Term 2, Week 10, 2016 - Wollondilly Public School


Term 2, Week 10, 2016 - Wollondilly Public School
3/4M warming up for their Cotton Eye Joe dance number.
The Wag
Public School
Ph: 02 4821 4496 Fax: 02 4821 4462
Principal: Susan Bradley
W: www.wollondill-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/
Newton & Hoskins Streets
Goulburn NSW 2580
P & C President: Cassie Taylor
Wednesday 29 June 2016
Term 2 Week 10
Principal’s Report
End of Term
As Term 2 draws to a close we reflect upon another busy semester and the many achievements so far this year.
Once again students have experienced various learning opportunities across the academic, social and sporting
areas and all have been proud representatives of Wollondilly Public School. Staff have been heavily involved in a
range of Professional learning events and are life long learners, always upskilling, in order to improve student
outcomes and reach our school goals.
Everyone is looking forward to a well deserved break. Staff return on Monday 18 July and students return Tuesday
19 July.
Farewell Mr Fagan
Mr Fagan leaves Australia next week to begin his 12 month Exchange Teaching contract in Canada. We wish him
well and look forward to hearing news of his adventures . We thank him for the wonderful work he has done with 5/6F
this semester. Next term we welcome Mrs Heather Kennedy from Canada, to our staff, for the next 12 months.
Student Reports
Students in 5/6F will receive their reports today as Mr Fagan has Parent Conferences tomorrow.
All other student reports will be sent home on Thursday 30 June – tomorrow. Parent Teacher Interviews / 3 way
Conferences will be held on the following days in Week 2 next term - Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4)– Monday 25 July,
Kindergarten – Tuesday 26 July, Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)– Wednesday 27 July, Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6)– Thursday
28 July.
Notes will be sent home on the first day back next term, for appointment times.
Girls’ Hockey Knockout
Yesterday our girls hockey team competed in the Goulburn district round
of the State knockout competition. Wollondilly P.S. played Crookwell
P.S. in their first match and were very strong in attack. They won the
game 5 – 1. The girls were a little weary going into the second game
against Bradfordville P.S. and had to stay strong in defence to hold out
the opposition. Having no extra players really meant our girls had to dig
deep for the whole game. They did a fabulous job and came out winning
2- 1. The girls now play against Bowral P.S. in the next round.
Well done team !!
Creative Arts News
GCOPS Choir and Dance
We have had a really busy term with many exciting things happening across the school. We have over 60 students involved in our
preparations for the GCOPS concert this year. GCOPS is the Goulburn Community of Public Schools and each year in August
there are concerts held over a number of evenings to give local students the opportunity to perform in a massed choir and dance
and music items. This year we have a large choir and two dance groups performing as well as 2 violinists and 1 cello player
involved in the combined school’s orchestra. Preparing for these events takes many lunch time rehearsals and commitment from
the students and I’m sure they will really appreciate the opportunity to be involved in such a fabulous event. Miss Fennamore, Mrs
Dunn and Mrs McCormack are enjoying working with the students to get our items ready.
Opera House Strings
Students from across the state also have an opportunity to be involved in wonderful musical experiences at the Opera House
each year. One of these events are the Recorder and Strings concerts and this year we have Matthew Dunn and John Emerson
performing on Cello and Violin. The boys are rehearsing on weekends under the guidance of Geoff Stewart-Richardson and will
join with approximately 200 other string players and 700 recorder players to perform in concert at the Opera House in late August.
Recorder Group
Another opportunity given to our students is to meet with Mr Crossley, Mrs Dunn and Mrs Wong at Fruit break on Wednesdays to
work on advanced recorder pieces. A number of students have taken advantage of this and are working hard to increase their
skills, with the goal of hopefully being able to audition to be part of the Opera House recorder and string events in coming years.
Beginner Music Experiences
On Tuesdays at Fruit Break we have been having beginner recorder lessons and a lovely group of students from Year 2 and up
have been coming along. Each 5 weeks we will offer a different musical experience. Next term we will leave recorder and move
onto ukulele.
Art Club
The Art Club meets with Mrs Brown every Wednesday at lunch time. Students participate in, as well as organize and run art
activities. It’s based on student interests and has mainly involved activities such as drawing, sketching, painting and sculpting
favourite characters. Make sure you look out for the amazing new art work from the club displayed on boards near the office.
As you can see, break times are very busy with so many creative options on offer. These all complement the Creative Arts that
are taught to all students during class time. Across the Primary classes students have enjoyed a wide range of activities this year,
with many of their favourite activities being demonstrated in various assembly items. A highlight for many students this term was
buddying up with the K-2 classes to perform for them and teach them some ukulele skills.
For interested families the syllabus for this year’s Goulburn Eisteddfod can be found online. Events include dance, verse recital,
public speaking and instrumental sections. Have a look if your child may be interested in entering and make note of the
application closing dates in late July and August.
Mrs Dunn
KEH and 3/4M enjoying a ukulele lesson together.
Beginner Recorder Group.
Kindergarten Enrolments 2017
Year 6 Camp
Wollondilly Public School is accepting
Kindergarten enrolments for 2017. If you have a
child who is turning 5 by 31 July 2017. please
collect an enrolment form from the School Office.
When you come to school to enrol your child please
bring the following documents with you:
Proof of student’s residential address (e.g.
original copies of council rates notice,
residential lease, electricity accounts, statutory
declaration etc).
Birth Certificate or identity documents
Immunisation history statement
Copies of any family law or other relevant court
orders. (if applicable)
Please return any completed enrolment forms
together with supporting documentation for
processing to the School Office.
School Administration Office
Expression of interest for
Assisted Travel Support Officer
(ATSO) position
The Assisted School Travel Program
(ASTP) often provides additional
support to students with disabilities on
transport. Assisted Travel Support
Officers (ATSOs) support students with
complex health or behaviour needs to
ensure their safe travel to and from
school. If you are interested in
temporary part-time work as an ATSO
the following website contains
information on how to apply for the
For further information please contact
ASTP on 1300 338 278 or email ASTP at
The Year Camp held at Berry Sport &
Recreation Centre was enjoyed by all students
and staff. A full report and more photos will
appear in the next term’s newsletter.
Friday 1
Purple STARRS Cards Positive
Behaviour in the playground
Dates for your Diary
K-6 Assembly, commences at
12.30pm in the school hall.
Last day of Term 2. School
recommences Tuesday 19 July.
Term 3
3 PB Cards
Louise Catt 1F
Lyana Holt 1F
Ava-Rose Rohrich 1F
Lilly Sexton 1F
Luisa Tilocca 1F
Tanikah SheltonPayne 3/4MC
Monday 18
Staff Development Day
Tuesday 19
All students return to school for
the commencement of Term 3.
Monday 25
Parent Teacher Interviews / 3 way
Conferences Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4).
Tuesday 26
Parent Teacher Interviews / 3 Way
Conferences Kindergarten.
Wednesday 27
Parent Teacher Interviews / 3 Way
Conferences Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
Thursday 28
Parent Teacher Interviews / 3 Way
Conferences Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6).
Joshua Mouton KEH Oliver Naismith KEH
Xzavier Keys KEH
Education Week starts from
Monday August 1 until Friday 5
Emmett Marriott
Makayla Gray KEH
Cooper Parsons
Tuesday 2
ICAS English test
Jeremy Morris K1AC
Angus Bollen K1-AC
Isaac Ladmore
Sewell K1-AC
Jerome Binu 1/2N
Aamie Dawson K1-AC Zara Ridley K1-AC
Julius Ashberry
Henry Polzin 1/2N
Cohen Gallaway KDV
Lachlan Giles KDV
Gracie Hayes KDV
Cody Munce KDV
Year 5 departs for their camp and
returns Friday 19 August.
Charlie Rigney KDV
Kasey Dawson 3/6S
Term 3 concludes and school
recommences on Monday 10
October for all staff and students.
Ebony Azie-Maunder
Shantel Dennison
Jamii Lee Barry 3/6S
Cadence McGaw 3/6S
Wednesday 3
Thursday 11
Wednesday 17
Monday 10
P & C Meeting commences at
7.30pm in the staffroom. New
members most welcome.
EVENING - 6pm –7pm in the
Term 4
Brayden Hedges
6 PB Cards
Ollie Lockman 1F
Libby WalshRobinson 1F
Josie Barrett 3/4C
Lacey Britton KEH
Caitlyn Dunn KEH
Nate Evans KEH
Shaelyn Wilson 3/6S Hayden Ware 3/6S
All staff and students return to
school for the commencement of
Term 4.
Presentation Evening for Years
3-6, commences at 7pm in the
school hall.
P & C Message
9 PB Cards
Eva Blay 1/2N
Dates for other meetings this year are:
Wednesday 3 August & Wednesday 7
September (Term 3)
Wednesday 2 November & Wednesday 7
December (Term 4)
Liam Carmichael 1/2N Nathan Caruana 1/2N
Imogen Cooper 1/2N Hunter Foley 1/2N
12 PB Cards
Please come along and find out what’s happening
in your school.
Next meeting Wednesday 3 August @ 7:30pm in
the Staffroom. Enter via the office front door.
Noah Berrisford 3/6S
Liam Carmichael
Amelia Waters 3/4C
Madeleine Saliba 1/2N
Come and Celebrate SCIENCE WEEK
Goulburn High School
Science Fair
When: Tuesday 23 August 2016
Goulburn High School Hall
Time: 5:00pm- 6:30pm
People’s Choice Awards, Voting and Interactive
Science Activities
Paper Aeroplane Competition
Rube Goldberg Machine Videos
7:00pm Presentation of Awards
A BBQ will be available on the evening.
K/1AC - Counting Coins
K/1AC have been recognising, describing and ordering
Australian coins according to their value.
The students have written clues to describe the coins.
Can you name the coin?
Which coin am I?
I am silver.
I have 12 sides.
I have a kangaroo and an emu on me.
I have a 5 and a 0.
Written by Lucie, Angelica and Brylee
Which coin am I?
I have a platypus on me.
I am silver.
I have water marks.
Written by Mischa, Gordon
and Jemmin
Which coin am I?
I have the word dollar on me.
I am gold.
I have a smooth side.
I have 5 kangaroos on me.
Written by Kaden, Dean and Zara
Which coin am I?
I am gold.
I have 5 stars on me.
I have a 2 on me.
There is an Aboriginal man on me.
I have some desert flowers on me.
Written by Jeremy, Isaac L and Thomas
Which coin am I?
I am silver.
I have an echidna on me.
I am smooth on the side.
Written by Annabelle, Angus and Madeline
Which coin am I?
I am silver and I am small.
I have a bird with feathers on it.
The bird has 2 legs and a body.
The bird is a lyre bird.
Written by Aamie, Isaac P, Erin and Zaleb
Orientation program for students starting
Kindergarten in 2017
Orientation Dates
Information Evening
Thursday 11 August,
Orientation 1- Wednesday 2 November, 2016
10am-12 noon starting in the School Hall
Parents and students will have a tour of the school on
arrival. Students will then spend the remainder of the
session in the Kindergarten classrooms while parents
attend an information session in the hall.
Orientation 2- Wednesday 23 November, 2016
10am-12 noon
Students will spend the whole session in the
Kindergarten classrooms. Please bring a packed lunch,
drink and hat to this session.
Parent / Carer Interviews
Thursday 20 October, 2016.
Please telephone the office to
make an appointment
Head Lice Treatment Options
Information for Parents and Carers
There are two treatment options for head lice.
1. Mechanical removal (removal with a head lice comb)
Chemical removal
There have been a number of cases of head lice reported in the school. School holidays are
the ideal time to treat your children for head lice and here are some facts to help you.
Mechanical removal
Chemical removal
Mechanical removal involves applying normal
hair conditioner to dry hair. After covering all of
the hair with conditioner untangle it using a
normal comb and separate the hair into
sections. Then use a fine long toothed metal
lice comb to comb through the hair in sections.
The conditioner doesn't kill the lice but it stuns
them for about 20 minutes making it easier to
remove them. The lice comb will remove nits
(eggs) and the stunned lice. Wipe the comb
on a white tissue and check for any lice or nots.
Keep combing until no more appear on the
tissue. This method should be used every
second day until none remain (usually about 7
to 10 days).
If you choose to use a chemical treatment
remember to follow the instructions carefully.
Don’t be tempted to re-apply the same chemical
treatment if it doesn’t appear to be working.
Instead change to another treatment that uses a
different chemical compound or use the comb and
conditioner method. You must repeat the
treatment in 7 days to kill any newly hatched eggs.
You will also need to use a lice comb to make sure
the treatment is working. If you find dead lice the
product has worked. If you find live lice, the
treatment has not worked.
This method is the preferred way to treat head
lice because it is effective, does not contribute
to insecticide resistance in head lice and also
has a low risk of skin irritation.
The mechanical removal method also helps
manage head lice before they become
established on the head. Keep a good head
lice comb in the shower and every time your
family washes their hair comb through with the
lice comb. This makes sure the lice are caught
before they lay too many eggs.
If your children are old enough to wash their
own hair encourage them to use the comb
themselves. Or keep the comb handy to where
you wash your children’s hair and use it every
time you wash their hair. Regul
* This information is based on information
provided on the NSW Health Nitbusters
When your child is free of lice and nits, remember
to check regularly with a fine toothed lice comb
and conditioner. Early detection and treatment
will prevent re-infestation of family members
and classmates.
There is no single solution to eradication, only
persistence, regularly check your children’s hair,
teach older children to check their own hair, tie
back and braid long hair.
Advice from NSW Health indicates that there is no
need for students to be sent home or excluded
from school because of head lice.
What to do about bedding and clothing
Research suggests that bed linen, hats, clothing
and furniture do not harbour or transmit lice or nits
and that there is no benefit in washing them as a
treatment option.
Nits and lice only live on the human head. They
quickly dehydrate and die if removed from the