The Michael and Marian Ilitch Wayne State University Department of
The Michael and Marian Ilitch Wayne State University Department of
SEPTEMBER 2014 The Michael and Marian Ilitch Wayne State University Department of Surgery Two Great Icons Intertwine Inside this issue: The Michael & Marian Ilitch Wayne State University Department of Ilitch Free Press Article 1-3 4 Department of Surgery Cheers Tigers 5-6 Celebration of the Ilitch Support for the WSU Department of Surgery 7 Midwest Surgical Association From the Outfield 8-9 10-11 WSSS Dues 12 WSU Monthly Conferences 13 WSSS 14-15 The entity that we now recognize as Wayne State University began as the Detroit Medical College in 1868. The new college was started by a group of practitioners who saw the need to propagate the science and art of medicine for the ensuing generations. The new entity solely grew over Detroit College of Medicine, 1868 the years and became closely related to the area hospitals. As is typical of the American way of commercial competition, there were even two medical schools for a short while during the early 20th century, which quickly became restored to one school as the competing hospitals recognized the need to develop and nurture one excellent institution for teaching medicine. During the late 1800’s and early part of the 20th century, poor people in Detroit were cared for by St. Mary’s Hospital, which was located right across the street from the First Precinct on St. Antoine Street. During the early part of the 20 th century, the hard-working cosmopolitan citizens who originated from many different European countries were mostly Catholic and supported the Catholic Church Archdiocesan of Detroit which funded the provision of care to the needy by St. Mary’s Hospital. About the time that World War I broke out, the mayor and the city council of Detroit recognized the overwhelming need for the city to become involved in the care of their needy citizens. This resulted in the construction of the Detroit Receiving Hospital which opened in 1916. The supervision of care of the patients treated at the Detroit Receiving Hospital was The Detroit Receiving Hospital, 1916 provided by University faculty who volunteered their services to the education of students and residents and the care of patients with multiple medical problems while they also maintained their private practices within the city. Meanwhile, the total university with multiple schools evolved as part of the City of Detroit Public School System. The name “Wayne State University” Continued page 2 SEPTEMBER 2014 The Michael and Marian Ilitch Wayne State University Department of Surgery Two Great Icons Intertwine, continued pays homage to General Anthony Wayne, who played an important role in defending Detroit during the 1700s. The close relationship between the Detroit Receiving Hospital and the Wayne University Medical School grew over the years. Meanwhile, the very large and important Harper Hospital and Grace Hospital, with both its downtown and northwest branch, became strong care centers independent of the Wayne University. Old Main, a historic building on the main campus of WSU During the 1970s, many recognized the synergism of having the major private hospitals within the central city becoming more closely related to what was now Wayne State University after the city transferred the Wayne University to the State in the 1950s. This synergism has resulted in the close 21st century relationship between the Detroit Medical Center and the Wayne State University. Mike Ilitch was born on the west side of Detroit in 1929. His parents Sotir and Sultana were Macedonian immigrants who taught Mike and his siblings the value of hard work, honesty, fair play, and ambition. He received early education in the Detroit system and attended Cooley High School. He starred on the baseball team as the Cooley Cardinals were leaders during this high school tenure for the west side Detroit Public School baseball season. He played alongside future Major League Baseball stars Joe Ginsburg, catcher, and Bill Roman, 1st base. During his high school years, his athletic prowess was appreciated by the local baseball scouts, and he was offered a bonus to sign with the Detroit Tigers. Shortly thereafter, he was called to serve Uncle Sam, and he spent the next four years in the US Marine Corps. While in the service, he continued to hone his baseball skills and played baseball for his base teams, who competed with the teams from other bases. During his stint in the military, he enjoyed cooking for his colleagues. Following discharge in 1952, he accepted a bonus to sign with the Detroit Tigers and became a member of their farm system. He spent a number of years playing second base for the Tampa Smokers among other teams, but his baseball career ended when he sustained a broken leg. During his time in the Detroit Tigers farm system, he continued to enjoy cooking and would cook for his teammates. Following his tour with the Detroit Tigers Farm System, Mr. Ilitch became involved with a number of activities as he continued to search for his true love. His numerous jobs over the next few years included working for a cement company. He also worked as a door-todoor salesman for a dinnerware company and he sold aluminum awnings. Little Caesars, Garden City, MI 1959 Page 2 Continued page 3 SEPTEMBER 2014 The Michael and Marian Ilitch Wayne State University Department of Surgery Two Great Icons Intertwine, continued During the previous ten years, he was always amazed how you could take water and dough and have it converted into a wonderful end-product. During these years, he met the love of his life, Marian Bayoff, who was an airline hostess for Delta. They wedded in 1955 and produced seven wonderful children, Denise, Ron, Michael Jr., Lisa, Atanas, Christopher, and Carole, most of Mike & Marian Ilitch whom continue to be involved in the current Ilitch empire. Mike and Marian opened up their first pizzeria in Garden City in 1959. This prospered and led to additional pizzerias being opened with the first Ilitch franchise being granted in 1962. His early upbringing taught him the value of integrity and industry, which he expected to see in all of the managers of his franchise units that carried the Ilitch name. Mike would sometimes show up at one of the new franchises unannounced and unrecognized as the individual who owned the franchise. He praised those who provided an outstanding product and tried to remediate those individuals who provided a product that was not up to his standard. When remediation failed, he quickly found a new person to take over that franchise. During these years, he followed all of the principles that he learned from his immigrant parents. During the 1990s, two very shy individuals, Dr. Donald Weaver (WSUGS 1979) and Mr. Michael Ilitch befriended each other. This friendship grew, and in the 21st century, Dr. Weaver was invited by Mr. Ilitch to allow the members of the department of surgery to view a Tigers ball game from the Ilitch suite, which is directly behind home plate. This allowed the faculty members and surgical residents to meet some famous Tigers including Mr. Willie Horton and Mr. Al Kaline. This friendship culminated recently when Mr. Ilitch announced a major donation to the Wayne State University Department of Surgery, which will henceforth be known as the Wayne State University Michael and Marian Ilitch Department of Surgery. This generous donation to the department will allow for Dr. Weaver and subsequent chairmen to upgrade many aspects of the department and hopefully sets the stage for other Detroit leaders to support the School of Medicine and be recognized by having their names attached to major departments within the medical school The department of surgery becomes the first department in the medical school to be named after a Detroit leader and benefactor. The following is the press release recognizing this wonderful donation. Page 3 SEPTEMBER 2014 Ilitches Donate $8.5M to Wayne State University to Aid Surgical Innovation By John Gallagher and David Jesse Detroit Free Press Staff Writers Pizza and entertainment entrepreneurs Michael and Marian Ilitch donated $8.5 million to the Department of Surgery at the School of Medicine at Wayne State University to create the Ilitch Chair for Surgical Innovation. The money will establish an unrestricted fund to support research and development in surgical technologies. (Left to right) Valerie M. Parisi, School of Medicine dean; Marian Donald W. Weaver, Department of Surgery chair; Michael “Michael and Marian Ilitch have made a transformative investment in the De- Ilitch; Ilitch; M. Roy Wilson, Wayne State University President partment of Surgery at our medical school,” WSU President M. Roy Wilson said in a news release. “Their commitment will help continue the department’s legacy of achievement. It also will advance research, which will inform the future of surgery and position Wayne State as a leader in health care innovation.” Surgical innovations under way within the department include the development of the world’s first patient-specific surgical simulator, the school said in a news release announcing the gift. This technology will enable a surgeon to practice procedures on a 3D replica constructed from a patient’s CT scans. With practice, surgeons can identify the best approach for treatment and discover potential problems before making an incision. This simulation platform also may be used to design and test virtual models of medical devices, which can then be 3D printed as physical prototypes. Other devices under development by the department include a “robotic finger with eyes” that will work inside the abdomen of a patient and send what it “sees” and “feels” directly to the surgeon’s finger. The Ilitches’ gift will support similar technological advances, WSU said in the news release. “We’ve made this gift to support the life-saving work of Dr. Weaver and his team at Wayne State University,” said Michael Ilitch. “We think of this as an investment in the future of health care that will support a great educational institution and benefit the people of Detroit, the state of Michigan and beyond.” In recognition of the gift, Wayne State University will name the department the Michael and Marian Ilitch Department of Surgery. “This gift is also about advancing Detroit as a center for health care innovation,” added Marian Ilitch. “Our community is rightfully proud of Detroit’s growing reputation as a center for high-tech health care. We are happy that our gift will help spur even more local innovation in this field, while attracting new people, companies, and jobs to Detroit and Southeast Michigan.” Page 4 SEPTEMBER 2014 Surgery Department Cheers Detroit Tigers to Victory One of the many benefits of the close relationship between the Ilitch Dynasty and the Department of Surgery is the opportunity to enjoy Tiger baseball from the suite directly behind home plate. Many of the residents, faculty, and friends had the opportunity to see our Tigers defeat the Arizona Diamondbacks. Pictured are some of the attendees. Truong William 6), Dr. r. Dan 1 D 0 2 , S Yau SUG DornTiffany dez (W a n s. a ic M n ss , er Je F ther and Dr. Dr. Jose significant o a, t: h is g L ri is Left to is bride, ) and h with h S 2015 2015) (WSUG SUGS (W s in Watk 2016) SUGS bush (W Dr. E ti Dr. T Gursel ( W olga G ursel SUGS/PS (WSU 1 /GS/P 975/77), D S 200 3/09/1 r. Choichi 1) Sugaw The WSU Michael and Marian Ilitch Department of Surgery celebrate the support provided by the Ilitch Dynasty to the department. Beautiful Comerica Park viewed from the third level suite behind home plate Page 5 a, an d SEPTEMBER 2014 Surgery Department Cheers Detroit Tigers to Victory CC (WSU/GS./VS/S Dr. Lisa Flynn lor ) and Dr. Al Bay 1993/98/99/2011 (WSUGS 2005) Griffin th her son, bride, surgery) wi his elle (plastic SUGS 1992) with s bride, zz Ro e with hi rski (W Dr. Arlen GS 2005) . Jim Tybu Wray, Dr . Al Baylor (WSU Dr Julie and Michelle Dr. Jessica Dornbush (WSUGS 2015) and Dr. Jennifer Bradley (WSUGS 2015) Dr. Je nn husban ifer Bradley w d, her husban ith her d, Dav e a ssic r. Je and ), n, D aylo esident r B n, ery r s so g g hi rosur oldin neu 2) h yame ( 1 0 S 2 r ad N G SU . Ver r n (W riffi 2015),D nG orea SUGS L e D i Dr. bush W ybursk n Dor Julie T . Mrs Inside the Ili tch Suite at Dr. Anna Ledgerwood (WSUGS 1972), Dr. Charlie Lucas (WSU/GS 1962/67) and Dr. Choichi Sugawa with his bride, Natsuko Dr. Donald We aver, Chairman Department of the WSU Mi of Surgery, ke and Marian (WSU/GS197 Ilitch (WSUGS/PS 9) with Dr. 1975/77) Eti Gursel Dr. Heath er 2000/06) Dolman (WSU/G and S (WSU/G Dr. Tolga Gursel S/PS 2003 /09/11) Dr. Lei la Green 2000/06) (WSUGS 20 15 , and D r. Lydia ), Dr. Heather Donohue Dol (WSUG man (WSU/G S S/PS20 01/08) Comerica Pa rk Dr. John Webber (WSU/GS 1992/99) with his wife, Heather Page 6 SEPTEMBER 2014 Celebration of Michael and Marian Ilitch Support of the Department of Surgery Following the announcement of the Ilitch family donation to the department of surgery, there was a celebration reception at the Hockey Town Café on Tuesday, August 19, 2014. The Hockey Town Café is located right across from Comerica Park. Many enjoyed the celebration in recognition of the Ilitch family. Ms. Channel Brown and Mr. Stephen Nemer enjoy the view at the Hockey Town Cafe Dr. Vishwanath Sardesai and his son, Amey, celebrate at the Hockey Town Cafe Ms. Lynda Pasqual with her husband Dennis came to celebrate and enjoy the fun Left to right: Administrative WSU/UPG staff, Janet Damm, Dan Waring, Cindy Washall with her husband, Tracy and Dana Cooley with her husband, Marty enjoy dinner and watching the Tigers on TV Left to right: Ms. Illaya Jordan, Ms. Dana Pompey and Ms. Phyllis Dixon came to celebrate at the Hockey Town Cafe Left to right: Mr. William Stano with his bride, Ms. Sharon Longton with her husband and Ms. Kathy Reinhardt Dr. David Gorski, Ms. Elizabeth Tyburski and her mom, Mrs. Julie Tyburski enjoy the celebration at Hockey Town Café Dr. Donald Weaver (WSUGS 1979) Chairman, WSU Department of Surgery, with Dr. Daniel Reddy (WSUGS/VS 1978/79) watch the Tigers at the Hockey Town Cafe Dr. Andrew Stoffan (WSUGS 2014), Dr. Lisa Flynn (WSU/GS 1993/1998), Dr. Heather Dolman (WSU/GS 2000/06) and Dr. Kellie McFarlin (WSU/GS 2003/08) share some fond memories as they celebrate the new WSU Mike & Marian Ilitch Department of Surgery Dr. Anna Ledgerwood (WSUGS 1972) with Dr. Justin Klein (WSU/GS/Peds) 2012/14) at the Hockey Town Cafe Page 7 SEPTEMBER 2014 The Midwest Surgical Association held it’s 57th annual meeting at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. As usual, the WSU Department of Surgery contributed significantly to this meeting. During the Sunday evening session, Dr. Furrukh Jabbar (WSUGS 2013) presented a paper, “The Diagnostic and Surgical Challenges of Massive Localized Lymphedema.” Dr. Jabbar has just completed his oncology fellowship and is establishing his practice in southeast Kentucky in the Appalachian Regional Health Care System. His hospital is located in the City of Hazard. His coauthors were Dr. Ziyad Hammoudeh (WSUGS 2013) who is in the last year of his plastic surgical fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, and Dr. Rebecca Bachusz (WSUGS) who is in the last year of her plastic surgical fellowship at Indiana University. Other coauthors were Dr. Anna Ledgerwood (WSUGS 1972) and Dr. Charlie Lucas (WSU/GS 1962/67). Dr. Jabbar was also a coauthor of the paper, “Does Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy Reduce Readmissions?” which was presented by Dr. JA Parikh from the St. John Providence Hospital. During the Monday morning lecture, Dr. David Hoyt, the Director of the American College of Surgeons, delivered the Dr. Scott Woods Memorial Lecture. Dr. Hoyt provided a 2014 update of the activities of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Scott Woods (WSU/GS 1954/60) was a long-term supporter of the department of surgery, the WSU Medical School, the American College of Surgeons, and for many years covered one night a month on the Emergency Surgical Service at the Detroit Receiving Hospital. Mrs. Bette Woods was there to hear the memorial lecture along with her grandson, JJ Woods. Dr. Scott Woods Dr. Jonathan Saxe (WSUGS 1990), a coauthor, presented a paper, “Outcomes and Charges Associated Without Patient Inguinal Hernia Repair According to the Method of Anesthesia and Surgical Approach.” Jonathan is actively involved with the Acute Care Services at the Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Alicia Olson (WSUGS 2015) presented a paper at the Monday session entitled, “Phosphatidylcholine and the Intestinal Mucous Flair; In-Vitro Efficacy Against Clostridium Difficile Associated PMM Activation.” Her sponsor and coauthor was Dr. Larry Diebel (WSU/GS 1980/86) and their technician, Mr. David Liberati. Continued page 9 Page SEPTEMBER 2014 Continued.. Dr. Jeffrey Bender (WSUGS 1985) presented a paper, “Improving Operating Room (OR) Efficiency Via an Interprofessional Approach.” Dr. Bender is a professor of surgery at the Oklahoma University along with his five coauthors, who are involved with the OU Department of Surgery. Later, Dr. Bender moderated the Tuesday scientific sessions. Mrs. Bette Woods with her family (left to right): grandson, son James (the 10-second man in track at the University Dr. Brian Shapiro 9WSU/GS 1988/92) represented the Flint con- Jake, of Michigan), Mrs. Bette Woods, grandson, Jack, and daughtingent of the WSU surgical alumni. Brian was a very active discus- ter-in-law, Candace at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the MSA. sant of many of the presentations. Mrs. Bette Woods with her family (left to right): grandson, Jake, son James (the 10-second man in track at the University of Michigan), Mrs. Bette Woods, grandson, Jack, and daughter-in-law, Candace Dr. Arthur Carlin (WSU/GS 1991/98) who spent several years on the WSU surgical faculty before going to the Henry Ford Hospital, was very active in the discussion of many papers presented at the meeting. Dr. Robert Allaben (WSU 1956), a long-term private practice surgeon at Harper Hospital before becoming a full-time faculty member within the department of surgery, arrived Monday in order to make his contributions at the meeting and mingle with some of his old colleagues. Bob was present with his wife, Joan, who was a long-time supervisor of the Harper Hospital Operating Room Services. Most important of all, Dr. James Tyburski (WSUGS 1992) assumed the Office of Presidency of the Midwest Surgical Association at the Tuesday business meeting. Accompanying Dr. Tyburski was his wife, Julie, one of our former Detroit Receiving Hospital SICU nurses. Dr. James Tyburski President , MSA Page SEPTEMBER 2014 REPORTS FROM THE OUTFIELD DR. WILLIAM CIROCCO REMEMBERS HIS PROFESSOR, DR. YVAN SILVA I have a small but precious collection of LP vinyl albums and in that collection is “Talk to Me” autographed by the ‘Singing Surgeon’ himself, Dr. Yvan J. Silva. The August 2014 WSU Department of Surgery newsletter included a feature on Dr. Silva who has received many teaching awards at multiple institutions during his long career in surgical education, and rightfully so. Dr. Yvan Silva Dr. Silva led one of the small groups of WSU medical students (perhaps 10 of us) during our 3rd year surgical clerkship at Receiving. As 3rd year students, we were called “wedges,” as in “I need a wedge to ….(fill in the blank).” I still recall the explanation of the name given by a 2nd year preliminary general surgery resident from Indiana destined for the WSU Orthopedics residency one night at Receiving—the wedge is the lowest form of (or most primitive) tool. Naïve and nervous, this was our introduction to the field of surgery. We would meet Dr. Silva in a conference room at Receiving Hospital and discuss various cases we were involved with and go over multiple choice questions from our exams, among other activities. It was a rare time when we could relax and interact with a faculty member and not be concerned about being ‘correct’ or on top of our game if we weren’t sure of a given disease process or associated operative strategy. It was also a time when to discuss topics or have conversations which were not necessarily in the medical student surgical curriculum. Dr. Silva was quite generous with his time and I believe looked forward to our discussions outside of the realm of the surgical disciplines. In fact, he had our student group out to a local Middle Eastern restaurant which included music, singing, and entertainment by belly dancers. It was fascinating to see that surgeons can have multiple talents and a wide range of interests outside of the OR. While Dr. Walt may have preferred expeditions to the DSO, opera, or other more conventional cultural pursuits, belly dancing and crooning was just right for Dr. Silva. It was also interesting to see the ‘lighter’ side of a surgical faculty member and as students we Continued page 11 Page SEPTEMBER 2014 REPORTS FROM THE OUTFIELD DR. WILLIAM CIROCCO REMEMBERS HIS PROFESSOR, DR. YVAN SILVA, cont... could certainly appreciate some time away from the constant drone of medical education and the pursuit of good exam scores and grades. Now, as a surgical faculty member in an academic institution, I couldn’t imagine taking my students to see a belly dancer (I guess it could be billed as an anatomy lesson of sorts), however, I do see the significance of displaying the wellDr. William Corocco rounded surgeon with activities and experiences which go beyond textbooks and (WSU SOM 1983) the operating theatre. Perhaps it was a simpler era 30 years ago, but the ability to connect with our students, either on far-reaching subjects or outside of the usual healthcare setting, is valuable. Dr. Silva certainly exemplified the “generosity of spirit” that he mentions in his ‘Cyber Memoir.’ Furthermore, he acknowledges the ability of musicians to “give more than they receive and get less than they deserve.” Both sentiments certainly fit Dr. Silva. He goes on to note his great love for the City of Detroit, “Speak well of her or say nothing at all.” Dr. Walt may have championed the “surgeon as scholar” but the “surgeon as singer” also has its merits. Thank you, Dr. Silva! You have certainly raised the bar for surgical faculty trying to fill the mentor role of our medical students and surgical residents. Bill Cirocco Page Wayne State Surgical Society SEPTEMBER 2014 2014 Dues Notice MARK YOUR Name: CALENDARS October 26-30 Address: ACS Clinical Congress 2014 Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA City/State/Zip: Service Description Amount 2013 Dues Payment __ $200__ My contribution for “An Operation A Year for WSU” *Charter Life Member _ ____ _$1000__ Total Paid____________________________________________________ Include your credit card information below and mail it or fax it to 313-993-7729. Credit Card Number:_________________________________________ MasterCard 2nd Annual JC Rosenberg Lecture WSU Kresge Aud, Detroit, MI November 6-7 Detroit Trauma Symposium MGM Grand Hotel/Conference Center, Detroit, MI Payment by Credit Card Type: September 17 Visa Expiration Date: (MM/YY)__________ Name as it appears on card:__________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ January 9, 2015 9TH ANNUAL DAVID FROMM RESEARCH & WSU ALUMNI DAY Margheria Family Conference Center, Detroit, MI Billing address of card (if different from above): Street Address______________________________________________ City______________________ State____________ Zip Code_______ *I want to commit to becoming a charter life member with payment of $1000 per year for the next ten (10) years. Send check made payable to Wayne State Surgical Society to: Deborah Waring Department of Surgery Detroit Receiving Hospital, Room 2V 4201 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48201 Please Update Your Information The WSUSOM, Department of Surgery wants to stay in touch. Please contact Deborah Waring at to update your contact information. Page 12 SEPTEMBER 2014 Page WSU MONTLY CNFERENCES 2014 Death & Complications Conference Every Wednesday from 7-8 Didactic Lectures - 8 am Kresge Auditorium Harper Hospital Wednesday, September 3 Death & Complications Conference “SCORE CURRICULUM: ADRENAL GLAND DISORDERS” Daniel Watkins, MD “WSU Department of Surgery Wednesday, September 10 Death & Complications Conference “SCORE CURRICULUM: SURGERY IN PREGNANT PATIENTS GYNECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS” Dean Kristl, MD WSU Department of Surgery Wednesday, September 17 Death and Complications Conference 2nd Annual JC Rosenberg Lecture: “THE FUTURE OF ORGAN REPLACEMENT AND/OR ORGAN REPAIR” Mark A. Hardy, MD, FACS Columbia University Medical Center Wednesday, September 24 Death and Complications Conference “NEW TREATMENT PARADIGMS FOR C. DIFFICILE COLITIS” Lawrence Diebel, MD WSU Department of Surgery SEPTEMBER 2014 Page Missing Emails Over the years the WSU Department of Surgery has lost touch with many of its alumni. If you know the email, address, or phone number of the following WSU Department of Surgery Residency Program graduates please email us at with their information so that we can get them on the distribution list for the WSU Department of Surgery Alumni Monthly Email Report. Ram Agrawal (1974) R. Kambhampati (2003) Edgar Roman (1971) Mohammad Ali (1973) Aftab Khan (1973) Renato G. Ruggiero (1994) David B. Allen (1992) Mark Leiser (1996) Parvid Sadjadi (1971) Tayful R. Ayalp (1979) Samuel D. Lyons (1988) Samson P. Samuel (1996) Robert C. Birks (1970) Dean R. Marson (1997) Knavery D. Scaff (2003) Juan C. Calzetta (1982) Syed A. Mehmood (2007) Steven C. Schueller (1974) Sebastian J. Campagna (1969) Mehul M. Mehta (1992) Anand G. Shah (2005) Kuan-Cheng Chen (1976) Toby Meltzer (1987) Anil Shetty (2008) Elizabeth Colaiuta (2001) Roberto Mendez (1997) Chanderdeep Singh (2002) Fernando I. Colon (1991) Mark D. Morasch (1998) Raj A. Sukhnandan (1966) David Davis (1984) Daniel J. Olson (1993) D. Sukumaran (1972) Teoman Demir (1996) Ellen Beth Ozolins (2000) David G. Tse (1997) Judy A. Emanuele (1997) David Packer (1998) Peter VandenBerg (1986) Lawrence J. Goldstein (1993) Daniel S. Paley (2003) Christopher N. Vashi (2007) David M. Gordon (1993) Y. Park (1972) Carlos M. Villafane (1990) Raghuram Gorti (2002) Bhavik G. Patel (2004) Larry A. Wolk (1984) Karin Haji (1973) Michael M. Peikoff (1970) Peter Y. Wong (2002) Michelle Hardaway (1989) Jerome P. Pucelik (1966) Shane Yamane (2005) Morteza Hariri (1970) Everton Quadros (1968) Chungie Yang (2005) Abdul A. Hassan (1971) Ami Raafat (1998) Hossein A. Yazdy (1970) S. Amjad Hussain (1970) Kevin Radecki (2001) Lester S. Young (2008) Rose L. Jumah (2006) Sudarshan R. Reddy (1984) Lawrence S. Zachary (1985) Paul Zidel (1986) WAYNE STATE SURGICAL SOCIETY The Wayne State Surgical Society (WSSS) was established during the tenure of Dr. Walt as the chairman of the Department of Surgery. WSSS was designed to create closer contact between the current faculty and residents with the former resident members in order to create a living family of all of the WSU Department of Surgery. The WSSS also supports department activities. Charter/Life Membership in the WSSS is attained by a donation of $1,000 per year for ten years or $10,000 prior to ten years. Annual membership is attained by a donation of $200 per year. WSSS supports a visiting lecturer each fall and co-sponsors the annual reception of the department at the annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Lisa Flynn (WSU/GS/VS1993/98/99) passed the baton of presidency to Dr. Mark A. Herman (WSU/GS 1994/2001) at the WSSS Gathering during the American College of Surgeons meeting in October 2012. Members of the WSSS are listed on the next page. Dr. Herman hopes that all former residents will become lifetime members of the WSSS and participate in the annual sponsored lectureship and the annual reunion at the American College of Surgeons meeting. SEPTEMBER 2014 Page Members of the Wayne State Surgical Society Charter-Life Members Ahn, Dean Colon, Fernando I. Gerrick Stanley Allaben, Robert Conway, W. Charles Ames, Elliot L. Davidson, Scott B. Grifka Thomas J. (Deceased) America, Kathryn C. Edelman, David Auer, George Flynn, Lisa M. Bassett, Joseph Fromm, Stefan H. Bouwman, David Fromm, David G Clink, Douglas Galpin, Peter A. Lange, William (Deceased) Rose, Alexander Rosenberg, Jerry C. Lim, John J. Sarin, Susan Herman, Mark A. Lucas, Charles E. Shapiro, Brian Huebl, Herbert C. Montenegro, Carlos E. Johnson, Jeffrey R. Narkiewicz, Lawrence Johnson, Pamela D. Novakovic, Rachel Kovalik, Simon G. Ramnauth, Subhash Smith, Daniel Stassinopoulos, Jerry vonBerg, Vollrad J. Walt, Alexander (Deceased) Weaver, Donald Whittle, Thomas J. Wilson, Robert F. Wood, Michael H. Zahriya, Karim Washington, Bruce C. Rector, Frederick Members of the Wayne State Surgical Society Albaran, Renato Gayer, Christopher P. Nicholas, Jeffrey M. Tennenberg, Steven D. Bambach, Gregory A. Geller, Evan R. Noorily, Michael Thomas, Gregory A. Baute, Peter B. Gutowski, Tomasz Paley, Daniel S. Thomas, Steven V. Bloch, Robert Hardaway, Michelle Phan, Than H. Ziegler, Daniel W. Bodzin, Jason Heartwell, Barbara Phillips, Linda G. Carlin, Arthur Hinshaw, Keith Prendergast, Michael Curtis, Brendon Horness, Mark D. Siegel, Thomas S. Dawson, Konrad L. Ivascu, Felicia A. Sankaran, Surya N. Dente, Christopher J. Joseph, Anthony Sferra, Joseph Diebel, Lawrence Klein, Michael D. Shaheen, Kenneth W. Dittenbir, Mark A. Kline, Gary Shanti, Christina Dolman, Heather Kaderabek, Douglas Sugawa, Choichi Dulchavsky, Scott A. Lopez, Peter P. Sullivan, Daniel Engwall-Sessions, Sandra McIntosh, Bruce Tarras, Samantha L. Gallick, Harold L. Mueller, Michael J. Taylor, Mark Anthony AN OPERATION A YEAR FOR WSU January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 The WSU department of Surgery has instituted a new group of alumni who are remembering their training by donating the proceeds of one operation a year to the department. Those who join this new effort will be recognized herein as annual contributors. We hope that all of you will remember the department by donating one operation, regardless of difficulty or reimbursement, to the department to help train your replacements. Please send you donation to the Wayne State Surgical Society in care of Dr. Charles E. Lucas at Detroit Receiving Hospital, 4201 St. Antoine Street (Room 2V), Detroit, MI, 48201. Kathryn C. Amirikia David Edelman Pamela D. Johnson Thomas S. Siegel Gregory A. Bambach Peter A. Galpin Simon G. Kovalik Thomas, Steven V. Jason Bodzin Even R. Geller John J. Lim Whittle, Thomas J. W. Charles Conway Mark A. Herman Lawrence Narkiewicz Karim Zahriya Scott B. Davidson Jeffrey Johnson Rachel L. Novakovic
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