N E W S L E T T E R Introducing the Pansy Pattern


N E W S L E T T E R Introducing the Pansy Pattern
Vol. 37 No. 5
Pansy Pattern
Pages 8-9
October 2012
Red Wing’s Cap Bowls
Pages 10-11
MidWinter Preview
Pages 12-13
PO Box 50 • 2000 Old West Main St. • Suite 302
Pottery Place Mall • Red Wing, MN 55066-0050
651-388-4004 or 800-977-7927 • Fax: 651-388-4042
Executive Director: STACY WEGNER
Administrative Assistant: VACANT
Web site: www.redwingcollectors.org
2717 Driftwood Dr. • Niagara Falls, NY 14304-4584
716-216-4194 • president@redwingcollectors.org
Vice President: ANN TUCKER
1121 Somonauk • Sycamore, IL 60178
815-751-5056 • vicepresident@redwingcollectors.org
Secretary: JOHN SAGAT
7241 Emerson Ave. So. • Richfield, MN 55423-3067
612-861-0066 • secretary@redwingcollectors.org
4724 N 112th Circle • Omaha, NE 68164-2119
605-351-1700 • treasurer@redwingcollectors.org
Historian: STEVE BROWN
2102 Hunter Ridge Ct. • Manitowoc, WI 54220
920-629-0970 • historian@redwingcollectors.org
Representative at Large: RUSSA ROBINSON
1970 Bowman Rd. • Stockton, CA 95206
209-463-5179 • repatlargewest@redwingcollectors.org
Representative at Large: JERRY ERDMANN
W15416 Fair-Morr Rd. • Tigerton, WI 54486
715-535-2094 • repatlargeeast@redwingcollectors.org
Auction Manager: BRUCE SELFRIDGE
PO Box 1266 • Healdsburg, CA 95448
707-431-7753 • auction@redwingcollectors.org
Commemorative Manager: BOB MORAWSKI
2130 S. Ridgeway Dr. • New Berlin, WI 53146
262-853-8269 • commemorative@redwingcollectors.org
Education Manager: GLENN BEALL
215 W. 7th St. • Logan, IA 51546-1221
712-644-2256 • education@redwingcollectors.org
July Convention Support Personnel:
Pre-registration – Jim & Joyce Sutherland
Show & Sale – MARK GAMBUCCI 651-460-4565
DALE ERICKSON 507-645-6771
Display Room – lAURA Beall
605-464-5941 • display@redwingcollectors.org
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 8
Page 10
Page 12
Page 13
Page 15
Page 16 News Briefs, About the Cover
Education Report, Walnut Antique Fall Festival
RWCS Foundation New Museum Update
Collector Profile: Bob Morawski
The “Pansy” Dinnerware Pattern
Red Wing Cap Bowl Tutorial
2013 MidWinter Preview
MidWinter Registration Form
Recent Finds & Deals, Rare Flower Crock
Stoneware at Work: Homemade Sauerkraut
A primary membership in the Red Wing Collectors Society is
$25 annually and an associate membership is $10.
There must be at least one primary member per household in order to have
associate membership. Members can pay for more than one year when renewing
their membership. Contact the RWCS Business Office for additional details.
RWCS Member Rick Natynski
PO Box 198
Pewaukee, WI 53072
newsletter@redwingcollectors.org • 414-416-WING (9464)
The Red Wing Collectors Society, Inc. Newsletter is published bi-monthly by the
Red Wing Collectors Society, Inc. Suite 300 • 2000 West Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066.
Phone: 651-388-4004 Fax: 651-388-4042
Postmaster: Send address change to: Red Wing Collectors Society, Inc. Newsletter
PO Box 50 • Red Wing, MN 55066. USPS 015-791; ISSN 1096-1259.
Copyright © 2012 by the Red Wing Collectors Society, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Red Wing Collectors Society, Inc. does not guarantee
the accuracy of articles submitted by individual members.
Ne ws
Brief s
2013 MidWinter GetTogether
Registration Info in this Issue
t’s hard to believe, but it’s already time to start thinking about another
MidWinter GetTogether! This issue of the RWCS Newsletter contains
MidWinter information and the registration form on pages 12 and 13,
respectively. Pre-registration must be sent in by Jan. 15. As in the past, this can
be done by phone, mail or through the RWCS website. In addition, although
the hotel holds our room block open until Jan. 15, rooms are limited so we
recommend calling and booking your rooms right away, as the hotel usually sells
out for the weekend of our event.
To go along with our Wild West theme, Maple City Pottery is making
stoneware sheriff name badges for attendees who are interested in ordering one.
The badges will contain the words “SHERIFF” and “RWCS MIDWINTER
2013” (see page 12 for an example). Pre-ordered badges are $8 and they can be
personalized with your name at no extra charge. A limited number of badges will
be available for purchase at the event for $10. To order your badge, check the
corresponding boxes on the order form or on online. The deadline for placing
your order is Jan. 15.
RWCS Website Receives Updates
f it’s been awhile since you’ve visited the RWCS website, a number of changes
have been made and more updates are coming soon. First off, the RWCS
Convention and MidWinter GetTogether now have individual menu items
for all the activities, including Show & Sale, education, room sales, etc. With
MidWinter just around the corner, take some time to check out these pages and
rediscover all that MidWinter has to offer.
Secondly, the “Introduction to Dinnerware” articles written by RWCS
members Terry Moe and Larry Roschen will be added to the “Collectibles”
section of the website. If you have information on salt glaze, Greyline, lamps,
Chromoline, etc. that could be added to stoneware and art pottery sections,
please consider helping with content.
Finally, content has been added to the “About Us”, “Chapters” and “Members
Only” sections, among others. We hope to have several new features on the site,
as well. Right now only one person is posting content to the site, so if you would
like to help out, please contact the office. Stacy can get you started quickly.
Convention Street Banners
id you miss out on ordering an RWCS Street Banner to be hung in
downtown Red Wing during Convention this year? We are taking orders
for the 2013 Convention now. If you need help with your design, we can do that
too. Call the RWCS Business Office today!
Give the Gift of RWCS Membership
o you know someone who should be a member of the Red Wing Collectors
Society? Consider giving them the gift of RWCS membership this
holiday season. We can send the membership packet and card to you in time for
Christmas or as a hostess gift. Contact the office and we can assist you.
RWCS Foundation Seeks Donations to
be Auctioned at MidWinter
f you’ve been looking for a way to help support the RWCS Foundation and
the new Red Wing Pottery Museum, how about donating a few pieces to be
auctioned at the 2013 MidWinter GetTogether? The Foundation is currently
seeking stoneware, dinnerware or art pottery items that will be auctioned to raise
funds that will go towards the purchase of the Pottery Annex building. To donate
an item, contact Dave or Diane Hallstrom (contact info on page 5).
Above: RWCS Member Terry Moe sent in this photo of his granddaughter, Katelyn, holding a 7-inch blue green Pansy casserole with lid.
ith all the documentation that exists on the
dinnerware patterns created by the Red Wing
Potteries, you would think that the odds of discovering
an unknown Red Wing pattern would be less than
those of the Chicago Cubs making it to the World
Series in any given year. Well, clearly they aren’t that
bad, as shards from the Red Wing pottery dump have
indicated that Red Wing made a pattern that was
nearly identical to one made by a major competitor.
RWCS Member and dump digger Dennis Nygaard
discovered the shards last fall and showed them to
RWCS dinnerware experts Terry Moe and Larry
Roschen at the 2012 MidWinter GetTogether in
Des Moines. Since then, several intact pieces have
been found and Terry and Larry have submitted yet
another informative article for the RWCS Newsletter.
In addition to that story, Dennis shares a first-person
narrative on his discovery of the pattern, which has
been dubbed “Pansy”. Do you have one of these pieces
in your collection? Turn to page 8 to find out.
In addition, this issue features an in-depth tutorial
on Red Wing’s cap bowls by Gary & Bonnie Tefft –
longtime RWCS members and authors of Red Wing
Potters & Their Wares. It’s been awhile since the Teffts
have submitted an article for the newsletter and we
thank them for sharing their knowledge.
Finally, this issue also includes a report from the
RWCS Foundation on the new museum space, RWCS
Commemorative Manager Bob Morawski tells us
about his collection of Red Wing “oddities” and Larry
Roschen writes his second article in this issue to tell us
how to make some mouth-watering sauerkraut the way
it was meant to be made.
Also, this issue contains a photo of an exceptional
Red Wing salt glaze crock decorated with cobalt
flowers. You’ll have to forgive the fact that it was buried
in the back of this issue…we’ll make up for it in a
future issue, which will feature a two-page pictorial on
Red Wing’s floral-decorated salt glaze.
Ed u c at ion R ep ort
Education Manager
Mark Cellotti talked on the pottery of New Ulm, Minn. and showed a great collection
of pieces. Learning about the history of other potteries can help us understand how
Red Wing worked. Terry Moe and Larry Roschen talked on dinnerware mysteries
and the reproductions we see at times. Always a great speaking team, they never
have a shortage of new items to show us. Paul Boudin and Connie Mathison talked
on the dump finds that they found over the past year. Exploring the dumps gives us
information we can find nowhere else and we appreciate the hard work it takes.
The RWCS Foundation shared updates on what’s happening with our Museum.
Foundation Board Members talk at every Convention and Midwinter, so make sure
you attend so you can get your questions answered. Dennis Nygarrd talked on the new
items he dug in the portion of the dump called “Pottery Road”. This area of the dump
has items from the 1930s and has given us a new pattern being referred to as “Pansy”
(see pages 7-9). A longtime speaker, Dennis always shares interesting topics.
Paul Wichert and Linda Krueger gave the always well-received Trivia 101 and 102.
The talks provide lots of history on the Potteries and help collectors get started in
the maze that is collecting. They also presented “Dinnerware Concentration”, which
involved solving some fun puzzles. Mark Wiseman gave a talk on how to excavate your
long-lost privy. His stories and finds are very interesting and give us a snapshot of the
time period based on what was discarded. Melissa Schrock from Maple City Pottery
talked about the making of the 2012 Commemorative, giving us an idea of the time it
takes to create each piece. Steve Showers spoke on digging in the Red Wing dump. His
prolific finds have added an enormous amount of information over the years.
Rick Natynski talked on salt glaze stoneware. Rick has lots of fans on the edge of
their seats when it comes to his slide shows and presentation. Char Henn talked on
the communities around the Red Wing area, many of which no longer exist. Many
longtime area residents had not heard of the lost communities. I hope she agrees to
expand the talk and come back again.
Catherine Beall gave the first-timers talk and a session on the new forms of
communication being used like Twitter and Facebook. Her input was appreciated. As
always, all of the speakers were very well-received and had a wealth of information for
everyone to enjoy. We have new talks coming up for Midwinter and the education
rooms are nearly filled. So, if you have an interest in speaking, send me a message soon.
We have added new speakers to our roster in the last couple years and I appreciate
it. Most presentations are available on video or DVD and can be checked out by
contacting Stacy at the office. Our education speakers make it look easy because it
really can be. If you have any interest in speaking, give me a call and I’ll give you an
idea of what is required or put you in touch with one of our many past speakers. At
next year’s Convention, a speaker on the crocks and jugs of Red Wing and a speaker on
bowls would be appreciated. If you have any requests on topics to be covered please let
me know. Thanks for your support.
Attendance Up at Walnut
Antique Fall Festival
unny skies, warm temperatures and lots of great stoneware
and antiques helped attract an estimated 1200 people to
the Walnut Antique Fall Festival in Walnut, Ia. last month.
In only its third year, the event continues to get bigger and
better. Organizers and RWCS members Tim& Roxie Lockard
said in addition to all the antique shops and malls in Walnut,
41 dealers peddled their wares during the event – a significant
increase over the 16 dealers who attended last year.
“The show started primarily as a stoneware sale, but we’ve
opened it up to include a wide range of antique dealers to appeal to collectors with different interests,” Tim explains. “Still,
this is a great venue for Red Wing collectors because well over
half of the dealers have some form of Red Wing, be it stoneware, dinnerware or art pottery. But a lot of the dealers also
bring their full line of antiques, so in addition to picking up a
new crock for your collection, you might find that vintage toy,
baby carriage or advertising poster you’ve been looking for.”
Red Wing dealers in attendance this year included the
Lockards, Larry Peterson, Scott Spompinato, Bob Morawski,
Dan & JoEllen Allers, Gail & Merv Peck, Jim Hackett, Elmer
Kirkpatrick and Bev Brown.
Next year’s Walnut Antique Fall Festival will take place Sept.
14-15. To register as a seller at the show, call the Lockards
at 641-862-3239. Indoor spaces are limited, so call soon to
reserve your spot.
Photos courtesy of RWCS Member Andrea Brunz
Once again we had excellent education seminars at the July Convention. Hannes
Kuehn shared recollections from working at the Red Wing Potteries as a modeler and
designer with Mr. Hutchson and Mr. Murphy. His insight into the workings of the
Potteries was amazing. Some of the designs he worked on include a cake stand and the
Minnesota Centennial trivet. His slide show explaining the journey from Germany to
Red Wing was very interesting and he expanded on his talk from last year. He traveled
from California and we really appreciated the time he took to share this history. As
always, the keynote was recorded. Call the business office to check out the DVD.
An Update on Your New Museum
Story by Dave Hallstrom, RWCS Foundation President
s the president of the RWCS Foundation, I’m frequently asked
many of the same questions. Therefore, I thought it would
be helpful to write this article in a FAQ format. Hopefully this will
give you a clearer understanding of where we are at with the Pottery
Annex purchase at this time, and the future plans for the Red Wing
Pottery Museum.
Q. Why is it taking so long to close on the building?
A. There are several reasons why this has taken so long to close. Our
number one goal has always been to make sure that the museum
and all of its artifacts are protected. This property is a very complex
parcel involving many previous owners, partners, easements,
parcels, mortgages and also two buyers purchasing it. All of these
factors have made it difficult for our attorney along with the Red
Wing Area Seniors attorney to be able to give us clear title and
easements once the building is paid for. We have been meeting
weekly along with the Red Wing Area Seniors and our attorneys to
resolve all of these details.
Q. How much does the building cost and how are we going to
pay for it?
A. Our half of the building costs $500,000 and we will be
purchasing it on a Contract for Deed. We are planning to pay this
off in four years. We’re making a down payment of $50,000 at
closing, plus installments. Our first interest-only payment will be
in six months, and our first principal payment of $100,000 is due
18 months from closing. The balance of the principle payments are
spread out over the next two and a half years.
Q. How will the museum be funded year after year?
A. After we close, we will start a major fundraising drive. Right
now, we currently have $175,000 in savings and checking. This
is because of the generosity of the RWCS and its members. In
addition, we have approximately $75,000 in donated items that
were specifically designated by the donors for fundraising purposes.
At this year’s Convention we were able to raise over $30,000. We
will host the MidWinter GetTogether auction in Des Moines this
February, and are still looking for donated items for this auction.
Other ways of funding your museum would be through monetary
donations, fundraisers, grants, auctions, museum gift store,
bequests, endowments, etc.
Q. When is the Schleich Red Wing Pottery Museum moving
to the new museum?
A. Once we have closed on the building, our first goal will be to
move our existing museum and offices into the new space within
the first six months. Our next goal will be to prepare the new
space for the arrival of the 5,000 items from the Schleich
Red Wing Pottery Museum in Lincoln, Neb.
Q. What can I do to support our museum?
A. Your museum has always been funded solely through your
donations of money, designated items to be sold, grants and
volunteers. Please continue to donate money or items, or
volunteer your time and talent. Every little bit helps and is
sincerely appreciated!
We have come this far with almost a 100 percent volunteer basis.
Financially, we have been in the black every year. Your new museum
will become a world class museum which will elevate the history of
the clay industries to a new level. Any further questions, donations,
or volunteer possibilities regarding your museum can be sent to
either me or Diane. Thank you for your continued support!
Dave Hallstrom, President • hallstromd@hotmail.com
612-718-0331 • 787 Hallstrom Drive, Red Wing, MN 55066
Diane Hallstrom, Curator • dianehallstrom1@gmail.com
612-247-9876 • 787 Hallstrom Drive, Red Wing, MN 55066
The RWCS Foundation proudly
thanks the donor of these plates,
which were recently donated
to the Museum. The samples
above were painted by Charles
Murphy. The Lunch Hour plate
at immediate right says “Donna
Dubbe ‘48’” on the back
and the plate at far right was
painted by Hilda Lothner Sell.
Collector Profile:
Bob Morawski
Pictured at left, RWCS
Member Bob Morawski
has built quite a collection
of Red Wing “oddities”.
Story & photos by Rick Natynski
constant fixture at the RWCS Convention since 1999,
RWCS Member Bob Morawski decided to make a huge
commitment to the Society when he ran for the position of
RWCS Commemorative Manager in 2008. Not only has he done
a remarkable job in keeping people excited about the RWCS
Commemorative since taking the helm, but his work in having
special items created to be auctioned off during Convention and
MidWinter has generated tens of thousands of dollars for the
Society, the RWCS Foundation and the KidsView and Young
Collectors programs combined over the past few years…not an
easy task in today’s current economic climate.
But what about Bob the Collector? Like most RWCS members,
he has the Red Wing bug, and he has it bad. It all started in 1998,
shortly after he started dealing in antiques.
“My parents always had antiques around the house when I was
growing up, so it’s been part of my life,” he explains. “My girlfriend
at the time also enjoyed antiques, so we started buying and selling
at local flea markets. I started seeing a lot of Red Wing crocks and
jugs, but it was a 5 gallon bailed storage jar without a lid at a flea
market in Mukwanago, Wis. that became my first piece. I liked the
shape and it was different than the other pieces I was seeing.”
Bob joined the RWCS in fall of 1998 and attended his first
Convention the following year. He accumulated several additional
pieces in the four years it took him to find a lid for his packing jar,
but it wasn’t until around 2002 that his casual collecting turned
into an obsession.
“That’s when ‘Can I afford this piece?’ turned into ‘I need to figure
out how to pay for this piece,’” Bob laughs. His collection began to
grow faster – not only in quantity, but also in quality.
One of Bob’s main focuses since starting off has been collecting
stoneware jugs bearing “W.M. Steinmeyer Co. Wine Merchants,
Milwaukee, Wis.” advertising; he has 21 variations from different
manufacturers, but estimates there are as many as 10 examples he
doesn’t have yet. He crossed one off his list this year, though.
“I had been looking for a 3 gallon Steinmeyer shoulder jug with a
wing for 14 years, and then this year I found two,” he says. “I had
been looking for so long that I decided I had to buy them both.”
Over time, Bob expanded into collecting all the Red Wing
Milwaukee advertising stoneware he could get his hands on. But he
equally reveres his collection of Red Wing “oddities”, which began
in July 2008 when he bought a multi-stamped 3 gallon birchleaf
ski oval crock. Since then he’s acquired nearly 50 pieces that
contain some type of strange marking or manufacturing error, such
as pieces with upside down ovals, multiple stamps or mismarked
colors like blue wings or red “Union Stoneware Company” ovals.
He also has a few rarely seen squatty crocks, which were likely
made to fill special orders. While such pieces were difficult to
locate at first, his collection has grown rapidly in recent years.
“Once word gets out that you collect something like Red Wing
oddities, they start coming to you,” Bob explains. “I’ve bought
most of these pieces from friends and other collectors who know
I’m looking for them.”
Above: Two of Bob’s best Milwaukee adv.
jugs. Two photos at left: Identical stacked
squatty crocks and another squatty with a 50
gallon lid, stacked on a 50 gal crock. Lower
right: A quart-sized Mason jar flanked by
Mason jars with the stamp applied sideways.
Bob’s other interests include RWCS Special Commemoratives
and Red Wing Chromoline art pottery, which he became
interested in after selecting the #687 Chromoline vase as the 2012
Commemorative. He also likes pantry jars and mini jugs; although
he has only a few examples, he says he’d like to acquire more in the
Bob’s favorite pieces consist of a 20 gallon crock with two 6-inch
wings, a pristine 50 gallon bail-handled lid and his Red Wing
Christmas Tree Holder and Acid Proof Measure funnel (which has
an upside down stamp) – both of which were atop his want-list
after reading Red Wing Stoneware for the first time in his early days
of collecting. His other favorites include six different 40 gallon Red
Wing crocks – one of which boasts advertising from “H.C. Schranck
Co. Bottlers’ Supplies, Milwaukee, USA”.
Bob hesitated to rattle off a list of his “dream pieces”, but he did say
he’s actively seeking a 1982 RWCS Special Commemorative, which
is an all-white Cherryband mug with blue writing. He’s also looking
for 3 and 4 gallon shoulder jugs that bear a wing and “Korb’s,
Milwaukee, Wis.” advertising.
“I’d also love to have an M3006 Chromoline vase with blue and pink
bands,” he laughs. Unfortunately for Bob, only one of those pieces is
known to exist, and since I’m the one who owns it, I regret to inform
him that it isn’t going to happen anytime soon. His perseverance is
one of his best qualities, however.
“That’s all right,” he returns. “I’ll keep trying.”
Bob’s long-term plan will probably surprise you. While many people
dream of moving south when reaching retirement age, Bob wants to
leave the Milwaukee area and retire to Red Wing when he turns 55.
“It would mean a lot to me to be able to take my collection back
to Red Wing,” he explains. “I’ve always loved visiting the city and
I think it would be cool to live in one of the apartments on the top
floor of Pottery Place. By the time I move up there, the new Red
Wing Pottery Museum will be in full swing and the Red Wing Area
Seniors will be right next door, so I’ll be all set.”
But for the time being, Bob has a lot on his plate. He was a driving
force to create the new RWCS Badger Chapter and currently serves
as its president. He continues to sell stoneware and antiques at major
Red Wing events and sets up at the flea markets held in Cedarburg
and Elkhorn, Wis. He also has a 15-year-old daughter, Hailey, who
often accompanies him to Convention and MidWinter. While she
hasn’t gotten into collecting like her dad, she has several friends who
she enjoys hanging out with when in Red Wing and Des Moines.
And then there’s his role as RWCS Commemorative Manager, which
consumes a lot of his time – especially in the months leading up to
“I really enjoy the production process at Maple City,” he says,
referring to the company that has manufactured the RWCS
Commemorative since 2010. “The modeling, decorating and firing
of the pieces is pretty interesting…I’d probably try to work there if I
lived closer.”
Bob admits that the most challenging part of the Commemorative
Manager role has been self-induced, but he wouldn’t have it any
other way.
“Between the three different versions of the Commemorative, the
large versions we make to auction off to benefit the Society, and
the crocks and jugs we’ve made for each chapter that are auctioned
silently to benefit the RWCS, I’ve added a lot of responsibilities
to my role,” he explains. “But I’m excited with the results. I think
it’s created a lot more energy around the Commemorative and it’s
certainly brought in more money for the Society, Foundation and
KidsView/Young Collectors so we can keep providing our members
with good value and offering them lots of fun and educational events
and activities.”
Pansy Dinnerware
Story & photos by RWCS Members
Terry Moe and Larry Roschen
he word is spreading about a
recently discovered Red Wing
dinnerware pattern. Dennis Nygaard,
fellow RWCS member and noted Red
Wing dump digger, found shards from a
previously unknown dinnerware pattern in the
dinnerware section of the Red Wing pottery
dump. Dennis brought the shards to the 2012
RWCS MidWinter GetTogether and showed
them to a group of dinnerware collectors. Only
a new Hotel or Restaurant pattern, Regal, had
been found since Wreath and Ivanhoe were
identified in the middle 1980s. Like Wreath,
no documentation on this pattern has yet been
found. Based on the raised relief flowers seen
in the pattern, collectors have been calling the
pattern “Pansy”. Wreath and Pansy shards were found
together in the same area of the dump and in the same
three colors: light green, light yellow and ivory. Some of
the intact items are a blue green color instead of the light
green of Wreath. Pansy and Wreath were most likely made
during the same period, believed to be the late 1920s or
early 1930s and thus prior to the introduction of Gypsy
Trail in 1935.
Collectors who viewed the Pansy shards at MidWinter
began the search for whole pieces. Within a month, a
dinnerware collector discovered a pale yellow pitcher from
the pattern in the Twin Cities area. Soon afterwards, a
9-inch mixing bowl was found in Iowa and two casseroles
were found in Wisconsin - one 7-incher complete with
cover and one 8-incher with no cover. The bowl and the
casseroles were bottom marked with the size in the same
fashion as Wreath. None of the items were marked with
company identification.
When we presented our “Dinnerware Mysteries”
educational seminar at the 2012 RWCS Convention, a
collector who had heard of this new pattern brought in
another pale yellow Pansy pitcher – this one larger than the
first we saw. Ironically he found the pitcher in a shop on
his way to Convention. Another collector purchased the
nest of Pansy mixing bowls pictured on the cover of this
issue at an antique shop in Red Wing.
Above, starting at top of page:
• Large light yellow Pansy water pitcher.
• 7-inch (covered) and 8-inch blue green
Pansy casseroles.
• 9-inch blue green Pansy bowl and 9-inch
ivory Wreath bowl.
At right: 10-inch ivory Wreath, 9-inch light
green Pansy and royal blue 8-inch Wreath
bowls nested together, showing the two
patterns’ similar dimensions.
The Pansy items found so far match items made in the
Wreath pattern. Ultimately it seems likely the Pansy lineup
will include creamers, sugar bowls, teapots and plates
– just like Wreath. The dimensions of the known Pansy
items are almost identical to those of Wreath. The nest
of bowls shown directly at left includes a 10-inch ivory
Wreath, a 9-inch light green Pansy and a royal blue 8-inch
Wreath. The fit is exactly the same if a 9-inch Wreath bowl
is substituted for the 9-inch Pansy bowl.
Pansy items known at this time include:
• Mixing bowls in 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 inch sizes
• Covered casseroles in 7 and 8 inch sizes
• Water pitcher in two sizes
As we searched for information about the Pansy pattern,
we learned that Homer Laughlin China Company (HLC)
produced a nest of mixing bowls nearly identical to Pansy.
The HLC pattern was named Appletree (also known as
Orange Tree) and consists of bowls made in five or six sizes.
Light turquoise was the most common color although light
green, pumpkin and ivory bowls were also made. Some of
the ivory bowls have a red rim. Homer Laughlin made
only bowls, no casseroles, pitchers or other items; these are
bottom-marked with an embossed interlocking HLC logo
or a Homer Laughlin ink stamp. Unlike the Red Wing
Pansy, the HLC bowls are not marked with a size indicator.
Above & below: Close-ups of
pumpkin and light turquoise
Homer Laughlin China bowls.
Above: a nesting of light green HLC bowls.
There are slight but discernible differences in the Pansy and
the HLC patterns. The petals on the HLC design are more
clearly defined and have a distinct straight line down the
middle of each petal. Petals on Pansy items are “fuzzier”
and do not have a strong dividing line.
Which company copied the other? We do not know. The
HLC bowls were introduced in 1932. Production dates
for Pansy are unknown, but we are quite certain Pansy
was made prior to 1935. To further complicate matters, a
Homer Laughlin collector has told us an Asian company
also produced similar bowls during the same time period.
We are pleased to see new Pansy items coming to light and
encourage our fellow collectors to report any additional
finds to RWCS Newsletter Editor Rick Natynski. Surely
there are collectors out there who have had Pansy items in
their collections for many years, but never knew they were
made by Red Wing. Thanks to Dennis’ discovery, they now
can be accurately attributed to our favorite pottery.
From The Desk Of Dennis Nyga a r d
Digging the New Dinnerware Line
I was happy to get back to Pottery Road. Pottery
Road is literally a road made up of Red Wing pottery
from the 1930s. We have found nothing in this road yet
that dates beyond 1938. Access to digging this road is
dependent on rainfall. For two years the water level in
this area was too high for digging. Finally, the dry spell
in the fall of 2011 made digging possible again. I was
eager to get back to digging here. My digging supplies
in hand, I headed down pottery road. My first surprise
was that I would not be digging alone. Fellow RWCS
Member John Tremble was already there. I was happy
to have a digging companion. John was already pulling
up a rainbow of colors.
I went a short ways beyond John, and began
working an area I had dug in a couple of years earlier.
Depending on where you dig in this road, you can dig
stoneware, art pottery, dinnerware, or any combination
of the above. The spot I chose had a lot of art pottery
and dinnerware. The dinnerware was various Gypsy
Trail patterns with a fair amount of Wreath mixed in
it. The shards often come out muddy.
About 1 foot down I was hitting the water level. I
continued digging into the water. I was pulling out a
fair amount of Wreath shards when I noticed a yellow
pitcher shard that did not look right. I assumed it was
Wreath, but the flowers were too big. I started paying
closer attention to the patterns. I was putting the art
pottery shards and the Wreath shards into a bucket
to be brought home and washed. After more digging,
I came up with a turquoise lid shard of this unknown
flower. Then I found a white shard to a bowl with this
pattern. At this time I was not sure what to make of
these discoveries.
In the succeeding weeks I spent hours washing all
the shards when I had time. I enjoy the meditative time
this washing brings, as well as revealing all the colors
and shapes. I set aside the shards with the new pattern.
The colors were matching those of Wreath. Even the
shapes were similar to Wreath. I began to wonder if I
had discovered a new dinnerware pattern that was sold
as a parallel pattern with Wreath. I began showing the
shards to other collectors, especially getting their opinion
on what the flower looked like. The most common
response was “Pansy”, which wasn’t exactly the exotic
response I was hoping for.
I decided to bring the shards to MidWinter. Terry
Moe and Larry Roschen kindly allowed me to unveil
the “new line” in their seminar. I was hoping to get
some good suggestions on naming this pattern. So far
“Pansy” seems to be sticking. Before MidWinter I had
gone through all the shops in Red Wing hoping to find
examples of Pansy. I found none. At MidWinter I had
decided to get many more eyes looking for this pattern.
I am enjoying the results of this almost as much as I
enjoyed finding this new line.
At right:
Dennis Nygaard (right) presents his shards
alongside Larry Roschen at MidWinter.
hat is there to know about cap bowls? Generally, they’re the
“other” style of red & blue spongeware bowls that don’t come
in sets of nesting sizes like the popular paneled variety. Some have a
molded-in “7A, B or C” on the bottom, denoting variations in design
detail, and often a circular, blue “Red Wing Oven Ware” stamped
signature. But, what’s the rest of the story?
The first appearance of cap bowls we are aware of was around 1930
on the Red Wing Stoneware and Stoneware Specialties 23- x 35-inch
advertising poster. They were depicted in two styles: Figure 37 showed
a smooth-sided bowl with a broader base and more nearly vertical
sides than the familiar, nesting sets of paneled, sponged bowls or the
“daisy petal” shoulder bowls. Figure 38 presented one with molded
bands of raised circles and ridges running around the circumference
and included a prominent pedestal at the base. Each was described as
a “Cap Mixing Bowl”, the smooth-sided variety was listed in “Blue
Mottled or Blue Band” decoration, while the fancier style did not offer
the blue-banded option. A final stipulation for each was 7-inch only.
The basic shapes of the Cap Bowls are best shown in line drawings, so the detail isn’t
hidden by the sponge-mottling. Here are the “Smooth-Sided” and “Circles & Ridges”
bowls, the styles shown in the first advertised appearance of cap bowls on the circa
1930 poster.
The basic shapes of the Cap Bowls are best shown in line drawings, so
the detail isn’t hidden by the sponge-mottling. Here are the “SmoothSided” and “Circles & Ridges” bowls, the styles shown in the first
advertised appearance of cap bowls on the circa 1930 poster.
The most common style found today has four panels of full-length,
vertical flutes alternating with panels of half-length flutes. We’ve
nicknamed this the “Full-Flute/Half Flute” style. The next variation
has alternating full-fluted and smooth panels, so we’ve dubbed it the
“Fluted & Smooth-Paneled” style, which is the only style we know of
that also has a 5-inch size. The profile of the rim, sides and the short,
essentially vertical-sided pedestal at the base of the fluted styles is
identical to the smooth-sided bowl shown above. While the smoothsided bowl has a molded-in “7B”, both of the fluted styles are identified
with “7C” marks.
The “Full Flute/Half Flute” and “Fluted & Smooth-Paneled” styles are both identified
by a molded-in “7C” on their bottoms, while the “Smooth-Sided” style above is
identified with a “7B”.
Story & Illustrations by
RWCS Members
Gary & Bonnie Tefft
The “Full Flute/Half Flute” and “Fluted & Smooth-Paneled” styles
are both identified by a molded-in “7C” on their bottoms, while the
“Smooth-Sided” style above is identified with a “7B.”
Then, there are a couple more smooth-sided varieties. The first has a
single, ½-inch-wide, raised band directly beneath the rim. Some people
refer to it as the “2-Step” bowl, counting one step below the rim and
a second below the band. We prefer to call it the “Single-Band” style.
Its sides don’t curve-in so tightly at the bottom to meet a pedestal, but
continue all the way down to a broader base. It carries a molded-in
“7A”, which brings into question whether it or the style marked “7B”
is truly the “original” smooth sided variety. The final style has three
narrow bands stepping down immediately below the rim. Although the
sides of this style have a similar, shallow curve that doesn’t curl under
at the bottom, they taper more sharply and meet a short pedestal at
the base. We’ve heard people refer to this as the “4-step” or “3-band”
version, again depending on whether you count the steps or the bands
under the rim.
The contours of the smooth-sided “Single-Band” and “3-Band” bowls have their own,
unique shapes. The “Single-Band” is marked with a “7A”, while the “3-Band”, like
the “Circles & Ridges” style, carries no molded-in identification.
The contours of the smooth-sided “Single-Band” and “3-Band” bowls
have their own unique shapes. The “Single-Band” is marked with a
“7A”, while the “3-Band”, like the “Circles & Ridges” style, carries no
molded-in identification.
Cap bowls are sometimes signed with a blue stamp fired onto the
bottom, reading “Red Wing Oven Ware” in either a 1½- or 1-inch
circle. Curiously, we’ve never found an example of the Fluted &
Smooth Paneled bowl with an “Oven Ware” stamp, out of hundreds
we’ve examined. We’ve also never seen one of the fancy style with
the raised circles
and ridges, the
“3-Band” nor the
5-inch size bowls
with a molded-in
style identification.
Most often, by
far, cap bowls are
found in the red
& blue spongeCap bowls, when signed, have either a 1½- or 1-inch diameter mottled decoration.
The blue-banded
“Red Wing Oven Ware stamp in blue.
option is found
most commonly on the smooth-sided “7A” variety. All-white and all
blue examples also show-up occasionally, as do fluted lids for either the
standard 7-inch bowls or the less common 5-inch version.
Please let us know of any variations of color, or (gulp!) styles that we’ve
not mentioned. If you come across a Fluted & Smooth-Paneled bowl
with a circle stamp…we’re still looking for one after all these years.
Longtime members of the RWCS, Gary & Bonnie Tefft authored Red Wing Potters & Their Wares, an excellent resource
for new and longtime collectors alike. Although out of print, it can often be found on eBay or Amazon.com.
Dating the
Cap Bowl
Here are all six of the 7-inch cap bowl styles, plus a 7-inch lid & a 5-inch bowl decorated in red & blue sponge,
as they’re most often found. Although the c1930 ad poster specified “Blue Mottled” as a decoration option, we
believe that to have been a misstatement, or a carry-over of text from earlier advertising. The 7-inch bowls
starting from the left are the rare 3-Band; next, the “7A” or Single-Band; the “7B” or Smooth-Sided; the fancy
Circles & Ridges; the Full-Flute/Half-Flute & the Fluted & Smooth-Paneled styles. Both of the fluted styles are
identified “7C” on the bottom.
A 1947 newspaper article credited
Red Wing Potteries President
Herbert Varney with originating
an idea for a mixing bowl, which
designer Eva Zeisel perfected and
incorporated into the Town &
Country dinnerware line. On
June 21, 1949, Letters Patent No.
154225 was granted to Varney for
a bowl having a projection opposite
the pouring lip to accommodate the
thumb, so that the bowl could be
held in one hand while tipping it.
Fluted lids were available for both the 7-inch and
the rarer 5-inch cap bowls. Occasionally, a lid will
include a small steam vent hole. Like all lids, they’re
tough to find – especially the 5-inch – and they’re
usually in red & blue sponge décor. The only style of
5-inch cap bowl we’ve seen is the Fluted & Smooth.
Cap bowls were also made in blue, or white with blue bands. The all-blue version in the center is a smooth-sided
“7B”, while those flanking it are both “7A”s with the single raised band beneath the rim. Though it’s likely that
some of the other styles were also sometimes offered banded, or in blue, white or even other colors, none of these
variations are common.
Kilroy Was Here, But Not In Red Wing
Although this bowl presents a very
close resemblance to Red Wing’s blue
& red spongeware, the other colors it’s
found in convince us that this is not a
Red Wing product. We’ve dubbed it
“Kilroy”, because the pattern of three
drooping “fingers” on its side remind us
of the “Kilroy Was Here” graffiti image
that was ubiquitous during the World
War II era. All of the examples we’ve
seen in the sponged decoration bear a
“Compliments of Otto E. Boettcher;
Potter, Wis.” advertising circle inside, although we’ve recently
been informed of one with advertising for Milton Hardware
of Milton, Wis. This bowl is also found in decidedly not
Red Wing white, black, brown, yellow and blue solid color
glazes in addition to a blue-banded bowl. Further suggestive
evidence that this bowl isn’t a Red Wing product is that the sponge version is often found with
significant crazing, which isn’t typical for other sponged Red Wing pieces.
While the article and the drawing
clearly refer to the Town & Country
mixing bowl, we speculate that the
concept was adapted to apply to
a stoneware bowl, as well. These
“batter bowls” are extremely rare,
as the Potteries discontinued
stoneware production in 1947,
the same year in which the patent
application was made.
Revealingly though, the batter bowl
has the same shape and 3 bands
below the rim as the 3-Band cap
bowl; giving a clue into determining
the production period of this style.
The Red Wing
Watering Hole
in any condition
W ild W est M id W inter G et T ogether
F ebruary 8-10, 2013 • D es M oines , I owa
ey, Pardner! The presence of all RWCS Cattle Rustlers,
Cowboys & Cowgirls is WANTED at the MidWinter
GetTogether in Des Moines from February 8-10, 2013. Time to
make tracks to the Red Wing Watering Hole! You can telegraph
the office at 800-977-7927, visit www.RedWingCollectors.org or
send in the form via Pony Express. Fixin’ for some money in your
pocket for a new pair of spurs? Consider settin’ up a sellers table at
MidWinter for just $35.
KidsView will rustle up some great education that features Red
Wing’s Western style. More information on the education sessions
will be coming soon.
Once again the office could sure use members to volunteer at
MidWinter to tend to things like the registration table, Show
& Sale and set up. If you have some decorations to outfit our
Watering Hole, we’d be much obliged. Call the office or e-mail
Stagecoach Stacy at swegner@redwingcollectors.org.
Thank you kindly to the new Badger Chapter for sponsoring the
Water Hole door prizes. I hear they have some great prizes up their
sleeves. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s get-ups!
Consider saddlin’ up and ridin’ into town for the Red Wing
Watering Hole in Des Moines. We’ll se ya there!
-Stacy Wegner, RWCS Executive Director
There’s a new sheriff in town...YOU!
Pre-order a stoneware badge by Jan. 15 and have it
personalized to use as your name tag at MidWinter!
Pre-order: $8.00 • Onsite: $10.00
....See page 3 for more information....
Location: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites,
4800 Merle Hay Road, Des Moines, IA 50322. Phone: 515-278-4755
For reservations: Call 515-278-4755 and indicate you are a Red Wing
Collectors Society MidWinter attendee and/or a room seller.
Deadline: January 15, 2012 for the room block (up to 4 guests/room).
Types of Rooms:
Standard: 2 queen beds or 1 king bed at $70 per night + 12% tax
Junior Suite: king bed and sleeper sofa at $100 per night + 12% tax
(About 1½ rooms with large bedroom and small living room)
Extended Stay Suite: king and sleeper sofa at $100 per night + 12%
tax (About 1½ rooms with small bedroom and large living room)
Family or Parlor Suite: king and sleeper sofa at $149 + 12%
tax (The size of two rooms with a big dining room table and
kitchen area)
$1,000 REWARD
Deadlines: Pre-registration Jan. 15
Sellers Table Contract: Jan. 21
Friday, February 8
Board of Directors Mtg. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
1-8 p.m.
Room Sales
All day
RWCS Board Meet & Greet 3-5 p.m.
Wild West Reception 7-9 p.m.
Saturday, February 9
7-10 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
7-8:15 a.m.
Welcome/General Session 8-9:30 a.m.
Education Seminars Session 1 9:40-10:30 a.m.
Education Seminars Session 2 10:40-11:30 a.m.
Show & Sale
1:30-4 p.m.
6 p.m. Sunday, February 10
Continental Breakfast
7-9 a.m.
(Hosted by Iowa Chapter)
Iowa Boardroom
Elevator Bank
Ballroom Ballroom
Room TBA
Room TBA
Room 513
Classified ads are 20¢ per word; $4 minimum
charge and are accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis. In addition to appearing in
the newsletter, classifieds and display ads are
posted on the RWCS website.
Ads are divided into the following sections:
Red Wing For Sale, Red Wing Wanted, Other
Pottery For Sale, Other Pottery Wanted,
Events, Auctions, Clubs & Publications and
Websites, Announcements and Services. You
will not be charged for these words, but please
indicate which section your ad should be placed
in. If ad is to run in more than one issue,
please indicate at time of placement. (Note: the
small number at the end of an ad tells when
the ad expires, e.g., 4/12. Ads without dates are
one-time ads.) Please type or print clearly and
proofread before submission.
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Display ads are accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis. The publisher reserves the right to
refuse ads for any reason.
Ads must be supplied electronically as an EPS
or PDF file for PC. If you are unsure about
acceptability, inquire with the editor. There
is an additional 10 percent fee for design and
makeup if needed ($10 minimum).
Issue February April June August October December Ads
Editorial Mail Date
Jan. 10
Jan. 1
Feb. 15
March 10 March 1 April 15
May 10
May 1
June 15
July 25
July 15
Aug. 31
Sept. 10 Sept. 1 Oct. 15
Nov. 10 Nov. 1 Dec. 15
Make checks payable to RWCS and mail with ads:
Rick Natynski
PO Box 198
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Can also submit ads by e-mail: send to
newsletter@redwingcollectors.org and send checks
separately. Or, call Rick at 414-416-wing (9464).
For sale or consignment: 24 pieces Bob White,
12 pieces Random Harvest, 12 pieces Lexington
& 5 pieces Orleans. Misc. other RW dinnerware.
E-mail tagos2@yahoo.com for pictures or call
763-496-1438 and leave message for more
information. Located in Maple Grove, MN.
Red Wing collection for sale in Montana: crocks
sized1 gallon through 25 gallon. Red Wing butter
churns with lids sizes 2 gallons through 6 gallons.
Red Wing salt glaze crocks size 1, 2, 3 and 4
gallon. Drop-8 under pattern. Also have lids for
crocks. Call 406-355-4243 for more info.
Bob White and Tampico coffee mugs, $45. Two
Tampico tumblers, $300. Uhl mini jug “Merry
Xmas 1989”, $90. Call Orville at 509-751-0948.
Wanted: Advertising bean pots, mixing bowls
from Bang’s Market, Ada, MN. Contact Renee’
Bang, 206-243-4788 or bangsrus@comcast.net.
Wanted: Pieces from the Spring Song line. Contact me via e-mail at pugtrio123@comcast.net.
Wanted: Red Wing Kashmir pattern dinnerware.
Prefer the darker brown background and more
rusty orange design. No chips. Need serving
pieces and place settings. Also looking for
4 gallon North Star churn. Contact Nancy at
nlmbrt385@centurylink.net or 785-691-7213
Wanted: 2 gallon Salt Glaze churns, one with
Single “P” decoration, and one with Drop 8
decoration. Will consider hairline cracks and
chips. Contact: Larry Birks at 816-380-1096 or
Wanted: Coffee servers (or beverage servers)
from the following three Red Wing dinnerware
patterns: Crazy Rhythm, Northern Lights or
Lupine. These came from the Futura Line. Refer
to pictures from page 9 of the June 2012 RWCS
Newsletter. Must have lids or covers. Contact
Vance at vb.neuberger@gmail.com or call my
cell phone at 605-233-1367.
Wanted: RW advertising bean pot from Wittenberg, Wis. or Bay City, Wis. Contact Richard at
rnatynski@frontier.com or 608-617-7424.
Wanted: Red Wing Pitchers: Green Iris, White
Cherry Band & Brown & White Dutch Boy
& Girl pitcher. Call 716-216-4194.
Wanted: The 2 gal wing crock with bail
handles that I owned many years ago. Large
chip on back rim. Contact Tracy at 319-6536607 or tracyowens@iowatelecom.net.
Wanted: Advertising crocks, jugs and churns –
especially pieces with a decoration & ad. Contact
Scott at cobe142@cox.net or 402-331-4749.
Wanted: #675, #687 & M3006 Chromoline
pcs. in blue/green. Contact Rick at
newsletter@redwingcollectors.org or
Blue & White Pottery Club – Visit the club’s
website at www.blueandwhitepottery.org.
Collectors of Illinois Pottery & Stoneware –
Visit the club’s website at www.coips.org.
McCoy Pottery Collectors Society – club’s
website: www.mccoypotterycollectorssociety.org.
the Legacy
Volumes 1 & 2
combination book
The most comprehensive guide
on RWCS Commemoratives
ever published!
Only $20 plus $5 shipping
Only 500 copies printed...limited quantity remaining!
Contact the RWCS Business Office to secure your copy!
800-977-7927 • membership@redwingcollectors.org
Did you find a rare piece or a great deal worth sharing? Briefly describe the item, where it was sold, date purchased, venue (store,
auction, etc.) and price paid. Send to editor Rick Natynski on a post card, e-mail newsletter@redwingcollectors.org, or enclose
in an envelope if you’d like to include a photo for publication. Multiple submissions result in multiple entries in the Newsletter Special
Commemorative Lottery at the 2013 Convention. All newsletter submissions received between July 2012 and June of 2013 are eligible
whether published or not. Please keep submittals with purchase dates within six months of the newsletter issue.
4 gal RW Ice Water cooler, hairline in bottom
Winnipeg, MB
Antique show
Large Cherryband pitcher, “Merry Christmas
Andrew Westin & Co.” adv., excellent condition
Central Mich.
Private sale
7-inch ribbed sponge bowl, mint
Central Mich.
RW “Aleda Vinegar, Milwaukee” mini jug,
minor flea bites
Southeastern Wis.
Pair of RW Nokomis vases (#212 & #906)
Madison, Wis.
1 qt. Albany slip North Star high butter jar,
small rim chip
Walnut Iowa
Antique mall
RW Beater Jar w/“Templeton’s Store” adv., mint
Western Iowa
Antique mall
1988 RWCS Special Commemorative (6” Pompeii bread & butter plate) 8/12
Craft/antique show
Antique mall
WPA pottery show $425.00
total for the pair
$65.99 shipped
5 gal RW beehive jug with “5” only
Central N.D.
4 gal shoulder jug w/wing, bottom marked
“RWSCo” minor chips
Michigan U.P.
Antique shop
½ gal Albany slip North Star jar (NS-2), chip North Branch, Minn.
Online auction
3lb. RW floral-embossed butter crock
Blue Earth, Minn.
Rummage sale
Barrel-shaped spongeware cookie jar,
mint base and glued lid
Blue Earth, Minn.
Rummage sale
Michigan U.P.
Rummage sale
½ gal “A. L. Levy, Hancock, Mich.” adv. jug
base and rim chips
Rare Red Wing Flower Crock Submitted to
RWCS Website’s “Ask the Experts” Page
I ran across your website while I was researching a crock I found at a local estate auction. I have
attached photos of it. I was wondering if you would be able to give me an idea of what it might be
worth. There are no cracks, but as you can see, there are a few stains. I am curious as to if it’s actually
a reproduction because it doesn’t have the traditional “oval stamp,” but rather an imprint with the company
name. Thus far I have not run across any others with the same design.
You hit a home run on this barn burner! You have a very rare Red Wing Stoneware Company 12 gal
double flower crock that is front-stamped. This is a very early Red Wing salt glaze piece – most likely
produced between 1878 and early 1890s. If your double flower crock is free of all chips, cracks and
hairlines, the value is quite high and may even scare you. The only thing going against its value that I see is
the economy and the stains (especially on the front of the piece in the middle of the flowers). Now this is my
opinion, but I think the value is between $18,000 and $20,000 (hopefully someone is around to pick you
up off the floor). If you should decide to sell it, your best crack at getting the most for it would be at the July
Convention in Red Wing, Minn. Your earth-shaking salt glaze crock should bring quite a bit of excitement to
those collectors who read this “Ask the Experts” question. Thanks for sharing it. -Al Kohlman, RWCS Member
Editor’s Note: We’ll have a pictorial on the Red Wing flower decoration in an upcoming issue of the RWCS Newsletter. If you have a
piece with a flower, please send a photo to RWCS Newsletter Editor Rick Natynski. Names of owners will be kept anonymous.
In addition to having a killer decoration,
this 12 gallon crock is front-stamped at the
top of the crock, above the “12”.
Homemade Sauerkraut
Story & photo by RWCS Member Larry Roschen
or many years my wife Kathy and I have preferred
homemade sauerkraut to the vinegary stuff found at the
local supermarket. We use a vintage cabbage shredder, a 10
gallon Red Wing crock and a matching 10 gallon Red Wing
Koverwate to make our kraut. The only required ingredients
are cabbage and salt. Some people add chopped garlic, onion
or hot peppers or even broccoli according to their taste
preferences. The amount of salt used can also vary. We use a
half pound of non-iodized salt (pickling, canning and kosher
salts are examples) mixed into about 25 pounds of cabbage.
Other recipes call for 1 to 1.5 tbsp salt for each head of
cabbage or 3 tbsp per 5 pounds of cabbage. The salt acts as
a preservative; more salt makes for crunchier and longerlasting sauerkraut, while less salt makes a softer kraut that
doesn’t keep as well.
A 10 gallon crock makes a lot of sauerkraut and when
canned properly, it keeps very well. We made a large batch in
2011, which will last us until at least 2014.
needed, it can be made by mixing the same non-iodized salt into water
and pouring it in to cover the cabbage.
Red Wing Sauerkraut
• ½ pound non-iodized salt
• 25 pounds cabbage
Thoroughly clean the crock and Koverwate. Remove the outer leaves
and core from the cabbage, then cut into halves or quarters. Shred
cabbage (we place the shredder on the crock’s rim and shred the
cabbage directly into the crock). Periodically toss in a portion of salt
and mix with the cabbage, then pack it down into the crock. Continue
to shred, salt, mix and pack but do not overfill the crock (leave several
inches at the top).
Completely cover the packed cabbage with a clean white cloth such as
cheesecloth or muslin. Lay the Koverwate on top of the cloth. Before
long there should be brine covering the cabbage pack. If more brine is
Store the packed crock in a cool area for several weeks. Take out the
cloth every three to four days and rinse well to remove the scum that
will form on top of the pack, then replace the cloth and Koverwate.
After about two weeks of fermentation, the product will begin to
taste like kraut. We let the fermentation continue
for about a month if the room temperature is
sufficiently cool; warmer temps will speed
the fermentation process. Once we are
satisfied with the taste, the kraut is
canned in pint or quart jars where it
will keep for several years.
Do you use your stoneware for its
intended purpose? Contact RWCS
Newsletter Editor Rick Natynski to share
your story!
Coming in the December Issue...
The Jug Made for
Utah Mining Tow
e d
i n g
o n t e m p o r a r y
i n e