2016-06 Orono Observer
2016-06 Orono Observer
Orono Observer A Quarterly Town of Orono Publication Regular Meetings June: 13 Public Hearing on Budget, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber 15 Planning Board, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber 27 Special Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber, Adoption of Budget July: 11 Regular Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber 27 Planning Board, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber August: 8 Town Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber Planning Board, 7:00 pm, Council Chamber Council Committee Meetings are held on Mondays at 5:30 pm 17 FY2016-2017 TOWN BUDGET Over the course of the last few months, the staff and the Town Council have been working to present a stable budget for fiscal year 2016-2017. The next step is for the public to have an opportunity to review the budget and provide input. In addition to being available on the Town website at www.orono.org, residents will have the opportunity to review the budget at the Town Office. The public is encouraged to attend the following public meetings on the (Continued Page 2) Volume 23.2 June-July-August 2016 STATE PRIMARY & RSU#26 BUDGET VALIDATION REFERENDUM ELECTION TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016 ALL VOTING (Ward 1 / Precincts 1, 2, & 3) will be held in the Orono Middle School Gymnasium at 14 Goodridge Drive. Voting hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. In addition to the State Primary ballot(s), registered Voters will also consider two ballot questions regarding the adoption of the RSU #26 Budget and the method in which the budget is validated each year. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY Residents of Orono, Old Town and Milford can drop off household hazardous waste materials to the Recycling Center at 246 Gilman Falls Avenue in Old Town on Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Proof of residency is required. Acceptable items include: glues, adhesives, oil paint, stains, thinners, car batteries, brake fluid, tires, kerosene, gasoline, insecticides, pesticides, swimming pool chemicals, aerosol cans, cleaners, computers and electronic equipment. To ensure safety, never mix chemicals, never smoke, leave materials in original containers, pack containers in sturdy upright containers and go directly to the dropoff site once items are packed. Please check out the complete list on our website at www.orono.org. Unenrolled voters can enroll in a political party the day of the Election, however any persons enrolled in a political party must vote their specific party ballot. Registrars will be available to make changes and enroll new voters on the day of the Election. Voters must provide proof of identification and residency listing an Orono street address when registering to vote. Absentee ballots are available by calling the Town Office at 866-2556 or coming into the office between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The Registrar of Voters is available at the Orono Town Office to register and enroll new voters from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and on Election Day from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. LEAVES & BRUSH ACCEPTED AT LANDFILL The Town of Orono now accepts bagged leaves and brush at the landfill. Residents with a free permit (obtained at the Town Office) may haul brush and bagged leaves to the landfill during regular operating hours (Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8am-4pm). Materials must be dumped in the designated area as directed by Public Works staff. No contaminated materials will be accepted. Contact Public Works or the Town Office with any questions. The Town of Orono is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. 2 Orono Observer GATEWAY SENIORS Gateway Seniors Without Walls, an affiliate of the Center on Aging, University of Maine, welcomes everybody. There are no membership fees. One of our major objectives is to publicize and extend services for seniors in the communities we serve. In that spirit and with the assistance of the Center on Aging, the Eastern Area Agency on Aging, and many local social service agencies, we will be offering free of charge our Senior Yellow Pages. This 200-page manual is a must-have for seniors. In big type, local and state services for seniors in 15 towns of Greater Bangor are listed and described. Each service entry contains contact information. There are discussions of complex topics. A table of contents and index make the manual relatively easy to use. Advance feedback suggests that the manual is more comprehensive than other similar documents. The Senior Yellow Pages will be available at social service agencies, libraries, and town offices throughout the greater Bangor area. Watch for it. Gateway Seniors also schedules meaningful, diverse, and daily activities in Orono, Old Town, and Veazie. We partner with many groups that serve older people to provide activities. In June, July, and August, 2016, about 90 Gateway Senior activities will include: Hiking, Senior Yoga, Knitting social groups, Painting and painting instruction, Music, Tours and talks by a dietitian, Restaurant outings, Movies, Talks about community resources, Historical tours and talks, Political Issues For a copy of our Monthly Activity Schedule, which appears every month in the Penobscot Times, for information about the Senior Yellow Pages, or to volunteer to help us out, call Gateway Seniors (207) 889-3031, or email us at gatewayseniorswithoutwalls@roadrunner.com. Budget (continued from front page) proposed FY16-17 budget, all to be held in the Council Chamber: • June 13, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Public Hearing on the Budget • June 27, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Budget Adoption Meeting dates/times will be listed on our website at www.orono.org. Contact Town Manager Sophie Wilson at 866-2556, if you have any questions or concerns. ADVERTISE IN THE ORONO OBSERVER Contact Nancy Ward at 866-2556 to reserve space in the next Orono Observer. Ads are $90 per quarter page (3 3/4” by 4 3/4”) with other sizes and prices available. Pdf files preferred. The Church of Universal Fellowship 82 Main Street, Orono an ecumenical faith community since 1941 worshiping God in the Christian tradition The Reverend Lorna Grenfell SUNDAY WORSHIP June 5: 10:15 am Morning Worship Sunday School & Nursery Care Church Picnic! SUMMER SUNDAY WORSHIP Sundays, June 12 – September 4 9:30 am Morning Worship Sunday School & Nursery Care 866-3655 cufoffice@icloud.com churchofuniversalfellowship.org Our church welcomes persons of every age, background, circumstance, ethnicity, family configuration, gender identity, and sexual orientation. We believe that diversity enriches our faith community and that each of us has the right and responsibility to support one another as we search for the divine by living, learning, and growing. An Open & Affirming Congregation Orono Observer ORONO PARKS & RECREATION NEWS 3 The Recreation Office is located at the Town Municipal Building, 59 Main Street RAD-O RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY DAY CAMP – ORONO POOL OPENS JUNE 17TH In partnership with University of Maine Campus RecrePool Schedule through Sunday, August 21, 2016: ation, the Town will be offering a 10-week summer day camp program starting June 20th and running until August 27th, Weekdays Grades K-5 from 7:30-5:30pm Monday – Friday. Fees: $125 8:00-9:00am Advanced Swim Team per week; $32 a day. 9:00-9:45am Intermediate Swim Team - M/W/F To register, or for more information, please go to: www. Pre-Team - Tues/Thurs oronorec.com or contact Orono Parks and Recreation. 10:00-10:30am Level 3 Lessons 10:35-11:05am Level 2 Lessons 11:10-11:40am Level 1 Lessons 11:00am-12:00pm Adult 18+ Lap Swim Only 12:00-5:00pm General Swim 5:00-6:45pm Family Swim (Two lanes for lap swim 12:00pm-6:45pm) Weekends 12:00-3:00 pm Open Swim 3:00-4:45 pm Family Swim (Two lanes for lap swim 12:00pm -5:00pm) Daily Pool Fees: $2/day (resident), $3/day (non-resident) Seasonal Pool Passes: Residents: Single Pass $40 - Family Pass $80 Nonresidents: Single Pass $50 - Family Pass $100 RECREATION WEBSITE To register for a Recreation program, go to www.oronorec. com. Check us out and create your own family account in order to register for programs and activities. On-line payments are available. Like us at www.Facebook.com/OronoParksandRec. SUMMER SPORTS CAMP, CLINIC & THEATER ACADEMY OFFERINGS Check us out at www.oronorec.com for more information on the following programs: • Red Riot Track Club – June 20-August 13 • Tennis Clinics – TBA (Check oronorec.com) • Red Riot Basketball Camp – July 25- July 29 Coed 12:00pm-2:00pm • British Soccer Camp – July 18-July 22 Orono Thrift Shop Located in the Birch Street Senior Center Building Sponsored by the Orono Health Association Hours Open: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, Weds. 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, Sats. At Main St, take Pine St. 2nd right to Birch St. 4 Orono Observer ORONO LIBRARY NEWS CORNER Call us at 866-5060, visit us on the web at www.orono.org, or come to the library for a full view of our services. YOUTH PROGRAMS Get ready, get set, go! It’s almost time for summer and leisure reading! To kick off our favorite time of the year, we are hosting another Backyard Bash with Julie and Friends and ManakOsher, sponsored by FOPL and Kiwanis. Due to the upcoming transformation of our backyard into the new Orono Village Green, this year’s Bash will be held at Webster Park. Don’t miss the fun which begins at 5:30! Check out our other upcoming concerts this summer, also held at Webster Park, on several Tuesday nights at 6pm. Our programming will include Stories and Activities for elementary ages on Tuesdays at 1:30pm; Tabletop Gaming for the tweens and teens on Wednesdays, 3:30-6:30pm; Story Times for tiny ears and eyes on Thursdays, 10:15; and Stories for the less timid listeners and preschoolers on Thursdays, 11:00am. Jennifer Armstrong, musician and storyteller, will be entertaining all ages on Tuesday, July 12. Mad Science of Maine is returning for another spectacular program on Friday, July 22. Both events will be held at the Keith Anderson Community House. Don’t miss our Race to Read party to celebrate literacy and fitness and your summer reading stories on Tuesday, August 16, 1:30pm, held at the OMS/OHS track. In case of rain, we’ll be in the Keith Anderson Community House. Times and dates are subject to change, so please check our website or sign up for our publicity emails for up-to-date information. And don’t forget to sign up for our independent reading program, so you can keep track of your reading and collect prizes along the way! LIBRARY SUMMER HOURS The hours for the Orono Public Library will be changing effective June 1, 2016. The library will open at noon on Wednesdays, in order to accommodate ongoing staff projects. June 1 through August 31 the library will close at 5:00pm on Thursdays in order to extend town resources during the months when library use typically declines. Starting June 1st, hours are: Mondays: 10:00am-5:00pm Tuesdays: 10:00am-7:00pm Wednesdays: 12:00pm-5:00pm Thursdays: 10:00am-5:00pm Fridays: 10:00am-5:00pm Saturdays: 10:00am-2:00pm Sundays: Closed More library news next page. -ORONO O UNIT TED METH M ODIST T CHU URCH- All are ea childre en!Join us u for Vac cation Bible Scho ool-week of July 11th. We will meet frrom 9:00a am to 12:00pm, with each day d featu uring pup ppet shows s, crafts, music, snacks s an nd lesson ns.Check k our web bsite and FB page for summ mer happ penings: oronoum mc.com. (S Summer wo orship: 10a am) 5 Orono Observer ORONO PUBLIC LIBRARY EVENT 2016 SUMMER CONCERTS AT WEBSTER PARK ZenTangle Inspired! June 8 at 1:00 p.m. "Art on the Go" with Phyllis Brazee. Join us in this easy to learn, fun The Town of Orono presents 2016 Summer Concerts at Webster and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing Park (while construction for The Orono Village Green is in progress) structured patterns and adding color. Everyone who can Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. hold a pen can create! For more information or to sign June 14 – Backyard Bash with Julie Monroe and speup call 866-5060. cial guests Jeff Rampe and “ManakOsher” (sponsored by Orono/Old Town Kiwanis) KIWANIS AUCTION JULY 21, 22 & 23 The 70th Kiwanis Auction will take place starting at 5:00 pm, Thursday, July 21st through Saturday, July 23th at the Kiwanis Barn located on Forest Avenue in Orono. Come check out the auction items, trash and treasure barns, book and toy barns, and try the legendary hot dogs! RE-REGISTRATIONS AVAILABLE ONLINE June 21 –Six Basin Street (Dixieland) June 28 – The Coteries (Americana/Folk/Rock/Blues) July 5 – Paige and Brooke (Country Pop) July 12 – Trendy Robots (Indie-Pop) July 19 –Olde Time Machine (acoustic old time music) July 26 – Inanna, Sisters in Rhythm (percussion and vocal) All of the concerts are free to the public. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the music. In the event of rain, concerts will be cancelled. For additional Residents can re-register their boats and vehicles (Rapid Renewal) on-line through the Orono website information please contact the library: 866-5060 or visit the town at www.orono.org. Make sure you have your old reg- of Orono web page: www.orono.org. istration. Our new site makes finding a primary care provider super simple. Choose a provider based on gender, location, health interest, and even hobbies! Visit MatchMe.EMMC.org, answer a few questions, and you’ll be matched with a provider who’s perfect for you. It’s one way EMMC helps make your life a little more remarkable. Find your perfect provider at MatchMe.EMMC.org or call 973-7090. SM 6 Orono Observer WHAT’S HAPPENING AT RSU 26 SCHOOLS IN ORONO? WELCOME TO THE NEW OHS PRINCIPAL RSU #26 is excited to welcome Reginald Ruhlin as the next OHS principal. Mr. Ruhlin comes to us with a range of experiences. Mr. Ruhlin earned his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from UMaine and his Master of Science in Education at the University of Southern Maine. He began his career as an electrical engineer, has taught mathematics at Hyde School, Deering High School, Glenburn School, and Brewer High School. Most recently he has served as the Assistant Principal of Brewer High School. Mr. Ruhlin brings many personal and professional strengths to the OHS position. Of note are his imaginative and fresh leadership perspective, his extensive skills as a professional mathematics teacher, a deep and genuine care for students and their success, keen analytical skills, honesty, approachability, and an engaging sense of humor. Mr. Ruhlin will begin as OHS principal on July 1, 2016. For more information on events and updates, please go to our website www. rsu26.org or follow us on Facebook for announcements. You can always give us a call at 866-7110. ORONO SCHOOL GARDEN & WELLNESS PROGRAMS In alignment with the RSU 26 Strategic Plan and Wellness Policy, the Orono Schools will be developing a Wellness Committee. We are committed to providing a school environment that supports student wellness, healthy food choices, nutrition education and regular physical activity. The committee will review existing programs around wellness and make recommendations for further development of existing programs or addition of new programming. There has recently been much enthusiasm around creating a school garden. There will be another committee for the development and implementation of a school garden program. If you have an interest in participating on a committee, subcommittee, have suggestions or know of someone with an interest, please contact the school Food Service Director, Kathy Kittridge at kkittridge@rsu26.org or 866-7110 ext. 103. LAST STUDENT DAY Barring any more cancellation days, the last student day of this school year will be on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 and students will be released just after lunch, thus it will be a half day. Go ahead, make yourself at home. Home Loans at ! Mortgages | Home Equities Refinances | Land Purchases Speak to our mortgage team today or apply online! Serving members since 1967! Federally insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Lender NMLS ID 407658 UNIVERSITY CREDIT UNION Prepare • Progress • Achieve® ucu.maine.edu | 800.696.8628 7 Orono Observer GRADUATING CLASS OF 2016 June 2 (Thursday) Baccalaureate & Senior Awards Ceremony 6:30 pm @ OHS June 5 (Sunday) GRADUATION at the COLLINS CENTER, University of Maine 7:00 pm. TOWN OFFICE REGISTRATIONS Do you have items to register at the Town Office such as Automobiles, Recreational Vehicles or dogs? “The Tasting Bee is Back” Orono Historical Society Monday, June 27, 5-6:30 pm Asa Adams School Gym Adults $10 - Youth (6-12) $5 Under 6 FREE Samples from local restaurants and fabulous door prizes. If so, please be sure to bring your previous registration, insurance card, or rabies vaccination with you when you visit. It not only identifies the correct item you wish to register, but also speeds up your visit! Don’t forget our office only takes check or cash. OPEN FIRE BURNING PERMITS A reminder that a fire permit is required for any outdoor fires. This permit can be obtained at the fire station at a cost of $10. Permits are restricted during high fire danger in the spring and summer. If you have questions, call 866-4000, 8:30 am-4:30 pm weekdays. Justin R. Harlan Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisor Take the guesswork out of your retirement plan Discover how our exclusive Confident Retirement® approach can help answer questions you may have about your retirement, like: When will I be able to retire? How do I make the most of the money I have? How can I leave a lasting legacy to my loved ones? Call me today to get started. JUSTIN R. HARLAN, CRPC® Private Wealth Advisor Chartered Retirement Planning Consultant Harlan, Kallem, Hackmann & Ostwald A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 44 Main St • Orono, ME 04473 207.619.0440 • 888.269.1202 justin.r.harlan@ampf.com ameripriseadvisors.com/ justin.r.harlan Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. 8 Orono Observer IMPLEMENTING THE COMP PLAN The Town is beginning to implement its recently updated Comprehensive Plan (www.orono.org/planning). It is starting with small steps – specific Land Use Ordinance amendments – and this summer will begin to tackle some of the larger items in the plan. The Town Council has adopted amendments dealing with aspects of signs and cluster residential development. It is currently reviewing amendments that, among other things, would: • Update the definition and treatment of “home occupations” – recognizing that home occupations can vary from an office-based business that involves little outside traffic to the home to services or sales that bring outside traffic into a neighborhood. The proposed amendment streamlines the regulations based on the kinds of impacts they may have on a neighborhood. • Define “house guest,” in order to allow better enforcement of limits on number of unrelated persons living in a dwelling; • Allow “accessory apartments” (aka “mother-in-law apartments”) in accessory buildings, not just the main home; • Classify and zone for different types of travelers’ accommodations – “homestays,” “bed-and-breakfasts,” and “hotels/motels,” in part to account for “Airbnb” and similar vacation rentals. For more information, contact Town Planner Evan Richert, evanr@orono. org. TOWN’S EMAIL LIST If you would like to receive email notices of Town Council Meetings, Planning Board Meetings and special events and information, you can request to be added to the Town’s email list at info@ orono.org. Beautification Committee Hard at Work The Town would like to thank the Beautification Committee for all of their hard work with the beautiful plantings around town. It is volunteers like these that make Orono a wonderful place to live. For more information on the Beautification Committee or to get involved, contact Orono Parks & Recreation at 866-2556, ext. 4. Your name and email address will be added to our MailChimp list serve and information will be sent out weekly. Information can also be found on our website at www.orono.org. You can also Like us on Facebook. Orono’s leader for residential home sales in 2015! Call Pauline today for a complimentary market analysis on your home! 207.852.7625 9 Orono Observer ORONO ADULT & COMMUNITY EDUCATION SUMMER 2016 PROGRAMS High School Diploma HiSET Preparation English as a Second Language Adult Basic Literacy Tutoring Family Literacy Programs Personal Enrichment Classes Health & Fitness Courses Vocational Trainings Distance Learning Courses Online Health Occupations Trainings To view our complete catalog visit: www.riversideadultedpartnership.com Please call 866-4119 for more information about our program. 3 Mill Street, Orono Dragon Echo studio•showroom•gallery Open -‐ Tuesdays, Wednesdays 1-‐6 JUNE -‐ FXDRESSED RETURNS “Maine in Water Color” Maryann Mckellar Reception -‐Friday, 17th, 5-‐7pm Shibori tie-‐dye workshop, sign up at DE Adults/teens – Sat., 25, 10am-‐2pm Kids – Sun., 26, 10am -‐2pm JULY – “Paintings, Pastels and Prints” Eloise Kleaban, Reception, Friday 15th,5-‐7 AUGUST – “Landscape Oil Paintings” Tom Higgins, Reception, Friday 26, 5-‐7pm Silk Screen workshop, sign up at DE Adudt/teens – Sat., 20, 10am-‐done 10 Orono Observer Town of Orono Hours of Operation Town Office: 866-2556 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday Public Works: 866-5062 6:00 AM to 4:30 PM Tuesday-Friday Recreation: 866-5065 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday Library - Summer: 866-5060 Tues - 10 AM - 7 PM Mon, Thurs & Fri - 10 AM - 5 PM Wed - 12:00 PM - 5 PM Saturdays - 10 AM - 2 PM Sunday - Closed Disposal Area (Landfill): Wed. & Sat. - 8 AM - 4 PM (Obtain permits from Town Office) Curbside Recycling Dates: June 9, 10, 23, 24 July 8, 9, 21, 22 August 4, 5, 18, 19 TOWN OF ORONO PO BOX 130 ORONO, ME 04473-0130 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ORONO, ME PERMIT NO. 1 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER ORONO, ME 04473 Inside: Town Budget Public Hearing, June 13th, 7pm RSU#26 Budget Validation Referendum Election, June 14th
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