Better Living - National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Better Living - National Multiple Sclerosis Society
March - May 2006
Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model. It
remains quiet within and is not disturbed on the surface. ~ Confucius
Spring is the season of rebirth - a time of pushing out the old and bringing in the new.
For some, this might include deciding to eradicate bad habits and start a new activity.
Others view springtime as an opportunity to seek harmony and balance in their otherwise
tumultuous and busy lives. A shift in perspective on life is often needed when we
become too consumed by the stressors, complexities and minute details of daily living.
The sense of "losing control" can be draining both physically and emotionally.
For many living with MS, energy is in limited supply and monitoring your resources
becomes critical. Take a moment to consider the different aspects of your life relationships, health, work, home, recreation, money, spirituality and personal growth.
What are the things within those areas that are tapping into your energy and draining you?
Are there areas that cause more energy drains than others?
How much energy do you have left for what's really important?
Now that you have a sense of those things that have been distracting or draining your
energy, consider the things in your life that "fuel" you - the kind of fuel that gives you
the power to do what you want, and contributes to your overall well-being.
continued on page 15...
8 Active Choices
16 Sound Bites
18 Health at Home
20 Peace of Mind
28 Giving Back
The National MS Society is dedicated to ending the devastating effects of MS.
Better Living is a free publication of the
National MS Society, Southern California Chapter
Southern California Chapter
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 115
Los Angeles, CA 90064 O 310.479.4456
Inland Empire Field Office
5 East Citrus Ave., Suite 107
Redlands, CA 92373
909.307.3388 O 800.752.1773
Coachella Valley Field Office
73-710 Fred Waring Dr., Suite 103
Palm Desert, CA 92260 O 760.776.5740
Antelope/Santa Clarita Valley
Field Office
1669 West Avenue J, Suite 309
Lancaster, CA 93534 O 661.945.9111
Kern County Field Office
1800 30th Street, Suite 105
Bakersfield, CA 93301 O 661.321.9512
Channel Islands Field Office
14 West Valerio Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 O 805.682.8783
Dave Perren
Chapter President
Leon LeBuffe, PhD
If You or Someone You Know Has MS
Studies show that early and ongoing
treatment with an FDA-approved therapy
can reduce future disease activity and
improve quality of life for many people
with multiple sclerosis. Talk to your
health care professional or contact the
National MS Society at 1.800.FIGHT.MS
or to learn
about ways to help manage multiple
sclerosis and about current research that
may one day reveal a cure.
Information provided by the Society is based
upon professional advice, published
experience and expert opinion. Information
provided in response to questions does not
constitute therapeutic recommendations or
prescriptions.The National Multiple Sclerosis
Society recommends that all questions and
information be discussed with a personal
The Society does not endorse products,
services or manufacturers. Such names appear
here solely because they are considered
valuable information.The Society assumes no
liability for the use or contents of any
product or service mentioned.
Executive Vice President, Chapter Programs
Denise Nowack, RD
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is
dedicated to ending the devastating effects of
multiple sclerosis.
Newsletter Editor
Marni Deckter
©2006 NMSS, Southern California Chapter
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Register for Chapter Programs Today!
Blue boxes guide you to registration details
within this publication. Watch for a flyer for
all other programs listed in the calendar or
call your local office (numbers listed on p. 2)
for additional details and to register today!
Mar. 4
Mar. 4
Mar. 11
Clean Sweep - Managing
Your Energy & Household
Palmdale, 10:00 am - noon
Cleaning, laundry, shopping…
how do you manage household
tasks on the limited energy caused
by MS? Learn from Suyan Pudis,
OT and Gail Hartley, RN, MSN,
NP to organize activities, simplify
systems, and save time & energy!
Sponsored by a grant from Serono.
MS: The Genetic Connection
Palm Desert, 10:00 am - noon
Learn about current research
related to MS therapies, genetics
& immunology; myelin/nerve
repair; and gender & racial
differences through a video
featuring notable MS researchers.
Clean Sweep - Spring
Cleaning with MS
Pomona, 10:00 am - noon
Cleaning, laundry, shopping…
how do you manage household
tasks on the limited energy caused
by MS? Learn to organize
activities, simplify systems, and
save time & energy!
Southern California Chapter
Mar. 11
CogniFit (Half-day program)
Bakersfield, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
To register, Learn from Britta Schramm ways
see page 6 to improve focus & concentration,
organization & memory, problem
solving & critical thinking skills.
Mar. 16
Rx Help & Understanding
Santa Barbara, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
or Thousand Oaks, 4:30 - 7:00 pm
Learn about Rx Help for
Californians, a prescription
assistance program available to
Californians of any age, as well as
Medicare’s new prescription drug
plan program.
Mar. 17
Rx Help & Understanding
Grover Beach, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
See program description above.
Mar. 25
Take Control: The Power
of Prevention
Los Angeles, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Leslie White, PhD will discuss the
importance of fitness and MS and
Elise Herlihy, RN will talk about
general preventive health practices.
Mar. 21
Working Through Medicare’s
New Rx Plan
To register, At-home teleconference, 11:00 am - noon
see page 7 Learn about the new Medicare
drug plan, available coverage, and
how to choose the right plan for
you. Also learn how to work
through the appeal process.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Southern California Chapter
Mar. 27
The Questions You Have,
The Answers You Need
San Luis Obispo, noon - 1:30 pm
Neurologist Dr. Scott Zamvil will
discuss the latest information
about MS, treatment options and
symptom management.
March & April
11 scenic locations to
choose from. Turn to
page 28 to learn more.
Apr. 1
Reforzando Lasos de Amor
Alhambra, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
A couples retreat conducted
entirely in Spanish.
Apr. 3
Spring Physical Activities
Yoga, aquatics, Pilates and more
See Active Choices for details.
To register,
see page 9
Apr. 11 May 23
7 Tuesdays
To register,
see page 6
Apr. 20
CogniFit (7-week program)
Downey, 10:00 am - noon
Learn techniques to help improve
focus & concentration, memory,
organization, problem solving &
critical thinking skills.
Understanding MS
Palmdale, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
For those newly diagnosed or
those seeking current information
on MS, symptoms and treatments.
Get answers to your questions on
specific issues & concerns.
Apr. 20
Diet & MS
Santa Barbara, 12:30 - 2:00 pm
or Grover Beach, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Learn how diet can play an
important role in living well with
MS. Denise Nowack, RD will
discuss important and easy
strategies you can integrate into
everyday eating.
Apr. 22
Take Control of Your
Mind & Body
Thousand Oaks, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Dr. Jennifer Watson, PhD will
talk about cognitive problems,
and share ways to improve your
memory and organize your
thoughts. Denise Nowack, RD
will discuss nutrition and MS, and
share strategies on energy
conservation, meal preparation,
and making healthy choices.
Apr. 22
EPIC - Super Hero Expo
Los Angeles, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
To register, Step into the incredible Marvel
see page 25 Comic Universe! Through over
30 awesome action stations
explore the science and power
within Marvel’s super heroes and
May 6
Diet & MS
Palm Desert, 10:30 am - noon
Learn how diet can play an
important role in living well with
MS. Denise Nowack, RD will
discuss important and easy
strategies you can integrate into
everyday eating.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Southern California Chapter
May 6
May 15 May 20
Understanding MS
Inland Empire, 10:00 am - noon
For those newly diagnosed or
those seeking current information
on MS, symptoms and treatments.
Get answers to your questions on
specific issues and concerns.
MS Mountain Getaway
For details, Enjoy a week away from the
see page 31 ordinary in the beautiful San
Bernardino Mountains. Arts &
crafts, adaptive exercise, a day of
pampering, educational seminars,
and much more.
May 17
May 20
The Chapter offers a referral service and
financial assistance programs for your
needs and those of your care partner.
Iva Shaljian Home Assistance Support:
8 consecutive days, 4 hours/day after a hospital stay
or exacerbation. Must use licensed home care
Durable Medical Equipment: Share of cost
for durable medical equipment (wheelchairs, hand
rails, etc.) if not covered by insurance. Limit: up
to $400 per year.
Sherak Emergency Fund: Funding for
unexpected one-time situations (food, rent,
MS: The Genetic Connection utilities). Limit: up to $300 per year.
Ridgecrest, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Learn about current research
Physical/Occupational Therapy: In-home
related to MS therapies, genetics
evaluation and five to six follow-up visits for a
& immunology; myelin/nerve
person who can not leave home and whose
repair; and gender & racial
insurance will not cover this service.
differences through a video
featuring notable MS researchers. Grisanti Respite Fund: Provided through a
licensed home care agency for the family member
Understanding MS
who is a full-time care partner and needs time off.
Simi Valley, 10:00 am - noon
Share-of-cost basis. Up to 6 days/year, up to 12
Dr. David Brandes will present
current information on MS, its
symptoms and treatment. Pam
Supporting the Family: A fund to take care of
Hirshberg will discuss issues
special out-of-the-ordinary family needs (i.e.
surrounding employment and MS. school pictures, sports uniforms, etc.). Limit: up
to $300 per year.
Checks are made out and sent directly to the
vendor. For more information about any of these
financial assistance programs, please call Pam
Hirshberg at 1.800.FIGHT.MS.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Do you find it difficult to focus on a task without getting distracted?
Do you have difficulty finding words or finishing your sentences?
Do you often have a hard time keeping track of activities or appointments?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this program is for you...
A speech-language pathologist will help you realize your optimal
thinking skills utilizing techniques that have everyday
applications. Learn to:
Facilitate focus and concentration
Improve memory using new strategies
Improve organization, problem solving and critical
thinking skills
CogniFit is sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant
from Biogen Idec.
Sign up now for a CogniFit program near
you. Space is limited. Pre-registration
Mail this form to: National MS Society,
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 115
Los Angeles, CA 90064
or Fax: 310.479.4436
Phone: (
7-week session
7 Tuesdays, April 11 – May 23
10:00 am – noon
Rancho Los Amigos in Downey
Cost: $25.00 per person
Featuring: Licia Coceani Paskay, MA, CCC
Please contact Julia Hakim at 310.479.4456
for more info or to register by phone.
U Downey
U Bakersfield
Total Enclosed $______
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U Visa U MasterCard U AmEx
Card #
Name on Card
Exp. Date
Half-day program
Saturday, March 11, 2006
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Kern County Department of Public Health
1800 Mt.Vernon Ave., Bakersfield
Cost: $10.00 per person (includes lunch)
Featuring: Britta J. Schramm, MA, CCC
Please contact Kim Kotrla at 661.321.9512
for more info or to register by phone.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
An at-home teleconference program
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @ 11:00 am - noon
With Medicare’s new coverage for prescription drugs, you have a
choice of plans. Drug plans may vary in what prescription drugs are
covered, how much you have to pay, and which pharmacies you can
use. Get answers to your questions and clear up some of the
confusion about this new benefit.
What Will I Learn?
~ How the new Medicare drug plan works and the coverage available
~ How to choose the right plan for you
~ The financial implications of Part D Prescription Drug Coverage and
how the system affects MediCal and Medi/Medi recipients
~ How to work through the appeal process should your medications
not be offered
Featured Presenter:
Aileen Harper, MHA is Executive Director of the
Center for Health Care Rights.The Center is a
nonprofit advocacy organization that provides free
education and assistance with Medicare and health
insurance issues to Medicare beneficiaries and their
families in Los Angeles County. The Center also works
with other health advocates at the state and national
level to provide a consumer voice for Medicare
recipients. Ms. Harper has been working with the
Center for 27 years and has a master’s in health
administration from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
Mail this form to: National MS Society,
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 115
Los Angeles, CA 90064
or Fax: 310.479.4436
One week prior to the teleconference you will receive the
toll-free dial-in phone number, agenda and program
materials by e-mail or mail.
For questions or to register by
phone, call Pam Hirshberg at
310.479.4456 or 1.800.344.4867.
Phone (
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Many people with MS will experience difficulty with walking (more
formally called gait) at some point in the course of the disease.
Damage to nerve pathways may cause weakness, poor balance,
numbness or spasticity. Dr. James Glinn, physical therapist and
president of San Luis Sports Therapy notes, “This makes
individual evaluation and a tailored gait training
program critical to allow for as much independence as
Clinical Exercise Physiologist Taylor Kevin Isaacs explains that an
individual gait training program must have a three-prong approach
1. Gait Mechanics
In order to correct improper gait mechanics, a trainer must
address the factors that inhibit walking ability. This includes helping to correct bad habits, to
overcome the fear of falling, and to develop confidence. It is imperative for the client to learn the
task correctly in the first place. "Perfect practice makes perfect permanent."
2. Posture
To address posture problems, a trainer can design an exercise program with specific exercises
prescribed to stretch muscles that have adapted to a shortened position and to strengthen muscles
that have adapted to a lengthened position. Of even more importance, the trainer can routinely
prescribe corrective exercises to prevent postural deviations from occurring in the first place.
3. Balance
The focus of balance training is to realign the client's center of gravity. Just like any other
component of fitness, balance must be challenged in order to improve. Ways to challenge balance
may include performing a balance activity with eyes closed, on an unstable surface, or with an
upward posterior head tilt.
If you are interested in improving your gait, the Chapter has several resources to help. Check out the
small group training sessions and new 12-week personal training series on the next page. Or
contact Miranda Mirsec at 1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867) or for
referrals to physical therapists and personal trainers in your area who can work with you
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Let’s Get
San Luis Obispo
Gait Training Program: 10-week session is specifically
designed to identify ineffective walking patterns caused by
MS and provide techniques and exercises to remold and
retrain gait patterns. Session includes gait retraining and
pre and post walking assessments.
Flexibility & strength series
Camarillo Health Care District, 3639 Las Posas Rd. San Luis Sports Therapy & Athlon Health and
Fitness, 805 Aerovista, Ste. 104
Call 1.800.FIGHT.MS for dates and time.
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y6:00 - 7:30 pm
Cost: $80/10 weeks
Special series on lower body strength
Bally Total Fitness, 9385 Monte Vista
12-week personal training series focuses
Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Ynoon - 1:00 pm
on improving functional levels of fitness.
Trainers will create a customized fitness
Rancho Cucamonga
program for each participant in a semiSpecial series on core strength & flexibility. Done seated. private group setting.
Strong seated balance and transfer skills needed.
Cost for 12 weeks: $60.00
Bally Total Fitness, 10848 Foothill Blvd.
Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y10:45 - 11:45 am
Bakersfield, Los Angeles, Palmdale and
Small group training sessions focus on
improving physical mobility and function.
Cost for 10 weeks: $30.00 (unless noted)
Santa Barbara
Wellness Resource Center, 14 W. Valerio St.
Flexibility & Strength Series
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y 8:30 - 9:30 am
- or - Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y8:30 - 9:30 am
Santa Barbara
Launches in April, meets twice a week.
Please call Miranda Mirsec at 310.479.4456 or
1.800.FIGHT.MS to request an application or for
more information.
Personal Training Coaching Service
Mat Conditioning Series
Free one-time session will provide you with
Mondays, Apr. 3 - Jun. 5 Y 8:30 - 9:30 am
a personalized strength & conditioning
- or - Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Y9:00 - 10:00 am
program. Includes an evaluation and
On Your Own Conditioning: Supervised open gym sessions assessment by a physical therapist.
to encourage overall strength & flexibility.
Santa Barbara
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y 9:30 - 10:30 am
- or - Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y9:30 - 10:30 am Wellness Resource Center, 14 W. Valerio St.
Wednesdays, starting April 6th -- by appointment
only. Please call Audra Henson at 805.682.8783
to schedule an appointment.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Classes suitable for all
mobility and ability levels.
All classes are ten weeks, unless noted.
Let’s Get
Classes emphasize breathing techniques, stretching and
relaxation. Improve your balance, endurance, posture,
flexibility, mobility and quality of life. Please bring a mat or
beach towel. Cost for 10 weeks: $30.00
Adaptive Aquatic Ctr., 1800 Westwind Dr., Bldg. 500
Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y10:00 - 11:00 am
Long Beach
Alpert JCC, 3801 E. Willow St.
Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y10:30 am - noon
Marina Del Rey
Angel City Body Kinetics, 4143 Glencoe Ave.
Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y6:30 - 8:00 pm
Yoga Yoga Studio, 24421 Walnut St.
Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Y noon - 1:00 pm
Palm Desert
Pacific Pilates & Yoga, 72624 El Paseo
Fridays, Apr. 7 - Jun. 9 Y10:30 - 11:30 am
Rancho Wellness Center
6137 Rancho Vista Blvd., Suite D
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y11:45 am - 1:00 pm
Santa Barbara
Wellness Resource Center, 14 W. Valerio St.
Special Series: Drawing Strength from Breath
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Standing Postures for Strength & Balance
Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Seated Postures for Flexibility & Mobility
Fridays, Apr. 7 - Jun. 9 Y11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Restorative Postures for Endurance & Stamina
Saturdays, Apr. 8 - Jun. 10 Y11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Simi Valley
Royal Medical Building, 2045 Royal Ave., #107
Special Yoga Mat Series
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y 10:00 - 11:00 am
Postures for Torso Strength & Balance
Fridays, Apr. 7 - Jun. 9 Y10:00 - 11:00 am
Walnut Senior Center, 21215 La Puente Rd.
Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Y noon - 1:00 pm
Insight Yoga, 95 Marengo
Fridays, Apr. 7 - Jun. 9 Y 9:30 - 10:45 am
Westlake Village
Westlake Yoga Studio, 2277 Townsgate Rd., #208
Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Y 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Santa Monica
Santa Monica Yoga, 1640 Ocean Park Blvd.
Mondays, Apr. 3 - Jun. 5 Y11:00 am - noon
Community Center, 7630 S. Washington Ave.
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Ynoon - 1:15 pm
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Let’s Get
of registration
will not be sent.
Improve balance, flexibility and strength.
Movements in Pilates reformer classes are done
on specialized pieces of equipment and require
strong seated balance and transfer skills.
Cost for 10-week series: $45.00
Lake Arrowhead Village - Pilates Reformer
Lake Arrowhead Pilates Ctr., 28200 Hwy 189, Bldg. S-120
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Ynoon - 1:00 pm
Pasadena - Pilates Mat
ATP Specific Training, 1942 Huntington Dr.
Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Ynoon - 1:00 pm
Redondo Beach - Pilates Mat & Reformer*
Beach Cities Pilates Center, 514 N. Prospect, 1st Floor
Saturdays, Apr. 8 - Jun. 10 Y11:00 am - noon
*5 weeks of mat work & then 5 weeks of Reformer work
A refreshing series of gentle movements designed to
help give you the boost you need to get through the day
feeling energized, alert and at peace. All done in the
comfort of your own home.
Carolyn Garfinkel, a Guild Certified Feldenkrais
Practitioner and Sounder Sleep Practitioner will teach
simple self-help techniques called Mini-moves. Carolyn
will teach the tips through a series of toll-free
conference calls this spring - perfect for those wanting
to begin the day fresh.
For additional information, please contact Miranda
Mirsec at 1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867).
Turn the page for
Aquatics, Dance and Feldenkrais Classes.
Mail this form to: National MS Society,
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 115
LA, CA 90064 or Fax: 310.479.4436
For more details call 1.800.FIGHT.MS.
Phone (
U Yoga U Pilates U Training
U Feldenkrais U Dance U Aqua
U Yoga U Pilates U Training
U Feldenkrais U Dance U Aqua
Total Enclosed $_____
U Check or Charge my:
U Visa U MasterCard U AmEx
Card #
Exp. Date
Name on Card
I have read the waiver on the reverse
and understand its significance.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Let’s Get
Waiver of Responsibility: In signing
this release, I understand its intent, and I
for myself, my heirs, executors,
administrators and representatives do
hereby agree and will absolve the
National MS Society, Southern
California Chapter (NMSS-SCC) and
any other parties connected with this
program in any way together with their
respective successors and assigns singly
and collectively, from and against any
blame and liability for any injury, harm,
loss, inconvenience or any other damage
of any kind whatsoever which may arise
out of the negligence or carelessness on
the part of any person named in this
waiver. I hereby consent to and permit
emergency treatment in the event of
injury or illness while participating in the
event. I also hereby give permission to
the NMSS-SCC to use my name or
image by way of photograph, video or
audio format taken of me during the
event in any promotional materials,
publications or any other electronic
media. The NMSS reserves the right to
refuse or dismiss anyone that may cause
any disturbance or hindrance in any
manner which could jeopardize the
safety of oneself or others. I certify that
I read and understand the significance of
this waiver.
Water’s buoyancy provides support that helps
strengthen muscles using a full range of motion.
The cool water improves nerve conduction &
function. Pool lift available. Cost: $30.00
Long Beach - Liquid Pilates
Mix aquatics & Pilates to increase strength, flexibility & mobility.
Tuesdays, Apr. 4 - Jun. 6 Y11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Alpert Jewish Community Center, 3801 E. Willow Ave.
Mondays, Apr. 3 - Jun. 5 Ynoon - 1:00 pm
Bally Total Fitness, 9385 Monte Vista Ave.
Special series to build & improve walking skills
Thursdays, Apr. 6 - Jun. 8 Y11:00 am - noon
7001 Indiana Ave.
Use music and rhythmical movements to
improve core strength, balance & overall
well-being. Class can be done seated.
Cost: $30.00 (Call 310.479.4456 before registering.)
Sherman Oaks
Fridays, Apr. 7 - Jun. 9 Y12:30 - 1:30 pm
13364 Contour Drive
Gentle, non-strenuous movements help improve
flexibility & stability and manage stress & pain.
Please bring a thick mat and beach towel to
class. Cost: $30.00
Studio City
Wednesdays, Apr. 5 - Jun. 7 Y 11:00 am - noon
Studio City Library, 12511 Moorpark St.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Mary B.'s life was out of balance. She had recently been diagnosed with MS, and was feeling very
upset and sensitive about the difficulties she was experiencing with her legs and hands. She
explains, “At that time I felt like I was a different person, not my normal self." Mary was struggling
to figure out what she could do to regain that feeling of
inner strength.
Mary told her son Sam, "Call somebody. Call some place
that helps people with MS." Sam reached out to the staff
at the Southern California Chapter who recommended
that Mary explore the wellness programs offered at the
Marilyn Hilton MS Achievement Center at UCLA.
Mary enrolled in the MS Day Program at the Center in
June 2004 and the wellness sessions are helping her to
Mary B. and her son Sam
restore a sense of balance in her life. She is particularly
at the MS Walk
enthusiastic about learning to manage her symptoms with
exercise. Mary pays close attention during her time in the gym. At the end of each program day
she writes down her exercises in her native Farsi
language, and then continues her customized
program at home during the rest of the week. Mary
also participates in the brand-new weekly adapted
aquatics program at the Center’s on-site indoor pool.
Mary realized, "Nobody else can do it for me, I have
to try to do it for myself." She recently came up to
Stephanie Fisher, Executive Director of the
Achievement Center, and thrust out her arm, flexing
her bicep. "Feel it!" she exclaimed. "See, I am strong
now, like an athlete."
Judy W. and Mary B. at the Center’s
new aquatics program
Not only is Mary more physically fit, but she's found
strength and balance in her emotional well-being.
She tells others, "Mentally, it has changed me to come here. Other people have the same problems,
and I feel good when I talk a bit about myself because they understand."
"I am very happy that I came to the Achievement Center. Every minute I am here I feel better."
If you would like to learn more about how the programs of the
Marilyn Hilton MS Achievement Center at UCLA can help you restore balance
and achieve a greater level of wellness, please call 310.267.4071.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Are you looking for a way
to refuel your motivation
to live healthier?
Ready to pump up your
mind and body?
If you answered yes to either of these
questions, then we have just the
program for you...
Living Well is a unique program
designed to help those recently diagnosed with MS to better
understand the disease and lifestyle strategies that can help diminish
its effects. In just 12 weeks you will gain the tools and knowledge
you need to build your own personal plan for living with MS. A team
of highly experienced medical, fitness, nutrition and behavioral health
specialists in MS will help you:
Develop a comprehensive personal fitness and nutrition plan
Understand and better manage MS symptoms
Develop emotional and spiritual health practices to use across your
Increase your ability to cope with the diagnosis and unpredictability
of MS
Meet others with MS in a setting of shared support
Enroll now! Living Well sessions are
offered quarterly at The Marilyn
Hilton MS Achievement Center at
UCLA and at the Casa Colina
Centers for Rehabilitation in Pomona.
Call Call Miranda Mirsec today at
310.479.4456 or 1.800.FIGHT.MS to
learn more or to request an application.
Real Changes
in Just 12 Weeks?
Past participants explain
why they feel the
program works:
“The completeness -- it
covers all aspects of life
with MS.”
“What I like best about
the program was the
ability to speak openly
and frankly with others in
a similar situation. It was
good to have that one day
each week when my MS
could be out in the open.”
“The environment was
very supportive and I felt
like I was part of a
community that was there
to help me succeed at
whatever point I was at.”
“There was a tremendous
amount of really valuable
information presented,
and even if I’m not yet
implementing it, I know I
will return to it, bit-by-bit,
over time.”
“This program helped me
in so many ways, it was
the whole experience. I
could never thank you
enough for allowing me to
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
To Your
...Achieving Balance continued from front cover
Learning to achieve balance within your life is not difficult, but does require regular attention. It's
important to identify the things that drain you unduly and to reassess your choices or change the way
you do them. It's equally important to adopt practices that refuel, reenergize and restore, tipping the
scales back in your balance.
Mira Kirshenbaum, author of The Emotional Energy Factor, ©2003 offers some strategies to overcome
common energy drainers:
Worry never comes up with good ideas. It
torments and exhausts us.
Action is the cure for worry. Do one thing
that brings you a step closer to coping.
Unmade decisions and postponed projects
drain you.
Forget the perfect decision - just trust
yourself and make a choice. Put projects in an
appointment book. If you can't find any good
time, that's a signal you don't want to do it.
So don't.
You're always saying yes - to your boss,
mother, kids, friends; to requests, favors,
Tell someone else ‘no’ every once in a while,
just to feel your own power. You'll gain a
whole new sense of your ability to take care of
Duties and responsibilities fill your days.
Satisfying experiences, large and small, are the
real nourishment you crave. Plan a big treat to
look forward to - and a little one every day.
We often don't feel envy directly - but we
might find someone else's good fortune
Comparison is a loser's game. Look at what
you have, and actively feel grateful.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
by Denise Nowack, RD
For years, the labels found on the side of food
packages have given people information they need
to make important health choices about the foods they eat. With the start of the New Year we'll see
a new addition on the panel - information on trans fats.
The Skinny on Fat
Our body has many needs that we can only get from our diet, and fat is one of them. Some fats are
"essential" - our body cannot make them, and they are important in many ways:
They promote growth and healthy skin.
They help your body make hormone-like substances.
They are an important source of energy and help in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E & K.
They help regulate blood pressure and the immune system.
They are important components of myelin and the central nervous system.
But there are unhealthy fats, including saturated fats and trans fats, that can compromise your long-term
health and put you at risk for other diseases like heart disease.
What are Trans Fats?
While a small amount of trans fats are found naturally in food, most trans fats are man-made.
They're formed through a process called hydrogenation where liquid oil, like corn oil, is made into a
more solid form, like margarine or shortening. Hydrogenation helps foods last longer on the shelf
and can enhance the flavor of foods. We can find trans fats in shortening, margarine, baked
goods - like cookies, crackers, and snack foods, or in foods fried with partially hydrogenated oils.
Understanding the Food Label
Information about unhealthy saturated fats has been on food labels since 1993. Until now, the only
way to tell if a food contained trans-fats was to check the ingredients list for the words
"hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated."
With the addition of trans fats on the food panel, you not only have information about the total fat
found in a product, but the total amount of saturated fat and trans fat. Here's how it works.
continued on page 17...
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
...continued from page 16
Add the grams (g) of saturated fat and trans fat on a food label and choose the lowest in the
combined amount.
For example, compare the difference between butter and margarine:
Nutrition Label, Butter
Nutrition Label, Stick Margarine
Nutrition Facts
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 Tbsp (14g)
Servings Per Container 32
Serving Size 1 Tbsp (14g)
Servings Per Container 32
Amount Per Serving
Amount Per Serving
Calories 100 Calories from Fat 100
Calories 100 Calories from Fat 100
% Daily Value
% Daily Value
Total Fat 11 g
Saturated Fat 7g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 30 mg
Total Fat 11 g
Saturated Fat 2g
Trans Fat 3 g
Cholesterol 30 mg
Saturated Fat:
+ Trans Fat:
Saturated Fat:
+ Trans Fat:
Combined Amount:
Combined Amount:
You can find more information on trans fats and the food label by visiting the website of the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration at
For more information about the role of dietary fats in MS, don't miss...
Diet & MS: The Nutrition Connection
Take Control of Your Mind & Body
Thursday, April 20
12:30 - 2:00 pm in Santa Barbara
or 6:00 - 7:30 pm in Grover Beach
Saturday, May 6
10:30 am - noon in Palm Desert
Saturday, April 22
1:00 - 3:00 pm in Thousand Oaks
At each of these programs, Denise Nowack, RD, will share how diet can play an important in
managing MS. She'll also share strategies you can integrate into everyday eating. Learn about
energy conservation, meal preparation, and making healthy choices. The program will also be
available on CD and may be borrowed from our lending library.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Some individuals with MS may experience dizziness or loss of balance on a daily basis, leading to
trips and falls. People who have a history of falls over time develop a fear of falling which causes
them to reduce their activity level. This in turn can make them more likely to fall.
These falls may be due to many different factors, some of which are preventable. You can increase
your safety and help to secure your health with a plan to reduce your risk of tumbling.
General Tips to Help Prevent Falls
Get involved in regular exercise. Exercise helps to make you stronger and can improve your
balance putting you at decreased risk.
Have your vision checked at least once per year. Poor vision is commonly associated with falls.
Increase the lighting in your home. Many falls occur due to poor lighting. Use a night light in
your bathroom and along the path to your bathroom so that if you need to get up in the
middle of the night when it is dark you can see where you are going.
Indoor Home Safety Tips
Apply non-skid appliqués or rubber mats on tub and shower floors.
Install grab bars on bathroom walls beside tubs, showers and toilets. Consider a
shower chair with a back and non-skid leg tips in the shower.
Keep commonly used items within easy reach.
Avoid using floor polish or wax to reduce slick surfaces on floors.
Keep a telephone and light within easy reach of the bed.
When getting out of bed, rise slowly from bed to sitting position. Dangle legs
for a few minutes prior to standing and walking.
continued on page 19...
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
...continued from page 18
All Areas:
Contrast in paint, furniture and carpet colors is helpful.
Ensure that stairways have sturdy handrails.
Keep rooms, halls, stairways, and pathways well lit and free of clutter
and obstacles. Keep walk areas clear.
Apply slip strips on the edges of steps to reduce slick stair surfaces.
Consider placing fluorescent tape on edges of top and bottom steps.
Remove throw rugs or tack rugs down securely with double-sided
adhesive tape.
Place electrical cords and telephone wires away from walking paths.
Wear supportive, low-heeled shoes, even at home. Avoid walking around in socks, stockings
or floppy, backless slippers.
Post emergency numbers at every telephone. Carry a portable phone.
Outdoor Home Safety Tips
Use a walker or cane outdoors for added stability especially on uneven surfaces.
Use a shoulder bag, fanny pack or backpack to leave hands free.
Make sure walkways are level, free of cracks, loose gravel, holes and are
constructed with slip resistant materials.
Stop at curbs and check height before stepping up or down. Be cautious of the
inclines at curbs that have been cut away to allow access for wheelchairs or walkers.
Identify community services that can provide assistance, such as 24 hour pharmacies or
grocery stores that take orders over the phone and deliver, especially in poor weather.
Other Steps You Can Take to Reduce Your Risk of a Fall
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of the medications you are taking.
If you live alone, you may wish to contract with a monitoring company that will respond to
your call 24 hours a day.
Watch yourself in a mirror. Does your body lean or sway back and forth or side to side?
People with decreased ability to balance often have a high degree of body sway and are more
likely to fall.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Peace of Mind
Connecting with others who have MS can be a
challenge. This is particularly true when you are
not feeling well, or if you live in a smaller town
which seems somewhat isolated from the MS
community. It is so important to understand that
you are not alone in the fight against MS. An
excellent tool for increasing this understanding is
to hear from and share with others who are in a
similar situation. Don’t get caught up in a
negative cycle of thinking that you are all alone there are people out there who can help!
The National MS Society has a variety of program options that can help you get “plugged in”
with others in the community. The value of participating in a group or a one-to-one
relationship with someone else who truly “gets it” is priceless. Whether you are looking for
something in-person or via telephone, we can discuss your special situation with you to
determine how best to meet your social and emotional support needs. Help is only a call away
– call 1.800.FIGHT.MS to find out about these excellent options.
We offer a variety of 8-week programs, tailored to meet your specific needs and issues. These
provide an opportunity to listen, learn and share with others like yourself. Led by licensed
professionals who know and understand MS, sessions will
Past group participants tell others:
feature experts who will discuss topics relevant to the focus
of the group. Groups are available to meet either face-toface or via telephone. Choose from a variety of topics
“The facilitator was excellent. I wish
such as:
the group could have lasted longer!”
“It is so nice to know that I’m not
alone in this.”
“The group was great. I feel like I
really connected with some of these
people. I hope to continue talking
with them.”
Taking the Next Steps for Newly Diagnosed – For
individuals diagnosed in the last 2 years, this positively
focused group allows the opportunity to share information
and concerns with others who are newly diagnosed. Speakers
will include a nurse or neurologist to answer your medical
questions. Topics include: employment, communication with
others, stress, exercise, fatigue and other symptoms,
alternative therapies, energy management, and much more.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Living with the Challenges of MS – For those
individuals diagnosed longer than 2 years who are
experiencing more symptoms and find themselves
facing barriers to remain independent. Learn how
to enhance your independence and coping skills
through discussion of important topics including
insurance, finances, community resources, social
connections, assistive equipment, symptom
management, and more. These groups meet by
phone for your convenience!
Peace of Mind
West LA Men’s Group!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
6:00 - 7:00 pm
National MS Society,West LA office
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 115
Los Angeles
Please join us for a meeting with our longstanding MS men’s group at our Chapter
Seeking a men's or women's only group? Call
for a group near you.
Looking to Explore Your Spiritual Self with
others? We have the program for you.
office. This is a great opportunity for men
with MS to meet others coping with the
disease in a casual setting. Please call Audra
Hindes at 1.800.FIGHT.MS for more info.
Are you a health care professional with MS who is
trying to find others? Let us know! Let us connect you to
a group that meets monthly via phone.
All information shared within groups is strictly
confidential. Call Audra Hindes at 1.800.FIGHT.MS
today to find out more about a group that may be the
right fit for you.
Peer Support Program - Speak regularly via
telephone with a trained volunteer who has MS, and
who can offer current information and support. Or if
you are interested in making new friends and chatting
with someone on a regular basis via email, connect
with someone via The Friendly Connection.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Peace of Mind
Do you ever wish you could meet people who can relate to MS and the many
challenges it brings? The Chapter offers more than 40 self-help groups, which are
located in the cities below. Call or e-mail the staff contact for your area to locate
the group that’s right for you and for meeting time, dates and locations.
Los Angeles County
Ventura County
Audra Hindes
Jeanette Chian
Greater Los Angeles
Central Los Angeles
Central LA (facilitated in Spanish)
Montebello (Latino group, conducted in English)
West LA (2 groups)
Simi Valley
San Fernando Valley
North Hills
Sherman Oaks (Wellness group)
Sherman Oaks (Moms of toddlers/infants)
Van Nuys
Woodland Hills
Thousand Oaks
Santa Barbara County
Audra Henson
Santa Maria
San Luis Obispo County
San Gabriel Valley
Arcadia (2 groups)
West Covina
South Bay/Beach Cities
Long Beach (2 groups)
Redondo Beach
Audra Henson
Arroyo Grande
Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo
New groups forming! We are trying to begin a new support group in Chino Hills. If you are
interested, please call Audra at 1.800.FIGHT.MS.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Peace of Mind
Call or e-mail the staff contact for your area to locate the group that’s right for you
and for meeting time, dates and locations.
Antelope & Santa Clarita Valleys
Kern County
Jon May
Kim Kotrla
Bakersfield (for Caregivers)
Frazier Park
Ridgecrest/High Desert
Riverside County
Jill Jones
Loma Linda
Moreno Valley
Coachella Valley
Suellen Evavold
Palm Springs
San Bernardino County/Inyo County
Jill Jones
Grand Terrace
Mountain Communities
Rancho Cucamonga
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
If you love to read and enjoy discussing books with other book lovers, join the
MS book club! Participate from the comfort of your own home. Group
members are asked to read the selection before the meetings that take place via conference call.
Please call Tiffany Jordan at 1.800.FIGHT.MS to sign up and receive the dial-in information.
You may also call Tiffany to request the club’s selection from the Chapter’s lending library. Paperback
copies or the book on CD are both available. We’ll even provide a return postage-paid envelope.
The next books we’ll read and meeting dates are:
Wednesday, March 15
noon or 7:00 pm (choose the time that works best for you!)
Reading Lolita In Tehran: A Memoir in Books, by Azar Nafisi
Nafisi, a former English professor at the University of Tehran, decided to hold secret, private classes
at her home after the rules at the university became too restrictive. She invited seven insightful,
talented women to participate in the class. At first they were tentative and reserved, but gradually they
bonded over discussions of Lolita, Pride and Prejudice, and A Thousand and One Nights. They
neither draw exact parallels between the texts and
their lives nor find them completely foreign.
Pinochle Club
© Booklist
Saturdays, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Wednesday, May 17
Wellness Resource Center
noon or 7:00 pm (choose the time that works best for you!) 14 W. Valerio St., Santa Barbara
All are welcome to join this
Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
Middlesex tells the breathtaking story of Calliope
weekly card game, including beginners.
Stephanides, and three generations of the GreekRSVP to Audra Henson at 805.682.8783.
American Stephanides family, who travel from a tiny
village overlooking Mount Olympus in Asia Minor
“Just Social”
to Prohibition-era Detroit, witnessing its glory days
Bring family and friends for an afternoon of
as the Motor City, and the race riots of 1967, before
fun. This group focuses on laughter, friendship,
they move out to the tree-lined streets of suburban
Grosse Pointe, Michigan. To understand why
fun and mentally-stimulating board games of all
Calliope is not like other girls, she has to uncover a
kinds. The group meets on the third Saturday
guilty family secret, and the astonishing genetic
of each month, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm at the
history that turns Callie into Cal, one of the most
Sherman Oaks Library. Please RSVP to group
audacious and wondrous narrators in contemporary
coordinator Linda Portigal at 818.222.7678 or
fiction. ©
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Enrichment Program in the Community
Mail this form to: National MS Society,
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 115
LA, CA 90064 or Fax: 310.479.4436
For more details call 1.800.FIGHT.MS.
Saturday, April 22
11:00 am
California Science Center , Exposition Park
700 State Drive, Los Angeles
Check out your favorite Super Heroes
and Villains! Over 30 awesome action
stations will teach you and your family
about the science and power of
Marvel Comic’s fantastic characters.
Phone (
U Super Hero Expo - April 22
Cost: $9.00/adult; $5.00/child ages 4 - 12
(Parking at Figueroa and Coliseum/39th Street is $6.00,
payable upon arrival.)
Pre-paid admission & registration required by April 14th!
Learn how the Invisible Woman
disappears; test the strength of
Spider-Man’s webs; and try to lift a
car, just like Iron Man.
FREE Dodgers Tickets! Our generous
Chapter Chair Dave Perren and his
equally thoughtful son Scott Perren
have again donated pairs of seats for
the 2006 Dodgers season.
Reserve FREE tickets for your
favorite game. In each pair, one seat is
for a person using a wheelchair or scooter
and one is for a companion who sits in a folding chair
(bring your own or request one from an usher).
#____ adults at $9.00
#____ kids at $5.00 (ages 4-12)
Total Enclosed $_____
U Check or Charge my:
U Visa U MasterCard U AmEx
Card #
Exp. Date
Name on Card
I read & understand the waiver on p. 12.
Please call Tiffany Jordan at 1.800.FIGHT.MS or
310.479.4456 to request your seats. Tickets are available
on a first call, first serve basis.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
World Wide
MS Learn Online
MS Learn Online programs feature experts speaking on pertinent topics for
approximately 10 minutes at a time. A different program debuts the 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month and can be accessed anytime at
A written transcript of every webcast is provided, after its premiere. Transcripts can be downloaded
and/or printed after registering for a given program.
This fall, the Society began debuting a new series of Webcasts on a variety of topics.
Series Six: Physical Fitness From Home
March 2
Exercise Options for People with Progressed MS
March 16
Exercise Options for People with Full Mobility
Topic Expert: Susan E. Bennett, PT, EdD, NCS, Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. Rehabilitation
Science, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. Neurology, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
“You CAN!”
You CAN!, brought to you with the help
of The Heuga Center, is a reminder that
despite the challenges MS may bring, you
have a whole life to live.
You CAN…Maintain Good Nutrition
is the newest article that suggests ways to
maintain health through good nutrition
and provides tips to help
manage fatigue.
"You CAN", can be
found in the "Living
with MS" section of
the National Web site
( We encourage
you to visit "You CAN" regularly. Topics
change every other month.
Series Seven: Starting with the Basics
April 6
The Facts on MS
April 20
The Clinical Courses in MS
Topic Expert: Dr. George P. Garmany, Jr., Boulder, CO
Series Eight: MS Research 2006
May 4
MS Research 2006: Part I
May 18
MS Research 2006: Part II
Topic Expert: John Richert, MD, Vice President,
Research and Clinical Programs, National MS Society,
New York, NY
Archived programs are also available for viewing any
time, day or night. Two important newly archived
programs include: C.A.L.M. Down and Manage
Your Stress (adapted from "CALM Down: How to
Manage Stress at Work," by Barbara Braham), as well as the
the 2-hour broadcast, Improving Medicare: New
Help to Afford the Medicines You Need. This
program explains Medicare Part D.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
In Your
Exploring the Boundaries of MS
Saturday, March 4, 2006
9:00 am - 2:00 pm (registration begins at 9:00 am)
Universal Hilton
555 Universal Hollywood Dr., Universal City
May 10, 2006
Sick and Tired
Prevalence of Sleep Disorders in MS
Featuring: David Brandes, MS, MD, Medical
Director, Northridge MS Center
Featuring Dr. Barrie Hurwitz, Associate Professor
of Neurology, Duke University Medical Center;
Patient Advocate Delbert Richardson; and Nurse
Advocates Robbie Dueval, RN and Martha
Villalpando, RN. Breakfast and lunch will be
served. Goodie bags, door prizes, vendor booths,
and more! To RSVP, call MS Pathways at
RSVP to Mary Grimm at Northridge Hospital
818.885.8500 x2782.
Northridge MS Center Monthly Patient
Education Series
10:00 - 11:30 am
Northridge Hospital Medical Center
18300 Roscoe Blvd., Education Auditorium
Basement Level, Northridge
Glendale YMCA, 735 E. Lexington Dr.
Gentle Yoga for MS - Tuesdays, 9:30 - 10:45 am
Free classes designed for people with MS of all
mobility levels. If you require assistance, please
bring a helper with you. Limited wheelchair
accessibility. Call 818.543.3893 for parking and
entrance details. Call Margie Rosenblum at
818.545.3770 for class info.
March 8, 2006
Forget About It!
Memory Problems in MS: Causes and What You
Can Do
Featuring: Jennifer Watson, PhD,
Neuropsychologist, Northridge MS Center
April 12, 2006
What? Me, Exercise?
Maintaining Functional Skills & Agility
in MS
Featuring: Lynn Parrish, RPT, MS Physical
Therapist, Ho Rehabilitation Center
Classes in the Community
The following facilities have programs suitable
for people with MS and have staff who are
knowledgeable about MS.
San Luis Obispo
San Luis Sports Therapy & Athlon Health &
Fitness Clubs, 805 Aerovista, Ste. 104
Two state-of-the-art facilities that offer an array
of physical therapy, post-rehabilitation, health and
wellness services. Special discounted membership
rates and enrollment fee waiver for individuals
living with MS. For details contact San Luis
Sports Therapy Center at 805.546.6070 or Athlon
Health in Paso Robles at 805.226.0975 or visit
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
“It's support from family and friends like this that makes a cure for MS
a reality for me.”
~ Terrie Mullich at the MS Walk in Lancaster, with her Terrie's Tigers "Cubs."
These "Cubs" raised over $800 in 2005.
“Don't be afraid to ask people to support our cause. I
had people coming out of the woodwork to join our
team and donate money! Remember that the worst thing that can happen is
that the person will say 'no.'”
~ Chris Tieman joined the MS Walk in Simi Valley after his diagnosis in 2003.
The first year, two friends rented a wheelchair and pushed him 6.2 miles.
This inspired Chris to train to walk as far as he was able the next year.
In 2004, he walked 1/2 mile and in 2005, 1 mile.
“We have the opportunity to make a difference in the fight against MS. I've found that the
MS Walk is a valuable way to get friends and family (some from as far away as Michigan)
together to do our part to ‘Strike Out MS.’” ~ Laura Gillard of Santa Barbara
“One step at a time will always get you to your destination.”
~ Doug Carroll, of San Luis Obispo, is the first person to ever
do the SLO Triathlon with a walker. He finished in 9 hours.
“We walk to have more people be
aware of MS, that lots of people have
this disease, and that the MS Society
is doing something about it.”
~ Betty McCarthy, of Bakersfield, participated in the MS Walk
for the first time in 2005. Betty is a teacher and her student
Crystal was the person who invited her to get involved with the
MS Walk. Sometimes it is the student who inspires the teacher.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
Saturday, March 25
San Luis Obispo
Sunday, March 26
Saturday, April 1
Simi Valley
Saturday, April 8
Bakersfield, Lancaster
Redlands, Santa Barbara
Sunday, April 9
Greater Los Angeles,
LA Coliseum/Expo Park
Saturday, April 22
Big Bear, Palm Desert,Temecula
Whether you walk, roll or stroll,
you will help raise much-needed
awareness about MS and the
National MS Society. Plus, the
money you raise supports both
worldwide research effort to
discover a cure for MS, as well as
local services like the programs
found in this newsletter.
Register today at
or call 1.800.FIGHT.MS
to get started.
Carolyn Roberts, PhD has been
instrumental in developing and delivering
spirituality and emotional health programs
for people with MS. One of the main
spiritual practices that she teaches is to set
an intention and then work for it. Carolyn
demonstrated this concept in her own life
when she entered the Pillsbury Bake-Off®
Carolyn Roberts
Carolyn loves to bake and obviously entered the contest in part
for fun, but her main intention was to become part of
something that could possibly raise awareness about the
National MS Society and the role spirituality can play in living
well with MS. Carolyn perfected her recipe for her
Blueberry-Banana-Granola French Toast and sent it in.
Judges recently chose her as a finalist from tens of thousands of
entries. The 100 finalists' recipes are now posted online at where visitors may vote for their favorite recipe.
The winner will be awarded $10,000.
(You can find Carolyn’s recipe at:
She has also won a trip to Orlando in March to participate in
the Bake-Off® Contest finals, with a grand prize of $1 million
and a set of new kitchen appliances The 100 finalists will
prepare their recipes in 100 GE mini kitchens set up especially
for the Bake-Off. Living with MS, Carolyn knew that the heat
of 100 ovens in one room may present a challenge for her. She
negotiated this obstacle by asking Pillsbury for reasonable
accommodations at the finals, specifically that her kitchen be
located near the perimeter of the hotel ballroom so that it will
be cooler for her to work.
If Carolyn wins, she plans to use the prize money to expand
spirituality programming for people with MS. We wish Carolyn
much luck, though she is already a winner in our eyes!
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
Do you have a legal issue or concern?
The Win-Win Approach
to Staying Employed
Contact the Chapter to arrange a free, onetime, 30-minute phone consultation with an
attorney. This is an ongoing program and
schedules will be coordinated between you and
the attorney. Attorneys specializing in the
following fields may
be available:
and Trusts, Private
Disability, Social
Security, and Family
Law. Call Pam
Hirshberg at
Are you currently working?
Is MS beginning to affect you on the job?
Do you have questions about
staying employed?
If you have asked yourself these questions and
think you need answers, join us on one of our
Group Employment Conference Calls. This is a
free, five-week, evening program where you will
hear experts answer your questions and you
will have the opportunity to talk with other
members of the phone group. Call Pam
Hirshberg at the National MS Society to
register for the next session at
1.800.FIGHT.MS or 310.479.4456.
Agent: BHT-3009-01
A phase II trial of immunotherapy with BHT3009 (a molecule that regulates immune
response) alone or combined with Lipitor®
(atorvastatin) in patients with MS will begin
soon at the University of Southern California,
Los Angeles. Researchers are recruiting
participants with relapsing-remitting or
secondary progressive MS. To learn more
about volunteering for this study, please call
the USC research line at 323.224.5333.
African American MS Genetics Study
If you are African
American and living
with MS, you can help
researchers at the
MS Genetics Group
at the University of
California at San Francisco find the genetic
causes of MS. For more information please
contact the UCSF Department of Neurology
at 1.866.MS.GENES or 1.866.674.3637 or visit
their new Web site at
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
May 15 - 20, 2006
Camp Paivika, Crestline
Relax in the shade, soak up the sun and enjoy the clean mountain air. The MS Mountain Getaway
offers 5 days of fun and relaxation in the San Bernardino
Mountains, where you will meet new friends and share good
times. Past participant Sally Chavez raves, “This is a vacation
not to be missed! Last year’s Getaway was an absolute blast!”
This year, join us for our cruise-themed getaway from port
to port, spending each day in another exotic location. All
activities will be based on the day's port of call, and your
Cruise Director will have plenty for you to participate in,
including arts & crafts, adaptive exercise, a day of pampering with massages and foot soaks,
educational seminars, a sing-along, the talent show and the
ever popular raffle. Do as much or as little as you like. See
old friends, meet new ones and have the time of your life.
The campgrounds and all accommodations are completely
accessible and planned with you in mind. Each of the four
dormitory-style, heated cabins sleep twelve people, with a
common bathroom and a sitting room with a fireplace. The
grounds also include a beautiful lodge, large amphitheater,
swimming pool, volleyball court and hiking trails. Many campers have commented that Paivika offers
the most spectacular views anywhere.
Cost: Camper $225; Caregiver/spouse $175
This price includes all lodging, meals and activities. Our priority is to provide recreational
opportunities to all members of the MS community. If you are unable to fully afford this program,
please ask about share of cost support or a payment plan.
Medical Release: Each Camper and Caregiver must be in good general health and must submit a
Medical Release Form signed by their physician prior to attending camp. The elevation of Camp
Paivika is 5,365 ft, and the altitude can cause difficulties for individuals with high blood pressure,
seizures, asthma or other respiratory or heart conditions.
Personal Assistance: Campers who need assistance in areas such as feeding, bathroom use,
transferring, dressing or personal hygiene must bring their own caregiver. There is no staff to assist
with individual, personal care.
1.800.FIGHT.MS (1.800.344.4867)
In celebration of the National MS Society’s 60th anniversary, MS Awareness Week will kick-off on
March 13 - 17, 2006, and become an annual event when people across the country will unite to raise
MS awareness and show their support in the fight against MS.
Show Your Support
On the National MS Day of Hope, Tuesday, March 14, show MS "aWEARness" by displaying
the MS Band of Hope and other MS identifiers, and pass them on to others. To order a pack of
wristbands, please call 1.800.FIGHT.MS or visit
The Society is hosting a week of web casts with six great minds in MS research. Log on to to learn about cutting-edge research and what's next on the horizon.
MS is as unique as each individual it impacts. Tell your story, listen to others, and be a part of
The Face of MS, an online, interactive and collaborative art project. Beginning March 13, you
may submit your story online at and together, we will build our understanding of
MS and the collective spirit of those affected by it. The face will continue to evolve as more
people contribute their stories through video, photos and/or written testimonials, creating a new,
more complex picture of MS each time a user visits.
Salt Lake
City, UT
Salt Lake
Permit #6699
12,500 people are living with MS
in our 8-county Chapter area.
This is why we’re here.