Greenfield Baptist Church - Greenfield Community Church


Greenfield Baptist Church - Greenfield Community Church
Greenfield Baptist Church
Outreach ● Discipleship ● Fellowship ● Worship ● Service
October 2013
Volume 22
By Tyler Williams, Lead Pastor
After three months at Greenfield, I’ve finally been installed! Not sure
what I was doing before that, but it’s nice to know that I am now
“official”! I would like to thank everyone who was involved in my
installation service at the beginning of October. It was a wonderful
time together as we prayed, worshipped in music and song, heard the
Scriptures read and taught, and celebrated the Lord’s Supper together.
We derive our beliefs from the
Bible alone. We abide by the
historic Apostle’s Creed and the
conference Statement of Beliefs
(as adopted by the NABC
delegates, August 10-15, 1982,
Niagara Falls, New York) as we
summarize what the Bible
If you have a need that you
would like the prayer chain to lift
up, you can contact Lydia at
or contact the church at
In the service we were also reminded of our different roles and
responsibilities as members of the body of Christ. In his sermon on
that morning, Dr. Jerry Shepherd reminded us that
Christ, now, by his Spirit, dwells among his people; he has
taken up presence in his new temple, the Church of Jesus
Christ. He has given that church gifts, such as pastors and
teachers. And this morning, we are celebrating one gift in
particular that Christ has given this church, in our new
pastor. But, in fact, he has gifted every member of this
church. As our passage says, “to each one of us grace has
been given as Christ apportioned it.”
As is so clear from the passage Jerry preached from (Ephesians 4), as
members of the body of Christ, we are all needed to use our gifts for
the body to grow healthily “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the
knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the
whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13). Elsewhere Paul
emphasizes that all parts of the body are indispensable and are
needed to work together “for the common good “ (1Cor 12:7). Most
know I coach minor football. Over the years I have coached many
talented running backs. But no matter how talented a running back is, if
he doesn’t get the ball, or if he receives no blocking, he
won’t get far! Every player on the field has a job to do, and it is only when all execute their tasks well, that a
team will have success. Most also know my daughters like to sing. And I have it on good authority from them
that while a harmony line by itself sounds out of place, when the melody and all of the harmonies join together
beautiful music is made. Everyone is needed to develop and use their gifts for the body to work properly.
As we anticipate joining with Renaissance and as we look forward to figuring out this “missional” thing together,
we will all need to do our part. And as we all do our part, I pray that “we will grow to become in every respect
the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by
every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Eph 4:15-16).
[If you want to listen to Dr. Shepherd’s sermon go the Greenfield website under sermons:; the full text of his sermon may be found on his blog at]
Sunday, December 1, Christmas Harvest
We will be going to a restaurant after the second
service and then ride out to Greenland Nursery to view
their Christmas display and enjoy some activities that
the Nursery has planned.
More information will be coming shortly.
Tuesday, December 17, Young at Heart/ Youth Christmas
Last year we had such a great time getting together
with our young people that both groups have decided
to do that again. Good food, fellowship and playing
games will be part of the evenings activities.
You can receive more information about the Young At Heart
Group by contacting Curtis Campbell 780-986-5034 or
Pastor Dick 780-462-2319
October 2013
OCTOBER 6-8, 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
October 20
Hymn Sing at GBC
October 21
Club 56
October 22
October 25
Consumed Event by Forge Canada at GBC #1/4
newsletter text here.
Youth Event
October 25-27
NAB Missions Conference
October 26
IJM Movie: “Nefarious” presented by HCF church
October 27
“Walk Through the New Testament” at TCC #1/4
October 28
Ministry Council Meeting
November 3
Daylight Saving Time Ends
November 3
“Walk Through the New Testament” at TCC #2/4
November 4
Club 56
November 5
Consumed Event by Forge Canada at GBC #2/4
November 8
Youth Event
November 9
Men’s Bible Study
November 11
Remembrance Day
November 15-17
Sr. High Retreat at CC
November 18
Club 56
November 19
Consumed Event by Forge Canada at GBC #3/4
November 22
Youth Event
November 23
Men’s Bible Study
November 23-24
Campership Aid Weekend at CC
November 24
Hymn Sing at ?Zion?
November 25
Ministry Council Meeting
December 2
Club 56
December 3
Consumed Event by Forge Canada at GBC #4/4
December 6
Youth Event
December 8,7,13,14 Kids Christmas Program Practice
December 15
Kids Christmas Program (am Services)
December 16
Club 56
December 20
Club 56, Youth Event
December 22
December 24
Christmas Eve Service (6:00 pm)
December 29
January 1
New Year’s Day
January 5
January 10
Youth Event
January 12
January 13
Club 56
January 13-25
RCM Music Exams
January 19
Hymn Sing at Hillview
January 24
Youth Event
January 27
Club 56
January 27
Ministry Council Meeting
October 2013
I was born and raised in a non-Christian home in
Vancouver, B.C. As a teen I was invited to a youth
group where, after 2 years, I accepted the Lord as
my personal Saviour. A year later I moved to
Edmonton to work in the accounting department of
Imperial Oil. I started attending a Baptist church
near my home and was baptized in the fall of
1983. Karen and I met that same year. We dated
and were engaged for 3 years and have now been
married for 27 years. We have 3 children, Lyndsey
(23), Drew (21), and Alex (20).
After Imperial Oil, I worked with Enbridge Pipelines
for nearly 5 years and then as a Vice President of
Taylor University College & Seminary for 6 years. I
have been self-employed since 1998. Our
company is Granville Software Inc. and we develop
software for law firms. Twice I have felt called to
short term mission projects where I learned to rely
heavily on the Lord for His strength.
I have served God in the areas of: children's
church, Sunday School teacher, youth leader,
college & careers leader, usher, treasurer, church
board leadership, moderator, Christianity Explored
host, pastoral search committee and other areas as
called by the Lord.
I pray for wisdom and guidance in my new role as
Chair of the Greenfield Baptist Church Ministry
Council. There are so many rich opportunities
before us and I pray that God would pour out His
blessing on us as we serve Him shoulder to
- Doug Miller
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
Happy Fall Everyone! I can’t believe it’s already Fall – where did September go? We had a great start to the new year
of Sunday School – thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to teach, watch the little ones and help with
all the behind the scenes coordination! We appreciate you so much! I am also so grateful to everyone who has taken
the time to welcome me to my new position and say a couple encouraging words – I am absolutely loving being able
to watch the children have an opportunity to learn about who God is.
We have been busy making plans for this fall, especially looking for more ways to make our church intergenerational.
This is something I am so passionate about – I want our children to feel like active members of the church.
Throughout the next couple months, we will be having more opportunities for the children to be involved during the
Sunday Services, to be working with the congregation, the youth and the Young at Heart. One of the ways we will be
doing this is Christmas! There will be lots of opportunities for your children to be involved during the Christmas
season, especially during advent. And, we will be having a Christmas pageant – look for information coming soon in
your mailboxes!
I hope you all have a great fall season and enjoy the upcoming holidays!
From one Sunday to the next you may not have seen much change
in the Church but during the week of VBS, Greenfield Church was
transformed. From our community, we partnered with the River
Community Church & the Mosaic House to transform the church
into a colossal castle surrounded by walls, bright flaming wall
sconces and a view of the King’s Royal Throne of red velvet.
We had 96 children and over 55 volunteers all running up and down
the stairs in & out of the rooms and enjoying games in the school
Our prayer was that God’s Love would come alive for his children,
touching lives, changing hearts and drawing kids & adults closer to
Kids learned one Bible Point each day, investigating what makes us
stand strong in God: God’s Love; family & friends; prayer; trusting
God and finally the Bible – all help us to Stand Strong. They learned
through worship, games and bible stories to wiggle and move as
they explored the Bible Points in active and interconnecting ways.
The kids rotated through different stations in combined-age crews.
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
Crews acted as “families” where the older kids helped the younger ones as they naturally learned together and from each
other. Crew Leaders & Helpers were simply a part of these families as they put God’s Love into action!
Teenage volunteers played an important part in making VBS a success as they became involved with the kids and put into
practice their gifts and talents in this very hands-on Ministry. Volunteers were also appreciative of the generosity of
Greenfield Church for the supplies donated or lent to make their job easier.
A big Thank You to all the volunteers on behalf of the staff, parents and kids!
Tyler was born and raised in Edmonton and became a Christian
in his senior year of high school. Tyler and Kathy, who just
celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, met while students at
NABC. They have three children: Sydney (18), Teresa (15), and
Isaac (12). The kids have kept their dad busy coaching football,
hockey, soccer and driving them to innumerable dance classes
and rehearsals. When Tyler isn’t interpreting a Hebrew or Greek
text, he enjoys reading, watching a variety of films, cheering on
the Eskimos and Oilers, getting together with family and friends,
and doing the never-ending repairs on his cars and home.
Tyler started as lead pastor at Greenfield in July after sixteen
years of teaching biblical studies and theology at Taylor
University College and The King’s University College. He is
passionate about the faithful interpretation of the Scriptures and
helping equip all members of the body of Christ so they
continually grow in their knowledge and love of God and
demonstrate this love through practical service to others.
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
On September 29, 2013 the congregations of both
Greenfield Baptist Church and Renaissance Community
Church voted in favour of the proposed merger.
The Vision Advance team of Greenfield met on Monday,
October 7th to debrief and dissolve. Their final
recommendation to the Greenfield Ministry Council was to
appoint a new 'Forward Together' team to work through
the merger implementation. Greenfield's Ministry Council
has approved this recommendation along with an initial
team composition of: Doug Miller (chair), Gregg Becker
(Renaissance Chair), Tyler Williams and Corinne Schalm.
As the tasks become clearer, others will be asked to join
in the work.
People have asked what the new vision will be for our
body of believers. As we know, developing such a vision
takes time and input from many sources. The new team
will make this a top priority among the numerous logistical
tasks involved in bringing us together.
The Greenfield Ministry Council deeply appreciates the
significant efforts of the Vision Advance team: Doug Hait,
Lori Schmidt, Corinne Schalm, Kenton Dechant,
Tyler Williams, Gregg Becker, Lana Dolezal, Jim Hall,
Sieg Koslowski, Stephanie Leverette and Terry Fossen as
well as countless others who have contributed to the
success of this opportunity thus far.
A thank you goes out to the people who have already
approached us offering assistance with the coming tasks.
Please be in prayer for this time in the lives of everyone
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
It’s hard to believe that Summer is over and Fall is upon us. In fact, as I write this it is not even September anymore but
October. And October means only a little while till November and then before we know it we’ll be on Christmas holidays.
Youth is in full swing and September was a fun month. Our small groups have gotten off to a good start with time
available for them to spend outside of the church. We had groups bowling, playing outside and some girls even had a
spa night. As a large group we went to the Grants for a pool party and also spent some time near the Whitemud Equine
Park where we played a fun version of British Bulldog up and down a hill.
October brings the start of our Bible Study at Oasis and our focus for this month is going to be thinking and planning for
what we want to be about this year. With a large number of Junior High boys it will be fun to see what we can be. In
addition to starting our Bible Study at Oasis we’ll be heading to Lone Prairie Camp in November for our annual Fall
Retreat. Or it may end up being a winter retreat. I guess we’ll see.
Thanks again for caring for and supporting the Youth Ministry at this church. It’s because of people like you that we see
God transforming lives.
Please be in prayer for our leaders this year: Alyssa de Leon, Julie Babiak, Katrina Hait, Kassie Tiessen, Alli Grandinetti,
Lynda Forsyth, Krista Hait, Lianna Gendall, Cody McDonagh, Ben Hufnagel, Sean Grant, Jayson Laser, Taylor de Leon,
Harrison Berg, Ben Milligan and Wes Schroeder.
On a personal note, my Ultimate Frisbee club season is over for the year. The touring team I am a part of ended up at
8 place in all of Canada. We then drove to Montana and won the Big Sky section in the USA series which was good for
team morale and just a fun tournament to finish my season at. When I haven’t been playing with my team I have been
spending some time at schools and interacting with Junior’s who have started to play and I have had a lot of time
learning about how to coach younger players both skills and sportsmanship. It has been a lot of fun.
Thanks for all your support and prayers for Andrea and myself. We feel really loved and cared for at Greenfield and feel
so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community of Jesus followers.
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
Weeks 1-3: Internal Medicine Elective
We spent the first three weeks of our trip living and working in the biggest
city in Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam. This was for our own education (we
weren’t volunteering, because at this point we hadn’t started our clinical
rotations back home so we basically had no useful skills), so we paid a
tuition fee to the hospital, and in exchange, our program supports
Tanzanian medical residents to come study in Canada.
We were stationed at the Aga Khan Hospital, which is a private hospital
right on the coast of the Indian Ocean (it was beautiful). This was mostly a
modern western-style hospital with MRIs and CT scans easily available, for
a price, of course. We saw a lot of medical conditions that we would also
see back at home (heart attacks, strokes, cancer, renal failure, diabetes,
etc), but we also saw our fair share of tropical diseases like malaria and
tuberculosis. This is where we were exposed to TB by accident, but so far
none of us have come down with any symptoms to suggest contagious
pulmonary tuberculosis. At worst, when our test results come back, we may
have a latent TB, but that wouldn’t be too much of a worry.
Our time in Dar Es Salaam was probably the scariest part of our trip. There
was a lot of violence against tourists while we were here (including against
some of our friends), so this meant that we were constantly on our guard.
We really depended on your prayers at this time.
Week 4: Rural Tanzania
We then spent a week in a town just outside of Dar Es Salaam called
Mlandizi with a group called SIHA (Student’s International Health
Association, from the U of A). SIHA taught us a lot about international aid to
developing countries and it was really cool to see how hard they work to
make sure the work they do in Tanzania is sustainable after they leave. This
piqued my interest in potentially doing public health work after I graduate.
We spent our week here handing out bednets, planting watermelon, visiting
the Masaai warriors, and teaching education sessions on things like
nutrition, clean water, HIV, and malaria.
I also spent a day at the Mlandizi Health Centre in the Labour and Delivery
department. I was only supposed to observe while I was there, and I didn’t
speak the language, so I spent the day just holding women’s hands while
they labored away (there were 12 women in one room with no painkillers…
so lots of hands needed holding!). One really touching moment for me was
when one woman I was trying to console asked me to pray for her. Mlandizi
is about 50% Muslim and 50% Christian, so I knew I had about a 50%
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
chance that I was praying to the same God as her! But then she joined in too, praying to Jesus, and we prayed together in
English and Swahili. I left with tears in my eyes. It was a poignant moment of human connection for me, and it reminded
me that even when I have nothing else to offer my patients (I certainly didn’t when I was in Mlandizi), I can always be
praying for them. Now that I am on my clinical rotations back home, I am trying to incorporate this into practice in the
Weeks 4-6: Vacation Fun!
After all the work was over, we headed off to Zanzibar for some tropical paradise. We had a bit of a negative experience
when we were forced to pay $200 US each to customs officials in a bribe, but we got over it after we saw the rest of the
island. We went snorkeling, took a spice tour, visited some giant tortoises, ate shark and octopus, and then just sat on the
After that, we did a 7-day hike up Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa, and the highest hikeable mountain in the
world. This was awesome. We followed up Kilimanjaro with a 5-day safari through the Serengeti where we basically lived
out a real life version of the Lion King. Also very awesome.
So that is my very long summary of my trip to Tanzania. I once again thank you for your prayers because it meant so much
to me knowing you had my back. You guys rock.
Chantalle Grant
Our team of 24 would all like to extend a huge thanks for all your love,
prayers and financial support that allowed us to serve HIM in Peru.
During our 10 days in Ica, we were able to do some restorations on three
homes. One got a new roof, the other two had broken walls removed
and replaced. In the evenings we partnered with the youth of our sister
church to minister to kids in various communities - playing games,
singing songs, doing crafts, and telling a story. It was an amazing
experience to be working shoulder to shoulder not only with our team,
but also a handful of locals in the ministry of construction as well as
relationship building with the children. We truly felt God's protection and
presence with us at all times. He allowed our team to bond and become
a wonderfully cohesive group with no interpersonal issues. He helped
some of us to physically do the work we were given, others endurance
and strength on long hard days, others as a comforter while they were
ill. In all of us however, he was there to show us that he loves ALL his
people, no matter what their station in life or their nationality. We serve a
great GOD together.
Karen Miller
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
We had the opportunity to visit our Compassion
child (Bayu and his mom) this past May while in
newsletter text here.
Indonesia. It truly was a life-changing experience.
We had the opportunity to spend the day with him
and experience the context in which he lives. To
us here, $40/month may not seem like much, but
what a difference it made in our child's life and in
the life of his family. If you ever have opportunity
to visit your Compassion child we SO encourage
you to do so!
Doug, Nona, Katrina and Krista Hait
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
The Kidds have had a first-hand taste of
Praise the Lord that recently Sheryl
the effect the rioting and chaos is having
was able to hand over the training
on Brazil society. (road blocks, delays in
of children’s workers in Mongolia to
The Grobs are currently on ‘home
travelling, detours, etc.) Brazilians are
the Mongolian Evangelical Alliance.
assignment’ in North America.
fed up with how tax money is being
This Oct. and part of Nov. she will
However, before leaving Africa, they
spent to host the World Cup (2014) and
be a facilitator at a 1 for 50 Global
witnessed the graduation of
the Summer Olympics (2016) when
Training Summit in Bangkok,
Christian surgeons and Christian
health care and public education is in
Thailand. (1 for 50 is an attempt to
internal medical specialists at
such a pitiful state. New children are
train one Christian worker for every
Mbingo Baptist Hospital. These
arriving at Chain of Love all the time.
50 children in a country.) Later in
people will help fill a huge need for
The Kidds request prayer for the house
Nov. Sheryl will be in Seattle
African health care workers. As they
mothers who need a lot of patience,
working on the Kidzana curriculum.
travel to churches in Can. and the
perseverance, wisdom and love when
Pray for safety and protection as
US, they request prayer for strength
dealing with children who come to them
she travels the world in her training
and protection.
with a lot of ‘baggage’ from their
Lyndell has been busy putting together new courses of
study at the seminary:
Panorama of the Bible, Hospital Chaplaincy, and Pastoral
Formation ( a course for local pastors, church planters,
and seminary students studying the book “Everyday
Church” by Tim Chester and Steve Timms). During July
she hosted a team from North Dakota which spent over a
week holding eye clinics at Chain of Love, a drug rehab
center and at four church plants. About 400 pairs of
glasses were given away to people who otherwise
wouldn’t have been able to afford them. Praise the Lord
that her laparoscopic surgery went well, but she’s still
having some back pain. Paulo is church planting in a
Due to the lack of discipleship training for
believers in the churches, the Hungs feel called to
disciple, train and equip national believers. They
are especially targeting university students. They
are also training them on how to share their faith.
Because of summer camps, there are now new
converts who also need discipling. Nick and Iris
have done some travelling to some of the out-lying
suburbs to visit and encourage the Christians.
They request prayer for the students’ thirst for
God’s Word and for freedom to extend God’s
Kingdom in China.
suburb of Porto Alegre.
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church VOL 22
October 2013
Greenfield Baptist Church Vol 22
Some are born to greatness
blazing as the sun,
others mere candles
in comparison.
The sooner I accept
my flame's feebleness
the better.
Reminder: The Library is open between
services. Come up and have a look at
our selection. Let us know if there is
anything you would like to see added to
the Library!
If you have something you think the rest of us
would be interested in, we invite you to drop off
your articles/photos/etc. at the church office or
email to ‘Nona’ at
Attention: Newsletter; or leave at the Info Centre
If you would rather receive this newsletter by
email, please let Nona know in the Church
Office 780-435-1060 or or sign
up at the Info Centre.
(Leave your name and the email address you
would like us to use.)
even a taper
can warm, cheer, guide,
and kindle.
Church Clerk
Doug Miller
Julie Babiak
Calvin Gutowski
Kenton Dechant
Mani Bayer
Michael Hudson
Dr. Randal Rauser
Lori Schmidt
Contact us at:
Phone: 780-435-1060 Fax: 780-432-6635
3712 – 114 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T6J 1M1
Karen Hallin
Dr. Bill Muller
Julie Rentz