newsletter 18/09


newsletter 18/09
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 260 - Oktober 2009
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: - Web:
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Herzlich willkommen zur neuesten Ausgabe unseres Newsletters. Wie bereits
versprochen gibt es dieses Mal ein
paar Bilder vom 5. Todd-AO 70mm
Filmfestival in Karlsruhe – natürlich
inklusive der Filmeinführungen unseres
Filmspezialisten Wolfram Hannemann.
Wer dieses Event also verpasst hat,
der kann sich ab Seite 6 einen kleinen
Eindruck vom Festival verschaffen.
Schneller und höher
Eine kürzlich in der FAZ (Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung) abgedruckte Rezension zur neuen DVD- und Blu-ray
Edition von Disneys SCHNEEWITTCHEN ließ uns etwas schmunzeln, zeigt
diese doch deutlich, dass es Kollegen
gibt, die ganz offensichtlich ihre Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht haben. Zitat:
“...Erstaunlich allerdings, dass die
neue deutsche DVD-Fassung – im Gegensatz zur Bluray-Ausgabe – plötzlich
drei Minuten kürzer ist als die von
2001. Szenen fehlen keine, also muss
der Film in schnellerer Laufgeschwindigkeit kodiert worden sein.
Eine Begründung für dieses Verfahren
gibt es nicht, der Tonspur merkt man es
auch nicht an...” Derartige Äußerungen
sind eigentlich schon recht ärgerlich,
gibt es doch das PAL-System und die
daraus resultierende Filmbeschleunigung von 24 Bildern pro
Sekunde auf 25 Bilder pro Sekunde
schon seit fast 50 Jahren! Unwahr ist
auch die Behauptung, dass man es der
Tonspur nicht anmerkt. Die Beschleunigung der Filmkopie bei der Umspielung
auf ein PAL-Videoformat hat natürlich
auch eine Beschleunigung des Tons
zufolge, die sich letztendlich in einer
höheren Tonlage bemerkbar macht.
Zumindest für anspruchsvolle Konsumenten mit guten Ohren. Zwar gibt es
Korrekturmaschinen, die eine falsche
Tonhöhenlage korrigieren können,
doch an der schnelleren Geschwindigkeit ändern diese natürlich nichts. Und
dass alle Filmabtaststudios derartige
Geräte im Einsatz haben, ist stark anzuzweifeln. Erst recht jetzt, als uns während des Todd-AO-Festivals in Karlsruhe ein amerikanischer Gast ansprach,
der seit geraumer Zeit in Deutschland
arbeitet und sich schon viele PALDVDs gekauft hat. Als er sich vor kurzem endlich einen PAL-DVD-Player
zulegte, um seine erworbenen Schätze
zu sehen und zu hören, war er äußerst
frustriert, weil er feststellen musste,
dass mit dem Ton etwas nicht stimmte.
Alle Stimmen seien immer viel zu hoch!
Nachdem wir ihn über die PAL-Modalitäten aufgeklärt hatten, konnten wir ihn
immerhin damit beruhigen, dass zumindest die Blu-ray-Versionen dank 24pTechnik in richtiger Geschwindigkeit
und damit auch richtiger Tonhöhenlage
verfügbar gemacht werden.
Was uns bei der ganzen Misere schon
immer gestört hat, ist die Tatsache,
dass die DVD- und Blu-ray-Hersteller
nach wie vor noch nicht in der Lage
sind, die Laufzeitangaben auf den
Covern ordentlich anzugeben. Hier genügt es schlicht und ergreifend nicht,
eine Zahl zu nennen. Vielmehr müsste
hier grundsätzlich mit angegeben werden, worauf sich die Zahl bezieht (Abtastung mit 24 bzw. 25 Bilder pro Sekunde). Schwierig wird es natürlich
dann, wenn das PAL-Master durch
Normwandlung von einer NTSC-Quelle
entstanden ist. Ein unerschöpfliches
In diesem Zusammenhang ist es natürlich nach wie vor ärgerlich, dass sehr
viele Kinos in Deutschland ihre Projektoren auf 25 Bilder pro Sekunde umgestellt haben. Dadurch kann das Personal natürlich etwas früher nach Hause
gehen, doch die zahlenden Kinobesucher bekommen nicht das zu hören, was
sich die Toningenieure bei der Mischung der Filme ausgedacht haben.
Und so dürften in Zukunft dann wohl
nur solche Filmfans den Ton so hören,
wie er gedacht war, die Filme auf
NTSC-DVDs bzw. Blu-rays goutieren.
Wir helfen Ihnen gerne dabei.
Ihr Laser Hotline Team
Ein Geheimtipp vom
Fantasy Filmfest 2008:
- ab Januar 2010 auf
DVD in deutscher
Sprache erhältlich
Seite 2
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Happy Michaelween!
Pünktlich zum schaurigsten Tag des Jahres beglückt
(oder erschreckt) Michael Moore Filmgänger mit dem
gruseligsten aller Themen: der Wirtschaftskrise. Manche haben längst aufgehört, Moores poppige Dokumentarfilme zu gucken, auf sie wirkt der pfundige, laute
Amerikaner abschreckend. Viele in meinem Umkreis
gehören zu Michael-Moore-Verabscheuern. Zu manipulativ, zu vereinfachend, zu parteiisch, höre ich immer wieder. Ich persönlich freue mich auf die nächste filmische
Geisterbahnfahrt, zu der Moore diesmal einlädt: eine
Fahrt durch die amerikanischen Jauchekanäle der Krise
– “Capitalism: a Love Story”.
Was haben wir nicht versucht, diese Weltwirtschaftskrise zu erklären! Fernsehberichte, Dokumentationen, Artikel noch und nöcher. Von Bild bis zum Spiegel, alle haben sie sich damit beschäftigt. Und jetzt mal ganz ehrlich: können Sie mir erklären, wie es genau dazu gekommen ist? Ich hatte letztes Semester den
Wirtschaftsredakteur einer Wochenzeitung als Gastreferenten in einem meiner Kurse. Er hat Blasen und
Pfeile und Fabriken gezeichnet. Trotzdem waren wir alle
hinterher nicht viel schlauer. Ich kann Ihnen das Durcheinander sicher nicht erklären.
Und jetzt hat sich also Michael Moore, der Polemiker,
der Sache angenommen. Auch Moore wird uns nicht erklären können, was passiert ist. Doch darum geht es
ihm gar nicht. Moore ist mal wieder auf die Suche nach
Schuldigen gegangen und nach einfachen, klaren Antworten. Dass er diese nicht gefunden hat, zeigt schon
der Trailer. Das Prinzip der absoluten Schuldzuweisung,
mit der Moore unter anderem arbeitet, ist ein sehr amerikanisches. In unseren Breitengraden wirkt es bestenfalls polarisierend. Trotzdem ist es nicht falsch, einmal
an die Wall Street zu gehen, an Managertüren zu klopfen und den Bonusgierigen den Spiegel vorzuhalten.
Michael Moore ist zweifelsohne polarisierend und polemisch. Doch gerade das ist es, was seine Filme und
seine Methoden spannend macht. Eine Freundin von mir
sagte mir bezüglich “Capitalism: a Love Story”, sie würde sicher nicht Moores Manipulationen unterstützen und
ein Kinoticket bezahlen. O-Ton: “Wenn ich einen Dokumentarfilm anschaue, erwarte ich Objektivität.” Dabei
vergisst sie völlig, dass Dokumentarfilme fast nie objek-
tiv sind. Nur weil sie die Realität zeigen, heißt das noch
lange nicht, dass sie auch objektiv und parteilos sind.
Wieso? Weil sonst niemand reingehen würde. Dokumentarfilme sind harte Arbeit und durchkomponierte
Werke. Nichts da mit Hinreisen und Kamera drauf, hinterher noch ein bisschen Schneideraum und Credits einfügen. Ich konnte vor zwei Jahren bezüglich eines
Kurzfilmprojektes mit einer Schweizer Dokumentarfilme-
Seite 3
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
rin zusammenarbeiten. Bei ihr habe ich gelernt, dass
die Komposition und die Preparation, die im Vorfeld
stattfinden, einen Großteil der Arbeit ausmachen. Es
wird genau geplant, mit wem worüber gesprochen wird,
was man filmen wird und wie. Dokumentarfilme haben
eine Dramaturgie, ein Skript und einen Regisseur. Improvisiert wird erst nach sorgfältigster Vorausplanung
des Wesentlichen.
Oktober 2009
würden, dann hat Moore der Menschheit einen Dienst
erwiesen. Es ist lebenswichtig, dass nicht nur Politiker
wie Barack Obama und Hillary Clinton halbwegs erleuchtet durch die Weltgeschichte gehen, sondern auch
all diejenigen, die sie im Amt halten. Fragen Sie mal die
Anna Rudschies
Auch Dokus zielen nämlich darauf ab, beim Zuschauer
Emotionen zu wecken und ihn für ihre Geschichte zu
begeistern. Selbst die Nachrichten in der ARD werden,
wann immer das geht, auf diese pseudo-objektive Art
präsentiert. Und das ist nichts Verwerfliches. Denn auch
wenn wir etwas lernen, wollen wir unterhalten werden.
Wieso meinen Sie, dass spielerisches Lernen bei Kindern (und nach meiner Erfahrung auch bei Erwachsenen) so effektiv ist?
Michael Moore ist, ob man ihn mag oder nicht, unbestreitbar gut darin, Emotionen zu wecken und seine Zuschauer auf eine wilde Reise rund um sein Thema mitzunehmen. Moore wühlt uns auf: Ob es Marilyn Manson
ist, der in die Kamera sagt, er hätte den Jungs vom
Columbine-Massaker zugehört; ob eine Lady die erzählt,
sie hätte den Krankenwagen bezahlen müssen, bevor
sie in Ohnmacht gefallen ist; oder die Bankerin die sagt,
sie habe keine Ahnung wo das ganze Geld hin ist. Und
die Amerikaner wühlt er gleich doppelt auf. Was wir hier
in Europa oft und süffisant vergessen: Michael Moores
Zielpublikum lebt unter den Stars and Stripes. Amerikaner verstehen Rache, Schuld, Sühne, der Suche nach
der Wahrheit gut. Der Regisseur weiß genau, was er
tut, wenn er plakativ und bunt mit diesen Prinzipien arbeitet. Es hat acht Jahre gedauert, bis die Amerikaner
George Dabbelju abserviert haben. Differenziertheit und
Objektivität sind in den USA an die Massen nur schwer
vermittelbar. Es sind jedoch die Massen, die begreifen
müssen, was mit ihnen passiert und dass sie andere
Optionen haben. Also spricht Moore sie in der Art an,
die sie am besten verstehen: Er produziert die PopcornAction-Blockbuster unter den Dokumentarfilmen. Die
Amerikaner haben in unserem heutigen Weltgefüge
Macht, die sich nicht ignorieren lässt. Wenn also ein
paar Amerikaner mehr aufgerüttelt, erschüttert oder
nachdenkend aus dem Kino kommen, Amerikaner, die
sonst nie einen “seriösen” Dokumentarfilm anschauen
Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback:
Seite 4
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Wolfram Hannemanns
Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009
Schwarze im Schnee und eine Frau als
Die Pause scheint beendet – es gibt wieder
OT: La première étoile
Verleih: Kool (Filmagentinnen)
Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2009
Regie: Lucien Jean-Baptiste
Darsteller: Firmine Richard, Lucien JeanBaptiste, Anne Consigny
Kinostart: 31.12.2009
Bei den Elisabeths herrscht extreme Geldknappheit. Die fünfköpfige Familie, bestehend aus dem dunkelhäutigen Vater JeanGabriel, seine drei dunkelhäutigen Kinder
sowie seiner weißen Frau. Obwohl man
sich nichts mehr leisten kann, verspricht
der Vater seinen Sprösslingen einen Skiurlaub. Es kommt zum Konflikt: die Mutter bleibt zuhause und Vater muss sehen,
wie er den Urlaub organisiert... Eine nette
kleine Komödie aus Frankreich, die ganz
nebenbei die Problematik des Rassenhasses
aufarbeitet. Die teilweise schönen Bilder
hätte aber das CinemaScope-Format verdient.
DIE PÄPSTIN (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
Verleih: Constantin
Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Italien, Panien
Regie: Sönke Wortmann
Darsteller: Johanna Wokalek, David
Wenham, John Goodman
Kinostart: 22.10.2009
Die Verfilmung eines bekannten Romans
zeigt den Leidensweg einer Frau, die in
einer Zeit auf die Welt kommt, als die
Männer ihren Frauen den Glauben an Gott
noch mit Gewalt einzutrichtern versuchten.
Als Mädchen ist es ihr untersagt, Lesen
und Schreiben zu lernen. Doch Johanna ist
einfach zu intelligent für das Patriarch.
Getarnt als Mann schafft sie es schließlich
sogar auf den Heiligen Thron... Imposant
inszeniertes Spektakel, das leider in der
Hauptrolle nicht optimal besetzt ist. Hier
wäre eine Schauspielerin mit weit mehr
männlichen Zügen gefragt gewesen. Denn
so fragt sich der Zuschauer stets, warum
denn niemand bemerkt, dass der Mann in
Wirklichkeit eine Frau ist. Kameraarbeit
(Tom Fährmann) und Musik (Marcel
Barsotti) sind dafür überdurschnittlich.
Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009
Paare auf der Insel und die Wende
Der Mittwoch gab sich komödiantisch.
Zumindest theoretisch. Denn der erste
Film hat sein Klassenziel weit verfehlt.
ALL INCLUSIVE (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
OT: Couples Retreat
Verleih: Universal
Land/Jahr: USA 2009
Regie: Peter Billingsley
Darsteller: Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman,
Faizon Love
Kinostart: 05.11.2009
Weil es in der Gruppe billiger ist, überredet
ein in einer Beziehungskrise steckendes
Paar drei befreundete Paare, die beiden auf
eine Wellness-Woche für Paare zu begleiten. Was sich für die intakten Paare anfangs
wie ein paradiesischer Urlaub anfühlt, entwickelt sich aber binnen kurzer Zeit zu
einer strapaziösen Paartherapie. Jetzt fangen die Probleme erst wirklich an... Wenn
man sich nach gefühlten drei Stunden in
Sicherheit wiegt, dass dieses Machwerk
von Film endlich zuende ist, wird man
schnell eines Besseren belehrt: es gibt noch
eine Szene im Anschluss an den Abspann!
Wie man innerhalb von nur etwa 105 Minuten soviel Langeweile verbreiten kann,
ist schon eine Meisterleistung. Hier wird
gequasselt, gequasselt und nochmals gequasselt. Selbst Jean Reno in der Rolle
eines Paartherapie-Gurus ist hier unterfordert. Ganz zu schweigen vom Filmkomponisten A.R. Rahman (der einen Oscar für
zurecht verdient hat), dessen Talent hier
vollkommen fehl am Platz ist. Wenn man
jemanden so richtig ärgern möchte, dem
empfiehlt man einfach diesen Film.
LIEBE MAUER (1:1.85, DD 5.1 EX)
Verleih: Warner
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009
Regie: Peter Timm
Darsteller: Maxim Mehmet, Felicitas Woll,
Anna Fischer
Kinostart: 19.11.2009
Deutschland kurz vor dem Mauerfall. Eine
eben nach Berlin gezogene Studentin beginnt ein leidenschaftliches Liebesverhältnis mit einem Grenzsoldaten. Durch ihre
harmlose Beziehung rufen sie ungewollt
nicht nur die Stasi, sondern auch die CIA
aufs Parkett... Eine nette kleine Komödie
zum 20. Geburtstag des Mauerfalls mit
einer extrem sympathischen Hauptdarstellerin. Vielleicht ein bisschen zu lang geraten und auch nicht immer detailgetreu, dafür aber mit einer großen Portion “Feel
Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009
Wackelpuddingschlösser und Hot Dog
Zum Wochenausklang präsentierte uns
Sony einen richtigen Appetitmacher – im
wahrsten Sinne des Wortes!
Digital, PCM 5.1)
OT: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
Verleih: Sony Pictures
Land/Jahr: USA 2009
Regie: Chris Miller, Phil Lord
Kinostart: 28.01.2010
Flint ist ein genialer Erfinder. Doch meist
handelt es sich bei seinen Erfindungen um
unnütze Dinge, die zudem in den meisten
Fällen katastrophale Auswirkungen haben.
Als der kleine Inselstaat, auf dem er lebt,
das große Geschäft mit Sardinen verliert,
kommt er auf eine originelle Idee: er baut
eine Maschine, die Wasser in Nahrung verwandeln kann. Alsbald regnet es auf der
Insel Cheeseburger, Eis oder auch Wackelpudding. Das ruft die angehende Wetterfrau
eines TV-Senders auf den Plan. Und ehe
sich’s die beiden versehen funkt es zwischen ihnen. Doch dann droht eine gigantische Nahrungsmittelkatastrophe... Dieser
Film aus der Sony Pictures Animation
Schmiede gehört mit Abstand zum Besten,
was ich dieses Jahr an computeranimierter
Kost gesehen habe. Der Film platzt schon
fast vor Einfallsreichtum und lässt Pixars
OBEN! ganz weit hinter sich. Die Story ist
einfach genial und tiefschürfend dazu. Hier
werden nicht nur die Kleinen auf ihre Kosten kommen, sondern auch die Begleitpersonen. Meine kleine Lieblingssequenz –
wie könnte es anders auch sein: einem aggressiven riesengroßen Gummibärchen wird
mit einem Handgriff das Herz aus dem
Leibe gerissen! Ihr glaubt, dass das nicht
lustig sei? Schaut Euch den Film selber an
– der birgt echtes Lachpotenzial. Einziges
Manko der deutschen Fassung: die Tonmischung erschien mir ziemlich dynamikreduziert zu sein. Möglicherweise ein Zugeständnis an die ganz kleinen Zuschauer.
Seite 5
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Die offiziellen Intros zum Festival
von unserem Filmblogger
Wolfram Hannemann
Seite 6
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Meine Damen und Herren,
liebes Publikum,
hallo 70mm-Filmfans aus Nah und Fern!
Jahre 1969 ist die Verfilmung des
Bühnenmusicals PAINT YOUR WAGON,
welches das Komponistenduo Alan Jay Lerner
und Frederick Loewe 1951 erschuf und das es im
Shubert Theater am Broadway auf ganze 289
Aufführungen brachte.
Im Namen des Schauburg Cinerama Theaters darf ich Sie zum 5. Todd-AO 70mm
Filmfestival ganz herzlich begrüßen. Ob
monumentales Historienkino, einen farbenprächtigen Segeltörn, echte Pariser Revueatmosphäre, eine Vulkankatastrophe, eine
Kriegsgeschichte, malerische sibirische
Landschaften oder eine bombastische Song
& Dance Show – das alles plus ein paar
Überraschungen steht uns an diesem langen
Wochenende bevor.
Bereits 1957 versuchten sich die Filmproduzenten Louis B. Mayer und Jack
Cummings an einer Verfilmung des Stoffes.
Zu dem als Cinerama-Produktion geplanten
Projekt sollte John Lee Mahin das Drehbuch liefern und Alan Jay Lerner sowie
Howard Schwartz sollten zusätzliche
Songs komponieren. Die Rolle des Ben
Rumson war Gary Cooper zugedacht.
Doch der plötzliche Tod Louis B. Mayers
brachte das Projekt zu Fall.
Wie bereits in den vergangenen Jahren wird
es mir auch in den nächsten drei Tagen
wieder ein Vergnügen sein, Ihnen ein paar
wichtige und wesentlich mehr unwichtige
Fakten zu den jeweiligen Filmen zu erzählen. Für alle, die mich noch nicht kennen:
ich heisse Wolfram Hannemann, arbeite als
freiberuflicher Filmkritiker und bin nebenbei noch Geschäftsführer eines kleinen aber
feinen DVD-Versandhandels.
Da wir wieder einige nicht deutsch sprechende Gäste aus dem Ausland bei uns
begrüßen dürfen, werde ich meine Filmeinführungen in Deutsch und Englisch machen.
Damit es aber nicht zu langweilig wird,
werde ich nicht alles, was ich in Deutsch
erzähle, auch ins Englische übersetzen und
Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear audience,
hello Widescreeners!
On behalf of the Schauburg Cinerama
theatre I would like to welcome you to the
5 th annual Todd-AO 70mm film festival.
You are invited to watch historical epics, a
mediterranean sailing cruise, authentic
Parisian burlesque, a volcano eruption,
World War II drama, endless Russian
landscapes and a gigantic song & dance
potpurri. And all of these attractions in the
thrilling experience of our marvellous
70mm projection, due to our projectionists
Vincent and Markus who will do their very
best to even satisfy fans of magenta
coloured prints!
As always I will do my very best to give
you some information on the films we are
screening, so our projectionists get some
Wolfram Hannemann
in Aktion
Foto: Thomas Hauerslev
extra minutes to relax! If you know me
already you are probably accustomed to
my German-sounding English, which still
hasn‘t improved much. To all those of you
who are here for the first time I can assure
you that my German is worse than my
English. So you are definitely better off
with my funny English. By the way: my
name is Wolfram Hannemann and besides
working as a film critic I am running a
small DVD mail order company trying to
sell 70mm movies on little silver discs.
Strange, isn’t it?
Again we do have a really international
audience this weekend, among them
visitors from Denmark, Holland, France,
the Czech Republic, England and – for the
first time – even from far away Canada!
DER WIND (Paint Your
Erst der große Erfolg einiger Musicalverfilmungen wie beispielsweise THE
SOUND OF MUSIC weckte in den
sechziger Jahren das Interesse von Filmproduzenten, die stets auf der Suche nach
geeigneten Stoffen waren. Da kam PAINT
YOUR WAGON gerade recht. Jetzt waren
es Paramount Pictures und Alan Jay
Lerner, die gemeinsam produzierten. Ganz
ungeschoren kam Lerners Original allerdings nicht davon. Gemeinsam mit Paddy
Chayefsky arbeitete er seinen Stoff komplett um. Die rassenübergreifende Liebesgeschichte, einst Hauptbestandteil des
Bühnenmusicals, wurde als zu veraltet
angesehen und daher komplett entfernt.
Das Einzige, was zum Schluss übrigblieb,
waren der Titel des Musicals, das
Goldgräbercamp und etwa die Hälfte der
Songs. Dafür wurde Andre Previn mit fünf
neuen Songs beauftragt.
Eigentlich sollte Lee Marvin in Sam
Peckinpahs THE WILD BUNCH eine
Hauptrolle übernehmen. Doch mit einer
Gage von 1 Million Dollar zuzüglich einer
prozentualen Gewinnbeteiligung köderte
Paramount den damals 44jährigen, in ihrem
Film mitzuspielen. Eine kluge Entscheidung wie ich meine. Marvin ist einfach die
Idealbesetzung für den Trunkenbold Ben
Rumson. Es wird gemunkelt, dass Marvin
während der gesamten Dreharbeiten stets
betrunken war, was natürlich die Glaubwürdigkeit seiner Rolle positiv unterstrich.
Seite 7
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
unter Leitung von Chefkameramann
William Fraker in 35mm Panavision aufgenommen und für Erstaufführungskinos auf
70mm aufgeblasen. Eine dieser Erstaufführungskopien werden Sie anschließend
gleich sehen können. Es handelt sich um
eine deutsch synchronisierte Fassung, bei
der die Songs gnädigerweise im Original
belassen wurden. Wir werden also wirklich
Lee Marvin und Clint Eastwood singen
hören. Weniger erfreulich jedoch ist die
Tatsache, dass der Film für seine deutsche
Auswertung um etwa 15 Minuten gekürzt
wurde und wir somit einige der Songs nicht
zu hören bekommen. Immerhin besitzt die
Kopie noch ansehnliche Farben und verfügt
über exzellenten 6-Kanal-Stereo-Magnetton.
PAINT YOUR WAGON from 1969 is an
adaptation of the 1951 Broadway musical
by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe.
Most of the original material was changed
for the film version. Even some of the
songs were replaced by new songs
especially composed by Andre Previn.
With Joshua Logan as director location
filming took place in Baker City, Oregon,
Big Bear Lake, California and the San
Bernardino National Forest. Both Lee
Marvin and Clint Eastwood did their own
singing while Jean Seberg was dubbed by
Anita Gordon. Marvin’s version of
“Wandrin‘ Star” became very popular and
went to #1 on the British charts and even
won him a gold record.
Eingespieltes Team: Wolfram Hannemann
mit Assistentin Birgit beim leckeren
Foto: Tom March
Oktober 2009
The production of the film encountered a
lot of problems, especially caused by an
overblown budget. This lead to a lot of
delays and Eastwood was very frustrated
with it, later saying that the experience
strengthened his resolve to become a
It was on December 8, 1981, that I saw
PAINT YOUR WAGON for the first and
also the last time. I was lucky enough to
see it in a 70mm presentation back then
and liked the film very much. I was not
aware that the German version which I saw
was cut by approximately 15 minutes
eliminating some of the songs. Although it
is exactly that cut version which we are
going to show you today, I am still very
happy that I finally can relive my
wonderful experience from the 80s. The
colours of our print are still in good
condition as is the 6-track magnetic stereo
sound. And if you are one of those unlucky
guys who are not able to understand the
German dubbed dialogues – don’t worry.
At least the songs are in full blown
East of Java)
KRAKATOA – EAST OF JAVA is a perfect
example demonstrating that even a really bad
film deserves optimum presentation quality.
Otherwise, I am quite sure, nobody ever would
talk about this 1969 adventure movie. This at
least is my personal view on this subject and I
should tell you that I love trash movies!
JAVA really is can be judged by just
looking at its title. Anyone familiar with
geography knows that Krakatoa is located
west of Java. When the producers
discovered their geographical error it was
too late to change the title, because all of
the advertising and publicity material had
been prepared already. Changing all this
would have been too costly to achieve and
would have led to a delay in release.
Thanks to Hans Hänßler we are able to
its original English language roadshow
version. You will find that the colours have
already faded away, but we all are used to
that meanwhile. Nevertheless the razor
sharp picture quality will take your breath
away and maybe let you forget the film’s
trashy character. And I am pretty sure that
you will love the 3-strip Cinerama
simulation at the beginning of the film!
enstand 1969 unter Regie von Bernard L.
Kowalski. Kowalski begann seine Karriere
beim Fernsehen, wo er vornehmlich bei
Western-Serien Regie führen durfte. 1958
holte ihn Roger Cormans Bruder Gene zum
Film und verpflichtete ihn als Regisseur
des “Teen Exploitation” Films HOT CAR
folgten, bevor er sich wieder ganz der Inszenierung von TV-Serien widmete. Nach
fast zehn Jahren Kinoabstinenz übernahm
er dann die Regie für KRAKATOA und
blieb damit seinem Metier treu: Trash.
Aber wenn schon Trash, dann richtig: es
wurde im 65mm-Format gedreht. Sowohl
Todd-AO als auch Super Panavision 70
Kameras kamen unter Leitung des spanischen Chefkameramanns Manuel Berenguer
zum Einsatz. 65mm war für Berenguer
nichts Neues, hatte er doch drei Jahre zuvor bereits DIE VERFLUCHTEN DER
PAMPAS, den wir am Sonntag zeigen wer-
Seite 8
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
den, mit MCS70-Kameras aufgenommen.
KRAKATOA war ein schwieriges Projekt
von Anfang an. Das lag wohl nicht zuletzt
daran, dass es zwar kein Drehbuch gab,
aber man schon genau wusste, welche
Spezialeffekte benötigt wurden. Effektspezialist Eugènie Lourié nahm die meisten
Miniatursequenzen noch vor Fertigstellung
des Skripts auf. Die 65mm Super
Panavision Kameras bereiteten ihm dabei
erhebliche Kopfschmerzen. Denn für die
Effektaufnahmen war eine wesentlich höhere Bildfrequenz notwendig. Dadurch aber
wurden die Kameras überhitzt und mussten
jede Nacht repariert werden. Letztendlich
musste sich Lourié mit einer maximalen
Frequenz von 72 Bildern pro Sekunde begnügen. Der Qualität seiner visuellen Effekte hat das jedoch nicht geschadet. Ganz
im Gegenteil. Sie führten zu einer OscarNominierung. Übrigens ist Lourié selbst im
Film zu sehen: er übernahm die Minirolle
eines Telegraphenbeamten.
Nach dem großen Erfolg des Films ERDBEBEN 1974 wurde KRAKATOA Mitte der
siebziger Jahre unter dem Titel VOLCANO
erneut in die Kinos gebracht. Dieses Mal
ausgestattet mit “Feelarama”, einem
Sensurround nachempfundenen Tonsystem.
Wir zeigen Ihnen KRAKATOA – EAST
OF JAVA in seiner ungekürzten RoadshowVersion im 70mm-Format und mit 6-Kanal
Stereo Magnetton. Leider sind die Farben
schon verblasst, doch dafür triumphiert
hier die Bildschärfe. Unser Dank gebührt
Hans Hänßler, der uns diese Kopie zur
Verfügung gestellt hat.
Harm’s Way)
Auf den nächsten Film in unserem Festival
freue ich mich ganz besonders, gibt es uns
doch die Möglichkeit, einem Künstler Tribut zu zollen, dessen Lebenswerk einen
ganz besonderen Stellenwert in der Filmbranche einnimmt. Gemeint ist kein Geringerer als der Komponist Jerry Goldsmith.
ERSTER SIEG, oder besser IN HARM’S
WAY, aus dem Jahre 1965 markierte bereits
Goldsmiths zweite Arbeit für einen im
Zweiten Weltkrieg angesiedelten Film. Unmittelbar zuvor hatte Goldsmith KENN-
In gemütlicher Runde: Wolfram Hannemann und
Duncan McGregor diskutieren über das kommende
Widescreen Weekend in Bradford
Foto: Herbert Born
WORT: MORITURI für die 20 Century
Fox musikalisch vertont und begann noch
in derselben Woche, in der er IN HARM’S
WAY beendete, mit der Arbeit an
COLONEL VON RYAN’S EXPRESS, einem weiteren Kriegsfilm. Doch der 1929 in
Kalifornien geborene Komponist beschränkte sich im Laufe seiner Karriere
nicht auf Kriegsfilme. Ob Drama, Komödie,
Science-Fiction-, Horror- oder Westernfilm
– Goldsmith fand immer die richtigen Töne
und zeigte sich auch äußerst experimentierfreudig. Ob mit großem Sinfonieorchester,
kleiner Combo oder gar voll elektronisch:
er beherrschte alle Spielarten. Und das
bravourös bis ins hohe Alter. Am 10. Februar in diesem Jahr hätte Goldsmith seinen 80. Geburtstag feiern können. Doch er
verlor seinen Kampf gegen den Krebs am
21. Juli 2004. Ein herber Verlust für die
gesamte Branche.
Regisseur Otto Preminger war bekannt
dafür, der Musik in seinen Filmen stets
große Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und
förderte neue Filmmusiktalente wie Elmer
Bernstein, Jerry Fielding und auch Jerry
Goldsmith. Preminger holte den damals
36jährigen Goldsmith bereits zu den Dreharbeiten von IN HARM’S WAY hinzu,
etwas für damalige Verhältnisse vollkommen ungewöhnliches. Goldsmith war von
Anfang bis zum Ende mit dabei. Das ging
soweit dass Goldsmith fast in Konflikt
geraten wäre mit seinem Folgeauftrag VON
RYAN’S EXPRESS. Sein enger Terminplan
ließ es leider nicht mehr zu, dass
Goldsmith bei der Endmischung von ER-
STER SIEG anwesend war. So konnte er
letzte Änderungen bei der Tonmischung des
Finales des Films nicht mehr überwachen,
was zu einem Ungleichgewicht zwischen
Musik und Toneffekten in jener letzten
Sequenz und einer daraus resultierenden
künstlerischen Verstimmung zwischen
Komponist und Regisseur führte.
I would like to dedicate this very rare
screening of Otto Preminger ’s IN HARM’S
WAY from 1965 to the memory of film
music legend Jerry Goldsmith, who
provided the score for this movie. This
February Goldsmith would have celebrated
his 80 birthday. Goldsmith died in 2004
due to his struggle against cancer. A big
loss for the motion picture industry. I
twice had the pleasure of attending Jerry
Goldsmith conducting some of his motion
picture scores during concerts in London.,
both of which were breathtaking.
Goldsmith sometimes was referred as being
arrogant and selfish. However, his music
never was. It always fitted so well to the
movies it was written for and always
supported the storytelling. If you haven’t
met Jerry yet, then IN HARM’S WAY is
your change to actually see him. He can be
spottet leading a jazz combo early in the
film and even interact with one of the
leading actors, Tom Tryon. So keep your
eyes open.
We will be showing IN HARMS WAY the
way it was intended for first run theatres
in a 70mm blow up print with 6-track
Seite 9
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
stereophonic magnetic sound. Although
being almost three hours long, the movie
has no build-in intermission. Since we are
running this film off a platter which at that
lengthy running time is quite full we have
decided to run it with an intermission, thus
making sure that the print will not be
damaged unintentionally. I am sure that
this will not spoil the movie experience
and your understanding is appreciated very
much. And if you expect to see a magenta
coloured print right now, I must
disappoint you. Otto Preminger and his
Director of Photography, Loyal Griggs,
decided to shoot it in black and white,
leading to an Academy Award nomination.
(Faubourg 36)
Bonsoir Mesdames et Messieurs!
Bienvenue au festival Todd-AO soixantedix millimetres! Aber damit war’s das auch
schon mit meinem Französisch. Nachdem
wir gleich im Anschluss einen Film in französischer Sprache sehen werden, dachte ich
mir, sollte ich Sie doch wenigstens auf
französisch begrüßen.
Willkommen also zu einem der Höhepunkte
unseres diesjährigen 70mm-Filmfestivals,
Christoph Barratiers FAUBOURG 36 aus
dem Jahre 2008. Gäbe es einen Preis für
den absurdesten deutschen Filmtitel, dieser
Film hätte ihn gewonnen: PARIS, PARIS –
ZUM GLÜCK, so der Geniestreich des
deutschen Filmverleihs.
Oktober 2009
Fomat aussehen würde. Gesagt – getan.
Man kopierte eine der Tanznummern auf
70mm, um das einfach mal auszuprobieren.
Barratier war begeistert – wen wundert’s?
Als er dann noch hörte, dass es in Paris
sogar noch ein Kino gibt, welches 70mm
spielen kann, beschlossen er und seine
Crew, sich eine kleine Freude zu machen
und den gesamten Film auf 70mm zu ziehen und ihn so im Paramount Opera in
Paris zu zeigen. Mit dieser Luxusspielerei,
die sich die Filmemacher gönnten, war
Barratier sichtlich zufrieden. Anna erzählte
mir ferner, dass Barratier höchst erstaunt
darüber war, dass es tatsächlich noch eine
Fangemeinde für dieses wunderschöne
Filmformat gibt und er fand es großartig.
Vor FAUBOURG 36 hatte er nie selbst
einen Film in 70mm gesehen, sondern nur
theoretisch darüber Bescheid gewusst!
Freuen Sie sich nun also auf eine echte
Unikatkopie, die uns von Pathe zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Der Film wurde von
Tom Stern, der viele Filme für Clint
Eastwood fotographierte, in
anamorphotischem Panavision aufgenommen und in den Laboratoires Arane unter
Aufsicht von Jean Rene Faillot auf 70mm
aufgeblasen. Wir freuen uns Monsieur
Faillot heute Abend zu Gast zu haben. Er
wird Ihnen im Anschluss an den Film auch
gerne Rede und Antwort stehen.
Wir zeigen den Film in der französischen
Originalfassung mit 6-Kanal DTS Digitalton. Dem unermüdlichen Einsatz unseres
Vorführers Vincent Koch ist es zu verdan-
ken, dass wir den Film mit deutschen Untertiteln präsentieren können. Dieses Engagement dürfen Sie gerne im Anschluss an
die Vorführung mit einem kräftigen Applaus belohnen!
Christophe Barratier ’s FAUBOURG 36
marks the first time in many, many years
that a new film was actually released with
at least one 70mm print. The blow up from
the 35mm anamorphic negative was done at
Arane Laboratory in Paris, the same lab
that also did the restoration of Jacques
Tati’s PLAYTIME in 70mm some time ago.
We are honoured to have Monsieur Jean
Rene Faillot from Arane Labs with us
tonight and he will be happy answering all
your questions after the screening.
FAUBOURG 36 will be presented in
70mm and 6-track DTS digital sound in its
original French language version. As an
added attraction our projectionist Vincent
Koch will provide German subtitles. For
all those of you who can‘t neither understand French nor read German I suggest to
fully concentrate on the phantastic settings
of the film and its fascinating camera work
by Tom Stern, all covered so well in this
wonderful 70mm blow up in full colour!
Good Morning, Widescreeners! I hope you
enjoyed your breakfast. Please allow me to
Ehrengast Jean-Rene Faillot mit Dolmetscherin
und Hausherr Herbert Born (v.l.n.r.)
Foto: Thomas Hauerslev
In der 70mm-Fangemeinde nimmt
FAUBOURG 36 einen ganz besonderen
Stellenwert ein. Denn nach vielen, vielen
Jahren wurde erstmals wieder ein Film auf
70mm aufgeblasen und auch so vorgeführt.
Wie kam es dazu? Meine Kolumnistin
Anna Rudschies hatte im letzten Jahr das
Vergnügen, ein Interview mit Regisseur
Christophe Barratier zu führen und konnte
mir die folgenden Informationen hierzu aus
erster Hand liefern. FAUBOURG 36 wurde
im französischen Kopierwerk Arane bearbeitet. Während einer Sichtung des Films
meinte jemand scherzhafter Weise, dass das
ganz bestimmt bombastisch im 70mm-
Seite 10
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
do the main part of my introduction to our
first film today in English with respect to
our foreign visitors. You will have a fair
chance to listen to lots of German
dialogues almost throughout the day!
Nobody less than good old William Shakespeare delivered the source for JULIUS
CAESAR. Joseph L. Mankiewicz scripted
and directed Shakespeare’s famous play
about the assassination of Julius Caesar for
MGM in 1953. It premiered in June of
1953 in the USA, only three months prior
to THE ROBE, which made movie history
by being the very first film in the
revolutionary CinemaScope process.
JULIUS CAESAR, however, still got the
standard Academy frame treatment with an
aspect ratio of 1:1.37. Furtheron it was
photographed in black and white by Joseph Ruttenberg. Nevertheless the film’s
soundtrack was produced in 4-track stereo
by Douglas Shearer. Shearer, who was the
brother of actress Norma Shearer, was head
of MGM’s sound department for quite a
long time and helped to co-develop
MGM’s Camera 65 widescreen process.
Although JULIUS CAESAR was recorded
stereophonically it is said that it never
went in stereo into the theatres.
At the end of the sixties 70mm was big in
fashion, especially with MGM. Everything
had to be released in 70mm. Not only the
films which had been photographed in
65mm, just anything. MGM finally
decided to blow up the 1939 GONE WITH
THE WIND to 70mm. Although being a
very delicate subject from an artistic point
of view it was a big success at the box
office. In 1969 MGM decided to re-release
JULIUS CAESAR in the splendor of full
frame 70mm. And this time the original 4track stereo mix was applied. And MGM
even got one step further: they had the
black and white picture tinted in different
colours! So now suddenly JULIUS CAESAR had become a 70mm widescreen
movie in full color and 6-track stereo
Oktober 2009
Joseph L. Mankiewicz inszenierte JULIUS
CAESAR 1953 für MGM. Aus dem im
Normalformat und in schwarzweiß photographierten Werk wurde erst 1969 ein farbiges, sterephones und breitformatiges
Spektakel – Dank MGMs 70mm Blow Up
Strategie, die auch vor Filmen wie VOM
WINDE VERWEHT nicht Halt machte.
Mit der Musik für JULIUS CAESAR wurde MGMs Experte für historische Filme
beauftragt, der gebürtige Ungar Miklos
Rozsa, der 1940 in die USA emigriert war.
Rozsa komponierte eigens eine Ouvertüre,
die vor dem Film, also bei geschlossenem
Vorhang, gespielt werden sollte, um die
Zuschauer entsprechend musikalisch auf
das folgende Drama einzustimmen. Doch
MGMs Chefetage hatte ganz andere Ideen
und befand, dass Tschaikowskys “Capriccio Italien” ein wesentlich geeigneteres
Stück dafür sei. Nun, Führungsriege eben.
Rozsas Ouvertüre wurde kurzerhand entfernt und verschwand in der Versenkung.
Doch das ändern wir heute. Denn die
Originalmusikaufnahmen von damals haben
überlebt – wenn auch nur in mono - und so
können wir Ihnen JULIUS CAESAR mit
jener Ouvertüre präsentieren, die Rozsa
dafür vorgesehen hatte.
(Solomon And Sheba)
SABA aus dem Jahre 1959 gehört zu jenen
Filmen, die es in das Buch “The Fifty
Worst Films of All Time (and how they got
that way)” der Autoren Harry Medved und
Randy Lowell geschafft hat. Aber davon
sollten wir uns nicht weiter beirren lassen.
Denn schließlich wird bereits im Vorspann
ein “Orgy Sequence Advisor”, also ein
“Berater für die Orgien-Szene”, genannt –
und das lässt hoffen! Und wir haben zwei
Weltstars in den Titelrollen. Gina
Lollobrigida, besser bekannt als “Lollo”
oder “Mona Lisa des 20. Jahrhunderts”
und zu jener Zeit gerade mal 32, in der
Rolle der Königin von Saba und Yul
Brynner als Salomon. Dabei handelte es
sich bei dem gebürtigen Russen Yul
Brynner nur um die Zweitbesetzung.
Schauspielerkollege Tyrone Power, der den
Film mitproduzierte, hatte schon mehr als
die Hälfte seiner Szenen abgedreht, als er
plötzlich während der Dreharbeiten zusammenbrach und wenige Minuten später im
Alter von nur 44 Jahren verstarb. Yul
Brynner trat in seine Fußstapfen und drehte alle Szenen noch einmal nach. Aber
Süffiges „Get-Together“: (v.l.n.r.) Uwe Derksen, Ben Wales, Duncan McGregor, Tom
March und Wolfram Hannemann beim Testen der Hoepfner-Bierspezialitäten
Fotro: Birgit Henke
Like almost all of the 70mm colour prints
of the sixties our JULIUS CAESAR print
has a severe color fading. The color scheme
that was introduced with the 70mm print
now leads to different shades of pink and
magenta. What a shame they really went
for the colorization!
Seite 11
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Tyrone Power ist nach wie vor im Film zu
sehen, vornehmlich in den Totalen.
Oktober 2009
Langsam öffnet sich der Vorhang...die Vorstellung beginnt
Foto: Birgit Henke
Auch für den Regisseur des Films, King
Vidor, damals 65 Jahre alt, war
vom Film. Es war seine letzte Regiearbeit.
Erst zwanzig Jahre später trat er noch
einmal hinter die Kamera, nämlich für den
Als Chefkameramann für SOLOMON AND
SHEBA fungierte der Brite Freddie Young,
der zwei Jahre später seine sehr erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit David Lean begann und Meisterwerke wie LAWRENCE
und RYAN’S TOCHTER photographierte.
Although writers Medved and Lowell did
include the 1959 production of
SOLOMON AND SHEBA in their book
“The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (and
how they got that way)”, I am convinced
that we will enjoy it for it has lovely Gina
Lollobrigida participating in an orgy scene!
And that probably is the scene for which
this movie is most noted for. Of course it
features other values, too. Like Freddie
Young’s photography in Super Technirama
70, meaning that a 35mm negative film is
running horizontally through the camera.
Having worked before either with Academy
format or CinemaScope, SOLOMON AND
SHEBA marked Freddie Young’s first
venture into large format photography. I
once asked Freddie whether he choose Super Technirama for this production or
whether it was requested by the producer.
Freddie, nearly 90 at that time, only
replied “You seem to know more about my
films than I myself”. End of story. So let
us just take a look at the SOLOMON AND
SHEBA souvenir brochure in which Super
Technirama 70 is explained as follows:
“The startling clarity and depth of the
SUPER TECHNIRAMA-70 image on the
giant screen marks a major step forward in
motion picture presentation. The process
combines special systems of photography
and projection to obtain, on a giant curved
screen, an image which, in depth of focus
and clarity, is infinitely superior to any
other process now in use. The lens system
designed by Professor Dr. A. Bouwers of
N. V. Optische Industrie de „Oude Delft“
of Holland. It was developed by the
Technicolor Corporation under supervision
of Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, president. The
camera uses an entirely new type of
anamorphic lens and utilizes a doubleframe negative which passes horizontally
through the camera. The resulting image on
the screen, after being printed on 70millimeter film, has no „separation lines“
and is equally brilliant and undistorted
when viewed from any seat in the theatre,
no matter how far to the side or how far
up front the seat may be. It is definitely
the projection system of the future,
available to audiences today”.
So just sit back, relax and enjoy our
German dubbed 70mm presentation of
(Dersu Uzala)
On March 23 next year Japanese film
director Akira Kurosawa would celebrate
his 100 th birthday. He was voted the 6th
greatest director of all time by
Entertainment Weekly, making him the
only Asian on a list of 50 directors and the
highest ranking non-American. In 2005
UK’s Empire magazine ranked him #6 in
„The Greatest directors ever!“ Without
any doubt Kurosawa became a legend. His
films were frequently copied and remade
by American and European filmmakers:
(1960), YOJIMBO (1961) was remade as A
(1958) was a major inspiration for the
STAR WARS saga. Which brings me to our
next feature film presentation: DERSU
UZALA, directed by Akira Kurosawa. It
has been suggested in a number of quarters
that Dersu himself, a wise old man in the
woods dressed in ragged clothes with a
singular way of speaking, was an
inspiration for Yoda in the STAR WARS
films. And it’s not hard to see the
connection, especially when you consider
how much of a fan of Kurosawa’s work
George Lucas was and still is.
And Kurosawa was very lucky that he was
able to direct DERSU UZALA at all. In
1970 his comparatively low budget but
very personal story of the lives of a group
of Tokyo slum dwellers, DO DESU KA
DEN, was released, the first production of
The Committee of Four Knights, a group
founded by Kurosawa with fellow
directors Kon Ichikawa, Masaki Kobayashi
Seite 12
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
and Keisuke Kinoshita. They were keen
that their first film should be a hit. It
wasn’t. On December 22nd 1971,
Kurosawa attempted suicide by slashing
his throat six times and his wrists eight.
Fortunately for him and for film history,
the attempt did not prove fatal.
In 1973 Kurosawa began work on DERSU
UZALA, a co-production with Mosfilm
Studios to be shot in Russia and in the
Russian language, the director’s first nonJapanese film. It was shot on 70mm film
stock and took two years to complete,
with the temperature during filming in
Siberia often dropping to -40º C. What
could have felt like a further compromise –
Kurosawa had to leave Japan to make a
movie – turned into a triumph. The film
won two major prizes at the Moscow International Film Festival and the Oscar for
Best Foreign Language Film.
Akira Kurosawa died on September 6,
Our sincere thanks goes to Orla Nielsen
from Denmark, who has provided us with a
70mm print of DERSU UZALA.
Akira Kurosawas DERSU UZALA, der
Oktober 2009
unter dem Titel UZALA DER KIRGISE
auch in die deutschen Kinos kam, ist eine
Parabel über den Zusammenstoß zweier
Kulturen, die sich im Grunde fremd bleiben. Kurosawa sagte dazu selbst einmal:
“Man hat vergessen, dass der Mensch ein
Teil der Natur ist und dass man sie habgierig schändet. Deshalb versuche ich einen
Menschen zu zeigen, der mit der Natur in
Einklang lebt”. Und das tut er in mythischen, großartigen Bildern, die geradezu
geschaffen sind für das 70mm-Format. Da
wundert es nicht, dass er gleich drei Kameramänner für seinen Film verpflichtete.
Aufgenommen wurde im Sovscope 70 Format, welches mit 70mm Negativfilm arbeitet.
Wir zeigen Ihnen DESRU UZALA in einer
russischsprachigen 70mm Kopie mit deutschen und dänischen Untertiteln. Unser
Dank geht an Orla Nielsen aus Dänemark,
der uns diese Kopie zur Verfügung stellt
sowie an unseren Vorführer Vincent Koch,
der für die technische Realisierung der
deutschen Untertitel verantwortlich zeichnet sowie Galina Shaveika für die deutschen Untertitel selbst.
Reich gedeckte Tafel: das Gourmet-Frühstücksbüffet der Schauburg
Foto: Birgit Henke
Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren!
Im Namen der Schauburg darf ich Sie ganz
herzlich willkommen heissen zu unserer
traditionellen Gala-Vorstellung im Rahmen
des 5. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestivals.
Schön zu sehen, dass doch einige von Ihnen
unserer Einladung gefolgt sind und sich
extra für den heutigen Abend in Schale
geworfen haben.
deutsche Kinofilm, der mit 65mm-Negativfilm aufgenommen und mit 70mm-Kopien
in die Erstaufführungshäuser gebracht wurde. Seine Weltpremiere erlebte er am 19.
Dezember 1962 im Münchener Royal-Palast. Die Regie teilten sich Hermann
Leitner und Rudolf Nussgruber, die beide
nach diesem Großformat-Abenteuer ausschließlich für das Fernsehen tätig waren.
Ironie des Schicksals?
Ganz bestimmt hatten die beiden Regisseure nicht damit gerechnet, dass ihr Film 45
Jahre nach seiner Erstaufführung mit einer
nagelneuen 70mm-Kopie seine glanzvolle
Rückkehr in ausgewählte Kinos feiern würde! Diesen Umstand verdanken wir dem
Bundesfilmarchiv. Denn dort nahm man die
“Bigger Than Life”-Retrospektive zum
Thema 70mm-Film auf der diesjährigen
Berlinale zum Anlass, den Film wieder in
seinem originalen Format verfügbar zu
machen. Nach Jahrzehnten der unzureichend klimatisierten Lagerung des “Flying
Clipper“-Films hatte das Bundesarchiv
leider erst 2001 eine bereits geschrumpfte
und rotstichige 70-mm-Kopie erhalten.
Jürgen Brückner, unser 70mm-Experte aus
Coburg, stellte dem Bundesarchiv 2006
dankenswerter Weise das Originalnegativ
sowie zwei Jahre später auch die 35mm 6Kanalton-Magnetfilme zur Verfügung. Somit war der Weg frei für eine aufwändige
Neukopierung, die von der amerikanischen
Firma Fotokem unter Leitung von Andrew
Oran ausgeführt wurde.
1963 schrieb Karl Korn für die “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” eine Rezension,
die ich Ihnen nicht vorenthalten möchte,
weil ich sie besonders lustig finde.
“FLYING CLIPPER wird bei den
Oberhausenern und ihren Freunden nur
kalte Verachtung finden. Das
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Der 70mm-Experte: Ehrengast Heinz Hölscher (l) mit
Festivalchef Herbert Born
Foto: Birgit Henke
there is any at all, resembles a lot to the
1958 Cinemiracle film WINDJAMMER.
Even the German narration in both films is
done by the same actor, Hans Clarin, who
is well known to German audiences.
FLYING CLIPPER was released in the
HOLIDAY and advertised as “Wonderama”
featuring narration by Burl Ives and some
extra material not included in the original
version. The music for FLYING CLIPPER
was composed and conducted by Italian
composer Riz Ortolani and performed by
the Graunke symphony orchestra.
We are happy to have one of FLYING
CLIPPER’s original cameramen with us
tonight, Mr. Heinz Hölscher, who was
responsible for most of the aerial
photography. I am sure that he will be glad
to answer any questions during the
intermission or after the film.
neue Farbentraumwunder ist in der Tat
künstlerisch kaum bemerkenswert. Die
junge flotte Mannschaft
des Segelschiffs wird nach dem simpelsten
dramaturgischen Rezept überall da an die
ausgesetzt, wo es große Ziele des gehobenen Wohlstandstourismus vorzuzeigen gibt:
Akropolis und
Abu Simbel, Konstantinopel und die große
Rallye von Monte Carlo samt der dem
filmischen Traum genealogisch und
filmologisch zugehörigen Gracia Patricia.
Die Jungen fahren Ski im Libanon und klettern in den herrlichen Ruinen von Baalbek
herum, sie springen wie die Affen über die
von Trams, Festrägern und sonstigem Inventar wimmelnden Boulevards von Kairo
und zeigen natürlich auch bei der andalusischen Fiesta ihre weißen Mützen und
schlaksigen Gestalten. Die untere
Geschmacksgrenze wird nicht immer gemieden, so etwa wenn ein jugoslawischer
Damenmotorsportklub die Boys auf Motorrollern über die dalmatinischen Höhen
“entführt”. Trotzdem ist dieser Film, abgesehen von der Spekulation auf Schaueffekte, die kein Fernsehen je wird einholen
können, auch filmisch nicht ohne Interesse... Das wuchtige Bild zieht den Betrachter gewaltig an sich heran. Man hat auch
eine enorme Illusion der Bildtiefe. Das
akustische Zubehör arbeitet mit Sechskanalstereoton. Da die neue
deutsche...Kamera, verglichen mit anderen
70-mm-Kameras, bemerkenswert leicht an
Gewicht ist, kommen zu den dynamischen
Wirkungen von Bild und Ton bisher
ungekannte Möglichkeiten der Kamerabewegung. Die Herren Regisseure und Kameramänner haben sich einige Bravourstükke des Schwenks mit dem neuen Apparat
nicht entgehen lassen”.
Soweit Karl Korn. Einen der Kameramänner des Films haben wir heute Abend übrigens zu Gast: Bundesfilmpreisträger Heinz
Hölscher. Seine waghalsigen Luftaufnahmen
zeigen mediterrane Landschaften, die es so
heute nicht mehr gibt. Und die machen
FLYING CLIPPER zu einem einzigartigen
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our gala
performance within the 5 th Todd-AO 70mm
film festival. And a big “Thank You” to all
of you who really went through a lot of
trouble just to get nicely dressed for this
evening. The film which you are going to
see tonight had its premiere in 1962 and is
considered as being the first German
production filmed in 65mm, using the then
brand new MCS70 Superpanorama camera
system. The plot of this travelogue, if
Thanks to the Bundesfilmarchiv a new
70mm print was made at Fotokem in the
USA and premiered at the Berlin Film Festival in February as part of its 70mm
retrospective. That is the print we will be
showing tonight, complete with a brand
new 6-track DTS digital soundtrack. Enjoy
your journey!
(That’s Entertainment!)
Guten Morgen und herzlich willkommen
zum dritten und letzten Tag unseres fünften Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestivals. Haben
wir Sie gestern nach dem Frühstück noch
mit verfilmter Weltliteratur versorgt, so
wollen wir es am heutigen Sonntag etwas
leichter angehen!
THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT, den MetroGoldwyn-Mayer 1974 zu ihrem 50jährigen
Firmenjubiläum in die Kinos brachte, ist
ein bunter Querschnitt durch die Welt der
Filmmusicals, die untrennbar mit MGM
verbunden sind. “Bunt” zumindest bei der
Erstaufführung, denn unsere Kopie weist
leider schon ein gewisses Farbfading auf.
Drehbuchautor und Regisseur der mitreissenden Nummernrevue ist Jack Haley Jr.,
der sich mit vielen Dokumentarfilmen im
Kino und auch Fernsehen einen Namen
Seite 14
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
machte. Er ist der Sohn des Schauspielers
Jack Haley, der im Klassiker THE
WIZARD OF OZ den “Tin Man” spielte
und er war ein paar Jahre mit Schauspielerin Liza Minnelli verheiratet. Die wiederum
ist die Tochter von Judy Garland, welche
die “Dorothy” in THE WIZARD OF OZ
spielte. Keine Frage: THE WIZARD OF
OZ wird in dieser Retrospektive natürlich
nicht fehlen.
MGMs Abteilung für Fernsehdokumentationen holte Haley Jr. 1972 an
Bord. Dort hatten Nicholas Noxon und
Irwin Rosten die Idee, eine TV-Dokumentation über die Geschichte des Filmmusicals zu machen. Haley überzeugte die beiden relativ schnell davon, ihr Geld nicht
für das Material anderer Studios auszugeben, wenn MGM selbst genügend Material
in dieser Hinsicht zu bieten hatte. Zusammen mit den Cuttern Bud Friedgen und
Michael J. Sheridan wurde eine Demorolle
zusammengestellt. Als man Daniel Melnick
als Exekutivproduzenten für das Projekt
hinzuholte und dieser die kleine Demorolle
sah, setzte er alle Hebel in Bewegung, um
das Projekt ins Kino zu bringen. Haley
rekrutierte seinen alten Freund Gene Kelly
und bat diesen, so viele Stars wie nur möglich als Hosts für das Projekt zu gewinnen.
Binnen weniger Tage waren die Zusagen
von elf der ganz Großen bereits vorhanden.
Mehr noch: Sie willigten ein, ihre Gage
komplett dem Motion Picture Relief Fund
zu überlassen.
Oktober 2009
very finest of Hollywood’s “Golden Era”,
but none more so than the incomparable
musicals. Although the MGM musicals
have long held a steadfast place in the
annals of film history, they were
catapulted to the forefront of
contemporary cinema in 1974 with the
release of the phenomenal THAT’S
ENTERTAINMENT!. The sixth biggest
grossing film of the year, THAT’S
ENTERTAINMENT! thrilled audiences
with excerpts from over 70 musical
masterpieces. Under the leadership of Jack
Haley Jr. the studio’s vaults were scoured
for material. All involved spent their
weekends literally crawling on their hands
and knees through film vaults that hadn’t
been sifted through in decades. Their goal
that it not only showcase MGM’s greatest
musical numbers, but also present these
numbers in the best possible picture and
sound. When finally completed THAT’S
ENTERTAINMENT! was 133 minutes of
nostalgic and incomparable Technicolor
imagery which moved effortlessly from
square to widescreen. The sound had been
re-mixed to follow every movement and the
black and white images had been carefully
retimed to retain their perfect gray scale
despite the fact that they were being
presented on 70mm color film stock. This
was the extra touch of showmanship that
own, unique filmgoing experience.
My sincere thanks to George Feltenstein,
whose excellent liner notes for the laser
disc release of THAT’S
ENTERTAINMENT helped so much in
preparing this introduction.
You will be watching a German dubbed
70mm first run print from 1975. Don’t
worry – all of the songs will be heard in
their original English language version.
However, the colors of our print have
already begun to fade away. Nevertheless I
am sure that this will not spoil your movie
SAVAGE PAMPAS entstand als spanischargentinisch-amerikanische Co-Produktion
im Jahre 1966. In den deutschen Kinos
herausgebracht wurde der auf 65mm mit
MCS70-Kameras aufgenommene Film
durch den Nora-Filmverleih. Übrigens hatte
derselbe Verleih bereits ein paar Wochen
zuvor ebenfalls DER KONGRESS AMÜSIERT SICH mit 70mm-Kopien in bundesdeutschen Kinos ausgewertet. Vielleicht
Filmspezialisten: Anna Rudschies und Wolfram Hannemann
Foto: Birgit Henke
Der enorme Aufwand hatte sich gelohnt:
MGMs größter Hit seit fast einem Jahrzehnt. Während seiner fünfmonatigen Laufzeit erwirtschaftete der für 975.000 Dollar
produzierte Film mehr als 40 Millionen
Dollar. Dieser Erfolg sowie die Tatsache,
dass das MGM-Archiv noch tonnenweise
weiteres Material bereithielt, führten zu
zwei Fortsetzungen.
Just southwest of Hollywood proper lies a
little hamlet known as Culver City,
California, wherein once reigned a factory
of sorts. Despite its Culver City locale,
the factory shipped its product out
proudly with the stamp “Made in Hollywood, U.S.A.”. This was not really a
misnomer, for if any product personified
the magic of Hollywood, it was the films
of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Today, a vast
majority of these films are regarded as the
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Noch ein Ehrengast: Dieter Gäbler
Foto: Thomas Hauerslev
erinnern Sie sich – wir hatten diesen Film
im letzten Jahr während des Todd-AOFestivals bereits gezeigt.
Mitproduzent bei SAVAGE PAMPAS war
der legendäre Samuel Bronston, obgleich er
weder im Titelvorspann noch auf den Filmpostern genannt wird. Stattdessen wird
Jaime Prades als Produzent aufgeführt, der
zur Führungsriege von Bronston’s Imperium gehörte. Das aber war zur Zeit von
SAVAGE PAMPAS bereits stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, denn Bronston musste
Konkurs anmelden. Grund dafür war der
Film, den wir Ihnen im Anschluss an
SAVAGE PAMPAS zeigen werden.
PAMPAS führte der 1908 in Argentinien
geborene Hugo Fregonese. Es ist das Remake von Fregoneses erstem Films PAMPA BARBARA, den er 1945 in Argentinien
inszenierte. Die Außenaufnahmen für sein
Remake entstanden in Spanien unter Chefkameramann Manuel Berenguer. Dieter
Gäbler, den wir heute bei uns zu Gast haben, war damals als Kameraassistent tätig
und konnte die Dreharbeiten hautnah miterleben. Vielleicht kann er uns ja im
Anschluss an die Vorführung noch etwas
dazu erzählen.
Ein weiteres Dankeschön an Hans Hänßler,
der uns diese 70mm-Kopie zur Verfügung
gestellt hat. Um es positiv auszudrücken:
es wurde mir versichert, dass die Kopie
über Farbtupfer verfügt...
Robert Taylor, Ron Randell, Marc
Lawrence and Ty Hardin star in the 1966
production of SAVAGE PAMPAS, filmed
in Spain using MCS70 cameras and 65mm
stock. Argentinian born Hugo Fregonese
directed this remake of his own film PAMPA BARBARA from 1945. SAVAGE
PAMPAS, which is reported to have never
been exhibited in 70mm in the USA, was
not Fregonese’s first encounter with
65mm. In fact he also directed OLD
BATTLE; as it was titled in the UK) two
years before which he also shot in MCS70.
Spanish Manuel Berenguer was the
Director of Photography on SAVAGE
PAMPAS, the same cinematographer
whose work we could already see on
Friday when we screened KRAKATOA –
EAST OF JAVA. One of the camera
assisstants on SAVAGE PAMPAS was
Dieter Gäbler, whom we have with us
today and hopefully he can tell us a little
bit about the ongoings on the set during
that time after our screening. In fact ,
during my research for my intro to
SAVAGE PAMPAS I found that it is quite
difficult getting some in-depth information
about this production, which was coproduced by Samuel Bronston. At least I
could get some information on the film’s
composer, Waldo De Los Rios.
He was born in 1937 as Osvaldo Nicholas
Ferrara in Buenos Aires into a musical
family; his father was a musician and his
mother a well known folk singer; he
studied composition and arranging at the
National Conservatory of Music. He was
inspired by an eclectic range of music and
formed a musical group called „The Waldos“ which crossed folk music with
electronic sounds. De los Rios turned to
work in cinema and film sound tracks. For
SAVAGE PAMPAS he received a
prestigious award from the Argentine
Cinemagraphic Association. He is bestremembered for his ability to transform
European classical music into pop music.
His 1971 arrangement of Mozart’s
Symphony No. 40 recorded with the Manuel de Falla orchestra, reached the top
spot in the Dutch charts and scored a top
10 hit in several other European countries.
In 1970, prior to this success, Waldo de los
Rios had already climbed the charts around
Europe and America with Ludwig van
Beethoven’s Ode To Joy which he arranged
and conducted for Miguel Rios. A victim of
an acute depression , De Los Rios
committed suicide in Madrid in 1977.
Ladies and Gentlemen, be prepared now
for a film which has got an “18” rating
when been first shown to German
audiences. Being released with a running
time of 112 minutes during its premier run
in Spain it obviousley was cut to 94
minutes, which is our print’s running time.
Nevertheless it is in 70mm and features 6track stereo magnetic sound. Thanks to
Hans Hänßler for enabling us to show this
print, which as I was told still reveals
some color spots!
(The Fall of the Roman
marks one of the biggest financial fiascos
in motion picture history. You could easily
rename the film’s title to THE FALL OF
Bronston, that is. And FALL was one of
two projects he had underway in 1964, the
other one being CIRCUS WORLD.
Encouraged by the box office success with
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
EL CID in 1961, Bronston invested an
awfull lot of money to build his own little
empire in Las Rozas near Madrid in Spain:
the Samuel Bronston studios. The gigantic
movie sets for FALL OF THE ROMAN
EMPIRE and the following failure of the
film at the box office left Bronston with a
lot of debts. Although he did produce four
more movies after FALL, his main
occupation was to handle proceedings in
bankruptcy. It took him almost 20 years to
repay all his depts. He died at the age of
85 in California and was buried in Alicante,
What Bronston will always be remembered
for are the super spectacles he produced,
featuring big stars and huge sets, all of
which as we all know were shown in 70mm
all around the world. I think that I do not
exaggerate when I say that it is due to
Bronston’s showmanship in the sixties that
so many of us here today started their
interest and enthusiasm for 70mm
roadshow presentations.
Thanks to Rene Wolf and Marleen Labijt
from the Filmmuseum Amsterdam we are
able to present THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE in a 70mm print which is
rumoured to be the best available print
nowadays. A lot of cut versions have been
made over the years but according to its
running time this print should be almost
complete. Although being filmed in Ultra
Panavision 70 which usually has a slight
anamorphic squeeze on the 65mm negative,
the print is just flat with an aspect ratio of
1:2.2. It seems that no anamorphic nor
rectified 70mm prints have ever been
struck of this film. The sound is 6-track
stereo magnetic sound and you will listen
to the original English version.
REICHES war gleichzeitig der Untergang
seines Produzenten, Samuel Bronston.
Ermutigt durch den finanziellen Erfolg von
EL CID ließ Bronston riesige Studios in
der Nähe von Madrid bauen, um dort seine
Filme zu produzieren. Für den UNTERGANG ließ er das Forum Romanum dort
originalgetreu nachbauen und hält damit
noch immer den Rekord für das größte
Outdoor Set, das jemals für einen Film
gebaut wurde. Der UNTERGANG erwies
sich leider als Paramounts größter Flopp
im Jahre 1964 und führte zu Bronstons
Perfektes Ambiente für ein Festival: der Innenhof
der Schauburg lädt zum Relaxen ein
Foto: Birgit Henke
In diesem Jahr feierte das Epos seinen 45.
Geburtstag und die Hauptdarstellerin Sophia Loren wurde vor ein paar Tagen 75.
Die Gage der damals 30jährigen betrug eine
Million Dollar. Das hatte vor ihr nur
Elizabeth Taylor für ihre Rolle in
CLEOPATRA geschafft. DER UNTERGANG DES RÖMISCHEN REICHES sollte ursprünglich direkt nach EL CID entstehen und hätte die beiden Hauptdarsteller
Charlton Heston und Sophia Loren wieder
vereint. Die Kulisse des Forum Romanum
war bereits in Bau, als Heston das Dreh-
buch ablehnte und gleichzeitig großes Interesse an Bronstons 55 TAGE IN PEKING
äußerte. Bronston ließ daraufhin sofort die
Arbeiten am Forum einstellen und befahl,
das Ganze in das für 55 TAGE IN PEKING benötigte Peking-Set umzugestalten.
Nach Fertigstellung des Peking-Films wurde das Set wieder demontiert und das Forum Romanum neu aufgebaut. Die Rolle
des Livius, einst Charlton Heston zugedacht, übernahm Stephen Boyd, der in
BEN-HUR als Messala, Hestons Gegenspieler, zu sehen war. Boyd machte später
den finanziellen Misserfolg von DER UN-
Seite 17
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
für das Ende seiner Schauspielerkarriere
Für die Musik des Films verpflichtete
Bronston den damals 70jährigen Dimitri
Tiomkin. Für Tiomkin war der UNTERGANG sein Magnum Opus und er steckte
sehr viel Herzblut in seinen Score. Dass er
dafür von der Academy of Motion Picture
Arts & Sciences nur mit einer Oscar-Nominierung, nicht aber mit dem Oscar selbst
ausgezeichnet wurde, schmerzte ihn sehr.
Der Award fiel damals den Sherman
Brothers für ihren Score zu MARY
POPPINS zu. Zu seiner Ehrenrettung aber
wurde Tiomkin für seine Musik ein Golden
Globe überreicht. Dimitri Tiomkin ist übrigens einer jener sechs Hollywood-Filmkomponisten, die es 1999 auf eine amerikanische 33 Cent Briefmarke geschafft haben.
Die anderen fünf in dieser “Legends of
American Music” Serie waren Max Steiner,
Bernard Herrmann, Franz Waxman, Alfred
Newman, und Erich Wolfgang Korngold.
Erleben Sie nun also DER UNTERGANG
DES RÖMISCHEN REICHES in der besterhaltenen und wohl nahezu vollständigen
70mm Roadshow-Version. Unser Dank
gebührt Rene Wolf und Marleen Labijt vom
Filmmuseum Amsterdam, die uns diese
Kopie zur Verfügung gestellt haben.
FUNNY GIRL (Funny Girl)
Mit einer Musicalverfilmung soll unser bunter
Reigen von Filmen während des fünften ToddAO Filmfestivals leicht und beschwingt zu Ende
gehen: FUNNY GIRL aus dem Jahre 1968 unter
Regie von Altmeister William Wyler. Für den
damals 66jährigen Wyler war es die vorletzte
Regiearbeit. Dabei war Wyler nur die zweite
Wahl als Regisseur. Produzent Ray Stark, dem
wir Filme verdanken wie REFLECTIONS IN A
hatte Sidney Lumet mit der Regie beauftragt.
Doch wie so oft gab es am Set
Meinungsdifferenzen zwischen Lumet, seinem
Produzenten und der Hauptdarstellerin. Lumet
schmiss das Handtuch. Als Ray Stark dann an
William Wyler herantrat, wollte der eigentlich gar
nicht. Wyler war auf einem Ohr taub und meinte,
so könne er kein Musical inszenieren. Erst
nachdem er Barbra Streisand getroffen hatte,
entschied er sich, es doch zu tun. Columbia
Pictures wollte ursprünglich Shirley MacLaine
Oktober 2009
in der Rolle der Fanny Brice sehen, jener
Komödiantin, die in den berühmten Ziegfeld
Follies der Jahre 1911 bis 1923 am Broadway zu
sehen war. Doch Ray Stark, Schwiegersohn von
Fanny Brice sowie Produzent der erfolgreichen
und ebenfalls mit der Streisand besetzten
Bühnenshow von FUNNY GIRL, bestand auf
seine Wahl. Dass er damit genau richtig lag,
bewiesen die Oscar-Nominierungen im Folgejahr.
Gleich siebenmal wurde FUNNY GIRL für
den Academy Award nominiert, erhielt die
begehrte Trophäe jedoch nur in der Kategorie “Best Actress in a Leading Role”. Und
der ging an die 26jährige Barbra Streisand,
die mit der Rolle der Fanny Brice ihr
Leinwanddebüt gab. Übrigens erhielten in
jenem Jahr gleich zwei Schauspielerinnen
den Oscar als beste Darstellerin. So musste
Barbra Streisand diese Auszeichnung mit
Katherine Hepburn und ihrer Rolle in THE
LION IN WINTER teilen. Gerüchte erzählen übrigens, dass die im Film von Omar
Sharif gespielte Rolle des Nick Arnstein,
ursprünglich keinem Geringeren als Frank
Sinatra angeboten werden sollte. Doch Frau
Streisand wusste dies zu verhindern, konnte sie ihn doch gar nicht leiden. Well, there
is no business like show business.
Wir zeigen Ihnen FUNNY GIRL in einer
deutsch synchronisierten 70mm Blow Up
Kopie aus dem Erstaufführungsjahr. Erfreulicherweise wurden die Somgs im Original belassen und sind deutsch untertitelt
Let’s raise the curtain for our final show of
the fifth Todd-AO 70mm film festival –
FUNNY GIRL from 1968. It was the
highest crossing movie of that year and
earned seven Academy Award nominations,
one of which resulted in an Oscar given to
Barbra Streisand’s motion picture debut.
FUNNY GIRL was shot in 35mm
Panavision anamorphic by veteran
cinematographer Harry Stradling who
would also shoot Barbra Streisand’s next
film, HELLO DOLLY, one of my all time
favorites. FUNNY GIRL’s original director
Sidney Lumet was replaced by William
Wyler after differences with the film’s
producer Ray Stark and Miss Streisand.
The film features special photographic
effects by no one less than Albert
Whitlock who became famous for his work
for Alfred Hitchcock. However, Mr.
Whitlock did not get any screen credit in
FUNNY GIRL. This changed in the 1975
sequel FUNNY LADY, which again starred
Barbra Streisand and Omar Sharif and
which was once again produced by Ray
Stark. And Albert Whitlock finally got his
screen credit.
FUNNY GIRL will be screened in a
German dubbed 70mm print from 1969.
Luckily all the songs have been left in
English with the added attraction of
German subtitles.
Time to say goodbye. Hopefully you all
have enjoyed this wonderful trip back in
time over the passed three days as much as
I did and we all hope to see you again next
year. And this might be as early as in June
when the Schauburg Cinerama theatre will
present a Sensurround special during its
Widescreen Weekend. If you are a fan of
big subwoofers you should clearly mark
the first weekend in June in your diary! It
will be worthwhile attending – I guarantee.
A big applause to Herbert Born and his
team for making it happen once again!
Keep up the good work and make it big,
make it loud – make it Todd-AO!
Filmspezialist Wolfram Hannemann
und das offizielle Festivalposter
Foto: Birgit Henke
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Oktober 2009
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Dinosaur King: One Final Move
(Episode 46-49)
Kodai Oja Kyoryu King: Dkidz Adventure
Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 82min.
KSM(NewKSM) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032909
Dinosaur King: Santa Saurus
(Episode 41-45)
Kodai Oja Kyoryu King: Dkidz Adventure
Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 101min.
KSM(NewKSM) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032908
Igor (Blu-ray)
Dir. Anthony Leondis
My Little Pony - Der Stern der
Veggie Tales - Stern der Weihnacht
My Little Pony
Dir. Jay Bacal
Veggie Tales
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Foreign Media Group Germany(company of
kids) 06.11.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20032969
Oben (2 Discs) (Blu-ray)
Dir. Peter Docter, Bob Peterson
Kurzfilme, Featurettes, Alternative Szenen, Behind the
Scenes, Interaktives Spiel
Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1
MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (D) DTS (It)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Disney Pixar) 21.01.2010
54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032955
Original Spiderman Staffel 2,
Trickfilm/Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 HR
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 HR (E) 90min.
Highlight Communications
(Deutschland)(Constantin) 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033007
Dir. Ray Patterson, Clyde Geronimi, Sid
Marcus, Grant Simmons, Ralph Bakshi
Zeichentrick/Action 1967-1970 (E) 166min.
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033025
Ikki Tousen - Great Guardians:
Bonus (k.J.)
Pro futbol, hokkey i...
Interviews, Synchron-Featurette, Filmografien
Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 45min.
AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032967
Ein ungewöhnliches Spiel / Alte Bekannte /
Fußballstars / Talent und Fans / Scheibe!
Scheibe! / Revanche im Spiel / „Meteor“
im Ring
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 128min.
ZYX Music(Diamant) 06.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032953
Little Cars Box 2 (Vol. 4-6) (3
Rupert Bär 4 - Rupert und die Vogelscheuche
The Little Cars
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D)
KSM 26.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032904
Rupert Bear
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007-2009 FF DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 60min.
Universum Film(universum kids) 29.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032987
Little Cars, Vol. 4 - Geistergeschichten (3 DVDs)
Street Fighter - Round One: Fight
Ikki Tôsen: Gurêto Gâdianzu
2 Postkarten, Radio Show, Originaltrailer, Original Opening
& Ending
The Little Cars
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D)
KSM 26.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032905
Little Cars, Vol. 5 - Neue große
Abenteuer (3 DVDs)
The Little Cars
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D)
KSM 26.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032906
Little Cars, Vol. 6 - Rennen und
fliegende Reifen (3 DVDs)
The Little Cars
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D)
KSM 26.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032907
Street Fighter - Round One: Fight
Dir. Joe Whiteaker
Booklet, Street Fighter Teaser, Audiokommentar, ComicCovergalerie
Zeichentrick/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min.
AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.11.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032968
Veggie Tales - Larry-Boy und der
böse Apfel
Veggie Tales
Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Trailer
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 83min.
Intergroove(Lifehouse Medien) 06.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032946
Veggie Tales - Larry-Boy und der
böse Apfel
Veggie Tales
Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Trailer
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 96min.
Intergroove(Lifehouse Medien) 06.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032947
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 65min.
Intergroove(Lifehouse Medien) 06.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032948
X-Men Staffel 4, Vol. 2
Dir. Dan Hennessy, Larry Houston
Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1997 FF DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 164min.
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033026
[Rec] (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Manuela Velasco, Ferran Terraza, Jorge
Yamam, Pablo Rosso, David Vert, Carlos
Lasarte, Vicente Gil, Martha Carbonell,
Carlos Vicente - Dir. Jaume Balagueró,
Paco Plaza
Making of, Kinotrailer, Teaser, TV Spots, Bildergallerie,
Horror 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (Sp) 78min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033008
[Rec] (k.J.)
Manuela Velasco, Ferran Terraza, Jorge
Yamam, Pablo Rosso, David Vert, Carlos
Lasarte, Vicente Gil, Martha Carbonell,
Carlos Vicente - Dir. Jaume Balagueró,
Paco Plaza
Making of, Trailer, Teaser, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie
Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (Sp) 75min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032991
Die Abenteuer des gelben Köfferchens
Prikljutschenija Sheltowo
Tatjana Pelttser, Jewgeni Lebedew,
Andrjuscha Gromow, Wika Tschernakowa,
Natalja Selesnjowa - Dir. Ilja Fres
Kinderfilm 1986 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Russ)
ZYX Music(diamant) 13.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033040
Al Capone’s Killer
Al’s Lads
Marc Warren, Kirsty Mitchell, Peter
Pedrero, Al Sapienza, Ralf Little, Richard
Roundtree - Dir. Richard Standeven
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min.
KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033046
Alice Upside Down
Alice Upside Down
Alyson Stoner, Luke Perry, Lucas Grabeel Dir. Sandy Tung
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Drama/Jugend 2007 FF DD 5.1 (D) min.
MORE Brands and Products(feinArt)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033010
American Pie - All 6 Slices (6
DVDs) (k.J.)
American Pie / American Pie 2 / The
Wedding / Band Camp / Naked Mile / Beta
Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson
Hannigan, Chris Klein, Natasha Lyonne,
Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Seann
William Scott, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye
Thomas, Eugene Levy, Jennifer Coolidge,
Chris Owen, Clyde Kusatsu, Lawrence
Pressman, Molly Cheek, Denise Faye, Lisa
Arturo, John Cho, Justin Isfeld, Eli
Marienthal, Casey Affleck, January Jones,
Fred Willard, Deborah Rush, Angela Paton,
Eric Allan Kramer, Amanda Swisten, Nikki
Schieler Ziering, Tad Hilgenbrink, Jason
Earles, Arielle Kebbel, Jun Hee Lee, Tara
Killian, John White, Steve Talley, Candace
Kroslak, Jessy Schram, Angel Lewis, Ross
Thomas, Jake Siegel, Meghan Heffern, Nick
‘Nic Nac’ Nicotera, Sarah Power - Dir. Paul
Weitz, James B. Rogers, Jesse Dylan,
Steve Rash, Joe Nussbaum, Andrew Waller
Komödie 1999-2007 571min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033031
American Pie präsentiert: Das
Buch der Liebe
American Pie Presents: Book Of Love
Kevin M. Horton, Brandon Hardesty, Melanie Papalia, Jennifer Holland, Cindy Busby Dir. John Putch
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Türk) 93min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033016
Antikiller - Der härteste Cop
Russlands (k.J.)
Jurij „Gosha“ Kutsenko, Michail Uljanow,
Viktor Suchorukow, Jewgeni Sidikhin,
Sergei Weksler, Victoria Tolstoganowa Dir. Jegor Konchalowsky
Original Kinotrailer
Action/Kriminalfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 2.0 (Russ) 115min.
KNM Home Entertainment(MIG Filmgroup)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033047
Arsène Lupin - Der Meisterdieb,
Episoden 01-13 (4 DVDs)
Arsène Lupin
Georges Descrières - Dir. Jean-Pierre Desagnat, Jean-Pierre Decourt
Abenteuer 1971 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F)
AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing
AG(Colosseo Film) 27.11.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033051
Asylum Days - Der Killer in dir
Asylum Days
C. Thomas Howell, Jason Widener,
Deborah Zoe, Charlie Weirauch, Roark
Critchlow, Michael Crider - Dir. Thomas
Thriller/Horror 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) 100min.
KNM Home Entertainment(MIG Filmgroup)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033048
Barfuss / Knockin’ on Heaven’s
Door (2 DVDs)
Til Schweiger, Johanna Wokalek, Steffen
Wink, Michael Mendl, Nadja Tiller, Imogen
Kogge, Paula Paul, Alexandra Neldel,
Janine Kunze, Mark Keller, Markus Maria
Profitlich, Axel Stein, Fanny Staffa, Christoph Müller, Jürgen Vogel, Erdal Yildiz,
Armin Rohde, Michael Gwisdek, Tyron
Ricketts, Eric Judor, Gerit Kling, Florian
Fitz, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Jan Josef
Liefers, Thierry van Werveke, Moritz Bleibtreu, Leonard Lansink, Ralph Herforth,
Huub Stapel, Corinna Harfouch, Jenny
Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Markus Knüfken, Hannes Jaenicke, Christiane Paul, Prof. Hark
Bohm, Bernd Eichinger, Sönke Wortmann,
Helen du Val - Dir. Til Schweiger, Thomas
Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo,
Outtakes, Trailer, Teaser, Interviews, Bildergalerie
Komödie/Drama 1996-2005 200min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033056
Berlin Calling (2 DVDs) (Blu-ray)
Paul Kalkbrenner, Rita Lengyel, Corinna
Harfouch, Araba Walton, Megan Gay, Henriette Müller, Dirk Borchardt, Udo
Kroschwald, Mehdi Nebbou, Peter Schneider, Rolf Peter Kahl, Udo Kroschwald, Maximilian Mauff - Dir. Hannes Stöhr
Making of, Musikvideos, Bildergalerie, Storyboards, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, ungeschnittene
Drama 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D)
Movienet Film 27.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033058
Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie
Collector’s Pack: 21 / Redbelt (2
Discs) (Blu-ray)
21 / Redbelt
Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey, Kate
Bosworth, Laurence Fishburne, Aaron
Yoo, Liza Lapira, Jacob Pitts, Jack McGee,
Spencer Garrett, Josh Gad, Sam Golzari,
Helen Carey, Jack Gilpin, Tim Allen, Rodrigo
Santoro, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alice Braga,
Emily Mortimer, Joe Mantegna, Maximilian
Martini, David Paymer, Ray Mancini, Randy
Couture, Rebecca Pidgeon, Jose Pablo
Cantillo, John Machado, Dan Inosanto,
Enson Inoue - Dir. Robert Luketic, David
Featurettes, Audiokommentar, BD-Live, Trailer, Behind the
Scenes, Interviews
Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2007-2008 222min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033021
Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie
Collector’s Pack: 8 Blickwinkel /
Lakeview Terrace (2 Discs) (Blu-
Vantage Point / Lakeview Terrace
Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest
Whitaker, Sigourney Weaver, William Hurt,
Edgar Ramirez, Ayelet July Zurer, Eduardo
Noriega, Saïd Taghmaoui, Samuel L.
Jackson, Kerry Washington, Patrick Wilson,
Jay Hernandez, Justin Chambers, Elizabeth
Tulloch, Keith Loneker - Dir. Pete Travis,
Neil LaBute
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, PIP, BD-Live, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes
Thriller 2007-2008 200min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033020
Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie
Collector’s Pack: xXx - Triple X /
xXx - The Next Level (2 Discs)
Xxx / Xxx: State Of The Union
Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson, Asia
Argento, Marton Csokas, Danny Trejo, Michael Roof, Tom Everett, Richy Müller, Werner Dähn, Eve, Leila Arcieri, William Hope,
Tony Hawk, Mat Hoffman, Mike Vallely, Rob
Wells, Rick Thorne, Rammstein, Orbital, Ice
Cube, Willem Dafoe, Scott Speedman, Peter
Strauss, Sunny Mabrey, Nona Gaye, Xzibit,
Schuster Vance - Dir. Rob Cohen, Lee
Trailer, Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene
Szenen, Trailer, BD-Live
Action/Thriller 2002-2005 225min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033022
Blinder Hass (k.J.)
The Boys Next Door
Maxwell Caulfield, Charlie Sheen, Patti
D’Arbanville, Christopher McDonald, Hank
Garrett, Paul C. Dancer, Richard Pachorek Dir. Penelope Spheeris
Action 1984 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
KNM Home Entertainment(Black Hill
Pictures) 19.11.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033049
Bloody Revenge - Die letzte Konsequenz (k.J.)
Joseph McKelheer, Cory Knauf, Ed Lauter,
Jessie Ward, Hallock Beals, Lynn Adrianna
Freedman, Ben Loosli, Ron Holmstrom - Dir.
Robert Saitzyk
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 95min.
KSM 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032897
Bube, Dame, König, grAS (Bluray)
Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
Jason Flemyng, Dexter Fletcher, Nick
Moran, Jason Statham, Steven Mackintosh,
Vinnie Jones, Sting, Lenny McLean, P. H.
Moriarty, Steve Sweeney, Frank Harper,
Stephen Marcus, Peter McNicholl, Vas
Blackwood, Jake Abraham, Stephen
Callender-Ferrier, Suzy Ratner - Dir. Guy
Seite 21
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Thriller/Komödie 1998 107min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033043
Bud, der Ganovenschreck (Digital
Cane E Gatto
Bud Spencer, Tomás Milián, Marc Lawrence
- Dir. Bruno Corbucci
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografie, Trailer, Wendecover
Action/Komödie 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032933
Der Bulle von Tölz - Die komplette Serie (Limited Edition, 36
Ottfried Fischer, Ruth Drexel, Katerina
Jacob, Katharina Abt, Gerd Anthoff - Dir.
Wolfgang F. Henschel
Kriminalfilm FF DD 2.0 (D) 6210min.
polyband Medien GmbH 27.11.2009
254,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033034
The Call 3 - Final
Chakushin Ari Final
Maki Horikita, Meisa Kuroki, Jang Yun-seok,
Erika Asakura, Kamiwaki Yu, Rie
Tsuneyoshi, Arisa Naito, Rakuto Tochihara Dir. Manabu Asou
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(Jap) 100min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032989
China Girl
China Girl
James Russo, David Caruso, Sari Chang,
Richard Panebianco, Russell Wong, Joey
Chin - Dir. Abel Ferrara
Action 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 89min.
Indigo(epiX Media) 23.10.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032892
Drake Bell, Andrew Caldwell, Andree Moss,
Carolyn Moss, Wendy Talley, Kevin Covais,
Alona Tal, Ryan Pinkston - Dir. Deb Hagan
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 92min.
KSM(NewKSM) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032896
College (Blu-ray)
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Liz Vassey, Gerald
McCullouch, Larry Mitchell, Joseph Patrick
Kelly, Marc Vann, Jon Wellner, Sheeri
Rappaport, Larry Sullivan, Terry Bozeman,
Conor O’Farrell, Victoria Prescott - Dir.
Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Jeffrey
Hunt, Alec Smight
Featurettes, Bonusepisode, Hintergrundinfos
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 516min.
Universum Film(TV-Formate) 04.12.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032972
Das hätten sie sich nicht träumen
Wam I Ne Snilos
Nikita Michailowski, Lidiya FedossejewaSchukschina, Albert Filozow, Irina
Miroschnitschenko, Jelena Solowej - Dir.
Ilja Fres
Drama 1980 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Russ)
ZYX Music(diamant) 13.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033037
Dir. Tonino Valerii
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien / aka „Sie
verkaufen den Tod“
Western 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 80min.
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032935
Django und die Bande der Gehenkten (Digital Remastered)
Preparati La Bara
Horst Frank, George Eastman, Pinuccio
Ardia - Dir. Ferdinando Baldi
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Super-8Fassung / aka „Joe und der Galgenvogel“
Western 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 89min.
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032937
Der doppelte Khan
Shah Rukh Khan, Juhi Chawla, Farida Jalal,
Sonali Bendre, Mohnish Bahl, Tiku Talsania
- Dir. Mahesh Bhatt
Action/Komödie 1998 159min.
Intergroove(Starlight) 06.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032952
Dead End
Downloading Nancy (k.J.)
Dead End
William Snow, Victoria Hill, Matthew
Dyktynski, Peter Hardy, Michael EdwardStevens, Gabriel Dargan, Jerome Dargan Dir. Iren Koster
Thriller 1999 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
KNM Home Entertainment(Black Hill
Pictures) 19.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033052
Downloading Nancy
Maria Bello, Jason Patric, Rufus Sewell,
Amy Brenneman, David Brown, Matthew
Harrison, Justin Scot, Josh Strait - Dir.
Johan Renck
Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 98min.
Senator Home Entertainment 15.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032979
Dead Hell (k.J.)
Mr. Hell
Tracy Scoggins, Pavan Grover, Danny Kamin, Amy Morris, Daniel Magill, Kristin
Ketterer - Dir. Rob McKinnon
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min.
KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033054
Der Dicke in Mexico (Digital
Si Può Fare ... Amigo
Bud Spencer, Jack Palance, Francisco
Rabal - Dir. Maurizio Lucidi
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Wendecover
Western 1971 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 86min.
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032934
Dream a Little Dream
Dream A Little Dream
Piper Laurie, Corey Feldman, Jason
Robards, Meredith Salenger, Harry Dean
Stanton, William McNamara - Dir. Marc
Komödie 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 114min.
Indigo(epiX Media) 23.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032893
End of Love (OmU)
End Of Love
Lee Chi-Kin, Ben Yeung, Clifton Kwan,
Guthrie Yip, Joman Chiang - Dir. Simon
Kurzfilm „Transient“ von Craig Boreham, Trailer
Drama 2009 FF DD 2.0 (Kanton) 95min.
Bildkraft Modersbach & Platte 01.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032976
Drake Bell, Andrew Caldwell, Andree Moss,
Carolyn Moss, Wendy Talley, Kevin Covais,
Alona Tal, Ryan Pinkston - Dir. Deb Hagan
Der Dicke ist nicht zu bremsen
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Bis dass der
Oggi A Me... Domani A Te
Bud Spencer, Brett Halsey, Jeff Cameron Dir. Tonino Cervi
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Trailer, Texttafeln, Bildergalerie
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD
5.1 (E) 96min.
KSM(NewKSM) 26.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032910
Western 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 91min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032995
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 9.1 (3 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Der Dicke und das Warzenschwein (Digital Remastered)
Una Ragione Per Vivere E Una Per Morire
Bud Spencer, James Coburn, Telly Savalas,
José Suarez, Georges Geret, René
Kolldehoff, Guy Mairesse, Adolfo Lastretti -
Horror 2008 40min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032960
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Blutiges
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Seite 23
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Horror 2008 41min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032958
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Der Kannibale (k.J.)
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 40min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032959
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Die Heimsuchung
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 41min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032962
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Die Opferung
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 42min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032963
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Haut und
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 41min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032956
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Im Körper
der Bestie
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 40min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032961
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Volume 1 (4
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 163min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032964
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Volume 2 (4
DVDs) (k.J.)
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 163min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032965
Fear Itself, Staffel 1 - Vorort zur
Fear Itself
Dir. Brad Anderson, Darren Lynn Bousman,
Breck Eisner
Horror 2008 41min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032957
Forrest Gump (Blu-ray)
Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks, Robin Wright Penn, Gary
Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, Sally Field, Michael Conner Humphreys, Hanna R. Hall Dir. Robert Zemeckis
Drama 1994 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1
MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 142min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.11.2009
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033023
Forsthaus Falkenau - Staffel 08 (3
Christian Wolff, Katharina Köhntopp, Michael Wolf, Nicole Schmid, Bruni Löbel,
Walter Buschhoff, Helmut Alimonta, Robert
Atzorn, Angelika Bender, Sky Du Mont,
Norbert Gastell, Hermann Giefer, Klaus
Grünberg, Angela Hillebrecht, Paul
Hubschmid, Horst Janson, Elisabeth Karg,
Claudia Lössl, Edwin Marian, Georg
Marischka, Michaela May, Philipp Moog,
Klaus Münster, Volker Prechtel, Jutta
Speidel, Hans Stadlbauer, Michael Stippel,
Claus Tinney, Gisela Uhlen
Drama 1989-2009 FF DD 2.0 (D) 592min.
Universum Film(ZDF Video) 22.01.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032983
Fury - Die komplette Serie (19
Peter Graves, Bobby Diamond, Willliam
Fawcett, Ann Robinson, Lane Bradford,
Harlan Warde, James Seay, William Henry,
John Cason - Dir. Ray Nazarro, Lesley
Selander, Sidney Salkow
Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1955-1960 FF DD 1.0
(D) DD 1.0 (E) 2825min.
polyband Medien GmbH 20.11.2009
139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033035
Geheimnis der Wale
Veronica Ferres, Christopher Lambert,
Mario Adorf, Clemens Schick, Elena Uhlig,
Fritz Karl, Alicia von Rittberg, Joe DekkersReihana - Dir. Philipp Kadelbach
Drama FF DD 2.0 (D) 180min.
Universum Film(ZDF Video) 08.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032984
Gespräche mit Gott (Premium
Edition, 2 DVDs)
Conversations With God
Henry Czerny, Vilma Silva, Bruce Page,
Ingrid Boulting, Zilliah Glory, Abdul Salaam,
Michael Goorjian, Michelle Merring, Scott
Cervine - Dir. Stephen Simon
Interview, Making of, Bildergalerie, Booklet
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 105min.
Tao Cinemathek 30.10.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033045
Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie
Dario Stankewitz, Sebastian Ströbel,
Teresa Weißbach, Bela B. Felsenheimer,
Daniel Zillmann, Manuel Cortez, Hildegard
Schroedter, Hannes Wegener - Dir. Christian Theede
Horror/Thriller 2008 min.
Sony Music Entertainment & New Business
Division(Spassgesellschaft) 06.11.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032977
Der große Mandarin
Paul Wegener, Käthe Haack, Christiane
Felsmann, Carsta Löck, Rudolf Reiff - Dir.
Karl Heinz Stroux
Fantasy 1949 FF DD 1.0 (D) 100min.
KSM(Magic Picture) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032899
Der Große mit seinem außerirdischen Kleinen
Uno Sceriffo Extraterrestre - Poco Extra E
Molto Terrestre
Bud Spencer, Raimund Harmstorf, Joe
Bugner, Cary Guffey - Dir. Michele Lupo
Deutscher Original-Kinotrailer, Slideshow mit ArtworkMaterial, Bio- und Filmografien
Science Fiction/Komödie 1978 Ltbx 16x9
DD 1.0 (D) 90min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032994
Die hässlichen Schwäne
Gadkie Lebedi
Dir. Konstantin Lopuschanski
Drama/Horror 2008 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Russ) 105min.
ZYX Music(diamant) 13.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033039
Das Haus am Eaton Place - British Edition
Upstairs, Downstairs
Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean
Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher
Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams,
Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, LesleyAnne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan
Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins,
Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gordon, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen
Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George
Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir.
Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, Bill Bain,
Christopher Hodson
Entfallene Szenen
Drama 1971-1975 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
ZYX Music 30.10.2009
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032895
Headless Horseman
Headless Horseman
Billy Aaron Brown, Rebecca Mozo, Richard
Moll, Arianne Fraser, M. Steven Felty, Trish
Coren, Elizabeth Prestel, Brent Lydic - Dir.
Anthony C. Ferrante
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 86min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032990
Die heiße Masche - Chicago 1929
Tempo Di Charleston - Chicago 1929
Peter Lee Lawrence, William Bogart, Ingrid
Schoeller - Dir. Giulio Diamante
Action 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 84min.
KSM(Magic Picture) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032898
Heroes - Season 2 (4 DVDs)
Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Hayden
Panettiere, James Kyson Lee, Jack
Coleman, Milo Ventimiglia, Adrian Pasdar,
Greg Grunberg, Ali Larter - Dir. Greg
Beeman, Allan Arkush, Paul A. Edwards,
Adam Kane, Lesli Linka Glatter, Jeannot
Szwarc, Daniel Attias, Greg Yaitanes
Featurettes, Trailer, Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen,
Science Fiction/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 461min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032970
Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!
Hape Kerkeling, Alexandra Kamp, Simon
Gosejohann, Maren Kroymann, Norbert
Heisterkamp, Michael Schumacher,
Bushido, Theo Koll, Ulrich Meyer, Domian,
Bettina Tietjen, Cherno Jobatey, Lilo Friedrich, Bernhard Brink, Jürgen Drews, Kader
Loth, Claudia Effenberg, Gunter Gabriel,
Iris Berben, Senta Berger, Michael Bully
Herbig, Sonja Kirchberger, Andrea
Sawatzki, Frauke Ludowig, Jürgen
Rüttgers, Claudia Roth, Cem Özdemir, Ursula Kwasny, Lale Akgün, Gabriele Pauli - Dir.
Angelo Colagrossi
Komödie 2009 min.
Highlight Communications
(Deutschland)(Constantin) 21.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033042
Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere! (Blu-ray)
Hape Kerkeling, Alexandra Kamp, Simon
Gosejohann, Maren Kroymann, Norbert
Heisterkamp, Michael Schumacher,
Bushido, Theo Koll, Ulrich Meyer, Domian,
Bettina Tietjen, Cherno Jobatey, Lilo Friedrich, Bernhard Brink, Jürgen Drews, Kader
Loth, Claudia Effenberg, Gunter Gabriel,
Iris Berben, Senta Berger, Michael Bully
Herbig, Sonja Kirchberger, Andrea
Sawatzki, Frauke Ludowig, Jürgen
Rüttgers, Claudia Roth, Cem Özdemir, Ursula Kwasny, Lale Akgün, Gabriele Pauli - Dir.
Angelo Colagrossi
Komödie 2009 min.
Highlight Communications
(Deutschland)(Constantin) 21.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033057
Illuminati (Extended Version, 2
Angels & Demons
Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Stellan
Skarsgård, Ayelet July Zurer, Kristof Konrad, Masasa Moyo, Victor Alfieri, Curt
Lowens, Armin Mueller-Stahl,
Pierfrancesco Favino, Nikolaj Lie Kaas,
Thure Lindhardt - Dir. Ron Howard
Horror/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (Korea) 122min.
Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033042
Featurettes, Making of
The Independent
Jerry Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Max
Perlich, Ginger Lynn Allen, Billy Burke,
Andy Dick, Fred Dryer, Ethan Embry,
Jonathan Katz, John Lydon, Anne Meara,
Ben Stiller, Fred Williamson, Karen Black,
Peter Bogdanovich, Nick Cassavetes, Roger Corman, Ted Demme, Ron Howard - Dir.
Stephen Kessler
Komödie 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 93min.
epiX Media AG 23.10.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032891
Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 141min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032911
In 3 Tagen bist du tot 2
Franziska Weisz, Susi Stach, Sabrina Reiter, Michou Friesz, Andreas Kiendl, Martin
Loos, Julia Rosa Stöckl, Anna Rot, Philipp
Rudig, Helmuth Häusler, Barbara Weber Dir. Andreas Prochaska
Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Musikvideo
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Senator Home Entertainment 15.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032980
Robert Harron, Mae Marsh, Miriam Cooper,
Erich von Stroheim, Howard Gaye, Lillian
Gish, Josephine Crowell, Lillian Langdon,
Margery Wilson, Eugene Pallette,
Constance Talmadge, Elmer Clifton, Alfred
Paget, Elmo Lincoln - Dir. D. W. Griffith
Booklet, Biografie
Drama 1916 FF 190min.
KNM Home Entertainment(Halmar
Entertainment) 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033050
Joe, der Galgenvogel (Digital
Preparati La Bara
Horst Frank, George Eastman, Pinuccio
Ardia - Dir. Ferdinando Baldi
Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover /
aka „Django und die Bande der Gehenkten“
Western 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 82min.
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032936
Kabhi haan kabhi naa - Sie liebt
mich, sie liebt mich nicht
King of B-Movies
Kleine Vera
Malenkaja Wera
Natalija Negoda, Ljudmila Zajsewa, Andrei
Sokolow, Juri Nasarow, Alexandra
Tabakowa, Alexander Alexejew-Negreba,
Andrei Fomin, Alexander Mironow, Alexander Lenkow, Anna Krasnova - Dir. Wassili
Drama 1988 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Russ)
ZYX Music(diamant) 13.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033038
Die Klosterschülerinnen (k.J.)
Doris Aden, Ulrich Beiger, Astrid Boner Dir. Eberhard Schröder
Erotik 1971 FF DD 1.0 (D) 91min.
Splendid 09.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032921
Der Kommodore
A Gathering Of Eagles
Rock Hudson, Mary Peach, Rod Taylor,
Barry Sullivan, Kevin McCarthy - Dir.
Delbert Mann
Kriegsfilm 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
KSM 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032900
La misma Luna
Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa
Shah Rukh Khan, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi,
Deepak Tijori, Rita Bhaduri, Satish Shah,
Anjaan Srivastav - Dir. Kundan Shah
Komödie/Drama 1993 151min.
Intergroove(Starlight) 06.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032950
La Misma Luna
Adrian Alonso, Kate Del Castillo, Eugenio
Derbez, Maya Zapata, Carmen Salinas,
Angelina Pelaez, Gabriel Porras, America
Ferrera, Jesse Garcia, Maria Rojo, Mario
Almada, Ernesto D’Alessio, Isaac Bravo,
Gustavo Sánchez Parra - Dir. Patricia Riggen
Keiler - Der Menschenfresser
Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll, Trailer
Eom Tae-woong, Yoon Jae-Moon, Jeong
Yu-mi, Josiah D. Lee - Dir. Shin Jeong-won
Making of, Interviews, Trailer
Horror/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 117min.
Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033030
Keiler - Der Menschenfresser
Eom Tae-woong, Yoon Jae-Moon, Jeong
Yu-mi, Josiah D. Lee - Dir. Shin Jeong-won
Making of, Interviews, Trailer
Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Sp)
Senator Home Entertainment 11.12.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032974
Der lange Blonde mit den roten
La Moutarde Me Monte Au Nez
Pierre Richard, Jane Birkin, Claude Piéplu,
Jean Martin, Danou Minazzoli - Dir. Claude
Presseheft, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(F) 91min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 11.12.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032930
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Oktober 2009
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Leaving Las Vegas
Leaving Las Vegas
Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian
Sands, Richard Lewis, Valeria Golino,
Steven Weber, Graham Beckel, R. Lee
Ermey, Laurie Metcalf, David Brisbin,
Xander Berkeley, Lou Rawls, Mike Figgis,
Kim Adams, Emily Procter, Stuart Regen,
Thomas Kopache, Waldemar Kalinowski, Ed
Lauter - Dir. Mike Figgis
B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover
Drama 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 107min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 11.12.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032931
Ein Leben für ein Leben - Adam
Hundesohn (Special Edition, 2
Adam Resurrected
Jeff Goldblum, Willem Dafoe, Ayelet July
Zurer, Derek Jacobi, Joachim Król, Juliane
Köhler, Veronica Ferres, Moritz Bleibtreu,
Hana Laslo, Genia Dodina, Idan Alterman,
Tudor Rapiteanu - Dir. Paul Schrader
Trailer, Bildergalerien, Interview, Making of, Dokumentarfilm,
Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Podiumsdiskussion
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 98min.
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032932
Lie with Me - Liebe mich (Limited
Lie With Me
Lauren Lee Smith, Eric Balfour, Polly
Shannon, Mayko Nguyen, Kate Lynch, Ron
White, Kristin Lehman, Don Francks, Frank
Chiesurin, Nicola Lipman, Richard
Chevolleau - Dir. Clément Virgo
Making of, Trailer
Drama/Erotik 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (D) 92min.
KSM(NewKSM) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032901
Lolita Kill - Wilder Sand (k.J.)
Far From Home
Drew Barrymore, Matt Frewer, Anthony
Rapp - Dir. Meiert Avis
Thriller 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 86min.
Indigo(epiX Media) 23.10.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032894
Mein Leben & Ich - Die komplette
Serie (18 DVDs)
Featurette, Outtakes
Komödie 2001-2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) 1700min.
Turbine Medien 27.11.2009
159,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033043
Michael Kohlhaas
Rolf Boysen, Alfred Schieske, Wilhelm
Borchert, Wolfgang Büttner, Irene Marhold,
Kaspar Brüninghaus, Hans Elwenspoek,
Alexander Allerson - Dir. Wolf Vollmar
Abenteuer 1967 FF DD 5.1 (D) min.
Universal Music_Strategic Marketing
(USM)(More Music) 23.10.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032929
Willy Millowitsch - Box 1 (3 DVDs)
Pension Schöller / Der Etappenhase / Tante Jutta aus Kalkutta
Willy Millowitsch
Komödie FF DD 1.0 (D) 263min.
KSM 26.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032903
Murder in the First
Murder In The First
Christian Slater, Kevin Bacon, Gary
Oldman, Embeth Davidtz, William H. Macy,
Stephen Tobolowsky, Brad Dourif, R. Lee
Ermey, Mia Kirshner, Ben Slack, Stefan
Gierasch, Kyra Sedgwick - Dir. Marc Rocco
Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover
Drama 1994 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 117min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032922
Die Nacht des Mörders (OmU)
Muri Shinju: Nihon No Natsu
Keiko Sakurai, Kei Sato - Dir. Nagisa
Drama 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (Jap) min.
Polyfilm Video 18.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032914
Neues aus Büttenwarder - Folge
21 bis 26 (2 DVDs)
Lagano, Dot-Marie Jones, Livia Treviño,
Richmond Arquette - Dir. Brad Turner
Action/Drama 2009 min.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 08.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032917
Prison Break - The Final Break
Prison Break: The Final Break
Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Amaury
Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Jodi Lyn
O’Keefe, Sarah Wayne Callies, William
Fichtner, Leon Russom, Kim Coates, Barbara Eve Harris, Chris Bruno, David Starzyk,
Aisha Hinds, Lori Petty, Amy Aquino,
Damien Leake, Rainbow Borden, Alicia
Lagano, Dot-Marie Jones, Livia Treviño,
Richmond Arquette - Dir. Brad Turner
Action/Drama 2009 min.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 08.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032919
Protectors - Auf Leben und Tod (5
Shakti: The Power
Karisma Kapoor, Nana Patekar, Sanjay
Kapoor, Jai Gidwani, Shah Rukh Khan,
Deepti Naval - Dir. Krishna Vamshi
Drama 2002 179min.
Intergroove(Starlight) 06.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032951
Cecilie Stenspil, Søren Vejby, André
Babikian, Thomas W. Gabrielsson, Ditte
Gråbøl, Tommy Kenter (Jørgen Boas),
Rasmus Bjerg, Ellen Hillingsø (Benedikte
„Tønne“ Tønessen), Michael Sand, Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, Thomas Guldberg
Madsen, Kim Jansson, Henrik Prip, Helene
Egelund, Dragomir Pajkovic, Igor
Radosavljevic, Marijana Jankovic, Vojo
Radosavljevic, Martin Elung, Ilia Swainson,
Peter Gilsfort, Jens Jørn Spottag, Rasmus
Botoft, Lars Simonsen (Jørgen Friis),
Vibeke Hastrup, Pelle Koppel, Semra Turan,
Dar Salim, Fadime Turan, Fouad Ghazali,
Natali Vallespir Sand, Maibritt Saerens,
Sara-Marie Maltha, David Dencik, Allan Klie,
Nis Bank-Mikkelsen, Diana Quick, Wolf
Roth, Janek Lesniak, Michael Bell, Angela
Heath-Larsen, Tilde Maja Frederiksen,
Claus Riis Østergaard - Dir. Mikkel Serup,
Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Martin Schmidt,
Kasper Gaardsøe
Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 550min.
Edel Germany(ZDF Video) 23.11.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033029
Prayers for Bobby
Public Enemies (Einzel-DVD)
Prayers For Bobby
Sigourney Weaver, Henry Czerny, Ryan
Kelley, Dan Butler, Austin Nichols, Carly
Schroeder, Shannon Eagen, Scott Bailey Dir. Russell Mulcahy
Public Enemies
Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion
Cotillard, Billy Crudup, Stephen Dorff,
Stephen Lang - Dir. Michael Mann
Jan Fedder, Peter Heinrich Brix, Günter
Kütemeyer, Axel Olsson - Dir. Stephan Meyer, Guido Pieters
Featurette, Booklet
Komödie 1997-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (Platt) 200min.
Studio Hamburg Distribution &
Marketing(ARD Video) 29.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033053
Piraten des 20. Jahrhunderts
Pirati XX. Weka
Nikolai Jeremenko, Pjotr Weljaminow, Talgat
Nigmatulin, Rejno Aren - Dir. Boris Durov
Action 1979 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Russ)
ZYX Music(Diamant) 13.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033036
The Power - Shakti (2 DVDs)
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Drama/Biographie 2009 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) 87min.
cmv-Laservision 18.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033027
Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 134min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032913
Prison Break - The Final Break
Rache ist ein süßes Wort (3 DVDs)
Prison Break: The Final Break
Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Amaury
Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Jodi Lyn
O’Keefe, Sarah Wayne Callies, William
Fichtner, Leon Russom, Kim Coates, Barbara Eve Harris, Chris Bruno, David Starzyk,
Aisha Hinds, Lori Petty, Amy Aquino,
Damien Leake, Rainbow Borden, Alicia
If Tomorrow Comes
Madolyn Smith Osborne, Tom Berenger,
Liam Neeson
Drama 1986 FF DD 5.1 (D) min.
MORE Brands and Products(feinArt)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033055
Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Seite 27
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Rambo 1-4 (Limited Complete
Collector’s Edition, Gekürzte Fassung, 8 DVDs) (k.J.)
Rambo 1-4
Sylvester Stallone
Digitale Kopie von Rambo 1-3; „Sly versus Rambo“, Interviews, Audiokommentar, Kurzfilme, Making of, Behind the
Scenes, Featurettes, Alternatives Ende, Trailer, Teaser
Action 1982-2007 Ltbx 16x9 362min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032923
Reise in die Urwelt
Cesta Do Praveku
Vladimir Bejval, Peter Herrmann, Josef
Lukas, Zdenek Hustak - Dir. Karel Zeman
Making of
Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1955 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film(universum kids) 15.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032985
Petschki Lawotschki
Wassili Schukschin, Lidiya FedossejewaSchukschina, Wsewolod Sanajew - Dir.
Wassili Schukschin
Komödie 1972-1973 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(Russ) 95min.
ZYX Music(diamant) 13.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033041
Ein Richter für Berlin
Dudley Moore, John Lithgow, David
Huddleston, Burgess Meredith, Judy
Cornwell, Jeffrey Kramer, Christian
Fitzpatrick, Carrie Kei Heim - Dir. Jeannot
Making of, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Wendecover
Komödie 1985 Ltbx PCM 2.0 (D) PCM 2.0
(E) 95min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032941
Sex, Lügen und Video (Blu-ray)
Sex, Lies And Videotape
Peter Gallagher, Andie MacDowell, James
Spader, Laura San Giacomo, Ron Vawter,
Steven Brill - Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Drama 1989 100min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
(SPHE)(MGM/UA) 19.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032944
Sex, Lügen und Video (Deluxe
Sex, Lies And Videotape
Peter Gallagher, Andie MacDowell, James
Spader, Laura San Giacomo, Ron Vawter,
Steven Brill - Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Drama 1989 (D) 96min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
(SPHE)(MGM/UA) 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032938
Judgment In Berlin
Martin Sheen, Heinz Hoenig, Jutta Speidel,
Sam Wanamaker, Sean Penn, Horst Scheel
- Dir. Leo Penn
Drama 1988 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) min.
Intergroove(Starlight) 06.11.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032949
Sex, Party und Lügen (OmU)
Ricochet - Der Aufprall (k.J.)
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Sp)
PRO-FUN MEDIA 26.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033028
Denzel Washington, John Lithgow, Ice-T,
Kevin Pollak, Lindsay Wagner, Victoria
Dillard, John Cothran Jr. - Dir. Russell
Action/Thriller 1991 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Concorde Home Entertainment 26.11.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032912
Ritter Jamal - Eine schwarze Komödie
Black Knight
Martin Lawrence, Marsha Thomason, Tom
Wilkinson, Vincent Regan, Daryl Mitchell,
Michael Countryman, Kevin Conway, Jeannette Weegar, Erik Jensen, Dikran Tulaine,
Helen Carey, Michael Burgess, Isabell
Monk, Kevin Stillwell, Mikey Post, Tim
Parati, Mark Joy, Joe Inscoe, Angel Desai,
Elizabeth Roberts, Greg Cooper, Tammy
Arnold, Charles E. Bailey, Jeff Chase, Joseph Congema, Betty Huber, Joseph Long,
David Lowe, Mark Jeffrey Miller - Dir. Gil
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, StoryboardSzenen-Vergleich, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 92min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032924
Mentiras Y Gordas
Ana Celia de Armas, Mario Casas, Ana
María Polvorosa, Hugo Silva, Maxi Iglesias,
Yon González - Dir. Alfonso Albacete, David Menkes
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Sie verkaufen den Tod (Digital
Una Ragione Per Vivere E Una Per Morire
Bud Spencer, James Coburn, Telly Savalas,
José Suarez, Georges Geret, René
Kolldehoff, Guy Mairesse, Adolfo Lastretti Dir. Tonino Valerii
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Interview / aka „Der
Dicke und das Warzenschwein“
Western 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D)
3L Filmverleih 19.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032939
Siebenmal lockt das Weib
Woman Times Seven
Shirley MacLaine, Peter Sellers, Elspeth
March, Patrick Wymark, Adrienne Corri,
Vittorio Gassman, Clinton Greyn, Alan
Arkin, Lex Barker, Elsa Martinelli, Sir Michael Caine, Anita Ekberg, Philippe Noiret,
Rossano Brazzi, Catherine Samie - Dir.
Vittorio De Sica
Bildergalerie, Wendecover
Drama 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 95min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032925
Santa Claus (Blu-ray)
Skate or Die
Santa Clause
Skate Or Die
Mickey Mahut, Idriss Diop, Elsa Pataky,
Philippe Bas, Passi, Rachida Brakni - Dir.
Miguel Courtois
Making of
Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(F) 88min.
Senator Home Entertainment 15.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032981
Sternensommer - Folge 01-06
Oliver Korittke, Roger Hübner, Nadja Tiller,
Karin Baal, Ludwig Boettger, Rainer
Hunold, Rudolf Schündler, Susanne Barth,
Anita Kupsch, Ronald Nitschke, Jürgen
Draeger, Klaus Münster, Angela Weiß - Dir.
Konrad Sabrautzky
Abenteuer 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) 300min.
Universum Film(universum kids) 15.01.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20032986
Straßen in Flammen
Streets Of Fire
Rick Moranis, Michael Paré, Diane Lane,
Amy Madigan, Willem Dafoe, Deborah van
Valkenburgh - Dir. Walter Hill
Musikfilm 1983 90min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032971
Stromberg (4. Staffel, 10 Folgen)
(3 DVDs)
Christoph Maria Herbst, Bjarne I. Mädel,
Oliver K. Wnuk, Diana Staehly, Milena Dreißig, Ramona Kunze-Libnow, Kai Malina,
Lars Gärtner, Simon Licht, Rita Lengyel,
Prodromos Antoniadis, Atto Suttarp, Leon
Seidel - Dir. Arne Feldhusen (Folge 1-6),
Franziska Meletzky (Folge 7-10)
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 360min.
Sony Music Entertainment & New Business
Division(Spassgesellschaft) 06.11.2009
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032975
Der Supercop
Super Snooper
Terence Hill, Ernest Borgnine, Julie Gordon,
Joanne Dru, Herb Goldstein, Don Sebastian, Marc Lawrence, Claudio Ruffini - Dir.
Sergio Corbucci
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografie, Original Kinotrailer
Komödie 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032996
Surfer, Dude
Surfer, Dude
Matthew McConaughey, Alexie Gilmore,
Jeffrey Nordling, Woody Harrelson,
Zachary Knighton, Todd Stashwick, Nathan
Phillips, Ramon Rodriguez - Dir. S. R.
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 82min.
Universum Film 08.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032978
A Tale of Two Sisters (Special
Edition, 2 DVDs)
Janghwa, Hongryeon
Lim Su-jeong, Mun Geun-yeong, Yeom
Jeong-A, Kim Kap-su - Dir. Kim Jee-woon
Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen,
Eine Analyse von Kim Jee-Woon, Kim Jee-Woon - Zum Thema
Horror, Aus der Sicht eines Psychiaters
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Horror/Thriller 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 110min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032997
Tatort - Reifezeugnis
Klaus Schwarzkopf, Christian Quadflieg,
Nastassja Kinski, Judy Winter, Rüdiger
Kirschstein, Petra Verena Milchert - Dir.
Wolfgang Petersen
Kriminalfilm 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032999
Tatort: Baum der Erlösung
Harald Krassnitzer, Sarah Tkotsch, Alexander Mitterer, Hubert Kramer, Tayfun
Bademsoy, Pegah Ferydoni, Martin
Leutgeb, Christoph von Friedl, Michael
Steinocher, Tim Seyfi, Sinan Al Kuri, Ozan
Aksu, Laila Alina Reischer, Emel Heinreich Dir. Harald Sicheritz
Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033005
Tatort: Dreimal schwarzer Kater
Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers, Friederike
Kempter, ChrisTine Urspruch, Mechthild
Großmann, Oliver Bokern, Claus-Dieter
Clausnitzer, Caroline Peters, Christian Maria Goebel, Wolfgang Packhäuser, Stephan
Bissmeier, Bernd Grawert, Max von
Pufendorf, Mario Mentrup, Thorsten Merten
- Dir. Buddy Giovinazzo
Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033002
Tatort: Ein mörderisches Märchen
Udo Wachtveitl, Miroslav Nemec, Michael
Fitz, Hilmar Thate, Yasmina Djaballah,
Pamela Marquart, Gaspar Cano, HansGeorg Nenning, Ellen Schwiers, Johannes
Silberschneider, Gilbert von Sohlern, Joachim Nimtz, Christian Hettkamp, Hannes
Thanheiser, David Bibring, Maria Singer,
Joseph Saxinger, Margot Vuga, Roland
Bayer, Michael Althauser, Andreas Heinzel,
Peter Hart - Dir. Manuel Siebenmann
Kriminalfilm 2001 Ltbx 16x9 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033000
Tatort: Hexentanz
Maria Furtwängler, Ingo Naujoks, Manfred
Möck, Michael Kind, Wolfgang Packhäuser,
Monika Hansen, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Karl
Kranzkowski, Swetlana Schönfeld, Thomas
Schmieder, Matthias Brenner, Thomas Arnold, Waldemar Kobus, Teresa Harder - Dir.
René Heisig
Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033003
Tatort: Quartett in Leipzig
Peter Sodann, Bernd Michael Lade, Klaus
J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär, Vadim Glowna,
Theresa Hübchen, Dirk Martens, Matthias
Koeberlin, Fabian Busch, Annekathrin Bürger, Anna Loos, Walter Nickel, Markus
John, Max Herbrechter, Joe Bausch, Marie
Gruber, Lutz Teschner - Dir. Kaspar
Kriminalfilm 2000 Ltbx 16x9 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033001
Tatort: Tote reisen nicht umsonst
Manfred Heidmann, Rüdiger Weigang, Dirk
Galuba - Dir. Rolf von Sydow
Kriminalfilm 1980 FF min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033006
Tatort: Wo ist Max Gravert?
Andrea Sawatzki, Jörg Schüttauf, Jürgen
Vogel, Oliver Bootz, Thomas Balou Martin,
Tom Schilling, Bernadette Heerwagen,
Justus von Dohnanyi, Matthias Matschke,
Karl Kranzkowski, Tina Engel - Dir. Lars
Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 07.01.2010
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033004
This Is Spinal Tap (25th
Anniversary Edition) (Blu-ray)
This Is Spinal Tap
Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Rob
Reiner, Harry Shearer, June Chadwick, R.
J. Parnell, David Kaff, Tony Hendra - Dir.
Rob Reiner
Featurettes, Trailer, TV-Spots, Audiokommentar, Musikvideos, Outtakes, Interviews, BD-Live, Wendecover
Komödie/Musikfilm 1983 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1
MA (E) DTS-HD 2.0 (E) DTS-HD 2.0 (F)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032942
This Is Spinal Tap (25th
Anniversary Edition, 3 DVDs)
Torchwood - Kinder der Erde (2
John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd
Making of
Science Fiction/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 290min.
polyband Medien GmbH 27.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033033
Torchwood - The Ultimate
Collection (10 DVDs)
John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd
Making of, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes
Science Fiction/Thriller 2006-2009 Ltbx
16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1600min.
polyband Medien GmbH 27.11.2009
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033032
Unsere kleine Farm - 5. Staffel (6
Little House On The Prairie
Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa
Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Scottie
MacGregor - Dir. Michael Landon
Drama 1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033015
Richard Gere, Diane Lane, Olivier Martinez,
Erik Per Sullivan, Zeljko Ivanek, Dominic
Chianese, Kate Burton, Chad Lowe, Gary
Basaraba, Margaret Colin - Dir. Adrian Lyne
Alternatives Ende, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Making of,
Entfallene Szenen, Wendecover
Drama/Thriller 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 118min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032928
Viva - Eine Frau räumt auf! (OmU)
This Is Spinal Tap
Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Rob
Reiner, Harry Shearer, June Chadwick, R.
J. Parnell, David Kaff, Tony Hendra - Dir.
Rob Reiner
Anna Biller, Jared Sanford, Bridget Brno,
Chad England, Marcus DeAnda, John
Klemantaski, Paolo Davanzo, Barry Morse,
Robbin Ryan - Dir. Anna Biller
Featurettes, Trailer, TV-Spots, Audiokommentar, Musikvideos, Outtakes, Interviews
Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Komödie/Musikfilm 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(E) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) 80min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032926
Tiger & Dragon - Der Beginn einer Legende (Blu-ray)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi,
Chang Chen, Lung Sihung, Cheng Pei-pei,
Li Fazeng, Gao Xian, Hai Yan, Wang
Deming, Li Li-Li - Dir. Ang Lee
Bildergalerie, Interviews, Audiokommentar, Making of,
Featurettes, Soundtrack Promotion, Biografien, Trailer,
Wendecover, BD-Live
Fantasy/Action 2000 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Manda) 120min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032943
Komödie/Erotik 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E)
Salzgeber & Co. Medien 27.10.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20032915
Wallander - Dunkle Geheimnisse
Wallander - Hemligheten
Krister Henriksson, Johanna Sällström, Ola
Rapace, Mats Bergman, Fredrik
Gunnarsson, Stina Ekblad, Göran
Aronsson, Chatarina Larsson, Claes-Göran
Turesson, Anders Ahlbom Rosendahl, IngMarie Carlsson, Ulf Friberg, Lennart Jähkel,
Sven Holm (Klas Gråstedt), Rolf Degerlund
(Åke Andersson), Hampus Edfeldt - Dir.
Stephan Apelgren
Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (Schwed) 88min.
Universum Film(Tobis) 20.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033014
Waterworld (Blu-ray)
Seite 30
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne
Tripplehorn, Tina Majorino, Michael Jeter,
Gerard Murphy, R.D. Call, Kim Coates, John
Fleck, Robert Joy, Jack Black, John TolesBey, Zitto Kazann, Zakes Mokae, Sab
Shimono - Dir. Kevin Reynolds
Science Fiction/Action 1995 135min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033044
When Night Is Falling
When Night Is Falling
Pascale Bussières, Rachael Crawford,
Henry Czerny, David Fox, Tracy Wright,
Don McKellar, Claire Coulter, Karyne Steben
- Dir. Patricia Rozema
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Filmografien
Drama 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 94min.
KSM(NewKSM) 26.11.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032902
Das Wunder von Leipzig
Dir. Sebastian Dehnhardt, Matthias Schmidt
Bildergalerie, Originaltrailer
Doku-Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Planet Media Home Entertainment
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032998
Der Zauberer vom Waverly Place:
Der Film
Wizards Of Waverly Place: The Movie
Selena Gomez, David Henrie, Jake T. Austin
- Dir. Lev L. Spiro
Behind the Scenes
Fantasy/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp)
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032954
Zee-Oui - Der Kannibale (k.J.)
Long Duan, Premsinee Ratanasopha,
Chatchai Plengpanich - Dir. Buranee
Trailer, Bildergalerie
Thriller/Horror 2004 86min.
Integroove 30.10.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032982
Zwei bärenstarke Typen
Nati Con La Camicia
Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Buffy Dee, David Huddleston, Riccardo Pizzuti - Dir. E. B.
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Original Kinotrailer
Komödie/Action 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D)
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032992
Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen
Pari E Dispari
Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Luigi Catenacci,
Kim McKay, Marisa Laurito, Woody
Woodbury - Dir. Sergio Corbucci
Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer
Action 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 111min.
3L Filmverleih 22.10.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032993
Zwölf Runden (Extreme Cut)
Dir. David Clark, Bayley Silleck
12 Rounds
John Cena, Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott,
Steve Harris, Brian J. White, Gonzalo
Menendez, Taylor Cole, Kyle Russell
Clements - Dir. Renny Harlin
Making of ( Engl. mit dt. UT)
Dokumentarfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 40min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033018
Audiokommentar, 2 Featurettes, Alternative Enden
IMAX: Grand Canyon Adventure Abenteuer auf dem Colorado
Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 105min.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 08.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032918
Zwölf Runden (Extreme Cut) (Bluray)
12 Rounds
John Cena, Aidan Gillen, Ashley Scott,
Steve Harris, Brian J. White, Gonzalo
Menendez, Taylor Cole, Kyle Russell
Clements - Dir. Renny Harlin
Audiokommentar, 17 Featurettes, Alternative Enden
Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD
5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (Poln) DTS (Russ)
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 08.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032920
Special Interest
Grand Canyon Adventure: River At Risk
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Wade Davis, Shana
Watahomigie, Kick Kennedy, Tara Davis Dir. Greg MacGillivray
Behind the Scenes (Engl. mit dt. UT)
Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 40min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033013
IMAX: Grand Canyon Adventure Abenteuer auf dem Colorado
Grand Canyon Adventure: River At Risk
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Wade Davis, Shana
Watahomigie, Kick Kennedy, Tara Davis Dir. Greg MacGillivray
Behind the Scenes (Engl. mit dt. UT)
Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD
5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 40min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033019
The Invisible Frame
Am Limit (Speed Record Edition)
Thomas Huber, Alexander Huber - Dir. Pepe
BD Live, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Featurettes,
Interview, Making of, Trailer, Biografien, Wendecover
Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD
5.1 (D) 100min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032940
IMAX: Die Alpen
The Alps
Dir. Stephen Judson
Behind the Scenes
Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 40min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033011
IMAX: Die Alpen (Blu-ray)
The Alps
Dir. Stephen Judson
Behind the Scenes
Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD
5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 40min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033017
IMAX: Dinosaurier - Fossilien zum
Leben erweckt
Dinosaurs Alive
Dir. David Clark, Bayley Silleck
Making of ( Engl. mit dt. UT)
Dokumentarfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 40min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 03.12.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20033012
IMAX: Dinosaurier - Fossilien zum
Leben erweckt (Blu-ray)
The Invisible Frame
Tilda Swinton, Cynthia Beatt - Dir. Cynthia
Bonusfilm, Bildergalerie
Dokumentarfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 60min.
Filmgalerie 451 06.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032916
No Body Is Perfect (OmU) (k.J.)
No Body Is Perfect
Dir. Raphael Sibilla
Dokumentation 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (F)
Senator Home Entertainment 04.12.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032973
One - Das (Film-)Projekt
One: The Movie
Dir. Ward M. Powers
Dokumentarfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 81min.
Tao Cinemathek 30.10.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033044
Sharkwater - Wenn Haie sterben
Dir. Rob Stewart
Making of, Bonusfilm
Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2006 89min.
polyband Medien GmbH 08.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033045
Mike Tyson - Dir. James Toback
Biografie, Interview, Wendecover
Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2008 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20032927
Dinosaurs Alive
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Seite 32
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
The Builder
Baccano!: The Complete Series
Don’t let nobody tell you there’s no future in a life of crime,
because some rackets can last forever. But we’ll get around
to all that immortality jazz later. A mafia turf war is raging on
the mean streets of the Big Apple, a place where regular joes
bounce between backdoor booze joints and the breadline. But
this caper ain’t about a simple gangland brawl. It’s about
hoods who can’t seem to die proper after catching a bullet or
five between the eyes. Sadistic hit-men and the dames they
love, mad bombers going boom, monsters going bump and soul
sucking alchemists bootlegging an elixir of eternal life. Just
remember, Baccano! ain’t about beginnings and ends. It’s
about the twists and turns, bub. Paths don’t cross in this story
- They collide. Every Dick and Jane plays the lead and it’s
gonna be a bumpy ride.
Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese 2007 400min.
Funimation 29.12.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089859
Bamboo Blade: Part 2
Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Sports min.
Funimation 19.01.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090095
Family min.
Hit Entertainment 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090039
Case Closed: The Movie Captured In Her Eyes
There’s a killer on the loose, and the targets are none other
than the boys in blue. But there’s just one problem. Only
Rachel has seen the fiend in action, and the shock of a
witnessing a murder up close and personal made her forget
everything she ever knew and everyone she ever loved.
Mystery, Anime, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese 2008 105min.
Funimation 29.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089862
Case Closed: The Movie - Countdown To Heaven
Mystery, Anime, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese 2008 min.
Funimation 19.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090110
Clannad After Story: Collection 2
Batman: The Brave And The Bold
- Volume 3
The course of love doesn’t always run true. Nagisa may have
accepted Tomoya’s proposal, but her father, Akio, withholds
his permission until Tomoya can meet his terms - and even if
that can be achieved, darker clouds are gathering that will
shatter their dreams forever, as Nagisa’s health begins
declining. When what should be a happy moment, turns
instead into tragedy, Tomoya’s rage and frustration at being
unable to do more than be by Nagisa’s side leaves him unable
to handle the responsibility left to him. But the story is not yet
over, and there is still another act to follow. Happiness can
still be attained, provided that Tomoya holds onto love, the
most precious thing of all. The grand climax, plus several
enchanting sidestories, await in the second collection of
Clannad After Story.
Based On Comic Book, Superheroes, Action, Adventure 2009 110min.
Warner Bros. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089927
Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese, Romance 325min.
Section23 Films 08.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090038
Billy Blue Hair: Why Are
Firetrucks Red?
Clifford: Be My Big Red Valentine
Barbie And The Magic Of Pegasus
Fantasy 2005 min.
Universal Studios 05.01.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090088
Rut-Roh! Billy Blue Hair has lost his dog Doogie. As
animated Billy searches for Doogie within the live-action
video, Billy becomes your child’s guide and educator as they
discover fun and quirky facts about fire stations, fire engines,
turnout suits, ladder trucks, hydrants, and how to battle a fire.
With the use of animation, Billy and Doogie encourage kids to
use their imaginations to discover „Why things are the way
they are“.
Family 30min.
Passion River 08.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089990
Blassreiter: Part 2
The end is near, and only the pale rider has the power to stop
it. Joseph Jobson races against death in a desperate attempt
to halt the spread of a genetically engineered plague of doom.
Victims of this devious experimentation are driven to madness
by grotesque mutations and violent outbreaks of rage. Their
only hope for survival lies in the mutated genes coursing
through Jobson’s own tainted veins. Though he carries the
plague, Jobson must ride his GARM motorcycle into battle and
sacrifice himself for the redemption of a demented gene pool.
Joseph Jobson is the savior of the world. He is the
Action, Adventure, Anime, Giant Robots,
International TV, Robots / Androids,
Science Fiction 288min.
Funimation 29.12.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089861
Bleach: Volume 23
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 15.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090059
Bob The Builder: The Best Of Bob
Can you guess what is the biggest, reddest thing about
Clifford? It’s his great big, lovable heart! Get the fun started
with these amazing adventures to a magical land of kings,
queens, princesses and treasure!
Family, Preschool, Animated Animals min.
Lionsgate 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090027
Coraline Giftset
Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, Jennifer
Saunders, Dawn French, Keith David, Ian
McShane, John Hodgman
Family, Fantasy, 3D, Adventure, Stop Motion
Animation 2009 101min.
Universal Studios 08.12.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089886
Coraline Giftset (Blu-ray)
Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, Jennifer
Saunders, Dawn French, Keith David, Ian
McShane, John Hodgman
Family, Fantasy, 3D, Adventure, Stop Motion
Animation 2009 101min.
Universal Studios 08.12.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089922
D. Gray-Man: Season One - Part
One (Blu-ray)
Darkness spreads across 19th century Europe, and young
exorcist Allen Walker is humanity’s greatest hope against the
wicked forces conspiring to bring civilization to its knees.
Akuma - cruel spirits born of tragedy and lost souls lurk in
every shadow, willing and eager to do the bidding of their
leader, the dead Millennium Earl. With an eye cursed to see
evil in its truest form and blessed with an arm to slay soul-
devouring demons, Allen stands ready to confront the
gathering storm. Should be fail, innocence will be lost forever.
Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese min.
Funimation 05.01.2010
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090105
D. Gray-Man: Season Two - Part
Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese min.
Funimation 05.01.2010
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090094
Dragonaut : The Resonance - The
Complete Series Part 2
With the deadly asteroid Thanatos bearing down on planet
Earth, an elite fighting force known as the Dragonauts flies
into action. These space junkies can really fill out a uniform,
and their courageous Dragon comrades are fearless and foxy
in the face of danger. Following the lead of interplanetary
lovebirds Jin and Toa, humans and dragons team up for a romp
in the lunar hot springs and a showdown with the nefarious
Gillard Army. The fate of humanity rests on Jin and Toa, who
must harness the power of their cosmic hook-up in order to
stop Thanatos and build a new life for a lonely boy and the
dragon of his dreams.
Action, Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign,
Giant Robots, International TV, Japanese,
Robots / Androids, Romance 315min.
Funimation 03.11.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089864
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Complete Collector’s Set
Action, Boxed Sets, Special Forces min.
Shout Factory 10.11.2009
265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090077
Ghost Hound: Collection 2
From Masamune Shirow, the creator of Ghost in the Shell.
Teenager Taro Komori and his friends are getting used to the
experience of soul traveling - leaving their bodies to travel in
spirit form unseen by others. But something sinister is
brewing in the Hidden Realm. The spirits are restless and a
malevolent ghost is appearing with increasing frequency. In
the „real“ world, an out of favor religious cult is finding
dozens of new converts, especially among high ranking
politicians. And just what the scientists at Dai Nippon Bio are
up to is a question in need of an answer. Can Taro and his
friends find the answers they need in time to save their
friends and family? Find out in the dramatic conclusion to
Masamune Shirow’s psychology masterpiece Ghost Hound!
Anime, Foreign, Horror, International TV,
Japanese 275min.
Section23 Films 15.12.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090042
Happily N’Ever After 2: Snow
Fairy tales collide when Mambo and Munk tip the scales of
good and evil once again. This time Princess Snow White is a
misguided teenager who’d rather have fun with friends Red
Riding Hood, Goldilocks and Little Bo Peep than help
peasants. When Snow White’s father is matched up with Lady
Vain- a scheming witch brewing to rule the kingdom- Snow
White becomes a thorn in Lady Vain’s side. Snow White is
soon tricked by Lady Vain (with Rumpelstiltskin’s help) into
spreading vicious gossip about the townspeople, forcing her
to flee. Through rebuilding the three little pigs’ houses with
the seven dwarves leading the way, Snow White learns the
value of helping others. Only Snow White can foil her dad’s
wedding to stop Lady Vain. With Mambo and Munk in tow,
Snow White proves she can rule the kingdom, while bringing
balance back to the scales of good and evil.
Adventure, Animated Feature Films,
Comedy, Computer Animation, Fairy Tales,
Family min.
Lionsgate 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090028
Heroic Age: The Complete Series
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 33
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Anime, Action,
Adventure 2008 min.
Funimation 05.01.2010
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090106
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090030
Thomas & Friends: Engines And
Honey And Clover: Volume 2 Box Set
Join the Narrow Gauge engines in these adventures and meet
Madge, their newest friend. Adventures and surprises are
around every corner, so hold on tight and watch as the Island
of Sodor bustles with hilarious antics and non-stop action.
Anime, Drama, Foreign, Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 15.12.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090060
Stop Motion Animation min.
Hit Entertainment 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090032
Hunter X Hunter: Volume 4
Thomas & Friends: Splish, Splish,
Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese, Action
Viz Entertainment 01.12.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090054
Linebarrels Of Iron
Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Giant
Robots, International TV, Japanese, Robots
/ Androids, Romance min.
Funimation 19.01.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090119
Naruto: Shippuden - Volume 4
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090057
One Piece: Season Two - Fifth
Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Japanese,
Pirates 2008 min.
Funimation 19.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090112
Rin: Daughter of Mnemosyne Complete Series
Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Horror,
Japanese, Mystery min.
Funimation 19.01.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090118
Sands Of Destruction: Complete
Action, Adventure, Anime, Based On Video
Game, Foreign, International TV, Japanese,
Science Fiction min.
Funimation 26.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090116
Scooby’s All Star Laff-A-Lympics:
Volume 1
Comedy, Family, Mystery 88min.
Warner Bros. 19.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090001
Even when it’s wet outside you can still have plenty of fun,
especially when you share your adventures with Thomas &
Friends! Grab your galoshes and join the team as they
prepare for rainy-day visits and sudsy spills, and then get
unstuck from a snowy situation in this collection of stories
from the Island of Sodor.
Family, Preschool, Stop Motion Animation
Hit Entertainment 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089999
To Love Ru: Collection 1
One should always understand other people’s customs before
making commitments. Unfortunately, Rito Yuki had no idea the
planet Develuke even existed when their Princess Lala
teleported naked into his bathtub, let alone that touching a
girl’s breasts is how they propose marriage! Given that he
was in the tub when she appeared, and slippery soap suds
being what they are, Rito’s now engaged to a beautiful girl
with a pointed tail. Worse, various aliens are showing up on
missions of varying hostile intent; the girl that Rito really
loves is still completely unaware of his feelings; and all of the
new customs he’s got to learn seem to involve touching a
girl’s chest! (Okay, maybe he’ll get used to that last one, but
he’s still in high school and a bit intimidated.) Can a nice boy
from Japan become the next King of Galaxy A or will he just
end up feeling like a boob? Keep abreast of further
developments in To Love Ru Collection 1!
Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese, Romance, Science Fiction
Section23 Films 15.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090044
Tom And Jerry’s Greatest Chases:
Volume Four
Comedy, Family, Animated Animals 98min.
Warner Bros. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090096
Transformers: The Complete
Series - 25th Anniversary Matrix
Of Leadership Edition
Action, Boxed Sets, Giant Robots, Science
Fiction min.
Shout Factory 03.11.2009
250,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090046
Tsubasa: Complete Series
Includes: Season 1 Season 2
Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy,
Foreign, International TV, Japanese min.
Funimation 19.01.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090113
Sgt. Frog: Season 2 - Part 1
Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign,
Japanese min.
Funimation 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090114
Tsubasa: Season Two
Thomas & Friends: Carnival
Join Thomas & Friends as a carnival comes to the Island of
Sodor! Also, meet new friends, Rocky and Rosie, and follow
them as they explore their new surroundings and learn to
work as a team with the other engines.
Stop Motion Animation, Animated Animals
Hit Entertainment 05.01.2010
A true and noble heart holds much power, stronger than the
hardest fist and mightier than the most potent magic. Four
disparate travelers begin an epic journey - their goals different, their destiny the same. Along the way, the past will meet
the future in the present. Of all the paths of every life,
mingling in the dimension between dimensions where a foe has
the face of an ally, and an ally the face of a monster. At the
center of this heroic undertaking, Syaoran: A young man
called upon to save his fated, the princess Sakura. Her
memory has been shattered, the very essence of her soul sent
adrift across the universe. Feather’s float down on strange
lands, torn asunder if only to prove the power of love. With
fellow travelers Kurogane and Fai, a warrior and a wizard, an
epic quest begins. One of danger and mystery - the
possibilities are endless.
Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese 625min.
Funimation 29.12.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089865
Naoki Urasawa’s Monster: Box
Set 1
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min.
Viz Entertainment 08.12.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090056
WordWorld: Lots Of Letters Box
Animated Animals, Computer Animation
2007 min.
NCircle Entertainment 10.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090073
10 Things I Hate About You: 10th
Anniversary Edition
Larry Miller, Julia Stiles, Larisa Oleynik,
Heath Ledger, David Krumholtz, Andrew
The classic comedy that launched the careers of Academy
Award winner Heath Ledger (2008, Best Supporting Actor,
The Dark Knight) and Julia Stiles celebrates its ten-year high
school reunion with 10 Things I Hate About You: 10th
Anniversary Edition. This special edition is packed with a
million things to love, including an exclusive sneak peek at
Heath Ledger’s screen test. New kid in school Cameron
(Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is smitten with the beautiful Bianca
(Larisa Oleynik). The problem is that Bianca isn’t allowed to
date unless her surly older sister Kat (Stiles) does.
Cameron’s only hope is to enlist the help of Patrick (Ledger),
the school troublemaker with a reputation as nasty as Kat’s.
This special edition brings back the love-struck high school
classmates of ’99 with a treasure trove of never-before-seen
footage. Also featuring a retro soundtrack of memorable
nineties tunes, 10 Things I Hate About You is a comedy you
can count on.
Romance, Comedy, High School 1999
Disney / Buena Vista 05.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090047
10 Things I Hate About You: 10th
Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray)
Larry Miller, Julia Stiles, Larisa Oleynik,
Heath Ledger, David Krumholtz, Andrew
The classic comedy that launched the careers of Academy
Award winner Heath Ledger (2008, Best Supporting Actor,
The Dark Knight) and Julia Stiles celebrates its ten-year high
school reunion with 10 Things I Hate About You: 10th
Anniversary Edition. This special edition is packed with a
million things to love, including an exclusive sneak peek at
Heath Ledger’s screen test. New kid in school Cameron
(Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is smitten with the beautiful Bianca
(Larisa Oleynik). The problem is that Bianca isn’t allowed to
date unless her surly older sister Kat (Stiles) does.
Cameron’s only hope is to enlist the help of Patrick (Ledger),
the school troublemaker with a reputation as nasty as Kat’s.
This special edition brings back the love-struck high school
classmates of ’99 with a treasure trove of never-before-seen
footage. Also featuring a retro soundtrack of memorable
nineties tunes, 10 Things I Hate About You is a comedy you
can count on.
Comedy, High School, Romance 1999
Disney / Buena Vista 05.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090053
20th Century Boys 1: Beginning
Of The End
Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign,
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Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 15.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090058
4 Film Favorites: Western
Young Guns II Maverick Wild Wild West
24 City
A masterful film from Jia Zhang-ke, the renowned director of
Still Life and The World, 24 City chronicles the dramatic
closing of a once-prosperous state-owned aeronautics factory
and its conversion into a sprawling luxury apartment complex.
Bursting with poetry, pop songs and striking visual detail, the
film weaves together unforgettable stories from three
generations of workers whose lives have revolved around the
factory - some real, some played by actors (including Joan
Chen) - into a vivid portrait of the human struggle behind
China’s economic miracle.
Art House, Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2008
Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 106min.
Cinema Guild 12.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090093
4 Film Favorites: Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner
Tin Cup The Upside Of Anger The Bodyguard
Romance, Sports, Substance Abuse, Thrillers, Comedy, Drama, Golf 502min.
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090097
4 Film Favorites: Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor
Uptown Saturday Night Moving Greased Lightning
Poker, Science Fiction, Action, Based On
TV Show, Comedy, Gambling, Western
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090121
4 Film Favorites: Whoopi Goldberg Collection
Whoopi Goldberg
Corinna, Corrina Made In America Bogus
Romance, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090123
8 1/2: The Criterion Collection
Barbara Steele, Claudia Cardinale, Rosella
Falk, Sandra Milo, Marcello Mastroianni,
Anouk Aimee
One of the greatest films about film ever made, Federico
Fellini’s 8 1/2 (Otto e mezzo) turns one man’s artistic crisis
into a grand epic of the cinema. Guido Anselmi (Marcello
Mastrioanni) is a director whose film — and life — is
collapsing around him. An early working title for the film was
La Bella Confusione (The Beautiful Confusion), and Fellini’s
masterpiece is exactly that: a shimmering dream, a circus, and
a magic act.
Racing, Sports, Blaxploitation, Comedy,
Crime, Drama 399min.
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090098
Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama,
Fantasy, Film About Film, Foreign, Italian,
Art House 1963 Ltbx 138min.
Criterion 12.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090009
4 Film Favorites: Romance
A L’Aventure
Rumor Has It Lucky You Sweet November
Poker, Romance, Comedy, Drama 444min.
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090099
4 Film Favorites: Thriller
Dreamcatcher Gothika Queen Of The Damned
Thrillers, Ghosts, High Seas, Horror,
Vampires 424min.
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090108
4 Film Favorites: Urban Action
Hot Potato Black Samson Three The Hard Way
Action, Blaxploitation, Crime, Martial Arts
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090109
4 Film Favorites: Wedding
The Wedding Singer The Bachelor The In-Laws
Romance, Comedy 415min.
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090111
4 Film Favorites: Wesley Snipes
Wesley Snipes
New Jack City The Art Of War Boiling Point
Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Conspiracies,
Crime, Drama 417min.
Warner Bros. 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090115
He has been both hailed and condemned as „the most
notorious filmmaker working in Europe today.“ And for this
third movie in his controversial trilogy on female sexuality,
writer/director Jean-Claude Brisseau (The Exterminating
Angels, Secret Things) takes you to the outermost edges of
passion and transgression. Carole Brana stars as a sexually
unfulfilled young woman who embarks on a series of forbidden
encounters fueled by hypnosis, desire and complete
intellectual and carnal surrender. How far would you go to
find the ultimate erotic ecstasy? Etienne Chicot (The Da Vinci
Code), Lise Bellynck and Estelle Galarme co-star in this
startlingly provocative exploration of the female orgasm that
continues to shock and seduce audiences around the world.
Art House, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French
2009 103min.
MPI 12.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089952
According To Greta
Hilary Duff, Ellen Burstyn, Melissa Leo,
Michael Murphy, Evan Ross
Greta’s a trip, but she’s no vacation. She’s sixteen, bright,
beautiful, and seriously rebellious, full of sarcastic wit that
barely disguises her hurt inside. Pushed aside by her mother,
Karen, Greta is shipped off to her grandparents for the
summer, and she’s not happy about it. In fact, she fully intends
to kill herself before the summer is over and is currently
compiling a notebook of suicide methods. Acerbic, yet
willingly impulsive, Greta is a stunning force of nature,
disrupting her grandparents’ staid and settled lives and the
Jersey Shore community they live in as well. But a near
catastrophe gives Greta a wake-up call and demonstrates
how deeply her own actions impact those around her. Greta’s
growing love for her elderly grandparents, along with the
excitement of her first summer romance, gradually strips away
her defenses, revealing the promising, charismatic young
woman underneath her shell.
Drama 2009 91min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 19.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090104
According To Greta (Blu-ray)
Hilary Duff, Ellen Burstyn, Melissa Leo,
Michael Murphy, Evan Ross
Greta’s a trip, but she’s no vacation. She’s sixteen, bright,
beautiful, and seriously rebellious, full of sarcastic wit that
barely disguises her hurt inside. Pushed aside by her mother,
Karen, Greta is shipped off to her grandparents for the
summer, and she’s not happy about it. In fact, she fully intends
to kill herself before the summer is over and is currently
compiling a notebook of suicide methods. Acerbic, yet
willingly impulsive, Greta is a stunning force of nature,
disrupting her grandparents’ staid and settled lives and the
Jersey Shore community they live in as well. But a near
catastrophe gives Greta a wake-up call and demonstrates
how deeply her own actions impact those around her. Greta’s
growing love for her elderly grandparents, along with the
excitement of her first summer romance, gradually strips away
her defenses, revealing the promising, charismatic young
woman underneath her shell.
Drama 2009 91min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 19.01.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090107
Chantal Akerman In The
Seventies: Eclipse From The
Criterion Collection
Over the past four decades, Belgian director Chantal Akerman
(Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles) has
created one of cinema’s most distinctive bodies of work formally daring, often autobiographical films about people and
places, time and space. In this collection, we present the
early films that put her on the map: intensely personal,
modernist investigations of cities, history, family, and
sexuality, made in the 1970s in the United States and Europe
and strongly influenced by the New York experimental film
scene. Bold and iconoclastic, these five films pushed
boundaries in their day and continue to have a profound
influence on filmmakers all over the world. In Chantal
Akerman’s early short film La chambre, we see the furniture
and clutter of one small room in an apartment become the
subject of a moving still life - with Akerman herself staring
back at us. This breakthrough formal experiment is the first
film the director made in New York. Under Chantal Akerman’s
watchful eye, a cheap New York hotel glows with mystery and
unexpected beauty, its corridors, elevators, rooms, windows,
Art House, Boxed Sets, Criterion
Collection, Director / Writer Box Sets, Drama, Foreign, French 375min.
Criterion 19.01.2010
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090000
All About Steve
Sandra Bullock, Thomas Haden Church,
Bradley Cooper, Ken Jeong
Sandra Bullock (The Proposal) and Bradley Cooper (The
Hangover) star in this off-the-wall comedy about a blind date
gone hilariously wrong. When eccentric, but lovable, Mary
gets set up with Steve, a news channel cameraman, she falls
hard. He does not. Mary decides to follow Steve on a crosscountry hunt for breaking news and soon finds herself
entangled in the story. But despite the media storm
surrounding her, Mary may just discover her true place in the
world...and the man of her dreams!
Romance, Comedy 2009 99min.
20th Century Fox 22.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089931
All About Steve (Blu-ray)
Sandra Bullock, Thomas Haden Church,
Bradley Cooper, Ken Jeong
Sandra Bullock (The Proposal) and Bradley Cooper (The
Hangover) star in this off-the-wall comedy about a blind date
gone hilariously wrong. When eccentric, but lovable, Mary
gets set up with Steve, a news channel cameraman, she falls
hard. He does not. Mary decides to follow Steve on a crosscountry hunt for breaking news and soon finds herself
entangled in the story. But despite the media storm
surrounding her, Mary may just discover her true place in the
world...and the man of her dreams!
Comedy, Romance 2009 99min.
20th Century Fox 22.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089958
The Alphabet Killer (Blu-ray)
Timothy Hutton, Eliza Dushku, Cary Elwes,
Michael Ironside, Bill Moseley, Tom Malloy
Based On A True Story. The Crimes that Terrifies a Nation
From Rob Schmidt, the Director of Wrong Turn A ten year old
girl is found brutally murdered outside the small blue-collar
city of Rochester, New York, and obsessed police detective
Megan Paige (Eliza Dushku of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and
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Oktober 2009
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Dollhouse) suffers a mental breakdown while trying to solve
the crime. But when the child-killings resume two years later,
Megan’s return to the investigation also brings back her own
horrific hallucinations. Even if she can prove a ‘double initial’
connection to the slayings, will she hang onto her sanity long
enough to catch a psychopath? Cary Elwes (Saw), Michael
Ironside (Starship Troopers), Bill Moseley (The Devil’s
Rejects), Carl Lumbly (Alias) and Academy Award-winner
Timothy Hutton co-star in this chilling thriller directed by Rob
Detectives, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2008
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090013
The Appeared
In the tradition of The Devil’s Backbone comes the
internationally acclaimed Argentine/Spanish horror saga from
writer/director Paco Cabezas. During a road trip to visit their
dying father, an estranged brother and sister discover a
hidden diary that reveals a family legacy of fear and torture.
But when past and present begin to collide, the siblings must
confront the truth behind the trail of ‘the disappeared’: 30,000
people kidnapped and murdered under Argentina’s military
dictatorship...some of whom may have now returned to our
world. Ruth Diaz and Javier Pereira star in this startling
combination of supernatural chiller and shocking political
thriller that Eye For Film hails as „a modern ghost story made
with commitment, passion and effective terror.“
Argentinian, Foreign, Horror 2007 120min.
MPI 12.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089950
Becker: The Third Season
Ted Danson, Alex Desert, Saverio Guerra,
Shawnee Smith, Terry Farrell, Hattie
CBS, Comedy 2000 520min.
Paramount Pictures 12.01.2010
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090089
Becker: Three Season Pack
Ted Danson, Alex Desert, Saverio Guerra,
Shawnee Smith, Terry Farrell, Hattie
CBS, Comedy 1537min.
Paramount Pictures 12.01.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090090
Behind The Mask: The Rise Of
Leslie Vernon (Blu-ray)
Scott Wilson, Zelda Rubinstein, Angela
Goethals, Robert Englund, Nathan Baesel
You know legendary maniacs Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers
and Freddy Krueger. Now meet Leslie Vernon, the next great
psycho-slasher. Nathan Baesel of Invasion stars as Vernon, a
good-natured killing machine who invites a documentary film
crew to follow him as he reminisces with his murder mentor
(Scott Wilson of In Cold Blood), evades his psychiatrist/
nemesis (Robert Englund of A Nightmare On Elm Street),
deconstructs Freudian symbolism, and meticulously plots his
upcoming slaughter spree. But when the actual carnage
begins, where do you draw the line between voyeuristic
thrills, mythic evil, and good old- fashioned slasher movie
mayhem? Angela Goethals (24) and Zelda Rubinstein (Poltergeist) co-stars in this ingeniously twisted and award-winning
shocker that Film Threat hails as „a masterpiece...“.
Comedy, Horror, Mockumentary, Slasher,
Thrillers 2006 92min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090014
Bellezas Indomables (Untamed
Che: The Criterion Collection
Dead At The Box Office
Benicio Del Toro, Demian Bichir, Carlos
An evil from the past haunts a financially-troubled movie
theater during a midnight screening of Night of the Living
Dead. This sinister legacy traps the theater’s staff between
their cannibalistic customers and the equally murderous
agents of a paranoid government. Sometimes creepy,
sometimes campy, „Dead at the Box Office“ pays homage to the
low-budget, B-grade zombie films of the 60s and 70s.
Far from a conventional biopic, Steven Soderbergh’s film
about Che Guevara is a fascinating exploration of the
revolutionary as icon. Daring in its refusal to make the
socialist leader into an easy martyr or hero, Che paints a
vivid, naturalistic portrait of the man himself (with a stunning,
Cannes-award-winning performance by Benicio del Toro),
from his overthrow of the Batista dictatorship to his 1964
United Nations trip to the end of his short life. Originally
released in two parts, the first a kaleidoscopic view of the
Cuban revolution and the second an all-action dramatization
of Che’s failed campaign in Bolivia. Che is presented here in
its complete form.
Politics, War, Art House, Biography,
Biopics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics
2008 261min.
Criterion 19.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089995
Che: The Criterion Collection
Benicio Del Toro, Demian Bichir, Carlos
Far from a conventional biopic, Steven Soderbergh’s film
about Che Guevara is a fascinating exploration of the
revolutionary as icon. Daring in its refusal to make the
socialist leader into an easy martyr or hero, Che paints a
vivid, naturalistic portrait of the man himself (with a stunning,
Cannes-award-winning performance by Benicio del Toro),
from his overthrow of the Batista dictatorship to his 1964
United Nations trip to the end of his short life. Originally
released in two parts, the first a kaleidoscopic view of the
Cuban revolution and the second an all-action dramatization
of Che’s failed campaign in Bolivia. Che is presented here in
its complete form.
Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics, Art
House, Biography, Biopics, Politics, War
2008 261min.
Criterion 19.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090011
The Cricket
Wilma Malinverni (Virna Lisi) is a former prostitute and an
aged nightclub singer. After having been abruptly fired, she
leaves with her only fan, a young naive girl known as the
cricket (Clio Goldsmith). On the road as prostitutes, they
meet Annibale (Anthony Franciosa), and decide to help him
with his road stop for truckers. The place is named „The
Cricket“ and business goes well, so that Wilma ends up
marrying Annibale. Then Saveria (Barbara De Rossi), the 18
year old daughter of Wilma, arrives: she is a prostitute too
and starts a chain of events that will end up in tragedy.
Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Hookers, Italian
1980 105min.
Mya Communication 24.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089867
Cyclops (Blu-ray)
Eric Roberts, Frida Farrell, Kevin Stapleton,
Craig Archibald, Mike Straub
The Rise Of Cyclops... Is The Fall Of Rome!. It is the
pinnacle of the Roman Empire, a time of mighty gladiators,
lusty women, and a ferocious one-eyed monster that
slaughters those foolish enough to enter his forest domain.
But the corrupt Emperor Tiberius (Academy Award nominee
Eric Roberts) has a plan to please the bloodlust of the people:
Capture the creature and unleash him in the arena against his
condemned slaves, including wrongfully imprisoned general
Marcus Romulus (Kevin Stapleton of One Life To Live). Now
the ultimate battle between man and beast is about to begin...
and Rome will taste the full fury of hell unleashed. Frida
Farrell co-stars in this over-the-top action epic, now
featuring scenes of carnage too intense for broadcast
Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Romance min.
Navarre 17.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089871
Fantasy, Action, Ancient Greece / Rome,
TV Movies 2008 94min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090015
Daytime Drinking
Martial Arts min.
First Look Home Entertainment 19.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090066
Comedy, Foreign, Korean min.
Funimation 26.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090117
Thrillers, Zombies, Comedy, Horror 88min.
Sub Rosa Studios 26.01.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089892
Destroy Entertainment:
Adrenaline Crew
First Look Home Entertainment 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090065
Destroy Entertainment: Mischief
First Look Home Entertainment 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090064
Destroy Entertainment: Sydewayz
First Look Home Entertainment 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090063
District 9
Sharlto Copley, Mandla Gaduka, Hlengiwe
Madlala, Louis Minaar, Vanessa Haywood,
David James, William Allen Young, Kenneth
Nkosi, Jason Cope, Eugene Khumbanyiwa
From producer Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
and director Neill Blomkamp comes a startlingly original
sciencefiction thriller that „soars on the imagination of its
creators“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). With stunning
special effects and gritty realism, the film plunges us into a
world where the aliens have landed... only to be exiled to a
slum on the fringes of Johannesburg. Now, one lone human
discovers the mysterious secret of the extraterrestrial
weapon technology. Hunted and hounded through the bizarre
back alleys of an alien shantytown, he will discover what it
means to be the ultimate outsider on your own planet.
Science Fiction, Thrillers, Alien Invasions,
Aliens 2009 112min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089860
District 9 (Blu-ray)
Sharlto Copley, Mandla Gaduka, Hlengiwe
Madlala, Louis Minaar, Vanessa Haywood,
David James, William Allen Young, Kenneth
Nkosi, Jason Cope, Eugene Khumbanyiwa
From producer Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
and director Neill Blomkamp comes a startlingly original
sciencefiction thriller that „soars on the imagination of its
creators“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). With stunning
special effects and gritty realism, the film plunges us into a
world where the aliens have landed... only to be exiled to a
slum on the fringes of Johannesburg. Now, one lone human
discovers the mysterious secret of the extraterrestrial
weapon technology. Hunted and hounded through the bizarre
back alleys of an alien shantytown, he will discover what it
means to be the ultimate outsider on your own planet.
Science Fiction, Thrillers, Alien Invasions,
Aliens 2009 112min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089875
District 9: Special Edition
Sharlto Copley, Mandla Gaduka, Hlengiwe
Madlala, Louis Minaar, Vanessa Haywood,
David James, William Allen Young, Kenneth
Nkosi, Jason Cope, Eugene Khumbanyiwa
From producer Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
and director Neill Blomkamp comes a startlingly original
sciencefiction thriller that „soars on the imagination of its
creators“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). With stunning
special effects and gritty realism, the film plunges us into a
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
world where the aliens have landed... only to be exiled to a
slum on the fringes of Johannesburg. Now, one lone human
discovers the mysterious secret of the extraterrestrial
weapon technology. Hunted and hounded through the bizarre
back alleys of an alien shantytown, he will discover what it
means to be the ultimate outsider on your own planet.
Science Fiction, Thrillers, Alien Invasions,
Aliens 2009 min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089863
The Donner Party
Drama min.
First Look Home Entertainment 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090068
Falling Up
Mimi Rogers, Joseph Cross, Rachael Leigh
Cook, Sarah Roemer, Snoop Dogg, Joe
Henry O’Shea is on his way to a nursing degree until his
dad’s sudden death forces him to take a job as a Manhattan
doorman. But no amount of warnings from his high-strung boss
or laid-back co-worker can prevent Henry from breaking Rule
#1: Never fall for the beautiful daughter of one of the
building’s wealthiest tenants. In a world where rich snobs
never mix with minimum wage slobs, can a romance between a
regular guy from Flatbush and a 5th Avenue rich girl even
make it past the front door?
Romance, Comedy, Drama 2009 min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 05.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090103
Every Christmas happily unmarried Brad and Kate escape
divorced parents and exasperating relatives by getting on a
plane. This year the airport shuts down and the couple is
forced to celebrate four family Christmases in one hectic,
hilarious day. Can Brad and Kate’s relationship survive Four
Christmas, Comedy, Family Relationships,
Holidays, Romance 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1
New Line Home Entertainment 24.11.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089919
The Game: The Second Season
Wendy Raquel Robinson, Brittany Daniel,
Tia Mowry, Coby Bell, Pooch Hall, Hosea
The CW, Comedy, Drama 2007 418min.
Paramount Pictures 19.01.2010
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090048
Gangsters 2-Pack
Includes: Dirty Deeds Crime Spree
2 Packs, Action min.
First Look Home Entertainment 26.01.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090070
The General (Blu-ray)
Marian Mack, Buster Keaton, Glenn
Cavender, Joseph Keaton, Charles Phillips,
Frederick Vroom, Frank Barnes, Mike
Donlin, Jim Farley, Tom Nawn
Fame (Blu-ray)
Barry Miller, Irene Cara, Paul McCrane, Lee
Curreri, Gene Anthony Ray
Seven classes a day and a hot lunch. That’s what New York
City High School for the Performing Arts guarantees. Stardom? That’s something the school’s teenage musicians,
actors, dancers and dreamers strive for. Fame sings the body
electric, celebrating the growing-up process of honing talent,
confronting realities, finding love, living life. Director Alan
Parker (Evita, The Commitments) brings an energetic style to
the crisscrossing stories of students (including future
Academy Award winner Irene Cara, Paul McCrane (ER),
Barry Miller (Saturday Night Fever) and two who returned in
the later TV series, Gene Anthony Ray and Lee Curreri).
Nominated for six Academy Awards, Fame won Oscars for its
dynamic score and title tune - and inspired a shoot-for-thestars 2009 remake.
Drama, High School, Music, Musical,
Performing Arts 1980 134min.
Warner Bros. 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090081
Four Christmases
Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Vince Vaughn,
Jon Favreau, Reese Witherspoon, Sissy
Spacek, Dwight Yoakam, Mary
Steenburgen, Kristin Chenoweth, Tim
Every Christmas happily unmarried Brad and Kate escape
divorced parents and exasperating relatives by getting on a
plane. This year a fog rolls in that even Rudolph’s nose
couldn’t illuminate, the airport shuts down and the couple is
forced to celebrate four family Christmases in one hectic,
hilarious day. Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon lead an
all-star cast in a comedy brimming with good cheer and great
laughs: Brad learns how not to install a satellite dish, Kate
battles an army of naughty-list kids in an inflatable Christmas
castle, and the two fill in for no-shows Mary and Joseph in a
wacky holiday pageant. Can Brad and Kate’s relationship
survive Four Christmases?
Romance, Christmas, Comedy, Family
Relationships, Holidays 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 120min.
New Line Home Entertainment 24.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089880
Four Christmases (Blu-ray)
Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Vince Vaughn,
Jon Favreau, Reese Witherspoon, Sissy
Spacek, Dwight Yoakam, Mary
Steenburgen, Kristin Chenoweth, Tim
Rejected by the Confederate army as unfit, and taken for a
coward by his beloved Annabelle Lee (Marion Mack), young
Johnny Gray (Keaton) is given a chance to redeem himself
when Yankee spies steal his cherished locomotive. Johnny
wages a one-man war against hijackers, an errant cannon and
the unpredictable hand of fate while roaring along the iron
rails. „Every shot has the authenticity and the unassuming
correct composition of a Matthew Brady Civil War
photograph“, wrote film historian David Robinson, „No one not even Griffith or Huston and certainly no Fleming (Gone
With the Wind) - caught the visual aspect of the Civil War as
Keaton did“.
Andrew Bujalski, Wiley Wiggins
Best known for their award-winning and hilariously deadpan
Sundance shorts, acclaimed independent filmmakers the
Zellner Brothers now deliver a new feature length comedy
about a man who loses his wife, his job and his mind. But
worst of all, he’s also lost his beloved cat Goliath. What
follows is a laugh-out-loud grim search for ‘the sweetest,
most wonderful cat in the whole world’ that straddles the line
between humor and pathos like few other comedies you’ve
ever seen. Writer/director David Zellner, producer/editor
Nathan Zellner, Wiley Wiggens (Dazed And Confused) and
Andrew Bujalkski (Funny Ha Ha) star in this indie festival hit
that Cinematical calls, „a welcome funny and human reminder
of the simple fact that the little things can mean a lot, both in
life and in art.“
Art House, Comedy 2008 80min.
MPI 12.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089949
Great Expectations (Repackaged)
Ethan Hawke, Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne
Bancroft, Robert De Niro, Chris Cooper,
Hank Azaria
Rolling Stone. The moment young Finn sets eyes on Estella,
she becomes his inspiration...and his obsession. Years later,
thanks to a mysterious benefactor, aspiring artist Finn is off
to New York, where he is reunited with the icy and beautiful
Estella. When she agrees to model for him, Finn’s dearest
hopes may at last be realized-along with his darkest fears!
Co-Starring Anne Bancroft and Robert DeNiro, this must see
love story (National News Syndicate) paints a lush portrait of
two people from different worlds who are linked by destiny,
and fated to touch each other’s souls.
Romance, Drama 1998 112min.
20th Century Fox 12.01.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090100
Gun-Kyu: War Pigeon
Ever since that fatal incident in college, Kanako has sensed
them. A sound behind her - an object moving at the corner of
her vision. Birds. Cooing, taunting birds - But are they real,
or just in her head? As she struggles to perform her duties
teaching marine biology, the images of pigeons slowly begin to
drive her to the edge of insanity, until even drugs and alcohol
no longer offer her protection. And what if they aren’t figments
of her imagination? What if that strange rumor she heard at
the crime scene was true? If it was, then the real nightmare is
only beginning! Vengeance has wings and the sky is filled
with terror in Gun-Kyu!
Classics, Comedy, AFI Top 100, National
Film Registry, Silent Film 1926 min.
Kino Video 10.11.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089876
Thrillers, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Killer
Animals 77min.
Section23 Films 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090040
Ghost Machine
A Guy Thing / Heartbreakers
(Double Feature)
Rachael Taylor , Sean Faris, Luke Ford
Science Fiction, Action, Horror 2009
Starz / Anchor Bay 22.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090024
Romance, Comedy, Double Features min.
MGM / UA 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090102
La Hacienda
Mystery, Gay / Lesbian Interest 89min.
First Run Features 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089965
Girlfriends: The Complete
Seasons 1 - 8
Golden Brooks, Tracee Ellis Ross, Persia
White, Reggie Hayes
The CW, Comedy, Friendships min.
Paramount Pictures 19.01.2010
490,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090092
Girlfriends: The Final Season
Golden Brooks, Tracee Ellis Ross, Persia
White, Reggie Hayes
The CW, Comedy, Friendships 2007 460min.
Paramount Pictures 19.01.2010
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090091
Mark and his friends travel to South America seeking a fun
time while he takes possession of his Family’s Hacienda.
Everything changes when the group discovers something evil
is lurking within the property; tortured souls haunt the land
and will not rest until they avenge the past.
Foreign, Horror, Mexican 2009 90min.
Laguna Productions Inc. 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090074
La Hacienda (Blu-ray)
Mark and his friends travel to South America seeking a fun
time while he takes possession of his Family’s Hacienda.
Everything changes when the group discovers something evil
is lurking within the property; tortured souls haunt the land
and will not rest until they avenge the past.
Foreign, Horror, Mexican 2009 90min.
Laguna Productions Inc. 24.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090083
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood
Prince (Blu-ray)
Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David
Thewlis, Helena Bonham Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Jim
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Oktober 2009
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Broadbent, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall,
Warwick Davis, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert
Family, Fantasy, Magic, Adventure 2009
Warner Bros. 08.12.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089920
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood
Prince (Fullscreen)
Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David
Thewlis, Helena Bonham Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Jim
Broadbent, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall,
Warwick Davis, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert
As Lord Voldemort tightens his grip on both the Muggle and
wizarding worlds, Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven.
Harry suspects perils may even lie within the caslte, but
Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final
battle that he knows is fast approaching. Together they work
to find the key to unlock Voldemort’s defenses and, to this
end, Dumbledore recruits his old friend and colleague, Professor Horace Slughorn, whom he believes holds crucial
information. Even as the decisive showdown looms, romance
blossoms for Harry, Ron, Hermione and their classmates.
Love is in the air, but danger lies ahead and Hogwarts may
never be the same again.
Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Magic 2009 FF
DD 5.1 153min.
Warner Bros. 08.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089882
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood
Prince (Widescreen)
Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David
Thewlis, Helena Bonham Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Jim
Broadbent, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall,
Warwick Davis, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert
Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Magic 2009
Ltbx 16x9 153min.
Warner Bros. 08.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089881
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood
Prince: Special Edition
Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David
Thewlis, Helena Bonham Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Jim
Broadbent, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall,
Warwick Davis, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert
As Lord Voldemort tightens his grip on both the Muggle and
wizarding worlds, Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven.
Harry suspects perils may even lie within the caslte, but
Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final
battle that he knows is fast approaching. Together they work
to find the key to unlock Voldemort’s defenses and, to this
end, Dumbledore recruits his old friend and colleague, Professor Horace Slughorn, whom he believes holds crucial
information. Even as the decisive showdown looms, romance
blossoms for Harry, Ron, Hermione and their classmates.
Love is in the air, but danger lies ahead and Hogwarts may
never be the same again.
Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Magic 2009
Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 153min.
Warner Bros. 08.12.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089883
The Headless Woman
Driving alone on a dirt road a woman becomes distracted and
runs over something. Dazed and emotionally disconnected she
becomes obsessed with the possibility she may have killed
someone. At first the police confirm that no accidents were
reported. Then a gruesome discovery is made.
Mystery, Thrillers, Argentinian, Drama,
Foreign 2008 87min.
Strand Releasing 15.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089956
Hooking Up
Bronson Pinchot, Corey Feldman
In this over-the-top comedy, the relationships of three girls
and four guys - in affluent, adolescent suburban reality intersect through the topsy-turvy world of love, power... and
Hooking Up!
Sexy Comedies, Comedy Ltbx DD 5.1
MTI Home Video 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090029
The House On Sorority Row
A cult classic slasher film that delivers suspense, murder,
mystery...and yes co-eds. Flirtatious young sorority sisters
who are days away from graduation set out to throw one last
decadent celebration. Unbeknownst to them, the strict matron
of their house hides a horrendous secret thought long buried.
A gruesome accident is witnessed by a hideous fiend, hidden
within the once nurturing dwelling, which triggers a rampage
of death and destruction. Before the end, the peril faced by
this sisterhood will push them to the brink of annihilation. And
rivers of blood will drown all who enter...The House On
Sorority Row.
Slasher, College Life, Cult Film / TV, Horror
1983 91min.
Liberation Entertainment 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089866
In The Loop
James Gandolfini, Gina McKee, Anna
Chlumsky, Steve Coogan, Tom Hollander,
Peter Capaldi, David Rasche
It’s the razor-sharp smash that critics are calling „brilliant“
(San Francisco Chronicle), „blisteringly funny“ (USA Today)
and „One of the best films of the year... a little piece of
heaven“ (Chicago Tribune). Peter Capaldi stars as a foulmouthed British government spokesman who must act quickly
when a mid-level minister (Tom Hollander of Pirates Of The
Caribbean) tells an interviewer that U.S. war in the Middle
East is „unforeseeable“. But when they are both summoned to
Washington D.C., the hapless politico quickly becomes a
pawn of bureaucrats, spin doctors and military advisors,
including a hardnosed General (James Gandolfini, in a
performance Rolling Stone hails as „slyly hilarious“). Gina
McKee (Wonderland), Anna Chlumsky (My Girl) and Steve
Coogan (Tropic Thunder) co-star in this hilarious satire from
director/co-writer Armando Lannucci, the award-winning
creator of the classic BBC sitcoms I’m Alan Partridge and The
Thick Of It.
Politics, Art House, British, Comedy,
Foreign 2009 106min.
MPI 12.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089948
In The Loop (Blu-ray)
James Gandolfini, Gina McKee, Anna
Chlumsky, Steve Coogan, Tom Hollander,
Peter Capaldi, David Rasche
It’s the razor-sharp smash that critics are calling „brilliant“
(San Francisco Chronicle), „blisteringly funny“ (USA Today)
and „One of the best films of the year... a little piece of
heaven“ (Chicago Tribune). Peter Capaldi stars as a foulmouthed British government spokesman who must act quickly
when a mid-level minister (Tom Hollander of Pirates Of The
Caribbean) tells an interviewer that U.S. war in the Middle
East is „unforeseeable“. But when they are both summoned to
Washington D.C., the hapless politico quickly becomes a
pawn of bureaucrats, spin doctors and military advisors,
including a hardnosed General (James Gandolfini, in a
performance Rolling Stone hails as „slyly hilarious“). Gina
McKee (Wonderland), Anna Chlumsky (My Girl) and Steve
Coogan (Tropic Thunder) co-star in this hilarious satire from
director/co-writer Armando Lannucci, the award-winning
creator of the classic BBC sitcoms I’m Alan Partridge and The
Thick Of It.
Universal Studios 15.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090041
Inglourious Basterds: Special Edition
Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, Brad Pitt, Eli
Roth, Til Schweiger, Daniel Bruhl, Michael
Fassbender, Christoph Waltz
War, World War II, Action, Drama, Historical
/ Period Piece 2009 153min.
Universal Studios 15.12.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090043
Inglourious Basterds: Special Edition (Blu-ray)
Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, Brad Pitt, Eli
Roth, Til Schweiger, Daniel Bruhl, Michael
Fassbender, Christoph Waltz
Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Action,
War, World War II 2009 153min.
Universal Studios 15.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090052
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (Bluray)
Robert Englund, Trevor Matthews, Rachel
Skarsten, Daniel Kash, David Fox, James
A. Woods
All work and“The font face=’arial, sans-serif’ size=’2'
color=’#FFFFFF’>i“The /font>no RAGE makes Jack“The font
face=’arial, sans-serif’ size=’2' color=’#FFFFFF’>i“The /
font>a dull boy. Ever since he watched monsters brutally
slaughter his family during a childhood camping trip, local
plumber Jack Brooks (Trevor Matthews) has had major anger
management issues. But when a busted pipe disturbs an
ancient evil, Jack will unwittingly unleash a force that
transforms his kindly night school professor (Robert Freddy
Krueger Englund) into a ravenous, tentacled, infectious beast
from Hell. Even if Jack can no longer run from the demons of
his past, can he at least hack them to pieces before they
devour his entire class? Rachel Skarsten (Birds Of Prey) and
James A. Woods co-star in this over the top international film
festival sensation that Fangoria hails as a gore oozing
homage to wild and crazy 80s horror!
Comedy, Horror, Monsters, Action 2007
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090016
Janky Promoters
Ice Cube, Mike Epps
Comedy 2009 min.
Weinstein Company 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089885
The Jazz Singer: 30th
Laurence Olivier, Neil Diamond, Lucie
Arnaz, Catlin Adams, Franklyn Ajaye
Neil Diamond made his motion picture debut as Yussel
Rabinowitz, a talented New York City cantor who defies the
traditions of his religious father (the legendary Laurence
Olivier to write and sing outside the synagogue as „Jess
Robin’. But when Jess gets an offer to record one of his
songs in Los Angeles, he meets a gutsy manager (Lucie
Arnaz) who believes in his talent and shares his dream. Even
if Jess can survive the struggle for stardom, will he risk
everything - including the love of his family - to be true to the
music that lives inside him?
2009 106min.
MPI 12.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089962
Music, Musical, Drama 1980 116min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 01.12.2009
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090025
Inglourious Basterds
Kyle XY: The Complete Third
Diane Kruger, Melanie Laurent, Brad Pitt, Eli
Roth, Til Schweiger, Daniel Bruhl, Michael
Fassbender, Christoph Waltz
War, World War II, Action, Drama, Historical
/ Period Piece 2009 153min.
Matt Dallas, Jaimie Alexander
Action, mystery and suspense reach an all-new level in ten
stunning original episodes of Kyle XY. Go to the next stage as
Kyle and Jessi begin to work as a team and uncover the
secrets of their origin. Kyle’s world is turned upside-down
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 41
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
when his powers suddenly disappear, and he’s in for another
surprise when Amanda comes home with an unexpected
question. As one woman in Kyle’s life arrives, another must
say goodbye - though Jessi assures him that they will always
be connected. Meanwhile, the prom is fast approaching, and
Kyle wants his night with Amanda to be perfect. After a dance
neither of them will ever forget, Kyle comes face-to-face with
the ultimate mystery. Experience every twist and turn on three
discs, including never-before-seen bonus features. You don’t
know the whole story until you’ve seen Kyle XY: The
Complete Third Season.
Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction 2009
Disney / Buena Vista 22.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090049
The Lights
Thrillers, Horror 88min.
Osiris Entertainment 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089873
Lower Learning (Blu-ray)
Monica Potter, Eva Longoria, Jason Biggs,
Rob Corddry, Kyle Gass, Will Sasso
No Rules! No Escape! No Class!. Welcome to Geraldine
Ferraro Elementary, where the teachers are drunk, lazy or
psychotic, every child has been left behind, and burned-out
Vice Principal Tom Willoman (Jason Biggs) is barely holding
on. But when totally hot district inspector Rebecca Seabrook
(Desperate Housewives’ Eva Longoria Parker) arrives to
shut down the school, she and Tom hatch a plan to take back
the classrooms from insanely corrupt Principal Billings (Rob
Corddry of The Daily Show). What tragedy in Willoman’s
past has turned him into a complete wuss? When are Nyquil
shots and boxing matches considered proper teaching tools?
How much damage can be inflicted by a bunch of pissed-off
2nd graders? Monica Potter (Boston Legal) and Will Sasso
(MAD TV) co-star in this twisted comedy about the perils of
public education and the higher calling to Lower Learning.
Comedy, Teachers 2008 97min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090018
Lion’s Den
Argentinian, Art House, Drama, Foreign
2008 113min.
Strand Releasing 08.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089957
Little Ashes
Thrillers, Historical / Period Piece 131min.
E1 Entertainment 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090023
Lost City Raiders
Action min.
First Look Home Entertainment 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090069
The Lost Treasure Of The Grand
Canyon (Blu-ray)
Shannen Doherty, Michael Shanks, J.R.
Bourne, Duncan Fraser
In the early days of the 20th Century, an expedition led by Dr.
Samuel Jordon traveled deep into the Grand Canyon in search
of a long-rumored hidden city. The entire team disappeared.
But when Jordon’s archaeologist daughter Susan (Shannen
Doherty) leads a rescue party into the uncharted valley, she
will discover an ancient civilization ruled by savage
warriors, human sacrifice and a mythological monster that
feeds on carnage. Even if the explorers can survive the
deadly trials of the Aztecs, will they find a way to escape the
ultimate ritual of evil? Michael Shanks and JR Bourne of
Stargate SG-1 co-star in this top-rated Sci Fi Original Movie
from the producer of Sands Of Oblivion and The Fallen Ones.
Canadian, Foreign, Adventure, TV Movies
2008 90min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090017
Lost Treasure Of The Maya
Michael Madsen, Keith David, Richard
The monsters, maidens and mayhem are out of control as
Switchblade Pictures dishes out a double helping of doublebreasted demon hunting goodness! First up: Makiriko, which
transposes the perennial anime premise of high-school
heroine with a giant sword into live action reality! When
sailor-suited warrior Makiriko shows up at a new school,
there are two immediate clues that trouble is brewing: 1) the
soul sucking demons taking over the student bodies; and 2)
the talking green demon thing sitting on her shoulder that tells
her trouble is brewing! Then get ready for babes, blades and
bare-chested battles galore as a nubile ninjette in training
must confront her treacherous sister student, a possessed
demon hand and the even more monstrous monster master to
which the hand belongs. Why she thinks a tiny leather bikini
is the appropriate garb for this is anyone’s guess, but that’s
why she’s Battler Sienne Matra! Two totally twisted fantasy
thrillers on one great Switchblade DVD- because we know
you like things that come in pairs!
Thrillers, Action, Double Features, Foreign,
Horror, Japanese, Martial Arts, Mixed
Martial Arts 127min.
Section23 Films 01.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090037
Malcolm X
Denzel Washington, Spike Lee, Delroy
Lindo, Angela Bassett, Albert Hall
Filmmaker Spike Lee, actor Denzel Washington and other top
talents vividly portray the life and times of Malcolm X. „Here’s
a man who rose up from the dregs of society, spent time in jail,
reeducated himself and, through spiritual enlightenment, rose
to the top,“ Lee says. Academy Award winner Washington
was an Oscar nominee and the New York, Boston and Chicago Film Critics choice as 1992’s Best Actor.
Biography, Biopics, Black Heritage, Drama,
Historical / Period Piece 1992 203min.
Warner Bros. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089928
Man Overboard
Set in the exotic terrain of the Yucatan Peninsula, a group of
tomb-raiders steal precious Mayan artifacts and come up
against evil forces greater than they ever anticipated.
Action, Adventure 90min.
MTI Home Video 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090031
Lotus Lantern (TV Series)
Based on a famous Chinese myth, Lotus Lantern is the story of
Chen Xiang, an ordinary man who was surprised to find out
that his mother was a fairy that broke the heaven’s rule by
marrying a mortal. With help, Chen Xiang acquires the
magical Lotus Lantern and learns wizardry from a fox spirit,
so that he can rescue his mother from the heaven’s prison.
Filled with marvelous visual effects, Lotus Lantern is a
wonderful, imaginative fantasy with a distinctive Chinese
Chinese, Drama, Foreign, International TV,
Soap Opera 2007 1575min.
Tai Seng 24.11.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089890
Makiriko / Battler Sienne Matra
(Double Feature)
The owner of a boat shop unwittingly hires a slick con man as
his new sales manager, and subsequently has his life turned
upside down.
Comedy 90min.
Passion River 15.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090120
Martial Arts Essentials: Drunken
Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts min.
Video Asia 19.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090067
MI-5: Volume 7
Thrillers, Action, BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Spies/Secret Agents 2008
BBC Home Video 26.01.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090124
Music Makers: A Man Called
Music, Biopics, Drama 102min.
Lionsgate 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090033
Music Makers: Ballad In Blue
Music, Biopics, Drama 88min.
Lionsgate 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090034
Music Makers: Beyond The Sea
Music, Biopics, Drama 118min.
Lionsgate 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090035
Music Makers: Buena Vista Social
Music, Biopics, Drama 105min.
Lionsgate 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090036
Noble Things
Michael Parks, Dominique Swain, Lee Ann
Womack, Ryan Hurst
Music, Country Music, Drama 2008 98min.
Monarch Home Video 22.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089929
The Object Of My Affection
Jennifer Aniston, Paul Rudd, John Pankow,
Alan Alda, Nigel Hawthorne, Timothy Daly
Jennifer Aniston stars in this sly romantic comedy as Nina, a
young woman who falls in love with her new roommate,
George, (Paul Rudd) even though he’s gay and loves her
purely as a friend. When Nina becomes pregnant, she
realizes she’d rather raise her child with George than with
her boyfriend - a decision that forces the threesome to
explore the fine line between love, sex and friendship.
Romance, Affairs/Love Triangles, Comedy,
Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1998 112min.
20th Century Fox 12.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090101
On His Majesty’s Secret Service
For generations, the Secret Royal Guards has been
protecting the emperor. The 12 agents are named after the 12
Chinese Zodiac Animals and are assigned different duties.
Among the current group, Agent 00Tiger is the best in martial
arts while Agent 00Dog (Louis Koo) is considered the
weakest as a bodyguard. His forte is in inventing strange
impractical devices rather than practical kung fu. The
Emperor and Empress (Sandra Ng) are selecting a suitor for
their Princess while the Chief eunuch, Unicorn, is plotting to
kill the emperor. Uncovering Unicorn’s evil plot, agent 00Dog
decides to eliminate the enemy in his own way.
Chinese, Comedy, Foreign 98min.
Tai Seng 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089887
Paris, Texas: The Criterion
Nastassja Kinski, Harry Dean Stanton,
Dean Stockwell, Aurore Clement, Tom
Farrell, Bernhard Wicki, John Lurie, Hunter
German New Wave pioneer Wim Wenders (Wings Of Desire)
brings his keen eye for landscape to the American Southwest
in Paris, Texas, a profoundly moving character study written
by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Sam Shepard. Paris,
Texas follows the efforts of the mysterious, nearly mute drifter
Travis (a magnificent Harry Dean Stanton, whose face is a
landscape of its own) to reconnect with his young son, living
with his brother (Dean Stockwell) in Los Angeles, and his
missing wife (Nastassja Kinski). From this simple setup,
Wenders and Shepard produce a powerful statement on codes
of masculinity and the myth of the American family, as well as
an exquisite visual exploration of a vast, crumbling world of
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
canyons and neon.
Road Trips, Art House, Criterion Collection,
Drama 1984 Ltbx 145min.
Criterion 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089996
Paris, Texas: The Criterion
Collection (Blu-ray)
Nastassja Kinski, Harry Dean Stanton,
Dean Stockwell, Aurore Clement, Tom
Farrell, Bernhard Wicki, John Lurie, Hunter
German New Wave pioneer Wim Wenders (Wings Of Desire)
brings his keen eye for landscape to the American Southwest
in Paris, Texas, a profoundly moving character study written
by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Sam Shepard. Paris,
Texas follows the efforts of the mysterious, nearly mute drifter
Travis (a magnificent Harry Dean Stanton, whose face is a
landscape of its own) to reconnect with his young son, living
with his brother (Dean Stockwell) in Los Angeles, and his
missing wife (Nastassja Kinski). From this simple setup,
Wenders and Shepard produce a powerful statement on codes
of masculinity and the myth of the American family, as well as
an exquisite visual exploration of a vast, crumbling world of
canyons and neon.
Piece 2009 140min.
Universal Studios 08.12.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089910
Public Enemies: Special Edition
Johnny Depp, Stephen Lang, Marion
Cotillard, Christian Bale, Stephen Dorff,
Billy Crudup
Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece,
Thrillers 2009 140min.
Universal Studios 08.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089926
Quiet Nights Of Blood And Pain
William is a soldier home from Iraq and struggling to make
sense of what he experienced in the conflict, trained in the
torture and killing of prisoners and dissidents for information
while stationed there. The problem is that now that he is
home, he still thinks he is doing that job! Anyone who appears
„un-American“ will cross his path and feel the rage. Leaving a
trail of bodies and rivers of blood in his wake, it is only a
matter of time before all hell will break loose...
Criterion Collection, Drama, Art House,
Road Trips 1984 145min.
Criterion 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090012
Thrillers, War, Horror 2009 FF 75min.
Tempe DVD 16.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089930
What does it mean to be Jewish? Three generations of the
Rashevski family grapple with the question, after the death of
Rose, the secular matriarch who believed that the tango
would make all troubles disappear. Charming and endearing,
the characters confront issues of relationships, family,
religion, love, romance, and interfaith marriage.
Based on a true character, and from the award winning horror
writer/director of ‘Days of Darkness’, and the producer of the
indie horror hit ‘Automaton Transfusion’, comes a cautionary
tale that will make you squirm and twist in your seat. With
unrelenting suspense and terror, Penance is the tale of a
young, demure single mother, Amelia (Marieh Delfino), who
hits upon hard times and decides to take her future into her
own hands and becomes a stripper. Everything is going well
until Suzy, her stripper friend, is beaten up on a job and
recruits Amelia to take her place. Reluctantly, Amelia takes
the job, only to find the job isn’t everything it seems. Driven to
a strange location by a dark and mysterious man (Tony Todd),
and confronted by a grizzled hit man (Michael Rooker),
Amelia’s world is turned upside down, as her captor (the mind
bending Graham McTavish), is intent on one thing and one
thing only - to purify Amelia and the other women in his
Horror 85min.
Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089904
Art House, Drama, Jewish Heritage 97min.
Passion River 03.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089988
Ravage The Scream Queen
Horror min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089943
Red Mist (Blu-ray)
Arielle Kebbel, Sarah Carter, Stephen
Dillane, Andrew Lee Potts
The Philanthropist: The Complete
Neve Campbell, James Purefoy
Action, Adventure, Drama, NBC 2009
Universal Studios 05.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090079
Pretty Ugly People
Jack Noseworthy, Allison Janney, Missi
Pyle, Melissa McCarthy
Comedy, Drama 98min.
Osiris Entertainment 12.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090126
Public Enemies
Johnny Depp, Stephen Lang, Marion
Cotillard, Christian Bale, Stephen Dorff,
Billy Crudup
Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period
Piece 2009 140min.
Universal Studios 08.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089905
Public Enemies: Special Edition
Johnny Depp, Stephen Lang, Marion
Cotillard, Christian Bale, Stephen Dorff,
Billy Crudup
Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period
Rashevski’s Tango
Do Not Resuscitate. The medical students at Forthaven
General Hospital study hard and party harder, until a cruel
prank accidentally puts the facility’s creepy janitor into a
deep coma. But when one responsible student (Arielle Kebbel
of The Uninvited & The Grudge 2) tries to revive the
degenerate loner with an experimental injection, she instead
sends his brainwaves berserk. Will a sudden spree of sick
kicks now claim the guilty one-by-one, or has the ultimate outof-body experience ushered in a bloodbath of brutal revenge?
Sarah Carter (Skinwalkers), Martin Compston (Doomsday)
and MyAnna Buring (The Descent) co-star in this grisly
shocker from Paddy Breathnach, director of the international
horror hit Shrooms.
British, Foreign, Horror, Thrillers 2008
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090019
Both original and incredibly romantic, Redwoods tells the
story of an already-partnered man whose love is tested when
a mysterious drifter passes through his small Northern
California town. Everett (Brendan Bradley) and Miles (Tad
Coughenour) are in a comfortably platonic relationship, which
is held together by raising their son. While his family travels
out of town, introverted Everett finally has time to himself that is until Chase (Matthew Montgomery), a striking writer,
pulls up in front of his house. Shot amidst ancient Redwoods,
David Lewis’ (Rock Haven) film is a stunning ode to the
power of love.
Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest
TLA Releasing 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089896
Thrillers, Horror min.
Code Red 17.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089870
Roberto Rossellini’s War Trilogy:
The Criterion Collection
Roberto Rossellini is one of the most influential filmmakers of
all time. And it was with his trilogy of films made during and
after World War II - Rome Open City, Paisan, and Germany
Year Zero - that he left his first transformative mark on
cinema. With their stripped-down aesthetic, largely nonprofessional casts, and unorthodox approaches to
storytelling, these intensely emotional works were international sensations and effectively launched the neorealist
movement. Shot in battle-ravaged Italy and Germany, these
three films are some of our most lasting, humane documents of
devastated postwar Europe, containing universal images that
encompass both tragedy and hope. This was Roberto
Rossellini’s revelation, a harrowing drama about the Nazi
occupation of Rome and the brave few who struggled against
it. Rome Open City is a shockingly authentic experience,
conceived and directed amid the ruin of World War II.
Roberto Rossellini’s follow-up to his breakout Rome Open
City was the ambitious, enormously moving Paisan, which
consists of six episodes set during the liberation of Italy at
the end of World War II,
War, World War II, Art House, Boxed Sets,
Criterion Collection, Director / Writer Box
Sets, Drama, Epics, Foreign, Italian 303min.
Criterion 26.01.2010
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089998
Sands Of Oblivion (Blu-ray)
George Kennedy, Morena Baccarin, Adam
Baldwin, Victor Webster, Richard Kind, Dan
Castellaneta, John Aniston
Some Secrets Should Never Be Unearthed. From beneath the
sands, the ultimate evil will rise. In 1923, legendary director
Cecil B. DeMille constructed a replica of ancient Egypt in the
California desert for his epic movie The Ten Commandments.
When filming was completed, he mysteriously ordered the
entire set buried. Now a soon-to-be divorced archaeologist
couple (Morena Baccarin and Adam Baldwin of Serenity and
Firefly) and an Iraq War combat veteran (Victor Webster of
Charmed) have uncovered the secret DeMille could not keep
hidden... and unleashed a horror that cannot be stopped. Dan
Castellaneta (The Simpsons), John Aniston (Days Of Our
Lives) and Academy Award winner George Kennedy co-star
in this Director’s Cut featuring additional footage not seen in
the original cable broadcast.
Fantasy, Action, Adventure, TV Movies
2007 94min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090020
The Secret Life Of The American
Teenager: Season Three
Molly Ringwald, Shailene Woodley
The teen drama that has everyone talking is better than ever
in its inspiring third season. Rediscover all the excitement
and emotion of The Secret Life Of The American Teenager, the
critically acclaimed original ABC Family series. It’s a whole
new school year as Amy tries to juggle motherhood, school,
work and family, and Grace and Jack take their relationship to
the next level. Don’t mis this „top-flight series,“ raves the
New York Post. Experience every episode of Season 3,
complete with revealing bonus features - including a behindthe-scenes look at the cast and an exclusive sneak peek at
Season 4 - only on DVD!
Drama, Family Relationships, High School
2009 516min.
Disney / Buena Vista 22.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090050
Shank is a blistering British indie pulsating with untamed
sexuality and aggression. Cal (Wayne Virgo) is a handsome
teenage thug so desperate to hide his gay cravings from his
fellow gang members that he binges on drugs, secretive
anonymous sex and acts of violence. But the bad boy’s secret
desires are uncovered when he rescues a kind-eyed French
exchange student from one of the clan’s sadistic hate crimes.
Though the two boys fall passionately in love, Cal’s crew is
bent on revenge for his betrayal and the young lovers are
placed in unspeakable danger. Unapologetic and as poignant
as it is shocking, Shank is a must see...
Drama, Gangs, Gangsta/Hardcore, Gay /
Lesbian Interest 84min.
TLA Releasing 08.12.2009
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089898
Shank (Unrated Director Cut)
Shank is a blistering British indie pulsating with untamed
sexuality and aggression. Cal (Wayne Virgo) is a handsome
teenage thug so desperate to hide his gay cravings from his
fellow gang members that he binges on drugs, secretive
anonymous sex and acts of violence. But the bad boy’s secret
desires are uncovered when he rescues a kind-eyed French
exchange student from one of the clan’s sadistic hate crimes.
Though the two boys fall passionately in love, Cal’s crew is
bent on revenge for his betrayal and the young lovers are
placed in unspeakable danger. Unapologetic and as poignant
as it is shocking, Shank is a must see...
Drama, Gangs, Gangsta/Hardcore, Gay /
Lesbian Interest 89min.
TLA Releasing 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089897
Sherlock Holmes: The Archive
Boris Karloff, Arthur Wontner, John
The first time ever released on home video, this Deluxe
Edition Sherlock Holmes Box Set contains 3 discs of Sherlock
Holmes titles that have been transferred and restored from
original archival film vault materials.
Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock
Holmes, Thrillers, Crime, Detectives
Music Video Distribution 10.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090078
William H. Macy, Leslie Mann, Kat Dennings,
James Spader, Jon Cryer, Jimmy Bennett
Adventure, Family, Fantasy 2009 120min.
Warner Bros. 24.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089884
Shorts (Blu-ray)
William H. Macy, Leslie Mann, Kat Dennings,
James Spader, Jon Cryer, Jimmy Bennett
Family, Fantasy, Adventure 2009 120min.
Warner Bros. 24.11.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089921
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
What happens to a woman when she is abused by her parents,
becomes a runaway at the tender age 14, is molested by a
local priest who takes her in and is then used and abused by
nearly everyone she comes into contact with? For Angela
Aberdeen the answer is to turn away from the human race and
all earthly reality by making a sacred pact with Satan. After
enlisting his protection in return for her eternal soul, her first
act is to burn down the priest’s church as he lays passed out
drunk on the floor. She then flees to the city where she
develops a horrible addiction to alcohol and drugs. Angela
quickly spirals downward in her journey to Hell. Stripping
turns to pornography and prostitution, and as her deadly
addictions tear her body apart, she realizes that even Satan
has seemingly forsaken her. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is the
opening film of the infamous Vomit Gore Trilogy.
Horror 2006 72min.
Unearthed Films 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089916
Strawberries Need Rain
Art House, Drama 2007 87min.
MPI 12.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089951
Tactical Unit: The Code
PTU officer, Jim, and his team beats up Shing, a habitual
criminal, while on duty and the incident was captured by
CCTV. The team is going to arrest Shing and solve the
problem their own way. In the midst of this, Jim’s teammate,
Double Eight, receives a letter from Wong about his big debt
problem, forcing Double Eight to return his gun to the station
after Shing’s chase. However, while chasing Shing, Double
Eight induces his unstable emotion who decides to use his
gun to do the last thing for himself...
Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2009 90min.
Tai Seng 24.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089889
Taking Woodstock
Demetri Martin, Imelda Staunton, Eugene
Levy, Liev Schreiber, Emile Hirsch, Jeffrey
Dean Morgan, Dan Fogler, Henry Goodman,
Jonathan Groff
Music, Art House, Comedy, Historical /
Period Piece 2009 121min.
Universal Studios 15.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089891
Taking Woodstock (Blu-ray)
Demetri Martin, Imelda Staunton, Eugene
Levy, Liev Schreiber, Emile Hirsch, Jeffrey
Dean Morgan, Dan Fogler, Henry Goodman,
Jonathan Groff
Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, Art
House, Music 2009 121min.
Universal Studios 15.12.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089925
Terminator Salvation (Fullscreen)
Common, Helena Bonham Carter, Jane Alexander, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon
Bloodgood, Christian Bale, Michael
Ironside, Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington
In the aftermath of Judgment Day and the takeover by the
machines, John Connor (Christian Bale, The Dark Knight),
the destined leader of the human resistance, must counter
Skynet’s devastating plan to terminate mankind. As Connor
rallies his underground street fighters for a last, desperate
battle, he realizes that to save the future he must rescue his
own father, Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin, Star Trek). But the
most shocking discovery comes with the arrival of Marcus
Wright (Sam Worthington, Avatar), a mysterious loner from
the past who challenges Connor with an impossible choice
that will determine the future of the human race - leading them
both on a brutal journey into the very heart of the enemy.
Nuclear Holocaust, Robots / Androids,
Science Fiction, Action, Apocalyptic Future,
Giant Robots 2009 FF DD 5.1 135min.
Warner Bros. 01.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089879
Terminator Salvation
Drama, Exploitation 85min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089946
Margo Martindale, Dash Mihok, Spencer
Treat Clark
Dash Mihok of The Perfect Storm and The Thin Red Line
stars as Iraqi War veteran Ben Patchett, who returns home
with a body shredded by shrapnel, a mind anguished by
trauma, and a heart destroyed by his wife’s leaving for
another man. But during a support group session with other
troubled veterans, Ben meets a young documentary filmmaker
(Spencer Treat Clark of Mystic River) who wants to tell his
story. Together these two men will explore the damage of war,
the limitations of redemption, and the power of friendship to
heal even the deepest wounds. Margo Martindale (Million
Dollar Baby) co-stars in this award-winning drama from
writer/director Alan Brown that Cinequest calls, „tense,
superbly acted and sure to spark discussion. Superheroes is
a rare film that speaks to both the mind and heart.“
Common, Helena Bonham Carter, Jane Alexander, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon
Bloodgood, Christian Bale, Michael
Ironside, Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington
In the aftermath of Judgment Day and the takeover by the
machines, John Connor (Christian Bale, The Dark Knight),
the destined leader of the human resistance, must counter
Skynet’s devastating plan to terminate mankind. As Connor
rallies his underground street fighters for a last, desperate
battle, he realizes that to save the future he must rescue his
own father, Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin, Star Trek). But the
most shocking discovery comes with the arrival of Marcus
Wright (Sam Worthington, Avatar), a mysterious loner from
the past who challenges Connor with an impossible choice
that will determine the future of the human race - leading them
both on a brutal journey into the very heart of the enemy.
Nuclear Holocaust, Robots / Androids,
Science Fiction, Action, Apocalyptic Future,
Giant Robots 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Warner Bros. 01.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089878
Terminator Salvation: Director’s
Cut (Blu-ray)
Common, Helena Bonham Carter, Jane Alexander, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon
Bloodgood, Christian Bale, Michael
Ironside, Anton Yelchin, Sam Worthington
In the aftermath of Judgment Day and the takeover by the
machines, John Connor (Christian Bale), the destined leader
of the human resistance, must counter Skynet’s devastating
plan to terminate mankind. As Connor rallies his underground
street fighters for a last, desperate battle,Marcus Wright
(Sam Worthington), a mysterious loner from the past,
challenges him with an impossible choice that will determine
the future of the human race.
Giant Robots, Action, Apocalyptic Future,
Nuclear Holocaust, Robots / Androids,
Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS 114min.
Warner Bros. 01.12.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089918
Turning Point
Brother Laughing (Michael Tse) is a member of the triads and
works for the big boss, No. 1 (Anthony Wong). Due to a
strong bond, No. 1 arranges for Laughing to join the Police
Force to become his mole. Laughing graduated top of his class
and because of his bad boy image attracted the attention of the
Head of District Anti-Triad Squad who arranges his
assignment as an undercover cop to infiltrate the mob.
Laughing is now a double mole. How will Laughing contend
with the law and the triad brotherhood?
Action, Chinese, Foreign 2009 100min.
Tai Seng 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089888
Walled In (Blu-ray)
Mischa Barton, Deborah Kara Unger ,
Cameron Bright, Noam Jenkins
In 1993, sixteen bodies were found entombed within the
Malestrazza Building, a mysterious apartment complex built
by one of the world’s most renowned, yet eccentric,
architects. The killer was never caught. Fifteen years later,
newly graduated structural engineer Sam Walczak (Mischa
Barton of The O.C.) arrives to prepare the site for demolition.
But this massive concrete crypt is not entirely empty: Its halls
are lined with secrets. Its rooms are filled with fear. And
behind its walls, the ultimate horror has lay waiting....until
Horror, Thrillers 2008 92min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090021
The Waltons: The Movie
TV Movies, CBS, Drama, Family, Family
Relationships 707min.
Warner Bros. 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089947
Watch Out
Having made a name for himself on the indie scene with the
acclaimed Firecracker, writer-director Steve Balderson takes
another giant step in pushing the envelope even further with
one of the most original and daring films of the decade. Giving
a performance that will be talked about for years to come,
Matt Riddlehoover (actor, writer and director of the gay cult
hit To A Tee) is stunning as Jonathan Barrows, a handsome,
misanthropic college professor who literally loves himself.
Whether taping his own photo on a blow-up doll or given to
lustful choruses of „I love myself“ for sexual satisfaction,
Jonathan is a narcissistic wonder who has found the startling
answer to the question: Who do you have sex with when
you’re the best-looking and smartest person in the room?
Fending off advances from both men and women, Jonathan’s
lifestyle choices soon demand a high cost, which director
Balderson explores in set pieces both blisteringly comic and
cynically dark. Like a John Waters epic from his midnight
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
madness years, Watch Out is a fascinating tapestry of sexual
excess, sordid characters and questionable tast
Dark Comedy, Horror 2008 89min.
Breaking Glass Pictures 24.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089915
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090087
Adolphe Adam: Giselle (Blu-ray)
Laetitia Pujol, Nicolas Le Riche, Wilfried
We Married Margo
J.D. Shapiro
Based on a true story, We Married Margo is an outrageous
comedy about two guys who have nothing in common, except
they both married the same woman. When Margo dumps her
second husband on the advice of her first, unbelievably, the
two wind up living together. They quickly find out „Some
people are cat people, some people are dog people“ and
combining the two make crazy people. Written by and starring
the same two knuckleheads who actually lived it, Margo is a
hilarious and intimate look at the fear of loneliness... and how
that ultimately bonds us.
Comedy, Drama 85min.
Osiris Entertainment 10.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090125
Ballet pantomime en deux actes in two acts in zwei akten
Recorded live at the Opera national de Paris, Palais Garnier,
December 2006.
Classical Music, Instrumental, Music min.
Qualiton Imports 03.11.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089938
Classical Music, Dancing, Music, Ballet min.
TDK 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090008
Eve Graham: The Mountains
Welcome Me Home
Barenboim: Beethoven Piano
Concertos Nos. 1-5 (Blu-ray)
No. 1 in C major, op. 15 No. 2 in B flat major, op. 19 No. 3 in
C minor, op. 37 No. 4 in C major, op. 58 No. 5 flat major, op.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Piano
2007 min.
Naxos 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090005
While She Was Out (Blu-ray)
Lukas Haas, Leonard Wu, Kim Basinger,
Susan Montford, Craig Sheffer
Academy Award winner Kim Basinger (LA Confidential, 8
Mile) stars as Della, an ordinary suburban housewife who
witnesses a cold blooded killing while finishing some last
minute shopping. Keeping her wits about her she tries to flee
while pursued by a young psychopath, played by Lukas Haas
(Brick, Entourage and Witness) and his three henchmen. She
crashes into an unfinished housing development near the
woods. Her cell phone is down and there is no sign of rescue.
Armed with only a toolbox and the will to survive, Della must
figure out a way to kill them one by one or she will never see
her family again.
Thrillers 2008 90min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090022
Wizards Of Waverly Place: The
Movie - Extended Edition
Selena Gomez, Jake T. Austin, David Henrie
The most magical event of the year is now even bigger, with
more thrilling adventure! Wizards Of Waverly Place: The
Movie - Extended Edition features exclusive footage, behindthe-scenes bonus and awesome extras that take you deeper
into the mysterious world of wizardry! Embark on a
supernaturally exciting adventure as the Russos, your
favorite family of wizards-in-training, join together on a quest
full of heart-stopping action and hilarious magical mishaps!
While on vacation, Alex (Selena Gomez) accidentally casts a
spell that threatens her family’s existence! Max (Jake T.
Austin) tries to keep his parents together while Alex and
Justin (David Henrie) use every trick they know as they
search for the „Stone of Dreams“ to reverse the spell and
save their family. You won’t want to miss one extraordinary
moment of this extended, magic-filled and action-packed
TV Movies, Comedy, Disney Channel,
Family, Fantasy, Magic 2009 98min.
Disney / Buena Vista 15.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090051
Elvis Costello: Spectacle Season 1
Conceived to provide a forum for in- depth discussion and
performance with the most interesting artists and
personalities of our time, Spectacle: Elvis Costello With...
fuses the best of talk and music television. Each of the
thirteen one-hour episodes in this complete first season
exposes the essence of iconic and influential figures who are
given the rare opportunity to speak intelligently and in-depth
about music and their careers - how their classic songs were
written and why; their experiences; their influences and the
creative process overall, revealing new insights about their
extraordinary work and lives. Unique performances - by the
featured guests, by Spectacle’s multi-faceted host, Elvis
Costello, and by the guests and host, along with other
spontaneous illustrative moments - further distinguish
Spectacle as one of the most complete music television
experiences fans could want.
Interview, Music 650min.
Music Video Distribution 10.11.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089893
Elvis Costello: Spectacle Season 1 (Blu-ray)
Conceived to provide a forum for in- depth discussion and
performance with the most interesting artists and
personalities of our time, Spectacle: Elvis Costello With...
fuses the best of talk and music television. Each of the
thirteen one-hour episodes in this complete first season
exposes the essence of iconic and influential figures who are
given the rare opportunity to speak intelligently and in-depth
about music and their careers - how their classic songs were
written and why; their experiences; their influences and the
creative process overall, revealing new insights about their
extraordinary work and lives. Unique performances - by the
featured guests, by Spectacle’s multi-faceted host, Elvis
Costello, and by the guests and host, along with other
spontaneous illustrative moments - further distinguish
Spectacle as one of the most complete music television
experiences fans could want.
Wu Tang Fury
Interview, Music 650min.
Music Video Distribution 10.11.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089924
Action, Martial Arts min.
Video Asia 12.01.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090062
Earth, Wind & Fire: Live At Montreux 1997 (Blu-ray)
Zombies Of The Stratosphere
Action, Horror, Zombies min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089945
Documentary, Folk, Music 53min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089987
Humperdinck: Hansel Und Gretel
Alexandra Petersamer, Viktorija
Kaminskaite, Ludmil Kuntschew, Cornelia
Marschall, Sabine Noack - Dir. Johannes
Johannes Felsenstein portrays abject poverty in moving
images and depicts the strength of imagination with which
Hansel and Gretel dream of a colorful world in which their
mother and father care lovingly for them. The Christmas Eve
scene with the witch game is reality for them, but remains an
utopian dream. Despite the uniqueness of this interpretation of
the story, it is both logical and consistent and makes it a piece
of realist music theatre not just for children.“ Magderburger
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts 2007 98min.
Naxos 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090003
Igudesman & Joo: A Little
Nightmare Music
Performing Arts, Classical Music, Comedy,
Concerts 60min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089976
In Between The Notes
Green Day, Voodoo Glow Skulls,
This video documentary was produced by Other Minds in
1986 but never officially released. Directed by filmmaker
William Farley and photographed by Bill Marpet, it was taped
in India during 1985 and traces the life and career of Pandit
Pran Nath, the last in a long line of north Indian vocal masters
originating in the 13th century.
Vocals/Bass, Documentary, History &
Events, Music 28min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089986
Emmy Destin: The Greatest Czech
Isley Brothers: Here We Go Again
AC/DC: No Bull (Blu-ray)
Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music
1996 min.
Sony Music Video 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090082
Eve Graham made her showbiz debut in 1964 singing with the
Cyril Stapleton Band. She then worked with Ross Mitchell in
a group called The Track, and then as a founding member of
The Nocturnes, where she later met Lyn Paul. Graham ended
up as the lead vocalist for The New Seekers, the hit follow-up
band to Australian folk-rock outfit The Seekers. On The
Mountains Welcome Me Home, Graham worked with David
MacKay, who produced many of The New Seekers’ hits
including I’d Like To Teach the World To Sing (the Coca Cola
commercial song Graham sang that was voted the #1 TV
Commercial Song worldwide). The song went on to be a #1 hit
and an anthem around the world. Coca Cola even invited
Graham to participate in a remake of the commercial for its
20th anniversary! The DVD is filmed in Graham’s home
country, Scotland, at scenic and historic locations in the
Western Highlands and the islands.
Concerts, Funk, Music, Soul 1997 105min.
Eagle Rock 17.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089923
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts min.
Qualiton Imports 03.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089934
Gershwin Masterpieces
An Evening With Il Divo: Live In
Barcelona (Blu-ray)
Concerts, Latin Music, Music min.
Sony Music Video 01.12.2009
Music 159min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089942
It Might Get Loud
A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of
three significant rock musicians: The Edge, Jimmy Page, and
Jack White. Starring: Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White.
Documentary, Guitar, Music 2009 98min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089854
Michael Jackson: The Interviews
- Volume 1
It Might Get Loud (Blu-ray)
A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of
three significant rock musicians: The Edge, Jimmy Page, and
Jack White. Starring: Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White.
Documentary, Guitar, Music 98min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089874
Michael Jackson: The Interviews
- Volume 2
Jack’s Mannequin: Dear Jack
Alternative, Documentary, Music min.
WEA 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089954
Michael Jackson: Fans Camera
Footage, By Fans For Fans
Fan’s Camera Footage is a 2 hour DVD program culled from
over 45 hours of fan’s cam footage, through the fan’s eye a
private and more revealing insight into the true world of
Michael Jackson the superstar is shown. Adored by millions
worldwide Wherever Michael went the fans were there
waiting, whether out shopping in hotels or travelling, the fans
captured these private moments which often portrayed more
about the real man than the media myth. This candid footage,
much of which has never seen before is presented here for
the first time, it’s a must for every true fan - taken by fans and
now shown for you the fans. Contains a 32 page 12,000 word
booklet, The King of Pop, a tribute biography discography
which includes a seance transcript where Michael is asked
questions that were responded to using a Ouija board, a
fascinating connection that will bring peace of mind to many of
Michael’s fans, plus 2 unique postcards.
Documentary, Music 120min.
Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089899
Michael Jackson was the most famous human being on earth
and the greatest entertainer of all time. When a king dies, the
heir or a peer takes over the throne. The passing of Michael
Jackson, The King Of Pop is a different case. Michael is
irreplaceable. He was born on August 29th,1958 in Gary,
Indiana to a working class family. He died on June 25th, 2009
as the undisputed King Of Pop. Michael’s last days and the
Memorial Service, are captured in this engaging film that pays
respect to the King. As the world celebrates Michael’s life
and legacy, it is easy to see why he was the brightest star. As
an artist and entertainer, he still looms larger than life. The
King will live forever through his music. Appearances at the
Memorial Service include:Usher, Janet Jackson, Jermaine
Jackson, The Jacksons, Berry Gordy, Brooke Shields, Magic
Johnson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Stevie Wonder and Lionel Richie.
Unauthorized Biographies, Biography,
Documentary, Music 79min.
Music Video Distribution 08.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089894
Michael Jackson: Michael
Jackson Mega Box
Michael Jackson Mega Box contains 4 DVDs featuring over
10 hours of film material footage, which includes numerous in
depth interviews, press conferences, fan’s footage and other
private moments in the life of Michael Jackson. Bonus
materials includes The King of Pop - a 32 page booklet, a
tribute biography discography which includes the Staples
Center memorial in Los Angeles and a recent seance
transcript where Michael is asked questions that were
responded to using a Ouija board; a fascinating connection
that will bring peace of mind to many of Michael’s fans. A must
to complete any true fan’s collection.
Unauthorized Biographies, Biography,
Documentary, Interview, Music 627min.
Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089900
Michael Jackson: Press
Conferences And Store Signings
Music min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089941
Kings Of Leon: Live At The 02
London, England
Documentary, Interview, Music 251min.
Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089902
Alternative, Concerts, Music, Southern
Rock min.
Sony Music Video 10.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090055
Michael Jackson: The King
Kings Of Leon: Live At The 02
London, England (Blu-ray)
Superstar Michael Jackson entertained audiences nearly his
entire life. His father Joe had been a guitarist but was forced
to give up his musical ambitions following his marriage to
Katherine. Together they prodded their growing family’s
musical interests at home - the „Jackson Five“. Solo success
for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s, he had become
infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. Record sales
consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album
of all time, „Thriller“. For it all to end on June 25, 2009, with
his sudden death at age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was
coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for
a sold-out London concert „comeback“ in July seems
uncommonly cruel and tragic. Millions of dedicated fans will
remember where they were „the day Michael died“. Michael
Jackson: The King! is a new documentary that features
interviews and behind-the-scene footage.
Alternative, Concerts, Music, Southern
Rock min.
Sony Music Video 24.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090080
Unauthorized Biographies, Biography,
Documentary, Music 66min.
Music Video Distribution 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089895
Jandek: Austin Sunday
Michael Jackson: Life & Times Of
The King Of Pop - 1958-2009
Documentary, Music 120min.
Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089903
Documentary, Interview, Music 136min.
Music Video Distribution 17.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089901
And The Holding Company: Ball
& Chain
Concerts, Indie Rock, Music 90min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089909
Jandek: Brooklyn Wednesday
Concerts, Indie Rock, Music 158min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089911
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No 3
Claudio Abbado has set new standards in the interpretation of
Gustav Mahler’s works. With his Lucerne Festival Orchestra, an exclusive ensemble of hand-picked orchestral
musicians and exceptional soloists, he here continues their
highly acclaimed cycle on DVD with a breathtaking recording
of the Third Symphony.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orchestral 102min.
Naxos 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089993
Barry Manilow: Happy Holiday
Christmas, Holidays, Music min.
Rhino Music 03.11.2009
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089955
George Michael: Live In London
Concerts, Music, Pop Music min.
Sony Music Video 08.12.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090072
Jandek: Glasgow Friday
George Michael: Live In London
Concerts, Indie Rock, Music 78min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089912
Concerts, Music, Pop Music min.
Sony Music Video 08.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090084
Jandek: Glasgow Monday
Mozart Ways Opening Night
Concerts, Indie Rock, Music 84min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089908
Classical Music, Instrumental, Music min.
Qualiton Imports 03.11.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089939
Jandek: Glasgow Sunday 2005
Nutcracker: San Francisco Ballet
Alternative, Concerts, Experimental Rock,
Indie Rock, Music 51min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089907
Jandek: London Tuesday
Concerts, Indie Rock, Music 66min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089913
Jandek: Manhattan Tuesday Afternoon Of Insensitivity
Alternative, Concerts, Experimental Rock,
Indie Rock, Music 93min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089906
Janis Joplin With Big Brother
Damian Smith, Davit Karapetyan, Yuan
Yuan Tan, Maria Kochetkova, Elizabeth
Powell, Vanessa Zahorian, David Arce
This visually brilliant, all-new production of Nutcracker,
choreographed by Helgi Tomasson, artistic director of San
Francisco Ballet, is a graceful and timeless adventure on a
grand scale. The scenic design by Michael Yeargan, setting
the tale at the time of the 1915 Panama pacific International
Exposition, is sensational. From the lovely Waltz of the
Flowers to the crystalline beauty of the stunning Waltz of the
Snowflakes, each scene is more breathtaking than the last,
bringing to life all the well-known and beloved characters
with fresh sparkle and compelling originality. Recorded in
High Definition video and true surround sound, this agetranscending production offers a dazzling magical journey
which has received critical acclaim throughout the world.
Classical Music, Dancing, Music,
Performing Arts, Ballet min.
Opus Arte 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090006
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Oktober 2009
Seite 50
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Out Of Focus: Volume 1
Concerts, Hardcore/Punk, Music, Music
Videos, Punk, Punk Rock 120min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089975
Passing Strange
In this breathtaking film, Spike Lee captures the highlyacclaimed eponymous Broadway musical show written by
singer/songwriter Stew (with music cowritten by his creative
partner, Heidi Rodewald).... Passing Strange The Movie tells
the semi-autobiographical story of a young black man who
leaves behind his middle-class, church-ruled upbringing in
mid-1970s Los Angeles to travel to Europe in search of his
artistic and personal identity, or what he calls „the real.“
Picaresque misadventures with sex, drugs, politics, and art
await him in far-out Amsterdam and hyper-militant Berlin. His
eyes are opened ever wider, even revealing what he left
behind. An absolutely superb cast, ably supported by sparing
(but pitch-perfect) costumes, design, and stagecraft, bring to
life the emotionally charged story with its astounding original
music, narrated and overseen by Stew himself. Lee’s
multicamera coverage of the event (including backstage
scenes) involves the audience in not only the text but the
electricity of the ensemble’s onstage adventure. Passing
Strange The Movie.
Documentary, Musical, Performing Arts
2009 135min.
MPI 12.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089953
Pink: Funhouse Tour - Live In
Australia (Blu-ray)
Special Interest
10 Minute Solution: 5 Day Get Fit
Fitness, Health 56min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089971
10 Minute Solution: Belly, Butt &
Thigh Blasters!
Fitness, Health 55min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089970
2009 World Series Highlights
Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball
Shout Factory (TM) 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090076
2009 World Series Highlights
Sports, Major League Baseball, Baseball
Shout Factory (TM) 24.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090085
Concerts, Music, Pop Music min.
Sony Music Video 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090086
2009 World Series: Collector’s
Puccini: Turandot (Blu-ray)
Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball
A&E (TM) 15.12.2009
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090075
Opera, Performing Arts 156min.
Naxos 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090004
Classical Music, Instrumental, Music min.
Dynamic 03.11.2009
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089937
Verdi: Otello (Blu-ray)
The first of Verdi’s two late Shakespearian operas stands as
one of the great masterpieces of grand opera. José Cura,
ranked among the world’s leading interpreters of Verdi’s
music, takes the title role in Willy Decker’s profound and
intense production, recorded live at the Liceu, Barcelona in
2006 in true surround sound and filmed with high definition
Documentary 50min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 10.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089935
Challenge Of Change (Blu-ray)
Documentary 50min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 10.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089960
Margaret Cho: Beautiful - Live
And Uncut
Margaret Cho
Learning to love her luscious self over the past forty years,
comedian Margaret Cho realized that the eye of the beholder
doesn’t hold all the power when it comes to beauty. Our tastes
may be groomed by the media, but how we feel about how we
look brings our self-image into focus. Armed with something
more potent than lip gloss - a mouth so shocking and raunchy
it should be stamped with a warning. Cho toured America with
her manifest „This show is really about how we should feel
beautiful,“ says Cho. „When you feel beautiful, you’re going to
have more of a willingness to use your voice to speak.“ Shot
at the Long Beach Terrace Theater, Cho’s latest stand-up
concert film, Beautiful, explores the good, bad, and downright
ugly in beauty, and the unattractive politicians and marketers
who shape our world.
Comedy 2009 86min.
Image Ent. 17.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089992
Dance Off The Inches: Dance It
Off & Firm Up!
Fitness, Health 57min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 01.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089969
Dance With Julianne Hough
Documentary, Politics 45min.
Passion River 15.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089989
Julianne Hough
Instructional Dance, Dancing, Fitness,
Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 15.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089991
Baking With Julia
Election Day
American Herro
Verdi Collection
Challenge Of Change
Julia Child
PBS min.
Repnet 10.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090002
Barney: Please & Thank You
Forget the pie charts, color-coded maps and hyperventilating
pundits. What’s the street-level experience of voters in
today’s America? In a triumph of documentary storytelling,
Election Day combines eleven stories - all shot
simultaneously on November 2, 2004, from dawn until long
past midnight - into one. Factory workers, ex-felons, harried
moms, Native America activists and diligent poll watchers,
from South Dakota to Florida, take the process of democracy
into their own hands. The result: and entertaining, inspiring
and sometimes unsettling tapestry of citizens determined on
one fate day to make their votes count.
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts min.
Opus Arte 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090010
Join Barney & Friends as they learn the importance of being
kind and courteous to others. When Baby Bop forgets to say
„please“ and „thank you“, Barney realizes it’s time for a
lesson on how magic words can make other people feel good
inside. As Baby Bop daydreams about a world without good
manners, she realizes that being polite is not only important
but it’s easy to do after all.
Richard Wagner: Tristan Und Isolde
Preschool min.
Hit Entertainment 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089997
Element: Prenatal & Postnatal
Barney: Sharing Is Caring
Fitness, Health, Yoga 69min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089973
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts min.
Opus Arte 17.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089994
Richard Wagner: Tristan Und Isolde (Blu-ray)
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts min.
Opus Arte 17.11.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090007
Celebrate a day of giving with Barney! A toy drive inspires
Barney and his friends to donate their old toys and learn the
joy of sharing. Through magical storytelling and super-Dino
surprises, Barney helps his gang discover that generosity
brings a smile to everyone’s face. Baby Bop, BJ, and the rest
of your pals can’t wait for you to take part in the warmhearted fun. You’ll have a ball as you learn that friendship and
sharing go hand in hand!
Educational, Family, Preschool min.
Hit Entertainment 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090026
Brick City
Documentary, Politics 260min.
First Run Features 08.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089963
Documentary, Politics 2007 FF S 84min.
Docurama 27.10.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089857
Element: Yoga For Weight Loss
Instructional Dance, Yoga, Fitness 53min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089972
Elvis Presley Gladiators: 1974 Karate Legacy
Documentary, Martial Arts min.
First Look Home Entertainment 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090061
Empire Of The Eye: The Magic Of
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Documentary, Photography/Art 2009 50min.
Microcinema DVD 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089982
Pablo Escobar: King Of Coke 2
Documentary 60min.
Music Video Distribution 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089944
Facing Ali
He rocked the sport, shook the world, and changed their
lives. Now, several decades after they met in the ring, ten of
the sport’s finest fighters tell what it was like to battle
Muhammad Ali, the man many consider the best boxer ever.
This brutally honest documentary recounts Ali’s incomparable
journey as seen through the eyes of those who stepped
through the ropes and into history. Join these respected
fighters as they weigh in on „The Greatest“ and pay tribute to
a living legend in this powerful and unforgettable film.
Sports, Biography, Boxing, Documentary
Lionsgate 29.12.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089855
Wrestling/Fighting, Sports, Sports
Entertainment, Biography, Documentary
1998 90min.
ChannelSources 27.10.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089914
In The Crease
Shot over two years, this gritty sports doc from filmmakers
Matthew T. Gannon and Michael Sarner tracks the highs and
lows of the California Wave Bantam AAA youth hockey team
as they work toward winning the coveted national
championship. Also included are revealing interviews with
more than a dozen professional hockey stars — from Brendan
Shanahan to Joe Thornton — who share their experiences on
the road to making it big.
Sports, Documentary, Hockey 90min.
Passion River 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090122
Kingdoms Of The Coast
Documentary min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 10.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089936
Kingdoms Of The Coast (Blu-ray)
A Finished Life: The Goodbye &
No Regrets Tour
AIDS, Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest,
Road Trips 81min.
First Run Features 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089966
Simone Forti: An Evening Of
Dance Constructions
In the spring of 1961 Simone Forti presented a program titled
Five Dance Constructions and Some Other Things in a
concert series organized by her friend, composer La Monte
Young, at the New York loft studio of Yoko Ono. These
radically new dances created circumstances for the
performers’ direct, non-stylistic actions. Each of the pieces
was performed in a different place in the loft, with the
audience moving from location to location to view them. Some
of the pieces required elementary structures - a hanging rope,
rectangular wooden boxes - which were placed throughout
the loft like a sculptural installation. In 2004 the Museum of
Contemporary Art in Los Angeles invited Forti to re-create
these dance constructions at the Geffen Contemporary space,
in conjunction with the exhibition A Minimalist Future Art as
Object 1958 - 1986. This DVD documents that evening and
includes Huddle, Slant Board, Platforms, See Saw, Roller
Boxes and Accompaniment for La Monte’s 2 sounds and La
Monte’s 2 sounds. The soundtrack of La Monte Young’s 2
Sounds has been re-mastered and the composer’s notes
accompany the video. In
Dancing, Documentary, Performing Arts
2009 88min.
Microcinema DVD 24.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089981
Four Little Shaolin Kong Fu Stars
Documentary, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial
Arts 60min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089974
Ghetto Fights 5
Fighting, Gangs, Reality 2006 min.
Navarre 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089869
Hitman Hart: Wrestling With
Over the span of one year, a documentary film crew followed
Bret Hart. They hoped for an unprecedented look behind the
scenes of the World Wrestling Federation. They got the most
dramatic story in the history of wrestling - the infamous
Montreal screw-job. Hitman Hart is a story about loyalty and
betrayal, sacrifice and greed, dignity and disgrace. This
poignant, humorous and heart wrenching 90 minute
documentary was acclaimed by festivals and reviewers
around the world. From Hollywood Hogan to Hollywood
Documentary 50min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 10.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089961
Lingerie Nights DVD Magazine:
Volume 1
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40090045
QuickBlast Method: Dancer’s
Body - Buns, Hips And Thighs
Tracey Mallett
Do just one quick workout, or really feel the burn and do them
all! The short segments in this program—’Beautiful Body Yoga
Warm Up,’ ‘Buns, Hips and Thighs Super Sculptor,’ and
‘Lower Body Burn’—help ultra-busy people stay healthy and
fit no matter how much time they have. Includes: Total Body
Calorie Blast Totaly Body Fat Burner Rock Hard Abs And
Buns Dancer’s Body Buns, Hips And Thighs
Fitness, Health 2008 35min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089933
Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home - 3
Mile Slim & Sleek Walk
Leslie Sansone
Fitness, Health 55min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 01.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089968
Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home Walk Away Your Hips & Thighs
(With Fit Cuff Kit)
Fitness, Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089985
Bikini Babes min.
Music Video Distribution 03.01.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089940
Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home Walk Away Your Waistline (With
Walk Belt Kit)
Modern Mixology
Fitness, Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089979
Osiris Entertainment 03.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089872
Personal Training With Jackie:
Power Circuit Training
Fitness, Health 57min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 01.12.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089967
Prima Ballerina
Ballet, Dancing, Documentary 52min.
First Run Features 08.12.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089964
Primal Grill with Steven
Raichlen: Volume Two
He’s back! Steven Raichlen, award-winning author of the
best-selling Barbecue Bible and host of the popular Barbecue
University, returns to Public Television with a sizzling new
collection of recipes and grilling techniques from his all new
season of Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen. This DVD brings
you the best of the best from these shows shot on location at
the beautiful Esplendor Resort and Country Club at Rio Rico
in southern Arizona. You’ll love having these irresistible
recipes inspired by Steven’s travels around the world,
including Wood Grilled Veal Chops with Catalan Vinaigrette
from Spain, Smoke Roasted Leg of Lamb Provencale, Kalbi
Dui (Butterflied Korean Grilled Short Ribs), Coconut Shrimp
Kebabs, the „Real“ Baba Ganooj, and Brazilian-Style Rib
Roast stuffed with cheese, vegetables and sausage. And
more! Meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables, even fruit - Steven
grills it all. There’s even a detailed demo on how to cook a
salt-crusted Colombian-style beef tenderloin right in the
embers and how to spit-roast an entire whole hog, the way
they do it on the Greek Islands. If you love to eat, if
Documentary 150min.
Microcinema DVD 24.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089983
Pussycat Dolls Workout
Fitness, Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 15.12.2009
Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles (With
Pedometer Kit)
Fitness, Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089984
Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home Walk Slim Kit
Fitness, Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089978
Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home Walk Strong Deluxe Kit
Fitness, Health min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 03.11.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089977
Soldiers Of Conscience
Every soldier wrestles with his conscience over killing.
Although most decide to kill, some refuse. Made with official
permission from the U.S. Army, Soldiers Of Conscience
reveals that far more soldiers decide not to kill than we might
expect. Narrated by Emmy winner Peter Coyote, Soldiers Of
Conscience profiles eight American soldiers four who decided
not to kill and become conscientious objectors, and four who
believe in their duty to kill if necessary. The film reveals how
everyone from West Point grads to drill sergeants, Abu
Ghraib interrogators to low ranking reservist-mechanics,
grapples with the morality of killing in war, not as a
philosophical problem, but as soldiers experience it - a splitsecond decision in combat that can never be forgotten or
undone. Including never-before-seen footage of basic training
and the war in Iraq, Soldiers Of Conscience is a realistic yet
optimistic look at war, peace and the power of the human
War, War In The Middle East, Documentary,
Military 2007 FF S 86min.
Docurama 27.10.2009
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Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089858
Squatting The Palace
This video takes a circular approach to an artist who works
in overlapping spirals of creative energy. Smith works in her
home not in a space specifically designed as a studio but on
the 2nd floor of her East Village townhouse. There, amid her
books, a pet bird, and small kitchen, Smith goes from drawing
to collaging to modeling clay to painting plaster casts and
back, again and again, moving from one discipline to another
in a way that can seem aimless to a casual observer, but
which is actually the modus operandi of a highly sophisticated
visual artist. Over the course of the video, it becomes
apparent that many of the pieces Smith is creating including
sculptures, photographs, prints, and furniture fashioned from
liquor boxes are intended for an eight-room installation at the
Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice, Italy, to open
contemporaneously with the 2005 Venice Biennale. We see
Smith collaborating with artisans fabricating her sculptures
and observe her daily interactions with her assistants. We
then follow Smith to Venice and witness the complex
installation of her exhibition, which proves t
Documentary, Photography/Art 2006 45min.
Microcinema DVD 24.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089980
Tales Of Desire 2
Instructional Dance, Bellydance, Dancing,
Fitness, Health min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089932
Total Nonstop Action Wrestling:
No Surrender 2009
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting 2008 min.
Navarre 10.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089868
UltraMarathon Man (Blu-ray)
The inspirational film UltraMarathon Man: 50 Marathons, 50
States, 50 Days, features renowned endurance athlete and
best selling author Dean Karnazes in his attempt to run 50
marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days to raise
awareness for youth obesity and to get America active. A
beautiful and epic journey across the United States, during
which Dean pushes the limits of human endurance, inspiring
thousands across the country to join him along the path while
uniting people of all ages and abilities to take „the next step.“
Documentary, Adventure, Sports 2008
ChannelSources 03.11.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089877
Virtual JFK: Vietnam If Kennedy
Had Lived
in the era of nuclear confrontation, John F. Kennedy attempted
to prevent war six times during his short tenure as president.
He didn’t live to face a seventh. Virtual JFK: Vietnam If
Kennedy Had Lived. Featuring unprecedented access into the
leadership style of one of the nations most important leaders,
Virtual JFK sheds new light on the man who helped avoid war
in six crises and did not live to save America from the
devastating war in Vietnam.
Vietnam War, War, Documentary, Politics
2009 FF S 80min.
Docurama 27.10.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089856
World’s Most Beautiful Sunrises &
Sunsets (Blu-ray)
Atmosphere DVDs 60min.
Allegro Entertainment 10.11.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40089959
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
07-Ghost -Anata Ni Kami
No Gokago OAnimation 20.11.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058796
07-Ghost Kapitel.6
Animation 08.01.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
07-Ghost Kapitel.6
Animation 08.01.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058824
Arad Senki -Slap Up
Party- Vol. 6
Animation 26.11.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058797
Arad Senki -Slap Up
Party- Vol. 7
Animation 26.11.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058798
Bakemonogatari Vol. 3:
Suruga Monkey
Animation 25.11.2009
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bakemonogatari Vol. 3:
Suruga Monkey
Animation 25.11.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058771
Bakemonogatari Vol. 3:
Suruga Monkey (Blu-ray)
Animation 25.11.2009
127,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Detective Conan: DVD
Selection Case.5
Kurozukume No Otoko
Animation 11.12.2009
70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058774
Detective Conan: DVD
Selection Case.6
Shonen Tantei Dan
Animation 11.12.2009
70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058775
Detective Conan: The
Raven Chaser (2009)
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058779
Gintama Season 4 Vol. 3
Animation 16.12.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058780
Gokujo!! Mecha Mote
Iincho Lesson 4
Animation 09.12.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058804
Guin Saga 5
Animation 25.11.2009
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Major: 5th Season Kessen! Nihon Daihyouhen
Animation 16.12.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058829
Naruto Shippuden
Kakashi Gaiden
Animation 16.12.2009
72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058786
Guin Saga 5
Naruto Shippuden
Kakashi Gaiden
Animation 25.11.2009
87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058782
Animation 16.12.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058787
Hatsukoi Limited Vol. 5
Needless Fragment.2
Animation 26.11.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058805
Animation 25.12.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058830
Hatsukoi Limited Vol. 5
Needless Fragment.2
Animation 26.11.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.12.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 04
One Piece 10th Season
Thriller Bark Piece.4
Animation 26.11.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058806
Animation 06.01.2010
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058831
Animation 26.11.2009
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 04 (Bluray)
Sorano Otoshimoto Vol.
Fight Ippatsu! JudenChan!! Connect.1
Animation 26.11.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.11.2009
103,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Detective Conan: The
Raven Chaser (2009)
Animation 25.11.2009
85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058777
Detective Conan: The
Raven Chaser (2009)
Animation 25.11.2009
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Erementar Gerad TVBox 1
Animation 18.12.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.12.2009
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Higepiyo Hiyokodayo!?
Sorano Otoshimoto Vol.
Animation 25.11.2009
57,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058783
Animation 25.12.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058814
Inazuma Eleven 11 (2009
/ DD)
Uchino 3 Shimai 18
Bleach Kakohen Ge
Fight Ippatsu! JudenChan!! Connect.1
Animation 16.12.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058772
Animation 18.12.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058826
Bleach Kakohen Jo
Fullmetal Alchemist 4
Animation 25.11.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058773
Animation 25.11.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058778
Kara No Kyoukai 7:
Satsujin Kosatsu
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Collector’s Ed.
Busou Renkin DVD-Box
Fullmetal Alchemist 4
Animation 09.12.2009
134,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.11.2009
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kara No Kyoukai 7:
Satsujin Kosatsu
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Collector’s Ed.
Note.02 (Blu-ray)
Animation 26.11.2009
374,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Charady No Joke Na
Mainichi Vol. 2 (2009)
Animation 26.11.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058800
Chi’s Sweet Home
Atarashii Ouchi Home
Made Movie 5 (2009)
Animation 26.11.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058801
Cross Game Vol. 5
Animation 26.11.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058802
Animation 25.11.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.11.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058807
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 3
Animation 09.12.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058785
Animation 08.01.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Komadori Eiga
Komaneko No Christmas
-Maigo Ni Natta Present-
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 3
Animation 02.12.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058808
Animation 08.01.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058828
Gintama Season 4 Vol. 2
Komadori Eiga
Komaneko No Christmas
-Maigo Ni Natta Present-
Animation 25.11.2009
Animation 02.12.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 18.12.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058832
Animation 26.11.2009
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Note.02
Animation 26.11.2009
87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058811
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Note.02 (Blu-ray)
Animation 26.11.2009
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
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Oktober 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Xam’d: Lost Memories
Vol. 5 (2009)
Animation 25.11.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058788
Xam’d: Lost Memories
Vol. 5 (2009) (Blu-ray)
Animation 25.11.2009
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Yokuwakaru Gendai
Maho Vol. 2
Animation 26.11.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058812
Film 13.01.2010
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058836
I Come With The Rain:
Takuya Kimura Jacket
Film 13.01.2010
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058837
Andrea Bocelli: My
Christmas Live/PBS
Christmas Special
Yokuwakaru Gendai
Maho Vol. 2 (Blu-ray)
Music 09.12.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058820
Animation 26.11.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Carpenters: Close
To You: Remembering
The Carpenters
Music 02.12.2009
63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058821
Deep Purple: Live At
Royal Albert Hall 1999
Beethoven Full Marathon Part 1: Symphony
Music 09.12.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058817
Hiroyuki Iwaki & NHK
Symphony Orchestra :
Beethoven Full Marathon Part 1: Symphony
Music 09.12.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058818
Hiroyuki Iwaki & NHK
Symphony Orchestra :
Beethoven Full Marathon Part 1: Symphony
Music 09.12.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058819
Film 13.01.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058835
Dumb Type : Or
TV Program
Music 23.12.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058816
The OC Complete Series
Dumb Type: Memorandum
TV Program 23.12.2009
996,90 EUR BestellNr.:
I Come With The Rain:
Lee Byung-Hun Jacket
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser
Verkauf geschlossen.
Music 25.11.2009
58,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058790
Music 25.11.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058789
Film 13.01.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058834
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Tokyo Kokuritsu
I Come With The Rain
I Come With The Rain
(2008) (Blu-ray)
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Music 23.12.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50058815
Hiroyuki Iwaki & NHK
Symphony Orchestra :
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Newsletter 18/09 (Nr. 260)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe:
Anna Rudschies
© (2009) by
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nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis
sowie alle anfallenden
Importkosten inkl. unserer
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol
sind Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
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offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE.
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Seite 57