May 8, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
May 8, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Church May 8, 2016 The Sacrament of Baptism Please stop by the Rectory Office to pick up a Holy Baptismal information packet. Once the packet is completed, a Baptismal class will be scheduled. Godparents must be Baptized, Confirmed, practicing Roman Catholics who regularly attend Sunday Holy Mass. Baptisms are typically held on the 2nd Sunday of every month. The Sacrifice of Holy Mass Schedule Saturday Holy Mass (St. Rose of Lima): 4:00 pm Sunday Holy Mass (St. Joseph): 7:00 & 9:00 am (St. Rose of Lima): 10:30 am Weekday Holy Mass Schedule Mon: No Holy Mass Tues: St. Rose - Mass 12:10 pm Wed: St. Joseph - Mass 6:30 am Thurs: St. Rose - Mass 12:10 pm Fri: St. Joseph - Mass 6:30 am The Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements should be made with the Pastor at least six months in advance. To avoid schedule conflicts, all wedding dates held at Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Church must be confirmed with the Pastor. The Sacrament of Confession Parish Staff Father Neil Pettit Pastor Confession is heard before the weekday Masses and on Saturdays from 3:00-4:00 pm at St. Rose of Lima Church. You may also call the rectory to schedule an appointment with the Pastor for Holy Confession. Kenneth Soignier Deacon Madeline Broussard Office Manager Myra Zeringue Robin Parish Secretary Brenda Joubert Faith Formation Coordinator The Rite Of Christian Burial Our Roman Catholic Faith teaches the infinite value of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the repose of the soul of a departed one. Roman Catholic Church law states that the Mass of Christian burial is properly celebrated in the Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Any adults seeking Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation, please call or come by the rectory for more information. Lauren Beelman Evangelization Coordinator Chantel Fouchi CCY/Youth Director Post Office Box 279 Cecilia, Louisiana 70521 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 2-6 pm Tuesday afternoon Website: Rectory Office: 337-667-6344 Facsimile: 337-667-7073 Parish Trustees Gary Bordelon Joseph Ivy Jarreau Seventh Sunday Of Easter A NNOUNCEMENTS Faith Formation registration for the 2016-2017 school year has begun. Registration forms are online, under Faith Formation. Please call 667-6344 for more information. In honor of the year of Mercy, the Ladies Altar Society is making a pilgrimage to the North region of the Diocese on Thursday, June 2. Sites include Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, Leonville; mass at St. Landry Church; Our Lady of Mercy, Opelousas; and the Sacred Heart Shrine, Eunice. Members may contact Yvonne @ 667-7307 by Friday, May 20, for more information or to reserve a spot. Mary's Adoration Chapel is in need of filling the following hours: Fri 9-10 am, Sun 8-9am, Sun 12-1 pm Call 667-6344 if you would like to adore Jesus for this hour. Thank you to everyone who prayed for, contributed to, and participated in the Year of Mercy Pilgrimage on Saturday. Despite the weather, you came with an attitude of flexibility, prayerfulness and joy that reflect the very spirit of this jubilee year. Shortly after this event we experienced a deluge of water into our community. May this visible flood be for us a physical sign of the equally real downpour of God's grace and mercy upon us and upon everyone we brought in prayer to this special event. Healing Hearts: A SUPPORT GROUP for women whose relationships have been affected by the pornography use or sexual addiction of a loved one: Highly confidential group. Confidentiality statement must be signed by all members before the place and time of meeting will be disclosed. Call 337-404-6113 to reach voicemail and the group facilitator will return your call as soon as possible. INTEGRITY OF HEART —Men struggling with sexual compulsivity and/or an addiction to pornography now have a confidential support group right here in Lafayette. Weekly meetings are held for an hour and fifteen minutes. STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY is observed by all members and a Confidentiality Statement is signed by each member after an initial meeting with the facilitator. Call and leave a confidential message at 337-944-9860 and the group facilitator will return your call and give you more information. D IOCESE A NNOUNCEMENTS “Food for the Journey”—The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for June is Rev. William Ruskoski, Associate Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Broussard. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday, June 7, at Wyndham Garden Lafayette (formerly “Hotel Acadiana”), 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available for purchase beginning at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). “Holy Hour for Vocations”—Please join us for our monthly “Holy Hour for Vocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday, June 6, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. ADDITIONAL TRIP ADDED: St. Mary Church Local Pilgrimage Bus Trip for Jubilee “Year of Mercy”—After “selling out” their Bus Trip in April, St. Mary Church, Lafayette, is offering an additional one-day Pilgrimage Bus Trip on Thursday, May 19, to visit Pilgrimage Sites in the Diocese of Lafayette designated by Bishop Michael Jarrell to reflect on the Father’s mercy and how we can emulate that mercy in our lives. We will attend 7:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary Church (419 Doucet Road, Lafayette), then depart at 7:45 a.m. from St. Mary parking lot. We will visit, take tours and have our booklets stamped at the Carmelite Monastery; St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church, St. Martinville; Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Henderson; Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and St. Leo Catholic Church, Leonville; Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Opelousas; Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church, Church Point; Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church, Rayne; and Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette. Each person will receive a booklet “Merciful Like the Father”; inside you will find the Prayer for the Year of Mercy which we will pray at every location, and we will have our booklets stamped at each site. Lunch (included) will be at Little Big Cup in Arnaudville. For registration details, cost and more information, please contact JoAnn LeJune at St. Mary Church (981-3379) or Barbara Thibodeaux, Group (235-3240). Married Couples - Domestic Church—Domestic Church provides long term help and formation for sacramentally married couples who want to grow in holiness together. What began in Poland over forty years ago with the help and support of St. John Paul II is now available to English speaking couples here in Louisiana. Although we know that true holiness is supposedly possible within the midst of the daily demands of marriage and parenthood, it can be very difficult to know how to access it and take advantage of the fact that marriage is a sacrament. Domestic Church gives couples and families real, concrete help to tap into what God has in store for us in the blessed vocation of marriage. Come and hear the exciting details of what is now available to us through Domestic Church on May 7th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Center at St. Pius X Catholic Church, Lafayette. Please feel free to bring the kids! For a sneak peak, check out or contact Jason & Laura Sowels ( 337-856-8048 or H OLY M ASS INTENTIONS Monday, 9 May 2016 No Scheduled Mass Wednesday, 11 May 2016 6:30 am Larry Wiltz, Sr., *Danny Roberts, *Andy Leed Hebert Friday,13 May 2016 6:30 am Jo Benoit, M/M Rene Carriere, Elaine Lagrange, M/M Leo Benoit Sunday, 15 May 2016 7:00 am Allen Hebert, C.D. & Melrose Guilbeau, Lucy Bonin, Leonce & Sally B. Miller, Harold & Laura Melancon, Curtis Hebert, Louella Trahan, Loretta Calais, Joseph Roy Zeringue, Tatoo & Earlie Scrantz, Melvin Dupuis, Aaron Calais, M/M Ames Cormier, Oreste & Thelma Kidder, Kenneth McDaniel, Quinn Dejean, Coach & Tit Huval, C.J. Robin Sunday, 15 May 2016 9:00 am Danny Roberts & Andy LeBlanc, Sr., Trent Adam Stelly, Allen & Mary Ann Guidry & Renella Frederick, Brandon & Baby Brooke Guidry, Russell Robin, George Taylor & Danny Stoute, Monique Walker, David & Seale Benoit, Volsie & Seale McGhee, Paul A. Patin Family, Albert Berard & Glenn LeBlanc, Chester & Wanda L. Walker, Lena B. Latiolais, Miriam “Mimzie” Falgout, Liz Trahan, *Benny Angelle, Robert “Bob” Savoie, Isley Thibodeaux & Family Mother’s Day Prayer Mary, on this day when we honor all mothers, we turn to you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood. Never has it been known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace. Dear Mother, thank you for your "Yes" to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history. You opened yourself to God's word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Dear mother, intercede for all of our mothers. Ask your Divine Son to give them the grace of surrendered love so that they could join with you in giving their own "Fiat." May they find daily strength to say yes to the call to the sacrificial love- the very heart of the vocation of motherhood. May their love and witness be a source of great inspiration for all of us called to follow your Son. On this Mothers day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you. Amen C ONGRATULATIONS! The following received the Sacrament of First Eucharist on April 16th Logan Andrepont Brody Angelle Eryn Rose Angelle Hannah Bordelon Liliana Bowes Jacob Briscoe Riley Deloach Collin Dore’ Colton Faulk Ella Guidry Lydia Guidry Jacob Hardy Therese Harris Ava Hebert Nate Huval Jace Knott Sydni Latiolais Elise Lebouef Landon Lebouef Lanie LeLeu Samuel Moffett Jackson Ortego Alex Patin Grant Petry Ella Richard Liam Roberts Elizabeth Simon Avah Theriot Mason Thibodeaux Reese Williams In loving Memory of Jessie Sue & Blaine Guidry Rhonda L. Guidry, CPA Partner In honor of Our Lady of Victory & Our Lady of Sorrows In loving memory of Donna Dieu Guidry Compliments of Angel City, Inc. 337.406.1099 ext.102 State Farm® Providing Insurance & Financial Bruce L. Montesano LUTCF, Agent 445 E. Mills Ave., Suite A100 Breaux Bridge, La. 70517-4412 Bus: 337-332-1139 Fax: 337-332-1548 24 Hour Good Neighbor Services In honor of St. Michael protect LA State Trooper & all Troopers. Love, Mom & Dad Gone But Not Forgotten Percy Savoy & Deacon Delahoussaye Green’s Piggly Wiggly Down home down the street! Grocery, Specialty Meats, Deli, Fresh Produce 337-667-6147 J. Michael Morrow Memorial Nursing Home “A Home Away From Home” 883 Main Street, Arnaudville 337-754-7703 337-442-6181 Champagne Financial Consulting Group Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 1442-C E Bridge St. Breaux Bridge Call for Summer Program Crystal Mire, Ed.D. 507-3440 Adam A. Champagne, Senior Vice President-Investment Officer Brian A. Champagne, MBA, Financial Consultant Phone: 337-233-0400 Kevin J. Dubois CEO/President 1025 Steen Drive, Lafayette 337.993.2679 Aimee D. Guidry Adult Nurse Practioner 337-434-6082 1421 Henderson Hwy. P.O. Box 597 Henderson, La.70517 101 Pine Park Drive Lafayette, La 70508 In memory of our beloved Son, brother & uncle Michael Huval Published and printed by St. Joseph Church, Cecilia, Louisiana
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