor shall submit to the PMC for approval full details of all preliminary trial mixes and tests. g. When the proportions of a concrete mix have been approved by the PMC, the Contractor shall not vary the quality or source of the material or the mix without written approval of the PMC. 1.9.4 CONCRETE CUBE TEST: Quality of hardened concrete will be certified by the following procedures a. The Engineer or his representative shall select random batches of concrete for examination without warning the Contractor and sampling will generally be done at point of discharge from the mixer. b. Rom the batches thus selected, 6 concrete cubes shall be made from any single batch, of these. 6 cubes may be made from any single batch. Of these 6 cubes thus made, 3 cubes (each cube representing Concrete of different batches) shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining 3 cubes shall be tested at 28 days. c. All cubes shall be made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with Indian standards. The tests shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the Engineer. d. At least 6 cubes shall be made on each days concreting until 60 cubes have been made for each grade of concrete. This is in initial period. e. After the initial period, subject to the acceptance of the Engineer, the frequency at which the cubes shall be made may be reduced as follows: 1 set of 6 cubes, on each day’s Concreting consisting of: Signature of Tenderer with seal 135 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) i) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1 set for every 10 Cum. or part thereof of concrete for critical structural elements like columns, large cantilevers, plus: ii) 1 set for every 40 Cum. or part thereof for all other elements. If concrete is latched at more than one point simultaneously, the above frequency of making cubes shall be followed at each point of batching. iii) Of the cubes if each set shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining 3 cubes shall be tested at 28 days from the day of casting the cubes. 1.9.5 ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA: The strength requirement of any particular grade of concrete will be considered satisfactory if the 28 days compressive strengths of individual sets (each set consists of 3 cubes) and of individual cubes satisfy the following requirements: FOR THE FIRST FIVE SETS: a. The average strength determined from any group of three consecutive test cubes exceeds the specified characteristic strength (F’ck) by not less than 0.8. b. Only one individual cube test result in any set may fall below the specified characteristic strength provided that this value is not less than 95% of the specified characteristic strength. c. Provided that the average strength of any fifteen consecutive cubes exceeds the specified characteristic cube strength by at least 0.9 times the current margin. All the subsequent test results may be considered acceptable if: i) The average strength as determined from any group of three consecutive test cubes exceeds the specified characteristic strength (F’ck) by not less than 0.6 times the current margin. ii) Only one individual cube test result in any set may fall below the specified characteristic strength provided this value is not less than 90 % of the specified characteristic strength. d. Whenever a mix is redesigned due to a change in the quality of Aggregate or of cement or for any other reason, it shall be considered a new mix and initially be subject to the acceptability criteria as stated above.. The above specification is based on an assumed standard deviation of 5.5 Mps, and a probability of concrete strengths failing below the desired minimum strength of 1 to 20. In case quality control is very good at site and the cube test results consistently show a standard deviation better than the standard deviation assumed here, the Engineer may in his discretion reduce the required target strength F’cm for any particular grade of concrete, and in the current margin. e. If the concrete produced at site does not satisfy the above strength requirements, the PMC will reserve the right to require the Contractor to improve the methods of batching, the quality of the ingredients and redesign the mix with increased cement content if necessary. The Contractor shall not be claimed any extra cost for the extra cement used for the modifications stipulated by the Engineer for fulfilling the strength requirements specified. f. It is the complete responsibility of the Contractor to design the concrete mixes by approved standard methods and to produce the required concrete conforming to specifications and the strength requirements approved by the Engineer. It is expected that the contractor will have competent staff to carry out this work. g. As frequently as the PMC may require, testing shall be carried out in the field for: i) Moisture content of sand ii) Moisture content of Aggregates iii) Silt content of sand. Signature of Tenderer with seal 136 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 1.9.6 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED FAILURE TO MEET SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS: a. If from the cube-test results it appears that some portion of the works has not attained the required strength, the PMC may order that portion of the structure be subjected to further testing of any kind whatsoever as desired by the PMC including, if so desired by him, full load testing of the suspected as well as adjacent portions of the structure as specified in the Conditions of contract. Such testing shall be at the contractor’s cost. If the strength of concrete in any portion of the structure is lower than the required strength, but is considered nevertheless adequate by the PMC so that demolition is not necessary, the Contractor shall be paid a lower rate such lower strength concrete as determined by the PMC. b. As frequently as the Engineer’s Representative may require, testing shall be carried out in the field for: c. i) Moisture content of sand ii) Moisture content of Aggregates iii) Silt content of sand iv) Grading of sand v) Slump test of concrete vi) Grading of Aggregates vii) Concrete cube test The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times, until the works are completed, equipment and staff required for carrying out these tests at his own cost. The Contractor shall grant the PMC or his representative full access to this laboratory at all times and shall produce on demand complete records of all tests carried out on site. Before concreting commences on any section of the works the contractor shall obtain approval of the PMC or his Representative as regards the form and reinforcement confirming with the drawings. He shall also indicate to PMC in writing and obtain his approval for position of construction joints the PMC or his representative’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations to comply with the provisions of this Specification or contract. 1.9.7 ADMIXTURES: Approved admixtures and air entraining may be permitted by the Engineer at his discretion provided that the strength requirements are not affected by their use. Any cement saving due to their use will be to the benefit of the EMPLOYER. The admixture will not be paid for separately. (IS 4926: 2003 Ready mix concrete code of practice clause 4.50) 1.9.8 VOLUME, BATCHING WITH WEIGHT CONTROL: Where volume batching with ‘eight control is specified by the Architect all measurements of coarse aggregates and water shall be by volume and of cement by the bag, controlled by regular periodic weightings. In order to ensure correct proportioning the following precautions shall be taken. a. The contractor shall maintain at site suitable number of platform balances similar t the balance used for weighing luggage at railway platforms, capable of weighing upto 200 kg. To the nearest 100 grams; the balance shall be used for weighing cement bags and occasional boxes of sand and coarse aggregate as specified below. b. The Contractor shall provide the mixer operator with standard measures for measuring the water to be used in the mix. Signature of Tenderer with seal 137 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED c. The quantity of water to be added to the mix shall be approved by the PMC or his representative and may be adjusted by him as frequently as necessary in order to allow for the moisture content of the sand or coarse aggregate and workability desired. On no account shall the Contractor allow more water to be added to the mix. Concrete containing water in excess of that specified shall be rejected and not allowed for use in the works. d. Sand and coarse aggregates shall be measured by volume. The size of measuring boxes or the depth to which they are filled or both shall be adjusted to obtain the correct weight of each material specified by the Engineer for that mix. e. Every fifth or tenth measuring box of sand or of coarse aggregate shall be weighed on the balance to ensure that filling of boxes is being uniformly done. Adjustments shall be made from time to time in the amount of each box filled to take into account variations in moisture content and consequent bulking of sand. More frequent weighing of boxes, particularly of sand if found to vary considerably in moisture content and building may be required by the Engineer’s representative and shall be done by the Contractor without additional cost. WEIGH BATCHING: All structural concrete shall be weigh batched. All concrete ingredients except shall be batched by weight using a weigh batcher of an approved make (15:2722 Portable swing weigh batchers for concrete). Batching shall be to an accuracy of not less than 1/2 kg and the batcher shall be test for accuracy of calibration before commencement of the works and at least once a week thereafter or more frequently if so required by the PMC. For calibration & weighing equipment refer to Annexure of IS 4926: 2003 RMC code of practice. Water shall be batched by weight or by volume measures as approved by the PMC. The method of batching shall be such as will ensure in accuracy to 0.5 litres or better. PLACING TEMPERATURES: During extreme hot or cold weather, the concreting shall be done as per procedures set out in lS: 7861, Parts I & II. Fine and coarse aggregates for concreting shall be dept shaded and the concrete aggregates sprinkled with water for a sufficient time before concreting in order to ensure that the temperature of these ingredients in as low as possible prior to batching. The mixer and batching equipment shall be also shaded and if necessary painted white in order to keep their temperatures as low as possible. The placing temperature of concrete shall be as taken to protect freshly placed concrete from overheating by sunlight in the first few hours of its laying. The time of day selected for concreting shall also be chosen so as to minimize placing temperatures. In case of concreting in exceptionally hot weather the PMC may in his discretion specify the use of ice must either flaked and used directly in the mix or blocks used for chilling the mixing water. In either case, the Contractor shall not be paid any extra on account of ice and additional labour involved in weighing and mixing etc. TRANSPORTING, PLACING, COMPACTING AND CURING: a. Transporting, placing, compacting and curing of concrete shall be in accordance with IS: 456. For workability ref to clause 6.2 of IS 4926:2003 RMC code of practice. b. All rubbish etc. inside the shuttering and curing of concrete shall be washed out immediately prior to placing of concrete. A layer is placed and separate batches shall follow each other so closely that the succeeding layer shall immediately below have taken initial set. The method of segregation, concreting of any portion or section o the work shall be carried out in one continuous operation and no interruption o concreting work will be allowed without approval of the Engineer or his representative. It should be held in position until air bubbles cease to come to th surface and then slowly withdrawn so that the concrete can flow into the space previously occupied by the vibrator. The vibrator shall not be dragged through the concrete nor used to help heaps of concrete to spread out. It may be used vertically, horizontally or at an angle depending on the nature of the work. Signature of Tenderer with seal 138 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED c. To secure even and dense surfaces free from aggregate pocket, vibration shall be supplemented by tamping or rodding by hand in the corners of forms and along the form surfaces while the concrete is plastic. d. A sufficient number of spare vibrators shall be kept readily accessible to the place of deposition of concrete to assure adequate vibration in case of breakdown of those in use. e. Form vibrators wt used shall be clamped to the sides of formwork and shall not be fixed more than 450 mm. above the base of the new formwork and concrete shall be filled not higher than 230 mm. above the vibrator. The formwork must be made serially strong and watertight where this type of vibrator is used. Care must be taken to guard against over vibration especially where the workability or the concrete mix is high since this will encourage segregation of the concrete. All concrete shall be protected from falling earth during and after placing. Concrete placed in ground containing deleterious substances shall be kept free from contract with such ground and with water draining there from during placing and for a period of seven days or as otherwise instructed thereafter. Approved means shall be taken to protect immature concrete from damage by debris, excessive loading, abrasion, vibrations, deleterious ground water, mixing with earth or other materials and other influences that may impair the strength and durability of the concrete. 1.10 CONCRETE AT SITE a. Weight batching shall be preferred at site but the PMC may permit designed mix to be converted to volumetric if requested by the contractor on specific grounds. The contractor shall provide required boxes to measure the ingredients of concrete. b. The contractor shall provide concrete batch mixes, vibrators, weigh batches conforming to relevant IS specification. The capacity and number of mixers an vibrators required at site from time to time shall be to the approval of the PMC. N equipment from site shall be removed without the prior written approval of the PMC. The contractor shall also maintain a platform weighing scale of capacity 300 kg with fraction upto 100 Gms at the site. As directed by the PMC, a weekly or periodic calibration of all machines shall be done and records of these calibrations shall be maintained in a register. Regular maintenance of machinery shall also be carried out on a weekly basis or as directed by the manufacturer of machines. c. The mixer shall be run for a minimum period of 2 minutes after all materials are loaded in full quantity. The concrete produced shall be uniform in colour and consistency. d. The placing temperature of concrete shall not be more than 34o C. If it is more, the PMC may order addition of ice or chilled water to the concrete. Also the contractor shall take the following precautions: e. Mixers and weight batches shall be painted with white colour f. Aggregate storing bins shall not be exposed to the Sun. g. Water shall be sprinkled on aggregates well before concreting to keep the temperature low. 1.10.1 SHRINKAGE CRACKS Concreting shall be avoided in very warm weather, if necessary; it shall be covered with damped Hessian within 2 hours of placing of concrete. To achieve good results the concrete shall be immediately covered with a plastic sheet and not allowed any direct wind contact. This shall eliminate shrinkage cracks. 1.10.2 LAYING OF CONCRETE Concreting shall commence only after form work is approved, reinforcement is recorded and permission to proceed with concreting has been approved in writing from the PMC. Formwork should be clean, free from sawdust, pieces of wood or any other foreign material. It should have been treated by form releasing agent prior to the laying of reinforcement and concrete. Signature of Tenderer with seal 139 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Concrete shall be as gently deposited as is practically possible. In its final position to avoid re-handling and shall be so deposited that segregation of aggregates does not occur. In case of deep trenches and footing, if may be done with the help of a chute Columns and walls shall be so adjusted in form work so that maximum depth is 1.5 meter unless consented to by the PMC. Concrete from wheel barrows shall not be dumped away from the face concrete already in place. It shall be dumped into the face of concrete already in place. Concrete onto a sloping surface shall be discharged by providing a chute with a baffle and a drop at its end so that the concrete remains on the slope. Columns and walls shall be concreted in the operation to their full height to avoid any horizontal construction joints as far as possible. All slabs, beams, wooden planks and cat-walk shall be provided clear of reinforcement. Concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes from the time it is produced. Concrete shall be laid during normal working hours. Concreting at night or on holidays shall be permitted only on the written approval of the PMC. 1.10.3 COMPACTION OF CONCRETE Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted, as depositing shall proceed by means of suitable vibrators. The vibrators shall maintain the entire concrete under treatment in an adequate state of agitation and shall continue during the whole period occupied by placing of concrete. Care shall be taken not to over- vibrate the concrete. While withdrawing needles no holes should be visible in concreting. Compacting shall be completed before the initial setting time. Concrete already set shall not be disturbed by successive vibrations. It shall be ensured that the needle vibrators are not applied on reinforcement, which may destroy the bond between concrete and reinforcement. When electric vibrators are in use, the standby petrol vibrator must always be available at the concreting point. 1.10.4 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS In large pours, it is practically not possible to carry on concreting continuously. Hence construction joints shall be provided. Location of construction joint shall be submitted by the contractor for approval of the PMC. Such joints shall be kept to a minimum. The joints shall be at places where shear forces nil or minimum and these shall be straight and at right angles to the direction of the main reinforcement. Stop ends provided shall be with necessary slots for reinforcement bars to pass freely without bending or any other obstruction. Also a trapezoidal fillet nailed on stop board shall be provided to form a regular keyed joint. Joints shall be straight and truly vertical or horizontal. Before commencement of concrete, adjacent concrete stopper and surfaces shall be chipped and roughened to expose aggregate, then wire brushed and cleaned. The concrete surface shall be sprayed with water for 24 hours before casting and kept wet until casting. True horizontal joints shall also be provided with a keyed joint by inserting planed greased timber. It shall be treated as above prior to the start of fresh concreting. For vertical joints neat cement slurry shall be applied on the surface just before concreting. For horizontal joints, the surface shall be covered with a layer of mortar about 10 to 15 mm thick composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as the cement and sand in the concrete mix. This layer of cement slurry shall be freshly mixed and applied just before concreting. 1.10.5 EXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joints in different structural members shall be provided either as detailed in the drawings or as per relevant standards Signature of Tenderer with seal 140 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1.10.6 CURING Curing of concrete is most important. There shall be no compromise on this activity and it is for the contractor to arrange for everything necessary to make sure that the concrete is cured to the complete satisfaction of the PMC. As said above in Clause 11.7.3, after concrete has begun to harden i.e. about 1 to 2 hours after laying. It shall be protected from quick drying with moist or damped Hessian cloth or any other material approved by the PMC. After 24 hours of laying of the concrete, the surface shall be cured by flooding with water or covering with damp Hessian cloth for a period of 7 days to keep it moist. For the next 7 days the surface shall be kept wet all the time by sprinkling water continuously. For membrane curing, details as listed in 12.5 of SP 24 shall be followed. 1.10.7 FINISHING Concrete shall be finished keeping in mind the next operation to be carried out over the surface. For guidance the following points shall be noted but the PMC shall be consulted prior to start of concreting and his decision in this regard shall be final. i) Roof slab shall be troweled even and smooth with a wooden float. ii) The surface that will receive plaster shall be roughened immediately. iii) Surfaces that will be in contract with any masonry work shall be roughened immediately. iv) The surface that will receive mosaic floor or IPS or any other type of tiled work shall be roughened while it is green. Every care shall be taken not to disturb the freshly laid concrete. 1.10.8 INSPECTION AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES On removal of form work, the surface shall be examined by the PMC. Till such time, no remedial measures shall be carried out by the contractor. All patching, rectification or chipping shall be done only on the PMC’s instructions. In case of any violation of this rule, the concrete poured stands rejected. The decision of the PMC in this regard shall be final and binding on all parties. Sagged, bulged, patched, honeycombed work shall stand to be rejected for surface that are exposed, or required fair face finish or decorative textured finish. The PMC may permit any work found structurally safe and areas of unexposed faces, for repairing. As directed by the PMC these works shall be retained and the cost of repair shall be at the contractor’s account. Cracks observed shall be brought to the notice of the PMC who shall examine them. It shall be kept under observation and a record shall be maintained for a period of 45 days. It shall be shown to the Structural Engineer and the following procedure shall be followed: i) Cracks not developing further and in the opinion of Structural Engineer not detrimental to the strength of the construction shall be grouted with non shrinking cement slurry or as directed by the PMC. ii) Cracks developing further and in the opinion of the Structural Engineer, detrimental to the strength of construction, shall be tested as per the relevant Indian Standard. iii) Based on result of the test, the PMC in consultation with the structural engineer shall order remedial measures or order the contractor to dismantle construction, cart away the debris, replace the construction and carry out all the consequential works thereto. iv) Cost of the above shall be borne by the contractor if the failure was on his part. In case it is due to design faults, it shall be borne by the employer. v) The decision of the PMC in this matter shall be final and binding on all parties. This decision shall not be open for arbitration. Signature of Tenderer with seal 141 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1.10.9 QUANTUM OF CUBES AND TESTING The minimum frequency of cube casting shall be as follows. Each sample shall consist of 6 cubes. As per relevant IS code: Concrete quantity Number of Samples Upto 5 Cu.m in a day 1 5 cu.m. to 15 cu.m. 2 15 cu.m. to 30 cu.m. 3 30 cu.m. to 50 cu.m. 4 More than 50 cu.m. 4 + one additional cube per each 50 cu m or part thereof. Three cubes shall be tested on the 7th day and other three cubes on the 28th day. 1.10.10 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK It shall be as given in IS 456, SP 23 and SP 24. The guidance brief is as under Part or element of work shall be deemed to be accepted, provided the results of the 28th day cube testing conform to the stated as under a) The average of the three consecutive cube’s strength shall not be less than the specified strength. b) No individual cube strength shall be less than 90% of the specified strength. c) If the individual cube strength exhibits more than 33% of the specified strength, such a cube shall be classified as freak and the criteria in (a) and (b) shall be applied to the remaining two cubes and their acceptability determined. d) If the concrete tests fail to meet the acceptance criteria of the minimum strength required for respective grades of concrete, the PMC may take one of the following decisions: i. Instruct the contractor to carry out such additional tests (e.g. core tests, load tests etc) and / or remedial measures to ensure the soundness of the structure at the contractor’s expense. ii. Any decision to accept the work shall be entirely at the discretion of the engineer who may a reduction in the rate of the appropriate item. iii. The work will be rejected and any consequential action as needed shall be taken at the contractor’s expense including cutting out and replacing a part or whole of the work. iv. 1.11 CONCRETING UNDER SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1.11.1 WORK IN EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS During hot or cold weather the concreting should be done as per the procedure set out in IS 7861 Part I or IS 7861 Part II or as directed by the PMC. Signature of Tenderer with seal 142 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1.11.2 UNDERWATER CONCRETING The procedure set out under 13.2 of IS 456 shall be followed or as directed by the PMC 1.11.3 CONCRETING IN SEAWATER The procedure set out under 13.3 of IS 456 shall be followed or as directed by the PMC 1.11.4 CONCRETING IN AGGRESSIVE SOILS AND WATER Guidelines laid down in 13.4 of IS 456 shall be followed together with th instruction of the PMC 1.11.5 MEASUREMENTS a. All works shall be measured in the decimal system. i) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 metre except for thickness of slab which shall be measured to the nearest 0.005 metre. ii) Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 sq. m. iii) Cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 cu. m. All measurements of cutting shall, unless otherwise stated, be held to include the consequent waste. b. Cement concrete work shall be classified as under: i. Concrete cast-in-situ ii. Precast concrete Plain and reinforced Plain and reinforced iii. Pre stressed concrete Cast-in-situ or pre-cast c. All concrete, except as hereinafter provided, shall be measured in cubic meters. d. The price of concrete shall include ingredient material, mixing, transporting, hoisting to any height and lowering to any depth, pouring or laying, consolidating, leaving pockets, holes and protecting them till the next operation or completion of work, hacking the surface to provide key for further work including cleaning, wetting surface etc. and preparing construction joints as described in Clause 11.7.4 of this section. e. Concrete processed in a special manner for any specific purpose, such as cooled, heated, water-proofed, acidproofed, heat-resistant shall be measured separately. f. Admixtures shall be used if necessary at the request of the contractor for workability and the price for that shall deemed to be included in the contractor’s quoted price o concrete. g. No reductions shall be made for : i) Ends of dissimilar materials (for example beams, posts, girders, purlins, corbels and steps) upto 500 sq. cm in section. ii) Opening upto 0.1 iii) Volume occupied by reinforcement. iv) Volume occupied by drainage, water pipes, conduits, etc. not exceeding 100 in cross sectional area. Signature of Tenderer with seal 143 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED v) Small voids each not exceeding 40 in section. vi) Small moulds, drip moulds, chamfers, splays, rounded or covered angles, beads, vii) Grooves and rebates upto 10 cm in depth and width. h. Expansion joints shall be measured in running metre or sq. m. as the case may be. Price shall include required shuttering, special treatment if any, filler and finishing material as detailed in drawing or the BOQ. i. Water proofing of concrete shall be measured separately as an extra over ordinary concrete stating the quantity of water proofing material inliers or kilograms. j. Surface treatment shall be measured in square metres stating number of coats and proportioning of water proofing liquid to water. k. Cement grouting shall be measured in square metres and the mix specified. l. Grouting of holding-down bolts and providing temporary boxing or wedges to form holes shall be enumerated. The mix shall be specified. The price shall include required shuttering, grouting etc. m. To keep surface dry while concreting, dewatering due to rains and seepage shall be included in the price of concrete. Plum Concrete: Providing and laying plum concrete 1:2:4 with 40% boulders with necessary compaction,vibration,formwork,scaffolding & curing etc. at all levels complete ( cement content not less than 185 per Cum and boulder of uniform avg. size 150mm ) 1.12 MORTARS 1.12.1 Mortars shall be prepared by mixing fine graded aggregate with cement, in the proportion specified for respective items of work as detailed in the BOQ. Mixing of mortars shall be done by mechanical mixers only. Hand mixing may be permitted in specified cases on the written permission of the PMC. 1.12.2 Mortars shall be specified by proportion only and not by strength, volumetric mixing shall be based on dry volumes of each ingredient. For convenience, measurement shall correspond to volume of one cement bag i.e. 0.035 Boxes shall be of size of 40 x 35 x 25 cm. These shall be marked as mortar mixing boxes by red pain and shall be used throughout the contract. Hand mixing or mechanical mixing proportions shall be done with the use of these boxes. 1.12.3 Sand for plaster, masonry, PCC, RCC work at site should be used from Palar (River Sand).However the sand quality must be got approved from Architect /PMC for RMC purpose. 1.13 BRICK WORK 1.13.1 MATERIAL a) Sand for Masonry mortars: Unless otherwise indicated, sand for masonry mortars shall consist of natural sand (generally termed as coarse sand) crushed stone sand or crushed sand or a combination of any of these conforming to IS 2116-1965 specifications for sand for masonry mortars. Sand shall be hard durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and impurities such as iron particles, alkalis, salts, coal, mica shale or similar laminated or other materials exceeding the specified limit. Grading of sand shall be as under Signature of Tenderer with seal 144 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Percentage passing by weight IS Sieve Unreinforced masonry Reinforced masonry `4.75 mm 100 100 2.36 mm 90-100 90-100 1.18 mm 70-100 70-100 600micron 40-100 40-100 300 micron 5-70 5-70 150 micron 0.75 0-10 b) The maximum quantities of clay, fine silt and fine dust in sand shall not be more than 4%. Organic impurities shall be below that obtained by comparison with the standard solution specified in 6-2-2 of IS-2386 (Part II 1983). The coarse / fine sand shall be from approved sources. c) Common Burnt clay building bricks (hereinafter termed as bricks shall conform to the requirements laid down in IS-1077-1976 for common burnt clay building bricks. (Average compressive strength not less than 35 Kg/, sub Class-A as per parameters given in the IS regarding edges, dimensions etc. The overall dimensions shall however be as per local practice of moulds. Water absorption after immersion in cold water for 24 hours shall not exceed 20% and grading for efflorescence shall be less than moderate. Bricks shall be free from cracks, flaws and nodules of free lime. Dimension shall be all within tolerance. Under / over burnt bricks and warped bricks shall be totally rejected. d) Test check on random samples from each lot of bricks brought at site shall be carried out for compressive strength and water absorption test. Results of these tests duly signed and dated by Contractor; Architect and Project Manager shall be recorded in a separate register which shall be kept with the Project Manager. 1.13.2 Workmanship – Masonry Mortars a) Preparation of cement mortars: Mortars shall be of mix as indicated. The mixing specified is by volume. Mixing shall be done in a mechanical mixer. The mortar shall be mixed for at least three minutes after adding of water. Cement mortar shall be freshly mixed for immediate use. Any mortar which has commenced to set shall be discarded and removed from the site. b) Bond: All brick works shall be built in English bond, unless otherwise indicated. Half brick walls shall be built in stretcher bond. Header bond shall be used for walls curved on plan for better alignment, header bond shall also be used in foundation, and stretchers may be used when the thickness of wall renders use of header impracticable. Where the thickness of footings is uniform or a number of courses, the top course of the footings shall be of headers. For load bearing walls brick courses at DPC level and at all slab levels below the bearings of slab shall be as bricks on edges. Half or cut brick shall not be used except where it is necessary to complete the bond Overlap in stretcher bond is usually half brick and is obtained by commencing each alternate course with a half brick. The overlap in header bond which is equally half the width of the brick is obtained by introducing a three quarter brick in each alternate course at quoins. In general, the cross joints in any course of brick work shall not be nearer than a quarter of brick length from those in the course below or above it. Signature of Tenderer with seal 145 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED c) Curing: The bricks shall be adequately wet before use and brick work shall be constantly kept wet for at least seven days. 1.13.3 Half brick walls: a) The bricks shall be laid in stretcher bond in cement and sand mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) or as indicated. The reinforcement shall be 2 Nos. MS round bars or as indicated and as described in section VII steel and iron work. The diameters of bars shall be 6 mm. The first layer of reinforcement shall be used at second course and then at every third course of brick work. The bars shall be properly anchored (minimum 150 mm) at their ends where the portions end or where these walls join with other walls. The inlaid steel reinforcement shall be completely embedded in mortar. Overlap in reinforcement if any, shall not be less than 30 cm. The cover, i.e. the mortar interposed between the reinforcement bars and brick shall not be less than 6 mm. The mortar covering in the direction of joints shall be not less than 15 mm. b) 43 Grade/Blended cement may be used for brick masonry and plaster as directed by Architect/PMC. 1.14 SOLID BLOCK MASONARY The blocks of concrete shall be of approved mix to satisfy the crushing strength and water absorption test as per IS: 2185 Part/1979 i) Crushing strength not less than 50kg/sq cm. ii) Water absorption shall not be more than 10%. The finish of blocks shall be fairly good with sharp edges. The mode of measurement shall be as per IS: 2195-Part/1979. iii) Size of concrete block shall be 140mmx190mmx390mm for 390mm thick masonry and 90mmx140mmx390mm for 90mm thick masonry. ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 146 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED SECTION – II 1.15 REINFROCEMENT AND FORM WORK 1.15.1 INDIAN STANDARDS All relevant Standards as specified elsewhere in this Volume are applicable. Indian Standards to be followed are: 1. IS 226 Specification for structural steel standard quality 2. IS 228 Methods for chemical analysis of steels 3. IS 280 Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purpose 4. IS 303 Specification for plywood for general purpose. 5. IS 432 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wires for concrete reinforcement. Part – 1 Mild steel and Medium tensile steel bars Part – 2 Hard drawn steel wire. 6. IS 456 Code of practice for construction and design of reinforced concrete 7. IS 723 Specification for steel counter sunk head wire nails. 8. IS 808 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beams, channels and angle section 9. IS 814 Covered electrodes for metal arc welding of structural steel. 10. IS 961 Specification for structural steel: high tensile steel bars. 11. IS 1139 Hot rolled M.S. medium tensile steel and high field strength deformed bars for concrete reinforcement. 12. IS 1387 General requirements for supply of metallurgical materials. 13. IS 1599 Method for bend test for steel products other than sheets, strip, wire and tube. 14. IS 1608 Method of tensile testing: steel products 15. IS 1730 Dimensions for steel plates, sheets and strip for structural and general engineering purpose. Part 1 Plates Part 2 Sheets Part 3 Strips 16. IS 1786 Specification for cold worked steel high strength deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement (Superceding IS 1139) 17. IS 1977 Specifications for structural steel: ordinary quality. 18. IS 2062 Specification for structural steel: fusion welding quality. 19. IS 2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement Signature of Tenderer with seal 147 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 20. IS 3696 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Safety Code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 1 Scaffolds Part 2 Ladders 21. IS 4014 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding. (Part 1 & 2) 22. IS 4082 Recommendation on stacking and storage of construction materials at site. 23. IS 8989 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures 24. IS 9417 Recommendations for welding cold worked steel bars for reinforced concrete construction. 1.16.1 REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement bars used in construction shall be mild steel or medium tensile round bars and high strength deformed bars. 1.16.2 M.S. Plain a) Rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel plain round bars used in concrete shall conform to IS 432 Part-I. Steel received shall conform to the following IS with regards to manufacturing and chemical composition. i) M.S. bar Grade I Steel designation Fe 410-S of IS 226 ii) M.S. bar Grade II Steel designation Fe 410-O of IS 1977 Medium Tensile Steel designation Fe 540 W-HT IS 961 Steel bars b) National sizes and tolerances shall be as specified in IS 432 Part I. Physical requirements shall be determined in accordance with IS 1608, read in conjunction with IS 226. For ready reference of minimum requirements, properties are tabulated in table 11 of the Annexure. 1.16.3 Tor Steel a) High strength deformed bars for use as reinforced in concrete shall be of grade Fe 415, Fe 500 and Fe 550 conforming to IS 1786. b) Chemical composition shall conform to IS 1786 when made as a relevant part of IS 228. Permissible limits shall be as shown in table 12 of the Annexure. c) Welding of cold work steel bars in reinforcement shall be permitted as per IS 9417. (Recommendation for welding cold worked steel bars for RCC) d) Nominal sizes, cross sectional areas and their mass shall be as specified in IS 1786, allowing due consideration for tolerance specified therein. e) Physical properties i. It shall satisfy IS 1599 test for bend and re-bend test in conjunction with IS 226. ii. Bond requirements shall be deemed to have been satisfied if it meets clause 4.0 of IS 1786. iii. Tensile, proof stress and percent elongation shall be as per table 3 of IS 1786 and reproduced as table 13 of Annexure for ready reference. Signature of Tenderer with seal 148 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1.16.4 Quality of Material a) Material received at site shall have ISI certification mark. Each bundle or coi containing the bars shall be suitably marked with ISI certification mark. Also bars shall be marked to identify categories. This shall be done as per IS 1387. b) In case bars are without ISI certification mark, the manufacturer shall give a certificate stating process of manufacturer, chemical composition and mechanical properties. Each certificate shall indicate the number or identification mark of the batch production / cast to which it applied. Corresponding number or identification mark should be found on the material. c) All reinforcement material shall be free from loose mill scale, excessive rust, loose rust, pitting, oil, grease, paint, mud or any foreign deleterious material present on the surface. Cleaning shall be done to the satisfaction of the PMC. d) Each batch brought at site shall be tested prior to use for respective specification / Physical properties. Cost of all such tests shall be borne by the contractor. Material acceptable as per IS shall be allowed into the works. All rejected material shall be removed from site by the contractor within 3 days of rejection. If the same is not done, the PMC shall impose a penalty of Rs. 500/- per metric ton per day. This will be without any appeal and shall not be subjected to arbitration. e) Reinforcement bars received at site shall be stored on hard concrete platform and clear of the ground with the use of timber sleeper, concrete sleeper or any other means. Reinforcement material shall be kept covered by tarpaulins or plastic to avoid corrosion and other contamination. It is advised to follow storage methods as described in IS 4082. 1.16.5 Miscellaneous a) Cover blocks shall be of non-corrosive material such as plastic but not wooden or broken bricks or stone. Specially PVC made cover spacers shall be used in the Works. Concrete cover spaces may be permitted by the PMC. Such concrete spaces shall be cast from concrete and not cement mortar. Strength of these blocks shall be equal to the strength of concrete in use. These should be fully cured prior to use in works. b) Binding wire shall be 16 gauge annealed wire conforming to IS 280. Binding shall be done as per direction of structural consultant with double wire. It shall be free from rust, oil, paint, grease, loose mill scale or any other deleterious material undesirable for the reinforcement and concrete or which may prevent adhesion of concrete with reinforcement. c) Deformed bars for concrete reinforcement and rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel conforming to IS 1139 shall be allowed in construction provided they are approved by the PMC. d) Weight of reinforcement per meter shall be as follows: 1 6 mm 0.222 kg/Rmt 2 8 mm 0.395 kg/Rmt 3 10 mm 0.617 kg/Rmt 4 12 mm 0.888 kg/Rmt 5 16 mm 1.578 kg/Rmt 6 18 mm 1.998 kg/Rmt 7 20 mm 2.467 kg/Rmt Signature of Tenderer with seal 149 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 8 22 mm 2.984 kg/Rmt 9 25 mm 3.853 kg/Rmt 10 28 mm 4.834 kg/Rmt 11 32 mm 6.313 kg/Rmt 12 36 mm 7.990 kg/Rmt 13 40 mm 9.865 kg/Rmt 1.16.6 Fabrication of reinforcement a) Reinforcement shall be fabricated as per the drawing. Bending shall be done mechanically with use of machine or if approved with hand but to the correct radius, with proper tools and platform and shall conform to IS 2502. Bending of material shall be cold bending only. Material shall be inspected for visible defects such as cracks, brittle, excessive rust, loose mill scale etc. Cracked ends of bars shall not be used in Works. Also the bars should be free from any deleterious material and hence the best practice shall be to hose down reinforcement just prior to concreting. It is important that bending, straightening, cutting etc. shall be carried out in a manner not injurious to the material and the safety of the persons working should be ensured. b) Anchoring of bars and stirrup shall be provided exactly as detailed in the structural drawing or as directed by the PMC. 1.16.7 Lapping of bar: Laps shall be strictly as per the drawing or as directed by the Structural Engineer for general guidance, the following principles shall be followed as given in IS 456. a) Splices shall be provided as far as possible away from sections of maximum stress and be staggered. b) Not more than half of the total bars shall be spliced at a section. c) Where more than one half of the bars are spliced at a section or where splices are made at points of maximum stress, special precautions shall be taken, such as increasing the length of lap and / or using spirals or closely spaced stirrups around the length of the splice. d) Lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than 36 mm diameter, for larger diameters, bars may be welded. In cases where welding is not practical, lapping of bars larger than 36 mm diameter may be permitted and additional spirals should be provided around the lapped bars. e) Lap length including anchorage value of hooks in flexural tension shall be LD (as defined in 25.2.1 of IS 456) or 30 dia whichever is greater and for direct tension 2 LD or 30 dia whichever is greater. The straight length of lap shall not be less than 15 dia or 20 cm. Where LD is the development length as described in 25.2.1 of IS 456. f) When splicing of welded wire fabric is to be carried out, lap splices or wires shall be made so that the overlap measured between the extreme cross wires shall be not less than the spacing of cross wires plus 10 cm. g) The lap length in compression shall be equal to the development length in compression, calculated as described in 25.2.1 of IS 456 or as specified in drawing but not less than 24 dia. 1.16.8 Spacing of bars Bars shall be placed in position as shown in the drawing. Following guidelines as given in IS 456 shall be followed in case of difficulties or shall be carried out as directed by the PMC. a) Horizontal distance between two parallel main reinforcing bars shall usually not be less than the greatest of the following. Signature of Tenderer with seal 150 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED b) The diameter of the bars, if the diameters are equal. c) The diameter or larger bar, if the diameters are unequal and 5mm more than the nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate (by using reduced size of aggregate in congested reinforced area, conditions given hereof should be overcome) d) Greater horizontal distance should be provided. But when needle vibrators are used, distance between bars of a group may be reduced to two-third of the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate, provided sufficient space is left between groups of bars to enable the vibrator to be immersed. e) Where there are two or more rows, the bars shall be vertically in line and the minimum vertical distance between the bars shall be 15 mm two third the nominal maximum size of the aggregate or the maximum size of bar, whichever is more. 1.16.9 Cover to reinforcement Reinforcement shall have concrete cover and the thickness of such cover (exclusive of plaster or other decorative finish) shall be as specified in drawing or as directed by the PMC. The following guidelines are to be observed in the absence of the above. a) At each end of the reinforcing bar, not less than 25 mm, nor less than twice the diameter of such bar. b) For a longitudinal bar in a column, not less than 40 mm, nor less than the diameter of such bar. In case of columns of minimum dimension of 200mm or under, whose reinforcing bars do not exceed 12 mm, a cover of 25 mm. c) For longitudinal reinforcing bar in beam, not less than 25 mm, nor less than the diameter of such bar. d) For tensile, compressive, shear or other reinforcement, in slab not less than 15 mm, nor less than the diameter of such bar and e) For any other reinforcement, not less than 15 mm, nor less than the diameter of such bar. f) Increased thickness shall be provided in case the concrete members are in the surrounding of harmful chemicals; saline atmosphere etc. and the cover shall be 50 mm or more as directed by the PMC. g) For concrete members totally immersed in seawater, the cover shall be 40 mm more than specified above (a) to (f). This shall be 50 mm more for periodical immersion in sea water. h) Concrete cover should not exceed 75 mm in any case. Cover to reinforcement shall be as specified in the drawing or as directed by the PMC. Details given in sub Para (a) to (h) are for guidance and shall be followed in absence of any specific direction. 1.16.10 Fixing in position Correctly cut and bent bars shall be accurately placed in position as detailed in the drawing. Unless otherwise specified by the PMC, reinforcement shall be positioned within the tolerance as under: a) for effective depth 200 mm or less ±10 mm b) for effective depth more than 200 mm ±15 mm But in no case shall the cover be reduced by more than 5 mm of that specified. There shall be no compromise on cover for foundation work. Reinforcing bars shall be held in position during the placing of concrete by use of PVC or concrete cover blocks ( made of equal / of higher grade strength of well cured concrete in use) steel chair spacers, steel hangers, supporting wires, etc. and secured by tying with an annealed binding wire of 16 gauge as approved by the PMC. Signature of Tenderer with seal 151 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Layer of bars shall be separated by precast concrete spacer blocks or spacer bars. Reinforcement shall be in correct position prior to start of concreting. No reinforcing bar shall be placed on freshly laid concrete for adjusting bar spacing. Care shall be taken to maintain reinforcement in position and keep it clean, throughout the period till it is embedded in the concrete. For maintaining cover, pieces of broken stone or brick or wooden blocks shall not be used at any stage. Binding wire used shall conform to IS 280. 1.16.11 Welded joints or mechanical connections a) Welded joints or mechanical connections in reinforcement may be used but in all cases or important connections, tests shall be made to prove that the joints are of the full strength of the connected bars. Welding of reinforcement shall be done in accordance with IS recommendation. b) Where reinforcement bars are bent aside at construction joints and afterwards bent back into their original position, care should be taken to ensure that at no time is the radius of the bend less than 4 bar diameters in case of plain mild steel or 6 bar diameters for deformed bars. Care shall be taken when bending back bars to ensure that the concrete around is not damaged / disturbed. c) Welding rods used shall conform to IS 814: covered electrodes for metal arc welding of structural steel. Work shall be carried out by a competent welder. Samples from Work site shall be taken at regular intervals and tested. Frequency and number of samples shall be as directed by the PMC. 1.16.12 Measurements Reinforcement shall be measured as follows: a) Lengths of different diameters of bars actually used included authorized overlaps shall be measured nearest to a centimetre and their weight calculated as given in table shall be used. b) Chairs and spacer bars shall not be measured and paid. The contractor shall account for all these in his quoted price. c) In case of welded coupled joints, measurement for payment shall be equivalent to the length of overlap, as per design d) Price build-up shall include, in addition to cost of material. e) Cover blocks of PVC or concrete. f) Spacer bars, chairs and unauthorized overlaps (Allowed for convenience) g) Cutting, bending, placing and fixing in position. h) Binding wire as approved. i) Wastage / Rolling margin. j) Cleaning of bars. k) For purpose of reconciliation, maximum wastage permitted shall be 5% of the actual material used. Balance amount shall be borne by the Contractors. 1.16.13 OPENING/ INSERTS a) All required openings and pockets should be provided as detailed in the drawing with Hilti core cutter or sanitary pipes, fire pipes, rainwater pipe and pipes for other services as per project requirement. The contractor shall provide for the required materials, labour, for fixing and supporting during concreting. In his quoted price. It is imperative that all openings and pockets shall be de-shuttered with care and all corners of openings shall be preserved. All openings/pocked shall be in a correct line and level. After concreting, the openings shall be secured against any accident by proper covering and guardrail and warning notice, if any. Signature of Tenderer with seal 152 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED b) The contractor shall clean and grout the pocket at a later date with a non-shrinking compound added to the grout mix or non-shrinking cement shall be used. It shall be well-cured and protected to correct line and level till handling over. c) Inserts are material such as timber, steel, plastic, and dowels. Bolts, locks, brackets, pipes, etc. left in concrete partly or fully embedded to receive connection with foreign member at a later date. These may be fabricated by the contractor or provided by the EMPLOYER as received from specialist, manufacturer, etc. These shall be protected from weathering and damage in course of the construction. The cleaning required after concreting and any treatment such as oiling, greasing or covering with paint etc. shall be carried out by the contractor at his cost. d) It is very important that the providing and fixing as contemplated in the tender / drawing shall be carried out with the “utmost precision” and to the entire satisfaction of the PMC. Any deviation from that as shown in the drawings or instructions shall be rectified by the contractor at his own cost and responsibility. ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 153 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TABLE NO PARTICULARS 1. Limits of Deleterious Materials 2. Grading of Coarse Aggregate 3. All-In-Aggregate Grading 4. Grading of Fine Aggregate 5. Moisture Content and Bulking Percentage Relation of sand 6. Permissible Limits for solids (in water) 7. Grade of Concrete 8. Minimum Cement content required in Cement Concrete to ensure durability under specified conditions of Exposure 9. Requirement for Concrete Exposed to Sulphate attack 10. Compressive strength of cube expected for preliminary and work site. 11. Mechanical properties of bars Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars 12. Chemical Composite High strength Deformed Bars 13. Mechanical Properties of High Strength Deformed bars and wires. Signature of Tenderer with seal 154 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TABLES /TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR IS 383, PERMISSIBLE LIMITS Etc. TABLE – 1 (Sec 11.2.2.i) LIMITS OF DELETERIOUS MATERIALS (AGGREGATES) [IS 383 – Table 1] SR. NO. DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCE METHOD OF TEST (1) (2) (3) i) Coal and lignite ii) Clay Lumps -do- iii) Material finer than 75 – (MU) IS Sieve IS:2386 iv) Soft fragments v) Shale vi) Total of percentage of all deleterious materials (except mica) including Sl. No. (i) To (v) for Col. 4, 6 and 7 and Sl. No. (i) and (ii) for Col. 5 only. IS : 2386 (Part – II) (Part – I) IS : 2386 (Part – II) IS : 2386 (Part – II) --- FINE AGGREGATE PERCENTAGE BY COARSE AGGREGATE PERCENTAGE BY Weight, Maximum Uncrushed (4) Weight, Maximum Crushed (5) Uncrushed Crushed (6) (7) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 15.00 3.00 3.00 ---- ----- 3.00 ----- 1.00 --- --- --- 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 Note: 1 The Presence of mica in the fine aggregate has been found to reduce considerably the durability and compressive strength of concrete and further investigations are underway to determine and extent of the deleterious effect of mica. It is advisable, therefore, to investigate the mica content of fine aggregate and make suitable allowance for the possible reduction in the strength of concrete mortar. Note: 2 The aggregate shall not contain harmful organic impurities (tested in accordance with IS: 2386 [part–ii]) in sufficient quantities to affect adversely the strength or durability of concrete. A fine aggregate which fails in the test for organic impurities may be used, provided that, when tested for the effect of organic impurities on the strength of mortar, the relative strength at 7 and 28 days, reported in accordance with 7 of IS : 2386 [Part–VI] – 1963 is not less than 95% percent. Signature of Tenderer with seal 155 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 2 (Sec 11.2.2.ii) GRADING OF COARSE AGGREGATES [IS 383 – Table 2] IS Sieve Designation Percentage passing for single – sized Aggregate of Nominal Size Percentage passing for Aggregate of Nominal Size Graded 63 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm 10 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 80 mm 100 -- --- --- -- -- 100 -- -- -- 63 mm 85 to 100 100 -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- 40 mm 0 to 30 85 to 100 100 -- -- -- 95 to 100 100 -- -- 20 mm 0 to 5 0 to 20 85 to 100 100 -- -- 30 to 70 95 to 100 100 100 16 mm -- -- -- 85 to 100 100 -- -- -- 90 to 100 -- 12.5 mm -- -- -- -- 85 to 100 100 -- -- -- 90 to 100 0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 20 0 to 30 0 to 45 85 to 100 10 to 35 25 to 55 30 to 70 4.75 mm -- -- 0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 20 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 10 2.36 mm -- --- -- -- -- 0 to 5 -- -- -- 10 mm Signature of Tenderer with seal 156 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL 40 85 to 0 to 10 -- Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 3 (Sec 11.2.2.iii) ALL-IN-AGGREGATE GRADING [IS 383 – Table 5] Percentage for ALL IN Aggregate of IS Sieve Designation 40 mm Nominal Size 20 mm Nominal Size (1) (2) (3) 80 mm 100 -- 40 mm 95 to 100 100 20 mm 45 to 75 95 to 100 4.75 mm 25 to 45 30 to 50 600 micron 8 to 30 10 to 35 150 micron 0 to 6 0 to 6 ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 157 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 4 (Sec 11.2.2.iv) GRADING OF FINE AGGREGATES [IS 383 – Table 4] IS Sieve Designation Percentage Passing for Grading Zone I Grading Zone II Grading Zone III Grading Zone IV 10 mm 100 100 100 100 4.75 mm 90 to 100 90 to 100 90 to 100 90 to 100 2.36 mm 60 to 95 75 to 100 85 to 100 95 to 100 1.18 mm 30 to 70 55 to 90 75 to 100 90 to 100 600 micron 15 to 34 35 to 59 60 to 79 80 to 100 300 micron 5 to 20 8 to 30 12 to 40 15 to 50 150 micron 0 to 10 0 to 10 0 to 10 0 to 15 NOTE – 1 For crushed stone sands, the permissible Limit on 150 micron IS Sieve is increased to 20 percent. This does not affect the 5 percent allowance permitted in 4.5 applying to other sieve sizes. NOTE – 2 Fine Aggregate complying with the requirements of any grading zone in this table is suitable for concrete but the quality of concrete produced will depend upon a number of factors including proportions. NOTE – 3 Where concrete of high strength and good durability is required, fine aggregate conforming to any one of the four grading zones may be used, but the concrete mix should be properly designed. As the fine aggregate grading becomes progressively finer, that is, from Grading Zones I to IV, the ratio of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate should be progressively reduced. The most suitable fine to coarse ratio to be used for any particular mix will, however, depend upon the actual grading, particle shape and surface texture of both fine and coarse aggregates. NOTE – 4 It is recommended that fine aggregate conforming to Grading Zone IV should not b used in reinforced concrete unless tests have been made to ascertain the suitability of proposed mix proportions. ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 158 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 5 (Sec 11.2.2.v) MOISTURE CONTENT & BULKING PERCENTAGE RELATION FOR SAND Moisture - Content % by Weight Bulking & (Volume) 2 15 3 20 4 25 5 30 ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 159 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 6 (Sec PERMISSIBLE LIMITS FOR SOLIDS (in water) Permissible Limit, Maximum Organic 200 mg/l Inorganic 3000 mg/l` Sulphates (as SO4) 500 mg/l 2000 mg/l for plain concrete work and 1000 mg/l for Chlorides (as C1) reinforced concrete work Suspended matter 2000 mg/l ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 160 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 7 (Sec 11.2.2.vii) GRADE OF CONCRETE [IS 456 – TABLE 2] GRADE DESIGNATION SPECIFIED CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS 1 2 [N/Sq. mm] M 10 10 M 15 15 M 20 20 M 25 25 M 30 30 M 40 40 COMPRESSIVE NOTE – 1 In the designation of a concrete of mix, letter M refers to the mix and the number to the specified characteristic compressive strength of 15 cm cube at 28 days, expressed in N/Sq. mm. NOTE – 2 M 5 and M 7.5 grade of concrete may be used for lean concrete bases and simple foundations for masonry walls. These mixes need not be designed. NOTE – 3 Grades of concrete lower than M 15 shall not be used in reinforced concrete. ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 161 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 8 (Sec 11.2.2.viii) MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT REQUIRED IN CEMENT CONCRETE TO ENSURE DURABILITY UNDER SPECIFIED CONDITIONS OF EXPOSURE [SP – 23 – Table 23 & IS 456 – Table 19] EXPOSURE PLAIN CONCRETE MINIMUM MAXIMUM CEMENT WATER CONTENT CEMENT RATIO (1) (2) Kg/m3 REINFORCEMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM CEMENT CONTENT (3) WATER CEMENT RATIO (4) Kg/m3 Mild – for example, completely protected against weather, or aggressive conditions, except for a brief period of exposure to normal weather conditions during construction. 220 0.7 300 0.55 Moderate – for example, sheltered from heavy and wind driven rain and against freezing, whilst saturated with water; buried concrete in soil and concrete continuously under water 240 0.6 300 0.50 Severe – For example, exposed to sea water, alternate wetting and drying and to freezing whilst wet, subject to heavy condensation or corrosive fumes. 250 0.5 320 0.45 NOTE – 1 When the maximum water cement ratio can be strictly controlled, the cement content in the above table may be reduced by 10 percent. NOTE – 2 The minimum cement content is based on 20 mm, aggregate. For 40 mm aggregate, it should be reduced by about 10 percent; for 12.5 mm aggregate, it should be increased by about 10 percent. ****** Signature of Tenderer with seal 162 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 9 (Sec 11.2.2.ix) REQUIREMENT FOR CONCRETE EXPOSED TO SULPHATE ATTACK [SP – 23 – Table 24 & IS 456 – Table 20] CLASS IN GROUND WATER IN SOIL TOTAL SO3 (PERCENT) SO3 IN 2:1 WATER EXTRACT g/l (1) REQUIREMENTS FOR DENSE FULLY COMPACTED CONCRETE MADE WITH AGGREGATE COMPLYING WITH IS : 383-1970* CONCENTRATION OF TYPE OF CEMENT SULPHATES EXPRESSED AS SO3 (PARTS PER 100000) MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT MAXIMUM FREE WATER /CEMENT RATIO (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Less than 0.2 -- Less than 30 Ordinary Portland cement or Portland slag cement or Portland pozzolana cement 280 kg/m3 0.55 330 kg/m3 0.50 310 kg/m3 0.50 330 kg/m3 0.50 0.2 to 0.5 -- 30 to 120 Ordinary Portland cement or Portland slag cement or Portland pozzolana cement Super sulphated cement 0.5 to 1.0 1.9 to 3.1 120 to 250 Super sulphated cement Signature of Tenderer with seal 163 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 10 (Sec 11.2.2.x) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CUBE EXPECTED FOR PRELIMINARY & WORK SITE [SP – 23 – Table 24 & IS 456 – Table 21] CONCRETE MIX SPECIFIED 28TH DAY CUBES TEST STRENGTH 7TH DAY WORK Kg/Sq cm PRELIMINARY TEST Kg/Sq cm WORKSITE TEST Kg/Sq cm Kg/Sq cm M 10 100 135 100 70 M 15 150 200 150 100 M20 200 260 200 135 M25 250 320 250 170 M30 300 380 300 200 NOTE – 1 This table applies only to concrete made with 20 mm aggregate complying with the requirement of IS : 383 – 1970* placed in near-neutral ground water of pH 6 to 9, containing naturally occurring sulphates but not contaminants, such as ammonium salts. For 40 mm aggregate the value may be reduced by about 15 percent and for 12.5 mm aggregate, the value may be increased by about 15 percent. Concrete prepared from ordinary Portland cement would not be recommended in acidic conditions (pH 6 or less). Super sulphated cement gives an acceptable life, in minerals acids, down to pH 3.5, provided that the concrete is dense and prepared with water / cement ratio of 0.4 or less. NOTE – 2 The cement contents given in class 2 are the minimum recommended. For SO3 contents near the upper limits of class 2, cement contents above these minimum are advised. NOTE – 3 Where the total SO3 in Col. 2 exceeds 0.5 percent, then a 2:1 water extract may result in a lower site classification if much of the sulphate is present as low solubility calcium sulphate. NOTE – 4 For severe conditions such as thin sections under hydrostatic pressure on one side only and sections partly immersed, considerations should be given to a further reduction of water-cement ratio, and if necessary an increase in the cement content to ensure the degree of workability needed for full compaction and thus minimum permeability. NOTE – 5 Portland slag cement conforming to IS: 455 with slag content more than 50 percent exhibits better sulphate resisting properties. NOTE – 6 Ordinary Portland cement with the additional requirement that C3 A content be not more than 5 percent and 2 C3 A + C4 AF (or its solid solution 4 Cao, Al2 O3, Fe2 O3 + 2CaO, Fe2 O3) be not more than 20 percent may be used in place of super sulphated cement. * Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second revision) ***** Signature of Tenderer with seal 164 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 11 (Sec 11.2.2.xi) MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BARS MILD STEEL & MEDIUM TENSILE STEEL BARS [IS 432 Tables – 1] SR. NO. 1. 2. 3. ULTIMATE TENSILE STRESS YIELD STRESS ELONGATION*P ERCENT MIN. MIN. MIN. For bars up to and including 20 mm 410 250 23 For bars over 20 mm, upto and including 50 mm 410 240 23 For bars up to and including 20 mm 370 225 23 For bars over 20 mm, upto and including 50 mm 370 215 23 For bars up to and including 16 mm 540 350 20 For bars over 16 mm, upto and including 32 mm 540 340 20 For bars over 32 mm, upto and including 50 mm 510 330 20 TYPE AND NOMINAL SIZE OF BARS Mild Steel Grade I Mild Steel Grade II Medium Tensile Steel * Elongation on a gauge length 5.65 √so where so is the cross sectional area of the test piece. Signature of Tenderer with seal 165 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 12 (Sec 11.2.2.xii) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION HIGH STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS [IS 1786] Constituent For ladle analysis of steel when made as per relevant parts of IS 228 Percent Maximum* For product analysis Variation, Over Specified Maximum Limit, Percent, Max Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550 Limit % Maximum Carbon 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.02 Sulphur 0.060 0.055 0.055 0.005 Phosphorus 0.060 0.055 0.050 0.005 Sulphur & Phosphorus 0.11 0.105 0.10 0.010 * NOTE – 1 maximum. For guaranteed weldability, the percentage of carbon shall be restricted to 0.25 percent * NOTE – 2 Addition of micro alloying elements is not mandatory for any of the above grades. When strengthening elements like Nb, V, B and Ti are used individually or in combination, the total contents shall not exceed 0.30 percent; in such case manufacturer shall supply the purchaser or his authorised representative a certificate stating that the total contents of the strengthening elements in the steel do not exceed the specified limit. Signature of Tenderer with seal 166 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE – 13 (Sec 11.2.2.xiii) MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS AND WIRES [IS 1786 Table – 3] SR. NO. (1) PROPERTY GRADE (2) Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550 (3) (4) (5) i) 0.2 percent proof stress/yield stress, Min, N/Sq mm. 415.0 500.0 550.0 ii) Elongation, percent, Min, on gauge length 5.65 VA, where A is the cross sectional area of the test piece. 14.11 12.0 8.0 10 percent more than the actual 0.2 percent proof stress but not less than 485.0 N/Sq mm. 8 percent more than the actual 0.2 percent proof stress but not less than 545.0 N/Sq mm. 6 percent more than the actual 0.2 percent proof stress but not less than 585.0 N/Sq mm. iii) Tensile strength, Min Signature of Tenderer with seal 167 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - Civil 2.1.1 General: 2.1.1 These specifications shall be read in conjunction with the latest, specifications. In case these specifications are found wanting in any way the relevant C.P.W.D. specifications shall apply. 2.1.2 Materials to be approved/Best Quality: The whole of the materials, employed in connection with the permanent work, shall be new and of the best of its kind. All materials shall be in accordance with these specifications and shall be as approved by the Architect. 2.1.3 Standards: Except where otherwise specified and permitted by the Architect, all materials shall conform to the latest edition of Indian Standard Specifications. 2.1.4 All: Specialized work such as Termite treatment, Metal doors and windows, tiling, roof insulation, water and damp proofing, structural steel work, glazing, dropped ceiling, painting, and rendering, road work, all plumbing, sanitary and electrical work, fittings and fixtures and horticulture work etc. shall be got done/fabricated erected/installed by approved specialized agencies. 2.2.1 EARTH WORK General: Excavation, Backfilling and Leveling: Excavation shall confirm to the limits indicated on the drawings and shall not be made below the levels fixed by the Architects or Consulting Engineer except where rock is encountered or for removal of unstable materials is required and any additional cost for additional offset shall be borne by the contractor. Unless otherwise specified provision for shoring / structuring / packing, pumping, dredging and bailing out water whether subsoil or rain water shall be at the contractors own expense. Rock excavation shall include removal of ledge rock, concrete or masonry structures which required drilling or controlled blasting and boulders larger than half cubic yard in volume where trenches are in deep or bad grounds, the sides of the trenches shall be supported with suitable timbering. Trenches shall be backfilled in selected excavated materials in 200mm layer and carefully rammed and consolidated with addition of water if required, and compacted to 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture content to preclude subsequent settlement. 2.2.2 INDIAN STANDARDS All relevant Standards as specified elsewhere in this Volume are applicable. Indian Standards to be followed are: a) IS 1498 Classification and identification of soils for general Engineering purpose. b) IS 3764 Safety code for excavation Work. c) IS 4081 Safety code for blasting and related drilling Operation. d) IS 6313 Part –1 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: constructional measures. Part –2 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Pre constructional chemical treatment measures. e) SP 27 Hand book of method of measurement of buildings works. f) Explosive Rules 1940. Signature of Tenderer with seal 168 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 2.2.3 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED SITE CLEARANCE a) Prior to the start of any activity of earth work the area under construction shall be cleared of shrubs, vegetation, grass, brushwood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30cm measured at a height of 1 meter above ground level. All rubbish must be removed and stacked at distance of 50 cm outside the periphery of the area clearance or location as decided by the PMC. b) The rate of such clearance is to be included in the rate of other earth-work items. 2.2.4 SETTING OUT a) Bench Marks and Reference Lines shall be finalized by the PMC. The contractor shall prepare detailed setting out drawings based on the layout of Architectural drawings and those shall be submitted to the PMC prior to commencement of work. b) The contractor shall do the setting out with the use of Theodolite or like instruments at site, based on details given to him. He shall erect timber profiles, masonry pillars, burjis etc. for his use. All markings on these shall be painted with red colour and they shall be maintained for the entire duration of the project. Setting out shall be approved by the PMC before the commencement of any work. c) The rate for the earth work items shall include expenses for all such work including labour, material and equipment / instruments etc. 2.2.5 EXCAVATION IN SOILS a) Surface dressing Trimming of natural ground, excavated surfaces and filled up areas to remove vegetation and / or small inequality not exceeding 15 cm in depth shall be described as surface dressing. b) Rough excavation Excavation not requiring dressing of sides and bottom and reduction to exact levels, such as winning earth from borrow pits, hill side cuttings, etc. shall be described as rough excavation. c) Trenches for pipes / cables It shall be detailed with nominal dia of pipe / cable. Required bottom width allowance for concrete foundation for laying pipes, working area, grip require for socketed pipe, return fill, ramming and removal of surplus soil shall be part of this item unless otherwise specified. It shall generally be measured in running meter unless otherwise noted in the BOQ. d) Post holes Independent post holes (or similar holes) each exceeding 0.5 cu m shall generally be enumerated. Rate shall include return fill, ramming and removal of surplus soil. e) General i. The excavated earth shall be thrown or disposed off beyond 50 m periphery of the building. Earth suitable for backfilling shall be stacked separately Subsequent disposal of the surplus and unsuitable material shall be as per the respective items. Foundations, trenches shall be dug out to the exact dimensions as shown in the drawing or as directed by the PMC. ii. In firm soil, the sides of the trench shall be kept vertical upto a depth of 2 m. If the trench is to be deeper, it shall be in the form of steps of 50 cm, at every 2 m depth. This shall be suitably increased or decreased as Signature of Tenderer with seal 169 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED per site conditions and type of soil met with. This shall be to the approval of the PMC. Sloping of sides also may be adopted. iii. The bed of trenches shall be firmly consolidated and leveled by watering and ramming of the soft soil. Defective spots shall be dug out and filled with concrete of the same mix as of PCC or as directed by the PMC. Cost of digging and filling with concrete shall be paid extra if excavation and PCC is measured separately. iv. If excavation is done to a depth greater than that required, excess depth shall be back filled with the same mix as of PCC or as directed. Cost of such concrete shall be to the contractor’s account. v. Excavated trenches shall have to be approved by the PMC prior to laying of PCC or any other Permanent Work. vi. Excavation for drains shall be carried out with extra care to cut the sides and bottom exactly to the required shape, slope and gradient. Filling for excess excavation shall be done at the contractor’s cost in consultation with the PMC. vii. Excavated materials shall not be placed within 1 m of the edge of the trench or half the depth of the trench, whichever is more. viii. Excavations for column footings shall be carried to depths indicated in the drawings. Safe bearing capacity at such depth shall be verified to comply design requirements. If ordered by the PMC, appropriate tests shall be carried out by the contractor. f) Protection i. Fencing and / or other suitable measures for protection against risk of accidents due to open excavation shall be provided by the contractor at his cost. ii. Where excavation is to be carried out below the foundation level of an adjacent structure, and to avoid underpinning, precautions such as shoring and strutting, etc must be taken. No excavation should start till such measures are taken to the satisfaction of the PMC. Payments for such work shall not be made separately unless specified otherwise. 2.2.6 EXCAVATION SOFT ROCK a) This shall be carried out by crowbars, pickaxes or pneumatic drills or any other suitable means. Blasting may be permitted if the contractor so desires but no extra money shall be paid for blasting. Measurement shall be in cubic meter. b) Other general details same as clause (g) and its sub clauses. 2.2.7 EXCAVATION IN HARD ROCK (rock is also anticipated as per soil report) a) General On meeting hard rock that requires blasting, the contractor shall inform the PMC. On approval in writing, blasting operation shall start if the contractor feels it necessary and so desires. i. The contractor shall obtain the necessary license from the District Authorities for undertaking blasting work and explosive storing as per Explosive Rules 1940, and as updated. Explosive shall only be procured from an authorized dealer. He shall be responsible for the safe custody and proper accounting of explosives. The PMC shall have access to the store. ii. The contractor shall be responsible for any accident to those working on the site, to the public or to property due to blasting operations. Signature of Tenderer with seal 170 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED b) Precautions 2.2.8 i. Safety measures to be adhered to shall be as detailed in IS 4081, Safety Code of Blasting (as amended from time to time, and to related drilling operations). Also digest No. 37 of C.R.C. and I.R.C.A. Road tariff No. 18 shall be adhered to. ii. Blasting operation shall be carried out under the supervision of a responsible authorized agent of the contractor. Timings shall be as approved by the PMC in writing. Lunch break will be preferred. The authorized agent of the contractor should be well conversant with the rules and regulations of blasting operations. Further the contractor shall be employing licensed blasters for actual operation. iii. All proper precaution for safety shall be taken. All persons shall be moved away to a distance not less than 200m. All entries shall be sealed and red flags displayed at prominent places. iv. Blasting shall be done only with gunpowder. Dynamite, gelignite, or any other high explosive shall be used only with written permission of the PMC. v. The number of charges to be fired and the actual number of shots heard shall be counted and the contractor’s agent shall satisfy himself by examining that all charges have exploded. Only then shall workmen be allowed to start work. Unexploded charges shall be flooded with water, a new hole drilled and exploded again. vi. The PMC shall be informed about all misfires, their causes and the remedial steps taken. CLASSIFICATION All soils comprising any of the following: a) Vegetable or organic soil, turf, sand, silt, loam clay, mud, peat, black cotton soil, soft shale or loose murum. b) Any mixture of soils (a) c) Mud concrete below ground level. d) Generally any material which yields to the ordinary application of pickaxe and shovel or to phawra, rake or other ordinary digging implement and not affording resistance to digging greater than mentioned in (a) to (c ) e) Stiff heavy clay, hard shale, or compacted murrum requiring close application or a grafting tool or pick or both and shovel. f) Gravel and cobblestone (cobblestone is a rock fragment), usually rounded, having maximum dia in one direction of 75-300mm. Soft rock comprising any of the following: a) Soling of roads, paths etc and hard core. b) Macadam surfaces of any description, (water bound, grouted, tarmac, etc) c) Lime concrete, stone masonry, in lime mortar and brick work in lime or cement mortar, below ground level. d) Soft conglomerate, where the stones may be detached from the metric with picks, crow which may be quarried our split with a crowbar. e) Limestone, sandstone, laterite, hard conglomerate or other soft or disintegrated rock which may be quarried or split with a crowbar. Signature of Tenderer with seal 171 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) f) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Unreinforced cement concrete as well as reinforced cement concrete which may be broken up with crowbars or pickaxes and stone masonry in cement mortar, below ground level. g) Boulders nor requiring blasting, rock fragments usually rounded by weathering, disintegration and exfoliation or abrasion water or ice, having maximum dia length in any direction of 500 mm, found loose, embedded etc. h) Other varieties of rock which would normally be removed with pick, crowbars, wedges and hammer with only a little difficulty. Hard rock comprising any of the following a) Any rock or cement concrete in excavation for which the use of mechanical equipment or blasting is required. b) Reinforced cement concrete. c) Boulders bigger than ½ cubic meter requiring blasting. d) Hard rock as in (a) to (c ) requiring blasting but prohibited from doing so for any reason and excavation has to be carried out by chiseling, wedging or any other agreed method. 2.2.9 FILLING a) Filling shall be done where required with approved quality of earth. It may be from excavation and where possible, cutting and filling shall be done simultaneously to avoid double handling. b) Filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth. Earth used shall be free from roots, grass and rubbish and all lumps and clods exceeding 8 cm in any direction shall be broken down. Each layer shall be watered with optimum moisture content to achieve 90% consolidation. Consolidation shall be by mechanical rammers or roller of minimum half-ton weight. Where the roller cannot work, wooden or steel rammers of seven to ten kg weight with flat base of 20 or 20 cm dia should be used. Labour for ramming shall be at least 1 for every 6 diggers. In embankment or banking, every third layer of earth shall be rolled and consolidated with power roller of minimum eight ton weight. 2.2.10 PLANKING AND STRUTTING In case of deep trenches where the soil is soft and not capable of being retained without the help of support, planking / strutting as required shall be carried out. It shall be th responsibility of the contractor to take steps to prevent slide / collapse. Method of planking / strutting will be largely influenced by the type of soil encountered and as approved by the PMC. 2.2.11 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS EARTH a) Surplus earth shall be used to the maximum extent in the compound. Earth useful for filling shall be separately stacked as directed by the PMC from time to time. Approved quality earth shall e used in the filling. It shall be consolidated as detailed and approved by the PMC. b) Rate for excavation shall include sorting out of useful materials. c) All surplus and unusable earth shall be disposed off outside the plot but at a location approved by local authority and confirming to their specification. The constructor shall quote his rate for disposing off or carting away the items considering requirements and standards of the local authority with whose permission surplus and unusable earth shall have to be disposed off. 2.2.12 DEWATERING Bailing or pumping out of water that may have accumulated due to rains, subsoil seepage, tidal waves, or any other means shall be carried on continuously and the area shall be kept dry for the following operations. Signature of Tenderer with seal 172 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED a) Measurements b) Concreting or masonry work c) Shuttering and reinforcement d) Backfilling e) Line out Any other reason deemed fit by the PMC. f) 2.2.13 SAND FILLING The sand shall be free from any organic and deleterious materials as detailed in I.S. It should be suitable for compaction. Filling shall be in layers of 15 to 20 cm. Watered wit optimum moisture content and mechanical rammers. Measurement shall be for compacted volume in cubic meters. 2.2.14 MEASURMENT The following shall not be measured separately and allowance for the same shall be deemed to have been made in description of the main item. a) Setting out works, erecting profiles, etc. b) Site clearance such as clearing of shrubs, brushwood, small trees not exceeding 30cm in girth measured at one meter above ground. c) Unauthorized battering or benching of excavation. d) Forming (or leaving) DEAD MEN or TELL-TALES in borrow pits and their removal after measurements. e) Forming or leaving steps in the sides of deep excavation and their removal after measurements. f) Excavations for insertion of planking and strutting. g) Removing slips or falls in excavations. h) Dewatering by bailing or pumping out of water in excavations from rains, sub-soil water, tides undercurrents etc. i) Slinging or supporting pipes electric, cables etc met during excavation or while carrying out any other item of work. j) Dressing, trimming of sides, leveling or grading and ramming of bottoms. Soils, soft rocks, hard rocks shall be measured as per SP 27 Part I except for the followings: i. Filling shall be in cubic meter for consolidated volume. The lift shall be considered from made up ground level. ii. Planking and strutting required to be left in position shall be measured separately. iii. The PMC’s permission in writing shall have to be obtained for this. In no other case shall payment be made for planning and strutting, if carried out. iv. Lead and lifts shall be as per the BOQ. Post holes, trenches for cables and pipes shall be measured as detailed in clause 5 and clause 4.6 and shall be part of the respective piping, cabling item. v. Excavation shall be paid for in the PCC area, and level shown in drawings or as approved by the PMC. Working space shall not be considered. Signature of Tenderer with seal 173 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) vi. HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Back filling of foundation is part of excavation and not paid separately. k) Void percentage considered for computing net quantities shall be i. - Loose Earth 20% ii. - Hard Rock 40% RUBBLE: The rubble shall be trap, granite, or any other approved stone and shall be sound, hard, tough, durable, dense, clean and free from laminations, soft spots, cracks, decay, weathering and other defects. The stones shall be broken rubble with water absorption as low as possible but not more than 5%. The shape of the stones shall be regular as can be obtained by quarrying without attempt at shaping or dressing. They shall be sufficiently flat bedded. The stones shall be broken with the smallest dimensions equal to the specified thickness of soling. The length and breadth shall not generally exceed twice its thickness & each stone shall be in one piece for the full depth of soling. Preparation of sub-grade: All the fillings shall be watered and compacted to get maximum consolidation. All the necessary trimming or filling for the laying of the soling inline and required grade shall be done. The sub grade shall be marked by stakes and strings for the required depth for laying of the soling. Laying soling: Unless otherwise specified the thickness of the rubble soling shall be 23cm. The stones shall be closely hand packed on the prepared bed with the largest face downwards and in contact with each other. The stones shall break joints as far as possible. The full thickness of soling shall generally be made with one stone only. As the laying of rubble advances, the soling shall be hand packed by wedging and packing with stones of smaller size in the joints of the soling and driving them y crow bars and hammers, etc. so as to fill the voids as completely as possible. Such filling o f the interstices shall be carried out simultaneously with the placing in position of the large stones and shall in no case be permitted to tag behind. The soling shall be laid and hand packed true to grade and level. The soling thus laid shall be finished by knocking out projecting stones and filling depressions by chips to come up to the required level. Consolidating: The soling shall be watered and rammed with wooden rammers of approved weight. Hollows, which appear during ramming, shall be made good with smalls. Ramming and making good shall continue till a closely knot compacted surface conforming to the required levels is obtained. Earth on no account shall be used for making good or blinding purposes and it approved by Executive Engineer, sad or gravel as directed shall be used for blinding purposes. Water shall be lightly sprinkled if required and directed by the Executive Engineer. 2.2.15 2.2.16 Rate to include: apart from others factors mentioned elsewhere in this contract, the contractor’s rate quoted shall include for the following: Preparing the sub grade Providing and laying rubble soling, including hand packing Consolidating, watering, ramming and blinding with approved sand gravel as directed. All labour, materials and use of equipments and tools required for carrying out he work, satisfactorily and lead and disposal of material and payment of royalty etc. ensuring complete work being lump sum tender, quoted amount by the Tenderer will be treated as final cost for the project. Anti-Termite Treatment General: Anti-Termite Treatment shall be as per ISI-6313 (Part II)-1971and latest revisions AND shall be carried out by an approved specialist agency as approved and directed by the Architect to the following general specifications: Signature of Tenderer with seal 174 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 2.2.17 Materials: ‘CHLOROPYRIPHOS’ mollifiable concentrate conforming to IS: 6439-1978 in approved concentration in water emulsion shall be used. Chemicals shall be brought to site of work in sealed original containers. The material shall be brought in at a time in adequate quantity to suffice for Hand operated pressure pump shall be used for uniform spraying of the chemical. To have proper check for uniform spraying of chemical, graduated containers shall be used. Proper check should be kept that the specified quantity of chemical is used for the required area during the operation. 2.2.18 Time of Application: Soil treatment should start when foundation trenches and pits are ready to take mass concrete in foundations. Laying of mass concrete should start when the chemical emulsion has been absorbed by the oil and the surface is quite dry. Treatment should not be carried out when it is raining or soil is wet with rain or sub-soil water. The foregoing applies also in the case of treatment to the filled earth surface within the plinth before laying the sub grade for the floor. 2.2.19 Treatment of Junction of Wall and Floor: To achieve continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on inner wall surfaces from the ground level, small channel 30 * 30 mm shall be made at all the junctions of wall and columns with the floor (before laying the sub-grade) and rod holes made in the channel up to ground level 150 mm apart and the chemical emulsion poured along the channel @ 7.5 liters / of the vertical wall or column surface so as to soak the soil right to bottom. The soil shall be tamped back into place after this operation. 2.2.20 Treatment of Soil along External Perimeter of Building : After the building is complete, provide holes in the soil with iron rods along the external perimeter of the building at intervals of about 150 mm and depth 300 mm and filling these holes with chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 liters per Sqmt of vertical surface. 2.2.21 Vertical Surface: In the event of the depth of the wall filling being more than 300 mm, the external perimeter treatment shall be extended to the full depth of filling up to the G.L. so as to ensure continuity of the chemical barrier. 2.2.22 Horizontal Surface along Perimeter: Treatment of soil under apron (Plinth Protection) along external perimeter of building, top surface of the consolidated earth over which the apron is to be laid shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 liters per Sqmt. Of the vertical surface before the apron is laid. If consolidated earth does not allow the emulsion to soak through, holes up to 50 to 75 mm center both ways may be made with 12 mm diameter mild steel rod on the surface to facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion. 2.2.23 Treatment for Expansion Joints: Anti-termite treatment shall be supplemented by treated through the expansion joint after sub grade has been laid 2 liters per linear meter of expansion joint. 2.2.24 Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes and Conduits: When pipes and conduits enter the soil inside the area of the foundations, the soil surrounding the points of entry shall be loosened around each such pipe or conduit for a distance of 150 mm and to a depth of 75 mm before treatment is commenced. When they enter the soil external to the foundations, they shall be similarly treated Signature of Tenderer with seal 175 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED unless they stand clear of the walls of the building by about 75 mm for distance of over 300 mm from Ground level. 2.2.25 Wooden Door Frames a) Wood : Wood/Second Class Teak Wood Wherever specified, best quality Wood shall be used for frame work, as approved. Wherever specified, second class teak wood shall be with individual hard and sound knot and shall not be more than 25mm in diameter and the aggregate area of all the knots shall not exceed one percent of the area of the piece. It shall be free from Spongy, brittle, flaky, brashly condition sapwood and borer holes. b) Steel frames: As specified in detailed bill of quantities and in conformity with relevant IS code. c) Joints: These shall be of mortise and tendon type, simple, neat and strong. Mortise and tendon joints shall fit in fully and accurately without wedging or filling. The joints shall be glued with approved adhesive, framed, put together and pinned with hardwood or bamboo pins not less than 10 mm dia. After the frames are put together press in position by means of a press. d) Surface Treatment: Wood work shall not be painted, oiled or otherwise treated before it has been approved by Engineer. All portions of timber abutting against masonry or concrete or bedded in ground shall be painted with approved bit mastic paint or with boiling coal tar. e) Fixing in position: Before the frames are fixed in position these shall be inspected and passed by Engineer. The frame shall be placed in proper position, and secured to walls or columns as the case may be with metallic fastener; iron hold fasts as shown in drawing or as directed by Engineer. These sills shall be embedded sunk in the floor to its full depth. The doorframes without sills, while being placed in position, shall be suitably strutted and wedged in order to prevent warping during construction. The frames shall also be protected from damage, during construction. 2.2.26 JOINERY a) Timber: Timber shall be first class hard wood. The timber shall be of good quality conforming to IS 4021 – 1963, seasoning and treatment shall be done as per IS 1141-1973 and IS 402-1962. b) Plywood: Shall be BWP grade conforming to IS 710 – 1975. c) Block boards: Shall conform to IS 1659 – 1969 BWP grade and shall be with 6 mm thick hardwood lipping. d) Adhesive used for wood work and joinery work shall conform to IS – 849 – 1957. 2.2.27 Timber : Timber for use in unframed clean sawn wood work for wooden plugs, rough grounds fillets or the like shall be first class hard wood. The surface of wood sections, boards, ply cutting if touching or embedded in walls etc. shall be treated with colourless wood preservative on all surfaces of a approved quality and make. Nails and spikes shall not be used in joinery works, but instead bamboo wood pins of proper size shall be used. Where length of any member exceeds 3.00 meters, approved type of joint shall be provided without any extra cost. Signature of Tenderer with seal 176 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Timber surface of all carpentry and joinery work shall be wrought and prepared smooth. Wooden plugs for fixing timber fixture and fittings and the like shall be built into walls. Alternatively fill plugs made out of asbestos cement powder or PVC plugs sleeves shall be used wherever specified. 2.2.28 Vertical members of timber door (cupboard/ cabinets) frames shall be embedded at floor level if indicated. The bottom of shutters shall be 5 mm above the finished floor level. 2.2.29 Door shutters: All door shutters (internal or external except steel shutters) for al blocks shall be factory made flush door shutters confirming to IS specifications unless otherwise mentioned in the nomenclature of the respective item. Door shutters shall be of the following specifications. a) Phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to BWP types specified in IS- 848-1974. b) Contractor shall obtain the approval for the name of the manufacturer of the flush door shutters from the Project Manager / Architect before placing the supply order. While asking for the approval, copy of the “Bureau of Indian Standard” letter under which manufacturer has been authorized to mark the product with ISI marking should be attached. Project Manager and Architect before giving the approval shall ensure that the validity date of license has not expired. c) Testing of flush door shutters: On receipt of the shutters at site the Project Manager or the Architect shall be entitled to get the samples of door shutters tested in any approved laboratory. From each lot of approximately 500 shutters, one shutter shall be selected at random by the Project Manager / Architect. The balance shutters from the lot shall not be installed until the lab report is received confirming that the sample complies with the requirement of IS. The cost of replacement of the door shutters selected as samples, their transportation to the laboratory and cost of testing by the laboratory shall be borne by the contractor, and shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum rates quoted in Schedule ‘A’ Part I. d) MS sheet door shutters: These shall be of size as shown in drawing. These shall be fabricated out of MS tube of 35 x 35, 1.25 mm thick and MS sheet, 16 gauge etc. as per details given in section VII and as shown In drawings. e) Window shutters: These shall be of standard hollow steel reinforced PVC extruded profile sections with 5.5mm plain float glass, with EPDM gaskets and matching special hardware and fittings as per the manufacturer/fabricator specifications. The shop drawing shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor based on schematic design by the Architect. Unless otherwise mentioned in the nomenclature of the respective item f) The bottom of door shutters shall be 5 mm above the finished floor level. g) The contractor shall provide one sample piece of each type of shutter for approval and comments of the architect and Project Manager before mass production. 2.2.30 Flush Door 2.2.31 General: All flush doors shall be of approved make external quality, laminated full solid core block board construction as per IS:2202 to IS:1959. They shall be faced on each face as required and shall have approved teakwood edge lipping. Block board core stock shall be of approved species of timber, well seasoned and proofed against termites by preservative chemical treatment. Approved laminate of decorative flush doors and block boards adjacent to one another shall be selected so that they match, to the satisfaction of the Architect. Other doors shall be as mentioned in the nomenclature of the respective items. Signature of Tenderer with seal 177 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED a) Size and Thickness: Flush door and block boards shall be of the required size and thickness. Flush doors shall be ordered to a size little more in width than shown on the schedule so that after trimming it fits the opening between rebates perfectly. b) Louvers and Vision Panels: Where shown in the drawing and schedule flush doors shall be provided with kiln seasoned hardwood louvers to match face laminate or glazed vision panels as per standard manufacturer’s details. Size of openings shall be as shown in drawings. c) Rebating: In case of double leaves shutters, the meeting of the styles shall be rebated by one third of the thickness of shutter. The rebating shall be either splayed or square type. Where lipping is provided, the depth of lipping at the meeting of styles shall not be less than 35 mm. 2.2.32 Fittings Details of fittings to be provided shall be as per the schedule of fittings shown in the drawings. All fittings shall be heavy duty of approved make. 2.2.33 Fixing in Masonry Openings: a) Fixing with Lugs: I. Doors, windows and ventilators unit shall not be 'built in' as the work proceeds but opening shall be left out and frames fitted afterwards so that the minimum specified clearance between opening and unit frame is left around. The size of the opening shall first be checked and cleared of obstruction, if any. The position of the unit and fixing holes shall be marked on the jamb. Necessary holes shall be made in the masonry and lugs not less than 10 cm long 15 x 3 mm size fixed in cement concrete blocks 15 x 10 x 10 cm size of 1:3:6 mix (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graced stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). The frames of units shall be set in the opening by using wooden wedges at the jamb, head and sill, (wedges shall preferably be placed near the points where a glazing bar meets the frames and be plumbed in position) II. After it, the frame shall be fixed with the lugs with 20 mm, long and 6.3 mm dia G.I. Counter sunk machine screws and nuts. In case of flush opening which are rendered smooth, wedges shall be removed and gap between unit and jambs shall be filled with cement mortar. III. In case of flush jamb with external 'fair faced’ finished the gap between the opening and frame shall be filled with mastic from inside till it oozes out on external face. The oozing mastic shall be cleaned and flush pointed. The internal gap shall be filled with mastic to about 1/3 rd depth and the rest with cement mortar. IV. In case of rebated and jambs finished 'fair faced’ externally the mastic shall be freely applied to the inside channel of frame, jamb and sill, so as to ensure a watertight joint. After the unit is firmly fixed in position surplus mastic shall be cleaned and flush pointed, as shown in drawing. b) Fixing with Screws and Plugs: In RCC work where lugs cannot be embedded due to reinforcement bars etc. rawl plugs or other approved of metallic fasteners such as Dash Fasteners of the required size and type as approved shall be used. 2.2.34 Rolling Shutters Signature of Tenderer with seal 178 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED a) General: Rolling shutters shall be of best quality and obtained from approved make. These shall include necessary looking arrangement and handles etc. These shall be suitable for fixing in position as specified i.e. outside or below lintel or between jambs of the opening. The door shall be push and pull type and also operated with chain crank as required. b) Springs: The springs shall be, preferably of coiled type. The spring shall be manufactured from high tensile spring steel wire or strip of adequate strength to balance the shutters in all positions; the spring pipe shaft etc. shall be supported on strong mild steel brackets. c) Guide Channels: The guide channels shall be of mild steel deep channel section and or rolled pressed or built-up construction. The thickness of the sheet used shall not be less than 3.15 mm. The minimum depth of guide channels shall be 60 mm for clear width of shutters up to 3.5m and 75 mm for 3.5 m and above. The gap between the two legs of the guide channel shall be sufficient to allow the free movement of the curtain and at the same time closes enough to prevent the rattling of the curtain due to wind. Each guide channel shall be provided with a minimum of three fixing cleats to the walls or columns by means of bolts or screws. d) Fixing : Brackets shall be fixed on the lintel or under the lintel as shown with raw plugs, screws, bolts, etc. The shaft along with the spring shall then be fixed to the brackets. The shutters shall be laid on the ground and the side guide channels shall be bound with it with ropes etc. The shutter shall then be placed in position and top fixed with pipe shaft with bolts and nuts. The side guide channels and the cover frame/shall then are fixed to the walls through the plate welded to the guides. Fixing shall be done accurately in workmen like manner so that the operation of the shutter is easy and smooth. e) Grilled Curtain : Wherever specified, rolling shutter shall be provided with rolling grill curtain. f) Finishing: The rolling shutter together with guide channel, cover and accessories shall be supplied with two coats of approved primer and shall be painted finally with two coats of approved paint at site after installation, as specified. g) Fire doors: Providing and fixing in position 45mm thick single / double leaf one hour fire rated door made with 0.80mm thick Galvanised steel sheet fully flush double skin door shell with seam joints at stile edges and internal reinforcement provided at top, bottom, and stile edges for fire rating. The internal construction of door shutter shall be specially designed Honeycomb structure with reinforcement. The door leading on each floor to the fire escape staircase shall be Fire Door with 2 hours fire rating and shall be as per I S code. The door shall have a panic bar and the entire arrangement is covered in the job. Signature of Tenderer with seal 179 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 2.2.35 Metal Inserts in RCC & Block Work General: Anchor bolts, rolled steel sections sleeves, pipes, inserts, etc. shall be galvanized and shall be fixed or inserted as shown or directed. The Contractor shall supply and place in the shuttering all such inserts as may be required for sanitary, electric or work of any other trade. Work shall be done exactly as required for the purpose, to the satisfaction of the Architect.(For canopy and ducts) 2.2.36 Miscellaneous M.S. Works a) Quality of Steel : All mild steel used in this work shall be tough with even surface and shall cleanly rolled, sound and free from flaws, cracks, crop ends and other defects. b) Workmanship : All work shall be carried out as per drawing in a neat and good craftsman like manner by specially skilled men known for good quality work. c) Assembly: Work carried out in sections shall be carefully assembled. All members shall be secured together or to the anchors by welding or as shown in the details. All welds shall be ground smooth and made to match surrounding surfaces and finished to the satisfaction of the Architect/PMC. d) Setting in Lead: Where the work is fixed to concrete it shall be set in lead. In exterior locations, the end of the main structural support near the point of embedding shall be cleaned and covered with a solar and a bronze sleeve or umbrella shall be set on the steel upright to cover the joint and sealed by blow lamp. 2.2.37 Powder coated Steel Doors and Frames with louvered/glass panels as per the drawings for Electrical Rising Main Shaft, Wet Riser Shaft, Fire/Telephone Shaft having all hardware fittings and locking arrangement General: Aluminum doors, windows, etc. shall be electro treated natural anodized free of scratches and any other blemishes or any other approved colour and shall be of sizes as shown on drawings. The details shown on the drawings indicate generally the sizes of the component parts and the general standards. These may be varied slightly on approval to suit the standards adopted by the manufacturers of the aluminum work. Before proceeding with any manufacture, the contractor shall prepare and submit. Complete manufacturing and installation drawings for approval of the Owner/Architect/PMC and no work shall be performed until the approval of these drawings are obtained. All requisite materials and labors as specified here under shall be fully covered under the rates prices for proper execution and completion of the work. Weather-strip, gaskets and sealants shall be of high quality material capable of resisting local environment exposure and performance requirements. Interior primary seal be a compression type weather seal. Shop Drawings & Samples: The contractor shall submit shop drawings and samples of each type of windows, ventilators and other aluminum work, glass doors, pumps and connecting pipelines for firefighting and water supply, foundation detailing for transformer, generator, solar water heater, solar PV panel, GA drawing of distribution panel, distribution boxes, pump panels, electrical panels and controls for air-conditioning work, lift well detailing for coordination with the lift supplier, detailed room-wise flooring pattern and stone cladding pattern as per general pattern advised by the Signature of Tenderer with seal 180 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED architect, floor-wise reinforcement bar-bending schedule, structural glazing, glass canopy and layout cum shop drawing of the car parking (two tire stack system) to the Owner/Architect/PMC for his approval. The shop drawings shall show full size sections of doors, windows etc. thickness of metal, details of construction, anchoring details, hardware as well as connection of windows, doors and other metal work to adjacent work. Samples of all joints and methods of fastening and joining shall be submitted to the Architect for approval well in advance of commencing the work. Samples of all sanitary fittings, wall tiles, floor tiles, granites, kota stone, marble, vitrified tiles, glass and glazing samples duly fixed on site, hardware fittings, balusters and railings, door frame and moulding, wall finishing with cement putty, shades of paints and coating, external inter-locking blocks, road kerbs, cement concrete tiles (duracrete), nosing of marble/stone, fixing of stone dado with approved quality of adhesive (exclusion of pure cement slurry) will be presented for approval well in advance. Sections: White PVC sections to be used for windows, ventilators and fixed glazing etc. shall be fabricated from approved extruded sections. The sections shall be extruded Built up standard tubular and other sections confirming to the prevailing standard of Fenesta (brand) or approved equivalent and free from all defects impairing appearance, strength and durability. The permissible dimensional tolerances of the extruded sections shall be such as not to impair the proper and smooth function/operation and appearance of doors and windows. For any excess weight of section used nothing extra shall be paid. Fabrication: Doors, windows, ventilators, etc. shall be fabricated by an approved specialist firm. All doors and windows shall have mechanical joints. The aluminum sections joints shall be designed to withstand a minimum wind load of 175 kg. per Sqmt. The designed sections shall also ensure that the maximum deflection of any framing shall not exceedL/175 of the span of the member. All members shall be accurately machined and fitted to form hairline joints prior to assembly. The jointing accessories such as cleats, brackets etc. shall be of such material as not to cause any bimetallic action. The design of the joint and accessories shall be such that the accessories are fully concealed. The fabrication of doors, windows, etc. shall be done in suitable sections to facilitate easy transportation, handling and installation. Adequate provision shall be made in the door and window members for anchoring to supports and fixing of hardware and other fixtures as approved by the Owner/Architect/PMC. The aluminum sections shall conform to the following parameters also: a) The minimum tensile strength shall be 19 kgf / mm2. b) The maximum allowable deviation in length from a straight line shall be 0.5mm/metre. c) The maximum allowable deviation from straight shall be 1 degree. d) The maximum permissible twist shall be 0.5mm/metre. e) The maximum variation in flatness shall be not more than 0.125 * Width/25. Anodizing: All surfaces of windows, ventilators & fixed glazing etc. shall be natural anodized or dyed to approved in approved shade to conform BIS: 1868-1968 Grading-8. Anodic coating shall be of a minimum thickness of 0.025mm. The testing shall be done by Eddy current method as per IS: 6012 for thickness and relevant test for sealing and colour variation measurements shall also be carried out. Sulphuric acid shall be used as the electrolyte for the anodic process. The anodizing shall be carried out in an approved manner to achieve the desired colour. Prior to anodizing all aluminum shall be rendered uniform in Appearance free from disfiguring scratches, stains or other blemishes and etched in a caustic soda solution. Protection of Anodized Finish : Requisite tests shall also be required to be carried out at site as instructed by the Architect and contractor shall arrange all assistance and equipments required for these tests at site for which no extra payment shall be made Signature of Tenderer with seal 181 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED to the contractor. All aluminum members shall be wrapped with self adhesive non staining PVC tapes, approved by the Architect /.PMC. Handling: Fabricated materials shall be crated in an approved manner to protect the material against any damage during transportation. The loading and unloading shall be carried out with utmost care. Installation: Just prior to installation, the doors, windows etc. shall be stacked on edge on level bearers and supported evenly. If so specified or directed by the Architect, window/door frames shall be fixed to 25mm thick 2nd class hard wood rough ground. Width of rough ground shall be exactly the same width of the frames. Wooden rough grounds shall be fixed to masonry surrounds with approved fasteners. The face of rough ground to receive frames shall be in true line, level and plumb. When the rough ground is properly secured and all major internal and external finishing works are over, the assembled doors/windows shall be placed in correct final position in the opening and fixed to rough block through cadmium plated machine screws of required size and spacing. Then all joints shall be sealed with approved silicon sealants. Sizes, details, spacing, etc. given above are approximate and indicative only. They can be varied at the option of Architect to suit particular sizes and situations and the contractor shall carry out the instructions of the Architect /.PMC in this regard at no extra cost to the owner. The contractor may suggest alternative methods of fixing and anchoring for consideration of the Architect /.PMC, while the decision of the Architect /.PMC in this regard shall be final and binding. In the case of composite windows the different units are to be assembled first. The assembled composite units should be checked for line, level and plumb before final fixing is done. Units may have to be assembled in their final location if the situation so warrants. Where aluminum comes into contact with masonry, brickwork, concrete, plaster or dissimilar metal, it shall be coated with an approved insulation lacquer, paint or plastic tape to ensure that is trimmed off to a clean line on completion. The contractor shall be responsible for assembling composite units, bedding and pointing with mastic inside and outside, at the transoms and mullions, placing the doors windows, etc. in their respective openings. After the doors/windows have been fixed in their correct assigned position, the open hollow sections abutting masonry/concrete shall be filled with cement grout (1 cement :3 coarse sand) densely packed and finished neat without causing any scratch/damage to Aluminum sections. Final packing grout shall be of the expanding type made by approved additive. The contractor shall be responsible for the doors, windows etc. being set straight, plumb, level and for their satisfactory operation after fixing is complete. Epdm Gaskets: EPDM gaskets of approved size and profile shall be provided and installed at all locations as shown and as called for to tender the doors windows etc. Absolutely air tight and weather tight. Samples of the gaskets shall be produced for approval and procure after approval only. Sealant: The gaps between frames and supports and also any gaps in the window sections shall be raked out as directed and filled with approved silicon sealant of approved colour and make to ensure complete water-tightness. The silicon sealant shall be of such colour, and composition that it would not stain the masonry/concrete work, shall receive paint without bleeding, will not sag, or run and shall not set hard or dry out under any conditions of weather. Silicon sealant shall be applied with special gun as per manufacturer's recommendation by a specialist firm approved by Architect /PMC. Signature of Tenderer with seal 182 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Fittings: Nylon rollers, Stainless Steel frictional hinges, shutter end lift curbs, buffers, handles, locks and other fittings shall conform to the relevant I.S. specifications and quality and manufacture as approved by the Architect /.PMC. Fittings shall retain the casements rigidly in both the open and closed position; hinges shall be wrapped and protected until after the completion of the building. Hinges shall be close-up type and shall be opening as shown. These hinges shall work in conjunction with friction adjusters as a hold open device or additional friction for controlled operation. Rollers shall be heavy duty type and allow free sliding movements without any friction. Final Cleaning: The PVC wrapping, protecting and anodized finish shall be retained till the glazing work is commenced. After the glazing and all work connected with installation of windows is complete all aluminum work shall be washed with a suitable thinner and left in a finished condition, in approved uniform appearance and free from all marks and blemishes. Glass Doors and glass fixed shutters as per Door Window Schedule with 12mm thick toughened glass and spider and other patch fittings, SS handles 1ft long (u-shaped) as per the drawing with locking arrangement in all the entry point of halls at all the floors and reception area as shown in the layout drawings. 2.2.38 Tiles: The tiles shall be of approved make/manufacturer. They shall be flat, and true to shape and free from cracks, crazing, spots, chipped edges and corners. The surface shall be of uniform shade except for patterned tile. The sizes of tiles shall be as directed. The thickness of the tiles min 5 mm unless otherwise required or shown Colour and Pattern: The tiles shall be (rectified type with straight edge cutting to obtain paper thick joint) white, coloured or patterned as specified. Preparation of surfaces: The joints shall be racked out to a depth of at least 12 mm in masonry walls, while the masonry is being laid. In case of concrete walls, the surfaces shall be hacked and roughened with the wire brushes. The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly, washed with water and kept wet before skirting /dado is commenced. Mortar: 12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 shall be applied and allowed slightly to harden. The plaster shall be roughened with wire brushes or by scratching diagonal at close intervals. Laying of Tiles: The tiles shall be soaked in water, adequately washed clean, and a coat of neat cement slurry applied liberally at the back of tiles and set in the bedding mortar. The tiles shall be tamped and corrected to proper plane and lines. The tiles shall be set in the required pattern and butt jointed. The joints shall be as fine as possible and uniform. Top of dado shall be truly horizontal and joints truly vertical except where otherwise indicated. Where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut to the required size and their edges rubbed smooth. Care shall be taken to ensure that as far as possible cut tile are in non-exposed locations. Works shall be carried out in all areas only after a sample panel has been approved by the Architect /PMC. Signature of Tenderer with seal 183 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Pointing: After lying is complete, the joints shall be cleaned off the grey cement grout with wire brush and all dust and loose mortar removed. The joints shall then be flush pointed with white cement slurry added with approved pigments to match the colour of tiles. Curing and Finishing: The surface shall be cleaned and kept wet by sprinkling water for seven days. The finished surface shall be clear, free of patches and glossy and shall not sound hollow finished dry surfaces shall be washed with mild organic acid, if so required. The finished surface shall meet the approval of the Architect. 2.2.39 FLOOR FINISHING, SKIRTING, DADO AND PAVING: a) Flooring: Floors shall be provided inside the rooms, corridors, connecting corridors, passages, lobbies, Pantrys, toilets, baths WC’s stairs, landings, verandahs, balconies and open terraces, ramps etc. Floor shall be laid to level and or to slope as shown on drawings and as required and directed by PMC / Architect. Floor shall be carried through all the doors and other openings and over dwarf walls. Exposed edge of floors shall be finished in the same manner as for top surface. Skirting shall match with the floor finish unless otherwise specified. b) Finishes of the floors at various locations shall be as shown on various drawings / schedule of finishes. c) The specifications of various types of floors shall be as specified here-in-after. 2.2.40 Sub flooring/ base concrete under floor finishes of ground floor and platform a) For ground floor areas: Sub floors (base concrete under floor finish) 100 mm thick cement concrete in 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size for all locations) shall be laid over a layer of fine sand 100 mm thick over rammed earth at ground floor only. The floor shall be laid in level on the RCC slab of the main building on cement concrete 1:4:8 sub–base average (50 mm thick and necessary gs shall be embedded as per detailed layout on each floor b) For upper floors I. Sunken / lower portion of slabs: Sub base shall be in lean concrete in 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 brick ballast 40 mm nominal size) II. Other floors: 60 to 80 mm (avg.) thick as applicable lean concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 brick aggregate 40 mm nominal size) laid over RCC slabs for building. 2.2.41 Plain cements concrete flooring: (a) For floors of electric niches, cupboards, cabinets, counters, shelf etc. 40 mm / 50 mm thick concrete floor 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size). The top surface shall be finished with floating coat of neat cement using steel float while the concrete is green. (b) Skirting: To match PCC floors 18 mm thick plaster in cement mortar of mix 1:3 (1cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement shall be applied to skirting. The skirting shall be 125 mm high as shown on drawing. Signature of Tenderer with seal 184 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 2.2.42 Polished kota stone in flooring and landing and treads/step in staircases: The kota stone slabs shall be machine polished and of selected quality, hard, sound, dense and homogeneous texture, free from cracks decay weathering and flaws. They shall be machine cut to the requisite thickness. The edges shall be truly vertical the colour of the slabs will be approved by the Architect/PMC, before starting of work. The slabs shall have the top (exposed) face polished before being brought to site. The slabs shall conform to the size required. The thickness of the Kota stone slabs shall be as specified in the nomenclature of the respective items. Dressing: Every slab shall be cut to the required size and shape and fine chisel dressed in the edges to the full depth. The edges shall be rubbed with coarse sand or machine rubbed before paving. all angles and edges shall be true and square and the surface be true and plane. Preparation of surface and laying: The sub grade concrete or lean concrete filling over RCC slab on which the kota stone stone slabs are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. The bedding shall be with cement mortar of an average thickness of 25mm and mix 1:4 (1cement:4 coarse sand), over this bedding, neat gray cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread. The edges shall be pasted with pigment to match the shade of slabs. The joints shall be kept as thin as possible. Polishing and finishing: The floor shall then be kept wet a minimum period of seven days. The surface thereafter shall be grounded with machine fitted with grit block No.60,then No.120 and finally with No.320.between every two successive grindings the surface shall be washed, cleaned and covered with a thin coat of cement in order to fill any pin hole that appear. After the final polish oxalic acid shall be dusted over the surface at the rate of 33 gm per square meter sprinkled with water and rubbed hard with mamdah block (pad with woolen rags).The following day the floor shall wiped with a moist rag and dried with a soft cloth and finished clean. 3 Skirting: 3.2 Preparation of surface and laying: the surface shall be chipped off the projections if any cleaned and wetted and 12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) shall be applied and allowed to harden .The plaster shall be roughened with wire brushed or by scratching diagonal lines 2 mm deep at approximately 7.5 cms center both ways. The back and edges of the stone slabs shall be buttered with coat grey cement slurry and set in the bedding mortar. 3.3 Cutting polishing and finishing: Cutting, grinding and polishing of skirting shall be done in the same manner as of flooring but by hand grinder. Full size stone shall be used in treads and risers of steps. 4 Glazed tiles in Dado for Toilets and pantry etc.:(Size 8’ X 12’’) 4.2 Glazed tiles of first quality shall be provided in dado of Pantry and toilets of all locations as per drawing. The tiles shall be set over screed / plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) to all surface, set and jointed with neat white cement slurry. The joints shall be neat and fine. Size of glazed tiles both for toilets, Baths, WC and Pantry shall be as shown on drawings Height of glazed tiles dado shall be for 2150mm for all toilets in all flats except for guest house where it will be laid up to ceiling as shown in drawing / schedule of finishes. In Pantry glazed tiles shall be done above Pantry platform upto 600 mm high on the entire wall perimeter covered by the platform, sink and drain board. The height of the glazed tile dado in these locations shall be as shown above platform. The glazed tile dado shall also be provided below sink and drain board on the perimeter walls covered by drainage board and sink. The glazed tiles shall be first quality vitreous china and of the approved makes Signature of Tenderer with seal 185 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 5 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Working platform in pantry/vanity counter for toilets, etc: Finish of working platforms in pantry: Finish of the working platform in Pantry shall be with 20mm thick black granite stone diamond cut. Granite slabs shall not be in more than two pieces for each side straight length of working plate from. Granite shall be jointed with white cement slurry pigmented to the same colour as that of the granite stone including grinding smooth and polishing complete. The front fascia of the Pantry platform shall be provided with granite stone of same shade as that of platform. The granite stone slab shall confirm to the samples kept in site Office the exposed edges of the granite stone shall be half rounded and as shown on drawing. 6 VITRIFIED TILES: Providing and fixing of full body vitrified homogeneous tiles (Acid & Alkali Resistance) of size 600 X 600 mm of approved shade, with cement, slurry @ 2 kg per sq m over the bed of 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) with the gap of 3-4 mm between tiles on either side using 3mm thick PVC spacers, to be filled up with epoxy base. Grouting material manufactured by Roffe Construction Chemical or Ball Adhesive or Dr. Back shall be filled up to depth of the tiles. All the work shall be finished & completed as per the manufacturer specifications as directed by the Architect/ Project Manager. These shall be of approved equivalent make. The vitrified floor tiles shall be fixed with high polymer modified quickset tile adhesive by approved manufacturer and conforming to IS: 15477, using 5 kg adhesive per sq m of tile area, in average 3 mm thickness. 7 VITRIFIED CERAMIC TILES SKIRTING: Where shown/ indicated in the drawing/schedule of finishes provide 100 mm high vitrified ceramic tile & skirting over 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grouting material as specified above. 8 Paving with interlocking block: Interlocking blocks paving / flooring shall be laid over 100 thick PCC over 50 thick sand, including vibrating the sand layer for compaction. 9 False Ceiling WorkThe false ceiling work shall be as per specifications and shall be coordinate with the air-conditioning installation and allied piping for the split unit VRV system. The outdoor units shall be placed on terrace and insulated refer grant piping shall be routed by making suitable diameter punctures in the RCC slab with electrical concrete core cutters of M/s Hilti or M/s Bosch. There shall be at least three trap doors per floor plate. 10 Partitions and Furniture Some additional internal partitions and furniture shall be supplied, executed by other agencies and contractor shall progress the work in such a manner that the lower floor is finished so that the building can be ferreted and put to use at the earliest. The work shall be coordinated with PMC 11 Sub-Station Equipment The erection of equipment in sub-station shall need careful pre– construction stage planning by contractor. 12 Fixing Detail for Plumbing and Sprinklers All sewerage/ waste water/ vent/ water pipelines shall be of cast iron as per specifications. Suitable diameter holes shall be made in floor slabs with concrete core cutters and the pipes shall be routed by suspending with suitable split pipe support clamping system of M/s Intello Industries or equivalent having EPDM rubber lining with zinc-coated suspension rod of 10mm/8mm dia for roof hanging and work shall be as per recommendations of the manufacturer. For cast iron pipes, CI collar clamps or and TOR CI collar clamp shall be used when the pipe is in vertical position. Signature of Tenderer with seal 186 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED WATERPROOFING WCs SANITARY BLOCKS, PANTRYS, NAHNI BELOW SINK WASHING PLACES, Etc. BY SURFACE METHOD Before the work is started, all cutting or chasing in the floor and / or walls and all the plumbing work should be completed and the normal plaster to the ceiling and upper part of walls should be provided. The treatment shall starts with filling in the depressed or sunken portions of the WCs and bathrooms, etc. with waterproof brickbat coba in cement with necessary gradient for easy flow away of water towards the Nahani trap or soil pan. The brickbat coba with covered with 18 mm thick approved waterproof layer which shall be continued on the walls above the floor level up to a height of 1 m . In the shower area of the bathrooms, the treatment shall be of full heights of the walls. WATERPROOFING WITH CEMENT QUARTZ SAND & CHEMCAL INGREDIANTS a) General Cementitious, two-component waterproofing membrane. It comprises a mixture of cement quartz sand and a special blend of chemical ingredients of an inorganic nature. 100% compatible with all masonry structures. It is seamless, liquid-applied, efflorescence free and is used against active water pressure. Due to its excellent adhesion and tensile strength, it can be easily applied to both horizontal and vertical surfaces. b) Surface Preparation a. All new concrete plaster or screed surfaces shall be cured for a minimum of 28 days before doing waterproofing/chemical treatment. All concrete, plaster or screed surfaces shall have a wood float finish. b. All surfaces to be applied with the waterproofing compound and shall be cleaned by water blasting, sandblasting, wire brushing, scraping or any other suitable means to remove dirt, grease, moss, moulds, etc. Where necessary, detergent shall be used to remove oil stains and similar. A suitable algaecide / fungicide solution shall be used to remove algae/ fungus. i. Other cracks that are subjected to only minimal movement shall be raked out where necessary. These cracks shall be repaired with waterproofing/chemical treatment or a similar epoxy repair mortar. ii. Where cracks are found to be structural, a structural engineer shall be consulted and the structure assessed. c. Large holes and defects shall be repaired by plastering or screening or using approved epoxy repair mortar d. All protuberances shall be rubbed down or ground flat. e. Patch work – All loose and flaky paint shall be removed. All sound smooth paint shall be lightly abraded to provide a key for adherence to the system. f. All spalled concrete and plaster must be repaired by appropriate methods prior to the installation of the Waterproofing System. Signature of Tenderer with seal 187 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED c) Waterproofing System Application i. Priming – Not required. ii. Mixing – Add Component A (powder), to Component B (liquid) in the correct mixing ratio and thoroughly mix with a mechanical mixer for at least 3 minutes. Mix only sufficient material that can be used up within its pot life (60 minutes). Mix ratio: A / B = 2.5 / 1 by weight A / B = 2.5 / 1 by volurne iii. Application – To a properly prepared damp surface, apply by brush, trowel, roller or spray equipment. Apply two coats of at 1.0 – 1.2 kg/m2/coat, giving an approximate thickness of 0.95 to 1.20 mm. Allow 3 hours drying time between coatings. iv. On the very next day after the System is completed, the entire surface shall be checked for pin-holes and holidays (areas not covered properly). Immediately, reapply the undiluted on pinholes and holidays areas. v. Allow at 24 hours before carrying out ponding test and or screening and tiling over. vi. If to be left exposed for a short time, the treated surface must be protected from direct sunlight frost, wind and rain. Canvas or wet Hessian bags may be used to protect surfaces. Curing can also be done by covering the hardened surface with plastic sheets canvas. The total curing time takes 7 days. Back-filling can normally be carried out careful after 24 hours. Water retaining structures can normally be filled with water after three day ventilation should be provided in enclosed or humid areas. vii. Detailing - This shall be applied with. It is very important to pay special attention to corners, edges, and down-pipes, etc. as it will be these areas that failure is most likely to occur. All detailing shall be sufficiently reinforced and wrapped around to assure water-tightness. A minimum height of 150 mm from the finished level shall be maintained at all detailing and up stands. TERRACES, CHAJJAS, CANOPIES, HORIZONTAL PROJECTION ETC. BY SURFACE METHOD The treatment will start directly over the RCC slab with laying over of approved waterproof brickbat coba in cement mortar to provide necessary gradient of 1 in 120 for the easy flow away of rainwater. Finally, the brickbat coba will be covered with joint less waterproof layer finishing the surface with 20mm thick jointless layer of cement mortar of mix1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS: 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre mesh of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300mm square 3mm deep as left in rough finish to receive china mosaic flooring on this treatment shall be carried along the inner side of parapet and / or other adjoining wall up to a height of about 300 mm in the shape of a round vata. The average thickness of this treatment shall about 100 mm with a minimum thickness at water outlets being 65 mm. This surface shall be rendered hard and tough, and suitable for all normal residential building use. Due to location of rain water pipes being far apart than 8m and/ or if the water is required to travel on one side only, then the thickness of the treatment increases proportionately to maintain the minimum gradient for easy flow away of rainwater and this additional thickness over and above 100mm thickness of the normal coba shall be measured and payable extra. a) Clean the surface from debris and loose mortar and other materials b) Defect Check: Ponding the area: Before final surface preparation, make the vatta for ponding to the entire area for 24hrs. To find the leakage & defective point mark the leaking & defective points on the slab for rectification. Signature of Tenderer with seal 188 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED c) Surface Preparation: All surface to be waterproofed by the waterproofing/chemical treatment shall be cleaned by means of • • • Scrapping & chipping all loose mortar / material etc. Wire brushing to remove dirt, dust, moulds etc. Water cleaning & wire brushing to remove finer dust etc. d) Rectification of Construction joints, Defective area & leakage points: Mark the construction joints on plan for record and easy location of joints Construction joints should be racked open by chisel in ‘V’ grooves. Defective (honey comb) & leakage points, shall be grouted by fixing the nozzle and grouting the same with cement slurry. Construction joints shall be re furbished to original profile by using polymer mortar after pouring the cement slurry in‘V’ grooves or grouting the same as and where required. An addition poly mortar layer min 15 mm thick over the ‘V’ groove min 10mm on either side of groove shall be laid. e) Making coving (Watta) All the spalled concrete and rough area must be smoothened by using cement mortar before application. Make coving in cement mortar at corner, edges, down pipes, slab and wall junction etc. f) Product Application Primer: After water cleaning the entire repaired surface apply waterproofing/chemical treatment primer by roller or brush as per the specified coverage rates. g) Detailing : Apply the thick coat of waterproofing/chemical treatment to the coving crack, construction joints and other rectified areas on slab min 50 mm on either side or 150mm to 230 mm to the upturns. A strip of chopped stand mat fiber shall be embedded to the bond coat. And another body coat to be applied over the fiber glass mat. h) Application: Apply the waterproofing/chemical treatment coat over the sufficiently dried primer in coats leaving at least 2 to 4 hrs interval between successive coats (depending upon drying time) in specified consumption ratio, using brush or roller. Next day: check for the pinholes and area not covered properly reapply another i) Curing & Ponding Test: After 72 hrs of Air curing fill the water for the ponding test for another 24 hrs for the leakage test j) Protection of membrane: After 24 hrs of ponding test check the area for leakage cover the membrane by screed or brickbat coba (as specified) laid in required slope and minimum thickness of 50mm at the lowest points. k) Important note: Surface to be water proofed has to be thoroughly cleaned, dry and dust free. Surface must be protected after the application. l) Detailing : All smoothed corners and edged down pipes and coving (Watta) and other area of cracks, honey comb and joints etc. Where the failure is most likely to occur, the waterproofing/chemical treatment Application must be reinforced with fiber glass at upturns should be 100mm above for floor finish level. Signature of Tenderer with seal 189 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED m) Curing : Air curing does not require water curing. Surface must be protected from mechanical damage. Pinholes and area not covered properly by coating system to be treated by application of 1 coat of waterproofing/chemical treatment n) Ponding Test: Ponding test must be done to the treated area after 48 to 72 hrs of application the area shall be ponded for leakage testing. Protection of the water proofing system area shall be covered by screed / Brick bat coba as per required slope with thickness 50mm min at the lowest point. RCC UNDER GROUND & OVERHEAD TANK STRUCTURES: BY FORCE GROUTING AND SURFACE METHOD: In the case of RCC underground and overhead water tank structures where there is no access available from outside and below the raft slab; the treatment is given inside with force grouting and surface method. The treatment shall start with forcing cement grout with W.P agent into the structure as and where found necessary. Thereafter, waterproof layer, finished smooth with towel in cement to be laid on the floor and continued on the side and partition walls up to their full height. Average thickness of this treatment to be 65 mm on the floor and 25 mm on the walls. All the fixtures like pipe sleeves, pipe inserts shall be fixed prior to taking up the above treatment. The water tanks must be filled up with water immediately after treatment. Waterproofing Treatment to OH and UG tank a) GENERAL: Generally, all concrete surfaces shall be in a clean, sound and watertight condition, free of any dust, sand particles, oil and any other unwanted particles to the satisfaction of the Architect. b) WATERPROOFING MATERIAL: The waterproofing material to be used shall be shall be a cementitious, ready mixed, efflorescence-free surface waterproofing membrane that consist of hydrophobic properties. Application of the Waterproofing Treatment can be applied by means of slurry coating, trowel or spray application. It can be either applied on the external surface or internal surface or both, depending on the thickness of the wall or floor. The shall consist of rapid-hardening Portland cement, specially treated and graded grain-size distribution, and special chemical ingredients of an inorganic nature. The cementitious waterproofing membrane shall remain waterproofed even under pressure and tested to 7.0 bar, and at the same time allow the concrete to “breathe” by allowing the passage of water vapor through the structure. In addition, the cementitious waterproofing material shall protect the concrete against ground water, aggressive ground water and certain chemical solutions. Cementitious waterproofing membrane shall be able to applied to surface or substrates such as concrete, masonry and render that require proper sealing and protection against the influence of water and moisture. Inside wall and base of the tank will be finished with Gujarat-based white tiles. c) PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATA: Concrete to receive the treatment must have a clean surface and an open capillary system to ensure maximum bonding and sealing. All surfaces shall be examined for structural defects and remedied prior to the waterproofing treatment. Faulty concrete such as protrusions and honeycombs shall be chiseled and work back to sound concrete and cleaned (to be done by contractor). Construction joints that are not pre-treated with treatment, and cracks exceeding 0.3 mm widths, shall be routed out to a minimum depth of 25 mm and properly cleaned (to be done by contractor). From ties shall be removed and chiseled back to sound concrete (to be done by contractor). One slurry coat of Super shall be applied over all chiseled out areas, at a coverage of 1.5 kg/m2. Signature of Tenderer with seal 190 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED After the Super has reached its initial set and while Super is still “green” (about 30 mins after application), the chiseled out areas shall be filled with a cement sand mortar (to be done by contractor). Cracks that are found leaking shall be injected with Vandex Flexin (separate quotation may be necessary), which is a modified acrylic resin. When in polymerized form Flexin shall be in an insoluble and nontoxic elastic mass, and shall not deteriorate within the structure. The plasticity and sealing capability of chemical shall remain constant in extreme temperatures ranging from –40°C to + 70°C depending on circumstances. Flexin injection shall be injected directly into the defective area at pressure ranging from 10 to 320 bar, depending on the particular application. d) WATERPROOFING TREATMENT: Prior to the Waterproofing Treatment, all concrete surfaces shall be properly prepared and remedied as item C above. All concrete surfaces shall be cleaned and free from all forms of scales, laitance, mould oil, curing agents and any other foreign materials. Extremely smooth concrete surface shall be roughened either by using abrasive disc, sand blasting, wet sand blasting, water blasting or acid etching (using 1-% Muriatic Acid Solution) to assure maximum bonding. All concrete surfaces to be treated with waterproofing material shall be thoroughly wetted down before application. The concrete surfaces shall only be moist (not wet), and laying water shall be removed leaving only a damp condition just prior to the application of the Chemical waterproofing Treatment. The waterproofing material shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Application by means of slurry coating shall be applied with a stiff masonry brush or stiff broom and worked into every irregularity on the surface. Chemical Waterproofing can also be applied by trowel or spray. e) APPLICATION RATES: Depending on locations, Chemical waterproofing cementitious waterproofing membrane shall be applied in thickness and coverage as recommended below:Ground Moisture 0.5 mm thick (3.0 kg/m2) Pressure less Surface Water and Seepage 2.0 mm thick (4.0 kg/m2) Water Under Pressure 3.0 mm thick (6.0 kg/m2) f) CURING OF WATERPROOFING TREATMENT: The Waterproofing Treatment, whilst setting, shall be protected from rain and direct sunlight. During hot, dry or windy weather conditions, curing shall be done using a constantly wetted matt, or constant application of a fine spray of water (like mist), to prevent the Vandex material from first drying out. Air circulation is necessary in enclosed areas to assure the normal setting of the Waterproofing Treatment. Waterproofing Treatment onto treated surfaces shall not be exposed to aggressive water, chemicals or acids until the Vandex treatment have reached its full strength, which normally take around 14 days. DECORATION, COATING AND TILING: Where the treated surfaces are to be decorated with paint, the Treatment shall be allowed to be cured for a minimum period of 4 weeks. The surface shall then be saturated with water and neutralized with a 1.8 muriatic acid solution. Following this, the area shall be thoroughly rinsed with water before any coating works. Paints and coatings to be used shall be vapor permeable. Where a plaster or render finish is required on top of the Treatment, it is essential that a thin rough cast of cement sand shall be applied onto the final layer of the Treatment shall be cleaned and an appropriate bonding agent be applied prior to the rendering. g) Waterproofing to RCC Retaining Wall & Lift well in plinth with Chemical: As per the specification of the approved manufacturer. The process should be got approved from Architect/Employer before commencement of said work ,well in advanced, unless otherwise mentioned in the Tender. Signature of Tenderer with seal 191 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED h) Defect Rectification: All honey comb, crack and damaged area, shall be raked open to sound concrete up to min of 25mm depth, treating the same with two coats of Chemical and re plastering to the original profile with Cement mortar using Aqua Bond (Polymer ) by the concern agency. i) Construction joints: Existing construction joints shall be chased out in ‘V’ groove up to a depth of 25 – 50 mm and apply 2 coats of Chemical and then fill the groove to original profile in Cement mortar using polymer / aqua bond. For stone coping, 10mm wide silicon sealant joint shall be provided at a maximum distance not exceeding 4.5m. j) Injection grouting : Honeycomb, defective area and loose construction joints shall be grouted fixing nozzle and grouting with cement slurry as & where required after finding the leakage. k) Roughening the surface: Hacking to be done to the surface at least 85% of area to be hacked and water jetting to be used to remove the laitance for open capillary system. l) Application of Chemical: The surface must be cleaned thoroughly using water and also to ensure that the concrete is saturated. The surface water must be removed to make the surface damp only, prior to the application. m) Mixing ratio: part of Chemical 2 part of water by mechanical mixer (by volume) add water to Pot life: 15 min, mix only required quantity to be used in 15 min or as per the manufacturers specifications. n) Application: Chemical slurry shall be applied in 2 coats on green surface (1st coat on damp surface & 2nd coat after 30 min over the 1st coat) at the specified coverage rate with the Chemical brush or as per the manufacturers specifications. o) Curing protection: Applied surface shall be protected from rain, water and direct sun light till the setting. Applied surface shall be cured for five days by constantly fine wet spraying on sprinkling. p) Guarantee: It shall be guaranteed that the building is completely water and leak proof for a period of 10 years. Such a guarantee shall be directly given by the specialist agency to the Employer in a form approved by the Architect/ PMC. In the event of failure of the waterproofing system at any time during the guarantee period, the specialist agency shall carry out such treatment as may be necessary to render the structure free from water leakage including breaking and reinstating any other works that may be necessary for the treatment at no extra cost. ROOF COVERING,TOILET WATER PROOFING & RAIN WATER PIPES: a) Exposed roof at terrace floor level of all buildings and roof of staircases, mumty, except sloping roof shall be provided with water proofing treatment with brick coba and acrylic base waterproofing compound. The detailed operation of water proofing treatment with brick coba and acrylic base water proofing compound (on exposed roof terrace floor, roof of staircase, over head tank and mumty) shall be as follows : Signature of Tenderer with seal 192 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED i. Clean the RCC slab surfaces including sides upto 300 mm high by wire brush including raking and cleaning of construction joint if any. ii. Applying and grouting a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg. Per sqm of cement admixed with proprietary acrylic base water proofing compound conforming to IS-2645 over the RCC slab and sides upto 300 mm high. iii. Lay 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) admixed with proprietary acrylic based water proofing compound conforming to [IS-2645]. iv. A layer of broken bricks/ brick bats (coba) to be laid over the layer of 20 mm thick cement `mortar (laid at (c) above) giving a gap of 15 to 20 mm and necessary gradient of 1:20 for proper flow of water. The joint/ voids to be filled with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with proprietary acrylic based water proofing compound. v. A gola in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with proprietary acrylic based water proofing compound conforming to IS-2645 with brick bats embedded in it at the junction of horizontal surface and side wall. vi. After two days of curing apply second coat of cement slurry admixed with proprietary acrylic based water proofing compound conforming to IS-2645. vii. Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick joint less cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with proprietary acrylic based water proofing compound conforming to IS-2645 and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement and making of 300 mm x 300 mm false square. viii. 20 mm thick joint less cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) admixed with proprietary acrylic based waterproofing compound conforming to IS- 2645 over the gola upto 300 mm high on sidewalls. This plaster will be in continuation of plaster provided on horizontal surface as per sub para (vii) above. ix. Average thickness of the above treatment shall be 120 mm and minimum thickness at Khurras is 65 mm. x. The proportion of proprietary acrylic based water proofing compound to be used with ordinary Portland cement for all operations as aforesaid shall be laid down by the manufacturer of particular acrylic based water proofing compound. xi. The whole treated portion shall be flooded with water for five days for curing and testing. For toilets Tapecrete (Pedelite ) or Brush Bond ( Fosroc) or equivalentshall be applied on RCC slab up to 300mm height of masonry walls as per manufacturer specifications b) Khurras: Making khurras 450 x 450 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm nominal size) and laying 1mx1mx400microns PVC sheet finished with 6 mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and coat of neat cement including rounding of edges and making and finishing the outlets complete. c) Gola/watta: Providing coving 75 mm x 75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge) at the junction of RCC slab and wall including finishing exposed surfaces with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) as per drawing. Gola shall be done before the plaster of parapet. d) Balconies: Finishing of balconies shall be as shown in the schedule of finishes with matching skirting. The specifications shall be as above : Roof slab at balconies to be finished as above shall be cleaned thoroughly and following treatment / covering shall be provided: Signature of Tenderer with seal 193 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED i) For sunken / lowered portion of slabs. Treatment / covering as specified below. ii) In portion of balconies which are not sunken / lowered treatment below”. e) Unplasticised rain water pipes: f) i. The rain water pipes and fittings shall be provided with unplasticised PVC pipes conforming to IS-4985-81 and ISI marked. The uPVC pipes shall be of outside diameter as shown on drawings and of working pressure 4 kg / sq. cm. Internal and external surfaces of the pipes shall be smooth and clean, reasonably free from grooving and other defects. The uPVC pipes shall be jointed with PVC solution for concealed pipes and for exposed pipes with PVC collars by using lubricating solvent solution. Fittings shall be injection moulded or fabricators type conforming to IS-8008- 1976 (Part I and IV) and / or IS 8360-1970 (Part I to III) and / or as per manufacturers recommendations. The pipe shall start from ground level with bend as shown on drawing. A tee junction shall be provided at all terrace levels to collect water from Khurras and vertical pipe to be fixed properly with factory-made clamps of approved make such as Camry as per approval of PMC, shall be extended upto top of parapet. At top PVC cowl shall also be fitted. ii. Cast iron chamber and grating at the top and outlet of every rain water pipe shall be provided and shall fit in snugly on the socket end of the pipe. The perforations in the gratings shall be at least 60% of the total area of gratings. iii. Where the rain water pipes are to be provided concealed within masonry the pipes shall be embedded in the walls with PCC 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 stone aggregate 20 mm down gauge) and wherever embedded in adjacent with RCC column or adjacent partly to RCC column and partly to brick work pipes shall be embedded in PCC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) encasing all round. External surface of the pipes shall be painted with PVC adhesive and then coarse sand shall be sprinkled before embedding the pipe in the concrete for proper griping with concrete. (d) Rain water pipes running down along the walls / columns shall be firmly fixed to the walls / column at all joints and at one meter spacing on pipe with PVC clips as per manufacturer instructions. (e) Provide angled end pieces PVC shoe at bottom and splash stones 450 x 300 x 20 mm embedded in plinth protection.. PVC spouts: PVC spouts shall be provided to balconies, upward turned chajjas and other similar locations. These shall be 25 mm dia., 300mm long PVC pipe of approve brand g) Plastering and Rendering General a) Scope : This section shall cover internal and external plastering/rendering works as shown in the drawings. b) Mortar : The mortar of specified mix shall be used. Cement and sand shall be tested as specified. c) Scaffolding : Stage scaffolding shall be provided for plastering work as per Standard Practice and as directed by Architect /PMC. This shall be independent of the walls. d) Plaster to Extend: All interior plaster shall be extended up to 12 mm below the skirting or dado level at no extra cost wherever required. Signature of Tenderer with seal 194 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED e) Preparation of Surface: Joints of Concrete block work walls shall be raked-out properly. Dust and loose mortar shall be brushed out. Efflorescence if any shall be removed by brushing and scraping. Shuttering imperfections of all concrete shall be roughened by hacking with chisel and all resulting dust and loose particles cleaned and the surface shall be thoroughly hacked or bush hammered to the satisfaction of PMC/Architect. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and kept wet as specified before plastering is commenced. f) Approval of Architect /PMC to be taken : No plastering work shall be started before all conduits, pipes, fittings and fixtures clamps, hooks, doors and window frames etc. are embedded, grouted and cured and all defects removed to the satisfaction of Architect /.PMC A sample of plasterwork shall be prepared and got approved before proceeding with the work. Special approval shall be taken from Architect /PMC before starting each plastering work. No cutting of finished plaster shall be allowed. No portion shall be left out initially to be patched up lat on. Exterior Plaster: a) General: Exterior plaster shall be 18 mm thick, unless otherwise specified, generally sand aced the base coat shall be about 12 mm thick with coarse sand applied after the base coat has set but not dried. The base coat shall be 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and second coat shall also be 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). Acrylic water proof chemical @ 0.5 kg per 50 kg of cement or as recommended by the manufacturer shall be admixed with the plaster, wherever specified in the item. b) Mixing: The ingredients shall be mixed in specific proportions by volume. The mixing shall be done in a mechanical mixer or by hand mixing on water-tight platform. The cement and sand shall first be mixed thoroughly dry in the mixer. Water shall then be added gradually and wet mixing continued for at least a minute until mortar attains he consistency of a stiff paste and uniform colour. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of addition of water. Mortar which has partially set shall not be used and removed from the site immediately. c) Application of Plaster i. General: Wall plastering shall be started after the completion of ceiling plaster from top and gradually worked down towards floor. It shall not, at any place be thinner than as specified. To ensure even thickness and a true surface, plaster pads of about 75 mm * 75 mm shall be first applied horizontally and vertically at not more than 2 m interval over the entire surface to serve as gauges. The mortar shall then be applied to the wall/surface between the gauges and finished even. All corners, junctions and rounding shall be truly vertical or horizontal and finished carefully. Generally work in an enclosure shall be completed in one day. For larger areas if the work has to be suspended at the end of the day, plaster shall be cut clean to line. When recommencing, the plastering, edge of old work shall be scrapped, cleaned and wetted with cement putty before restarting plastering ii. Base Coat: The mix shall be stiff enough to cling and hold when laid. On walls, the mix shall be laid in long even spreads upwards and across using sufficient pressure to force it into the key on the backgrounds. The mortar shall be laid as uniformly as possible. The average thickness shall not exceed that specified. This coat shall be allowed to stand firm till before scratching for key. The surface shall then be combed or cross scratched with a wire scratcher Signature of Tenderer with seal 195 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) iii. HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Second Coat: A reasonable time (not more than 48 hours) shall be allowed after the application of the base coat for thorough drying before the application of the second coat. After soaking base coat thoroughly with water the mortar for second coat shall be applied with a feather edge rule to a true and even surface. The surface shall then be thoroughly scoured with a wood hand float, and any inequalities filled in. Over working shall be avoided. However, wherever special coating is specified, the second coat shall be finished smooth with cement based putty to the satisfaction of the Architect/ PMC. iv. Single Coat Work: Single coat work shall be finished smooth as specified in second coat work. Special care shall be taken to secure bond with the concrete/brick wall. v. Plastering over Steel Surfaces: Where plastering is to be done over steel surface, suitable expanded metal covering the steel surface and secured to the adjoining wall/concrete surface with an overlap of 200 mm shall be provided. vi. Plastering at Junction of Masonry / R.C.C: All junction of Masonry wall with R.C. structures e.g. column, beam etc. shall be plastered after providing and fixing of approved G.I. chicken Wire /pvc mesh 250 mm wide centrally over the length of junction either vertically or horizontally t the satisfaction of Architect /.PMC. G. I. Chicken Wire Mesh of required width shall also be fixed over the chasing for conduits, pipes etc. on masonry wall before plastering is commenced. WALL FINISHES Internal surfaces a) Cement plastering internally on all internal surfaces (except surfaces where other type of finishes have been indicated on drawings) including soffits of RCC slabs, beams, chajjas, lintels, all-round shelves, inner side of top parapets and loft walls etc. shall be as under : i. 12 mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:4(1 cement: 4 parts 75% fine and 25% coarse sand) mixed with 10% of lime water over brick and concrete surfaces. Dubbing out wherever required (i.e. bringing up the undulation on the rough face of brick work in level with proudest points) shall also be executed in the same mix along with rendering coat. ii. 6 mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) on soffits of RCC slabs, chajjas, lintels and Pantry / pantry, platforms, loft slabs, fins, fascia counters and all-round of cupboard shelves etc. iii. 10 mm x 6 mm grooves shall be provided in ceiling plaster at junction of wall and ceiling. iv. 12 mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 parts 75% fine sand & 25% coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound v. 12 mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound to be done on the internal surfaces of RCC / brick / parapet / gutter walls, chajjas, fins, fascia etc. including dubbing whenever required. vi. 15 mm thick plaster in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) shall be provided in internal surface of brick parapet wall at terrace levels. vii. Before plastering it should be ensured that brick masonry joints are raked out (at least on even surfaces) to a depth of 12 mm and all concrete surfaces are rough enough for proper adhesion of plaster. If not they shall be made rough by hacking or bush hammering at intervals of 50 mm. Efflorescence if any dust / dirt shall b removed. The surfaces shall be wetted adequately before plastering. Signature of Tenderer with seal 196 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED viii. GI chicken wire/pvc mesh of 24 gauge and 20 mm mesh shall be fixed all along RCC and brick joints in a width of 150 mm with end lap of 15 cm using cement slurry and nails etc. for fixing mesh before plastering. ix. Sand used in plaster shall be within the grading zones as stipulated in the IS silt contents shall not exceed 4%. Brick surface shall be raked out at the end of day brick work to afford key to plaster. Plaster surface shall be hard and even without patchy appearance. If they flake or show scratch marks if rubbed by a pointed nail the plaster shall be rejected, dislodged and redone. b) Drip course: Drip course shall be provided to all projections, chajjas, facings, chopper etc. c) External Surfaces External surfaces at following locations shall be finished with 18mm thick plaster with necessary grooves and pattern as shown on the drawings and finally finished extra smooth with cement based putty. i. All sides of all the columns except internal sides of columns in Rooms and external faces of beams. ii. External surfaces of planters and external vertical surface of RCC over headwater tank. iii. Soffits of vaulted arched and flat soffits and bands. iv. All external plaster surfaces of the rest of all buildings, internal compound walls, external compound walls shall be finished in latex based paint – in three coats i.e. one coat of cement primer and two or more coats of snowcem paints to achieve even shade. Painting, Varnishing and Rendering General i. Materials : All materials shall be the best of their kind and of approved manufacture for each item. Painting materials such as shellac, thinner, oils, driers, rollers, brushes, etc. shall be of the best approved quality and type. If for any reason, thinning is necessary in case of ready mixed paint, the brand of thinner recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by PMC shall be used. ii. Sealed Containers : Approved paints, oils or varnishes shall be brought to the site of work by the Contractor in their original containers in sealed condition. The material shall be brought in at a time in adequate quantities to suffice for the whole work or at least fortnight’s work. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site of work, till the relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from Engineer. iii. Storage: All materials shall be stored in a neat and orderly fashion in one single clean space. Care shall be taken to maintain this place as clean and dust-free as possible. iv. Specialized Workmen: All work shall be done by the specialized skilled workmen experienced in the trade. v. Work as per Manufacturer's Instructions: All work shall be done strictly as per this specification and manufacturer's printed instructions. In case these specifications differ in any way from manufacturer's instructions, the latter shall apply. Signature of Tenderer with seal 197 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) vi. HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Finished Surface to PMC/Architect Satisfaction: All finished surface shall be required texture (smooth, rough or any other) and of even shade to the satisfaction of Architect /.PMC vii. Protection: All work done shall be thoroughly protected from damage at all times by suitable methods approved by Architect /.PMC. All other adjacent work or materials not received the finish at that time shall also be thoroughly protected by suitable canvas or paper covering or by other approved method. viii. Damages to be made good: Any damage or disfigurement of other works shall be immediately made good. All paint and varnish spots and other stains shall be thoroughly and carefully removed from all floors, doors, windows, fittings, furniture, glass, hardware and all other surfaces required, by approved paint removers and the places left clean and tidy to the satisfaction of Architect /.PMC. ix. Intimation before Starting: No work under this section shall start without approval from Architect /.PMC. x. Samples: Before starting work under this section large size samples of all work shall be prepared by the Contractor for approval. Only after specific approval has been given to the samples, work shall commence. The actual work done shall be done as per the approved samples. xi. Preparation: All surfaces to be finished shall be thoroughly brushed and cleaned of mortar drops, dust, dirt, fungi, rust, mill-scale, efflorescence and all other extraneous material. All loose places and scales shall be removed by scrapping. Surfaces shall be thoroughly, sand-papered to a smooth finish. Further preparation work shall be done as specified under different types of finishes. Before starting painting all floors shall be washed clean and wiped dry. OIL BOUND DISTEMPER: a) Oil bound distemper shall be provided to internal plastered surfaces of rooms where indicated on drawings and where directed by PMC and Architect. The oil bound distemper shall be from manufacturers as approved by Project Manager and Architect. b) Before application of oil bound distemper, the surface shall be prepared by applying one coat of approved primer as per the directions given by the manufacturer. After the primary coat has dried the surface shall be lightly sand papered with zero grade abrasive paper, taking care not to rub out primary coat and then dust off. This surface so prepared before applying emulsion paint shall be got approved as a stage from the Architect / PMC. After the prepared surface is approved, oil bound distemper shall then be applied in two or more coats to give smooth surface as well as even shade to the satisfaction of PMC and the Architect. c) Cost of preparation of surface by application of primer and sand papering etc. shall be deemed to be included in the rates of application of oil bound distemper. Signature of Tenderer with seal 198 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED PAINTING : a) Cement Base Paint: Two or more coats of cement base paint over one coat of cement primer shall be applied to give even shade on all external cement plaster surfaces, internal cement plaster surfaces of parapets, top of parapets, inner face of gutter walls, soffits of chajjas, lintels, beams, and sills of windows etc. The shade of the paint shall be used as approved by PMC / Architect. Each coat shall be cured well by wetting surfaces for at least three days. b) Painting to wooden surfaces: All exposed wooden surfaces shall be prepared and given a primer coat of approved quality as approved by the Architect. The surface shall then be bodied in with liquid wood filler of approved make, allowed to dry and rubbed with sand paper after moistening the surface with water, the surface cleaned then two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint applied to given an even shade of approved quality. Tint / shade of synthetic enamel paint shall be as approved by the MC / Architect. c) Painting to Steel Surfaces: All exposed steel surfaces shall be prepared, cleaned with sand paper to completely remove scales and rusts and shall be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint to give an even shade over one coat of steel primer. The shade of synthetic enamel paint shall be as approved by PMC / Architect. d) Painting to PVC and CPVC Pipes: All exposed pipes shall be painted by applying two or more coats of enamel paint. The shade and quality shall be as approved by PMC / Architect. e) Anti-Termite Solution to wood work: f) i. Anti-termite solution shall ‘ASCUPS2’ colourless or other equally approved preservative. ii. Surfaces of timber which are in contact and / or buried in concrete / masonry / plaster and concealed surfaces of timber / board / plywood shall be treated with two coats of anti-termite solution before being built in or covered up. Painting of concrete surface with epoxy paint of MRF or equivalent Synthetic enamel paints and primer manufactured by the following firms shall be used. Paints and primer shall be incorporated in the work. a. Asian paints (Apcolite) b. Jenson & Nicholson c. Berger paints d. Jaypee Gold (Gold touch) e. Killick Nixon Ltd. (Pololite Syn super white) f. M/s Bombay paints The following cement base paints shall be used : a. Super Plus (M/s Killick Nixon) b. Robbiacem (Jenson & Nicholson) c. Durocem (Berger Paints) d. Gold Cem (M/s Jaypee Gold Paints) Signature of Tenderer with seal 199 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Oil bound distemper: a. Asian paints b. Berger paints c. Jenson & Nicholson. Cement Paint: a) Preparation of Surface: For new work, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mortar dropping, dirt, dust algae, grease and other foreign matter by brushing and washing. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water before the cement paint is applied. In the case of old work, all loose pieces and scales shall be removed and the surface shall be cleaned of all dirt, algae, oil etc. by brushing and washing. Pitting in plaster shall be made good and a coat of best quality water proof cement paint shall be applied over patches after wetting them thoroughly. b) Preparation of mix: Cement paint shall be mixed in such quantities as can be used up within an hour o its mixing as otherwise the mixture will set and thicken, affecting flow and finish. Cement paint shall be mixed with water in two stages. The first stage shall comprise of 2 parts of cement paint and one part of water stirred thoroughly and allowed to stand for 5 minutes. Care shall be taken to add the cement paint gradually to the water and not vice versa. The second stage shall comprise of adding further one part of water to the mix and stirring thoroughly to obtain a liquid of workable and uniform consistency. In all cases the manufacturer's instructions shall be followed meticulously. The lids of cement paint Drums shall be kept tightly closed when not in use, as by exposure to atmosphere the cement paint rapidly becomes air set due to its hygroscopic qualities. c) Application: The solution shall be applied on the clean and wetted surface with brushes or spraying machine. The solution shall be kept well stirred during the period of application. It shall be applied on the surface which is on the shady side of the building so that the direct heat of the sun on the surface is avoided. The method of application of cement paint shall be as per manufacturer's specification. The completed surface shall be watered after the day's work. The second coat shall be applied after the first coat has been set for at least 24 hours. Before application of the second or subsequent coats, the surface of the previous coat shall not be wetted. For new work, the surface shall be treated with three or more coats of water proof cement paint as found necessary to get a uniform shade. For old work, the treatment shall be with one or more coats as found necessary to get a uniform shade. d) Precaution: Water cement paint shall not be applied on surfaces already treated with white wash, colour wash, distemper dry or oil bound, varnishes, paints etc. It shall not be applied on gypsum, wood and metal surfaces. Signature of Tenderer with seal 200 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Painting with Synthetic Enamel Paint a. General: Synthetic enamel paint (conforming to IS: 1932-1964) of approved brand and manufacturer and of the required colour shall be used for the top coat and undercoat of shade to match the top coat as recommended by the manufacturer shall be used. b. Commencing Work: Painting shall not be started until Engineer has inspected the items of work to be painted, satisfied himself about their quality and given his approval to commence the painting work. Painting of external surface should not be done in adverse weather condition like hail storm and dust storm. Painting except the priming coat, shall generally be taken in hand after practically finishing all other builder's work. The rooms should be thoroughly swept out and the entire building cleaned up, at leas one day in advance of the taint work being started. c. Painting on New Surface: Preparation of surface shall be as specified above or as the case may be. d. Application: The number of coats including the undercoat shall be as stipulated in the Item. I. Undercoat: One coat of the specified paint of shade suited to the shade of the top coat shall, be applied and allowed to dry overnight. It shall be rubbed next day with the finest grade of wet abrasive paper to ensure a smooth and even surface, free from brush marks and all loose particles dusted off. II. Top Coat: Top coats of specified paint of the desired shade shall be applied after the undercoat is thoroughly dry. Additional finishing coats shall be applied if found necessary to ensure properly uniform glossy surface. e. Preparation of Surface Wood Work: The surface shall be cleaned and all unevenness removed as specified above. Knots if visible shall be covered with a preparation of red lead. Holes and indentations on the surface shall be filled in with glazier's putty or wood putty and rubbed smooth before painting is done. The surface should be thoroughly dry before painting. f. Iron and Steel Work: The priming coat shall have dried up completely before painting is started. Rust and scaling shall be carefully removed by scrapping or by brushing with steel wire brushes. All dust and dirt shall be carefully and thoroughly wiped away. Signature of Tenderer with seal 201 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Special coating Wall Rendering: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The special coating shall be of exterior grade of Paint Supplier specifically M/s SKK INDIA LIAISON OFFICE, 55, First Floor, Community Centre, East of Kailash, New Delhi- 110065. A water-based high-build acrylic resin texture body coat incorporating natural and unique texture of sandstone. The coating shall be Eleganstone series with single deck grooves. The groove pattern shall be prepared as per site and got approved from the Architect. APPLICATION Suitably primed surfaces of concrete, mortar or plaster shall be made smooth by chipping any undulations on the surface, cleaning and removal of dust or any loose foreign material, making the surface smooth by applying cement based putty and approved primer coat and base coat as per specifications of the paint supplier and using adequate masking tapes, using standard stencils to achieve the desired look and feel, maintaining uniformity of grooves and maintaining the surface neat and clean before handing the entire completed project. The requisite moisture content shall be ascertained before applying any application and the moisture content shall not exceed 3%. The moisture content shall be checked for every 5sq m of area. Whenever necessary, the paint manufacturer’s technical support shall be made available to the Architect/PMC. The surface preparation shall be approved by the PMC before application of the top coat. The quantity of the coating, base coat, etc shall be estimated as per recommendation of the paint supplier and the requisite quantity of stock shall be accounted and recorded with the PMC. All empty containers shall be deposited with the PMC with proper records and reconciliation of the material consumption. Work shall be executed with proper steel scaffolding, safety nets and other safety equipment, adequate tools, air compressors with adequate pressure and appropriate spray guns which are well maintained as per approval of PMC. APPLICATION SPECIFICATION Process Product Name No of Coats Method of Application Under coat CT Under 2 Roller or brush or spray Base coat Eleganstone Sagan 1 Trowel or spray Pattern coat Eleganstone Sagan 1 Trowel or spray Top coat Ceramic Top A or Si 2 Roller or brush or spray Signature of Tenderer with seal 202 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 12. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRIVEWAY WORK - (ANNEXURE-8) 12.1 Scope of works The scope of this tender covers: Driveway around the building, Kerb Stone along the driveway, pedestrian pathway around the proposed building with pavers block and cement concrete tiles (Duracrete) as per the drawings and details. 12.2 Consolidation The sub-grade shall be consolidated with a power road roller of 8 to 12 tonnes. The roller shall run over the subgrade till the soil is evenly and densely consolidated and behaves as elastic mass (the roller shall pass a minimum of 5 runs on the sub-grade). All undulations in the surface that develop due to rolling shall be made good with material or quarry spoils as the cases may be and the sub-grade re-rolled. 12.3 Surface Regularity The finished surface shall be uniform and conform to the lines grades and typical cross-sections shown in the drawings. When tested with the templates and straight edge, the variation shall be within the tolerance. Where the surface irregularity of the sub-grate falls outside the specified tolerances, the Contractor shall be liable to rectify these with fresh materials or quarry spoils as the case may be, and the sub-grade re-rolled to representative. 12.4 Sub-base/Base Courses This shall be: round soling of size 230 mm. This shall consist of clean crushed coarse aggregate mechanically interlocked by rolling, and voids thereof filled with screening and binding material with the assistance of water, laid on a prepared sub-grade. The sub-base course shall be laid in layers not exceeding 100 mm and base course shall be laid in layers not exceeding 75 mm. 12.5 Spreading Aggregate The soling stones shall be hand packed and shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade in required quantities. In no case shall these be dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are not to be laid nor shall their hauling over a partly completed sub-grade be permitted. The aggregate shall be spread uniformly to proper profile by using templates placed across the road six metres apart. If desired by Architect /PMC approved mechanical devices may be used to spread the aggregates uniformly. The levels along the longitudinal direction up to which the metal shall be laid shall be first obtained at site to the satisfaction of Architect/PMC & these shall be adhered to. The surface of the aggregate spread shall be carefully trued up and all high or low spots remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be require. 12.6 Rolling Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregate, it shall be compacted to the full width by rolling with either a three wheel power roller of 8 to 10 tonnes capacity or an equivalent vibratory roller. Initially, light rolling is to be done, which shall be discontinued when the aggregate is partially compacted with sufficient void space in them to permit application of screenings. The rolling shall be begun from the edges with the roller running forward and backward and adding the screenings simultaneously until the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller shall then progress gradually from the edges to the center, parallel to the center line of the road and overlapping uniformly each preceding rear wheel. Rolling shall continue until the road metal is thoroughly keyed with no creeping of metal ahead of the roller. Only slight sprinkling of water may be done during rolling, if required. On super elevated curves, the rolling shall proceed from the lower edge and progress gradually continuing towards the upper edge of the pavement. Signature of Tenderer with seal 203 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Rolling shall not be done when the sub-grade is soft or yielding or when the rolling causes a wave like motion in the sub-base or sub-grade. When rolling develops irregularities that exceed 12 mm when tested with a three meter straight edge, the irregular surface shall be loosened and then aggregate added to or removed from it as required and the area rolled until it gives a uniform surface shall also be checked transversely by template for camber and any irregularities corrected in the manner described above. In no case, shall the use of screenings to make up depressions be permitted. 12.7 Sprinkling water and Rolling After rolling the surface shall be continuously sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. Hand brooms shall be used to sweep the wet screening into the voids and to distribute them evenly. The sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operations shall be continued and additional screenings applied where necessary until the coarse aggregates are well bounded and firmly set for the entire depth and until a grout has been formed of screenings and water that will fill all voids and form a wave of grout ahead of the wheels of the Roller. The quantity of water to be used during the construction shall not be excessive so as to cause damage to the sub-base or sub-grade. 12.10 Application of Binding Material After the rolling, river sand shall be spread and compacting by sprinkling with water 12.11 Setting and Drying After final Compaction of the course the road shall be allowed to cure overnight. Next morning defective spots shall be filled with screenings or binding material, lightly sprinkled with water, if necessary and rolled. No traffic shall be allowed till the macadam sets. The compacted water bound macadam course should be allowed to dry and set completely before the next pavement course is laid over it. External Paving The paving has to extend outside the plot and connect with the existing public road outside the two gates. This extended paving shall be outside the plot premises and shall have precast concrete kerb stone. This shall be part of the work and included in the lumpsum rate. 12.23 Precast Concrete Kerbs 12.23.1 Precast Kerb Unit The precast concrete kerbs shall be cast and installed in accordance with specifications of concrete work given in. The kerbs shall be as per details shown in the drawings and shall be of M20 mix grade (using 20 mm down coarse aggregate) specified. Wherever required so cast-in-situ special kerbs for ramps or way through hall be used, as directed by the Architect/PMC at no extra cost. 12.23.2 Bedding and Backing Cement concrete of 1:3:6 (using 20 mm down coarse aggregate) proportion shall be used as bedding and backing of the kerbs as shown. The concrete shall be laid, after necessary earth work to the dimensions given in the drawings and as directed by the Architect/PMC. 12.23.3 Laying Precast kerbs shall be laid in position in a straight line a profile as required over the bedding and then be grouted with cement sand mortar of 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) and re-checked, its profile to the proportion drawings and finally finished smooth with 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand on exposed surfaces). Signature of Tenderer with seal 204 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 12.23.4 Laying Kerbs at Curves Where kerbs are to be laid on curves the contractor may cast-in-situ kerbs for full length of curves of small radii and between the gaps of precast kerbs laid along the curves of greater radii as and where instructed by Architect/PMC. Boundary Wall The excavation shall be done with due care with shoring and strutting of adjoining existing boundary walls and perhaps undertaking the excavation in parts in order to prevent any damage to adjoining properties. The compound wall shall be constructed in RCC/ Brick work ( Two sides in RCC and one side in Brick masonry ) Expansion joints shall be provided as per standards wherever not specified in the drawings. The left right and rear boundary walls shall be plastered only on visible exposed face with vertical groove pattern of 8 to 10 mm straight grooves spaced @ 2000 mm centers (max) pressure grouting shall be done in the wall area having earth/ backfill as to prevent any water leakages and dampness etc. 12.24 Concrete Paving 12.24.1General Paving shall be designed to suit the Unit operating requirements. In process and utilities units paving shall be provided to give sufficient access and operating space around the equipment. Paved contaminated Process Units shall be provided with trapped catch basins connected to the oily water sewer. The catch basins must be located so that the paving slopes away from process equipment and piperacks. Paving falls shall be within the limits of 1 in 30 maximum to 1 in 120 minimum. In process units the paving may be sloped towards the unit limits to drain to channels. Signature of Tenderer with seal 205 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13. SPECIFICATION FOR PLUMBING DRAINAGE AND WATER SUPPLY - (ANNEXURE – 9) 13.1 GENERAL 13.1.1 Completeness of Contract: Contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the specifications, general conditions an tender drawings, etc., and to have fully assessed and have satisfied himself as to the nature and character of the work to be executed, site conditions and other relevant matters and details. 13.1.2 Contractor shall provide all items whether specifically mentioned or not but which are usual or required to make a complete working system and to ensure safe and satisfactory operation. All apparatus, appliances, material or labour which may be necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent or purpose of these specifications shall be considered to be in the scope of work of the contract and shall be furnished without extra charge, as if fully described and called for in these specifications. In case of doubt or doubts, the tenderer shall clearly point out his understanding of the specifications, before award of contract. 13.1.3 Contractor shall study the site conditions before tendering and shall satisfy himself before submitting his Tender as to the nature of the ground and subsoil, form and nature of the site, the hydro logical, climatic and physical conditions at the site, the quantities and nature of the work and the materials necessary for the completion of the work, the means of access to the site, the proneness of site to floods in regard to the highest flood levels, recorded, observed or found in the past, also the accommodation required, observed by him, and, in general, shall himself obtain all necessary information as to the risks, contingencies, and other circumstances, which may influence or affect his Tender. 13.1.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the specifications, drawings and general conditions etc. form the contract documents and all clauses and conditions specified by the Contractor stands null and void. 13.2 REFERENCES : References to standards, codes, specifications, recommendations shall mean the latest edition of such publications adopted and published at date of invitation to submit proposals. 13.3 DRAWINGS AND LITERATURE : 13.3.1 Before proceeding with the work, the Contractor shall submit for approval general Layout and working drawings as are necessary to demonstrate fully that all parts of the materials to be furnished will conform to the specifications. 13.3.2 Within 30 days of the acceptance of the Tender, the Contractor shall furnish three (3) prints of layout, assembly and erection furnish three (3) prints of layout, assembly and erection drawings for approval. If any modifications are proposed by the Owner/Consultant, six (6) further prints of the made feed drawings shall be submitted. No modifications shall be made in a drawing after it has been approved by the Consultant/Owner without prior consent. 13.3.3 Approval by the Owner/Consultant of the drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of any part of his obligation to meet all the requirements of the Contractor the correctness of the drawings and data furnished by him. The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay for all alterations to the works due to discrepancies or omissions in the drawings or other particulars supplied by him, whether such drawings have been approved or not. 13.3.4 After execution of works, Contractor shall furnish a set of original tracings of as-built drawings incorporating the modifications if any during execution. Signature of Tenderer with seal 206 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.4 INSPECTION AND TESTING – CONTRACTOR’S PREMISES 13.4.1 Owner or its authorized representative shall have full power to inspect drawings of any portion of the work or examine the materials and workmanship of the plant at the contractor’s works or at any place from which the material is obtained. Acceptance of any material shall in no way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for meeting the requirements of the specifications. The cost of any special tests and/or analysis not called for in this specification shall be borne by the Owner in case the material proves satisfactory but shall have to be paid by the Contractor in case the material or work is found defective or of inferior quality. 13.5 MATERIAL AVAILABILITY 13.5.1 The successful contractor shall ensure that all materials are procured well in advance to avoid any delay in completion of the project. They will intimate in writing to the Consultant in the daily report proforma, the progress on procurements. 13.5.2 In case of non-availability of any particular material the Contractor shall procure next best available material and install the same at no extra cost to the Owner, after written approval of the Clients through the consultant. 13.6 BASIS OF TENDERING: 13.6.1 The tender shall be complete covering the entire work of plumbing system and ancillary services including all building system and outside utilities as shown and specified. 13.6.2 The contractor shall consult specification, drawings and the Job Schedule which give an system. idea on this 13.7 DRAWINGS: 13.7.1 The drawings accompanying these specifications are design drawings and generally are schematic. They do not show every offset, T’s cross, Y’s junction, coupling/flanges/disconnection arrangements/etc., which are required for installation in the space provided. The Contractor shall follow the drawings, as closely as is practicable and install additional bends, elbows or junctions, etc., where required to suit local site conditions, from actual site measurement taken, subject to approval and without additional cost to the Owner. The Consultant reserves the right to make any reasonable change in outlet location prior to roughing in. All connections and appurtenances, shown in the various diagrams, shall be included in the finished job. 13.7.2 It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to co-ordinate with all other agencies at site, for proper and adequate installation clearance. 13.8 ORDINANCE, CODE & REGULATIONS: 13.8.1 It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to provide complete system, as indicated and as required by applicable code. All clarifications and modifications, which have to be cleared with appropriate authorities, shall be carried out without additional cost, to Owner. Unless otherwise approved, the product shall bear the mark of approval of Bureau of Standards, as required, by the Governing bodies, code and ordinances of local authorities whose permission are required for occupation of the building on completion. 13.9 SHOP DRAWINGS: 13.9.1 The contract drawings shall serve as working drawings for general, layout of the piping and various items of equipment. The contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, detailed shop drawings of all items, not detailed on the drawings, Setting drawings, clearance drawings, where required, for proper co-ordination and all changes to the drawings. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to see that all deviations from drawings and specifications shall be specifically noted on the drawings and brought to the attention of the Consultants; otherwise approval shall be automatically treated void. Signature of Tenderer with seal 207 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.10 MEASUREMENT LINES AND LEVELS: 13.10.1 Check, dimension at the building site and establish lines and levels for the work specified. All inverts, slopes and manholes, elevations shall be established by instruments, working from an established datum point. Elevation markers and lines shall be provided for Consultant’s use, to determine that slopes and elevations are in accordance with the drawings and specifications and local byelaws. 13.10.2 Established grid and area lines shall be used for location of trenches in relation to building and boundaries. Trenches shall be carried out to the true alignment and to require levels. No refilling will be allowed for the purpose of making up the bed of trenches, but to make up the same with lean concrete mix 1:4:8. 13.10.3 Use of sight rails, boning rods shall be adopted during the whole process of excavation and lying of the pipes. 13.10.4 Sight rails shall be fixed at suitable intervals which shall not exceed twenty meters before the excavation is begun. No extra charges will be paid for excess excavation. 13.10.5 Sufficient width shall be available in the trenches to allow a space of 300 mm on he either side of the body of drain pipe to facilitate laying of the pipes and jointing. 13.10.6 When the trenches are in deep or bad ground, the sides of the trenches shall be supported with suitable timbering. The bottom width also shall be suitable modified to facilitate working and making proper joint. 13.10.7 All pipes, water mains, or gas mains, telephones and cables etc., met within the course of excavation, shall be carefully protected and supported without extra charges. 13.11 The Setting Out: 13.11.1 The Contractor shall be bound to examine the plinth level or levels indicated or suggested in the drawings and to ascertain its or their correctness or adequacy with reference to his findings on the inspection of site as provided in clause 13.1.3 hereof and shall, in the event of such plinth level being found to be unsuitable or inadequate, request the client for the necessary correction. In doing so, the contractor, shall ensure the plinth level at some reasonable height above the highest flood level recorded, observed or found by him. The Contractor shall assume and exclusively the liability for such plinth level unless otherwise directed, in writing, by the Employer. 13.12 Excavation and Backfill: 13.12.1 General: Perform all necessary excavation and backfill required for installation of plumbing work etc. tendered for. 13.13 Excavation in Earth: 13.13.1 Excavation for trenches including the site leveling and surface excavation shall be carefully got out to net width and depth. Initially the depth of excavation is upto and inclusive of 1.5m. The lift shall be measured from ground level. The excavation unto 1.5 meters depth below the ground level shall be included in the rate of earth work excavation. Extra, lifts will be paid in units of 1.5 meters. “Battering” or “Benching” to the sides of excavation shall have prior approval. Extra excavation (i.e. excavation beyond the limits required), carried out without the prior approval of the Consultants will not be measured and such extra excavation will be filled in at the Contractor’s expense with crate (mix specified by the Consultants) well rammed in position and brought unto the required level. All soft spots and lose pockets shall be dug out, filled with approved dry filing, well rammed and consolidated. Signature of Tenderer with seal 208 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.13.2 Any water which may accumulate in the excavations, due to any cause, is to be bailed or pumped out. Adequate pumping or other facilities shall be employed to keep all the excavations clear of water constantly. Care shall be taken to prevent the discharged water from causing any damage to building or their property. The Contractor shall ensure proper and sufficient drainage and bailout pumping water to keep the excavated area free from water without extra cost. 13.13.3 The Contractors shall take care to avoid damage to drains, cables, water mains or other underground work during excavations, slung or otherwise supported. 13.13.4 Any damage done to the above during excavations shall be made good or replaced at the Contractors expense. 13.13.5 No foundation shall be placed in the excavation before the same is measured nd approved by the Consultants/employer. 13.13.6 The Contractors shall protect the excavation from the effect of the weather or the damage or make good the damages to the satisfaction of the consultant/employer. 13.13.7 Pit and trench bottom shall be smoothened and tightly rammed to a uniform surface and remove such portion of boulders or rock, as required to make the bottom of the rock horizontal and in level. 13.13.8 The Contractor at his own expense and without extra charges, make provision s needed to uphold the sides of excavation and also protect the excavation against the sides of public utilities and services and other structures. The rates or excavation shall include use and removal of timber or steel work, planking and strutting and open or close poling boards. 13.13.9 Trees designated by the Consultants/clients shall b protected from the damage during the course of the work and the earth level shall not be changed within 1 meter of such trees. Whenever necessary, such trees shall be protected by means of temporary fencing. 13.13.10 For the purpose of earth work in soils, the soils shall include all types of soils except hard rock (which requires blasting, Soft/disintegrated rock, not requiring blasting, which may be carved or split with crowbars also are included as soils. 13.13.11 All excavation shall be done as per instructions given by Consultants/Employer. 13.13.12 Excavation shall be carried out to the required lines and levels, net widths and net depths as per his instructions of the Consultant/Employer. The whole of excavated material shall be brought to the surface and disposed of as directed. The phasing and method of excavations for all foundations and earthwork shall be to the approval of Consultants/Employer. No permanent construction shall be started over the excavated surface until and unless approved by Consultants/Employer. During the course of excavation any finds such as relics of antiquity, coins, fossils or other articles of value shall remain the property of Owners and shall be immediately handed over to owners. The sides of excavations are to be maintained properly till the work is completed. The rate quoted by the Contractor for excavation is also inclusive of back filing the excavated material protecting the sides of excavated area from failing in, with necessary, timber and cross members. 13.13.13 Where hard rock is met with and blasting operations are considered necessary, the Contractor shall intimate about the same to the Consultants. The Contractor shall obtain license from District/Public authorities for carrying out the blasting work as well as for obtaining, transporting and storing explosives as per “Explosive Rule 1940” or as amended. He shall purchase the explosives, fuses, detonators etc. only from a licensed dealer. He shall maintain the account of explosives etc. purchased and used by hi. He shall be responsible for safe custody and proper accounting of explosive materials. The Consultants shall have access to store of explosives and accounts therefore. Blasting shall normally be done with gun powder. Dynamite, Gelatin or any other high explosive shall only be used in special cases with written permission of the District/Public authorities concerned under “Explosive Rules” and the concurrence of the Consultants/Employer. Signature of Tenderer with seal 209 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.13.14 Blasting operations shall be carried out under supervision of responsible representatives of the Contractor during certain hours, preferably during lunch break as approved in writing by the Consultants. The representative shall be conversant with the rules of blasting. Proper precautions for safety of persons shall be taken. Red flags shall be prominently displayed around the area to be blasted and all people on work except those who actually light the fuses shall be withdrawn to safe distance of not less 100 meters of an existing or any other kind of structure unless special precautions are taken by heavy blanketing etc. Where blasting is not practicable or prohibited, excavation shall be done by wedging or chiseling and it shall be restricted to the quantity required to enable the necessary foundations etc. to be put in. In case, the dimensions & excess quantity shall not be paid for. The item also orders bailing out subsoil or rainwater including pumping at any stage of the work, shoring, strutting etc. complete. 13.13.15 After blasting is done, surface shall be dressed to the required lines and levels and the depressions filled with PCC M 150 or as directed. 13.14 Excavation: 13.14.1 Excavate trenches to the necessary depths and widths, removing rocks, roots, and stumps and shrubs existing old foundations etc, Width of trend shall be adequate for proper installation of piping. Authorized quantities or those actually excavated whichever is less shall be allowed. 13.14.2 Measurements will generally be in accordance with IS 1200 (Part-1): 1987. 13.14.3 For the purpose of calculating cubic contents, cross section shall normally be taken at suitable intervals, i.e. at man-holder valve chamber intervals except in abnormal cases, like sudden change in strata or undulating ground, etc. when they may be taken at closer intervals as approved by the Engineering-charge whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. 13.15 Authorized Widths: a) Unto one matter depth, the width of the trench for the purpose of measuring of excavations shall be arrived at by adding 40 cm to the external diameter of the pipe (not the socket). Where a pipe is laid on concrete bed/cushioning layer, the authorized width shall be the external diameter of pipe plus 40 cm or the width of the concrete bed/cushioning layer, whichever is more. b) For depths exceeding one meter an allowance of 5 cm per meter of depth for each side of the trench shall be added to the authorized width (i.e. external diameter of plus 40 cm). This allowance shall apply to the entire depth of trench. c) Where more than one pipe is laid, the diameter shall be reckoned as the horizontal distance from outside to outside of the outer-most pipes. d) Where sheeting etc. has been provided the authorized width of the trench at bottom shall be increased to accommodate for sheeting etc. so that the clear width available between faces of sheeting is as per provisions of (a), (b), and (c) above. e) If the sides of his trench are not vertical, the toes of the side slopes shall end at the top of he pipe and vertical sided trench of authorized widths as per (a), (b), (c) and (d) above shall be excavated from these down to the bed of the trench. 13.15.1 Bedding: Concrete bedding for drain shall be cement concrete having a mix proportioned in parts by volume of 1:3:6 Lay the drains on a bed of concrete 150 mm thick and of specified width benched halfway up on both sides to the crown of the pipes. Signature of Tenderer with seal 210 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.15.2 Backfill: The trenches shall be backfilled using excavated materials in 200 mm layers and carefully named was and consolidated with the addition of water and compacted to 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture content as determined by IS, made under direction of an independent testing agency, if so required for specific situations. 13.15.3 Grading: Following backfilling, grade all trench to the level of surrounding soil. Surplus earth shall be carried away. 13.15.4 Tests: During the progress of the work for compacted fill the Owner reserves the right to ask for compaction test, under direction of an independent testing agency, if so advised for specific reasons. 13.16 STONEWARE PIPES, BENDS, JUNCTIONS, JOINTING & TESTING. 13.16.1 All stoneware pipes, bends, junctions, gully traps, intercepting traps shall be salt glazed inside and outside shall conform to the specifications of IS 651. 13.16.2 The pipes shall be hard, sound, truly circular in cross-section, perfectly straight, free from all laws and projections. 13.16.3 Before being laid, the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned specially from the inside. Cracked or chipped pipes shall not be used on the work. 13.16.4 WORKMANSHIP: Tarred gasket or hemp yarn soaked in thick cement shall first be placed round spigot of each pipe and the spigot then be placed well home into the socket of the pipe previously laid. The pipe shall then be adjusted and fixed in the correct position and the gasket caulked tightly home so as to fill more than ¼ of the total depth (13mm in depth) of the socket. 13.16.5 The remaining space in the socket shall then be tightly and completely filled with cement mortar comprised of one part of cement and one part of sand, and shall be neatly leveled off, outside the socket of the pipe at an angle of 450. A wooden caulking tool shall be used for forcing the mortar home into the socket. The inside of each pipe shall then be carefully wiped with a map or scraper, sufficiently long to pass two joints from the end of each pipe and any projecting or extra cement shall be removed to leave the inside of the pipe clean as the work proceeds. All the joints shall be kept moist by means of wet proceeds. All the joints shall be kept moist by means of wet Hessian bags to protect them from the sun or wind. All pipes entering manholes shall be set in cement mortar to affect a complete water tight junction. All around the pipe, there shall be a joint of cement mortar 13mm thick between it and the bricks. The end-of all pipes shall be properly built in and neatly finished with cement mortar with the manhole/ancillary structure. The approximate quantity of cement and spun yarn per joint shall conform to IS 4127 (code of practice) 13.16.6 After sufficient interval has been allowed for the joints to set and before filling the trench, the joints of the pipes and drains shall be proved water tight by filling the pipe with water in between two successive manholes to a level above the tome of the highest pipe in the length to be tested, closing the end of the sections and maintaining the water level for one hour with 25 mm during that hour. 13.16.7 All such testing shall be done wholly at the Contractor’s expense, inclusive of apparatus, provisions of water etc. and the rae covers all the above work. 13.16.8 The pipes shall be laid to the alignment and gradient shown on the plan. The maximum permissible slopes to the various diameters of pipes are as follows: 100 mm dia. pipe 1 in 40 50 mm dia. pipe 1 in 60 200 dia. pipe 1 in 80 230 mm dia. pipe 1 in 90 Signature of Tenderer with seal 211 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 13.16.9 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Where necessary, pipes shall be laid on a bed of plain cement concrete 1:3:6 and minimum 150 mm thick, and shall be projected by providing haunching up to half the diameter of the pipers. The width of his concrete bed for various diameters shall be as follows: 100 mm dia. pipe 380 m wide 150 mm dia. pipe 450 m wide 200 dia. pipe 600 m wide 230 mm dia. pipe 700 m wide 13.17 BED CONCRETE FOR SEWER LINES 13.17.1 Where the pipes are laid on a soft soil, with the maximum water table level at the invert level of the pipe, the pipe shall be bedded in concrete. 13.17.2 Haunching Where the pipes have to be laid in a soft soil with maximum water table level above the invert level of the pipe, but below the top of the barrel, the pipe swears shall be haunched 13.17.3 Encasing The sewer pipes shall be completely encased or surrounded with concrete where the maximum water table level is likely to rise above the top of the barrel. 13.17.4 Where the sewers are to be laid adjacent to the growing trees, to avoid damage or displacement to pipe joints or to the pipe kindly to be caused by the roots of the trees. 13.17.5 Where the top (over) of pipe is less than 1200 mm under road surface. 13.17.6 Wherever the intensity of loading on pipes are expected to exceed the normal limit of 1600 kg per metre length for stoneware pipes. 13.18 Concrete RCN2 pipe Drains: Laying, jointing & testing 13.18.1 Cement concrete pipes, where called for on the drawings, shall be centrifugally spun reinforced cement concrete pipes of an approved manufacture. Pipe shall be true, perfectly sound, free from cracks, cylindrical, straight with a uniform bore throughout. Cracked or warped pipes with uneven texture shall not be used. These pipes shall conform to Indian Standard 458- NP2 Class. 13.18.2 The pipe shall be straight and free from cracks excepting craze lines. The end of the pipe shall be square to their longitudinal axis, so that when placed in a straight line in the trench, no opening ends in contact shall exceed 1/8” (3mm) from 6” (150 mm) including and up to 24” (600mm) and 1/4” (6mm) in pipes larger than 24” (600 mm) dia. 13.18.3 The outside and inside surface of the pipes shall be smooth, dense and hard and shall be coated with cement wash or other preparation. The pipes shall be free from local dents and bulges greater than 1/8” (3mm) greater than twice the thickness of the barrel. 13.18.4 The pipes, before being laid, shall be brushed throughout to remove any soil or stone, that may have accumulated therein, the inside of the socket and outside of the spigot being carefully cleaned. For small pipes, they should be tilted up to remove any accumulations. 13.18.5 The pipes shall be carefully laid in position. Signature of Tenderer with seal 212 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.18.6 Concrete Pipe shall be jointed as described in IS:783. After aligning the pipes, the collar shall be centered over the joint and filled in with tarred gaskin, till sufficient space is left on either side of the collar to receive the mortar (1:2-1) cement: 2 washed coarse sand) and caulked by means of proper tools. All joints shall be finished at an angle of 450 to the longitudinal axis of the pipe on both sides of the collar. The joint shall be cured for at least 4 days with wet Hessian bags. 13.19 CAST IRON PIPES & FITTINGS (CI S/S) TO IS 1536 & 1538 FOR LAYING, JOINTING AND TESTING AND FOR APPLICATION IN WATER MAIN EMBEDDEDIN FOUNDATIONS OR THROUGH BUILDING WHERE MENTIONED. 13.19.1 All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be truly cylindrical of the clear internal dia. Specified of uniform thickness, smooth and with strong and deep sockets free from flaws, air bubbles, cracks and sand holes and other defects. They shall not be brittle but shall allow for ready cutting, chipping and drilling. 13.19.2 The fittings shall be of medium type cast iron conforming the latest IS Specification 1538. 13.19.3 The pipes shall be lowered into the trench by means of suitable pulley blocks, shear legs, chain, ropes etc. After lowering the pipes they shall be arranged to coincide the centre line with the centre line of alignment. The pipes shall be laid in position socket end of all pipes facing the direction of flow. (This shall not apply to double socketted specials as per IS) 13.19.4 Preparing the joint: The interior of the sockets and exterior of the spigots shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried. The yarn shall be placed around the spigot of the pipe, and shall be of proper dimensions, to align the centre of the spigot to the centre of the socket. Making up of required length by knotting of strands of yarn shall not be allowed. Required length of yarn strands shall be in one place. When a single strand of yarning material is used it shall have an overlap at the top of not more than 50mm. When more than a single strand of yarning material is used it shall have an overlap at the top of not more 50 mm. When more than a single strand is required for a joint, each strand shall be cut to sufficient length so that the ends will meet on opposite sides of the pipes and not on top or bottom. When the spigot is shoed home, the yarning material shall be driven tightly against the inside base or hub of the socket with suitable tools. 13.19.5 Leading: The leading of pipes shall be made by means of ropes covered with clay or by using special leading rings. Lead shall be heated to proper temperature in a melting pot kept in easy reach of the working area so that molten metal will not be chilled on being carried from the melting pot to the joint (Molten lead at proper pouring temperature when stirred shows a rapid change of colour). The lead used shall be pig lead with 99.8% purity and shall conform to latest I.S. Specification. (IS 782) Before pouring, all scum or dross which may appear on the surface of the lead during melting shall be skimmed off. Each joint shall be filled in one continuous pouring. Spongy or imperfectly filled joints shall be burnt out and repoured. Precaution shall be taken for melting the lead as under :The pot and the ladle in which lead shall be put shall be clean and dry. Sufficient quantity of lead shall be melted. Lead shall not be overheated. Signature of Tenderer with seal 213 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The approximate depth of pig lead for each joint of C.I. pipes and fittings shall be as under with a tolerance of + 5% :---------------------------------------------------------------Dia of Pipe Depth of lead ---------------------------------------------------------------80 mm to 125 mm dia. 45 mm 150 mm to 250 mm dia. 50 mm 300 mm to 450 mm dia. 55 mm Quantity of lead and spun yarn for each joint in cast iron pipes and fittings shall be as under, unless otherwise indicated. Nominal dia. of pipe (in mm) Lead required per point (in kg) (MIN) Spun yarn required per joint (in kg) (MIN) 80 1.8 0.10 100 2.2 0.18 125 2.6 0.20 150 3.4 0.20 200 5.0 0.30 250 6.1 0.35 300 7.2 0.48 350 8.4 0.60 400 9.5 0.75 450 14.0 0.95 500 15.0 1.00 600 19.0 1.20 Note: The quantity of lead and Spun yarn given in the table are provisional and a variation of 20 per cent may be noted in actual field conditions. However, the depth of lead in joints shall be adhered to within the acceptable limit of + - 5% specified above. After the joints have been run, they must be thoroughly caulked until they are perfectly watertight, Caulking of joints will be done after a convenient length of pipe has been laid and leaded. The leading rings shall first be removed and any lead outside the socked shall be removed with a flat chisel and the joint caulked round three times with caulking tools of increasing thickness and a hammer 2 to 2.5 kg weight. Lead joints shall not be covered till the pipes lines are tested under pressure, expansion and contraction due to variation in temperature. Signature of Tenderer with seal 214 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Land wool joint: i) Wherever it is impracticable or dangerous to use cast (molten) lead, such as inverted joints or in wet drainages or under water where there is a need for cold application, joints may be made with caulking lead wool or lead yarn. Joints caulked with lead wool or lead yarn shall withstand greater displacement than cast lead joints. Approximate weights and depths of lead wool required for each joint of various dia. Of C. I. pies and fittings are given in the following table. Just sufficient quantity of spun yarn shall be put so as to give specified depth of lead wool. An allowance of five per cent variation in the specified weights and depths shall be accepted. Diameter of pipe in mm Wt. of lead wool in kg. Depths of lead Wool Spun Yarn required in mm (MIN) 80 0.80 19 100 0.90 19 125 1.25 20 150 1.60 23 200 2.05 23 250 2.95 25 300 3.50 25 350 4.65 29 400 5.70 31 450 6.70 32 500 8.30 33 600 10.00 35 Jointing shall be made of with caulking lead wool or yarn inserted in strings of not less than 5 mm thick and the caulking shall be repeated with each turn of lead wool or yarn. The whole of the lead wool or yarn shall be compressed into a dense mass. When working with lead wool, it is very important to use caulking tools of appropriate thickness to fill the joint space to thoroughly consolidate the materials from the back to the front of the socket. 13.20. Jointing Flanged pipes: The pipes and fittings shall be accurately aligned in the back. The jointing materials shall be inserted in between the flanges and the nuts shall be carefully tightened, in opposite pairs, until the joint ring is only just sufficiently compressed between the flanges to ensure water tightness of the joint under the desired water pressure. The packing used should be rubber insertion cloth three-ply and of approved thickness. The packing should be of the full diameter of the flanges with proper pipe hole and bolt hole neat and even at both the inner and outlet edges. Where the flanges are not fully faced, the packing may be of the dimensions of the facing strip only. It proper placing should be tested before another pipe is jointed one. The lead joints shall be tested to a pressure of 150 lbs/sq. inch minimum (10.54 kg/ or such head as otherwise specified after being caulked and\ should any leakage occur, the leaking joints shall be remade and section retested at Contractor’s expense, until satisfactory results are established. Signature of Tenderer with seal 215 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.21. Water Pressure Mains: Shall conform to IS 1538 – 1967 Class LA, as specified in the schedule. They shall be laid jointed, and tested along with C.I. pipes as described in the specification for C.I. S/S pipes. After each section of the pipe line has been completed it shall be tested for water tightness before being covered. This can be done by closing each end, by means of a valve or blank flange, or plug and fill the pipe with water. The pressure should then be raised by means of a small hand operated pump till it registers fifty percent, more than the highest working pressure I the section but not less than 150 p.s.i. (10.54 kg/ and the test pressure should be ascertained by means of a reliable gauge. When the pipe is laid on any appreciable gradient, the test should be carried out at the lower end of the section with an air vent at outer end. Any leaking joint should be made good and the above test reapplied until no further leaks are apparent. 13.22.0. SOIL, WASTE, RAIN-WATER, VENT AND ANTI-SIPHONAGE PIPES & FITTINGS: 13.22.1. Material and fixing All soil, waste and anti-siphonage pipes and fittings used within sunken floor areas or within plumbing shafts vertical run, shall be sand cast iron socket and spigot conforming to IS 1729 – or its subsequent revision. All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of the best approved Indian make of soil quality and hot dipped in Dr. Angus Smith Solution and free from flaws, air bubbles, cracks, sand holes and other defects, truly cylindrical and of uniform thickness. They shall not be brittle but shall allow for heavy cutting, chipping and drilling, and shall not be less than the diameter, mentioned in the Job Schedule and shall be fixed against the wall on special detachable “U” clamps – 25 mm wide, 3 mm thick and hot dip galvanized by means of round headed flat nail of 8 mm dia on brick wall. In case of hollow block wall 50 x 50 x 80 mm long wooden battens soaked in solignum should be first fixed and then flat nails should be based and nails painted with two coats of paint. 13.22.2. JOINTS Jointing shall be carried out with molten lead of ISI grade. The spigot of the pipe must be forced well home into its socket and must be entered so that the joint may be of even thickness all round. At least, one complete lap of clean white hemp spun yarn shall be drawn into the bottom of the socket without being forced through the joint into. As may laps as may be needed to leave the space of not less than 25 mm for the lead shall then be poured into the joint and caulked tight. The joints shall then be run with molten lead in sufficient quantity so that after being caulked solid, the lead may project 3 mm beyond the face of the socket against the outside of the spigot but must be flush with the outside edge of the socket. 13.22.3. Cleanouts at the head of C.I.S/S horizontal pipes running under the floor shall be of Cast Brass screwed in type. Floor and wall cleanouts shall be of cast brass screwed type. The connecting socket pipes shall be of G. I. threaded to suit the cleanout with lead caulked joint. 13.22.4. Inspection chambers, gully traps, etc., within the building shall be of “Patel Pattern” cast iron with bolts, nuts to close the cover, all to be fabricated as per actual requirement, if so specified. 13.22.5. Supports, pedestals, and base for inspection chambers, gully traps and pipes shall be in 1:3:6 cement concrete mix. 13.22.6. Pipe sleeves and inserts, etc. through RCC walls either external or internal shall be of C.I. or M.S. provided with water bar flange. 13.22.7. During installation openings of pipe shall be plugged with wood cut into required shape an wrapped with gunny bags and maintained free from dirt getting in. 13.22.8. G. I. waste pipes and fittings shall be of heavy class with G. I. unions, tail piece, reducers and connections to be provided between joints to either lead or C. I. pipes. Signature of Tenderer with seal 216 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.22.9. The size of branch waste pipes for different fittings shall be as follows : Lavatory Basin 32 mm dia. (1 ½) Urinal 40 mm dia. (1 ½) Sink 40 mm dia. (1 ½) Nahani trap 80 mm dia. (3”) Special floor trap 80 or 100 mm as required with grating as specified. 13.22.10. W. C. pan connectors shall be to suit the requirements at site with 40 mm vent horn for connection to the anti siphonage pipe with pan connector of C. I. or lead. 13.22.11. Connection to the sewage or storm water collection sumps to be perfectly water tight and as specified. 13.22.12. Rainwater flashing shall be made as per details with dome shape grating and extension piece as specified. 13.22.13. All roof drain pipes and fittings shall be soil pipe variety conforming to I. S.1729. This shall apply to pipes outside building or within the building or inside separate shafts. 13.22.14. The floor traps for toilet blocks shall be cast iron with stainless steel granting, and traps shall have ISI stamping. 13.22.15. Bathroom C. P. granting shall be of bolted down design out of heavy cast brass with the chromium plating of the best approved standard. 13.22.16. Cast iron gratings shall be flat with perfect edge of the best quality procurable of the specified width and thickness and in the available lengths. 13.22.17. Spigotted and socketted 80 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm C. I. pipes shall be of heavy pattern for the portion below the floor and embedded and laid over 150 mm cement concrete 1:4:8, the of the concrete being :80 mm dia. 320 mm wide 100 mm dia. 400 mm wide 150 mm dia . 450 mm wide. 200 mm dia. 600 mm wide. 13.22.18. The connection between the main pipe and branch pipes shall be made by using branches and bends with access doors for cleaning. 13.22.19. Floor traps shall be provided with 25 mm dia. Puff pipe where the length of the waste in more than 1.80 metre or the floor trap is connected to a waste tack through bends. These Puff pipe connections shall not be measured separately and shall be deemed to have been allowed for, while quoting. 12.19 13.22.20. The waste from lavatories, Pantry, basins, sinks, baths and other floor traps shall be separately connected to respective waste stack of upper floors. The waste stack of lavatories will be connected directly to manhole while the waste stack of other shall be separately discharged over gully trap. 12.20 13.22.21. In case a common stack system for sewage and waste is adopted in the scheme, the provisions have to be made accordingly in respect of water seal in traps and venting. 12.20.1 13.22.22. The main anti-siphonage pipe shall be of 50 mm internal diameter. When more than one branch from water closet, sink are connected with soil pipe and discharge into it anti-siphonage from the lowest one should pass through and be carried up parallel to the soil for a point 1.5 meters minimum above the highest branch. It can then the connected to the soil pipe or it can be carried independently. The anti-siphonage pipes of all the intermediate floors water closets should be joined with main anti-siphonage pipe. The ventilating pipe shall have shall be connected with arms of soil pipe on trap through a 450 branch, at a point not less than 75 mm and not more than 300 mm from the highest part of the trap and on the side of the water seal which is nearest to the soil Signature of Tenderer with seal 217 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED pipe. The jointing shall be done according to the specifications for piping materials used in soil, vent or waste pipes. The pipes shall be laid to a slope and connected to the drain. On no account should lime or lime concrete come in direct contact. 12.21 13.22.23. In the case of common stack the vent pipe for units shall be 100 mm dia. 13.23.0. CPVC PIPES & FITTINGS : 13.23.1. All water supply pipes shall be of heavy duty and the best quality CPVC as per the requirements of the project/local authorities or as specified in the schedule and conforming to IS code with all bends, elbows, Tsections jointed and installed with approved method as specified by the manufacturer. Wrought Iron pipes shall be galvanized inside and outside treated and fixed in accordance with the Municipal requirements. The joints shall be distributed in strict conformity with regulations. They shall be secured clear of the wall surface by means of G. I. holder bats. All control valves, cocks, ball valves; bib-cocks shall be of the best applicant quality procurable, of heavy cast drawn brass. All branches shall have individual control arrangements with full way (peat) valves, to enable regulation and cut off as required. They shall be of best Indian manufacture specified in the Job Schedule and of tested stampings and bear I.S.I. markings. All fittings shall be either “RR” or Ring & Cross make. 13.23.2. Laying and fixing: Where pipes have to be cut or rethreaded, ends shall be carefully filed out, so that no obstruction to bore is offered. In joining the pipes, the inside of the sockets and the screwed ends of the pipes shall be rubbed over with white zinc and few turns of hemp yarn wrapped round the screwed end of the pipe which shall then be screwed home in the socket with a pipe wrench. Care must be taken that all pipes and fittings are kept at all times free from dust and dirt during fixing. The water tightness of joints shall be assured by approved methods of jointing materials. If Teflon tapping is mentioned in the schedule or preamble, use of White Zinc and hemp yarn shall be discouraged. Approved Bitumen compounds like HOLDITE shall be used in small quantities to make water tight joints. 13.23.3. Internal Works: For internal work CPVC pipes and fittings outside the walls shall be fixed either visible by means of approved patterns holder-bat clamps, keeping the pipe clear off the plastered wall by 15 mm for cold water and 38 mm for hot water. Wherever indicated on the drawing or as directed by the Consultants, chasing of walls shall be done to embed pipes. All pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical and horizontal or as directed by the Consultants. 13.23.4. External Work: For external work, CPVC pipes and fittings shall be laid in trenches. They should be wrapped, as per specified method by the manufactuer. The width of the trench shall be of minimum width required for working. The pipes laid underground shall not be less than 600 mm from the ground level. They shall be surrounded on all sides by soft earth free from salinity. The work of excavation and refilling shall be done in accordance with the general specification for earth\ work. Where permitted the wrapping of pipe shall be with FRP tissue as per manufacturer’s specifications. 13.23.5. Testing: All CPVC pipes and fittings are to be tested to a pressure of 10.54 kg/sq. cm for 2 hours to ensure that pipes have proper and proper jointing and fixing and that proper materials (such as approved adhesive/chemical, etc) to be used in jointing. All leaky points much be made leak proof by tightening or redoing at Contractors expense. 13.23.6. All water fittings shall be of RR or Ring and cross make and shall in all respects comply with the latest Indian Standard Specification I. S. 1239 (part II). The brass fittings shall be fixed in the pipe line in a workman like manner. Care shall be taken to see that joints shall be tested to a pressure of 10.54 kg/ unless otherwise specified. The defective fittings and the joints shall be repaired, redone or replaced. Signature of Tenderer with seal 218 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.23.7. Wherever a. CPVC pipe crosses a floor, then a C. I. sleeve with 15 mm all round clearance and projecting by 80 mm and below the floor should be provided. 13.24.0. LEAD PIPES: 13.24.1. All lead pipes shall be hydraulic drawn extruded sections and of equal substance throughout conforming to I. S. 404. Weights and wall thickness of pipes shall be as under Nominal Dia. Wall thickness Wt. in kgs. In mm. In inches In mm (MIN) Per (MIN) metre. 32 1.25 2.6 3.28 40 1.5 2.6 3.95 50 2 2.7 5.08 80 3 2.7 7.48 100 4 2.7 9.88 13.24.2. When not supported on bearers, all lead pipes shall be supported by strong lead tacks at least 40 mm (1 ½”) wide soldered on to the pipes at suitable intervals. Size of pipe in mm 13.24.3. Length of Joint solder Weight of in kg. 15 55 0.30 20 65 0.40 25 70 0.50 32 70 0.60 40 70 0.70 50 75 1.00 The joint shall be water tight and air tight. 13.24.4. Lead Traps : 1 ½” dia. (40 mm) 2 .72 kg/piece 2” dia. (50mm) 3.63 kg/piece 3” dia. (80 mm) 4.53 kg/piece 13.24.5. Joints: Joints shall be made with special care particularly those between pipes of different materials. No joints shall be embedded in a wall. Unless and otherwise specified, joints between various types of pipes etc. shall be made as described below: (i) Steel tubing to lead pipe – A brass ferrule or sleeve piece shall be slipped into or over the lead pipe and jointed by a wiped soldered joint on one end, the other being connected to the tubing by means of a brass union. Signature of Tenderer with seal 219 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (ii) Lead to cast iron pipe – A 4, 5 mm thick brass ferrule, 150 mm long and with one flanged end shall be wiped soldered to lead on the plain end side and the flanged and side caulked with lead wool into the socket of the C. I. pipe. (iii) Lead to lead – The joints shall generally be wiped solder joints as described below: The pipe ends to be jointed shall be cleaned with wire brush and free from oxide, if any. Chalk shall than be rubbed to kill the greasy nature of the lead. After this, plumber’s back or smudge shall be applied and the length of the joint, as required, shall then be marked on the pipe. A fine shaving of lead shall be removed from this length with a shave hook and tallow smeared over this surface. The molten solder, an alloy composed of one part of tin and two parts of lead shall be poured in a thin stream from a ladle moved in an elliptical direction over the joint including a portion of the soil pipe at each end beyond the mark. When sufficient solder has been poured the joint shall be wiped with a pad of wiping cloth with long continuous movement in the\ direction only so as to leave a healthy formed elliptical shaped joint free from tears, burrs, strings ribbons or dropping etc. Surplus solder remaining on he joint shall be removed with a tool called “Draw off”. 13.24.6. Miscellaneous Ferrules – For fixing the ferrule, the empty main shall be drilled and tapped at 450C, to the vertical and the ferrule screwed in. he ferrule shall be so let in the main that the service pipe leads off in line with the main before curving round right handed into its proper course and allows for any settlement of the pipe, which shall then tend to tighten rather than loosen the ferrule in the main. Lead Connection Pipe – The lead connection pipe shall be of the specified diameter and of length 45 cm with wiped solder joints including brass unions each of 65 mm long at the ends. It shall have the following approximate weights with a tolerance of 5 percent. Service pipe under pressure of 4 kg/sq cm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diameter Length Weight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 mm 45 mm 1.85 kg/metre -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 mm 45 cm 2.62 kg/metre ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The pipes shall be sound and free from laminations, flaws, pronounced extension marks or other imperfections and shall, be as far as possible circular in section, smooth and of uniform wall thickness throughout. 13.25.0. MANHOLES, INSPECTION CHAMBERS, GULLY TRAPS, INTERCEPTING CHAMBERS, DROP CHAMBERS, etc.: 13.25.1. General: Unless otherwise specified, manholes or inspection chambers of required depth shall be provided on all external drains, at all change of direction of the drain and where branch drain meets the main drain. They shall be of square shape with a clear opening of 600 x 600 mm. Manholes shall be constructed of 230 mm thick brick over P.C.C. bedding extending 230 mm beyond the external face of the brick wall. Manholes beyond 1200mm depth shall be conical in section and circular at top with clear opening of 600 mm diameter. Masonry chambers shall be of such size as will allow necessary examination and clearance of drains. The minimum internal bases as per Job Schedule and local byelaws, if any, shall be adhered to. In the absence of local byelaws, the requirements stipulated in IS 4111 (Part (Part 1) code of practice for ancillary structures on sewerage system, shall be followed. Signature of Tenderer with seal 220 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.25.2. Excavate to the sizes and depths required for the manholes, Construct the manholes and refill outer space with selected excavation materials, and dispose of surplus earth, as specified in “Excavation”. 13.25.3. The specified sized of manholes and chambers refer to inside dimensions. Build the manholes and chambers to the sizes and depths specified with brick wall in cement mortar as specified. 13.25.4. The manhole shall be built on a base of concrete of thickness of at least 150mm for manholes upto 1000mm depth, 230mm for manholes from 1000mm to 2000mm depth and 300mm for manholes of greater depths. For special soil conditions, the thickness has to be as per structural design. I. The thickness of walls shall be 230mm brickwork up to 1500mm depth and 350mm for depths greater than 1500mm. The actual thickness for deeper manholes shall be based on structural thickness for deeper manholes shall be based on structural requirement. II. 15.4.2 In the case of manholes deeper than 1500mm but up to 1800mm where conical manholes have been specified, the inside shall be 1200mm up to 900mm below\ G.L/R.L. and then taper off to 600mm at the top, to conform to regulations. For greater depths, the internal dia. shall be increased as directed as per drawings. III. 15.4.3 Benching in manholes shall in P.C.C. 1:2:4 and formed in position with necessary channels as required. Bench up bottoms in fine cement rising 80mm above the entire channel with rounded edge and haunched up to the sides, at an angle of 450 and rendered in cement and sand (1:3) trowelled smooth. Proper cement concrete channel shall be provided at the bottom and the branches from the various pipes shall discharge in the chamber with a suitable slope. IV. 15.4.4 In all manholes over 900mm in depth, provide and build into walls approved C.I. catchring and steps at 300mm interval beyond 450mm depth and make good cement rendering around as per IS 1742. 13.25.5. Cover the manholes with single seal cast iron coated manhole cover and frame or specified weight and approved make. Fill the seal with prepared manhole grease. Alternatively Precast R.C.C. manholes may be specified as per IS 12592. 13.25.6. The top level of the manhole with the cover on must be in line with the finished ground level. However, if required and the finished ground level is not ascertained during construction of the manhole, the contractor shall temporarily fix the manhole cover till such time the final/paved ground level is established, or temporarily cover the built up manhole at no extra cost to owner. In case of any damage to the covers due to traffic or any other reasons during the course of the project, or in the maintenance period attributable to the negligence of the contractor, the same shall be replaced immediately by the contractor at his own cost. The frames and the cover shall be painted with Black Bitumen Anticorrosive paint. 13.25.7. Drop Connections: In case the difference in invert levels between main drain and branch line requires a drop more than 600mm, a drop connection should be provided generally as described below. 13.25.8. Cast iron or stoneware four way junction shall be fixed in position, at right angle to the drop pipe, at the level where branch pipe enters the manholes: provide suitable height of vertical drop pipe terminating into a plain bend, duly benched into the cement concrete (1:2:4). Access for cleaning the bend should be provided at finished ground level. 13.25.9. Gully traps in all waste pipes shall be of best quality 150 x 100mm or 130 x 150mm as indicated and laid on a 150mm thick 1:3:6 cement bedding. They shall be enclosed in brick and cement mortar masonry with cement plaster forming an inspection chamber with full size 230 x 300mm cast iron frame cover or open grating 300 x 300mm as required. Location and details will be indicated in the drawing. Signature of Tenderer with seal 221 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.25.10. There shall be 100mm dia. vent pipes at the sewer trap chamber and 100mm ventilating pipe at the manhole at the head of the drain to be routed aesthetically as directed. 13.25.11. TRAPS: Exposed traps for all wash basins and urinal in Public area shall be chromium plated cast brass. 13.25.12. Traps installed in connection with cast iron pipe shall be of the same quality and grade of the pipe; the of outlet shall correspond to the socket of the pipe receiving it. size 13.25.13. Provide 150 x 100mm size heavy cast iron sealed gully traps with extension piece having single or double inlet as shown. Where specified provide cast iron sealed cover, for such trap, secured with threaded gunmetal bolts and felt gaskets. 13.25.14. An intercepting trap of required size shall be installed in the last inspection chamber prior to connecting with the public sewer or disposal system. This chamber shall be about 2000mm within the boundary of the property. 13.25.15. Rain water harvesting: Rain water harvesting tanks / Recharge pits ( 2nos) as indicated/ in the drawing. Job includes excavation , PCC, Brick work, plastering , providing gratings ( Indiana or equivalent ) 13.26.0. SANITARY FITTINGS : All sanitary fittings shall be as specified in Job Schedule and approved by the Consultants/Employers. The same may also be procured by the Contractor well in time and to be installed as per the instructions of the PMC. 13.26.1. GENERAL All setting and bedding of sanitary fittings shall be done carefully to suit the required levels, Mortar drops, paint splashes etc. shall be removed from fittings, walls and floors immediately before these get dry. 13.26.2. Wooden Plugs: The plus shall be of hard wood and of size 50 mm k 38 mm\ at top and of length 50 mm. These shall be fixed on wall in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 sand), after the plugs are fixed in the wall the mortar shall be \cured till it is set. 13.26.3. WATER CLOSET All the chinaware/sanitary fitting such as WC, wash basin, urinal, will be in White colour 13.26.4. Deleted 13.26.5. WALL HUNG WATER CLOSETS Wall hung Box Rim Closets having back inlet and “P” trap outlet shall be fixed on appropriate cast iron chair of suitable design to suit the thickness of toilet walls and ensure that the chair is self supporting and independent of the wall. 13.26.6. PLASTIC SEAT AND COVER The seat shall be fixed to the pan by means of two 8 mm dia. Corrosion resistant C. P. hinge bolts with a minimum length of shank of 65 mm and threaded to within 15 mm of the head. Each bolt shall be provided with two suitably shaped washers of rubber or other similar material for adjusting the level of the seat while filing it to the closet. In addition one 8 mm non-ferrous metal of stainless washer shall be provided with each bolt. The maximum external diameter of the washers fixed on the underside of the pan shall not be greater than 25 mm. One arm of the hinge in each bolt shall be fixed to the underside of the seat by three nos. 20 mm long C. P. screws. The other arm of he hinge shall be fixed to the underside of the cover flush with the surface by means of 3 nos. 10 mm long C. P. screws. Signature of Tenderer with seal 222 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.26.7. Bowl Pattern Lip Urinals – Urinals shall be fixed in position by using screws, and shall be at a height of 65 cm from the floor level to the top of the\ lip of urinal, unless otherwise directed. The wooden plugs shall be of the size as in 15.2 and shall be fixed in the wall in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand). 13.26.8. Each urinal shall be connected to 32 mm dia. lead waste pipe which shall discharge into the channel or floor trap. The connection between the urinal and flush or waste pipe shall be made by means of heavy type, HDPE, or PVC trap which will not be affected by Uric Acid as in 18.7.3 below. i. All urinal Pans will have individual flush valves of approved type and make. ii. All connections shall be made leak proof. iii. At specific instances semi stall, full stall or squatting slab urinals may be specified in the schedule and/or drawings. Semi stall urinal pans should have approved type concealed chair branches and accessories as demanded. The bottle traps should be made of PVC/HDPE extruded section to be free from action of acid etc. The fixing of the units shall be as per manufacturer’s instruction. 16.7.4 Spreaders, inlet, outlet connections shall be prepared to actual site measurements, to ensure proper verticality and elegance. These shall be full bore and shall not form any dents. 13.26.9. Wash basin The basin shall be supported on a part of concealed C. I. brackets fixed in cement mortar, 1:3 (1 cement: coarse sand). The C. I. brackets shall conform to I. S. wall plaster on the rear shall be cut to rest over the top edge of the basin. After fixing the basin, plaster shall be made good and surface finished to match with the existing one. The C. P. brass trap and union shall be connected to 32 mm dia waste pipe which shall be suitably bent towards the wall and shall discharge direct into the gully trap. C. P. brass trap and union may not be provided where the surface drain or a floor trap is placed directly under the basin and the waste is discharged in to it vertically, if so desired. The height of the front edge of the wash basin from the floor level shall be 80 cms. 13.26.10. Pantry Sink- SS Salem steel sink with C P brass trap and union shall be connected to 40 mm nominal bore waste pipe instead of 32 mm nominal bore which shall be suitably bent towards the wall. 13.26.11. Towel Rail- The brackets of the towel rail shall be fixed by means of stainless steel screws to wooden plugs firmly embedded in the wall with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand). The height of he towel rail above the floor level shall be 750mm unless otherwise specified or shown in drawings. 13.26.12. Toilet paper Holder- It shall be fixed in position by means of C. P. screws and wooden plugs embedded in the wall with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand). 13.26.13. Recess type items shall be placed in position while other civil works are in progress. 13.27.0. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: 13.27.1. General:- Provide proper solid angle iron/channel section, supports for all pipes complete with clamps. Wherever insulation comes, provide wooden guide to support pipe on the angle iron hangers/supports. In general where a bunch of pipes run, as far as possible M. S. plate inserts are provided in the beams/slabs to facilitate welding of angle iron supports. For attachment in concrete, use “Dash” fasteners or Anchor plug type inserts equivalent. Provide all additional structural steel angles, channels or other members not specifically shown but are required for proper support. 13.27.2. Where necessary additional hangers to be provided to arrest water hammers or hydraulic resonance with proper rubber paddings. 13.27.3. Space hangers, as noted below, except on all soil pipe which shall have a hanger of multiple fittings, sufficient hangers shall be provided to maintain proper slope without sagging; in case of angle. Suspended line, the following is suggested. Signature of Tenderer with seal 223 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) A) B) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Pipe Sizes 20 mm through 50 mm 63 mm through 125 mm 150 mm and over Pipe Sizes 13 mm to 20 mm 25 mm to 38 mm 50 mm and above Hanger Rod Dia. 10 mm 13 mm 16 mm Spacing of Supports 1500 mm apart 1800 mm 2000 mm apart or as per IS 13.27.4. Provide floor stands, wall brackets or masonry piers, etc., for all lines running near the floor or near walls so that those lines can be properly supported or suspended from the walls or floors. Pipe lines, near concrete or masonry walls may be hung also by hangers carried from wall brackets at a higher level than pipe. Hanging of one pipe from another is prohibited. 13.27.5. Hangers: Clevis or band type hangers shall be provided. Hot water piping are to be provided with suspended supports as far as possible. Strap hangers are not permitted and clamps should be of removable type. 13.27.6. Insulated Hot Water Piping: A 38 mm thick timber support for direct support of hot water line is required. Timber supports are to rest on brackets. 13.28.0. VALVES AND PRESSURE GUAGES : 13.28.1. Pressure gauges shall have not less than 115 mm dia: 10 mm gas threads, brass body; siphon and gauge cock of 10 mm size, Dial ranges shall be adequate for the pressures encountered and as specified. 13.28.2. Provided valves on branch pipe connection to mains and at connection to equipment where indicated. All valves are to be located for easy access and are to be full bore of pipe connected together. Support all valves wherever necessary. Valves are to be as per IS 780 (Class I) for C. I. sluice valve and to IS 778 for G. M. Valves and tested and approved by local authorities as per Byelaws in force. 13.28.3. Valve Schedules : Service Water, Oil, air, steam, (low pressure) Water Gas Water Oil, air gas, steam (low pressure) Water Water Water Water Type Gate Size 65 mm and under Rating 20kg/ Ends Screwed Gate 80 mm & over 20kg/ Flange Gate Globe & angle Globe & angle Globe & angle 65 mm & under 65 mm & under 40Kg/ 20kg/ CI body Bronze Trim Flange Bronze/SS Spindle & Trim Screwed Bronze 65 mm & under 20kg/ Screwed Bronze 65 mm & under 20kg/ Screwed Iron body bronze trim Horizont al & vertical check Horizont al & vertical check 65 mm & under “ Screwed Bronze 65 mm & under “ Screwed Iron body bronze trim Signature of Tenderer with seal 224 Materials Bronze DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.28.4. All globe & check valves shall have working parts suitable for hot and cold water, oil or gas as required. Valves shall be tagged with permanent label under hand wheel indicating type and duty. 13.28.5. All valves over 150 mm dia. in equipment rooms located over 2000 mm above floor shall be provided with chain wheels with chains extending up to 1800 mm above floor. 18.6 Where indicated and specified, angle pattern stopcocks, at each hot and cold water inlet to be provided. They should be Anti-scalding pattern same as faucets of approved manufacture. 13.28.6. Foot Valves: Provide cast iron body with brass disc and stringers of approved quality. 13.28.7. Strainers: C. I. pot strainer with G. M. mesh screen in perforated brass strainer body of approved manufacture with a cock for blowing down. Screening area of strainer shall be minimum of 5 times more than pipe area, with 1 mm maximum size holes. 13.28.8. Air Eliminators: Provide air vents consisting of gate valve, where shown. Each valve outlet shall be piped to nearby drain. 13.28.9. All tapings from distributors from main feeder shall have isolation valves in shafts, to ensure proper facility for maintenance and minimize the areas of cut off during repairs. 13.29.0. CUTTING, PATCHING, REAPIRING AND MAKING GOOD : Cutting, Patching and repairing required for the proper installation and completion of the work, specified in each division, including chasing, plastering, masonry work, concrete work etc. and making good shall be carried out by the contractor wherever required. Holes which are cut oversize shall be refilled, so that tight fit is obtained around the pipe or other object passing through. Any damage to water proofed location should not be patched up, without rectification by the water proofing agency (specialist contractor) to ensure his guarantee. Indiscriminate cutting and patching work should be avoid by proper coordinated planning well in advance and planning the sleeves etc. while works f other agencies are in progress. 13.29.1. EQUIPMENT PROTECTION : All pipe and conduit openings shall be kept closed by means of plugs or caps to prevent the entrance of foreign matter. All piping conduit, fixtures, equipment or apparatus shall be protected from damages. Any item damaged prior to final completion of work shall be restored to its original conditions or replaced at no expense to the Employer. 13.29.2. Accessibility: The installation of valves, thermometers, cleanout fittings and other indicating equipment or specialties requiring frequent reading, adjustments, inspections, repairs, removal or replacement, shall be conveniently and accessible located. Thermometers and gauges shall be installed so as to be easily read from the floor. 13.29.3. Inserts and Sleeves: General: In advance of placing of concrete slabs or construction of walls, furnish and set inserts and sleeves necessary as a result of this operation shall be at no expense to the Owner. Openings shall be made as per Structural Consultant’s approval. Pipe Sleeves, Wall Sleeves: C. I. Pr. M. S. black pipe wall sleeves in cold store and pipe for cable, conduits, gas pipes, etc. are to be inside flush with wall on both sides. Sleeves shall be large enough in diameter to provide 15 mm clearance around pipe for insulation. Exterior wall sleeves for cable entry/pipe/earthing strips, etc. shall be flush with wall on both sides. Sleeves shall be large enough to allow caulking from outside using lead wool. Floor Sleeves : Interior floor sleeves shall be of C. I. extending 50 mm more above finished floor. All pipes passing through sleeves be caulked with asbestos rope and finish with cement. Insulated pipes shall have insulation butted to floor sleeves and sealed with insulting cement on both sides. Signature of Tenderer with seal 225 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Interior floor sleeves for Pantry areas shall be G. I. steel pipe extending 50 mm above finished floor. Caulking shall be the same for general areas. Note : Floor on grade sleeves shall be the same as exterior wall sleeves, caulked and made watertight. Exception : Chilled water or refrigerant piping insulation shall be run continuous through the sleeves and caulked. 13.30.0. EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP: 13.30.1. Each piece of equipment shall meet the detailed requirements of the contract documents and suitable for the installation shown. The Consultant shall be appraised of any equipment furnished shall meet all detailed requirements of the contract documents. Equipments not meeting all requirements will not be provided, even though specified along with other manufacturers, in the list of approved makes. 13.30.2. Where two or more units of the same class are furnished, product of the same manufacture has to be used for similarity and easy replacement of spares. Furnish all materials and equipment, new and free from defects and of size, make, type, and quality herein specified of approved by the Consultant. All shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. 13.31.0 CLEANING, OPERATION AND TESTS : 13.31.1 Plumbing Equipments fixtures, piping etc. shall be free of stampings, markings (except those required by codes), iron cuttings and other foreign materials. 13.31.2 Hot, cold and drinking water systems shall be cleaned thoroughly, filled and flushed with water. 13.31.3 The entire mechanical apparatus shall operate at full capacity without objectionable noise or vibration. 13.31.4 The systems have to be periodically given the tests specified in the presence of site Engineer and the client’s representative as herein specified. All test equipments, accessories, materials and labour necessary for conducting the test and for inspection and repair work shall be arranged well in advance of the test date. After shortcomings are repaired or defective items replaced the tests will be repeated until the entire system is found satisfactory. If the local regulations insist on similar tests in the presence of approving authorities, the same shall be complied with and acceptance from the authorities lodged with the Consultants/Employers. 13.31.5 The entire system of soil, waste and rent piping to be tested with water after the roughing-in is completed and before the fixtures are set. After setting the fixtures, provide smoke test, after sealing all traps. 13.31.6 Water test: Test entire system or sections of system by closing all openings in piping except the highest opening and filling system with water tot eh point of overflow. If the system is tested in sections, plus each opening except the highest opening of the section filled with water. Keep for at least 45 minutes before inspection starts with test pressure/head lasting for two hours. The system must be free from leakage and defects at all joints. 13.31.7 Final Test : After fixtures are set, test system with smoke as follows: Smoke Test: Fill traps with water: then introduce into system a pungent smoke produced by one or more smoke machines. When smoke appears at stacks on the roof, plug stacks and allow pressure of 25 mm water column to build up in system. Maintain pressure for 15 minutes before inspection starts. The system shall be tight at all joints. Sulphur smoke shall not be allowed. 13.31.8 Test all down spouts or rain headers and their branches within the building by water as described for the above soil, waste and vent system. 13.31.9 All Water Piping: Hydro-static test 10.54 kg/ for a minimum of 2 hours without drop in pressure as required. Signature of Tenderer with seal 226 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.31.10 Gas Piping: Subject each completed section of the system to test of 14 kg/ by water and then blow compressed air to remove water after draining out the pipe. 13.31.11 All tests on below grade lines shall be continued until back fill on such lines is completed to disclose any damages caused by backfilling. 13.31.12 All systems shall be tested in sections as required to expediter the work of other trades and meet construction schedules and final test on completion. 13.31.13 On completion of the works, the following tests shall be performed to the satisfaction of the consultants/clients representatives to enable them issue of Virtual Completion Certificate, if so required. i. Smoke test, ii. Hydraulic test. iii. Self induced test for fixtures. iv. Tests for anti-siphonage system. v. Pump rating and output. vi. Inspection of all units and fixtures. 13.31.14 The Contractor shall arrange on his own initiative for similar tests during the progress of works, to ensure that there are no defects in material/workmanship in portions of work to be concealed or embedded under the floor or walls in ceiling. 13.31.15 Air or Smoke Test A uniform gauge pressure of 0.5 kg/sq. cm or sufficient to balance a column of mercury 250 mm in height. This pressure will be held for a period of at least 15 minutes without any loss of pressure. 13.31.16 Hydraulic Test All underground drains for a static head of 2 metres with the downstream end plugged. All vertical drains also for a static head of 2 metres. Water lines for 11.25 kg/cm 2 test pressure for minimum 24 hrs. Section-wise isolation and tests. Air-locks to be released completely. 13.31.17 Manholes Clean the manholes free from all dirt, soil and other extraneous matter and wash it with water to clear all mortar, mud etc. The pipe outlets to be plugged with gunny bags or wooden stopper, to ensure proper closure. Clean water from an approved source shall be filled into the manhole to a depth not exceeding 1.2 metre as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and the same is kept for about 2 hrs. Test should be conducted early in the morning before 9 A. M. so that tendency for evaporation losses are minimum. Any seepage noted in brick work, plaster or concrete base should be attended to and retested. The total loss shall be reckoned at 2 litres per centimeter dia per kilometer of pipe length for acceptance. Signature of Tenderer with seal 227 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.31.18 Self – inducted test for fixtures All units will be operated individually and the flow checked. Inspection of individual units and fixtures for visible defects in shape etc. Tests for anti – Syphonage system. Units on a single system will all be operated to check up the effect on syphonage. Pump rations and output Checking discharge and terminal head both at the free and, as well as at the overhead storage tank. 13.32.0 PAINTING: 13.32.1 Equipment: After complete installation and testing all the equipments including mounting frames, etc. shall be painted with two coats of paints, as per colour code required Client or as directed by the Consultants, over an approval coat of primer. 13.32.2 Piping: After all the piping, has been installed and tested, the piping shall be given one coat of anticorrosive paint followed by two coats of paint as per colour code required by the Client or as directed by the Consultants. Note: 1) All black pipes to be painted fully: G. I. Pipes shall have 150 mm wide band at 500 mm intervals. 2) Final coat to be given after one month of running of pipe. 13.32.3 Colour Code: Identification of the pipe lines shall be as per standard colour prescribed by IS 2379. 13.33.0 EQUIPMENT & PIPING IDENTIFICATION : 13.33.1 Pipe Markers: Each piping systems shall be provided with a name plate properly clamped or stenciled. Letters are to be 80 mm if 3 meter above the floor and 50 mm minimum if below that height. Name plates on parallel groups of pipes etc., shall be neatly lined up. Wording of lettering shall correspond to the equipment designations used in piping legend and shall be as approved. Name plate to be of G. I. sheets (gauge 20 SWG on 25 x 25 mm angle) secured on to sheet metal and angle iron to be welded on main pipe. In case of insulated pipe the 25 x 25 mm angle bracket should be projecting beyond insulation thickness. 13.33.2 Valve Register: To be submitted in triplicate along with location and identification number in final drawing to be furnished by contractor. 13.35.0 TOOLS AND MATERIALS AND STORAGE 13.35.1 The Contractor at his own cost and charge shall provide all materials, tools, tackles, measure, scaffolding, labour and water, necessary for the completion of the whole work in all respects. 13.35.2 The Contractor shall pay the fees for testing the materials to local authorities or other statutory authorities. 13.35.3 The Contractor will obtain from time to time various permissions and the completion certificates as per rules of all local and statutory authorities. 13.35.4 The Contractor shall arrange for the material and storage facility with the Building Contractor. Signature of Tenderer with seal 228 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.35.5 Any materials, brought at site, shall not be removed without the written authority of the Consultants and Clients when the contractors shall have received payment in respect of any certificate in which it is stated that the value of any unfixed materials, on the work has been taken into account; such materials, shall become the property of Employer and the Contractor shall be liable for any loss or damage thereto. 13.35.6 The Contractor shall insure the work-against damages, for such sum as the Employer may, from time to time, direct. All Insurance Policies are to be taken out I the joint name of Employer and the Contractor in an office selected by the Employer and all policies and receipts shall be deposited with the Employer. 13.35.7 All the brackets and hangers for pipe shall be fixed to the wall or RCC slab using “Dash” fasteners, wherever necessary. Exposing reinforcement bars for hooking will not be permitted. 13.35.8 The amount shown against the provisional item or/and contingencies in the schedule are provisional and for the estimating purposes only and contractor is neither concerned for its execution nor to charge any commission on these items. The owner reserves the right to get the work done for these items through a separate and independent agency. 13.35.9 Surplus material from the site shall be carted away by the Contractor without any cost to the Employer and the storage space provided to the Contractor shall be handed over to the employer clean and ready for occupation, free from all encumbrances.7 13.36.0 GENERAL SERVICES : The Contractor shall pay the fees for testing the materials by the Municipal Corporation. The Contractor will process and arrange from time to time various permissions and obtain the drainage completion certificate and adequate water supply Certificate under the rules of the local authorities. 13.37.0 BUREAU OF STANDARDS. COLOUR CODE In Industrial and multidisciplinary installations like Hotels and Hospitals, additional item may be added for other systems. To indicate the class of its contents, each pipe and appurtenances connected therewith shall be marked as under. 1) Water Drinking - Sea Green 2) Non Potable Water - Orange 3) Treated Effluent - Admiralty Blue 4) Fire Installation - 5) Steam & Hot Water - Silver Grey 6) Compressed Air - Sky Blue 7) Vacuum - Canary Yellow 8) Liquefied Petroleum Gas – Red 9) Diesel Oils - Light Brown 10) Sprinkler Pipes - Fire Red Dark violet Charts showing the colours for primary identification should be displayed at points where they are likely to be needed for reference. Signature of Tenderer with seal 229 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.38.0 Specification for plumbing work: All the European closet wash basin counter type oval shape as per drawing layout will be of white colour TS strip with high quality flushing valve connectors and lid cover of CI brass fitting hinges including all internal fittings complete with rubber buffers, CP nuts, bolts including making necessary core cutting holes in walls and floors and making good with all the chemical water proofing to avoid seepage. All the wash basins will be mounted with specially fabricated MS/ CI bracket painted white will all CP brass waste bottle traps and pipes, wall flange and other rubber adaptor for waste connection complete with single hole CP brass cold water pillar taps fittings including making good. 13.39.0 Urinals: White vitreous flat black with medium size and sperder with battery operated, auto sensors with CP connection capacity unit including all hinges, bottle traps, pipe CP flange complete 13.40.0 All the wall will be with CP brass and copper connecting pipes and jet spray with all accessories (Chilly or Equa – Cera). All the control wall, sluze wall, confirming to IS 778, PN 1.0 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of gun metal male or female threaded isolation control valve with necessary unions, nipple, etc., to complete the pipe for all internal domestic and flushing including providing and fixing open wall with hot and cold mixture with all the accessories for all the dias as per the layout shown in the drawing. 13.41.0 For all the internal/ external sanitary work, soil, waste, vent and rainwater pipe and complete their respective fitting with all allied accessories will be with PVC pipes type A (4 kg cam’s.) ring fit pipe conforming to IS 4985 including all fitting such as blends, junctions, inspection doors, offsets, access pieces at plugs, etc., jointly with solvent cement (lubricant) with O-Ring joints including cutting holes in walls and making good the same for all the dias. 13.42.0 PVC floor trap with multi floor trap and waste pipe connections of 75 mm dia or 100 mm dia with necessary bends/ piece of similar dia or as per the requirement with grating, making necessary slab wall holes and cutting walls and making good. 13.43.0 Cold and hot water supply: Providing, laying and fixing heavy duty (TO ASTM D1785) ASTM CPVC SDR-13.15 pipes and fitting with solvent weld socket joints and necessary (fend, elbow fitting brass thread) such as sockets, back nuts, elbows, bends, tee, reducers enlargers, plugs, clamps, transition, etc., including necessary excavation, back filling, fixing with clamps, drill in holes in wall, slab, hydraulic testing for internal / external for all dias. 13.44.0 Water supply to all toilets with main water supply pipe) For underground tank to overhead tank, for domestic and flushing water feeder pipe all the dias including all urinals, nipples, etc., to complete the job. 13.45.0 All the water tank cover will be 100 mm caste dia medium duty with 40 mm CI seat and lockable arrangement to complete in all respect 13.46.0 Installation and fixing of pipe lines for water supply and disposal of water for water filter will also be made by the contractor for drinking water cooler located near the toilet area. 13.47.0 External plumbing work: All the necessary water tight brick masonry which may be with 1st quality bricks with cement mortar 1:4 and with concrete foundation in 150 mm thick 1:4:8 as per the layout and tender drawings complete with back filling, disposal of surplus earth dewatering and water proofing of man holes. Signature of Tenderer with seal 230 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.48.0 For all the size, dia as per the drawing with PVC (ISI Marked) with all the fitting, clamps, hinges and cully trap, etc., to first chamber and ISI mark stone ware pipes in standard lengths for all the dias as per the drawing will be laid between the chambers with proper concrete bedding and CI manhole cover with frame of all size and heavy duty for all the sizes as per the tender layout. 13.49.0 Centrifugal, submersible moonset pumps with CI casting, bronze impeller, SS, shaft and driven by 415 VAC, 3 phase 50 HZ motor running at 2900 rpm speed and shall be supplied with all the accessories viz strainer, base plate, coupling, lift hook, chain, starter panel coupling to panel, earthing and delivery pipes and valves, etc., Capacity = min. 9 hr (1 working) Head = 35 mtrs: Domestic water Capacity of submersible pumps IS 1 HP only (2 nos.) to be provided in the basement and will be connected with the nearest waste water manhole of the compound. 13.50.0 Connection for water /sewer/ strom and rainwater harvesting system of the water line will be for necessary excavation and protecting the wall of manhole and making good the same by proper means as per directions of BMC. The work includes liasioning of the application, submission and all the formalities required for sewer/ water connection from the Local Body will be in the scope of contract which comes under the scope of lumpsum contract. 13.51.0 Contractors will construct borewell at their cost for their use, however, the same can be purchased by the Bank after completion of the work on mutual agreed terms and recommendations of PMC/ Architect, if some short supply of water is there. 13.52.0 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM For hydrant wet riser system, with GI medium duty: Pipes (IS:1239) and fitting flanges, tees, elbows, bend juctions, reducers, etc., clamp structural steel supports is as per the design and details. For pump suction, terrace pipe riser with 63 mm dia 2 nos x 15 mtr reinforced rubber lined hose pipe with 20 mm bore nozzle including gun metal male & female instantaneous type coupling and pipe and fire hydrant valve TAC approved first aid hose reel, MS Cabinet (to enclosed above draw out connection fabricated from 16 kg) Sheet will full glass door and locking arrangements, ball valves, cast iron butterfly valves with EPDM seat, all the fitting shall be of good quality ISI mark make and approved material of fire authority with coupling ring, adaptors, brackets, chairs, outlet nozzle, etc., as per engineering practice for ensuring complete work fully functional and operational will be finally approved by fire officer/ PMC/ Architect. 13.52.1 Sprinklers: Isolation wall, brittle wall, valve, smoke detectors, head indicators, response indicators above false ceiling, manual call point, fire alarm, zonal panel/ main panel/ repeater panel and multi criteria detector will also be part of the work as per the design and drawing. 13.52.2 Portable fire extinguishers: ABC (powder type) fire extinguisher with mild steel cylinders 1st mark TAC approved fitted conforming bracket to IS :14609-1999 5 kg. 13.52.3 ISI mark portable Fire extinguisher water 4.5 kg CO2 type fire extinguisher complete and conforming IS : 2878. Signature of Tenderer with seal 231 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 13.52.4 ISI mark fire extinguisher gas type carbon dioxide type capacity 4.5 kg flat base conforming to IS:2878176 with wall cleats and bracket, etc. complete 13.52.5 Fire buckets as per ‘FIRE’ in black and gold with fire stand.. 13.52.6 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning and fire authority approved electrical fire pumps including one DG pump, suitable for automatic manual operation. 13.52.7 End suction type fire pump with bronze impeller with 1 body, squirrel cage, TEFC induction motor suitable for 415 + 10% , 3 phases 50 HZ AC supply and suitable HP conforming to IS:325-1978 13.52.8 Common bed plate of requisite with all the allied fabrication, foundation, etc., suitable for mechanical work and mounting arrangement. 13.52.9 Coupling guard: for coupling of pumps and drain pipes, MCC for fire pumps, MCC panel, suitable for above arrangement outgoing with required control wiring automatic start and stop of fire pump with all necessary CI strips wires for earthing from panel to individual equipment. Audio visual alarm and indicators having disconnect /reset facilities with range of ½ kms, indication shall come on with electrical driven pump to start on proper drop for all the operation condition such as auto manual, interlocking projection of failure, etc., and excavation for pipes lines and inspection chambers and maintenance chambers of all sizes as per tender provided by the Architect with all butterfly wall GI pipes flanges, etc., for all the dias including providing and fixing gunmetal fire brigade inlet connection to fire tank consisting of 4 nos of 63 mm dia as per the tender drawing Signature of Tenderer with seal 232 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS Supply: ● The main Electrical power shall be 11 KV 50 Hz 3 phase mode will be available in the from supply sources. complex ● Considering an overall maximum demand factor of 0.85 for the total load. Maximum Demand load work out is 260KW, as per load detail attached. ● Considering 85% loading of Transformer, it is proposed to install outdoor type of 400 KVA 11KV / 433V rated Transformer along with necessary switchgears and LT Panels. ● 11KV incoming power supply shall be taken through HT Circuit breaker and would be feed to the Transformer. ● From LT Panel to each floor through XLPE armoured cable and connected to the each distribution floor panel at floor level and each floor shall have its independence DB’s connected to floor panel. Substation Configuration ● Location : ESS will be located in the complex at ground floor. ● ESS Size : Approximately 85 sq mtr. is required all the equipments. ● HT Panel : 1 no. ● Transformer Oil Type : 400KVA-1no. ● Panels : LT Panel , Capacitor Panel, DG Panels etc. ● DG Sets : 200 KVA – 1nos. The Entire distribution network shall be underground and will be designed as per National Building code (NBC) relevant code the supply to individual building and blocks. ● In addition to the main supply there will be 100% power backup will be provided through 2 nos. DG Sets. The moment there will be power failure the DG power will be on to met the maximum demand load of 383 KVA through DG synchronizing panel as proposed. Each 1will be provided with a day tank of 990 liters capacity. The power from the DG Set will be transformer to the main power control within 30 seconds by use of automatic failure control panel. Signature of Tenderer with seal 233 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ● Power Factor Improvement Beside the requirement of State Electricity Authority improving the power factor has an added advantage of reducing the overall demand on the supply of authority, there by adding to overall economy. Thus for power factor improvement suitable size of capacitor panel in the form of Capacitor Bank is installed. The Capacitors shall be connected to the main LT bus & will be located along with LT panel. Automatic Power Factor Correction Relay will be provided to improve the power factor of the system. The power factor shall be maintained around 0.98 ● Earthing Considering the hazardous nature of electrical energy, safety measures in using the energy is of paramount importance. Earthing system shall be provided in accordance with Indian Standards IS: 3043-1987 & other statutory regulations. All non current carrying metal part forming the electrical system shall be connected to the earthing system as per the requirement. The earthing system shall be so designed that the resistance of the earth network shall be less than 1.0 ohm. The Proposed Earthing System. A. Sub Station Equipments 1. HT Switchgear 2. Transformer – Neutral 3. Transformer – Body 4. DG Set – Neutral 5. DG Set – Body GI Plate Earthing Copper Plate Earthing GI Earthing Copper Plate Earthing GI Plate Earthing B. LT Side 1. LT Panel – Body 2. Sub Panel / Feeder Pillar – Body 3. Distribution Board 4. Equipments 5. Street Light 6. Building Lighting Protection GI Plate Earthing GI Plate Earthing GI Plate Earthing GI Plate Earthing Pipe Earthing GI Plate Earthing Now days with modern techniques there is Chemical / Gell / Maintenance free earthing which has given good positive results. We can go for that also. Signature of Tenderer with seal 234 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ● Exit Sign Light The emergency “EXIT” sign shall be of self contained maintenance free type battery suitable for wall/ ceiling mounting type each EXIT sign shall be connected to the nearest emergency light circuit or a separate circuit so that these are ON in of power failure. The case EXIT sign light shall be provided near door /stair case on each floor in order to detect the exit in case of fire in the building. ● Fire Detection And Alarm System The design and installation of fire deletion and alarm system shall conform to Indian standard institution specification IS: 2157-1962, IS : 2189-1976 or latest revision of any. Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the fire detection and alarm system shall also including the following: a) Ionization smoke detector/optical detectors/rate of rise cum fixed temperature heat detector/manual call point/electronic hooters/response indicator and accessories. b) Metallic conductor ,copper conductor wire/armored cable /glands/tees/junction boxes etc. c) Microprossed main control panels/zonal panel (floor panel) repeater panels, batteries, battery charges etc. The entire fire alarm shall give audio/visual alarm signals when temperature smoke density exceeds the Permissible limit. The system shall be completely safe guarded against all fault conditions like A.C main failure battery discharge and battery charger failure; open circuit and earth fault in detector cabling etc. ● Lightning Protection System It is proposed to install lightning protection system to protect the building from thunder & lighting strokes. Building shall be protected against lighting conforming to IS 2309 – 1989 and CPWD specification. Lighting protection system material shall be of galvanized iron .G.I strip shall be fixed on parapet well and suitable number of down conductor with earth electrode shall be provided. All vertical drops conductor are connected directly to be separate G.I plate earth pit. Signature of Tenderer with seal 235 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED LOAD DETAIL 1. Light + Power load : 50 KW 2. A/C Load (150 Tr) : 180 KW 3. Lift – 2 nos. : 20 KW 4. Computer + Printers : 30 KW 5. Pump : 10 KW 6. Mechanical Parking : 11 KW 7. Misc : 05 KW Total : 306 KW After 85% Diversity : 260 KW / 325 KVA Transformer Loaded on 85% : 383 KVA Transformer Required : 400 KVA – 1 No. DG Set Required : 200 KVA – 1 No. Signature of Tenderer with seal 236 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 14.1.0 PVC CONDUITING WORK 14.1.1 PVC conduit shall be rigid type, ISI mark, medium grade, minimum 20mm dia. 14.1.2 PVC Junction Boxes used in R.C.C slab for point outlets shall be 65 mm deep. 14.1.3 Conduiting works shall be inclusive of bends, reducers, couplings etc. fixed with PVC solvent cement including winding all the joints with tape to make the joints waiter tight. 14.1.4 Concealed rigid PVC conduit shall be provided inside R.C.C. slab, columns, beams before casting of the same and conduits shall be tied with reinforcement bars with the help of steel wire at the interval of not more than 500mm. wherever conduits are to be concealed in brick walls or behind the tiles, the same shall be laid by chiseling the brick walls and refilling the same preferably before plastering and fixing of tiles otherwise refinishing of plaster or tiles damaged for the concealing work shall be done in good workmanship by the Contractor. 14.1.5 Unless stated entire conduiting work shall be concealed for all systems. However conduits in electrical ducts and meter room shall be surface fixed by G.I. saddles/strips to the wall or ceiling at intervals of not more than 500 mm and properly screwed. Fixing screws shall be with round or cheese head and of rustproof materials. Exposed conduits shall be neatly run parallel or at right angles to the walls of the buildings. Unseemly conduit bends and offsets shall be avoided by using fabricated mild steel junction /pull boxes for better appearances. No crossover of conduit shall be allowed unless it is necessary and entire conduit installation shall be clean and neat in appearance. Wherever brick walls are broken for passing of conduits the same shall be refinished as original. Mains wiring for Electric Power, Telephone and Inter-com system and TV system for individual flats, staircase, terrace, stilts etc. shall be by surface fixed conduits inside the electrical duct/shaft and then in concealed manner up to DB/ outlets with required size pull boxes, splitter boxes etc at every floor level. 14.1.6 Loop-in boxes/pull boxes for the junction of wires shall be avoided inside flat that means continuous conduits shall be provided from DB to switch board, switch board to other switch board, switch board to first point outlet, first point outlet to other relevant continuous points, hence conduit junction boxes shall be used only at point outlets. Similarly loop-in boxes for circuit and mains shall be avoided inside flats. 14.1.7 Separate conduit & separate switch boxes shall be used for separate systems such as Electrical, Telephone, Intercom, TV system, Internet system etc, & shall be with hard steel pull wire. 14.1.8 Fan hook boxes shall be of sheet steel with MS rod. 14.1.9 All junction boxes, fan hook boxes etc shall be covered with 3mm thick Acrylic sheet. 14.1.10 The conduit size shall be selected with respect to no. of wires passing through the same from the table for selection of conduit size w.r.t. no. of wires. TABLE FOR SELECTION OF CONDUIT SIZE w r t NO.OF WIRES CONDUIT DIA. IN mm ELECTRICAL WIRES INTERCOM WIRES 1.5 2.5 4.0 Signature of Tenderer with seal 237 2 Pair DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 20mm 5 4 2 2 25mm 10 8 5 4 32mm ---- --- --- 8 Notes-1) Above table not applicable in case of specific requirements. 2) Each earth wire shall be treated equivalent of phase wire for deciding conduit size/Dia. 14.2.0 PULL BOXES 14.2.1 Surface fixed pull boxes shall be provided for mains wiring of each system in electrical duct at every floor at highest level available & all conduits shall pass through pull box at every floor Separate pull boxes shall be provided for separate system. 14.2.2 Pull boxes shall be made up of 16 Gauge CRCA sheet steel duly painted having removable top cover plate made up of 3mm thick Bakelite/ Hylam sheet with white top surface. 14.2.3 The minimum size of pull box for Electrical, Telephone, Intercom Wiring shall be 75mm deep X 150mm clear height X length with respective no. of conduits where as pull boxes for Cable TV. Wiring shall be of 300mm X 300mm size for accommodation of splitter- tap off etc. 14.3.0 WIRING 14.3.1 All Electrical wires shall be stranded, Copper conductor, colour coded PVC insulated single core 1100 volt Grade have standing details as given in the Table-A. TABLE-A: FOR STANDING DETAILS OF ELECTRICAL WIRES WIRE SIZE 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 IN Sq mm 3/0.80 3/1.04 7/0.85 7/1.04 STRANDING DETAILS No of conductors/ Each of Dia in mm 14.3.2 All wires shall be colour coded as follows: PHASE COLOUR OF WIRE R Phase Red Y Phase Yellow B Phase Blue N Neutral Black E Earth Green (if insulated) Signature of Tenderer with seal 238 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 14.3.3 No wires shall be jointed in between for various types of points, circuits, mains, sub-mains etc. 14.3.4 Electrical point wiring shall be done in loop in system i.e. neutral wire & earth wire of the same circuit can be loop from point if not stated specifically in respective drawing. 14.3.5 Unless stated wiring for Lighting circuit and wiring for points under lighting circuit shall be of same size. Refer Table-B for the size of electrical wires for various applications. 14.3.6 All light points, ceiling fan points, exhaust fan points, plug points etc shall be with PVC insulated copper conductor earth wire. Refer Table-B for the size of earth wires for various applications. TABLE-B: FOR SIZE AND APPLICATION OF ELECTRICAL WIRES APPLICATION WIRES SIZE IN Sq mm LIGHTING CIRCUIT & ALL POINTS UNDER THE SAME POWER PLUG POINTS A/C & WATER HEATER POINTS PHASE NEUTRAL EARTH 2.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 4 2.5 4 2.5 2.5 Notes: 1- Above table is not applicable when specifically stated elsewhere. 2- Qty of neutral & earth wires for 1 Ph circuits shall be of same Qty as no of phase wires at respective DB 14.3.7 Minimum 150mm. long wires shall be left loose inside each point outlet.Similarly minimum 300 mm long wires shall be left loose inside switch boards and DBs. 14.3.8 All metallic switch/ socket boxes DB boxes shall be earthed. 14.3.9 TELEPHONE AND INTERCOM WIRING wiring shall be inclusive of Tel wires/ Armoured cables, concealed PVC conduits, pull boxes/ junction boxes, Tag boxes, Modular type(RJ-11) socket outlets, ferrules etc. as required. Wires shall be copper conductor 0.50mm dia (minimum), Double PVC insulated. PVC ferrules/ tags indicating flat nos shall be provided at the end of wires in side tag boxes. Tag boxes shall be sheet steel enclosed having pad lock and required nos of Krone type connectors/ terminals. Modular Type Tel socket outlets (RJ-11) shall be provided in concealed manner. 14.3.10 CABLE TV WIRING Wiring shall be inclusive of co-axial wires, concealed PVC conduits, tap-offs, splitters, pull boxes/junction boxes, Modular type co-axial socket outlets etc. as required. Cable TV wires shall be co-axial RG-11 from single inlet point to all wings up to each last splitter inside flat and further RG-6 up to each outlet. Wiring shall be inclusive of mixing of both wings. 14.3.11 wires shall not be jointed in between for any system. Signature of Tenderer with seal 239 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 14.3.12 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ACCESSORIES Various types of point wiring shall be inclusive of following accessories A Individually Controlled Light Point: Tube light point: - 6A SP switch, 3 plate ceiling Rose. GLS lamp point: - 6A SP switch, Angle-Batten Holders. (Without Earthing) B Group Controlled Light Points: 16 A SP switch per Gr., 3Way connector/ 3 plate ceiling Rose. C Ceiling Fan Point: 6A SP switch, 3 plate Ceiling Rose/ 3 way Connector, Electronic speed regular, Fan Hook box D Exhaust Fan Point: 6A SP switch, 6A-3 pin socket. E Door Call Bell Point: 6A SP Bell Push, Connector, Modular type concealed Buzzer and 1 No. 6 A SP “Master Off” switch near/ below buzzer at reachable height. F 6A Plug Point: 6A SP switch and 3 pin socket. G Power Plug Point: 16A SP switch 6 & 16 A 6 pin socket with red indicator. H A/C Point: 32 A DP Switch with red indicator and 6/16A 6 pin socket. I Water Heater Point: 32 A DP Switch with red indicator near Lighting Switch Board and 16A 3/6 pin socket at high level near water heater in consultation with plumbing contractor. J Telephone /Intercom sockets: RJ-11. K TV socket: coaxial. NOTES: 1- All Switches sockets and regulators shall be same make modular type with Concealed GI boxes/boards.(Each GI box shall be earthed). 2- Separated switch boxes shall be used for Electrical and Separate common boxes can be used for Telephone, Intercom and TV system. 3- Providing blank plated shall close all unused slots of modular plate. 14.3.13 MOUNTING HEIGHT TABLE Following mounting height in mm for various electrical items shall be followed from finished floor level to the bottom of equipment/items/switch boxes. Signature of Tenderer with seal 240 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) S. No. Details of point/item HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Mounting Height (in mm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Lighting switch board 1370 2. Wall light point (other than above wash basin) 2500 3. Wall light point above wash basin 2100 4. Exhaust fan point (or as per site conditions) 2500 5. Switch for window A/C 1370 Socket for window A/C 1700 6. Plugs in Pantry A. Power plugs 1500 B. Plug for Fridge & Water Filter 1500 7. Switch for water heater 1370 8. Socket for water heater 2500 9. 6A pug point (I.P) 25mm above skirting level for all area. 10. Telephone point Except 1000mm for study tables 11. T.V. point and Intercom point 1370 12. Bell push (Ent. Door) 1370 13. Bell below beam bottom 14. MCB DB 1700 NOTE: Above stated mounting table shall get superceded if stated elsewhere on drawings and if instructed at site to Site conditions. M.V. CABLES AND CABLE TERMINATIONS M.V.CABLES Wherever it is stated as ‘CABLE’ on electrical drawings and in tender document for electrical system the same shall follow following specifications. Cables for Power, Control and Lighting shall conform to IS-1554(Part-I). Cables shall be 1100 volts Grade, multicore, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, steel armoured, aluminium or Copper conductor as stated in respective drawing. Insulation and continuity test shall be conducted between phase to phase, phase to neutral and phases/ Neutral to earth for all cables before and after installation. Cables shall be fixed rigidly, supported on structural steel, beams, columns, walls, RCC work etc. by providing proper circular or as required G.I. Clamps or G.I. Saddles at the interval of 400mm apart. Signature of Tenderer with seal 241 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED The minimum safe bending radius shall be 12 times the overall diameter of the respective cable. The route of cables shall be selected to suit site conditions with shortest route and directed by the Architect/PMC/Employer and cables shall so laid that they will not with other structure/services. Each cable shall be in one piece length i.e. straight joint of cables shall be avoided. Crossing and overlapping of cables shall be avoided. Cables and pipes laid in ground shall be by excavating the trench in hard/soft soil at minimum depth of 600 mm and width of 450 mm. after cleaning the excavated area the trench shall be filled with sand for a depth of 75 mm before cable laying. Cables shall be laid in straight length on sand layer and then further 150mm sand layer shall be provided on cables. A evenly layer of bricks shall be laid around three sides of cables, then the trench shall be refilled with earth to the original ground level and shape. Lead alloy cable identification tags shall be provided at both ends of each cable. CI cable marker shall be provided on ground with cement concrete foundation along the route of underground cables at the interval of 30 meters and at every corner/bend the cable marker shall not obstruct regular movements. Cable crossing across the road shall pass through RCC Hume Pipes. (The cost of Hume Pipes will not be paid separately). RCC Hume pipes shall be laid at a depth of 0.6meter be the surface of the road in line with underground cables. The pipes shall be plugged to prevent choking. CABLE TERMINATION Cable termination shall consist of each end of cable terminated by using cable gland and connected to the required terminals by using crimping type lugs. Cable gland shall be made up of Chromium plated brass, Siemens type complete with neoprene rubber rings, 2 Nos. galvanized M.S. washers, check nuts etc. the gland shall be galvanized M.S. washers, check nuts etc. the gland shall be of long neck wherever necessary. The strand of steel armouring shall be properly cut, bend and clamped between GI washers. Holes of adequate size shall be drilled/enlarged on gland plate or of CI body to suit the gland entries. The paint around the hole where glands are fixed shall be scrubbed properly before glands are fixed. Each core of the standard conductor of the cable shall be terminated to the terminals by using crimping type tinned copper lugs/sockets. Lugs shall be of appropriate size and shape to suit the terminal arrangement. Lugs shall be crimped by adequate crimping tool. required. PVC ring type ferrules shall be provided on each conductor for multicore control cables or wherever 14.5.0 TRANSFORMER Supply, deliver, erection, testing and commissioning of 400 KVA, 11000 / 433 volts delta / star, outdoor oil type naturally cooled Transformer with vector group Dyn II, and Off load tap changer of + 5% to - 15% on HT side in steps of 2.5% to give a constant supply of 433 volts on HT side the transformers to be provided with cable box on HT side to receive 3 core 70 XPLE cable and LT side bus bar chamber to receive LT side to require 2x 3.5x XLPE cable complete as required. Signature of Tenderer with seal 242 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 14.6.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED HT PANEL Supplying H.V air insulated distribution switchgear three panel H.T board suitable for indoor installation for use on 11 KV 50 cycles earthed system having a symmetrical breaking capacity of 350 MVA at 11 KV comprising drawout triple pole vaccum circuit breakers rated 630A. Panels shall be equipped with the following accessories as per technical specifications. 1- Metal clad housing with truck having integral VCB machanism. 1- Set of air insulated copper bus bar in chamber with 3 phase bus bar of 630 A current carrying capacity 1- Set of isolating plug & receptacle. 1- Set of automatic safety shutter including pad locking arrangement. 1- Trip free spring operated manual closing mechanical 'ON' and 'OFF' indicator. 3- Current transformer rating 15/10/5A. 1-3 Phase resin insulated voltage transformer (PT.) 11 KV / 110 volts with 100 VA burden complete with 1 KWH Meter 1 Set Ameter, voltmeter, & frequency Meter 1 Set indicating Lamp ON / OFF Trip. 1- Shunt trip coil 24V D.C. 1 - Earthing Switch 1 - Auxullary relay for bochhloz alarm and trip. Shunt trip coil suitable for 110 V DC 1 Set of terminal for connection to winding relay including supplying and connection with 4 4 core copper conductor armoured cable from panel to transformer. 14.7.0 LT PANEL WITH CAPACITOR BANK Design, fabrication, assembling, wiring and supply of following distribution panels fabricated out of 14 gauge CRCA sheet steel in cubicle formation with reinforcement of suitable size angle iron,channels,T irons,flats wherever necessary for large distribution panels. The boards shall be treated with all anticorrosive process before painting as per standards with 2 coats of red oxide primer and final approved shade of enameled paint , 2 Nos. earthing terminals shall be provided for 3 phase distribution panels. The panels shall be suitable for 415 V ,3 phase ,4 wire , 50 Hz supply system . Lifting hooks shall be fabricated in easily transportable sections & length, height, depth etc to match with site conditons . An approval shall be taken for each panel before final manufacture. Galvanized hardwares with zinc passivation shall be used in fabrication of boards. Suitable earth bus to be provided throughout length of LT Panels and all panels. INCOMER - 1 ( Transformer ) - 400 KVA 1 No. 630A 4P MCCB with O/C,E/F Release Incomer Metering & Protection. 1 Set of ( 0-500 V ) 96x96 voltmeter with selector switch & control fuses. 1 Set of ( 0-630A ) 96x96 ammeter with selector switch & 630/ 5A ratio CTs 15 VA class - 1 3 Nos. 630/5A ratio CTs 15 VA class 5P 10 3 Nos. phase indicating lights with control fuses. 1 No. Frequency meter 45-55 Hz Bus Bar 630A TPN aluminium Bus Bars with heat shrinkable coloured insulated PVC sleeves. Signature of Tenderer with seal 243 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INCOMER - DG SETS 1 No. 630A 4P MCCB with O/C,E/F Release Incomer Metering & Protection. 1 Set of ( 0-500 V ) 96x96 voltmeter with selector switch & control fuses. 1 Set of ( 0-630A ) 96x96 ammeter with selector switch & 630/ 5A ratio CTs 15 VA class - 1 3 Nos. 630/5A ratio CTs 15 VA class 5P 10 3 Nos. phase indicating lights with control fuses. 1 No. Frequency meter 45-55 Hz Outgoings : Eight (8) Nos. 200A 4P MCCB (25 KA) Three (3) Nos. 100A 4P MCCB (25 KA) Supplying, erection and commissioning of the following intergrated cubical type indoor automatic switching "ON" and "OFF" control panel with dust vermin proof lined locable doors complete with interconnection stepped relays contractors Push button and CTS complete with a capacitor bank as per specification (suitable for 400/440V 3 phase 50 C/S supply system) as required (capacitor Panel) INCOMING 200A 4P MCCB (25 KA) -1 No. PHASE INDICATION lamps each backed up with 5A unit to indicate that the unit is "ON" - 7 Sets Indication lamp to each capacitor unit to indicate that the unit (LL type) is"ON". I) 50 KVAR - 1 No. ii) 25 KVAR - 2 Nos. iii)15 KVAR - 2 Nos. iv)10 KVAR - 2 Nos. 0-500V voltmeter with 3 way and off selector switch 200/5A CTS Ratio Stepped relay with 8 steps Power factor meter - 1 Set. - 1 Set. - 1 Set. OUTGOING 100A MCCB with contractor to each 50 KVAR capacitor -1 No. 63A MCB with contractor to each 25 KVAR capacitor -2 Nos. 40A MCB with contractor to each 15 & 10 KVAR capacitor -4 No. Push button stations "RED" and "GREEN" push button for manual operation of contractor - 6 Set Autonation sweitching "ON" and "OFF" control panels as described above 50 KVAR capacitor bank 25 KVAR capacitor bank -1 No. -2 Nos. Signature of Tenderer with seal 244 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 15 KVAR capacitor bank -2 Nos. 10 KVAR capacitor bank -2 Nos. All interconnections from bus bar to connectors and connectors to terminal SUB-HEAD III :- L.T.CABLES (XLPE) Supply and drawing of the following PVC insulated Aluminium armoured conductor 1100 volt grade cables conforming to IS: 1554 (Part-1) including the cost of laying on cable trays including the cost of providing and fixing of saddles 600mm apart in cable trench including the cost of digging of earth of adequate depth as called for as per specification & required, including providing of cable route markers total and complete in all respects. 3-1/2 core 300 3-1/2 core 150 3-1/2 core 70 4 core 25 Supply and making terminal joints for the following 1100 volt grade PVC aluminium armoured conductor cables including providing and fixing of double compression type aluminium cable termination lugs, including providing of insulation taps, epoxy sealing compound, PVC moulds for housing the epoxy compound, binding lugs, earth strip etc. as required complete in all respects. L.T.CABLES (XLPE) Supply and drawing of the following PVC insulated Aluminium armoured conductor 1100 volt grade cables conforming to IS: 1554 (Part-1) including the cost of laying on cable trays including the cost of providing and fixing of saddles 600mm apart in cable trench including the cost of digging of earth of adequate depth as called for as per specification & required, including providing of cable route markers total and complete in all respects. 3-1/2 core 300 3-1/2 core 150 3-1/2 core 70 4 core 25 Supply and making terminal joints for the following 1100 volt grade PVC aluminium armoured conductor cables including providing and fixing of double compression type aluminium cable termination lugs, including providing of insulation taps, epoxy sealing compound, PVC moulds for housing the epoxy compound, binding lugs, earth strip etc. as required complete in all respects. 3-1/2 core 300 3-1/2 core 150 3-1/2 core 70 4 core 25 Supply and fixing of perforated type cable trays including design and fabricating the same from standard sheet steel of 2 mm thick with standard height of the tray supported by ISMC of adequate size from the ceiling with adequate capacity of dash fastners (minimum 3.5 Ton capacity) in the interval of 750 mm, duly painted with two coats of red oxide primer and two coats of approved enamel paint as per relevant standards and including necessary welding works involved complete in all respects. 300 mm wide x 50mm deep 150 mm wide x 50mm deep Signature of Tenderer with seal 245 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Fabrication and fixing of cable trays cover with MS sheet top & bottom / steel work in position including clamps, frame works of flats, angle iron, channel with fabrication work including cutting, bending, welding, drilling, bolting etc. as per design as required including supplying and painting of one coat of primer and two coats of enamel paint of approved shade shall be provided. All welding materials, nuts, bolts & washer to be suppplied by the contractors. Supplying and laying of following sizes under ground RCC pipe class NP - 2 with coller jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 completed as required. 200mm dia 150 mm dia 100 mm dia Supplying of non-skid rubber mat 20mm thick and 900mm width as required including cutting to required lengths of approved make with test certificates for 440 V L.T. switchgears. Supplying of non-skid rubber mat 20mm thick and 900mm width as required including cutting to required lengths of approved make with test certificates for H.T. 11 KV panels. Supplying of fire bucket painted red and approved quality conforming to IS : 2546/1974. Supplying of MS stand duly painted suitable for supporting two buckets ( Pedestal type ) Supplying and fixing of shock restoration chart written in English and Hindi duly framed in lass as required. Supplying and fixing carbon dioxide fire extinguisher type 4 Kgs capacity of approved make with wall mounting bracket as required conforming to IS : 2878/1976. Supplying of first aid box as approved complete with standard kit as prescribed by Indian Red cross. DESCRIPTION EARTHING Supplying & Grounding Maintance free chemical filled earthing electrode 48mm x 3000mm including accessories & providing masonry enclosure with cover plate locking arrangement complete as required. Providing and laying GI strip 25 mm x 6 mm in recess for connection etc. as required. Supplying, fixing, alignment, testing & commissioning at site as per specifications complete in all respect commissioning of 200 KVA ( continuous ratiing ) 415 Volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz. AC alternator coupled to Diesel Engine complete with all accessories,standard specifications tool kit , service manual, self starting device, fly wheel, coupling with guard, V belts, water cooled system, instrument panel, common bed plate, antivibration isolation pads, grouting bolts, first charge of engine oil, gear oil, high speed diesel oil , 24 volts chargeable battery set complete with batteries , battery charger & scrubber etc and prepare the same as drawing for total installation for statutory approved as an Engineer -In - Charge Complete intall respect as required. Auto synchronizing Panel with load to sharing and stand by manual synchronizing facility for 2 Nos. 200 KVA DG. Set as per scheme enclosed. Point wiring for 6/16 amp 5 pin switch socket outlet points (1 outlet wired on 1 circuit) with 3x4 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed or surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate Signature of Tenderer with seal 246 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED mounted 220volt 16amp. 6 pin combined shuttered socket outlets alongwith 220 volt 16 amp.controlled switch of housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes and including the cost of loop earthing with 4 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Point wiring for 6/16 amp 5 pin switch socket outlet points (2 outlet wired on 1 circuit) with 3x6 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in upto first outlet and 4 wire for the looped outlet in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 220volt 16amp. 6 pin combined shuttered socket outlets alongwith 220 volt 16 amp.controlled switch of housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes and including the cost of loop earthing with 4 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Point wiring for fan points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 240volt 6Amp. control switch with provision for electronic fsn regulator, housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes with moulded cover plate and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Point wiring for Exhaust fan points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed or surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 240volt 6Amp. 5 pin combined shutters socket outlet near the fan and 240V 6 amps. control switch at convenient location near room entrance, housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes with moulded cover plate and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Supplying and fixing heavy gause ISI embossed black enameled PVC recessed surface conditing system including the cost of cutting/making good chases in brick work complete as per specification as required and as below. a) 25mm 2mm thick b) 32mm 2mm thick DESCRIPTION OF ITEM Point wiring for 25amp industrial socket outlet point with 3x6 sqmm (P+N+E) FRIS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wire in is embossed black enameled 25m dia 2mm thick PVC surface/recessed conduting systen including the cost of cutting making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supply and fixing 25/Amp MCB and socket outlet in MS box complete as per specification and as required. Supplying and fixing of 1no 16 Amp moulded switch and 3 nos 6amp moulded socket in protection with box and including with 3x4sqmm. (P+N+E) FRIS. PVC insulated copper conductor wire in surface / recessed in IS embossed black enameled 2mm thick PVC conduit and earthing the 3rd pin complete as per specification and as required. ( 4 point per circuit shall be wired) Supplying and fixing of no 16 amp moulded switch and 3nos 6amp moulded socket in partition with box abd including with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor wire in surface / recessed in IS embossed black enameled 2mm thick PVC conduit and earth the 3rd pin complete as per specification and as required (3point per circuit shall be wired) Signature of Tenderer with seal 247 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Supplying and fixing of 1no 16 Amp moulded switch and 3 nos 6amp moulded socket in protection with box and including with 3x4sqmm. (P+N+E) FRIS. PVC insulated copper conductor wire in surface / recessed in IS embossed black enameled 2mm thick PVC conduit and earthing the 3rd pin complete as per specification and as required. ( 2 point per circuit shall be wired) Supplying and fixing powder coated MS raceways recessed in floors fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheets provided with neoprene gasketted removable cover fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheets (excepting at passage crossing were the thickness shall be 3mm) on the raceway by countersunk cadmium plated screws at intervals of max.300mmincluding the cost of powder coating as per colour to be approved and including the cost of providing earth links at raceway joints to ensure earth continuity complete as per specification as required and as below. a) 200mm wide x 40mm deep b) 300mm wide x 40mm deep Supply and fixing powder coated MS raceways junction boxes on surface of walls/celing and/ or recessed in walls/ floors fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheets provided with neproence gasketted removable cover fixed on athe boxes by countersunk cadmium plated screws at intervals of max.300mm including the cost of earth links at all joints to ensure earth continuity and including athe cost of powder coating as colour to be approved complete as per specifications as required and as below: 250mm x250mmx 50mm deep 350mm x 350mmx50mm deep Supplying and fixing of following MCB in sheet steel box complete as required including connections as required a. 40A 4P MCB b. 40A DP MCB DESCRIPTION OF ITEM LIGHTING FIXTURE AND FANS Supplying & fixing of ceiling fan complete with blades with suitable length of down rods shackle insulator earthing point including connection etc . as required. a) 1200 mm sweep Supplying & fixing following box type fluorescent light fixture complete with electronic choke earthing point and 28 w fluorescent lamp complete as required. a) 1x 28 W with T5 Lamp b) 2x 28 W with T5 Lamp Supplying & fixing of 305mm 1400 exhaust fan complete with louver and bird guard screen with 3 core flexible wire complete as required. 305mm 1400 RPM Supplying & fixing of following light fitting complete with holder lamp earth point including connections etc. as required. a) 2x13 W with CFL b) 1x18 W with CFL Supplying & fixing following mirror optics fluorescent light fixture surface or reessed complete with electronic choke earthing point with CFL lamp complete as required. a) 2x36 W (600 x 600) Signature of Tenderer with seal 248 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Supplying & fixing of bulk head fitting with glass receptacle, wire guard lamp holder, lamp including connection complete as required. Supplying & fixing of light fixture with lamp complete as required. a) Mirror Light with lamp b) Bracket Light with 18W CFL lamp SUBMAINS Wiring for submains with FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires in surface/concealed conduit including cost of providing saddles etc. as required for surface conduiting and / or the cost of cutting and filling chases complete as per specifications as required and as below. in 32mm 2 mm thick PVC conduit conduit and 1 Nos. FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires for earthing. in 32mm 2 mm thick PVC conduit and 2 Nos. FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires for earthing. in 32mm 2 mm thick PVC conduit and 1 Nos. FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires for earthing. DISTRIBUTION BOARD AND PANELS Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of factory fabricated and factory assembled, sheet steel clad powder coated, wall / recess mounting dust and vermin (IP-42) ingress protection) proof double door vertical type Distribtion Boards fabricated from 16 SWG sheet steel provided with hinged gasketted door with padlocking facility and including suitably rated PVC insulated copper busbars with interconnections and neutral bar assemblies one per earthing terminals assembly etc. complete as requiredand as below. sample to be got approved by architectss (Note:- In all distribution boards / panels the control wiring shall be FRLS) 1-40amp.DP MCB incoming and 8 nos. 6/16 amps. SP 10 kA 'C' category MCB with thermal magnetic protective releases out goings. 1-63amp.4P MCB incoming and 12 nos. 6/16 amps. SP 10 kA 'C' category MCB with thermal magnetic protective releases out goings. 1-63amp.4P MCB incoming and 18 nos. 6/16 amps. SP 10 kA 'C' category MCB with thermal magnetic protective releases out goings. 1-40amp.DP MCB incoming and 12 nos. 6/16 amps. SP 10 kA 'C' category MCB with thermal magnetic protective releases out goings. Supplying, erection testing & commissioning of cubical type sheet steel clad wall mounted totally enclosed LT switch board suitable for use on 415 V 3 phase 4 wire 50 cycles complete housed with incoming and outgoing, bus bar including interconnection accessories etc. complete as required and with following incoming and outgoing switchgear as per specifications and drawings. G/F & 6th Floor PANEL INCOMING 1 no. 100A 25 kA 4P MCCB with thermal magnetic releases: BUS BAR Electrolytc high conductivity aluminium three phase and neutral busbars rated at 100 A. having a maximum current density of 1 amp. Per Suitable to with stand symmetrical fault level of 25 MVA at 415 volts. The netutral busbars is to be of 50% capacity. Signature of Tenderer with seal 249 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INDICATING PANEL Incomer shall have the following indicating panel. 96mm sq. flush voltmeter scaled 0-500 volt with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three nos. 100/5 class 1.0 accuracy 15 VA burden c.T. s for metering. 96 mm square flush ammeter scaled 0-100 amps with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three phase indicating lights. OUTGOING UNITS 4 nos.63A 4P MCB The switchboard shall be complete with all interconnection risers internal wiring lables etc. complete as required. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Floor Panel INCOMING 1 no. 200A 25 kA 4P MCCB with thermal magnetic releases: BUS BAR Electrolytc high conductivity aluminium three phase and neutral busbars rated at 200 A. having a maximum current density of 1 amp. Per Suitable to with stand symmetrical fault level of 25 MVA at 415 volts. The netutral busbars is to be of 50% capacity. INDICATING PANEL Incomer shall have the following indicating panel. 96mm sq. flush voltmeter scaled 0-500 volt with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three nos. 200/5 class 1.0 accuracy 15 VA burden c.T. s for metering. 96 mm square flush ammeter scaled 0-200 amps with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three phase indicating lights. OUTGOING UNITS 4 nos.63A 4P MCB 2 nos.80A 4P MCB The switchboard shall be complete with all interconnection risers internal wiring lables etc. complete as required. COMPUTER & TELEPHONE NETWORKING Supplying & fixing 75mm x 75mm x 10 mm zinc passivated box with mould cord outlet complete with RJ 45 sockets as required for computer data point. Signature of Tenderer with seal 250 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Supply and fixing of 48 Ports Jack Panel suitable for Cat 6 high speed data net. Supply,Installation, testing and commissioning of 9U wall mounted Rack with 6nos. 6A in built switches with sockets for fixing jack panel / switch for data & voice. Providing patch cords 4 Feet length Making end terminations of CAT 6 cable Supplying & laying CAT 6 for LAN wiring in PVC conduit / Floor Chanel complete as required. Point wiring for switch controlled primary light points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed and / or surface conducting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 240volt 6Amp. control switch housed zinc chromate passivated MS boxes with moulded cover plate and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Point wiring for 6 amp socket outlet points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed and / or surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 240volt 6amp. 5 pin combined shuttered socket outlets along with 240 volt 6 amp. controlled switch housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes with moulded cover plate and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Point wiring for DB controlled primary light points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed and / or surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. ( Cost of MCB included in DB) Point wiring for secondary light points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed and / or surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Signature of Tenderer with seal 251 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Point wiring for fan points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 240volt 6Amp. control switch with provision for electronic fsn regulator, housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes with moulded cover plate and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Point wiring for Exhaust fan points with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires in IS embossed black enameled 25mm dia 2 mm thick PVC conduit recessed or surface conduiting system including the cost of cutting / making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supplying and fixing modular grid plate mounted 240volt 6Amp. 5 pin combined shutters socket outlet near the fan and 240V 6 amps. control switch at convenient location near room entrance, housed in zinc chromate passivated MS boxes with moulded cover plate and including the cost of loop earthing with 2.5 FRLS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wires complete as per specifications and as required. Supplying and fixing heavy gauge ISI embossed black enameled PVC recessed surface conditing system including the cost of cutting/making good chases in brick work complete as per specification as required and as below. a) 25mm 2mm thick b) 32mm 2mm thick Point wiring for 25amp industrial socket outlet point with 3x6 sqmm (P+N+E) FRIS PVC insulated 660/1100 volt grade stranded copper conductor wire in is embossed black enameled 25m dia 2mm thick PVC surface/recessed conduting systen including the cost of cutting making good chases in brick work and including the cost of supply and fixing 25/Amp MCB and socket outlet in MS box complete as per specification and as required. Supplying and fixing of 1no 16 Amp moulded switch and 3 nos 6amp moulded socket in protection with box and including with 3x4sqmm. (P+N+E) FRIS. PVC insulated copper conductor wire in surface / recessed in IS embossed black enameled 2mm thick PVC conduit and earthing the 3rd pin complete as per specification and as required. ( 4 point per circuit shall be wired) Supplying and fixing of no 16 amp moulded switch and 3nos 6amp moulded socket in partition with box abd including with 3x2.5 (P+N+E) FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor wire in surface / recessed in IS embossed black enameled 2mm thick PVC conduit and earth the 3rd pin complete as per specification and as required (3point per circuit shall be wired) Signature of Tenderer with seal 252 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Supplying and fixing of 1no 16 Amp moulded switch and 3 nos 6amp moulded socket in protection with box and including with 3x4sqmm. (P+N+E) FRIS. PVC insulated copper conductor wire in surface / recessed in IS embossed black enameled 2mm thick PVC conduit and earthing the 3rd pin complete as per specification and as required. ( 2 point per circuit shall be wired) Supplying and fixing powder coated MS raceways recessed in floors fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheets provided with neoprene gasketted removable cover fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheets (excepting at passage crossing were the thickness shall be 3mm) on the raceway by countersunk cadmium plated screws at intervals of max.300mmincluding the cost of powder coating as per colour to be approved and including the cost of providing earth links at raceway joints to ensure earth continuity complete as per specification as required and as below. a) 200mm wide x 40mm deep b) 300mm wide x 40mm deep Supply and fixing powder coated MS raceways junction boxes on surface of walls/celing and/ or recessed in walls/ floors fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheets provided with neproence gasketted removable cover fixed on athe boxes by countersunk cadmium plated screws at intervals of max.300mm including the cost of earth links at all joints to ensure earth continuity and including athe cost of powder coating as colour to be approved complete as per specifications as required and as below: 250mm x250mmx 50mm deep 350mm x 350mmx50mm deep Supplying and fixing of following MCB in sheet steel box complete as required including connections as required a. 40A 4P MCB b. 40A DP MCB SUB-HEAD II: LIGHTING FIXTURE AND FANS Supplying & fixing of ceiling fan complete with blades with suitable length of down rods shackle insulator earthing point including connection etc . as required. a) 1200 mm sweep Supplying & fixing following box type fluorescent light fixture complete with electronic choke earthing point and 28 w fluorescent lamp complete as required. a) 1x 28 W with T5 Lamp b) 2x 28 W with T5 Lamp Signature of Tenderer with seal 253 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Supplying & fixing of 305mm 1400 exhaust fan complete with louver and bird guard screen with 3 core flexible wire complete as required. 305mm 1400 RPM Supplying & fixing of following light fitting complete with holder lamp earth point including connections etc. as required. a) 2x13 W with CFL b) 1x18 W with CFL Supplying & fixing following mirror optics fluorescent light fixture surface or reessed complete with electronic choke earthing point with CFL lamp complete as required. a) 2x36 W (600 x 600) Supplying & fixing of bulk head fitting with glass receptacle, wire guard lamp holder, lamp including connection complete as required. Supplying & fixing of light fixture with lamp complete as required. a) Mirror Light with lamp b) Bracket Light with 18W CFL lamp SUBMAINS Wiring for submains with FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires in surface/concealed conduit including cost of providing saddles etc. as required for surface conduiting and / or the cost of cutting and filling chases complete as per specifications as required and as below. in 32mm 2 mm thick PVC conduit conduit and 1 Nos. FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires for earthing. in 32mm 2 mm thick PVC conduit and 2 Nos. FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires for earthing. in 32mm 2 mm thick PVC conduit and 1 Nos. FRLS PVC insulated stranded copper conductor 660/1100 volt grade wires for earthing. Signature of Tenderer with seal 254 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Supplying, erection testing & commissioning of cubical type sheet steel clad wall mounted totally enclosed LT switch board suitable for use on 415 V 3 phase 4 wire 50 cycles complete housed with incoming and outgoing, bus bar including interconnection accessories etc. complete as required and with following incoming and outgoing switchgear as per specifications and drawings. G/F & 6th Floor PANEL INCOMING 1 no. 100A 25 kA 4P MCCB with thermal magnetic releases: BUS BAR Electrolytc high conductivity aluminium three phase and neutral busbars rated at 100 A. having a maximum current density of 1 amp. Per Suitable to with stand symmetrical fault level of 25 MVA at 415 volts. The netutral busbars is to be of 50% capacity. INDICATING PANEL Incomer shall have the following indicating panel. 96mm sq. flush voltmeter scaled 0-500 volt with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three nos. 100/5 class 1.0 accuracy 15 VA burden c.T. s for metering. 96 mm square flush ammeter scaled 0-100 amps with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three phase indicating lights. OUTGOING UNITS 4 nos.63A 4P MCB The switchboard shall be complete with all interconnection risers internal wiring lables etc. complete as required. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Floor Panel INCOMING 1 no. 200A 25 kA 4P MCCB with thermal magnetic releases: BUS BAR Electrolytc high conductivity aluminium three phase and neutral busbars rated at 200 A. having a maximum current density of 1 amp. Per Suitable to with stand symmetrical fault level of 25 MVA at 415 volts. The netutral busbars is to be of 50% capacity. Signature of Tenderer with seal 255 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED INDICATING PANEL Incomer shall have the following indicating panel. 96mm sq. flush voltmeter scaled 0-500 volt with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three nos. 200/5 class 1.0 accuracy 15 VA burden c.T. s for metering. 96 mm square flush ammeter scaled 0-200 amps with 3 way and OFF selector switch. Three phase indicating lights. OUTGOING UNITS 4 nos.63A 4P MCB 2 nos.80A 4P MCB The switchboard shall be complete with all interconnection risers internal wiring lables etc. complete as required. 14.9.0 EARTHING 14.9.1 Earthing shall conform to IS 3043-1966. 14.9.2 All non current carrying metal parts of Electrical Installation like metal conduits, trunkings, cable armour, switchgear at service position and distribution position etc. shall be bended/connected to efficient earth stations. 14.9.3 Earthing station shall be at least 1.5 M away from the building but not exceeding 9M. 14.9.4 Unless stated Earthing station shall be with 600X 600X 6 mm thick GI plate. 14.9.5 Earth plate shall be buried vertically in the ground by digging the earth pit in such a way that the distance between the finished ground level and top edge of earth plate shall be minimum 3M. The pit shall be filled up with layers of charcoal and salt up to top of plate and then filled with removed earth. 14.9.6 chamber. Each earth pit shall be provided with 20 mm dia. GI “A” class watering pipe with funnel from plate to 14.9.7 Cement concrete rectangle/square chamber shall be provided with CI frame and CI cover. 14.9.8 unless stated 1no 50X 6 mm GI strip shall be provided from each earth plate to meter room and further minimum 10SWG GI earth wires from earth strips to switch gears at meter room shall be provided in ring system. Each conductor buried in ground shall be properly protected from mechanical injuries by providing specified size GI “A” class pipe. 14.9.9 Preferably earthing conductor shall be with minimum straight joints, however when two earthing strips are to be jointed the same shall be either braced/welded or bolted with minimum 2 Nos bolts, nuts, washers. 14.9.10 Earthing strip fixed on surface shall run in straight line in neat appearance, fixed to the surface by saddles/ clamps at the interval of 500 mm, whereas earth wire running along with the cables can be clamped with common clamps used for cables. 14.9.11 Wherever necessary earth conductor shall be terminated with crimping type copper lugs fixed with brass bolts, nuts and washers. Signature of Tenderer with seal 256 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 14.9.12 All switchgears and Meters provided at Service position i.e. Meter Room/ Cupboard shall be connected to earth bus in ring system whereas all other single phase equipments shall be earthed with single earth wire and 3 phase equipments shall be earthed with 2 wires. 14.9.13 unless stated-the minimum cross-section of earth wires shall be equal to the 50% of the phase wires; however minimum size of earth wire shall be 14 SWG for copper conductor and GI conductor whereas Aluminium conductor shall be 12 SWG. The material and size of earthing conductor shall as stated on respective drawings. 14.9.14 All earthing conductors connected to individual flat/ consumer shall be terminated to the Earth Bus in ring system. 14.10.0 LIGHT FITTINGS Contractor has to workout the exact quantities of all types of light fittings required for external and common area to suit site condition and shall issue the list to the Architect/PMC/Employer for procurements. Light fittings complete with chokes, capacitors, lamps/ Tubes, control gears etc. will be in the scope of the contractor has to assemble, install & connect with required materials, test & commission the same. 14.10.1 Light fittings shall be installed by supplying TW, Rounded blocks, 16 gauge MS suspension down rods, ball sockets & necessary fixing clamps, hard wares etc. 14.10.2 Light fittings shall be connected to the light point by supplying double PVC insulated copper conductor flexible wire & switches / sockets. 14.11.0 CEILING FANS Contractor has work out the exact quantity of all sizes of ceiling fans to suit site condition and shall issue the list to the Architect/PMC/Employer for procurements. Ceiling fans complete of double ball bearing, white/approved colour, 3 blades complete with all standard accessories as applicable will be supplied by the Employer at site, contractor has to assemble, install & connect with required materials. Test and commission the same. Ceiling points shall be connected to the fan point by supplying double PVC insulated copper conductor flexible wire. 14.12.0 EXHAUST FANS Contractor shall order the exact quantity of all sizes of Exhaust fans to suit site condition and shall issue the list to the Architect/PMC/Employer for confirmations before procurements. Exhaust fans shall be complete with louvers and al standard accessories as applicable contractor has to assemble, install & connect with required materials. Test and commission the same. 14.12.1 Exhaust fans and louvers shall be installed by supplying required marine plywood planking TW supports, wire mesh, fixing hardware etc as required. 14.12.2 Exhaust fans shall be connected to the socket by supplying double PVC insulated copper conductor flexible wire and 3 pin 6A plug top. 14. 12.3 The damages to fittings fixtures, fans etc while handling shall be replaced by the contractors without any extra cost. 14.14.0 CUBICAL TYPE M.V.PANELS 14.14.1 The panels shall be fabricated through the fabricators holding approval by CPRI OR Tariff Advisory Committee by approved makes of components only. 14.14.2 The panels shall be suitable for operation on 433 volts, 3 phase, 4 wires, 50 cycles, A.C. System, fabricated from 2mm thick CRCA sheet steel, cubicle type, fully compartmentalized, dust and vermin proof, front operated totally enclosed, free standing with Base channel and wall mounted type as specified. Signature of Tenderer with seal 257 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 14.14.3 Busbars shall be tinned copper and of electrolytic quality with current rating of 1.5 Amperes per for each phase. The neutral shall be of minimum half-sectional area. All busbars shall be adequately supported with non hygroscopes insulators and braced to withstand dynamic and thermal stresses due to short circuit currents. 14.14.4 Each panel shall be with ring type earth electrolytic copper Earth bus of Minimum 60% of the neutral of main bus and the same shall be used for the connection of all earthing points of each feeder compartment and each compartment earthing; 2Nos earth terminals shall be provided for connecting the external earth system. 14.14.5 Each panel shall be with all components as detailed with respective electrical single line diagram. Each panel shall be provided with complete internal power and control wiring using adequate current carrying capacity copper conductor, PVC insulated wires, where as connections for 100 Amps and above ratings shall be by copper strips provided with proper insulation throughout the length, Internal power & control wiring shall be provided up to terminal block at terminal chamber. 14.14.6 PAINTING: All steel work shall undergo a process of degreasing, picking in acid, cold rinsing, phosphating and then spread with a high corrosion resistant primer. The primer shall be baked in an oven. The panel shall be painted with one coat of epoxy primer and shall be powder coated with required / approved colour shade. 14.14.7 DRAWINGS AND DIAGRAM: the Contractors shall submit documents such as literature and manual for operation of components and units provided on these panels as per the specifications. 14.14.8 All components used for the panels shall be of approved make only. 14.15.0 GENERAL WORKMANSHIP SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS: Withstanding the definition of wiring in IEE regulation, or elsewhere, wiring shall so far this contract is concerned, include all work items/accessories in the complete wiring circuit from tapping the point in the sub main or distribution board to the following: The switch /ceiling rose or connector/socket outlet/bell push/ bookplate/ call bells, buzzers. (i) The following shall be deemed to be included in the point wiring: 1. Circuit wiring from the relevant distribution board. 2. Switch and ceiling rose/connector 3. Wire as required up to lam holder in the case of wall brackets, bulk circles and all other fittings, fan regulators and looping inside switch boards. 4. Bushed PVC conduit of suitable size where cables pass through walls and ceiling below ceiling level to 1.5M above upper floor level. 5. Earth wire from 3 pin socket to the respective distribution board. 6. Continuous run of earth wire on complete lighting fan wiring to respective distribution board. 7. All wood or metal boards and boxes, sunk or surface type including those required for mounting fan regulators and switches (excluding those under distribution boards and main control switches) 8. Round blocks for housing connectors/ceiling rose. 9. All fixing accessories such as clips, nails, screws, or rawl plugs, wooden plugs etc., as required. Signature of Tenderer with seal 258 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (ii). SIZES OF WIRES: All wires shall be PVC insulated single core copper or aluminum stranded conductor as specified and shall be 250/1100 V grade. The smallest conductors for lighting and circuits shall be 1.5 and 2.5 aluminum or equivalent copper respectively. Phase Ph. Ph. Neutral R Y B N Colour-Red Yellow Blue Black Earth Green. (iii). FITTINGS WIRES: The use of fittings wires shall be restricted to the internal wiring of light fittings. The sub circuit leads shall terminate in ceiling roses or connectors from which they will be carried into the fittings. (iv). Connections to the switches, sockets etc., wherever possible shall be through crimped pin type plugs. (v). FLEXIBLE CHORDS: For sort connections to appliances fans and pendants shall be 250/440 V grade (3 or 4 core) with tinned copper wires, insulated, twisted and sheathed with strengthening chord. The colour of sheath shall be to Architect's approval. 14.16.0. WIRING IN CONDUITS: 1. CONDUITS a) Rigid steel conduits shall be of heavy gauge welded black enameled of 16 SWG sheet up to 40mm dia. and 14SWG sheet above 40mm dia. with threaded type accessories and when laid shall free from edges and burrs. b) All rigid non-metallic conduits shall confirm to IS 2509/1973 & IS 9537 (part3)/1983 either threaded or plain type and shall be used with corresponding accessories. 2. SIZES: Shall be selected in accordance with IS codes depending upon the size and number sizes to be drawn, the minimum dia. being 19mm/20mm. 3. CONDUITS JOINTS: Conduit pipe shall be joined by means of screwed couplers and screwed accessories only. In long straight runs of conduit inspection type of couplers (for surface conduits) or running threads with couplers and jam nuts with bared threaded portion suitably protected by anticorrosive paint shall be provided. Threading shall in all cases be from 11mm to 27mm long sufficient long to accommodate pipes to full threaded portions of coupler or accessories. Cut ends of conduits pipes shall have no sharp edges nor any buffers left, to avoid damage to the insulations of conductors while pulling them through such pipes and all such ends shall be neatly protected by approved bushes of proper size, of P.V.C. or of well seasoned TW, painted or of porcelain, bakelite or rubber. Signature of Tenderer with seal 259 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 4. PVC CONDUIT CONNECTIONS: PVC conduits shall be joined by means of screwed or plain couplers depending on whether the conduits are screwed or plain. Where there are long runs of straight conduit, inspection boxes shall be provided at inters approved by the Architect. The threads of pipe and sockets shall be free from grease and oil and shall be thoroughly cleaned before making the screwed/plain joints. Proper jointing materials as recommended by manufacturers shall be used for jointing of PVC pipes. Use PVC couplers and connectors for PVC pipe connections and terminations in boxes. All the joints shall be watertight. Junction boxes and running joints shall be provided at suitable places to allow for subsequent extensions if any, without undue dismantling of conduit system. As far as possible, diagonal run of conduits shall be avoided. Junction between conduit and adaptable boxes, back outlet boxes, switch boxes and the like must be provided with entry spouts and smooth PVC bushes. Joints between conduits and iron clad distribution boards and control gear shall be effected by means of conduit couplers into each of which will be coupled smooth PVC bush from the inside of box or case. Conduit system shall be erect and straight as far as possible. Traps where water may accumulate from condensation are to be avoided and if unavoidable suitable provision for draining the water shall be made. All jointing methods shall be subject to the approval of Architects. Separate conduits shall be provided for the following system. 1. 15 Amps Power outlets 2. 5Amps outlets and lighting system 3. Fire alarm system/Telephone system 4. Equipment wiring 5. BENDS IN CONDUIT: Wherever necessary, bends or diversions may be achieved by means of bands/or circular inspection boxes with adequate and suitable inlet and outlet screwed joints. In case of recessed system each junction box shall be provided with a properly occurred and flush with the finished wall surface, so that the conductors inside the conduits are easily accessible. No bends shall have reading less than 2 1/2 times the out side diameter of the conduit. Heat may be used to soften the PVC the conduit for bending. Caution should be exercised in using the PVC conduits in location where ambient temperature is 50 Celsius or above. Use of PVC conduit in places where ambient temperature is 60 Celsius or above is prohibited. PVC conduits shall not be used in outdoor exposed system. G I pipes conduits shall be used for outdoor system. 6. FIXING OF CONDUITS: Conduits and junction boxes shall be kept in position while the walls, slabs and floors are under renovation and proper holdfasts shall be provided. Conduits shall be so arranged as to facilitate easy drawing of wires though them. Adequate junction boxes of approved shape and size shall be provided. Where conduits cross expansion joints in the building, adequate devices shall be used to take care of any relative movement. All conduits shall be installed so as to avoid a steam and to water pipes. A conduit shall not come in contact with any wooden members unless otherwise specified. Conduits stubs in floors/slabs shall be kept as short as possible above the finished floor level in order to avoid any damage on them. After conduits junction boxes, outlet boxes, and switch boxes are installed in position, their outlets shall be properly plugged or covered so that water, mortar, insects or any other foreign matter does not enter into the conduit system. Exposed conduits shall be fixed by means of space bar saddle at intervals not more than 1000mm in normal and 500mm from both sides of fitting or accessories. The saddles shall be of 3mm X 19mm galvanized mild steel flat, properly treated primer and painted, securely fixed to support by means of nuts and bolts and brass machined screws as required. Conduits shall be laid in a neat and organized manner as directed and approved by the Architect. Conduit runs shall be planned so as not to conflict with any other service pipes lines/ducts. Signature of Tenderer with seal 260 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Where exposed conduits are suspended from the structure they shall be clamped firmly and rigidly to the hangers of design to be approved by the Architect. Where hangers are to be anchored to reinforced concrete appropriate inserts and necessary devices for their fixing shall be left in position at the time of concreting. Making holes or openings in the concrete will generally not be allowed. In case of unavoidable prior permission of the Architect shall be obtained. Conduits in chases shall be avoided. Where unavoidable conduits shall be fixed in chases by means of staples not more than 600mm apart and the chase filled with cement mortar 1:4 cutting of horizontal chases in walls is prohibited. 7. PROTECTION: To minimize condensation or sweating inside the conduit pipes, all outlets of conduits system shall be adequately ventilated as directed and approved by Architect. All screwed and socketed connections shall be adequately made fully water tight by the use of proper jointing materials i.e. `Tropolin' for PVC conduit and white lead for metal conduit. 8. OUTLETS: All outlets for fittings, switches etc., shall be boxes of suitable metal of surface or flush mounting type. Wall thickness shall not be less than of 16g covered with a sheet 1/8" (3mm) thick perspex or 3mm thick decorative laminated hylam; as may be specified, in front giving minimum clear depth of 75mm. All MS boxes, irrespective of sizes, shall have a fully threaded stud welded inside, for earth termination. 9. CONDUCTORS: All Conductors used in conduit wiring shall unless otherwise specified be stranded. No single core cable of nominal cross-sectional area greater than 16 sq mm shall be enclosed alone in a conduit and used for alternating current. 10. INSPECTION BOXES: Suitable inspection boxes, with ventilating holes in the covers shall be provided in a conduit wiring, at spacing not more than 12 meters apart or two solid 90 degree bends or equal to permit periodical inspection and facilitating removal of wires if necessary. 11. ERECTION AND EARTHING OF CONDUIT: The conduit of each circuit or section shall be completed before conductors are draw in. The entire system of conduit after erection shall be tested for mechanical and electrical continuity throughout and permanently connected to earth confirming to the requirements specified under section 12 (below), Earthing by means of special approved type earthing clamps efficiently fastened to conduit pipe in a workman like manner for perfect continuity between each wire and conduit gas or water pipes are liable to mechanical damage they shall be adequately protected. 12. GUIDE WIRE: Suitable fish or pull wire shall be drawn in all conduit before they are embedded. Steel conduits, even if galvanized, run in under-floor screed shall be painted with a heavy coated of emulsified bitumen. 14.17.0. WIRING IN CONCEALED CONDUIT: 1. Conduits buried in concrete in structure shall be put in position and securely fastened to the reinforcement and the system got approved by the Architect/PMC before the concrete is poured. Proper care shall be taken to ensure that the conduits are neither dislocated nor choked at the time of pouring concrete. Suitable fish or pull wire shall be drawn in all conduits before they were embedded. Signature of Tenderer with seal 261 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 2. MAKING OF CHASE: The Chase in the wall is neatly made and be of ample dimensions to permit the conduit to be fixed in the manner desired. In the case of building under renovation, chase shall be provided in the wall, ceiling, etc., at the time of renovation and shall be filled up neatly after erection of conduit and brought to the original finish of the wall, ceiling etc. 3. The conduit pipe shall be fixed by means of staples or saddles not more than 50cm apart. Fixing of standard bends or below shall be avoided as far practicable and all curves maintained by bending the conduit pipe itself with radius along enough to permit easy drawing in of conductors. All threaded joints of conduit shall be treated with approved preservative compound to secure protection against rust. 4. INSPECTION BOXES: Suitable inspection boxes shall be provided (Flush mounted). 5. TYPES OF ACCESSORIES TO BE USED: All outlets such as switches, wall sockets, etc. may be either flush or of surface mounting type. 6. The outlets box shall be same as in Clause 9.2 ante and shall be mounted with the wall. The metal box shall be efficiently earthed with conduit by the stud vide 9.2. 14.17.1. WIRING IN SURFACE CONDUITS: Conduit pipes shall be fixed on the approved heavy gauge metal saddles, Properly secured to walls or ceilings through suitable teakwood plugs (or other approved varieties) with round or cheese circle screws for rust proof material, at intervals of not more than 50cm on straight runs, with saddles not more than 30cm on either side of couplers or bends or similar fittings, from such fittings. The conduits shall be run neatly parallel or at right angles to walls and painted in different colours to distinguish light, power and telephone lines. Inspection boxes shall be provided as at. 14.18. PVC SHEATHED WIRING (Baton wiring) 1. PVC sheathed cables may be installed in exposed locations and for medium voltage installation. 2. FIXING IN WALLS AND CEILINGS: All PVC cables on brick walls, stone or plastered walls and ceiling shall be run on well seasoned perfectly straight and well varnished (on all sides) teakwood or any approved hardwood battens of not less than 12mm (1/2") finished thickness, width to suit the totality of the cables laid on the batten, prior to the erection, these shall be fully painted with one coat of varnish or approved paint of colour to match with the surroundings. The battens shall be properly secured to the walls and ceilings by flat circle wood screws to rawl plugs or Phil plugs. The flat circle screw shall be counter-sunk within the wooden battens and smoothed down with file. Where wiring is to be carried out along the face of rolled steel joints, a batten of well-seasoned teak wood of approved quality of adequate width duly varnished or painted shall first be laid on the same clipped to them as inconspicuously as possible. The wiring shall be then fixed to the batten in the ordinary way. Where wiring then passes be fixed to the batten in the ordinary way. Where wiring passes through structural steel work the holes shall be smoothened and be also suitably bushed to prevent abrasion of the cable. The battens shall be fully varnished or painted, as required. Signature of Tenderer with seal 262 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 3. LINK CLIPS: Only tinned brass link clips shall be so arranged that a single clip shall not be hold more than two-twin core PVC sheathed cables up to 0.003 Sq. inch (3/0.036 or 1.5 sq mm) above which a single clip shall hold a single twin core cable. The clips shall be fixed on fully varnished wood battens with brass nail/pins and spaced at intervals of 10cm both in the case of horizontal and vertical runs. For wiring and runs of mains exposed to heat and rain, clip specially made for out door use from durable metal resistant to weather and atmospheric corrosion shall be used. 4. PASSING THROUGH WALLS/CEILINGS: The method to be adopted shall be that laid down under sections 16 (a) or (b) below and under definition of point wiring, 9.1(iv), ante. In the latter case, there shall be one conduit for twin cable or two runs of single-core cable, and the conduit shall be neatly arranged so that the cables enter them without bending. 5. BURIED CABLES: PVC sheathed cables shall not be buried directly in plastering where so specified they may be taken in teak wood channeling of ample capacity or in cement chases or inside conduit pipes buried in the wall. 6. STRIPPING OF OUTER COVERING: While Stripping and cutting of outer covering of cables, care shall be taken to ensure that the sharp edge of the cutting instrument does not touch PVC-sheathed insulation of conductors. The protective outer covering of the cables shall be stripped off near connecting terminals as far as practicable. Car shall be taken to avoid hammering or link clips with any metal instruments, after the cables are laid. Where the junction boxes are provided, they shall be made moisture proof with approved plastic compound. PVC-sheathed wiring shall be painted with a synthetic enamel pain of quick drying type. 14.19. ARMOURED AND UNARMOURED PVC CABLE ON SURFACE: (a) This system of wiring is suitable for providing sub-mains for low/medium voltage installation. All such cables used shall conformed to the relevant I.S.S. (b) FIXING ON WALL/CEILING: PVC insulated, steel tape or wire armored and PVC-sheathed cable on walls, ceiling etc., shall be run on proper wooden/MS cleats with GI saddles placed at such distance apart as to neatly and adequately support the cable all along the run. The wooden cleats shall be secured on the wall/ceiling by flat circle screws to rawl/Phil plugs. (c) PASSING THROUGH WALL: A teakwood box or extending through the whole thickness of the wall shall be burried in the wall and the cable shall be burried in the wall and the cable shall be carried so as to allow wall and the cable shall be carried so as to allow 1/2" clear space on the three sides of the cable or the cable shall carried in an approved bush of well seasoned teakwood duly painted, or other approved material. The cable shall in no case be burried directly in masonry or plaster. (d) LAYING: The cables shall be uncoiled from the drum and laid in straight length so as to avoid sharps on the conductor. The cables should be laid along wall/ceiling in the best workmanlike manner, so as to give a neat appearance. Excessively sharp bends to the cable shall be avoided. Signature of Tenderer with seal 263 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED (e) STRIPPING OF OUTER COVERING: While cutting and stripping the outer covering of the cables, care shall be taken to see that the sharp edge of cutting instrument does not damage the PVC insulation of the conductors. The insulation shall be stripped off near the connection terminals as far as possible taking care again to see that the conductor is not damaged. (f) END TERMINATION: The connecting terminals of the armoured and unarmoured cable shall be terminated on the iron clad main switch/ distribution board etc., by using proper size brass/alloy supporting glands. In case of armoured cables, the armoured cables shall be supported into the gland and connected to the earth as per conventional practice. Terminations at both ends shall be made with cable lugs. 14.20. EARTHING a) Except for equipment provided with double insulation all non-current carrying metal parts of electrical installations are to be earthed properly. All metal conduits, cable sheaths, switchgear, distribution fuse boards, etc., shall be bonded together and connected to an efficient earth electrode. Medium Voltage energy consuming plant and equipment shall have two separate and distinct connections to the earth. In the case of MV/LT panels, 2 nos. of earth bus bars of copper or GI of suitable section shall be run the back side of the panel and earth bus bars and the individual switches shall be interconnected by means of copper or GI wire of suitable gauge as specified. b) EARTHING CONDUCTOR: Earthing conductor shall be of higher conductivity copper or GI or any other suitable approved material to give equivalent conductivity and shall not less than half the largest current carrying conductor or 14SWG (7/00.029) but subject to an upper limit of 65 For equipment exceeding 750 KVA the size shall be as per IS1886-1961. c) INSTALLATION: The buried earthing leads will be protected from mechanical injury by 1/2" (12mm) GI pipe recessed in wall and floor where considered necessary and carried up to the earth electrode. It shall be fixed over its entire length clamps, saddles, staples, etc. The earthing lead shall be securely bolted and soldered to the electrode with bolts and washer of the base metal. The earthing lead shall be securely connected at the other end to the main board and all its mountings and looped to all other iron clad switches and distribution boards. d) ELECTRODE: The construction of earth electrode shall be in accordance with relevant IS code. The electrode shall be surrounded by alternate layers of charcoal or coke and salt. Watering arrangement with 1/2" GI pipe and funnel shall be provided, the latter being housed in chamber of inner size 30cm X 30cm. The resistance of earth electrode shall not exceed 1 Ohms; that of each continuity path from any point with electrode shall not exceed 1ohm and that of earthing connection 0.1 Ohm. 14.21. UNDERGROUND CABLES a) HIGH MEDIUM/LOW TENSION: Cables should be double tape/wire armored over lead covering and paper insulated as specified in the schedule of work. All joints of cables should be in joint boxes and filling in of the compound shall be done as per IS specifications using best quality of materials. In case of the PVC insulted armored cables joining will be done with approved quick setting epoxy compound with suitable jointing kit. The jointing work should be carried out by a competent authorized cable joiner. Signature of Tenderer with seal 264 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED b) TRENCH: All underground cables shall be laid in suitable trenches which shall not be less than 45cm wide and 75cm below ground level in the case M V and LT and 1.2M below ground level in the case of H.T. Wherever necessary suitable propping and shoring shall be done to avoid caving in of the adjoining walls. Where the cables cross other services such as water/sewer lines or drains through walls into buildings, adequate protection should be made to prevent accidental exposure and/or damage to the cables. c) SPACING BETWEEN CABLES: Where more than one cable is laid in the same trench the actual space between the cables should be normally be 25cm apart leaving a clear distance of 15cm from the cable and the trench walls. d) LAYING OF CABLES: Before the cables are laid, a 75mm layer of sand base is to be provided for cushioning. The cables after being uncoiled and laid into a trench from the rollers should be drawn in straight length. After the cable is laid a 9" wide duct is to be formed with two well burnt brick laid on the edge one on either side and bridged by a well burnt brick laid flat on the top supporting bricks on edge with sand filled in around the cable. The trench is then filled with excavated earth, laid in layers, water and consolidated the surplus being disposed off. Cable markers with 3mm thick plates of suitable size, with 40mm X 40mm X 6mm supporting vertical MS angle iron welded to plate duly painted two coats against corrosion, or with 2" thick RCC slab of suitable size, making done with details cables and depths at which laid, duly painted on them, shall be provided at ground level after being suitably embedded in cement concrete (1:3:6) blocks of 20cm X 20cm X 20cm and spaced at distances of about 30 m from concrete to center and at every change in direction. When more than one cable is to be laid, the width of the trench will be suitably increased and cables laid side by side confirming to specifications as above. In such case there shall be a separate brick duct for every cable. In case the cables cannot be laid side by said at one level they may be laid in tier formation in same trench. In this case after the first 7.5cm of sand cushioning, the first tier of cable is laid and sand filled in the trench for full width to form a bed of 23cm above this tier. After this second cable is laid and the process repeated the top most tier being at least 45mm below the ground level. The top cable shall be suitable covered with bricks as detailed for the single tier above. When laying with cables, care should be taken to see that the paper insulated cables are bent straightened slowly, sharp radius being avoided. The minimum safe bending radius for single core cable is 20m dia and for multi core cables 10m dia and for armoured cable 12 dia.mts. Where the cables are required to cross the roads water/sewer lines etc., they should normally be taken through sleeve pipes at least 10cm in diameter which may either of stoneware, steel or spun reinforced concrete. For more than one cable the diameter should not be less than 15cm. Steel pipe shall be used where it is not possible to obtain sufficient depth to withstand impact from traffic. e) Rate for cables shall include costs for all operations described above unless otherwise separately provided for elsewhere. f) CABLE INSIDE BUILDING: Cable laid inside the building should be properly protected and be carried either in ducts with suitable covers of slabs or chequered plates or fixed to walls by clamps, brackets or cable trays. g) TESTING OF CABLES: High voltage tests should be undertaken to ensure that no damage has occurred during the laying of operation and that the joints are in order. Cable of 1.1 KV suitable for low and medium voltage should be withstand for 15 minutes, 3,000 volts Direct Current applied between the conductor and sheath. In the absence of high pressure testing Signature of Tenderer with seal 265 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED equipment it is sufficient to test for 1 minute with 1000 volts. If the test results are to be found not satisfactory the Contractors shall arrange for having this set right at their cost, including removal of rejected materials, relaying etc. 14.22.0 RECEPTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN SUPPLY 14.22. 1. CONTROL AT POINT OF COMMENCEMENT OF SUPPLY: There shall be a circuit breaker or a linked switch on each live conductor of the supply of mains at the point of entry. The wiring through the installation shall be such that there is no breakage in the neutral wire in the form of a switch or fuse unit. The neutral shall also be distinctly marked as provided in the Indian Electricity Rules 1956. The main switches gear shall be easily accessible and shall be situated as near as practicable to the termination of service line. On the main switch gear, where the conductors include an earthed conductor of two wire system or an earthed conductor of two wire system or an earthed neutral conductor of a multi-wire system or a conductor which is to be connected there to an indication of a permanent nature shall be provided to identify the earthed neutral conductor in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules 1956. 14.22.2. Main Switches and Switch Boards: All main switches shall be either be iron/metal clad of enclosed pattern or of any insulated enclosed pattern as specified in the Job Schedule and shall be fixed at close proximity to the point entry of supply. LOCATION: a) Open type switch boards shall placed only in dry situations and in well ventilated rooms and they shall not be placed in the vicinity of storage batteries and exposed to chemical fumes. b) In a damp situation, or where inflammable or explosive dust vapour or gas is to likely to be present the switch boards shall be totally enclosed or made flame proof as may be necessary in the particular circumstances. c) A switch board shall be installed so that its bottom is 1.25M (4ft) above a floor, unless the front of the switch board is located in a position to which only located only by authorized persons have access. d) Switch boards shall not be erected above gas stoves or sinks or within 2.5M (8ft) of any washing unit in the washing rooms of laundries, or in bathrooms, lavatories, or Pantry or toilets. e) Switch boards if unavoidably fixed in places likely to be exposed to weather, water or abnormally moist atmosphere, outer casing shall be provided with glands or bushings or adapters to receive screwed conduits according to the manner in which cables are run. MOUNTING: Iron/metal clad switch gear shall preferably be mounted on any of the following boards: a) HINGED TYPE METAL BOARDS: For small switchboards for mounting iron/metal clad switch/gear metal board shall be used. Metal board shall consist of a box made of metal sheet of less than of 16g thickness and shall be provided with a hinged cover to enable the board to be swung open for the examination of the wiring at the back. The joints shall be welded. The boards shall be securely fixed to the wall by means of rag bolts and shall be provided with locking arrangements and earthing stud. Al wires passing through the metal board shall be properly bused. Alternatively, metals boards may be made of suitable size or channel iron frame work suitably mounted on front with 3mm (1/8") thick MS plates and on back with 1.588mm (1/6") MS sheet. In the case of PVC sheathed system of wiring, the top and bottom members may be Signature of Tenderer with seal 266 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED replaced by 2.54mm (1") teakwood batten. Except for the above change all other details shall be applicable for the alternative also. Besides, the front sheet shall be provided with suitable hinges. There shall be a clear distance of 3.175cm (1'-1/4") between the front sheet shall be provided with suitable hinges. A teakwood board of thickness not less than 6mm (1/4") will be provided at the back, if so specified. b) FIXED-TYPE METAL BOARDS: These shall consist of angle or channel iron frame fixed on the wall or on the floor. There shall be clear distance of 1M in front of the switchboard. A working distance of 1M behind the switchboard is preferable. If there is any attachment of bare connections at the back of the switchboard, Rule 51 (1) c of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 shall apply. The detailed dimensions and design of metal boards and angle iron frame work for switch gears, including the position of the various mountings, which shall be symmetrically and neatly arranged for arriving at the overall dimensions shall be prepared and submitted before hand and shall have been prior approval of the Architects. Where so specified in the Job Schedule or elsewhere switch boards shall be recessed into the wall with front fitted with hinged panel of 16G M.S. Sheet or 3mm thick decorative laminated Hylam Sheet in M.S. angle iron frame with locking arrangement, the outer surface of the doors being flush with the walls. Ample room shall be provided at the back for connection and at the front between the switchgear mountings and the door. Steel work shall be painted one coat with synthetic enamel paint of approved make and colour over an anticorrosive primer. ARRANGEMENT OF APPARATUS/MOUNTINGS: a) Equipment which is on the front of a switch Baird shall be arranged that an inadvertent personal contact with live parts is unlikely during tier manipulation of switches, changing of fuses or like operations. b) No apparatus shall be project beyond any edge of the panel. No fuse body shall be mounted within 2.5cm (1") of any edge of the panel and no holes other than the holes by means of which the panel is fixed shall be drilled closer than 1.3cm (1/2") from any edge of the panel. c) Various live parts, unless they are effectively screened by substantial barrier of non-hydroscopic non-inflammable insulating materials shall so spaced that an arc cannot be develop and maintained between such parts and earth. d) The arrangement of the apparatus shall be such that they shall be readily accessible and their connections to all instruments and apparatus shall be easily traceable. e) In every case in which switches and fuses are fitted on the same pole, the fuses shall be so arranged that they cannot be live when their respective switches are in `off' position. f) No fuses other than fuses in the instrument circuits shall be fixed on the back of or behind a switch board panel or frame. MARKING OF APPARATUS a) When a board is connected to voltage higher than 250v all the terminals or leads of the apparatus mounted on it shall be marked in the following colours to indicate the different poles or phases to which the apparatus or its different terminals may have been connected. Three Phases - Red, Blue and Yellow 1 Neutral - Black b) Where four wire three phase wiring is done, the neutral shall preferably be in one colour and each of the other three wires in another colour. Signature of Tenderer with seal 267 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED c) Where a board has more than one switch, each switch shall be marked to indicate which section of the installation it controls. The main switch shall be marked as such and when there is more than one main switch in the building, each switch shall be marked to indicate which section of the installation it controls. d) All marking required under this clause shall be clear and permanent 14.22.3. MAIN AND BRANCH DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: Unless otherwise specified main and distribution fuse boards shall be iron clad/metal card type or any type so described in these specifications, subject to approval of the Architects. Main distribution boards shall be provided with a switch or any circuit breaker on each pole of each circuit a fuse or a phase or a live conductor and a link on neutral or earth conductor of each circuit. The switches shall always be linked. Branch distribution boards shall be provided with a fuse or a circuit breaker on the live conductor of each circuit an earthed neutral conductor shall be connected to a common link and capable of being disconnected individually for testing purposes. A spare circuit of the same capacity shall be provided on each branch distribution board. Lights and fans may be wired on a common circuit. As regards power sub-circuits the outlets shall be provided according to the load design of these circuits, but in no case there shall be more than two outlets on each circuit. Where there are special requirements like air-conditioning such outlets should be wired on separate circuits with a control such IC switch/miniature circuit breaker. 14.22.4. CIRCUIT LIMITATIONS: Sub-circuits shall not have more than a total of ten points of lights, fan and socket outlets or a load of 800 watts, whichever is less. If a separate fan circuit is adopted the number of fans in a circuit shall not be more than ten. 14.22.5. INSTALLATION OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: a) The distribution boards shall be located as near as possible to the center of the load they are intended to control. b) These switches (as per clause 14.2) shall be fixed on a suitable stanchion or wall and shall be accessible for replacement of fuses. c) These shall be of either iron/metal clad type or all insulated type. But if exposed to weather or damp situations they shall be of the waterproof type and if installed where they are exposed to explosives, dust, vapour or gas, they shall be of the flame proof type. d) Where two or more distribution fuse, boards feeding low pressure circuits are fed from supply at medium voltage these distribution boards shall be: 1) Fixed not less than 2M (6ft) apart or 2) Arranged so that two cannot be opened at the same time viz. they are interlocked and the metal case is marked "Danger-440 Volts" or 3) Installed in a room or enclosure accessible to only authorized persons. e) All distribution boards shall be marked "Lighting" or "power" as the case maybe and also marked with pressure and number of phases of supply. Each shall be provided with circuit list giving details of circuit which it controls and the current rating of the circuit and size of the fuse element. Signature of Tenderer with seal 268 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 14.22.6. WIRING OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: a) In wiring a branch distribution board, the total load or the consuming devices shall be divided as far as possible evenly between the number of ways the board leaving the spare circuit for future extension. b) All connections between pieces of apparatus or between apparatus and terminals on board shall be neatly arranged in a definite sequence following the arrangement on the apparatus mounted thereon, avoiding unnecessary crossing. c) Cables shall be connected to terminals only by soldered lugs/crimped lugs unless the terminals are of such form that they can be securely clamped without cutting cable strands. d) All bare conductors shall be rigidly fixed in a such manner that a clearance of at least 2.5cm (1") is maintained between the conductors and any terminal other than the insulating material. e) In a hinged board, the incoming and outgoing cables shall be neatly bunched and shall be fixed in such a way that the door shall be capable of swinging through an angle of not less than 90 degrees. f) If required in the Job Schedule, pilot lamp shall be fixed and connected through an independent single pole switch and fuse to the bus bars of the board. g) All main and branch distribution boards shall be provided with earth bus bars as described in 12 (1) ante. 14.23. PASSING THOUGH WALLS/CEILINGS: When the conductors pass though walls/ceilings, any one of the following methods shall be employed. Care shall be taken to see that wires pass freely through protective pipe or box and that wire pass though in a straight line without any twist or cross in wires, on either end of such holes. a) A teakwood box extending through the whole thickness of the wall shall be buried in the wall and casings or conductors shall be carried so as to allow 1.3cm(1/2") air space on three sides of the casing or conductor. b) The conductor shall be carried in an approved heavy gauge solid drawn or lap welded conduit or in 2m thick PVC pipe of such size that it permits easy drawing in. The ends of conduits shall be neatly bushed with PVC, wood, or other approved materials. Where a wall tube passes outside a building exposed to weather the outer end shall be bell mouthed and turned downwards and properly bushed on open end. c) Where conductors pass from floor to another through ceiling, they shall be protected in the manner specified in (b) above, from 2.5cm below the ceiling level and up to a height of 1.5M above floor level (with out any extra charges). 14.24. FIXING TO WALLS AND CEILINGS: a) Plugging of walls or ceiling shall be done efficiently and neatly, using approved types of asbestos or fiber fixing plugs with the right sizes and types of tool in workman like manner. Where this cannot be done, wooden plugs as described below can be used with special permission of the Architects. b) Plug for ordinary walls or ceilings shall be well seasoned teak or other approved hardwood not less than 5cm (2") long by 2.5cm (1") square on the inner end and 2cm (3/4") square on outer end. They shall be cemented into walls within 6mm (1/4") of the surface with plaster or lime punning. Where wiring to irregular coursing or other reasons the plugging of walls or ceiling with wood plugs present difficulties, the wood encasing, wooden batten, metal conductor or cleat ( as case may be) shall be attached tot he wall or ceiling in a suitable manner to be approved by the Architects. Signature of Tenderer with seal 269 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED In the case of new buildings, teakwood plugs shall be fixed in the walls, before first coat of white washing is given. 14.25. BRANCH SWITCHES: Where the supply is derived from a three wire or four wire source and the distribution is done on the two wire system all branch switches shall be placed in the outer or live conductor of the circuit and no single pole switch or fuse shall be inserted in the middle wire, earthed or earthed neutral conductor of the circuit. Single pole switches carrying not more than15 amperes may be of the tumbler type or as specified. 14.26. FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES: All materials used in the construction of fittings shall be of such quality, design and construction that will provided adequate protection in normal use, against mechanical and electrical failure and exposure, to the risk of injury or electric shock and shall withstand the effects of exposure to atmosphere. 14.27. ATTACHMENT OF FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 14.27.1. In other than conduit wiring, all ceiling roses, sockets, outlets, switches, regulators, brackets, pendants, and accessories attached to the wall or ceiling shall be mounted on substantial blocks of well seasoned teakwood, or hard wood of approved quality twice varnished both inside and out side including backside after all fixing holes are made in them. Blocks shall be used for attaching fittings and accessories to their blocks. 14.27.2. Groups of accessories and regulators shall be mounted on well seasoned and properly secured teakwood boards of suitable sizes to accommodate that required number of fittings. The board shall be well varnished with pure shellac on all sides, both inside and outside and the cover shall be 3mm thick decorative laminated Hylam of approved make as may be specified. The board shall be divided into sections, one for the switches which shall be flush mounted and other for the regulators, fixed with suitable washers and round circle iron screws. In the case of surface type wiring, switches may be surface mounted or flush mounted as specified on double teakwood boxes with hinge cover, or covered with 3mm thick laminates hylam sheet, as specified. 14.27.3. PROTECTION OF CONDUIT AGAINST RUST: The outer surfaces of the conduit surfaces of the conduit pipes including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes, etc., forming part of the conduit system shall be adequately protected against rust, particularly when such system is exposed to weather. In all cases no bare threaded portion of conduit pipe shall be allowed unless such bare threaded is treated with anticorrosive preservative or covered with approved plastic compound. 14.27.4. PROTECTION AGAINST DAMPNESS: In order to minimize the condensation or sweating inside the tube, all outlets of the conduit system shall be properly drained and ventilated, but in such manner as to prevent the entry of insects as far as possible. 14.27.5. BENDS IN CONDUITS: All necessary bends in the system including diversion shall be done by bending pipes or by inserting suitable solid or inspection type normal bends or similar fittings, or fixing M.S. inspection boxes which ever more suitable. Inspection conduit fittings shall be avoided as far as possible on conduit system exposed to weather. Wherever necessary, solid type fittings shall be used. Radius of such bends in conduit pipes shall not be less than 7.5 cm. No length of conduit shall have more than two equivalent 90 degrees bends from outlets to outlets the bends at the outlets not being counted. Signature of Tenderer with seal 270 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) A.14.0 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIFT – (ANNEXURE – 11) A.14.0 GENERAL A.14.1.1 i) LIFT INSTALLATION AND ERECTION Scope : Scope of lift work unless otherwise specified shall deem to exclude from the scope of work and same will be done by separate lift contractor for installation, the supply, delivery, unloading, testing, demonstrating and commissioning of the lift (s) described in the specification along with obtaining the statutory license/permit and safety certificate from the appropriate governing authorities. ii) Drawings: The Lift Contractor shall furnish drawings necessary to show the general arrangement of the lift equipment to lift contractor. These drawings must be approved by the Engineer / Architect before the commencement of work, and when returned will include a guarantee of hoist way sizes and confirmation of electrical power supply. iii) Electrical equipment: All electrical equipments shall be supplied by the contractor and the complete electrical installation for lift well and machine room if any must be strictly in accordance with the Local Lift Licensing body’s Specification for Electrical Installations for Lift. iv) Other Work not included in the Lift Vendor but to be carried out by the main contractor: a) Works generally not included in the Lift vendor’s scope as mentioned below shall be undertaken or provided by the main contractor whether specified or not b) The hoist way properly framed and enclosed including a pit of proper depth with drains and water-proofing if required. c) Guarding and protecting the hoist way during the time the equipment is being installed. The hoist way and pit walls will be treated and painted to minimize accumulation and circulation of dust. d) A properly lighted and ventilated fire resistive machine room of sufficient size to accommodate the lift equipment, including floors, access door, ladders and guards as required, with walls, floor and ceiling treated and painted to minimize accumulation and circulation of dust. e) Furnishing in place as located on the drawings, all supports for the guide rail brackets, support beams for lift machine and sheaves unless otherwise indicated in this specification. f) A continuous sill bearing area for each landing entrance of such construction as to assure anchorage and support for each sill and grouting as necessary beneath the positioned sills. g) All necessary cutting away and making good of beams, walls and masonry work, including repairs to plaster, and any cutting and making good that may be required by the Lift Contractor. h) The provision, erection and removal of scaffolding in the lift well as required by the Lift Contractor. i) Electric power cables terminating in a triple pole, iron clad switch fuse with H.R.C. fuses adjacent to each controller. j) Required points and switches for the car light and machine room points and switches for the lift signal equipment. k) Provision of adequate storage facilities at the job site with sufficient space to store all lift equipment for the complete period of installation. Signature of Tenderer with seal 271 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) l) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Concrete foundation for machine furnished in accordance with the Lift Contractor’s requirements. Foundation bolts and templates to be provided by the Lift Contractors. Mass brick steps if required by the lift vendor for climbing to the machine platform shall be in the main contractor’s scope. Similarly any chequered plate flooring with adequate supports if required by the lift vendor shall be in the main contractor’s scope. m) Any trap door opening along with providing and fixing trap door with locking arrangement shall be in the main contractor’s scope and shall be carried out at no extra cost by the main contractor. n) Supporting hook or I-beam that may be required to hoist the lift machinery shall be provided by the main contractor. o) All landing entrances and finishes with Contractor’s interlocks, frames, doors and hardware, furnished in place with proper provision to accommodate the Lift Contractor’s interlocks. (This equipment may be provided by the Lift Contractor as, in some cases, this is part of the Contractor’s standard product). p) Supports for anchoring, compensating sheaves and frame in lift pit as required. q) Provision of a fire-resisting screen between the machine room and lift well if required by the statutory authorities. r) A Danger Notice to be fitted to the outside of the lift motor room door, and door to be fitted with a suitable lock. s) All scaffolding in lift shafts will be supplied by the Building Contractor. Basement Car Park The basement car park is a double storage parking system classified as stack parking and shall be of three modules and each module shall have 6 cars. The car park shall be procured, manufactured erected and commissioned through approved supplier, M/s Dantal Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, or equivalent and shall have a one year free maintenance and the contractor shall co-ordinate and obtain shop drawings and execute all allied civil works, electrical works, provide suitable floor marking etc and have the work duly commissioned to the satisfaction if PMC/ Bank. This job is included in the scope of contractor TEC HNI CAL SPECIFI CATIONS FOR 200KVA DI ESE L GENERA TING SET (Kirloskar Green, Cummi ns or Caterpillar) Supplying, fixing, alignment, testing & commissioning at site as per specifications complete in all respect commissioning of 200 KVA ( continuous ratiing ) 415 Volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz. AC alternator coupled to Diesel Engine complete with all accessories,standard specifications tool kit , service manual, self starting device, fly wheel, coupling with guard, V belts, water cooled system, instrument panel, common bed plate, antivibration isolation pads, grouting bolts, first charge of engine oil, gear oil, high speed diesel oil , 24 volts chargeable battery set complete with batteries , battery charger & scrubber etc and prepare the same as drawing for total installation for statutory approved as an Engineer -In - Charge Complete intall respect as required. Auto synchronizing Panel with load to sharing and stand by manual synchronizing facility for 1 Nos. 200 KVA DG. Set as per scheme enclosed. 15.0 DI ESEL ENGINE: St andard D iese l Engine, 4 cy linders, water coo led, turbo char ged af ter coole d, deve loping 56BHP @ 1500RPM, under NTP condit ions of BS: 5514, with an overloa d capacit y of 10% for one hour in any 1 2 continuous hour s operation, and suitable f or Gener ating Set application as follo ws: Signature of Tenderer with seal 272 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED DG Rating 200 KVA BHP 56 at 1500 rpm The Eng ine shall be complete with t he follow ing accessories: Oil type air cleaner Exhaust Silencer suit able for canopy Expans ion bellow Lube oil cooler Full flow Lube oil f ilter Fue l Filters (Pre and Micro) Rad iator with pusher t ype Blower Fan or Heat Exchanger and mounting Pipe Coup lings for Engine Cooling Syst em Pip in g Corrosion Inhibitor Coolant In-line mono block fuel inject ion pump Mechanic al governor and fuel feed pump Fly whee l with starter ring and bell housing su itable for close coupling Exhaust gas dr iven turbocharger 12 Volt electric st arter mot or Batt ery char ging alternat or Eng ine instrumentat ion pane l cons isting of En gine Mon itoring System housed in t he Power Control Pane l Pr otection syst em for o Low lub e oil pressure o High water t emperature Fue l Off soleno id Initial fill of lube oil Lube oil drain arrangement Br eather Pipe AVM’s 15.1 ALTERNATOR: St andard Design A lternator, suit ably rated at 0.8 PF, 415 Volts, 3 Phase, 4 Wires, 0. 80 PF, 50 Hz, 1500 RPM, self exited and self regulated, w ith brushless exitation, Ban d of Vo lt age Regu lation ± 1.0% of rated volt age, from no load to full load. Insulat ion Class “H” in SPOP enc losure. The Alternator generally conforms to BS: 4722/IS: 2613, suit able for close coupling. DG Rating 200 KVA 15.2 Alternator Capaci ty 200 KVA BA SE FR AME: St urdy sheet metal base fabricated, welded cons truct ion suit ab le for mounting the canopy structur e directly on the channel iron Base Frame with the cross me mber s design ed to house the above Eng ine and A lternator. Base frame shall have provision for mount ing t he fuel tank and battery. End channel sha ll be removable t ype to remove t he fuel tank etc. Base frame shall have provision for lube oil drain hose and breather hose. Signature of Tenderer with seal 273 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 15.3 CONTROL PA NEL: Cub ical type, floor mou nt ing Control Pane l, w ith hinged doors, undrilled bott om gland plate and accommodating the following: • MCC B (L & T/ Equiva le nt make, 100 A, with under voltage release, overload relay w ith short circuit protection) • Vo lt met er • Vo lt met er Selector Switch • Ammet er • Ammet er Select or switch • Indicat ing Lamps for “Set run“ “Load on“ • Set of control f uses • Set of current transformers • KW Hr Meter • Frequency Meter • Bus Bars • HR C fuses • Batt ery Charging Ammeter • Lube Oil Pr essur e gauge • Power Fact or Met er 15.4 FUEL TANK: 150 Litres capacity Fue l Tank with mounting brackets, complete with le vel indicator, fuel in let and out let, air ven t, fuel filling hose and breat her. Manhole arr angement wit h fue l drain plug. Fuel filling c ap with lock and key arrangement 15.5 BATTERY: 1x12V, 17 plate, 120A, 12 volt s, dr y and uncharged battery with one set of connecting leads of 50sqmm size copper cable and terminals . 15.6 EXHAUST PIPING DG Set offered in complete with exhaust piping, i.e. Silencer shall be mounted and connected by means of MS pipe through flexible pipe to the engine manifold. Entire exhaust piping inside the Canopy (Cold zone) is insulated by means of ceramic wool and aluminum cladded. The exhaust pipe shall be terminated only at the compound wall and the same shall be painted with heat resistant paint. Any additional length shall be in the contractor’s scope. 15.7 MANUALS & DOCUMENTATION a) Operation & Maintenance manual for Engine b) Maintenance Manual for Alternator c) Engine test certificate d) Alternator test certificate e) Circuit diagram for Control Panel f) DG set test certificate g) CPCB Compliance label fixed on Canopy. Signature of Tenderer with seal 274 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 15.8 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED ACOUSTIC EN CLOSU RE: CPCB certified Acous tic Enclosure. Acoustic enclosure shall be powder coated and fabricated out of 16 SWG CRCA MS Sheet. The silent canopy shall be of nut & bolt type construction. Critical process of punching shall be done on CNC machines to maintain dimensional accuracy of holes within 0.1 mm. Powder coating shall be done after seven–tank surface preparation process of sheet metal. Canopy panel and doors shall have inside lining of Rock Wool / Foam as acoustic material. Four hinged doors shall be provided to canopy, one door shall have glass window for viewing control panel. CONSTRUCTI ON DET AILS / SPECIFI CATIONS: Outer Body -1.6mm THICK (16SWG) CRCA Doors -1.6mm THICK (16SWG) CRCA Sound I nsulation -25mmP.U.F or 100mm Rock Wool The acoustic enclosure should be composite in const ruction The acoustic enc losure parts shall be powde r coated after 7 tank pre treatment process The common base frame shall be epoxy coated in black shade Fue l lines between tank and engine shall be done by hoses 15.9 COLOUR SCHEME: The base plate and top cover is powder coated with approved colour. The body of the canopy is powder coated with pleasing ivory or other approved colour. 15.10 PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS: The Logarithmic average sound level, when measured in green field condition (ISO 3744 or 8528 PT 10) at 1 – meter distance from all four sides shall be less than 75 – dba as per CPCB norms. The average stabilized hot air temperature rise inside the canopy shall be maintained within 10 deg C over and above ambient temperature. 15.11 FEATURES OF READY TO USE SILENT DG SET SHALL BE OF WITH FOLLOWING FEATURES: a. Easy site assembly of canopy, if required Dimensional accuracy of parts with 0.1 mm b. c. No grouting is necessary, only plain surface is good enough for installation d. Designed for installations in open - air conditions e. Convenient lifting arrangement for complete canopy with engine and alternator Lockable – hinged doors provided on either side of canopy to have easy access to the engine f. and alternator g. Externally accessible fuel filling and Lube Oil draining arrangement h. Externally accessible emergency stop button 15.12 CANOPY’ S FEATURES a) Emergency stop button with wiring b) 12 Volt Emergency light with wiring c) 4 Nos. Slam Type Lock with key d) 4 Nos. lifting hooks e) Aluminum sheet cladding for Exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold to silencer inlet f) Exhaust pipe from Silencer outlet to top roof with bend g) Viewing glass for control panel in the door h) Rock wool stuffing in hot air zone Signature of Tenderer with seal 275 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 25 MM thickness FTD 32 model foam fixing Water filling cap with fiber hinges in Top Roof 3mm thickness Polyurethane cross link tape provided in between Top cover and Hood 3mm thickness Polyurethane cross link tape provided in between Canopy and Base Plate Rain cover plate for exhaust pipe opening in the roof All external fasteners used shall be of Stainless Steel and internal with MS with Green Passivated. Exhaust piping system provided with tail pipe after silencer All Canopy components shall be powder coated inside and outside for minimum 70 microns thickness and base plates shall be epoxy painted. 15.13 200 kVA AMF PANEL SPECIFICATION FOR 200 KVA D.G. SET 1 96 Multifunction meter (A,V,F) 1 No 2 Line Voltage Monitor 1 No 3 Indicating Lamps 6 Nos 4 5 Fuse base with HRC ( for EB ) MCCB ( for DG) 63A - 3 Nos 63A – 1 No MCCB 6 4P Contactor (AC1) (2 Nos.) 63A 7 Selector Switches 1 Set 8 9 96 KWH meter 96 Multifunction meter (KW,PF,WH) NIL 1 Set 10 Metering CTs (3 Nos.) 60/ 5A 11 Battery Charger with DC Ammeter/Voltmeter 1 No 12 Earth Fault Relay (Electronic) NIL 13 Microprocessor Based AMF Relay with inbuilt LLOP&HWT protection 1 No 14 PB + CF 1 Set 15 Hooter 1 No 16 17 Type of mounting Panel Size H x W x D Floor 1275x600x300mm Signature of Tenderer with seal 276 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1. Structural Glazing Design, Supply, fabricating and erection of Frame Work for semi-unitized (four side) structural glazing system to withstand the design wind pressure of 150 kg/sq m conforming to IS-875 Part III (the system must pass the proof test at 1.5 times design wind pressure i.e. 225 kg/sq m). System incorporating mullion and transom section, aluminium extrusions, trims, etc shall be duly anodized to minimum 20 micron with all necessary fittings, fixtures, SS screws, SS anchor bolts, fastener (304), SS nut bolt, MS ‘L’ type bracket with hot-dip galvanized 80 micron thick spacer tape, 15mm dia backer rod with weather silicon gasket and hardware along with approved silicon sealant, shall be used to ensure stability and water tightness of the structure including necessary fine stoppage, EPDM gasket, clamping system, 6mm x 12mm spacer tape with approved silicon sealant. The system shall be designed to accommodate double glass unit/ provision for the openable shutter wherever required/ provision for single unit glass/ provision for insulated panel & ACP cladding including sub-framework/ sach section for glass unit etc, complete and as directed. Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock tie) on the exterior side upto seven story height made with 40mm dia MS tube 1.5 m c/c horizontal and vertical tubes joining with cup and lock system with MS tubes, MS tube challies MS clamps and MS staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it thereafter . The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings , runners, connection with the building etc. wherever trequired for inspection of work at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc. complete as per direction and approval of PMC/ Architect/ employer. Note: Minimum size of sections – Mullion 100x60x2.5mm; Transom 100x60x2mm. All other sections shall be of minimum 2mm thick. All aluminium extrusions shall be of 6063 TS 5/6 alloy conforming to ASTN B221. The entire work shall be done through approved agency only, who have executed similar works and are having a turnover of over Rs 2 crores since past 5 years and have requisite tools and manpower to undertake such work. The colour of the glass shall be selected by the architect in combination with the sand stone and contractor has to prepare a mock-up on site with alternative shades of glass for approval within 100 days of award of work. External Stone Cladding and Stone Dado. The external stone cladding on the building façade shall be fixed with 40mm thick approved stone of approximate 600 x 450 mm having 12mm groove. The edge of the stone shall have rebate as per design, duly machine cut. The work shall be done as per CPWD code No. 7.23 and cramps shall be as per code 7.25 and provided with each stone piece and as per code no. 7.27 with copper pins provided @ 600 mm centers (max) 1.1 Fixed Glass Panel (Single) EVO series, 6 mm annealed glass UV value = 3.8 watt/ m2/ k St-Gobain equivalent light transmission 11%, outdoor reflection 11%, indoor reflection 25%, solar value = 0.23, of approved blue/ green colour, solar count = 0.27 The architect and employer reserves the right to any other equivalent make of glass. Basic cost: Rs. 1,050/- per sq m Signature of Tenderer with seal 277 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 1.2 Openable Shutters – Double glass unit (6mm+12mm+5mm) Vision area Extra over item # 1, for providing and fixing double glass hermetically sealed, 6mm soft coat low e (heat strengthened) of dark blue colour + 12mm air gap + 5mm clear heat strengthened glass unit with primary seal, secondary seal/ perforated aluminium spacer frame/ spacer profile/ spacer tape/ silicon sealant etc, duly approved by Architect/Employer, including top hung openout, gasket drain to ensure total water tightness, frame with crimped corners for rigidity, heavy duty stainless steel friction hinges, stays, handles, four point locking arrangement/ mechanism, approved silicon sealant, structurally glazed on framework etc, as per specification, approved drawings and as directed complete. 1.3 Spandrel Area (Behind Single glass) Extra over item # 1, for providing and fixing shadow box of GI sheet tray 22 gauge along with insulation of 50mm thick 48Kg/m3 density, glass wool slab with block covered with black tissue paper, fixed on the main framework with approved structural sealant, etc as per specification, approved drawings and as directed all complete. 1.4 Aluminium Composite Panel Cladding Extra over item # 1, for providing and fixing 4mm thick aluminium composite panel of approved make/shade/colour, comprising 2 layers of aluminium sheet (0.5mm thick each) sandwiched with polyethylene core 100% virgin adhesive treatment, PVDF coating minimum 25 micron on top, service coating polyester coat minimum 8 micron on bottom, hardware, approved silicon sealant etc, including necessary aluminium stiffeners, angles, brackets etc, complete, structurally fixed on main framework as per specification, approved drawings and as directed all complete. 1.5 Aluminium Composite Panel Cladding – 150mm wide Extra over item # 1, for providing and fixing 4mm thick aluminium composite panel of approved make/shade/colour, comprising 2 layers of aluminium sheet (0.5mm thick each) sandwiched with polyethylene core 100% virgin adhesive treatment, PVDF coating minimum 25 micron on top, service coating polyester coat minimum 8 micron on bottom, hardware, approved silicon sealant etc, including necessary aluminium stiffeners, angles, brackets etc, complete, structurally fixed on main framework. 2. Canopy ( will be undertaken separately ) 2 (a) Designing, providing, erecting, fabricating, hoisting, placing and fixing in position Structural Steel composed of channels, beams, plates, angles, foundation bolts, anchor bolts etc, and structural framework as per detailed approved drawing including welding, riveting, bolting as necessary, including epoxy paint as per manufacturers specifications etc, complete for canopy work. 2 (b) Designing, providing, erecting, hoisting and placing in position laminated glass canopy on stainless steel spider system (cantilever 7m) suspended design as per IS code, considering wind pressure 150Kg/Sq m (design wind pressure 150x1.5=225Kg/Sq m) including approved weather sealant, SS spider system grade 316 with articulated bolt assembly in SS of 316 grade fasteners and anchor bolts of 304 grade of approved make. Teflon/nylon bushes and separators to prevent bi-metallic contacts, SS 1mm flashing at wall side and sealing with approved sealant, drainage gutter at canopy junction and including design, glass panel of 17.52mm thick clear laminated in combination of 10mm thick 1.52mm PVB plus 6mm clear float glass (tampered) with necessary drill counter with polished edge finish. Note: Mode of measurement – Top Plan Area (Length x Width) 2 (c) Providing and fixing stainless steel high tensile cable SS 304 and tie rods of MC alloy (50mm dia) including fixing arrangement required for the same at both ends etc, complete. Signature of Tenderer with seal 278 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 2 (d) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED Providing and fixing stainless steel wire rope for canopy SS 304 as per approved drawing. 3. Doors 3 (a) Designing, providing and fixing glass work at entrance having 7 glass panels, 4 openable, central and fixed side panels. Assembly shall be made of 12mm clear heat strengthened glass of approved colour, frameless door shutter with approved floor springs and patch fittings, to support/ hold glass to withstand wind pressure of 150Kg/Sq m, stainless steel handles 430mmx30mm (SSS min), patch locks, joints should be filled with transparent approved silicon sealant to ensure stability and water tightness of door including fine stoppage including approved heavy duty bottom rail/ door section of anodized aluminium sections etc, as per specifications, approved drawings and as directed complete. 3 (b) Fixed Glazing (Spider Fittings) Designing, providing and fixing aluminium fixed glazing for show window consisting of 12mm thick heat strengthened glass of approved colour including 316 grade Stainless Steel spider glazing system to support / hold glass to withstand wind pressure 150Kg/ Sq m, four-way and two-way bottom and top fitting, 15mm glass fins with necessary fittings, fixtures and accessories, structural transparent sealant to make the system fully waterproof etc, as per specifications, approved drawings and as directed complete. 4. Miscellaneous 4 (a) Providing and fixing smoke and fire seal fabricated with 1mm thick GI sheet fabricated to required shape (Tray & Cover) and filled with loose rock wool (100mm thick) density 60Kg/ cum insulation with necessary PVC sleeves, Stainless Steel screws etc, complete minimum 20 micron anodizing of approved colour, sealant etc, as per specifications, approved drawings and as directed complete. 4 (b) Providing and fixing GI sheet flashing 1mm thick to close gap between sofit level and wall, with SS screws, sleeves in required shape and profile etc, complete minimum 20 micron anodizing of approved colour sealant. 4 (c) Providing and applying approved make/ quality paint consists of one coat penetration primer, one coat of epoxy (two coat system) and one coat of polyurethane (two pack system) as per manufacturers specifications and guidelines, preparing surface, cleaning concrete surface as directed on concrete surfaces. 4 (d) Providing and applying two coats of approved make/ quality cement paint over one coat of primer as per manufacturers specifications and guidelines, including preparing and cleaning surface as directed on plastered surfaces. NOTES A) The rates shall be inclusive of all materials, labour, transportation, hardware, tools-tackels, all taxes and duties applicable as per statutory rules and regulations etc. B) The rates shall be inclusive of Testing of all materials such as aluminium section, glass panels, silicon sealant etc, and site tests. C) The rates shall be inclusive of working at all levels. D) The rates shall be inclusive of straight and curved surfaces, glass shall be plain and straight. Only exposed external surfaces shall be measured and paid (linear measurement). E) The rates shall be inclusive of well designed MS tubular framing, scaffolding, working platform etc, at all levels. F) The rates shall be inclusive of preparing shop approved drawings, design and engineering approved drawings, approval of shop approved drawings from Architects. No additional cost will be paid, if architect makes changes in structural sections etc. Signature of Tenderer with seal 279 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED LIST OF APPROVED MAKE Signature of Tenderer with seal 280 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED LIST OF APPROVED MAKES CIVIL WORKS S NO DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS APPROVED MAKES 1. FLOAT GLASS MODI GUARD, ST GOBAIN, ASAHI, GUARDIAN 2. ALUMINIUM EXTRUSIONS HINDALCO, INDAL, JINDAL, BHARUKA 3 4 5 6 7 8 STAINLESS STEEL EPDM EXPANSION ANCHORS,FASTNERS NUTS & BOLTS SALEM STEEL, INDALCO, JINDAL AMEE OR APPROVED EQUIPMENT HILTI, FISHERS SS 316 (WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS NUTS AND WASHERS HILTI, FISHER, KUNDAN SS 316 GKW, AVON ARMOUR DOW CORNING, GR JOHNSON, KAJARIA, ORIENT, SOMANY, NITCO BOSS, KAJARIA, NITCO, ORIENT, SOMANY UNTILE, HERITAGE, SPECTRUM SHALIMAR, ICI, ASIAN ICI (WEATHERCOAT) EXCE (NEROLAC)APEX (ASIAN PAINTS) 9 WEATHER SEALANT CERAMIC TILES,GLAZED TILES, COATED TILES VITRIFIED TILES 10 11 12 TEXTURED PAINT DISTEMPER EXTERIOR ACRYLIC EMULSION 13 FLUSH DOOR / BLOCK BOARD/ KIT PLY, KUTTIY, TOWER, TOWE, PLYWOOD CENTURY, GREEN, ANCHOR, ALPRO PRELAMINATED,PARTICLE NOVAPAN ANCHOR, KIT PLY BOARD FIRE RETARDANT PLY WOOD AEROPLY LAMINATES GREENLAM, CENTURY, FORMICA, SUNDECK, MERINO PAINTS ASIAN PAINTS, NEROLAC, ICI IRONMONGERY AS PER PRIOR APPROVAL OR ENGINEER-INCHARGE 14 17 18 19 20 Signature of Tenderer with seal 281 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) 21 HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 27 ISI MARKED AND AS APPROVED OF ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE CEMENT (ORDINARY ACC, GRASIM, AMBUJA, ULTRATECH, PORTLAND/ PORTLAND LEFARGE, STAR, TOPCEM, CROWN, POZZOLANA) HOLYCEM WATERPROOFING COMPOUND CHOKSEY CHEMICAL, IMPERNO,CICO, FOSROC, ROFFE, PIDILITE REINF, STRUCTURAL STEEL ISI MARKED AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER IN-CHARGE EPOXY PAINT CHOKSEY CHEMICAL, DR BECK, ASIAN PAINTS, GRAWARE PAINTS POLYSULPHIDE/ MBT, COKSEY CHEMICAL POLYURETHENE SEALANT POLYETHELENE BOARD SUPREME 28 CONCRETE ADDITIVE 22 23 24 25 26 WHITE CEMENT Signature of Tenderer with seal FOSROC, STP, CICO-TL 282 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) S NO HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS APPROVED MAKES 29 CHEQUERED TILES NITCO, BASANT BETONS, BEZELAL 30 TERRAZO TILES 31 32 ANTI-SKID VITRIFIED TILES (300 X 300) INSULATION ISI MARKED AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER IN-CHARGE SOMANY – DURASTONE SERIES, JOHNSON – ENDURE, DUROTO TWIGA, ROCKWOOL 33 ZINC CHROMATIC PRIMER 34 WALL CARE PUTTY 35 36 CHEMICAL/ MECHANICAL HILTI, FISCHER DASH ANCHOR FASTENERS POLYCARBONATE SHEET GE PLASTICS, SUNLITE 37 MINERAL FIBRE TILES ARMSTRONG, RADAAR, NITOBU 38 PRE-COATED DEEP PROFILE GALVALUME SHEETS HYDRAULIC FLOOR SPRING/ DOOR CLOSURE BUILDERS’ HARDWARE (ALUMINIUM) TRACK DECK, LCP, TATA BLUESCOPE 39 40 Signature of Tenderer with seal SHALIMAR, ASIAN PAINTS, GARWARE PAINTS BIRLA WHITE, J K 283 HARWYN, GODREJ, HAFFELE SHALIMAR HARDWARE, EVERITE, NULITE, CLASSIC, ELCO, ALLIED ANODISERS DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED LIST OF APPROVED MAKES SANITARY & PLUMBING WORKS S NO DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS APPROVED MAKES 1 VITREOUS SANITARY WARE - HINDWARE, NEYCER, PARRYWARE, CHINA & FIRE CLAY CERA 2 PLASTIC W C SEATS WITH LID COMMANDER, DIPLOMAT, ADMIRAL 3 LOW LEVEL PALSTIC FLUSHING ORIENT, COMMANDER, PARRYWARE CISTERN (10 LTR CAPACITY) 3 STAINLESS STEEL SINKS PRESTIGE, AMC, JAYNA, KINGSTON, NEELKANTH 4 CP FITTINGS/ ACCESSORIES/ GEM, PARKO, JAQUAR, KINGSTON, FLUSH VALVES CAMRY 5 CP WASTE/ SPREADERS, ORIENT, PARKO, JAQUAR, CAMRY URINAL 6 LIQUID SOAP DISPENSER CHILLY, EURONICS 7 SENSOR OPERATED AUTO AOS SYSTEMS, ANGASH, EURONICS FLUSHING SYSTEMS 8 WATER HEATER RACOLD, VENUS, BAJAJ 9 SOIL/ WASTE/ RAIN WATER PIPES & FITTINGS a) CAST IRON PIPES NECO, BC, RIF, HEPCO (IS:3989) IISCO, ELECTROSTEEL, KESORAM b) CENTRRIFUGALLY SPUN CAST IRON PIPES (IS:1536) 10 RCC PIPES INDIAN HUME PIPES, PRAGATI CONCRETE UDYOG 11 G I PIPES TATA, JINDAL HISSAR, PRAKASH SURYA, UNIK, RKS 12 G I FITTINGS (MALLEABLE CAST TATA, JINDAL HISSAR, PRAKASH SURYA, IRON) UNIK, RKS 13 GUN METAL VALVES ZOLOTTO, LEADER, SANT (FULLWAY/ CHECK & GLOBE VALVES) 14 ROTO MOULDED WATER SINTEX, ORIPLAST, UNITEX TANKS/ LOFT TANKS 15 PUMPS CROMPTON, CRI, GRUNDFOSS, KSB, KIRLOSKAR 16 cPVC/ uPVC PIPES & FITTINGS PRINCE, FLOWGUARD, ASTRAL, ASHIRWAD, SUPREME, RELPIPE 17 SECTIONAL PANEL WATER BT COMPOSITES, SUPREME, DEVI TANK POLYMER Signature of Tenderer with seal 284 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED LIST OF APPROVED MAKES ELECTRICAL WORKS 1. Electrical Materials for Conduit Wiring: Items Make a) PVC conduit (2mm thick) Anchor/ BEC/ AKG/ Any other Brand of ISI Certified Quality/ Precision/ Deco b) FRLS PVC Insulated copper conductor Wires of 660/ 1100V grade Finolex / RR Kabel/ Havel’s/ Lapp Cables c) 5A Switches, Sockets / 15A Switches, Sockets CPL/ Siemens/ Anchor/ Havel’s/ MK India Crabtree / North-West/ Legrand d) Telephone Cable / Wires Delton/ Finolex/ Polycab (FRCS grade)/RR Kabel e) Data cable Systimax f) Electric Wires RPG / Finolex/ Anchor g) TV Co-axial wire Cali-Plast / Pagoda / Finolex 2. Electrical Power Cables and Allied Materials: 1.1 KV Grade Al Armoured UG Cable Polycab / CCI/ Finolex/ Unistar/ RPG/ Gloster Cable Gland & Sockets & lugs (only copper) 3. Switch Gears and Allied Materials: Loose switchgears up to 32 A (With rewritable fuses) Dowels / HMI / Connectwell Kalki / Bosma / Kew Loose Switchgears above 32 A (With HRC fuses) with cable end boxes GE Power/ Siemens/ L&T Fuse switch units / Contactors Siemens/ GE power/ Schneider/ ABB/ L&T Change over switches L & T/ Siemens/ Hager MCCBs L&T/ MDS – Legrand/ Siemens/ Hager/ Schnieder Signature of Tenderer with seal 285 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED MCB, ELCB, & DBs (Double door) (Components & DB Boxes of same make) MCB Distribution Board certified MDS-Legrand/ Siemens/ Hager MDS Ekinoxe / Siemens / Hager/CPRI Manufacturer Capacitors Unistar / Asian / L& T / Universal Modular type Switches Carol / Crabtree / Mosaic Ceiling Rose, Holder, Connector Kalki / Anchor / Presicion Water Heaters Racold/ Venus/ Bajaj Telephone tag box / modules ITL / Krone Note: Above 1 & 2 items are at meter room, lift M/C room etc. 4. Transformer: Transformer Kirloskar / Volt Amp / Kamath, Indo-Tech 5. Diesel Generator: Diesel Engine with Alternator assembly Kirloskar / Caterpillar / Cummins (Powerica / Batliboi) 6. Lighting fixtures & Lighting Poles: High-mast lighting fixtures and poles Philips/ Crompton Greaves / WIPRO, Bajaj Electricals High-bay lighting fixtures Philips/ Crompton Greaves / WIPRO, Bajaj Electricals High-way lighting fixtures and poles Philips/ Crompton Greaves / WIPRO, Bajaj Electricals Interior lighting fixtures Philips/ Crompton Greaves / WIPRO, Bajaj Electricals Signature of Tenderer with seal 286 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL Sainik School at Chhingchhip (Mizoram) HINDUSTAN PREFAB LIMITED 7. Electrical Appliances: Ceiling Fan / Wall Mounting fan Crompton Greaves/ Khaitan/ Bajaj/ Usha/ Havell’s Exhaust fan Almonard/ Khaitan/ Havel’s/ Alsthom Fire Extinguishers: Firerx, Kingla, Ceasefire 8. Cubicle Type Panels: Switch gear, HRC fuses, ILS, Motor Starters, contractors Change over switches etc. Controls SW GR / Siemens / L&T Water Level controllers United Electronics, Minilec Volt Meter AE/ DIP Terminal block Elmex Connect Wel Note:1. The Contractor shall supply ISI marked material as per the makes or brands indicated above. In case the firm is not manufacturing ISI marked material for any of the brands, first quality material shall be accepted. The samples including make and brand of the material shall in either case have to be got approved from the Engineer in Charge/ Architect /PMC. 2. Material where no make/brand has been mentioned, ISI marked samples shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval of Engineer in Charge. For those class of materials, where no firm exists with ISI approval, sample of first quality material of the firm shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer in Charge. 3. Any variation from the above mentioned makes/brands will require specific approval of the Engineer in Charge. 4. It will be contractor’s responsibility to ensure the quality of products listed in approved list of brands. Contractor will have to replace the defective and substandard materials at his own cost. Signature of Tenderer with seal 287 DGM(Engg./T&M), HPL