March 2015 Update - Lawrence Free Methodist Church
March 2015 Update - Lawrence Free Methodist Church
Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 THE UPDATE News | Information | Events “What if you’re wrong?” Some years ago, Christian recording artist Nichole Nordeman wrote a song that recalled a conversation she once had with a skeptical friend who was armed with many of the usual arguments against Christianity. In her lyrics, she responds to the skeptic in this way: What if you’re right, and He was just another nice guy—what if you’re right? What if it’s true? They say the cross will only make a fool of you—and what if it’s true? What if He takes His place in history with all the prophets and the kings who taught us love and came in peace, but then the story ends—what then? Then in the chorus, she turns the question back on her friend: But what if you’re wrong? What if there’s more? What if there’s hope you never dreamed of hoping for? What if you jump—and just close your eyes? What if the arms that catch you catch you by surprise? What if He’s more than enough? What if it’s love?* Continued on next page… Holy Week 2015 The traditional celebration of Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on March 29. We will observe our normal Sunday worship schedule on Palm Sunday (traditional/blended worship at 9:00 a.m., contemporary worship at 10:35 a.m.). On Good Friday (April 3, 7:00 p.m.) we will gather for our traditional Tenebrae service—a service of diminishing light, featuring music and Scripture readings that draw us into the story of the trial, the suffering, the crucifixion, and the burial of Jesus. This service will also include communion. Finally, on Easter Sunday (April 5) we will celebrate the resurrection of our Savior with two identical, blended worship services at 9:00 a.m. and 10:35 a.m. After each worship service, there will be an Easter egg hunt for children on the church lawn. We hope you will take advantage of these Holy Week services and that you will invite friends, coworkers, and neighbors to come to church with you on Easter Sunday. At worst, they’ll turn you down—at best, they’ll come with you, and they might even begin a lifelong journey with Jesus. 1 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 Continued from previous page… ADULT DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES Ms. Nordeman’s lyrics remind me of something C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance; the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” If the resurrection of Jesus truly happened, it is the single most significant event in history, and every human being is given the opportunity and responsibility to respond in one of two ways. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul concedes that if the resurrection of Jesus did not happen, we have been fools. “But,” he adds, “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead” (see 1 Corinthians 15:19-20). It is true. On April 5, Easter Sunday, it is likely that our worship center will be more full than it usually is. Some of the additional people will be family members here for the holiday, of course, but many will be people who are not weekly church attenders. Some may be here simply because it’s what they do on Easter and Christmas, perhaps because they view Christianity as “moderately important.” Some will be here because you invited them to come. Some may come simply because they’ve decided it’s time to reconnect with God, and Easter seems like a good time to do it. Whatever reasons bring people into our worship center on April 5, it is our prayer that all who enter will leave knowing beyond any doubt that what happened in a grave outside Jerusalem over two millennia ago is definitely not merely moderately important, but rather, the single most significant event in human history. And we pray with you that it will become the most significant thing in their personal history as well. Equipping men and women to walk with God, make disciples and serve Christ for a lifetime Primetimers Primetimers met on February 10 for a potluck luncheon. It actually turned into a salad luncheon, due to a shortage of main dishes, but the salads were very tasty. They were 20 Primetimers, one office staff member, and our guest speaker, Robert Baker. Robert told about a planned low-income senior rental housing effort called Cedar Wood Housing Project. Our next meeting will be a potluck luncheon at noon on March 10. Please note that there are changes in who should bring what: If your last name begins with A-E, please bring a dessert; F-L, a salad; and M-Z, a main dish. Our March speaker will be Aimee Roberts. Aimee is the owner of “A Helping Hand Home Care”. Her company provides in-home care so individuals can remain in their own homes, with assistance from a caregiver. This service is something that each one of us may be in need of, and we will be provided with information we may wish to pass on to others. If you are 50-or-better you will want to attend this luncheon. If you have questions you may contact Ernie Dyer at 785-841-2990 or 785-393-3846, or via email at —Doug Heacock * “What If ” by Nichole Nordeman, from the album, Brave, ©2005 Birdboy Songs, admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing. Easter Flower Sales: lilies, tulips, hyacinths and daffodils for $10 each. Watch the lobby and the bulletin for sign-up sheets on March 15 and 29. 2 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 MOVE: SPIRITUAL LIFE SURVEY access at home. The survey link has been emailed to all whose email addresses we have in our database, and is also listed at the end of this article. Your spiritual growth is of vital importance to our church, whether you are just beginning to explore the Christian faith, or you are a long-time follower of Christ. We want to do everything we can to help you on your spiritual journey. That’s why we need your help. If you call LFMC your church home, we strongly encourage you to participate in the Reveal Spiritual Life Survey! Your input is crucial to the role our church plays in your spiritual development. Your responses are anonymous and are compiled by an expert third-party research organization that compares our responses with others’ responses. This survey is an important tool to help us understand our church’s role in your spiritual maturity. Thank you in advance for your time and contribution to this tool that will help us understand and plan our church’s role in your spiritual life! This survey, which asks questions about your spiritual life, will be available online to you through March 9. The survey must be completed in one sitting and requires about 35-40 minutes to complete. A computer will be provided for use at the church for anyone who doesn’t have Internet You’ll find the Reveal survey here: Pastor Carolyn returning to teaching at KU; reception March 8 Carolyn Heacock resigned her position at LFMC in February to take a teaching position at the Applied English Center (AEC) at the University of Kansas, where she teaches English to international students. Carolyn was the senior member of the pastoral staff, having served on staff at LFMC for more than 15 years. Prior to her tenure with LFMC, Carolyn taught in the Spanish department at KU, and then worked at the AEC as an ESL teacher and language specialist for many years. In the summer of 1998, following the departure of a student ministry pastor, Carolyn stepped up to coordinate student ministry as a volunteer until she joined the staff part-time in the fall of 1999. She was appointed to be pastor of student ministry in January 2000. In the years that followed, she accepted a variety of leadership roles, in children’s ministry, student ministry (again), family ministry, assimilation, missions and social justice. In those roles, at various times, Carolyn has recruited and trained hundreds of volunteers; baptized over 150 children, teens, and adults; and led nearly 20 missions trips to five different countries, involving nearly 100 different teens and adults. There will be a reception after each worship service on March 8, to honor Carolyn and thank her for her many years of faithful leadership and service in our church. Carolyn and her husband Doug have attended LFMC since they were married in 1983. (Doug continues to serve on the LFMC staff as Director of Media and Contemporary Worship.) Carolyn will continue to help lead our student ministry for several months on a volunteer basis, and intends to continue to volunteer in various ways at LFMC as time permits. We thank her for her leadership and her hard work over so many years—she will be missed. 3 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Junior Camp It's time for summer camp! Ok, not exactly but it is time to register for Jr. Camp! Jr. Camp is a summer camp for children finishing grades 3-5 this spring. Located at Rock Springs Ranch near Junction City, KS, the camp has horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, archery, elective classes like crafts and much, much more! Morning and evening chapel times will provide children with inspiring worship and relevant messages. Jr. Camp is a wonderful, safe environment for kids to begin to explore new hobbies, make new friends, take on new responsibilities, and connect with God on a deeper level. DETAILS Who: Kids finishing grades 3-5 this spring. Dates: June 22-26. Earlybird registration: $230 if registered by March 15. ($100 deposit due with registration form; final payment due by June 7) Registration after March 15: $240 if registered after March 15. ($100 deposit due with registration form; final payment due by June 7) Questions: Allie Klopenstein at or 785-842-2343. Cabin Leaders: Camp is incredibly fun and enriching for the cabin leaders, too! If you are a children's ministry leader, volunteer, or parent who would like to apply to be a cabin leader, contact Pastor Allie. (Note: All cabin leaders must pass a background check.) Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 5 For children through the 6th grade, immediately following both worship services on Easter Sunday! 4 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 Family Worship It is important for children to be a part of worship. They need to see their parents worship. They need to see the church body participating together in a church service. For this reason, the children in K-6th will be in the church service on 5th Sundays. March 29 is not only Palm Sunday but it is also a 5th Sunday. The children will participate in the worship service through the waving of palm branches and will then stay in the service with their families. It will be a family-friendly service with a special children’s bulletin and application for children. Parents will receive more information in the coming weeks but if you have questions, please contact Pastor Allie at March in DU As followers of Christ, “I can trust God no matter what” is a phrase we all say. And for the most part we sincerely believe it and live it out. We trust God to provide for our basic needs, for our safety, even for our health and well-being. But there are certain moments when trusting God seems just a bit more difficult—often those are the times when we’re forced to wait. Throughout our life, we will face times when we’re not where we once were, but we’re not yet at our final destination. Instead, we’re somewhere in between. Put simply: we’re waiting. And it’s in the waiting that our faith is tested. Which is why allowing God to develop patience in us is important. Not only is patience a Fruit of the Spirit, it is a foundational way that we can reflect God’s character. From the very beginning God has shown patience with people. When Adam and Eve broke God’s rule, He could have killed them on the spot. Rather, He showed them grace. Yes, there were consequences, but God had a plan for their rescue. All throughout the Bible we see God showing patience in order that more people could come to know and believe in Him. God’s patience is continually focused on relationships with people. Even after we sinned, He still pursued us. He sent Jesus, His own Son, to make a way for us to be with Him. He waited time after time for people to repent and make things right. Something He still does today. When we demonstrate patience, we are less likely to hurt our relationships with others. We are more likely to trust that God has something better for us in the future. And when we trust God with our future, even when we’re “in-between” on life’s journey and asking Him “Are we there yet?” we can have patience knowing that His plan and His timing are always better than our own. The Bible is full of stories and principles that help us realized the importance of discovering how to be patient. We’ll start the month with one of the best examples of what happens when you’re not patient; you lose something of value. In Genesis 25:24-34, we discover the story of Esau sacrificing his birthright for a bowl of stew. Because Esau was impatient, he lost something he could never get back. Bottom Line: When you think you can’t wait, think twice. Don’t let your lack of patience cause you to make a decision you’ll regret. Think twice about what really matters and wait patiently. Continued on next page… 5 Lawrence Free Methodist Church For week 2, we head over to Exodus 32:1-35 and find the Israelites at the foot of Mount Sinai. Instead of obeying God and waiting for Moses to come down off the mountain, the entire nation of Israel grew impatient. They built a golden calf and began to worship it instead of worshiping God. Their lack of patience had some severe consequences. March 2015 would be the King and their waiting would be over. When Jesus was found guilty and crucified, they must have felt so defeated. They didn’t know at the time that God had something different in mind, something better for the whole world. Bottom Line: Remember that God’s plan is bigger than yours. When you’re having a Bottom Line: When you think you can’t wait, think about what’s true. It’s easier to wait when you remember all the times God has helped you before. You can trust Him, knowing that He’ll help you wait. For week three, we’ll look at 1 Samuel 1:6–2:1 and the story of Hannah. She had waited years for a child. Rather than become frustrated and angry toward God, she prays and tells Him all about it. When God answers her prayer, she gives her son back to God. He honored her waiting and blessed her with even more children. Bottom Line: When you think you can’t wait, talk to God about it. It’s important for us all to remember that talking to God about how we feel about waiting will help us stay patience through whatever circumstance we might face. He may not change our circumstance, but He’ll give us the strength to keep waiting well. We’ll close out the month with week four as we look at Mark 11:1-11; 14:43 – 15:47. The world had been waiting for a Messiah, a rescuer. And when Jesus had finally shown up on the scene, His disciples were ready. They figured this was it. Jesus hard time waiting, remember that God has a plan for you life bigger and better than you could ever imagine. While we’re discovering what God has to tell us about patience, we’ll be memorizing Psalm 27:14: “Wait for the Lord. Be strong and don’t lose hope. Wait for the Lord.” Thankfully, we don’t have to wait in our own power. Our hope is in God. He will give us the strength to remember that it’s worth the wait. It’s important to remember that learning patience doesn’t happen in a moment; it takes time. As we talk to kids about how they can reflect God through how they show patience, it’s important to remember that this is something they’ll be developing for the rest of their lives, and something we, as adults, can probably use some work on ourselves. By Dan Scott ©2015 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. *Used by permission. 6 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 Durley Camp Greenville, Illinois June 14-19 for students completing 6th-8th grades Join teens all over the Midwest for fun activities, late night games, making new friends and an opportunity to encounter the living God and learn what it means to truly LIVE! Cost: $245 if registered by March 15; $275 after March 15. The cost includes camp registration, $15 for the snack shop, and transportation. More information and the registration form are available in the lobby and the Teen Center, and at If you have questions, please email Carolyn Heacock at Teens in the Worship Center on Easter Sunday On Easter Sunday, April 5, the teens will be worshiping with the adults in the Worship Center at the 10:35 a.m. worship service. 7 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 Missions News Flash Early on the morning of Monday, Feb. 23, we received a report that Rev. Phyllis Sortor, our missionary in Nigeria, was abducted from the Hope Academy compound in Emiworo, Kogi State, Nigeria by several persons. The U.S. Embassy has been notified, and the State Department and the FBI are working with local authorities to find and rescue her. We are calling on the U.S. church to join together in prayer for Phyllis' safety and speedy release. Bishop David Kendall, for the FMC in Nigeria Update from Across the World Adam and Rebecca, along with their two elementary-aged children, live in what the Free Methodist Church calls a “creative access country,” so if you find this article somewhat vague, there is good reason. (Adam was able to call while in a more open country attending a conference.) They wanted to update us and ask us for prayer in three main areas: New Jobs Adam, a teacher, recently received a promotion to the head of his department and since that promotion he has been given an incredibly unique position for a westerner. Rebecca had been teaching college business writing courses, but when a need arose at the school their children attend, she switched to teaching elementary science there. Adam notes, if that school shut, many families would be in a bind. Her current teaching position will not be a long-term change, but she’s enjoying it. New Opportunities and Relationships Through a new program, they have seen many opportunities to connect students and business professionals of varied backgrounds. They have also been blessed with opportunities to show hospitality to many around them and build relationships. Fruit They ask for prayer for the current situation of their country and region even if you don’t know where they live. Adam shared that this is the most fruitful year they’ve seen yet and at the same time, their area of the world, and their government in particular, is cracking down much more than when they arrived there many years ago. The fruit of God’s work through them is evident! Pray that it would continue. Please, as always, also pray for their family as a whole. 8 Lawrence Free Methodist Church March 2015 Sunday services and programs E-mail contacts 9:00 a.m. Blended Worship, programs for nursery and preschool Bill Bump, Senior Pastor 10:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship, programs for nursery through senior high teens Larry Baldridge, Pastor of Discipleship Nursery available 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Allie Klopenstein, Pastor of Children’s Ministry Church Office Information Bethany Harvester, Administrative Assistant Office hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Phone: 785-842-2343 Fax: 785-842-2351 E-mail: Doug Heacock, Director of Media and Contemporary Worship Vanessa Thomas, Director of Choir and Blended Worship Web: The Update Lawrence Free Methodist Church 3001 Lawrence Avenue Lawrence, KS 66047 9