September 2016 - Messiah Lutheran Church


September 2016 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Messiah Messenger
Published by Messiah Lutheran Church
The Mission of this church is to glorify God by providing
worship, learning, witness, service, and support to all people.
Volume 16, Issue 9
September 2016
If you are interested in joining our committee
or helping on an event contact Cindy Anderson
at 881-2161.
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Pancake Breakfast Ministry
Do you enjoy cooking pancakes?
Join one of our teams that cook for the
Pancake Breakfast!
Call Phil Gotham at 825-6105
to be part of what’s cookin’!
Ladies’ Breakfast
Saturday, September 17 at
At Bob Evans on
Buffalo Road
  
  
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An opportunity for our ladies
to gather for fellowship, food, and fun
Note New Time and Location!
The Worship Committee will next meet
on September 6 in the Study Lounge
September 4
Psalm 1
Philemon 1-21
Luke 14:25-33
September 11
Exodus 32:7-14
Psalm 51:1-10
1Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10
September 18
Amos 8:4-7
Psalm 113
1 Timothy 2:1-7
Luke 16:1-13
Amos 6:1a, 4-7
Psalm 146
1 Timothy 6:6-19
Luke 16:19-31
Assisting Ministers and Lectors
The blank schedule for October will be in
the Narthex through September 11
Please schedule yourself.
If you do not indicate your availability it will
be presumed that you ARE available.
Lectors are needed
for both Worship
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a very important “behind the
scenes” ministry!
The people in this ministry make sure that our worship
space is properly prepared for Sunday Worship and other
special services.
To be part of this welcoming ministry please contact:
Don’t wait to be asked
contact Pr. Jeff if interested!
Training will be provided
Linda Voigt at 899-8618
Usher Ministr y
Ushers are needed for both Worship
If you would like to be part of this welcoming
ministry please contact:
Cindy Needham at 899-5532
Assisting Ministers
are needed for
both Worship
Special Anniversary
Rehearsals will be on Wednesday evenings
from 6:00 - 7:15pm
Regular Choir rehearsals will begin September 21.
contact Pr. Jeff if interested!
Training will be provided
Choir can be joined at anytime throughout the year.
Please consider sharing your gift of voice with the
congregation though the Choir!
Share your instrumental/vocal talent in leading
our 11:00 Worship Service
in praising God!
Team practice is at 9:45am
in the church every Sunday!
Just show up
contact Sheryl Williams at:
The goal of our Stewardship/Finance Ministry is to help God’s people grow in their
relationship with Jesus through the use of the time, talents, and finances that God has
entrusted to them.
Taking Care
I am looking out the back door, watching the birds
and critters. There are two big maples in our back yard
and several more in our neighbors' yards. They make a
great home for the woodpeckers, sparrows, crows and
robins that hang around. Did I mention squirrels?
There's a pile of brush in the back corner of the yard.
Yes, yes, I know it should be shredded or brought to the
curb, but we can't do that. Bunnies have made it their
favorite shelter, and they appear to be sharing it with the
As I spread the daily fair of stale bread, seeds,
peanuts and overripe fruit, I watch them line up on the
fence. This is their sanctuary. I give them a banquet, they
give me peace.
What if I stopped feeding them? I wouldn't have to
worry. God will feed them. If I get rid of the brush pile,
the bunnies will find another shelter. If one tree should
fall, there are others. My little critters' sustenance will be
Do they know, by instinct, perhaps, that God will
provide? Or do they have a capacity for faith? Imagine if
human beings had no worries!
We worry about everything. We have an earth full of
good things that God has provided, yet we seem to have
lost the ability to use it wisely. Some of us have so much
of everything that our cupboards and closets are stuffed,
yet we buy more instead of sharing with those who have
The Bible says that (I am paraphrasing here!)
Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as well as the
lilies of the field, and that the critters and birds will be
taken care of. Do you really believe that, in God’s
kindness, God will not take care of us? And that we, as a
children of God, are not responsible for taking care of
If we have the opportunity (and as Christians, there
are always opportunities), take care of one person today.
If our pockets are empty, give a hug or a smile. God
takes care of our needs, especially if we take care of
Your servant in Christ,
Marilyn DiLuzio Rizzo
2nd Mile Giving
Giving that support we offer
above and beyond our
regular tithe
Our 2nd Mile Giving recipient for September is:
Bethesda Trinity Center
You may contribute at the Pancake Breakfast or by
using the yellow envelopes in the pews at church,
marking them for this month’s second mile giving
Through August 21, $101.00 has been
donated for Bweranyange Girls School Scholarship
Thank You for your generosity!
Count e r Mi nist ry
Become part of the team of
people who count the weekly
offerings and take them to the
Time commitment is about 30 minutes
after worship.
Training will be provided!
Contact the Church Office if interested.
Attention Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Members…
Use your Amazon purchases
to help Messiah!
Follow the link on our webpage or
go to:
Choose Messiah Lutheran Church
as your charity and AmazonSmile
will donate 0.5% of your eligible
purchase to Messiah!
Thrivent Members can designate Messiah
Lutheran Church as a recipient of the charitable
giving that Thrivent offers through Choice Dollars.
Visit their website,, or call
your Thrivent representative, for more
To those that have designated Messiah as a
recipient of Thrivent Choice Dollars, we gratefully
thank you!
As of August 22 we have received $831.00 for
2016 through your designating Messiah as the
recipient of your shares.
that your offerings to Messiah Lutheran Church can be
made electronically while you’re on vacation or if you
prefer the convenience of scheduling a monthly/weekly
automatic withdrawal from your account?
It’s easy to set up the following options:
Simply Giving
For more information about Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans contact Vince Kremer, Financial
Associate, at 814-878-5727 or visit
Electronic transfer from your bank account
For more information, call the Church Office, 899-6386.
A Special Thank you to...
T. W. Landscaping
2016 Sponsorships
20393 Irish Road
Edinboro, PA 16412
Phone: (814) 450-4381
Pl ease ta ke t he appropriat e for m.
Th e c om pl et ed f orm , a nd pa ym en t,
a r e d u e p ri or to d at e of sp o nso rsh i p
Altar Flowers:
Vigil Candle:
Worship Aids:
Toney Wofford, Owner
1 vase/$20
2 vases (same weekend)/$35
For their contribution to the sidewalk project
September Sponsors
8:30 WA
11:00 WA
Flower (2)
Flower (1)
Pastor Jeff
L. Fryer
100th Anniversary Team
B. Fryer
Please consider sponsoring the Worship Aids and/or Vigil Candle during the year. Every sponsorship helps to defray
the cost to the congregation. Thank you!
CYFM will meet on Thursday, September 1 in the Finance Room
Contact Candy Sprouse if interested in joining:
During the 11:00 Worship Service
The Grateful Prayer Group
Contact Charlotte Fitch (824-5035) to
participate in this wonderful ministry
or just show up!
Leader Schedule:
September 4 Mark & Pam Van Horn
September 11 Shirley Case, Tammy Johnson
September 18 Steve & Linda Porada
September 25 Sandy Hough, Candy Sprouse
We meet in the Study Lounge on
Thursdays at 10:00am.
Only a six week commitment
at a time!
For readers age 8-12, the Library
added 3 new books to the
collection. Each book contains five
The books are: The Mandie Collection, vol. 1, 2, and 4.
If you have any books you would like to see in the
please contact Joyce Hauser or Anna Mae Van Dyne.
Welcome to Fall!
Guided Meditation
Wednesday, September 7
at 1:30pm
in the Study Lounge.
For September, Mondays at 6:30PM
Our September book is:
The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom
Our October book will be:
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
Come join us!
430 E Grandview Blvd. Apt. 216
Thursdays at 11:00am
in the Study Lounge
All are welcome to participate!
Contact Charlotte Fitch 824-5035 for more information
Care Group #4 Bible Study
Men of Faith, Rise Up!
September 12 & 26
at 1:00PM
Men’s Bible Study
Monday, September 19
at 7:00pm
In the Study Lounge
All are welcome to
join us!
We are called to be men of God’s Word.
Join us on the journey
In order to make a Prayer Chain request, please
email or call the Church Office
A Special Thank you to...
Carner Landscaping
8181 Morehouse Road
Erie, PA 16509
Phone: (814) 881-4179
Shawn Carner, Owner
In the event of emergency situations, contact
Pr. Jeff and he will pass on the information!
Thank You for your cooperation!
For their contribution to the sidewalk project!
A ministry to, with, for and by 3rd-12th graders!
2 0 1 7 Mis sio n Trip
Sponsored by the East Erie County Cluster,
July 30-Aug 4, 2017
in Mingo County, WV
Youth who will have finished the 8th grade in the spring of 2017
through youth who will graduate the 12th grade in the spring of
Work will focus on helping the flood recovery efforts.
Deadline to Commit: September 28, 2016
Non-Refundable deposit of $75.00 per person
due by September 28, 2016
For more information contact Pastor Jeff!
ootsteps: The upcoming fall
retreat will take place
November 18-20
Cost is $35.00
Open to youth going into grades 9-12.
Contact Pastor Jeff if interested.
Aluminum Can Recycling
Please bring in YOUR Aluminum cans to the
garage at the church. They will be taken to
the recycling center and the money will go
toward 2016 Youth Mission Trip.
Thank you for your support!
Knitting & Crocheting Group
Lutheran World Relief
School Kits
Please join us on September 10 from 10:00am-12:00pm
in the Study Lounge
Please help assemble the School Kits
on September 4
during the Pancake Breakfast.
Come for fellowship, come to knit or
crochet. If you have a friend who
wants to come, bring them, they do
not have to be members
Come join us.
We plan to assemble 30 kits.
The annual CROP Walk
Prayer Shawl Ministry
to fight hunger is coming
Sunday, September 25.
If you want to make Prayer Shawls you
do not need to come to the Saturday get
together for knitting and crocheting. Several people make
shawls on their own. If you are interested in knitting or
crocheting Prayer Shawls please contact Shirley Damon.
The walk starts at Beach 1 at 2:00pm
(new time!).
If you cannot walk think of sponsoring a
Remember if you need a prayer shawl contact Shirley,
anyone on Servant Outreach or the Church Office.
Sign up and registration packets
are in the Narthex.
Wesleyville Food Pantry September
Item of the Month: Peanut Butter
If you would like to help coordinate Wellness
Events or Outreach Events, please contact:
Anna Mae Van Dyne at
Bring your donations to the
church by September 25 or
make a financial
contribution designated for
the Food Pantry anytime
during the month.
Email the Servant Outreach Committee at:
Food Pantry Distribution:
September 20 at 10:00am
Please feel free to email us comments,
suggestions, etc.
Through August 21, 32 packs of pasta
have been donated.
Thank you for your generosity!
I have heard your prayer and seen your
tears. I will heal you. 2 Kings 20:5
Back to School means carrying
Most backpacks are constructed with padded shoulder
straps, which reduce pressure on the shoulders.
Additionally the waist strap should be used to help
distribute the weight to the lower back. The backpack
should sit evenly in the middle of the back thus
distributing the weight on the child’s growing spine. A
maximum weight of 15% of the body weight is what
should be carried. For example, if you weigh 80 pounds
you can carry only 12 pounds or less. Remember, ‘As the
twig is bent, so grows the tree’.
Reports from Emergency Rooms related to backpack
injuries indicate that it is not from wearing them as much
as tripping over them or being hit by them.
 Wear them properly.
 Hang them on a hook, chair or table off the floor.
 Explain the dangers of swinging backpacks around.
Use backpacks with wheels for extra-heavy loads and
for young children.
Blood Pressure Screenings
Sunday, September 4
in Fellowship Hall
during the Pancake Breakfast
Please be assured that the results of your monitoring will
not be shared with anyone other than you!
Used by permission from “Wellness Tip of The Week” written by
JoAnn C. Kauss, RN, MSN, St. Malachy Church, 2003.
Saturday, September 24
at 9:00am
in Fellowship Hall
Cost: $40.00 per person
due on the 24th
Sign up in Narthex or call the Church Office
Church Leadership
Anthony Baer-Pres (3)
Art Anderson-VP (1)
Anna Mae Van Dyne-Sec(2)
Richard Alaniz (3)
Carol Brigham (2)
Linda Fryer (2)
Phil Gotham (3)
Sean Gotham (1)
Marilyn Rizzo (2)
Brian Rogala (3)
Brian Rogala, Jr. (1)
Tim Smock (1)
Cluster Board Reps:
Brian Rogala
Art Anderson
Committee Chairpeople:
Church Life:
Cindy Anderson
Candy Sprouse
Mutual Ministry:
Mark Van Horn
Rich Alaniz
Servant Outreach:
Anna Mae Van Dyne
Linda Fryer/
Brian Rogala, Jr.
Unofficial Highlights
Lacked a quorum to make decisions, however Council discussed the following:
 Welcomed Marilyn Rizzo to Council; she has been appointed to complete Jack
Freeman’s term; she will be formally installed before worship on Sunday, July
 Reviewed status reports, but did not take any action on them
 Confirmed an email approval for painting the foundation wall of the Church
and Fellowship Hall at a cost of $700
 Received an update on the progress of the 100th Anniversary planning
 Received updated information in regard to the new signage, that included a
requirement to have an outside shut-off switch installed within sight of the
 Received a report that the new boiler units have been installed; only thing left
to do is to install the electrical component that makes the new units alternate as
the lead boiler
 Latent member issue was addressed: letter will go out after the 100th
Anniversary celebration
Church Office Hours
Find out what is going on at the
churchwide level and also our
Churchwide -
NWPA Synod -
Our next meeting will be on
Sunday, September 11
between Worship Services
in the Library
on the first floor of Fellowship Hall.
Please keep the church office informed of any
changes in your mailing address, phone number,
and email address.
It is important for us to keep our data base up-todate. Thank you for your cooperation.
We welcomed to the
Sacrament of the
Altar for the first
100 Years!
We are down to the last few days before our
Have you sent in your dinner reservation card?
Isabella Pamula on
Sunday, July 24
The “Window Cards” are ready to roll. Look for
them in the Narthex, at the Pancake Breakfast,
and at the Reception after the Anniversary
Worship Service
on September 18.
We are saddened by the passing
away of…
You are coming - - right?
Celebrate! This is a once in a century occasion!
Member of Messiah:
Florence (Barb) Roth (08/23/2016): longtime
member and wife of Bill
100th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, September 17
Friends of Messiah:
Albert “Bud” Wolbach (07/1/2016): father of
Sheryl Williams
Evelyn Orzepowski (07/24/2016): mother of Jean
Celebratory Dinner at St. James Place
Sunday, September 18
Joint Service at 10:00am
Rev. Harold Jacobson will be our guest preacher
Don’t be late. Details to be Announced
Committee Meeting
The Property Committee will meet Tuesday, September 6
at 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall.
Daily Bible
For September
To the Prayer Shawl Committee:
1 Deuteronomy 21
2 Deuteronomy 22
3 Proverbs 22:13-29
4 Psalms 102-105
5 Deuteronomy 23
6 Deuteronomy 24
7 Deuteronomy 25
8 Deuteronomy 26
9 Deuteronomy 27
10 Proverbs 23:1-17
11 Psalms 106
12 Deuteronomy 28
13 Deuteronomy 29
14 Deuteronomy 30
15 Deuteronomy 31
Thank you for the two Prayer Shawls I
asked for. One was for my Aunt in
Pittsburgh, PA and the other one was for
a family friend in Erie
Donna Layton
To my Messiah Family:
Thank you to everyone for keeping me
in their thoughts and prayers, who sent
cards, and all who visited me after my
surgery. Thank you to Pastor Jeff for
visiting me in the hospital and praying
over me. You don’t know how much your
thoughtfulness meant to me.
Robin Szczutkowski
16 Deuteronomy 32
17 Proverbs 23:18-35
18 Psalms 107-108
19 Deuteronomy 33
20 Deuteronomy 34
21 Joshua 1
22 Joshua 2
23 Joshua 3
24 Proverbs 24:1-16
25 Psalms 109-112
26 Joshua 4
27 Joshua 5
28 Joshua 6
29 Joshua 7
30 Joshua 8
Make it easy to read Scripture every day friend us (search “Church Pastor”) on
Facebook. We post a Scripture verse every
day that will then be sent to you!
On Sunday, July 24, Pastor Jeff blessed
115 prayer Shawls. They were delivered
to the Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors
Home on Thursday, July 28.
Many thanks goes to all of you who
helped to make this project happen.
God bless you all!
Shirley Damon
Messiah Lutheran Church
Contact Information
Church Office: (814) 899-6386
Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey Piccirilli
In the event of a pastoral emergency,
please call Pastor Jeff at 431-5879
The next Women’s Weekend
will be October 14-16
Contact Pastor Jeff or any Koinonian if
Marriage Anniversaries
“ Bless them so that all may see
in their lives together within
the community of your people a
vision of your kingdom on earth.”
From the Nuptial Blessing
in the Marriage ceremony
“Through baptism you have been
received into the household of God,
entrusted with the good news of Jesus
Christ, and strengthened to serve by the
holy and life-giving Spirit.”
George & Gerrie Elias
Dave & Ann Kent
Justin & Rachel Penton
Ken & Sally Berlin
Shirley & Ron Damon
Fran & Doug Sayre
Walt Griesbach
Becky Wallen
Dave Wilson
Rich Shatzer
Ray Bennett
Kyle Logue
Shirley Damon
Rachael Penton
Darryl Bush
Jeff Damon
Hazel Logue
George Dieter
Logan Penton
20 Cheyenne
22 Zachary Gotham
24 Nancy Bennett
Mylee Fitch
26 Sylas Gummerson
27 Carol Ingram
28 Kimberly Young
29 Barb Frick
Tammy Kuhn
Elyse Kent
30 Kenneth Johnson
Shirley Bolam
Penny Gotham
Jeffrey Brown
Stefanie Hough
Dave Hauser
Megan Stein
Ursel Schmitt
Marilyn Rizzo
Abigail Van Horn
Mark Van Horn
Lia Henderson
Tanner Bess
Paige Bess
Shirley Damon
Emily Piccirilli
30 Kaylie Penton
Compliments of
2607 Buffalo Road
Erie, PA 16510
Nancy E. Dusckas, Spvr.
If we missed your Birth, Baptism, or
Marriage Anniversary we apologize.
Please contact the church office to provide us
with that information.
536 West 10 Street
Erie, PA 16502
Gary J. Cumming, Spvr.
2025 Eastern Avenue
Wesleyville, PA 16510
Address Service Requested
Dated Material
Church Life
Youth Ministry
Servant Outreach
Church Council
Pg 1
Pg 2
Pg 4
Pg 6
Pg 7
Pg 8
Pg 10
About Our Members
Notes of thanks
Around the Community
Daily Bible Readings
Contact Information
September Celebrations
Pg 11
Pg 11
Pg 12
Pg 12
Pg 12
Pg 12
Pg 13
Newsletter Deadline
All items for the monthly Newsletter must be submitted in writing no later than the Monday after the
second Sunday of the month and are subject to editing. No exceptions.
Messiah Lutheran Church
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