Week 10 - MacKillop College
Week 10 - MacKillop College
“Strive for Excellence” Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie Phone: 65832632 Fax: Main office – 65843371 Senior office - 65841425 Email: pmac@lism.catholic.edu.au www.pmaclism.catholic.edu.au Our vision: To create authentic, courageous, faith-filled young people with a passion for learning, respect for relationships and an ability to contribute to a global community. Friday, 1st April, 2016 WHAT’S ON IN WEEK 11 TERM 1 Sunday, 3rd April - 2nd Sunday of Easter - BBQ after the 7.30a.m. Mass - Sunday night music group attending the 5.00p.m.Mass Monday, 4th April (Day 1) - Parent / Teachers interviews (surnames M – Z) 4.00p.m. to 7.00p.m. in the MacKillop Hall on the junior campus - Rugby 7s competition Tuesday, 5th April (Day 2) - Year 7 follow up immunisation day - Northern Country rugby league trials - Bill turner soccer at MacKillop College junior campus back oval - MacKillop Shakespeare Showcase from 6.00p.m. in the Theatre on the junior campus Wednesday, 6th April (Day 3) - Northern Country rugby league trials Thursday, 7th April (Day 4) - Diocesan student consultative group in Grafton - Caritas lunch concert in the junior theatre - Last day of Term 1 for students Friday, 8th April (Day 5) - Staff Retreat Day at Bonny Hills COMING UP IN WEEK 1 TERM 2 Sunday, 24th April Monday, 25th April (Day 1) Tuesday, 26th April (Day 2) Wednesday, 27th April (Day 3) Thursday, 28th April (Day 4) Friday, 29th April (Day 5) 3rd March 6th August - 5th Sunday of Easter - ANZAC Day – Public holiday. All students are invited to march. - Australian Curriculum planning day – Pupil Free - Students return to Term 2 in winter uniform - ANZAC liturgy in College assembly – Parents welcome - North Coast surf titles - Years 9 and 10 All Schools touch football - CCC swimming and diving at Homebush - Glasshouse performance at 12.30p.m. by Big Band and Little Big Band MACKILLOP COLLEGE SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARENESS DAYS, 2016 World Wildlife Day 26th May National Sorry Day th Hiroshima Day 25 November White Ribbon Day HOMEWORK CLUB – Week 11 Junior Library: Monday to Thursday 3.20p.m.-4.00p.m. MATHS TUTORIAL – Week 11 Junior Tutorial is held in room 12 on the junior campus Tuesdays and Fridays, 7.45a.m.-8.30a.m. Senior Library: Monday to Thursday 3.15p.m.-5.00p.m. Senior General Maths Tutorial is held in room 49 on the junior campus Mondays, 7.45a.m. to 8.45a.m. Year 12 Year 12 Year 12 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Monday Monday Wednesday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday ASSESSMENT TASKS DUE IN WEEK 11 Chemistry In class assessment Business Studies In class assessment Mathematics In class assessment Geography Hand in assessment Visual Arts In class assessment English Extension In class assessment Music 1 Performance in class period 4 Marine Studies Hand in assessment PDHPE Hand in assessment Geography In class assessment History In class assessment Industrial Technology Timber Hand in assessment Industrial Technology Metal Hand in assessment Visual Arts Hand in assessment Marine Studies Hand in assessment Dance In class assessment Industrial Technology Timber Hand in assessment Industrial Technology Metal Hand in assessment PRINCIPAL’S REPORT OUR NUMBER ONE RULE IS RESPECT All relationships at MacKillop College are based on mutual respect and for this to happen all students agree to follow a code of conduct. It is extremely important for all students to understand that the school insists on this for the wellbeing of all members of the College community. At MacKillop College we take bullying very seriously and bullies will receive serious consequences for their actions. We do not want students dealing with the bullies themselves. We need students to speak to us about any bullying at school by reporting the bullying to a staff member - it could be any member of the school support staff, a teacher, Leaders of Pastoral Care, Leaders of Learning, Counsellor, Assistant Principals or Principal and keep reporting it until it stops. I seek parent support in this area and encourage you also to report any bullying. The school cannot solve a problem if we are not informed about it. Communication is a key aspect of our partnership with parents and we cannot be reluctant to report any incident which is of concern to students. I draw your attention to the Anti-Bullying Policy below which is also on page 18 of the diary and on display in classrooms. It would be a good idea for parents to discuss the strategies listed with their son/daughter. I encourage parents to explain the importance of reporting students who are bullying others as we want to have a safe environment for all. We need to know if there are students who are making others feel unsafe or unhappy at school. Every student has the right to come to school each day feeling content and comfortable in their environment; this will in turn assist them as they are able to optimise their educational experiences. AT MACKILLOP COLLEGE • We want to base our relationships on the teaching of Jesus: “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do unto me.” • We want a safe, secure and welcoming place in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect. • We do not want bullying. This means that no one should be hurt, threatened, frightened or harassed by physical, verbal or electronic means (i.e. cyberbullying). • We conduct a bullying survey twice a year to collect data on when, how and to whom bullying is occurring. Students’ participation in this survey is essential. • We do not want, therefore, any gossiping, name-calling, teasing, intimidating, excluding, swearing at or humiliating, using threats or stand-over tactics, throwing objects, taking or using possessions without permission, hitting, pushing or fighting, hiding or damaging somebody’s things, hurtful looks, rude gestures, making faces, etc. • We want everyone – teachers, students and parents – to deal with bullying, which may involve reporting it, whether they are victims or onlookers. • We want to ensure anyone can protest against bullying and get support. YOU CAN CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT FREE FROM BULLYING BY: • Dealing with conflicts openly, peacefully and respectfully. • Accepting responsibility for your words and actions. • Taking appropriate action if you are being bullied or if you become aware that someone else is being bullied. • Examining your behaviour and stopping any bullying you have been doing, even if you don’t think it is all that serious. • Responding to victims of bullying in a supportive and caring way. • Demanding that bullies stop that behaviour. IF YOU BULLY SOMEONE ELSE: • You will be required to stop it. • Your Leader of Pastoral Care, PC teacher and class teachers will monitor your behaviour. • The normal disciplinary consequences will follow. • Your parents will be informed. • You may be required to get help to change your pattern of behaviour. REMEMBER Bullying has no place in our College. WHEN BULLYING HAPPENS BETWEEN STUDENTS If you are being bullied you can choose how to respond to the situation. Whatever you decide to do, act promptly to prevent the problem getting worse. POSITIVE STRATEGIES 1. Try to handle it yourself – Be assertive; look the person in the eye. – Predict situations that may lead to bullying and avoid these. – Control your fear. – Look at your behaviour and see if it is, in any way, contributing to the bullying. – Realise they are trying to upset you, don’t give them the satisfaction. 2. Get some advice from – your teachers. – your parents. – the counsellor. – a trusted adult. – another staff member. – a member of the Executive. 3. Report the bullying to a teacher, Leader of Pastoral Care, Counsellor, Assistant Principal or Principal, and keep reporting it until it stops. WHAT NOT TO DO Don’t argue with them. Don’t act with aggression or retaliate in any way. Don’t ignore them unless you are excellent at never showing any irritation. Don’t just do nothing; the situation will only continue. Don’t say ‘I’ll keep it all to myself’, and then be miserable. Consider the effect on other students, the class, the year, other teachers, parents or the College community as a whole. STAFF CHANGES This week we welcomed Mrs Leonie Cutcliffe who is replacing Ms Loretta Hack while she is on maternity leave for the next two terms. Leonie has great skill and passion in the area of Visual Arts; she took Loretta’s classes last year while she was on leave and we are very appreciative that Leonie is able to help us out again this year. LEADER OF CREATIVE ARTS – DANCE, DRAMA AND VISUAL ARTS Ms Jo Stuart is taking the 2 point Leader of Learning role in Loretta’s absence. Jo has great leadership experience and we look forward to her leading a dynamic Creative Arts team. LEADER OF MUSIC Mr Rob Denham will be the 1 point Leader of Learning Music for the next two terms. Rob is an amazing musician and music teacher and we are very fortunate to have his leadership in this area throughout the next two terms. “May the Spirit of the Lord be with you” Anne O’Brien Principal aobrien@lism.catholic.edu.au ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – CURRICULUM AND ADMINISTRATION NEWS YEARS 7 TO 12 PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS The remainder of Parent/Teacher interviews will be held between 4.00p.m. – 7.30p.m. on Monday, 4th April for families whose surnames begin with letters M-Z. If the above allocated date does not suit your availability then please make contact (phone or email) with your child’s teachers. I encourage all students where possible to also attend the parent teacher evening. You can now book interviews at times that suit at www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions. as433 When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. For parents who do not have access to the internet at home, at work, at a friend’s house or on their phones, a computer kiosk is available at our front office on the junior site, so that parents can still make their own bookings. Students with written permission from parents may also have access to the kiosk. Interviews are strictly 5 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time, please contact your teacher directly to make alternative arrangements. Parents can change their interview bookings any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address you used when you made your original booking. BOOKINGS CLOSE 24 hours prior to your scheduled evening. Students and parents are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the two emergency procedures outlined below. As a College we aim to inform our students of these very important events to keep them as safe as possible should the need arise for a real life evacuation or lockdown. EVACUATION PROCEDURE All workplaces must have evacuation procedures in case of fire or other emergencies. It is prudent to have the evacuation procedures in place, to be practised and understood by all staff and students. Evacuation and Lockdown Procedure drills will be carried out twice each year. The evacuation announcement is: “Would all students under the direction of the teachers, please evacuate the classrooms quickly and quietly. Please leave everything and go directly to the oval and assemble in Pastoral Care groups where your names will be marked off a roll. Teachers, please ensure that all students have evacuated, turn off all electrical items, close the classroom doors and go to the oval”. An alternative evacuation site is the carpark in the front of St Peter’s Primary School. On no account should students run during an evacuation. Students are to sit in alphabetical order while the roll is marked, and wait for further instructions. LOCKDOWN AND LOCKOUT PROCEDURE The signal for lockdown is an announcement: “All students and teachers should move to the closest room, turn off lights, close windows and lock doors until further notice” (REPEAT). • • • • • • • If in class, stay in current classroom If outdoors, move to closest, securable room and stay Teachers and students stay out of sight as much as possible (sit on floor) Turn off lights, close windows and lock doors Check rolls and contact office with discrepancies (also advise office of extras or visitors in your presence) Stay quiet, students should turn mobile phones off and all other devices Wait for all clear to be given. Assembly/Mass in the Multi-purpose centre Staff and students will remain in the MPC until advised of procedures to be carried out. Students who may be in toilets/change rooms or other non-classroom facilities at the time of a lockdown alarm and cannot get to the nearest classroom, are instructed to remain where they are as lockdown policy and procedures must be adhered to, i.e. no one is to open doors for anyone after the lockdown procedures have commenced. AN ALL CLEAR SIGNAL WILL BE COMMUNICATED BY THE PRINCIPAL OR DELEGATE VIA THE PA SYSTEM STATING “LOCKDOWN HAS ENDED; PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY QUIETLY TO THE MPC – Year 7-10 students to the MPC on the junior campus and Year 11 and 12 to the MPC on the senior campus.” Adam Kelly Assistant Principal – Curriculum and Administration ajkelly@lism.catholic.edu.au ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – PASTORAL CARE AND STAFF SUPPORT HSC EXAM SUPERVISORS – 2016 MacKillop College is currently calling for Expressions of Interest from anyone who may be interested in exam supervision for the 2016 HSC exams. Those applying for this position should be available from Thursday, 13th October to approximately Friday, 4th November. Supervisors are also required to attend a meeting before the exam period commences, and are usually requested to assist with some HSC Trial Exam supervision for a short period of time on a voluntary basis as an introduction to the students and the requirements of the position for the actual exams. (Trials are held in the first two weeks of August; supervisors may only be required for one or two mornings / afternoons). As employees of BOSTES, supervisors are required to hold a current Working with Children Check clearance (these cost $80 to have done and this cost is borne by the applicant). A short letter should be addressed to Mr David Jenkins at the College by Friday, 6th May in the first instance, and these will be passed on to our 2016 HSC Presiding Officer, Mr Tony McKenzie. Please note that applications are not a guarantee of employment as 2016 numbers and hours required are yet to be determined. David Jenkins Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care and Staff Support djenkins@lism.catholic.edu.au OFFICE NEWS SUBJECT & ELECTIVE FEE STATEMENTS Thank you to all those families who have made payments of subject and elective fees. Those who have not made payment in full should have a regular payment plan established via Bpay, to ensure these amounts are cleared as soon as possible. Reminder statements were mailed last week. Enquiries relating to subject and elective fees should be directed to the College office. There is currently a large amount of unclaimed and unlabelled lost property in the front office of the junior campus. Items include swimming gear, sporting gear, school uniforms, hats, miscellaneous clothes and shoes. Please call up to the front office to search for or claim lost property before the end of term. Reminder: Please label all clothing and school items so lost property can be returned to owners. CURRICULUM NEWS CATCH UP IN-CLASS ASSESSMENT TASKS YEARS 7 – 10 As part of our focus on excellence and ensuring high standards of teaching and learning at MacKillop, the following procedure will be followed: Students who have not completed assessment tasks within the allocated timeframe without a valid reason will be required to attend an after-school detention on a Wednesday afternoon to complete the task. Chris McQueen Leader of Curriculum cmcqueen@lism.catholic.edu.au Paul Robins Leader of Pedagogy probins@lism.catholic.edu.au YEARS 12 NEWS CARITAS FUNDRAISING AT THE SENIOR SITE After combining the senior site totals for coinlines, out of uniform day, donations to Project Compassion boxes and the Easter egg raffle, the impressive final figure of $1750 was achieved (equates to just over $6.40 per senior student). This is a truly wonderful effort and I’m sure that Caritas will be able to put this money to good use supporting those suffering in third world countries. There is still a 7-12 Caritas lunchtime concert (gold coin entry) on Thursday, 7th April that will finalise our Caritas fundraising. UNIFORM Term 2 means the start of full winter uniform – meaning ties, College jumpers etc. Now would be a good time to ensure these garments are on hand or purchased ready for the next two terms. Unfortunately there are still ongoing issues with appropriate skirt length – they are to be to the top of the knees. There will almost definitely be uniform checks similar to last year. I ask for student and parent cooperation to address this issue for all skirts worn to school. ANZAC DAY MARCH (MONDAY, 25TH APRIL) All students are invited to attend – full winter uniform (i.e. tie must be worn), and I also suggest a hat and bottled water. We usually gather near the corner of Horton and William Street (near Beau Thai Restaurant) at about 9.30a.m. with the march starting around 10.00a.m. PUPIL FREE DAYS Friday, 8th April – Staff Spirituality Day Tuesday, 26th April – Australian Curriculum Staff Development Day YEAR 12 RETREATS – WEDNESDAY, 11TH – FRIDAY, 13TH MAY Student groups and venues will soon be decided and distributed to students. Reminder that all dietary requirement forms should have been given to Mr Lloyd Phil Lloyd Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care plloyd@lism.catholic.edu.au YEARS 11 NEWS UNIFORM This week I spoke with all of Year 11 about continuing to set high standards with the wearing of the College uniform. Whilst the vast majority of students are carefully following uniform requirements, there has been the occasional instance where pride in presentation has slipped. Staff have expressed some concerns regarding: Males: • Some males are arriving to school without being clean shaven. It is a requirement that all boys are clean shaven. • Some males are being reminded too regularly to tuck their shirts in by staff. Females: • Length of skirt. It is a requirement that the College skirt is worn at knee length (no more than 3cm from the floor when kneeling). CONGRATULATIONS JACOB SEARLE & JOSH DOWRICK Last week both Jacob Searle and Josh Dowrick were selected in the NSWCCC Open Boys’ hockey side. This is an incredible achievement for both boys and we wish them all the best when they represent NSW Catholic Schools in a tri-series against Combined High Schools and Combined Independent Schools in May. Andrew Marsh Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care amarsh@lism.catholic.edu.au YEAR 10 NEWS YEAR 10 RETREAT It was an amazing week for all Year10 students who attended retreat. Students definitely returned this week with a fresh and motivated approach to school. Relationships were strengthened and time was given to reflect on the people who are special in our lives. Thank you to all staff, but especially Ms Joan Lancaster for her organisation and the time she dedicated to this great event. Our retreat week concluded on Wednesday of this week as we celebrated Mass together. RELAY FOR LIFE Earlier in March the annual Relay for Life was held again in Port Macquarie. As always we had a number of MacKillop students active in this community event. Special mention to Jacinta Sharp, Amber Thompson and Charlotte Moore. Jacinta and Charlotte raised funds at their cake stall on the day while Amber and her band performed live at the event. Between the girls they managed to raise almost $2500 for the Cancer Council. Well done girls. Warren Lorger Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care wlorger@lism.catholic.edu.au YEAR 9 NEWS Good luck to Harrison Northey who will be competing at the Georgina Hope Age National Swimming Championships in Adelaide. In Year 9, students are very independent and able to organise themselves, with many parents having great routines and organisation at home. Below is a website that could be of some help to students/parent/carers or reinforce what others are already doing. http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/homework-and-study/homework-tips/eight-great-waysto-get-your-kids-organised-for-school AT A GLANCE • Set up simple routines at home to make things more efficient. • Talk to your kids regularly about planning how they use their time. • Make a list of homework tasks and ask your child to tick each one off as they finish. • Set a timer for working or playing on the computer if there are a few people wanting to use it. • Praise your child's attempts to improve their organisation. It is a large year group and students are continually doing fantastic things. Please email me to make me aware of student achievements so that they can be recognised. Glen Littler Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care glittler@lism.catholic.edu.au YEAR 7 NEWS Congratulations to Year 7 who held an Easter egg raffle and raised $500.00 for Project Compassion. The winners of the raffle were: Major Prize – Piper Ward Major Prize – Patrick Mullens General Prizes – Kynan Schneider, Mrs Nikki Lutton, Ella Sorensen (x2), Samuel Kennedy, Miss Jess Inglis, Jessica Pateman, Jessica Barrance, Jacqueline Palmer, Damian Tierney, Kobi Lelean (x2), Tommy Brennan, James Robertson, Miren Davies, Mackenzie Dawson, Mr David Jenkins (x2), Ella Wilson, Liam Johnson, Cody Edwards, Jacqueline Lutton, Thomas Currey, Mrs Anne O’Brien, Jessica Hamel, Mrs Suzanne Penson, Kimberley Palmer, Lilly Clarke (x2), Jade Atkins, Kyle De Domizio, Dana Schumann, Miss Sarah Smith, Georgia Finch, Ms Pip Martin, Jaden Nardi, Mrs Ann Palmer, Bethany Hosking, Phoebe Hiatt and Imogen Smyth Dom Ashe Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care dashe@lism.catholic.edu.au YEAR 7 IMMUNISATION NEWS YEAR 7 IMMUNISATION – Tuesday, 5th April North Coast Area Health were unable to complete all Year 7 immunisations on Friday, 4th March and will be returning on Tuesday, 5th April. Students who did not receive their immunisation on 4th March are asked to hand their signed consent form to the Area Health Nurse on Immunisation Day. Vaccinations will not be administered to students without a signed consent form. Verbal consent is NOT SUFFICIENT. A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated. Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for further reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination. Please note that MacKillop College does not keep any records of these vaccinations. If you have any questions or concerns please ring Bernadette (Public Health Unit) on 66207503. Vaccines missed at one school visit will be offered at the next visit. If your child is anxious about receiving a vaccine, we recommend you take them to your GP. We recommend that students wear their sport uniform on Immunisation Day. STATIONS OF THE CROSS NEWS MacKillop College participated in the St Agnes’ Parish Stations of the Cross on Oxley Beach on Good Friday. A number of students and staff participated in the re-enactment with notable mention going to our Youth Ministry Officer Zach Parnell who was Jesus and staff member Alan Wheatland who was kitted out as a roman soldier. Many thanks to Marg Gobius and Alan Wheatland for organising this event Daniel Blackman Leader of Catechesis dblackman@lism.catholic.edu.au PDHPE NEWS YEAR 10 PDHPE DANCE ASSESSMENT The Year 10 dance assessment will take place during lessons in weeks 10 and 11 at the following times: CLASS TIME 10.8 Wednesday Week 10 Day 8 period 6 10.5 10.6 Friday Week 10 Day 10 period 2 10.7 10.1 Wednesday Week 11 Day 3 period 4 10.2 10.3 Thursday Week 11 Day 4 period 2 10.4 Jenny Watson Leader of PDHPE jwatson@lism.catholic.edu.au MC CENTRAL - LIBRARY CONNECT NEWS TRINITY DOYLE – AUTHOR VISITS THE SENIOR LIBRARY Trinity conducted two writing workshops with Year 11 Advanced English students. Trinity spoke about the importance of reading to improve your writing. “Read, read, read. Read anything you can - fiction, non-fiction, anything you enjoy. Story ideas come from anywhere. Just get something on the page.” Students need to write. “Just free writing will build up connections in your brain to help you when you need to do a creative writing piece”. Trinity’s workshops were engaging and practical. Students were given some writing prompts to start their creative writing processes, e.g. What would you pack in your suitcase if you could not go home again? Pretend you are in your 70’s and 80’s and complain about the kids these days. The library has copies of Trinity’s book – Pieces of Sky, for loan. Encourage your children to come to the library and borrow some books to read in the holidays. Books are better to be read rather than sitting on a shelf. Suzanne Penson Teacher Librarian spenson@lism.catholic.edu.au Trinity working with senior students in MacKillop library SPORT NEWS YEAR 7 WEEK DATE DAY 4.4.16 Monday (1) Week 11 7.4.16 Thursday (4) CLASSES TIME Venue 7.1TB| 7.2CC |7.3AH 9.10-10.50 Flynns 7.8RA| 7.9DMc| 7.7GL 11.10-12.50 Flynns 7.4TJ|7.5PF|7.6WL 11.10-12.50 Flynns Due to the Wauchope Pool closing for the season, the students will have their remaining sports for the term at Flynns Beach. Students are still to bring their swimming gear as they will be swimming at a patrolled beach. YEAR 8 Week 11 5th April Day 2 FLINDERS INNES MACQUARIE OXLEY OZ TAG RA/WL VOLLEYBALL CC/LBA BASKETBALL GL/AH/JC Spare: ZF CRICKET DA/RM YEAR 9 SPORT DETAILS BUS Surf Survival Certificate Complete the Surf Survival Certificate with accredited course provider Kim Rayner at Flynns. 1 Kayaking Guided kayaking with professional instructor from Kayak Tours. Swimming gear, hat & towel required (limited 20). 1 Kickboxing Are you keen to energise your life in a fun and exciting way? Why not try out Kickboxing for Fitness at the new KUMIAI dojo in Port. 2 Bendy Bus Rock Climbing Participate in rock climbing at Centre of Gravity and play laser zone. 2 Bendy Bus Ten Pin Play Ten Pin at Wave Bowl. 2 Bendy Bus Yoga Guided yoga with Martine Ford from Spirit Yoga at school. - School Sport Play a variety of team based sports on site at the junior campus. NA Bus 1 leaves Junior Campus at 11.20am Bus 2 leaves Junior Campus at 11.40am YEAR 10 SPORT Learn to Surf Kayaking Surfing Rock Climbing Indoor Cricket DETAILS Guided surfing lessons with Port Macquarie Surf School at Flynns Beach Guided kayaking with professional instructor from Kayak Tours. Swimming gear, hat & towel required (limited 20). Surfing at Flynns beach. Must have own board and SRC. Participate in rock climbing at Centre of Gravity and play laser zone. 1 1 1 2 NEW SPORT! Why not try indoor cricket in a fun environment with your friends at the new indoor stadium on Lake Road. 2 Play Ten Pin at Wave Bowl. 2 Guided Yoga with Martine Ford from Spirit Yoga at school. Play a variety of team-based sports on site at the junior campus. - Ten Pin Yoga School Sport BUS Bus 1 leaves MCK Junior site at 1.25pm Bus 2 leaves MCK Junior site at 1.50pm SPORT TERM 2 As has happened in the past, all year groups will be doing athletics for sport during Term 2. Students will be split into House groups and will practise each of the events for the athletics carnival throughout the course of the term. REPRESENTATIVE SPORT MACKILLOP COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL The Cross Country carnival was held on Tuesday, with the rain holding off and the main concern actually being the hot conditions. I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of competitors in each of the age groups. All competitors are to be congratulated on their efforts. The results are as follows: Age 12 Girls 12 Boys 13 Girls 13 Boys 14 Girls 14 Boys 15 Girls 15 Boys 16 Girls 16 Boys 17 Girls 17 Boys 18 Girls 18 Boys Age Champion: Liana Williams Runner Up: Alani Cockshutt Age Champion: Hugh Robertson Runner Up: James Brumby Age Champion: Mia Wilbow Runner Up: Francesca Plentinger Age Champion: Alexander Horder Runner Up: Corey Lewis Age Champion: Miren Davies Runner Up: Zita Overton Age Champion: Boyd Bann-Murray Runner Up: Lleyton Wall Age Champion: Paige Leishman & Annika Toohey Runner Up: Elly Pilgrim Age Champion: Flynn Goodman Runner Up: Jordan Maxwell Age Champion: Ella Heaney Runner Up: Tahlia Clarke Age Champion: Griffin Goodman Runner Up: Jed Clarke Age Champion: Jasmine Lawrence Runner Up: Emily Towle Age Champion: Dylan Marchingo & Hunter Leishman Runner Up: Joshua Morley Age Champion: Erinn Smith Runner Up: Lucie Williams Age Champion: Jack Pilgrim Runner Up: Eoghan Barltrop A full team list and details for the Diocesan cross country will be posted on the sports noticeboard this week. DIOCESAN WINTER SPORTS Many of our students were successful this year in being selected into the various Diocesan sporting teams at the Diocesan Winter Sport Trials held in Woodlawn last week. Congratulations to the following athletes Opens Boys Soccer: James Ting Griffin Goodman Jack Pilgrim Opens Girls Soccer Courtney Fullbrook Naomi Langley U15’s Rugby League Mitchell Evans YEARS 7 AND 8 SCHOOLS CUP - NETBALL This year saw MacKillop enter two Year 7/8 netball teams into the local Schools Cup carnival. At this carnival they were up against teams from SCAS, Camden Haven, Wauchope and of course, each other. Both teams had a very successful day. The blue team won all their games and were placed first in the Year 7/8 category. The yellow team came in second on the day. Players in the blue team were Chloe Garvey, Cian Leahy, Emma Jordan, Petrea Spencer, Aleigha Biron, Maia Marino, Amy Murphy, Abbey Cross and Kimberley Palmer. Players in the yellow team were Emily Fletcher, Kiah Jubelin, Danjela Sagolj, Ava Sinclair, Laura Ellison, Jasmine Hyde, Sarah Hatherly, Jordynn McAnally and Caitlyn Meyers. A special thank you is extended to our three umpires, Jenna Flowers, Jacqui Palmer and Georgia Marino, who did a wonderful job all day. BILL TURNER CUP FOOTBALL This competition is in progress and the first round game will be played on Tuesday, 5th April. We are hosting the game and our boys will be playing Wauchope High at 10.00a.m. with the girls playing Melville High at 12.00p.m. UPCOMING EVENTS: Sport Netball Basketball Rugby Union Rugby League Touch Football Hockey Football Triathlon Swimming & Diving Golf Cross Country Event Years 7 & 8 Netball Schools Cup – Port Macquarie Diocesan Opens basketball competition – Coffs Harbour Rugby 7’s Taree Northern Country rugby league trials Date 23rd March 31st March 4th April 5th & 6th April All Schools Touch Competition – Port Macquarie Diocesan Touch - Ballina CCC Championships Girls Bill Turner Cup SSA Triathlon – Hervey Bay CCC Swimming and Diving Championships – Homebush NSW All Schools Swimming and Diving Championships Jack Newton Golf Shield – Forster NSW All Schools Stroke Play Diocesan Cross Country Grafton 28th April 2nd April 19th, 20th May Week 11 Term 1 18th April 29th April 6th May 3rd & 4th May 18th May If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College please do not hesitate to contact me. Andrea Huxley Leader of Sport ahuxley@lism.catholic.edu.au COLLEGE MUSIC NEWS “Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.” Martin Luther King CARITAS LUNCH CONCERT A lunch concert featuring the Senior Stage Band, Choir and HSC music students will take place in the theatre on Thursday, 7th April. This concert is open to all students in Years 7 to 12. A gold coin donation is required on entry. REHEARSALS IN WEEK 11 MONDAY • NO REHEARSALS TUESDAY • SAPSS Concert Band – 7.30a.m. – 8.45a.m, St Joseph’s Regional College • Percussion Ensemble – 8.00a.m. – 8.45a.m, J12 Music Room WEDNESDAY • Senior Stage Band – 7.45a.m. – 8.45a.m, Theatre • Vocal Ensemble – 8.00a.m. – 8.45a.m, J16 Music Room • Choir – Lunchtime, J14 Music Room • SAPSS Drum Line – 4.00p.m. – 5.30p.m, St Joseph’s Regional College THURSDAY • • • • FRIDAY • Concert Band – 7.45a.m. – 8.45a.m, J12 Music Room Year 7 Vocal Ensemble – 8.00a.m. – 8.45a.m, J14 Music Room. Woodwind Ensemble – See morning notices and music notice board for details Brass Ensemble – 3.15p.m. – 4.00p.m, Theatre NO REHEARSALS – Pupil Free Day UPCOMING EVENTS YOUTH MASS • Sunday, 3rd April, 4.00p.m. – 6.00p.m, St Agnes’ Church, Praise Band and Vocal Ensemble CARITAS LUNCH CONCERT • Thursday, 7th April, Lunchtime, MacKillop Theatre, Senior Stage Band, Vocal Ensemble and Senior Music students. GLASSHOUSE LUNCH CONCERT • Friday, 29th April, 12.30p.m. – 1.30p.m, Glasshouse Theatre (Podium / Steps) Port Macquarie, Little Big Band and Big Band YOUTH MASS • Sunday, 15th May, 4.00p.m. – 6.00p.m, St Agnes’ Church, Praise Band and Vocal Ensemble BIG BAND BLAST • Friday to Sunday, 27th May to 29th May, Glasshouse and Town Green Port Macquarie, Big Band Please contact Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College or visit the College website and click on the Creative Arts tab. Rob Denham Leader of Co-Curricular Music rdenham@lism.catholic.edu.au CANTEEN ROSTER – TERM 1 WEEK 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Kaylene Monckton, Belinda Fisher and Lyn Gallagher Kim Goldie and Robyn Hunt Karen Ashe, Krisann Johnson and Kerry Smith Kelly Mooney, Kelly Dingle and Rowena Beukers PUPIL FREE DAY 10.40a.m. start 11.00a.m. start 11.00a.m. start 10.40a.m. start 10.40a.m. start COMMUNITY NEWS Ironman Port Macquarie 2016 Volunteers Wanted!! MacKillop College has been a regular participant in conducting an aid station for the Ironman event. We run the bike leg inward bound at Lake Cathie next to the sports fields. We are an important link in the aid station network for the Ironman event. The event this year occurs on 1st May. I’m looking for volunteers from MacKillop College and the school community to participate in giving liquids and food to the triathletes as they race past ready to tackle the Cathie straight. Students (Year 7 – 12), staff and parents are welcome to be part of an historic event, as the half and full course Ironman events are run concurrently. So clear the work rosters and social calendars for 1st May to give something back to the community and represent your school and Port Macquarie to the world. Students will be notified in the school notices where to sign up and meet Mr Wheatland for further details at school in the next few weeks. Alan Wheatland Aid Station Captain For further information contact Alan Wheatland at MacKillop College 65832632 during school hours Volunteer Recruitment Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNy9__7n6s&ab_channel=IRONMANAsiaPacific and 2015 IMOZ Highlights Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSxzxlgS44o&ab_channel=IRONMANAsiaPacific PORT MAQUARIE YOUTH HUB DRAMA CLASS The Port Macquarie Youth Hub Drama class will resume on Wednesday, 4th May 5.00p.m. to 6.00p.m. Suitable for all ages. This is a FREE drama class. The drama will entail acting abilities, playwriting, stage productions and improvisations. The goal of the class is to teach confidence and correct script reading. Commencing 4th May. From May the class will concentrate on learning all aspects of acting. From August rehearsals will begin with a view of conducting a show in November. As there a limited positions available please contact Jay Corr on 0415779240 or email ezzacorr@gmail.com if you are interested. PORT MACQUARIE YOUTH HUB - APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES HOLIDAY PROGRAM Monday 11th April: MOVIE DAY - FREE 10.30a.m. to 12.30p.m. Primary school movies 1.00p.m. to 3.00p.m. older ages Popcorn and sausage sizzle Tuesday 12th April: FISHING - FREE 11.30a.m. - bring your own rod or use one of our rods. Fully supervised. Bring your own hat sunscreen and water bottle. Meet at the Hub. Wednesday 13th April: TEN PIN BOWLING - cost 2 games $15 11.30a.m. - Port City Wave Bowl Thursday 14th April: KAYAKING - cost $12.50 2.00p.m. - meet at the Hub for 1.5 hours of fully supervised fun and Kayaking tour. Friday 15th April: Coastal walk - cost is FREE meet at the Youth Hub before 11.00a.m. for BBQ and coastal walk along our beautiful beaches. Monday 18th April: MOVIE DAY - FREE 10.30a.m. to 12.30p.m. Primary school aged movie 1.00p.m. to 3.00p.m. older ages movie popcorn and sausage sizzle Tuesday 19th April: ROCK CLIMBING AND LASER SKIRMISH 12md. COST $20 Wednesday 20th April: TEN PIN BOWLING - cost $15 for two games Thursday 21st April: KAYAKING - cost $12.50 9.30a.m. - meet at the Hub for 1.5hrs of fully supervised fun and kayaking tour. Sausage sizzle at completion. Friday 22nd April: COASTAL WALK - FREE Meet at the hub 10.00a.m. for a walk along our beautiful beaches and BBQ upon return. For all activities bookings are essential please contact the details below to reserve your place. Phone Jayson on 0418664537 or email: info@pmyh.org.au The Hub will be open Monday to Friday of each week of the holidays 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. Visit our website: www.pmyh.org.au or drop by. Thank you all Michael and Jayson