For Your Good Health!
For Your Good Health!
Goat milk… For Your Good Health! Frank Van Boxstael | Koen Dhoore What everybody should know about raw milk and goat milk 1 References The content of the First two chapters is based on the study ‘Milk as functional nutrition : prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases’ (Frank Van Boxstael, September 2003). The content of chapter 3 is based on the supplements to this study as written by the author in June 2007. For references and further arguments we refer to the entire text of the study, that can be found in the [academic?] university library Gasthuisberg of the K.U.Leuven (department of Education & Research – 4th floor – PB 411,Campus Gasthuisberg, BE-3000 Leuven, tel. +32 16 34 61 05), under thesis numbers BMW/108 and BMW/108bis. Final redaction and contents of chapters 4 and 5 : Koen Dhoore. The text of this brochure was checked and approved by Frank VanBoxstael, bio engineer and licentiate in biomedical sciences. This brochure has been edited by the Vlaamse Beroepsgeitenhouderij (Flemish Professional Goat Breeders), Study club of the professional goat milk producers. A list with contact addresses can be found in the last pages of this brochure. Consumers can direct their questions to the study club. Researchers, doctors and therapists can direct their questions concerning the scientific background to Ir. Frank Van Boxstael Innovation and Knowledge Centre for Nutrition Catholic Highschool Roeselare Departement Nursing and Bio Technology Wilgenstraat 32 - 8800 Roeselare Belgium tel +32 51 23 23 30 2 Goat milk… For Your Good Health! Cheers!! 3 Contents Preface 1. The advantages of raw milk Heat treatments decrease the nutritional value of milk Heat treatments generate non desired substances in the milk Heat treatments decrease the 7 2. The advantages of goat milk Goat milk as source of minerals Goat milk in the prevention of heart and vascular diseases Goat milk as nutrition for babies 11 11 3. Goat milk contains leptines Goat milk less allergen than cow milk ? 4. Using raw milk in a responsible way 5. Are products based on raw milka bigger risk ? Milk Cheese Butter 4 5 7 8 12 12 15 15 16 17 18 23 27 27 28 29 Contact addresses 30 Manifest in defence of cheeses based on raw milk 32 Preface The Flemish goat companies dispose – thanks to their explicitly solid character – of important trumps for the future and not in the least because of their animal and environment friendly production processes. A third important opportunity for the future is the quality of our products. There is not the least bit of doubt about the fact that goat milk and goat milk products contribute to a really nutritional nourishment. But besides that they also have functional – or better yet, health improving – effects. There can be hardly any doubt about that, even though we cannot deny that until a few years ago, the information on this subject was exclusively based on experiences, which lacked the indispensable scientific base. The Flemish goat keepers sector is a “small” sector. It concerns only about a few dozens of companies and the economical interests in the delivery companies and – compared to other production directions in the Flemish agriculture - the processing industry are relatively limited. In our own country there is very little interest in long term and often very expensive scientific research that can be relevant for so little companies. That is the reason why we owe Ir. Frank Van Boxstael. His licentiate thesis in bio medic sciences, that was published in 2003, was dedicated to the study of what was available in the rest of the world on scientific findings on raw milk and goat milk. Thanks to him the Vlaamse Beroepsgeitenhouderij (Flemish Professional Goat Keepers’) study club was able to edit a modest brochure that year, featuring a.o. a translation ‘in human language’ of the research results. Meanwhile Ir. Van Boxstael continued his research, which allows us to insert in this second edition an entirely new chapter holding recent scientific findings that have been published by scientists from several countries. Even though most of the data still need to be confirmed by clinical research, these new research results surpass our expectations. This brochure not only wants to inform the consumers about what science – both experiential science and research science – has revealed concerning goat milk. We also want to encourage the producers of goat milk to continue their efforts for the quality of their products, and to keep producing “for your good health!” We want to share the love we have for our product and for the earth and the animals that produce it, with you, conscious consumer. Because this is what our small sector is good at. 5 1 We rather choose raw milk Because of the high concentration in vitamins and other essential components, and the optimal use of proteins and fats. 6 The advantages of raw milk Milk – raw as well as pasteurized – is a very good aliment. Still we notice a number of differences between raw milk milk treated at ultra high temperature. The UHT treatment diminishes the nutritional value of the milk, makes it develop undesired material and reduce the health effects of the milk. Heat treatments reduce the nutritional value of milk Some vitamin and mineral values decrease by the UHT treatment of the milk. Due to the UHT treatment part of the proteins and fats suffer alterations in their structure and chemical composition. These changes inhibit the optimal effectiveness in the body. Moreover the values of a number of essential components decrease. That is the case for linoleic and linolenic (essential fatty acids) and lysine (essential amino acid). That doesn’t mean UHT treated milk is a bad food. Milk treated at ultra high heat also delivers carbohydrates (milk sugar or lactose), proteins and fats in a well balanced proportion to our body. Except for very young babies and people with poor resistance, it is absolutely preferable we choose raw milk because of the higher concentration in vitamins and other essential components, and the optimal effectiveness of proteins en fats. Heat treatments generate non desired elements in the milk Because of the UHT treatment some fats start to oxidize. out of part of the unsaturated fat acids ‘Fatty Acid Oxidation Products’ (FAOP) are produced. Unsaturated fatty acids have a favourable effect on your health. Because the unsaturated fatty acids are partly altered into FAOP during a UHT treatment the concentration in unsaturated fatty acids decreases in the milk, and with it the healthy effect of the milk. Besides that, the FAOP themselves also cause adverse effects. 7 Part of the cholesterol the milk contains, is oxidized Because of the UHT treatment. The products of this chemical reaction are called COP (Cholesterol Oxidation Products). These are more harmful than the cholesterol itself. However, in highly concentrated products like butter and cheese, we’d rather choose raw milk products. Apart from the nutritional ingredients, the reaction products of the UHT treatment (FAOP, COP and MRP) in the dairy products treated at ultra high temperature are also present in high Moreover during the UHT treatment a chemical reaction occurs between the lactose (milk sugar) and the proteins in concentrations. Besides this way, we also take many of these components in the milk. This chemical reaction is the so-called “Maillard through other food that is treated with UHT. Reaction”. The products of this reaction are called MRP (Maillard Reaction Products). Some MRP have A high dose of these oxidation products contributes favourable effects, but others have been proven harmful. to atherosclerosis (degradation of the blood vessels) and other inflammatory diseases. When it comes to the drinking of milk, we shouldn’t be too concerned about the products of these reactions in milk that was treated at ultra high temperature, as the doses are very low. For the production of butter or hard cheese a large amount of milk is used. The finished products hold a higher concentration of the components of the milk. 8 Heat treatments diminish the healthy effects of the milk The use of milk has favourable effects on the health. Some scientifically proven examples: milk as an effective source of calcium, use of milk against oxidative stress in the body, and use of milk against atherosclerosis. The use of milk has favourable effects on our health. These healthy effects also occur with UHT treated milk, be it in a lesser degree than with raw milk. Raw milk has thus a better effect in the prevention of osteoporosis (brittleness of the bones), atherosclerosis (degradation of the blood vessels): Prevention of the inflammation of the arteries, as well as prevention of the risk factors that increase the chance for this inflammation of the arteries, all diseases in which oxidative stress play an important role: inflammations, aging, diminished fertility of the man, schizophrenia, long diseases, cancer,… In this case as well it applies that UHT treated milk still remains an excellent nutriment. Part of the components that provide the health effects, are not destroyed by the UHT treatment, and sometimes several components offer the same effect. 9 2 Because of the good effectiveness of minerals, raw goat milk is excellent food for babies, children, teenagers, elderly, menstruating women, pregnant women with a good immunity and women that breastfeed. 10 The advantages of goat milk When we check the nutritional value – the concentrations in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals – we notice that there is very little difference between cow milk and goat milk. Goat milk does contain more vitamin B3, and the composition in fat of goat milk is more favourable for human consumption The most important differences are situated in the health effects: milk as so-called ‘functional food’. The concentrations in health improving elements differ (a.o. vitamin B3, certain fat acids and amino acids). The other ‘micro structure’ also make goat milk easier to digest than cow milk. Goat milk as source of minerals The minerals in goat milk are more effective for the organism. They are thus easier to get to their destination, as has been proven in animal tests (Clinical test have not yet been performed). A better effectiveness in the absorption of calcium when using goat milk, Results in a better prevention of osteoporosis (brittleness of the bones with decrease of stature). Of all dairy products, raw goat milk has the highest ability to produce new bones, followed by raw cow milk, yoghurt and buttermilk. Then follows soft cheese, and next the harder cheeses, preferably based on raw milk It is scientifically proven that the use of goat milk also improves the effectiveness what concerns the other minerals (magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and selenium). Therefore goat milk can also be an important means in the prevention of anaemia. Because of the good effectiveness of minerals, raw goat milk is a perfect nutrition for babies, children, teenagers, elderly, menstruating women, pregnant women having a good immunity and women that breastfeed. These people have an increased need for calcium. People with still developing or weakened resistance to illnesses (young babies, some elder people and possibly Pregnant women) should choose pasteurized goat milk. 11 Goat milk in the prevention of heart and vascular diseases Goat milk is healthy nutrition for people with heart and coronary diseases, because of its different health improving effects. (These findings are scientifically valid a.o. based on in vitro and animal tests but Clinical tests will need to give more confirmation in the future). Goat milk decreases concentration of cholesterol in the blood stimulates the anti-oxidation system in the body prevents overweight prevents elderly diabetes (type II) diminishes the formation of blood clots prevents hyperhomocysteinemia. This last affection is a situation of an increased concentration of homocysteine in the blood, a risk factor for coronary diseases. The use of milk evokes the transformation of the homocysteine into the harmless amino acid: methionine. 12 Because goat milk stimulates the proper anti-oxidation system in the body, goat milk can also be recommended to slow down the aging process, for people suffering from schizophrenia and for men subject to reduced fertility. In this chapter on heart and vascular diseases we want to Emphasize an important misconception concerning the use of fat: moderate use of raw milk butter fits perfectly in a balanced nutrition! It is preferable to obtain your fat supply partly from vegetable oils and partly from raw milk butter, rather than purely from vegetable oils. Actually, butter contains specific health improving elements that don’t occur in plants, and has as such a favourable effect on the digestion of other fat. Goat milk as nutrition for babies For very young babies the breast milk can not be replaced by cow or goat milk, because of the not suitable composition for what proteins, fatty acids and minerals are concerned. For very young babies the breast milk cannot be replaced by cow or goat milk because of their unsuitable composition In this case your preferably choose goat milk. Compared to cow milk, goat milk offers the following advantages: When, for one reason or another, a baby cannot be breastfed, it is best to replace it by baby milk powder. This approaches best the composition of breast milk. For babies as from 1 year old, regular whole milk can be used because the difference in composition doesn’t affect the babies metabolism at that point. If the child is healthy and can pass on to a mixed diet, raw milk is more suitable than UHT treated milk. With the UHT treatment a great number of health improving effects disappear and the nutritional value decreases easily digestible, better composition of fats (metabolism and effectiveness), better effectiveness of minerals, especially of calcium, magnesium, copper and iron, goat milk can be a good alternative in case of allergy to cow milk. Concerning this last fact: this should be considered for every case individually. Goat milk will often be a perfect alternative, but this is not always the case! See also chapter 3, in which we treat this matter more in detail. Fresh raw milk is particularly favourable for children because of the development of the immune system, the nerve system and the regulation of the energy balance. Effects that do not occur fully when UHT treated milk is used. 13 Goat milk is superior to cow milk in a number of cases, especially where protection against osteoporosis (brittleness of the bones) and atherosclerosis (coronary inflammation) is concerned. 14 3 Recent scientific findings The health improving qualities of milk have been known since years of experience, and part of these qualities have already been proven through scientific research. It is proven that raw milk is to be preferred because of its maximal functionality and the absence of oxidized fat. In a number of areas goat milk is superior to cow milk, especially where the protection against osteoporosis (brittleness of the bones) and atherosclerosis (coronary inflammation) is concerned. Recent scientific research has revealed a number of new findings on the functional (= health improving) effects of raw milk and goat milk. nerve system. Moreover it is assumed for quite a while that an obstruction of the leptine metabolism contributes to the development of obesity. Leptine has been proven to appear in breast milk, milk of mice and a few other animals. The question however was if leptine can specifically be found in goat milk, and if it can have an effect on the (human) consumer. Fact is that breast fed babies have a higher concentration of leptine in the blood than babies that are fed with powder milk, and it is known that breastfed babies show differences on certain areas compared to babies fed with milk replacing powder. Goat milk contains leptines Leptine is a hormone that is released by fat cells. It has various physiological effects on the body, Such as the regulation of the energy balance and neuroendocrine functions, of which some are related to the development: sexual maturation, balance between glucose and insulin, functioning of the immune system and the development of the central Research has also proven that the early growth of breastfed children is more intense in relation to a higher concentration of leptine. Goat milk actually contains leptine. Colostrum (the first milk immediately after the birth of lambs) Contains a lot of these leptines; the concentration decreases afterwards gradually to a more or less constant concentration. 15 Goat milk degrades cholesterol better than cow milk. Let’s presume that the leptine in goat milk invokes a physiological effect on the consumer. The functional principle would be comparable to that of a.o. lactokinine and casokinine, of which the effects have already been proven earlier. Which physiological effect leptine in goat milk exactly has, is yet to be proven. The intake of leptine is in any case taken into consideration in the comparing reports on baby food, and more in particular in the comparison of breast milk versus replacing milk. Cholesterol degrading function of goat milk Goat milk degrades cholesterol better than cow milk. This was proven on test animals, but has not been proven through clinical research yet. The reason for this stronger degrading effect on cholesterol is the lower concentration in cholesterol and the higher concentration on components that make the cholesterol in the blood decrease. This has been known for many years, but recent studies now Clearly confirm this cholesterol degrading effect. 16 Goat milk is rich in medium chain fatty acids (MCFA): 60% more compared to cow milk. These fatty acids reduce the production of cholesterol in the body and decrease the absorption of cholesterol in the bowels. The proven higher secretion of cholesterol through the gall bladder could also be due to an effect of the medium chain fatty acids. Besides that, goat milk contains more mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, of which was proven before that they stimulate the secretion of cholesterol from the food. In what precedes has been shown that milk in general contains anti-oxidative capacities, but in the meantime it is also clear that goat milk has stronger anti-oxidative capacities. Here we clearly see a parallel with vegetables and fruit: these also present a high concentration of anti-oxidants which are partly responsible for the cholesterol degrading effect. The whole of above mentioned findings offers a clear indication of what this is all about: it is not the quantity of the cholesterol, but the effects on the cholesterol balance that count. Thanks to the high concentration in medium chain fatty acids ant their anti-oxidative effect, goat milk helps in more than one way the body to improve the secretion of cholesterol. Effect of goat milk on the immune system An important task of our immune system is to protect our body against a dominance of pathogenic microorganisms. The use of milk help to optimize thistask, a.o. through the presence of a great number of enzymes. Milk naturally contains micro-organisms, not only favourable, so it needs to be emphasized that these milk components are not merely functional towards the user of the milk. First of all they protect the milk itself against premature degradation. Apart from the enzymes, many other bio-active components that can offer an immunologic effect to the body, can be found in the milk. One particular group of components, namely the oligosaccharides, were recently subject to a thorough examination. Oligosaccharides are the third most active elements found in breast milk (after lactose and fats), by 5 to 8g per litre. However goat milk contains 20 times less of them compared to breast milk, but then cow milk contains even 10 times less then goat milk. Breastfed children are better protected against infections than children who only received powder milk. This phenomenon is actually attributed to the oligosaccharides in breast milk: on the one hand they protect against pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, and on the other hand they stimulate the growth of (favourable) bifida-bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. A new finding is that oligosaccharides are also capable of making its micro-organisms coagulate. It is furthermore proven that oligosaccharides play an important role in the development and differentiation of the intestine tissue of newborns. 17 This is all possible because oligosaccharides remain unprocessed in the upper part of the digestive tract and are only subject to processing in the intestines. From that perspective at present there are experiments (on animal level) with oligosaccharides as a cure against infections of the intestines. The actually used therapy often consists of treatment with cortisone. This treatment can of course be effective, but it can bring along a large range of side effects. Compared to cow milk, goat milk doesn’t only contain ten times More oligosaccharides, it also presents a much larger variety of oligosaccharides (a.o. also ramified molecules). Oligosaccharides in goat milk can have a inflammatory resistant effect which indicates that goat milk is recommended for patients that suffer from illnesses of the intestines, like colitis and the Crohn’s disease. Furthermore there are indications of a prebiotic effect selective stimulation of favourable microbiotics in the bowel. 18 Goat milk less allergenic than cow milk ? In 5 to 10% of the cases, young children present a food allergy. The most occurring allergy is to cow milk. Very often children that start with breast milk and switch to powder milk afterwards, show a sensitivity to milk and even show symptoms immediately after the use of cow milk. Soy drinks or hydrolyzed formulas can be a good alternative, but can never equal the qualities of breast milk or raw milk – for instance where functionality of bio-active components is concerned. For the longest time goat milk has been proposed as an alternative for cow milk in case of allergy. Some allergic children seem to have no allergic reaction to products based on goat milk. Other findings prove the contrary. In some cases allergy to cow milk and allergy to goat milk are related. There are even reports that mention ‘milk allergy’, while cow milk doesn’t create any problem. According to some researchers it is crucial to avoid using cow milk as first replacing milk after breastfeeding. Based on studies on allergies it is in fact assumed that the observed differences between cow milk and goat milk are due to the lower concentration of alfa-caseine in goat milk. This important milk allergen would be the carrier for other allergens likes beta lactoglobulin. The latter coagulates with the caseincells which make the milk harder to digest. That way the milk allergens in goat milk would be relatively easier to digest and as such less subject to allergy. diarrhoea. It mostly reflects an inherited shortage of enzymes,but it can also be an indication of a side effect of other diseases. People with intolerances can generally spoken, consume up to 12g of lactose per day (i.e. in 1 large glass of milk) without showing any symptoms. Lactose can actually be metabolized by intestinal bacteria. It can not be concluded that goat milk is not or in general less allergenic. Research however, shows that it would be preferable to use goat milk for a child as first replacement for breast milk. We also need to consider that there is a clear difference between intolerance (or hypolactasia) and allergy. Part of the so-called allergic people actually only shows intolerance. The use of too much lactose, leads to a bloated feeling and possibly 19 Conclusion Research groups are intensively working to prove that goat milk can absolutely be consideredas preferred milk for children. 20 The discovery of leptine in goat milk certainly contributes to the further differentiation of the possible types of baby food. The reported differences concerning development and regulation (contraction – relaxation) of the intestinal function of young children can possibly be related to the concentration of leptines in the nutritional milk. Earlier indications that goat milk is perfectly fit to be used to feed babies and children, is emphasized by this report. Goat milk improves degradation of cholesterol while influencing the cholesterol balance. The increased secretion of cholesterol through the gall bladder could eventually be an effect of the high concentration in medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) found in goat milk. It is a unique food that contains these fatty acids of which some secrets are yet to discover. Goat milk contains bio-active components that influence the immune system favourably in different ways. Oligosaccharides have an anti-body-like character and can limit an overreaction of our immune system. That way they can cure the negative effects of intestinal inflammation. This offers good therapeutic advice for people suffering from intestinal diseases like colitis and Crohn’s disease. There is definitely an increasing number of studies concerning the differences between cow milk and goat milk. Several research groups are intensively trying to prove that goat milk can absolutely be used as preferable replacing milk for children. From a comparing study on allergies between cow milk and goat milk results that goat milk is less allergenic in comparison to cow milk, used as first type of milk on test animals, immediately after the use of breast milk. It offers new research perspectives, but fact is that the constantly changing findings concerning goat milk as an alternative for cow milk in case of allergy, keep existing. 21 Raw milk can best be processed within 4 days. . Of course the taste is also at its best when the milk is daily fresh. 22 4 Using raw milk in a responsible way A bacterial infection in the milk usually only leads to temporary discomfort, but there are bacteria that can cause serious diseases. However, dairy products are only a small fraction of the possible causes to food infections. Only listeriosis is actually a really dangerous problem, but over the last decennia the hygiene rules introduced in the food producing industry, has drastically reduced the number of listeriosis cases. Specifically in the world of goat keeping we notice that goats are quite sensitive to listeria. Experience has taught us that goat react very fast and strongly to infections. For the goat keeper, this is a difficult position to be in, but it offers the consumers higher security. The symptoms of listeriosis must be traced in an early stadium and goat keepers must always be very alert to these symptoms, as only immediate intervention can save a sick goat. Still it is important to treat raw milk in a responsible way. That can only be achieved if the efforts for hygiene on our farm are sustained by you, on your way home and in your kitchen. Some practical advice. On the farm, the milk is kept at a temperature of 4° C at the most. Regular fridges often aren’t cool enough, but at home as well the milk should be maintained at that same temperature. Check on a regular base if the refrigerator functions well and if it reaches the requested temperature. Avoid that the milk is exposed to high temperatures on the way home (when needed, use a cooler in the car). Raw milk can best be used within the next couple of days. The taste is also at its best when the is milk daily fresh. When you prepare a meal, only take from the fridge the ingredients you need for the preparation, and only that. Every time you put milk on the table at room temperature for the duration of a meal, and put it back in the fridge afterwards, this creates a risk. Make sure to separate meat and dairy products in the refrigerator. Best is to keep them separately in well closed recipients. 23 Bottles or jars need to be cleaned thoroughly every time, and to be ‘disinfected’ once in a while. A regular soap, used in and around the house, cleans, but usually doesn’t disinfect. Bottles or jars need to be cleaned thoroughly every time, and to be ‘disinfected’ once in a while. A regular soap, used in and around the house, cleans, but usually doesn’t disinfect. A good disinfecting product that is currently used in every home, is bleach (use small quantities, think of the environment!). Always rinse thoroughly with drinkable water. When you bring along perfectly clean bottles to our farm, we feel that you respect our efforts to provide safe food. Avoid the use of used plastic bottles. Many types of plastic are not suitable for food, and certainly not for dairy products. Acid components of the dairy products can corrode the plastic, which liberates dissolved plastic particles in the milk. Non acidified milk is naturally slightly acidy (pH 6,5). Even plastic that is ‘suited’ for food often contains pseudo-oestrogens (components with a similar effect as the oestrogen-hormone). 24 Never use raw dairy products if their smell or taste seems suspicious. Most of the time these abnormal smells or tastes are caused by undesirable bacteria in the milk. In some rare cases it concerns an innocent alteration of the taste due to exposure to bright light. Still we advise you not to take any risk Some ‘risk groups’ shouldn’t use raw milk: namely when the physical resistance is not yet full-grown or doesn’t function optimally (like it used to). This can be the case for very young babies, some elderly people, possibly also pregnant women,… Never use raw dairy products if their smell or taste seems suspicious. For these people we can still recommend goat milk, but they should preferably choose pasteurized goat milk. In that case as well, do not boil, but pasteurize (minimum 70° C, but in any case lower than 100°, at higher temperature the time can be shortened). 25 5 During the production process the bacterial environment of yoghurt and curd is so unstable, that, in order to avoid any risk, we pasteurize beforehand. 26 Do products based on raw milk hold a bigger risk ? Yes and no. If we consider the dairy products that are available in our country, we can conclude “no, no higher risk”. The law has taken wise decisions in the regulation concerning dairy products. None of the dairy products require a thermal after-treatment at the end of the production process. It can be done, but this treatment is not compulsory. Raw is also a possibility, and that makes us happy. are thus bacterially spoken, again ‘raw’ products at the end of the production process. At that moment they contain again a vital bacterial flora that also occurs in raw milk. There are however two categories of products that must be prepared based on pasteurized milk as from the start: yoghurt and curd. During the production process the bacterial environment of these products is so unstable, that, in order to avoid any risk, we pasteurize beforehand. Of course the other disadvantages of UHT treated milk emain. Yoghurt and curd are not concentrated products like butter or cheese, so the disadvantages of the ultra high heat treatment are limited. Side info: for these products the pasteurization has some advantages. The final product based on pasteurized milk is often slightly less ‘watery’ than the raw milk product, at least when we pasteurize it shortly at high temperature. All other dairy products may legally be based on raw milk, and justly so. In case of the other dairy products the risks are negligible. In both products during the production process some very favourable and guaranteed pure microbial strains are added. When yoghurt and curd are prepared based on pasteurized milk and are not subjected to further thermal treatment, When we consider the hygiene prescriptions, the best way to consume milk is when it is still raw, because non UHT treated milk presents a series of natural protection systems. Milk 27 It partially concerns content components in the milk that serve as a kind of natural preservatives, that are strictly harmless to human health or even improve health. is as soon as possible after the milking transformed into in a product that for months, and even for years, is protected against bacterial invasion. On top of that the milk is protected by the principle of “antibiosis”. Like we know symbiosis (literally “living together”), the contrary also exists. Harmful bacteria in the milk are mostly single or casual visitors. The activity of the favourable bacteria (especially large numbers of lactic acid creating bacteria) that belong in milk, and that feel comfortable in that environment, prevent the development of casual damaging visitors. For bacterial life, cheese is too acid, too salt and too dry. Moreover cheese contains too little oxygen, so bacteria that could possibly survive without oxygen, could impossibly penetrate in the very dense cheese mass. Both protection systems are mainly destroyed by the UHT treatment. Bacteria that might have entered the cheese during its production, will certainly have perished by the time the cheese will be consumed, and more dangerous types will cause damages to the cheese, that will clearly show us this particular cheese is not fit for consumption. Cheese Cheese is absolutely not an ideal environment for bacteria to survive. That knowledge has created the production process applied for hard cheeses the milk, that slowly but surely perishes, 28 If in an intact raw milk cheese would still contain any harmful infection, we would find it on the crust or close to it. Most of the hard cheeses are ‘coated’, but even ‘washed crusted-cheeses’ of the harder type don’t need to give any problem: the crust should always be removed carefully. Mouldcrust cheese (grafted or natural flora) will almost always show obviously when something is wrong. In circumstances that are favourable for ‘dangerous infections’, most of the time coloured moulds (mostly dark coloured) will appear between the white mould that the cheese maker has developed on these cheeses. Butter This concentration of water is not a source for problems in itself, but it becomes a problem if it contains remains of milk or cream that carry harmful bacteria. Today, this water and the remains of milk are systematically traced by most of the producers of artisan at the end of the production process. When such fluid is found, the butter is knead a second time, and rinsed beforehand if necessary. Butter should legally consist of at least 83% of fat. Pure fat is very resistant to degradation, and with the legally guaranteed concentration of fat in our artisan butter we are sure to deliver good quality. Problems will mostly arise in the water that remains in the butter. Concerning the presence of harmful bacteria, the risks are very small. The first action in the production of butter is the acidification of the cream or milk. The strong development of favourable lactic acid bacteria counters all opportunities for any harmful bacteria to eventually develop. Practically we notice that the water in artisan butter is generally well diffused, while problems occur where larger drops of water are concentrated between the fat of the butter. This is the so-called ‘loose fluid’. In many farms at the beginning of the acidification pure cultures of favourable bacteria are added, to improve this process. 29 Vlaamse Beroepsgeitenhouderij Study club of the professional goat keepers List of members 2007 Management : Peter Van Kerkhove Johan Van Waes Koen Dhoore Renaat Devreese Reinhilde Van de Vondel Stephan Blontrock Johan Withoeck president treasurer secretary + education redaction newsletter NAM E Aerts Wim en Fien Blontrock Stephan en Johanna Brosens Ronny De Beck Bart en Kathleen De Bebuysere Grégory en Lieve De Maeschalck Marc en Reinhilde Devreese Johan en Nadia Devreese Renaat en Katrien Dhaene Paul en Veerle Hermans Filip Kusters Jef Mertens Erwin en Bieke Moriau Geert Schep Herman en Cora Overloop Karolien Sierens Johan en Kristien Sjongers Luc en Inge Thomas Dirk Van den Beghe Marc en Martine Van Hulle Kurt en Sabinne Van Kerkhove Peter en Monique Van Leeuwen Cees Van Waes Johan en Wendy Vandeputte Ine Vermeulen Raf en Maria Withoek Johan en Veerle Dhoore Koen Govaerts Wim 30 NAME FARM De Volle Maan t Leenhof Klokhofstede t Reigershof Kempense geitenkaas Polle Stichting Ommersteyn La chèvrerie du Try Moussoux De Zonnegaard Het Eikenhof Spiegelhoeve ADDRESS Rue Léon Herman 26, 6953 Nassogne Pompestraat 32, 8460 Oudenburg Hovenierstraat 12, 2920 Kalmthout Ijshoute 70, 9520 St.-Lievenshoutem Rue de la lère Armée Américaine 27, 5100 Wepion Wezepoelstraat 162, 9240 Zele Pardoenstraat 12, 8460 Westkerke-Oudenburg Polderstraat 4, 8420 De Haan Eerselingenstraat 36, 2460 Lichtaart Oude Molenstraat 62, 9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas Schootseweg 50, 2381 Weelde de Schiervellaan 5, 3650 Dilsen-Stokkem a L ndries 40, 9420 Aaigem Trymoussouse 15, 5600 Jamagne Lage Vosbergstraat 16, 2840 Rumst M ollevijver, 9991 Adegem Klein-heidestraat 56, 3370 Neervelp Pottelbergstraat 54, 3470 Stok Kortenaken Meetkerkestraat 16, 8377 Zuienkerke Prinsengoeddreef 37a, 9910 Knesselare e E kstraat 218, 9160 Lokeren Bukkestraat 35, 9890 Gavere Windgat 21, 9090 Lochristie-Zaffelare Bettenhoek 5, 9506 Geraardsbergen Holstraat 34, 9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas Spiegelstraat 4a, 9940 Ertvelde Bruisbeke 11, Degstraat 4, 9520 TELEPHONE 083/314188 059/251113 03/6770366 09/3623155 052/448039 0473/392670 059/236381 014/556150 014/655926 0498/296339 053/628108 071/668079 0472/337627 0494/798443 016/735406 016/777262 050/417618 09/ 3751781 09/348,78,88 09/3845068 09/3488883 054/325822 0473/487005 09/3572747 St. Lievens-houtem 053/630049 2230 Bauberg 0477/774695 MAILADDRESS ronny, info@geitenboerderij-eikenhof,be SALE AT THE FARM neen neen neen ja neen ja neen ja ja neen neen ja ja neen neen neen neen neen ja neen ja ja neen neen neen ja secretaris + vorming bedrijfsbegeleiding 31 Manifesto in defence of van de rauwmelkse kaas 1. Raw-milk cheese is more than a wonderful food, it is a deeply embedded expression of 4. We call for an end to all discriminatory regulations from the European Union, World Trade organization, United States ’ Food and Drug Administration and other government institutions that needlessly restrict citizens’ freedom of choice to purchase these foods, and threaten to destroy the livelihood of the artisan craftsmen who produce them. 5. We deplore attempts by regulatory authorities to impose unattainable standards of production, in the name of protecting human health. 6. We believe that such impositions will have the adverse a way of life. It is a culture, a heritage and a cherished landscape. And it is under threat of extinction. 2. 3. 32 Under threat because the values it expresses are in opposition to the sanitation and homogenization of mass produced foods. We call on all food-loving citizens of the world to respond now to the defense of the unpasteurized cheese tradition. A defense of a food that has for hundreds of years inspired, given pleasure and provided sustenance but is now being insidiously undermined by the sterile hand of global hygiene controls. unpasteurized dairy products is destroyed by over-zealous sterilization procedures. So will the health of human beings be destroyed through a diet of sterile food. Without any challenge, our immune system will failand our medication become ineffective. Moreover the unique flavor and aroma of the cheese are conserved by non-pasteurization. 7. 8. Be aware – that once the knowledge, skills and commitment of this culture have been lost, they can never be regained. We therefore call upon those who have it in their power to safeguard the diversity and complexity of our regional foods and the health and stability of our rural communities to act now and ensure a flexible, fair and appropriate regulatory framework; sensible controls and a positive disposition concerning the future. 33 34 35