What`s Up Phlock - Arizona Parrot Heads


What`s Up Phlock - Arizona Parrot Heads
What's Up Phlock
The Arizona Parrot Head Club Newsletter
Volume 16, Number 2
April-May-June, 2010
Barb Young
Registration is now open for Parrot Grande, Labor Day weekend Sept. 3-5, 2010!
Location: the newly-remodeled Wig Wam Golf Resort and Spa in scenic Litchfield Park, AZ.
This year our theme is “Blazing Sandals” which was morphed from the Mel Brooks movie “Blazing
Saddles.” Hopefully, you’ve all seen the movie “Blazing Saddles”. If you haven’t, seen the movie,
check out upcoming events for our dive-in movie night. This should help you prepare your costume
for Saturday night’s after-dinner party. We will have wonderful items at the Silent Auction and
great raffle prizes, too, so bring lots o’ cash and/or your credit cards. This year’s charity is Ryan
House, check them out at their website: www.Ryanhouse.org.
Our music line-up is nothing short of brilliant! Desert Island Band, Ray Cody, Mark Mulligan, Bob
Karwin and Hannah’s Reef
Saturday: 18 hole golf tournament and a Widows (Widowers) breakfast for those not golfing. The
Desert Sharks Tucson Parrot Head Club will host Games by the Pool. Crash and Burn promise all
kinds of Mini Mart surprises, so prepare to shop!
We need volunteers! If you’d like to volunteer, please go to www.parrotheads.org and click on
“Parrot Grande.” Scroll down to the bottom of the Registration page and look for the “Want to
Volunteer” button.
Watch your emails in the coming weeks for updates on Parrot Grande 2010. You’ll be sorry if you
miss the fun!
Sign up soon before prices go up!
Golf Hole sponsorships are also available. A business can sponsor a hole for $50 and we will display
their logo. You can personally sponsor a golf hole for $25. Look at your photos and find that
'special' picture you would like to display! :_
In this issue:
President's report
pg. 2
New Members
Mehl/Rainwater House concert
pg. 3
Salsa Challenge
pg. 4&5
Financial report
THE events
Margarita Mix off
pg. 6
Parrots in the Pines
pg. 7
Phins 2010
pg. 8
pg. 8
pg. 9
pg. 10
pg. 10 & 11
pg. 11 & 12
President's Report
Kathy Pfister
I don’t know about you, but my calendar is chock full of AZPHC events and that’s not going to
change any time soon. We have so much coming up in the next few months and it’s been great
seeing some new and different faces along with the”regulars” in the group these past months.
Parrot Grande - Blazing Sandals is the biggest thing on the horizon. It’s going to rock. Rock, I
tell you! Kudos to Barb Young for finding us such a great place to play. The BOD and PG
Chairpersons did a site visit earlier this month and I heard lots of comments along the lines of
“Wow!”, “This is great!” and “They’re really letting us stay in this nice of a place?”. I concur with
every comment. The resort is gorgeous and they’re very excited about hosting us.
The registration price will be going up again soon so I suggest getting signed up ASAP. Also, if
you know of anyone into golf, we have Golf Only options for Parrot Grande. 18 holes on one of
their three pristine courses for $60 with net proceeds going to our charity, Ryan House. All
golfers are invited to spend the rest of the day with us by the pool and enjoy the great
Oh, and you don’t have to be a member of AZPHC to attend Parrot Grande so friends and family
and even acquaintances of yours are welcome!
Lots of musical activities are on the horizon. In addition to the PG lineup of Ray Cody, Bob
Karwin, Mark Mulligan, Sam Rainwater and Jerry Diaz and Hannah’s Reef (have you signed up
yet?), we have house concerts set with a few more in the works. Bob Karwin is coming in on 8/7
and Rob Mehl will be here on 8/21. Don’t forget about SOS Thursdays at Margaritaville where
Cody, Mehl, Gary Seiler and Scott Kirby are booked. Finally, our very own Rocket Man, Sam
Rainwater, is playing a gig on 8/14 at Bongo’s. Keep checking your emails as we find out about
more gigs on the books.
Actually, another great reason to keep checking your emails is that we’re adding happy hours,
club meetings, house parties and unofficial suggestions for fun at a rapid rate. I wish you could
make every event. Heck, I wish I could make every event for that matter. Life is busy but we’re
here to fill in your calendar when you have an opening. Come play with us!
Rob Mehl and Sam Rainwater House Concert
Steve (Steve-O) Chitwood
"The Sweet Sound of Music floating through
my trees" Again, just like the song.
It was late on a Monday night when I
received the call from Elizabeth and Sam
Rainwater. The house concert that was
planned for the following Saturday needed
to be moved to a new location due to a
medical emergency. It took me about 30
minutes to assess my situation and talk to
Rocky about whether we would be able to
host the concert on such short notice. The
more we thought about it the better it
sounded. What a treat to have Rob Mehl,
one of the hottest Trop Rock songwriters
with one of the Sweetest voices come to my
house to play along with Sam Rainwater in
his breakout, first, featured House concert
since the release of his new CD Vacation
Rob started the show playing a set that
included some of his songs like "Slow Down
Summer" and "Mark Twain" that quieted
the crowd and left me marveling at his
talent for songwriting combined with his
unbelievably great voice and his "IZ
Medley(Over the Rainbow/Wonderful
World" made more than a few folks eyes
well up before he was finished.
All in all the concert was a great time and I
think everyone that was able to make it
would agree that seeing these artists
perform in this kind of setting is a very
special treat. We had a lot of great food,
the weather was just about perfect and
after the show, Rob stayed and jammed
with some our local amateur Musicians. If
you have not had a chance to attend one of
these concerts, I would very highly
recommend that you treat yourself.
Pics of Rob the next day at a House concert
in Tucson (and with Sam, below)
Sam followed up with a set of songs from
his CD Vacation Location that included
"$80 Dollar Taxi Ride", It ain't cool to be a
Pirate Anymore" and probably my favorite
"Tiki Bar in My Back Yard". He even sat
down his ukulele for a while and showed us
that he is also a very good Guitar player.
Salsa Challenge 2010
Jan & Julie Lockwood
Hello Salsa Volunteers:
My Nana’s Salsa Challenge was a big success again the year because of all of the volunteers. We would
like to personally “THANK YOU” - all 43 volunteers so much for making the 2010 Salsa Challenge a fun
time and an opportunity to spend the day together to support the Hemophilia Association.
As many of you know, we won the “BEST BOOTH” this year and we could not have won this award
without you! We know the amount of work that is involved starting early in the morning to get ready for
the BIG crowd when the doors open at 11:00 to chopping 35 gallons (YES 35 GALLONS) throughout the
day to dismantling the tents and cleaning up the area.
This year we decided to kick it up a notch and make 5 more gallons. We are excited to share with you we
served all 35 gallons by 4:30. We know it is a very long day and it takes team work and a lot of hard
work to make 35 gallons of salsa. We greatly appreciate you participating this year! It is a great feeling
to know our efforts contribute to assisting families affecting by bleeding disorders all year long.
Lastly a BIG thank you to…………..
Rick, Mark, Vivian, Goat, Rose & Scott for helping with setting up the day before the event
Rick for helping early in the morning with the sound system, music, and getting the props from
Goat for helping early in the morning with getting props from storage and setting up
Rose & Scott for their leadership in assisting with chairing the event
Again we thank everyone who volunteered and with your continued support, we can be assured we will
have another GREAT time next year!
We look forward to chairing the event next year!!
Here we come 2011!!
A Salsa Challenge-Virgin's Perspective
by Tamyra Altoff
I was a Salsa Challenge Virgin
This year, I finally made it to the Nana’s Salsa
Challenge. I drove up from Tucson Saturday
morning. I parked at ASU, picked up Hannah and
we walked up to the Tempe Beach Park. The
number of people there surprised me. I had no
idea it would be so crowded.
After we got in the park, I asked where the
Parrot Heads were and was told, “Oh, they’re
right around the corner, you can’t miss them.”
She was right! The booth was decorated in the
Phinest Parrot Head style and Jimmy was rocking
the crowd. Since pholks had been there working
for several hours by the time Hannah and I
arrived, we didn’t have to start working right
away. We were able to get food and drinks and
look around at the competition. We heard Jack
Sparrow was there and went searching for him!
He was great…as were his wenches! I don’t
believe I’ve EVER seen so much cleavage in one
place at one time. Really great Pirate Wench
finery, too! Goat, in his phinest coconut bra and
grass skirt, was hard pressed to outshine these
Hannah and I went back to the booth to help
make a few batches of salsa. It was a lot of fun
and very little work to get each batch made.
Because of the great organization of Jan and
Julie Lockwood and Scott and Rose Busse, all we
had to do was open the bag and chop! Hannah
and I had fun, meeting lots of new pholks (to us,
anyway) and putting faces to a lots of names we
knew. Eventually all the salsa was made – 30
something gallons of it. Hannah played with
Rachel and the JSP babies. I helped serve up
salsa. I just loved talking to all those pholks who
came by our booth.
I also watched John and Barb sell the Club
Margarita. I was on my knees, in front of the
stage; with my mouth open waiting for
something…I wasn’t sure what, really. Then the
tequila bottle came out. Actually, I hit my
lifetime limit on tequila somewhere around
1985, but I took a shot (or two or three) for the
Club! It was quite exciting to listen to the
auctioneer, listen to the crowd and cheer for our
Margarita. In the end, it was all worth it as John
and Barb’s package got the highest bid of the
Soon it was time for the Awards Ceremony.
There was some great music, a really hot singer
and some white girl dancing. We won the award
for Best Booth.
Then it was time to get everything cleaned up
and packed away for the next event. It was a
phun, phun day and I plan to do it again!
Tamyra and Hannah
Barb Young
Every year during the Salsa Challenge, there is also a Margarita Mix Off – sponsored by Cazadores
Tequila. John and I represented the AZPHC with our Blueberry Blast Margarita. This year was a
little different thanks to the Liquor Board because the emcee, Chris Parker from The Peak radio,
was not allowed to pour tequila directly into people’s mouths from the stage, so the crowd was a
little subdued (i.e. sober)! However, we did manage to extract $2000 out of the highest bidder for
our Margarita, which was a record for the day. The cash goes to Arizona Hemophilia Association
and the high bidder received a nice prize package from us which included a weekend stay at the
Westin La Paloma in Tucson and 4 tickets with free parking to the D’Backs/Cubs game on July 7. In
the end, we finished third behind two teams of well-endowed bartenders who were allowed to let
bidders drink tequila from their cleavage. Maybe next year we’ll have to try something, ah,
different, too!
(Pictures courtesy of the Bauman/Pfister Professional Photography Studios)
John mixes as Barb and Goat Supervise
John, winner of our marg, Cazadores babe and
emcee Chris Parker
Barb entertains the crowd!
Parrots in the Pines
Instead of writing an article, I am listing comments from attendees:
Jaaan (Jan McGuffin)
I am sure the first comment from everyone would
be that we don't think we can wait a year to go
back. My favorite drink....Leslie’s Mia-mosas...two
favorite dishes...Tina's Bell Pepper Soup and Goats
pulled pork with sauerkraut. Loved both pot
lucks.....our Parrot Heads are all really good cooks.
Also loved the big bon (bond) fires...too much fun.
Can't wait to do it again. I think next year the DIB
has decided they will have the music by the fire at
night because everyone wants to be outside. Man,
next year you better make your reservations when
you get the first notice because this one is going to
fill up fast.
Betty (Young)
One highlight……the 8 a.m. alarm clock courtesy of
one very loud motorcycle, don’t even think of
sleeping in when we’re waiting for mimosa’s!
Crimedog (Mark McGuffin)
The bonfire jokefest Saturday night! It turned into
a "last groaner standing" contest and was a blast.
Yeah, what Sue and Vivian said: Just chillin'. No
place to go, nothing to do, and plenty of time to not
go there or do them.
Viv (McGuffin)
Poker in the courtyard was fun to watch
Diana (Pike)
Hands down; sitting around the camp fire until 2
am waiting for the damn eclipse that never
happened. And of course, Tom telling the “blackeye” joke, “ninja” and “crop dusting” techniques.
And all of his ideas for T-shirts….
But MOST of ALL, the best moment was Crime Dog
recounting “help me sniff this up,” I am still
laughing trying to type this e-mail
“Bofus” loved the weekend….
Sue Rohn
My favorites were the mia-mosas....and the
Blueberry Strata....yum-yum....thanks for sharing!
.......and the weather.....and the great friends.....and
the great food Saturday night........and just chillin'.....
Eating the malted milk ball off the girl cakes breast!
Oh and Jon using his motorcycle to wake
everybody up on Saturday for breakfast, and the
deer that came through and Crash falling over
backwards in her chair and "Peonny" sitting in my
lap because I was in her chair and "Not Bob" saying
"Penny, get off of him!"
Queen (Tammy Bauman)
Golf-rainbow group, Betty Young-that is our name?
Yep here come the rainbow girls!
Getting to wear jeans at night! And just chillin with
the best people around!
Sharon (Weber)
Yeah, the malted milk balls scene totally cracked
me up! I recall waking up to a bunch of people in
my cabin delivering a big bag of vanilla-vodkasoaked-orange slices singing happy birthday and
snapping pictures of me in my jammies! hahaha It
was all great, hanging out by the fire & listening to
the band, meeting some new phfriends & getting
some fresh air!
Sob and Bue (Bob & Sue Rohn)
Rainbow Girls" from the Rainbow Lake Lodge! We
love it.
PHINS 2010
Scott Holt
Well Phins 2010 was a great event and to top it
off it was my first with my wife Tracy.
We left with a group of friends from Phoenix on
Thursday from Margaritaville, about a 3 and half
hour drive to Laughlin, NV and the AVI Resort
and Casino. This year’s theme was “Under the
Big Top” In honor of Jimmy’s Current Tour.
We unloaded the vehicle with a fully loaded bar
to the room and headed down for registration.
We were inside the main room for the evening
visiting with old friends and new from all the
other clubs stretching from Chicago to LA.
On Friday, we helped set up the min-mart before
heading to the pool for the day where many
singers split 2 stages. Jim Hoehn, Rob Mehl, John
Reno, Bob Karwin, Matt Wahl and Sam
Rainwater. They played both alone and in pairs,
it was a great mix of music by the pool (with the
high wind). At 2pm the AZPHC BOD hosted its
hospitality suite for the club and also celebrated
Club President Kathy Pfister’s Birthday! For the
evening, we were back inside for the silent
auction and music by Tall Paul and Crawdaddy
with a big finish by Hanna’s Reef. The night was
still young and we all headed to Crimedog’s and
Vivian’s room for the after hour Party.
Sat came early - back out to the pool and minimarts, more music again by all the great singers
and the days events by the pool: the Margarita
Mafia Photo, Lime Diving and Flip Flop Contest
and T-Shirt on the Rocks Contest all were
awesome! The evening’s entertainment had
Keith Sykes followed by Stars on the Water. Both
were awesome! Then Saturday night my self and
my wife Tracy held the after hours party till
about 2am!
Sunday was get away day for most, but a few of
us stayed one extra day and enjoyed the pool
and the casino. As I have learned when
attending any Parrot Head event you never
know who you will meet or hang with and on
Sunday evening, we were able to sit for a few
hours thanks to Crimedog and Vivian and listen
to Keith Sykes up close and it was a great way to
finish up Phins.
This was my and Tracy’s first Phins, and we will
be going back again for sure! If you have never
been or have not been in a few years mark next
year on your calendar it will be another blast!
Scott, Tracy & Woody at M'ville
Steve Post
Cindy Fairbanks
Scott Warren
Brian Kloss
Kathleen Lemmert
Jessica Blazina
David King
Sandy O'Grady
Frank Mone
Robert Backhaus
Penny Backhaus
Mary Harrigan
Lisa King
Lynn Jackson
Tammy Bauman
Roger Brock
Joanie Pearson
Vicki Craig
Bonnie Kopp
Leeann Seaholm
Tracey Cook
Christy Schroeder
Shelley Smith
Robyn Moody
Scott Bennett
John Bagwell
Annette Burns
Brad Kirton
Rick Metivier
Matt Johns
Ann Seibert
Dana Mar
Ruth Urban
Janie Chappell
Paul Aguirre
Jon Edwards
Sandi Murray
Barb Korwin
Kari Jamison
Bill Evans
Sonja Schroder
Kathy Pfister
Jay Grant
Chris Seufert
Keith McClements
Michelle Hill
Danielle Klus
Arline Dollison 5/5
Katherine Gimbel 5/7
Leslie Byrum
Bill Sharp
Sue Csencitz
Chris Roth
Nadine Mar
Paul Kerwien
Michael Mack
Tanya Gerber
Horst Binzer
Roger Shive
Terry Blood
Robert Howard 5/12
Elizabeth Rainwater
Irene Hill
Charlie Sykes
Dave Parsons
Janet Dufresne
Scott Hughes
Annette Maynard
Bill Jackson
Pete Lewis
Scott Holt
Diane Henderson
Julie Lockwood 5/15
Amy Hawkins
Rebecca Klingel 5/16
Stephen Henderson
Jeanne Lykken 5/19
Jim Burns
Rosanne Raichl 5/19
Karen Resler-Lickwar 6/22
Peg Adams
Mike Secord
Jan McGuffin
Jay Kehoe
Eric Bizjak
Michael Bauman
Pat Adamson
Alan Baker
Dale Gerber
Carol Long
Steve Moody
Jesse Chitwood
Gary Winquist
Ken Worden
Brent Morris
Sean Kelly
Steven Schroder 5/25
Stay in Touch/Keep Your Info Updated!
Steve Byrum
Michael Williams 5/27
Betsy Seufert
Moving or changing email addresses?
Update your info at www.parrotheads.org - look for the
link in the box in the upper left hand corner and scroll
down to 'Update Your Info'.
Want more Buffett and Parrot Head Info, faster?
Sign up for updates from Buffettnews.com and join our Yahoo
Treasurer's Report
Jun 30,
Current Assets
M&I Bank/ checking
M&I Bank/ Savings
Total Checking/Savings
Accounts Receivable
Total Accounts
Total Current Assets
Opening Bal Equity
Unrestricted Net Assets
Net Income
Total Equity
July 31st Dive in Movie Night at the Bauman
Party Palace. Come watch Blazing Saddles to
inspire your costume for Parrot Grande! BYOB,
your bathing suit and a dish to share. If you
submitted a recipe for our cookbook, we suggest
you bring one of those dishes. You don't have to be
registered for Parrot Grande to attend. Party starts
at 5p, movie starts at 7pm. RSVP to the Goat &
Queen at baumanpartypalace@yahoo.com
1 Parrot Head Point
August 7 Bob Karwin House Concert at Jan
& Wayne McGuffins. $15 donation at the door
(all for the performer), BYOB, a dish to share
and your suit if you want to enjoy the pool.
Show starts at 5pm. RSVP to Mark McGuffin at
mamack@yahoo.com 1 Parrot Head point
August 21 Rob Mehl House Concert at the
Bauman Party Palace. Doors open at 5p, show
starts at 6p. BYOB, a dish to share, a swimsuit
if you like and a chair. $15 donation at the
door. You will see Rob at Margaritaville sing
cover songs, now come see him up close and
personal. Hear his stories and his own songs.
You don't want to miss it! RSVP to Mark
McGuffin at mamack@yahoo.com
1 Parrot Head point
August 2nd Last Man Standing Party Price
For those planning on hitting the party on
October 22nd (the night before Buffett plays in
Vegas), keep in mind that the current price of
$40 will go up to $50. Go to www.lvphc.net to
Meeting of the Minds
11/4 to 11/7 2010
19th Annual meeting in Key West, Florida
For more information, check out their website:
Invitation - Parrot Heads to the Pines
August 14
This is Ken and Chris Weber of the Desert Sharks
PHC in Tucson.
We are announcing that we will once again have a
Parrot Head to the Pines 5 @ Hon-Dah (Pinetop)
“INFINITY” Island Band will be performing
AUGUST 10-14th at the Hon-Dah Casino. This is a
great group that celebrates the music of Jimmy
Buffet (OUR HERO). They will play TUESDAYSATURDAY beginning at 8:00PM. There is NO
CHARGE for the show, dancing, etc.
They will also have a "SLOT TOURNAMENT" on
TUESDAY, you can sign up on-line or by calling
Hon-dah. They have been very generous in the
** We will have a Parrot Heads to the Pines HH on
SATURDAY August 14th starting at 5:00 until about
7:30ish. It will be BYOB & APPETIZER.*THEN onto
PLEASE RSVP 520/271-3977 Ken’s cell
Our address is 5971 Jackrabbit Trl. Pinetop AZ
We would love to see you in “PARADISE".
Un-official Club Events, but just as fun!
August 14th Sam Rainwater at Bongo's Bar &
Grill 4-7pm
Rob Mehl Gigs. Rob will be playing at the Hilton
Phoenix/Chandler 2929 W. Frye Rd on 7/28 and
8/8 from 5:30 until 9ish.
SOS Thursdays at Margaritaville
Drink & food specials, raffle prizes, great musicians
and all your friends!
We’re always adding new events so check
out www.parrotheads.org.
Pics from various events:
To see all the pictures from our events, go to www.parrotheads.org. In the box in the upper left hand corner, click on
Arizona Parrot Head Club
Contact Information
Board of Directors
Kathy Pfister
Vice President
Mark McGuffin
Barb Young
Tracy Kenison
Members At Large
Steve Davis
Woody Joyner
Cathy McDonough bellyflopper@parrotheads.org
Vivian McGuffin
Charlie Sykes
Other Contacts:
Social Committee Chair:
Betty Young
Membership Committee:
Tammy Bauman
Sonja Schroder
Cathy McDonough
Marisa Molinari
Contact all members membrshp@parrotheads.org
Charity Committee Chair:
Jan McGuffin
Newsletter Editor:
Tammy Bauman jelloshotqueen@parrotheads.org
Communications Chair:
Vicki Sykes
Arizona Parrot Head Club
PO Box 16093
Phoenix AZ 85011-6093
The Arizona Parrot Head Club is a
Non-Profit Corporation for people
interested in Jimmy Buffett’s music and
tropical spirit. The Club’s purpose is to
assist in community outreach programs
and to provide members with a means
of social interaction.

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