St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls Educating Women of Faith and Integrity October 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1 Principal’s News Dear Parents and Guardians of St. Hubert High School, Contents Principal’s News 1 President’s News 2 Assistant Principals’ News 3 Ministry Office 4 Institutional Advancement 4 Enrollment Management Office 4 Guidance 5 Athletics 6 School News 7 Upcoming Events 7 Parents’ Association 7 Upcoming Events Grade 12 Trip to NYC Universal 8th Grade Visitation 8th Grade Scholarship Test This month ends the first quarter of the 2013-2014 school year. Your presence at the teacher conference during October spoke of your commitment to work with your daughter in achieving her academic success. It is very important that a regimen of study and homework continues throughout the year. As teachers plan their lessons, they are very much aware of the need to connect education to real world experience. Retaining information for use in later life is a skill that everyone needs to acquire, no matter what their future career may be. At the Parent Teacher Meeting on October 17, I shared a video entitled “Did You Know”. The theme of the message was what the future holds for a student in a global society. Our students will be in competition with students from countries that have more honor students than the United States has students. They will be competing with students from countries whose birth rate is five to six times the birth rate of the United States. Our students have no control over these statistics but they do have control over their work ethic. We must have our students learn they are never finished learning. The need to persevere and never give up must be groomed and encouraged. I truly appreciate the work of the Parent Teacher Association. Their involvement in school activities is a presence that speaks volumes to our students. Please be part of this organization and support their efforts. I hope to see you at the next PTA meeting. I will use these meetings as an opportunity to provide parents with updates regarding academics and activities. On Saturday, November 16, 2013, they will host a social. Please see the website for information. This fundraiser and the many other projects raise money to provide scholarships for our students. Getting the involvement of others to help offset the costs of a Catholic education truly helps you the parents. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, our gratitude will include your participation in Target’s Take Charge of Education which provided us with a check for $1547.08. We are also grateful for your participation in the nationwide Give with Target campaign on Facebook. St. Hubert had the most participation in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. We ranked fifth in the nation and received a check for $4183.00. Thank you again and Happy Thanksgiving! Sincerely, Joanne H. Walls, Ed.D. Report Cards COACH Bingo Susie Hubert Day NHS Induction School Newsletter Page 2 of 7 From The President Dear Parents, We are now two months into the school year and what a great two months these have been. Fall sports are winding down, we are proud of all the accomplishments of our girls, teams and coaches. Open House was a great success and we look forward to welcoming 200 new Bambies to our class of 2018. Many of the events of the past month will be chronicled in these pages. I just want to take time to note how proud we are of all that is happening at St. Hubert. I want to thank all of the parents who have been working hard to remain current with the tuition and fees payments. I also want to encourage families who may be behind in payments to please begin to bring them up to date. We will be contacting families in the next few weeks to remind them that all tuition and fees need to be current for their daughters to begin the next semester, attend dances, receive rings and graduate. If you cannot meet the obligation of tuition and fees, please contact the main office to address this. The PSAS Financial Aid site for 2014-15 is now open. BLOCS has asked that we concentrate on entering new applicants in November and then return applicants in December. For questions about this and other Financial Aid opportunities, please refer to our web site, or contact Sr. Grace. I also would ask you to reach out to your employer to see if they are participating in the EITC/OSTC tax credit programs. Last year our students received over $150,000 from these credits. We are hoping to double that this year. On a personal note, I want to thank all of the St.Hubert families who have reached out to me during the last two weeks with words of courage, empathy and sympathy at the death of my mother. I will never be able to fully express how much that has meant to me and my family during this time. I thank you for all the prayers, support and encouragement. The Bridge Education Foundation Annual Check Presentation I remain in service of St. Hubert. Frank Farrell Page 3 of 7 School Newsletter From The Assistant Principal for Pupil Personnel Ms. Scioli End of the First Quarter, 11/8 The end of the first quarter is fast approaching. Report cards will be distributed to students in homeroom on 11/19. Please be sure to set up your parent account for GradeConnect so that you can stay connected to your daughter’s progress at any time. Instructions for setting up a parent account are under the “ACADEMICS” tab on the school’s website. Uniforms We ask that all students ensure that they come to school each day in full uniform. With the colder months upon us, it is important that students understand that they are not permitted to wear any other sweater than the one that is purchased through Flynn and O’Hara. Sweatshirts and hoodies are not permitted. Also, please ensure that all tights are free from holes and runs. The uniform is a symbol of our St. Hubert sisterhood, and, as such, should be respected and worn with pride. Technology Policy There has been some confusion regarding the use of technology in the building, especially when it comes to the use of cell phones. It is our philosophy that technology should be utilized inasmuch as it furthers the educational pursuits of our students. That being said, juniors and seniors are permitted to use smartphones in class when sanctioned by the individual teacher as well as during their lunch period in the cafeteria. Their phones function essentially as handheld computers. Because all freshmen and sophomores have iPads, cell phone use by them is prohibited. They are to secure their cell phones out of sight. All students should adhere to these guidelines or risk having their phones confiscated for inappropriate use. In addition, we ask that you engage your daughters in dialogue about safe and appropriate use of the Internet, and, more specifically, social media websites. We are continuing to keep an open dialogue on this subject, and we encourage students to refrain from any activity online that may be considered inappropriate. Students risk disciplinary action from the school, as well as possible police involvement for misuse. Dress Code: Our school uniform is the symbol of the St. Hubert sisterhood, and, as such, should be worn with great pride. That being said, I ask that you remind your daughters to look over the dress code guidelines in the student handbook and be sure they are in compliance. Progress Report Comments and Parent Teacher Conferences: Parents will receive a notification when Progress Report comments are issued. Please check Grade Connect to view comments and view your student’s grades throughout the school year. ParentTeacher Conferences are on Thursday, October 17th from 6:30-8:30 pm. Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you have any questions or concerns. I wish you the best in the school year ahead. The Cast of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” From The Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Mrs. Mulligan Thank you for all of your support during the fall fundraising drive. The cookie dough has been distributed and I am sure some of you are enjoying the delicious cookies already. Magazines will be arriving to homes shortly. Students are excited about upcoming trips. The Senior Class Trip is on Tuesday, November 12th to New York City! Students will take a cruise around Manhattan, see the Statue of Liberty and will visit many sites in Times Square. Juniors will head to Washington, D.C. on December 5th. If you have not paid yet, the cost is $75 and includes dinner. Deadlines to pay are November 22nd. The Mother-Daughter Social was such a fun event for moms and their daughters. I thank the Parents’ Association for hosting this wonderful event. Speaking of dances, the Senior Ring Dance was wonderful as well. The girls had fun dancing the night away and socializing with their friends. Teachers and Administrators dressed up as graveyard ghouls and Monster Mashed their way to the dance floor. “The Putnam County Spelling Bee” was presented for this year’s fall show and it was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. The students worked very hard in the weeks prior to the public event and all of their hard work paid off. They certainly entertained all of the spectators. Thank you and congratulations to all that were involved. Preparations are underway for Susie Hubert Day which is on November 27th. Students are excited to show their spirit and pride, as usual. Students participated in a T-Shirt design entry to determine the official design of the 2013 Susie Hubert Day t-shirt. All of the entries were very creative and it was difficult for students to decide which entry would be chosen for the design….but it was determined that Allison Hooven’s design was selected for the shirt after much deliberation. Clubs and activities are thriving at St. Hubert! St. Huberts has combined with Father Judge for a Mock Trial Team. The team will be visiting the criminal justice center in Philadelphia to watch an actual criminal case unfold and speak with a judge during the recess on November 13. Various groups continue to do community service and volunteer projects. I had the great opportunity to take ten students with me and Ms. DiDonato to The University of Pennsylvania for a Youth Leadership Conference sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League. Students attended workshops to increase their leadership and we even had a presentation by Abraham Foxman, a Holocaust Survivor. It was certainly a great day and students left with great ideas from collaborating with others and participating in workshops. I urge you to visit the St. Hubert’s website where you will find not only contact information and news, but the school calendar along with weekly and daily announcements are posted. Thank you for all that you do for Catholic education! Page 4 of 7 School Newsletter The School Ministry Office Father Check, School Minister In October, School Ministry offered many activities and programs for the Students. October 3-6 we had our first Kairos Retreat of the year. 35 Seniors and Juniors participated in the retreat. October 7-11 was "Respect for Life Week" and we have three major events: We started the week off with a special Respect Life Mass. On October 10, 7 students from Father Judge High School joined 31 students for Saint Huberts and we attended the Pro-Life Leadership day sponsored by the Archdiocese at Saint Charles Seminary. On October 11, we had a Respect for Life Prayer Service which included Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and special prayers for the Pro-Life cause. On October 15, we welcomed back for the second year Jannique Stewart from Life Training Institute. She gave a fact based and very compelling presentation on many of the realities of abortion. Throughout the month, the School Ministry Office offered many opportunities for prayer, with mass each Morning, as well as Special Lunch-time Masses. There has been Exposition every Thursday in the Chapel. Lastly, Community Service Corps has been conducting two drives. The first drive was a Shoe Drive. Throughout the month we are collecting sneakers and slightly used shoes for a program that helps homeless men and women get back on the feet ( The second drive was a Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive, which will go to support the Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. It's been a busy month and we look forward to next month! Celebrating St. Hubert Feast Day From the Office of Development Robin Skubin Nolan ’90, Director of Institutional Advancement We were honored to host the Bridge Educational Foundation’s annual check presentation on October 28th. The event was attended by neighboring school leaders, elected officials and business executives. The Foundation facilitates EITC donations to schools on behalf of corporate donors. Of the almost $270,000 distributed to Philadelphia schools by the Foundation this year, we received an amazing $34,900! These funds are used to provide critical tuition assistance to our students in need. On Sunday, November 3, St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls honored graduates at the Hall of Fame Induction. We are pleased and honored to share the following Hall of Fame recipients: Bonnie Lee Dymek Behrm '75 2013 Hall of Fame Recipients Sr. Alice Gleason, IHM '49 Kathryn Ott Lovell '92 Melissa Lynch '01 (posthumously) Kathleen Sandman, Ph.D. '77 Sr. Alma Rose Schlosser '60 From The Enrollment Management Office Ms. Szambelak We had a total of 306 Future Bambies join us for Open House on October 29th! This was a 33% increase from last year. Our Bambies especially shined during the evening, with how polite, knowledgeable, beautifully dressed, and as always, how much school spirit they have. th 8 Grade Visitation Day is on Thursday, th November 14 and we are expecting a wonderful group of girls visiting our school for th the day. On the evening on November 14 , from 6:00-8:00 pm, parents may register their daughter for the class of 2018. Registration can be completed in the Main Office. 8th Grade Entrance/Scholarship Exam Saturday, November 16, 2013 Saturday, November 23, 2013 8:00am-12:00pm Main Entrance St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls is still accepting applications for registration. If you are interested in scheduling a shadow visit, please contact the Admissions Office Bambie welcomed future Bambies at Open House School Newsletter Page 5 of 7 From The Guidance Department Ms. Cunningham Seniors—At this point, approximately 26% of you have applied to a college next year. That is wonderful when we are so early in the school year. Keep the applications coming! Also, please keep in mind dates for any early action applications you may be doing. Many of the dates are in November or December. Stay on top of deadlines! Speaking of deadlines, the deadline for regular registration for the December 7th SATs is November 8. For those of you who have yet to take the SATs, the guidance office HIGHLY recommends you register for this date because it is the last one offered in 2013. You have been getting many emails from Guidance pertaining to different scholarship opportunities that are available to you. Take advantage of them! Every little bit of money will help you in paying for college and all the necessities that go along with it. Periodically you will be emailed a link to the updated scholarship log, and the link is also on St. Hubert’s website under “Guidance”. Utilize every opportunity for money that you can. An excellent scholarship website to register at is This is a FREE website and, once you register and complete a profile, you will be emailed scholarships that you may possibly qualify for. Use any days off as opportunities to visit colleges. Visiting a school is the only way you will truly know if it is a right fit for you, ESPECIALLY if you plan on living on campus. If at any time you have any questions pertaining to Naviance, the Common Application, or colleges, don’t hesitate to come down to the guidance office or email any of the counselors. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR HUBERT’S EMAIL! Juniors—Sister Belle and Sister Meg have already started meeting with some of you for your junior interviews. Please make sure you are regularly accessing your Hubert’s email and make sure you are familiar with Naviance. If you haven’t done so already, start pulling together your resume on Naviance. This way, when next year is here, you will already have it done and will just need to add senior year activities. Plus, teachers will be able to start writing letters of recommendation for you based on your resume. Look at the career interest inventories on Naviance and take them. These may help you in deciding what to possibly major in when you apply to college. Also, now is the time to start gathering information from various colleges. Before you know it, September 2014 will be here and it will be time to apply. If you gather your information now, you can have it organized and ready to go for next September! Also, keep on top of your classes. Junior year is an extremely important year and one that many universities keep a close eye on. Falling behind now will only put you at a tremendous disadvantage. Sophomores—If freshman year wasn’t your best year, don’t worry! This year is the year to pick yourself up, work hard, and boost those grades. If you haven’t already done so, look into some clubs or activities you can join in school. Not only do they look good for colleges, but you may meet some lifelong friends! Freshmen—Get familiar with your Hubert’s email account because it will become your best friend throughout your four years! In this digital age, emails are always being sent, whether by the guidance office, teachers, or administrators, and failure to check your email may mean you miss out on something important. Look into joining a club or partaking in an activity! Senior year probably seems far away, but it will be here before you know it, and you definitely want to be able to fill in the “Activities” portion of a college application. Parents—Don’t hesitate to call the guidance office with any questions. Sister Belle, Sister Meg, and Mrs. Cunningham are here to help you! NHS Induction School Newsletter Page 6 of 7 From The Athletic Department Mr. Prendergast Every sports season has its ups and downs. This year was no different. We are very proud of our Bambies, both on and off the field and courts. Our girls not only show their pride in their school, but they are fine examples of what ‘sportsmanship’ is about. All of the team sports: field hockey, soccer, and volleyball advanced to the playoffs. Our tennis team made the playoffs for the first time in four years! Kelly, Piecyk, Jessa Ryan & Anastasia Anderson in the individual PCL Championships, We had two golfers Kate Bamberski and Morgan Kodluk go through to the PIAA District XII Championship. And finally, the cross country team finished third in the PIAA District XII and senior Haley Burns advanced to the PIAA State Championship. St Hubert fall athletes Cross Country: Field hockey: Soccer: Volleyball: Tennis: were awarded fifteen All-Catholic Awards: Haley Burns, Christi Gosse, and Allison Kuvik Angela Bachman, Kelly Meade, Meg Reilly, and Olivia Trainor Juliana Caranci, Elizabeth Jones, and Caroline Price Christina Gablein, Corie Muldoon, and Jillian Salwach Alleyn Llaban and Kelly Piecyk Although we did not win a PCL Championship, our girls gave their best and beat personal records and made it to playoffs. Great job and congratulations to all of the athletes and their coaches. We're gearing up for a super cheerleading season, fielding two varsity and two junior varsity squads. They've been practicing for hours all fall and are ready for competition. Winter sports are on the horizon. Basketball, bowling, swimming and track will begin tryouts November 18th. Students are asked to listen to announcements for meetings of each sport. Mark your calendars. Fall Sport's Sundae Sunday. November 17, 2013 at 3:00 pm. Families are invited to come and celebrate our Fall Sport's season in the cafeteria. All-Catholic certificates will be awarded and we will celebrate the season's successes with our athletes and their coaches. Each athlete will receive a T shirt. Tickets are $8.00 per person and are available through the tuition office. We hope to see you there! Page 7 of 7 School Newsletter Echoes Through The Halls It was very difficult to choose Students of the Month for October, as all of our Bambies are so wonderful and exemplify being women of faith and integrity. However, only one can be chosen for each grade. October’s Students of the Month are: Grade 12: Margaret Mary Meade During the entire month of November, St Hubert is collecting old cell phones. St Hubert Faculty Scholarship Fund will receive a stipend for each phone collected. Cells phones can be dropped off in the main office or sent in with your daughter. All data will be wiped and destroyed be eForce Recycling Company. Any questions can be directed to Ms. Lewis 215-624-6840 Ext 243. Grade 11: Jara Arroya Grade 10: Brigid McMullen Grade 9: Ashley Wallace Upcoming Events Universal 8th Grade Visitation Day- Thursday, November 14th. Students do not report to school. Report cards will be distributed in homeroom on Tuesday, November 19th. Grades 9-11 will have the opportunity to have their portraits retaken during lunches. If you are not satisfied with the portraits that you received, students may pick up a new form in the Student Affairs Office. The original package must be returned on the day of the sitting with the new envelope completed. All students do need to have their picture taken as it is for the yearbook and for their school ID card. So, even if pictures are not being purchased, students must have their picture taken. Sophomores will have a class trip to the Keswick Theater on Wednesday, December 18th. They will see five famous short stories performed by a professional acting troupe and will have lunch. The Junior Class Trip to Washington, D.C. will be on Thursday, December 5th. Cost is $75 which includes dinner. We will have a mass in honor of John F. Kennedy on Friday, November 22nd. John F. Kennedy became the first Catholic President to be elected and the mass will be celebrated on his birthday. The Parents’ Association As involved parents, we support our daughters and the faculty and administration of St. Hubert High School throughout the school year. We show appreciation to the faculty for their amazing dedication in educating our daughters. We lend a hand and contribute to the ongoing growth, development and success of St. Hubert High School. If you are interested in volunteering with the Parents’ Association, please feel free to contact any board member. Please visit The Parents’ Association page on the St. Hubert Catholic High School webpage for news, events and announcements. Susie Hubert Day is approaching. T-Shirt orders will be taken on Thursday, November 14th and Friday, November 15th. Susie Hubert Day will be on Wednesday, November 27th. We will have an 11:30 dismissal as well. It’s here again---COACH Bingo! Sunday, November 24th, the Alumnae Association will be hosting this fun event. To purchase your tickets, please go online or stop by the Student Affairs Office to pick up a form. School will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. HOLY ROME!! St. Hubert Faculty Scholarship Committee is sponsoring a trip to Rome, Italy from November 10th until November 16th, 2014. Highlights include the Vatican, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, the FOUR major Churches of Rome, the Colosseum and a PAPAL AUDIENCE! Buffet breakfast everyday as well as airline taxes, gratuities and entrance fees are included. The price for all of this is only $2,269 per person double. To reserve space or for questions, call Dottie at Land Air Sea Travel, 856-232-0800. Benefits St. Hubert Faculty Scholarship Fund. November 1 All Saints Day—No Classes 3 Hall of Fame Induction 4 St. Hubert Feast Day Mass 8 Fall Show until 11/10 12 Senior Trip to NYC 13 Dress Down Day 14 8th Grade Visitation Day—No classes 16 Parents’ Association Social 16 8th Grade Scholarship Test 19 Report Card distribution in homeroom 19 Grades 9-11 Portrait Retakes 24 COACH Bingo 26 Susie Hubert t-shirt distribution in homeroom 27 Susie Hubert Day—11:30 dismissal 28 Thanksgiving 29 No classes St. Hubert's Parent Association Parent’s Social at Curran’s Irish Pub on Saturday, November 16th from 4:00-7:00 pm. If interested in attending, please contact a board member. Please continue to check the Parents’ Association tab on St. Hubert’s website for more up to date information. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Joe Valecce Tony Durso Kathy MacFeeters Beth Burns
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St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
to add senior year activities. Plus, teachers will be able to start writing letters of recommendation for you based on your resume. Look at the career interest inventories on Naviance and
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