April WIND 2014 - The Church of Universal Fellowship


April WIND 2014 - The Church of Universal Fellowship
Dear Friends,
This year, many of our readings for Lenten worship are from
the Gospel of John. John’s words and stories are some of the
most beautiful not only in the Christian faith, but also in the
English language translations from the Greek. Our faith is not
meaningful unless it is made real in our daily lives, and this
Gospel brings us to connect the human with the divine, the
earth with the heavens, and the concrete with the spiritual.
So, let’s get real? Writer Suzanne Guthrie states that this is a
time of attention to matters outside of oneself and attention
to matters inside of oneself. Lent is about, “Paying attention
to what I watch on media, what I listen to, what I eat, wear,
what dulls my mind, arouses my soul, what breaks down my
poor body, what strengthens my character, and awakens me
to what gets in the way of my love of God and neighbor.”
The 6th century Celts emphasized the presence of God at the
heart of all life and within all people. Visually, there is no
better representation of this than Celtic art in which spirituality
was shown visually in beautiful and imaginative ways. The
great stone crosses and illuminated Gospel manuscripts
depict interlacing designs that symbolize God and humanity,
spirit and matter, heaven and earth.
Here in the 21st century, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
tells us we are each a “God Carrier”, a “God Bearer”. Take
your finger and trace the interconnecting lines of the highstanding Celtic stone cross here on this paper. Let the small
pilgrimage of your hand remind you of the interconnected
oneness of all things and of your own status as a God Carrier
in and for the world.
See you in church,
82 Main Street
Orono, Maine 04473
web address:
The Reverend Lornagrace T. Grenfell
Maundy Thursday, April 17
~ Foot/Hand Washing Service
5:00 pm MacKenzie Room
with The Reverend Darren Morgan and Deacon Johanna Szillery
~ Pot Luck Supper
6:00 pm Gathering Place
(reservations needed: please call 866
~ The Life of Christ in Hymns
and Holy Communion
with Mark Baker at the piano
Good Friday, April 18
~ Tenebrae Service 7:00 pm Sanctuary
Easter Sunday, April 20
~ Easter Sunrise Service 6:30 am
(Penobscot Valley Country Club
with Orono United Methodist Church)
~ Easter Breakfast 7:15 am at CUF
~ Easter Morning Worship 10:15 am
For more on Celtic Christianity, see Listening for the Heartbeat of God by J.P. Newell
Celtic Cross, Lindesfarne, Northumberland, England; drawing by Beverly Antonitis
Minister’s Message
Around CUF
Commissioned Minister/
Property/Hosp & Greet 3
Upcoming Events
Foot Washing
Lord’s Prayer
Wear Red
Healthy High 5/10k
Alliance/Messy Church 9
Around CUF . . .
Choir Director Molly Webster had a great trip to
Florida to see her mother!... Tiffany Twitchell did
a terrific job filling in for her!... CUFers bought
enough Girl Scout cookies to send both Caroline
and Emma Cowing to camp this summer!...
Janet and Horace Givens are in Arizona for a
stay and daughter Sandy Feher and
granddaughter Emily escorted them there!...
We are thrilled to have Betty Carr home from
California! One highlight of her visit was taking a
trip with her siblings to see the giant Sequoia
magnificent!... Laura Artesani had a whirlwind
week playing for the University Singers tour!...
We thank Mark Bilyk for continuing to clear the
sidewalk to street pathways EVERY time it
snows!... Sonja Birthisel is spending the year
working in FoodCorps for AmeriCorps, the U.S.
government’s community service program!...
Many CUFers enjoyed the Open House at the
Islamic Center of Maine and the Is Shariah
Compatible with Democracy? presentation!...
Our Nursery has a new bulletin board for their
amazing works of art!... Emily Hasbrouck took
Leo and Stuart to Alabama to visit Emily’s
Lorraine Lick took Trent and a whole
bunch of his friends on a weekend ski trip!...
Barbara Turner had a great trip to NJ to see
friends!... The YAWPers are doing a great job
raising funds for former YAWPer Dacie Manion
who is at MIT and will run in the Boston Marathon
to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer
Institute in honor of Matt Gilman!...
Our heartfelt thanks and prayers go out to our
Lenten Window to My Soul speakers as they
articulate for us in worship their journeys with
loved ones and cancer...
Gospel Readings for April 2014
April 6:
April 13:
April 20:
April 27:
John 11:1-45
Matthew 21:1-11
John 20:1-18
John 20:19-31
Jean Carville
135 Bennoch Road Orono ME 04473
Maddie Emerson
35 Wagner Drive #351 Orono ME 04473
Dorothy Griffin
100 Main Street Orono ME 04473
Joanne Scontras
24 Kettle Cove Road
Cape Elizabeth ME 04107
Sandra Warner
86 Forest Avenue Orono ME 04473
Comfort on the death of Mary Morse
to her niece Willow Divine
95 Main Street Apt #1 Orono ME 04473
Comfort on the death of Roger Marshall
to his friend Mark Bilyk
3 Gardner Road Orono ME 04473
Comfort on the death of Joe Dupere
to his friend Barbara Turner
57 College Ave. Orono ME 04473
INTERFAITH Passover Seder
Wednesday April 16 6:00 pm
The Wilson Center 67 College Ave. Orono
Looking for a place to celebrate Passover?
Never been to a Passover Seder?
Don't even know what one is?
Whatever your faith and whatever your knowledge of
Passover, you are welcome Wednesday April 16th at the
Wilson Center's Interfaith Seder at 6:00 pm!
Passover is the ancient Jewish celebration of
liberation from slavery and bondage.
It has been
celebrated for more than 3000 years and it occurs at the
first full moon after the spring equinox.
This is the
festival that Jesus was celebrating at the Last Supper, and
this year it happens to coincide quite closely with the
Christian Easter. It involves good food, ancient stories,
laughter, family and some serious thought about liberation
from bondage of all sorts.
So if you have always wanted to know more about
these last days of Jesus' life, we invite Christians,
Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Wabanakis to join us for
dinner, community and celebration on April 16th.
The Seder will be led by Rabbi Darah Lerner of
Congregation Beth El in Bangor and is being cosponsored by the Wilson Center and the Judaic Studies
Program at UMaine. In order that we may better plan the
food, we ask that you RSVP to
melissa_brown@umit.maine.edu or 866-4227.
Thank you! However, last minute guests are - in the spirit
of Elijah - always welcome!
Cards of Love and Encouragement to
...from the Commissioned Minister
Groups come by for our veterans, either to visit, play music, help with bowling. One Saturday a month, the
Local Yokel Vocals gift us with their monthly musical programs. February was focused on St. Valentine's Day,
(which included my hamming up the song, Let Me Call You Sweetheart). March's music included a wonderful
variety of Irish songs. Everyone leaves with an uplifted spirit . Last month I introduced the members to the
audience. This month, I asked the leader for a brief history of their group to share with others, especially our
church members. He wrote:
“Our group, The Local Yokel Vocal Group, was formed under a different name with different members
in 1990. We sort of accidentally came together for a church function, and continued to play after that. My
wife and I are the only original members left. Over the years more than forty talented (and some not so
talented but enthusiastic) people have come and gone; some moved away, some lost interest, some died.
“The Local Yokels perform big hits of the past two centuries from a variety of genres. Our repertoire
includes country, rock and roll, jazz, blue grass, show tunes and folk, as well as popular hits from Stephen
Foster to Burt Bacharach. Presently we perform monthly at Hibbard’s Nursing Home, Hilltop Manor boarding
home and Pleasant Meadows boarding home in Dover-Foxcroft, as well as the Bangor Veterans Home.”
May the new life of Easter and spring bring blessings of warmth and joy. Let us continue to pray for each
other. I leave you with these words, “Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple
secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” ― From "The
Little Prince" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Your Property Committee at work…
Proactive Solution Technician, Chris Boyle has sprayed for ants in the Parish House basement.
Two new carbon monoxide detectors will be installed, one in the basement and one in the main
hallway entrance. The Property Committee is selling large wood tables (4ft or 8 ft) for $10. Also,
there is plywood in the attic for sale. Please see Randy Adkins or Bob Gallant for details.
Spring clean out of the attic and basement coming soon………….
Upcoming Hospitality and Greeting Schedule
Hospitality (refreshments)
April 6
The Griffiths and Stefanie Egenhofer
Fran Hunter and Sally Irons
April 13
Stefanie Egenhofer and Judy Perkins-Walker
Wendall and Trudy Tremblay
April 20
Easter Team
Joe and Rev. Emily Taylor
April 27
Shelley Gilman and Judy Kuhns-Hastings
Mark Baker and Rev. Darren Morgan
May 4
Sandy Caron and Stefanie Egenhofer
Janet and Mark Bilyk
May 11 Rose Marie and Ted Curtis
Anne Borreggine and Imogene
May 18
David Cox and Stephen Burnham
Jayne Bartley and Stefanie Egenhofer
May 25
Joyce and Paul Harris
Tricia and Thomas Griffith
June 1
Celebration Sunday
Gladys and Ron Noyes
Please contact Stefanie Egenhofer at 866-3862 with any changes. Thank you!
Easter Sunrise Breakfast is only a few short
weeks away! Every other year we host this
popular event here at CUF. A lot of hungry
parishioners from the Methodist church and
CUF are expected to warm up with a hot cup of
coffee and breakfast after the Easter Sunrise
Service. To feed the hungry we need
volunteers to make egg dishes, quiches, hot
cross buns, muffins, or other baked goods
ahead of time and drop them off on Saturday,
April 19th at CUF. If you would like to help, but
need a recipe for a simple egg strata or quiche
please contact Stefanie Egenhofer at 8663862. Thank you!
Digging Deeper
12:10 in the Library(unless noted)
April 6: Art is Being Stolen From our Lives!
Should we do something about it?
Please join Thomas Griffith at 12:00 in the Vestry!
Thomas has spent over a year cultivating the arts
and researching and studying this topic. Please
join him for a fascinating hour!
April 13: Painting the Stars, part 5, Evolutionary
April 20: Easter Sunday, no discussion
April 27: Painting the Stars, part 6, Imagining a
Future ...
May 4: Painting the Stars, part 7, An Evolving
Spirituality: Mysticism
Well, it may still look like Christmas
outside....but, the good news is that it is COOKIE
CALL time once again. We would appreciate
your generous contribution of breads, cookies,
bars, and other treats to fill our larder for
upcoming coffee hours. Thanks so much for
your contributions. If you have any questions,
please contact Stefanie Egenhofer at 866-3862.
Book Nights!
Friday, April 4: Made for Goodness by
Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu
Murder and greed are not the norm for human
behavior: the norm is goodness. These two
Episcopal ministers set out to make a case
that goodness changes everything: the ways
we see ourselves, the world, and others.
Friday May 2: Time, Love and Memory by
Jonathan Weiner
The story of Seymour Benzer, the Brooklynborn maverick scientist whose study of
genetics and experiments with fruit fly genes
has helped revolutionize our knowledge of the
connections between DNA and behavior both
animal and human
State of Grace Women’s Book Group
Please call Johanna Szillery at 827-4172 for
more information. Third Monday of the month
at 5:30 in the Gathering Place
April 21: When We Were the Kennedys: A
memoir from Mexico, Maine by Monica Wood
Easter Lily
If you wish to purchase a lily this Easter
in memory, in honor or in celebration of
someone, please let the church office
know by Wednesday, April 16. The
lilies are $12.00 and will be placed on the altar on
Easter Sunday, April 20. Thank you.
April 25, 6 pm in the MacKenzie Room
This 80 minute 1935 movie, starring Will Rogers,
deals with redemption when Rogers faces the loss
of his newspaper, due to a small-town political
force, as he deals with issues of ethics and
integrity in small-town life. All Welcome!
Maundy Thursday, April 17
Foot Washing Service with The Reverend Darren Morgan
and Deacon Johanna Szillery
Maundy Thursday (from Latin, “mandatum” or “commandment”) is the night upon which
Jesus shared the last supper with his disciples. It is also the night he gave them the new
commandment – to love one another. In footwashing, the church recalls the example of Jesus’
humility as Good Friday drew near and Jesus performed this menial domestic chore for the
protesting disciples.
It was the custom in the ancient world that provision be made for the feet of guests to be
bathed when they arrived at the home of their host. This task was ordinarily done by servants or
people of low rank in the larger family. The Gospel of John (13:1-17), where the story is recounted,
does not tell why this act of hospitality was omitted when Jesus and the disciples arrived for the
meal. It is clear that no one but Jesus volunteered to rise from the table and perform the servile but
gracious act. Jesus waited for others to remedy the oversight, but none did. It was during the meal
that Jesus rose from the table and began the task in silence.
The church observes footwashing because Jesus offered it as an example whereby Christians
may mutually observe the place of humility and service in the Christian life. It is not itself the only or
highest example of humility and service, but symbolically it demonstrates them in great power.
Participating in a footwashing is an intimate and powerful experience. Those who wish to take part
in the service may remove your footwear and place it under your chair. If you so desire, you may
elect to participate by washing your hands instead of your feet. The worship leader will kneel
before each person, place your feet or hands in the basin one at a time, lift and dry each
foot/hand, and rise.
Thursday, April 10th
100 Donald P Corbett Hall (next to Collins Center)
Free and open to the public
The feature-length documentary God Loves Uganda is a powerful exploration of the evangelical campaign to change
African culture with values imported from America’s Christian Right. The film follows American and Ugandan
religious leaders fighting “sexual immorality” and missionaries trying to convince Ugandans to follow what they feel is
Biblical law. God Loves Uganda premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 18th, 2013 and has screened at
over 50 American and international film festivals, winning numerous awards. The film serves as a catalyst for change
through the upcoming international screening tour and social action campaign.
Sponsored by the University of Maine's Office of Multicultural Student Life, Rainbow Resource
Center, LGBT&A Council along with the Wilson Center and
The Church of Universal Fellowship's Social Justice Team.
CUF and AAUW member Jane Ann Cooper has asked
that the following be included in this newsletter!
The American Association of University Women has joined groups across the country in a push to pass the
Paycheck Fairness Act. This act, which goes much further than the Lilly Ledbetter Act, prevents retaliation by
employers for employees inquiring about salaries. It also has exemptions for small businesses, such that they
will not carry an unfair burden of responsibility for the law. Further, the bill would restore the original intent
of the Equal Pay Act by maintaining the commonsense pay differentials like seniority, production, merit,
education, and experience; while requiring companies that say the pay differential is due to a “factor other
than sex” to clearly demonstrate what that factor is, and show that it is indeed not related to sex. No more
taking their word for it!
AAUW is asking us to write to our senators encouraging them to support the Paycheck Fairness Act. Equal Pay
Day is April 8. AAUW feels that right now is the time to write them in anticipation of that April 8 date.
Several of our local branch members have already written to Senator Collins and to Senator King. Their
contact information is:
Senator Susan Collins
Email: www.collins.senate.gov/public
Mail: 202 Harlow Street, Room 204, Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 945-0417
Senator Angus King
Email: www.king.senate.gov/contact
Mail: 4 Gabriel Drive, Suite 3, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: (207) 622-8292
AAUW is also asking how YOU will mark that April 8th day?
Creatively by only taking one bite out of your lunch cookie to represent the 22% of women who are
Symbolically by wearing red to represent the pay gap that puts women “in the red”?
Go to the AAUW web page and tell them! They want to know what YOU will be doing!
AAUW is urging the President to use his executive powers to implement the bill’s anti retaliation clause for
asking why there is a disparity in wages. Women are afraid to do this on their own.
Tuesday, April 8, 12:00 pm
Gathering Place
Alliance will meet on April 8 in the Gathering Place at noon. Dorothy Griffin has arranged for
Dr. Micah Pawling, Assistant Professor of History and Native Studies to speak to us. His topic
is "Collaboration between Wabanaki Communities in Maine". Everyone is welcome. Bring a bag
lunch. Beverage and dessert will be provided. Discussion and sign-up for our Daffodil Luncheon
will follow.
News of Our Young People:
On March 2, Eli McGill showed us slides of his July trip to Europe, concentrating on what impressed him as
unique and different in the places he visited. He traveled to Spain, Hungary, France, Sweden, and Denmark.
One of the highlights of the trip was Legoland, with whole city streets constructed out of Lego bricks, with
cars and buses travelling along the roads.
Katie King will be going to France again this summer. She is looking forward to it, as she really enjoyed her
experience last year.
Neily Raymond placed first in the Hermon Middle School Spelling Bee. She proudly represented Hermon
Middle School at the Penobscot County Spelling Bee sponsored by Husson University in conjunction with
Scripps National Spelling Bee. Neily made it through eight challenging rounds, and placed THIRD!!! Her new
least favorite word is: bellicose! She has set a new record for Hermon Middle School and placed higher than
any Hermon participant to date.
Messy Church!
Saturday, April 12, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
in the Vestry
Our final Messy Church of the school year will take place on Saturday, April 12, when our
theme will be transformation. Join us from 4-6 pm for this family friendly time of worship,
crafts, food and fellowship! Everyone welcome!
Egg Decorating!
What would the Lenten season be without
Ann Homola's pysanky egg workshop?
Come to the Vestry on Saturday, April 12,
from 9-12 to learn this exacting craft.
Pysanky eggs are a wax resist method of
egg decorating using special dyes, hot wax
and open flame. For this reason we request
that children be accompanied throughout the
process by an adult.