Ephrata Fair parking lot September 20
Ephrata Fair parking lot September 20
Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church September 2011 Church picnic September 11 Ephrata Township Community Park Hot dogs and drink will be provided. Please bring a covered dish. Sign up on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall by September 4. Ephrata Fair parking lot September 20-24 We’ve received permission to use Ephrata National Bank’s parking lot as a youth fundraiser. We can use the lot on Locust St. and a few spaces beside the lot we used to use at the drive thru in the past. The lot at the drive thru only has a few spaces that the bank is allowing to be used for handicapped parking. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you can help. Beginning September 4 Worship is at 10:30 AM. Food Bank Catechetical Instruction Resume September 4 canned vegetables and fruit, cereal 11 instant potatoes, rice, rice mixes 18 canned meats, tuna, canned pasta meals 25 pancake mix (just add water), syrup Monetary donations are appreciated for help in buying meat products and heating oil as cold weather approaches. Please help to keep EASS shelves filled for those in need. Dear Pastor Lohr and Friends of Luther Acres, Thank you for sharing your resources by making a gift of $30 supporting the Friends of Luther Acres 2011 Agape Way Courtyard Project. Your gift provides residents with late stage dementia a safe harbor with a gazebo and gardens in which to visit with friends and family, enjoying the beauty of nature. Your generosity helps Luther Acres Healthcare Center residents have a place and will touch many lives for years to come. William C. Snyder Vice President, Marketing & Philanthropy The Bell is published monthly (except a combined July-August edition) by Bergstrasse Lutheran Church 9 Hahnstown Road Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-7808 ―Life will only work out successfully one way, and that is God’s way.‖ —Leslie Weatherhead With only one student remaining in this year’s catechetical group (four were confirmed in June), the class instruction will be a little more creative. This year’s student will be doing a review of the Old and New Testaments using a curriculum entitled Chosen: The Story of God and His People. The Bible and its story of God’s dealings with his people is critical to our life of faith, because this story is now our story. We need to know and appreciate the story of our spiritual relatives. When we were baptized into Jesus, we were baptized into this ongoing story of God and the people he has chosen to be his people. The format for this year’s class will be one of individual study, meeting periodically with Pastor Lohr. In addition, there will be opportunities to learn more about our congregation and its ministries by participating in many of them. www.bergstrasselutheran.com bergluth@dejazzd.com Sunday Church School – 9:00 AM Worship - 10:30 AM The Rev. Herbert A. Lohr, Pastor 687-6460 (home) Jean Wilhelm, newsletter editor Balance as 6/30/11 General Fund Improvement Fund Mission Plus Mission Plus 2 Parsonage Security/ Memorial Fund Handicap Accessibility Organ fund Due date for the October newsletter is September 18. 2 $ 1,083.23 $ 7,629.39 $20,708.66 $ 2,640.70 $ 2,280.65 $ 665.00 $ 107.92 Pastor’s Message Members of Congregation Council are reading and studying their way through a book by Anthony B. Robinson, Transforming Congregational Culture, which I recommended. Times have changed, especially for congregations and the things congregations do. This book is helping our leaders understand the changes that have occurred over the last decades, and it will better equip our leaders to lead with an awareness of these changes and what they mean. Soon now, another group, which has yet to be chosen, will begin the important process of discerning a renewed vision for our congregation and its ministries for the future. The work of both of these groups will act like a compass, giving direction so that our congregation will continue to be vibrant and focused on mission for the remainder of this decade. Clarity is essential to any organization or group as they attempt to carry out their purpose, and the church is no different. We need clarity about who we are and what God has called us to do. And it is probably safe to say that in today’s cultural climate, not everyone who is part of the church is clear on who we are and what we are about. A colleague gave me a good example of this lack of clarity for congregational members. Pastor Wayne Cordero was once invited to take the helm of a battleship. He stood on the bridge of this massive ship and he looked out at all of the sailors. Then an order came for all the sailors to assume their battle stations. Immediately, sailors were scurrying around all over the decks. Finally, they all stood at their posts. As Pastor Cordero looked out over 800 sailors, he felt for a moment as though he was the captain. He was amazed that each sailor knew exactly where they should be, exactly what they should do, and exactly when they should do it. A few weeks later, Pastor Cordero had the pleasure of being on a ship again, this time a cruise ship. As he walked around the different decks, he started thinking about the difference between his experience on the battleship and the cruise ship. A cruise ship is about those aboard having their own personal needs met. Beyond that, a cruise ship has no other purpose. It is a very different climate and purpose aboard these two ships. There are many church members who think the church is a cruise ship, whereas Christ called us to be a battleship. Part of the confusion results from the fact that some believe that the church exists only to meet their own personal needs—their needs for fellowship, for worship, for spiritual growth and comfort. And, if our congregational cruise ship doesn’t measure up, why not look for one that does. These are people who simply ―come to church‖ as opposed to ―being the church‖. When we are the church, we understand ourselves and our purpose differently. Instead of looking at the church as a place where only our needs are to be met, we understand that not only are our needs met, but we are to also meet the needs of others, especially the oppressed, the hungry, the sick, the lonely, those in pain, and those treated unjustly. We are more of a battleship, and we do battle with the forces of ―sin, death, and the devil‖. Therefore, we need to maintain clarity at all times as to who we are, what our purpose is as God’s people, how our gifts can be used for the betterment of all, and our mission(s) as a congregation. Think battleship, not cruise ship. It will help us remain clear on where God wants to take our congregation in the near future. Pastor Herb 3 Lutheran World Relief October 2 We will be collecting blankets and monetary donations to purchase blankets and to be used toward the shipping costs. Donations should be placed in an envelope indicating it is for Lutheran World Relief blankets and mailed to the church or placed in the offering plate. Blankets should not have church names or religious symbols on them. The Stitches of Love group has been making quilts to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. We will be collecting school kits and personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief Ingathering . Some of the items needed have changed so check the list. We need someone to make some drawstring backpack-style cloth bags. These are different than what was used in the past. See Mary Keisling if you are willing to make some bags; she has directions. Bags may be purchased at Walmart, Target, sporting goods stores. They may not have any logos printed on them. Include the following items in each School Kit: Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide- or college-ruled paper approximately 8‖ X 10½‖; no loose-leaf paper One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other One pencil sharpener One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well) Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band Five ballpoint pens (no gel ink); secure together with a rubber band One box of 16 or 24 crayons One 2½‖ eraser One sturdy drawstring backpack-style cloth bag approximately 14‖ X 17‖ with shoulder straps (no standard backpacks) Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed. All items should be new and in good condition. Remove any excess packaging, pack all items in bag and close. Do not enclose the Kit or any of its contents in plastic bags. The cost to handle and ship one school kit overseas is $1.40. Please consider a monetary donation to help with this cost. Include the following items in each Personal Care Kit: One light- to medium-weight, bath-size towel (approximately 52‖ X 27‖ or smaller), dark color recommended Two bath-size bars (4 to 5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in original wrapping One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging* One sturdy comb, remove packaging One metal nail clippers (with or without attached file), remove packaging *Toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed. All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap all the items in the towel and tie securely with ribbons or yarn. Do not enclose the Kit or any of its contents in plastic bags. The cost for handling and shipping a personal care kit overseas is $2.65 (including the addition of a tube of toothpaste.) Please consider a monetary donation to help with this cost. 4 Worship participants for September September 4 11 18 25 Greeters Ben and Polly Gr Phyllis R Cleone R Mabel B Ira and Miriam H Lector Anna M Bonnie G Selma H Curt H Acolyte Anna M Annalin B Brooke S Kendall M Nursery Kathy L Wanda and Kendall M Lisa and Brooke S Counters Dave and Jean W Dave and Jean W Bonnie G Sandy S Bonnie G Sandy S Organist Gail S Anne L Gail S Anne L Deb B Larry and Edie L Lyman and Selma H Flowers Bulletin Kathryn S September Bonnie G Ushers Communion Ushers Sept. 4 Altar Guild Debbie S Lisa S Glenn and Almanara B Chad L Randy R Jane P Jane P Mabel B 5 The Women’s Bible Study Group will begin again, after their summer vacation, on Thursday, September 22, at 10:30 AM, meeting at the church. Previous students will be welcomed back, and of course, new ladies are most welcome to join the study of God’s Word. The ladies will continue their study of Luke’s second volume, known as the Acts of the Apostles. These two works by Luke make up over a quarter of the New Testament writings. The book of Acts gives us a rare view of the early church as it spread from Jerusalem throughout the world. The group will pick up their study of Acts starting with Book 2 Chapters 13-28 of the study guide. Pastor Lohr will be the Bible Study leader. The group will meet weekly for an hour and a half of study and fellowship beginning at 10:30 AM in Neidamyer Hall. If you have been attending this study of Acts, we welcome you back. If you have not been attending, consider doing so. Feed your soul, strengthen your faith. The Men’s Bible Study Group will begin again after taking the summer off. They will meet on Mondays at 10 AM beginning September 19 at the Cloister Restaurant for study and lunch. The group will pick up their study of the prophet Isaiah once again, starting with Chapter 5 in the study guide (pp. 39ff). This chapter covers chapters 24-27 of Isaiah. Isaiah is one of the great Old Testament prophets, and the study of all that Isaiah said and wrote is challenging and very relevant to our day. Prophets were a unique institution in Israel, God’s spokesmen throughout Israel’s history. There words were often not appreciated, but extremely important to God’s people of faith. Human nature being what it has always been, their words are surprisingly relevant even today and worthy of our study. If you have not been attending this study, consider doing so. If you have been attending, we’ll be glad to welcome you back. Pastor Lohr will continue to be the leader for this study group, which meets regularly September through May. Pastor Lohr will be taking vacation August 29—September 4 and September 12—18. If you need pastoral services during this time, please call the church office (733-7808). Rev. Don Lindman will be the guest preacher and liturgist for Sunday, September 4. Members Selma H and Ben G will be the preacher and liturgist for Sunday, September 18. Do lend your support. Thank you to both Selma and Ben for filling in for Pastor Lohr. 6 Gerry D Ben G Lyman H Ira H Lydia M Vernon S Jeff S Neil and Vera S Clarence W, Jr. Dan A (Chris A’s father) Nancy A (Mildred W’s daughter) Connie A (Lisa C’s aunt) Dan B Doris B Joe C (Lisa C’s husband) Theresa D Robert E (Donna D’s father) Lorenzo F (Jean F’s brother) Marian G (Pastor G’s mother) Naomi G (Jane P’s mother) Elsie H (Polly G’s sister) Addison H (Ron and Wendy H’s granddaughter) Joel K Ruth Ann L (Polly G’s friend) Wanda L (friend of Deb B) Lucas M (Mary D’s neighbor) Addison M (great niece of Joanna R) Joyce M Ruth M (Darlene K’s sister) David O (cousin of Phyllis and Cleone) Susan R Louis R (Erma S’s nephew) Terry S (Polly G’s nephew) Roxanne S Carl S (Gail S’s husband) Patrick S (Peggy R-W’s brother) Linda S (Erma S’s daughter-in-law) Lori S Neil S (Almanara B’s brother) Brian S Ruth T (Darlene K’s aunt) Gladys W Whitney and Kevin Z (children of friends of Ron and Shirley M) Congratulations to those with September birthdays: 3 Ken D 6 Megan A 10 Nancy St 12 Debbie B 19 Neil A 22 Edie L 23 Ella Mae S 24 Pauline S 27 Lori Ann C Anniversaries 5 John and Mabel B 16 Derek and Lori Ann C 23 Larry and Edie L 27 Harold and Evelyn C 29 Howard and Beverly J Seek to Please Shift your prayer life from ―Please, God‖ to ―Please God.‖ Take the comma out of those two words when you pray, and transition your praying from asking God for things to asking God for the pleasure of God’s pleasure. —Homiletics 7 Council Highlights July 11, 2011 Parish Family: 50+ Anniversary celebration will be held on August 28. Church picnic will be held September 11 at Ephrata Township Community Park. Property: Pole was erected to protect the air conditioner on the east side of the church. Brick work at flag pole has been completed. New benches in McCracken Memorial completed. Rails on the outside of the building to downstairs have been painted. Youth and Family: Carnival on the Hill will be held on August 20. Unfinished Business: Wedding planners have come forward. They will be Donna D and Toni V, who will work together as needed. New Business: Council meeting for August will not be held. This time will be used to work on the budget for 2012. Pastor’s Report: Two weddings were approved by council. Mobil transmitter and hearing assist devices have been ordered. Seven devices will now be available to the congregation. Thank you to Mary Keisling for making this possible by her donation. Pastor Lohr met with Carillon people to check our existing Carillon (which is not working properly and repair is not possible due to age of the present Carillon) and pricing of new Carillon for a cost between $8,200 and $9,000. Handbell and Senior Choirs Begin Rehearsals As the autumn leaves of red and gold fall to the ground at the end of their season, our church year too comes to a close with a glorious, spiritual richness. We celebrate the many fall festivals and hear a calling from Matthew’s gospel for forgiveness and reconciliation. We are also called to participate in worship and a ―re-formation,‖ of our faith, being strengthened by God’s grace through Word, prayer, liturgy, communion, and singing. Respond to God’s call to worship by joining one of our choirs as we profess our faith through singing and serve God as we lead the congregation in worship and song. Weekly rehearsals begin on Thursday evening, September 8, with Joyous Praise Handbells beginning at 6:45 p.m. and Senior Choir beginning at 7:35 p.m. Please let Music Director Anne L know if you are able to join one or both of these choirs. Take time to worship and to thankfully respond to God’s love and grace with song. 8 Widow2Widow retreat Widow2Widow, Inc. is a national non-profit support group designed to provide encouragement to widows. There are three local W2W chapters located in southern Lancaster County, Ephrata, and the Lancaster area. They are joining together to encourage widows by hosting a national widow’s retreat at beautiful Sandy Cove on the Chesapeake Bay, near North East, Maryland the weekend of October 14-16, 2011. The retreat, entitled ―Expanding our Territories,‖ will feature 9/11 widow, national author and speaker, Jennifer Sands. It will also include the President and national founder of W2W, Elaine Cook, and Wilma Wyatt, a local inspirational speaker with Jabez Blessings Ministries. Music will be provided by Nashville recording artist and W2W worship leader, Peggy Reeves. In addition, there will be humorous skits, walks by the Chesapeake Bay, games, great food and many more surprises. The cost of the retreat is $229, which includes lodging and five meals. For information, call Lois Walters at 717-606-4950 or go to www.widow2widow.org. Luther and Lutheran Experience Power of Wit and Witness Presented by The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch October 15 Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center 2300 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA 8:30 AM Registration 9:00 AM Seminar 11:30 AM Lunch The seminar ends with lunch. Registration forms are on the bulletin board. Cost is $10, which will be donated to the Lutheran Lancaster Habitat for Humanity. This seminar is underwritten by the South Lancaster County Chapter of Thrivent for Lutherans. There are two books that are recommended and may be ordered at a cost of $5 each from Thrivent, South Lancaster County Chapter by September 15. Contact Stephen Ruth at 293-1335 or mmoruth@aol.com. 9 Thrivent Choice Dollars If you have a Thrivent insurance policy or investments, then you have Thrivent Choice Dollars. You may direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Bergstrasse Lutheran Church. Online: Visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice Click on ―log in‖ at the top right of your screen and enter your MyThrivent user ID and password. (If you haven’t registered on Thrivent.com, click on ―register now‖ to register for full access.) Look for your designated Choice Dollars on the right side of the screen. Click on ―Direct Choice Dollars‖ in the Thrivent Choice box on your MyThrivent page. Search the catalog of organizations to find the organization you want to select. Click on ―Direct Choice Dollars Now‖ to direct your designated Choice Dollars to benefit that organization. By Phone: Call 1-800-847-4836 and when prompted, say, ―Thrivent Choice.‖ When prompted, say, ―Choice Dollars.‖ Say or enter your Social Security number. Press 1 to direct choice Dollars or press 2 to hear the Thrivent Choice program terms and conditions. A representative will then work with you to direct Choice Dollars. Follow God’s Lead Have you ever watched a well-trained dog walk with its master? On or off a leash, the dog will slow or quicken its pace, turn left or right, or immediately stop at the soft command of his master’s voice. Such isn’t the case with my pooch. Either he’s straining ahead or lagging behind, darting after a bird or stubbornly lingering over an interesting scent. He isn’t content to follow my lead. Sometimes that latter scene resembles my own walk with God. At times, I rush ahead or lag behind, veer to the right or stumble to the left, oblivious of my Master’s pace and direction. How much better to walk closely with God and let him lead! ―O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and steadfast love for your servants who walk before you with all their heart‖ (1 Kings 8:23, NRSV). 10