Good Health Is Real Wealth!
Good Health Is Real Wealth!
The Raw Milk Cure by Jini Patel Thompson The Magnesium Maze by Carolyn Dean As Nature Intended by Lisa Marie Battacharya Be Good to Yourself by Tom Robinson According to late 19th century proponents, the ‘secret’ of the milk cure lies in the fact … How do I know I have magnesium deficiency, and what form of magnesium … There has been such a ‘disconnect’ in our culture, from not only our food source, but the … Those of us with a serious chronic illness like inflammatory bowel disease or … 02 06 10 12 Welcome to the premiere issue of Contents: Good Health Is Real Wealth! The Raw Milk Cure by Jini Patel Thompson.................................................. pg. 2 The Magnesium Maze by Carolyn Dean ........................................................... pg 6 Initiating A Deeper Connection With Your Food by Lisa Marie Battacharya ............................................ pg 10 How To Always Get The Understanding & Compassion You Need by Tom Robinson .......................................................... pg 12 Freedom From Chronic Pain: Getting to the Root Cause by Annabel Fisher......................................................... pg 14 I hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together. Remember, you can always purchase additional copies (or teleseminars) at: — Jini Patel Thompson Is Raw Milk Safe? by Jini Patel Thompson................................................. pg 16 Healing Journeys by Nicole Paull ........................................................... pg 19 Eating With The Seasons by Debbie Sarfati ......................................................... pg 21 Editor Page 1 Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 THE RAW MILK CURE culosis. How does raw milk work to heal such a variety of very different disorders? By Jini Patel Thompson Raw milk (from cows, goats, yaks, horses, sheep) has historically been considered a superfood. It has been used both in the daily diet (often fermented) and by special groups with extra nutritional needs, like the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, warriors, and sick people. An ancient Babylon text tells how raw milk was used to drive out the demons of sickness, “Bring milk and laban [curdled milk] that man become as pure as laban; like that milk may he become pure.”1 A portion of raw milk was drunk fresh and warm from the cow (or other animal), but a lot of it was fermented, or cultured, into a variety of delicious products – yoghurt, kefir, cheeses, beverages, etc. – due to the lack of refrigeration and primitive people’s knowledge of the health benefits of “probiotics”. As early as the 1800’s, we have documented texts of medical doctors using a diet composed exclusively of raw milk to heal an incredible variety of diseases – ranging from asthma and diabetes to colitis, obesity and tuberPage 2 Many of my readers who have gone on The IBD Remission Diet also found that a variety of other illnesses cleared up at the same time. This is one of the reasons I refer to the time on the Diet as a “healing spa”. If the digestive system is the foundation of health in the body, and natural healing heals the entire body holistically, then of course you are going to see positive results in all aspects of your health. All of your organs and systems will heal and balance, over time, given the necessary tools. An elemental diet – and raw milk is truly the first, original elemental diet, provides the body with the tools to heal holistically. In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, naturopathic physician Ron Schmid writes: “According to late 19th century proponents, the ‘secret’ of the milk cure lies in the fact good raw milk is a food the body easily turns into good blood. In illness there is one or both of two conditions in the blood: insufficient quantity, or abnormal quality. The milk diet corrects both and, acting through the blood and the circulation, heals the cells and thus the tissues and organs. The muscles on a milk diet harden, almost like an athlete’s, because they are pumped full of blood, as are the organs.”2 However, there are some rules that need to be followed. As with the IBD Remission Diet, there are some crucial guidelines that need to be implemented to have success with the raw milk cure. Some of the doctors who used the raw milk cure with patients in the 1800’s through to the 1930’s used raw milk in conjunction with mild, easily digestible foods like fruit. But the vast majority swore by the need to consume only fresh, raw milk, and vast quantities of it. One of the most prolific of these doctors, Charles Sanford Porter MD, published a book called, Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease in 1905. In the book he relates how at least 18,000 patients had been on the raw milk diet under his care in the last 37 years. This was not some fad diet, or quick-flash trend. This was a solid scientifically proven method for healing mild to severe disorders. In 1929, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation (forerunner to the Mayo Clinic), J.E. Crew MD reported that he had been successfully using the raw milk treatment for the last 15 years. He said, “The results obtained in various types of disease have been so uniformly excellent that one’s conception of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed. When sick people are limited to a diet containing an excess of vitamins and all the elements necessary to growth Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 and maintenance, they recover rapidly without the use of drugs and without bringing to bear all the complicated weapons of modern medicine.”3 ! Higher fat milk (from Jersey The great thing is that many medical doctors in the U.S., Russia and Germany published their work and results using raw milk diets from the early 1800’s to early 1900’s, so we have good guidelines for implementation. Personally, from my experience with elemental diets and the rationale behind them, I agree with the majority of doctors who found that if you mixed other foods with the raw milk diet, it was not nearly as successful. The only other food I think you could mix with raw milk and perhaps see an added benefit from is clear homemade bone broths – boiled from organic meat and bones. I say this both because I have an intuitive sense that this would be okay (and perhaps add to the healing power of the regime), and because homemade bone broths have been very beneficial for people on the elemental, IBD Remission Diet. ! The average adult must con- Rules for the Raw Milk Cure After perusing the writings of various doctors who worked extensively with raw milk treatments, here are the crucial implementation guidelines if you’d like to give the raw milk diet a try: ! Use raw, untreated milk from pasture-fed cows only – milk has the highest curative value in spring and early summer when cows are eating new, high vitamin grass. Do not use milk from grainfed or barn-bound cows. cows) is ideal. Be sure to use full-fat milk only (not 2% or skim). sume at least 3 – 4 quarts of raw milk per day. You can consume up to 10 quarts per day, if you wish (note: 4 cups = 1 quart). ! Minimum duration of raw milk diet is 4 weeks to see good results. Follow with gradual food introduction of easily digested foods. ! You must have complete rest during the diet – do not work, take care of family, go to school, etc. This is exactly what I advise people on the IBD Remission Diet, because healing takes a lot of energy. ! Do not consume any other foods or beverages whilst on the diet, except filtered or spring water. In the words of Dr. Charles Sanford Porter: “It is wrong, if not positively dangerous, to attempt the exclusive milk diet on any amount of milk less than that required to noticeably stimulate the circulation and promote body growth. There is no halfway method of taking the milk diet for people who have much the matter with them. Enough milk must be taken to create new circulation, new cells, and new tissue growth, and cause prompt elimination of the waste and dead matter that may be poisoning the system. With milk alone, digestion and assimilation may go on throughout practically the whole length of the alimentary canal. The addition of even a cracker to the milk seems to cause the stomach to hold all its contents for hours without discharging much into the intestine.”4 Now you may be wondering how long you can safely stay on a raw milk diet. Amazingly, there is no limit. Raw cow’s milk from pasture-fed cows is a complete, perfect food all by itself. In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, Ron Schmid ND, relates numerous stories of people who lived in perfect health for up to 50 years on raw milk alone. Here’s just one of many examples; this is a letter from a man in Burlington, Iowa in 1913: “I have lived on a strictly milk diet for the past forty-two years, not as a matter of choice, but from the fact that I am unable to take solid food of any kind, even a crumb of bread. At the age of two I took a dose of concentrated lye, which caused a stricture of the food pipe and since then have lived on a milk diet. I believe I have gotten along better than the man who eats. I am five feet, six inches tall, weigh one hundred and forty pounds, and am married and have four strong, healthy children. I take one quart at each mealtime and none between meals. My health is good, in fact I have never been ill in forty-two years.”5 Dr. Schmid goes on to give many different examples of people who have had excellent health living on nothing but raw cow’s milk for 3 – 50 years. This is very liberating information! Imagine if elderly people in nursing homes were given raw milk instead of Boost, Ensure and processed foods? Imagine if people with obstructions and strictures were given raw milk rather than surgery? Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 3 November/December 2007 People with IBD and IBS are often very hesitant to try raw milk due to bad experiences with pasteurized milk and sensitivity to milk proteins (keep in mind these proteins have been denatured by the pasteurization process). So what’s the best way to start and test whether you can take advantage of this amazing superfood? Here are the guidelines I’ve used with myself and my children (who were not allowed to drink pasteurized milk) to introduce raw milk and test for tolerance: ! Make sure you only use un- treated, full-fat, raw milk from pasture-fed cows ! If you have been highly sen- sitive to milk in the past, then start by making yoghurt from the raw milk. Raw milk yoghurt is the most highly tolerated of all raw milk products. Eat a small amount of yoghurt each day and gradually build up (see yoghurt recipe). ! If you like the yoghurt and tolerate it well, then you can make an Indian yoghurt drink called a lassi: Add a pinch of cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and your desired sweetener (stevia, maple syrup, honey) and stir to mix. Add some warm filtered water if the texture is too thick. empty stomach). ! Warm the milk slightly to room temperature or lukewarm before drinking (but don’t make it hot/boiling or you will kill the good bacteria and enzymes that facilitate digestion). Cold milk can be a shock to the system and harder to digest. Before we found a source of raw milk, my kids would occasionally have a glass of pasteurized milk at a friend’s house. And within half an hour they would have a bowel movement. Now keep in mind that my kids are perfectly healthy, with one formed bowel Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and consumer advocate. She has had numerous books published on natural healing for digestive diseases. Her articles on natural health topics have appeared in publications in the U.S., Australia and U.K. movement per day. If pasteurized milk affects them so negatively, imagine what it does to an already compromised digestive system? Raw milk is completely different. My kids drink as much raw milk per day as they wish and they still have only one formed bowel movement per day. I drink raw milk straight, eat raw milk cheeses, raw milk yoghurt, and make a shake from raw eggs and raw milk, and I’ve never felt better! If you’d like to source a raw milk supplier in your area go to: There are also lots of useful articles on the site if you’re worried about safety issues, legalities, etc. References 1. Barton, George A. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, pg 635. 2. Schmid, Ron The Untold Story of Milk, pg. 76 3. Crewe, J. E. Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases, article, 1929 4. Porter, S. Charles Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease, 1905-1923 5. Schmid, Ron The Untold Story of Milk, pg. 75 ! If you want to drink the raw milk straight, it’s best if you drink it in isolation from other foods. For example, have it first thing in the morning and don’t eat or drink anything else with it – consume it as you would an elemental shake (all by itself, on an Page 4 Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 Jini’s Raw Milk Yoghurt Traditional yoghurt recipes call for the milk to be heated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, however, this destroys the beneficial enzymes present in raw milk. Therefore, I prefer to not heat the milk beyond 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43°C). However, this usually results in a runny yoghurt (not firm). If you’re going to use your yoghurt in shakes, smoothies or lassis, this is fine. However, if you prefer to eat firm yoghurt, you will need to add gelatin to help firm it up. So the recipe here includes gelatin, but if you’re okay with runny yoghurt, then follow the recipe as is, minus the gelatin. ! 4 cups raw whole milk ! 2 teaspoons of Natren Yogurt Starter ! 1 glass quart jar with lid, sterilized ! 1 teaspoon powdered gelatin Pour 4 cups of milk into a saucepan and sprinkle gelatin over surface of milk. Let sit for 5 minutes while gelatin dissolves. Over low heat, stirring constantly, slowly bring the milk to 110°F (43°C), or until you can keep your finger in the milk while you count to 10. Put the yogurt starter into the wide-mouth quart-size sterilized glass jar. Pour in about 1/2 cup milk and stir to mix really well with the starter. Fill the jar with the rest of the milk, stir lightly, and screw on the lid. Wrap the jar in a towel and let sit in a warm place*, for eight hours. Unwrap and place in the refrigerator. *If you don’t have a warm place, then put it inside your oven with the oven light on. Do not turn on the oven, just turn on the oven light and close the oven door. If you have a yoghurt-maker, use the recipe here and then follow instructions for your yoghurt-maker for incubation – but still best to incubate for 8 hours. Allow yoghurt to set in fridge (about four hours). If you want an even firmer yoghurt, next time add 1.5 or 2 teaspoons of gelatin. Do not mix fruit or sweeteners directly into your main batch of yoghurt, as this will interfere negatively with probiotic activity and potency during storage. However, it is perfectly fine to scoop out a portion of yoghurt and mix in some fruit, jam, maple syrup or honey immediately prior to eating – just don’t mix these in with your main batch that remains in the fridge. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 5 November/December 2007 BRIDGING THE ALLOPATHIC-ALTERNATIVE GAP By Carolyn Dean MD ND The Magnesium Maze After studying and writing about magnesium over the past 10 years, I’m prepared to say it is the most important mineral in our body. However, my clients still want to know two things: We know we are low in iron when our blood tests tell us so, but magnesium does not lend itself to easy measurement. Only 1 percent of the body’s magnesium is found in the bloodstream, where it is maintained at a certain precise level. Therefore an ordinary serum blood test is unable to give even a rough estimate of the total body magnesium. So, even in the face of a true deficiency, a magnesium blood test can still appear normal. This explains why medicine seems to ignore magnesium and is not aware that almost 80 percent of the population is deficient. To the question of magnesium deficiency, in my book, The Magnesium Miracle, I list all the possible symptoms and conditions associated with magnesium deficiency. I was surprised when I easily tallied 100 factors that identify the body’s need for more magnesium. Unfortunately, since doctors don’t learn about magnesium deficiency in medical school, magnesium deficiency symptoms are treated with inappropriate medications – further compounding the problem. If you have a few of the following conditions or symptoms, you are likely to be deficient in magnesium: 7. Anxiety 8. Blood tests a. Low calcium b. Low potassium c. Low magnesium 9. Bowel problems a. Undigested fat in stool b. Constipation c. Diarrhea d. Alternating constipation and diarrhea e. IBS f. Crohn’s g. Colitis 10. Brain trauma 11. Bronchitis – chronic 12. Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate) – more than three servings per day 13. Chronic fatigue syndrome 14. Cold extremities 15. Concentration poor 16. Confusion 17. Convulsions 18. Constipated 19. Depression 20. Diabetes a. Type I 1. Alcohol intake—more than 7 drinks per week b. Type II c. Gestational diabetes 2. Anger “How do I know I have magnesium deficiency, and what form of magnesium should I take?” Page 6 3. Angina 21. Fibromyalgia 4. Apathy 22. Food Intake: 5. Arrhythmia of the heart 6. Asthma Good Health Is Real Wealth ! a. Limited in green, leafy vegetables, seeds, & fresh fruit November/December 2007 b. High protein a. Digitalis 42. Muscle cramps or spasms b. Diuretics 43. Muscle twitching or tics a. Carbohydrates c. Antibiotics, 44. Muscle weakness b. Chocolate d. Steroids 45. Numbness of hands or feet c. Salt e. Oral contraceptives 46. Osteoporosis d. Junk food f. Indomethacin 47. Paranoia g. Cisplatin 48. Parathyroid hyperactivity h. Amphotericin B, 49. PMS i. Cholestyramine 50. Polycystic ovarian disease j. Synthetic estrogens 51. Pregnancy: 23. Food cravings: 24. Gagging food or choking on 25. Headaches 26. Heart disease 27. Heart – rapid rate 28. High blood pressure 29. Homocysteinuria 30. Hyperactivity 37. Memory impairment a. Currently pregnant 38. Menstrual pain and cramps b. Pregnant within one year 39. Migraines c. History of preeclampsia or eclampsia 40. Mineral Supplements – do you: 31. Hyperventilation a. Take calcium magnesium 32. Infertility 33. Insomnia without b. Take zinc without magne- 34. Irritability sium 35. Kidney stones 36. Medications – are you taking: c. Take iron without magnesium 41. Mitral valve prolapse d. Post partum depression e. Cerebral palsy child 52. Raynaud’s syndrome 53. Radiation therapy – recent 54. Restlessness 55. Sexual energy diminished – low sex drive 56. Shortness of breath Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 7 November/December 2007 57. Smoking 58. Startled easily – by noise 59. Stressful life or circumstances 60. Stroke 61. Sugar – high daily intake 62. Syndrome X 63. Thyroid hyperactivity 64. Tingling of hands or feet 65. Transplants: a. Kidney b. Liver 66. Tremor of the hands 67. Water that contains: a. Fluoride b. Chlorine c. Calcium 68. Wheezing The type of magnesium you take is very important. Most of the Page 8 The Magnesium Oil that Dr. Dean recommends is now available at the Holistic Health Shoppe. We immediately ordered some in after reading her article: www.HolisticHealthShoppe. com (in the Minerals section). The first 9 people to order will receive a free CD on Transdermal Magnesium with Dr. Mark Sircus, OMD – so don’t delay! magnesium researchers of the past 40 years used magnesium oxide, but I no longer recommend it because a 2005 study showed that it is only 4% absorbed into the bloodstream. This means that 96% goes straight through the intestines causing a laxative effect. That may be beneficial for people who are constipated, but you aren’t going to absorb enough magnesium for your enzymes to do their work. And this type of magnesium can be very detrimental if you have IBS diarrhea, Crohn’s, or ulcerative colitis. Minerals, in general, are poorly understood. We know that our present food supply is deficient in most minerals, however, when we ingest mineral supplements, how do we know our body absorbs them at a cellular level? Let’s look at the mineral cycle: 1. Rock minerals from the mountains wash into rivers that flood the banks in the spring and enrich the soil. 2. Soil organisms (bacteria and mycelia mushrooms) make minerals smaller so they can be absorbed by plant rootlets. 3. Minerals are enveloped by Good Health Is Real Wealth ! plant proteins in a process November/December 2007 called chelation, and become a water-soluble mineral with plant access. lated magnesium you can use magnesium dimalate, which has a lesser laxative effect. 4. The minerals are now the To work directly on muscle cramps and pains, or, to get your magnesium without a laxative effect, you can use magnesium oil – which is magnesium chloride supersaturated in distilled water. The oil can be massaged into the skin and is absorbed in sufficient quantities to build up normal tissue levels of magnesium. Dilute the oil (which is not really an oil, but just supersaturated magnesium chloride in distilled water) correct size and electrical charge, perfect for absorption and assimilation by animal or human. However, the protein chelate requires the correct stomach acid and enzymes to break the proteinmineral bond. Physicists tell us that the size of the mineral channels in our cells, are between 4-5 angstroms in diameter. An angstrom is one ten billionth of a meter, a range between a nanometer and a picometer. If minerals are larger than this size, they are not readily absorbed through the cell membrane. What I call “dirt minerals” may be millions of times larger than the channel they are trying to enter. Colloidal minerals and ionic minerals, while they may claim to be smaller than dirt minerals can still be thousands of times bigger than angstrom minerals. Therefore, you not only need to take the proper type of magnesium, but it also has to be in an easily absorbed form. I’ll write more about optimal mineral form and absorption in my next column. If you want a laxative effect, as well as some absorption of magnesium, you can use magnesium citrate powder dissolved in hot water. Magnesium citrate has the dubious distinction of being the bowel prep product most used to flush out the intestines before a colonoscopy. However, the medicinal dosage is about 200 mg two to four times a day, whereas the bowel prep dosage is 12,000 mg! For a capsule source of che- 50:50 with distilled water/clean water. Spread 1 – 2 teaspoons on your body after a morning shower – on the trunk/torso is better, as it gets a bit itchy on legs and arms. Dr. Norm Shealy has done magnesium oil studies, finding that absorption through the skin helps promote normal levels of DHEA in the body. In my phone consulting practice I underscore most treatment programs with magnesium as the first supplement. Most people find such improvement in a variety of symptoms that they have the energy and motivation to do even more to take care of their health. Carolyn Dean MD ND, is the author of twelve health books, which create a unique bridge between allopathic and natural medicine. Dr. Dean offers short-term Wellness Consultations by Phone to help you formulate a nutritional plan for your health. Her website is Dr. Dean does not sell magnesium products but keeps an up to date list of reputable magnesium companies on her website – click on Dean Wellness and then scroll down for the product listings. I underscore most treatment programs with magnesium as the first supplement. Most people find such improvement in a variety of symptoms that they have the energy and motivation to do even more to take care of their health. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 9 November/December 2007 AS NATURE INTENDED By Lisa Marie Battacharya Our genes are designed to recognize and therefore adequately digest and metabolize whole foods; as nature intended. Our bodies are fantastic pieces of machinery that put up with our poor nutritional choices. But, when we eat something that has been ‘altered’ our body is faced with having to shift gears. Although it seems to manage fairly well, these added stressors cause problems; gastrointestinal illness is at an all-time high. Initiating a Deeper Connection with Your Food We are currently operating our lives with perpetual to-do lists, deadlines, longer work hours, family responsibilities, relationship issues, etc. We are now When consulting with clients on a regular basis I invariably come back to this piece of advice: Reconnect with your food! Page 10 In my opinion, our quality of food, as well as our lack of mindbody connection due to our high-stress lifestyles, is responsible. And only we can correct it in ourselves. Given that it’s inevitable that we will be disconnected at one time or another, if not always - how do we reconnect? ! Buy foods with integrity (i.e.: local, sustainablygrown, poison-free foods) as they promote integrity in the body and mind. ! Practice awareness of your food source; know how it grew and how it came to you and have gratitude for There has been such a ‘disconnect’ in our culture, from not only our food source, but the very food itself. We are eating for fuel, rather than pleasure and deep spiritual nourishment – as food is equally intended. Consider that our bodies evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. But, our food has drastically and rapidly evolved within a mere 100 years. Where once a typical purchase was a bag of pure oats, now we more typically buy things like granola bars, filled with a whole slew of ‘new’ ingredients including artificial and highly refined ones. These convenience foods have been made without consideration for our digestion and our mind-body connection. And are they really convenient? weaken. And thus, a malfunction in the delicate synergy between our mind and body arises. spending much more time in our analytical mind than ever and this is a major contribution to the disconnection of our mind and body (picture a kink in your garden hose). Consequently, things like adequate circulation of blood flow and breathing deeply (as if we were relaxed and in control) Lisa Marie Bhattacharya R.H.N., is a Holistic Nutritionist who is passionate about whole, natural foods; as nature intended. She is constantly being reminded of the power within properly prepared, life-giving whole foods (she has healed herself from pretty severe health issues with holistic nutrition principles), which are integral in her unique approach of supporting her clients as a ‘whole person’ – body, mind and spirit. She has a keen interest in food security and is always looking forward to her next delicious meal consisting of local, sustainably-grown foods and hopes to inspire you to do the same. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 those who are responsible for growing/raising it. ! “Digestion starts in the kitchen”. Prepare it with awareness; avoid multi-tasking while making your meal. Be present and recognize the quality of the food you chose. Be aware of its colour and texture, its freshness and its vitality in all respects. Know that it will nourish you deeply – by not only the consumption of it, but its preparation too. ! The next step to digestion, as with reconnecting, is chewing; take the time to chew thoroughly noticing flavour and textural changes, the more you chew. Swallow your bites knowing your food was well-prepared and that you are consciously giving yourself nourishment on all levels. ! After eating, breathe mind- fully and visualize proper digestion and absorption of nutrients and your overall wellness – and you’ll have it! Practice this for at least one meal a day – as little as a 10 minute investment of your precious time each day will provide you with much more insight, peace of mind, nutrients and vigour than any other practice you do. Lisa Marie’s Mixed Grain Porridge Method Use organic grains whenever possible and always pre-soak them for 8-12 hours to facilitate optimal digestion and absorbability of nutrients. In the evening before bed, place 1 cup of grains in a saucepan. I use a mixture of steel cut and slow oats, a flaked multi-grain mix, rye and/or kamut flakes or just amaranth or millet alone (they take longer to cook). Add a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (optional) and cover with 2 cups of filtered water. Add either half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, or, 1 tablespoon of yogurt (or kefir) to expedite the ‘preparation/predigestion’ of the grains overnight. Mix well and cover saucepan with a lid. Do not refrigerate, just leave saucepan on the counter. The next morning (do not discard water from rolled, flaked or cut grains, only from solid, intact ones) stir in organic blackstrap molasses, unrefined sea salt, cinnamon and/or cardamom, ginger, butter or ghee (fat increases absorption of nutrients), and other desired ingredients such as organic shredded coconut. Avoid adding fruit as it can contribute to flatulence. Cover and cook on just below medium on the stovetop for about 7-12 minutes or until it reaches your desired consistency. Add more filtered water if necessary. (Note: amaranth and millet take much longer to cook than flaked or cut grains. So allow these two grains up to 35 minutes to cook, or, grind them before soaking, to cut down cooking time and to change texture). Remove from heat, stir, add prepared seeds or nuts for added texture, and sweeten with unrefined Rapadura sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, or raw honey. Use quality organic rice or nut milk (home-made, if possible) and/or a plain organic non-homogenized yogurt for a creamy texture. Other tasty additions: fresh-ground hemp or flax seeds (be sure to add these after removing from the heat, as the heat can damage the delicate oils in the hemp and flax seeds). Serve and enjoy! ~Play around a little, there are many grain variations to keep this healthy staple interesting~ Consider that our bodies evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. But, our food has drastically and rapidly evolved within a mere 100 years. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 11 November/December 2007 BE GOOD TO YOURSELF well, there are times when those people aren’t able to give us the support we need. What can we do then? Before I answer that question I’m going to tell you a true story about someone who demonstrated an excellent example of what NOT to do. By Tom Robinson How to Always Get the Understanding and Compassion You Need Those of us with a serious chronic illness like inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, often find ourselves needing understanding and compassion. Sometimes we can get it from spouses, friends, and others. But as we know all too Here’s the story: Before the sponsoring company pulled its sponsorship, I was a volunteer host for a weekly online Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis support chat room. During one chat session, a man in his twenties came to the chat room. It soon became clear that he was very upset. Frank (as I’ll call him) had missed several days from work due to a flare-up of his Crohn’s disease. When he returned to work, his boss, who knew of Frank’s illness, reprimanded him for missing work without expressing any concern or sympathy for Frank whatsoever. That was hard on Frank, and he spent a lot of time telling ev- eryone else in the chat room how hurt and angry he was because of his boss’ uncaring behavior. Frank then came up with the idea of leaving his recent colonoscopy pictures on his boss’ desk, with the goal of teaching his boss a lesson and also having him see how wrong he was to chastise Frank – instead of showing him some understanding. I tried to tell Frank that his idea wasn’t a good one, but Frank was much too upset to be able to let in what I was saying. Clearly what Frank needed most was understanding and compassion. At the same time, it was plain to me, and to everyone else in the chat room, that the likelihood of Frank getting any compassion from his boss by leaving his colonoscopy pictures on his boss’ desk, was zero. Now, I only heard Frank’s side of the story, so I don’t know what kind of person his boss was. But I do know that one of the best ways to get what we need is to ask for it directly. In this instance, Frank could have told his boss that he would really appreciate it if his boss would try to understand that Frank didn’t miss work because he wanted to, but because he was very sick. It can feel scary to bluntly ask for what you need, but if you do, I’m confident you will find that you will usually get it. If someone were to tell you they would like you to try to understand them, wouldn’t you try to do that? I bet you would. So will most of the people you ask. But what if Frank’s boss was ei- Page 12 Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 ther an ogre, or was so busy he didn’t have time to give Frank any compassion? If either of those were true, then there was nothing Frank could have done to get his boss to give him what he needed. In that case, instead of trying to get them from his boss, and feeling hurt and angry when he didn’t get them, what Frank could have done was to give himself the understanding and compassion he needed. Now that I’ve told you about Frank, I want to say that the fact that it didn’t occur to him to give himself what he needed didn’t surprise me. I once did a survey of people with chronic illnesses, and found that most of them give their pets more understanding and compassion than they give themselves. Now there’s nothing wrong with giving our pets compassion. Doing that is a good thing. I’m a dog lover myself, and while I don’t “kiss it and make it all better” when my dog gets hurt, I do hold her and let her know I know that her paw, or whatever part has been injured, hurts. Then I comfort and reassure her. I bet most of you have done the same. But how many of you give yourselves similar nurturing when you are in pain; when your symptoms are bad and your illness is flaring? The way I see it, both because you are a human being and because you have a serious chronic illness, you deserve understanding and compassion more than your pet does. So ask for the understanding and compassion you need from others: your spouse, your friends, your coworkers, your boss, and the other people in your life. But if they aren’t willing or aren’t able to give them to you, then give them to yourself. You can do that by writing a compassionate letter to yourself, by hugging yourself, by looking in a mirror and tenderly telling yourself you wished you felt better. Or, by not using a mirror, but just letting yourself know that you understand at a deep level how you feel. Whenever you find yourself needing understanding and compassion, when there’s no one else to give it to you, I strongly encourage you to give yourself the same understanding and compassion you would give your dog, your cat, or the people you love. You deserve it! I once did a survey of people with chronic illnesses, and found that most of them give their pets more understanding and compassion than they give themselves. Tom Robinson, M.A., is a Life Coach and Crohn’s survivor who has learned to live well with his illness. He specializes in showing those with chronic illnesses how to do the same. (805) 965-8412 Get your free report, Yes, You Really Can Have a Life Even Though You Have a Chronic Illness at: http://www.chronicillnesscoach. com/coachtom Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 13 November/December 2007 TAP INTO YOUR HEALTHY SELF By Annabel Fisher Freedom from Chronic Pain: Getting to the Root Cause Chronic pain is the body’s way of informing us that it is not at peace; it is dis-eased. It is also a guaranteed way of getting our attention. An enormously effective, safe and non-intrusive way we can respond to pain is by applying Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). In fact, one of the much-publicised benefits of EFT is pain relief. As an EFT Practitioner specialising in serious illness, I work with people experiencing chronic physical, emotional, or mental pain on a daily basis. Indeed, in 2003 when wheelchair-bound and seriously ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), I struggled with chronic pain too. Hence this article is written from both personal experience and from observing my clients’ experiences. Gary Craig, the founder of EFT suggested: “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the Page 14 body’s energy system.” That is, a thought or memory triggers a disruption in the body’s energy system and this is experienced as psychological or physiological pain. It would appear while experiencing or focusing on a specific problem, and tapping on the meridians that carry the energy, disruptions are cleared and normal function can resume. When EFT is applied appropriately, a cognitive shift takes place, which frees us from our negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs, restoring health and wellbeing. Our unresolved negative emotions contribute significantly to most physical pains and diseases. When we are unable (for whatever reason), to express emotions such as anger, resentment and grief, they are swallowed and re- aunt to whom I was particularly close. The subsequent symptoms of extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain, brain fog, noise and light sensitivities and digestive disorders certainly attracted my attention – my body was shouting out to be heard. Six months later when I was introduced to EFT, my practitioner was able to clear many stressful memories, which had led to the hurt and resentment I was holding on to. Very quickly, I was able to review previously bothersome memories with neutrality and acceptance: I was still aware they had happened; only my perspective had changed. Simultaneously, I noticed that certain symptoms were easing or disappearing, specifically, my joint and muscle pain, and the issues with my digestion and food intolerances. Unlike many forms of talk therapy, with EFT it is not necessary to dig deeply and relive unpleasant memories in detail. Rather, what seems to occur is that once one or two unpleasant memories are cleared, other related memories are collapsed without needing to be worked on specifically. pressed. They later show up in the body as pain and illness. At the time I became ill, I didn’t know how to resolve the hurt and resentment I was experiencing, due to issues at work and in my relationship. Plus, I was dealing with the unexpected death of my Peeling away the intricate layers of chronic illness and pain can be complex and delicate. There may be literally hundreds of “unpleasant memories” to work through which have resulted in repressed emotions and subsequent illness. Also, on a subconscious level, a chronic illness or pain can serve a person very well. Suddenly they have a purpose. When someone is seriously ill or suffering chron- Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 ic pain, there are fewer expectations put upon them, so they can feel safer: they no longer have to prove themselves, be successful or “perfect”. When I start to work with a client coping with chronic pain I ask specific questions designed to obtain some insightful clues as to the root cause of the pain. One such question is: “What is the upside of holding on to this pain/illness?” Naturally, the first reaction is, “There is no upside, I want to be healthy!” but when the question is reframed to suggest, “What would be the downside to recovering?” the client tunes in to how their life was prior to becoming ill. When I asked a client suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia (intense facial pain causing spasm) this question recently in her first private session, she answered, “If I recovered, I’d have to be perfect again and I’d have to look after and help everyone.” It transpired that as one of six children she had been expected to look after her siblings because her mother was quite ill for a period of time. She had felt resentment as a result. She had continued this role of looking after everyone else when she married and had a family of her own, always putting herself second. Now, suffering from intense pain, she was finally in a position to be looked after and helped by others. She focused on the resentment and the memory of her childhood, and we applied EFT until she no longer felt any emotional intensity or response to the experience. At the end of the ses- sion, she told me the desperation she’d felt about her facial pain was “lighter” and “didn’t seem to matter as much now”. Of course, there was still more work to be done addressing her inability to ask for what she needed (making her body ask for her) and in organizing her life and relationships so that she wasn’t having to ‘give’ all the time, but could also ‘receive’. Another question which offers insight is: “If there was a person or event in your life which you’d just as soon skip, who or what would it be?” One client told me she would never have taken that vacation to Florida as a young woman, because it had been the catalyst for her health issues. Not long after returning, she was diagnosed with CFS and later, multiple chemical sensitivities and ulcerative colitis. She had repressed emotions of anger and regret ever since. Forty years later, she was housebound and still seriously ill. We used EFT on the vacation memory. Not only were we able to neutralise the negative beliefs she’d felt about herself as a result of the vacation, but she was able to see new possibilities for her future. Since then, we have worked together closely and now she can tolerate more varied foods, is able to leave the house regularly, exercises, and has a part-time job writing. When someone is seriously ill or suffering chronic pain, there are fewer expectations put upon them, so they can feel safer: they no longer have to prove themselves, be successful or “perfect”. Annabel Fisher is an Advanced EFT Practitioner and Licensed NLP Practitioner. She specialises in: coping with serious illness and chronic pain; overcoming stress and overwhelm; increasing self worth, confidence and the motivation to recover; and peak performance issues. She sees clients in her private practice and works over the phone. Approximately 50% of her clients are phone clients. Call 604.514.5053 or visit for a free 20 minute consultation. Ultimately, if the right questions are asked, we get to the root cause quicker and get the answers we need to heal the issue. Moreover, if we are able to resolve the emotional reasons for physical illness and chronic pain, surgery may not be necessary. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 15 November/December 2007 IS RAW MILK SAFE? – look around you. By Jini Patel Thompson When the mass media attacks raw milk in favor of pasteurized milk it tends to focus primarily on one issue: that of pathogenic bacteria that potentially remain in raw milk because the pathogens have not been killed via pasteurization. It would take far more than one article to properly examine this issue, but I can give you some quick highlights. There are two books that deal really well with this issue, plus numerous free articles online that you can access – I have listed these at the end of this article. If this is a concern for you and something that would prevent you from consuming raw milk, then you need to do the research necessary to make a properly informed decision. Getting all of your information from sources that are principally funded by pharmaceuticals and agribusiness (i.e., the mass media – newspaper, TV, etc.) is very unreliable. If you rely on these sources of information to form your opinion, all you’re doing is guaranteeing that you remain as ill and pharmaceutically-dependent as the rest of the general population Page 16 Pasteurization is only necessary when the milk comes from cows that are ill, or, when the farmer is not trained in hygienic milking and storage procedures. But even then, I would argue that pasteurization is still not the answer. Is a nutrient-depleted, toxic food that leads to illness over time (pasteurized milk), preferable to a food infected with pathogenic bacteria (tainted raw milk)? Twelve or a dozen, if you ask me. There are many accounts, tracing back to the 1800’s, of how the milk of cows kept in unnatural conditions became tainted. This led to the idea of pasteurization. But the same truth remains now as then: If your cows are healthy, their milk will be healthy. Just like a human mother who breastfeeds – the quality of breastmilk is a direct result of the health of the mother. Mark McAfee is the founder of Organic Pastures, a raw milk dairy in California that has been in operation since 2000. They supply over 300 stores with a full line of raw milk products and their milk is tested for patho- gens many times per month by the State of California (CDFA). The State has never found even one pathogen in McAfee’s raw milk products. In McAfee’s own words: “Dr. Caterina Berge, DVM and PhD candidate at UC Davis, tested our milk cows’ fresh manure and did not find any human pathogens. That’s right. . . no Salmonella. She was able to show that when antibiotics are not ever used on the herd (as stipulated in the organic standards) and when cows are not stressed (grassfed and kept healthy) they simply do not slough off pathogens in their manure. The data collected at Organic Pastures was quite different from that found at other dairies. The typical conventional milk tank had either salmonella or E. coli O157:H7 detected about 30 percent of the time. In comparison, Organic Pastures has never had one pathogen— ever. To study this issue further, Organic Pastures contracted with BSK labs in Fresno to perform multiple challenge and recovery tests on our raw milk and raw colostrum. When 7 logs (10 million counts) of pathogens were added to one-milliliter samples of organic raw milk they would not grow. In fact they died off. The salmonella was so badly out-competed that it could not be found less than 24 hours later. The listeria drop was less dramatic and was similiar to the E. Coli O157:H7 samples that were studied, but they also did not grow and declined substantially over time. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 The lab concluded: ‘… organic raw milk and colostrum do not appear to support the growth of pathogens…’ This begs the bigger question. What is it that causes raw milk to kill pathogens? Just in the last 24 months, the FDA has approved lactoferrin as an approved method of treatment for pathogen reduction in beef slaughter plants. Raw milk naturally has levels of this enzyme-based pathogen killer. Pasteurization inactivates this and other enzymes that kill pathogens. These enzymes include lactoferrin, xanthine oxidase, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and nisin. There are other interrelated enzymes and beneficial bacteria that also act on the pathogens to inhibit their growth. All of these systems are destroyed by pasteurization. It is no wonder that dairy plants that pasteurize must be kept absolutely spotless. There are no remaining safety systems in the processed milk. The dairy industry does not understand what I have explained here in detail. What the dairy industry believes is that raw milk contaminates pasteurized milk. This is not the case. Pasteurized milk kills the safety systems that control pathogens in raw milk and therefore permit unlimited growth of dangerous bacteria if present.”1 So now we know, if cows are kept and raised in a healthy, natural environment, their milk is perfectly healthy. If you’re still not convinced, let’s look at the startling effects of consuming pasteurized milk vs. raw milk, as Tom Cowan MD recounts here: “Dr. Pottenger fed one group of cats a diet consisting of raw milk, raw meat and cod liver oil. Other groups were given pasteurized milk, evaporated milk or sweetened condensed milk instead of raw milk. The results were conclusive and astounding. Those that ate raw milk and raw meat did well and lived long, happy, active lives free of any signs of degenerative disease. Those cats on pasteurized milk suffered from acute illnesses (vomiting, diarrhea) and succumbed to every degenerative disease now flourishing in our population, even though they were also getting raw meat and cod liver oil. By the 3rd generation a vast majority of the cats were infertile and exhibited “antisocial” behavior — in short, they were like modern Americans. Since the 40’s the “qualities” of milk have been extensively studied to try to find an explanation for these dramatic changes. Studies have shown that before heating, milk is a living food rich in colloidal minerals and enzymes necessary for the absorption and utilization of the sugars, fats and minerals in the milk. For example, milk has an enzyme called phosphatase that allows the body to absorb the calcium from the milk. Lactase is an enzyme that allows for the digestion of lactose. Butterfat has a cortisone-like factor which is heat sensitive (destroyed by heat) that prevents stiffness in the joints. Raw milk contains beneficial bacteria as well as lactic acids that allow these beneficial bacteria to implant in the intestines. All of these qualities are destroyed during pasteurization. Once heated, milk becomes rotten, with precipitated minerals that can’t be absorbed (hence osteoporosis), with sugars that can’t be digested (hence allergies), and with fats that are toxic.”2 Other health concerns that stop people from drinking raw milk are issues of lactose-intolerance and the more obscure concern that milk inhibits iron absorption, thus contributing to anemia. However, as you can see from the quotes below, both these issues are only applicable to pasteurized milk consumption. Raw milk naturally contains substances to aid in both lactose digestion and iron absorption –substances that are killed by pasteurization. There are numerous references showing that raw milk consumption does not cause anemia. Here’s just one of them: “Pasteurization was also found to affect the hematogenic and growth-promoting properties of the special milk (raw milk from specially fed cows, whose milk did not produce nutritional anemia— whereas commercially pasteurized milk did). . .”3 Mark McAfee (founder and owner of Organic Pastures dairy) also has this to say regarding raw milk and lactose-intolerance: “Our products have what Mother Nature intended, a diversity of good bacteria and a wide range Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 17 November/December 2007 of essential enzymes including lactase for lactose digestion and phosphatase that is essential for the utilization of calcium. One reason raw milk is so much easier to digest compared to pasteurized milk is due to the presence of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar and which many humans are unable to produce. The experts I have spoken with deny the presence of lactase in raw milk; however, it is the friendly bacteria in raw milk that facilitate the creation of lactase in the intestine where it is needed. That is why lactoseintolerant people can drink raw milk without a problem. Pasteurization kills these friendly bacteria.”4 There are many naturopathic physicians who are prescribing raw milk for their patients with Crohn’s, colitis and IBS because it truly is a superfood with amazing healing and regenerative abilities. However, as with any Page 18 other food we consume, the cows must live as nature intended: pasture-fed with plenty of room to roam, fresh air and sunshine – in order to produce healthy, nutritious, pathogen-free milk. My entire family (including children aged 17 months, 4 and 7) drinks raw milk from Jackie’s Jerseys in Washington where their Jersey cows are out on the pasture eating and living as nature intended. For raw milk suppliers in your area, go to: If you’d like to explore this topic further, two excellent books are: ! The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Scmid, ND available at: ! The Raw Truth About Milk by William Campbell Douglass II, MD available at: www. For lots of excellent, detailed articles on the safety of raw milk, go to: click on ‘Site Map’, then ‘Safety’ Jini Patel Thompson is a natural health writer and consumer advocate. She has had numerous books published on natural healing for digestive diseases. Her articles on natural health topics have appeared in publications in the U.S., Australia and U.K. References 1. McAfee, Mark “The Safety of Raw Milk” Letter to The Colorado Department of Public Health, Denver, Colorado, May 19, 2004 2. Cowan, Tom, MD article “Raw Milk” from: html 3. Krauss, W. E., Erb, J.H. and Washburn, R. G., Studies on the nutritive value of milk II. “The effect of pasteurization on some of the nutritive properties of milk,” Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 518, page 11, January, 1933 4. McAfee, Mark “The Safety of Raw Milk” Letter to The Colorado Department of Public Health, Denver, Colorado, May 19, 2004 Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 HEALING JOURNEYS bring me to the hospital. Three weeks later, I was sitting in the Day Surgery Center, opposite the gastroenterologist who’d been recommended to me, being handed a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease. By Nicole Paull It all began innocently enough – a couple of loose bowel movements. I wasn’t worried. I figured it was a 24-hour thing and that I’d soon be back to normal. So began my journey into the depths of Crohn’s Disease. Days slipped into weeks and weeks into months. I sometimes had twelve bowel movements a day, but clung to the desperate hope that whatever was wrong with me would right itself. I started planning ahead if I had to go out by not eating for several hours. The weight melted off. I began waking up two or three times each night for urgent bowel movements. If I had to drive anywhere, I’d close my eyes gratefully at every red light. It became almost impossible to concentrate through my mental fog. Every time I turned around, it seemed like there was something new happening to me to dread. I was a shadow of who I had been. Finally, in pain and with a fever of 103 degrees F, my resistance worn down, I asked my sister-inlaw to babysit and my husband to I was in shock. Of all the things it could have been, this, I felt, was the worst. A little girl I knew had been diagnosed with it years before and I’d seen firsthand the seemingly endless cycle of drugs and surgery. At the time, I honestly felt that I’d have preferred a diagnosis of cancer. I felt that my body had betrayed me. Well, I was determined that I wasn’t going to go on that cycle. I thought there had to be a better way and I started searching. I stumbled across Jini’s book on an Internet search. I read her experience. I read Chapter One. I read the Table of Contents. And I felt the stirring of both recognition and hope. Here, I felt, were answers that made sense, written by someone else who’d already been through the crucible of what I was going through. I held my breath, paid the $79.00 (which felt like a lot of money at the time) and waited for the book to arrive. When it did, I devoured it. I followed the IBD Remission Diet for six weeks and that gave me a real jumpstart on my healing. I actually had energy again! I followed Jini’s Wild Oregano Protocol, cycling between the various phases as I felt necessary. I followed the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for awhile until I asked myself one day, “Do I really think grains contributed to my getting ill?” The answer I came up with was, “No”. I found the answer to my grain dilemma when I learned about the cookbook Nourishing Traditions on Jini’s forum at and I began to enjoy eating bread again. I gathered the courage to contact EFT Master Rue Hass and began sessions with her. Through it all, my health continued to go up and down, although I never came anywhere close to what I had experienced prior to following the IBD Remission Diet. There was one occasion, when I had some mild colonic bleeding (I’d never bled before and that really scared me), that I considered going on drugs for awhile, but something inside stopped me. When I really went deep down inside, I still felt a conviction that the path I was on was ultimately going to lead to success for me. Today, almost a year and a half later, at five-foot-six, I weigh a healthy 132 lbs. I truly enjoy food – even things like the occasional chocolate bar and other foods that for awhile I had to give up entirely. I lead a full and active life, in which my intestines no longer play a dominant role. Here’s one quote that really resonated with me from Listen to Your Gut, at my first reading and later: “If we listen to our insides, we will also find that inner therapist who says, ‘Pay attention! I’m going to make you hurt a bit now so you will wake up.’ Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 19 November/December 2007 For this reason I sometimes call pain and suffering ‘God’s reset button’. It is sometimes the only thing that will make people change.” -Dr. Bernie Seigel, MD I believe that’s true and today, I would say that Crohn’s Disease is both the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me. Without the impetus it provided, I may never have begun to heal aspects of myself that I recognize now as contributing factors to my illness, but at the time saw merely as normal states of being and thinking. Here’s another quote I came across recently from author Brian Tracy that I really like for the encouragement it provides: “If a hen, with a brain the size of a pea, can discipline itself to sit on an egg for twenty-one days Page 20 without seeing any change at all, then it is probably not too much to ask you to persevere patiently for the same period of time before expecting to see any changes. Patience in self-development is the key.” The advice I’d give to others at an earlier stage of healing is to work from the inside out. Think about health. Why do you want to be healthy? What will you do when you’re well? Use tools like EFT to deal with blocks you may have to health and to stoke your own inner furnace of desire and drive to be well. Find everything you can to feel good about now, even before you’re physically well. Read everything you can about other people who’ve overcome dis-ease to build your conviction that what’s possible for them is possible for you, too. Do all that, and doing the physical things necessary to restore health will be a cinch. Be patient and persistent and I truly believe, as surely as the sunrise follows the sunset, that you will see improvements in your health just as I have seen in mine. I would say that Crohn’s Disease is both the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me. Would you like to share your Healing Journey story in a future issue? We’d love to hear from you! Please email Danielle: service@ if you’d like to write your story for this column. Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 EATING WITH THE SEASONS cycle repeats itself every year, creating Mother Nature’s perfect plan for nourishing each organ of our body. by Debbie Sarfati We live in a culture where most foods are available to us at any time of the year. Go into your local food store in the middle of winter and you will probably find strawberries, despite the fact that they are able to grow in most climates for only a few months of the year. However, long ago the ancient Chinese discovered that our internal organs respond in very specific ways to seasonal changes in the weather and diet. Our bodies function best when we eat like our ancestors did, consuming foods appropriate to the season. In every season, particular foods stimulate ki – or vital energy – to flow through our organs. This The ancient Chinese discovered that our internal organs respond in very specific ways to seasonal changes in the weather and diet. Our bodies function best when we eat like our ancestors did, consuming foods appropriate to the season. Although this concept may seem new to some of you, it is something you know intuitively. Think about the foods that you crave in the warm summer months and those you are craving now. Are they the same? Probably not. While fresh fruits, smoothies, and salads may make your mouth water in the summer, warming soups and casseroles are more likely what your body may be starting to crave now. Below are some of the ways your cooking should change as you adjust from the warmer to the cooler months ahead: Cooking Style: more heat; longer cooking time; more baking, boiling, stews, soups, crock-pot meals; less raw foods Vegetables: rounder, denser, compact veggies such as winter squash (acorn, butternut, delicata, kabocha), potatoes, yams, root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, beets, turnips); sturdy winter greens (kale, collards, chard); less raw vegetables and vegetables juices ger, garlic, cumin, cinnamon); more vinegar (balsamic, rice, apple cider, plum) Fruits: only what is in season, possibly cooked (apples, pears, cranberries, pomegranate); less fruit juices Not only does eating seasonally subtly connect you to your surroundings, it can give your organs a boost and help your body to function better. If you are not sure what’s in season where you live, visit your local farmer’s market to see what fresh produce is being offered. If you cannot shop at a farmers market in the winter, start by looking for some of the seasonal fruits and vegetables listed above. Debbie Sarfati is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and the owner of Whole Nourishment in Boulder, CO. Debbie works with clients around the country to create customized nutrition programs that improve diet, enhance wellness, and eliminate health problems. Call 303-9381468 or visit her website, www. Grains: warming grains such as sweet or short grain rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, and millet Beans: larger beans that require a longer cooking time such as chickpeas, black beans, aduki beans, pinto beans Seasonings: more oils (olive, sesame, ghee); darker miso (red, brown rice); warming spices (gin- Good Health Is Real Wealth ! Page 21 November/December 2007 Recipes By Debbie Sarfati Carrot Parsnip Soup Ingredients: 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 medium yellow onion, chopped 4-5 medium carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped 4-5 medium parsnips, peeled and coarsely chopped 4 cups organic chicken broth 1 1/2 cups filtered water 1/4 tsp. pepper, or to taste 1/4 tsp. salt, or to taste Optional: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 additional parsnip, peeled, sliced into 1/4 inch rounds ! 1 additional Tbsp of olive oil Method: ! In a large stock pot, sauté the onion, carrots, and parsnips in olive oil until browned and slightly ten- der. ! Add the broth, water, salt and pepper and allow everything to simmer until all the vegetables are soft. ! Transfer everything to a food processor or blender and puree until creamy. Optional: In a large sauté pan, add the olive oil and sliced parsnips and pan fry (on both sides) until crispy. Add them to the soup for their flavor and texture. Veggie Stuffed Squash Ingredients: 2 small winter squash—acorn, delicata, butternut, etc. 2 tsp. ghee or olive oil 1 small bunch rainbow chard, washed and cut into small pieces 2 Tbsp. dried cranberries 2 Tbsp. slivered almonds 1 Tbsp. coconut flakes 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon pinch ground fennel pinch salt Method: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. ! Cut the squash in half lengthwise and de-seed. Place in a lightly oiled glass baking dish (flesh side down, skin side up) and cook for about 40 minutes, or until soft and tender. ! About 10 minutes before the squash is done cooking, start the veggie stuffing. ! In a large pan, sauté the chard in the ghee or oil until soft. Add the cranberries, almonds, coconut, cin- namon, fennel and salt and combine well. ! Once you remove the squash from the oven, turn it flesh side up and add the veggie mixture into the cavity of the squash (each of the 4 halves). Serve immediately. Page 22 Good Health Is Real Wealth ! November/December 2007 Editor: Jini Patel Thompson Columnists: Caroline Dean MD ND Tom Robinson, M.A. Life Coach Annabel Fisher, EFT-Advanced Lisa Marie Battacharya, R.H.N. November/December 2007 Issue © 2007 Holistic Health Shoppe Inc. !" All Rights Reserved No part of this Infoletter may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a digital recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission of the publisher. Disclaimer The information in this publication is not intended to be used for the purpose of diagnosing or curing/ healing any ailment and much of it is experimental in nature. This publication is also not intended to take the place of any medical doctor’s advice or treatment. Any action, or inaction taken as a result of the information in this publication, is entirely at your own risk and liability. If you do not wish to be bound by this disclaimer, you may return the publication at any time for a full refund. !" Published: bi-monthly by JPT Wellness Circle, a division of Holistic Health Shoppe Inc. Contact: Page 23 Good Health Is Real Wealth !