FAIR Newsletter No. 16


FAIR Newsletter No. 16
FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT)________________________ 2
Status of the FAIR Project ____________________________________________________2
FAIR Job Offers ____________________________________________________________3
FAIR Workshop in Brazil, University of Sao Paulo, August 16-17, 2010 _______________3
Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Visits GSI and FAIR ________________________4
Status Reports from the Departments _________________ 5
Radiation Protection for FAIR: Shielding Design for the High Energy
Storage Ring (HESR)_________________________________________________________5
FAIR Experiments ________________________________ 7
Lucky LYCCA – the First NUSTAR Device in Action _______________________________7
The CBM Physics Book _______________________________________________________8
FAIR Specials____________________________________ 9
Project Funding 2010 by the FAIR Russia Research Center (FRRC) __________________9
The ROSATOM-FAIR Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) ___________________11
FAIR Meetings and Events _________________________ 13
FAIR calendar _____________________________________________________________13
FAIR Links _____________________________________ 13
Masthead ______________________________________ 14
Contact ___________________________________________________________________14
Editor in Charge ___________________________________________________________14
FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT)
Status of the FAIR Project
Boris Sharkov (FJCT)
Dear FAIR Colleagues,
Today I have the more than pleasant opportunity to inform you on the latest
progress with the FAIR project. It is the important milestone that on the latest ISC
meeting end of May a representative from the German Foreign Office (FO) blazed a
trail and envisaged some dates for two important conferences to be held towards the
foundation of FAIR GmbH. Due to a lot of efforts done then by many involved
responsibles I am now in a position to give you a sound and backed information that
the signature of the FAIR Convention and thus the creation of FAIR GmbH is imminent.
With support from the German Foreign Office in cooperation with the Federal
Ministry of Education and Science the dates for the two conferences leading to FAIR
GmbH could have been fixed: At first there will be the Cross-Checking Conference
on August 25-27, 2010, preceded by - likely last - AFI and ISC meetings on
August 24, 2010. Here, the 5 translations of the FAIR founding documents
(Convention and Annex, Articles of Association, Final Act) will officially be initialled.
A certain period of time is necessary afterwards for political and organisational work
to be done to have then the Signing Conference, envisaged for October 4, 2010
so far. Here, the FAIR Partner Countries will sign the FAIR Convention, clearing the
way for, presumably on the same day, founding the new company FAIR GmbH.
The time prior to these events will be filled with making final arrangements
necessary to fulfil all organisational and legal requirements on part of the FAIR Joint
Core Team and GSI GmbH. This comprises in particular the completion of the draft
Business Management Contract with its Annexes, the major agreement between GSI
GmbH and FAIR GmbH on their future cooperation.
I am not only relieved but also proud that we - not a full year after a severe crisis stand there with these achievements. Therefore I would like to wholeheartedly thank
all involved persons in politics and science for their mutual efforts to bring the project
along to the today's shape and position: the BMBF, the Foreign Office, GSI, the
international Partners and - last but not least - my group, the FAIR Joint Core Team.
Finally I would like to draw your attention to the next page, where you find several
job offers for joining the FAIR team. I would be glad if you considered them
perhaps for you or for any persons you know and who have the skills in one of the
addressed fields of activities.
I am looking forward to sending you the next FAIR Newsletter under the name of
FAIR GmbH. Up to then I remain,
With my best regards,
Boris Sharkov
Leader FAIR Joint Core Team
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
FAIR Job Offers
With regard to the upcoming foundation of FAIR GmbH there are the following
vacancies, to be filled within the coming months:
FAIR Finance Officer (m/f)
FAIR Group Leader In-Kind Coordination (m/f)
FAIR Group Leader Technical Follow-Up (m/f)
FAIR Head Of Site And Buildings Department (m/f)
FAIR Legal Adviser (m/f)
FAIR Research Director (m/f)
Please feel invited to apply within the mentioned period of time. Moreover we are
grateful if you could further spread this information according to your possibilities.
FAIR Workshop in Brazil, University of Sao Paulo, August 16-17, 2010
Zbigniew Majka (FJCT)
The large and fast growing Brazilian physics community is in a position to join in the
FAIR research programme. Therefore the FAIR Joint Core Team and the University of
São Paulo, in cooperation with German House of Science and Innovation will organize a
FAIR Workshop in Brazil on August 16-17, 2010. The main goals of the Workshop are
the initiation of scientific contact between Brazilian scientist and the FAIR experiment
collaborations and to undertake necessary steps towards a full membership of Brazil in
the FAIR international laboratory
The programme of the Workshop includes:
the presentation of the FAIR project to Brazilian scientists by representatives
from the FAIR Joint Core Team and from each of the four scientific pillars of the
FAIR research programme (APPA, NUSTAR, CBM, PANDA),
the presentation of the Brazilian activities in FAIR-related fields,
the preparation of a short-range plan for the participation of Brazilian scientists
in the FAIR experiment collaborations,
the preparation of the roadmap for a membership of the Federative Republic of
Brazil in the corporation called “FAIR GmbH”.
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Visits GSI and FAIR
On April 29, 2010 Dr. Petr Shchedrovitskiy, Deputy Director General of the State Atomic
Energy Corporation ROSATOM, visited the GSI Helmholtz Center and the FAIR project.
From left to right: Z. Majka (FJCT), S. Richter (FJCT), P. Shchedrovitskiy (Rosatom) B. Sharkov (FJCT)
Photo: G. Otto/GSI
ROSATOM will be the largest non-German shareholder in the future FAIR GmbH,
contributing EUR 178 million to the construction of the facility. Dr. Shchedrovitskiy's
tour through the GSI premises took him to the student laboratory, the main control
room, the tumour therapy and the HADES experiment.
On the following day the guest went to Berlin to pay a visit to the Head Office of the
Helmholtz Association (HGF). There he signed a memorandum of understanding for
intensifying the cooperation between the HGF and ROSATOM.
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
Status Reports from the Departments
Radiation Protection for FAIR: Shielding Design for the High Energy
Storage Ring (HESR)
Georg Fehrenbacher (GSI)
FAIR will operate a storage ring for high energy antiprotons. The area of the High
Energy Storage Ring (HESR) will host experiments such as PANDA (Anti-Proton
Annihilation at Darmstadt) for the research of collisions between antiprotons and
protons in fix target geometry. Here, a complex radiation field containing pions,
muons, neutrons and gamma rays will be produced. The production of radiation when
antimatter interacts with matter makes a particular radiation shielding at the HESR
The simulation of these radiation fields and modelling of the setup for the HESR can
be performed by means of the FLUKA Monte Carlo code (www.fluka.org). The following
scenarios were considered for the HESR radiation protection investigations:
Continuous beam losses in the ring (at straight lines as well as at the arcs)
Accidental beam losses with all antiprotons in the ring being at one point
The original architectural layout was developed by the Research Center Jülich in
cooperation with GSI GmbH on the basis of so-called "line-of-sight models". The
radiation protection considerations with the HESR are at first concentrated on the areas
of the combined building for the accelerator and the supply section. The following
shielding calculations (fig. 1) were carried out by means of FLUKA to confirm the
planned shielding measures 1 :
Fig. 1:
Cross section of the HESR tunnel und the supply building. The HESR tunnel is shielded by concrete
layers and soil embankment.
The cross section of fig 1 was used for the radiation transport calculations to
estimate the dose rate values inside and outside the tunnel building during accelerator
operation. A scenario of continuous beam losses is chosen in this example (107 p /s on
a section length of 22 m).
Andrey Plotnikov, Investigation of the dose distribution in the HESR tunnel and surrounding facilities, June 2010, GSI
Radiation Protection and Safety Department
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
The results of the FLUKA calculations are shown in fig. 2:
Fig. 2: Dose distribution for the HESR tunnel during operation and storage of antiprotons.
The reference energy of the antiproton beam is 8 GeV. The dose rates in all accessible
areas are lower than 0.1 µSv/h. Outside the soil embankment the dose rates are even
lower. A simulated scenario with a rarely accidental beam loss at one point for the
whole antiproton filling of the storage ring resulted in an overall dose of about 10 µSv.
This value is more than two orders of magnitude lower than the average natural
radiation exposure on the population per year. Consequently, the planned shielding
measures for the HESR are sufficient.
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
FAIR Experiments
Lucky LYCCA – the First NUSTAR Device in Action
M.A. Bentley (York), J. Gerl (GSI), P. Reiter (U Köln), D. Rudolph (U Lund)
End of February 2010 the first FAIR-NUSTAR experiment device entered GSI/FAIR
grounds: the vacuum chamber of the Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter (LYCCA). The
photo on the left shows smiling (lycka = Swedish for luck, happiness) heads from the
mechanics workshop of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cologne University, where this
formidable chamber was constructed and built.
LYCCA is a core device of the HISPEC experiment at FAIR under the NUSTAR
umbrella. Embracing early FAIR schedules the LYCCA collaboration submitted a
Technical Design Report in June 2008, already approved in October 2008
(http://wwwnsg.nuclear.lu.se/lycca).The FAIR acceptance ensured both, in-kind accountability of
LYCCA and investment money from German, Swedish and UK funding agencies to
cover the full LYCCA detection system.
A. Wendt, PhD student at Cologne University and
S. Thiel, head from the mechanics workshop at
Cologne University, upon delivery of the LYCCA
chamber to GSI on February 25, 2010.
LYCCA skeleton with the very first ΔE-E modules mounted prior
to their first experimental challenge within experiment S272 at
the S4 focus of the FRS (March 2010).
Photos: G. Otto (GSI)
Immediately on arrival the LYCCA chamber has been filled with the first LYCCA ΔE-E
detector modules produced at Lund University. The modules consist of double-sided
silicon strip detectors for ΔE- and CsI blocks for total-energy measurements of reaction
products induced by relativistic radioactive ions in the HISPEC focal plane of the
coming Super-FRagment-Separator (Super-FRS). While a subset of LYCCA is currently
being implemented for the PRESPEC in-beam campaign for frontline nuclear
spectroscopy experiments at the FRS at GSI up to the year 2013, these four LYCCA
modules encountered the challenge of experimental heat via S272 in March and April
2010 – together with a new time-of-flight scheme based on multiple read-out of a fast
plastic scintillator.
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
The LYCCA system not only worked according to or even better than the
specifications, but its usage and performance is telling on two more general aspects:
Joint NUSTAR activities across sub-collaborations bear the potential of largely
enhanced physics output and thus generate happy (and lucky) physicists; And LYCCA
marks a prime example for the timely use of anticipated FAIR equipment for frontierscience experiments at GSI.
Scientific contacts: Prof. D. Rudolph, Lund University, Sweden, dirk.rudolph@nuclear.lu.se; Prof. P. Reiter, Köln University, Germany,
preiter@ikp.uni-koeln.de; Prof. M. A. Bentley, University of York, UK, mab503@york.ac.uk
The CBM Physics Book
P. Senger (GSI)
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
FAIR Specials
Project Funding 2010 by the FAIR Russia Research Center (FRRC)
Alexander Fertman (ITEP) for the FRRC Council
On May 11, 2010 an international review process by the Council of the FAIR Russia
Research Center (FRRC) came to a final decision on the funding of the following
Postdoctoral Fellows ((*) advanced fellows):
Design and Integration of the CBM experiment: Belogurov Sergey(*) (CBM, ITEP)
Performance and sensitivity of the PANDA calorimetry to measure the particles
decaying into gamma-quanta: Morozov Dmitry (PANDA, IHEP)
Study of strong interactions and hadronic matter in experiments using antiproton
beams of unprecedented intensity and quality in the energy range of 1 GeV to 15
GeV provided by the new GSI facility FAIR: Barabanov Mikhail (PANDA, JINR)
Properties of hadronic matter in strong electromagnetic fields: Buividovich Pavel
Development of CBM calorimeter software (calorimeter in muon option of CBM,
detailed modeling of calorimeter response). Implementation of modern Panda TOF
geometry: Prokudin Mikhail (CBM, ITEP)
Research and development on SC magnet technologies, cryogenic tests of
superconducting dipole and quadrupole magnets for SIS100. Research and
Development of the stochastic cooling system prototype for HESR: Trubnikov
Grigory(*) (Accelerators, JINR)
Optimization of the PANDA Muon System: Rodionov Valery(*) (PANDA, JINR)
Diagnostic of density distribution inside a HEDgeHOB target with spatial and
temporal resolution by ion/proton radiography method: Turtikov Vladimir(*)
The technical desighn report
for 500 MeV linac for ion-electron collider:
Logachev Pavel(*) (Accelerators, BINP)
QED in heavy ions: higher-order contributions to the g-factor and the hyperfine
splitting: Glazov Dmitry (SPARC, St. Petersburg State University)
Development of new techniques and instrumentations for investigation of high
energy density matter generated by intense heavy ion beams: Shilkin Nikolay
Charge exchange, excitation and ionization processes in heavy-ion collisions:
Kozhedub Yury (SPARK, St. Petersburg State University)
Comparison of φ and ω meson cross sections, measured in different decay modes
using CBMROOT simulations: Sharkov Georgiy (CBM, ITEP)
Theoretical studies of the drip-line nuclei: structure, correlations in reactions and
decays, astrophysical applications: Grigorenko Leonid (NUSTAR, JINR)
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
PhD students
Event reconstruction based on time stamps in the data flow of the CBM
experiment: Kryshen Evgeny (CBM, PNPI)
R&D of microchannel plate PMT for DIRC detectors of PANDA: Barnyakov Mikhail
Krupko Sergey (NUSTAR, JINR)
Research and development of fast and high resolution gaseous detectors for CBM:
Zryuev Vladislav (CBM, JINR)
Data acquisition and control system for HEDP experiments on FAIR:
Kantsyrev Alexey (HEDgeHOB, ITEP)
Design justification of the beampipe and the STS layout and study of the influence
of the upstream detectors on the ECAL performance
for CBM experiment:
Chernogorov Andrey (CBM, ITEP)
EIC – Electron-Ion Collider (nonlinear effects, final focus, detector background):
Shatunov Petr (Accelerators, BINP)
Research and development of low loss superconducting NbTi wires with enhanced
properties for FAIR SIS300 magnets: Karasev Yuriy (SIS-100, VNIINM Bochvar)
R&D for R3B/EXL silicon spectrometers, ELISE in-ring instrumentation based on
planar Si and CVDD: Gorshkov Alexander (NUSTAR, JINR)
Machine Lattice, Chromaticity and Dynamic Aperture of eRing; Injection from
electron linac; Beam-Beam effects. Antiproton option: Shvartz Dmitry
(Accelerators, BINP)
Beam Transport Channel, Beam Injection and Beam Diagnostic: Berkaev Dmitry
(Accelerators, BINP)
Research and development of a RF multi-cell deflector (wobbler) for LAPLAS
experiment: Sitnikov Alexey (HEDgeHOB, ITEP)
Beam dynamics in 500 MeV linac for ion-electron collider. Simulation and
optimization for Technical Design Report: Levichev Aleksey (Accelerators, BINP)
Study of nucleon structure by processes with direct photons and leptons pairs
production: Skachkova Anna (PANDA, JINR)
Master students:
Search for the parity violation effects due to nuclear anapole moments at storage
ring with polarized ion beam: Bondarevskaya Anastasiya (SPARC, St.
Petersburg State University)
Development of CATIA-VMC geometry builder and its application for CBM and
NUSTAR MC geometry update: Ovcharenko Egor (CBM, BMSTU-ITEP)
The FAIR Russia Research Center congratulates all winners and wishes a successful
start of the project. Please contact frrc@itep.ru for details about funding of the project on
FRRC part, on further steps to be done by you and in case of any other questions. We
are prepared to assist you at any time.
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
The ROSATOM-FAIR Scientific and Technical Committee (STC)
Alexander Vasiliev (IHEP) for the ROSATOM-FAIR STC
It is not long ago that the Russian Government issued and published their decree on
the Russian participation in the FAIR project on February 27, 2010 (see NL No. 15). By this
decision the Russian Government approved their contribution to the construction of
FAIR in the amount of 178 Million Euro (January 2005 prices) and to sign of FAIR
Convention with authorizing the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM to become
the Russian Shareholder in the FAIR Company.
Then, on April 9, 2010 ROSATOM issued the order to set up a Scientific and
Technical Committee (STC) to coordinate and control all the work being provided by
the Russian institutions within the framework of FAIR. The STC committee consists of
15 members:
Alexander Vasiliev (IHEP-Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino) – Chairman,
Alexander Fertman (ITEP-Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) –
Scientific Secretary,
Alexander Golubev (ITEP, Moscow),
Alexei Korsheninnikov (Kurchatov Institute, Moscow),
Sergey Kozub (IHEP, Protvino),
Mikhail Merkin (MSU-Skobeltsin Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow),
Victor Mintsev (Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka),
Alexander Olshevskii (JINR-Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna),
Victor Pantsyrnyi (RIIM-Bochvar Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow),
Vladimir Samsonov (PNPI-St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina),
Boris Sharkov (FAIR Scientific Director),
Yuri Shatunov (BINP-Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk),
Grigoriy Trubnikov (JINR, Dubna),
Victor Varentsov (ITEP, Moscow/ROSATOM representative at FAIR),
Yuri Zaitsev (ITEP, Moscow)
On May 14, 2010 the STC held their first, on July 5 the second meeting in Moscow.
The picture shows some STC members and some invited guests
From left to right: Sergey
Kozub (IHEP), Grigoriy
Trubnikov (JINR), Leonid
Institute), Vladimir Eremin
Olshevskii (JINR), Andrei
Fomichev (JINR), Georgi
(ITEP), Victor Pantsyrnyi
(NIIMV, Zelenograd), Yuri
Zaitsev (ITEP), Alexander
Vasiliev (IHEP), Alexander
Shatunov (BINP), Victor
Mikhail Merkin (MSU),
Yuri Novikov (PNP)
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
Boris Sharkov and Victor Varentsov informed about the status of the FAIR project
and about the Russian contribution of parts to the FAIR accelerator complex and the
FAIR experimental base. The members discussed various organisational items of their
work and approved a list of obligations on part of the members of the committee.
Yuri Shatunov reported about a BINP participation in the FAIR Super-FRS and
SIS100 synchrotron. He described e. g. in detail a dedicated Super-FRS prototype
magnet made in Novosibirsk by using R&D money from GSI. The magnet prototype has
an aperture of 140 x 400 mm and a field inhomogeneity less than 2x10-4.
Alexander Vasiliev reported on the PANDA requirements of about 9000 remaining
lead-tungstate crystals (PWO) to be inserted into an electromagnetic calorimeter to
cover almost the whole solid angle around the PANDA target. The first batch of about
7000 PWO crystals were manufactured at and delivered by the Bogoroditsk plant of
Techno Chemical Products (BTCP) in Russia. However, there is a severe risk that BTCP
cannot supply the remaining crystals for PANDA because of lack of further contracts
Since the share capital of the Russian Federation does not cover all Expressions of
Interest (EoI) of the Russian institutions for all 4 scientific pillars CBM, PANDA, NuSTAR
and APPA (HEDgeHOB) the STC will investigate possibilities for additional Russian
funding activities.
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
FAIR Meetings and Events
FAIR calendar
FAIR Links
FAIR Green Paper
FAIR Baseline Technical Report
FAIR brochure
FAIR flyer
FAIR newsletter archive
FAIR Job Offers
FAIR Finance Officer (m/f)
FAIR Group Leader In-Kind Coordination (m/f)
FAIR Group Leader Technical Follow-Up (m/f)
FAIR Head Of Site And Buildings Department (m/f)
FAIR in the CERN Courier
FAIR Legal Adviser (m/f)
FAIR in Nuclear Physics
FAIR Research Director (m/f)
FAIR Memorandum of Understanding
FAIR Communiqué
How to reach the location
First steps on site
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FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
FAIR Joint Core Team
Building C 27
Planckstrasse 1
D-64291 Darmstadt
Phone +49-61 59-71-14 34
Fax +49-61 59-71-39 16
Editor in Charge
Martina Hinkelmann
FAIR Joint Core Team
(Authors named are responsible for the content of their articles.)
FAIR Newsletter No. 16
July 2010
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