Dear business partner In this issue Welcome at Siegfried
Dear business partner In this issue Welcome at Siegfried
Corporate News 1/09 Welcome at Siegfried Michael Hüsler New Siegfried-CFO The 37-year-old Swiss citizen holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Basel. After completing his studies in 1997, Hüsler worked at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the audit department. From late 2000 until June 2005, he was employed by Straumann Holding AG as Corporate Controller, and subsequently as Head of Corporate Controlling. In addition, he successfully completed training as a Certified IFRS Accountant in 2004. Hüsler joined Bachem Holding AG in 2005 as CFO and member of the Dear business partner Stephan Bregy BD Manager Corporate Executive. Siegfried CEO Rudolf Hanko remarked: “We are very pleased to have found in Michael Hüsler a highly qualified professional with a wide range of experience in our industry, the last four years of which also in the field of life sciences. He is therefore the ideal addition to the Siegfried team, and he will help us achieve our ambitious goals.” Stephan Bregy was appointed Business Development Manager starting Apr 1st, 2009. His joining the Multiclient Marketing & Sales Team reflects Siegfried‘s commitment to it‘s multiclient product startegy and helps to address its subsequent rising markets needs. Michael Hüsler assumed his new position on July 1, 2009. The synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients is – and will remain – the core business activity of the Siegfried Group. It is the market where we strive to be successful and grow. tion to high potency APIs, we have also begun a micro-reactor pilot program and are already working on promising projects together with the R&D teams of client pharmaceutical companies. This statement was the key message at our Annual Shareholder’s Meeting, held in April 2009, and of our new CEO, Dr. Rudolf Hanko. As a stable company with tradition and a pioneer in custom manufacturing, Siegfried is prepared for the future. Our wide range of technological capabilities and excellent customer support offers our many clients an outstanding base for a successful and long-term collaboration. Our focus on active pharmaceutical ingredients is also why we disinvested parts of the Siegfried Group during recent years that were not focused on our core business. Today, Siegfried is investing CHF 17 million in a new R&D lab in Zofingen; our technology is also being continually expanded. In addi- Dr. Hubert Stückler President Siegfried Actives Division I look forward to working together with you and thank you for your trust in Siegfried. In this issue Impressum Behind the Scenes Issue 1/09 © 2009, Siegfried Ltd Siegfried Ltd, Zofingen Untere Brühlstrasse 4 For a PDF version: CH-4800 Zofingen / Switzerland Dedicated to Quality Welcome at Siegfried Corporate Know-how 1/09 Comments are welcome. Tel +41 62 746 11 11 Beate Klinke Michael Hüsler Application of microreactor technology for Head of Quality Assurance New Siegfried-CFO the synthesis of complex molecules has become Please send any input concerning „Behind the Scenes“ to part of Siegfried’s technology platform. Stephan Bregy A case study, that demonstrates the advantage Editor: Hubert Stückler Business Development Manager of this new tool is presented in this article. Dedicated to Quality Beate Klinke grew up in Aachen, known as the “city of kings” in Germany and the site of Charlemagne’s tomb. However, for the first step in her career and begin of her pharmaceutical studies, she chose Bonn, a city on the Rhine River. Her internship in a pharmacy located in Tuttlingen, in the Swabian Alps was memorable, and could be considered a prophetic introduction to a future in Switzerland. She returned to Bonn to complete her Ph.D. in pharmaceutical technology. After working at a couple of jobs, she returned to Aachen to work for Grünenthal as the designated “qualified person.” But Switzerland was never far away. When a headhunter told her of an opening at Siegfried in Zofingen she seized the opportunity. She began a year and half ago as the Quality Global Computerized System and Document Manager, or QGC Manager Pragmatic as always, Beate gave herself “a year to acclimatize and in the 2nd year one gets established.” She found a place to live, not in the area surrounding Zofingen or in an urban center, but right in the middle of the town. It takes her only 10 minutes to get to the office every morning – by foot. When asked about her first impressions at Siegfried, Beate talks initially about her predecessor, a noted expert in the area of quality assurance and an impressive personality, from whom she learned a lot. Further, she noticed how orderly and clean everything seemed in Switzerland. The number of different nationalities that worked together at Siegfried in Zofingen was another interesting aspect – both fascinating and challenging – for Beate. There are 25 different nations on site, with four different countries alone among her 7-person team. However, she didn’t have much time to get familiar with her new surroundings, as her predecessor soon retired and after only few months Beate was also promoted to Head of Quality Assurance for the Zofingen site: a speedy boost to her career. Today, both of her departments are located all over the facility and she commutes constantly between the two offices that are available to her. She is a central figure in the current reorganization of our company and remains in constant demand at an endless number of meetings for her expert knowledge in quality issues. Away from the office, Beate prefers to spend time with friends. She particularly enjoys outings in the magnificent Alps; the Rigi, located in the middle of Switzerland with its stunning panoramas, is one of her favorite destina- tions. It’s also the perfect metaphor for this ambitious professional and the promising perspectives she enjoys in our company. Beate Klinke, Head of Quality Assurance at Siegfried Zofingen
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