Saint Mary of Sorrows Church - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saint Mary of Sorrows Church - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saint Mary of Sorrows Church Parish Center • 5222 Sideburn Road • Fairfax, VA 22032 Historic Church • Fairfax Station Road & Ox Road (Route 123) • Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Phone 703-978-4141 • FAX 703-978-2568 • Website Parish Center Phone 703-978-4141 + Extension: Pastor Rev. James S. Barkett ext. 103 Parochial Vicar Rev. Francis J. Peffley ext. 104 Pastor Emeritus Rev. Donald C. Greenhalgh (Ret.) In Residence Rev. Jean Vanes Nicolas ext. 105 Deacons David Maurer Jeffrey Meyers Religious Education Aida Willis (DRE Grades K - 6) ext. 129 Kristin Merrigan (Admin. Assistant) ext. 128 Madeline Ledón (DRE Grades 7 - 8) ext. 108 Preschool Elena Quartuccio ext. 118 Youth Ministry Mark Stinard ext. 107 Parish Social Ministry & Family Life Carol Mayfield ext. 109 Liturgy Mary McKay ext. 112 Music Colleen Turgeon ext. 114 Administrative Services Karen Ramsay (Reception) ext. 100 Cindy Bevilacqua (Registration/Baptisms/ ...Bulletin) ext. 115 Linda O’Brien (Pastor’s Assistant/ ...Facilities Scheduling/Weddings) ext. 101 Comptroller’s Office Kathleen G. Coleman, MBA Comptroller ext. 110 Mary Ellen Kelliher (Bookkeeper/Cemetery) ext. 111 Facilities Richard Witter ext. 124 Counselors Direct Line Mary Ellen Ruff, LPC, ATR-BC 703-303-4983 Kathleen E. Scheg, JD, LPC, CEEP 703-568-0525 St. Mary of Sorrows is a caring Catholic community dedicated to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We Listen to the Word of God; Draw our life from the Liturgy; Promote the sanctity of life; Proclaim the good news of the Gospel; Serve others in a spirit of truth; Nourish through education; Commit ourselves to proclaiming and promoting social justice. Anointing /Visits to the Sick Duty Priest 703-978-4141, ext. 1. Last Sunday of the month after the 12:30 pm Mass Parish Center Summer Office Hours Mon - Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Sat: 9:00 am - 6:15 pm Sun: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Registration Please register at the Parish Center Office so that we can serve you more effectively. Your use of envelopes helps us to assess our resources and to plan for the future. Inquiry (R.C.I.A.) Please call Linda O’Brien, 703-978-4141, ext. 101, to make an appoint with Fr. Barkett. Pastoral Council Co-Chairpersons Frank Adams Thelma Garry Members Paul Armstrong Charlie Gulac Patricia Laux Patrick Taitano 1 703-569-3935 703-978-1163 David Lopez Ann Hartmann Susan Lee Weekend Mass Schedule Worship Center Sat: 5:00 pm Sun: 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am, & 12:30 pm & 5:00 pm September through May Historic Church Sun: 9:30 am Daily Mass Schedule Worship Center Mon - Sat: 9:15 am Morning Prayer: 9:00 am Adoration Monday, Wednesday & Friday begins after the 9:15 am Mass until 11:45 First Friday All Night Adoration begins after the 9:15 Mass First Saturday Devotions begin after the 9:15 am Mass Historic Church Mon - Fri: 6:30 am Holy Day Schedule - Worship Center Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm; Holy Day: 6:30, 9:15 am, 7:00 pm Confessions Worship Center Sat: 3:30 to 4:30 pm Mon: 10 am Wed: 6:30 to 7:00 pm Travelers: 0700 St. Mary WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY MASS INTENTIONS IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 16, 2016 PARISH LIFE Sunday, October 16 Ses Mau Pelayo, Dorothy Kershes †, Tory Lehr †, Thomas Blahusch † Pat Carrell †, (HC) Leonard E. Rice Monday, October 17 Pelayo Family, Elizabeth Ward Tuesday, October 18 Stephen Henri, Sean Copeland † Wednesday, October 19 Mora Hashima, Sean O’Brien & Linda O’Brien (Birthdays) Thursday, October 20 Seminarian Jeff Petroski, Richard Gregorio † Friday, October 21 Lai Ping Lee †, Megan Kaplar (Birthday) Saturday, October 22 Jim Ress, Henry Belin † Sunday, October 23 For the People, Eileen Clifford †, Jessica Manalang †, Bob & Gina Miller † Mary Ann Keller †, (HC) Eleanor Moar † The Year of Mercy To draw the parish’s attention to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, throughout the year we will spend a month focusing on a particular one. The Spiritual Work of Mercy for October is to Visit the Sick and Clothe the Naked. Knights of Columbus Open Meeting All St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Gentlemen and your wives interested in learning more about opportunities to participate in a wide variety of charitable works are cordially invited to an “Open Meeting” of our Parish Knights of Columbus Council 8600. You will also learn about many opportunities to take advantage of the fraternal benefits that come with membership. The meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18th, in Farrell Hall, and will last about an hour. You are welcome to come as early as 7:00 p.m. to partake in an evening meal prior to the meeting. All Catholic gentlemen who are over age 18 and practicing Catholics are eligible for admission into the Knights of Columbus. We joyfully welcome you to help us to serve those most in need through charitable works as our Lord asks all of us to do with joy! READINGS Altar Server Training Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: St. Mary of Sorrows will be having Altar Server Training on Saturday, October 22nd, in the Worship Center from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. If you are interested in serving and are between 4th and 12th grade, we'd love to have you as an altar server. Training is for both new and existing servers. Attendance is strongly encouraged for all altar servers. Deacon Jeff is the new coordinator for servers and will be providing the training. Ex 17:8-13 .......................2 Tm 3:14–4:2 Lk 18:1-8 Eph 2:1-10 .......................Lk 12:13-21 2 Tm 4:10-17b .................Lk 10:1-9 Eph 3:2-12 .......................Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21 .....................Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6 .........................Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16 .......................Lk 13:1-9 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18..........2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18 Lk 18:9-14 Squire Roses Pre-Halloween Bake Sale Please support the Squire Roses Pre-Halloween Bake Sale in Farrell Hall on Sunday, October 23rd, after all morning Masses. Proceeds support Trait d’Union USA-Mauritius, a Catholic charity providing education, healthcare and nutrition for needed children in Mauritius. Donations are also welcome. Please make checks payable to St. Mary’s Church with “Squire Roses Halloween” in the memo line. Thank you! DONATIONS Donations for the Week of October 2nd Sunday Collection Building Fund Capital Improvements Heat Additional Collections Samaritan Fund Porto Charities Religious Education Catholic University $38,607.97 $13,463.75 $1,521.00 428.00$ World Mission Sunday $1,202.00 $1,763.29 $115.00 $65.00 2 Next week we will celebrate world Mission Sunday. The theme this year is “Mercy Changes the World.” Pope Francis invites the entire church to support the young mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious and lay leaders serve some of the poorest of the poor. Please keep the Missions in your prayers and be generous in the collection on October 22nd - 23rd for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. 700 St. Mary WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 16, 2016 Let us pray for the courage to respond as the Lord is calling us to do in building up his Church. “Every Christian man and woman, by virtue of baptism, has received a mission. Each one of us has to respond, as best we can, to the Lord’s call to build up his Body, the Church. ‘What Pope Francis about you?’” ST. MARY’S PRESCHOOL LITURGY & MUSIC Preschool Spaces Available For 2016 - 2017 School Year Please Pray for the Sick There is one space available in the morning 3-year-old class and one in the afternoon 4-yearold class for the 2016 - 2017 school year. Please call Miss Elena in the Preschool Office for more information; 703-978-4557. Assunta Day, Patricia Jaison, Christina Vloet, Pat Mizer, Norita Lemoine, Larry Purdy, Greg Reinhart, Julie Reynolds, Mike McDevitt, Frank Lisle, Virginia MacLauchlan, Alex Green, Pat Seiler, Ken Telesca, Lois Chase, Tony Cabrea, Maria Cabrea, Dave Fendrick, Peter Tompkins, Maria Roman, Karen Hauck, Steve Payne, Karen Schreiner, Bart Marconi, Brian Banules, Charles Lehmann, Michael Heller, James LaLonde, Joline Unpingco, James Douglas Gawl, Mary Davis, Julie Adkins, Alan Starr, Constance Sequeira, Gregory A Heller, Julia Torro, Steve Bruce, Ray Bernero, Marilyn Avery, Becky Stingle, Larry Leidtke, Debra Christiano, Allan R. & Carolyn M. Brown, Corinne Frassa, Ngoc Dang, Joanne Benner, David Anderson, Julie Gazvoda, Maria Commins, Mary Chiarodo, Andrea Baker, Mary Pat Lane, Amelia Schmidt, Toni Morris, Antonia Bambauer, Hellen Metzler, Lisa Anderson, Diane Anderson, George Bonina Jr., Paul Anderson, Tom Copeland, Joanie Evans, Lynn Jones, Brian Banules, Mary Malone, Cathy Jones, Austin Ruby, and those in our book of prayers. Names will be kept on the list for a month. Please call then and advise if you need an extended time. YOUTH MINISTRY High School YM Email Mark Stinard: SNL: Adoration THIS Sunday, October 16th (5:00– 8:15 p.m.) After Mass and dinner, we’ll have games, music, small groups, and we’ll continue our semester series on the vices and the virtues. Parents please join us and bring the family! We will have dinner together and then there will be a separate track for parents, with activities for the younger kids. Whether you’ve been involved in our events this year or not, we’d love to have you join. RALLY 2016, NEXT Sunday October 23rd 11:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Marymount University Friday Holy Hour 21sr, The next scheduled Holy Hour is Friday, October at 7:30 p.m. in the Historic Church. Please come to spend time with our Lord through quiet prayer and reflection before His presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Join us next Sunday for one of the biggest events of the year. We will journey over to Marymount University for an incredible day of food, great music, inspiring speakers and Mass with our Bishop. Contact Mark ( for more info! New Lectors Needed Worship Night THIS Tuesday, October 18th If you have a special devotion to the Word of God, please consider the lector ministry. The parish needs a few well-spoken individuals to serve in this special ministry. The next lector orientation is scheduled for early November. New lectors can be scheduled starting in December. If you can make a commitment to this ministry, please contact us at Our next Worship Night will take place this Tuesday from 7:30 9:00 p.m. at the Historic Church. When we worship, we take a moment in the business of everyday life to reorient ourselves toward God the Father and His plan for our lives. Timeout Tuesday Tuesday, October 18th 3:00 p.m. Homebound Ministry Parishioners who are ill or otherwise unable to attend Mass for a short or an extended period of time may have Holy Communion brought to them on Sundays by calling St. Mary’s at 703-978-4141. If no answer, leave a message including your name and number. In the event of a Sacramental emergency, please contact the Duty Priest at 703-978-4141, x1 700 St. Mary All High School teens are invited this Tuesday after school for Timeout Tuesday. Join us to take a break mid-week with snacks, games, and friends. We will meet in Farrell Hall. CLC (Catholic Life Communities) 3 Boys: Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:15 p.m. – Meet at Church Girls: Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. – Meet at Church WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 16, 2016 Junior High Youth Ministry Email Maddy Ledón: Parents! We Need Your Help! There are so many aspects of Youth Ministry that take volunteer support. One of the most important is feeding the hungry (our teens) on Sunday nights. If you are a parent and are interested in joining or leading one of our Kitchen Teams to cook on Sunday nights, please contact Mark at Thank you! “Power Hour” (3:00 - 4:00 p.m.), Sit together in the Worship Center Every First Friday of the month, we will come together for a time of Adoration and prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Please join us after school. We will sit together in the Worship Center. Don’t worry if you can’t get there right at 3:00; Jesus will still be there! Parents, you are welcome and encouraged to join us! Upcoming Power Hour dates: November 4th, December 2nd. IGNITE: Faith, FUN, Food Rams for Life, as you heard after Mass this weekend, is Robinson Secondary School’s first pro-life club. We decided to form our club in August of 2015 after attending a pro-life presentation at St. Mary's. In the subsequent months we gathered over 100 signatures from interested students, greatly surpassing the required 25, and formed a solid team of student leaders in addition to the support from our two passionate teacher sponsors. We were approved as an official club on December 18, 2015, and have been active in the community since. (6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Meet in Farrell Hall) Ignite is open to 6th - 8th grade students. It is a time for meeting new friends, eating awesome food, playing super ridiculous games, and engaging the faith in deep conversation and through learning with your peers. If you have questions about the faith you should definitely come. As always, bring your friends! Everyone is welcome! Upcoming Ignite dates: November 5th, December 3rd. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY The mission of Rams for Life is to protect all preborn and born members of humanity and to inspire a culture of life through education and morality, with an ultimate end of abolishing abortion. As Pope Francis said earlier this year, “all of us are called to respect life and care for it,” a mandate that reflects our mission as a club. An important part of accomplishing that mission has been our efforts to help women in crisis pregnancies, most prominently by collecting hundreds of diapers and other resources for NOVA Pregnancy Help Center. We have also partaken in peaceful protest and counseling outside the local abortion facility as a part of our broader outreach to the community. Within the school, we have educated our peers on the humanity of the preborn, effective methods of dialogue, and how to respond to the “hard cases” such as rape, life of the mother, and fetal abnormalities. As a consequence of our efforts, Students for Life awarded us with the 2016 New Club of the Year award. Samaritan Fund Through the Samaritan Fund we are able to help men, women and children in need, regardless of their race, creed or national origin. What can you do? First, pray for those in need and for those who are dedicated to helping. Then, make a monetary donation to St. Mary’s Samaritan Fund, so that we’ll be able to continue responding as we have done, with prayer and financial assistance. Coming Events – Mark Your Calendars and Check the Website,, for updates! Forty Days for Life – September 28th through November 6th Reece’s Rainbow Charity Walk – October 29th Tithing Fund Applications “To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.” Pope Francis One way Saint Mary’s puts its concern for the weak and the poor into action is through our tithing fund program. Up to 10% of weekend and holy day collections are distributed each year to organizations that address problems associated with poverty, marginalization and social injustice. Applications are now being accepted through October 31st for consideration of grants from tithing funds through the next year. If you are interested in applying on behalf of an organization, please contact Carol Mayfield at Fr. Barkett has been a constant source of support and encouragement of the club from the start. Now, we'd like to humbly ask for yours. If you are a student attending Robinson, we invite you to attend our weekly meetings on Tuesday mornings from 7:35-7:55 a.m. in room D217. We will discuss a different pro-life topic each week, and donuts will be provided. For all students not attending Robinson, we would love to help you start a pro-life club at your own school. It may seem challenging, but it is well worth the effort. Please pray for us and aid us in building a culture of life and love! Contact us at Anthony Jones, President of Rams for Life 4 700 St. Mary WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN Come Walk for Reece’s Rainbow ORDINARY TIME WEEKLY SCHEDULE Reece’s Rainbow Ministry is excited to announce its first Walk for The Rainbow! All funds will benefit the organization that advocates and raises funds for the international adoption of orphans with Down Syndrome and other special needs. The Walk is scheduled for October 29th. We will begin with Mass at 9:15 a.m., then meet at the Parish Center to begin the walk at 10:15. It is approximately 2 K around the neighborhood of Saint Mary’s. Ministry Committee members will be available for registration and to provide additional information after Masses this weekend and October 22nd and 23rd. Cost is $10.00 per participant. Walk-ins are welcome on the day of the event. For additional information contact Karen Abraham on 703-978-1147 or Come Walk with Us! Sun 16 Mon 17 Tues 18 Wed 19 40 Days for Life The 40 Days for Life campaign runs through November 6th. Please join fellow Christians and people of all faiths in 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Saint Mary’s vigil is from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Thursdays, October 20th and 27th. We will stand and pray peacefully on the sidewalk in front of the Falls Church Healthcare Center abortion clinic at 900 South Washington Street, Falls Church. Your prayers during past campaigns resulted in closing the largest abortion facility in Virginia, Nova Women’s Healthcare, Fairfax, in 2013; blocking the Main Street mega-clinic in Fairfax in 2013; closing the Amethyst abortion clinic in Manassas in September, 2015; the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Falls Church in December 2015; and the notorious Virginia Health Group abortion clinic in Fairfax in June, 2016. For more information, contact John Murray at 703978-6135, Thu 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 Sun 23 Diaper Collection The diaper collection on the fourth Sunday of each month, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 8600, supports the following four area organizations assisting young mothers and their babies in need: A Woman’s Choice, MaRiH Center, Gabriel Project, and the Paul Stefan Foundation. Please be generous and bring a pack of diapers to place in the collection. It may seem a small item to give; but to these mothers in need, it is a precious gift. Our next collection is the weekend of October 22nd - 23rd. Simple Gifts Gabriel Project Baby Shower Squire Roses Mother’s Group Girl Scout Meeting Boy Scout Troop Committee Mtg. Core Life Transformation Bible Study/Prayer Group Boutique Lord Teach Me to Pray OLPH Rosary Makers RE Parent Program RE Parents’ Reconciliation Mtg. Knights of Columbus Bells of St. Mary’s Lord Teach Me to Pray Landings Lord Teach Me to Pray Children’s Choir RCIA Joyful Noise Legion of Mary Logs of Fire Prayer Group SMOS Choir & Orchestra Prayer Ministry Women’s Group Talk Mom’s Anger Management New Spirit Singers Adult Education Boy Scout Troop 697 Marian Singers Baptism Class Adult Education Widow’s Mass Sharing Hope Holy Hour Spanish Class Baptisms Altar Server Training Comedy Night Simple Gifts 6:45 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 10:00 am 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 9:45 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm 5:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm 7:15 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am 10:00 am 12:45 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:30 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 9:45 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:45 am MR FH OSMH OSMH OSMH OSMH UR UR FH(B) 8L 6L FH WC FH MR 5L Apt. UR MR/WC UR WC 6L Chapel MR HC UR UR WC UR OSMH MR 8L FH HC OSMH HC 5L WC WC FH MR Seminarian Education Endowment Fund HAPPENING IN THE DIOCESE Mass and Healing Service The Catholic Healing Ministry of the Diocese of Arlington will celebrate a Mass and Healing service on Thursday, October 20th, at 7:30 p.m. at Holy Spirit Church in Annandale. Fr. David Martin, celebrant. For further information call 540-347-0809 or visit 700 St. Mary OCTOBER 16, 2016 5 Support our seminarians through the Seminarian Education Endowment Fund (SEEF). SEEF, was established in 2011 as a permanent endowment fund. SEEF’s income provides funding for annual seminarian expenses such as room, board, tuition, health insurance, and books; which total almost $40,000 per seminarian. Give generously and take advantage of a $100,000 matching gift program! To donate, make checks to: Foundation for the CDA – SEEF. Mail to: The Foundation, 200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 811, Arlington, VA 22203. Contact Matt Dwyer, Director of Special Gifts at,703-841-3819 with questions. John Lewett President ERIE INSURANCE FRANK D. SPICER JR. Licensed & Fully Insured Fairfax, VA (703) 359-4444 Email: Se Habla Español • AUTO HOME COMMERCIAL LIFE CAPITAL CAR CARE Lowest Rates Available to Qualified Applicants 703-385-5100 7978 Forbes Place, Springfield 321-8981 Fair Oaks Mall (Next to Marriot) Foreign & Domestic “Virginia State Inspection” Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED The Irish Plumber, Inc. (703) 924-3100 Check out our reviews on: Parishioners receive $25 OFF any service call with this ad CHURCH BULLETIN ADVERTISING Community support worthy of patronizing! This happens for thousands every day with church bulletin advertising! 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OLENYN D.D.S., LTD. FAM I LY D E N T I S T RY Burke Professional Center 5207 A Lyngate Court Burke 978-8560 Landscaping • Hardscape • Snow Removal Proudly Serving the Grounds of St. Mary of Sorrows 571-245-3522 • 571-383-7980 FREE ESTIMATES Is it time for a new heating & cooling system? Call today for a quote! Water Heaters too! 703-997-7068 Help St. Mar ’s Build A New Church Work with “The Belles of St. Mary’s” When you use our services for any of your real estate needs, a donation to St. Mary’s Capital Building fund will be made in your name. Executives 6025D Burke Centre Pkwy. Burke, VA 22015 12001 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy • 2nd Floor Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 250-2671 Mon-Fri: 10-7 • Sat: 930-6 Sun: 11-5 Unique Gifts & Home Acccessories or Rosemarie Johnson 703-346-1721 Certified Public Accountants DONOVAN & WAGNER, P.C. • BUSINESS PLANNING • INCOME TAXES • ACCOUNTING & AUDITING Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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Moore Electrician LLC FROM EACH SALE OR PURCHASE Over 20 years of experience in selling homes & investment properties in Northern Virginia Cell: 703-851-5888 • Home: 703-988-0258 Website: Email: 5% OFF PARISHIONERS 703-352-2701 Ceiling Fans Recessed Lighting Service Upgrades No Job Too Small 703-273-5040 BRENNAN’S TREE SERVICE 703-218-8003 WWW.BRENNANSTREESERVICE.COM $500 TO ST. MARY OF SORROWS Email: Storm Damage • Pruning & Thinning • Cabling Tree Removal • Planting • Hazard Pruning Firewood • Deep Root Fertilization Crane Service • Stump Removal KLINE MEMORIALS Quality Monuments Since 1901 (703) 368-5013 9014 Centerville Road Manassas RIDING LESSONS Lighted riding ring & trails Fairfax Station • (703) 425-6061 $10 off any Service Call. Offer expires 12.31.2016 Catie & Steve Kathy O’Donnell REALTOR Cell: 703.338.7696 Direct: 703.503.1449 Active in the St. Mary’s Community for over 15 years 700 St. Mary, Fairfax Station, VA (b) Parishioners “We have been blessed to assist many of our St. Mary’s Parishioners in reaching their Real Estate goals. We would be honored to assist you in reaching yours.” 703-278-9313 Portion of Commission returns to St. Mary’s John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •