February, 2016 - Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls


February, 2016 - Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
St. Hubert Catholic
High School for Girls
Educating Women of Faith and Integrity
Principal’s News
Inside this issue:
February, 2016
Principal’s News 1
Pupil Personnel/
Student Affairs
From the
Guidance Office
Financial Aid
School News
IPad Insurance
St. Hubert
Dear Parents and Guardians of St. Hubert,
There are many forms of communication that connects you with the pulse of St. Hubert.
This newsletter is one of those venues and some of the information provided in this letter has also
been posted on School Reach. Collating information is important. Many of the activities offered at
St. Hubert have their own page or link and their own means of getting information to the appropriate constituents. I apologize if I repeat information you already received.
Please refer to the Athletic section of this newsletter to read about the successful season
our winter sports’ teams experienced. We are extremely proud of our Bowling Team and their
Philadelphia Catholic League title. We are the first high school in the Philadelphia Catholic League
to have six bowlers named to the All Catholic first team. You will also see how successful our
Swim Team was this past season within the Philadelphia Catholic League and the State District
competitions. We have students swimming in the State Championships in March. Our Cheerleading Team has won competitions on the local, state and national level. Our Junior Varsity will
be honored by Senator John P.Sabatina on the State Senate Floor in April recognizing them as National Champions for the third time.
We are also very proud of our music students who have qualified for All Catholic Chorus
and All Catholic Orchestra. We will be hosting the All Catholic Orchestra this weekend. A concert will be held in our auditorium on Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. performed by 75 All
Catholic musicians.
Our second fund raiser will take place during March. Mrs. Patricia Dougherty will be
sending a letter along with the calendars that are to be sold. Each student is required to sell
$120.00 of fund raising calendars. If your daughter was not able to make her quota in the first fund
raiser, she may use this to reach the total $240.00 fundraising fee. Any student who does not participate in the fundraising will be billed on their April SMART TUITION account for the amount
due. Parents have expressed their appreciation for being able to sell tickets or calendars to satisfy
this amount. All fees are used to fund what is not covered by tuition. Your support and the support of our alumnae help keep the many programs an option. It is our goal to provide students
with opportunities that help them discover and fulfill their potential in and out of the classroom.
Thank you for taking the time to go to the website and make an appointment to meet
with your daughter’s teacher last week. We hope the ability to make an appointment helped make
better use of your time. We appreciated the presence of the senior parents for the meeting in the
Happy Easter to you and your family as we celebrate our Father’s greatest sacrifice
through His Son, Jesus Christ. Have a blessed Easter.
Joanne H. Walls, Ed. D.
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St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
From the Assistant Principal for Pupil Personnel
Dr. Rose Scioli
End of First Semester:
Report cards were mailed out at the beginning of February. Please be sure to contact your daughter's
teacher with any questions or concerns about your daughter's progress. In addition, summer school
warning letters were mailed out on February 18th for students who are in danger of failing conduct
due to excessive absences, lateness, and/or demerits. You may check GradeConnect
(adphila.gradeconnect.com) at any time for the latest information about your daughter's academic
and conduct history.
Course Selection:
The course selection process for the classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019 will begin with an assembly on
March 15th. Students will be able to start selecting their courses for next year using GradeConnect.
Students will select their courses then print out the course selection form for parents to sign. That
form is due in the Academic Affairs Office by April 1st. The course catalog will be available under the
"Academics" tab on the school website (www.huberts.org/academics). Please look over all the information and discuss with your daughter her options before making selections. Your daughter may also
schedule to meet with her guidance counselor to determine the courses which would be best for her.
More information will follow in the coming months.
From The Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
Mrs. Patti Dougherty ‘80
The year is flying by quickly and graduation is right around the corner. The past two months
have been busy at St. Hubert. Catholic Schools Week opened with a beautiful liturgy and closed
with our school-wide community service project. This year, we again put together almost 900
breakfast bags for Aid for Friends. Teachers were treated to a special lunch from the Parents’
Association and balloons and candy from the National Honor Society, students were treated to a
dress down day, cookies, prizes and quizzo and the entire school community was treated to an
amazing talent show.
In addition to Catholic Schools week, the students enjoyed the Parents’ Association’s Fashion
Show and Father-Daughter Dance and Sisterhood Day. The Office of Student Affairs introduced a
new Lenten program, L.E.N.T., where students could “shred” negative things from their lives
during lunches.
Proms and dances are on the calendar for both March and April. If you have any concerns or
questions about these events, dance and dress policies can be found in the Student Handbook.
Our mandatory spring fundraiser is now underway. Calendar Lottery Raffles were sent home
with the students and should be returned by Thursday, March 31. If you did not participate in
the fall fundraiser, you can purchase calendars to meet that requirement.
Thank you for your ongoing support and may you and your family have a peace-filled Easter.
Educating Women of Faith and Integrity
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From the Guidance Department
Ms. Cunningham
A Few Notes from the Guidance Department…
As of this writing, the class of 2016 has achieved nearly $6.9 million dollars in scholarships and 193
acceptances! Congratulations to our seniors! Keep bringing those acceptance and scholarship letters
into the guidance office. Once you start receiving your financial aid packages from your schools
(after you fill out the FAFSA) you should bring copies of those letters in as well.
The deadline dates for the spring SATs and ACTs are fast approaching. Juniors, please make sure you
are registered to take at least one SAT or ACT this spring if you are considering college in two years.
Come to the guidance office for more information about either one of these important tests.
Sophomores and Freshmen, continue to participate in school clubs and activities. These look
excellent on your resumes and will enable teachers to personalize recommendation letters for you
when the time comes. St. Hubert’s offers many different extracurricular activities and sports…make
the most of your high school years!
Also, to all the underclassmen: course selection is fast approaching. If you have any questions about
what you should take next year, don’t wait for the guidance office to call you down. Come and
request a meeting!
As always, do not hesitate to contact the guidance office with any questions or concerns.
Financial Aid Information
The deadline for Smart Aid is March 31st. Smart is necessary for anyone who needs financial
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St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
School News
National Honor Society
Every month the National Honor Society takes a trip to the Saint Francis Inn, an organization on Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, PA that serves about 500 meals a day to the homeless and needy. The
moderator, Mr. D'Ambrosio, and about five or six girls put on their rubber gloves and get to work. At the
Saint Francis Inn the girls work as waitresses, bringing each table the meal of the day, drinks, and their
choice of dessert. Through this process the members of the National Honor Society meet a wide range
of people and really do see the meaning of charity. "It truly touches your heart to able to bring, if nothing else, a smile those in need," says Victoria Van Buskirk, president of the National Honor Society. By
visiting the Inn every month the girls are getting a rewarding, insightful experience and providing service to those who truly need it in our community.
Annual French Class Luncheon
The French IV, III and II classes will be having their annual luncheon at the Beau Monde Restaurant on
Tuesday, April 5. Beau Monde is an authentic French creperie and the girls can order both savory and
sweet crepes for their lunch. We always have nearly 50 girls attending and they look forward to it each
year. In order to defray the cost of the bus, the girls had a Mardi Gras bake sale and will have another
on St. Patrick's Day.
All Catholic Orchestra
This year, St. Hubert Catholic High School will be hosting the All Catholic Orchestra. Instrumental
students from many high schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia audition each year for a chance
to participate in this exclusive orchestra. We have several St. Hubert students participating in the
orchestra this year: Alleyn Llaban, Orchid Li, Vicky Liu, Dana Welsh, and Sunny Wang. Catherine Xia
(flute) represented St. Hubert at the All Catholic Band Festival and Lexi Rastelli and Molly Foy represented St. Hubert at the All Catholic Chorus Festival in February. The orchestra this year will be directed by Joseph Caminiti, the instrumental director at West Chester University. The performance
will be held on Sunday, March 6th at 2:00pm at St. Hubert Catholic High School. Tickets will be available at the door. The All Catholic Orchestra, Band, and Chorus will also be performing at the Kimmel
Center on March 22nd at 7:30pm. We are so proud of our students and their musical accomplishments!
Educating Women of Faith and Integrity
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Campus Ministry
Since the last newsletter, our students have been very busy. We held our 17th Kairos Retreat with almost 50 members of the Junior and Senior Classes. Our 18th Kairos is coming
up in May. We had a beautiful liturgy to honor the Holy Name of Jesus. Mass was held before the Father-Daughter Dance. We had an amazing Catholic Schools Week, with many different events. Our students participated in a special prayer service on Ash Wednesday and
we will have a Mass for Sisterhood Day (2/24), to give thanks to all those who helped keep
our school open and to highlight our current student body who are very dedicated to the
school and to each other. Preparations are continuing for our Mission Trip to New Orleans. A group of 17 students will be going to help build houses and work in an orphanage. If
you are interested in contributing to help fund our trip, please contact Father Check. Your
prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
Fine Arts News
Our Digital Imaging & Graphic Design course is intended to introduce students to digital media
and computer based design. The students learn important software like Adobe Photoshop,
Illustrator and InDesign. They learn to use their creativity to create digital art and other important designs (creating advertisements, magazine covers, book covers, logos, etc.).
The students in these classes are becoming very proficient in Adobe Photoshop and are
starting to learn Adobe Illustrator. They have been very creative and you can see some of
their work here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRN7PmjMHeM&feature=youtu.be. If
you have any questions regarding this course, please feel free to e-mail me at
Family and Consumer Science
The Sisters of Saint Joseph are going on a Mission Trip to Haiti to assist with the relief effort. Our Clothing students were asked to help make "pillow case dresses" to be distributed
to the children. Twenty eight clothing 1 and 2 students volunteered to put their sewing
skills to work. In less than two weeks we made 71 dresses along with several dozen hair
bows. From Huber'ts to Haiti, miracles in action!
Winter Sports
All of our winter sports teams had incredible seasons! The swim team finished third in the
Catholic League and is sending four girls to States in three different events. Our bowling
team won the Catholic League Title and is going to States on March 5. All six individual
bowlers qualified for the individual state title! Our cheerleaders sent four teams to Nationals in Disney. All four finished in the top 10 with one team winning the National Title. Our
basketball team advanced in the playoffs, beating West at home. Spring sports are right
around the corner. Look for updates about softball, lacrosse and outdoor track and field in
our next newsletter.
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St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
Upcoming Events
4-6 All Catholic Orchestra
Junior Retreat
Calendar Lottery Fundraiser
Win cash prizes totaling over $2500!
Each day one lucky winner will win a cash prize
based on the
PA “Pick-4” Lottery Evening Drawing.
For more information contact Mrs. Dougherty.
Junior Prom
15 Course Selection
Freshman Dance
23 Progress Comments
Easter Break
Faculty Follies
Open House
Peace Week
Sophomore Dance
Recycling Event Spring
All Catholic Honors
Orchestra— Orchid Li, Vicki Liu, Alleyn Llaban, Sunny Wang
Dana Welsh
Chorus— Molly Foy, Alexia Rastelli
Catherine Xia
Swimming— Paige Cameron, Victoria Coyle,
Kaelyn Dougherty, Jordan Frye,
Isabella Goschinski
Track & Field—Cecelia Jones (Honorable Mention)
Cheerleading—Colleen McShea
Basketball—Megan O’Connell (Honorable Mention)
Bowling—Gabrielle Smith, Michelle Morrissey, Kristen Thomas,
Victoria Cross, Brigid McMullen, Madison Moses
10 Senior MotherDaughter Mass & Brunch
7th Grade Visitation
15-20 AP Art Show
Social Media Assem-
Senior Retreat
Guidance Assembly
Parent-Teacher Conf.
No Classes
Senior Prom
Faculty Retreat
Mrs. Feld’s Digital Imaging &
Graphic Design Classes
Educating Women of Faith and Integrity
Upcoming Events
Alumnae Events
March Alumnae Association Meeting
Monday, March 7th, 7:30PM
Saint Hubert Conference Room
Spring Coach Bingo
Sunday, April 17th
For tickets or more information, please check out http://bit.ly/
Bob Pantano Dance Party
Friday, April 29
Canstatter Volkfest
More details TBA
9130 Academy Road ~ Philadelphia
For tickets, please contact Louise at lfwinski@verizon.net.
Wednesday, April 13th
Must be at least 17-years-old, minimum of 110
lbs, in good health or 16-years-old with signed
permission form
For more information:
Clothing and Textile
create and display
“pillow case dresses”
for children
in Haiti
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St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
Educating Women of Faith and Integrity
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Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
Since opening our doors in 1941, St. Hubert Catholic High School is the
largest Catholic girls’ high school in Philadelphia. St. Hubert draws students
from over 50 elementary schools in surrounding neighborhoods and every
section of Philadelphia, the suburbs of Bucks and Montgomery counties, and
Southern New Jersey. At St. Hubert, each student is offered a collegepreparatory, liberal arts education. Over 98% of our graduates pursue their
education beyond St. Hubert, and in the past four years our graduates have
received over $57 million in scholarships and grants to the colleges and
universities of their choice.
Saint Hubert
High School
7320 Torresdale Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19136
Phone: 215-624-6840
Fax: 215-624-5940
For 75 years, St. Hubert has been forming women of faith and
integrity in the Philadelphia area. The school itself is a neighborhood
landmark, and our graduates stretch throughout the country and world.
Our alumnae, over 29,000 of them, include educators and students,
government officials, physicians and healthcare workers, lawyers and
corporate professionals, to name just a few. Among them are mothers,
daughters, sisters, grandmothers, granddaughters, aunts, cousins, and
nieces, representing the true family tradition that is essential to keeping
the spirit of St. Hubert alive and growing.