St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Reverend Neil C. Pettit, Pastor PARISH STAFF Madeline Broussard Office Manager Myra Robin Secretary Chantel Fouchi CCY/Youth Director MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:00 p.m., St. Rose of Lima Sunday: 7:00 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. , St. Joseph Sunday: 10:30 a.m., St. Rose of Lima Tuesday: 12:10 p.m., St. Rose of Lima Wednesday: 6:30 a.m., St. Joseph Thursday: 12:10 p.m., St. Rose of Lima Friday: 6:30 a.m., St. Joseph PARISH OFFICE 2250 Cecilia Sr. High School Hwy Mailing Address: P.O. Box 279, Cecilia, La. 70521 Voice: (337) 667-6344 Fax: (337) 667-7073 Email: OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Tuesday Afternoon: 2:00-6:00 p.m. Sacrament of Penance Weekdays: 30 minutes before Mass Saturdays at 3 p.m. at St. Rose of Lima Sacrament of Marriage Please contact the office at least 6 months in advance. Sacrament of Baptism Please call the rectory office to schedule. Please visit our website to learn more about the guidelines regarding Baptism. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Any adult seeking Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation should call or come by the rectory office for more information. A NNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME S EMINARIANS Mary's Adoration Chapel is in need of filling the following hours: I would like to begin my summer assignment at St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church by introducing myself. My name is Nick Ware. I grew up in Rayne, Louisiana and I attended Notre Dame High School in Crowley. Upon finishing high school, I went to Louisiana College in Pineville for a semester before transferring to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I completed my studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I received a Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education grades K-12 and a Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science. While I attended UL, I coached football at Notre Dame High School from 2010-2015. This fall, I will be entering my first year of college seminary at St. Joseph Abbey and Seminary College in Covington. I am excited about spending my summer assignment at St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. I look forward to meeting you and serving in your parish this summer. In Christ, Nick Ware Sun 9-10 am, Sun 12-1, Sun 4-5 pm, Mon 10-11 am, Mon 9-10 pm Call 667-6344 if you would like to adore Jesus for any of these available hours. With summer upon us and vacations scheduled, the Adoration Chapel is in need of extra substitutes for one hour slots. Please call if you can help out during the summer months with a commitment to one hour a week of adoring Jesus. The St. Joseph Knights of Columbus will host a Blood Drive in the St. Joseph Church parking lot on Saturday, June 18th from 8:30 am to 12 noon. All donors receive a T-Shirt (while supplies last). All are encouraged to donate. We are currently looking to fill the position of Faith Formation Coordinator and are accepting applications. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the parish office at 337-667-6344. The monthly Senior Social luncheon will be held on Friday, June 17th beginning at 11 am. All senior citizens are invited. June’s lunch is sponsored by the St. Martin Parish Sheriff Office and they will be serving hot dogs! The St. Joseph Cecilia Catholic Youth Group (CCY) will be traveling to Alexandria Louisiana for Steubenville South. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe, fun and enjoyable weekend! Rosary repair is available thru the volunteer efforts of one of our parishioners. If you have a broken rosary that you would like repaired, please bring it to the church office. Hello Cecilia. My name is Reed Bellingham, and I am one of the seminarians who will be staying with you this summer. I look forward to meeting all of you, not only because I will be with you this summer, but also because one day in the future I may be assigned to Cecilia like Father Delcambre and Father Pettit. I am from the very small town of Coteau and have a Broussard address. I graduated from Catholic High in New Iberia in 2014. I am only nineteen and have been through two years of Seminary at Saint Joseph's in Covington, LA. I have done Karate for a number of years and taught as well. I like to stay active and have a big appetite, so I am sure that I will have a great summer here. I definitely look forward to working and praying for you this summer and beyond. If you have any prayer intentions or need anything, please do not hesitate to catch me after Mass. For the greater glory of God, Reed Bellingham H OLY M ASS INTENTIONS Wednesday, 15 June 2016 6:30 am Larry Wiltz, Sr., *Coach Huval, United States Wounded Warriors Friday, 17 June 2016 6:30 am Election of Pro-Life Candidates, Jo Benoit, M/M Leo Benoit, Elaine Lagrange, M/M Rene Carriere Sunday, 19 June 2016 7:00 am Sidney Calais, Terry Walpole, Allen Hebert, C.D. & Melrose Guilbeau, Julien Guilbeau, Lucy Bonin, Leonce & Sally B. Miller, Harold & Laura Melancon, Curtis Hebert, Theard Hollier, Arthur Latiolais, Louella Trahan, Loretta Calais, Tatoo & Earlie Scrantz, Harold & Clarice Huval, Chuck Huval, Chester “Poncho” Dugas, George Hebert, Sebastian L. Gianfala, Melvin Dupuis, Aaron Calais, Andy Leed Hebert, Oreste & Thelma Kidder, Kenneth McDaniel, *Mike & *Jeanne LeBlanc, J.C. Dauphine Family, Quinn Dejean, Butch Guidry, Coach & Tit Huval, Albert, A.J. & Johnny Tauzin, Maurice Huval, *Pearl & Clay Calais, Joseph Roy Zeringue, C.J. Robin, Walter Bourque, Elwood & Thelma Frederick, Luke & Marie Frederick, Harold Stoute, Adam & Eve Guidry Family, Leroy Alleman Sr. Sunday, 19 June 2016 9:00 am Craig Courville, Trent Adam Stelly, Allen & Mary Ann Guidry & Renella Frederick, Brandon & Baby Brooke Guidry, Ira Hebert Sr., Laurent Cormier, Sr., Fred Cormier, John Allen Guidry, Ray Calais, George Taylor, Danny Stoute, Monique Walker, David & Seale Benoit, Volsie & Seale McGhee, Albert Berard, Glenn LeBlanc, Amilcar & Ann Opal Guidry, Jude Guidry, William Berard, Harold & Adele Kennison, Miriam “Mimzie” Falgout, Paul A. Patin, Liz Trahan, Jessie Guidry, Amilcar Guidry Sr., Louis Thomassee Sr., Whitney Calais, Robert “Bob” Savoie, Chester & Wanda L. Walker, Lena B. Latiolais, James & Randy Angelle, Donna Dieu Guidry, Dieu Donne Miller, Danny Roberts, Andy LeBlanc Sr., Claude Trahan, Clifton Guilbeau & Herbert Landry, Tommy LeBlanc & Family, Hilton LeBlanc Family, Herman Roberts Family, Abel Zeringue D IOCESAN A NNOUNCEMENTS Young Adult Summer Session: Light for the World: Christian Existence According to the Thought of Benedict XVI --Catholic students and young professionals (18-35 years of age) are invited to gather from June 26 through 30 to reflect on the vision of Christian life proposed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. “Light for the World” is intended especially for laypersons who desire to follow and serve Christ more closely in their careers and in their studies. Seminarians and priests are also welcome to apply. One need not have a theological background to attend; just an open heart and desire to serve the Lord with generosity! To apply go to For more information, please contact Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Church (232-8742). “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse” —In celebration of the 10-year Anniversary of “Food for the Journey” and with great gratitude, the Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette has created a “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse” through the Office of Vocations and Seminarians. Donations for seminary burses are placed in a trust fund, with interest used to pay for the education of men preparing for the priesthood. To contribute, please make check payable to “Diocese of Lafayette” (with notation “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse”) and mail to Office of Vocations, Diocese of Lafayette, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). “Food for the Journey” —The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for July is Rev. Kevin Bordelon, Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rayne, and Director of the Office of Vocations and Seminarians and Director of the Office of Ongoing Formation of Priests for the Diocese of Lafayette. PLEASE NOTE: Our Seminarians will join Father Bordelon and introduce themselves as part of this presentation. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday, July 5, at Wyndham Garden Lafayette (formerly “Hotel Acadiana”), 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available for purchase beginning at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). In loving Memory of Jessie Sue & Blaine Guidry Rhonda L. Guidry, CPA Partner Arnaudville, La. Tues-Sat “Walk-ins welcome” Nick Robin-Barber Apprentice 337-517-3672 In honor of Our Lady of Victory & Our Lady of Sorrows In loving memory of Donna Dieu Guidry Compliments of Angel City, Inc. 337.406.1099 ext.102 State Farm® Providing Insurance & Financial Bruce L. Montesano LUTCF, Agent 445 E. Mills Ave., Suite A100 Breaux Bridge, La. 70517-4412 Bus: 337-332-1139 Fax: 337-332-1548 24 Hour Good Neighbor Services In honor of St. Michael protect LA State Trooper & all Troopers. Love, Mom & Dad Gone But Not Forgotten Percy Savoy & Deacon Delahoussaye J. Michael Morrow Memorial Nursing Home “A Home Away From Home” 883 Main Street, Arnaudville 337-754-7703 Green’s Piggly Wiggly Down home down the street! Grocery, Specialty Meats, Deli, Fresh Produce 337-667-6147 This ad space available! 337-442-6181 Champagne Financial Consulting Group Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 1442-C E Bridge St. Breaux Bridge Call for Summer Program Crystal Mire, Ed.D. Silver’s Travel Center 2247 Rees St. Ext., Breaux Bridge, La. North of I-10, Exit 109 Adam A. Champagne, Senior Vice President-Investment Officer Brian A. Champagne, MBA, Financial Consultant Phone: 337-233-0400 “Bayou Bistreaux” restaurant located inside of Silver’s Travel Center 337-442-1754 Kevin J. Dubois CEO/President 1025 Steen Drive, Lafayette 337.993.2679 Aimee D. Guidry Adult Nurse Practioner 337-434-6082 1421 Henderson Hwy. P.O. Box 597 Henderson, La.70517 101 Pine Park Drive Lafayette, La 70508 In memory of our beloved Son, brother & uncle Michael Huval Published and printed by St. Joseph Church, Cecilia, Louisiana
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