Full Publication - New York Holstein Association


Full Publication - New York Holstein Association
September 2014
If you build it, they will come.
Real Proofs, High Reliabilities!
98%R – 686 Daughters,
222 Herds
Reg. USA 6125576 – aAa 6-5-1
(Style- Smooth – Dairy)
PTA +52M +.19%f +52F +.04%p +12P
PL +4.2 +472NM +1.7DPR +3.5SCR
PTA +1.68T +1.52UDC +1.33FLC
** Outcross pedigree with no Shottle,
Goldwyn, Oman, Planet, Durham, Or Bolton
Backed by 5 gens. VG & EX totaling
over 1 million pounds of milk!
93%R – 160 Daughters,
81 Herds
Reg. USA 64756040 – aAa 3-2-4
(Open – Tall – Strong)
PTA +1434M -.04%f +41F +.01%p +46P
+2.04T +1.16UDC +.90FLC
Shottle x VG-87 Goldwyn x 7 gens.
EX “Elegance” Family
Real Proofs made by Real Cows! No Imitations!
Best of Luck to everyone at the Fall Shows.
If you build it, they will come.
High Type, High Reliabilities
from the Adeen’s!
86 Daughters,
51 Herds – +3.39T!
Reg. USA 63164339 – aAa 3-2-4
(Open – Tall – Strong)
PTA +.03%f +.04%p
PTA +3.39T +3.09UDC +2.64FLC
Shottle x MD-Delight Durham Atlee-ET
(EX-92 GMD-DOM) x VG-88-DOM Storm x Chief
Adeen (2E-94-DOM) x Starbuck Ada (2E-94-DOM)
Full brother to Aftershock.
334 Daughters,
124 Herds
We are now the NY distributor for
International Protein Sires!
Looking for the best in high type Red & White’s?
We have Applejack (+3.32T),
Avatar *RC (+2.61T), & Barbwire (+2.59T).
Reg. USA 63164322 – aAa 3-2-1
(Open – Tall – Dairy)
PTA +.18%f +.04%p
PTA +2.50T +2.72UDC +2.59FLC
Goldwyn maternal brother to Andro!
Full brother to Atwood.
Gary and Janet Tubolino & Family
41 Grove St. • Adams, NY 13605-1203
315-232-2841 • Fax: 315-232-4153
Gary’s Cell: 315-405-1588 • www.fieldofdreamsgenetics.com
NYN September 2014 - 3
(USPS 382-940)
(ISSN 0279-8611)
Official Publication of the
New York Holstein Association
To promote the Holstein breed for the
economic and social benefit of
junior and senior members.
Volume 69
No. 8
September 2014
Published monthly, except August, 1st of
each month. News and advertising forms close
25 days in advance of publication date. Livestock
advertising rates upon request.
Michael McCaffrey, Editor
957 Mitchell Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 607-218-6378
Fax: 607-218-6379
Michael Cosgrove . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-853-3667
1st Vice President
Thomas Kugler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-366-3901
2nd Vice President
Alicia Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585-993-8026
Patricia Gifford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607-316-0867
Timothy Perotti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-567-9484
Roy Denniston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Catherine Galley . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luke Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
William Paddock . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subscription price in the U.S. is $25 per year; $35
first class mail Canada and overseas standard
delivery; $55 overseas first class air mail. Single
copies $2. Payable in U.S. funds only. The NEWS
subscription list is filed geographically by town
and state. When you change your address, please
be sure to inform us of your new mailing address.
The New York Holstein News (ISSN)
(0279-8611) (USPS 382940) is published
monthly, except August, for $25 per
year by Cayuga Press, 215 South Main
Street, Cortland, NY 13045. Entered
as periodical matter at the post office at
Ithaca, NY 14850 and other locations.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes
957 Mitchell St., Ithaca, NY14850.
Due to uncertainties in the mail, NY Holstein
News cannot assume responsibility for prior
delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales
scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue
date, which is the 1st of the month.
4 - NYN September 2014
September 2014
From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Executive Manager’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Junior Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14
Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
New York’s Top BAA Herds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
New York Holstein Summer Picnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
O-H-M and Schoharie County Special Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Futurity #40 Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
All-New York Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-42
Bellvale Holsteins Dispersal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Empire Summer Holstein Blast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-22
About the Cover
For the Type Issue, we feature two members of the “Tamara” family at Gaige Farms in Schoharie,
NY. On the left is Gaige Shottl Time Will Tell (VG-87), a Picston Shottle-ET daughter, and on the right is
her dam, Gaige Adv Take Your Time-ET (2E-92). Take Your Time, sired by KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET, is
an own daughter of the herd’s matriarch, Gaige Highlight Tamara (4E-97-DOM), All-American 125,000Lb. Cow in 2004 and twice Reserve All-American.
From the Editor
The New York State Fair has wrapped up for Holstein
exhibitors and now our members will be heading to National
competitions. Best of luck to all those who continue their show
season and thank you for being great representatives of the
high caliber of New York Holsteins. Outstanding quality at all
the summer shows has been a testament to the breeders and
exhibitors throughout the Empire State.
I hope you enjoy the feature in this month’s Type Issue, as
breeders share their thoughts and insights about type and its
importance in their breeding programs. The enviable list of high BAA herds on page 15
shows the number of super type herds we have here.
Our October issue of the News will again be distributed at World Dairy Expo, and I invite
everyone to be part of this exciting edition. The issue, our largest each year, will have all the
summer show reports and is be a great opportunity to promote your show winners. So much
time, effort, and hard work goes into showing and I applaud all who use this venue not only to
win ribbons and trophies, but also take the time to speak with the public about dairy farming,
animal care, and production agriculture. Several times I experienced exhibitors talking with
curious fairgoers about their cattle. This is a great way to educate non-farm folks and that is
so important today.
The October issue will also feature the breeders from Tri-County as well as several fall
sales. The advertised product is the one that sells the best. Let me know how I can help you
promote your cattle and breeding program.
All-New York and Junior All-New York entry forms with photos (digital or hard copy) are
due October 15. Forms are found in this issue, as well as online.
Have a safe, bountiful fall harvest.
Juniors Shine at National Convention
Prepared Speech: Allison Herrick
1st Place: “Milk, the World’s Drink”
Dairy Jeopardy: Casey Porter
2nd Place, ages 14-17
Stephanie McBath – Young Distinguished
Junior Member Finalist
EX Cow bred & owned by Junior:
Tyler Herrington, Karch Manley,
Emily Mikel
Multiple “E” Cow: Miquela Hanselman
Junior Progressive Breeder:
Matt Gray (3*), Emily Mikel (5*),
& Miquela Hanselman (6*)
30,000-Lb. Cow: Tyler Herrington,
Karch Manley, & Matthew Peck
150,000-Lb. Cow: Tyler Herrington
Seated: Danielle Herrick, Casey Arlig, and Allison
Herrick. Standing: Tucker True and Tracy Rudgers.
Seated: Jaycie Staring and Meghan Vaill. Standing:
Kristen Gallagher, Heidi vanLieshout, and Joy Staring.
We are proud of our Senior & Junior
members who represented New York
this year in Dubuque, Iowa.
New York will host the National
Convention in 2016!
From left: National Director Jonathan Lamb;
Howard Wolfe; Brian Coyne; Denise Dickinson;
John Marshman; Patsy Gifford; Beth Keene;
Jeff King; Bill Peck; and Alicia Lamb.
Distinguished Junior Member, Junior Star Breeder,
Junior Production Awards, & Excellent Animal bred
& owned by a Junior – all applications must be
postmarked by November 1.
All-New York & Junior All-New York – entries are
due with photos at the NYHA Office October 15.
(Form appears in this issue & online)
Distinguished Young Breeder, Master Breeder,
& Retired Master Breeder Nominations – due
December 1.
NY Futurity #40 – Entry forms are found in this issue of
the News – postmarked by November 1.
NYHA Bus Trip to Tri-County – Saturday, October 25.
Details found in this issue. Make reservations with Ed &
Barb Tyler (315-335-3107) or the NYHA Office.
New York Harvest Sale – Saturday, November 1, Ithaca,
NY. Selections are now underway for
this well-respected fall event! Contact
Patsy Gifford or Dave Rama (607-7462226) to consign.
Patricia Gifford
Executive Manager
Email: pgifford@nyholsteins.com
Cell: 607.316.0867
Jennifer Ginzery - Office Manager
Email: jginzery@nyholsteins.com
Stacie Sherman - Office Assistant
Email: ssherman@nyholsteins.com
Michael J. McCaffrey - Editor
Ph: 607.218.6378
Email: mmccaffrey@nyholsteins.com
State Office Address:
NYHA • 957 Mitchell St. • Ithaca, NY 14850
Ph: 607.273.7591 • Fax: 607.273.7612
National Field Rep:
Dave Paddon
NYN September 2014 - 5
The Type You Can
Fall in Love With!
(Goldwyn x Curr-Vale Durham Evelyn 2E-91)
This 4th gen VG or EX is a full sister to Curr-Vale
Goldwyn Emelyn EX-93, the Jr. All-American
4-Yr-Old 2013! She is due this spring to Brokaw!
(Scientific SS Deuce-ET x Curr-Vale Goldwyn
Lady-L 2E-94)
We have bred 9 EX & 13 VG cows from this family
who have gone on to produce several All-American
& Jr. All-American animals!
Ladylorelle is a 9th gen. VG or EX who has a
powerful daughter by Linjet as well as
exciting maternal sisters by Debonair,
Damion, Sid, & Bradnick!
Ladylorelle is due this winter to Airlift.
With 7 gen. of outstanding VG or EX dams behind
her, Autumn is sure following in their footsteps!
She has fancy daughters by Defiant & Atwood and
has pregnancies by Absolute & Contender!
Terra is due this winter to Atwood and has
daughters by Sanchez & Fever. We also have an
awesome VG Goldwyn from this family!
3-00 316 23,170 4.3 1000 3.1 722
(Advent x Pineyvale Outside Amber-ET 2E-92)
A fancy RED March Long P calf from this
cow family sells at the Morrisville Autumn
Review Sale September 20th!
6 - NYN September 2014
4-05 359 35,890 3.6 1305 3.4 1203
(Encore x Curr-Vale Roy Terry EX-91)
The Currie Family
2267 Currie Rd. Tully, NY 13159
(315) 696-8051 curriejc@aol.com
Select Sires, the home of breed giant PLANET,
is the only place to turn when you are looking
for the best PLANET sons. These sons consistently
transmit moderate frames, outstanding udders with
superior component yields and high production that
make a more profitable cow for your herd. Contact your
Select Sires representative to order the industry’s elite
PLANET sons today!
Elite PLANET Sons
Milk Rel.% Type Rel.%
+2319 +1,800 99 +2.55 98
+2179 +1,827
+2177 +1,490
+2164 +1,470
94 +2.45 92
97 +1.59 92
99 +2.79 99
7HO10723 SPUR
+2163 +1,864
7HO10937 FUTURE New +2148 +1,839
7HO10690 PLAN
+2144 +1,044
96 +2.85 93
93 +1.93 90
97 +1.65 93
7HO10679 KID
+2141 +1,462
+2134 +1,643
+2119 +1,187
99 +2.17 98
97 +1.83 94
95 +2.49 92
7HO10709 HUSKY
+2111 +1,091
+2104 +1,138
94 +1.32 92
94 +2.18 92
All bulls on this page qualify for export to Canada. USDA-CDCB/HA Genomic Evaluation 08/14
Photos (top to bottom): Ms Brandys Bethany-ET (VG-85), Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse, Dyersville,
IA; Ron&Yvonne Calibrate 6556 (GP-82), Ronald H. and Yvonne Ziegler, Middleton, WI and
Hoek-Tex Spur 14205-Grade, Gerard Hoekman, Dublin, TX
NYN September 2014 - 7
One of Our Brightest STARS
Photo by Randy Blodgett
Photo by Jenny Thomas
She had a Big Day at the
St. Lawrence County Holstein Show!
(VG-87 VVVVV @ 2y)
2-04 3x 365 26,670 4.3 1142 3.4 897
1st Senior 3-Year-Old, Best Udder in Class, Intermediate &
Reserve Grand Champion at 2014 St. Lawrence County Holstein Show
Dam: EX-90, EX-MS Damion with 4-05 2x 312 21,900 4.4 961 3.5 777
2nd Dam: 3E-94 Linjet with 7-05 2x 365 34,470 3.8 1293 3.2 1090
3rd Dam: 4E-95 Starbuck with 5-04 2x 365 39,980 3.8 1531 3.0 1205
Next 3 dams are all VG, CAN
Molly is one of our finest young cows and she has the pedigree to match!
She has a very promising future and we will be flushing her this lactation.
Your interest & inquiries
are always welcome.
Dr Robert Cruikshank DVM & Peter Braun
Follow us on Facebook and on Holstein Plaza.
RHA 2760 cows 28,468 3.5 1010 3.0 868
BAA: 108.0 on 540 cows – #1 BAA Over 400 cows!
10 years Progressive Genetics Herd Award – PBR Herd
322 Wood Rd, Lisbon, NY 13658
8 - NYN September 2014
Rick Allyn – Marketing & Consultant
(860) 248-0361
High Croft Farm Complete Dispersal
Friday, September 26, 2014 – 11:00 A.M. –Rexville, NY
Machinery sells at 10:00 A.M., Cattle to follow
** Breeder of 35 Excellents to date & many more developed through the years
BAA: 108.0 – Deep Pedigrees – Fancy Fresh Heifers – 15 Outstanding Red & Whites!
** Great Type, Oustanding Udders, Lots of Longevity – Herd is pastured 6 months per year.
EX Advent Sells
Many Family Members Sell
3rd Gen. Homebred EX
(EX-90, EX-MS)
3-05 2x 332 20,018 3.5 694 3.1 627
From the great “J” family here, Jelly sells
with her April ’14 Deep-Valley Contender-Red
daughter. Jelly completes 5 gens. VG or EX.
She looks tremendous & needs to see the
(3E-93, EX-MS)
7-05 2x 365 34,725 3.2 1127 2.8 959
A great show cow here that founded an
incredible family of Red & Whites! Family
members sell by Advent, Arudolph, Patience
Sholine Contender, Deep-Valley Contender, &
Gold Chris. Multiple gens. of VG & EX!
Nearing 200,000M lifetime to date and still
in the herd at nearly 15 years of age! Her
dam is 4E-92, then 3E-91! Marasca’s August
’13 Deep-Valley Contender-Red daughter is
impressive! ALSO selling from Marasca’s EX
twin sister w/30,000m is a R&W Arudolph
4-yr-old due after the sale.
Family Members Sell
Her Braxton Gr’dtr. Sells Fresh
Family Members Sell
(3E-94, EX-MS)
8-10 2x 305 25020 3.4 855 2.7 670
Over 150,000M lifetime & one of Integrity’s
greatest daughters, her dam is a VG-87 Milan.
Sunday founded a great family and a big,
fancy Asteroid heifer sells just fresh!
(EX-90, EX-MS)
3-09 2x 162 13,600m 340f 428p (Inc.)
Next 4 dams are all EX-94 “Trina’s!” Selling
from Tavia’s VG-86 Pronto is a HUGE, fancy
Braxton selling fresh early Sept. to Atwood.
4-05 2x 305 20,310 3.2 659 3.1 626
A 6th gen. VG or EX tracing to Pender-Kane
Bambi (VG-GMD) with 227,000M lifetime.
From this family, watch for a VG-88 Kite fresh
& a good candidate for EX who sells with her
2 daughters.
-- EX, EX-MS Bolton sells with her Dempsey bred heifer and Gabor April calf!
-- VG-85, 2y Aftershock sells fresh at 3y with an Atwood heifer calf & looks
tremendous! Her GP-84 dam also sells with over 1000f, next 8 dams all
VG & EX in the C Craigo Petro Telstar (4E-96 15*) family!
-- a GP-83, VG-MS Cupid sells from the “Pala” family. Dam is a VG Talent
w/1068f, 3rd dam is a 3E-93 GMD-DOM Outside w/44,900 5.9 2627 3.4
1522, 4th dam “Promis” (3E-95 GMD-DOM), 4th Dam “Pala” (3E-94-DOM).
-- VG-86 Durham from an Exhibit dam, then 6 gens. VG & EX
-- VG-86 RED Wisconsin sells with her fancy Nov. ’13
Absolute-Red daughter. She is a 10th gen. VG or EX in the
Tora Triple Threat Lulu (EX-96) family. End stall cow here!
-- a July ’12 Dundee daughter sells from 13 gens. VG or EX
in the Hanover-Hill “Marq I” family!
High Croft has been known through the years for high type, true-transmitting cow familes with
great longevity. Your opportunity to benefit from 45+years of breeding Registered Holsteins
will come September 26. We hope to see you here!
Sale Managers:
Hilltop Auction Co.
863 Smith Rd. • Clyde, NY 14433
315-521-3123 • 315-729-8030
Jerry & Lisa Smith and Family
183 Shamrock Rd.
Rexville, NY 14877
NYN September 2014 - 9
Executive Manager’s
September already. Summer was pretty short this
year, but crops seem good for the most part and the
seasons will move along as they always do. Fall in New
York is a beautiful time of year. I hope, after a busy
summer, your family can enjoy some fall activities
before we settle into another good old New York winter.
It was an especially busy summer at New York
Holstein. The State Picnic at Tudors’ Elm-Spring Farm,
just as I promised, was a spectacular day to remember.
Perfect weather, a spit and polished farmstead and herd,
lots of jolly people, tons of wonderful food, and lots of
signage to help visitors easily make their way around
the farm. Their innovative idea of having a Silent Cattle
Auction couldn’t have worked out better and was
the perfect way for Tudors to offer some outstanding
members of their best cow families while still enjoying
their picnic and keeping the low profile and relaxing
atmosphere they really wanted. Fund raising for our 2016
National Convention is ongoing. Tudors were gracious
enough to make space available for a Silent Auction of
donated items that raised over $1700. It was a grand
day in every way and the icing on the cake was looking
toward the parking lot and seeing Horace walking up
the road. Elm-Spring is not the easiest place to find and
he had circled a while, but Horace made the four hour
trip alone to “finally see the 100% homebred herd he’d
always heard great things about, but never seen.” Each
year, our picnic hosts do a bang up job with the picnic.
Very special thanks to Tudors for this year’s first class
continuation of this tradition.
Next year, we’ll see you in western New York at
Coyne Farms. Greg is planning to include their new
processing facility in the day’s activities. Each year is a
little different and always a pleasure. When we have an
exact date, we’ll make sure you have it so you can mark
it on your 2015 calendar.
2016 and after are open, so please consider hosting.
Tudors had lots of reservations and hesitations about
hosting, but pulled it off as pros. You can, too. And I’m
always happy to help and offer any information and
contacts from past hosts.
Making the summer busier than usual was our
Summer Blast Sale in Waterloo. We hatched the idea at
the spring board meeting and, after bouncing it around
a bit, decided that New York has the high caliber of
cattle and people to pull off a smaller, elite sale near
and at Empire Farm Days time. Jonathan Lamb was
10 - NYN September 2014
instrumental in keeping us on track and the ball rolling.
The Seneca County Fairgrounds were wonderful to work
with. Local member Allan Merrill steered us in the right
directions for details only a local would know. When the
dust settled, 53 full lots averaged $12,575 with animals
going all over the country. Thank you to everyone who
bought, sold, and supported.
Next on the sale lineup is our annual Harvest Sale
at Cornell. It’s the long held tradition of offering top
breeding stock that become success stories for buyers.
We still have room for consignments. Please give Dave
Rama or myself a call if you have a possible consignment.
State Fair ends the summer show season and its
activities wrap up summer events. This year’s State Fair
shows were very high quality and made it clear that
New York Holsteins will have fun this fall. The Grand
Champion, Oakfield Corners bred and owned by juniors
Whitney Kugler, Brock Liddle, and Kate Vail, is one to
watch the rest of the year and a real testament to New
York Holsteins. Congratulations to the western New
York group who had a great day and shared the Premier
Banners. Jonathan and Alicia Lamb took the Breeder
and Reyncrest the Exhibitor.
Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s
junior calf raffle. Todd Galton and Family gave us a
tremendous calf. Statewide, the juniors dug in and
sold tickets like crazy. When junior member and State
Dairy Princess Casey Porter drew the winning ticket she
picked from a 75 pound milker pail packed heaping full
of tickets. That’s a lot of little 2” x 2” squares of paper.
Huge thanks to the Galtons, all who supported with
ticket purchases, and juniors who put so much effort
into our biggest annual Junior Association fund raiser.
A healthy treasury insures that we can continue offering
the junior programs that help enrich and encourage
the next generation in our industry. And good luck to
winner, Jake Pennings.
Our final State Fair activity is our Little Britches
Showmanship after the show on Monday. A
photographer who came along and snapped lots of
pictures said, “this is the cutest thing going on anywhere
on the fairgrounds.” Calves and kids of every size and
shape from little brothers and sisters of junior showmen
to many fairgoers who come along and are thrilled to
pet and lead a calf. They can never believe how soft
they are. It’s organized by our DJMs and lot of other
juniors pitch in to help each Little Britches walk their
calf around the ring, line up, and get a rainbow ribbon
and milk chocolate candy bar. This year’s DJMs, Emma
Andrew and Shannon Fletcher, did a great job, along
with their helpers to make friends and help build a farm
to city bridge with 95 little and big kids who, as one
woman about my age gushed, “never dreamed they’d
lead a calf.” It’s a ton of fun and I’d recommend it at
your county level.
Looking ahead, I hope you’re planning to join us for
the bus trip to the Saratoga area. I guarantee it will be
an interesting good time. Questions: Ed Tyler (315-3357005). Reservations: Ed or our office.
I hope you’ve had a great summer and plan to enjoy
some or all of our fall activities.
Take care and keep in touch.
2014 Chautauqua County Fair
It wasn’t just Fair, it was Excellent!
The 2014 Chautauqua County Fair is now in the books, and what a week it was for the Winton
and Wolcott families of Wall Street Dairy LLC. We are so proud of the many achievements in 4-H
competition, Open Class competition, and at the Chautauqua County Holstein Club show. Among the
accomplishments were Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Junior Champion and Reserve
Junior Champion of the Milking Shorthorn show; Grand Champion of the 4-H Milking Shorthorn Show;
Junior Champion of the Brown Swiss show and 4-H show; 1st place Junior Yearling in the Holstein
Club Junior Show; 1st place Senior Yearling in the 4-H, Open and Holstein Club Show and several blue
ribbons in the 4-H hog show. There were also winners in photography, agricultural products, sewing,
and several other categories. It was exhausting, but so much fun. Congratulations, and thanks to the
rest of the crew for staying home and taking care of the milking and other chores!
Wall Street Dairy LLC
The Winton and Wolcott Families
3353 Wall Street, Mayville, NY 14757
908-872-2682 • www.wallstreetdairy.com • WallStreetDairy@aol.com
Follow us on Twitter @WallStreetDairy
and Facebook at Wall Street Dairy
James 1:17, “All good gifts around us come from Heaven Above.”
BAA: 110.5
NYN September 2014 - 11
Hi All!!
I know you have all missed me
deeply but no worries, I am back!
It is now September, which marks
the end of the summer and the
beginning of many new things. It
is the beginning of a new school
year, college or high school, and
the beginning of a new season.
As the leaves begin to change and
fall to the ground, farmers begin
to harvest corn and soybeans- the
finale of the crop season. So naturally, I decided I would
touch on the idea of new beginnings. Many of us, especially kids, seem to think the end of summer is sad. It’s the
end of freedom, of no school and not having to worry or
stress about much. But there is also beauty in the beginning of fall and everything it brings. It’s a new start to the
school year, an opportunity to make a change, to work on
something new that you want to become good at, whether
it be sports or school or just becoming more involved in
new activities.
As for my main topic for this article, since we are in
the middle of show season, I thought it would be interesting to touch on the art of showing. As Holstein people, I
know we all love to go watch great cow shows -whether
it be your county show, state fair, or one of the national
shows. But with watching all these great shows comes
many opinions. I have always been a person that loved
dairy judging. I judged at state fair and earned the opportunity to judge at both Harrisburg and Madison under
Coach Waterman, and I hope to be on the Cornell team
at some point. After that, I doubt I will carry on with
dairy judging. You see, when a judge gets asked to judge
a show, they get asked to be put in front of a large crowd
of people who love their cows and think that they should
win. I was walking with my brother and discussing this
when Ladd said that he would hate to judge a show because you could never make everyone happy. And I have
to say a part of me agrees with him, that I would never
want to be the person that everyone could point their finger at. But there is also a part of me that thinks I would
love it because after almost every show I watch, there is
always a decision I get upset about. But then I always
remind myself that I wasn’t the judge, and that he or she
gets to make the final decision. So to come to the point of
all my rambling, I just want to remind people to be kinder
to the judges. They may not always make the decision
you agree with, and sometimes you might blame it on
politics or not seeing the whole ring, but it is what they
see as best for that day. On another day, with another
judge, there may be a different decision that is more to
12 - NYN September 2014
your liking but for that day, just be content and let the
judge do their job. That is what they get asked to do, so
respect them for it.
As for my wise words for the month, touching back on
fall bringing new beginnings, I challenge all of you to try
something new or different with this new school year. Stop
worrying that it is something you don’t know a lot about
or how to do, or that you aren’t used to, just go ahead and
do it! I think you will be amazed with the outcome, and
you might be pleasantly surprised with the results.
O-H-M Junior News
By Cassie Menendez
Jamie Black judged the annual O-H-M Holstein Show
on July 18 in Fonda. The busy day started with showmanship. Kayla Windecker took top honors as master
showman. As the day went on the juniors did exceptionally well. Junior Champion of the junior show went
to Ava Frasier, and Reserve to Cassie Menendez. Grand
Champion was given to Kayla Windecker and Reserve
to Cyrus Conard. Congratulations to all the juniors on a
great day! Now we are all focused on the upcoming club
sale. The 66th O-H-M Club Sale will be held on October
18. It will be hosted by Roedale Farm in Richfield Springs,
NY. We hope to see you all there!!
Schoharie County Jr. News
By Jack Brown
Hello everyone, the summer seems to fly by every
year and this year is no exception. The Schoharie County Holstein show went off without a hitch on July 28th
and our junior members all did well. Congratulations
to all on the junior show results; Emily Tillapaugh won
Senior and Grand Champion, as well as Junior Champion, Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion was
awarded to Cody Sears and Reserve Junior Champion
was Jack Brown. Shannon Sears won Master Showman
and Alan Graulich was Reserve Master Showman, also,
Abigail DeSormeau was first place in her age division.
Our Schoharie County 4-H show was two days later and
in that show Senior and Grand Champion Holstein went
to Cody Sears, Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion to Samantha Hauenstein, Junior Champion was
Shannon Sears and Reserve Junior Champion was Jack
Brown. Kristin Hauenstein won Junior Champion with
her Brown Swiss, Abigail DeSormeau won Junior Champion with her Ayrshire and Devin Prokop won Grand
Champion and Reserve Grand Champion as well as Junior Champion in the Jersey Show. Master Showman
in the 4-H show was Shannon Sears and Reserve Master
Showman was Tim Dahl. Most importantly we all had a
great time at the shows. Some of us are already starting
practice for fall sports which reminds us another summer
is coming to a close. The members are now busy selling calf raffle tickets and preparing for the next shows…
we look forward to catching up with some of our friends
from the other clubs at the NYS fair before we head off to
school and college, and I hope everyone makes the most
of what’s left of summer
Allegany-Steuben Holstein Club News
By Carlise Bossard
As the leaves start to change color, I wonder why the
winter is never ending and this summer has passed so
Another successful Black and White Show was held
on July 11th and 12th. Showmanship winners were
Novice-Marie Noel, Junior-Shelby Wade, Senior-Paige
Demun, Reserve Master-Shelby Wade, and Master-Paige
Demun. Congratulations to all the winners, and THANK
YOU to Bethany Kent and committee.
Steuben County Dairy Princess is Paige Demun. She
will be assisted by her court: Morgan Pierce, Haley Grace,
Megan Ross, Sara Stierly, Emily McCaig, and Brynn Scholl.
We look forward to seeing you promote our products.
Kate Helgerson is taking on the Junior Advisor position, and will start getting members prepared for convention. Thank you Kate.
Tom and Betty Beach celebrated their 60th anniversary again with a picnic gathering hosted by their
children Terry and Mike. It was a wonderful event with
food, beverage, music, and many Holstein friends.
Congratulations to Bethany Kent on her recent marriage to Cedric King from Andover where they will reside.
The 99th Allegany-Steuben Club Sale is October
17th. Contact any board member with consignments.
Remember as we approach this harvest season to be
safe. We can buy parts for all but the operator.
Chemung County Club News
By Jenny Reese
Labor Day has rolled around again and so quickly,
too! For many that means schools are opening their
doors to elementary, high school, and college-aged kids.
Our kids are setting down their brushes and cow halters
to grab books and backpacks.
Most fairs have finished their week long run, with
the Great New York State Fair having just concluded.
Hopefully everyone made it out to watch one of the
dairy shows that was held in Syracuse.
Chemung County had a great showing by many its
members this year. About 140 head of cattle were exhibited at the fair. 47 junior members walked the shavings
on July 28th for showmanship. Master Showmanship
honors went to Maria Noble. On July 29th Judge Richard
Wright gave Junior Show Junior Champion honors to
Jordan Bergen with her Spring Yrlg., Hackett Lights On,
a Regancrest Dundee-ET daughter. Following in similar
style was Jordan’s Fall Calf, Lylehaven Aft Intense, a MS
Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET daughter for Reserve Junior
Champion. After an afternoon of judging milk cows,
Judge Wright’s final nod for Sr. and Grand Champion of
the Junior Show went to a fancy-uddered Sr.-2 Yr.-Old,
BHL Harkdale Alltheway-ET, a Pine Tree Sid-ET daughter owned by Jimmy and Delaney Bergen. Kirt Menzi, Jr.
exhibited the Reserve Sr. and Reserve Grand Champion
with Lantland Aspen Hemley, his EK-Oseeana AspenET 4 Yr. Old. Congratulations to these Junior member
show winners!!
Best of luck to everyone that is carrying on to Harrisburg, Louisville and/or Madison with their dairy animals. Show them how competitive New York Registered
Holsteins can be!
As many or all of you know, seven year old Reese
Burdette and her grandmother, Patricia Stiles, sustained
serious injuries in a house fire a few months ago. Patricia Stiles has made it home and is continuing to heal
and rehabilitate from there. Reese is still in the hospital
fighting her injuries. They both still need our prayers
and continued support as they continue to battle their
injuries and heal. Reese and Patricia have both come
a long way, but still have a long way to go. Anything
that you can do is greatly appreciated by their whole
family and many, many friends. Please keep them in
your thoughts and prayers as you go about your daily
Our corn crops are about ready to be harvested. Be
sure to check and replace any chain guards, PTO shields
and other safety features that will keep you, your family
and employees safe. We all need to practice farm safety
year round, but when working with your equipment remember to be extra vigilant of yourself and others working with you.
Have a safe and happy September!
Connie’s North Country Chatter
By Connie Gerow
Have you ever noticed that summer seems to be
shorter? Or maybe it’s just because the clocks are set on
“fast” time! Whew… it’s time to catch our breath!
Jeff and I were crazy-busy with getting our hay done.
Unlike many who chop-away their hay, we are at the
mercy of “mother nature” to dry our hay to make small
squares. As the old saying goes, ‘make hay when the
sun shines’ and that we did. Jeff does 99% of the mowing; we share the tedding and raking duties; and I do
99% of the baling. We have a JD348 kicker-baler and I
just love to see how many bales I can get on our steel
Early in July, I accompanied our 4-H Dairy Judging
team to a regional competition in Jefferson County. In
addition to the experience of judging, this was an awesome opportunity for our county youth to view some
very diverse operations. Starting at Old McDonald’s
Farm in Sackets Harbor where Holsteins were judged
in the free stall. A highlight of this stop was the innovaContinued on next page
NYN September 2014 - 13
tive marketing strategy of a developed learning center,
a souvenir shop and eatery. We then traveled to Lake
Effect farm in Adams, where the 4-H’ers judged Milking
Shorthorn heifers at a relatively smaller dairy. The last
judging stop was at Hy-Light Farm in Watertown where
Jerseys and Holsteins were judged. Here the 4-H members were able to see how a stall barn was converted
into a milking parlor, holding area, and heifer facility.
Whereas, our 2014 New York State Dairy Princess
Casey Porter was among the contingent of Jefferson
County participants, I was asked by our group if we
could “please, please, please visit the Porterdale Farm.”
For me, there was not much arm twisting to happen.
Kindly, Casey escorted our group to their 1,850 milking
cow operation. As you entered the calf barn, one immediately recognized the excellent attention the calves
received in the nursery. This would be the standard of
measure for which the Porters maintain their operation.
Thank you, Casey and the Porters, for allowing us to
have an impromptu visit.
On a beautiful warm, Sunday afternoon on, July
20th, our club picnic was graciously hosted by Scott
and Judy Hamilton at their Sweet Willow homestead.
Club members were invited to bring a dish or dessert to
share. A hearty serving of pulled pork, salt potatoes, and
corn-on-the-cob was enjoyed by all. The evening entertainment was a vigorous game of lawn volleyball. Let’s
just say, there were some players who literally “rolled”
Bus Trip
Upcoming Sales Managed by The Cattle Exchange
New York Holstein Association
Saturday, October 25, 2014
(pick ups: Penn Yan, Waterloo, Syracuse, Utica)
LIDDLEHOLME – Adam & Nicole Liddle and Family,
Argyle, NY
IDEAL DAIRY FARMS – John & Denise Dickinson
and Family, Hudson Falls, NY
CLEAR ECHO FARM – Kevin Peck & Family,
Schuylerville, NY
KINGS RANSOM FARM – The King Family,
Schuylerville, NY
Family, Schuylerville, NY
Cost: $65.00 per person
(includes bus & one catered meal)
For reservations & full details:
Juniors !
NYHA (607) 273-7591
Ed Tyler (315) 335-3107
14 - NYN September 2014
on the ground to hit or miss the ball. Thank you Hamilton family.
Our Northern NY Holstein Show (a combined Franklin, Clinton and Essex County) was held in conjunction
with the Franklin County Fair (the little New York State
Fair in the Adirondacks). A total of 107 entries were paraded in front of Judge Doug Morrison from Kingsbury,
Quebec. Congratulations are in order to Collins-crest
Holsteins (George and Marcia Merrill) for earning the
Premier Breeder and Exhibitor banners. Grand Champion honors went to the homebred 4-year-old from Alan
and Jessica Lobdell, Alamana Popcorn (a Glen-Valley
BW Captain-ET); Reserve Grand Champion honors went
to a jr. 2-year-old owned by Eugene and Holly Poirier,
Blue-Gene Sid Simple, who had been named the Intermediate Champion. The Reserve Intermediate Champion was awarded to JM Don-Sher Atwood Jayla, a sr.
2-year-old owned by Jenna Russell; Opportunity Holsteins (Jamie and Petra Black) and Dan’s Dairy, (Daniel and Helene Meier) were named Junior and Reserve
Jr. Champion with their strong Fall and Winter heifers,
Ms Opportunity Ginger and Ms Opportunity Lil Bonus.
The 2nd place 4-year-old cow owned by the Poiriers,
Blue-Gene Shottle Shelby-ET, was named the Total Performance Cow for the show. More complete results will
be given in a later issue.
Until next time, good luck to all as the fall shows
come around. Let’s see…will there be another “Sally”?
Sept. 20 Morrisville, NY Morrisville College Autumn Review Sale
Oct. 18 Richfield Springs, NY 66th O-H-M Club Sale hosted by
Roedale Farm, Jason Pullis, sale chairman
Oct. 24 Lincoln University, PA Sexing Technology Multi-Breed
Production Sale (250+ head of Milking Holsteins, Swiss, &
Jerseys). Co-Managed with Stonehurst Farm, Inc.
Nov. 1 Ithaca, NY New York Harvest Sale, co-managed with NYHA
Dec. 12 Sarasota, FL Holstein Fun in the Sun at Lido Beach
Jan. 15 Utica, NY New York Convention ET Sale
Mar. 28 Cobleskill, NY SUNY Cobleskill Dairy Fashions Sale
April 11 Syracuse, NY New York Spring Holstein Sale. CoManaged with NYHA.
April 25 Middleburgh, NY Reflections of Maple-Downs Second
Edition, The Lloyd Family – 100 Head Sell
May 9 Oakfield NY Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation Sale,
hosted by Jonathan and Alicia Lamb
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BAA: A Method
of Comparison
The average classification score of Holstein
cows varies according to age. To account for
the variation, Breed Age Average (BAA) was
developed. To compute BAA percent, the actual score is adjusted for age and stage of lactation. The adjusted score is divided by breed
average and multiplied by 100. This means
a cow with breed average score for her age
group will have a BAA of 100.
By using BAA, a breeder can compare the
scores of cows of different ages. The breeder can also compare his herd as a whole
to other herds without knowing the ages of
cows in those herds. The lowest 10 percent
of individual cow BAAs are excluded from an
official herd BAA calculation.
If the herd BAA of a particular herd has
remained constant over a period of years, it
does not mean the herd has not made improvement in type. It simply means this herd
has made improvement at essentially the
same rate as breed averages. It is possible
for a herd to have made overall improvement
in type even though the herd BAA has declined slightly.
– John P. Connor
Director of Type Evaluations
Holstein Association USA
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New York’s Top BAA Herds
The following is a listing of the top herds in New York ranked by Breed
Age Average (BAA). Information found herein was provided by Holstein
Association USA. To qualify for the list, a herd must have participated in
a BAA producing classification between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. In
cases in which a herd was scored more than once, the most recent BAA was
used. A herd must also have a minimum of 10 classified cows to qualify for
the list.
Kenneth & Charles McEvoy, Marathon
John L. & Susan L. Mikel, Stafford
Ridgedale Farm, Sharon Springs
Chris & Stephanie George, Freedom
Jeffrey W. Sharts, Greenwich
Tom Price, Jasper
Adam Liddle, Argyle
Elmvue Farm, Johnstown
William & Brett Benton, Troupsburg
Kevetta Farms, Dansville
Canary Dairy LLC, St. Johnsville
Eugene Poirier, North Bangor
Henry J. Beneke, Millerton
Maple-Downs Farms II, Middleburg
Denise Saxton, Cassadaga
Humdinger Holsteins, Bloomville
Jeff Winton, Mayville
Timothy Lee Staring, Lowville
Howard W. Wolfe, Richfield Springs
Elm-Spring Farm LLC, Eagle Bridge
Bellvale Farms, Warwick
David T. & Donna Gaige, Schoharie
John B. Roberts, Remsen
Joleanna Holsteins LLC, Unadilla
Christopher Mitchell, Argyle
Stephen H. & Sally C. Lee, Watertown
Lee J. Shimel, LaFargeville
Paul J. Larkin, Sharon Springs
Charles Curtiss, Ballston Spa
Anthony B. Crothers, Pitcher
Thomas J. & Nancy C. Murray, Waterloo
Scott Key, Sharon Springs
George L. & Marcia Merrill, Malone
Marvin Jay Stoltzfus, Vernon Center
Priscilla Helgerson, Rexville
Roedale Farm, Richfield Springs
James T. Holland, Marathon
Hu-Hill Holsteins, Fort Plain
James R. Putman, Heuvelton
Lowell J. & Karen D. Davenport, Ancramdale
Headwater Holsteins, Turin
Maiden-Blush Holsteins, Owego
Walter Richard Trombley, Ellenburg Center
Kyle C. Reid, Argyle
Halocrest Farms, South Dayton
Jeremy McChesney, Sinclairville
Maple Dream Farm, Greene
Paul A. Faigle, Nineveh
Lantland Farms Ltd., Horseheads
Robert F. Durant, Theresa
Peter & Paul H. Johannssen, Mohawk
Jerry L. Smith, Rexville
George J. Beneke, Ancramdale
Woodcrest Dairy LLC, Lisbon
Gregory W. Law, Central Bridge
NYN September 2014 - 15
Richard “Dick” Keene, award
winning dairyman and worldrenowned dairy cattle judge,
passed away peacefully at his
home in Gilbertsville, NY on
July 25, 2014. Born September 30, 1935 to the late Marjorie (Macumber) and Joseph
Keene, Dick spent a lifetime
dedicating himself as a Holstein breeder and enthusiast,
accredited dairy cattle judge
and a friend and ambassador to the dairy and agriculture industries.
After graduating from Cornell University in 1957,
Dick worked as a field man and classifier for the National Holstein Association. In 1960 he returned to the
home farm with his father Joe and eventually became
owner and operator of Keeneland Farm in Gilbertsville,
NY. He devoted nearly half a century to breeding and
developing many outstanding generations of Excellent
cows and cow families on the farm. At one point there
were five cows in the herd with the Keeneland prefix
that had tremendous longevity and each produced over
200,000 lbs. of milk. His careful selection of high typed
sires along with his meticulous management skills made
Dick one of the most prominent Holstein Breeders in
New York State. He and his family enjoyed exhibiting
cattle at the local, county and state level for many years.
The Keeneland prefix was frequently associated with
many Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor awards. In
1997 a devastating fire at Keeneland Farm resulted in a
herd dispersal.
After garnering top honors at the national collegiate
dairy judging contest in Waterloo, IA, Dick proceeded
to establish himself as a well-known, highly-respected
and distinguished national and international dairy cattle
judge. He was the youngest person to ever judge the
Holstein Show at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI
and is the only person to have judged that show five different times and the Royal Canadian Exposition twice.
Dick considered himself privileged to have judged numerous shows across the country and around the world.
His personal integrity and honesty as a cattle judge along
with his great eye for cattle earned him the distinction of
“the greatest judge to enter any show ring, whether it be
at the State, National or International level.”
Dick’s dedication, vision, exemplary leadership and
passion to the dairy industry were impeccable. He served
on the National Holstein Association Board of Directors,
16 - NYN September 2014
as National Holstein Vice President and President. During his years as a National Director, Dick served on the
type committee where he was involved in making modifications to the true type model Holstein cow.
Dick’s professional service, guidance and leadership
outside of agriculture were impressive and significant
as well. Dick was a 50-year member of the Gilbertsville
Presbyterian Church, serving as Sunday school teacher,
elder and chairman of the board of trustees. In addition he organized an annual golf tournament as a major
fundraiser. Dick served on the Board of Directors for the
Wilber National Bank, Otsego County Cooperative Extension and Otsego County Farm Bureau; was on the
advisory committees of the Otsego County Farm Service
Agency and Cornell Ag Advisory Committee; and completed 20 years of service as a school board member. Additionally, Dick was a long time member of the O-H-M
and Chenango County Holstein Clubs and Morris Rotary
Dick and his family received the first NY State Governor’s award, recognizing farm families for their excellence and contributions to agriculture. In 1996 he received Cornell University’s Outstanding Alumni Award
for his years of service and commitment. In addition,
Dick was honored in 2007 with the National Dairy
Shrine Award for his distinguished service.
Dick had a strong passion for youth and youth activities and enjoyed helping young people reach their
goals and potential. For many years Dick served as organizational leader of the Gilbertsville 4-H Dairy Club
and coach of the Otsego County 4-H dairy judging team,
resulting in many of his 4-H members placing well at the
NY State and National 4-H dairy judging contests.
Dick was a sports enthusiast. He enjoyed playing and
watching most athletic events and was an avid golfer.
One final “talent” that Dick was widely known and admired for, as well as often viewed with equal parts awe
and skepticism, was his uncanny ability as a spot-on
“water witch” or dowser. He gladly traveled, sometimes
great distances, to find water that modern technology
often could not find.
Dick is survived by Shirley, his wife of 54 years; five
daughters- Laurie Griffen (Steve) of Schuylerville, NY,
Beth Keene of Perry, NY, Cathy Buck (Andy) of Skaneateles, NY, Carol Ainslie (Brad) of West Winfield, NY,
and Becky Ashley (Eric) of Lancaster, PA; three sisters
– Beverly Hay of Gilbertsville, Sandy Stoy (David) of
Otego, and Elizabeth Emerling (John) of Perry. Dick was
especially proud of his 13 grandchildren and enjoyed
traveling to see them in all of their numerous activities
and accomplishments – Alexandra, William, and Luke
Griffen; Carrie, Mary, Joe, and Lyda Buck; Ellie, Austin,
Aidan, and Abbie Ainslie; and Karah and Calla Ashley.
Dick was a model citizen for his local community, as
well as those surrounding him on the state and national
level. He was blessed with a dedicated and supportive
family and a circle of friends that extends far and wide.
He will be greatly missed.
A service of celebration and remembrance was
held at the First Presbyterian Church in Gilbertsville
on Thursday, July 31 with interment in the Brookside
Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made in Dick’s
name to the Church Sanctuary Fund, c/o Gilbertsville
First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 314, Gilbertsville, NY
13776 or Holstein Foundation, Attn: Richard Keene Memorial, 1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301 or online
at holsteinusa.com- online giving to youth education.
Paul E. Larkin, a lifelong resident of Sharon Springs,
NY died suddenly June 20, 2014 at Cobleskill Regional
Hospital. He was 59. Born in Cooperstown on October
23, 1954, he was the son of Edwin W. Larkin and the
late Virginia (Haner) Larkin.
Paul was a 1972 graduate of Sharon Springs Central
School and he earned an associate’s degree in agricultural business in 1974 from SUNY Cobleskill. He owned
and operated Larkindale Holsteins in Sharon Springs for
31 years. The business was sold in July 2013.
He served the Town of Sharon on both the town
board and the board of assessment review and he was a
member of the Schoharie County Holstein Club and the
county planning commission. Also, he served several
terms on the Sharon Springs School board of education.
Survivors include his wife, Patricia (Keller) Larkin; a
son, Lucas Larkin of Sharon Springs; a daughter, Trisha
Larkin of Greenville, NC; his father, Edwin, and stepmother, Mary Ann Larkin of Sharon Springs; two sisters,
Valerie Becker and Melanie Ray, both of Cobleskill; two
brothers, Shane Larkin of Mechanicville, and Glenn Larkin of Canajoharie; and a granddaughter, Avery Patricia
Bailey, of Greenville, NC. He was predeceased by a sister, Diana Larkin, on March 21, 1979, and his mother,
Virginia, on July 9, 1979.
Funeral services were held June 24, 2014 in Sharon Springs with burial in Slate Hill Cemetery, town
of Sharon.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 3049, Syracuse, NY
13220; or to the Sharon Springs Volunteer Rescue Squad,
P.O. Box 154, Sharon Springs, NY 13459.
Bellvale Holsteins Dispersal
Al & Judy Buckbee and Family of Warwick, NY
dispersed their well-known Bellvale Holsteins herd June
14, 2014 in Lancaster, PA, with 73 lots averaging $2426.
The herd boasted a BAA of 109.8 and a RHA of 23,772
3.6 864 3.0 724.
Topping the sale at $7,300 was Bellvale Dundee
Dawn (EX-90, EX-MS), a Dundee daughter backed by
four generations of VG dams sired by Roy, Lee, Iv-Ann,
& Jed. With a record of 2-09 2x 365 31,220 3.5 1087
3.4 1066, she was headed for another big record at
4-02 and milking 98 lbs. on her latest test. Todd Lohr,
Hooversville, PA, was the buyer.
At $6,200, Scarlet Summer Holsteins, Muncy, PA,
took home Carrousel Durham Alicia (2E-93), a Durham
daughter with records over 32,000m and due in late
fall to Fever. Her dam was also 2E-93, she by Leduc,
followed by Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET (2E-94DOM), then C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada (2E-94-DOM).
Her May ’13 Fever daughter sold for $3,250 to James &
Judith Campbell, Clear Spring, MD, while her Shottle
daughter, Bellvale Shottle Ada-Tw (VG-86) went with
the high seller at $5,600.
Another EX Durham, Bellvale Durham Judy-ET (EX90, EX-MS), commanded a $5,550 bid from Chris Garris,
Sioux Center, IA. Due in late July to Fever, her dam was
a 2E-90, EX-MS Outside daughter with 37,100 3.8 1408
3.1 1158, followed by five more VG & EX dams all over
The sale was managed by The Cattle Exchange and
held at the Destiny-Road Holsteins Barn. Many of the
cattle stayed locally in PA, while several returned to
breeders throughout New York State.
A partial buyers’ list follows.
Todd Lohr, Hooversville, PA
Bellvale Dundee Dawn (11/09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,300
S: Regancrest Dundee-ET
Bellvale Shottle Ada-Tw (11/10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,600
S: Picston Shottle-ET
Scarlet Summer Holsteins, Muncy, PA
Carrousel Durham Alicia (9/07) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,200
S: Regancrest Elton Durham-ET
Chris Garris, Sioux Center, IA
Bellvale Durham Judy-ET (9/09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500
S: Regancrest Elton Durham-ET
Production Leader
4-06 3x 305 31,230 5.5 1724 3.2 997
Sire: Regancrest-MR Drham Sam-ET
3rd NY Fat, Sr. 4-Yr-Old, 3x, 305 days
Chris & Steph Anderson, Cazenovia, NY
Barry Hostetter, Annville, PA
Bellvale Finest Kate (3/10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500
S: Penn-Gate Finest-ET
Bellvale Shottle Shenia (10/10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,700
S: Picston Shottle-ET
Gene Iager, Walkersville, MD
Bellvale Sanchez Sue (9/10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,700
S: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Bur-Le Acres, Pleasant Mount, PA
Sam-Sim Goldwyn Edith (2/12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,650
S: Braedale Goldwyn
NYN September 2014 - 17
Lady of a
Advertising In the News...
We have had a lot of positive feedback regarding
our latest colored ad! One of the veterinarians
from the local vet clinic is a subscriber to the
News. In the Summer Issue, the color Jersey
caught his eye and he took a double take, read
our ad, and was amazed. So much so, he has
been telling a lot of people about the ad and our
farm and said he continues to glance back at the ad to read it
again! A number of people have also told us that other people have asked
them if they know us. It apparently caused quite a stir! Thank you AGAIN
for putting this ad together and the wonderful job you always do!!”
0 2x 254
5 consecu
ME 29, 757 5.5 136 NIA (EX
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2013 AJC2x: 24,284 4.6 head 88.25
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7763 Reedn, Annetta, ingtons
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585-335- Dansville, NY r
We have
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Intensively ction/Super Quali
Grazed Herd
ty Milk
cattle of
• **No bST
all ages
Print advertising in the News reaches 27 states and
4 countries, with online readership in 43 countries!
The New York Holstein News – your best advertising value
Ad programs to fit every budget.
Michael McCaffrey, Editor
Holsteins & Jerseys
It’s Been a Great Summer!
2014 Tri-County
Show Results
We were pleased to
host the NYHA
Summer Picnic
on July 12.
Thank you to all
who attended, to our
generous sponsors, and
to all who purchased
cattle in our Silent
We wish you the
best with them!
1st 125,000-Lb. Cow
(Elm-Spring Morty
Mitzi – 2E-94)
1st & 2nd Fall Calves
Saltn Indulgence &
Dempsey Anna)
1st Junior Best Three
Premier Breeder
John, Mary, & Jason Tudor
135 Meeting House Rd.
Eagle Bridge, NY 12057 (518) 686-5426
18 - NYN September 2014
Timothy Tudor
(518) 686-9587 (Home)
(518) 813-8101 (Cell)
May 2014 Classification:
30 EX 50 VG 14 GP – 100% Homebred
BAA: 109.9%
RHA: 23,141 3.7 856 3.2 740
2013 New York State Master Breeder Herd
NYHA Summer Picnic at Elm-Spring Farm
July 12, 2014
1-NYHA President Mike Cosgrove; 2-The Silent Auction cattle drew strong interest and
traffic throughout the day; 3-Regina Lundy, Lory Tudor, & Emily Tudor; 4-NYHA Executive
Manager Patsy Gifford; 5-The Tudor family, gracious hosts for the day; 6-the Master Breeder
Elm-Spring herd looking sensational; 7-NY Junior Executive Committee Members Hannah
Douglas and Kasey Hulbert; 8-the beautiful Tudor home; 9-Dairy Princesses Lauren Quick
and Stephanie McBath; 10-the future of Ideal Dairy Farms enjoys the picnic; 11-the Junior
Silent auction was busy raising seed money for the National Convention in 2016.
NYN September 2014 - 19
Empire Summer Holstein Blast
Premier Sale averages $12,575!
A new sale and venture on
the part of the New York Holstein
Exchange, the Empire Summer
Holstein Blast Sale held August 7
at the Seneca County Fairgrounds
in Waterloo featured a fantastic
array of high profile females from
every walk in Holstein life, from
high genomics to superior type
to deep cow families and premier
Red & Whites. The 53 full lots sold
realized the enviable average of
$12,575, with cattle taken not only
to the active bidders on hand, but
to 15 states and Ontario, including
22 head that stayed with New
Yorker’s. The brainchild of the
New York Holstein Association Sale
Committee, the event is yet another
prelude to the New York’s hosting
the National Convention in June of
First in the ring and getting the
sale off to a grand start was Ronbeth
Alexander Pearl, the All-New York
Senior 2-Year-Old in 2013 and due
shortly after the sale to Reginald.
Tall, long, and impressive as she
paraded in the ring, she was backed
by two EX-6E, CAN dams both
over 1000f, with the third dam an
EX Sheik with 214,823 4.5 9641.
Spirited bidding around the ring and
on the phone ended with Katherine
& Brian Oster and Kevin & Barb
Ziemba, Canastota & Durhamville,
NY placing the final bid. Selling
partners Craig Shedd, Mike Garrow,
& Jamie Black were all on hand
to see this potential show winner
attain her latest laurel.
Topping the event at $54,000
was lot number one, Ms Alphagen
Jetlady, an angular, May ’14 calf
ranked as the highest genomic
daughter of her sire, Coyne-Farms
Jetset-ET (Facebook x Freddie),
she carried a GTPI +2525 and
20 - NYN September 2014
+981NM with a combined fat &
protein index of +171. Her dam, a
Mogul daughter just fresh with her
first calf and looking sensational,
is out of Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E92 GMD-DOM) with 43,390 5.3
2448 3.7 1708, then five more VG
& EX dams. Consigned by Syndicate
Alphagen, Cantley PQ, she “stayed
local,” heading to Mulligan Farms,
Inc., Avon, NY, with Oakfield
Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY, the
Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH,
went to $43,000 to own SeagullBay Alexa Debi-ET, another May
’14 calf with great numbers. At
+2473 GTPI and +843NM, this
very early daughter of Aurora
Dictate-ET (Mixer x Garrett) was
out of Pine-Tree Dorcy Alexa IIET (VG-88-DOM), one of CoyneFarms Dorcy-ET’s most heavily
contracted daughters and the dam
of six progeny over +2400 GTPI.
The next nine dams were all VG &
EX in the Rilara Mars Las Ravena
(EX-91 GMD-DOM) family. SeagullBay Dairy, c/o Greg Andersen,
American Falls, ID, was the seller.
Seagull-Bay reinvested $31,000 to
own Genesee La-Bron Maggie-ET,
Mulligan Farms’ consignment sired
by Ladys-Manor Graf La-Bron-ET
(Grafeeti x Super). At +2429 GTPI,
the April ’14 calf was +119 points
over Parent Average and was backed
a recently-fresh Snowman dam from
the same cow family that produced
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez.
In all, 23 head brought fivefigure prices. The Cattle Exchange
served as sale co-manager with the
New York Holstein Association,
with David Rama handling the
auctioneer’s gavel and Horace
Backus on pedigrees. Taking bids
from around the crowd and busy
throughout the evening on the
phone were other sale staffers
including Rick VerBeek, Daniel
Brandt, Don Welk, Jamie Black,
Nick Raggi, Jonathan Lamb, and
Patsy Gifford. The cattle were
beautifully prepared for the event
and presented in the ring by Emma
Currie, Jason Randall, and Sarah
A partial buyers’ list follows.
Mulligan Farms, Inc., Avon, NY
Ms Alphagen Jetlady (5/14) . . . . . . . . . .$54,000
S: Coyne-Farms Jetset-ET
(Syndicate Alphagen, Cantley, PQ)
Brian & Katherine Oster and Kevin & Barb
Ziemba, Canastota & Durhamville, NY
Ronbeth Alexander Pearl 12/10) . . . . . .$50,000
S: Golden-Oaks St Alexander-ET
(Craig Shedd, Jamie Black, & Mike Garrow,
Columbia Crossroads, PA)
Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
Seagull-Bay Alexa Debi-ET (5/14) . . . . .$43,000
S: Aurora Dictate-ET
(Seagull Bay Dairy, c/o Greg Andersen,
American Falls, ID)
Seagull Bay Dairy, American Falls, ID
Genesee La-Bron Maggie-ET (4/14) . . .$31,000
S: Ladys-Manor Graf La-Bron-ET
(Mulligan Farms, c/o Lesa Mulligan, Avon, NY)
Joel Krall, Lebanon, PA
EDG Caitlyn Doorman 2274-ET (6/13) .$30,000
S: Val-Brisson Doorman-ET
(Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield, NY)
Aaron Matheron, Hilmar, CA
Midas-Touch Multiply Tee-ET (1/14) . . .$22,000
S: S-S-I Mogul Multiply-ET
(David King & Kings Ransom Farm,
Waddington, NY)
Sexing Technologies, Navasota, TX
Liddle-Hobby Has It-ET (3/14) . . . . . . . .$21,700
S: Farnear-TBR-BH Cashcoin-ET
(Mike Garrow, Chateaugay, NY)
Bullcrest Shkspear 8168-ET (4/14) . . . .$15,500
S: Ladys-Manor Shakespeare-ET
(Carlton Bull, West Chazy, NY)
David King, Waddington, NY
Kingemerling Hlogn Fruit-ET (3/14) . . . . . .$21,000
S: Cookiecutter Petron Halogen
(Kings Ransom Farm & Emerling Farms,
Schuylerville, NY)
Jeff True, Corwin Holtz, & Jesse Holmes,
Perry, NY
Ransom-Rail N Uno Pizzaz-ET (1/13) . .$15,750
S: Amighetti Numero Uno-ET
(Ransom Rail Farm, Perry, NY
Pine Tree Dairy, Rittman, OH
Greenlane Supersire Susanna (4/13) . . . .$20,000
S: Seagull-Bay Supersire-ET
(Sunnylodge & Greenlane Farms, Chesterville, ON)
Mark Henning, Macedon, NY
CPA Jacey Yogurt-ET (2/14) . . . . . . . . .$15,300
S: Coyne-Farms Jacey CRI-ET
(CPA, c/o Gabriel Carpenter, Dryden, NY)
Cedar Lane Farm, LLC, Oldwick, NJ
1st Choice Female x Lylehaven Atwood
Lylly-ET (3/15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000
S: Mr. Apples Armani-ET or Braedale Goldwyn
(Mike Garrow, Chateaugay, NY)
Sept. 20 Morrisville, NY Morrisville College Autumn Review Sale,
The Cattle Exchange, mgr.
Sept. 26 Rexville, NY High Croft Farm (Jerry Smith & Family)
Complete Dispersal, Hilltop Auction Co., Clyde, NY, mgr.
Oct. 17 Canisteo, NY 99th Allegany-Steuben Holstein Club Sale,
Fraley Auctions, mgr.
Oct. 17 Richfield Springs, NY O-H-M Semen Sale & Open
House at Roedale Farm
Oct. 18 Richfield Springs, NY 66th O-H-M Club Sale hosted
by Roedale Farm, Jason Pullis, chairman, The Cattle
Exchange, mgr.
Nov. 1
Ithaca, NY New York Harvest Sale, The Cattle Exchange
& NYHA, co-mgrs.
Jan. 15 Utica, NY New York Convention ET Sale
March 28 Cobleskill, NY Cobleskill Dairy Fashions Sale, The
Cattle Exchange, mgr.
April 11 Syracuse, NY New York Spring Holstein Sale, The Cattle
Exchange & NYHA, co-mgrs.
April 25 Middleburgh, NY Reflections of Maple-Downs Second
Edition, The Lloyd Family, hosts, The Cattle Exchange,
May 9
Oakfield, NY Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation,
Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, hosts, The Cattle Exchange,
Oct. 25
NYHA One-Day Bus Trip to Tri-County
Jan. 15-17 Utica, NY New York Holstein Association Convention
hosted by Oneida, Jefferson, & Lewis County Holstein
Jan. 17-19 Utica, NY New York Junior Holstein Convention
April 10-13 Syracuse, NY New York Spring Dairy Carousel
NYN September 2014 - 21
From Our Premier Family
Selling in the Morrisville Autumn Review Sale, Sept. 20
Sired by Gillette Jerrick-ETS, her dam is a VG-86 Shottle
backed by 4 gens. of Excellents in the “D” family
Due after the sale to sexed Atwood.
Her 4th Dam
Reserve All-NY & BBO ’98
Our milking herd was sold in June to James & Stella Burkholder of
Penn Yan. We wish them the best. Several of our top young stock will be
offered at the O-H-M & Harvest Sales this fall. The remaining calves and
heifers are available for private sale. Your inquiries are welcome.
Honest, hard-working cattle with
the occasional hidden gem!
Michael J. Cosgrove and Family
3423 Fountain St., Clinton, NY 13323
315-853-3667 sprngrv@gmail.com
We welcome your interest in any of our cattle.
Dairy Profit Team Funding Available
NY Farm Viability Institute (NYFVI), encourages dairy farmers to
apply now for $2500 grants to form dairy profit teams.
Ron Robbins, owner of North Harbor Dairy in Sackets Harbor
and a NYFVI board member said, “Right now, with milk prices
so good, is the time to think about improvements. You want to
maximize your yields, while continuing to manage your costs. The
right team of experts, all chosen by you, can help you see where the
opportunities are. Lining up your money now, while it’s available, is
a smart move.”
Robbins goes on to say, “I understand that taking that first step
can be challenging. It’s hard to step back from daily priorities and
share with others the big picture of your operations.”
Profit teams are a well proven concept in New York. The state’s
farmers have been using this approach, sometimes called advisory
teams. Successfully for the last 10 years.
NYFVI is honored to have been entrusted with a legislative
appropriation through the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
to help dairy farmers who haven’t used profit teams get started.
NYFVI Managing Director David Grusenmeyer added, “I hope
more farms will enroll and utilize the funds available to them. Over
the years I’ve seen such great results from this approach. In many
cases the work from these teams has literally saved a business. The
funds are directed solely by the farmer; some teams are improving
herd health, others are focused on milk quality. Some are even
working with financial advisors to develop succession plans. It all up
to the farmer to decide.
The simple one-page application for a Dairy Profit Team grant
can be found at www.nyfvi.org.
Special Cows, Special People
3 Lactations: 87,680M 4.2 3719F 3.3 2903P
Fresh 6/3/14 & currently milking 128 lbs. 3.7%f 2.8%p
Maizey has a heifer calf by Redburst and is currently
being flushed to Armani.
1-11 3x 305 23,240m 828f 728p
2-11 3x 365 28,660m 750f 921p
4-03 3x 190 21,470m 877f 671p (Inc.)
Currently milking 100 lbs. Due in December with a
heifer calf by Defender.
We would like to thank the following people for the daily care of our animals and helping get them
ready for the shows: The Dawson Family, The Streeter Family, True Farms, & The Hinz Family
Charlene and Brooke Ryan – 919 Blue Creek Rd. – Cortland, NY 13045 – (607) 227-2287 or (607) 753-6362
22 - NYN September 2014
Mr Chassitys
Born in New York, being developed around the world!
Reg. USA 142160978 DOB: 5/23/2012
Bringing to you the combination of the Barbie’s and the Adeen’s in one package!
Atwood x EX, EX-MS Sanchez x EX-92 GMD-DOM Chassity x EX-92 GMD-DOM Cinderella x
EX-92 GMD-DOM Barbie, then 3 more EX dams.
New August ’14 Proof: #3 Genomed Type Bull in the U.S. at +4.46!
PTA +3.49UDC +3.52FLC
PTA +455M +.05%f +29F -.01%p +12P SCS 2.78 +1.6PL +240NM$ aAa: 123645 (Dairy-Tall-Open)
Same Family As:
Braxton – Brokaw
Gold Chip – Bradnick
Camelot is housed at Dependa-Bull
Service under the watchful eye of
Duane, Crystal, & Rachel
Allstargen@frontier.com - www.allstargenetics.com
Toll-Free: 1-866-810-BULL (2855)
In New York:
Richard Chase: 315-598-7303
Brad Murphy: 315-625-4034
NYN September 2014 - 23
3 2n d Morrisville College
Autu mn Review Sale
6-02 2x 365 36,940 4.8 1788 3.3 1219
Next dam is Miss Special (2E-94-DOM), 5x
Nominated All-American R&W, 3rd dam is also 2E-94
then 6 more VG & EX dams. Her March ’14 Redburst
sells. Justin & Bruce Hinz, Fillmore, NY
2-06 2x 365 26,850 3.8 981 3.3 880
Next dam is Elleeta Skybuck Lucy (3E-95) w/1485f,
the Grand Champion at WDE in 2007 & AllAmerican Aged Cow. Luella is a proven transmitter
& her Dec. ’13 Aftershock sells! Oakfield Corners
Dairy, Oakfield, NY
2-02 3x 305 27,850 3.4 958 2.9 803
This family makes high GTPI’s with many bulls in
A.I. Next dam is 2E-93 GMD-DOM, then Rud Zip
(4E-95 GMD-DOM) & 3E-90 Jolt, all with high
lifetimes. Delight’s gr’dtr. by Headliner born April ’14
sells from a VG-85 Gold Chip. Markland Holsteins,
Macedon, NY
4-06 2x 365 37,237 3.4 1286 3.0 1187
Next 6 dams are all EX “Roxy’s!” Her VG-85 Jasper
daughter is the dam of an Aug. ’14 Damion choice
and a Sept. ’13 Gold Chip that both sell! Duane
Martin, Moravia, NY
5-07 2x 365 41,780 4.1 1696 3.5 1466
7th generation EX “Roxy” & twice Nominated AllAmerican, Rally’s EX-90 Goldwyn daughter is the
dam of a Dec. ’13 Fortune calf that sells! Keenan
Thygesen, VT
(4E-94 GMD-DOM)
6-02 3x 365 38,820 4.0 1562 3.1 1215
Next 5 dams are all EX “Roxy’s!” Rhonda’s EX Mazda
daughter is the dam of Ms Ridgedale Rosary-Red, an
August ’13 Absolute daughter that sells! Color Blind
Cattle Co., NY
4-11 2x 356 30,890 3.6 1117 2.8 854
Noted show winner, the next dam is VG with 1186f.
Selling is her March ’13 Big Time due in March to
Gold Chip w/an ultrasound female. Emily Mikel,
Stafford, NY
(2E-90, EX-MS)
2-01 2x 365 32,150 4.7 1506 3.4 1096
Selling is SRose’s granddaughter, Spring-Fed T-Dn
Rip-Red-ET (EX-91), an 8th generation EX by
Touchdown! Fresh in July, her dam is a 2E-90 Salto.
The same family as Advent & Apple, what a cow to
breed from! Vail & Holmes, Copake, NY
4-08 2x 365 37,820 4.2 1583 3.6 1361
Next 6 dams are all VG & EX! Selling from Ravenly
are 6 #1 Direct Thaw embryos sired by Atwood!
Scott Racha, Holland Patent, NY
24 - NYN September 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014 – 11:00 A.M. – Morrisville, NY
Sale sponsored by the Morrisville College Dairy Club and Dairy Management Program
4-03 2x 328 29,780 3.9 1154 3.0 1154
Goldwyn daughter of Lamport Polly Durham
(3E-95-DOM) with 1399f, then a 2E-91 Outside with
158,000M lifetime & 2 more VG. Selling from this
high-scoring maternal line is a May ’13 Bradnick!
Conant Acres, Inc., Canton, ME
3-02 3x 365 32,957 4.3 1412 3.1 1027
One of the greatest RC, genomic transmitters in the
world & a 7th gen. EX. Her RED March 1, 2014 Long
P gr’dtr. sells from her EX Shottle daughter! Jessica
Currie, Tully, NY
3-11 2x 337 29,110 4.7 1395 3.5 1022
5th generation EX & already the dam of several EX
daughters and mulitiple show winners, Cherry Coke’s
March ‘14 Ducati-Red & June ‘14 Long P sell! Midas
Touch! Midas Touch Genetics, Waddington, NY
5-10 2x 365 31,380 3.4 1056 2.9 922
Noted show winner and a 5th generation EX from
one of Canada’s premier families! Her dam is Astre
Felice (EX 27*), followed by an EX Astro Jet, EXDOM 35* Valiant Fran, then Chief Faith (4E-94GMD). Selling is Folice’s July ’13 Goldwyn! Quality
Farms, Vaughan, Ont.
Fancy daughter of Gillette Windhammer-ETS and
due Dec. 2 to Bouw Rocky (sexed semen). Her dam
is a VG-88 Alert followed by an EX Skyfame. Marcel
2-02 2x 365 35,290 4.3 1506 3.1 1111
By Goldwyn from an EX-GMD Leduc with 2045f
followed by Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda (2E-92GMD). This family makes fancy, high-genomic heifers
and Lizzy’s gr’dtr. by Supersire from a GP-83, 2y
Trump sells with GTPI +2365 +1792M +83F +59P
+748NM +2.69T +4.5PL. Erik Shelmidine, Adams, NY
2-00 3x 365 30,600 3.3 1017 3.2 977
By Shottle from Morningview Gold Tiara (EX-92,
max. score), All-NY Sr. 3-Yr-Old, 1st at NYSF, &
9th at WDE in 2009. Next 6 dams are all VG with
over 1000f. Selling is her ready-to-flush Cameron
daughter with GTPI +2163 (178 points above P.A).
Richmond Family Dairy, North Collins, NY
1-10 3x 365 32,860 4.2 1367 3.2 1046
GTPI +2127 +865M +36F +33P +513NM +2.83T
A fancy Beacon daughter that shows, Larose sells!
Her dam is a VG-86 Shaquille with 1048f, followed
by SRF-ZBW Storm Lucky-ET (EX-94) with 1339f,
then Durham Lizzy (3E-95 GMD-DOM), All-NY & HM
All-American 125,000-Lb. Cow in 2007. This family
transmits and Larose looks like an EX cow! Kevin &
Barb Ziemba, Durhamville, NY
Morrisville State College Dairy Club &
Dairy Management Program
Check out our Facebook Page
(Morrisville State Dairy Club)
Duncan Bailey (585) 689-1161
Jessica Currie (315) 729-2861
Erik Shelmidine (315) 486-1263
6-00 2x 365 44,090 5.0 2191 3.2 1423
Perennial nominee for All-American & All-Canadian,
her dam is Inspiration Tina (2E-95 GMD-DOM), 2x
Reserve All-American & All-Canadian ’93. Tobi is the
3rd dam of a June ’13 Acme that sells from a VG-86
Atwood then an EX-92 Outside. Bradley McEachron
& Seth Browe, NY
Dave Rama
(607) 435-0792
Horace Backus (315) 963-7012
Don Welk
(717) 575-4700
Duane Conant (207) 320-1410
Sale Managed by & Catalogs:
NYN September 2014 - 25
The TYPE We Breed For!
Pretty –
Pedigree –
1-11 2x 289 23,870 3.6 855 3.0 717
2-10 2x 305 26,820 3.5 943 3.1 840
4-01 2x 258 30,044 3.6 1088 3.0 901 (Inc.)
Proj. 33,261 3.6 1194 3.0 1011 – Bred to Defender.
Sired by Bolton, Tyra’s dam is an EX, EX-MS
Dundee with 27,700 3.0 839 2.9 817 & 2 more
VG dams. Tyra’s daughter, KEVETTA TIME TAYLOR
(VG-85, 2y), has 2-02 2x 231 17,460 4.1 711 3.4
599 (Inc.) & is proj. to 24,776 4.1 1022 3.5 862.
She is due to McCutchen.
Her Armani Gr’Dtr. Sells
Her March ’14 Brady Sells – Potential 12th Gen. EX
2 Fantastic
Show-Age Calves
to the
Autumn Review
September 20
4-07 2x 347 39,859 3.4 1352 2.8 1130
One of the great production families in NYS, her dam
is an EX Talent, followed by a 3E-94-GMD Stardust
w/2269f, then a 2E-92 Washington w/1636f, an EX
Starbuck w/1312f, and then a VG-87 Apache.
** Selling is Tattoo’s fancy June ’14 granddaughter by
Mr. Apples Armani-ET *RC from a 2-yr-old Hvezda.
Get an early jump
on the 2015
show season
with these two
JERSEYS: June ‘14 Classification: 13 Excellent (3 @92, 3 @ 91, 7 @ 90)
and 7 VG - Actual avg. on 20 head 88.25 pts., 70% homebred
RHA: 15 cows 23,105 4.6 1059 3.7 852 SCC 50,000
2013 AJCA Lact. Avg. 23,357 4.3 1009 3.6 852 (14L)
Ranked 1st for Milk & Protein NYS and 8th for Milk, 6th Protein in U.S.
HOLSTEINS: April ’14 Classification: 12 Excellent (1 @ 93, 2 @ 92, 4 @
91, 5 @ 90) & 17 VG – BAA: 111.2%
RHA: 36 cows 30,294 3.5 1059 3.1 932 SCC 38,000
26 - NYN September 2014
3-03 2x 298 35,460 3.2 1144 3.1 1098
4-03 2x 140 19,032 3.3 620 3.3 569 (Inc.)
Proj. 32,811 3.3 1098 3.1 1006
Dixie needs to see the classifier and could become
an 11th generation EX! Her dam is an EX-91, EXMS Allen with 41,020 3.6 1463 3.1 1287, then
Huntsdale Rubens Glaze-ET (EX-90, EX-MS) with
1181f, followed by 8 more EX dams!
** Selling is Dixie’s March ’14 daughter by ButzButler Atwood Brady-ET.
The Herringtons
Kevin, Annetta, Jessica, and Tyler
7763 Reeds Corner Rd., Dansville, NY 14437
Dairy of Distinction/Super Quality Milk
Intensively Grazed Herd • **No bST
We have cattle of all ages available. Inquiries welcome.
Sweet Like Cherry Pie ...
But we call her “Cherry Junior!”
2-11 3x 365 30,870 5.0 1532 3.3 1015
6th Generation Excellent! One of 4 EX maternal sisters and more to come!
1st 4-Year-Old, Best Udder in class, Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion at
2014 NY State Fair Red & White Show
1st 4-Yr-Old, Senior & Grand Champion at 2014 St. Lawrence Co. Junior Show
1st & Reserve Senior Champion at 2014 St. Lawrence Co. Holstein Show
5 Head to the Morrisville Autumn Opportunity Sale, Sept. 20
◆ March ’14 Ducati and June ’14 Long P calves out Cherry Coke (EX-92) – maternal sisters to
Chry Pie, above
◆ Polled RC Overtime P w/GTPI +2078 x Balti x Tiger-Lily Destry Liz-Red-ET (VG-86), full
sister to Ladd P. Next dam is Lulu (VG-87) w/1705f, then 4 more VG & EX dams
◆ Polled RC Racer w/GTPI +2078 x fancy PP Ipod x Lulu (above)
◆ a June ’14 Lancome w/GTPI +2310 x a Cameron from 7 gens. VG & EX in the Rabur Outside
Pandora family
Focused on Making
the Right Ones!
DaviD King
69 Halfway House Rd. – Waddington, nY 13694
315-322-4162 – 315-212-0032 (cell)
Follow us on Facebook at Midas Touch genetics.
NYN September 2014 - 27
Quite A Quintet!
5 High-Profile Consignments to the Morrisville Autumn Review
2 Granddaughters of Barbie Sell
Her Levi Sells
2-02 3x 365 35,710 3.5 1249 2.6 945
By Baxter, next dam is 2E-91, EX-MS with 34,880 4.2 1438
3.0 1046, then a VG-88 BW Marshall with 43,240 3.5 1521
2.9 1240. Selling:
• a Sept. ’13 Cabriolet with GTPI +2270 from a VG-85
Bookem making a great record w/2-00 3x 192 19,900
3.2 627 3.0 602
• a Feb. ’14 Supersire with GTPI +2341 +2293M +96F
+66P +764NM +4.6PL +2.47T from Barbie’s VG-86,
2y Domain with 2-01 3x 365 30,220 3.2 970 2.9 863
** Same family as Bombero – GTPI +2519 at Semex.
3-01 3x 365 43,440 3.8 1669 3.0 1322
Selling is her Sept. ’12 Levi daughter with GTPI +2188
+1084M +77F +45P +728NM +5.1PL +1.81T. Next dam
is a VG Alton with 47,090 3.2 1518 2.6 1218, followed by a
VG-87-DOM. A tremendous production pedigree!
Her Cameron Sells
Her Latimer Granddaughter Sells
2-00 3x 365 30,600 3.3 1017 3.2977
By Shottle, next dam is an EX-92, 3y Goldwyn that was AllNY Sr. 3-Yr-Old in 2009 , followed by 6 more VG dams, all
over 1000f. Selling is her May ’12 Cameron daughter with
GTPI +2163 (178 pts. above Parent Average) ready to flush.
3-04 3x 365 36,110 4.1 1489 3.3 1194
Multiple sons in A.I., this family is known around the world.
Selling is Poppy’s Genervations Latimer-ET gr’dtr. born
July ’13 with GTPI +2162 +1124M +65F +48P +622NM
+3.8PL +1.96T. Her dam is a VG-85, 2y Jives. Next dam is
VG-85 with 42,190 3.3 1406 3.1 1287.
Popular sires, strong maternal lines,
outstanding production …
all selling September 20!
Richmond Farms Dairy
Chuck & John Richmond Families
10705 Jennings Rd. • North Collins, NY 14111 • crichmondjr@roadrunner.com • Chuck: 716-913-5739 • John 716-432-1301
28 - NYN September 2014
Welcome to the
O-H-M & Schoharie
Holstein Clubs
International Appeal
Louisa is a May 2013 Roylane Socra Robust-ET daughter. She was recently flushed
to Wa-Del Myrle-ET for a Japanese embryo order. 6 go to Japan, 1 was implanted
with a pregnancy resulting, and 4 #1 embryos will be consigned to the O-H-M
Holstein Club Sale. Wa-Del Myrle-ET has a GTPI of +2251 and is currently #7 of
proven bulls.
Louisa’s Dam:
2-05 2x 305 25,580 4.0 1033 3.0 774
3-05 2x 305 29,530 4.6 1368 3.1 911
4-08 2x 305 31,180 4.5 1417 3.0 930
365 34,600 4.5 1551 3.0 1040
Due in January 2015.
Lifetime: 188,750M 6158F 5840P
Next 4 dams all VG & EX.
Lact. Avg. 28,484 3.8 1069 3.0 864
BAA: 107.1%
No BST or fancy feed additives
Susan Mower - Dennis Treen
170 Walts Rd.
West Winfield, NY 13491
(315) 822-5118
NYN September 2014 - 29
Two Red & White Roxy’s!
Absolute-Red x VG Reality x 7 EX “Roxy’s”
1st Fall Calf & Reserve Junior Champion at O-H-M Holstein Show
2nd & Reserve Junior Champion at CNY Holstein Show
2nd at NY Spring Red & White Show
Owned with By-Acres Holsteins LLC
Barbwire x 2 VG x 7 EX “Roxy’s”
1st Spring Calf at O-H-M Holstein Show
9th at CNY Holstein Show
B & L Holsteins
Ben & Linda Byma – 522 Brennan Rd. – Ilion, NY 13357 – 315-868-2355
Custom Calf & Heifer Raising
Behind our 2 Offerings at the O-H-M Club Sale
b. 12/1/2012
Bradnick from Bunny’s Family
Sired by Bradnick and due Nov. 14 to Defender. Her
dam is a VG-88, 3y Atlantic with 1-11 3x 342 22,810 3.6
816 3.2 740. Next dam is an EX, EX-MS Talent with 1107f,
followed by a 2E-90, EX-MS Rudy with 1293f & 148,100M
lifetime, then a 2E-90 Eland with 197,668M to date at
10y, 5th dam is Bunny, & 6th dam is VG-85.
1-10 2x 137 11,546 3.3 377 2.9 335 (Inc.)
1st 4 tests have been 86, 90, 82, & 94 lbs.
Bred 7/26 to Wa-Del Mogul Blake-ET
Nellie is sired by Windy-Knoll-View Pled-ET (Goldwyn
x Pledge) from a VG-87 Aspen with records to 3-02 2x
353 33,770 4.0 1334 3.3 1113 & 148,320M lifetime.
Next dam is a VG-86 Grand Slam with 150,990M
lifetime, and the 3rd dam is VG-86 with 121,990M
Nadine & Nellie are the foundation kind … great
type with high, year-after-year production!
Breeding stock of all ages
available. Visitors and inquiries
always welcome!
30 - NYN September 2014
Lifetime to date: 372,997 3.8 14,239 3.0 11,319
Still going strong at 14 years of age and the foundation of
one of our best cow families.
Canary Dairy LLC
The Canary Family – 395 Co. Hwy 140 – St. Johnsville, NY 13452
Ph. 518-568-2015 – Cell: 518-894-7101
RHA: 28,904 3.6 1048 3.2 914
BAA: 111.1 – 18 EX 25 VG 2 GP
O-H-M Sale Bound
Saturday, October 18th at Roedale Farm
Two Fresh Heifers From Two Outstanding Cow Families
Selling From the “Lulu” Family
Selling From the “Nada” Family
7-11 2x 365 31,190 4.3 1346 2.9 907
Lifetime: 165,430 4.0 6,544 3.0 4,961
12-05 2x 365 33,740 3.4 1159 2.7 914
Lifetime: 361,270 3.4 12,279 2.8 9,989
Great Gr’Daughter Sells
Selling is a fancy Braxton daughter out of
Ovaltop Laramie Lynn (VG-86) that sold in the
Morrisville Autumn Review Sale;
2nd Dam: GP-84 with records to 26,140 4.0 1052 3.4 900
3rd Dam: “Lue” above
4th Dam: Hanoverhill Marksman Lan-ET (2E-93)
5th Dam: Hanoverhill Star Lulu-ET (EX-93 GMD-DOM)
6th Dam: Tora Triple Threat Lulu (EX-96 GMD-DOM)
7th Dam: 2E-90-GMD
Granddaughter Sells
Selling is a Pronto daughter just fresh 8-3-14.
Dam is Ovaltop Dundee Nora (VG) with
3-05 2x 365 30,560 3.5 1072 2.8 864.
2nd Dam: “Nikita” (above)
3rd Dam: Ovaltop Star Nickie (2E-90 GMD-DOM)
4th Dam: Lemax Valiant Nada (3E-94-DOM)
5th Dam: VG-87
Be sure to check out these two individuals that come from cow families
known for their outstanding type and their will to milk.
NYS Master Breeder Herd
25 Year PBR Herd
BAA - 110.1% 21 EX 52 VG 5 GP
DHIR Avg. 26,168 3.7 979 3.0 791
Howard W. Wolfe & Family
436 Chyle Road – Richfield Springs, NY 13439
Howard & Ginny 315.858.2882
Doug 315.858.9058
Mike & Monica 315.858.1460
Fax 315.858.0842
Email: ovaltop@ntcnet.com
NYN September 2014 - 31
An Ode to our Lime
Good luck to everyone who has a “splash of Lime” in their herd and
thank you to those who guided us through the new opportunities Lime
5-07 365 35050 3.0 1044 3.1 1070
Lifetime 2430 188,750 3.3 6158 3.1 9840
presented to us. We purchased Lime, an Outside daughter with a powerful frame, at the NYS Spring Sale in 2004 for$5500 (the most we
have ever paid for an animal). This purchase added more genetics from
Lime was Born, Bred + Blooming
in OHM Country!
1st Dam VG-88 GMD ► Sue Mower & Dennis Treen
2nd Dam 2E-91 GMD ► Glenn, Gordon & Jeff Donahoe
3rd & 4th EX Dam ► Roger Slaughter, Ilion, NY
Deb’s family’s Don-Dale herd. With flushing success, there have been
30 daughters from Lime. Many have earned Best Udder and Champion ribbons as well as Dam/Dau., Produce of Dam, Best 3 Female in
NYS Fair, local and regional show rings and consequent All-NY and
All-American Nomination honors.
Powerhouse Leaves Legacy of Type, Production and Genomics
Windex Roy Lightning ● Milking 125 lbs.
3-04 336 27590 3.5 977 3.0 839
● Lime’s daughter
● 2x All-American Jr. Nominee
● 2 Female Windbrooks due early Sept.
● Currently flushing. Inquiries welcome.
30 Lime Daughters by:
Roy, Laurin, Finest, Shottle, Big
Time, Fever, Super Large, Mr Sam,
Fremont, Goldwyn, Headliner and
Windex Damion Leah ● Milking over 100 lbs.
VG-87 @ 2Y
● Lime’s gr’daughter; Lightning’s dau.
● Grand Champion OHM Jr. Show 2014
● 1st Sr. 3Y OHM Jr. and Open Show 2014, Best Udder
● Leah has a Brokaw daughter
Dale, Debbie, Kayla and Bryce Windecker
656 Minot Corners Road Frankfort, NY 13340
•Inquiries Welcome!
BAA 106.8
32 - NYN September 2014
66th O-H-M Club Sale
Saturday, October 18, 2014 • 11 AM • Richfield Springs, NY
Open House & Semen Sale on Friday Evening @ 7 PM
Gaige Highlight Tamara (4E-97-DOM)
6-00 2x 365 39,810 3.1 1238 2.8 1128
A true legend, she was All-American 125,000-Lb. Cow in
2004 and now has 15 EX daughters to date! Selling will
be a fancy Golden Eye due right after the sale to Shottle
from an EX Stormatic followed by Tamara’s EX Jolt and a
fresh Reginald from a VG-87 Lee backed by a VG-88 Eland
w/134,000 LT from Tamara. Gaige, 518-872-0280
Kellercrest Super Liesl-ET (VG-86)
2-06 3x 305 30,630 3.4 1029 3.0 910
With a +2156 GTPI, Super Liesl has multiple brothers in
A.I. and has several sons heading that way as well! Next
dam is a 2E-92 GMD-DOM Shottle w/57,130 5.3 3030
2.9 1633 & backed by 4 more VG or EX dams. Selling
will be her 6/14 Jabir daughter that is +779NM +6.2PL
& +2336 GTPI! Chlus & Peck, 315-792-1265
Canary Atley Bunny (3E-93)
9-04 2x 305 38,200 3.5 1342 3.0 1132
Still going strong at 14 years old and nearing 400,000M
lifetime! Selling will be a Bradnick heifer due a month
after the sale to Defender. Dam of the heifer is a VG-88
by Atlantic w/816f @ 2y; 2nd dam EX-90 Talent w/1107f;
3rd dam 2E-90 Rudy w/33,120 3.9 1293; 4th dam 2E-90
Eland w/1417f & 5th dam is this amazing Atley! A great
heifer from a deep pedigree! Canary, 518-568-2015
Mayerlane-DK Fig Pie-ET (2E-91)
3-05 3x 346 33,780 4.5 1520 3.3 1129
She is an 8th generation EX cow backed by a 2E-93
Prelude w/1680f & 5E-95 GMD-DOM Mark Prudence
w/238,000 LT. Selling will be an Atwood heifer due in
December to Bradnick. Dam is a GP-83 Dundee w/903f @
2y. Morgan, 607-865-7223
Krull SS Ember-ET (2E-94)
5-10 2x 348 22,940 3.6 817 3.1 703
From the Elegance family comes a stunning Adonis-Red
calf born in March from Ember. Next dam is an EX-90
by Encore w/124,000 LT followed by an EX Skychief
w/1532f and then 3E-96 GMD-DOM “Elegance”! A
potential 9th generation EX! Lamb, 585-704-2501
Ovaltop Chesapeak Nikita-ET (4E-93)
6-11 2x 365 40,270 3.2 1305 2.6 1056
This amazing Chesapeak finished with a lifetime of
361,000M and is the gr’dam of a Pronto heifer that
sells fresh in August. Dam is a VG-85 Dundee w/1072f.
3rd dam is a 2E-90 GMD-DOM Starbuck w/247,000 LT
& 4th dam is a 3E-94 Valiant w/181,000 LT. Ovaltop,
Ladyholm Sancho Bianca (2E-90)
4-06 2x 336 24,370 4.1 1009 3.2 774
You won’t want to miss her Shottle daughter due 12/1
to sexed Alexander that sells! Next dam is 3E-93 Jolt
w/1071f. Byma & Pamkowski, 518-376-8411
Sale Host
Elk-Lick Ann Charles Ardel (3E-94-DOM)
4-05 2x 365 33,160 4.0 1336 3.0 1007
A true breeding “Super Cow” with 13 EX and 19 VG
daughters to date! Next dam is a VG Starbuck with
100,000 LT. Selling will be her Talent daughter just fresh
in October. Roedale Farm, 315-794-6737
The Pullis Family
626 McShane Rd, Richfield Springs, NY 13439
Citation R
Golden CC Majesty
Dreams Triple Threat
Several Tanks!
Sale Managed By
Sale Chairman
Jason Pullis
NYN September 2014 - 33
The Issue is Type
Breeders with high BAA’s from O-H-M and Schoharie Counties share
thoughts on the importance of type in their breeding program.
The list of high BAA herds on page 15 of this issue of
the News is evidence of the number of high type herds
in New York State. A good percentage of those herds
are located within the O-H-M and Schoharie County
Holstein Clubs and so we asked breeders within those
clubs about type, its role in their herd, their breeding
goals, and the challenges of maintaining a high BAA
herd. Each of the interviewees is part of a well-run,
hands-on family farm that takes great pride in its herd
of Registered Holsteins.
Participating in our discussion are:
David Gaige of Gaige Farms, Schoharie, NY, who,
with his wife Donna, was the 2011 New York Holstein
Active Master Breeder
Jason Pullis of Roedale Farm in Richfield Springs.
Jason and his brother Luke were the 2014 New York
Outstanding Young Breeders
Doug Wolfe of Ovaltop Holsteins in Richfield Springs,
who farms with his parents, Howard and Ginny, and
brother Michael, at their Master Breeder & 25-time PBR
Jim Canary, a partner at Canary Dairy LLC in St.
Johnsville, with his parents, Jim and Nancy. Jim is also a
nutritionist and spends 10-20 percent of his time working
with clients in addition to day-to-day involvement on
the home farm.
BAA’s for each herd:
Gaige: 109.6 on 45 cows
Roedale: 108.8 on 85 cows
Ovaltop: 110.1 on 78 cows
Canary: 111.1 45 cows
Gaige: Golden Dreams, Fever, Airlift, Lavanguard,
Shakespeare, and Sid
Roedale: Absolute-Red, Aftershock, Braxton, Damion,
Gold Chip, and Sid
34 - NYN September 2014
Canary: Atwood, Aftershock, Gold Sun, Gold Star, &
Gold Chip are seeing the most use. On the secondary list
would be Sid, Defender, and Absolute-Red & BarbwireRed for Red & Whites.
Do you have minimum criteria for picking
bulls? (for example, +2.00 PDT, +DPR,
+components, etc.)
Gaige: We like to use bulls that are over +2.50T, and in
fact, most are over 3 points. We also try to use bulls that
are over +2.50UDC. We lean very heavily on “type” in
our bull selection. We like to use bulls that are reliable
and sire clean bone in the leg since we are a pasture
herd. We also want bulls that sire really good udders.
Pullis: We have no set criteria and we are pretty open to
different bulls. We like to use bulls that have a good cow
family behind them. We are not real quick to jump on
new bulls. But we also like to use something “different.”
For example, we are using the Acme son of Decrausaz
Iron O’Kalibra (EX-96), World Champion cow from
Wolfe: We do not have any minimum criteria. We do
like to see daughters of bulls before we use them and
still go by the “seeing is believing” method.
What bulls are you currently using:
Wolfe: Destin *RC, Gold Chip, Combination Contrast,
Fever, Atwood, Golden Dreams, Barbwire-Red, MaxwellRed, & Advent-Red
Canary: We are looking for bulls that are +3.00T unless
they are out of a tremendous cow family. We do look at
components and try to use bulls that are +fat % and
+protein % since these are highly heritable. We also
look at calving ease numbers for heifers and use sexed
semen on the heifers.
Do you look at the cow families behind the bull?
And if so, to what extent?
Gaige: We definitely look at the cow family behind a
bull. We enjoy our cow families here and working with
cattle that breed true and consistently.
Pullis: Yes, we look at the cow families behind bulls. We
like bulls that are out of great cows and strong maternal
Wolfe: We are looking at the cow families behind bulls
more so today than we have in the past. “One size
doesn’t necessarily fit all” and for what we are doing
here, we look at the maternal side as half the equation
in a mating. Cow families will always be very important
to us.
Canary: We do look at cow families behind bulls and we
try to use bulls from the best cow families in the world.
What bulls have worked for the best in your herd?
Gaige: Goldwyn, Shottle, and Durham have been great
bulls for us and they complemented each other in terms
of the kind of daughters they sired. We really like our
Fever and Lavanguard calves and heifers. Fever daughters
are very correct and there is a consistent pattern.
Pullis: In the last 10 years, Advent has been a tremendous
bull for us. We have had five Excellent Advent daughters,
all with over 30,000 milk. They have matured well and
made a lot of milk. We are still using him a bit and have
some young, VG 2-yr-olds.
Wolfe: For us, the best bulls have been Durham, Talent,
Advent, and Gibson. They have sired cows that have
matured well through the years. Our best young cows
today are sired by Advent, Atwood, and Picolo.
Canary: Shottle left several Excellent daughters here and
we have had three Excellent Silky Gibson-ET daughters.
Other bulls that have worked well include Durham and
Allen. Currently we have EX-91 3-year-olds by Atwood
and Aftershock. Our Gold Chip daughters are sharp and
really correct with very nice udders and clean bone.
Atlantic has also left a really good group of daughters
What is the biggest challenge today in finding
bulls to incorporate into your breeding program?
Gaige: Finding bulls to use on Goldwyn bloodlines has
been a challenge. Pine-Tree Sid-ET has fit well for us.
Pullis: Simply finding “the right ones” to use. There are
so many bulls out there. The challenge is to find the one
that is going to work well and still be popular in terms
of merchandizing.
Wolfe: Trying to find an “outcross” bull that has
no Goldwyn or Durham blood. Our herd has strong
influences from both of these bulls.
Canary: My biggest issue in the next generation of bulls
is to find an outcross bull so we are not inbreeding our
cattle. That is why we have used Pine-Tree Sid-ET. On
Goldwyn bloodlines with no Shottle influence, we have
used Aftershock. We have also used Wabash-Way ExplodeET (Bolton x Shottle) on those bloodlines as well.
What progress in type have you seen in your
herd over the last say, 10 years?
Gaige: In the last 10 years, we have made tremendous
progress in our herd, and as a Breed, in terms of udders.
The udders today are just so much better. I do think
that we have lost some ground in terms of frames and I
would say our feet & legs are not as good as they were
10 years ago. Those traits are important to us and we are
using bulls to help maintain those great udders, frame
size, and put really good feet & legs on daughters.
Pullis: Our cows today – and our herd in general – are
much more uniform. We do not see the big “swing” in
terms of classification scores that we once did, where
we would have cows scored over 90 points and then
have a group that was in the 70’s. We have tried to cull
from that group and also avoided breeding cows that
we did not want to raise daughters from. When we had
our milking herd dispersal back in 2003, our BAA was
around 105%. Our BAA today continues to climb and
we are now at 108.8. Our cows today are bigger and
they have much better udders. We are making strides
with feet & legs and we are working hard at maintaining
better foot health.
Wolfe: Certainly the udders on our cows have gotten
a lot better. Our cows today are also bigger and have
larger frames. We have also seen that our cows are a
lot sharper and more angular than they were years ago,
with more dairyness. On the negative side, we are also
seeing more heel warts today than in the past, which is
a big concern since our cows are pastured at night. Cows
today also have a lot cleaner bone in their leg.
Canary: When we started classifying back in the 1990’s,
our BAA was 101 and we had six VG cows. We started
breeding for type and it took us 10 years to get our first
Excellent! We had two cows score EX on the same day
– Canary Diamond Durham and Canary Atley Bunny.
In the last 10 years, we have culled tighter and worked
to keep the better, younger cows. We have culled very
closely for feet & legs and udders. This has also helped
be able to sell breeding stock every year, usually about
12 heifers. We have also been part of export orders.
We always want to sell good ones to capitalize on our
investment, but we don’t want to sell the factory as well!
Given your facilities and management, what
kind of cow are you breeding for? What does
your “ideal” cow look like and what
challenges does that bring into sire selection?
Gaige: We are breeding for a cow that will score
Excellent by the time she is 4 or 5 years old. We want
cows that are functional and will last over several
NYN September 2014 - 35
lactations. They do not have to be huge. For our tie-stall
barn and pasture setting, we like cows that are medium
stature with outstanding udders and really, really good
feet & legs. We continue to “go heavily on the type side”
in terms of sire selection because of the kind of cows we
like to work with every day.
Pullis: We are not necessarily breeding for show cows,
though we like to show on the local level. We want that
functional kind of cow that is 58-60 inches tall. That size
cow works best in our older facility. We want cows with
great udders and correct feet & legs. Certainly a cow like
Roedale S Fantasia-ET (3E-95) would be our goal!
Wolfe: Our ideal cow has show ring appeal. We like to
show (locally, state, and national levels) and we like to
sell show cattle. For us, we are striving to breed a cow
is that is big, tall, long, and has a beautiful udder and
very correct feet & legs. When we built our barn in 1991,
we incorporated big stalls as well as a few box stalls
because of the kind of cows we want to breed and work
with every day. Our tie stalls are 5 feet wide or 4 ½ feet
for younger and smaller cows. We like cows that are 63
inches tall with good frames and udders that can make
a lot of milk.
Canary: Our ideal cow has a great udder and very
correct feet & legs. She has a deep, open rib that can eat
a lot of forage and convert that dry matter into milk! We
also want cows that last a long time. We like cows that
are about 60 inches tall and have found that we can get
cows with lots of stature, but if they do not have the feet
& legs and udders they will weed themselves out.
Canary Atley Bunny (3E-93) has been a great cow for
us in terms of type, production, and longevity. She has
373,000M to date and is 14 years old. If anybody had a
herd of cows like Bunny and her family in terms of type
and production, they would really have something!
Final Thoughts:
Gaige: We look to merchandize the kind of cattle that
people want. We have always tried to incorporate the
best bulls possible into our cow family herd. If the
blood’s there, it will show up some day!
Pullis: In breeding a great herd of cows, patience is key.
Unless you are going to spend a lot of money on cows, it
takes time and it takes generations. You have to have a
plan. Luke and I took over the breeding program in high
school and we wanted to improve the type within our
herd. We started using bulls like Starbuck and his sons
and we have worked to steadily improve over time.
Wolfe: In terms increasing type in a herd, it is important
to focus on breeding for good udders and correct feet
& legs. If you feed them, they will grow! As to buying
foundation breeding stock, “buy smart.” By that I mean,
you don’t have to buy “the cow of the day” that everyone
wants on sale day. Buy the cow that will be the best cow
in the long run. Try to buy off-age, deep pedigrees when
they are offered in sales. You don’t have to spend huge
money to buy into the Breed’s best families.
36 - NYN September 2014
Canary: If you believe in it, stick to your guns and
breed for it! Sometimes it takes a long time … good
things take a while. Striving to breed for higher type can
be frustrating and it is going to be a process. But our
experience has been that our highest scored cows are
our highest producers, so we will continue to focus on
breeding for outstanding type and feed for production.
O-H-M Club News
By Ginny Wolfe
The summer of 2014 will be well remembered by
many in the O-H-M Club area, especially because of
Mother Nature’s “Unusual Happenings.” Being a threecounty club area, we get reports of all types of weather
conditions that continually hit one area or another. In
late June the West Winfield and Jordanville areas of
southern Herkimer County were hit with a tornado
leaving behind a path of fallen trees, damaged buildings
and folks without power for several days. Most recently
here the end of August the Montgomery County area
from Ft. Plain to Sprakers was hit with extreme amounts
of rain which caused a massive mud slide closing Route
5-S and some other major roads were closed from
flooding or wash-out conditions.
The club expresses since sympathy upon the death
of two of our long-time club members. Dick Keene of
Gilbertsville passed away the end of July. He is survived
by his wife, Shirley, and their five daughters and their
families. Michael Hudyncia of Hu-Hill Farm, Ft. Plain,
passed away in August. He is survived by his two sons
including Rob and his wife Shirley who had taken over
the operation at Hu-Hill Farm.
A favorite wintertime activity for many dairy youth
groups and families is participating in the annual Hoard’s
Dairyman dairy judging contest. Having judged all 5
classes via the cover photos on the Hoard’s magazine
the Brad and Carol Ainslie family entered under the
Family Division and were honored as Honorable Mention
Following a very successful O-H-M Club Holstein
Show on July 18th all the exhibitors and members
headed home to the usual farm chores. However as
Stan Korona and his sons of Amsterdam were doing
the evening milking their barn caught fire. Luckily they
were in the barn and able to get all but 5 cows out.
They also lost 20 heifer calves in the fire that quickly
destroyed their old barn. They were able to move their
herd to a nearby vacant barn fully equipped. Plans are
to rebuild with a freestall barn.
Jason Pullis, our club’s sale chairman, reports that
plans are well under way for another successful sale to
be held at their Roedale Farm on October 18th. Anyone
wishing to make consignments should contact Jason as
soon as possible. Doug Wolfe is chairing the Semen Sale
the evening before and reports many super consignments
as well as at least one semen tank. Looking forward to
seeing everyone out for the sales.
Wishing everyone a safe and successful harvest
We’ve Moved!
But our passion for great cows & strong maternal lines continues!
Potential 6th Gen. EX
(VG-88, EX-MS)
2-00 2x 365 17,290 4.3 763 3.2 568
Sired by Picolo from Ridgedale
Avaryll-ET (2E-92) with 3-09 3x 305
30,110 3.6 1069 2.7 822. 2nd dam is
Ridgedale Ava-ET (EX-92), then Lee
Amy (3E-92), Chief Adeen (2E-94DOM), & Starbuck Ada (2E-94-DOM).
Owned with Duane Tillapaugh &
Gerry Cacciola.
3rd Generation EX Full Sisters by Linjet
(EX-90, EX-MS)
3-01 2x 348 25,650 3.5 903 3.1 794
By Linjet from Horizon Durham
Daphne (3E-93) with 186,850M
lifetime, followed by Glenatts Misha
(3E-92), a Startmore Supreme with
over 300,000M & a State and National
Leader for Milk at 15-06 with 3x 305
We welcome your visit. Cattle of all ages always available.
“It’s salesmanship that
sells stock, and that’s
where the NEWS shines.
This issue of the News was
mailed (to thousands) in
New York State and …
3-07 2x 290 23,456 3.8 892 3.1 733
Darby and Debut are carrying on the
family tradition of outstanding type
and production started by their dam
& granddam.
Lawview Holsteins
Greg, Tonja, Brady, & Carson Law
Jerry & Sally Law
1182 State Rt. 30A
Central Bridge, NY 12035 518-231-1259
“Cover Girl” from Tamara’s Family
(2E-92, EX-MS)
3-02 2x 305 21,560 4.0 855 3.2 682
5-04 2x 365 22,600 3.7 826 3.2 720
By Advent from Gaige Highlight Tamara
(4E-97-DOM)! She has other daughters
by Jasper, Secure, Dusk, Fever, & Butze.
Remember …
The Advertised Product
Sells the Best
Advertising will
of your Holsteins.”
New York Holstein-Friesian
News, April 1956
Sometimes the more
things change, the more
they stay the same.
Her Shottle Daughter pictured with her:
3-05 2x 365 24,790 3.6 894 2.9 715
Fresh again & looks fantastic!
The Tamara family’s influence around the world has been very gratifying for
us. We invite you to visit our farm to see the Tamara’s we are working with!
3 Consignments to the
O-H-M Club Sale, Oct. 18
2 Tamara’s: a fresh Reginald from a VG87 Lee, then a VG-88 Eland out of Tamara
and a Golden Eye due in Oct. from an
EX-91 Stormatic out of Jolt Tammy (EX90) then Tamara! AND a GP-83 Million
daughter milking well again from a VG-89
David, Donna, Jessica, & Greg Gaige
Allison & Vinnie Sanganetti
433 Knox Gallupville Rd.
Schoharie, NY 12157
NYN September 2014 - 37
New York
Member Directory
Robert & Daniel Crowell
1414 Cassadaga Road
South Dayton, NY 14138
Coyne Farms Inc.
Brad Cates
1081 Otisco Valley Road
Preble, NY 13141
Fax 315.636.8489
Mike Walker
7 Woodmancy St.
Randolph, NY 14772
Cell 716.397.1597
Home of high-type, true-transmitting
cow families!
Breeding stock & embryos available.
Inquiries & visitors always welcome.
1 East Hadley Rd. – Hadley, MA 01035
Gordie& Beth Cook– Cell 413-447-1461
Hank & Debra Cook
and Family – Cell 413-320-1017
38 - NYN September 2014
Registered Holsteins
BAA 108.5
Robert, James & Melvin Irwin
139 Jarvis Rd. • Peru, NY 12972
Coming to O-H-M!
I’ll be coming to the O-H-M area in October
– plan now if you want to meet me to save
on shipping costs! I am also consigning
some of the Breed’s best to the sale on
Oct. 17 – Goldwyn, Shottle, Acme sexed,
Windbrook, Damion, Linjet, Atwood,
sexed Golden Dreams. Many more!
Richard N. Mellinger
For $30
The News …
Not just for New Yorker’s anymore!
Subscribers in 27 states
Online readers in 43 countries
Give your herd & breeding program
the exposure they deserve!
Advertising programs for EVERY budget.
Michael McCaffrey, Editor – (607) 218-6378
New York
Member Directory
Looking to Buy?
Looking to Sell?
Services, Hay, Heifers,
Cows, Semen …
This space 1x 3x, 6x, or 11x!
Visitors and Inquiries on Cattle Always Welcome
309 Covered Bridge Rd. • Unadilla, NY 13849
607.369.2251 • Barn 607.369.9434
Brenda L. Van Hatten
Clinton M. Van Hatten
7810 Putnam Rd.
Barneveld, NY 13304
1609 Redstone Trail
Green Bay, WI 54313
(H) 920.465.3880
(C) 920.737.3050
Leah McCullough
Associate Photographer
Reach Your
World-Wide Audience
In the October Issue
Distributed at
World Dairy Expo!
Gabriel & Penelope Carpenter
Josiah & Alexandra
36 South St. – Dryden, NY 13053
607-543-1219 – Jonah 2:8
Frank Francisco, Sales Representative
For Central NY
620 City Hill Rd., Penn Yan, NY 14527
Home: 315-536-8233 • Cell: 315-730-3287
Toll Free Order Line: 1-800-836-5123
Ad deadline is Monday, September 15
District Sales Representative
Western NY
Be part of our biggest & best issue of the year!
Cell: 585/721-8066
E-mail: dsharp@semex.com
NYN September 2014 - 39
PURPOSE: The New York Holstein 2-Year-old Futurity is a project of the New York Holstein-Friesian Association to stimulate interest in
the breeding and exhibiting of outstanding Registered Holsteins.
PROCEDURES: This 2-Year-old Futurity is based upon the nomination of an animal by an owner, to be shown in the 2-Year-old Futurity
class at a designated show in the year that she is an eligible 2-Year-old. Three nominations are required for each animal that competes.
All nominations are the responsibility of the owner and must be made on regulation entry blanks, accompanied by specified fees, and
meet nomination dates and other rules as set forth below. The accumulated monies, received from the three nominations, shall make up
the purse for any one year and shall be divided as prize money among the exhibitors, according to the placings as set forth below.
FUTURITY ENTRIES: The show is charged with the enforcement of all the rules and the responsibilities of the operation of the Futurity.
ELIGIBILITY: Any registered Holstein female, 87% or higher, bred by a member of the New York Holstein-Friesian Association (senior
or junior) that was born from September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014 is eligible for the New York Holstein Futurity Number 40. On
first nominations an animal may have papers pending, however, on second nominations, registration numbers must be available.
FEES: 1st payment of $3.00 with nomination shall be paid by November 1, 2014. 2nd payment of $8.00 with nomination shall be paid
by November 1, 2015. 3rd payment of $10.00 shall be postmarked as instructed on the third nomination letter or 30 days prior
to the showing of the Futurity class.
NOMINATIONS: Any member, resident or not, in good standing of the New York Holstein Association may nominate any number of
eligible heifers. The second and third payments shall likewise be mailed and postmarked not later than the due dates.
PURSE: The purse in this event shall consist of all monies received by the New York Holstein Futurity as nomination fees, subsequent
payments or contributions, less the actual expenses incurred in its promotion and management. All Futurity monies shall be kept in a
separate Futurity fund and used only for Futurity purposes and shall be withdrawn only under bona fide signature of the treasurer of the
New York Futurity, with the approval of the Futurity Committee. The purse in this event will be divided among the top twenty placings
under the formula listed below. If less than 20 animals are shown, all monies shall be paid by dividing proportionately between all
exhibitors in FuTuRITY #40.
1st place winner............................20%
2nd place ......................................12%
3rd place........................................09%
4th place........................................08%
5th place........................................06%
Next 5 places........................04% each
Next 5 places........................03% each
Next 5 places........................02% each
REFUNDS: When nomination fees and subsequent payments in connection with the Futurity are received, they are committed to the
purse for this event and no refunds will be made, whether or not the animal is shown or its eligibility discontinued by the owner. In the
event, however, that any condition should arise which prevents the showing of the Futurity, the right is reserved to cancel same and
refunds made to persons owning females that have been nominated, their share of all monies accrued after the deduction of actual
expenses in the promotion of this Futurity.
MAINTAINING ELIGIBILITY: Eligibility after an animal has been nominated as a calf is maintained by making subsequent payments on
the due dates as specified heretofore. This responsibility rests solely with the owner, after being notified of re-entry dates, and failure to
make the next payment cancels eligibility and all previous fees become a part of the purse.
SALE OF THE ELIGIBLE ANIMALS: When an animal that is entered in the New York Holstein Futurity is sold, the eligibility may be
maintained by the new owner, and it shall be his/her responsibility to inform the Futurity Secretary of the change in ownership. The
seller shall inform the buyer that the animal purchased is already entered in the Futurity and it will be the responsibility of the buyer to
submit subsequent fees in accordance with the rules and closing dates.
MISCELLANEOUS: The New York Holstein-Friesian Association nor New York Show Committee is in no way responsible for the
condition of the premises in which the Futurity is held and is not liable in the event of accident or loss to persons or property. All matters
pertaining to the showing of the Futurity are subject to the rules, regulations and health requirements of the show at which the Futurity is
held. Registration papers must be available upon checking into the show ring.
Futurity #40 Entry Form – Nomination #1
Exhibitor Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________ Phone # __________________________
City ________________________________________________________________ State______________ Zip Code __________
Entry Name __________________________________________________________ Registration #______________ DOB_______
Sire ________________________________________________________________ Registration #_________________________
Dam _______________________________________________________________ Registration #_________________________
Breeder’s Name ________________________________________ Breeder’s Address ___________________________________
*please make copies as necessary*
40 - NYN September 2014
**All Entries & Photos Must Be Received by October 15, 2014**
**This deadline will be strictly enforced**
All-New York Entry _______________
Junior All-New York Entry_______________
(check all that apply)
Bred & Owned Entry_______________
Class in which Competing ________________________________________________________________ Birth Date of Entry_______________
Name of Entry __________________________________________________________________________ Registration No. _________________
Name/Address of Breeder ________________________________________________________________ Date Purchased _________________
Sire ___________________________________________________________________________________ Registration No. _________________
Dam __________________________________________________________________________________ Registration No. _________________
Name of Exhibitor________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address_________________________________________________________________________ Town_____________________ Zip___________
Email Address ___________________________________________________________________
Included with this entry form must be:
________________ A complete 2014 show record in the format attached to this entry form
________________ Photos - (Juniors & Seniors must submit one photo per entry - digital or hard copy.)
Photo Rules for All Entries
I. Only professional photos will be accepted. A professional photo is defined as:
a) side view of the animal
b) standard professional pose and set-up
c) photographer’s identification/insignia must appear on the front of photo
d) digital photos must be high resolution/clear and of quality to be published
II. All photos must be a current year photo of the animal
III. Digital photos may be sent via email or reproduced on high-quality photo paper.
___________________________________ Photo submitted ID number
_________ Photo being sent by ___________________________________________________________________ Date Taken ______________
Classes Recognized
Spring Heifer Calf-born on or after 3/1/14
Winter Heifer Calf-born 12/1/13 to 2/28/14
Fall Heifer Calf-born 9/1/13 to 11/30/13
Summer Yrlg. Heifer-born 6/1/13 to 8/31/13
Spring Yrlg. Heifer-born 3/1/13 to 5/31/13
Winter Yrlg. Heifer-born 12/1/12 to 2/28/13
Fall Yearling Heifer-born 9/1/12 to 11/30/12
Fall Yearling Heifer In Milk-born 9/1/12 to 11/30/12
Jr. 2-Yr.-Old Heifer-born 3/1/12 to 8/31/12
Sr. 2-Yr.-Old Heifer-born 9/1/11 to 2/29/12
Jr. 3-Yr.-Old Cow-born 3/1/11 to 8/31/11
Sr. 3-Yr.-Old Cow-born 9/1/10 to 2/28/11
4-Yr.-Old Cow-born 9/1/09 to 8/31/10
5-Yr.-Old-Cow-born 9/1/08 to 8/31/09
Aged Cow-born before 9/1/08
150,000-lb. Cow
**Junior Best Three Females
**Produce of Dam
**Best Three Females
**Denotes classes not offered in the Junior All-New York Contest
2014 All-New York Contest Rules
1. Only Holsteins of 87% or greater RHA (Registered Holstein Ancestry) are eligible.
2. Animal must have been owned by a NY Holstein resident member at the time of a show in which the animal qualified. Partnership animals
will be accepted providing one partner was a NY Holstein resident member at the time of the show in which the animal qualified.
3. To qualify, animal (or group) must show in a county Holstein show, county fair, district show, or be among the top five New York placings
at the Eastern Spring International (Carousel) or New York State Fair.
4. One switch will be allowed in group classes.
5. Junior exhibitors who meet the qualifications of this contest are eligible to enter. Animals shown by a junior with a non-ownership certificate are also eligible.
6. Recognition will be given for the Best Bred & Owned animal in all individual classes.
7. The All-New York committee reserves the right to reject entries/photographs that do not meet these rules or photo specifications above.
8. All entries and appropriate photographs must be received by October 15, 2014 to be eligible for the contest.
2014 Junior All-New York Contest Rules
1. Only Holstein females of 87% RHA (Registered Holstein Ancestry) are eligible. Owner must be a resident Junior member of the NY Holstein
Association at the time of the show in which the animal qualified.
2. Ownership date must be recorded on the animal’s registry certificate as June 1, 2014 or earlier. Animals must have been owned/leased by
member at a show in which she qualified. An animal owned by a partnership of Junior members is eligible provided each member meets all
qualifications. Junior-Senior partnership animals are not eligible for this contest.
3. To qualify animal must have placed either first or second at any local or district 4-H, FFA, Junior Show, Holstein Show, or Open Show OR
have placed in the top five at the State Fair Youth (4-H) Show or the New York State Junior Show at Carousel.
4. Recognition will be given for the Best Bred & Owned in each class.
5. The All-New York committee reserves the right to reject entries/photographs that do not meet these rules or photo specifications above.
6. All entries and appropriate photographs must be received by October 15, 2014 to be eligible for the contest.
NYN September 2014 - 41
I understand the above rules and verify that all information on this entry is complete and correct. I also verify that all information on the enclosed show record is complete and correct. I understand that the results of this contest are contingent on the judges’ placings of the entries.
Signed____________________________________________________________________ (Exhibitor)
Date ______________________________
Any questions should be directed to Michael McCaffrey - 607.218.6378
Mail completed entry, photos and show record to:
New York Holstein Association - 957 Mitchell Street - Ithaca, NY 14850
Please list all show placings for every 2014 show in which entry competed, regardless of placing. Omission or misrepresentation of any placing
will result in disqualification. Please type or print legibly. Include only class placings, Best Udder of Class, Best Udder of Show, and Champion
designations. DO NOT include production awards, placings in any Red & White shows, Best Bred & Owned, futurity placings, showmanship
placings or any notes or comments about the condition of the animal on show day. Sample entry: “2nd & Reserve Junior Champion at New
York State Spring Junior Holstein Show.” Please separate shows by level of competition as indicated below on this form.
Name of Animal ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Class ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_________ NY State Fair Open Show
_________ NY Spring Junior Holstein Show
_________ NY State Fair Youth (4-H) Show
_________ NY State Fair Open Show (Jr. Division)
_________ NY International Spring Open Show
_________ NY International Spring Open Show (Jr. Division)
_________ Eastern National Holstein Show, Harrisburg
_________ Premier National Jr. Show, Harrisburg
_________ International Holstein Show, Madison
_________ Eastern National Holstein Show (Jr. Division)
_________ Northeast Fall Holstein Showcase, Eastern States
_________ International Junior Holstein Show
_________ NAILE, Louisville
_________ Northeast Fall Holstein Showcase (Jr. Division)
_________ Grand National Jr. Show
_________ NAILE Open Show (Jr. Division)
42 - NYN September 2014
Setting the Pace in 2014
With these Summer Show Grand Champions
(VG-88, EX-MS @ 2y)
GTPI +1962 (165 Pts. above Parent Average)
Faithful had 198 lbs. 5.5%f on her latest test!
In 73 days she has over 13,000m!
GTPI +1962 – 165 Points above Parent Average!
Goldwyn x 8 Generations Excellent
1st 4-Year-Old, Best Udder in Class, Senior & Grand
Champion at 2014 CNY Holstein Show
1st 4-Year-Old, Best Udder in Class, Senior & Grand
Champion at 2014 NY State Fair Youth Show
3-00 2x 305 21,340 4.6 956 3.6 759
Jr. All-American R&W 4-Year-Old 2013
Advent x 2E-92 (4x Unanimous Jr. All-American R&W) x
4 gens. VG & EX
1st 5-Year-Old, Best Udder in class, Senior & Grand
Champion at 2014 New York State Fair
Red & White Show & New York State Fair
Junior Red & White Show
Other NY State F air H ighlights:
Youth Show
Red & White Show
Best Bred & Owned Under 2 Years –
Roll-N-View Heath Ivana (summer yearling)
1st Jr. 2-Year-Old & BU – L-Maples Hvezda Calli-Red
1st Aged Cow – Carldot Goldwyn Carlin
Junior Champion (Youth & Open) –
Schluter Sydney Lee-Red
Reserve Junior Champion (Youth & Open) –
Roll-N-View At Mindy-Red-ET
Todd Galton & Family
Nunda, NY 14517 – 585/739-9958
Allen Van Gorder – Marketing Mgr.
(240) 727-4515
website: www.holsteinworld.com/roll-n-view
NYN September 2014 - 43
Richard E. Keene
9-30-35 – 7-25-14
Dick left us after 78 years of a long and wonderful life.
He was a leader, mentor, motivator, and teacher to so many.
His enthusiasm for the Holstein cow and dairy industry were
truly infectious. Always a man of fairness, honesty, and integrity,
Dick’s family, faith, and friends were the most important of all.
He will live in our hearts forever.
The Keene Family
44 - NYN September 2014
They’re The Total Package
Great Type and Deep Pedigrees
(EX-94, 95-MS @ 4-08)
3-03 3x 310 29,270 3.6 1066 3.1 920
4-02 3x 215 25,590 3.5 909 2.7 724 (Inc.)
Due March 15 with a McCutchen female. Gabriella’s
dam is 2E-94 with 36,400 4.1 1475 3.3 1183.
Owned by Johnathan King.
2-04 3x 344 29,400 2.8 832 3.3 968
1st 4-Yr-Old at New York Spring Junior Show ‘14
1st & HM Grand Champion at Tri-County Holstein Show ‘14
9th generation EX “Roxy,” Classy has fresh daughters by Mogul
and Epic that are exceptional! She also has pregnancies by
Kingboy and will be flushed with embryos available.
Owned by Johnathan King.
We appreciate great type cows and are proud to
have 60 Excellents currently in the herd.
Proud to be the Premier Exhibitor &
Reserve Premier Breeder at the
2014 Tri-County Holstein Show.
2-01 3x 320 25,050 4.2 1051 3.3 827
3-02 3x 95 10,550 4.5 472 3.2 337 (Inc.)
Intermediate Champion at Tri-Co. Junior Show ‘14
By Atwood from 4 generations of EX (all 93 pts. or higher) in the
Penn-Gate Skychief Finesse family, Finance has pregnancies by
Colt 45 & Doorman and will be flushed with embryos available.
Owned by Adam King.
311 King Rd., Schuylerville, NY 12871
518-791-2876 (Jeff’s cell) • ph. 518-695-9245
email: jeffking@kingsransomfarm.com
NYN September 2014 - 45
The October
NY Show Season Wrap Up
Tri-County Holsteins
Special Section
NY Harvest Sale Promotion
O-H-M & Allegany-Steuben
Club Sale Advertising
Extra distribution at
World Dairy Expo. Let
a world-wide audience
Be part of the year’s
largest issue!
Ad deadline is
Monday, September 15.
Gearing Up For The O-H-M Sale
(VG-86, 88-MS)
Carly’s Acme Daughter Sells Fresh!
2-04 2x 318 19,510 4.0 774 3.0 590
3-04 2x 365 28,440 3.6 1013 3.0 842
5-00 2x 322 31,460 3.8 1185 2.9 898
5-11 2x 347 26,010 4.3 1117 3.0 769
LTD: 108,410 3.9 4207 3.0 3204
Her August 2012 Acme daughter, Acme
Cameo, sells fresh in early October and
is sure to please. Maternal sisters to
Cameo in the herd include a VG-86 @ 3Y
Sanchez and a July 2013 Shottle yearling.
Carly is due again in early September to
Her Dam:
Roedale American Chilly-ET (VG-85)
4-09 2x 355 27,500 3.5 965 3.0 818
By Champion, she has three more VG daughters and a
VG-87 @ 2Y son with several VG daughters in the herd.
Also Selling Fresh:
Elk-Lick Roedale Aruba-ET
By Talent from Elk-Lick Ann Charles Ardel
(3E-94-DOM) with 4-05 2x 365 33,160 4.0 1336
3.0 1007 and 156,760 lifetime. This heifer sells
due right before the sale to Atwood and has 13
EX and 19 VG full and maternal sisters!
Please join us on October 18th at the farm
for the 66th O-H-M Club Sale. We would be
honored to have you visit the herd while
here for the sale.
Her 2nd Dam:
Roedale Stardom Asia (5E-94-DOM)
8-02 3x 365 55,740 4.6 2579 3.1 1730
LT: 323,990 4.3 14007 3.5 11224
Something Special
Allan & Pat Pullis
Jason, Holly, Max, & Owen Pullis
Luke, Theresa, Adam & Lucia Pullis
626 McShane Rd., Richfield Springs, NY 13439
Phone/Fax: 315-858-0651
Luke’s Cell: 315-263-7422 • Jason’s Cell: 315-794-6737
– Index of Advertisers –
B & L Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Canary Dairy LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Cattle Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Cook Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Co-Vale Holsteins LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Coyne Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Currie Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Elm-Spring Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Field of Dreams Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Fisher, Cybil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Flowing-Spring Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Francisco, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Gaige Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Green Banks Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
High Croft Farm Dispersal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Joleanna Holsteins, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Keene Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Kevetta Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Kings-Ransom Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Lawview Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Maplegrand Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Maypar Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
46 - NYN September 2014
Mellinger, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Midas Touch Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Morrisville Autumn Review Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
Murphy, Brad, & Richard Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
New York Holstein Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Oakfield Corners Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
O-H-M Club Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Ovaltop Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Richmond Farms Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Roedale Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Roll-N-View Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Ryan, Charlene & Brooke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Select Sire Power, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sharp, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Spring-Grove Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Taurus-ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Timmel, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Walker, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Wall Street Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Wideawake Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Windex Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Woodcrest Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
It was a Great Day at the WNY Regional Show
OCD Baltimore Chanson-ET . .
Oakfield Abs Emilia-Red-ET . .
Miss N Uno Authority-ET . . . . .
OCD Atwood Tinsel-ET . . . . . .
OCD Braxton Charlee-ET . . . .
OCD Windbrook Confetti-ET . .
Jr. Best 3 Females . . . . . . . . . .
Duckett-SA Braxton Frisco-ET .
Windy-Knoll-View Chagold-ET.
Savage-Leigh Atwood Cris-ET .
Luck-E Damion Tassel-ET . . . .
Sr. Best 3 Females . . . . . . . . . .
Breeders Herd . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Herdsmanship Award . . . . . . . .
Premier Breeder
6880 Albion Rd. • Oakfield, NY 14125
Cell: 585-704-2501 • Fax: 585-343-4226
Email: JonathanL@lambfarmsinc.net
. 1st place Spring Calf
. 2nd place Spring Calf
. 1st place Winter Calf
. 1st place Fall Calf, HM Jr. Champion
. 1st place Summer Yrlg, Jr. Champion
. 2nd place Spring Yrlg.
. 1st place
. 1st place Sr 2-Yr-Old
. 2nd place Sr 2-Yr-Old
. 2nd place 4-Yr-Old
. 2nd place Aged Cow
. 1st place
. 1st place
. 2nd place
Special thanks to all who contributed to a successful day…
Joe & Ellen Haner, Adam Eick, Andy Beach, Peter & Maureen
Beach, Kelly Lee, Jenna Hardy, Kayla Wormuth, Amanda
Flansburg, Joe Nash, Jordan Thomas, Kendra Lamb, Wendy
Kumpf, Adam Dresser, Jim Dresser, and the entire
Lamb Farms/Oakfield Corners Dairy Crew.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook (Oakfield Corners Dairy),
Twitter (@OakfieldCorners), and
Instagram (Oakfield Corners Dairy) for the latest information.