- Down Syndrome NSW
- Down Syndrome NSW
Annual Report 2013 Contents Mission Statement 01 . Mission Statement 02 . Staff & Board 04 . President’s Letter 07 . Parent Support 10 . Information & Library 13 . Fundraising & Events 16 . External Fundraising 17 . Up Club 18 . Sponsors 19 . Volunteers 20 . Donor List 23 . Financial Statements Down Syndrome NSW is an independent, registered charity established and run by parents. The work of Down Syndrome NSW depends on the generosity of its members and the general public in supporting its fundraising efforts and through donations. Annual funding from the State Government through the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care assists in meeting administrative costs. 2013 Annual Report of Down Syndrome Association of NSW Inc trading as Down Syndrome NSW 7 Deed Place Northmead NSW 2152 PO Box 107 Northmead NSW 2152 T: 61 2 9841 4444 F: 61 2 9841 4400 E: admin@dsansw.org.au W: downsyndromensw.org.au Down Syndrome NSW is a not for profit registered charity ABN: 39 023 586 389 Registered Charity No CFN 11321 Down Syndrome NSW encourages people with Down syndrome to fulfil their potential for successful and happy lives, in a society which knows their abilities and is supportive of their needs. We represent the interests and respond to the needs of people with Down syndrome in the major aspects of their lives; as members of the family, in their individual pursuits, and as members of the community. We want all people with Down syndrome to reach their full potential as individuals and citizens within the wider community in NSW and Australia. Down Syndrome NSW has made its mission to support and promote the interests of all people with Down syndrome, their families and carers in NSW. We will work to improve the quality of life of people with Down syndrome by empowering and enabling our membership and supporters through: •C ontact support for families and carers of individuals of all ages with Down syndrome. •G enerating and disseminating information to our membership, professionals and the community at large. •C reating and promoting innovative programmes which further the development of individuals with Down syndrome. •R aising positive public awareness about Down syndrome. •P romoting equal rights for people with Down syndrome both individually and collectively. Contributing to the shaping of Government policy and service provision. •R epresenting the interest of our constituency in local state and national forums. •E ncouraging and assisting research initiatives into issues relating to Down syndrome. •R aising funds for the above purposes. 01 Board Members President: Matthew Kelly [9/9] Vice-President: Margot Elliffe [7/9] Treasurer: Richard Yee [8/9] Secretary: Tracylee Arestides [5/9] Public Officer: Chris Elenor [5/9] Angela Adams [7/9] | Roger Bamber [6/9] | Emily Caska [2/9] | Julie Cromer [5/9] Meaghan Hepplewhite [7/9] | Sarah Hyland [6/9] | Jacqueline Little [6/9] Ingrid Rikkert [7/9] | Candy Connors until 06.02.13 Bracketed figures indicate the attendance at board meetings by each member. Nine meetings for the year. Staff General Manager: Scott Bridges Administration: Michelle Bamber | William Grieve | Siena O’Brien Parent Support: Judy Davidson, Manager | Lynn Bailey | Miriam Philomena | Mary Thompson Information and Library: Fiona Place | Jo See Fundraising: Priscilla Leong Up Club: Brooke Jones until Sept 2012 Kathryn Hanna Aug - Dec 2012 02 03 President’s Report The Down’s Syndrome Association of NSW was formally established in 1980 by parents, most of whom had young children with Down syndrome and had participated in the Macquarie University Down Syndrome Program. During the 1960s and 1970s incresing numbers of parents defied the accepted wisdom of the day, to institutionalise their children, and instead sought out other families who also wanted to bring their children home and live a normal life. From simple beginnings this community of families has grown to become the force for advocacy, education, positive representation and inclusion that we are today. The 2011-12 Board came together as a new team, with a diverse range of experience, expertise and knowledge. Given the rapidly developing changes in the wider disability sector, and the emergence of the Association from a volatile period of flux on many fronts, the Board has worked well and consistently on behalf of our members. Some outstanding matters to achieve resolution under the Board were finalisation of the financial arrangements arising from the Richard Wilkins/Channel 9 fundraising event, and the management and acquittal of accounts as part of the process of placing the Association on a sound financial footing. The task ahead is to build on this foundation, and, through fundraising and proper financial management, ensure that the Association survives in the future, It has been a year of considerable progress for the Association on other fronts as well. Down Syndrome NSW is delighted to 04 join with our sister organisations across the country to form Down Syndrome Australia, a peak organisation to represent our interests at a federal level. As we continue to build and enrich our community through grass roots sharing and regional outreach, we also intend to speak up on the systemic issues that affect people with Down syndrome through advocacy at a state level and, with DS Australia, federally. While it is still early days in the formation and running of this new organisation, we are committed to continuing to help build a powerful national voice for people with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome NSW is essentially a member organisation, a community with a common cause. In considering ways to best serve our community the Board made several major decisions to build our capacity as an organisation. The most exciting of these is undoubtedly the long overdue update of our office software. While most of us might not even consider the role of software, the reality is that our move to Raiser’s Edge will let us engage with you, our members more effectively and efficiently. This means more of the events and information seminars you have requested, streamlined payments and communications and a substantial freeing up of our staff’s valuable time to be more available to families. Advocacy and information remain central to our work. In line with our new capacity, and the formation of our national body, Down Syndrome NSW has updated the way we look using the visual elements developed for the national association. Our smart new logo, work on a new more accessible website, the more frequent production of our enews - all signal our intention to usher in a new era of information, engagement and service for our members. The past year has also seen the Association move premises. The onset some years ago of several large funded programs necessitated a move to larger premises, at Weston Street Harris Park, to accommodate extra staff and activity. As those programs have wound down to their natural conclusion it was no longer viable or necessary for the Association to pay commercial rent on such a large space. With the generous assistance of ADHC, the office and library have moved to more financially sustainable accommodation in Deed Place, Northmead. This sunny suburban house in a quiet residential area accommodates all our wonderful staff easily, as well as providing a space for that most valuable of resources the Down Syndrome NSW library. Members are always welcome to call in to use the library or just say hello. A major role of the Association role continues to be the unique parent-to-parent support we are able to offer new families - from the first time they hear about their child’s ‘bonus chromosome’ through all the ups and downs of life ever after. Our staff are indeed our greatest asset, and on behalf of the Board I’d like to acknowledge their continued professionalism and commitment to making the world a better place for people with Down syndrome. It has been a pleasure to serve as President with the 2011-12 Board. I’d like to thank all the Board members who have so graciously volunteered their time, energy and experience over the past year. Particular thanks go to long time member Julie Cromer, who will be leaving the Board this year. Her dedicated contribution over the many years of her involvement with Down Syndrome NSW has ranged from librarian and information services to several stints on the Board. All of us are grateful for her dedication and hard work, and she deserves our profound thanks and gratitude. Our greatest asset, as a community sharing the vision of an opportune life for people with Down syndrome, is the depth of our collective knowledge and wisdom. I believe I am privileged to see this first hand in the Down Sydnrome NSW staff, in our volunteers, in the variety of our membership and most of all in the passion of every parent who contacts our Association. Matthew Kelly President 05 Parent Support The Parent Support Team was notified of the births of 53 babies with Down syndrome in the twelve month period from July 2012 – June 2013. We responded with personal visits, phone calls and information as requested by new families and health professionals. Achievements The Cecilia Kilkeary Foundation continued to fund our ‘Creating a Positive Start’ project. This funding allowed us to undertake 166 visits to parents, and professionals, enabling 755 people access to support and information. The Kilkeary Foundation also funded our annual Baby Day for new families. Mary Thompson continued our Hospital and Health professionals inservice program. Thirteen in-services were conducted over the twelve month period. Since the inception of the program, an in-service has been conducted in every hospital in the Sydney Metropolitan, Newcastle and Wollongong areas. We have contacted a number of regional hospitals and sent current new parent information packages. We aim to contact and update with information and resources all regional hospitals across the state within the next 12 months. We would formally like to thank Mary for the valuable and fantastic work she continues to do for DS NSW. 06 Candy Connors continued to provide a much appreciated role as the DS NSW Regional Liason and Support Coordinator for the Hunter region. This position encourages and facilitates support on a local level, disseminates local information to families and encourages connection between the local community events and DS NSW. DS NSW would like to formally thank Candy for the passion and commitment she has brought to this role. Highlights In November 2012 we held our Baby Day. It was a wonderful opportunity for 27 new mums and their babies to connect, ask questions, swap stories and gain some information. Eight dads and a number of siblings joined us for lunch at the conclusion of the formal activities. The annual Mothers Weekend was held in Sydney City this year. Thirty one mothers attended across the weekend. The weekend provided opportunities for networking and support, the sharing of information and a time for relaxation and rejuvenation. 07 Parent Support Adult Parent Support Future We have been vigilantly following the development of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, DisabilityCare Australia, particularly the initial roll out in the Hunter, and implications for service users. DisabilityCare will progressively be rolled out across NSW from July 2013 and it is anticipated that Disabilitycare will cover all eligible residents in NSW by July 2018. The lack of skilled workers is one of the biggest identified gaps in this new paradigm in service delivery. We are currently developing training programs for professionals to include, ‘A person centred approach to working with people with Down syndrome’ and ‘Engaging families’. We worked with our Communication Group with Devices commencing August 2013. For our families we anticipate being able to present a workshop on developing and maintaining good partnerships with service providers. Our aim is to present these workshops in Sydney as well as regional areas. When we offer these workshops in regional areas, we will also intend to offer a parallel performing arts workshop for young adults with Down syndrome. Parent Support priorities for the immediate and long term future. • Continuing to provide the core business of supporting new families with information and access to resources and support networks, as well as ensuring health professionals have current and accurate information about Down syndrome. 08 • Development of online support, resources and information for our new parents. • Encourage the development of support networks, structures and information for families with Adults with Down syndrome. • Increase workshop and in-service opportunities to connect and inform families and professionals. The Parent Support Team would like to thank all our members who willingly offer their time and support to new families. It provides an invaluable support to both the families and to our team. We would also like to thank all the staff at the office of Down Syndrome NSW for the support, wisdom and knowledge they share with us. Information & Library Services The Library receives requests and provides information to members and non-members about Down syndrome. Requests are frequently made in the following areas; medical, health and other therapeutic services, education, adolescence, ageing, accommodation and current public policy issues. Primarily the library serves the diverse information needs of our members. Access to library resources is a significant benefit of Down Syndrome NSW membership. We hold a substantial collection of Down syndrome specific material. Down Syndrome NSW staff members frequently rely on library resources to inform their activities. The library underpins much of the work undertaken by the parent support team. The library provides assistance with resources to teaching and support staff in government and nongovernment schools across the state. We receive and respond to many requests for information from secondary and tertiary students undertaking large and small research projects. Part of our information service involves disseminating requests for participants from academics engaging in research projects into Trisomy 21. In the latter half of 2013, work will commence on the development of a comprehensive, industry standard catalogue of the library and archival holdings. We are the custodians of significant collection of Down syndrome specific texts, in a variety of formats, collected over a thirty-year period. The library preserves the history of the organisation and is developing 10 an appropriate archive, its development and care is an ongoing project. The library wishes to thank Edme Steirn for her long standing commitment to providing much appreciated voluntary assistance to both the library and Parent Support. Publications: Print: Voice will become a national publication as of August 2013. It will continue to be published 3 times a year. Members will no longer receive a copy of the journal unless they elect to take out a subscription. eUpdate: The eUpdate changed from a monthly to bi-monthly publication in May 2013 to keep subscribers more efficiently informed. We are keen to include more stories submitted by members about the activities of people of all ages with Trisomy 21 in NSW. At the time of reporting the eUpdate has approximately two thousand subscribers. Blog: Keeping Up with Down syndrome blog continues to be edited by Jill O’Connor, publishing on an almost daily basis. Social media: DS NSW maintains a presence on Facebook thanks to Fiona Place. Website: The website is often the first port of call for many, our site is currently being significantly redesigned to provide enhanced access to members and nonmembers. Workshops: My Dream: Their Independence, Letting Go Successfully presented on 23 February by Margot Elliffe Burwood RSL, 58 people attended. Playing to Their Strengths This ever popular one day presentation by Judy Davidson, for educators and school support staff, was held in April and was well attended. Estate Planning Presented by Jonathan Harris from Harris Freidman Lawyers. Down Syndrome NSW wishes to thank Jonathan for presenting a difficult topic with clarity and concision. Jonathan has been kind enough to visit Newcastle in September. His efforts are much appreciated. 11 Fundraising & Events Down Syndrome NSW wishes to acknowledge and thank all those people who, and organisations which, have given their effort and energy in support of our events over the past year. Buddy Walk NSW 2012 October 14-21 In October 2012 Down Syndrome NSW celebrated World Down Syndrome Awareness Week with its annual Buddy Walk. Celebrations began in Sydney on Sunday 14th October, followed by walks in Wagga Wagga, Hunter and Illawarra Regions on Sunday 21st October. Over 1500 people participated in walks across NSW. The weather was glorious, and the Teams were out in force and got in to the spirit of things, with fabulous outfits, personalised t-shirts and coloured hair. It was a wonderful and memorable event for all those who participated, and we would like thank them all for their outstanding efforts in raising funds and awareness for Down syndrome. In 2013 the event will change its name to Step! Up for Down syndrome. A huge thank you also to all of our generous sponsors, supporters, volunteers, and to all who were involved in organising the event for their incredible support and hard work in helping to make Buddy Walk - NSW such a great success! In particular Irene Newby, Maha Daizli, Catherine Manning, Karyn Ellem, Sandra Biggs, Meaghan Hepplewhite, Candy Connors, and Jennine Taylor. Smiles 4 A Day Spring Carnival Smiles 4 A Day Spring Carnival was held on Saturday 17th November 2012 at Parramatta Stadium. The day was held for children with special needs and their families, and was filled with fun including face-painting, roving performers, bike rides, gift bags, raffle, craft and sports activities. Thank you to Irene Newby for all her hard work and dedication in creating a great event for families. Hope to make it bigger and better in 2013. Dreamnight at the Zoo Taronga Zoo On Thursday 6th December 2012 over 100 of our families attended Dreamnight at the Zoo, a spectacular and exclusive event held at Taronga Zoo. The evening started with an appearance from Dorothy the Dinosaur, and even Santa dropped in to say Hi. The evening then continued with animal encounters, face painting, roaming performers (i.e. characters from Star Wars), police cars, fire truck, Harley Motor bikes, and more. Guests took home not only wonderful memories of a great night, but also a gift bag and official photo to remember their evening by. It was an unforgettable experience for both the children and their parents. A huge thank you to all the Staff and Volunteers at Taronga Zoo for all the work they put in to organising such a magical event, and for allowing us to be a part of it once again. 13 Fundraising & Events T4321 & High Tea 4 321 Sydney and Hunter T4321 events were held across NSW in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day, March 21 2013. Communities joined together over a cuppa or two to recognise the abilities and achievements of people with Down syndrome and to raise vital funds to support their needs. Numerous events were held across the state, morning teas, cake bakes, picnics, raffles, and for the first time this year Down Syndrome NSW hosted the High Tea 4 321 in Sydney and the Hunter. Scrapheap Adventure Ride Back O’ Bourke 2013 This year, over 50 riders and their support teams embarked on an adventure over the Easter long weekend (March 29-30) to Comeroo Camel Station, located 150kms NorthWest of Bourke. We acknowledge all of their amazing efforts in rasing funds and awareness for Down syndrome. Team Inverell set the record this year for having the largest team and raising the highest amount of money. Michelle Bamber of DS NSW attended the event. “Altogether my family had a great time and we would happily go again. I think the riders who made the journey enjoyed the weekend as well. This event plays an important role in the life of Down Syndrome NSW. It raises 14 much needed funds to support the work of the association, this year raising over $50,000. Even more importantly we have the opportunity to raise awareness of the needs and abilities of people with Down syndrome particularly in rural areas. I would like to thank those who participated this year and for making my family feel so welcome. We can’t wait to see where the Scrapheap Adventure will take us next year.” Down Syndrome NSW wishes to acknowledge the incredible efforts of parent member, Perry Gilsenan (Founder of Scrapheap Adventure Ride) for all of his work in organising this fantastic event, and his family Jane, Grace and Molly who were very patient and generous with their time. We hope Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2014 is bigger and better! 15 External Fundraising The Up Club Along with major fundraising events such as Buddy Walk, T4321, and Scrapheap Adventure Ride, a number of our wonderful supporters held celebrations and events of their own to raise funds for Down Syndrome NSW. We would like to thank all those who expended great time and energy to raise vital funds on behalf of Down Syndrome NSW. These include: The 2012 Sun-Herald City2Surf presented by Westpac-Sydney Sunday 12 August 2012 • Wendy Wong • Vince Barbara • Dimitri Gotsis and Team Gotsis Accounting • Michelle Sraih • Kate Baker • Daniel Fleming • Johan Gabrielsson 20th Annual Pub2Pub Charity Fun Run & Walk Sunday 26 August 2012 • Ruby Cannon Make a Difference - BBQ Fundraiser Sunday 16th September 2012 • Chloe Sawyer Lawn Bowls Family Fun Day Sunday 23 September 2012 • Robyn Phillips Movie Night Fundraiser Monday 15th October 2012 • Brid Corrigan 2012 Rebel Sport Run4Fun presented by The Sun-Herald Sydney Olympic Park & ANZ Stadium Sunday 4 November 2012 • Kate Doherty 16 Basketball Shooting Competition Nov 2012 • Trinity Grammar School Australia Day Raffle/Fundraiser Saturday 26th January • Blue Mountains Woodturners Inc The 2013 Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon presented by Colonial First State Sydney 19 May 2013 • Nick O’Flynn • Christopher Wong • Erica Tseng • Edward Santos Down Syndrome Awareness Fundraiser 23 May 2013 • Sarah & Mary Givney-Clark held at St Patrick’s College Charity Benefit Night Fri 21st June 2013 • Tin Lids Play Centre, Morisset Outdoor Complete • Mel Angelis Insect Glue Trap Proceeds from sales The UP Club is a peer support social group for young adults with Down syndrome. It conducts regular social activities throughout the year. It is inclusive of siblings and is a great avenue and way for siblings to meet and get together. DSNSW recognises the importance of siblings so we provide this activity as an opportunity for siblings to get together, meet one another, and chat. Our Up Club Coordinator Brooke Jones was farewelled in September 2012. Kathryn Hanna was subsequently employed in the position. She resigned at the end of 2012 due to other work/ study commitments. A number of activities were organised over the 6 month break, including the Addams family Show and a pub night. Thanks to Jackie Little for coordinating the pub night. The Up Club activity Pub Night at The 3 Weeds, Rozelle has become a regular and very popular activity. The Up Club committee worked on policies and procedures immediately following Kathryn’s departure and the position was advertised in April 2013 and readvertised June 2013. Flavio Fernandez-Maldonado was employed as the new coordinator in July 2013. President Nick Hogan and Vice President Ruth Cromer were invaluable with their insights and contributions to the Up Club Interview panel and the appointment of the new Coordinator. The Up Club again has been lucky enough to have secured support for the 2012-2013 period. Thanks to Anne Sherry and Michael Hogan for their continued generous support. 17 Thanks and Sponsors Thank you to each and every one of our wonderful, dedicated and passionate volunteers and sponsors, who play a vital role in making events possible: Buddy Walk Sydney Banana Boat Belvoir St Theatre Café 2 U - Paul Brindle - coffee & snacks Calmsley Hill City Farm City Convenience Store - refreshments & snacks Educare Academy - face painting and sports activities Event Cinemas Flying Bark Productions - Blinky Bill Gotham’s Finest - Batman & Catwoman Leonie Brown’s Dancers - entertainment Look Design McPhersons Plains Alpine Retreat Mirvac Hotels Miss Tippy Toes, Northcott Disability Services - Spinosaurus North Sydney Council Onsite Rental Group Rotary Club of St George Central - Sausage Sizzle Royal Australian Navy Sharp Steve Passfield - MC/sound/entertainment Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Taronga Zoo The Powerhouse Museum Veolia Buddy Walk Wagga Wagga 501st Legion - Star Wars Apex Club Brian and Karen Reid from Riverina Alarm Systems Geoff Crouch from Ron Crouch Transport Jamie Way and the other members of “Groove Factorie” Kat Fisher Dancers Mark and Jo Wade from Rock Solid Gear Rural Fire Service Scribbles Café The entire Stenhouse family from Lake Cargelligo Vicky and Greg Tooze from Turvey Tops Butchers Buddy Walk Hunter Region Active Dance - Performance Group Adamstown Lions Club - BBQ Betty Hepplewhite Betty Hepplewhite - Pre Buddy Walk support Carolyn Edwards - Performer Cattleman’s Country Motor Inn, Dubbo Charlestown Golf Club Cheryl Prior - Pre Buddy Walk support Coles Medowie Coles Toronto Connors Family Darryl Prior - Pre Buddy Walk support Denise’s Boutique, Toronto Event Cinema, Glendale Frame Today, Warners Bay The Hair Retreat Wangi 18 Hunter School of the Performing Arts Marching Band – Pre-walk Entertainment & Official Opening Jay Caruana - Little Kickers John Solomon, Foundation21 K Mart, Glendale Leigh Creighton - Opening Speaker/Assistant Master of Ceremonies Les McAllister - Acknowledgement to Country Little Kickers - Gross Motor Activities Marissa Matthews - Performer Medieval Group - Performance Group Nathan Outteridge & Iain Jensen Newcastle City Council Officeworks, Warners Bay Peterson House, Pokolbin Priceline, Toronto Shindigs, Lambton SNP Security Steve Passfield - Master of Ceremonies Taronga Park Zoo, Western Plains Dubbo Tin Lids Play Centre, Morisset WaltzSing Matildas - Performance Group Wangi RSL Amateur Sailing Club Westlakes Medical Centre Buddy Walk illawarra Collegians Football Club and Tullimbar Public School Go Hire Unanderra i98fm radio station Illawarra Mercury Lake Times Lightsounds Wollongong Mo’JAVA Mobile Café Win TV Wollongong Council Wollongong NRE Hawks and Illawarra Dragons Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2013 Brad Hare from Hare and Forbes Machinery House Bruce Sharpe and staff at Comeroo Camel Station, Bourke CD Media Charity Paintball Clubby from Trailzone Magazine Featherdale Farm Fraser Motorcycles Gilsenan family Gleny Rae for the music on the night Greg Yager of Old Bulls Trail Riders for leading the ride from Bathurst to Comeroo Martin Wyllie of Pilot Air Compressors Michael Hein - Laser Welding Services North Rocks Michael McDowell from The Sign and Bagde Centre North Manly Bowling Club - March in support of Scrapheap Peter Scrivener for organising the Scrapheap Rock, Sunday 24th Powerhouse Museum Steve Smith of Adventure Moto Special thanks to all the generous donors for their valuable support and getting behind the riders. Voluteers Sydney Volunteers Hunter Volunteers Illawarra Volunteers Dominic Aguilar Nisha Amin Stuart Armstrong Danielle Ash Worth Daniel Barber Brad Baurrt James Black Belinda Bull Ruby Cannon Audrey Chinyani Gabi Cohen Samantha Connors Candy Connors Maha Daizli Ben D. Johnny Egurolla John Falevai Ashling Farrell Eva Gerber Sam Gerber Dario Guerrero Meaghan Hepplewhite Andrew Higgs Nicholas Karpathios Del Keane Eric Kent Evaine Ladwa Kelvin Lim Tafadzwa Maringehosi Jamie McGregor Patrice Miller Eden Narramore John-David Narromore Kennith O’Connor Demelza O’Keffe Mayen Palingcod Jamie Patton Karl Pobre Cheryl Rose Robert Rowland Miguel Samaniegu Gabby Samaniegu Matthias Singh Isabelle Smith Lauara Tocha Daisy Tocha Dinh Tran Abigail Vallejo Joy Vega Brianan Webb Justin Wilkinson Mitchell Chadwick Kelsie Alexander Erin Barnett Candy Connors - Organising Committee Samantha Connors Tracy Fernance Margaret Galvin Bridget Gerdsen Leanne Gillespie Bob Goedner Lou Harris Mikayla Harris Kerrie Harvey Wayne Harvey Betty Hepplewhite Meaghan Hepplewhite - Event Coordinator Cynthia Hill Julee Hillhouse Lynne Howard Sue Hutchby Priscilla Leong Helen Matthews Ian Matthews Marissa Matthews Terry McAuliffe Kim Moran Tony Moran Alex Mowbray Barbara Mowbray John Mulhearn Judy Mulhearn Irene Newby David O’Neill Jasmine Outteridge Cheryl Prior Darryl Prior Maureen Saunders Peter Saunders Kim Talbot Bob Taylor Jennine Taylor - Organising Committee June Taylor Michael Taylor Sally Taylor Brianna Thomas Helen Thomas Jacqui Thomas Daisy Tocha Jo-Anne Wickham Tracy Barker Sandra Biggs Jason Ellem - Organising Committee Karyn Ellem - Event Coordinator Alexis Schnitger Family and Friends Wagga Volunteers Narelle Bugg Paul Bugg Lachie Bugg Andy Bugg Karen Davis Clive Lucas Marlene Lucas Catherine Manning - Event Coordinator Kevin Manning - Organising Committee Kira Manning Luke Manning Maddi Salmon Joanne Wade Chloe Wade 19 Donor List $50 000 + The Pratt Foundation $10 000 + Cecilia Kilkeary Foundation Channel Nine Davies Family Foundation $5000+ Karl Azzi Joanna Fleming $3000 + Denise Emmett Pilot Air Compressors Pty Ltd The Mathews Family Westpac Andrew Wilson $1000 + Peter Baines Carnegie/Vasudhara Foundation Coal and Allied Elizabeth Collins Colonial First State Asset Management (Australia) Ltd Brid Corrigan Lynette Gooch Joanne Harris Cameron Jackson Paul Jones Phil Kimber Noel Maguire David Markell Col Meacham Mick O’Brien Port Waratah Coal Services Ltd David Renehan Michael Siciliano Stephen Smith St Joseph the Worker School Cassandra Yee 20 $500 + Jody Aldag Adam Anderson Michael Andrews Stephen Baker Bateau Bay Square Mariam Bishay CAFFUND Leonard Elliffe Wayne Farnsworth Stephen Franke Anthony Grech Brendon Gregg Rob Grieve H. Dallas Industries Pty Ltd Teresa Haddock Sharon Harland Inverell Motorcycle Restorers Club Matthew Kelly Ladies Who Lunch Dulcie Lane Keiran Liprini Jon Mcgovern Joseph Meawad Metallurgical Coal Lennie Montebello Outdoor Complete Pty Ltd Michael Parker Paul Petrusma Greg Phillips Vanessa Reeves Margaret Reid Ron Crouch Transport Rotary Club Of Camden Inc Kellie Serafin Shellharbour Village Uniting Church Anthony South Paul Taylor The Bundanoon Good Yarn Inc Trinity Grammar School Tullimbar Public School Sorcha Ui Laoghaire John Williams Tristan Young $300 + Kate Baker Sara Baker Bloomfeild Group Foundation Blue Mountains Woodturners Inc BP Beresfield Cafe 45 Candy Connors Neil Coutts Culburra Public School Kathleen Dunworth Face Faxx Fuel Power Plus Benjamin Futcher Greystanes Pre-School Kindergarten IL Topolino Delicatessen Peter Jensen K&R Fabrications John Lynn Mona Vale Public School Neoma Coffee Northmead Bowling Club Kylee Elizabeth Paddy Pierre St Just Malherbe St Patrick’s College The Muffin Break Transfield Services Jacquilyne Trimnell-Ritchard Tony Vamianakis Mark Victor Geoffrey Wolfe Samantha Wyatt $200 + John Abou-Antoun Courtnie Alaia Renee Alborough American Motorcycle Club • Tweed Chapter • Brisbane Chapter • Hastings Chapter • Mid North Coast • South Coast Chapter • Southern Highlands Chapter • Sunshine Coast Chapter Louise Bailey Simon Batt Wayne Bedggood Mary And Barry Benson Blackmores Ltd Karan Bland Peter Bland Joseph Bousalim Bupa Aged Care Facility Dean Burton Jenn Calleja Jodie Campbell Campbell & Freebairn Carlingford Women’s Bowling Club Wendy Carnell Annie Cheung steve clarke CMCA - Port Macquarie Escapee’s Josh Coburn Julie Coffey Susan Conroy Steven Cook Jane Dawson Anthony Debreceny Rod Deutschbein Molly Jane Drinkwater Julie Edwards Elias Elbadaoui Eddie Elvins Caroline Fearnside Doug Ferris Carlos Franco Nina Gee Jacki Gee Simon Gilsenan Adam Ginsburg Christine Golenia Cameron Griffiths Philip Haines Wayne Hardaker Adrian Hillcoat Andrew Hooton Michaela Howells Jacaranda Grove Pre School Renee James Fiona Kelly Ray Kusturin Anna Lattouf Andrew Lee Grant Leonard Dana Lowe Marie Marshall Mary Help of Christians School Sawtell Patrick Mccann Troy Mckinnon Robert McKinnon Michael McPherson Michael and Mary Whelan Trust Margaret Monaghan Emelie Mullineaux Vy Nguyen Peter Oliver Dianne Pastuszak Shane Perrow Possums PreSchool Rotary Club of St George Central Inc. Rob Shoemark Pam Slough Greg Solomons Adam Sparrow Kathleen Speirs Richard Spira Peter Stefan Janice Tarlinton Tsubaki Australia Pty Ltd Arjan Van Veen Christina Veljanovski Wood Bros (Bourke) Pty Ltd $100 + Rose Abraham Brett Abrahams Catherine / Ashlynn / Geoff Abrahams ADHC Alda Adnett Allman Industrial Services Racheal Anderson Tracylee Arestides Christine Armitage Ausgrid Susie Ayoub Rob Baguley Rene Baissari Melinda Bargwanna Bradley Barnett Albert Bartolo Jennifer Bartolo Glen Batty Craig Beckett Jennifer Ann Bentley Darren Berrigan Andrew Biggs Ray Birchall Tom Blackburn Dean Blundell Chris Bonner Emma Booker Kevin Booth Matthew Bowden Mick Boyle Barry Breckenridge Levi Brinckley Amanda Bromby Pamela Brown Violet Brown Jenny Brumfield Luke Brumfield Kaz Buchan Peter Buffier Anita Buncic Craig Burgmann Simon Burke David Burrill Jean Burrill Glen Butler Jeanette Butler CAFÉ 2U Merrin Callaghan Sue Cameron Karen Carr Gerry Carr-Boyd Brendon Carre Julie Caruana CBA Retail Products Finance Team Jillian Cheek Tony Church Gloria Clark Mickey Clark Samantha Clark Wendy Clark Wayne Coburn Linda Collier Kieran Collings Elspeth Collins Sabrina Collinson Samantha Connors Steve Connors Brooke Cook Leeca Cook Philip Cooney Maria Correas Tom Crimmins Damien Croft Erin Croft Dawn Crombie Mark Cummings Nicholas Daviotis Luke De Gioia Pip De Rohan Tammy DeBono Shannel Debreceny Troy Di Pietro Mark Ditchfield Doyles Seafoods Pty Ltd Michelle Drage Adam Edwards Brad Edwards Hannah Edwards Ross Edwards Sean Edwards Chris Ellem Karyn Ellem Darron Ellery Margot Elliffe Chris Ely Scott Evans Peter Fahy Nina Fairweather Tony Fehon Nadine Fine Janet Frankham Brett Fraser Harley Frazer Alan Fuller Elouise Fuller Rob Fuller Sam Fuller Alistair Galbraith Kyle Gale Angela Gallagher John Gallagher Joanne Gemayel Karen Giblett Rod Giblett Emma Gibson Tanya Gill Rodney Gilsenan Juli Gjakovski Daniel Gray Barry Groom Nadine Grootenboer Peter Grootenboer Colleen Hacker Emil Hafner Bronwyn Halpin Deb Harrison Chris Harvey Darlene Harvey Trish Hay Hazelbrook Public School Annette Heather Joy Henderson Jenni Hickman Kellie Hollingshed Anne Honey Brian Hughes Rory Hume Harry Hunter Natalie Hutchings Khalid Idrees Mike Irving Alex Issaakidis Kim Jackson Lily Jones Shelly Jurd Sonia Jurd Peter Kane Josephine Kay Jodie Kelly Daniel Kelso Brian Kennelly Leanne Kiernan Robyn Kildea Stephen Klemich Grant Knowles Robert Kohn Gavin Krawchuk Jeannette Larkin Elsie Lasseter Michael Latimore Tom Lee Judi Lees Jan Lindsay Charley Loomis Cheryl Lucas Heather Lucas Katrina Lucas Phil Lynn Suzanne Mackay Frank Madrid James Manson Merran Manulat Patrick Mathews Ian Mayer Lyn McAllister Danielle, Jan, Barry McConkey Ross McKinnon Wesley Mcmillan Andrew Meddings Ryan Meddings Riaz Mehta Diane Merryfull Ben Miller Trish Mills Graham Mitchell Aneek Mollah Richard Montford Julian Moro Carmen Morris Catherine Mulcahy Sharon Mulready Andrew Munro Ken Musznig Anders Mykkeltvedt Stephen Nagle Melissa Neil John Newcombe Brian Newman Lisa Nicklin Ted Norman Andrew O’Brien Brendan O’Connor Rhonda O’Donnell Peter O’Meara Bernard Orenstein Bryan Palin Nagaraja Panduranga Rob Parkes Karl Peek Elise Perks Marilyn Perrin Petals Network Jacinta Pinkster Karisha Pinkster Tracey Pinkster Maria Polczynski Deborah Power John Preddy Geoffrey Prideaux Jan Prideaux Lenny Prideaux Phillip Prideaux Sandra Pryor Michael Raschke Red Plain Pastoral Co Rachel Rees Carol Reid Jahna Reynolds Riverina Alarm Systems Jenny Rix Jo Roberts Rebecca Robinson Shae Rodgers Jim Ross Rotary Club of Glen Innes John Ryan Carol Sampaklis Devindar Samra Sharon Samuel Vicki Sassin Justin Scanlan Michael Scoble A Scott Alan Seale Richard Sharpe Enda Sheridan Jeffrey Simmons Alan Slee Jeff Smith Mark Sorensen Greg Spindler John Stevens Jock Stier Kirri Stone Judith Storey Syper Strewberry Joy Stuart G Sullivan John Sutherland Jody Sutton Scott Thomson Carrie-Anne Tosato Louis Trichard Turvey Tops Butchery Peter Tyldsley Roberta Upu Erin Vaccari Johan Van Der Velde Mark Vischschoonmaker Andrew Wallace Steve Walsh Wangi Wangi Public School Adam Watt Jacqueline Wehbe Tarryn Wesche Jill Wetherall Pam Weymer Monique Wheatley Brett Whelan Justin Whitaker Sue White Thomas Willoughby Richard Wilson Ben Woods Elizabeth Worraker Jack Wu Stuart Wyllie Richard Young Kate Zarboch Audit Report INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE DOWN SYNDROME ASSOCIATION OF NSW INC Scope I have audited the accounts of Down Syndrome NSW Inc for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 as set out on the following pages. The accounts consist of the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Financial Performance together with the notes thereto, and the information contained therein is the responsibility of the Committee of Management. I have conducted an independent audit of these accounts in order to express an opinion on them to the members of the Association. My audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and the requirements of The Charitable Fundraising Act to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the accounts are free of material misstatement. My procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the accounts, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the accounts are prepared in accordance with an accruals basis of accounting. Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements have not been applied in the preparation and presentation of the accounts. The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis. Qualification As is common for organisations of this type, it is not practicable for the Association to maintain an effective system of internal control over donations and other fund raising activities until their initial entry in the accounting records. Accordingly my audit has therefore been restricted to amounts recorded in the accounting records of the Association. Audit Opinion (a) In my opinion, subject to the effects of such adjustments, if any, that might have been determined to be necessary had the limitation referred to in the qualification paragraph above not existed, the accounts present fairly the financial position of Down Syndrome NSW Inc as at 30 June 2013 and its surplus for the year then ended in accordance with the accrual basis of accounting as described above. (b) My report, in accordance with Section 24 of The Charitable Fund raising Act, 1991, that: (i) The accounts and associated records of Down Syndrome NSW Inc have been properly kept during the year in accordance with the Act; (ii) Money recorded as a result of fundraising appeals conducted during the year has been properly accounted for and applied in accordance with the Act; subject to the limitation referred in the qualification paragraph above and; (iii) There are reasonable grounds to believe that Down Syndrome NSW Inc will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due. Ronald Smith & Co Chartered Accountant 22 Ronald Smith Sydney, 30th August 2013 23 Financial Statements Down Syndrome Association NSW Down Syndrome Association NSW ABN 39 023 586 389 ABN 39 023 586 389 Detailed Statement of Financial Position As At 30 June 2013 Detailed Statement of Financial Position As At 30 June 2013 Note 2013 $ Note 2012 $ Current Assets Non-Current Assets Cash Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Cash At Bank 38,175.36 Cash on hand 718.53 38,893.89 199,341.00 Less: Accumulated depreciation 199,341.00 2012 Charity Dinner & Auction 236,410.00 Less: Provision doubtful debts (98,275.00) 138,135.00 36,266.20 (3,493.00) (32,339.25) 3,926.95 (3,493.00) Other ING Maximiser Total Current Assets Rental Bond Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets Current Tax Assets Input tax credit control account 189,538.00 (152,747.00) (152,747.00) 54,121.02 36,791.00 4,093.67 8,677.00 4,093.67 8,677.00 530,245.16 552,351.00 530,245.16 552,351.00 583,066.00 886,334.00 58,214.69 45,468.00 641,280.69 931,802.00 Current Liabilities Payables Unsecured: Trade creditors Amount Due to Channel 9 4,057.51 141,071.00 132,000.00 136,057.51 141,071.00 2,078.59 78,735.00 2,078.59 78,735.00 Current Tax Liabilities Amounts withheld from salary and wages Total Current Liabilities 24 206,868.02 10,000.00 10,000.00 GST payable control account 2012 $ Other Receivables Loans Down Syndrome Australia Fixtures & Fittings 2013 $ 138,136.10 219,806.00 25 Profit and Loss Statement Down Syndrome of NSW Year ended 30 June 2013 Profit and Loss Down Syndrome Association NSW ABN 39 023 586 389 Detailed Statement of Financial Position As At 30 June 2013 Note 2013 $ Income 2012 $ Non-Current Liabilities Provisions Provision for Annual Leave 24,999.00 25,043.00 Provision for Long Service Leave 21,510.00 12,914.00 46,509.00 37,957.00 Total Non-Current Liabilities 46,509.00 37,957.00 Total Liabilities 184,645.10 257,763.00 Net Assets 456,635.59 674,039.00 ADHC - Support and Integration ADHC - ILSI Project ATW Project Celia Kilkeary Fund Educational Workshops Fundraising Donations Charity Dinner & Auction Buddy Walk Calendars Cause Related Midyear Appeal Promotional Items Raffles Scrapheap Adventure Ride Shave A Bunny Go Fundraiser/Everyday Hero T4321 Workplace Giving ($) 2013 Retained profits / (accumulated losses) Total Equity 26 ($) 2012 68,847 28,215 111,832 19,614 6,023 90,817 125,577 58,776 8,314 681 2,683 0 0 64,745 0 0 14,770 4,652 Total Fundraising Government Funding - ADHC Information Books Investment Income Membership Subscriptions Miscellaneous Income Mothers Weekend Money Box Income Other Government Grants Other Non Government Grants Project - Up Club Total Income Equity ($) 2013 ($) 2012 0 471,070 108,500 36,616 8,260 171,440 386,393 62,303 7,961 15,422 4,160 1,822 3,552 69,226 30,531 250 12,611 21,549 371,015 0 0 16,691 36,262 5,634 9,739 3,554 100,000 50,000 35,000 787,220 66,734 278 55,445 45,594 1,631 6,563 0 0 86,686 6,758 862,426 1,681,355 0 905 2,981 4,900 2,864 847 0 53,584 3,926 0 29,782 3,972 32,318 467 506 4,030 4,389 7,507 6,448 99,443 0 30,982 2,004 0 278,173 11,026 36,868 122,633 3,448 0 Expenditure 456,635.59 456,635.59 674,039.00 674,039.00 Accommodation & Room Hire Advertising AGM & Committee Expenses Auditing Fee Bank AMEX & Merchant Charges Catering Conferences Contractors Celia Kilkeary Fund Depreciation - Office & Computer Expenses DSA Australia Educational Workshops Fundraising Charity Dinner & Auction Buddy Walk Calendars Scrapheap Adventure Ride Go Fundraiser/Everyday Hero T4321 Total Fundraising General Expenses ADHC - ILSI Project Information Voice/ Newsletters Video / Books Library & Subscriptions Seminars & Staff Training 249,639 7,089 2,990 3,773 1,250 4,506 20,020 0 2,401 0 40,260 46,507 9,509 9,671 27 Profit and Loss Statement cont Total Information Insurance Internet Legal expenses IT Support & Maintenance Promotional and Merchandise Miscellaneous Mothers Weekend Staff Amenities Office Equipment & Computer Software Parent Support Kit PR & Personnel Printing & Stationary Prior Year Adjustment Project - Up Club Rent & Rates Repairs & Maintenance Security Speakers Subscriptions Telephone & Postage Travel Utilities Volunteers Wages and Superannuation Annual Leave Provision Long service Leave Provision Total Wages and Associated Costs Website Maintenance Total Expenditure Surplus/(Deficit)for the Year Notes 22,421 47,606 1,960 19,630 23,475 2,868 4,710 5,241 902 10,011 1,891 0 20,915 0 2,938 31,304 31,471 363 0 3,247 24,534 5,955 4,601 82 375,324 -44 8,596 105,947 25,460 746 0 47,206 0 2,631 6,068 576 2,140 0 1,741 18,618 4,882 5,513 59,167 11,710 0 1,450 0 28,435 28,042 7,552 155 Profit (Loss ) from Ordinary Activities before income tax in more detail Down Syndrome Association NSW 2013 Revenue ($) 767,226 15,356 1,079,829 1,454,796 -217,403 226,559 862,423 6 Notes (1) For 2013, the Fundraising expenses are now separately identified for each event (excluding wages). The comparisons to 2012 for the Fundraising expenses are therefore not on a like for like basis. (2) For certain items the income and expenses should be viewed over two financial years combined due to the timing of the receipt of income and payment of expenses. For example, the “other government grants” is received in 2013 and will be expensed in 2014, and the “charity and dinner auctions” income and expenses should be viewed over the 2012 and 2013 years combined. Notes ($) 839,512 -49,103 -23,183 383,876 0 Expenses Result ($) 902,070 39,647 + 236,410 (i) + 120,000 (ii) + 9,356 (iii) - 98,275 (iv) + 8,552 (v) - 98,275 (vi) ______ _____ _ ______ 6 862,423 29 1,079,838 217,415 03 (i) Reversal of amounts DS were thought to be recovering from Channel 9. (ii) Payout to Channel 9. (3) Government Funding - ADHC funding has been reallocated to ADHC- Support and Integration. (iii) Prior year adjustment to clear various labour items not on latest trial balance. (4) Annual leave provision and long service leave provision represents the movement in the provision not the actual provision. (iv) Reverse provision for doubtful debts. (v) Increases to LSL and AL provision. (vi) Reverse accrued costs associated with Richard Wilkins event. 28 29 7 Deed Place Northmead NSW 2152 PO Box 107 Northmead NSW 2152 T: 61 2 9841 4444 F: 61 2 9841 4400 E: admin@dsansw.org.au W: downsyndromensw.org.au Down Syndrome NSW is a not for profit registered charity ABN: 39 023 586 389 Registered Charity No CFN 11321