Linee guida per la compilazione DIF Emittenti
Linee guida per la compilazione DIF Emittenti
Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari FINANCIAL INFORMATION (“DATI INFORMATIVI FINANZIARI”) Form for industrial issuers COMPLETION GUIDELINES 1 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Contents Introduction 1. General completion criteria 2. Guidance on completing the form fields 2 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Introduction This document provides guidance guidanc on completing the form in CONSOB's electronic data collection system containing “Dati Dati Informativi Finanziari” Finanziari (Financial Information; hereinafter referred to as "DIF") regarding issuers that belong to industry sectors (hereinafter "industrial industrial issuers"). These guidelines do not apply to issuers who prepare financial statements according to the presentation formats and standards envisaged in regulations issued by the Bank of Italy and by ISVAP (Bank of Italy Circular no. 262 of 22 December 2005; Bank of Italy Italy regulation of 16 December 2009; ISVAP Regulation no. 7 of 13 July 2007) for which various methods have been defined for electronically collecting the financial data needed by CONSOB. DIF forms are transmitted to CONSOB through the "electronic data collection" ction" system, already in use for electronically sending other supervisory reports indicated by the Issuers’ Regulation. Regulation Issuers log in to the electronic data collection system through the access page on CONSOB's website (Italian version) in the section "“Soggetti " vigilati” - > “Per gli emittenti” - > “Comunicazione Dati informativi finanziari” - > “Sistema di Teleraccolta”” Teleraccolta” (Supervised entities> > For issuers> Financial information Communication > Electronic data collection system). The login page then appears; access is allowed to issuers who have a login and password issued by CONSOB. Once the issuer has logged in, the system shows the welcome page with the list and description of the system's technical features, illustrated in greater detail in the "User Manual" available on the access page of the DIF electronic data collection system. The DIF for industrial issuers is made up of six sections: 1. General Information (“Dati Dati Generali”). Generali 2. Information contained in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes to the balance sheet (“Stato Patrimoniale”). 3. Information nformation contained in the income statement or in the explanatory notes to the income statement (“Conto “Conto Economico”). Economico” 4. Information contained in the cash flow statement or in the explanatory notes to the cash flow statement (“Rendiconto “Rendiconto Finanziario”). Finanziario” 5. Other information contained in the explanatory notes to the financial statements (“Altri Dati”). 6. Other information required by recommendation DEM/9017965 of 26 February 2009 (Financial disclosures for listed real estate companies) (“Società Immobiliari”). 3 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari 1. General completion criteria A) Thee information contained in the “Dati Informativi Finanziari” form (hereinafter, "DIF form") refers to the consolidated financial statements. statements Companies not required to prepare consolidated financial statements should provide information rmation regarding the separate financial statements. B) DIF forms refer to the latest annual financial statements approved by the Shareholders' Meeting1 at the date of transmission. If at that date the annual financial statements have only been approved by the he Board of Directors2, but not yet by the shareholders' meeting, the issuer should provide information contained in the draft financial statements approved by the Board of Directors (or by the Management Board); in these cases, if the shareholders' meeting approves the financial statements with amendments to the draft prepared by the BoD, the issuer must inform CONSOB of this fact via email to, indicating what amendments were made. In such cases, CONSOB reserves rves the right to allow the issuer to send the DIF a second time, according to the methods indicated in the User Manual. C) DIF forms include certain financial statement items from the last two financial years closed by the company. As regards the items for the previous year, the information reported in the last financial statements should be provided for comparison purposes. If the previous year's information was restated following the retrospective adoption of new accounting standards or if significant errors have been corrected (in accordance with IAS 8), the restated values should be indicated. D) DIF forms must be expressed in millions (in the currency in which the financial statements were prepared) indicating three decimal points for the thousands, unless unles otherwise instructed in the following pages for specific DIF items. The separators accepted by the system are: • decimal separator: [.] (decimal decimal point); point • thousands separator: no separator is indicated in the DIF field. For example, 1,000,250,300 euro (one billion illion two hundred and fifty thousand and three hundred euro) must be entered in the DIF field as 1000.250. Companies preparing financial statements in millions can omit the three zeros after the decimal point (the system automatically inputs these three zeros). 1 2 Or by the Supervisory Board in companies that have adopted a dual management and control model. Or by the Management Board in companies that have adopted a dual management and control model. 4 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari E) The instructions for individual DIF sections, set out below in paragraph 2, contain indications regarding the plus (+) sign and the minus (-) ( sign used on the DIF forms. forms In general, positive amounts are entered in the fields without the + sign (the the system recognises these figures as positive values), while negative amounts should be entered with a - sign before the value. F) All fields of the DIF form sections 2 to 5 must contain a numeric value.. If the item requested in the DIF form is not included includ in the financial statements, the issuer should enter 0 (zero) in the field. The system does not allow submission of the DIF if there are empty fields in sections 1 to 5. The only exceptions exception are the fields in section 6 (information for real estate companies) ies) which can be left empty if the requested item is not indicated in the financial statements. G) The DIF form includes a series of accounting items to be indicated exactly as reported in the financial statements or explanatory notes. The indication of certain tain DIF may require aggregation, breakdown or restatement of information reported in the financial statements, only for the purpose of completing the DIF form. If there are any doubts regarding completion of the form issuers can use CONSOB's help desk service,, described in point (I) below. H) The issuer can add optional comments to clarify information indicated in a field of the DIF form. The notes should be added in the appropriate “Note ote alla segnalazione” segnalazione (report notes) field at the bottom of section 1 “Dati generali” (General Information). In the note, a reference should be made to the DIF form field to which the comment refers, as shown in the example below: Field 1 - Net property, plant and equipment: ......... (comment). I) Support services. If issuerss have difficulty using the electronic data collection system, system or need technical information and clarification, they can contact the technical support service by phone: +3906-8477388, 8477388, available from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM on working days, or send a request by email to the address: This service can also be contacted for clarification regarding completion of the individual DIF form fields, requests then being redirected to the relevant Issuers Division offices. 5 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari 2. Guidance on completing the form fields Section 1- Dati generali (General Information) General issuer information Certain issuer information must be entered into the “Dati Generali” (General Information) section. Field Content Denominazione della società Enter the full name of the issuer to which the DIF transmitted refers. refer (Company name) Codice fiscale Enter the tax code (if applicable) of the issuer to which the DIF (tax code) transmitted refers. Persona di riferimento da Enter the following details of the issuer personnel to be contacted for contattare in caso di chiarimenti DIF queries: (Reference contact for - name(s) of the person (persons); clarification) - - telephone number(s); (optional) This field is optional. General neral information about the financial information transmitted The “Dati Dati generali relativi alle informazioni finanziarie trasmesse” trasmesse” (General information about the transmitted financial information) box should be completed with certain information required to identify and qualify the financial statements referred to in the DIF form transmitted. transmitted Field Content Tipo di bilancio Enter the type of the last financial statements to which the DIF refers: refer (type of financial statements) a) consolidated or b) separate. As indicated in point (A) of paragraph 1 "General " completion criteria", the DIF form should contain information taken from the consolidated financial statements. Information from the separate financial statements should be sent only if the issuer is not required to 6 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari prepare consolidated financial statements. Data di chiusura del bilancio Enter the date (in dd/mm/yyyy format) for the closing date of the last dell’ultimo esercizio financial statements tements (consolidated or separate, please see previous (gg/mm/aaaa) field) from which the information for the DIF form is taken, to be (Closing date of the last annual entered in the first column of the various sections (see point C of report (dd/mm/yyyy)) paragraph 1 General completion criteria). Durata dell’ultimo esercizio Enter the duration (in months) of the last financial year to which (mesi) information in the DIF form refers, to be entered in the first column (Duration of the last financial of each section. year (months)) Organo sociale che ha approvato Enter the corporate body which approved the last annual report il bilancio dell’ultimo esercizio including the consolidated financial statements (if applicable) from (Corporate body which approved which the DIF is taken: the last year's financial a) Assemblea dei Soci (Shareholders' Shareholders' meeting or supervisory board) board if the annual report was approved by the shareholders' meeting (or statements) by the supervisory board in companies adopting the dual management and control model); or b) Consiglio di Amministrazione (Board of Directors or other management board) - if the financial reports have only been approved by the Board of Directors (or by the management board in companies adopting the dual management and control model) but not yet by the shareholders' meeting (or by the th supervisory board in companies adopting the dual management and control model). model) Please see point (B) of paragraph 1. "General General completion criteria" for instructions on timing of the DIF transmission. Data di approvazione del bilancio Enter the date (in dd/mm/yyyy format) on which the last year’s (gg/mm/aaaa) financial statements were approved by the corporate body indicated in (Financial statements approval the previous field. date (dd/mm/yyyy)) Valuta in cui sono espressi i dati Enter the operating currency adopted in preparing the financial di bilancio statements. (Financial statements currency) Data di chiusura del bilancio Enter the closing date (in dd/mm/yyyy format) of the previous year dell’esercizio precedente posto in used for comparison in the DIF form, to be entered in the second comparazione (gg/mm/aaaa) column of each section (please see point C of paragraph 1 General (Closing date of the previous completion criteria). 7 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari year's financial statements used for comparison) (dd/mm/yyyy) Durata dell’esercizio precedente Enter the duration (in months) of the last financial year to which (mesi) information in the DIF form refers, to be entered in the second (Duration of the previous column of each section. financial year (months)) Note alla segnalazione Enter any comments on the DIF reported, as illustrated in point (H) of (Report comments) paragraph 1 "General completion criteria". 8 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Section 2 - Information contained in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes to the balance sheet (“Stato tato Patrimoniale”). A) Certain DIF to be entered in this section refers to the current/non-current current nature of balance sheet assets and liabilities. For the definition of current/non-current current, please refer to the provisions of IAS 1 paragraph 60 et seq. If an issuer ssuer prepares the balance sheet using assets and/or liabilities presentation criterion based on liquidity, the distinction between current and non-current must be made,, in line with in the content of the explanatory notes (see IAS 1, paragraph 61) based onn the realisation or settlement date indicated in the explanatory notes. In such cases,, the assets and liabilities must be classified, for DIF purposes, as current if the recovery or settlement date is within twelve months of the financial statements date; if not (the settlement or recovery date beyond twelve months), the assets/liabilities must be classified as non-current. B) The DIF to be indicated in this section is entered with a plus sign (according to the rules described in point (E) of paragraph 1 - General completion criteria) except for certain fields, indicated in the table below, in which values with a minus (-) sign can also be entered. C) The system provides for certain balancing controls for items entered in the balance sheet section. In the event of a discrepancy, discrepancy the system will not allow submission of the report. The balancing controls are as follows: follows • • balancing of non-current current assets: field 8 = [field 1 + field 2 + field 3 + field 4 + field 5 + field 6 + field 7] balancing of current assets: field 16 = [field 9 + field 10 + field 11 + field 12 + field • 13 + field 14 + field 15] balancing of total assets: field 18 = [field 8 + field 16 + field 17] • • • • balancing of non-current current liabilities: field 25 = [field 21 + field 22 + field 23 + field 24] balancing ing of current liabilities: field 31 = [field 26 + field 27 + field 28 + field 29 + field 30] balancing of total liabilities: field 33 = [field 25 + field 31 + field 32] balancing between assets and liabilities: field 18 = [field 19 + field 20 + field 33] No. Item to be completed 1 Content Immobilizzazioni materiali nette Enter the total property, plant and equipment, net of related (Net property, plant and depreciation and accumulated provisions for write-downs, write as equipment) shown in the balance sheett (IAS 1 para. 54 letter (a) - Property, 9 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari plant and equipment). The field must also include the total tangible assets assumed in financial lease posted to assets in accordance with IAS 17. Please do not enter the amount of the item "Investment property", recorded corded in the balance sheet (IAS 1 par. 54 letter (b)) in this field;; the amount for this item must be entered in field 7 "Altre attività non correnti" (Other ( non-current assets). 2 Immobilizzazioni immateriali Enter the total tal intangible assets, net of related depreciation and nette accumulated provisions for write-downs, downs, as shown in the balance (Net intangible assets) sheet (IAS 1 para. 54 letter (c) - intangible assets). This field must also include the total intangible assets acquired through financial leases and recognised as assets in accordance with IAS 17. 2a 3 Avviamento e altre Enter the total for i) goodwill and ii) other fixed assets with an immobilizzazioni a vita utile indefinite useful ful life, net of related accumulated impairment, as indefinite shown in the balance sheet and explanatory notes. The amount in (Goodwill and other indefinite this field must also be included in field 2, which includes all life fixed assets) intangible assets recognised to the balance sheet. Partecipazioni valutate te con il Enter the total investments accounted for using the equity metodo del patrimonio netto method,, as recorded in the balance sheet (IAS 1 para. 54 letter (Investments accounted for (e)). using the equity method) 4 Attività finanziarie non correnti Enter the total non-current financial assets classified as "held for disponibili per la vendita sale" in accordance with IAS 39. (Non-current financial assets held for sale) 5 Crediti finanziari non correnti Enter the total financial receivables posted to non-current non assets. (Non-current financial The item includes receivables generated by the company receivables) classified under financial assets in the financial statements, statements and loans issued by the group. 6 Altre attività finanziarie non Enter the total non-current current financial assets which were not correnti included in fields 4 and 5. (Other non-current financial assets) 7 Altre attività non correnti Enter the total non-current assets recorded in the balance sheet (Other non-current assets) which were not indicated in fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6. 10 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari 7a Attività per imposte anticipate Enter the total deferred tax assets gross of deferred tax liabilities (Deferred tax assets) (to be indicated in field 24a). This amount must also be included in field 7. 8 Attività non correnti totali Enter the total non-current assets recorded in the balance sheet. (Total non-current assets) 9 Crediti commerciali netti Enter the total amounts due from customers for the sale of goods (Net trade receivables) or services provided as part of ordinary business activities, as recorded in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes. The amount only refers to the current share of such receivables, and must be entered net of the related provision for write-downs. write 9a Fondo svalutazione crediti Enter the total provision for write-down down of trade receivables commerciali indicated in field 9. down of (provision for write-down trade receivables) 10 Rimanenze Enter the total inventories of: i) raw materials and consumables; (Inventories) ii) production in progress and semi-finished finished goods; iii) finished goods; iv) work in progress under long-term long contracts, as recorded in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes. The amount must be entered net of any provisions for write-downs write for these items. For real estate companies, the amount should include any value of the real estate portfolio classified under inventories. 11 Disponibilità liquide ed Enter the total cash and cash equivalents, as recorded recorde in the equivalenti balance sheet (IAS 1 para. 54 letter (i)). (cash and cash equivalents) 12 Attività finanziarie detenute per Enter the total financial assets classified as "held for trading" in negoziazione accordance with IAS 39. (financial assets held for trading) 13 Crediti finanziari correnti Enter the total financial receivables recognised under current (current current financial receivables) receivables assets, also including the current portions of non-current financial receivables. This item includes receivables generated by the company recognised to the financial statements under financial assets, and loans issued by the company. 14 Altre attività finanziarie Enter the total current financial assets not already included in correnti fields 11, 12 and 13. assets (other current financial assets) 11 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari 15 16 Altre attività correnti Enter the total current assets recorded in the balance sheet not (other current assets) already included in fields 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Attività correnti totali Enter the total current assets recorded in the balance sheet. (total current assets) 17 Attività cessate/destinate ad Enter the total assets classified as held for sale and discontinued essere cedute operations classified as held for sale in compliance with IFRS 5, (discontinued discontinued operations/assets as recorded in the balance sheet (IAS 1 paragraph letter (j)). The held for sale) amount of this item must be entered gross of any liabilities included in discontinued operations classified as held for sale in compliance with IFRS 5. 18 19 Attività totali Enter the total assets as recorded in the balance sheet. The (total assets) amount shall also include field 17. Patrimonio netto di gruppo Enter the total shareholders’ equity pertaining to parent company (group shareholders’ equity)) shareholders as recorded in the balancee sheet. sheet The amount shall be indicated with the minus sign (-) if the issuer recorded a negative group shareholders' equity. 19a 20 Capitale sociale Enter the total parent company share capital as recorded in the (share capital) balance sheet or in the explanatory notes. Patrimonio netto di terzi Enter the total shareholders’ equity attributable to minority (minority interests) shareholders of the consolidated companies as recorded in the balance sheet. The amount should be indicated with a minus sign (-) if the issuer recorded a negative value for minority interests. interest 21 Debiti non correnti verso Enter the total amounts owed to banks recognised to the balance banche sheet under non-current financial liabilities. (Non-current payables to banks) banks 22 Debiti non correnti per Enter the total payables on bonds loans issued, issued recognised to the obbligazioni emesse balance sheet under non-current financial liabilities. (non-current bond issue payables) 23 Altri debiti e passività Enter the total non-current current financial liabilities recorded in the finanziarie non correnti balance sheet not already indicated in fields 21 and 22. (other financial non-current payables and liabilities) 24 Altre passività non correnti Enter the total non-current liabilities recorded in the balance sheet current liabilities) liabilities (Other non-current not already indicated in fields 21, 22 and 23. 12 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari 24a Passività per imposte differite Enter the total deferred tax liabilities gross of deferred tax assets (deferred tax liabilities) (to be indicated in field 7a). This amount must also be included in field 24. 24b Altri fondi del passivo (fondi Enter the total provisions for risks and charges and for personnel rischi ed oneri, fondi relativi al expenses (also including provisions for employee benefits). benefits This personale) amount must also be included in field 24. (other provisions classed as liabilities (provision for risks and charges, provisions for personnel)) 25 26 Passività non correnti totali Enter the total non-current liabilities recorded in the balance (total non-current liabilities) sheet. Debiti correnti verso banche Enter the total recognised as current payables in the balance sheet (current payables to banks) in relation to amounts owed to banks, also including current portions of non-current payables to banks. This amount must also include payables for current account overdrafts. overdrafts 27 Debiti correnti per obbligazioni Enter the total payables on bond loans issued recognised to the emesse balance sheet under current liabilities. (current bond issue payables)) 28 Altri debiti e passività Enter the total current financial liabilities recorded in the balance finanziarie correnti sheet not already indicated in fields 26 and 27. (other financial current payables and liabilities) 29 Debiti commerciali Enter the total amounts due to suppliers for the purchase of (trade payables) materials or goods or for services received as part of the company's business cycle, as recorded in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes. 30 31 Altre passività correnti Enter the total current liabilities recorded in the balance sheet not (other current liabilities) already indicated in fields 26, 27, 28 and 29. Passività correnti totali Enter the total current liabilities as recorded ded in the balance sheet. (total current liabilities) 32 Passività direttamente correlate Enter the total liabilities recorded for discontinued operations ad attività cessate/destinate ad classified lassified as held for sale in compliance with IFRS 5, as recorded essere cedute in the balance sheet (IAS 1 paragraph 54 letter (p)). The amount (liabilities directly related to of this item must be entered gross of any assets classified as held discontinued operations/assets for sale and assets included in discontinued operations classified c 13 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari 33 held for sale) as held for sale in compliance with IFRS 5. Passività totali Enter the total liabilities as recorded in the balance sheet. The (total liabilities) amount must also include that indicated in field 32. Altri dati finanziari-patrimoniali patrimoniali riportati riportati nel bilancio (Other financial information recorded in the financial statements) 34 Posizione finanziaria netta Enter the net financial position determined ined in accordance with (net financial position) Communication DEM/6064293 of 28 July 2006 (which (whi refers to the CESR Recommendation of 10 February 2005 "Recommendations for standard implementation of the European Commission's regulation on prospectuses") prospectuses as reported in the explanatory notes or in the report on operations. operations The amount must be indicated with a plus sign (+) if there are more financial liabilities than assets (in this case, net debt). The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if the financial assets are more than the financial liabilities (in this case, net cash and cash equivalents). 35 Attività per strumenti derivati Enter the total assets for hedging derivatives in accordance with di copertura IAS 39. (assets - hedging derivatives)) 36 Attività per strumenti derivati Enter the total assets for derivatives not designated as hedges in non di copertura accordance with IAS 39. (assets - non-hedging derivatives) 37 Passività per strumenti derivati Enter the total liabilities for hedging derivatives in accordance di copertura with IAS 39. (liabilities - hedging derivatives) 38 Passività per strumenti derivati Enter the total liabilities for derivatives not designated as hedges non di copertura in accordance with IAS 39. (liabilities - non-hedging derivatives) 39 Crediti e altre attività verso Enter the total receivables and other assets due from related parti correlate parties recorded in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes (receivables and nd other assets as required by CONSOB resolution no. 15519 of 27 July 2006. due from related parties) 39a Crediti finanziari e altre attività Enter the total financial receivables and other financial assets due 14 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari finanziarie verso parti correlate from related parties recorded in the balance sheet or in the (financial financial receivables and other explanatory notes as required by CONSOB resolution no. 15519 financial assets due from of 27 July 2006. This amount must also be included in field 39. related parties) 40 Debiti e altre passività verso Enter the total payables and nd other liabilities owed to related parti correlate parties recorded in the balance sheet or in the explanatory notes (payables and other liabilities as required by CONSOB resolution no. 15519 of 27 July 2006. to related parties) 40a Debiti finanziari e altre Enter the total financial payables and other financial liabilities passività finanziarie verso parti owed to related parties recorded in the balance sheet or in the correlate explanatory notes as required by CONSOB resolution no. 15519 (financial payables es and other of 27 July 2006. This amount must also be included in field 40. financial liabilities to related parties) 15 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Section 3 - Information contained in the income statement or in the explanatory notes to the income statement (“Conto Economico”). A) The income statement information to be reported in this section of the DIF form assumes assume the adoption of an income statement classified using the “nature of expense” method (IAS 1 paragraph 102). Issuers presenting an income statement with items stated according to “function of expense” or to the "cost of sales" method (IAS S 1 par. 103) do not need to complete the fields regarding items not recorded in the financial statements or in the explanatory notes since they are typical of an income statement classified using the “nature of expense” method. B) The DIF to be reported in this section must be entered with a plus sign (according to the rules described in point (E) of paragraph 1 – General completion criteria) except for certain fields, shown in the table below, in which either positive or negative values may be entered. The instructions in the table below indicate cases in which the field value must be entered with a minus (-) sign. C) Please note that in this section of the DIF form, only the items expressly indicated on the form should be reported, which will not be all the he items that the issuer has recorded in the income statement. For example, the form does not require that the issuer includes items typical of industrial financial statements, such as raw material purchase costs or costs for services, in any field. D) Thee system has a single balancing control regarding field 63 (“risultato ( risultato netto dell’esercizio”, dell’esercizio net profit/loss for the year) year which must be equal to the sum of field 61 (“risultato ( di pertinenza del gruppo”, group profit/loss) and field 62 (“risultato risultato di pertinenza per di terzi”, minority interest profit/loss). profit/loss In the event of a discrepancy, the system will not allow submission of the report. No. Item to be completed Content 41 Ricavi delle vendite e delle Enter the total revenues from the sale of goods or provision of prestazioni services, (revenues from sales and operations/characteristic business activities of the company, as services) recorded in the income statement or in the explanatory notes. notes Altri ricavi e proventi operativi operativ Enter the total income other than that indicated in field 41, which (other operating income) the issuer has classified as relating to operations in the financial 42 financial 16 or otherwise, achieved as part of Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari statements (therefore contributing to calculation of the Ebit indicated in field 53). 43 Variazione delle rimanenze di Enter the total amounts for changes in inventories of finished prodotti finiti, semilavorati, goods, semi-finished products, work in progress and long-term long prodotti in corso di lavorazione contracts as recorded in the income statement or in the e lavori in corso su ordinazione explanatory notes. (Change in inventories of The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if it finished goods, semi-finished finished represents a negative income component recognised to the income products, work in progress and statement. long-term contracts) 44 Oneri capitalizzati Enter the total capitalised costs for the year recognised under (Capitalised costs) assets in the balance sheet. For example, this category includes costs for internally generated tangible or intangible assets, capitalised development costs and capitalised financial charges. charges 45 46 Costi totali per il personale Enter the total personnel costs, as recorded in the income (Total personnel costs) statement or in the explanatory notes. Ammortamenti delle Indicate immobilizzazioni materiali ed depreciation of property, plant and equipment, equipment as recorded in the immateriali income statement or in the explanatory notes. the total amortization of intangible assets and (Amortization of intangible assets and depreciation of property, plant and equipment) equipment 47 Svalutazioni delle attività non Enter the total impairment losses of non-current non assets that the correnti company recorded under operations in the income statement (Impairment losses of non- (therefore contributing to the calculation of Ebit indicated in field current assets) 53), as recorded in the income statement or in the explanatory notes. This item must be entered gross of impairment reversals of non-current assets, to be indicated in field 48. 48 Ripristini di valore delle attività Enter the total impairment reversals of non-current non assets that the non correnti company recorded under operations in the income statement (Impairment reversals of nonnon (therefore contributing to the calculation of Ebit indicated in field current assets) 53), as recorded in the income statement or in the explanatory notes. This item must be indicated gross of impairment losses of non-current assets, to be indicated in field 47. 47 49 Minusvalenze da realizzo di Enter the total losses on disposals of non-current non assets that the attività non correnti company recorded under operations in the income statement (losses on disposals of non- (therefore contributing to the calculation culation of Ebit indicated in field 17 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari current assets) 53), as recorded in the income statement or in the explanatory notes. This amount must be indicated gross of gains on disposals of non-current assets, to be entered in field 50. 50 Plusvalenze da realizzo di Enter the total gains on disposals of non-current non assets that the attività non correnti company recorded under operations in the income statement (gains on disposals of non- (therefore contributing to the calculation of Ebit indicated in field current assets) 53), as recorded in the income statement or in the explanatory notes. This amount must be indicated gross of losses on disposals of non-current assets, to be entered in field 49. 51 Accantonamenti a fondi rischi Enter the total accruals recognised to the income statement for the ed oneri ed a fondi svalutazione provision for risks and charges and nd for write-down of current di attività correnti assets, as recorded in the incomee statement or in the explanatory (Accruals to the provision rovision for notes. risks and the provision for The total must include all accruals contributing to the calculation write-down of current assets)) of Ebit (field 53). Accruals to provisions for personnel should not be included as these are to be entered in field 45. Accruals to the provision for write-down down of current assets must include all accruals recorded as adjustments to non-financial current assets; for example, all accruals for write-down write of trade receivables, tax and social security receivables, inventories and of other non-financial assets must be included. included 52 Utilizzo di fondi rischi ed oneri Enter the total utilisation/reversal of the provisions provision for risks and e di fondi svalutazione di charges and the provisions for write-down down of current asset attività correnti recognised among positive income items, items as recorded in the (Utilisation/reversal of the income statement or in the explanatory notes. For the definition provisions for risks and charges charg of these provisions, please refer too the instructions for field 51. and the provisions for writedown of current assets) 53 Risultato della gestione Enter the total earnings before interest and tax from the issuer’s operativa (EBIT) operations, as recorded in the income statement, in the (earnings before interest and explanatory notes to the financial statements or in the report on tax (EBIT)) operations. The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if the issuer recorded an operating loss. 54 Quota dei risultati delle Enter the total share of profits/losses recorded in the income partecipazioni valutate con il statement regarding investments accounted for using the equity metodo del patrimonio netto method, as envisaged in IAS 28 (Investments in associates) associate and 18 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari (Share of profits/losses on IAS 31 (Investments in Joint Ventures). The amount must not investments accounted for using include other types of income and charges deriving from this the equity method) category of investment (e.g. capital gains/losses on disposals), which must instead be entered in field 55. The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if the comprehensive balance of the item is a cost for the issuer. 55 Proventi finanziari Enter the total financial income, as recorded in the income (Financial income) statement or in the explanatory notes. The amount must include all the different types of income regarding the company's financial business, including gains from investments (for example, capital gains from disposals,, dividends from companies not accounted for using the equity method) method not indicated in field 54. 55a Interessi attivi Enter the total interest income derived from financial assets (Interest income) included in the net financial position (please see the instructions for field 34). Please note that this amount shall also be included in field 55. 56 Oneri finanziari Enter the total financial expenses, as recorded in the income (Financial expenses) statement or in the explanatory notes. The amount must include all different types of costs pertaining to the company's financial business, including costs from investments other than those indicated in field 54 (for example, capital losses from disposals, impairment losses on investments,, including those regarding investments measured at equity, allocations to provisions for hedging losses exceeding the shareholders’ hareholders’ equity of associate companies, etc.). 56a Interessi passivi Enter the total interest expense related to financial liabilities (Interest expense) included in the net financial position (please see the instructions for field 34). For "interest expense" reference should be made to indications provided in paragraph 6, letters (a) and (d) of IAS 23. Please note that this amount must also be included in field 56. 57 Risultato prima delle imposte Enter the amount of the profit/ (loss) from operations before (profit/(loss) before income income tax, as recorded in the income statement. taxes) The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if there is a pre-tax loss. 58 Imposte differite attive Enter the total deferred tax assets for the year recorded in the (deferred tax assets) income statement, net of related reversals. The amount must be 19 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari indicated gross of deferred tax liabilities (field 59). The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if the net reversals exceed provisions allocated for the year. 59 Imposte differite passive Enter the total deferred tax liabilities for the year recorded in the (deferred tax liabilities) income statement, net of related reversals. reversals The amount must be indicated gross of deferred tax assets (field 58). The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if the net reversals exceed provisions allocated for the year. 60 Risultato delle attività Enter the total profit/(loss) from disposals or discontinued cessate/destinate ad essere operations classified as held for sale in compliance with IFRS 5, cedute as recorded in the income statement (IAS 1 paragraph 82 letter (Profit/(loss) from discontinued (e) - total capital gains or losses from discontinued operations net operations/assets held for sale) sale of tax effects and capital gains or losses net of tax effects recorded following measurement at fair value, net of costs to sell, or from the disposal of assets or groups of assets pertaining to the discontinued operation). The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if losses were recorded for this item. 61 Risultato di pertinenza del Enter the net income attributable to the parent company gruppo shareholders as recorded in the income statement. statement (group net income) The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if a loss was recorded for this item. 62 Risultato di pertinenza di terzi Enter the net income attributable to minority interests as recorded (minority interest net income)) in the income statement. The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if a loss was recorded for this item. 63 Risultato netto dell’esercizio Enter the net income for the year as recorded in the income (net income for the year) statement. The net income for the year corresponds to the sum of the group net income and the minority interest net income, and must include the profit(loss) from discontinued operations/assets held for sale indicated in field 60. The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if a loss was recorded for this item. 64 Risultato netto per azione Enter the unit value of the basic earnings per ordinary share, share as ordinaria (non diluito) recorded in the income statement. Indicate the sum of earning per Earnings per ordinary share (Earnings share from continuing operations and from discontinued (not diluted) operations/assets held for sale. 20 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari The amount must be entered with the minus sign (-) if a loss was recorded for this item. Other information reported in the explanatory notes 65 Proventi da strumenti derivati Enter the total income recorded in the income statement for (income from derivatives) derivatives (hedging and non-hedging), ), as reported in the explanatory notes. Reference must be made to all types of derivative-related income, realised and unrealised (fair value adjustments recorded in the income statement). statement In addition, reference must be made to all income recorded in the income statement, both as a direct adjustment of hedged revenue (or expense) items and that recorded under financial income. 66 Oneri da strumenti derivati Enter the total expense recorded in the income statement for (expense from derivatives) derivatives (hedging and non-hedging), ), as reported in the explanatory notes. Reference must be made to all types of derivative-related expenses, realised and unrealised (fair value adjustments recorded in the income statement). In addition, reference must be made to all expenses recorded in the income statement, both as direct adjustments of hedged revenue (or expense) items, and those recorded under financial expense. 67 Proventi da parti correlate Enter the total income originated from related party transactions (income from related parties)) reported in the income statement or in the explanatory notes. Please note that this form of income includes all revenues and income of any type that the issuer enters with related parties. Enter the amount gross of expense from related parties (field 68). 68 Oneri da parti correlate Enter the total expense originated from related party transactions (expense from related parties) parties recorded in the income statement ent or in the explanatory notes. Please note that this form of charges include all costs and expenses of any type incurred by the issuer with related parties. Enter the amount gross of income from related parties (field 67). 69 Proventi non ricorrenti Enter the total income items recorded as "non-recurring" "non in the (non-recurring income) income statement, and any deriving from atypical and/or unusual transactions. 70 Oneri non ricorrenti Enter the total expense items recorded as "non-recurring" in the (non-recurring expense) income statement, and any deriving from atypical and/or unusual transactions. 21 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Section 4 - Information included in the cash flow statement or in the explanatory notes to the cash flow statement (“Rendiconto Finanziario”). The DIF too be reported in this section should be entered with a plus sign (according to the rules described in point (E) of paragraph 1 – General completion criteria) except for certain fields, shown in the table below, in which either positive or negative values may m be entered. The instructions contained in the table indicate cases in which the field value should be entered with a minus (-) sign. No. Item to be completed Content 71 Cash flow da attività operative Enter the amount of total cash flow of the "operating " activities" (cash flow from operating section (corresponding to the net cash flow from operations for activities) the year) of the cash flow statement (IAS 7 paragraphs 13, 14 and 15). The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if the operating activities absorbed cash flows during the course of the year (cash out-flows exceeding cash in-flows flows). 72 Variazione delle rimanenze Enter the amount of the change in inventories as recorded in the iscritta nel rendiconto "operating activities"" section of the cash flow statement. The finanziario change refers to total inventories (raw materials and consumables, consumables (change in inventories recorded work in progress and semi-finished finished products, finished goods, in the cash flow statement) long-term contracts, real estate classified as inventories). The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if the change has absorbed cash flows. 73 74 Capex (investimenti lordi in Enter the total cash flows absorbed during the year to acquire immobilizzazioni materiali e property, plant and equipment ment and intangible assets, as recorded immateriali) in the "investing activities"" section of the cash flow statement (Capex – gross investments in (IAS 7, paragraph 16 letter (a)). The he amount must be entered property, plant, equipment ment and gross of incoming cash flows from the sale of property, plant, intangible assets) equipment and intangible assets. Investimenti lordi in Enter the total cash flows absorbed during the year for the partecipazioni, imprese e rami acquisition of: i) companies; ii) business units; iii) investments d’azienda recognised as non-current financial inancial assets and associate company (Gross investments in equity,, share capital increases, as recorded in the cash flow statement. companies and business units) units The acquisition cost of companies and business units must be expressed net of acquired cash and cash equivalents. 22 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari The amount must be entered gross of inflows for the year from the sale of investments,, companies and business units. 75 Cash flow da attività di Enter the total cash flow of the "investing activities" activities section of investimento the cash flow statement (IAS 7 paragraph 16). (Cash flow from investing The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if the activities) investments absorbed cash flows during the course of the year (cash out-flows exceed cash in-flows). 76 Dividendi pagati nell’esercizio Enter the total dividends paid during the year, as recorded in the (dividends paid during the year) year cash flow statement. The amount must include both dividends paid to parent company shareholders and those paid to other o minority shareholders in consolidated companies. compan 77 Aumenti di capitale Enter the total financial resources collected during the year from (share capital increases) share capital increases, as recorded in the cash flow statement. The amount must also include share capital increases increase paid up by the minority shareholders of consolidated companies. companies 78 Cash flow da attività di Enter the total cash flow from the "financing financing activities" activities section of finanziamento the cash flow statement (IAS 7 paragraph 16). (cash flow from financing The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if financing activities) activities absorbed cash flows during the course of the year (cash ( out-flows exceed cash in-flows). 79 Cash flow da attività Enter the amount of cash flow generated (or absorbed) by assets cessate/destinate ad essere classified as held for sale and discontinued operations in cedute compliance with IFRS 5, as recorded in the cash flow statement. (cash flow from discontinued The amount must be indicated with a minus sign (-) if the assets operations/assets held for sale) sale in question absorbed cash flows during the course of the year (cash out-flows exceed cash in-flows). 80 Cash flow complessivo Enter the amount of comprehensive cash flow for the year as (comprehensive cash flow) recorded in the cash flow statement. Comprehensive cash flow refers to the change in balance of the item "cash and cash equivalents" as recorded in the cash flow statement. sta This corresponds to the sum of the following amounts recorded in the cash flow statement: a) cash flow from operating activities, b) cash flow from investing activities,, c) cash flow from financing activities, d) cash flow from discontinued operations/assets operati held for sale,, e) effects on the balance of cash and cash equivalents determined by changes in the consolidation area, area f) effects of changes in exchange rates on the balance of cash and cash 23 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari equivalents. The amount must be entered with a minus sign (-) if the comprehensive cash flow for the year represents a decrease (cash ( out-flows exceed cash in-flows). 24 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Section 5 - Other information included in the explanatory notes to the financial statements (“Altri Dati”). The DIF to be reported in thiss section must be expressed in units, unless indicated otherwise. otherwise No. Item to be completed Content 81 Numero azioni ordinarie alla Enter the number of ordinary shares issued by the parent data di chiusura del bilancio company (including ordinary treasury shares in the portfolio) at (number of ordinary shares at the closing date of the financial statements. the closing date of the financial statements) 82 Numero azioni di risparmio (se If any,, enter the number of savings shares issued by the parent presenti) alla data di chiusura company (including treasury savings shares in the portfolio) at the del bilancio closing date of the financial statements. (number of savings shares, if any, at the closing date of the financial statements) 83 Numero azioni privilegiate vilegiate (se If any,, enter the number of preferred shares issued by the parent presenti) alla data di chiusura company (including treasury preferred shares in the portfolio) at del bilancio the closing date of the financial statements. (number of preferred shares, if any, at the closing date of the financial statements) 84 Numero altre categorie di If any, enter the number of other classes of shares not n indicated in azioni (se presenti) alla data di fields 81, 82 and 83, issued by the parent company (including chiusura del bilancio treasury shares of the same class in the portfolio) at the closing (number of other classes of date of the financial statements. shares, if any, at the closing date of the financial statements) statements 85 Numero di azioni proprie in Enter the number of treasury shares issued by the parent portafoglio alla data di chiusura company, belonging to all share classes indicated in fields field 81 to del bilancio 84, included in the portfolio of all group companies at the closing (number of treasury shares in date of the financial statements. the portfolio at the closing date of the financial statements) 86 Numero medio di dipendenti Enter the average number of group employees during the year ye as nell'anno reported in the explanatory notes. (average number of employees 25 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari during the year) 87 Numero di dipendenti alla data Enter the exact number of group employees employed at the di chiusura del bilancio closing date of the financial ial statements, as reported in the (number of employees at the explanatory notes. closing date of the financial statements) 88 Dividendo per azione ordinaria Enter: (dividend per ordinary share)) a) in the column relating to last financial year: year the unit amount (to three decimal places)) of the dividend per ordinary share decided by the parent company shareholders' meeting which approved the financial statements of the last financial year referred to in the DIF form. If the issuer transmits the DIF form to CONSOB before approval of the financial statements by the shareholders' meeting,, enter the dividend amount proposed by the Board of Directors. The amount of the dividend must also include any dividends paid in advance during the year. b) In the column relating to previous year: the unit amount (to three decimal places) of the dividend idend per ordinary share decided by the parent company shareholders' meeting which approved the financial statements of the previous year. The amount of the dividend must also include any dividends paid in advance during the year. 26 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari Section 6 - Other information rmation required by recommendation DEM/9017965 of 26 February 2009 ("Società Immobiliari") The fields in this section must only be completed by issuers to which recommendation DEM/9017965 of 26 February 2009 applies (Financial disclosures for listed real estate e companies) and only if the requested items are recorded in the financial statements. statements The DIF to be reported in this section must be entered with a plus sign (according to the rules described in point (E) of paragraph 1 – General completion criteria). OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED BY RECOMMENDATION DEM/9017965 DEM/9 of 26 February 2009 (FINANCIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES DISCLOSURE FOR LISTED REAL ESTATE COMPANIES) 89 90 Debiti finanziari con clausole a Enter the amount of borrowings owings for which "significant contractual contract rischio di default clauses" exist in relation to the two potential circumstances (borrowings with default risk indicated in Recommendation DEM/9017965 of 26 February clauses) 2009. Valore contabile del portafoglio Enter the total book value of real estate assets consolidated at immobiliare group level, even if held through SPVs or funds consolidated on a (book book value of the real estate line-by-line basis. portfolio) 91 Valore di mercato del Enter the total market value of real estate assets consolidated at portafoglio immobiliare group level, even if held through SPVs or funds consolidated on a (market market value of the real estate line-by-line basis. In accordance with the provisions of portfolio) Recommendation DEM/9017965 of 26 February 2009, market value means the value determined on the basis of independent valuations. If these are not available for all or part of the real estate portfolio, the value to be considered for the corresponding properties must be the same as the related book value. In the report comments in section 1, please indicate whether any properties which have not been independently independen valuated, also indicating their total book value. 91a Progetti di sviluppo Enter the total market value of properties in the Development (development projects) Projects category. If this category has not been independently valuated, enter the related book value. Please note that this amount must also be included in fields 90 and 91. 92 Ricavi di natura ricorrente Enter the total recurring revenues, e.g. revenues from leasing, (recurring revenues) fund management commissions and revenues from the provision 27 Completion Guidelines DIF Dati Informativi Finanziari of services. 93 Rivalutazioni del portafoglio Enter the gross amount of revaluations during the year on real immobiliare estate portfolios consolidated on a line-by-line line basis. basis (revaluations on the real estate portfolio) 94 Svalutazioni del portafoglio Enter the amount of gross write-downs during the year on real immobiliare estate portfolios consolidated on a line-by-line line basis. bas (impairment impairment of the real estate portfolio) 28