Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 15/10 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 278 - September 2010 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: - Web: Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Herzlich willkommen zum ersten Newsletter nach unserer Sommerpause. Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie schnell so ein Urlaub vorbeigehen kann. Aber wie sollten wir es auch merken? Denn die meiste Zeit haben wir im Kino verbracht. Unser Filmblogger Wolfram Hannemann hat es während dieser Zeit immerhin auf satte 61 Filme gebracht! Da bleibt nicht viel Zeit für andere Aktivitäten, zumal einer der gesichteten Filme mit einer Lauflänge von 5 ½ Stunden aufwartete. Während wir dieses Editorial schreiben ist er schon längst wieder dabei, Filmeinführungen für das bevorstehende 70mm-Filmfestival der Karlsruher Schauburg zu schreiben. Am 1. Oktober geht’s los und hält uns und viele andere wieder für drei ganze Tage und Nächte auf Trab. Ein Ereignis, das man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte. Denn speziell im Angesicht der immer weiter flächendeckend installierten 2kund 4k-Digitalprojektion in deutschen Lichtspielhäusern sollte man sich anhand hervorragender Beispiele ins Gedächtnis rufen, welchen Qualitätsstandard Premierenkinos der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre bereits aufwiesen. Ein Tipp an alle Unentschlossenen: es gibt noch Tickets! Das gesamte Festivalprogramm und alle weiteren wichtigen Details haben wir nochmals ab Seite 11 für Sie zusammengestellt. Die neuesten Neuigkeiten: Dank dem unermüdlichen Einsatz der Schauburg-Techniker wird nicht nur CHEYENNE ATUMN mit deutschen Untertiteln präsentiert werden, sondern auch die Filme OUT OF AFRICA und THE GOLDEN HEAD. auch jede Menge Filme auf dem Fantasy Filmfest inspiziert. Diese sind jedoch in seinem Blog nicht enthalten, sondern werden wie üblich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in einem separaten Artikel besprochen werden. Als ganz besonderes Bonbon werden wir in einer der nächsten Ausgaben ein exklusives Interview mit dem deutschstämmigen Regisseur Daniel Stamm präsentieren, das unser Filmblogger während des Fantasy Filmfests anlässlich des Screenings von Stamms Film DER LETZTE EXORZISMUS geführt hat. Sie sehen – es bleibt spannend! Ihr Laser Hotline Team Ab Seite 5 erzählt Ihnen Wolfram Hannemann wieder alles Wissenswerte über die Filme, deren Pressevorführungen er beigewohnt hat. Darüber hinaus hat er natürlich LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Let Me See Your Dirty Pillows Letzte Woche habe ich The Sorcerer’s Apprentice gesehen, die neueste Zusammenarbeit von Disney und Bruckheimer. Der Film ist spannend, unterhaltsam und typisch Disney: die Verliebten dürfen sich erst am Ende ein einziges Mal küssen. Ein bisschen rückschrittlich, finden Sie nicht auch? Ich erwarte von einer Disney-Produktion nicht, dass sie Sexszenen zeigt, aber wir schreiben das Jahr 2010! Disney scheint (und ist damit nicht allein) immer noch im Jahr 1930 festzustecken, als der Hays Code eingeführt wurde. Der Hays Code, auch Production Code genannt, regelte streng die moralischen und physischen Inhalte der amerikanischen Filme. Dem Code zufolge war z.B. “exzessives und lustvolles Küssen” verboten, die amerikanische Flagge durfte auf keinen Fall entehrt werden und “kein Film sollte produziert werden, der die moralischen Standards der Zuschauer senken wird”, was konkret hieß: jegliche Sympathie für das Sündige war verboten. Offiziell gibt es den Hays Code seit 1968 nicht mehr. An seiner Statt wurde ein Ratingsystem eingeführt, ähnlich unserem FSK. Dennoch scheint mir, dass Hollywood sich nur sehr oberflächlich von dem Code verabschiedet hat. Hollywood erlaubt sich nichts bedenkenlos. Und die Kluft zwischen dem, was in der Realität passiert (Liebe, Erotik und Sex) und dem, was in Filmen gepriesen wird, wächst stetig. Der winterliche, süße Love, Actually darf in Deutschland ab 6 Jahren gesehen werden. In den USA hat der Liebesreigen ein R-Rating – nicht für Personen unter 17 Jahren ohne erwachsene Begleitperson. Grund dafür ist wahr- LASER HOTLINE scheinlich die nackt beginnende Romanze zwischen zwei Stand-ins für Pornos. Dass diese Liebesgeschichte völlig unschuldig und verklemmt-komisch daherkommt, ist den Damen und Herren der Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) offensichtlich egal. Porno ist Sünde, Nacktsein ist Sünde und damit basta. Nach Kontext wird gar nicht erst gefragt. Ein weiteres absurdes Beispiel liefert der animierte, Oscar-nominierte Les Triplettes de Belleville, der ein PG-13-Rating bekam, weil Josephine Baker einige Sekunden oben ohne zu sehen ist. Henry Selicks Coraline hingegen bekam das mildere PG-Rating trotz des dramatischen Auftritts der vollbusigen Miss Forcible, die Nippel-Pasties und Tanga trägt. Und jetzt raten Sie mal, welches Rating diese Filme in Frankreich bekommen haben? Genau: ab 0 Jahren. So wie Children of Men, Braveheart und Wanted. Sicher, in französischen Filmen erscheint spätestens nach zehn Minuten ein(e) Nackte(r), aber in den USA gilt Heike Makatsch in roter Unterwäsche als Sündenengel, die Kinderseelen verderben könnte. Es gilt jedoch als völlig normal, dass dieselben Kinder, zugespachtelt mit übertriebenem Makeup, $2000Kleidchen, High Heels und Bikini vor erwachsenen Männern und Frauen an Miss-Wahlen teilnehmen. Die Frage, welche Veranstaltung pornographischer und traumatisierender ist, beantwortet sich von selbst. Seite 3 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) In den 1970er Jahren gab es einen kurzen Moment, in dem Hollywood seine Prüderie ablegte: die Zeit von New Hollywood. Easy Rider, Raging Bull, M*A*S*H, Bert Schneider, Robert Towne, Peter Bogdanovich – sie alle und viele mehr brachen aus dem Hays’schen Korsett aus. Plötzlich gab es ein zehnjähriges Interregnum, in dem Hollywood und die Realität in etwa im Einklang waren. Doch so schnell die Hippies gekommen waren, so schnell wurden sie auch wieder vertrieben. Ausgerechnet George Lucas, eigentlich ein Lehrling des New Hollywood, schickte Luke, Han und Leia ins Rennen, welche klassische Erzählstrukturen und auch die Prüderie wieder aufblühen ließen. Die (anhaltende) Schamhaftigkeit in Hollywood lässt sich historisch erklären. Das heutige Amerika ist aufgebaut worden von Einwanderern, die stark vereinfachende religiöse Ansichten mitbrachten. Die Bibel war für die Siedler das konkrete Wort Gottes, kein historisch entstandener Text. Sie wurde mit großem Ernst wörtlich genommen. Der Hays Code enthält Paragraphen, die direkt auf die Bibel zurückzuführen sind: die Eltern und die Heiligkeit der Ehe ehren, Keuschheit, keine Homosexualität, kein Religionsmissbrauch. Heute gibt es zwar dank des Ratingsystems eine breitere Palette an ansprechbaren Themen, doch wenn man bedenkt, dass Sex and the City Hauptdarstellerin Sarah Jessica Parker trotz sexuellem Inhalt der Serie kein einziges Mal ihren Busen zeigt (die Nebendarstellerinnen schon) – dann ist die vermeintliche sexuelle und geistige Befreiung nicht weit gekommen. Von der Doppelmoral bezüg- LASER HOTLINE September 2010 lich frontaler Nacktheit – bei Frauenfiguren (Secretary) in Hollywood häufiger erlaubt und weniger skandalös als bei Männern (Watchmen) – ganz zu schweigen. Die Gleichberechtigung gibt es wirklich nur auf dem Papier. Wie meine Geschichtslehrerin Miss Friend immer sagte: “A piece of paper is not worth anything.” Die Amerikaner aber halten sehr viel von einem bestimmten Stück Papier: ihrer Verfassung. Tatsächlich gab sich Amerika die erste Verfassung der Moderne, noch vor Frankreich. Prinzipien der Aufklärung wie Redefreiheit, Religionsfreiheit und das Streben nach Glück gehören zu den oft zitierten Grundpfeilern der USGesellschaft. Mich persönlich macht ein ungezwungener, authentischer Umgang mit dem Leben in all seinen Facetten glücklich. Mich machen auch Salma Hayeks Brüste oder ein knakkiger George-Clooney-Hintern glücklich. Sicherlich bin ich mit diesem Denken nicht allein. Die Hollywoodianer sollten sich überlegen, ob ihre Prüderie im Grunde genommen nicht dem Geist ihrer Verfassung widerspricht. Und dann das tun, worin Amerikaner besonders gut sind: Konsequenzen ziehen. Anna Rudschies Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: Seite 4 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Notwenigkeit eingesetzt wie z.B. das Einfrieren von Szenen, die dann mit Standbildern fortgeführt werden. Dem Film zugute halten kann man, dass sich endlich wieder ein deutscher Regisseur an eine GenreProduktion gewagt hat. Auch wenn SNOWMAN’S LAND jetzt nicht restlos überzeugen konnte, so darf man dennoch auf Thomsons nächstes Projekt gespannt sein. Dienstag, 24. August 2010 Der Bundespräsident und die Apokalypse Wieder ein Tag voll krasser Gegensätze. Das kriegt man fast nur im Kino so geboten! DER GROSSE KATER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Central Land/Jahr: Schweiz, Deutschland 2009 Regie: Wolfgang Panzer Darsteller: Bruno Ganz, Ulrich Tukur, Christiane Paul, Marie Bäumer Kinostart: 28.10.2010 Montag, 23. August 2010 Auf den Spuren der Coen-Brüder Eine schwarze Komödie eröffnete heute eine prall gefüllte Pressewoche. SNOWMAN’S LAND (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Zorro Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Regie: Tomasz Thomson Darsteller: Jürgen Rißmann, Thomas Wodianka, Reiner Schöne Kinostart: 30.09.2010 Der abgewrackte Auftragskiller Walter erschießt versehentlich den Falschen und soll sich eine Auszeit nehmen. Doch stattdessen nimmt er einen neuen Auftrag an. Ganz weit im Osten soll er den legendären Gangster Berger aufsuchen. Auf dem verschneiten Weg dorthin stößt ein alter Kollege zu ihm, der durchgeknallte Micky. Am Ziel, einem verlassenen Sanatorium, angekommen ist Berger nicht zu finden. Nur dessen heisse Braut. Als die dann ganz zufällig erschossen wird, wird es für die beiden Killer erst richtig schlimm... Nicht nur die verschneite Landschaft erinnert an den Geniestreich FARGO der Brüder Coen. Auch die skurrilen Gestalten und die absurden Situationen sowie die dargestellten Gewaltausbrüche könnten eine Erfindung der Coens sein. Doch ganz im Gegensatz zu den amerikanischen Profis versteht es Regisseur Tomasz Thomson leider nicht, das richtige Timing für seinen Film zu finden. So laufen schwarzhumorige Gags oft einfach ins Leere. Auch werden Stilmittel oft rein willkürlich ohne dramaturgische LASER HOTLINE Um von innenpolitischen Querelen abzulenken, inszeniert der schweizer Bundespräsident, “Kater” genannt, einen hochfestlichen Staatsempfang für das spanische Königspaar. Niemand ahnt, dass sein 8jähriger Sohn in einer Klinik ums Überleben kämpft und er selbst um die Liebe seiner Frau kämpfen muss und sich damit in seiner größten Lebenskrise befindet. Zudem sägt sein bester Freund an seinem Stuhl... Bruno Ganz glänzt zwar in der Rolle des Bundespräsidenten, doch kann sein Spiel nicht über die groben Holprigkeiten des Drehbuchs hinweghelfen. Der Film wandelt auf dünnem Pfad zwischen Polit-Thriller, Satire und Familiendrama, ohne wenigstens eine dieser Disziplinen richtig ausbauen zu können. Beeindruckend indes ist die orchestrale Filmmusik von Patrick Kirst, die fast schon zuviel des Guten ist angesichts der nicht stilsicheren Inszenierung. THE ROAD (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: The Road Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: USA 2009 Regie: John Hillcoat Darsteller: Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron, Robert Duvall, Kodi Smit-McPhee Kinostart: 07.10.2010 Die Welt am Abgrund. Alles ist zerstört. Es gibt kaum noch Nahrung und Wasser. Der verzweifelte Überlebenskampf hat aus den Menschen Kannibalen gemacht. In dieser unwirtlichen Umgebung macht sich ein Vater zusammen mit seinem kleinen Sohn auf den beschwerlichen Weg in den Süden, um dort wieder Hoffnung schöpfen zu kön- nen. Ihr ständiger Begleiter ist eine Pistole und zwei Schuss Munition... In aschfarbenen CinemaScope-Bildern präsentiert Kameramann Javier Aguirresarobe die Endzeit-Vision von Regisseur John Hillcoat, dessen Film nach dem Roman von Cormac McCarthy entstand. Viggo Mortensen als der Vater und Kodi Smit-McPhee meistern ihre Rollen mit Bravour in einem postapokalyptischen, äußert deprimierenden Film, bei dem es unter anderem um den Erhalt der Menschlichkeit in einem unmenschlichen Umfeld geht. Mir persönlich war das Ende des Films etwas zu versöhnlich, ja geradezu hoffnungsvoll geraten. Aber das war vermutlich ein Zugeständnis ans amerikanische Publikum, die mit ihrem Kinoticket auch gleich ein Happy End mitkaufen wollen. Mittwoch, 25. August 2010 Der sterbende Onkel und die meuternden Tiere Ein harter Arbeitstag. Den ersten Film empfehle ich nur meinen Feinden, den zweiten niemandem. UNCLE BOONMEE WHO CAN RECALL HIS PAST LIVES (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Loong Boonmee Raleuk Chaat Verleih: Movienet Land/Jahr: Spanien, Thailand, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich 2010 Regie: Apichatpong Weerasethakul Darsteller: Natthakarn Aphaiwonk, Sakda Kaewbuadee, Geerasak Kulhong Kinostart: 30.09.2010 Weil er an einem Nierenversagen leidet und weiß, dass er bald sterben wird, zieht sich Uncle Boonmee mit nahen Verwandten und Freunden auf seinen Landsitz zurück. Dort erscheinen ihm der Geist seiner toten Frau und auch der Geist seines verschollenen Sohnes... Wenn ich während einer Vorführung damit kämpfe, ob ich auf die Uhr schaue oder nicht, dann will das etwas heissen. Denn eines meiner Prinzipien ist: schaue während eines Films niemals auf die Uhr! Der Film dauert gefühlte fünf Stunden, hat tonnenweise unterbelichtete Bilder integriert und scheint obendrein oft einfach zu vergessen auch mal die Schere anzusetzen. Mit anderen Worten: ein Meisterwerk! Das zumindest war die Meinung der Jury der Filmfestspiele in Cannes, wo der Film mit der Goldenen Palme geehrt wurde. Hier muss dann leider passen. Offensichtlich bin ich von der Zielgruppe genauso weit entfernt wie der Mars von der Erde. Wem sich dieser Film erschließt, der darf sich glücklich schätzen. Für mich war es vertane Lebenszeit. KONFERENZ DER TIERE (1:2.35, 2k Seite 5 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Digital, 3D, PCM 5.1) Verleih: Constantin Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 Regie: Holger Tappe, Reinhard Klooss Kinostart: 07.10.2010 Weil in ihrem Delta in Afrika ein Staudamm errichtet wurde, leiden die Tiere Durst. Als sich auch noch ein Eisbär, ein Känguruh und ein Schildkrötenpaar zu ihnen gesellen, weil auch ihre Lebensräume durch den Menschen bedroht werden, beschließen die Tiere gemeinsam zu Handeln... Wenn man sich den Hauptakteur, das Erdmännchen Billy, genau beäugt, dann weiß man doch gleich, welcher Film diese deutsche Produktion inspiriert hat: ICE AGE! Da passt es ja dann auch, dass auch die Musik zu beiden Filmen vom selben Komponisten stammt: David Newman. Doch im Gegensatz zu den Hollywood-Vorbildern nervt dieses computergenerierte 3D-Produkt ziemlich, weiß es doch nicht so recht, wie man eine Geschichte erzählt. Und witzig ist die ganze Sache auch nicht, auch wenn sie sich ihre Schöpfer krampfhaft darum bemühen. In Anlehnung an eine Erzählung von Erich Kästner ist so ein weiterer Animationsfilm entstanden, der sich als Umweltrettungsfilm verstanden haben möchte. Dass diese Botschaft letztendlich jedoch auch nur auf die Nerven geht, liegt ebenfalls am Unvermögen der Autoren, eine richtige Geschichte zu erzählen. Und dazu gehört eben auch eine Gefühlsebene. Von der fehlt hier jedoch jede Spur. Wenn dann die Tiere ganz am Ende des Films sogar in New York einmarschieren, um die Menschen aufzurütteln, dann weiß man, dass es sich um einen europäischen Film handelt. Aber warum in die Ferne schweifen? Als ob wir in Europa nicht auch ein Umweltproblem hätten! Das nenne ich Zynismus. Donnerstag, 26. August 2010 Aller guten Dinge sind drei Der Höhepunkt meiner Pressewoche: gleich drei Screenings gab es heute. Das war dann fast schon ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf das Fantasy Filmfest, auf dem ich täglich mindestens vier Filme sehen werde. LEBANON (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Lebanon Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Israel 2009 Regie: Samuel Maoz Darsteller: Yoav Donat, Itay Tiran, Oshri Cohen Kinostart: 14.10.2010 1982 – der Beginn des Libanonkrieges. Ein einzelnes Panzerkommando soll Fallschirmjägern helfen, eine Stadt in feindli- LASER HOTLINE chem Gebiet zu sichern, die zuvor von israelischen Fliegern bombardiert wurde. Doch der Panzer kommt weit vom Kurs ab und sitzt plötzlich in der Falle... Dass die Schrecken eines Krieges in ihrer filmischen Darstellung nicht immer mit einem pyrotechnischen Feuerwerk einhergehen müssen, beweist Samuel Maoz‘ Film. Ausnahmslos aus der Perspektive der kleinen Panzerbesatzung wird das Unmenschliche, das den Panzerinsassen abverlangt wird, geschildert. Die Angst und der Schrecken kann an den Gesichtern der hervorragenden Darsteller direkt abgelesen werden. Die klaustrophobische Grundstimmung des Films wird von einem erstklassigen Sounddesign unterstützt und lässt einen einzigen Gedanken beim Zuschauer keimen: “Hier möchte ich nicht sein!” Exzellentes Kino mit Tiefgang. BANKSY – EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Exit Through The Gift Shop Verleih: Alamode Land/Jahr: USA, Großbritannien 2010 Regie: Banksy Darsteller: Banksy Kinostart: 21.10.2010 Als ein filmverrückter Franzose eine Dokumentation über den englischen Street-ArtKünstler Banksy machenn will, dreht der den Spieß um. Schließlich ist eben dieser Franzose mit seinem Spleen, alles und überall zu filmen, die weitaus interessantere Figur... EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP ist das, was man im Fachjargon als “Mockumentary” bezeichnen würde. Denn alles, was gezeigt wird, erscheint echt zu sein. Doch Banksy, der durch provokante und nicht immer legale Graffitti-Malereien weltweit für Aufsehen sorgte und im Untergrund lebt, wäre nicht Banksy, wenn er mit diesem Film nicht auch provozieren wollte. Und so rechnet er auf höchst amüsante Weise mit den sogenannten Kunstexperten ab, die gerne Tausende von Dollars für “angesagte” Kunst springen lassen. Und er macht das sehr überzeugend – so überzeugend, dass ich sogar an die Echtheit der Geschichte glaubte. Bravo! DER LETZTE EXORZISMUS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: The Last Exorcism Verleih: Kinowelt Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Daniel Stamm Darsteller: Patrick Fabian, Ashley Bell, Louis Herthum Kinostart: 30.09.2010 Reverend Cotton Marcus, ein angesehener Prediger und praktizierender Exorzist, lässt sich von einer kleinen Filmcrew bei einem Einsatz begleiten. Auf einer abgelegenen Farm soll er ein junges Mädchen vom Teufel befreien... Die “Reality”-Welle, die im Horrorgenre durch Filme wie CLOVERFIELD und [REC] ausgelöst wurde, will einfach nicht abebben. Dabei hat sich diese Inszenierungsform, die dem Zuschauer vorgaukelt, ein dokumentarisches Video zu sehen und keine fiktionale Story, eigentlich schon totgelaufen. Der von Daniel Stamm inszenierte Film funktioniert anfangs noch recht ordentlich, entlarvt er doch den Reverend (hervorragend gespielt von Patrick Fabian) als einen Scharlatan, der gar nicht an den Exorzismus glaubt, sondern mit allerlei Hilfsmitteln wie einem auf Knopfdruck rauchenden Kruzifix oder einem Miniplayer mit wählbaren Dämonenlauten eine perfekte Show abliefert. Dass er bei seinem dokumentierten Einsatz damit wenig ausrichten können wird, ist dem Genre-Kenner schnell klar. Und genau jenem Genre-Kenner dürfte Stamms Film eher langweilen wie fesseln. Was DER LETZTE EXORZISMUS von den eingangs erwähnten Reality-Filmen unterscheidet ist das Vorhandensein einer Filmmusik. Die wird zwar sehr spärlich eingesetzt, aber sie ist eben vorhanden und entlarvt dadurch das abgespielte Band als keine Dokumentation, sondern ein künstlerisch überarbeitetes Produkt. Und das wiederum nimmt dem Film die Spannung. Freitag, 27. August 2010 Sterbebett und Lichtnahrung Funktioniert ein Theaterstück in CinemaScope und hatte David Lynch doch recht? Zwei Fragen, deren Klärung am heutigen Freitag anstanden. DAS ENDE IST MEIN ANFANG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Universum (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 Regie: Dr. Jo Baier Darsteller: Bruno Ganz, Elio Germano, Erika Pluhar Kinostart: 07.10.2010 Der langjährige Asienkorrespondent des “Spiegel”, Tiziano Terzani, hat sich mit seiner Frau zusammen auf seinen Landsitz in der Toskana zurückgezogen, um dort in Ruhe sterben zu können. Er bittet seinen Sohn Folco aus New York zu sich, um ihm von seinem Leben zu erzählen... Der nach dem gleichnamigen Buch entstandene Film ist im Grunde genommen ein Theaterstück. Wenn Terzani (hervorragend gespielt von Bruno Ganz) seinem Sohn aus seinem bewegten Leben erzählt, so geschieht das Seite 6 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ohne die gewohnten Rückblicke. Die Kamera bleibt hier auf Bruno Ganz, der ganze Monologstrecken zu bewältigen hat. Das ist ungewöhnlich und wird dadurch nicht jeden Zuschauer ansprechen. Immerhin gelingt es Kamerafrau Judith Kaufmann entsprechende Bilder zu finden, die Terzanis Lebensphilosophien vorstellbar machen. Zum Ende hin drückt Regisseur Jo Baier dann aber zu sehr auf die Tränendrüse und führt damit eigentlich Terzanis Auffassung, dass man die Welt mit einem Lachen verlassen darf, ad absurdum. AM ANFANG WAR DAS LICHT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Movienet Land/Jahr: Österreich 2009 Regie: P. A. Straubinger Darsteller: Jasmuheen, Rüdiger Dahlke Kinostart: 28.10.2010 Menschen, die sich nur von Licht ernähren? Gibt es so etwas? Filmemacher P. A. Straubinger will es genau wissen und geht für seinen Dokumentarfilm auf eine Reise um die ganze Welt. Er stellt Menschen vor, die von sich behaupten, schon seit Jahrzehnten keine Nahrung mehr aufzunehmen, stellt wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen vor, befragt jede Menge Experten. Sowohl Zweifler als auch solche, die an die Lichtnahrung glauben, kommen zu Wort. Straubingers Film fördert Erkenntnisse zutage, die noch kaum jemand kennt und die über kurz oder lang die gesamte Wissenschaft auf den Kopf stellen dürften. Eine interessante, gut gestaltete Dokumentation, bei der mir am Schluss plötzlich folgende Frage durch den Kopf schoss: hatte David Lynch doch recht (siehe: DAVID WANTS TO FLY)? Montag, 30. August 2010 Fernbeziehung Eine Pressevorführung an einem Montag verspricht nichts Gutes... VERRÜCKT NACH DIR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Going the Distance Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Nanette Burstein Darsteller: Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, Charlie Day Kinostart: 02.09.2010 Eine junge Journalistin und ein junger PRManager lernen sich kennen und lieben. Doch beruflich bedingt müssen sich die beiden mit einer Fernbeziehung begnügen. Eine harte Belastungsprobe für das junge Paar... Als “Romantik-Komödie” angepriesen entpuppt sich der amerikanische Film LASER HOTLINE rasch als Fäkalhumor- und PubertätswitzeSchleuder, die das bisschen Romantik, das da aufzukeimen droht, mit brachialer Kraft zerstört. Strengstens davon abzuraten ist, dieses Stückchen Film als “Date-Movie” vorzuschlagen! Dienstag, 31. August 2010 Klaustrophobisch Was habe ich heute gelernt? Man muss nicht tot sein, um in einem Sarg zu liegen und man muss nach Bali reisen, um seine große Liebe zu finden. Alles Kino oder was? BURIED – LEBEND BEGRABEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1 EX) OT: Buried Verleih: Ascot Elite (Fox) Land/Jahr: USA, Spanien 2009 Regie: Rodrigo Cortés Darsteller: Ryan Reynolds Kinostart: 04.11.2010 Was würden Sie tun, wenn Sie plötzlich in vollkommener Dunkelheit aufwachen würden und feststellen müssten, dass Sie sich in einem engen Sarg befinden, der irgendwo vergraben wurde? Diese Frage werden sich mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit alle Zuschauer stellen, die sich auf Rodrigo Cortés‘ klaustrophobischen Thriller einlassen. Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds) befindet sich in genau dieser misslichen Lage. Der Fahrer eines LKWKonvois mit Hilfsgütern für de Irak weiß nicht, wie er in die beengende Holzkiste gekommen ist. Seine einzigen Gefährten sind ein Handy, ein Taschenmesser und ein Flachmann. Und der Akku des Handys ist bald ebenso verbraucht wie der Sauerstoff im Sarg... Auch wenn man an der Logik der Geschichte hin und wieder berechtigte Zweifel anbringen kann, so schlägt einen die Inszenierung dennoch in ihren Bann. Kaum zu glauben, wie man mit ganz wenig Licht und einer extrem winzigen Location richtige Spannung erzeugen kann. Die Kamera (Eduard Grau) vollführt geradezu akrobatische Leistungen, wenn sie wie selbstverständlich um den Eingesargten kreist oder sonstige Kunststückchen vollführt. Nahaufnahmen intensivieren die klaustrophobische Grundstimmung und führen dazu, dass man schon nach kurzer Zeit selbst im Kinosaal um Luft ringt! Und die Kamera verlässt nie den Sarg und wird sozusagen zum zweiten Darsteller des EinPersonen-Films. Um die Spannung in wichtigen Momenten weiter anzufeuern, setzt Regisseur Cortés auf eine orchestrale Filmmusik und auf ein sehr atmosphärisches Sounddesign. Sehenswert für alle, die es aushalten können. EAT PRAY LOVE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Eat Prey Love Verleih: Sony Pictures Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Ryan Murphy Darsteller: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Richard Jenkins, Javier Bardem Kinostart: 23.09.2010 Liz hat alles, was man sich nur wünschen kann: einen Man, ein Haus und einen tollen Job. Als jedoch plötzlich ihre Ehe in die Brüche geht, beschliesst Liz eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Ihre Reisen führen sie nach Italien, nach Indien und nach Bali und so wird ihr Selbstfindungstrip gleichzeitig zu einer inneren Reise... Die Verfilmung des autobiographischen Weltbestsellers von Liz Gilbert dürfte sich zuallererst an ein weibliches Publikum richten. Ein Selbstfindungstrip, der in Indien in einen Ashram führt, ist zumindest für westliche Männer nicht unbedingt nachvollziehbar. Da ist schon eher Liz‘ erste Station Italien greifbarer. Denn dort lernt sie die Genüsse von gutem Essen kennen und erfährt etwas vom Dolce Vita, vom “Es sich gut gehen lassen”. Wenn sie dann im letzten Teil des Films auf Bali ihre große Liebe findet, dann darf schon mal zum Taschentuch gegriffen werden. Denn erstens kommt es anders und zweitens als man denkt. Nicht nur Julia Roberts in der Rolle der Liz spielt in Höchstform, sondern auch ihre Mitspieler. Wer große Gefühle, Sich-selber-finden und Aussteiger mag, dem könnte EAT PRAY LOVE gefallen. Donnerstag, 02. September 2010 Mailänder Liebe und blutige Narben Als ob das Fantasy Filmfest nicht schon genügend Filme auf dem Programm hätte, durfte ich mir heute zuvor noch zwei Pressevorführungen anschauen. I AM LOVE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Io Sono L’Amore Verleih: MFA (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: Italien 2009 Regie: Luca Guadagnino Darsteller: Tilda Swinton, Flavio Parenti, Edoardo Gabbriellini Kinostart: 28.10.2010 Emma, Gattin eines mächtigen Mailänder Modefabrikanten, verliebt sich in den Koch Antonio, einen Freund ihres Sohnes... Die etwas banal erscheinende Geschichte wird mit grandiosen Bildern und in epischer Breite erzählt. Eine sehr eigenwillige Kameraführung, kurze Schnitte und die an die Kompositionen Michael Nymans erinnernde dynamische Filmmusik von John Adams Seite 7 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog verlangen dabei einiges vom Betrachter ab. Es braucht seine Zeit, sich in diesen kunstvollen Film hineinzufinden. Doch danach entwickelt er eine ungeheure Faszination. Nicht jedermanns Sache. deutsche Fassung des Films wurde offensichtlich an einigen der harten Stellen gekürzt, was Genre-Fans auf die Palme bringen dürfte. Wenn dann irgendwann im Film plötzlich der Satz fällt “Die Zeit läuft uns davon!”, dann wird der Zuschauer bejahend seinen Kopf nicken und wissen, dass er mit diesem Film kostbare Lebenszeit vergeudet hat. Freitag, 03. September 2010 Terroristensaga Ein Film gigantischen Ausmaßes hielt mich heute in Atem... CARLOS – DER SCHAKAL (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Carlos Verleih: NFP (Warner) Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland 2010 Regie: Olivier Assayas Darsteller: Edgar Ramirez, Alexander Scheer, Nora von Waldstätten Kinostart: 04.11.2010 SCAR 3D (1:1.85, 2k Digital, 3D, PCM 5.1) OT: Scar Verleih: Fantasia Film Land/Jahr: USA 2007 Regie: Jed Weintrob Darsteller: Angela Bettis, Kirby Bliss Blanton, Devon Graye Kinostart: 21.10.2010 Viele Jahre nachdem sie einem sadistischen Mörder entkommen ist, kehrt Joan in ihre Heimatstadt zurück, um ihren Bruder und dessen Tochter zu besuchen. Doch das anfängliche Idyll wird schon bald von einer neuen Mordserie getrübt. Ist ihr alter Peiniger zurückgekehrt? SCAR lässt keine Chance ungenutzt, sich von einer Peinlichkeit zur nächsten zu bewegen! Das vollkommen absurde Drehbuch verwandelt sich binnen kurzer Zeit ungewollt in eine richtige Lachbombe. Die unterdurchschnittlichen Darsteller und die an Porno-Filme der siebziger Jahre erinnernde deutsche Synchronfassung lassen den Film vollkommen seelenlos auf den Zuschauer los. Gespickt wird dieses Machwerk übelster Art mit extrem blutigen Folterszenen, bei denen die 3D-Technik zum vollen Einsatz kommt. Und die ist immerhin als gelungen zu bezeichnen, sieht man einmal ab von der schlampigen Ausleuchtung der Bilder. Die LASER HOTLINE In den siebziger Jahren steigt der in Caracas geborene Illich Ramirez Sanchez als “Carlos” zum internationalen Top-Terroristen auf. Er zeichnet unter anderem für die spektakuläre Geiselnahme während der OPEC-Konferenz in Wien verantwortlich. Der an Fakten orientierte Film von Olivier Assayas erklärt gleich zu Beginn seiner 330 Minuten Spielzeit, dass viele der Beziehungen zwischen den einzelnen Figuren Fiktion sind. Nichtsdestotrotz gestaltet sich das überlange Gangster-Biopic als äußerst faszinierend und lässt Zeitgeschichte wieder aufleben. Edgar Ramirez überzeugt in der Rolle des Carlos, die immerhin zwei Jahrzehnte umfasst, und mutiert vom schlanken Frauenhelden zum übergewichtigen Vater. Assayas‘ Film legt viel Wert auf Details. So ist die Originalfassung mehrsprachig angelegt und mit stets mit Schauspielern besetzt, die die jeweilige Sprache beherrschen. Eingeblendete Namen und Funktionen erleichtern dem Zuschauer das Zurechtfinden in diesem Epos. Mit seiner Spielzeit von 5 ½ Stunden dürfte es sich der als 3-Teiler fürs Fernsehen produzierte Film allerdings mit seinem Publikum sehr schwer tun. Fraglich ist, ob die zusätzlich geplante 190-Minuten-Version dem Gesamtwerk überhaupt noch gerecht werden kann. Dienstag, 07. September 2010 Zwei Nieten Eröffnet wurde die für mich parallel zum Fantasy Filmfest stattfindende Pressewoche mit zwei Werken, die nicht sonderlich überzeugen konnten. GAINSBOURG – DER MANN, DER DIE FRAUEN LIEBTE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Gainsbourg, vie héroïque Verleih: Prokino (Fox) Land/Jahr: Frankreich, USA 2010 Regie: Joann Sfar Darsteller: Eric Elmosnino, Lucy Gordon, Doug Jones, Laetitia Casta Kinostart: 14.10.2010 Eigentlich habe ich einen Film erwartet über den Chansonier Serge Gainsbourg, der mit seinem Hit “Je t’aime”, den er zusammen mit Ehefrau Jane Birkin aufnahm, einen waschechten Skandal provozierte. Doch handelt es sich bei GAINSBOURG um kein Biopic im üblichen Sinn, das mit vielen Fakten den Werdegang eines Menschen dokumentiert, sondern ist am ehesten noch als eine Art Interpretation des Phänomens “Gainsbourg” zu betrachten. Diese Interpretation wird teilweise mit surrealen Bildern ausgestattet wie z.B. die optische Darstellung von Gainsbourgs Alter Ego als vollkommen überzeichnete Karikatur, mit der er in Dialog tritt. Ich möchte fast so weit gehen zu behaupten, dass man dem Film streckenweise nur folgen kann, wenn man sich mit Serge Gainsbourg bereits im Vorfeld beschäftigt hat. Fazit: der Regisseur hat es “vergeigt”. Nichtsdestotrotz verblüffen die Darsteller, die optisch sehr nahe an die Originale heranreichen. ORLY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Orly Verleih: Piffl Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Frankreich 2010 Regie: Angela Schanelec Darsteller: Natacha Régnier, Bruno Todeschini, Maren Eggert Kinostart: 04.11.2010 Ein auf dem Pariser Flughafen Orly angesiedelter Episodenfilm, der eigentlich nur von Belanglosigkeiten erzählt und diese mit symbolträchtigen Bildern zu retten versucht. Einzig unter dem Aspekt interessant, dass an Originalschauplätzen gedreht wurde. Die Darsteller (mit Ausnahme der Deutschen, die sehr laienhaft wirken) geben zwar ihr Bestes, können den Film dadurch aber auch nicht mehr retten. Kultivierte Langeweile. Mittwoch, 08. September 2010 Ja ist denn schon Weihnachten? Heute gab’s gleich zwei Filme, die zur Weihnachtszeit spielen. Beim ersten habe ich Rotz und Wasser geheult, beim zweiten wurde ich sehr melancholisch. Seite 8 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Doppel! OSKAR UND DIE DAME IN ROSA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Oscar et la Dame Rose Verleih: Kinowelt Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Belgien 2009 Regie: Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt Darsteller: Michèle Laroque, Mylène Demongeot, Amir Kinostart: 07.10.2010 Der 10jährige Oskar ist krebskrank und liegt ein einer Kinderklinik. Er hat nicht mehr lange zu leben. Seine Eltern können damit nicht umgehen und meiden ihn. Da lernt Oskar zufällig die freche Pizzaverkäuferin Rose kennen, die sich äußerst phantasievoll um den kleinen Patientin kümmert... Eine Warnung gleich vorweg: wer in diesem Film nicht zum Taschentuch greifen muss, der sollte sein Gefühlsleben dringend untersuchen lassen! EricEmmanuel Schmitt hat hier seinen eigenen Roman verfilmt, der selbst bereits seine Leser zu vielen Tränen gerührt hat. Wie erklärt man einem Kind das Sterben? Und wie seinem eigenen Kind? Der Film schafft dies in beeindruckender Weise. Der kleine Amir in der Rolle des Oskar und Michèle Laroque als Rose sind die Idealbesetzung für diesen sehr gefühlvollen Film. Die einfühlsame Musik stammt aus der Feder von Michel Legrand. Unbedingt ansehen. HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Hjem Til Jul Verleih: Pandora Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Deutschland 2010 Regie: Bent Hamer Darsteller: Fritjof Såheim, Tone Mostraum, Nina Zanjani Kinostart: 02.12.2010 Ein kleines Dorf in Norwegen an Heiligabend. In parallel laufenden Episoden erzählt Bent Hamer in seinem Film traurige und auch vergnügliche Geschichten, deren Dreh- und Angelpunkt das Weihnachtsfest ist. Hier werden natürlich Erinnerungen wach an den großartigen Film TATSÄCHLICH LIEBE. Doch im Gegensatz zu diesem Film versprüht HOME FOR CHRISTMAS fast ausschließlich Melancholie. Ganz sicher nicht der “08/15 Feel Good Weihnachtsfilm”, sondern einer der den Zuschauer zum weiteren Nachdenken über das Fest der Liebe animieren möchte. Donnerstag, 09. September 2010 Slapstick und unerfüllte Liebe Am ersten Tag nach dem Fantasy Filmfest gab’s für mich gleich wieder ein gemischtes LASER HOTLINE REINE FELLSACHE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Furry Vengeance Verleih: Concorde Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Roger Kumble Darsteller: Brendan Fraser, Ricky Garcia, Eugene Cordero Kinostart: 14.10.2010 Im Auftrag eines Investors soll ein Familienvater Dan Sanders ein ganzes Waldstück roden, um darauf eine seelenlose Siedlung zu bauen. Doch Dan hat die Rechnung ohne die Waldtiere gemacht. Schon bald muss er sich gegen Eichhörnchen, Dachs und viele andere Vierbeiner zur Wehr setzen... Typisch amerikanische Slapstick-Komödie, die schon nach einer halben Stunde bereits schwer zu ertragen ist und den Blick auf die Uhr lenkt. IN IHREN AUGEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: El Secreto De Sus Ojos Verleih: Camino (Fox) Land/Jahr: Argentinien 2009 Regie: Juan José Campanella Darsteller: Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago Kinostart: 28.10.2010 Noch 25 Jahre nachdem der damalige Ermittlungsbeamte Benjamin einen Mordfall bearbeitete, lässt ihn dieser Fall auch im Rentenalter nicht mehr los. Benjamin entschließt sich dazu, ein Buch darüber zu schreiben. Er nimmt wieder Kontakt zu seiner damaligen Kollegin Irene auf, die inzwischen Staatsanwältin ist. Seine ihr gegenüber nie eingestandene Liebe flammt wieder auf... Der mit exzellenten Darstellern besetzte Liebes-Thriller wurde mit dem Auslands-Oscar ausgezeichnet. Dabei steht die Mordgeschichte, die in Rückblenden erzählt wird, gar nicht im Fokus des Films, sondern die Liebesbeziehung, die nie ausgelebt wurde und die auf Erfüllung wartet. Die schön fotografierten Bilder sind unterlegt mit einem Score, der teilweise an die Filmmusiken von Ennio Morricone erinnert und die Gefühlsebene des Films intensiviert. Sehenswert. Verleih: Fox Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Elizabeth Allen Darsteller: Joey King, Selena Gomez, John Corbett Kinostart: 14.10.2010 Die neunjährige Ramona ist ein sehr phantasievolles Kind und bekommt dadurch immer wieder Probleme mit ihrer Umwelt, von der sie sich meist unverstanden fühlt. Zusammen mit ihrer großen Schwester und dem ganz kleinen Sprössling wohnt sie mit ihren liebenden Eltern in einem kleinen Häuschen. Als ihr Vater eines Tages den Job verliert, beschliesst sie, der Familie auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise zu helfen... Ein liebevoll gestalteter Familienfilm nach Buchvorlagen von Beverly Cleary, die zu den Bestsellern im Kinderbuchmarkt gehören. Joey King als Ramona ist dabei eine echte Entdeckung. Sie spielt ihre Rolle absolut köstlich, dass man gar nicht anders kann als sie zu mögen. Es gibt sie also tatsächlich noch: intelligente Komödien mit viel Gefühl. Dienstag, 14. September 2010 Loser und Amazonen Morgens froh gelaunt ins Kino gegangen und vollkommen deprimiert heimgekehrt...abends nochmals ins Kino und wieder geärgert... DIE ENTBEHRLICHEN (1:1.85, Dolby SR) Verleih: Drei-Freunde (Kinostar) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Regie: Andreas Arnstedt Darsteller: Oskar Böckelmann, Mathieu Carrière, Kathi Hahn Kinostart: 30.09.2010 Freitag, 10. September 2010 Freches Mädchen Den Wochenausklang bereitete die kleine Ramona, die man am liebsten einmal knuddeln möchte... Im winterkalten Berlin findet der 11jährige Jakob seinen Vater tot in der Wohnung. Aus Angst davor, in ein Heim gesteckt zu werden, sagt er niemandem etwas. Immer wieder lässt er sein bisheriges Leben Revue passieren... Ein Sozialdrama aus deutschen Landen. Aber was für eines! Regisseur Andreas Arnstedt packt einfach zuviel hinein in sein komplett depressives Werk. Ob Neo-Nazis, Alkohol, Gammelfleisch, Harz IV – alles wird genommen. Dass so etwas den Zuschauer möglicherweise überfordert, mag dem jungen Filmemacher wohl gar nicht in den Kopf kommen. Hier gilt: weniger ist manchmal mehr. Ich rate vom Besuch des Films ab. SCHWESTERHERZEN – RAMONAS WILDE WELT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Ramona And Beezus RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE (1:2.35, 2k Digital, 3D, PCM 5.1) OT: Resident Evil: Afterlife Seite 9 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gegen eine Überzahl von Gegnern ist ein Abklatsch aus “Kill Bill”. Und das belagerte Gefängnis schließlich könnte direkt aus “Dawn of the Dead” entsprungen sein. Die ewig gleiche Miene der Milla Jovovich, eine seelenlose deutsche Synchronisation und die Androhung einer weiteren Fortsetzung geben dem Film den Rest. Wenn Alices Säuselstimme dann ganz am Ende des Abspanns aus dem Off noch einmal ins Publikum ruft “Behandelt man so eine Lady?”, dann sei eine Gegenfrage erlaubt: “Darf man sein Publikum derart langweilen?” Donnerstag, 16. September 2010 Kein Appetit Eine europäische Dramödie wurde mir heute kredenzt. Doch es fehlten leider die exotischen Gewürze... Verleih: Constantin Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Deutschland, USA 2010 Regie: Paul W.S. Anderson Darsteller: Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Wentworth Miller Kinostart: 16.09.2010 Stahlharter, ungetrübter Blick. Hautenges, schwarzes Outfit mit den passenden Stiefeln und Waffengürteln. Dazu eine trendige Kurzhaarfrisur. Mit einem Wort: Alice ist zurück! Die “Lara Croft” der Apokalypse geht wieder auf die Suche nach Überlebenden eines missglückten Experiments, das fast die ganze Menschheit in fleischfressende Zombies verwandelt hat. Ein Funkspruch führt die Amazonen-Kriegerin schließlich in das verwüstete Los Angeles. Dort hat sich eine Hand voll nicht Infizierter in ein Hochsicherheitsgefängnis gerettet. Gemeinsam mit ihnen muss sie sich nun gegen eine gigantische Horde von Untoten zur Wehr setzen. Der bereits vierte Teil des erfolgreichen Franchise katapultiert sich jetzt erstmals in die dritte Dimension. Und Dank der in James Camerons “Avatar” bereits erfolgreich eingesetzten “Pace Fusion” 3D-Kamera gelingt das recht beeindruckend. Weit weniger beeindruckend allerdings gibt sich die Story des Films. Die bleibt vollkommen substanzlos und entlarvt dadurch rasch ihre Herkunft: “Resident Evil” basiert auf einem bekannten Video-Spiel. Bei all seiner visuellen Opulenz hat der vom Ehegatten der Hauptdarstellerin inszenierte Film leider nichts Neues zu bieten. Die aufgespannten Regenschirme in der Eröffnungssequenz rufen Bilder aus “Blade Runner” hervor. Perfekt choreographierte Slow-Motion-Sequenzen erinnern an “Matrix”. Alices Schwertkampf LASER HOTLINE BON APPETIT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Bon Appetit Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: Spanien, Deutschland, Schweiz 2010 Regie: David Pinillos Darsteller: Unax Ugalde, Nora Tschirner, Herbert Knaup Kinostart: 25.11.2010 Der junge Spanier Daniel kommt nach Zürich, um als Koch in einem Gourmet-Restaurant zu arbeiten. Da verliebt er sich in seine Kollegin Hanna, die schon ein kurzes Verhältnis mit dem italienischen Kollegen hinter sich hat und aktuell mit dem verheirateten Chef des Restaurants liiert ist. Und ausgerechnet von diesem arroganten Typen erwartet sie ein Kind... Wenn es in letzter Zeit einen Film gab, der konsquent vorhersehbar ist, dann dürfte es BON APPETIT sein! Die Geschichte um die Gratwanderung zwischen Freundschaft und Liebe hat mich nicht überzeugen können. Und wenn das Ganze schon in guter Gastronomie angesiedelt wird, dann könnte man doch wenigstens opulente Bilder aus der Küche erwarten. Da wird zwar emsig gekocht, es stellen sich aber keinerlei Gaumenfreuden ein (die gibt es dafür reichlich in EAT PRAY LOVE!). Kinostart: 23.09.2010 Während eines brutalen Banküberfalls verliebt sich einer der Gangster (Ben Affleck) in die Bank-Managerin (Rebecca Hall) und schafft sich dadurch nicht nur Probleme mit dem FBI, sondern auch mit seinen Komplizen... Ein im Bostoner Stadtteil Charlestown angesiedelter Krimi. Jenem Stadtteil also, der laut Statistik die meisten Bankräuber beherbergt. Hier wird das drekkige Handwerk vom Vater an den Sohn übergeben. Ben Affleck, der selbst Regie führte, inszeniert seinen Film über weite Passagen sehr ruhig, weiß aber auch um den sehr effektvollen Einsatz von Action. Es gibt eine wilde Verfolgungsjagd mit einer noch wilderen Schießerei mitten in Charlestown, die Dank der Kameraarbeit von Robert Elswit richtig an Fahrt aufnimmt. Wer Krimis mit besonderer Note mag, dem könnte THE TOWN durchaus gefallen. Freitag, 17. September 2010 Verliebter Räuber Ein Krimi sollte meine laue Pressewoche abschließen... THE TOWN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: The Town Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Regie: Ben Affleck Darsteller: Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm Alle Kritiken nachzulesen auf Seite 10 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) Freitag, 01. Oktober 2010 09:00 “Welcome” – Kaffee, Tee und Sandwiches 10:00 Uhr DOCTOR DOLITTLE Originaltitel: Doctor Dolittle / USA 1967 Aufgenommen in 65mm Todd-AO® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoMagnetton Deutsche Fassung / 152 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 05.12.1967 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 05.12.1967 Produktion: Arthur P. Jacobs Regie: Richard Fleischer Buch: Leslie Bricusse Buchvorlage: Hugh Lofting (Erzählungen) Kamera: Robert Surtees Musik: Leslie Bricusse Schnitt: Samuel E. Beetley, Marjorie Fowler Darsteller: Rex Harrison (Dr. John Dolittle), Samantha Eggar (Emma Fairfax), Anthony Newley (Matthew Mugg), Richard Attenborough (Albert Blossom), William Dix (Tommy Stubbins), Peter Bull (General Bellowes), Portia Nelson (Sarah Dolittle) Die fantastischen Abenteuer des Dr. Dolittle, der 498 Tiersprachen beherrscht und nach einer Riesen-Meeresschnecke sucht - dargeboten als aufwendiges Musical mit eingängigen Melodien, verblüffenden Einfällen und beachtlichen darstellerischen Leistungen (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Oscar 1968 Beste Spezialeffekte: L.B. Abbott Bester Filmsong: „Talk To The Animals“: Leslie Bricusse 13:00 Kaffepause 14:00 Uhr ZIRKUSWELT Alternativtitel: Held der Arena Originaltitel: Circus World / USA 1964 Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama 70® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoMagnetton LASER HOTLINE September 2010 Englische Originalfassung / 142 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 25.06.1964 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 10.12.1964 Produktion: Samuel Bronston Regie: Henry Hathaway Buch: Ben Hecht, Julian Halevy, James Edward Grant Buchvorlage: Philip Yordan (Roman) Kamera: Jack Hildyard, Claude Renoir Musik: Dimitri Tiomkin Schnitt: Dorothy Spencer Darsteller: John Wayne (Matt Masters), Rita Hayworth (Lilli Alfredo), Claudia Cardinale (Toni Alfredo), Lloyd Nolan (Cap Carson), Richard Conte (Aldo Alfredo), John Smith (Steve McCabe) Mit Showeffekten überladenes Spektakel aus dem Zirkusmilieu; als Handlungsfaden dient die Suche nach einer vor Jahren verschwundenen Artistin. Der aufwendig, aber konventionell inszenierte und hochkarätig besetzte Film sollte dem Comeback Rita Hayworths dienen und ist nicht frei von Sentimentalitäten (Quelle: Film-Dienst) 17:30 70mm Formats for Beginners Vortrag von Thomas Hauerslev, MBKS, in englischer Sprache 19:00 Imbiss 20:00 Uhr INDIANA JONES UND DER TEMPEL DES TODES Originaltitel: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom / USA 1984 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoMagnetton Englische Originalfassung / 118 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 23.05.1984 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 03.08.1984 Produktion: Robert Watts Regie: Steven Spielberg Buch: Willard Huyck, Gloria Katz Kamera: Douglas Slocombe Musik: John Williams Schnitt: Michael Kahn Seite 11 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) Darsteller: Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones), Kate Capshaw (Willie Scott), Ke Huy Quan (Short Round), Roshan Seth (Chattar Lal), Amrish Puri (Mola Ram), Dan Aykroyd (Weber) Indiana Jones befreit ein indisches Bergdorf von der Herrschaft eines 12jährigen Maharadschas, der unter dem magischen Einfluß seines machthungrigen, menschenopfernden Hohepriesters steht. Technisch perfekt inszenierter Abenteuerfilm, der einen Action-Höhepunkt an den nächsten reiht. Parodierende Elemente verdecken etwas die übertriebene Härte und chauvinistische Grundhaltung (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Oscar 1985 Beste Spezialeffekte: George Gibbs, Michael McAlister, Dennis Muren, Lorne Peterson 22:00 Uhr “Get Together” mit badischen Bierspezialitäten der Privatbrauerei Hoepfner Samstag, 02. Oktober 2010 09.00 Uhr Großes Frühstücksbuffet im SchauburgFoyer 10:00 Uhr GREASE - SCHMIERE Originaltitel: Grease / USA 1978 Aufgenommen in 35mm Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Dolby Stereo Magnetton Englische Originalfassung mit ??? Untertiteln / ??? Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 13.06.1978 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 28.09.1978 Produktion: Robert Stigwood, Allan Carr Regie: Randal Kleiser Buch: Bronte Woodard, Allan Carr Buchvorlage: Jim Jacobs (Musical), Warren Casey (Musical) Kamera: Bill Butler Musik: Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey, Barry Gibb, John Farrar, Scott J. Simon, Louis St. Louis Schnitt: John F. Burnett Darsteller: John Travolta (Danny), Olivia NewtonJohn (Sandy), Stockard Channing (Rizzo), Jeff Conaway (Kenickie), Edward Byrnes (Vince Fontaine) Mißverständnisse und Eifersüchteleien zwischen den Schülern eines amerikanischen Colleges in den 70er Jahren: Danny, der Führer der Lederjacken-Gang „T-Birds“, verliebt sich in die neue Schülerin Sandy, wobei seinen Gefühlen sein Image sowie die eigene Coolness im Wege stehen. Die LASER HOTLINE September 2010 Verfilmung eines erfolgreichen BroadwayMusicals verschiebt die parodistischen Ansätze der Vorlage zugunsten eines bunten Nostalgie-Spektakels, das mit heute zu „Klassikern“ gewordenen Songs in filmisch teils mitreißender Inszenierung gespickt ist. Die Wiederaufführung des Films erfolgte 1998 nach einer gründlichen „Digitalkur“, wobei die Farben und der Ton ihre alte Brillanz wiederbekamen. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) 12:30 Uhr SCENT OF MYSTERY Alternativtitel: Holiday in Spain / USA 1960 Aufgenommen in 65mm Todd-AO® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Englischsprachige Originalfassung / 108 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 06.01.1960 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 02.10.2010 Produktion: Michael Todd Jr. Regie: Jack Cardiff Buch: Gerald Kersh, William Rose, Kelley Roos (Story) Kamera: John von Kotze Musik: Harold Adamson, Mario Nascimbene & Jordan Ramin Darsteller: Denholm Elliott (Oliver Larker), Peter Lorre (Smiley), Beverly Bentley (The Decoy Sally), Paul Lukas (Baron Saradin), Liam Redmond (Johnny Gin), Leo McKern (Tommy Kennedy), Peter Arne (Robert Fleming), Diana Dors (Winifred Jordan), Elizabeth Taylor (The Real Sally Kennedy) Ein englischer Reisender (Denholm Elliott) deckt zufällig eine Verschwörung auf, deren Ziel die Ermordung einer jungen amerikanischen Touristin (Beverly Bently) ist. 14:30 Uhr Kaffeepause 15:30 Uhr CHEYENNE Originaltitel: Cheyenne Autumn / USA 1964 Aufgenommen in 65mm Super Panavision® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoMagnetton Englische Originalfassung mit deutschen und schwedischen Untertiteln / 148 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 03.10.1964 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 22.01.1965 Produktion: Bernard Smith Regie: John Ford Buch: James R. Webb Buchvorlage: Mari Sandoz (Roman) Kamera: William H. Clothier Musik: Alex North Schnitt: Otho Lovering Darsteller: Richard Widmark (Captain Archer), Carroll Baker (Deborah Wright), Karl Malden (Captain Wessels), James Stewart (Wyatt Earp), Edward G. Robinson (Innenminister Carl Schurz), Sal Mineo (Red Shirt), Dolores del Rio (spanische Frau), Ricardo Montalban (Little Wolf), Gilbert Roland (Dull Knife), Arthur Kennedy (Doc Holliday), Seite 12 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) John Carradine (Major Jeff Blair), Victor Jory (Tall Tree), Elizabeth Allen (Miss Guinevere Plantagenet), Patrick Wayne (Lt. Scott), George O’Brien (Major Braden), Walter Baldwin (Deborahs Onkel), Ben Johnson (Trooper Plumtree), Harry Carey jr. (Trooper Smith), Denver Pyle (Senator Henry), John Qualen (Svenson), Dan Borzage , Mae Marsh Der Leidensweg der Cheyenne-Indianer aus der aufgezwungenen Reservation in die angestammte Heimat im Jahr 1878. Ein vom Ethos mitmenschlicher Achtung und Verantwortung geprägter Western von John Ford; meisterlich in der Bildgestaltung, bemerkenswert vor allem durch seine epischen Qualitäten und die ungewöhnliche Erzählperspektive aus der Sicht der Indianer. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) 19:00 Uhr Imbiss 20:30 Uhr Gala-Vorstellung mit Sektempfang LORD JIM Originaltitel: Lord Jim / GB 1965 Aufgenommen in 65mm Super Panavision® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoDigitalton (DTS®) Englische Originalfassung / 154 Minuten / Neue Kopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 15.02.1965 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 03.09.1965 Produktion: René Dupont, Timothy Burrill Regie: Richard Brooks Buch: Richard Brooks Buchvorlage: Joseph Conrad (Roman) Kamera: Freddie Young Musik: Bronislau Kaper Schnitt: Alan Osbiston Darsteller: Peter O’Toole (Jim), James Mason (Brown), Curd Jürgens (Cornelius), Eli Wallach (General), Daliah Lavi (Mädchen), Jack Hawkins (Marlow), Serge Reggiani , Akim Tamiroff (Schomberg) Neuverfilmung des Abenteuerromans von Conrad um den wegen Feigheit bei Seenot aus der britischen Marine verwiesenen Offiziers, der durch seinen Einsatz für ein terrorisiertes Dorf seine verlorene Ehre zurückgewinnt, eine weitere Verfehlung aber mit dem Leben büßt. Eindrucksvoll im Aufwand der atmosphärischen Schilderung, doch oberflächlich in der Psychologisierung seiner Hauptperson. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Sonntag, 03. Oktober 2010 09:00 Uhr Großes Frühstücksbuffet im SchauburgFoyer LASER HOTLINE September 2010 10:00 Uhr KÖNIG DER KÖNIGE Originaltitel: King of Kings / USA 1961 Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama 70® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoMagnetton Deutsche Fassung / 168 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 11.10.1961 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 21.12.1961 Produktion: Samuel Bronston Regie: Nicholas Ray Buch: Philip Yordan Kamera: Franz Planer, Milton Krasner, Manuel Berenguer Musik: Miklos Rozsa Schnitt: Harold F. Kress, Renée Lichtig Darsteller: Jeffrey Hunter (Jesus Christus), Siobhan McKenna (Maria), Royal Dano (Petrus), Robert Ryan (Johannes der Täufer), Frank Thring (Herodes Antipas), Hurd Hatfield (Pontius Pilatus), Ron Randell (Lucius, der Centurio), Viveca Lindfors (Claudia), Rita Gam (Herodias), Carmen Sevilla (Maria Magdalena), Brigid Bazlen (Salome), Harry Guardino (Barabbas), Rip Torn (Judas), Guy Rolfe (Kaiphas), Maurice Marsac (Nikodemus), Grégoire Aslan (Herodes), Edric Connor (Balthazar), George Coulouris , Conrado San Martín , Gérard Tichy , José Antonio , Luis Prendes , David Davies , José Nieto , Ruben Rojo , Fernando Sancho Nicholas Rays („Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun“, 1955) Versuch, das Leben Jesu zum Gegenstand eines fast dreistündigen Schau- und Erbauungsfilms zu machen, bleibt ohne spirituelle Tiefe. Im Spiel mit verschiedenartigen Stilelementen (von der idyllischen Legendenerzählung bis zu Elementen des russischen Revolutionsfilms und krasser Naturalistik) beweist die Regie allerdings einiges Geschick. Der Hauptdarsteller handhabt seine Aufgabe mit einer gelungenen Mischung aus Natürlichkeit und Zurückhaltung (Quelle: FilmDienst) 14:00 Uhr DAS ZIGEUNERLAGER ZIEHT IN DEN HIMMEL Alternativtitel: Wenn die Zigeuner ziehen Originaltitel: Tabor Uchodit W Nebo / SU 1976 Aufgenommen in 70mm SovScope 70® (1:2.21) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal-StereoMagnetton Russische Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln / 100 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: ? Deutsche Erstaufführung: 28.10.1977 Regie: Emil Lotjanu Buch: Emil Lotjanu Buchvorlage: Maxim Gorki (Erzählung „Makar Tschudra“) Kamera: Sergej Wronski Musik: Jewgeni Doga Darsteller: Swetlana Toma (Rada), Grigori Grigoriu (Sobar), Boris Mulajew (Makar Tschudra), Sergej Finiti (Balbaja), Jelena Sadowskaja (Julischka) Seite 13 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) Eine dramatisch endende Liebesgeschichte unter wandernden Zigeunern, deren Lebensart und -anschauungen nostalgischfolkloristisch geschildert werden. Die Qualitäten des Films - gute Typenzeichnung und malerische Landschaftsaufnahmen werden gemindert von musikalisch verstärkten, überinszenierten Schaueffekten (Quelle: Film-Dienst) 16:00 Uhr Kaffeepause 16:30 Uhr JENSEITS VON AFRIKA Originaltitel: Out of Africa / USA 1985 Aufgenommen in 35mm Technovision® Spherical (1:1.85) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:1.85) / 6-Kanal-Dolby-Stereo-Magnetton Englische Originalfassung mit dänischen und deutschen Untertiteln / 161 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 10.12.1985 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 13.03.1986 Produktion: Sydney Pollack Regie: Sydney Pollack Buch: Kurt Luedtke Buchvorlage: Tania Blixen (Buch) Kamera: David Watkin Musik: John Barry Schnitt: Fredric Steinkamp, William Steinkamp, Pembroke J. Herring, Sheldon Kahn Darsteller: Meryl Streep (Karen Blixen), Robert Redford (Denys Finch Hatton), Klaus Maria Brandauer (Bror Blixen), Michael Kitchen (Berkeley Cole), Malick Bowens (Farah Aden), Mike Bugara (Juma), Joseph Thiaka (Kamanta), Michael Gough (Lord Delamere) Die Lebensgeschichte der dänischen Schriftstellerin Karen Blixen, ihre abenteuerlichen Jahre als Farmerin in Afrika und ihre unglückliche Romanze mit einem Großwildjäger. Der sensibel inszenierte Film beschreibt eindrucksvoll den romantischen Idealismus einer eigenwilligen Frau am Ende der Kolonialepoche, wobei er gelegentlich selbst in sentimentale Wehmut verfällt. Der Traum vom freien Leben fernab der zivilisierten Gesellschaft mit ihren sozialen und emotionalen Tabus wird zwar beschworen, sein Scheitern aber kaum beleuchtet. Das mindert freilich nicht die Qualität des Films als außergewöhnlich unterhaltsames Melodram, das leise und anteilnehmend ein romantisches Lebensgefühl beschreibt. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Oscar 1986 Beste Ausstattung: Stephen Grimes, Josie MacAvin Beste Kamera: David Watkin Beste Musik: John Barry Beste Regie: Sydney Pollack Bester Film: Sydney Pollack Bester Ton: Gary Alexander, Peter Hand ford, Chris Jenkins, Larry Stensvold Bestes Drehbuch nach einer literarischen Vorlage: Kurt Luedtke LASER HOTLINE September 2010 19:00 Uhr Imbiss 20:30 Uhr DAS GOLDENE HAUPT Originaltitel: The Golden Head / Az Aranyfej / USA/ H 1963 Aufgenommen in 35mm Super Technirama 70® (1:2.21), 65mm MCS-70 (1:2.21) und 35mm 3-Streifen Cinerama® (1:2.72) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.21) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Englische Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln / 105 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 10.12.1964 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 18.02.1966 Produktion: Alexander Paal Regie: Richard Thorpe, James Hill Buch: Stanley Goulder, Iván Boldizsár Buchvorlage: Roger Pilkington (Roman „Nepomuk des Flusses“) Kamera: István Hildebrand Musik: Szabolcs Fényes Schnitt: Frank Clarke Darsteller: George Sanders (Basil Palmer), Buddy Hackett (Lionel Pack), Jess Conrad (Michael Stevenson), Lorraine Power (Milly Stevenson), Robert Coote (Braithwaite) Die Kinder eines englischen Kriminalisten versuchen auf ihrer Reise durch Ungarn, auf eigene Faust den Diebstahl eines wertvollen Kunstgegenstandes aufzuklären. Ausgezeichneter Kinderfilm mit leicht überschaubarer Handlung und gut entwikkelten Charakteren. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) In Anwesenheit von Hauptdarsteller Jess Conrad (im Bild rechts mit Margaret Thatcher) Foto (c) Herbert Born Seite 14 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Organisatorisches Preise Der Eintritt zum 70mm-Festival kostet je Veranstaltung Der Eintritt zur 70mm Gala-Vorstellung am Samstagabend Für Schüler und Studenten je Veranstaltung Für Kinder bis einschließlich 12 Jahre je Veranstaltung Festival-Tages-Pass für alle Veranstaltungen des Tages Festival-Tages-Pass für Studenten Festival-Weekend-Pass für alle Festival-Veranstaltungen Festival-Weekend-Pass für Studenten 10,00 EUR 11,00 EUR 7,00 EUR 5,00 EUR 40,00 EUR* 30,00 EUR* 100,00 EUR** 70,00 EUR** * Inkl. aller Veranstaltungen des jeweiligen Tages, Frühstücksbuffet, „Get Together“ bei dem Festival-Tagespass für Freitag, Glas Prosecco in der Pause der Galavorstellung am Samstagabend bei dem Festival-Tagespass für Samstag, Festival-Broschüre ** Inkl. „Get Together“ mit badischer Braukunst von HOEPFNER am Freitagabend, Frühstücksbuffet in der Schauburg am Samstag und Sonntag, Glas Prosecco in der Pause der Galavorstellung am Samstagabend, Kaffee/Tee, Imbiss, Festival-Broschüre Tickets kann man kaufen * in der Schauburg, Marienstraße 16, 76137 Karlsuhe, täglich 10.00 bis 23.00 Uhr * im Musikhaus Schlaile (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * im Ticket Forum in der Postgalerie (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * Stadtmarketing am Marktplatz (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * Touristinformation am Hauptbahnhof (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* * kompfortabel über das Internet und Ausdruck der Tickets über Drucker (zzgl. 10% Vorverkaufsgebühr)* *Keine Vorverkaufsgebühren beim Kauf eines Festival-Weekend-Pass oder eines Festival-Tages-Pass Unterkunft: Offizielles Festivalhotel: NOVOTEL (5 min zu Fuß vom Kino entfernt) EZ: EUR 67,00 (ohne Frühstück) / DZ: EUR 83,00 (ohne Frühstück) (bei der Hotelreservierung unbedingt nach “Schauburg Rate” fragen) Weitere Infos: LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Animation Backyardigans - Die Hinterhofzwerge: Das Supergespenst The Backyardigans Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2004-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 100min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM kids) 15.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037298 Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Vol. 04 Ice Age 3 - Die Dinosaurier sind los (Limitierte Auflage, 3D) Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Dir. Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier 2D + 3D Filmversion, 4 rot-grün 3D-Brillen, Musikvideo, Scrat Spezial Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 90min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 05.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037167 Ice Bear Batman: The Brave And The Bold Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 110min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037068 Ice Bear Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF (D) 75min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037183 Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Vol. 05 Little Princess Dir. Edward Foster Zeichentrick 2006-2010 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Schwyz) 105min. Foreign Media Group Germany(company of kids) 15.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037302 Batman: The Brave And The Bold Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 110min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037069 Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Vol. 06 Batman: The Brave And The Bold Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 110min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037070 Casper’s Gruselschule, Folge 1 Casper’s Scare School Dir. Eric Bastier Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 46min. Edel Germany 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037011 Casper’s Gruselschule, Folge 2 Casper’s Scare School Dir. Eric Bastier Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 46min. Edel Germany 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037012 DC Universe 75th Anniversary Collection (16 DVDs) DC Universe 75th Anniversary Collection Zeichentrick/Action 2009 min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037071 Emily Erdbeer - Neues aus Bitzibeerchenhausen Strawberry Shortcake Zeichentrick 1981-2010 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FMkids) 17.09.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037074 Hercules - Der junge Held Zeichentrick FF (D) 50min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037184 LASER HOTLINE Kleine Prinzessin - Winterbox (2 DVDs) Magister Negi Magi - Gesamtausgabe (6 DVDs) Mahou Sensei Negima! Dir. Nishikiori Hiroshi Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 650min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.09.2010 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037196 Mary & Max oder Schrumpfen Schafe wenn es regnet? Mary And Max Dir. Adam Elliot Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA+) 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037087 Mary & Max oder Schrumpfen Schafe wenn es regnet? (Blu-ray) Mary And Max Dir. Adam Elliot Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 96min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA+) 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037105 Max & Ruby - - Max und sein Wurmkuchen Max And Ruby Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2002-2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 96min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FMkids) 17.09.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037073 Pinky Dinky Doo, Teil 03 Pinky Dinky Doo Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) 60min. Foreign Media Group Germany(company of kids) 15.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037299 Pinky Dinky Doo, Teil 04 Pinky Dinky Doo Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) 60min. Foreign Media Group Germany(company of kids) 15.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037300 Popeye - Teil 1 & 2 (2 DVDs) Popeye Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. MCP Sound & Media 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037122 Professor Layton und die ewige Diva Reiton Kyôju To Eien No Utahime Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Jap) 97min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 22.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037088 Professor Layton und die ewige Diva (Blu-ray) Reiton Kyôju To Eien No Utahime Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Jap) 101min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 22.10.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037106 Professor Layton und die ewige Diva (Deluxe Edition, 2 DVDs) Reiton Kyôju To Eien No Utahime Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Jap) 97min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 22.10.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037089 Summer Wars Samâ Wôzu Dir. Mamoru Hosoda Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (It) DD 2.0 (It) 110min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037197 Summer Wars (Blu-ray) Samâ Wôzu Dir. Mamoru Hosoda Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (It) 110min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037215 Summer Wars (Deluxe Edition, 2 DVDs) Samâ Wôzu Dir. Mamoru Hosoda 36-seitiges Booklet, 5 Sticker, Bonus DVD Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (It) DD 2.0 (It) 110min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037198 Seite 16 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Superman, Teil 1& 2 (2 DVDs) Superman Zeichentrick 65min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037121 Tsubasa Chronicle - Gesamtausgabe (6 DVDs) Tsubasa Chronicle Dir. Kôichi Mashimo Booklet Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 650min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.09.2010 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037195 Yogi Bärs erste Weihnachten Yogi’s First Christmas Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1980 FF min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.11.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037137 Yogi Bärs grosse Weihnachtsfeier Yogi Bear ’s All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper Trickfilm 1982 FF (D) min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.11.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037139 Film 13 13 Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Alexander Skarsgård, 50 Cent, Sam Riley, Ray Winstone, David Zayas, Wayne Duvall - Dir. Géla Babluani Thriller 2010 DD 5.1 (D) min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037230 ray) (k.J.) 30 Days Of Night: Dark Days Mia Kirshner, Diora Baird, Harold Perrineau jr., Monique Ganderton, Kiele Sanchez, Rhys Coiro, Ben Cotton, Troy Ruptash, Katie Keating, James Pizzinato, Stacey Roy - Dir. Ben Ketai Audiokommentar, Featurettes Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 92min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037133 30 Days of Night: Dark Days (k.J.) 30 Days Of Night: Dark Days Mia Kirshner, Diora Baird, Harold Perrineau jr., Monique Ganderton, Kiele Sanchez, Rhys Coiro, Ben Cotton, Troy Ruptash, Katie Keating, James Pizzinato, Stacey Roy - Dir. Ben Ketai 8 Frauen 8 Femmes Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Huppert, Emmanuelle Béart, Fanny Ardant, Virginie Ledoyen, Danielle Darrieux, Ludivine Sagnier, Firmine Richard, Dominique Lamure - Dir. François Ozon Komödie/Musical 2002 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (F) 106min. Universum Film 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037224 380.000 Volt - Der große Stromausfall Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Tobias Oertel, Florian Lukas, Marie Rönnebeck, Gode Benedix, Rolf Kanies, Michael Lott, Sina Tkotsch, Florian Bartholomäi - Dir. Sebastian Vigg Action 2010 DD 2.0 (D) 91min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037232 71: Into the Fire 24 Thriller 2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037258 24 - Season 8 (6 DVDs, Uncut Version) (k.J.) LASER HOTLINE Die Abenteuer des Rabbi Jacob Les Aventures De Rabbi Jacob Louis de Funès, Marcel Dalio, Suzy Delair, Claude Giraud, Claude Piéplu, Renzo Montagnani, Miou-Miou - Dir. Gérard Oury Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover 50 Jahre atlas film - dvd-edition (8 DVDs) 30 Days of Night: Dark Days (Blu- 24 - Season 8 (6 Discs, Uncut Version) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Pohwasogeuro Cha Seung-won, Choi Seung-hyeon, David L. McInnis, Seung-woo Kim, Kwone Sangwoo, Park Tae-ju, Kim Yoon-seong, Kim Seung-woo - Dir. John H. Lee Action/Kriegsfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Korea) 122min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037103 Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 89min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037125 24 Thriller 2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037235 13 Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Alexander Skarsgård, 50 Cent, Sam Riley, Ray Winstone, David Zayas, Wayne Duvall - Dir. Géla Babluani Thriller 2010 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037250 71: Into the Fire (Blu-ray) Dokumentation, Audiokommentar Kinder des Olymp / 12 Uhr mittags / Das Schweigen / Die Wüstensöhne / Der General / Tatis Schützenfest / Der blaue Engel / Alexander Newsk Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur, Marcel Herrand, Louis Salou, Maria Casarès, Etienne Decroux, Pierre Renoir, Fabien Loris, Pierre Palau, Marcel Pérès, Jeanne Marken, Gaston Modot, Jean-Pierre Delmon, Jean Carmet, Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges, Ian MacDonald, Thomas Mitchell, Katy Jurado, Lon Chaney jr., Otto Kruger, Ingrid Thulin, Gunnel Lindblom, Jörgen Lindström, Hakan Jahnberg, Birger Malmsten, Eduardo Guitirrez, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Dorothy Christy, Mae Busch, Lucien Littlefield, Charley Chase, Buster Keaton, Glenn Cavender, Jim Farley, Frederick Vroom, Marion Mack, Charles Smith, Frank Barnes, Jacques Tati, Guy Decomble, Paul Frankeur, Santa Relli, Maine Vallee, Roger Rafal, Nikolai Tscherkasow, Alexandr Abrikossow, Dmitri Orlow, Nikolai Ochlopow, Wassili Nowikow - Dir. Marcel Carné, Fred Zinnemann, Ingmar Bergman, William A. Seiter, Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman, Jacques Tati, Sergei M. Eisenstein Drama/Komödie 1926-1963 min. Atlas Film Home Entertainment 19.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037218 13 (Blu-ray) Pohwasogeuro Cha Seung-won, Choi Seung-hyeon, David L. McInnis, Seung-woo Kim, Kwone Sangwoo, Park Tae-ju, Kim Yoon-seong, Kim Seung-woo - Dir. John H. Lee Action/Kriegsfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 117min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037085 Komödie 1973 (D) (F) min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037034 Admiral - Warrior. Hero. Legend. Admiral Konstantin Khabenskij, Elizaweta Bojarskaja, Sergei Bezrukow, Wladislaw Wetrow, Anna Kowalchuk, Igor Beroew, Richard Bohringer, Oleg Fomin, Anatoli Pashinin, Dmitrij Shcherbina, Aleksandr Kljukvin, Fjodor Bondarchuk, Nikolaj Burljaev, Kirill Pletnew, Victor Werzbitskij Dir. Andrei Krawchuk Drama/Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) 119min. Senator Home Entertainment 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037024 Admiral - Warrior. Hero. Legend. (Blu-ray) Admiral Konstantin Khabenskij, Elizaweta Bojarskaja, Sergei Bezrukow, Wladislaw Wetrow, Anna Kowalchuk, Igor Beroew, Richard Bohringer, Oleg Fomin, Anatoli Pashinin, Dmitrij Shcherbina, Aleksandr Kljukvin, Fjodor Bondarchuk, Nikolaj Burljaev, Kirill Pletnew, Victor Werzbitskij Dir. Andrei Krawchuk Drama/Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Russ) 124min. Senator Home Entertainment 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037027 Alien 1-4 (5 DVDs) Seite 17 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Alien: Resurrection Science Fiction/Horror 1979-1997 966min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037239 Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Alien vs. Predator (R-Rated Version, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Todo Sobre Mi Madre Cecilia Roth, Eloy Azorin, Marisa Paredes, Penélope Cruz, Candela Peña, Antonia San Juan, Rosa Maria Sardà, Toni Cantó - Dir. Pedro Almodóvar Alien Vs. Predator Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Lance Henriksen, Ewen Bremner, Colin Salmon, Tommy Flanagan, Joseph Rye, Agathe de la Boulaye, Carsten Norgaard, Sam Troughton, Petr Jakl, Pavel Bezdek, Kieran Bew, Carsten Voigt, Jan Pavel Filipensky, Adrian Bouchet, Tom Woodruff jr. - Dir. Paul W.S. Anderson Science Fiction/Horror 2004 109min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037261 Aliens vs. Predator 2 (Kinofassung + Extended Edition auf DVD) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Reiko Aylesworth, Steven Pasquale, John Ortiz, Johnny K. Lewis, Ariel Gade, David Paetkau - Dir. Colin Strause, Greg Strause Science Fiction/Horror 2007 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037262 Alisa & Hanna - Folge deinem Herzen: Das Hochzeits-Special (3 DVDs) Theresa Scholze, Jan Hartmann, Nadine Warmuth, Andreas Hofer, Thomas Gumpert, Claudia Brosch, Marie-Ernestine Worch, Julia Horvath, Ben Bela Böhm, Maike Bollow, Axel Buchholz, Ulrich Drewes, Christine Sommer, Katharina Küpper, Constantin Brandt, Alexander Granzow, Sara Fonseca, Milena Arnold, Philipp Langenegger, Christian Fischer, Alexandra Seefisch, Sebastian Deyle, Mickey Hardt, Siemen Rühaak, Sabine Bach - Dir. Walter A. Franke, Annette Herre, Britta Keils, Klaus Kemmler, Jurij Neumann, Herbert Wüst, Patrick Caputo, Petra Wiemers Drama/Lovestory 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 600min. Edel Germany 20.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037176 Allein gegen die Mafia - 3. Staffel (3 DVDs) Michele Placido, Barbara De Rossi, Nicole Jamet, Angelo Infantini, Pino Colizzi, Florinda Bolkan, Martin Balsam, Paul Guers, Lara Wendel, Sergio Fantoni, Giuliana de Sio, Alain Cuny, Francisco Rabal, Marie Laforêt, Patricia Millardet, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Mario Adorf, Remo Girone, Simona Cavallari, Bruno Cremer, Jean-Luc Bideau, Claudine Auger, Luigi Pistilli, Delia Boccardo, Ana Torrent, Gottfried John, Siegfried Lowitz, Vladislav Benes, Ennio Fantastichini, Raoul Bova, Gedeon Burkhard, Romina Mondello, Rolf Hoppe, Anja Kling - Dir. Damiano Damiani, Florestano Vancini, Luigi Perelli, Giacomo Battiato LASER HOTLINE Kriminalfilm/Drama 1984-1999 FF DD 1.0 (D) 383min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037169 Alles über meine Mutter Interviews, Making-of, Trailer Drama 1999 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 105min. Concorde Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037223 Apocalypse Vietnam Jäger der Apokalypse / Die wahre Apokalypse / Luftkrieg Vietnam Dir. Antonio Margheriti, Ian McLeod Bildergalerie, Trailershow, Filmografie Action/Kriegsfilm 230min. bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037045 Das A-Team - Der Film (Extended Edition, + Digital Copy) The A-Team Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Quinton „Rampage“ Jackson, Sharlto Copley, Patrick Wilson, Gerald McRaney, Henry Czerny, Yul Vazquez - Dir. Joe Carnahan Action/Komödie 2010 114min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 10.12.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037236 Das A-Team - Der Film (Extended Edition, + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) The A-Team Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Quinton „Rampage“ Jackson, Sharlto Copley, Patrick Wilson, Gerald McRaney, Henry Czerny, Yul Vazquez - Dir. Joe Carnahan Action/Komödie 2010 118min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 10.12.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037259 Auftrag Rache Edge Of Darkness Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic, Shawn Roberts, David Aaron Baker, Jay O. Sanders, Denis O’Hare - Dir. Martin Campbell Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 112min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037095 Auftrag Rache (Blu-ray) Edge Of Darkness Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic, Shawn Roberts, David Aaron Baker, Jay O. Sanders, Denis O’Hare - Dir. Martin Campbell Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 117min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037109 Bad Biology (k.J.) Bad Biology Charlee Danielson, Anthony Sneed, R.A. ‘The Rugged Man Thorburn, Mark Wilson, Remedy, Tom Kohut, James Shell, Vivian Sanchez, Staff Sgt. John A. Thorburn - Dir. Frank Henenlotter Horror/Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. epiX Media AG 29.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037090 Die Bergwacht - Staffel 1 Martin Gruber, Stefanie von Poser, Heinz Marecek, Lisa Kreuzer, Stephanie Stumph, Michael König, Markus Brandl, Stephan Zinner, Paula Paul, Robert Lohr, Dustin Raschdorf, Stefanie Robotka, Stefan Murr, Peter Mitterrutzner, Reinhard Forcher - Dir. Axel de Roche Making of, Behind the Scenes Drama/Heimatfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 01.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037191 Die Bibel - Gesamtedition: Das Alte und das Neue Testament (17 DVDs) Judas / Maria Magdalena / Thomas / Abraham / Apokalypse / David / Esther / Genesis / Jakob / Jeremia / Jesus / Josef / Moses / Paulus / Salomon / Samson und Delila / Joseph von Nazareth Sir Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, Max von Sydow, Monica Bellucci Historienfilm 1994-2001 2202min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037174 Die Bibel - Teil 1: Das Alte Testament (5 DVDs) Abraham / David / Genesis / Jakob / Josef Sir Ben Kingsley, Monica Bellucci, Leonard Nimoy, Maximilian Schell Historienfilm 1994-2001 706min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037172 Die Bibel - Teil 2: Das Alte Testament (5 DVDs) Esther / Jeremia / Moses / Salomon / Samson und Delila Sir Ben Kingsley, Dennis Hopper, Ornella Muti, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Max von Sydow Historienfilm 1994-2001 689min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037173 Die Bibel: Das Neue Testament (4 DVDs) Judas / Maria Magdalena / Thomas / Joseph von Nazareth Enrico Lo Verso, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Tobias Moretti, Ricky Tognazzi Historienfilm 1994-2001 371min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037175 La Bohème (Blu-ray) La Bohème Seite 18 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Anna Netrebko, Rolando Villazón, Nicole Cabell, George von Bergen, Adrian Eröd, Vitalj Kowaljow, Tiziano Bracci (Benoît), Ernst-Dieter Suttheimer, Ioan Holender - Dir. Robert Dornhelm Musikfilm 2008 min. Warner Home Video Germany 12.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037063 Bohr weiter, Kumpel (k.J.) Alena Penz, Rinaldo Talamonti, Elisabeth Volkmann - Dir. Siggi Götz Erotik 1974 96min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037117 Braveheart (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Braveheart Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Gleeson, James Cosmo, David O’Hara, Angus McFayden, Peter Hanly, James Robinson - Dir. Mel Gibson Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1995 177min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037263 Brennpunkt L.A. - Die Profis sind zurück (Blu-ray) Lethal Weapon 3 Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo, Stuart Wilson, Steve Kahan, Darlene Love - Dir. Richard Donner Action/Thriller 1992 min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037058 Brennpunkt L.A. - Lethal Weapon 2 (Blu-ray) Lethal Weapon 2 Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Patsy Kensit, Joe Pesci, Joss Ackland, Derrick O’Connor - Dir. Richard Donner Action/Thriller 1989 min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037057 Brotherhood Brotherhood Trevor Morgan, Jon Foster, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jesse Steccato, Jennifer Sipes, Luke Sexton, Preston Vanderslice, Tyler Corie, Katherine VanderLinden, Evan Gamble, Jack O’Donnell, Matt Phillips, Jeff Gibbs, Chad Halbrook, Arlen Escarpeta Dir. Will Canon Drama/Thriller 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037086 Brotherhood (Blu-ray) Brotherhood Trevor Morgan, Jon Foster, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jesse Steccato, Jennifer Sipes, Luke Sexton, Preston Vanderslice, Tyler Corie, Katherine VanderLinden, Evan Gamble, Jack O’Donnell, Matt Phillips, Jeff Gibbs, Chad Halbrook, Arlen Escarpeta Dir. Will Canon Drama/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 LASER HOTLINE tba BestellNr.: 20037104 Bridge On The River Kwai Sir Alec Guinness, William Holden, Jack Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa, James Donald, Geoffrey Horne, André Morell, Percy Herbert, Peter Williams, John Boxer, Harold Goodwin, Ann Sears, Henry Okawa - Dir. David Lean Ferienschreck / Balduin, der Geldschrankknacker / Balduin, der Sonntagsfahrer / Balduin, der Trockenschwimmer / Die Knallschote Louis de Funès, Jean Gabin, Martine Kelly, Yvonne Clech, Franco Fabrizi, Geraldine Chaplin, Colette Brosset, Robert Dhery Dir. Denys de la Patelliere, Jean Girault, Serge Korber, Robert Dhery, Jean Loubignac Featurette, Audiokommentar, Bild-in-Grafik-Track Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Kriegsfilm 1957 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 162min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 04.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037193 Komödie 1954-1980 524min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037159 Die Brücke am Kwai (Blu-ray) Chaos unterm Weihnachtsbaum Christmas In Wonderland Matthew Knight, Chris Kattan, Cameron Bright, Preston Lacy, Amy Schlagel, Zoe Schlagel, Carmen Electra, Tim Curry, Patrick Swayze - Dir. James Orr Trailer Komödie/Familie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037092 The Crow - Die Krähe (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Crow Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, David Patrick Kelly, Angel David, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Laurence Mason, Michael Massee, Bill Raymond, Marco Rodriguez, Sofia Shinas, Anna Thomson, Tony Todd, Jon Polito - Dir. Alex Proyas Action/Fantasy 1994 101min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037194 Crush (OmU) Crush Jorge Diaz, Sean Edwards, Nick Endres, Kyle Fain, Marc Siciliani, Rob Westin, Stephen Tyrone Williams, Dennis Yeap, Edwin Kho, Christopher Grant, Chase O’Donnell, Amy Vorpahl - Dir. Michael J. Saul Dei Mudder sei Gesicht II - Wir sind nette Kanacken Simon Mora, Ayhan Yigitokur, Franco Carella - Dir. Benjamin Eicher Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 87min. Sunfilm Entertainment(Global Cinema) 08.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037009 Deutsche Sex-Klassiker Vol. 1 Ach jodel mir noch einen (k.J.) Nina Frederic, Marie-Catherine Conti, Heidrun Hankammer, Alena Penz, Franz Muxeneder - Dir. Hans Georg Keil Erotik/Science Fiction 1974 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) 76min. Intergroove(Starlight) 15.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037277 Diamond Devils Killer Force Telly Savalas, Peter Fonda, O. J. Simpson, Maud Adams, Hugh O’Brian, Christopher Lee - Dir. Val Guest Bildergalerie, Trailer Action/Thriller 1975 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 95min. bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037044 Charles Dickens’ - Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte Drama/Episodenfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 75min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037098 A Christmas Carol George C. Scott - Dir. Clive Donner Drama 1984 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037234 Da kommt Kalle (3. Staffel, 13 Folgen) (3 DVDs) Charles Dickens’ - Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte (Blu-ray) Sabine Kaack, Burkhard Schmeer, Marek Erhardt, Max Landgrebe, Mike Hoffmann, Michael Trischan, Rudy Ruggiero, Iris Mareike Steen, Julius Römer, Lisa Karlström, Rainer Strecker, Jan Peter Heyne, Christine Schorn, Daniela Hoffmann - Dir. Daniel Helfer, Ulrike Hamacher, Bodo Schwarz Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 585min. Edel Germany(AVIATOR EN) 08.10.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037199 A Christmas Carol George C. Scott - Dir. Clive Donner Drama 1984 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037257 Louis de Funès - Balduin Collection (6 DVDs) Intro, Audiokommentar, Making of, Hintergrundinfos, Bildergalerie, Booklet, Trailer, BD-Live, Wendecover Making of, Trailer Balduin, das Nachtgespenst / Balduin, der Die durch die Hölle gehen (Bluray) The Deer Hunter Christopher Walken, Robert De Niro, John Savage, Meryl Streep, John Cazale, George Dzundza - Dir. Michael Cimino Kriegsfilm/Drama 1978 Ltbx DTS-HD 1.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 2.0 (E) DTS-HD Seite 19 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) 1.0 (F) 183min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 04.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037135 Django (2 DVDs) George Hilton Western min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037116 Die drei Klumberger (2 DVDs) Cox Habbema - Dir. Wolfgang Teichert Komödie 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) 325min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 17.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037128 Der Dummschwätzer (Blu-ray) Liar Liar Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Jennifer Tilly, Swoosie Kurtz, Amanda Donohoe, Jason Bernard, Mitchell Ryan, Anne Haney, Justin Cooper, Chip Mayer, Randall „Tex“ Cobb, Cary Elwes, Eric Pierpoint, Cheri Oteri, Krista Allen - Dir. Tom Shadyac Komödie 1997 86min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037289 Easy Virtue - Eine unmoralische Ehefrau Easy Virtue Jessica Biel, Colin Firth, Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben Barnes, Kris Marshall, Kimberley Nixon, Katherine Parkinson, Pip Torrens, Christian Brassington, Charlotte Riley - Dir. Stephan Elliott Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 93min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037126 Easy Virtue - Eine unmoralische Ehefrau (Blu-ray) Easy Virtue Jessica Biel, Colin Firth, Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben Barnes, Kris Marshall, Kimberley Nixon, Katherine Parkinson, Pip Torrens, Christian Brassington, Charlotte Riley - Dir. Stephan Elliott Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Komödie 2008 Ltbx DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 96min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037134 Eclipse - Biss zum Abendrot (2 DVDs) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Bryce Dallas Howard, Billy Burke, Dakota Fanning, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Anna Kendrick, Michael Welch, Justin Chon, Christian Serratos, Xavier Samuel, Sarah Clarke Dir. David Slade Fantasy/Horror 2010 min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Cine Collection) 10.12.2010 LASER HOTLINE 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037213 Eclipse - Biss zum Abendrot (Bluray) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Bryce Dallas Howard, Billy Burke, Dakota Fanning, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Anna Kendrick, Michael Welch, Justin Chon, Christian Serratos, Xavier Samuel, Sarah Clarke Dir. David Slade Fantasy/Horror 2010 min. Concorde Home Entertainment 10.12.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037217 Eine zuviel im Bett Move Over, Darling Doris Day, James Garner, Polly Bergen, Chuck Connors, Thelma Ritter, Fred Clark, Don Knotts, Elliott Reid, Edgar Buchanan, John Astin, Pat Harrington jr. - Dir. Michael Gordon Wendecover, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Komödie 1963 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 99min. Caroland Musikverlags und -vertriebs GmbH(CarolMedia) 18.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037303 Eiskalt Out Cold Jason London, Lee Majors, Willie Garson, Zach Galifianakis, David Koechner, Flex Alexander, A.J. Cook, David Denman, Caroline Dhavernas, Derek Hamilton, Thomas Lennon, Victoria Silvstedt, Lewis Arquette, Todd Richards, Adam Harrington, Brett Kelly, Rio Tahara, Lee R. Mayes - Dir. Brandon Malloy, Emmett Malloy B-Roll, nicht verwendete Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar, Montage der besten Stuntszenen Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 86min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037221 Elvis - The King Sein Leben (Deluxe Edition, 2 DVDs) Elvis - The King Kurt Russell - Dir. John Carpenter Musikfilm 55min. Edel Germany(BLACKHILL) 15.10.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037207 Figl, Gennadi Vengerov - Dir. Axel Sand Komödie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 77min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037225 Der Ermittler, Staffel 1 (2 DVDs) Oliver Stokowski Kriminalfilm 2001 DD 2.0 (D) 360min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 17.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037131 Erotikkomödien (3 DVDs) Hot Doga auf Ibiza / Summern Night Fever / Die schönen wilden von Ibiza Erotik min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037115 Evan Allmächtig (Blu-ray) Evan Almighty Steve Carell, Morgan Freeman, Lauren Graham, Johnny Simmons, Graham Phillips, Jimmy Bennett, John Goodman, Wanda Sykes, John Michael Higgins, Jonah Hill, Molly Shannon, Harve Presnell - Dir. Tom Shadyac Komödie 2007 95min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037291 Everwood - Die komplette 2. Staffel (6 DVDs) Everwood Treat Williams, Gregory Smith, Emily VanCamp, Debra Mooney, John Beasley, Vivien Cardone, Chris Pratt, Tom Amandes Drama 2002-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (It) 976min. Warner Home Video Germany 12.11.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037065 Extrablatt The Front Page Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Carol Burnett, Vincent Gardenia, Susan Sarandon, David Wayne, Charles Durning Dir. Billy Wilder Nostalgie-Postkarte, Wendecover, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 100min. Caroland Musikverlags und -vertriebs GmbH(CarolMedia) 18.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037301 Elvis - The King Sein Leben (Vanilla Version) Familie Sonnenfeld, Folge 1-9 (9 DVDs) Elvis - The King Kurt Russell - Dir. John Carpenter Musikfilm FF DD 2.0 (D) 55min. Edel Germany(BLACKHILL) 15.10.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037203 Marion Kracht, Helmut Zierl, Rosemarie Fendel, Jonas Laux, Sarah Körtge, Janos Körtge, Lavinia Thelen, Sesede Terziyan, Max Felder, Hansjürgen Hürrig, Tim Morten Uhlenbrock, Götz Schubert, Kurt Krömer, Debora Weigert - Dir. Thomas Jacob Komödie/Drama 2005-2009 min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037111 Erkan & Stefan gegen die Mächte der Finsternis Erkan Maria Moosleitner, Stefan Lust, Bettina Zimmermann, Leon Boden, Stephan Schulberg, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Ralph Herforth, Jaymes E. Butler, Julia Thurnau, Simone Dericks, Corinna Harfouch, Udo Moll, Christoph Gareissen, Ricardo Eche, Peter Rappenglück, Rick Kavanian, Monika Manz, Demir Gökgöl, Helmut Dietl, Anton Fight Club (Steelbox) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Fight Club Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter, Meat Loaf, Jared Leto, Ezra Seite 20 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Buzzington - Dir. David Fincher Audiokommentar, Interaktive Filmversion, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Storyboard-Film-Vergleich, Behind the Scenes, Werbematerial, BD-Live, Wendecover, Featurette Drama/Thriller 1999 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 (D) DTS-ES 6.1 (D) DTS-HD 7.1 (E) DTS-ES 6.1 (E) 139min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037136 Flashpoint - Das Spezialkommando, Staffel 2 (3 DVDs) Flashpoint Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 361min. Koch Media 01.10.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037076 Freche Mädchen 2 Emilia Schüle, Selina Müller, Henriette Nagel, Jonathan Beck, Vincent Bruder, Ben Unterkofler, Marius Weingarten, Jannis Niewöhner, Christina Peifer, Armin Rohde, Tom Gerhardt, Dennis Herrmann, Barbara Schöneberger (Ellen), Matthias Brandt (Tim), Maximilian Brückner - Dir. Ute Wieland Komödie/Jugend 2010 DD 5.1 (D) min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037229 Freche Mädchen 2 (Blu-ray) Emilia Schüle, Selina Müller, Henriette Nagel, Jonathan Beck, Vincent Bruder, Ben Unterkofler, Marius Weingarten, Jannis Niewöhner, Christina Peifer, Armin Rohde, Tom Gerhardt, Dennis Herrmann, Barbara Schöneberger, Matthias Brandt, Maximilian Brückner - Dir. Ute Wieland Komödie/Jugend 2010 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.01.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037249 Fünf Glückspilze Les Veinards Louis de Funès, Yvonne Clech, Mireille Darc, Guy Tréjan, Francis Blanche, Claudine Coster, Daniel Ceccaldi, Pierre Mondy, Jacqueline Maillan, France Anglade, Philippe Nicaud, Darry Cowl, Geneviève Cluny, Blanchette Brunoy, France Rumilly, François Périer, Noel Roquevert, JeanClaude Brialy, Jean Lefebvre, Pierre Doris Dir. Philippe de Broca, Jean Girault, Jacques Pinoteau Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1963 (D) (F) min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037036 Das Geheimnis der Mondprinzessin The Secret Of Moonacre Ioan Gruffudd, Dakota Blue Richards, Tim Curry, Natascha McElhone, Juliet Stevenson, Augustus Prew, Andy Linden, Michael Webber - Dir. Gabor Csupo Fantasy/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.0 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037155 Das Geheimnis der Mondprinzessin (Blu-ray) LASER HOTLINE The Secret Of Moonacre Ioan Gruffudd, Dakota Blue Richards, Tim Curry, Natascha McElhone, Juliet Stevenson, Augustus Prew, Andy Linden, Michael Webber - Dir. Gabor Csupo Fantasy/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 93min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037163 Gentlemen Broncos Gentlemen Broncos Michael Angarano, Jennifer Coolidge, Jemaine Clement, Héctor Jiménez, Halley Feiffer, Josh Pais, Clive Revill, Ed Oliver, Sam Rockwell - Dir. Jared Hess Komödie 2009 85min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 22.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037008 Germany’s Independent Movies (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action 2003-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 382min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Los Banditos) 11.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037241 Die glorreichen Drei - Western Klassiker (3 DVDs) 12 Uhr mittags - High Noon / Rio Grande / Verfolgt Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Grace Kelly, Maureen O’Hara, Teresa Wright - Dir. Raoul Walsh, John Ford, Fred Zinnemann Audiokommentar, Biografien, Wendecover, Trailer Western 1947-1952 281min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037157 Die glorreichen Drei - Western Klassiker 2 (3 DVDs) Bis zum letzten Mann / Der weite Himmel / Rivalen unter roter Sonne John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Shirley Temple, Kirk Douglas, Elizabeth Threatt, Charles Bronson, Ursula Andress - Dir. John Ford, Howard Hawks, Terence Young Biografien, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfo, Trailer, Wendecover Western 1948-1971 444min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037158 Going Postal (2 DVDs) Going Postal Richard Coyle, David Suchet, Charles Dance, Claire Foy, Marnix van den Broeke, Steve Pemberton, Andrew Sachs, Tamsin Greig, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Adrian Schiller Dir. Jon Jones Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bildergalerie Fantasy/Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 185min. KSM(NewKSM) 15.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037084 Going Postal (Blu-ray) Going Postal Richard Coyle, David Suchet, Charles Dance, Claire Foy, Marnix van den Broeke, Steve Pemberton, Andrew Sachs, Tamsin Greig, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Adrian Schiller Dir. Jon Jones Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bildergalerie Fantasy/Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 193min. KSM(NewKSM) 15.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037102 The Greatest - Zeit der Trauer The Greatest Carey Mulligan, Aaron Johnson, Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, Johnny Simmons, Kevin Hagan, Miles Robbins, Cara Seymour - Dir. Shana Feste Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min. Universum Film 19.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037171 The Greatest - Zeit der Trauer (Blu-ray) The Greatest Carey Mulligan, Aaron Johnson, Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, Johnny Simmons, Kevin Hagan, Miles Robbins, Cara Seymour - Dir. Shana Feste Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. Universum Film 19.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037177 Die große Sause La Grande Vadrouille Louis de Funès, Bourvil, Terry-Thomas, Benno Sterzenbach, Claudio Brook, Marie Dubois, Andrea Parisy - Dir. Gérard Oury Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1966 (D) (F) min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037035 Hals über Kopf, Folge 17-34 (3 DVDs) Luzian Walter Bappert, Friedrich Georg Beckhaus, Karl Dall, Winfried Glatzeder, Wolfgang Gruner (Polizeiobermeister Hund), Charlotte Mathiesen (Frau Wurzel), Anouschka Renzi, Michael Schönborn (Herr Wurzel), Jan Schöning, Santiago Ziesmer - Dir. Rainer Boldt, Hans-Henning Borgelt, Thomas Draeger, Gero Erhardt, Ilse Hofmann, Stefan Lukschy, Stephan Meyer Komödie 1987-1990 DD 2.0 (D) 540min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 17.09.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037130 Harry Brown Harry Brown Sir Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Charlie Creed-Miles, David Bradley, Iain Glen, Sean Harris, Ben Drew, Jack O’Connell - Dir. Daniel Barber Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 99min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.10.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037078 Harry Brown (Blu-ray) Harry Brown Sir Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, Charlie Creed-Miles, David Bradley, Iain Glen, Sean Harris, Ben Drew, Jack O’Connell - Dir. Daniel Barber Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 103min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037079 Seite 21 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz (Blu-ray) Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037264 Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Jim Broadbent, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Tom Felton, Evanna Lynch, Bonnie Wright, Jessie Cave, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Frank Dillane - Dir. David Yates Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp) 153min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037141 Jungs bleiben Jungs Heartless (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Karate Kid Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu, Zhensu Wu, Zhiheng Wang, Zhenwei Wang - Dir. Harald Zwart Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (Türk) 134min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037189 Heartless Jim Sturgess, Clémence Poésy, Timothy Spall, Eddie Marsan, Noel Clarke, Luke Treadaway, Joseph Mawle, Ruth Sheen Dir. Philip Ridley Horror/Drama 2009 min. Senator Home Entertainment 07.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037246 Heartless (k.J.) Heartless Jim Sturgess, Clémence Poésy, Timothy Spall, Eddie Marsan, Noel Clarke, Luke Treadaway, Joseph Mawle, Ruth Sheen Dir. Philip Ridley Horror/Drama 2009 min. Senator Home Entertainment 07.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037226 Highway Psychos When Strangers Appear Radha Mitchell, Barry Watson, Josh Lucas, Kevin Anderson - Dir. Scott Reynolds Thriller 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min. Senator Home Entertainment 05.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037294 Hung - Um Längen besser - Die komplette erste Staffel (2 DVDs) Hung Thomas Jane, Jane Adams, Eddie Jemison, Charlie Saxton, Sianoa Smit-McPhee, Anne Heche, Rebecca Creskoff, Loren Lester, Gregg Henry, Steve Hytner, Marylouise Burke, Alanna Ubach, Natalie Zea, Gina Hecht, Joshua Leonard, Rhea Perlman - Dir. Alexander Payne, David Petrarca, Bronwen Hughes, Craig Zisk, Scott Ellis, Matt Shakman, Jim McKay, Seith Mann, Daniel Attias Komödie 2009 min. Warner Home Video Germany 12.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037067 Independence Day (inkl. erweiterte Fassung auf DVD) (Blu-ray) Independence Day Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Margaret Colin, Randy Quaid, Robert Loggia, James Rebhorn, Harvey Fierstein, Adam Baldwin, Brent Spiner, James Duval, Vivica A. Fox, Lisa Jakub, Ross Elliot Bagley, Mae Whitman, Bill Smitrovich, Kiersten Warren, Harry Connick jr. - Dir. Roland Emmerich Science Fiction 1996 145min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LASER HOTLINE Les Beaux Gosses Vincent Lacoste, Anthony Sonigo, Alice Trémolière, Noémie Lvovsky, Christophe Vandevelde, Emmanuelle Devos, Valeria Golino, Riad Sattouf - Dir. Riad Sattouf Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (F) 84min. good!movies(Kool) 29.10.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037094 Karate Kid Karate Kid (Blu-ray) Karate Kid Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu, Zhensu Wu, Zhiheng Wang, Zhenwei Wang - Dir. Harald Zwart Action/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 140min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037192 Die Karte mit dem Luchskopf (2 DVDs) Kai Fischer, Ursula Herking, Karl Otto Alberty - Dir. Hermann Kugelstadt Kriminalfilm 1963-1965 FF DD 1.0 (D) 325min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037227 Katrin und die Welt der Tiere Die komplette erste Staffel (3 DVDs) Helene Luise Doppler, Armin Marewski, Pamela Knaack - Dir. Igor Hartmann Kinderfilm 2008-2009 FF DD 2.0 (D) 220min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) 15.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037297 Kommissarin Lucas (Folge 1-6) (3 DVDs) Ulrike Kriener - Dir. Thomas Berger Kriminalfilm 2003-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 540min. Edel Germany(AVIATOR EN) 08.10.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037202 Kommissarin Lund - Das Verbrechen, Folgen 01-10 (5 Discs) (Bluray) Forbrydelsen Sofie Gråbøl, Lars Mikkelsen, Bjarne Henriksen, Ann Eleonora Jørgensen, Marie Askehave, Michael Moritzen, Søren Malling, Nicolaj Kopernikus, Bent Mejding, Jonas Leth Hansen, Kasper Leth Hansen, Laura Drasbaek, Anne Marie Helger, Troels Munk II, Johan Gry, Ole Boisen, Morten Suurballe, Farshad Kholghi, Julie Ølgaard, Søren Stærmose, Louise Herbert, Eske Forsting Hansen, Jesper Lohmann, Laura Christensen, Cyron Bjørn Melville, Solbjørg Højfeldt, Kristian Ibler, Casper Steffensen, Petrine Agger, Helene Egelund, Troels Lyby, Morten Lützhøft, Kim Bodnia, Claus Bue, Vibeke Hastrup, Anders Nyborg, Jakob Cedergren, Henrik Prip, Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, Lars Simonsen, Rita Angela, Kadhim Faraj, Finn Storgaard - Dir. Birger Larsen, Kristoffer Nyholm, Henrik Ruben Genz, Hans Fabian Wullenweber Interviews, Making of Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 2.0 MA (D) 1100min. Edel Germany 22.10.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037216 Komödien-Perle No 4: Ein Schnitzel für drei Armin Rohde, Ludger Pistor, Branko Samarovski, Caroline Peters, Therese Hämer, Cristina do Rego, Margit Bendokat, Patrycia Ziolkowska, Peter Jordan, Artur Majowski, Stefan Weinert, Marc Sense Dir. Manfred Stelzer Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 89min. good!movies(Zorro) 12.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037146 Komödien-Perlen No 1: Ein Fall für Fingerhut Cordula Stratmann, Philipp Moog, Götz Schubert, Ralph Herforth, Julia Beerhold, Grit Boettcher, Marylu Poolman, Alexander Hörbe, Sebastian Münster, Katja Liebing, Lukas Turtur, Hans-Peter Deppe - Dir. Joseph Orr Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 89min. good!movies(Zorro) 22.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037143 Komödien-Perlen No 2: Liebe und andere Delikatessen Diana Amft, Steffen Wink, Lale Yavas, Eckhard Preuß, Brigitte Janner, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Lucas Gregorowicz, Falk Rockstroh, Katrin Bauerfeind, Karl Achleitner, Michele Oliveri, Stephan Grossmann, George Inci, Anna Srivastava, Lutz Lansemann - Dir. Matthias Tiefenbacher Komödie/Lovestory 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 88min. good!movies(Zorro) 29.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037144 Komödien-Perlen No 3: 2 für alle Fälle - Ein Song für den Mörder Jan Fedder, Axel Milberg, Nina Petri, Frank Jacobsen, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Oliver K. Wnuk, Stephan Grossmann, Johanna Christine Gehlen, Stefanie Schmid, Oliver Hermann, Judith von Radetzky, Marion Breckwoldt, Norman Hacker, Oana Solomon - Dir. Lars Jessen Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) 88min. Seite 22 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) good!movies(Zorro) 05.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037145 Könige der Sonne Kings Of The Sun Yul Brynner, George Chakiris, Shirley Anne Field, Richard Basehart, Brad Dexter, Barry Morse, Armando Silvestre, Leo Gordon, Victoria Vettri - Dir. J. Lee Thompson Nostalgie-Postkarte, Wendecover, Bio- und Filmografie, Bildergalerie, Trailer Abenteuer 1963 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 103min. Caroland Musikverlags und -vertriebs GmbH(CarolMedia) 18.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037305 Königlich Bayerisches Amtsgericht Folge 29-32 Hans Baur, Peter Brand, Franz Loskarn, Georg Blädel, Erni Singerl, Gustl Bayrhammer, Maxl Graf, Karl Obermayr, Max Grießer, Fritz Straßner, Margot Mahler, Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Hannes Keppler, Hans Stadtmüller, Thomas Reiner, Peter Dornseif, Fritz Pauli - Dir. Ernst Schmucker, Paul May Komödie 1968-1970 FF DD 1.0 (D) min. Bogner Records - Inh. Karl Bogner(Papageno) 08.09.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037127 Königreich der Himmel (Director’s Cut, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kingdom Of Heaven Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Jeremy Irons, David Thewlis, Brendan Gleeson, Marton Csokas, Liam Neeson, Ghassan Massoud, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Edward Norton, Martin Hancock, Michael Sheen, Nathalie Cox, Eriq Ebouaney, Jouko Ahola, Philip Glenister, Bronson Webb, Alexander Siddig, Michael Shaeffer, Jon Finch - Dir. Ridley Scott Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2005 189min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037265 Die Kreuzritter 9 - Die heilige Rita Rita Da Cascia Vittoria Belvedere, Martin Crewes, Enzo Marino Bellanich, Sandro Giordano, Simone Ascani, Massimiliano Benvenuto, Giorgia Bongianni, Sebastiano Colla, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Mirko Petrini, Michaela Rosen, Giacomo Piperno, Sydne Rome, Lina Sastri, Massimiliano Pazzaglia - Dir. Giorgio Capitani Wendecover Historienfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (It) DD 2.0 (It) 204min. MIG Filmgroup 11.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037187 Die Kreuzritter 9 - Die heilige Rita (Blu-ray) Rita Da Cascia Vittoria Belvedere, Martin Crewes, Enzo Marino Bellanich, Sandro Giordano, Simone Ascani, Massimiliano Benvenuto, Giorgia Bongianni, Sebastiano Colla, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Mirko Petrini, Michaela LASER HOTLINE Rosen, Giacomo Piperno, Sydne Rome, Lina Sastri, Massimiliano Pazzaglia - Dir. Giorgio Capitani Trailer Historienfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx (D) (It) 213min. MIG Filmgroup 11.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037188 Lange Nacht Isabelle Höpfner, Volkram Zschiesche, Marcus Staab - Dir. Till Kleinert Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Horror/Mystery 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) 92min. Koch Media 01.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037075 Lass es, Larry! - Staffel 1 (3 DVDs) Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm Jason Alexander, Larry Charles, Carol Leifer, Richard Lewis - Dir. Robert B. Weide Komödie 1999 DD 2.0 (D) min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037072 Last Man Standing (Blu-ray) Last Man Standing Bruce Willis, Christopher Walken, Bruce Dern, Alexandra Powers, David Patrick Kelly, William Sanderson, Karina Lombard, Ned Eisenberg, Leslie Mann, Michael Imperioli, R.D. Call, Ken Jenkins - Dir. Walter Hill Thriller/Action 1996 min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037061 Lederstrumpf - Der letzte Mohikaner Uncas, El Fin De Una Raza Jack Taylor, Paul Müller, Sara Lezana, Daniel Martin, José Manuel Martin, Barbara Loy, Luis Induni, José Marco - Dir. Mateo Cano Western 1965 Ltbx 16x9 (D) 80min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037185 Lethal Weapon 1 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lethal Weapon Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Mitchell Ryan, Tom Atkins, Darlene Love Dir. Richard Donner Action/Thriller 1986 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 109min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037056 Lethal Weapon 1-4 - Die Blu-ray Collection (5 Discs) Lethal Weapon 1 / Brennpunkt L.A. Lethal Weapon 2 / Brennpunkt L.A. - Die Profis sind zurück / Lethal Weapon 4 Zwei Profis räumen auf Mel Gibson, Danny Glover Action/Thriller 1986-1999 min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037060 Lethal Weapon 4 - Zwei Profis räumen auf (Blu-ray) Lethal Weapon 4 Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo, Chris Rock, Jet Li, Steve Kahan, Kim Chan, Darlene Love, Traci Wolfe, Eddy Ko, Steven Lam, Richard Libertini - Dir. Richard Donner Action/Komödie 1998 min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037059 Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch Staffel 1 (8 DVDs) The Virginian James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager Entfallene Szene, Interviews Western 1962-1963 FF (D) (E) 1276min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.10.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037153 Die linke Hand Gottes The Left Hand Of God Humphrey Bogart, Gene Tierney, Lee J. Cobb, Agnes Moorehead, E. G. Marshall, Jean Porter, Carl Benton Reid, Victor Sen Yung, Philip Ahn - Dir. Edward Dmytryk Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Wendecover Abenteuer 1955 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 84min. Caroland Musikverlags und -vertriebs GmbH(CarolMedia) 18.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037304 Little Big Soldier (2 DVDs) Da Bing Xiao Jiang Jackie Chan, Lee-Hom Wang, Yoo Seungjun, Xiao Dong Mei, Lin Peng - Dir. Ding Sheng Trailer Abenteuer/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 96min. KSM(NewKSM) 15.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037083 Little Big Soldier (Blu-ray) Da Bing Xiao Jiang Jackie Chan, Lee-Hom Wang, Yoo Seungjun, Xiao Dong Mei, Lin Peng - Dir. Ding Sheng Trailer, Making of, Featurette, Bildergalerie Abenteuer/Action 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Manda) 100min. KSM(NewKSM) 15.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037101 The Lost Boys: The Thirst The Lost Boys: The Thirst Corey Feldman, Tanit Phoenix, Jamison Newlander, Sean Cameron Michael, Casey B. Dolan, Seb Castang, Joe Vaz, Matthew Dylan Roberts, Porteus Xandau Steenkamp, Matthew Kalil - Dir. Dario Piana Horror 2010 min. Warner Home Video Germany 12.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037030 Louis, das Schlitzohr Le Corniaud Bourvil, Louis de Funès, Venantino Venantini, Beba Loncar, Alida Chelli - Dir. Gérard Oury Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1965 (D) (F) min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037037 Louis, der Geizkragen L’ Avare Louis de Funès, Frank David, Claire Seite 23 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Dupray, Herve Bellon, Michel Galabru, Claude Gensac - Dir. Louis de Funès, Jean Girault 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037046 Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Maman Est Chez Le Coiffeur Marianne Fortier, Elie Dupuis, Hugo StOnge-Paquin, Laurent Lucas, Céline Bonnier, Gabriel Arcand, Benjamin Chouinard, Antoine Desrochers, Lenie Scoffié, Paule Ducharme - Dir. Léa Pool Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 93min. Senator Home Entertainment 19.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037080 Komödie 1980 (D) (F) min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037038 Löwenzahn - Best of Löwenzahn (Jubiläumsedition) Guido Hammesfahr, Peter Lustig Bastelvorlage, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Interview, Booklet, Trailer, Wendecover Kinderfilm 1980-2010 DD 2.0 (D) DD 1.0 (D) 257min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037201 LowLights - Eine Nacht, ein Ritual Artimos Sviesos Dainius Gavenonis, Julia-Maria Köhler, Jonas Antanelis, Juri Padél, Jörg Reimers, Kiril Glusajev, Martynas Morkunas (Whitie’s Freund #1), Mindaugas Kucila (Whitie’s Freund #2), Sarunas Puidokas, Denisas Kolomickis, Mantas Kisielius, Donatas Vaisnoras, Tomas Kizelis - Dir. Ignas Miskinis Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Litau) 90min. 3L Filmverleih 21.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037014 Lucky Bastard (OmU) Lucky Bastard Patrick Tatten, Dale Dymkoski, Timothy Ryan Cole, Johnny Kostrey, Norma Louise, Nina Manni, Jane Fleiss, Ivar Brogger, Nathan Sutton, Lorin Doctor - Dir. Everett Lewis Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 86min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.09.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037099 Lügen macht erfinderisch The Invention Of Lying Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K., Jeffrey Tambor, Fionnula Flanagan, Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, Donna Sorbello, Stephanie March, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, John Hodgman, Jimmi Simpson, Jason Bateman, Christopher Guest, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Edward Norton, Roz Ryan, Shaun Williamson - Dir. Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 96min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 11.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037020 Magic Bollywood Hits - Shah Rukh Khan & Friends (OmU, 2 DVDs) Shah Rukh Khan, John Abraham, Riya Sen, Bipasha Basu - Dir. Amit Saxena, Kamal Hassan, Rajiv Mehra Maman ist kurz beim Friseur LASER HOTLINE Trailer Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 98min. Koch Media 15.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037307 Männer al dente Meuterei auf der Bounty (Blu-ray) Mine Vaganti Riccardo Scamarcio, Nicole Grimaudo, Alessandro Preziosi, Ennio Fantastichini, Lunetta Savino, Ilaria Occhini, Carolina Crescentini, Elena Sofia Ricci, Bianca Nappi, Massimiliano Gallo, Carmine Recano, Daniele Pecci, Gianluca De Marchi, Mauro Bonaffini, Paola Minaccioni, Emanuela Gabrieli, Gea Martire, Giorgio Marchesi, Matteo Taranto, Giancarlo Monticelli, Crescenza Guarnieri - Dir. Ferzan Ozpetek Mutiny On The Bounty Charles Laughton, Clark Gable, Franchot Tone, Herbert Mundy, Eddie Quillan, Dudley Digges, Donald Crisp, Henry Stephenson, Movita Castaneda - Dir. Frank Lloyd Abenteuer 1935 min. Warner Home Video Germany 19.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037062 Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, Interview, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (It) 108min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 11.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037091 Männer al dente (Blu-ray) Mine Vaganti Riccardo Scamarcio, Nicole Grimaudo, Alessandro Preziosi, Ennio Fantastichini, Lunetta Savino, Ilaria Occhini, Carolina Crescentini, Elena Sofia Ricci, Bianca Nappi, Massimiliano Gallo, Carmine Recano, Daniele Pecci, Gianluca De Marchi, Mauro Bonaffini, Paola Minaccioni, Emanuela Gabrieli, Gea Martire, Giorgio Marchesi, Matteo Taranto, Giancarlo Monticelli, Crescenza Guarnieri - Dir. Ferzan Ozpetek Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, Interview, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2010 Ltbx (D) (It) 112min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 11.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037107 Maria Stuart - Blut, Terror und Verrat (2 DVDs) Gunpowder, Treason & Plot Historienfilm/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 202min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037140 Mein Vater, seine Frauen und ich The Six Wives Of Henry Lefay Chris Klein, Tim Allen, Elisha Cuthbert, Lindsay Sloane, Jenna Dewan, Paz Vega, Eric Christian Olsen, Jenna Elfman, Kelli Garner, Andie MacDowell, Edward Herrmann, Larry Miller, S. Epatha Merkerson, Barbara Barrie, Connor Fox, John Farrer, Monica McCarthy, David Gere, , T. Anthony Quinn - Dir. Howard Michael Gould Trailer Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Koch Media 01.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037296 Trailer Musikfilm 1995-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Hindi) 158min. Best Entertainment AG 27.08.2010 Chris Klein, Tim Allen, Elisha Cuthbert, Lindsay Sloane, Jenna Dewan, Paz Vega, Eric Christian Olsen, Jenna Elfman, Kelli Garner, Andie MacDowell, Edward Herrmann, Larry Miller, S. Epatha Merkerson, Barbara Barrie, Connor Fox, John Farrer, Monica McCarthy, David Gere, , T. Anthony Quinn - Dir. Howard Michael Gould Mein Vater, seine Frauen und ich (Blu-ray) The Six Wives Of Henry Lefay Micmacs - Uns gehört Paris! Micmacs A Tire-Larigot Dany Boon, Julie Ferrier, André Dussollier, Nicolas Marié, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Yolande Moreau, Omar Sy, Dominique Pinon, Michel Crémadès, Marie-Julie Baup, Urbain Cancelier, Patrick Paroux, JeanPierre Becker, Stéphane Butet, Philippe Girard, Doudou Masta, Eric Naggar, Arsène Mosca, Noé Boon - Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 100min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 02.12.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037152 Micmacs - Uns gehört Paris! (Bluray) Micmacs A Tire-Larigot Dany Boon, Julie Ferrier, André Dussollier, Nicolas Marié, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Yolande Moreau, Omar Sy, Dominique Pinon, Michel Crémadès, Marie-Julie Baup, Urbain Cancelier, Patrick Paroux, JeanPierre Becker, Stéphane Butet, Philippe Girard, Doudou Masta, Eric Naggar, Arsène Mosca, Noé Boon - Dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 105min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 02.12.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037161 Minority Report (Blu-ray) Minority Report Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Kathryn Morris, Tim Blake Nelson, Peter Stormare, Lois Smith, Steve Harris, Mike Binder, Daniel London, Spencer Treat Clark, Neal McDonough, Jessica Capshaw, Patrick Kilpatrick, Jessica Harper, Ashley Crow, Arye Gross, Jason Antoon - Dir. Steven Spielberg Featurettes, Trailer, Making of, Bildergalerie, StoryboardSequenzen Science Fiction/Thriller 2002 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DD 2.0 (Türk) 145min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 22.10.2010 Seite 24 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037272 Mirrors 2 (k.J.) Mirrors 2 Nick Stahl, William Katt, Emmanuelle Vaugier - Dir. Victor Garcia Horror 2010 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 10.12.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037237 Mishka, der kleine Eisbär Kinderfilm FF 75min. da music(Life Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037055 Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone (Gesamtedition) The Avengers Patrick Macnee, Diana Rigg, Linda Thorson, Gareth Hunt, Joanna Lumley Interviews, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerien Action/Komödie 1965-1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 5437min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.11.2010 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037168 Monte Cristo The Count Of Monte Cristo James Caviezel, Dagmara Dominczyk, Guy Pearce, Richard Harris, Luis Guzmán, James Frain, Henry Cavill, Albie Woodington, Michael Wincott, Alex Norton, Freddie Jones - Dir. Kevin Reynolds Abenteuer 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 126min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037219 Moulin Rouge (Blu-ray) Moulin Rouge Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Leguizamo, Jim Broadbent, Richard Roxburgh, Garry McDonald, Jacek Koman, Matthew Whittet, Kerry Walker, Caroline O’Connor, David Wenham, Christine Anu, Natalie Mendoza, Lara Mulcahy, Kylie Minogue, Dhobi Oparei, Linal Haft - Dir. Baz Luhrmann Drama/Musical 2001 126min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037255 My Big Fat Greek Wedding / Wedding Date (2 DVDs) My Big Fat Greek Wedding / The Wedding Date Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Michael Constantine, Lainie Kazan, Andrea Martin, Joey Fatone, Gia Carides, Louis Mandylor, Ian Gomez, Bess Meisler, Fiona Reid, Bruce Gray, Sarah Osman, Frank Falcone, Gerry Mendicino, Dermot Mulroney, Debra Messing, Holland Taylor, Jack Davenport, Sarah Parish, Tom Conti, Jeremy Sheffield - Dir. Joel Zwick, Clare Kilner Audiokommentar, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Biound Filmografien, Bildergalerien, Entfallene Szenen, TVSpots Komödie 2002-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 178min. Universum Film 05.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037282 LASER HOTLINE Die nackte Gräfin (k.J.) Wolfgang Lukschy, Ursula Blauth, Kurt Nachmann, Renate Kasché, Gunther Möhner, Elke Hart - Dir. Kurt Nachmann Erotik 1971 81min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037118 Nanga Parbat Florian Stetter, Andreas Tobias, Karl Markovics, Steffen Schröder, Jule Ronstedt, Volker Bruch, Lena Stolze, Sebastian Bezzel, Markus Krojer - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Open Water / Open Water 2 (2 DVDs) Open Water / Open Water 2 Blanchard Ryan, Daniel Travis, Saul Stein, Estelle Lau, Michael E. Williamson, Cristina Zenarro, John Charles, Susan May Pratt, Richard Speight Jr., Niklaus Lange, Ali Hillis, Cameron Richardson, Eric Dane - Dir. Chris Kentis, Hans Horn Thriller/Drama 2003-2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 168min. Universum Film 05.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037283 Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews The Pacific (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Drama/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 99min. Senator Home Entertainment 05.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037022 The Pacific Joseph Mazzello, Badgett Dale, Jon Seda, Chris Milligan, Ashton Holmes, Martin McCann, Josh Helman, Keith Nobbs, Rami Malek, Toby Leonard Moore, Jacob Pitts, Joshua Biton, Conor O’Farrell, William Sadler, Linda Cropper, Brendan Fletcher, Dylan Young, Tom Budge, Henry Nixon, Mark Casamento, Lelia Goldoni, Joseph R. Sicari, Leon Ford, Scott Gibson, Andrew Lees, Gary Sweet, Ned Valent, Jon Bernthal, Simon Bossell, Joshua Close, Caroline Dhavernas, James Gaylyn, Chris Haywood, Stephen Leeder, Annie Parisse, Rohan Nichol - Dir. Jeremy Podeswa, Timothy Van Patten, David Nutter Kriegsfilm 2010 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 2.0 (It) 534min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.11.2010 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037142 Nanga Parbat (Blu-ray) ,,,,,,,,,, Florian Stetter, Andreas Tobias, Karl Markovics, Steffen Schröder, Jule Ronstedt, Volker Bruch, Lena Stolze, Sebastian Bezzel, Markus Krojer - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews Drama/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 103min. Senator Home Entertainment 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037025 Nanga Parbat (Deluxe Edition, 2 DVDs) Florian Stetter, Andreas Tobias, Karl Markovics, Steffen Schröder, Jule Ronstedt, Volker Bruch, Lena Stolze, Sebastian Bezzel, Markus Krojer - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews Drama/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 99min. Senator Home Entertainment 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037021 Night Vision - Der Nachtjäger Night Vision Cynthia Rothrock, Fred Williamson, Shannon Tweed, Charles Napier - Dir. Fred Williamson Kriminalfilm/Action 1996 FF (D) 87min. da music(Life Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037049 Ninja Blood Fighter - Schwert des Todes American Commando Ninja Fei Man, Simon Kwan, Daniel Garfield, Howard Wang, Kelvin Wong Siu, Laura Yang, Kei Lo, Yolanda Kuk - Dir. Gio Lo Action 1988 FF (D) 82min. da music(Life Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037054 Nordsee ist Mordsee Uwe Bohm, Dschingis Bowakow, Marquard Bohm, Herma Koehn, Katja Bowakow, Günther Lohmann, Corinna Schmidt - Dir. Prof. Hark Bohm The Pacific (6 DVDs) The Pacific Joseph Mazzello, Badgett Dale, Jon Seda, Chris Milligan, Ashton Holmes, Martin McCann, Josh Helman, Keith Nobbs, Rami Malek, Toby Leonard Moore, Jacob Pitts, Joshua Biton, Conor O’Farrell, William Sadler, Linda Cropper, Brendan Fletcher, Dylan Young, Tom Budge, Henry Nixon, Mark Casamento, Lelia Goldoni, Joseph R. Sicari, Leon Ford, Scott Gibson, Andrew Lees, Gary Sweet, Ned Valent, Jon Bernthal, Simon Bossell, Joshua Close, Caroline Dhavernas, James Gaylyn, Chris Haywood, Stephen Leeder, Annie Parisse, Rohan Nichol - Dir. Jeremy Podeswa, Timothy Van Patten, David Nutter Kriegsfilm 2010 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (It) 534min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.11.2010 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037138 Panic Air - Der Tod fliegt mit Nowhere To Land Jack Wagner, Christine Elise, James B. Sikking, Mark Lee, Rachael Blake, Helen Thomson, Ernie Hudson, Holly Brisley, Ryan Johnson - Dir. Armand Mastroianni Trailer Thriller 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. 3L Filmverleih 21.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037015 Bildergalerien, Trailer Paradise Girls Drama 1976 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) 82min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 06.01.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037033 Paradise Girls Eveline Wu, Jo Koo, Kei Katayama, Guido Pollemans - Dir. Fow Pyng Hu Audiokommentar, Wendecover Seite 25 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Chines) DD 2.0 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Holl) 97min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(flax film) 01.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037240 Patrik 1,5 (OmU) Patrik 1,5 Gustaf Skarsgård, Torkel Petersson, Thomas Ljungman, Annika Hallin, Amanda Davin, Jacob Ericksson, Anette Sevreus, Mirja Burlin, Antti Reini, Marie Delleskog, Anders Lönnbro, Asa-Lena Hjelm - Dir. Ella Lemhagen Drama/Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Schwed) 98min. Salzgeber & Co. Medien 04.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037100 Pippa Lee The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee Robin Wright Penn, Blake Lively, Alan Arkin, Keanu Reeves, Maria Bello, Monica Bellucci, Winona Ryder, Julianne Moore, Mike Binder, Shirley Knight, Zoe Kazan, Ryan McDonald - Dir. Rebecca Miller Interviews Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Senator Home Entertainment 19.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037170 Poltergeist 2 - Die andere Seite (Blu-ray) Poltergeist 2 - The Other Side Craig T. Nelson, JoBeth Williams, Heather O’Rourke, Oliver Robins, Zelda Rubinstein, Will Sampson, Julian Beck - Dir. Brian Gibson Horror/Fantasy 1986 90min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 05.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037253 Poltergeist III - Die dunkle Seite des Bösen (Blu-ray) Poltergeist 3 Tom Skerritt, Nancy Allen, Heather O’Rourke, Zelda Rubinstein, Lara Flynn Boyle, Kipley Wentz, Nathan Davis - Dir. Gary Sherman Horror 1987 98min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 05.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037254 Pornography: Ein Thriller (OmU) Pornography: A Thriller Matthew Montgomery, Pete Scherer, Jared Grey, Walter Delmar, Dylan Vox, Nick Salamone, Wyatt Fenner, Larry Weissman, Akie Kotabe, Steve Callahan - Dir. David Kittredge Kurzfilm „Target Audience“, Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Mystery 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 110min. Bildkraft Modersbach & Platte 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037165 Predator (Ultimate Hunter Edition) (Blu-ray) Predator Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Elpidia Carrillo, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Sonny Landham, Richard Chaves, R. G. LASER HOTLINE Armstrong, Shane Black, Kevin Peter Hall Dir. John McTiernan Trailer, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bildergalerie Action/Science Fiction 1987 111min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037266 Predator Collection: Predator / Predator 2 / Predators (3 Discs, Cut Version) (k.J.) Predator / Predator 2 / Predators Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Elpidia Carrillo, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Sonny Landham, Richard Chaves, R. G. Armstrong, Shane Black, Kevin Peter Hall, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Rubén Blades, Bill Paxton, Adam Baldwin, Maria Conchita Alonso, Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Danny Trejo, Oleg Taktarov, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Louis Ozawa Changchien - Dir. John McTiernan, Stephen Hopkins, Nimród Antal Predator-Maske, Trailer, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bildergalerien, Prequel-Comics, Live Extras Action/Science Fiction 1987-2010 322min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 05.11.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037247 Predator Collection: Predator / Predator 2 / Predators (3 DVDs, Predator 2 Cut Version) (k.J.) Predator / Predator 2 / Predators Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Elpidia Carrillo, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Sonny Landham, Richard Chaves, R. G. Armstrong, Shane Black, Kevin Peter Hall, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Rubén Blades, Bill Paxton, Adam Baldwin, Maria Conchita Alonso, Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Danny Trejo, Oleg Taktarov, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Louis Ozawa Changchien - Dir. John McTiernan, Stephen Hopkins, Nimród Antal Trailer, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Bildergalerien, Prequel-Comics Action/Science Fiction 1987-2010 308min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 05.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037228 Predators (+ DVD) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Predators Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Danny Trejo, Oleg Taktarov, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Louis Ozawa Changchien - Dir. Nimród Antal Audiokommentar, Prequel-Comics, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, Live Extras Action/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DD 5.1 (Türk) 107min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037267 Der Preis des Verbrechens - Trial & Retribution (4 DVDs) Trial & Retribution David Hayman, Dorian Lough Kriminalfilm 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 397min. Edel Germany(EDEL RECOR) 12.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037209 Der Prozess (Arthaus Premium) Le Procès Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau, Romy Schneider, Elsa Martinelli, Suzanne Flon - Dir. Orson Welles Trailer, Booklet, Dokumentationen Drama 1962 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 114min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 18.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037148 Quantum Apocalypse Quantum Apocalypse Rhett Giles, Stephanie Jacobsen, Stuart Lafferty, Gigi Edgley, Kirsten Quintrall, Peter Jurasik, Jenna Craig, Shirly Brener, Marcus Lyle Brown - Dir. Justin Jones Action/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 83min. FilmConfect AG 14.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037013 Quietsch ... Quietsch ... Wer bohrt denn da nach Öl? Pouic-Pouic Louis de Funès, Mireille Darc, Roger Dumas, Jacqueline Maillan, Christian Marin, Philippe Nicaud, Daniel Ceccaldi, Yana Chouri, Guy Tréjan, Phillippe Dumat, Yves Barsacq, Maria Rosa Rodriguez - Dir. Jean Girault Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1963 (D) (F) min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.06.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20037041 Record 12 Meret Becker, Iris Böhm, Richard van Weyden, Oliver Wronka - Dir. Mario A. Conte, Simone Wendel Drama 2009 min. epiX Media AG 26.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037164 Red Hill (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Red Hill Ryan Kwanten, Steve Bisley, Claire van der Boom, Kevin Harrington, Tommy Lewis Dir. Patrick Hughes Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Interviews, Trailer Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 97min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.12.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037160 Red Hill (k.J.) Red Hill Ryan Kwanten, Steve Bisley, Claire van der Boom, Kevin Harrington, Tommy Lewis Dir. Patrick Hughes Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer,, Interviews Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 09.12.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037147 Riddick - Chroniken eines Kriegers / Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Chronicles Of Riddick / Pitch Black Vin Diesel - Dir. David Twohy Seite 26 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Picture-in-Picture, Szenenauswahl, BD-Live Science Fiction/Horror 2000-2004 DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 242min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 07.10.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037285 Robin Hood Robin Hood Douglas Fairbanks sen., Wallace Beery, Sam de Grasse, Enid Bennett, Paul Dickey, William Lowery, Roy Coulson, Willard Louis - Dir. Allan Dwan Biografie, Bildergalerie Abenteuer 1922 FF DD 2.0 103min. bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037043 Rocky - The Complete Saga (6 DVDs) Rocky / Rocky II -V / Rocky Balboa Sylvester Stallone Audiokommentare, Interviews, Trailer, TV-Spots, Making of, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Action 1976-2006 633min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 05.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037233 Rosannas Tochter Veronica Ferres, Fritz Karl, Mathilde Bundschuh, Monika Baumgartner, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Dietrich Mattausch, Karin Neuhäuser, Joel Basman, Judith Rosmair - Dir. Franziska Buch Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037179 Die Rosenheim-Cops - Staffel 09, Folge 1-15 (3 DVDs) Joseph Hannesschläger, Igor Jeftic, Karin Thaler, Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Diana Staehly, Alexander Duda, Christian Schaeffer, Maren Schumacher, Marion Mathoi, Senta Auth, Wolfgang Fierek, Tom Mikulla, Andreas Giebel, Michael A. Grimm, Norbert Heckner, Johannes Herrschmann Dir. Holger Gimpel, Gunther Krää, Jörg Schneider, Werner Siebert Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 675min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 17.09.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037129 Rotes Kornfeld Hong Gaoliang Jiang Wen, Gong Li, Teng Rujun, Ming Qian, Cun Hua Ji, Cun Hua Cui - Dir. Zhang Yimou Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1987 Ltbx (D) (Chines) 88min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 18.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037150 Rust Rust Corbin Bernsen, Frank Gall, Lloyd Warner, Audrey Lynn Tennent, Kirsten Collins, John Hutchinson, Chesney Caswell, Judith Davies, Cavan Cunningham, Mike Kernahan, Ryder Debreceni, Nolan Hubbard, Gerald Lenton-Young, Brad Kearns, Denise Singleton, Shannon LASER HOTLINE Jardine, Lorne Cardinal, Graham Bell - Dir. Corbin Bernsen Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.0 (D) DD 5.0 (E) 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 11.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037123 Das schnelle Geld (Blu-ray) Two For The Money Al Pacino, Matthew McConaughey, Rene Russo, Armand Assante, Jeremy Piven, Jaime King, Kevin Chapman, Ralph Garman, Gedde Watanabe, Carly Pope, Charles Carroll, Gerard Plunkett, Craig Veroni, James Kirk, Chryslin Austin, Denise Galik, Gary Hudson, Jeremy Guilbot, Steve Makai, Stephen Dimopoulos, Michael Rogers, William Taylor, Veena Sood, April Telek - Dir. D.J. Caruso Drama 2005 122min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037288 Die Schule der Saholin Tie Hou Zi Tai Chen Kuan, Chi Kuan-Chun, Leung KaYan, Li Kuang, Chin Kang, Ma Chi - Dir. Tai Chen Kuan Action 1977 Ltbx 16x9 (D) 75min. da music(Live Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037048 Die Schulmädchen vom Treffpunkt Zoo (k.J.) Marco Kröger, Katja Caroll, Ingeborg Steinbach - Dir. Walter Boos Erotik 1979 min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037119 The Score The Score Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, Marlon Brando, Angela Bassett, Gary Farmer, Paul Soles, Cassandra Wilson, Mose Allison Dir. Frank Oz, Robert De Niro Thriller 2001 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 119min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037222 Sexgeflüster After Sex Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, Marc Blucas, Jane Seymour, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Taryn Manning, Jose Pablo Cantillo, James DeBello, Noel Fisher, Dave Franco, Natalie Elizabeth Marston, Jeanette O’Connor - Dir. Eric Amadio Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 78min. WVG Medien(Musketier Media) 26.11.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037231 Sexgeflüster (Blu-ray) After Sex Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, Marc Blucas, Jane Seymour, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Taryn Manning, Jose Pablo Cantillo, James DeBello, Noel Fisher, Dave Franco, Natalie Elizabeth Marston, Jeanette O’Connor - Dir. Eric Amadio Komödie 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 82min. WVG Medien(Musketier Media) 26.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037252 William Shakespeares Romeo & Julia (Blu-ray) William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Brian Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Pete Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino, Diane Venora, Harold Perrineau jr., Paul Rudd, Jesse Bradford, Dash Mihok, Miriam Margolyes, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Christina Pickles, M. Emmet Walsh - Dir. Baz Luhrmann Picture-in-Picture, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Drama 1996 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 120min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037248 The Sherlock Holmes Collector’s Edition, Vol. 2 Sherlock Holmes Ronald Howard, Howard Marion-Crawford, Archie Duncan, Richard Larke - Dir. Jack Gage, Steve Previn, Sheldon Reynolds Kriminalfilm 1954-1955 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 80min. bellaphon records(Great Movies) 27.08.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037047 Soeur Sourire - Die singende Nonne Soeur Sourire Cécile de France, Jan Decleir, Tsilla Chelton, Marie Kremer, Sandrine Blancke Dir. Stijn Coninx Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 124min. Salzgeber & Co. Medien 04.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037097 Sorority Row - Schön bis in den Tod (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sorority Row Briana Evigan, Leah Pipes, Rumer Willis, Jamie Chung, Audrina Patridge, Julian Morris, Margo Harshman, Matt Lanter, Carrie Fisher, Teri Andrzejewski, Adam Berry, Megan Wolfley, Matt O’Leary - Dir. Stewart Hendler Horror 2009 Ltbx 101min. Concorde Home Entertainment 18.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037108 Sorority Row - Schön bis in den Tod (k.J.) Sorority Row Briana Evigan, Leah Pipes, Rumer Willis, Jamie Chung, Audrina Patridge, Julian Morris, Margo Harshman, Matt Lanter, Carrie Fisher, Teri Andrzejewski, Adam Berry, Megan Wolfley, Matt O’Leary - Dir. Stewart Hendler Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 97min. Concorde Home Entertainment 18.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037093 The Sound of Music - Meine Lie- Seite 27 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) der, Meine Träume (Blu-ray) The Sound Of Music Dame Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Eleanor Parker, Richard Haydn, Peggy Wood, Charmian Carr, Heather Menzies, Nicholas Hammond, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, Kym Karath, Anna Lee, Portia Nelson, Ben Wright, Daniel Truhitte, Norma Varden, Gilchrist Stuart, Marnie Nixon, Evadne Baker, Doris Lloyd Dir. Robert Wise Musikfilm/Musical 1965 172min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037256 Die Stahlfaust Ying Zhao Tie Bu Shan John Liu, Hoi San Lee, Huang Chang Li, Phillip Ko, Wang Chiang, Corey Yuen, Yuen Biao, Shun Yee Yuen - Dir. Ng See-yuen Eastern 1977 (D) 80min. da music(Live Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037050 Sterben will gelernt sein Death At A Funeral Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Zoe Saldana, James Marsden, Danny Glover, Regina Hall, Kevin Hart, Columbus Short - Dir. Neil LaBute Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 11.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037124 Sterben will gelernt sein (Bluray) Death At A Funeral Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Zoe Saldana, James Marsden, Danny Glover, Regina Hall, Kevin Hart, Columbus Short - Dir. Neil LaBute Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 92min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 11.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037132 Stirb langsam 4.0 (+ Recut Version auf DVD, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Live Free Or Die Hard Bruce Willis, Timothy Olyphant, Justin Long, Cliff Curtis, Maggie Q, Jeffrey Wright, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Yancey Arias, Yorgo Constantine, Jonathan Sadowski, Kevin Smith, Cyril Raffaelli, Chris Palermo, Sung Kang, Zeljko Ivanek, Christina Chang, Jake McDorman - Dir. Len Wiseman Action 2007 128min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037268 StreetDance 3D StreetDance 3D Nichola Burley, Richard Winsor, George Sampson, Charlotte Rampling, Jennifer Leung, Sacha Chang, Lex Milczarek, LASER HOTLINE Ukweli Roach, Rachel McDowall, Stephanie Nguyen, Danielle Lecointe, Sianad Gregory, Teneisha Bonner, Kofi Agyemang, Hugo Cortes, Eleanor Bron - Dir. Max Giwa, Dania Pasquini Film in 2D & 3D (anaglyph), Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Musikfilm/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Universum Film 05.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037023 StreetDance 3D (Blu-ray) StreetDance 3D Nichola Burley, Richard Winsor, George Sampson, Charlotte Rampling, Jennifer Leung, Sacha Chang, Lex Milczarek, Ukweli Roach, Rachel McDowall, Stephanie Nguyen, Danielle Lecointe, Sianad Gregory, Teneisha Bonner, Kofi Agyemang, Hugo Cortes, Eleanor Bron - Dir. Max Giwa, Dania Pasquini Film in 2D & 3D, Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Takedown - Niemand kann ihn stoppen (Blu-ray) Transparency Lou Diamond Phillips, Estella Warren, Deborah Unger - Dir. Paul Inglis Trailer Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 97min. New Age 21 Home Entertainment(M.I.B.) 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037016 Taras Bulba Taras Bulba Tony Curtis, Yul Brynner, Christine Kaufmann, Sam Wanamaker, Brad Dexter, Guy Rolfe, Perry Lopez, George MacReady, Ilka Windish, Vladimir Sokoloff, Wladimir Irman, Daniel Ocko, Abraham Sofaer, Mickey Finn, Richard Rust, Ron Weyand - Dir. J. Lee Thompson Nostalgie-Postkarte, Wendecover, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Musikfilm/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 98min. Universum Film 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037026 Historienfilm 1962 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 119min. Caroland Musikverlags und -vertriebs GmbH(CarolMedia) 18.10.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037306 StreetDance 3D (Deluxe Edition) (Blu-ray) Tatort: Die 1970er Jahre (3 DVDs) StreetDance 3D Nichola Burley, Richard Winsor, George Sampson, Charlotte Rampling, Jennifer Leung, Sacha Chang, Lex Milczarek, Ukweli Roach, Rachel McDowall, Stephanie Nguyen, Danielle Lecointe, Sianad Gregory, Teneisha Bonner, Kofi Agyemang, Hugo Cortes, Eleanor Bron - Dir. Max Giwa, Dania Pasquini Film in 2D & 3D (anaglyph), Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Musikfilm/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Universum Film 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037028 Sturzflug in die Hölle Kriegsfilm FF (D) 78min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037181 Sunday, Bloody Sunday Sunday, Bloody Sunday Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, Murray Head, Peggy Ashcroft, Tony Britton, Maurice Denham, Bessie Love - Dir. John Schlesinger Jagdrevier / Tote brauchen keine Wohnung / Spätlese Klaus Schwarzkopf, Wolf Roth, Jürgen Prochnow, Walter Buschhoff, Vera Gruber, Annette Kluge, Gustl Bayrhammer, Helmut Fischer, Willy Harlander, Hans Baur, Andreas Seyferth, Arthur Brauss, Maria Singer, Wilhelm Zeno Diemer, Elisabeth Karg, Veronika Fitz, Robert Seidl, Mady Rahl, Veronika Faber, Holger Hagen, Walter Sedlmayr, Hansjörg Felmy, Andrea Jonasson, Claudia Wedekind, Udo Vioff, Alexander Kerst, Karin Eickelbaum, Willy Semmelrogge, Bernd Schäfer - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen, Wolfgang Staudte Kriminalfilm 1973-1977 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037210 Tatort: Die 1980er Jahre (3 DVDs) Tote reisen nicht umsonst / Haie vor Helgoland / Der Pott Kriminalfilm min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037214 Bildergalerie Tatort: Die 1990er Jahre (3 DVDs) Drama 1971 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 106min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(cmvLaservision) 22.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037280 Tod im Häcksler / Die chinesische Methode / Willkommen in Köln Kriminalfilm min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037211 Takedown - Niemand kann ihn stoppen Transparency Lou Diamond Phillips, Estella Warren, Deborah Unger - Dir. Paul Inglis Trailer Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 93min. New Age 21 Home Entertainment(M.I.B.) 04.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037010 Tatort: Die 2000er Jahre (3 DVDs) Herzversagen / Eine Leiche zuviel / Dunkle Wege Kriminalfilm Ltbx 16x9 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037212 Tatort: Schwarzer Peter Simone Thomalla, Martin Wuttke, Suzanne von Borsody, Pierre Besson, Chiara Seite 28 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Schoras, Thomas Huber, Layla Laberny, Sandra Borgmann, Joram Voelklein, HansUwe Bauer, Nadja Becker, Heidrun Bartholomäus, Julian Gutmann, Swetlana Schönfeld, Maxim Mehmet, André Röhner - Dir. Christine Hartmann Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037208 Tatort: Thiel/Boerne-Box, Vol. 2 (3 DVDs) Sag nichts / Der Frauenflüsterer / Das ewig Böse Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers, Friederike Kempter, ChrisTine Urspruch, Mechthild Großmann, Oliver Bokern, Claus-Dieter Clausnitzer, Jenny Schily, Otto Mellies, Julika Jenkins, Harald Schrott, Tina Engel, Kai Wiesinger, Alexandra von Schwerin, Anna Loos, Nora von Waldstätten, Christian Kahrmann, Teresa Harder, Sabine Orléans, Jana Thies, Rade Radovic, Karoline Eichhorn, Jürg Löw, Teresa Weißbach, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Martin Rentzsch, Gitta Schweighöfer, Axel Siefer, Helmut Everke, Christel Peters - Dir. Lars Kraume, Kaspar Heidelbach, Rainer Matsutani Kriminalfilm 2003-2005 Ltbx 16x9 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037204 Tatort: Tote Taube in der Beethovenstraße Sieghardt Rupp - Dir. Samuel Fuller Kriminalfilm 1973 FF min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037205 Tatort: Unter Brüdern Götz George, Eberhard Feik, Chiem van Houweninge, Peter Borgelt - Dir. Helmut Krätzig Kriminalfilm 1990 FF min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) 18.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037206 Tekken (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Tekken Jon Foo, Luke Goss, Gary Daniels, Kelly Overton, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Darrin Dewitt Henson, Mircea Monroe, Tamlyn Tomita, Chiaki Kuriyama - Dir. Dwight H. Little Interviews, Wendecover Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 92min. Splendid Film 24.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037284 Tekken (k.J.) Tekken Jon Foo, Luke Goss, Gary Daniels, Kelly Overton, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Darrin Dewitt Henson, Mircea Monroe, Tamlyn Tomita, Chiaki Kuriyama - Dir. Dwight H. Little Interviews, Wendecover Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Splendid Film 24.09.2010 LASER HOTLINE 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037278 Die Teufelsbestie Horror High Pat Cardi, Austin Stoker, Rosie Holotik, John Niland, Joye Hash, Jeff Alexander, Mike McHenry, Michelle Falerne - Dir. Larry N. Stouffer Horror 1974 (D) 81min. da music(Live Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037051 Thriller Collection (3 DVDs) Mask of Murder 2 / Say Nothing / Das vierte Protokoll Thriller min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037114 Tiger-Team Tiger-Team - Der Berg Der 1000 Drachen Helena Siegmund-Schultze, Bruno Schubert, Justus Kammerer, Iris Berben, Stipe Erceg, Simon Schwarz, Nina Proll - Dir. Peter Gersina Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) 85min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037238 Tiger-Team (Blu-ray) Tiger-Team - Der Berg Der 1000 Drachen Helena Siegmund-Schultze, Bruno Schubert, Justus Kammerer, Iris Berben, Stipe Erceg, Simon Schwarz, Nina Proll - Dir. Peter Gersina Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 HR 89min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037260 Das Traumhotel (5 DVDs) Christian Kohlund, Miriam Morgenstern, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Prof. Peter Weck, Elke Winkens Komödie/Drama min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037112 Triangle - Die Angst kommt in Wellen (Einzel-Disc) Triangle Melissa George, Liam Hemsworth, Emma Lung, Rachael Carpani, Michael Dorman, Henry Nixon, Joshua McIvor - Dir. Christopher Smith Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Horror/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 95min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.09.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037077 Tschitti tschitti bäng bäng (Bluray) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Dick van Dyke, Sally Ann Howes, Lionel Jeffries, Gert Fröbe, Robert Helpman, Anna Quayle, Benny Hill, Heather Ripley, Adrian Hall - Dir. Ken Hughes Sing Along, Featurettes, Bildergalerien Kinderfilm 1968 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 144min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 26.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037251 Die Uhr des Grauens La Casa Nel Tempo Kieth van Hoven, Karina Huff, Paolo Paoloni, Bettine Milne, Peter Hintz, Al Cliver, Carla Cassola - Dir. Lucio Fulci Horror 1989 FF (D) 87min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037182 Ein (un)möglicher Härtefall (Bluray) Intolerable Cruelty George Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Geoffrey Rush, Cedric the Entertainer, Edward Herrmann, Richard Jenkins, Billy Bob Thornton, Paul Adelstein, Julia Duffy, Jonathan Hadary, Tom Aldredge, Stacey Travis, Jack Kyle, Irwin Keyes, Judith Drake, Royce D. Applegate, George Ives, Booth Colman, Kristin Dattilo, Wendle Josepher, Mary Pat Gleason, Mia Cottet Dir. Joel Coen Komödie 2003 100min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037290 Unser Charly (08. Staffel, 13 Folgen) (3 DVDs) Ralf Lindermann, Delia Deborah Wagner, Mike Zobrys, Regina Lemnitz, Aurelio Malfa, Frank Behnke, Karin Thaler, Dominik Janisch, Judith Richter, Leonie-Benice Baeßler, Brigitte Böttrich - Dir. Christoph Klünker, Franz Josef Gottlieb, Monika Zinnenberg Komödie 2003 FF DD 2.0 (D) 585min. Edel Germany(AVIATOR EN) 08.10.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037200 Unter Mordverdacht Compelling Evidence Brigitte Nielsen, Danny Fendley, Dana Plato, Melissa Moore - Dir. Donald Farmer Thriller 1994 FF (D) 90min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037186 Unternehmen Wüstenfüchse Kriegsfilm Ltbx 16x9 (D) 88min. da music(Life Time) 10.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037180 Der Vater meiner Kinder Le Père De Mes Enfants Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Chiara Caselli, Alice de Lencquesaing, Alice Gautier, Manelle Driss, Eric Elmosnino, Sandrine Dumas, Dominique Frot - Dir. Mia Hansen-Løve Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) 110min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(farbfilm home entertainment) 25.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037156 Vengeance (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Fuk Sau Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Testud, Simon Yam, Anthony Wong, Ka-Tung Lam, Suet Lam, Felix Wong, Maggie Siu - Dir. Johnnie Seite 29 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) To Making of, Trailer Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Mehrsprachig) 108min. Koch Media 27.08.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037018 Vengeance (k.J.) Fuk Sau Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Testud, Simon Yam, Anthony Wong, Ka-Tung Lam, Suet Lam, Felix Wong, Maggie Siu - Dir. Johnnie To Making of, Trailer Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Mehrsprachig) 103min. Koch Media 27.08.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037017 Vera Brühne Corinna Harfouch, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Hans-Werner Meyer, Ulrich Noethen, Katja Flint, Udo Wachtveitl, Mavie Hörbiger, Fritz Wepper, Bernd Fischerauer, Kai Ivo Baulitz, Anton Pointecker, Maximilian Krückl, Alexander Held, Gerhard Wittmann, Philipp Moog, Mathias Freihof, Prof. Hark Bohm Dir. Prof. Hark Bohm Drama 2001 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 284min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037220 Vergessene Eastern Vol. 2: Wu Kung - Herr der blutigen Messer (k.J.) Mo Gui Tian Shi Lo Lieh, Billy Chan, Wai-Man Chan, Chun Chen, Hao Chen, Yeh Fang - Dir. Lo Lieh Western 1944 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 94min. Intergroove(Voulez Vous) 08.10.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037274 Vertraute Fremde Quartier Lointain Pascal Greggory, Jonathan Zaccaï, Alexandra Maria Lara, Leo Legrand, Laura Moisson, Pierre-Louis Bellet, Laura Martin Dir. Sam Garbarski Drama 2010 94min. Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) 26.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037039 Alternativer Anfang, Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar, Comic-Filme, Easter Eggs Das vierte Protokoll - Ein tödlicher Auftrag Elisabeth Volkmann, Erich Padalewski, Christina Lindberg, Jörg Nagel, Christina von Stratberg - Dir. Ernst Hobauer Episodenfilm 1973 min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037120 The Fourth Protocol Sir Michael Caine, Pierce Brosnan, Joanna Cassidy, Ned Beatty, Julian Glover, Michael Gough, Ray McAnally, Ian Richardson, Anton Rodgers, Betsy Brantley - Dir. John Mackenzie Thriller 1986 FF (D) 114min. da music(Live Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037052 Vorname Carmen Prénom Carmen Maruschka Detmers, Jacques Bonnaffé, Myriam Roussel, Christophe Odent, JeanLuc Godard, Hippolyte Girardot - Dir. JeanLuc Godard Bildergalerie, Postergalerie, Wendecover Drama/Komödie 1983 (D) (F) 81min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 18.11.2010 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037151 Bildergalerie, Trailer Eastern/Action 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 75min. Intergroove(Voulez Vous) 08.10.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037276 Vergessene Historienfilme Vol 3. Hexenjagd Kladivo Na Carodejnice Josef Bláha, Eduard Cupák, Elo Romancik, Vladimir Smeral, Sona Valentová, Josef Kemr, Lola Skrbková, Jirina Stepnicková Dir. Otakar Vavra Historienfilm 1970 102min. Intergroove(Starlight) 08.10.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037279 Vergessene Kriegsfilme Vol. 7 Verdammt zum Schweigen The Court Martial Of Billy Mitchell Gary Cooper, Charles Bickford, Ralph Bellamy, Rod Steiger, Elizabeth Montgomery, Fred Clark, James Daly, Jack Lord, Peter Graves, Darren McGavin - Dir. Otto Preminger Wendecover Drama 1955 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 77min. Intergroove(Voulez Vous) 08.10.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037275 Vergessene Western Vol. 11 - Die Range Busters Range Busters - Trouble On Texas Ray Corrigan, John ‘Dusty’ King, Max Terhune - Dir. S. Roy Luby LASER HOTLINE Jason Statham, Joan Allen, Ian McShane, Tyrese Gibson, Natalie Martinez, Max Ryan, Jason Clarke, Frederick Koehler, Jacob Vargas, Justin Mader, Robert LaSardo, Robin Shou, Janaya Stephens - Dir. Timur Bekmambetow, Paul W.S. Anderson Wag the Dog Wag The Dog Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro, Anne Heche, Woody Harrelson, Denis Leary, Willie Nelson, Andrea Martin, Michael Belson, Suzanne Cryer, John Michael Higgins, Suzie Plakson, Kirsten Dunst, William H. Macy, Craig T. Nelson - Dir. Barry Levinson Satire 1997 Ltbx 16x9 93min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.11.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037031 Walk the Line (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Walk The Line Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Ginnifer Goodwin, Robert Patrick, Dallas Roberts, Dan John Miller, Larry Bagby, Shelby Lynne, Tyler Hilton, Waylon Payne, Shooter Jennings, Sandra Lafferty, Dan Beene, Clay Steakley, Jonathan Rice, Johnny Holiday - Dir. James Mangold Drama/Musikfilm 2005 136min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037269 Wanted / Death Race (Extended Version) (2 Discs) (k.J.) Wanted / Death Race Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie, Terence Stamp, Thomas Kretschmann, Common, Kristen Hager, David O’Hara, Chris Pratt, Konstantin Khabenskij, Dato Bakhtadze, Lorna Scott, Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 221min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 07.10.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037286 Was Schulmädchen verschweigen (k.J.) Wasser und Blut Rivers Wash Over Me Derrick L. Middelton, Elizabeth Dennis, Aidan Schultz-Meyer, Darien Sills-Evans, Sonequa Martin, Duane McLaughlin - Dir. John G. Young Drama 2009 87min. Bildkraft Modersbach & Platte 03.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037166 John Wayne Classic Collection (3 DVDs) Die Spur der Rache / Der Unerbittliche / Der Mann ohne Gnade John Wayne Western 1934-1935 min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 17.09.2010 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037113 Weissensee (2 DVDs) Florian Lukas, Hannah Herzsprung, Uwe Kockisch, Katrin Saß, Ruth Reinecke, Jörg Hartmann, Anna Loos, Alma Leiberg, Stephan Grossmann, Sven Lehmann, Steffen Groth, Jonas Hämmerle, Chantal Hourticolon, Hansjürgen Hürrig, Christina Große, Gitta Schweighöfer, Bernhard Piesk, Volker Ranisch, Marko Bräutigam, Judith von Radetzky - Dir. Friedemann Fromm Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 (D) 270min. KNM Home Entertainment 19.10.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037293 Windtalkers (+ Director’s Cut auf DVD, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Windtalkers Nicolas Cage, Adam Beach, Peter Stormare, Noah Emmerich, Mark Ruffalo, Brian Van Holt, Martin Henderson, Roger Willie, Frances O’Connor, Christian Slater, Jason Isaacs, Billy Morts, Cameron Thor, Kevin Cooney, Holmes Osborne, Keith Campbell, Clayton Barber, Scott Atkinson, Jeremy Davidson, Brian F. Maynard, Albert Smith, James D. Dever - Dir. John Woo Kriegsfilm/Drama 2001 134min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037270 Seite 30 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) The Wire - Die komplette erste Staffel (5 DVDs) The Wire Dominic West, John Doman, Wendell Pierce, Lance Reddick, Deirdre Lovejoy, Sonja Sohn, Seth Gilliam, Domenick Lombardozzi Thriller/Drama 2002-2008 min. Warner Home Video Germany 12.11.2010 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037066 Wolfman / American Werewolf in London (2 Discs) The Wolfman / An American Werewolf In London Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin, Kiran Shah, Art Malik, Elizabeth Croft, Simon Merrells, Emma Whelan, Mario MarinBorquez, Asa Butterfield, Cristina Contes, Malcolm Scates, Nicholas Day, Michael Cronin, David Sterne, David Schofield, Roger Frost, Rob Dixon, Clive Russell, Oliver Adams, Emil Hostina, Rick Baker, Emily Cohen, Jessica Manley, Olga Fedori, Lorraine Hilton, Sir Antony Sher, David Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Dunne, John Woodvine, Frank Oz, Anne-Marie Davies, Paddy Ryan - Dir. Joe Johnston, John Landis Alternative Enden, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, BD-Live, iPhone App, Picture-in-Picture, Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Vom Storyboard zum Film, Bildergalerie, Making of Horror/Fantasy 1981-2010 Ltbx DTS (D) DD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 216min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 07.10.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037287 Wrong Side Of Town Dave Batista, Rob Van Dam, Lara Grice, Edrick Browne, Ava Santana, Stormy Daniels, Randal Reeder, Jerry Katz, Louis Herthum, Brooke Frost, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, Nelson Frazier Jr. - Dir. David DeFalco Action/Komödie 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) (E) 89min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 26.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037110 X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Extended Version, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) X-Men Origins: Wolverine Hugh Jackman, Danny Huston, Ryan Reynolds, Liev Schreiber, Dominic Monaghan, Lynn Collins, Will.I.Am, Daniel Henney, Kevin Durand - Dir. Gavin Hood Audiokommentar, Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Alternative Fassung, Alternatives Filmende, BD Live Action/Fantasy 2009 107min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Limited Cinedition) 05.11.2010 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037271 Die zwei Leben des Daniel Shore (+ Kurzfilm) Nikolai Kinski, Katharina Schüttler, Morjana Alaoui, Sean Gullette, Judith Engel, Matthias Matschke, Bernd Tauber, Lukas Muckenfuß, Susana Fernandes-Genebra - Dir. Michael Dreher Bildergalerie, Interviews, Kurzfilm, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover, Hintergrundinfo Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 91min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 18.11.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037149 World’s Greatest Dad Zwei wilde Draufgänger World’s Greatest Dad Robin Williams, Daryl Sabara, Tom Kenny, Geoffrey Pierson, Henry Simmons, Toby Huss - Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.0 (E) 94min. Planet Media Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037154 Uomini Duri Lino Ventura, Isaac Hayes, Fred Williamson, Paula Kelly, William Berger, Vittorio Sanipoli, Lorella de Luca, Mario Erpichini, Jess Hahn, Guido Leontini - Dir. Duccio Tessari Action 1974 (D) 70min. da music(Life Time Audio) 27.08.2010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037053 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037042 The Doors: When You’re Strange (Blu-ray) When You’re Strange Jim Morrison, John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek - Dir. Tom DiCillo Interviews, Bildergalerie, Presseheft, Wendecover Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) PCM 2.0 (E) 85min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 04.11.2010 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037064 Friedensschlag Dir. Gerardo Milsztein Trailer, Interview Dokumentarfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 111min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Boomtown) 15.10.2010 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037281 IMAX: Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk (Blu-ray) Adrenaline Rush: The Science Of Risk Adrian Nicholas, Katarina Olikainen, Charles Bryan, Jon Devore, Mike Vail, George Morris - Dir. Marc Fafard Sport 2002 min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037243 IMAX: Dinosaurier - Fossilien zum Leben erweckt! (Blu-ray 3D) (Bluray) Dinosaurs Alive Dir. David Clark, Bayley Silleck Making of ( Engl. mit dt. UT), Trailer, BD Live Dokumentarfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 40min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037081 IMAX: Dinosaurier - Giganten Patagoniens Dinosaurs: Giants Of Patagonia Dir. Marc Fafard Featurette World’s Greatest Dad (Blu-ray) World’s Greatest Dad Robin Williams, Daryl Sabara, Tom Kenny, Geoffrey Pierson, Henry Simmons, Toby Huss - Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. Planet Media Home Entertainment 02.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037162 Wrong Side of Town Wrong Side Of Town Dave Batista, Rob Van Dam, Lara Grice, Edrick Browne, Ava Santana, Stormy Daniels, Randal Reeder, Jerry Katz, Louis Herthum, Brooke Frost, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, Nelson Frazier Jr. - Dir. David DeFalco Action/Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (E) 85min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment) 26.11.2010 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037096 Wrong Side of Town (Blu-ray) LASER HOTLINE Special Interest Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin Anna Halprin - Dir. Ruedi Gerber Interviews, Diashow, Making of Dokumentarfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.1 (D) DD 2.1 (E) 80min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Projektor) 25.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037178 The Doors: When You’re Strange When You’re Strange Jim Morrison, John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek - Dir. Tom DiCillo Interviews, Bildergalerie, Presseheft, Wendecover Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) PCM 2.0 (E) 82min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 04.11.2010 Trickfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 40min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037292 IMAX: Dinosaurier - Giganten Patagoniens (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Dinosaurs: Giants Of Patagonia Dir. Marc Fafard Featurette, BD-Live, Trailer Trickfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 45min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037245 IMAX: Dinosaurier - Giganten Patagoniens (Blu-ray) Dinosaurs: Giants Of Patagonia Dir. Marc Fafard Featurette, BD-Live, Trailer Trickfilm 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 45min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037244 IMAX: Ultimate G’s (Blu-ray) Seite 31 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) Ultimate G’s: Zac’s Flying Dream Dir. Keith Meldon Dokumentarfilm 2000 min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.12.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037242 IMAX: Wild Ocean (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Wild Ocean 3D Dir. Luke Cresswell, Steve McNicholas Interview, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer LASER HOTLINE Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 42min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.11.2010 tba BestellNr.: 20037082 Loriot - Loriot und die Musik (5 DVDs) Loriot Humor/Sketch min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.11.2010 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037032 Günter Wallraff: Schwarz auf Weiß Günter Wallraff - Dir. Susanne Jäger, Pagonis Pagonakis Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2009 min. Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) 05.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20037029 Seite 32 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 90min. 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095016 Animation Angelina Ballerina: The Nutcracker Sweet Waltz into a land of sugar and spice with Angelina Ballerina! Angelina is excited to perform the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the holiday showcase, but her sweet tooth may lead her to trouble. When too many candy canes and Mom’s fabulous fruitcake give her a tummy ache, Angelina learns that sharing with friends is a lot more rewarding. Grab a front row seat for these charming new episodes and you’ll be dancing on air with musical delight! Ballet, Christmas, Dancing, Holidays, Animated Animals 2010 min. Hit Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095399 Bamboo Blade: Complete Series It didn’t take long for pint-sized Tamaki’s lightning reflexes to catch the eye of starving Kendo instructor Toraji. This second-rate sensei is an embarrassment to the sport, and his Kendo club is running out of members. His only hope for redemption - and a full belly - is to get Tamaki to sign-on as his star pupil. Unfortunately, this sword-wielding prodigy is a serious anime addict, so it’ll be a challenge to get her to step away from the television and into the dojo. But once she feels like a part of the team, Tamaki will put down the remote and pick up her sword as Toraji turns his girls into a fearsome sisterhood of the bamboo blade! Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Sports 2007 650min. Funimation 19.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095397 Fantasia / Fantasia 2000: 2 Movie Collection - 2 Disc Special Edition Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Classical Music, Classics, Disney, Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Animated Feature Films 200min. Disney / Buena Vista 30.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095187 Fantasia / Fantasia 2000: 2 Movie Collection - 4 Disc Special Edition (Blu-ray) Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Animated Feature Films, Classical Music, Classics, Disney, Double Features, Family, Fantasy 200min. Disney / Buena Vista 30.11.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095196 Free To Be...You And Me: Special 36th Anniversary Edition ABC, Family, Musical 1974 45min. Hen’s Tooth 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095261 Fullmetal Alchemist: The Complete Second Season Barbie As Rapunzel Fantasy 84min. Universal Studios 16.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095424 Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Part 1 Birdy is a jaw-dropping, pin-up sensation with a secret. Under the cover of darkness, this dream girl becomes a bad guy’s worst nightmare. Birdy dons her crime-fighting costume and hits the street as a lethal, interstellar federation agent charged with nailing the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy. Her latest case involves a gang of extraterrestrial terrorists and a stolen space weapon that could nuke every living thing on Earth. Birdy’s got the moves to stop them dead in their tracks, but there’s one big problem: she’s got a nasty habit of going berserk, and somebody always gets hurt. Yeah, Birdy may be dreamy, but she’s also the only thing more dangerous than the bad guys. Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Superheroes 2008 300min. Funimation 26.10.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095401 When the Elric brothers recklessly attempted to raise their mother from the dead, the horrors they unleaded marked the beginning of a long journey into the darkest corners of the cruelty of mankind. Now, destinies are converging for those who remain to fight for the light of salvation. The hunt for the truth behind truths is growing more desperate, and ruined Ishbal waits at the end of the road chocked with wreckage both human and soulless. Amid rumors of new war and resurrected horror of the past, hidden masters rush their pawns down this path of betrayal and doubt. As these seekers of the Philosopher’s Stone grasp for answers, the most sacred tenet of Alchemy is questioned - The law of Equivalent Exchange. But the harshest judgment is reserved for the belief on which the Elrics have built their lives - the faith in an unbreakable bond between brother. Weary and broken, Edward and Alphonse must face the ultimate sacrifice. Will it be enough to make them whole? Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 2004 600min. Funimation 26.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095402 Garfield’s Pet Force 3D Bleach: Box Set 7 Frank Welker Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Adventure 300min. Viz Entertainment 21.12.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095182 Snacking, napping, fighting aliens - it’s all in a day’s work for Garfield! One minute, Garfield and his pals are having a cookout, the next, they’re engaged in a super battle with a sinister alien and her army of zombies! When an evil comic book demoness tries to make everyone in Cartoon World her slaves, all the comic strip characters become superheroes in order to thwart her. Well, all except Garfield, who thinks being a superhero sounds like too much work! But when he sees all his friends in trouble, the fat cat might have to rise to the occasion! Delgo (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Burt Reynolds, Malcolm McDowell, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr., Anne Bancroft, Kelly Ripa, Val Kilmer, Michael Clarke Duncan, Chris Kattan When a forgotten enemy returns, the fate of the world lies with a spirited princess and an unlikely hero. Take an exciting journey to a spectacular realm of magic, fantasy, romance, and adventure. Featuring the voice talents of a dazzling array of stars including Freddie Prinze, Jr., Jennifer Love Hewitt, Anne Bancroft, Chris Kattan, Val Kilmer, Malcolm McDowell, Louis Gossett, Jr., Michael Clarke Duncan, Eric Idle, Kelly Ripa and Burt Reynolds, Delgo is „and epic tale of love, war and heroism“ (Popjournalism) that will enthrall you from beginning to end! Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Feature Films 2008 LASER HOTLINE Based On A Comic Strip, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, 3D, Animated Animals 2009 73min. 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095303 Have A Laugh: Volume 1 If you think you know Mickey Mouse, guess again! Have A Laugh and discover why Mickey and his friends are still the funniest, most adventurous, and coolest characters you’ll ever meet! Whoop it up when a mischievous baby seal hides out in Mickey’s bathtub. Shriek with laughter as ghost hunters Goofy, Donald and Mickey are scared silly by four spirited spooks. Then, get ready to roar when Goofy attempts to hook up his new, high-tech home theater system and - „BLAM!“ - things go hilariously haywire! Fully restored and remastered, these awesome cartoons also feature a new „Re-MICKS“ - a mash-up music video of crazy cartoon clips remixed to the hit song „Another One Bites the Dust“ from Queen. It’s a fresh take on classic comedy that’ll have you laughing and singing out loud. So sit back and get ready to Have A Laugh! Comedy, Disney, Family, Animated Animals 73min. Disney / Buena Vista 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095537 Have A Laugh: Volume 2 If you think you know Mickey Mouse, guess again! Have A Laugh and discover why Mickey and his friends are still the funniest, most adventurous and coolest characters you’ll ever meet! Howl with laughter as „Conductor Pete“ nearly derails Mickey and Pluto’s train ride. Get set to „quack up“ when Donald battles a noisy alarm clock and a feisty folding bed. Then, join Goofy on a sidesplitting ski trip as - „BLAM!“ - he hits the slopes...really hard! And the fun doesn’t end there! Fully restored and remastered, these incredible cartoons also feature a new „Re-MICKS“ - a mash-up music video of crazy cartoon clips remixed to the hit song „He Could Be The One“ from Hannah Montana. It’s a cool spin on classic comedy that’ll have you laughing out loud! Jam-packed with fun in every frame, Have A Laugh: Volume 2 is must-own entertainment! Comedy, Disney, Family, Animated Animals 63min. Disney / Buena Vista 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095538 He-Man & She-Ra: Christmas Special The holiday season comes to the magical worlds of Eternia and Etheria in the He-man & She-Ra Christmas Special! When Orko accidentally wind up on Earth during the Christmas winter, he befriends two children share stories of the goodwill and merriment that the holidays embrace. When they finally return to Eternia, the holiday spirit is spread amongst the entire Royal Palace, but the overflowing goodwill attracts the unwelcome attention of Horde Prime and Skeletor. Will the combined power of He-Man, She-Ra and the spirit of Christmas be enough to stop them? Superheroes, Christmas, Family, Holidays min. Classic Media 12.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095338 Hetalia Axis Powers: Season Two Forget everything you learned in history class, and imagine all the nations of the world as cute guys hanging out on a wildly inappropriate reality show. Now, toss in every stereotype ever and prepare to pledge allegiance to your favorite superpower in Hetalia Axis Powers! Maybe you’ll surrender to Italy’s charms. He’s a sweetie who’s always got a noodle in his mouth and he’s bff with blue-eyed Germany and shy Japan. Sounds nice, right? Of course, their friendship sort of causes world war II, but is that really such a big deal? Not if it means those adorable allies France, America, and England will be stormin’ the beach! No matter who comes out on top, victory is yours! Now ditch your textbooks and try to keep up, because history happens fast in Hetalia Axis Powers! Anime, Comedy, Educational, Foreign, International TV, Japanese 2008 130min. Funimation 26.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095403 HIT Favorites: Snow Days / Frosty Friends (Double Feature) Double Features, Educational, Family, Preschool, Stop Motion Animation min. Hit Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095428 Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: Season 1 - Part 2 Adventure, Cartoon Network, Computer Animation, Science Fiction 2010 min. Warner Bros. 07.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095264 Kurau Phantom Memory: The Complete Series Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) The only thing more deadly than Kurau is the secret hidden inside her.. Her name is Kurau, and in a world of mercenary agents, she’s the cream of the elite; a master martial artist and thief so skilled that no secret or objective is beyond her grasp. The greatest secret of all, however, is the one Kurau conceals inside herself: The freak result of a distastrous experiment with a new kind of energy, Kurau’s body has been fused with a binary alien life form called the Rynax. Every second Kurau lives is lived twice, one alien sharing her consciousness, the other still waiting to be born... and now none of those lives may last very long! The truth about Kurau has begun to leak out, a worldwide manhunt has been launched and now the ulitmate agent is the ultimate target. From the craters of the moon to the most dangerous corners of the Earth, the action explodes at every turn in the acclaimed masterpiece from the creators behind Rahxephon and Fullmetal Alchemist: Kurau Phanto Thrillers, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Aliens 2004 600min. Funimation 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095398 LEGO: Hero Factory - Rise Of The Rookies Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Computer Animation, Family, Action 2010 88min. Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095176 Linebarrels Of Iron: OVA The collection begins with Rachel Calvin, a young American genius who encounters ravenous wild beasts, credit card crushing bulldozers, and steamy hot springs on her way to JUDA headquarters. Upon finally arriving at her destination, she stumbles upon scenes of debauchery that will leave her glasses foggy for days! And that’s just the beginning! Fans will see more of their favorite Linebarrels characters than ever before as the JUDA crew slips out of their uniforms and into their swimsuits for a trip to the beach! This collection is so unbelievably red hot - you’ll have to see it to believe it! Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Giant Robots, International TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Romance 50min. Funimation 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095394 Linebarrels Of Iron: Season Two Kouichi Hayase is everything you never wanted in a hero. He’s a cocky flyboy whose bad attitude and reckless antics endanger everyone around him. Sound like a nightmare? Well, it’s even worse. Thanks to Kouichi’s partnership with the revolutionary Linebarrel mecha, he’s the only one who can save humanity from a deadly race of alien invaders. With his dream girl missing and his best friend back from the dead, Kouichi must join forces with an unlikely ally to prevent the pulverization of his precious planet. The time is now for Kouichi to prove he has what it takes to become a true „Hero of Justice.“ Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Giant Robots, International TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Romance 300min. Funimation 05.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095393 Looney Tunes Super Stars: Foghorn Leghorn & Friends Barnyard Bigmouth Animated Animals, Computer Animation, Disney, Family 70min. Disney / Buena Vista 07.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095080 One Piece: Season Three - Third Voyage Tales of a lost land of gold lured Luffy and his crew to the mysterious realm of Skypiea, but their dreams of untold riches quickly turned to nightmares thanks to the menacing minions of a devious deity! One by one, the stalwart Straw Hats are separated from their mates and forced to participate in a deadly contest where survival is the name of the game. Poisonous pythons of prolific size, Shandorian warriors with bazookas that burn, prize-fighting pooches that pack a mean punch, and balloon-shaped bad guys with a score to settle are just a few of the horrors which haunt this once-peaceful land! Ruled by Eneru - a fiend who fights with the power of thunder and lightning - the city of clouds becomes a twisting trail of terrible tribulations for these pirates in the hands of an angry god! Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Pirates, Adventure 1999 325min. Funimation 26.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095405 The Original Christmas Classics (Blu-ray) Christmas, Classics, Family, Holidays, Rankin / Bass, Stop Motion Animation min. Classic Media 12.10.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095352 Paniponi Dash!: Complete Collection The girls of Momotsuki Academy’s Class 1-C are starting their 10th grade year with a brand-new teacher. The good news? The new teacher is an MIT grad. The bad news? She’s only 11 years old! So, while Becky Miyamoto may be an intellectual titan, this child prodigy is painfully ill-equipped to deal with a group of temperamental teens, especially this group. There’s the bitchy heather, the ADD spazz, the angry nerd, the identical twins, the invisible girl, the freaky class president, the drama geek, the Nancy Drew, the gamer and the princess! Whew! As of that weren’t enough mayhemic potential, add a pathetic, perpetually abused stuffed bunny and idiotic aliens watching her every move. It’s no wonder that that Becky’s prone to crying fits, tirades and flipping the class the bird. Now all 26 episodes of the classroom comedy that sets a new high score for zaniness and laugh-out-loud wackiness have been brought together in one complete collection. Burl Ives Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min. Warner Bros. 30.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095120 LASER HOTLINE Rev up the fun with „Road Racin’ Mickey“ and all your Clubhouse pals in a full-length adventure that’ll have you movin’ and groovin’ all the way to the finish line! Join the gang on a wild ride through Mickey Park, the desert, Mistletoe Mountain and the jungle! Along the way, you’ll help pick the right Mousketools and find „Mickey Markers“ that unlock special surprises. And, share the excitement when Toodles and Goofy team up to rescue „Piston Pete.“ There’s laughter and fast-paced fun around every corner in Road Rally! Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Blu-ray) Looney Tunes Super Stars: Tweety & Sylvester - Feline Fwenzy Christmas, Holidays min. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Road Rally Anime, Comedy, Foreign, High School, International TV, Japanese 625min. Funimation 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095406 Comedy, Animated Animals min. Warner Bros. 30.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095121 Madeline’s Christmas & Other Wintery Tales Shout Factory 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095531 The most famous reindeer of all.. Remember when Santa called upon Rudolph to guide his sleigh that foggy Christmas night? Relive the adventures of Rudolph and friends as they help save Christmas and have some fun along the way. Told and sung by Burl Ives. This Original Christmas Classic is a must-have for the holidays! TV Movies, Rankin / Bass, Stop Motion Animation, Animated Animals, Christmas, Classics, Family, Holidays 1964 min. Classic Media 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095351 She-Ra: Princess Of Power Season One - Volume 1 Adventure, Fantasy 1985 min. Classic Media 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095116 Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back Comet is a super-smart chimp who dreams of blasting off into outer space and visiting Planet Malgor, but no one at Mission Control will take him seriously. Then, when he least expects it, a fantastic accident happens and Comet finds himself rocketing through space on his own. Meanwhile, Mission Control needs Comet to return to Earth to save the planet from the evil dictator Zartog. If Comet accomplishes this mission, he’ll go from being the guy no one believed the ultimate Space Chimp! Science Fiction, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2010 75min. 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095305 Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back (3D) Comet is a super-smart chimp who dreams of blasting off into outer space and visiting Planet Malgor, but no one at Mission Control will take him seriously. Then, when he least expects it, a fantastic accident happens and Comet finds himself rocketing through space on his own. Meanwhile, Mission Control needs Comet to return to Earth to save the planet from the evil dictator Zartog. If Comet accomplishes this mission, he’ll go from being the guy no one believed the ultimate Space Chimp! Science Fiction, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, 3D, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2010 75min. 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095304 Space Chimps 2-Pack Science Fiction, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, 2 Packs, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films min. 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095307 Thomas & Friends: Holiday Express All aboard for snowmen, Christmas trees and festive train rides! When you ride the rails with your jolly friends, you never know what to expect. Enjoy exciting adventures filled with lucky trucks, Christmas puddings, surprise parties and much, much more. Join Henry, Emily, Percy, and Thomas for trainloads of fun in the Holiday Express! Christmas, Family, Holidays 2010 48min. Hit Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095426 Thomas & Friends: Merry Winter Wish Thomas has a special delivery for the season - the Star of Knapford, a festive light that makes wishes come true! Celebrate the holiday season with Thomas - from building snowmen, preparing holiday surprises, and celebrating a Misty Island Christmas party. The more friends the merrier, so join the fun and see that winter wishes do come true with Thomas & Friends! Christmas, Family, Holidays 2010 50min. Hit Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095427 Thomas & Friends: Thomas’ Halloween Adventures / Percy’s Ghostly Trick (Double Feature) Double Features, Family 97min. Hit Entertainment 21.09.2010 Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095034 Tokyo Majin: Complete Series The harrowing back alleys of Tokyo are the site of the goriest supernatural rumble ever! Undead foot soldiers, commanded by a mysterious dark master, scour the urban underworld in search of a deadly apocalyptic power. With the police helpless in the face of unspeakable horrors, the world turns to five high school heroes - the students of Tokyo Majin. Armed with amazing powers, this misfit band of coeds does battle with everything from alchemists to zombies. And just when they think it’s time to head back to study hall, the fires of hell ignite - threatening to bring destruction and chaos to the streets of Tokyo. Forget about prom dresses and final exams, these unlikely saviors have the fate of the world resting on their shoulders. Action, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 650min. Funimation 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095395 The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss: There Is Nothing To Fear In Here Scare up some fun this Halloween with the Cat in the Hat in three spine-tingling episodes! In „There Is Nothing to Fear in Here,“ the grumpy Grinch gets a taste of his own medicine when the Seussville folks give him a scare. Then, in „The Blag Bludder Beast,“ the people of Troomph are thankful when Yertle unknowingly „conquers“ a frightening mystical creature. And finally, Binky shares a dark tale about the adventures he has had with his goldfish in „Norval The Great.“ So, come along into the Cat’s playhouse and enjoy the wonderful Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss! Holidays, Puppets min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095429 Trigun: Complete Series Vash the Stampede is a wanted man with a habit of turning entire towns into rubble. The price on his head is a fortune, and his path of destruction reaches across the arid wastelands of a desert planet. Unfortunately, most encounters with the spiky-haired gunslinger don’t end well for the bounty hunters who catch up with him; someone almost always gets hurt - and it’s never Vash. Oddly enough, for such an infamous fugitive, there’s no proof that he’s ever taken a life. In fact, he’s a pacifist with a doughnut obsession who’s more doofus than desperado. There’s a whole lot more to him than his reputation lets on - Vash the Stampede definitely ain’t your typical outlaw. Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction, Western, Action 1998 650min. Funimation 26.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095407 Ultimate Toy Box Collection (Bluray) Toy Story 2 Toy Story 3 Boxed Sets, Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Feature Films min. Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095435 Welcome To The N-H-K.: Complete Series Sato’s life - or what’s left of it - is a paranoid mess of conspiracy theories and social anxieties. He’s terrified of the outside world; his apartment is overflowing with the remnants of cheap take-out food; and his retinas have been permanently scarred by a steady diet of internet porn. But maybe it’s not all his fault. After all, the nefarious N-H-K is out there, and they’re determined to turn society’s fringe-dwellers into a brainwashed lot of jobless, hopeless, futureless recluses. Enter Misaki - a mysterious girl-next-door type who is Sato’s last chance to beat down his inner demons and venture out into the light of day. She’s ready to help him overcome his crippling phobias, but Sato would rather cower in his existential foxhole and pretend to work on the demo for his virtual sex game.. He’s afraid to face the world. She’s strangely desperate to fix a total stranger. Maybe together they can be normal. Anime, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Conspiracies, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Sexy Comedies 2006 600min. Funimation 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095396 Wolverine And The X-Men: The Complete Series Action, Based On Comic Book, Family, Science Fiction, Superheroes 2009 min. Lionsgate 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095355 Wolverine And The X-Men: The Complete Series (Blu-ray) Based On Comic Book, Family, Science LASER HOTLINE Fiction, Superheroes, Action 2009 598min. Lionsgate 12.10.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095387 Film 12 Men Of Christmas Kristen Chenowith Emmy Winner Kristin Chenoweth stars in this hilarious story about baring it all for a cause. When New York publicist E.J. Baxter (Chenoweth) loses both her job and her fiance at the office Christmas party, she does what anyone would do - she takes a job in Montana! Now, to help the local search-andrescue station raise funds, E.J. must convince 12 men to pose naked for a calendar. And soon, she finds herself wanting to make room in her own calendar for one of the hunky rescuers! TV Movies, Romance, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 2009 87min. 20th Century Fox 23.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095290 2001 Maniacs (Blu-ray) Robert Englund, Lin Shaye, Christa Campbell, Giuseppe Andrews, Marla Leigh Malcolm, Travis Tritt, Jay Gillespie On their way to spring break, a group of college kids take a detour through an old Southern town. The people of Pleasant Valley insist the kids stay for their annual barbecue celebration...but instead of getting a taste of the old South, the old South gets a taste of them! Cannibalism, Horror 2005 min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095292 2012: Supernova When a star in a nearby galaxy becomes unstable and goes supernova, an astrophysicist puts together a dangerous and desperate plan to sheild the Earth from the destructive burst of radiation heading toward it. Science Fiction, Action, Disasters 91min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095237 2012: Supernova (Blu-ray) When a star in a nearby galaxy becomes unstable and goes supernova, an astrophysicist puts together a dangerous and desperate plan to sheild the Earth from the destructive burst of radiation heading toward it. Science Fiction, Disasters, Action 91min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095268 30 Days Of Night / Prom Night (2Pack) (Blu-ray) High School, Horror, 2 Packs, Slasher, Thrillers, Vampires min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095045 5.k.1 Two best friends have to choose between life in the streets and loyalty when they are indicted with the help of an informant, which causes everyone to be a suspect in the boss’eyes. Action, Drama, Gangs 2009 108min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095483 5.k.1 (Blu-ray) Two best friends have to choose between life in the streets and loyalty when they are indicted with the help of an informant, which causes everyone to be a suspect in the boss’eyes. Drama, Gangs, Action 2009 108min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095506 Aaah! Zombies!! Zombies. You know ‘em, you love ‘em. But what do they think of you? In this hilarious twist on the Classic Zombie Tale, we see the world through Zombie eyes when a barrel full of Toxic Goo transforms four friends in to the Walking Dead, and suddenly, it seems every one else has gone mad. In the most unique Zombie story in years, the Zombies embark on a bumbling quest to find the „Truth“, completely unaware of their rotting undeadness. After all, Zombies are people too. Zombies, Comedy 2008 90min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095138 The Adventures Of Robin Hood Errol Flynn, Eugene Pallette, Basil Rathbone, Olivia de Havilland, Alan Hale, Claude Raines National Film Registry, Swashbucklers, Action, Adventure, Classics, Historical / Period Piece, Medieval Times 1938 102min. Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095023 Aegri Somnia Thrillers, Horror 90min. Allegro Entertainment 13.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095049 Agora Rachel Weisz, Oscar Isaac, Max Minghella, Rupert Evans Set in ancient Egypt under Roman rule, Agora follows the brilliant and beautiful astronomer Hypatia (Weisz) who leads a group of disciples fighting to save the wisdom of the ancient world, as violent religious upheaval spills into the streets of Alexandria. Among these disciples are two men competing for her heart: the witty, privileged Orestes (Isaac) and Davus (Minghella), Hypatia’s young slave, who is torn between his secret love for her and the freedom he knows can be his if he chooses to join the unstoppable surge of the Christians. Spanish, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama, Epics, Foreign 2009 126min. Lionsgate 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095534 Alarm Talented Irish director Gerard Stembridge (Kate Hudson’s About Adam) turns to classic suspense territory with Alarm. Molly (Ruth Bradley of Flyboys with James Franco) flees the big city of Dublin for the safety of the suburbs and a quieter life. But Molly soon realizes everyone else nearby is commuting to work and that her lovely neighborhood is really a ghost town during the day. Insecurity mounts when Molly’s home is broken into. A new alarm system and even a handsome new boyfriend (Aidan Turner of the brilliant UK series Being Human) don’t relieve Molly’s anxiety as it becomes increasingly unclear whether she’s genuinely a target or just genuinely disturbed. Thrillers 104min. MPI 30.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095496 All American Orgy Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Laura Silverman, Adam Busch 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095474 Nothing is more relaxing then a trip to cottage country with a group of friends. Enjoying the outdoors, beers by the lake, and a friendly orgy... Hoping to broaden their horizons and save their relationships, see the mayhem that ensues when three couples mix sex, drugs and alcohol in a crazy weekend getaway to Cummings Farm. Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2009 DD 5.1 98min. Phase 4 Films 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095205 All In The Family: The Complete Seventh Season Rob Reiner, Sally Struthers, Jean Stapleton, Billy Crystal, Bernadette Peters, Doris Roberts CBS, Classics, Comedy 1976 min. Shout Factory 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095224 When a merciless bear poacher is caught and arrested deep in the woods of a state park, he and his truck are taken to a neglected precinct in the heart of a dying city. Unbeknownst to the authorities, the impounded truck holds a deadly cargo in the form of the legendary Sasquatch! Now, stuck in an unfamiliar world, the creature will let nothing and no one stop it from coming face-to-face with the unscrupulous man who ruthlessly ripped it from its environment. Taking an inventive and action packed approach, „Assault of the Sasquatch“ breaths new and exciting life into the immortal legend of Bigfoot Horror min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095140 Astaire And Rogers Ultimate Collector’s Edition Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire The Barkleys Of Broadway. Carefree. Flying Down To Rio. Follow The Fleet. The Gay Divorcee. Roberta. Shall We Dance. The Story Of Vernon & Irene Castle. Swing Time. Top Hat. All My Friends Are Funeral Singers: Collector’s Edition Music, Thrillers, Art House, Comedy, Drama 2009 84min. Indiepix 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095460 All The President’s Men Hal Holbrook, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Robards, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam The most devastating detective story of the century!. In the Watergate Building, lights go on and four burglars are caught in the act. That night triggered revelations that drove a US President from office. Washington reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (Redford, Hoffman) grabbed the story and stayed with it through doubts, denials, discouragement. Directed by Alan J. Pakula and based on the Woodward/ Bernstein book, the film won four 1976 Academy Awards® (Best Supporting Actor / Jason Robards, Adaptation Screenplay / William Goldman, Art Direction and Sound). It also explores a working newspaper, where the mission is to get the story - and get it right. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Conspiracies 1976 min. Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095024 Amhurst Reeling from a marriage on the brink, Rebecca Cabot (Amy Tiehel), along with her two young children, Alex (Alec Hogan) and Jessie (Stephanie Hullar), travel back to her childhood home where she will confront the horrors of her young life and the fifteen year old mystery of her twin sister’s disappearance. She plans to attend her grandfather’s funeral, settle his estate and get out, but the secrets of her dark past in Amhurst are about to be resurrected. And now Rebecca finds herself caught in a nightmare she and her family may not survive. Thrillers, Horror 2008 107min. Passion River 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095065 Musical, Romance, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Hollywood Legends min. Warner Bros. 12.10.2010 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095101 Attack On Darfur Billy Zane, Edward Furlong, Kristanna Loken Attack On Darfur, which stars Billy Zane, Edward Furlong and Kristanna Loken, is the story of a group of Western journalists in Sudan who visit a small village to gather footage and interviews in hopes of reporting on the atrocities they have seen. When they hear that the Janjaweed are heading towards the village, they are confronted with the dilemma of whether to run for safety or to stay behind and attempt to avert the village’s slaughter. In a land of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent off to war as a Knight Templar. Separated from his one true love, Arnmust fight the forces of a cruel and jealous world to survive. Action, Adventure, Drama, Medieval Times 2007 133min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095442 Arn: The Knight Templar (Blu-ray) In a land of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent off to war as a Knight Templar. Separated from his one true love, Arnmust fight the forces of a cruel and jealous world to survive. Drama, Medieval Times, Action, Adventure 2007 133min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 Thai, Comedy, Foreign, Action 2009 87min. Image Ent. 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095342 Barking Water Frankie (Richard Ray Whitman) is dying. Irene (Casey Camp-Horinek) hasn’t forgiven him for his past. Racing against time to find their way home, Frankie needs help and Irene is the one he turns to. Frankie, being an American Indian, dying in Indian country makes his homeward journey inherently symbolic: Just as the elderly couple drives their old Volvo wagon to a certain funeral, the old ways are dying, too. He must go home one last time. And, like so many times before, Irene is extending herself beyond her common sense. The two set out on a journey that becomes more than getting home; confronting the past, love, understanding, and self discovery. Barking Water is a tale of great love that looks at what brings us all together. It’s a tale of home...and what it takes to get there. Drama 2009 min. Kino Video 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095135 The Battle Of The River Plate (Pursuit Of The Graf Spee) Ian Hunter, Bernard Lee, Christopher Lee, Anthony Quayle, Peter Finch, John Gregson Two weeks after the start ofWW2, a powerful German pocket battleship, the Graf Spee, sails the South Atlantic destroying Allied merchant ships at will. Captained by one of Germany’s most brilliant naval officers, the Graf Spee, with her superior speed and artillery, appears and disappears, sinking ship after ship. When the Allies are finally able to pinpoint its location a trap is set, pitting British intelligence against a wily and powerful military opponent. War, Action 2009 S 104min. Phase 4 Films 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095211 War, World War II, Action, Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign, High Seas 1956 119min. Hen’s Tooth 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095166 Bad Lieutenant: Special Edition (Blu-ray) Bedknobs And Broomsticks: Enchanted Musical Edition Harvey Keitel, Paul Hipp, Frankie Thorn, Robin Burrows, Victor Argo, Paul Calderone, Leonard Thomas Roddy McDowall, Angela Lansbury, Sam Jaffe, John Ericson, David Tomlinson Musical, Adventure, Family, Fantasy 1971 min. Disney / Buena Vista 08.09.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095334 He has survived on the streets for twenty years. He’s a gambler...a thief...a junkie...a killer and a cop. Now he’s investigating the most shocking case of his life, and as he moves closer to the truth his self-destructive past in closing in. Harvey Keitel gives a searing performance as an out-ofcontrol police detective on a collision course with disaster in director Abel Ferrara’s brilliant and deeply disturbing drama. Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Cops, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Action, Art House 1992 min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095294 Bangkok Adrenaline Arn: The Knight Templar LASER HOTLINE Assault Of The Sasquatch when they discover the mob boss wants his daughter dead. The clock is ticking, the debt is due and now two mob bosses are closing in for the kill. The five will now have to fight with every ounce of skill they have to save the girl, get the money and get out of Bangkok...alive. Five friends have come to Bangkok for good times and better action, but at night’s end, they find themselves broke and in debt to a ruthless local mobster. They hatch a simple plan stage a kidnapping of the rival mob boss’ daughter, demand a ransom and buy back their freedom. But the plan backfires when they discover the mob boss wants his daughter dead. The clock is ticking, the debt is due and now two mob bosses are closing in for the kill. The five will now have to fight with every ounce of skill they have to save the girl, get the money and get out of Bangkok...alive. Thai, Action, Comedy, Foreign 2009 87min. Image Ent. 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095302 Bangkok Adrenaline (Blu-ray) Five friends have come to Bangkok for good times and better action, but at night’s end, they find themselves broke and in debt to a ruthless local mobster. They hatch a simple plan stage a kidnapping of the rival mob boss’ daughter, demand a ransom and buy back their freedom. But the plan backfires The Busby Berkeley 9 Film Collection Gold Diggers Of 1933 Footlight Parade Dames Gold Diggers Of 1935 Gold Diggers Of 1937 Varsity Show Hollywood Hotel Gold Diggers In Paris Musical, Romance, Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Drama min. Warner Bros. 12.10.2010 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095102 Beverly Hills 90210: Complete Series Pack Luke Perry, Tiffani Thiessen, Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth, Vanessa Marcil, Gabrielle Carteris, Jason Priestley, Brian Austin Green, Ian Ziering, Daniel Cosgrove, Vincent Young College Life, Drama, Fox, High School, Romance, Soap Opera min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 529,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095074 Beverly Hills 90210: The Final Season Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Luke Perry, Tiffani Thiessen, Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth, Vanessa Marcil, Brian Austin Green, Ian Ziering, Daniel Cosgrove, Vincent Young College Life, Drama, Fox, Romance, Soap Opera 1999 1170min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095073 Bikini Bloodbath Christmas After being stalked by a Killer Chef in Bikini Bloodbath, and then again by the same back-from-the-dead Killer Chef in Bikini Bloodbath Carwash, Jenny and Sharon are back. This time Ms. Johnson is in a coma, and the girls, along with their new friends, find themselves working at Mrs. Johnson’s(Ms. Johnson’s British cross-dressing sister) Bong Shoppe. Team Bong Shoppe is embattled in fierce competition for holiday business with a Christian Deli across the way. Things get a little crazy and in the heat of the moment Jenny once again accidentally resurrects the Killer Chef. Still, in the true spirit of Christmas the girls put their rivalry and self preservation instincts aside and invite everyone to a big holiday bash with eggnog! Mysteriously people at the party start disappearing to death. Who could be killing them? It could be anybody at the party! Who will live? Who will die? Who’s top’s will come off? And most importantly, who will win the epic eggnog wrestling match Holidays, Horror 2008 71min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095144 After being stalked by a Killer Chef in Bikini Bloodbath, and then again by the same back-from-the-dead Killer Chef in Bikini Bloodbath Carwash, Jenny and Sharon are back. This time Ms. Johnson is in a coma, and the girls, along with their new friends, find themselves working at Mrs. Johnson’s(Ms. Johnson’s British cross-dressing sister) Bong Shoppe. Team Bong Shoppe is embattled in fierce competition for holiday business with a Christian Deli across the way. Things get a little crazy and in the heat of the moment Jenny once again accidentally resurrects the Killer Chef. Still, in the true spirit of Christmas the girls put their rivalry and self preservation instincts aside and invite everyone to a big holiday bash with eggnog! Mysteriously people at the party start disappearing to death. Who could be killing them? It could be anybody at the party! Who will live? Who will die? Who’s top’s will come off? And most importantly, who will win the epic eggnog wrestling match? Holidays, Horror min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095377 Booky & the Secret Santa Megan Follows, Kenneth Welsh, Stuart Hughes It’s Christmas time and Booky is trying to bring her family the best Christmas possible. But it looks like she is going to need a miracle when her family falls on hard times when her dad loses his job. Watch as Booky teams up with friends, family and a very secret Santa to save Christmas. Family, Holidays 2007 FF S 90min. Phase 4 Films 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095209 The Boondocks: The Complete Third Season The complete raw, uncut, and uncensored 3rd season of adultswim’s top-rated comedy hit series is now here in this DVD set packed with special extras. Laugh yourself silly at the hilarious and unpredictable antics of everyone’s favorite bad boys - Huey, Riley, and Robert (Granddad) Freeman. This 3-disc set contains all of Aaron McGruder’s outrageous Boondocks crew, a slew of irreverent bonus features and the special vocal talents of Bill Maher, Billy Dee Williams and Charlie Murphy. Based On A Comic Strip, Comedy, Politics, Adult Swim 2010 450min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095148 The Boy Next Door Action 89min. First Look Home Entertainment 28.12.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095092 Bread Crumbs The Blair Witch Project (Blu-ray) Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, Michael Williams In October 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, while shooting a documentary... A year later their footage was found. Now prepare for a motion picture experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen, heard, or feared before. The Blair Witch Project follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk in the woods... but quickly becomes an excursion into heart-stopping terror. As the three become inexplicably lost, morale deteriorates. Hunger sets in. Accusations fly. By night, unseen evil stirs beyond their campfire’s light. By day, chilling ritualistic figures are discovered nearby. As the end of their journey approaches, they realize that what they are filming now is not a legend...but their own descent into unimaginable horror. Ghosts, Horror, Mockumentary 1999 87min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095295 Blue Valley Songbird A new romance, a fading one, and a singing career that’s one gig away from making it big has a Nashville singer at the crossroads of a lifetime. Inspiration for anyone who has chased a dream. Romance, Adventure, Country Music, Drama 92min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095232 LASER HOTLINE Thrillers, Colombian, Comedy, Foreign 2007 103min. Lionsgate 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095539 Regina King, Gabby Soleil, Jill Talley, John Witherspoon, Cedric Yarbrough, Gary Anthony Williams Bikini Bloodbath Christmas: Limited Giftpack Bluff Life would be so simple without liars, cheats and murderers but not half as interesting. Take Nicolas’ life, for example: employed, engaged and taking it all for granted...that is, until he learns his boss has been hooking up with his fiancee and he loses everything. But now it gets interesting - because creative revenge is highly entertaining. Once upon a time...Angie, an aging star reluctantly goes on one last shoot for a seedy Producer, on location, in an enchanting old cabin deep in the shadowy forest. While on the shoot the cast and crew encounter Henry, and his little sweet sister Patti, two strange and mysterious children who seem to live in the woods. A violent attack on the second evening of shooting sends Angie and the rest of the crew into a frighten frenzy. They lock themselves into their secluded cabin and find themselves trapped and surrounded by an unknown assailant. Could these two children be responsible for these vicious attacks? After witnessing a horrible slaying, Billy, the handsome lead, takes Patti hostage, as a means of gaining leverage against the unknown killer. This proves to be the fatal mistake as, one by one, the crew is horrifically slaughtered until only Patti, Angie, and Henry remain, resulting in a chilling final showdown between the three that ends in a terrifying conclusion. In this fairy tale of terror, the classic fable of Hansel & Gretel, is re-imagined into a visual enchantment of good and evil ... eat t Thrillers, Horror 2009 88min. Green Apple Entertainment 25.01.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095380 The Bridge On The River Kwai: Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, William Holden, Ann Sears, James Donald, Sessue Hayakawa, Geoffrey Horne When British P.O.W.s build a vital railway bridge in enemyoccupied Burma, Allied commandos are assigned to destroy it in David Lean’s epic World War II adventure The Bridge On The River Kwai Spectacularly produced, The Bridge On The River Kwai captured the imagination of the public and won seven 1957 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Alec Guinness), and Best Director. Even its theme song, an old WWI whistling tune, the „Colonel Bogey March,“ became a massive wordwide hit. The Bridge On The River Kwai continues today as one of the most memorable cinematic experiences of all time. Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, War, World War II 1957 161min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 02.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095271 Bullitt Robert Duvall, Robert Vaughn, Steve McQueen, Simon Oakland, Jacqueline Bisset, Norman Fell, Don Gordon Detective Frank Bullitt’s new assignment seems routine: protecting a star witness for an important trial. But before the night is out, the witness lies dying and the cool, no-nonsense Bullitt (Steve McQueen) won’t rest until the shooters-and the kingpin pulling their string are nailed. National Film Registry, Action, AFI Top 100, Chases, Classics, Cops, Crime 1968 114min. Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095025 The Butterfly Effect Collection Amy Smart, Erica Durance, Melora Walters, Gina Holden, Ashton Kutcher, Eric Stoltz, Ethan Suplee, Elden Henson, Logan Lerman, William Lee Scott, Eric Lively, J.R. Bourne, Malcolm Stewart A young man struggling to get over disturbing memories from his childhood discovers that he is able to travel back in time and alter events in the past. However, every change he makes transforms his life and that to those around him, often to unexpected and disastrous consequences. It’s nonstop suspense and action in this powerful sequel to the mega-hit, The Butterfly Effect. After a tragic accident claims the life of his girlfriend (Erica Durance, TV’s Smallville), Nick (Eric Lively, American Pie) discovers that he has the paranormal power to change the past and save her. But when he keeps going back to alter other events, he soon realizes that his actions have dire consequences for the present...and their future. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Double Features, Drama, Fantasy 212min. New Line Home Entertainment 15.09.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095416 Cairo Time A successful woman must slow down to let love catch up to her in Cairo Time, starring Oscar nominee Patricia Clarkson in the role of her career. Clarkson (Shutter Island, Pieces of April, The Station Agent) is Juliette, a busy New York fashion editor who travels to Egypt for a vacation with her husband, a UN official. When he gets tied down with business in Gaza, he sends his former security officer Tareq (Alexander Siddig, Clash of the Titans, 24, Syriana) to keep her company. As Tareq guides Juliette around the Egyptian capital, both realize they have journeyed to unexplored places in the heart. The award-winning Cairo Time is both a love letter to a city and a poignant romantic drama in the tradition of Brief Encounter and Lost in Translatio. Romance, Drama 90min. MPI 30.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095500 Cairo Time (Blu-ray) A successful woman must slow down to let love catch up to her in Cairo Time, starring Oscar nominee Patricia Clarkson in the role of her career. Clarkson (Shutter Island, Pieces of April, The Station Agent) is Juliette, a busy New York fashion editor who travels to Egypt for a vacation with her husband, a UN official. When he gets tied down with business in Gaza, he sends his former security officer Tareq (Alexander Siddig, Clash of the Titans, 24, Syriana) to keep her company. As Tareq guides Juliette around the Egyptian capital, both realize they have journeyed to unexplored places in the heart. The award-winning Cairo Time is both a love letter to a city and a poignant romantic drama in the tradition of Brief Encounter and Lost in Translation. Romance, Drama 90min. MPI 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095522 Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Californication: Seasons 1 - 3 David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Madeline Zima, Pamela Adlon, Madeleine Martin, Evan Handler Comedy, Drama, Showtime min. Showtime Entertainment 09.11.2010 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095109 Californication: The Third Season David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Madeline Zima, Pamela Adlon, Madeleine Martin, Evan Handler Comedy, Drama, Showtime 2009 340min. Showtime Entertainment 09.11.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095108 Callas Forever (Blu-ray) Jeremy Irons, Fanny Ardant, Joan Plowright, Manuel De Blas, Jay Rodan, Justino Diaz, Gabriel Garko Internationally acclaimed director Franco Zeffirelli (Romeo and Juliet, Tea with Mussolini) beautifully recreates the magic, passion and artistry of the opera diva Maria Callas, known as „the voice of the century.“ In this loving tribute to his longtime friend, Zeffirelli imagines what could have happened at the end of Callas’ life close to her death at the age of 53. Popular French actress Fanny Ardant perfectly fits the role of the temperamental diva, capturing all the fiery intensity of the legend on and off the stage. Oscar-winner Jeremy Irons shines as the diva’s former manager who persuades her to re-launch her career, despite her fading powers. A unique, rare gem of a film featuring actual sound recordings of Callas in performance, Callas Forever makes a lasting impact as a stunning human portrayal of one of the greatest artists of our time. Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Italian 2002 108min. Image Ent. 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095341 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore Science Fiction, Action, Comedy, Family 2010 min. Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095491 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Comedy, Family, Action 2010 min. Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095519 Comedy 99min. Allegro Entertainment 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095172 Charlie Chaplin: Classics Agatha Christie’s Marple: Collection Charlie Chaplin classic movies His New Job and At Work on one disc. Classics 2010 61min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095378 Charlie St. Cloud Kim Basinger, Amanda Crew, Ray Liotta, Donal Logue, Zac Efron, Charlie Tahan Romance, Drama, Fantasy, High Seas 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 100min. Universal Studios 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095267 Charlie St. Cloud (Blu-ray) Kim Basinger, Amanda Crew, Ray Liotta, Donal Logue, Zac Efron, Charlie Tahan 2010 Ltbx DTS 100min. Universal Studios 09.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095274 Chief It’s Honolulu, Hawaii - the crossroads of the Pacific. It’s the place you go if your own island isn’t big enough. It’s the place you go to disappear...Semu Fatutoa drives a taxi in Honolulu. Once he was a Samoan chieftain, but tragedy compelled him to cover his tattoos and flee his home. Now he drives in circles, slowly forgetting his old life. But his old life is looking for him. And a young Hawaiian girl, separated from her family on the eve of a disastrous day, desperately needs his help. Semu is given the opportunity to re-discover what it means to be a Chief. Jane Seymour, Richard E. Grant, Eileen Atkins, Francesca Annis, Saffron Burrows, Juliet Stevenson, Geraldine McEwan, Amanda Burton, Peter Davison, Greg Wise, Martine McCutcheon Thrillers, British, Detectives, Foreign, International TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery 1140min. Acorn Media 02.11.2010 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095254 A Christmas Carol (Blu-ray) George C. Scott, Susannah York, Frank Finlay, Edward Woodward, Angela Pleasence, David Warner, Roger Rees, Anthony Walters Academy Award winner George C. Scott gives a powerful performance as Ebenezer Scrooge in this truly heartwarming telling of Charles Dickens’ beloved drama. At first, miserable, greedy old Scrooge can’t tolerate the revelry of Christmas, much less comprehend its meaning. But visits from his former business partner’s ghost and three cautionary specters from the past, present and future force the man to soul-search. Grappling with his own losses, Scrooge recognizes the repercussions of heartlessness in this classic, timeless story that also stars Susannah York and David Warner. Charles Dickens, Christmas, Family, Fantasy, Holidays 1984 100min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095192 Drama, Short Film Collections 2008 22min. Ryko Distribution 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095152 A Christmas Carol / Miracle On 34th Street (Holiday Classics Collection) (Blu-ray) Children Of The Corn (Blu-ray) National Film Registry, 2 Packs, Charles Dickens, Christmas, Classics, Family, Fantasy, Holidays min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095194 Kandyse McClure, Daniel Newman, David Anders, Preston Bailey From Donald P. Borchers comes the resurrection of the most unholy of all: It’s 1975, and a young married couple - Vietnam vet Burt (David Anders of Alias and Heroes) and preacher’s daughter Vicki (Kandyse McClure of Battlestar Galactica) are driving cross-country straight into the heartland of Hell. Here in Gatlin, Nebraska, the town’s bloodthirsty children led by the boy preacher Isaac and his teen enforcer Malachai - have slaughtered all adults by command of He Who Walks Behind The Rows. Now two new Outlanders have arrived...and The Time Of Sacrifice is at hand. Preston Bailey (Dexter) and Daniel Newman co-star in this brutal and chilling re-imaging of King’s infamous tale, featuring graphic footage not seen in the television broadcast. Horror, TV Movies 2009 92min. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095200 The Chainsaw Sally Show: Season One The Christmas Collection (Bluray) Home Alone 2: Lost In New York Jingle All The Way: Family Fun Edition Miracle On 34th Street (1994) Boxed Sets, Charles Dickens, Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Lawyers / Legal Issues min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095193 City Hall Horror 2010 275min. Troma Team Video 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095157 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Chaplin At Keystone Charles Chaplin came to Mack Sennett’s Keystone Studios late in 1913 as a little-known British vaudevillian, and after a year, had not only established his Tramp character, learned to write and direct his own films, and also achieved public recognition as a star comedian. Although Keystone did not publicize its performers by name, standees of Chaplin’s likeness outside theatres sufficed to attract audiences. Some of the films, especially Tillie’s Punctured Romance, remained in theatrical distribution for decades. The fact that all but one of the Chaplin Keystones exist is due, of course, to the star’s enormous subsequent popularity. Most of the original Keystone negatives, however, were simply printed away and the survival of all but a few of these films depends upon a very few original prints, a larger number of reissue prints, and some duped prints from later years. With the support of Association Chaplin (Paris), 35mm full aperture, earlygeneration materials were gathered over an eight year search on almost all the films from archives and collectors around the world, and were painstakingly piece LASER HOTLINE Classics, Collections, Silent Film 640min. Infinity Entertainment 26.10.2010 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095081 Dick Van Dyke, Gert Frobe, Sally Ann Howes, Anna Quayle, Benny Hill, Lionel Jeffries Classics, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Music, Musical 1968 145min. MGM / UA 02.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095019 The Chosen One Rob Schneider Comedy 99min. Allegro Entertainment 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095130 The Chosen One (Blu-ray) Rob Schneider Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean, Politics, Romance, Soap Opera 1200min. Mountain Apple Company 21.09.2010 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095111 Clapham Junction Inspired by true events. After another man falls victim to a violent gay-bashing incident, the homosexual community of Clapham Junction comes together to bring the assailants to justice. Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2007 120min. E1 Entertainment 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095450 Colin Already a worldwide phenomenon with huge media coverage, Colin is the first zombie movie told from the zombie’s perspective, it is a film truly like no other. Our hero Colin is bitten by a zombie; he dies and returns as one of the undead. We follow him as he wanders through suburbia during the Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) throes of a cadaverous apocalypse. Through his encounters with objects, places and people, we learn who Colin was and more pertinently, what he has now become. Including a broad daylight zombie versus human street battle, an epic housebound siege and bags of gore. Zombies, Horror min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095408 Colin: 2 Disc Special Edition Already a worldwide phenomenon with huge media coverage, Colin is the first zombie movie told from the zombie’s perspective, it is a film truly like no other. Our hero Colin is bitten by a zombie; he dies and returns as one of the undead. We follow him as he wanders through suburbia during the throes of a cadaverous apocalypse. Through his encounters with objects, places and people, we learn who Colin was and more pertinently, what he has now become. Including a broad daylight zombie versus human street battle, an epic housebound siege and bags of gore Special Editions, Zombies, Horror 2009 165min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095415 The Complete Metropolis Metropolis takes place in 2026, when the populace is divided between workers who must live in the dark underground and the rich who enjoy a futuristic city of splendor. The tense balance of these two societies is realized through images that are among the most famous of the 20th century, many of which presage such sci-fi landmarks as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner. Kino International is proud to announce the DVD and long awaited first time ever Blu-ray release of the new restoration of Fritz Lang’s 1927 science fiction masterpiece Metropolis, now with 25 minutes of lost footage and the original Gottfried Huppertz score. This new 147minute version (being released as The Complete Metropolis), opened theatrically in April 2010 earning over $350,000 at the box office, and since it’s original restoration, has gone on to earn $1,000,000 in theatrical ticket sales! When it was first screened in Berlin on January 10, 1927, the sci-fi epic ran an estimated 153 minutes. After its premiere engagement, in an effort to maximize the film’s commercial potential, the film’s distributors (UFA in Germany, Param Robots / Androids, Silent Film, Classics 1927 147min. Kino Video 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095048 The Complete Metropolis (Bluray) Metropolis takes place in 2026, when the populace is divided between workers who must live in the dark underground and the rich who enjoy a futuristic city of splendor. The tense balance of these two societies is realized through images that are among the most famous of the 20th century, many of which presage such sci-fi landmarks as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner. Kino International is proud to announce the DVD and long awaited first time ever Blu-ray release of the new restoration of Fritz Lang’s 1927 science fiction masterpiece Metropolis, now with 25 minutes of lost footage and the original Gottfried Huppertz score. This new 147minute version (being released as The Complete Metropolis), opened theatrically in April 2010 earning over $350,000 at the box office, and since it’s original restoration, has gone on to earn $1,000,000 in theatrical ticket sales! When it was first screened in Berlin on January 10, 1927, the sci-fi epic ran an estimated 153 minutes. After its premiere engagement, in an effort to maximize the film’s commercial potential, the film’s distributors (UFA in Germany, Param Classics, Robots / Androids, Silent Film 1927 147min. Kino Video 16.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095083 Cool Dog Family 88min. First Look Home Entertainment 18.01.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095458 Cornhole: The Movie Sports, Comedy 2010 94min. Music Video Distribution 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095414 Cronos: The Criterion Collection LASER HOTLINE Ron Perlman, Claudio Brook, Margarita Isabel, Tamara Shanath, Federico Luppi Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth) made an auspicious, audacious feature debut with Cronos, a highly unorthodox tale about the seductiveness of the idea of immortality. Kindly antiques dealer Jesus Gris (Federico Luppi) happens upon an ancient golden device in the shape of a scarab, and soon finds himself possessor and victim of its sinister, addictive powers, as well as the target of a mysterious, crude American named Angel (a delightfully deranged Ron Perlman [Hellboy]). Featuring marvelous special makeup effects and the unforgettably haunting imagery for which del Toro has become world-renowned, Cronos is a visually rich and emotionally captivating dark fantasy. Thrillers, Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Mexican 1993 92min. Criterion 07.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095532 Cronos: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Ron Perlman, Claudio Brook, Margarita Isabel, Tamara Shanath, Federico Luppi Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth) made an auspicious, audacious feature debut with Cronos, a highly unorthodox tale about the seductiveness of the idea of immortality. Kindly antiques dealer Jesus Gris (Federico Luppi) happens upon an ancient golden device in the shape of a scarab, and soon finds himself possessor and victim of its sinister, addictive powers, as well as the target of a mysterious, crude American named Angel (a delightfully deranged Ron Perlman [Hellboy]). Featuring marvelous special makeup effects and the unforgettably haunting imagery for which del Toro has become world-renowned, Cronos is a visually rich and emotionally captivating dark fantasy. Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Mexican, Art House, Thrillers 1993 92min. Criterion 07.12.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095542 Robots / Androids, Action 2009 DD 5.1 93min. First Look Home Entertainment 28.12.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095255 Dancing Dreams Two years ago, world-famous dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch selected 40 teenagers who had never heard her name to be part of her dance piece Contact Zone. For 10 months through opening night, the young dancers discover Bausch’s genius and their own bodies. Pina Bausch died in 2009; a sensation at the 2010 Berlin Film Festival, Dancing Dreams is a testament to Bausch’s revolutionary work. Dancing 2010 89min. First Run Features 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095331 The Dark Lurking At Outpost 320, located one mile beneath the earth, the researchers make a critical error and something has now gone terribly wrong. All communications are gone, all means of escape destroyed and an extremely dangerous horde of ancient creatures is on the looseafter a doorway to an unspeakable evil has been opened. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Horror, Monsters 2010 96min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095449 Destined To Be Ingested Anna and Tom were a down and out couple— until one day, their fortunes changed. One lucky lottery ticket later they found themselves living the good life, cruising the South Pacific with their fancy new friends, enjoying the essential three C’s of luxury living: Champagne, Caviar and Cocaine. But when the group of yuppies lose their way, and are marooned on a mysterious jungle island, their charmed lives suddenly become a string of gruesome deaths. Crowley (Blu-ray) Comedy, Horror 100min. Brain Damage Films 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095070 Lucy Cudden, Simon Callow, John Shrapnel, Kal Weber, Jud Charlton, Paul McDowell The Devil’s Own / In The Line Of Fire (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) He was known as „The Wickedest Man In The World“ or simply „The Beast“. More than 60 years after his death, the demonic life and works of British occultist Aleister Crowley has continued to capture our darkest imaginations. In this provocative supernatural thriller co-written by legendary Iron Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson, a virtual reality experiment gone wrong sends the soul of the infamous madman into the body of a shy university professor (a fearless performance by Simon Callow of Four Weddings And A Funeral). But even as Crowley creates all-new orgies of depraved pleasures and „black magick“, is he now preparing to unleash the ultimate occult event upon the world? John Shrapnel (Mirrors) and Richard Franklin (Doctor Who) co-star in this over the top satanic shocker featuring classic songs by Bruce Dickinson and Iron Maiden. British, Foreign, Horror 2008 107min. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095198 The Cursed Thrillers, Horror 2010 87min. Otter Creek Motion Pictures 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095216 The Cursed (Blu-ray) Horror, Thrillers 2010 87min. Otter Creek Motion Pictures 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095218 Cyborg Conquest Paul LeMat, Jackey Hall, Stacey Dash, Frida Farrell, Eliza Swenson, Kristen Quintrall, Marcus Brown, Dean Arevalo, Brent Lydic After completing a string of high-profile robberies, a group of beautiful but deadly biker girls led by the fearless Lady (Stacey Dash) collide with a bar full of mysterious robots disguised as humans. The androids capture half of the biker gang to aid in their quest for world domination. As the girls fight for their freedom, they uncover a scheme more sinister than anyone could have imagined. Thrillers, Bodyguards, Drama, 2 Packs, Action min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095039 The Disappearance Of Alice Creed Gemma Arterton, Eddie Marsan, Martin Compston Thrillers, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2009 100min. Starz / Anchor Bay 23.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095188 The Disappearance Of Alice Creed (Blu-ray) Gemma Arterton, Eddie Marsan, Martin Compston Thrillers, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2009 100min. Starz / Anchor Bay 23.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095197 Dog Day Afternoon Al Pacino, Charles Durning, John Cazale, James Broderick The robbery shold have taken 10 minutes. 4 hours later, the bank was like a circus sideshow. 8 hours later, it was the hottest thing on live TV. 12 hours later, it was all history. And it’s all true.. On a hot Brooklyn afternoon, two optimistic losers set out to rob a bank. Sonny (Al Pacino) is the mastermind, Sal (John Cazale) is the follower, and disaster is the result. Because the cops, crowds, TV cameras and even the pizza man have arrived. The „well-planned“ heist is now a circus. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) National Film Registry, Thieves, Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Classics, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy 1975 126min. Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095026 A Dog Year Lauren Ambrose, Lois Smith, Elizabeth Marvel, Jeff Bridges, Domhnall Gleeson, Welker White TV Movies, Comedy, Drama, HBO 2009 min. HBO Home Video 07.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095225 Dolla Morte A Masterpiece of Lo-Fi Madness and Satanic Silliness! So disgusting and so demented - it had to be filmed with dolls! Nothing and no one is sacred in a this special re-release of Bill Zebub’s (Breaking Her Will, Zombiechrist) long lost and out of print experiment in delirious doll destruction. In the tradition of Robot Chicken and Team America, Bill Zebub’s Dolla Morte slaughters sacred cows using all of your beloved toys from childhood, conjuring up a hilarious and sickening spoof of religion, government and war that pulls no politically incorrect punches! Plus, it features all of the sex, violence, humor and religious irreverence you’ve come to expect from Bill Zebub, only with dolls! Dolla Morte pits the President of the United States against Dracula in a battle to suck all the blood out of humanity, kill the pope, and crucify as many beautiful women as inhumanly possible, all on orders from Hitler! A disturbing classic of perversion and plastic! Dark Comedy, Horror 2010 70min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095284 Musical, On The Job, Romance, Thrillers, Wall Street, War, Academy Award Winners, Action, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Kidnapping, Marriage Woes min. 20th Century Fox 30.11.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095314 Dreams And Shadows Billy gets swept into a fantasy world where he becomes a brave warrior. As Billy embarks on a mission to seek revenge on all those who have wronged his father, he soon finds that things aren’t always what they seem. Romance, Drama 2010 94min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095466 Dying God Lance Henriksen, James Horan In a dark and decadent city, Sean Fallon (James Horan Flags Of Our Fathers) - a corrupt cop - will have to face his own demons to put an end to a series of brutal rapes and murders of the most weirdest kind. With the help of the local pimps, headed by Chance (Lance Henriksen - Aliens, AVP: Alien Vs. Predator), Fallon will go on the hunt for the serial killer, that may in the end not be human! Horror 2008 85min. Green Apple Entertainment 28.12.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095381 Echo Bridge Blu-ray Collection (Blu-ray) Don’t Look Back Monica Bellucci, Sophie Marceau French director Marina de Van follows her boldly audacious debut In My Skin with the thriller Don’t Look Back, another brave, disturbing plunge into darkness that plays with identity and body doubles a la David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive and David Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers. Author Jeanne (Sophie Marceau of The World Is Not Enough and Braveheart) has her new novel turned down and then begins to question everything. Was that table really located in that corner? Is this my husband? Is that my child? In a daringly cinematic moment that employs state of the art special effects, the character morphs into an entirely different actress (the luscious Monica Bellucci of The Matrix Reloaded, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, and The Passion Of The Christ) and embarks on a determined quest to uncover the secret hidden in her past that has undermined her world. Don’t Look Back marks the next stage of a truly unconventional talent. Thrillers 110min. MPI 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095087 Dong Yi: Vol. 1 Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, International TV, Korean 2010 1200min. Mountain Apple Company 21.09.2010 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095110 Don’t Let Me Drown Two young people are brought together by a tragedy that has touched both of their families in this refreshing and honest love story. Stefanie (Gleendilys Inoa) is a teenaged girl whose family has moved to Brooklyn shortly after the September 11 terrorist attack, which claimed the life of Stephanie’s sister. Meanwhile, Lalo (E.J. Bonilla) comes from a family that struggles financially and Lalo’s father works sifting through the debris at Ground Zero. Stephanie meets Lalo at a party in a city park, and while she’s not sure how she feels about him at first, he’s immediately infatuated with her and as he pursues her, they discover how much they have in common and they find themselves falling in love. Romance, 9/11, Drama 2009 99min. Image Ent. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095223 Michael Douglas Film Collection Michael Douglas Academy Award-Winning actor Michael Douglas takes center stage in this unprecedented film collection, featuring 10 of his greatest performances, including his award-winning portrayal of Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. Romancing The Stone A LASER HOTLINE Chorus Line Jewel Of The Nile Wall Street War Of The Roses Shining Through Don’t Say A Word It Runs In The Family The Sentinel When the aliens return to complete their plan of human domination, launching a second wave of attacks, mankind unites in one last stand for humanity. Britain, 420 A.D. An exceptional wizard, Merlin, goes head to head with the evil Hengest, who threatens to conquer Britain with his fleet of Dragons. Hundreds of massive intergalactic robots appear in the world’s major cities with an ultimatum: prove the value of human civilization or be destroyed. Renowned martial arts master Mark Dacascos stars as the lone survivor of a deadly plague doomed to an eternal battle with the mutant creatures that now control the Earth. In the days leading up to December 21, 2012, four strangers, all for different reasons, are mysteriously drawn to an ancient temple in the heart of the Mexican jungle. In this modern adaptation of Jules Verne’s sci-fi classic, a submarine crew comes face to face with Captain Nemo and his underworld empire as they attempt to recover a sub that mysteriously disappeared days earlier. A journalist searches for her daughter as a series of catastrophic disasters push a destabilized society to the bri Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Disasters, Giant Robots, Horror, Monsters, Action, Adventure min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.07.2010 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095514 Encounter With Danger Action, Crime 88min. First Look Home Entertainment 08.02.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095093 Evening Primrose Unable to cope with the pressures of the outside world, a poet hides inside a locked department store. But as night falls, he discovers a group of hermits who’ve been living there for years. Among them is Ella, a frightenedgirl who desperately wants to leave. Music, Musical, Drama 1966 50min. E1 Entertainment 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095452 Event Horizon (Lenticular OSleeve) Laurence Fishburne, Kathleen Quinlan, Joely Richardson, Jack Noseworthy, Sam Neill Its name: Event Horizon. The high-tech, pioneering research spacecraft mysteriously vanished, without a trace, on its maiden voyage seven years earlier. But a weak, persistent signal from the long-missing craft prompts a rescue team, headed by the intrepid Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne, The Matrix and Mission: Impossible III), to wing its way through the galaxy on a bold rescue mission. Accompanying Miller is his elite crew and the lost ship’s designer (Sam Neill, Jurassic Park); their mission is to find and salvage the state-of-the-art spacecraft. What they uncover - instead - is state-of-the-art, interstellar horror. Kathleen Quinlan (Apollo 13) and Joely Richardson (TV’s Nip/Tuck) also star in this gripping sci-fi thriller. Science Fiction, Space, Ghosts, Horror 1997 min. Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095431 Everyone Else A young couple’s relationship is pushed to the brink while vacationing in the Mediterranean in this smart, sexy drama from acclaimed new filmmaker Maren Ade. On the surface, Chris and Gitti appear blissfully in love while enjoying the sun and sand of Sardinia. But as they spend more time together, their silly games and playful teasing begin to unmask hidden fears and desires. When they accidentally run into another, seemingly happier and more successful couple, the tensions between them erupt. Romance, Art House, Drama, Foreign, German 2009 124min. Cinema Guild 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095033 The Evil / Twice Dead (Double Feature) Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Horror min. Shout Factory 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095222 Exam Like Saw for corporate go-getters, in Exam eight young people vying for a sought-after job are locked together in a room and given one hour to finish their exam. But the exam is a blank piece of paper and the eight candidates soon realize their only competition isn’t a q& a but each other. Hot rising talent Stuart Hazeldine is Hollywood’s in-demand rewrite artist for top sci-fi and thriller fare and now he’s established himself as a behind the camera threat with this brilliant genre spin highlighted by actor Luke (28 Days Later) Mably’s „swaggeringly solipsistic bad-boy charisma“ as the job applicant most likely to succeed by stabbing you in the back. Like Saw for smarties or the B-movie gem Cube, Exam is one test you can look forward to ? bring your number 2 pencil and hope you don’t get cut. Thrillers 101min. MPI 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095088 Eyes Wide Open Aaron, a butcher and devout family man in Jerusalem’s ultraorthodox Jewish community, has his quiet existence interrupted one day when Erzi, a handsome, young Yeshiva student, happens on his shop. Intrigued by the young man, Aaron offers Erzi a job and over time becomes his friend and mentor. The two men, working side by side, grow closer, and soon other feelings surface. As their forbidden desire for each other grows, Aaron begins to neglect his business and his family. But guilt, torment and pressure from the community lead him to make a radical decision. Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Jewish 2009 90min. First Run Features 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095328 EZ Money Molly, a mischievous kid with a knack for computers, scores $3 million when she intercepts a Nigerian scam email. Now, she has to stay one step ahead of the con artists and the CIA! Comedy, Family 82min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095233 Fade To Black Paz Vega, Christopher Walken, Danny Huston, Diego Luna Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Danny Huston (Robin Hood, Clash Of The Titans) stars with Oscar®-winner Christopher Walken (The Deer Hunter) in this twisting mystery-thriller of intrigue, seduction and murder. Arriving in post-WWII Rome to re-kindle his failing career, movie star and director Orson Welles is immediately captivated by a ravishing young actress (Paz Vega, Spanglish). But when her stepfather is killed by an unknown assassin, Welles and his street-wise Italian driver/bodyguard (Diego Luna, The Terminal) are plunged into Rome’s chaotic criminal underworld, where nothing is what it seems, no one can be trusted and the the deadliest illusion of all. Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, British, Film Noir, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 2006 105min. Image Ent. 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095221 The Fall Thrillers, Crime 115min. Osiris Entertainment 23.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095360 The Farm It tells the story of Mickey and Juliet, a young couple on the run from a vicious gang of drug dealers. After a night of bickering, they arrive at a deserted farm in the Irish countryside near Cork, aiming to flee to France ferry the following day. The farm is apparently inhabited by only one man, a 20 year old called John. John is cripplingly shy, but seems to be fascinated by Juliet, who also seems quite taken by him. As Juliet and John forge more and more of a bond, Mickey, fearing that the criminal gang will pounce on him at any moment, and also that John will turn him over to the police, becomes more and more paranoid. As he and Juliet prepare to leave the farm the next morning, Mickey resolves to kill John. Suddenly, the film takes an abrupt turn, and a deadly love triangle- involving tears, poisoning, torture and skinned lambs- is forged. It is a triangle from which none of the protagonists will ever escape. Comedy, Horror 83min. Brain Damage Films 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095071 Fear Me Not vamp - while charting the exceptional range of her career. It’s a collection that showcases one of Hollywood’s most unforgettable stars...and is certain to win her legions of new admirers as well. Rita’s gorgeous red hair made her a Musical, Romance, Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Film Noir, Hollywood Legends min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 02.11.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095301 Fingerprints (Blu-ray) Kristin Cavallari, Leah Pipes, Josh Henderson, Lou Diamond Phillips, Sally Kirkland, Geoffrey Lewis, Andrew Lawrence Even The Dead Leave Them.. In this terrifying supernatural thriller, a troubled teenager sets out on a grisly path to discover the disturbing truth behind a well-known urban legend. Haunted for fifty years by the horrifying tale of a train colliding with a school bus, killing all the children aboard, the small town left behind continues to suffer as a stomachchurning chain of murders claims victim after victim. Brought to life by a stand-out cast including Kristin Cavallari (Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County), Leah Pipes (Malcolm in the Middle), Josh Henderson (Desperate Housewives) and Lou Diamond Phillips (Courage Under Fire), Fingerprints will leave its mark on your nightmares! Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2006 95min. Image Ent. 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095226 Flick Memphis cop Lieutenant McKenzie is called in to investigate a series of strange deaths and weird sightings following the resurrection of a murder victim from the 1950’s, a local boy who is brought back to life in modern times. He tries to find his teenage sweetheart who is now age 62, and also seek revenge for his death. Thrillers, Mental Illness 94min. MPI 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095089 La Femme Nikita / Run Lola Run (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) Romance, Thrillers, Foreign, French, German, Killer Beauties, 2 Packs, Action min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095040 The Films Of Rita Hayworth: The Collector’s Choice Rita Hayworth Rita Hayworth, who was born Margarita Cansino, the daughter of Spanish and Irish parents, trained from a young age as a professional dancer and would become one of the more enduring symbols of glamour and sex appeal of her era. As a result of her sultry good looks and talent displayed in every genre, including comedies, dramas, musicals, thrillers, and even westerns, Rita Hayworth became the unmatched Queen of the lot at Sunset and Gower, in Hollywood, and one of Columbia’s most important contract stars. By 1940, a picture starring Rita Hayworth guaranteed the highest level of production values and her films are some of the most iconic of their era. Now Sony Pictures and The Film Foundation have teamed again to bring five of her finest films to DVD - three of them for the first time. These films highlight Hayworth’s charm, grace and allure as a dancer, dramatic actress, and LASER HOTLINE Animated Animals, Soccer, Sports 1997 65min. Phase 4 Films 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095206 Front Man Tony is the front man of a rock band on the verge of a breakout. Performing at weddings, they hone their repertoire in preparation for meeting with a record label’s top agent. At a performance, Tony locks eyes with Terri, a beautiful woman who dreams of being a dancer, but is held captive in an abusive marriage to a larger-than-life figure in the New York underworld. The meeting ignites a love affair between the two, but when her husband becomes suspicious, he sends his henchmen to „terminate“ the affair. With only a week before the record label gig, Tony finds himself no longer a front man — but a marked man! Music, Thrillers 100min. Tempe DVD 23.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095082 The Fugitive: The Fourth And Final Season - Volume One David Janssen, William Conrad, Barry Morse, Bill Raisch Thrillers, Drama 1966 min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095075 Full House For The Devil / The Moment To Kill (Double Feature) Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Double Features, Foreign, Italian min. Wild East Productions 24.08.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095256 Revenge, Horror 2008 91min. E1 Entertainment 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095455 Ghastly Grabs: Vol. IV Forgive Me For Raping You Boxed Sets, Horror min. Brain Damage Films 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095067 Ulrich Thomsen Dogme 95 trailblazer Kristian Levring (The King Is Alive) delivers his subtlest, most unnerving film yet. It’s like a reverse image of Nicholas Ray’s classic Bigger Than Life. Instead of watching a dutiful dad go crazy via medication, we watch a deeply uneasy father become utterly liberated when he takes some experimental anti-depressants. Too bad the experiment is ditched and they try to take his pills away. Ulrich Thomsen (Duplicity, TV’s Alias) is the father even his wife and daughter treat warily in this remarkably taut and creepy look at one man’s desperate desire to be comfortable in his own skin the best player on his team. Ultimately Franklin learns to put his team over himself in order to rally them for the final game. In this extreme sexploitation horror shocker, a psychotic priest travels through a seemingly idyllic suburban landscape and uses his collar to secure the trust of a series of beautiful young women before subjecting these poor beauties to increasingly sadistic bouts of sexual assault. Director Bill Zebub has trimmed all of the filler from the standard serial killer movie and replaced it with a near constant barrage of depraved sexual horror. „Most serial killer films favor soap opera dialogue and speculation-depictions of the killer doing anything but the vile deeds for which he became famous. This movie shows ONLY the deranged part of the serial killer’s story.“ - Bill Zebub WARNING: This film contains graphic nudity and sexual assault and in intended only for mature audiences. Serial Killers, Horror 2010 105min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095145 The Formative Years (II) : Hotel / Demon Photography/Art, Art House, Documentary, Foreign, German 1976 120min. Facets Video 26.10.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095062 Four Boxes Trevor, Amber and Rob stumble upon a bizarre website featuring Havoc, a man who sleeps in a cage and builds bombs in his basement. After they learn his mass murdering plot may be more than fiction, they debate whether to stop him or to sit back andwatch. Horror 2009 84min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095448 Franklin: Franklin’s Soccer Adventure Franklin’s soccer team loses every game. As a matter of fact, they don’t even score. Even so, Franklin is determined to be Includes: Deader Country The Stragglers Ghastly Grabs: Vol. V Includes: Spree Ravage Boxed Sets, Horror min. Brain Damage Films 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095068 Ghastly Grabs: Vol. VI Includes: Hellbride Rock-N-Roll Frankenstein Boxed Sets, Horror min. Brain Damage Films 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095069 Ghost Machine (Blu-ray) Rachael Taylor , Luke Ford, Sean Faris Sean Faris (Never Back Down), Rachael Taylor (Transformers, Shutter) and Luke Ford (The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor) star in this supernatural thriller about a group of young U.S. military techs who barrow a top-secret combat simulator for a weekend of unauthorized gaming. But when they set up the system inside an abandoned prison used for the torture of post 9/11 prisoners, they discover that someone- or something - has uploaded itself into their A.I software. A deadly new player has now joined the game. How do you survive the final level of lock-and-load virtual reality when escape is impossible, slaughter is uncontrollable and the enemy is unstoppable? The ultimate battle begins inside the Ghost Machine. Horror, Action, Science Fiction 2009 100min. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095199 The Girl From Cortina Mara (Vanessa Gravina), a beautiful woman, returns to her hometown in a desperate attempt to leave behind all the fears that are threatening her sanity. But just when she begins to think that her ghosts are finally buried, new signs of evil and Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) danger surface in her life again. Determined to fight back, she seeks help from some of her friends, but a very unpleasant surprise awaits her. Thrillers, Foreign, Italian 1994 93min. Mya Communication 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095159 Glee: The Complete First Season - Gleek Gift Set With Journal Cory Monteith, Jane Lynch, Jayma Mays, Jessalyn Gilsig, Dianna Agron, Lea Michele, Amber Riley, Jenna Ushkowitz, Heather Morris, Naya Rivera, Matthew Morrison, Chris Colfer, Kevin McHale, Mark Salling Join the club and bring home the fun with Glee Karaoke and Glee Jukebox - available only on DVD! A talented group of high school misfits transforms into a performing sensation with the help of a dedicated teacher. Through laughter, tears, irreverent humor and unforgettable music, they learn to follow their hearts and chase their dreams. 2010 Emmy Nominees, Comedy, Fox, High School, Music, Musical 2009 1073min. 20th Century Fox 16.11.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095006 The Golden Girls: 25th Anniversary Complete Collection Rue McClanahan, Betty White, Bea Arthur, Estelle Getty Comedy, Friendships, NBC, Senior Interest 1985 3800min. Disney / Buena Vista 09.11.2010 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095286 Good Neighbor Sam Jack Lemmon, Romy Schneider, Dorothy Provine, Edward G. Robinson A wacky comedy about a happily married advertising agent (Jack Lemmon) who helps out his single neighbor (Romy Schneider) by posing as her husband so she can inherit $15 million. The story soon spirals out of control when her greedy in-laws hit the scene. Classics, Comedy 1964 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 02.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095265 Goth Box The Iron Rose Burke And Hare Thrillers, Boxed Sets, British, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Piece, Horror min. Redemption USA 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095161 Greatest Classic Films: Astaire And Rogers Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire Shall We Dance Swing Time Top Hat Musical, Romance, Classics, Comedy, Hollywood Legends 418min. Warner Bros. 02.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095105 Greatest Classic Films: Busby Berkeley Musicals Gold Diggers Of 1937 Footlight Parade Dames Musical, Romance, Classics, Comedy, Drama 376min. Warner Bros. 02.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095106 Grim Thrillers, Action 2010 96min. Troma Team Video 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095158 LASER HOTLINE Grown Ups The Harder They Come Adam Sandler, Maria Bello, Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade, Kevin James Music, Musical, Reggae, Cult Film / TV, Drama min. Allegro Entertainment 11.05.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095055 Just because you grow older doesn’t mean you have to grow up! Comedy superstars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider are at their hilarious and outrageous best playing childhood friends who reunite one holiday weekend to relive the good old days. It doesn’t matter that these five guys are now respectable businessmen, husbands and fathers. Once they get back together, nothing is going to stop these kids-at-heart from having the time of their adult lives in this hilarious and heartwarming film that proves men will be boys from the people who brought you Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Click. Comedy, Friendships 2010 102min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095003 Grown Ups (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Adam Sandler, Maria Bello, Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade, Kevin James Just because you grow older doesn’t mean you have to grow up! Comedy superstars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider are at their hilarious and outrageous best playing childhood friends who reunite one holiday weekend to relive the good old days. It doesn’t matter that these five guys are now respectable businessmen, husbands and fathers. Once they get back together, nothing is going to stop these kids-at-heart from having the time of their adult lives in this hilarious and heartwarming film that proves men will be boys from the people who brought you Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Click. Comedy, Friendships 2010 102min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095014 Grown Ups (Blu-ray) Adam Sandler, Maria Bello, Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade, Kevin James Just because you grow older doesn’t mean you have to grow up! Comedy superstars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider are at their hilarious and outrageous best playing childhood friends who reunite one holiday weekend to relive the good old days. It doesn’t matter that these five guys are now respectable businessmen, husbands and fathers. Once they get back together, nothing is going to stop these kids-at-heart from having the time of their adult lives in this hilarious and heartwarming film that proves men will be boys from the people who brought you Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Click. Comedy, Friendships 2010 102min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 09.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095013 Halloween Spooktacular / Trick Or Treat Tales (Double Feature) Double Features, Educational, Family Relationships, Holidays, Preschool min. Hit Entertainment 21.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095035 Harriet The Spy: Blog Wars TV Movies, Mystery, Detectives, Family 2010 min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095115 Harrison Montgomery In San Francisco’s poverty-stricken Tenderloin district, would-be artist Ricardo Papa is trying to make ends meet as a petty drug dealer. On the run from his boss and on the outs with his girlfriend, he takes up residence in the dilapidated Hotel Boyd. There he crosses paths with thirteen-year-old Lattie Flemming who charms Ricardo with her fearless and beguiling attitude. As they grow closer, Ricardo learns that Lattie’s mother, Margo, is trapped in an abusive relationship that puts mother and child in jeopardy. When Ricardo desperately presses to make good on a deal gone bad, he encounters another of the Boyd’s residents, Harrison Montgomery. Ricardo discovers that this aging recluse has a secret ? a secret that could solve all of Ricardo’s problems. With his boss closing in, and Margo and Lattie on the ropes, Ricardo is forced to choose between saving himself, and saving his only friends. Drama 2008 95min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095411 Hitch / Jerry Maguire (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) Romance, Sports, Comedy, Drama, Football, 2 Packs, Academy Award Winners min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095038 Holy Rollers Ari Graynor, Justin Bartha, Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Fuchs Crime, Drama 2010 min. First Independent Pictures 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095526 Horno Zombies, Horror 2010 65min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095356 House Of The Wolf Man Ron Chaney Werewolves, Family, Horror, Monsters 2009 75min. Ryko Distribution 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095156 The Hungry Ghosts Hard Candy (Blu-ray) Drama 104min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 02.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095308 Ellen Page, Patrick Wilson, Sandra Oh, Odessa Rae Hunt To Kill A smart, charming teenage girl, Hayley probably shouldn’t be going to a local coffee shop to meet Jeff, a 30-something fashion photographer she met on the Internet. But before she knows it, she’s mixing drinks at Jeff’s place and stripping for an impromptu photo shoot. It’s Jeff’s lucky night. But Hayley isn’t as innocent as she looks, and the night takes a turn when she begins to impose a hard-hitting investigation on Jeff in an attempt to reveal his possibly scandalous past. Eric Roberts, Gary Daniels, Gil Bellows Action, Kidnapping 2010 97min. Starz / Anchor Bay 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095189 Cult Film / TV, Drama, Revenge, Thrillers, Torture 2005 min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095296 Eric Roberts, Gary Daniels, Gil Bellows Kidnapping, Action 2010 97min. Starz / Anchor Bay 09.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095202 Hunt To Kill (Blu-ray) Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) I Am The Ten Commandments, as you’ve never seen them before, provide the framework for this compelling drama set in the City of Angels. A desperate heiress... A beautiful reporter... A vengeful detective... A charismatic district attorney... In modern-day Los Angeles, all of their lives will intersect, leading to profound choices that will test each character’s morality and faith. With guidance from a mysterious stranger, these lost souls search for answers, only to discover that the path to salvation is closer than they ever could have imagined. Drama 2010 99min. 20th Century Fox 02.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095277 I Do...Knot Jaime Camil Romance, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2009 min. Maya Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095288 It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas Giftset Danny DeVito, Kaitlin Olson, Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton Ho, ho, heyooo! Christmas is upon us and the Paddy’s gang has got the spirit. Well, not really. For them, the holidays have always been a time of trickery, backstabbing, and disappointment. But this year things are going to be different as they are determined to rediscover the joy in Christmas. Join Mac, Charlie, Dennis, Dee and Frank as they embark on a holiday adventure filled with stolen toys, childhood videos, naked elves, and a bloody run in with Santa Claus that is guaranteed to blast Christmas spirit all over you! Based On TV Show, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 2009 60min. 20th Century Fox 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095007 It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Sunny DVD Six Pack Danny DeVito, Kaitlin Olson, Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas Comedy, Dark Comedy, Friendships, FX 1270min. 20th Century Fox 14.09.2010 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095008 Jonah Hex Megan Fox, John Malkovich, Josh Brolin, Will Arnett, Michael Shannon, Michael Fassbender Out of the pages of the legendary comics and graphic novels steps Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin), a scarred drifter and bounty hunter of the last resort who has survived death and can track anyone...any anything. Jonah’s violent history is steeped in myth and legend and has left him with one foot in the natural world and one on the „other side.“ His one human connection is with Lilah (Megan fox), whose life in a brothel has left her with scars of her own. But Jonah’s past catches up with him when the U.S. military makes him an offer he can’t refuse: to wipe out the warrants on his head, he must hunt and stop dangerous terrorists Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich). But Turnbull, now gathering an army and preparing to unleash hell, is also Jonah’s oldest enemy and will stop at nothing until Jonah is dead. Western, Action, Based On Comic Book, Fantasy 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 82min. Warner Bros. 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095129 Jonah Hex (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Megan Fox, John Malkovich, Josh Brolin, Will Arnett, Michael Shannon, Michael Fassbender Fantasy, Action, Based On Comic Book, Western 2010 min. LASER HOTLINE Warner Bros. 12.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095171 Journey to Promethea Billy Zane, Louis Herthum A tyrannical king reigns over his kingdom with an iron fist, but there is hope. A prophecy foretold long ago states that a boy will rise up against the oppressive regime and lead his people to the promised land of Promethea. This is the actionpacked journey of one boy that sparks a rebellion that ignites a vicious clash of wills between king and commoner, where only one group can emerge alive and victorious with a truth drug, they still do not believe him. Aliens, Cult Film / TV 1954 71min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095359 Killers from Space DVDTee (XL) This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of the 1954 cult classic, Killers from Space, and a tee shirt featuring the original poster art. In this horror and sci-fi favorite from director and producer W. Lee Wilder, a scientist claims he was captured by aliens when his plane crashed during an atomic test. Even with a truth drug, they still do not believe him. Action, Fantasy 2010 DD 5.1 83min. Phase 4 Films 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095210 Aliens, Cult Film / TV 1954 71min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095362 Judges King Of Paper Chasin’ The ensemble cast brings to life the urban legend of The Judges,a group of renegade bounty-hunters that are united to bring down the crime and corruption in a small town. When Carter, a ruthless, inner city drug dealer, tries to give up the dope game and go straight as a credible artist in the mixtapecircuit, he faces deception, betrayal and violence from the people closest to him. Western, Action, Bounty Hunters 2006 93min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095481 Judges (Blu-ray) The ensemble cast brings to life the urban legend of The Judges,a group of renegade bounty-hunters that are united to bring down the crime and corruption in a small town. Western, Bounty Hunters, Action 2006 93min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095505 The Elia Kazan Collection Master director Martin Scorsese brings you this unprecedented collection of fifteen cinematic treasures from fellow Academy Award Winner Elia Kazan. From classic film noir to timeless period pieces, Kazan made a singular impact on the art of the motion picture, while evoking milestone performances from Hollywood’s very best, including Marlon Brando, James Dean, Warren Beatty, Natalie Wood and Walter Matthau. Also included in this extraordinary set is A Letter to Elia (2010), the new, full-length documentary on Kazan’s life, produced and presented by Scorsese himself. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn Boomerang! Gentleman’s Agreement Pinky Panic in the Streets A Streetcar Named Desire Viva Zapata! Man On A Tightrope On The Waterfront East of Eden Baby Doll A Face In The Crowd Wild River Splendor in the Grass America, America National Film Registry, Romance, Thrillers, Western, Academy Award Winners, Boxed Sets, Classics, Crime, Director / Writer Box Sets, Drama, Film Noir min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095289 Action, Drama 2009 124min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095446 Kisses Kisses is the story of Kylie and Dylan, young runaways living on the fringes of Dublin who discover both beauty and danger in the big city. Kylie lives with five siblings and an overworked mother. Next door, Dylan is growing up with an abusive father and the memory of his runaway brother. After a violent altercation with his father, Dylan and Kylie flee. Together they make their way to the magical lights of downtown Dublin to search for Dylan’s brother and hope for a new life. Dublin, as shown through the innocent eyes of our young protagonists, is a kaleidoscope of magic, wonder, and mystery. But as the night wears on, the city takes on a darker character, and the two must rely on the kindness of strangers and sagely wisdom of Bob Dylan to persevere. Featuring incredible breakthrough performances by Shane Curry and Kelly O’Neill, Kisses. Troubled Youth, Art House, Drama, Foreign, Irish 2008 78min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095215 Kung-Fu Master One man is faced with a life-altering choice when he is approached with the greatest honor. Realizing that innocent lives would be lost by his acceptance, he declines, forcing him to destroy the Kung-Fu Master alliance that once wanted him. Through endless obstacles and death traps, he will rise to the ultimate challenge to protect his people. Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts 95min. Lionsgate 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095354 The Kids Are All Right Lake Placid 3: Unrated Julianne Moore, Annette Bening, Mia Wasikowska, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Hutcherson Art House, Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2010 107min. Universal Studios 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095425 Yancy Butler, Colin Ferguson The Kids Are All Right (Blu-ray) Julianne Moore, Annette Bening, Mia Wasikowska, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Hutcherson Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Art House 2010 107min. Universal Studios 16.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095437 Killers From Space DVDTee (Large) This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of the 1954 cult classic, Killers from Space, and a tee shirt featuring the original poster art. In this horror and sci-fi favorite from director and producer W. Lee Wilder, a scientist claims he was captured by aliens when his plane crashed during an atomic test. Even Get ready for a living, feeding nightmare when a swarm of gigantic crocodiles terrorizes a secluded country lake. When local wildlife is brutally mauled and campers are reduced to carcasses, biologist Nathan Bickerman (Colin Ferguson) knows a voracious predator is on the loose. So does a feisty female hunting guide (Yancy Butler) out for her next trophy. As the body count rises, the local sheriff tries to keep things quiet and keep the tourists coming. But when the horrifying, hulking truth emerges, can anyone stop these cold-blooded killers before they claim their next victim? Lake Placid 3 is pulse-pounding, adrenaline-pumping, pure horror film fun. Thrillers, TV Movies, Action, Horror, Killer Animals 2010 93min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095004 The Last Airbender Nicola Peltz, Cliff Curtis, Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Toub, Dev Patel, Aasif Mandvi, Noah Ringer Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an extraordinary boy with incredible „bending“ powers, as he journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) can end the age-old conflict between the four nations, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095516 Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts 2010 103min. Paramount Pictures 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095471 Leading Ladies Collection The Last Airbender (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Musical, Romance, Academy Award Winners, Biography, Biopics, Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece min. 20th Century Fox 05.10.2010 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095011 Nicola Peltz, Cliff Curtis, Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Toub, Dev Patel, Aasif Mandvi, Noah Ringer Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an extraordinary boy with incredible „bending“ powers, as he journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who can end the age-old conflict between the four nations, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family! All About Eve The Best of Everything Blood and Sand Cleopatra Desk Set Gentlemen Prefer Blondes The Girl Can’t Help It How To Steal A Million Laura Peyton Place My Blue Heaven One Million Years B.C. The Rains Came The Snake Pit The Legend Of Bruce Lee Chan Kwok Kwan The story of the legendary martial arts icon Bruce Lee, following him from Hong Kong to America and back again, leading up to his tragic death at the age of 32. Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show 2010 103min. Paramount Pictures 16.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095477 TV Movies, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Martial Arts 2008 183min. Lionsgate 21.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095010 The Last Airbender (Blu-ray) When two sisters return to their childhood summer getaway, they soon fall under the wrath of an evil curse - one that threatens to rip them apart forever. The Legend Of Sorrow Creek Nicola Peltz, Cliff Curtis, Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Toub, Dev Patel, Aasif Mandvi, Noah Ringer Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an extraordinary boy with incredible „bending“ powers, as he journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who can end the age-old conflict between the four nations, Air, Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family! Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show 2010 103min. Paramount Pictures 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095476 Tired of being tormented by his boss, Joe, a disgruntled fast food employee, finally snaps and plans revenge. But after he’s rejected by a beautiful stranger, he decides to kidnap her instead. Romance, Drama 2009 105min. E1 Entertainment 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095444 The Last Vampire On Earth Chloe is a college student studying Anthropology. Aurelius is studying Hematology. They seemingly have nothing in common, except both have a secret. When brought together in a Literature Class, Chloe and Aurelius seem like the most unlikely of friends. Chloe is a pastor’s daughter. Aurelius is a pale loner. When Chloe reaches out to try and befriend him surprising things happen. This is a story of humanity, love, and blind superstition. It’s amazing what can happen when you reach out to a stranger. Your whole world might get turned upside down. Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Horror 90min. Green Apple Entertainment 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095379 Bob Hope Romance, Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Holidays 1951 min. Shout Factory 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095527 Will (Patrick Wilson of Little Children and The A-Team) is a Manhattan architect who seems to have it all: A successful business, a beautiful wife (Amy Smart of Crank) and son, and a new offer to merge with a major firm on a huge Brooklyn development. But when Will meets quirky young designer Kate (Lynn Collins of True Blood and X-Men Origins), he begins to re-think the flaws in his overall design. Can a man who’s stuck to a plan his entire life now find the courage to build the life he really wants? Zak Orth (Vicky Christina Barcelona), Fred Weller (In Plain Sight) and Rashida Jones (The Office, I Love You, Man), co-star in this perceptive indie romance/ drama from first-time writer/director Tracey Hecht about second chances, difficult choices and the sometimes bumpy journey that is Life In Flight. Drama 77min. MPI 30.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095494 Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel Imagine an enchanted fantasy world of timeless characters and magical moments where nothing goes right for the clumsy toymakers, Stannie Dum and Ollie Dee. When notorious scoundrel Barnaby demands to marry the beautiful Little Bo Peep, guess who secretly emerges as the bride. Based on the original Babes In Toyland, this movie is a dazzling spectacle of 6-foot wooden soldiers, Mother Goose characters and the beloved team of Laurel and Hardy. David Morse, Geena Davis, Samuel L. Jackson, Brian Cox, Craig Bierko, Patrick Malahide After eight years of amnesia, schoolteacher Samantha Cain (Davis) learns she was once a lethal assassin for the CIA... and now her former employers want her dead. Pursued by a hi-tech army of corrupt government renegades, Samantha teams up with a wise-cracking detective (Jackson) who helps her uncover her past before it buries them both. Crime, Femme Fatales, Killer Beauties, Action 1996 120min. New Line Home Entertainment 11.01.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095270 Long Pigs Serial Killers, Horror min. Allegro Entertainment 08.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095057 The Lost Tribe Lance Henriksen, Brianna Brown, Emily Foxler On a remote tropical island, an archeological team unearths a prehistoric secret so dangerous that none of them will live to reveal it. Then, when a group of friends is shipwrecked on the island, they discover the terrifying truth about what the scientists found - it’s very much alive, freakishly strong and has a taste...for humans. Golden Globe nominee Lance Henriksen (Terminator, Aliens) stars with Emily Foxler (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past), Nick Mennell (Friday the 13th, Halloween) and Brianna Brown (Knocked Up) in this pulsepounding horror-thriller from the director of Marine 2. Thrillers, Adventure 2009 90min. Image Ent. 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095524 The Lost World DVDtee (Large) This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of the 1925 classic, The Lost World, and a tee shirt featuring the original poster art. In this sci-fi favorite from director Harry O. Hoyt, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s imaginative story of a kingdom on a plateau, where prehistoric creatures still roam, comes alive. Classics, Dinosaurs, Fantasy 1925 66min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095363 The Lost World DVDtee (Xl) This „DVDTee“ includes both a DVD of the 1925 classic, The Lost World, and a tee shirt featuring the original poster art. In this sci-fi favorite from director Harry O. Hoyt, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s imaginative story of a kingdom on a plateau, where prehistoric creatures still roam, comes alive. Classics, Dinosaurs, Fantasy 1925 68min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095365 A Lure Lil’ Treasure Hunters When nine-year-old Molly Brown learns she has to move away from the river she loves, her and her friends, the - lil river rats, - devise a plan to stop her from moving. Adventure, Family 85min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095231 Laurel & Hardy: March Of The Wooden Soldiers (Blu-ray) LASER HOTLINE The Lemon Drop Kid Life in Flight Last Day Of Summer Buddy Pictures, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 1934 min. Legend Films 14.09.2010 Thrillers, Horror 74min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095239 The Long Kiss Goodnight (Bluray) Liverpool In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Farrel asks the captain of the freighter he works on for permission to go ashore once they reach the port of Ushuaia, the southernmost town of Argentina. Farrel wants to return to his birthplace and see if his mother is still alive. For the past twenty years he has worked as a seaman. He drinks to oblivion, pays the women he sleeps with, has no friends. Having reached the cluster of snow- covered houses where he grew up, Farrel discovers his mother is indeed still living but someone else has become part of the family. Drama, Foreign 2009 min. Kino Video 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095137 Thrillers, Crime, Detectives 93min. Osiris Entertainment 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095361 Luther Indira Varma, Saskia Reeves, Ruth Wilson, Idris Elba, Steven Mackintosh, Paul Mcgann, Warren Brown BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, International TV 2010 360min. BBC Home Video 23.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095181 Made Of Honor / The Jane Austin Book Club (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) Romance, Comedy, Drama, 2 Packs, Art House min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 44 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095041 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095238 Leguizamo, Jim Broadbent, Richard Roxburgh Manson: My Name Is Evil Mega Piranha (Blu-ray) Kristen Hager, Don McKellar, Gregory Smith, Ryan Robbins From the studio of Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus comes „the Syfy Channel’s most insane original movie yet!“ (Huffington Post). Eighties pop sensation Tiffany stars in this so-bad-itsgood favorite that follows a mutant strain of giant, ferocious piranha as they eat their way from the Amazon to Florida. Venture behind the red velvet curtain and witness a spectacle beyond the imagination. Enter a fantastic world where nothing is forbidden and everything is possible - The world of Moulin Rouge! The definitive moment that coined the phrase „serial killing.“ Manson’s bloodlust left a trail of dead bodies across the Los Angeles landscape. His resulting trial connects Perry, a sheltered chemist, to Leslie Van Houten, one of Manson’s murdering minions. Serial Killers, Canadian, Crime, Foreign, Horror 2009 85min. Lionsgate 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095353 Science Fiction, Action, Horror, Killer Animals 105min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095269 Mega Shark VS Crocosaurus Marcus Welby, M.D.: Season Two Robert Young, Elena Verdugo, James Brolin ABC, Drama 1970 min. Shout Factory 12.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095339 Marrying Up Paris Montague has got it going on. She has a good job and a great life. But the one thing she doesn’t have is what she wants most-a good man with a great heart. Paris is the last unmarried woman in her family and has settled on having rendezvous with her secret lover, Tyson-a man with big dreams and nothing to back it up. Her best friends Alexis and Sarah know what time it is, but Paris’ mother, Athena, is determined to change her daughter’s unmarried status. Athena has found the perfect mate for Paris-a good looking, fine man who just so happens to be rich. Even her father is fooled. But looks can be deceiving. Jabari may have everyone fooled while his demanding ex, Dina, pushes him to desperation, but Paris can tell that when things seem too good to be true, they usually are. With the help of her money-grubbing cousin Alexis, the Montague family must rely on their faith to discover that when it comes to Marrying Up, sometimes you have to look down. Romance 2008 75min. Music Video Distribution 26.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095409 Meet The Fockers (Blu-ray) Ben Stiller, Barbra Streisand, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Blythe Danner, Teri Polo Domestic disaster looms for male nurse Greg Focker (Stiller) when his straight-laced, ex-CIA father-in-law (De Niro) asks to meet his wildly unconventional mom and dad (Streisand and Hoffman). It’s family bonding gone hysterically haywire, in the must-see comedy critics are calling „A laugh riot!“ (Larry King) Comedy 2004 116min. Universal Studios 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095272 Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Blythe Danner, Teri Polo, Owen Wilson, James Rebhorn, Jon Abrahams Male nurse Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) is all set to propose to his girlfriend, Pam (Teri Polo), during a weekend at her parents’ home. But there’s a catch: Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro), Pam’s intimidating, cat-loving, ex-CIA father, takes an immediate dislike to his daughter’s truth-bending beau. Soon, a hilarious string of outrageous mishaps turns Greg into master of relative disaster. Meet the Parents is an uproarious comedy smash about true love conquering all, against all odds! Comedy, Romance 2000 108min. Universal Studios 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095273 Midsomer Murders: Village Case Files John Nettles, Daniel Casey British, Drama, Murder Mysteries min. Acorn Media 02.11.2010 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095253 From the studio of Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus comes „the Syfy Channel’s most insane original movie yet!“ (Huffington Post). Eighties pop sensation Tiffany stars in this so-bad-itsgood favorite that follows a mutant strain of giant, ferocious piranha as they eat their way from the Amazon to Florida. National Lampoon’s European Vacation Chevy Chase, Eric Idle, Dana Hill, Jason Lively, Victor Lanoux The first time the Griswalds took a trip - in National Lampoon’s Vacation - moviegoers everywhere went along for the ride... and went bonkers! Now, they’re into even zanier sightseeing in National Lampoon’s European Vacation, directed by Amy Heckerling (Clueless, Fast Times at Ridgemont High). Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo return as Clark and Ellen, winners of a European tour on which their teenagers Rusty (Jason Lively) and Audrey (Dana Hill) join them. Deluxe accommodations... aren’t. Clark tries left-sided English Driving, leaving Stonehenge unhinged. In Bavaria a slap-dancing polka turns into a slaphappy free-for-all. It’s holiday road havoc for the Griswalds - and your high road to hilarity! Road Trips, Comedy 1985 94min. Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095027 Mrs. Miracle National Lampoon’s Vacation Doris Roberts, Erin Karpluk, James Van Der Beek Chevy Chase, Imogene Coca, Christie Brinkley, Randy Quaid, John Candy James Van Der Beek (TV’s Dawson’s Creek) and Doris Roberts (TV’s Everybody Loves Raymond) star in this heartwarming charmer about family, faith and forgiveness. Overwhelmed widower Seth Webster (Van Der Beek) is searching for a housekeeper to help him with his rambunctious six-year-old twin sons. Mrs. Merkle (Roberts) - whom the boys call „Mrs.Miracle“ - mysteriously appears and quickly becomes an irreplaceable nanny, chef, friend...and matchmaker. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber comes this whimsical holiday story filled with good tidings and great joy. TV Movies, Family, Fantasy 2009 92min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095257 Miyuki Thrillers, Horror min. Allegro Entertainment 11.05.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095054 In this sci-fi classic from director and producer Bill Rebane, a space capsule crash-lands, and the astronaut aboard disappears. Is there a connection between the missing man and the monster roaming the area? This Special Edition includes a restored version of „Monster a Go-Go“, the theatrical trailer, an interview with Bill Rebane, audio commentary, a special collectible „Scary Monsters“ article and a short film from Bill Rebane titled „Twist Crazy Fantasy, Monsters 1965 70min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095372 Monte Walsh Lee Marvin, Jack Palance, Mitchell Ryan, Jeanne Moreau, Jim Davis, Michael Conrad Mega Piranha LASER HOTLINE Sharks, Thrillers, Action 2010 90min. Asylum Home Entertainment 21.12.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095325 Monster A Go-Go Meet The Parents (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Action, Horror, Killer Animals 105min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 The massive prehistoric shark has survived the last battle, and the world is again threatened when a new, more dangerous foe is discovered in the jungles of Africa. Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Music, Musical, Romance 2001 Ltbx 131min. 20th Century Fox 19.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095017 Monte Walsh is an aging cowboy facing the ending days of the Wild West era. As barbed wire and railways steadily eliminate the need for the cowboy, Monte and his friends are left with fewer and fewer options. New work opportunities are available to them, but the freedom of the open prairie is what they long for. Eventually, they all must say goodbye to the lives they knew, and try to make a new start. Everything is planned. Everything is packed. And everything is about to go hilariously wrong. The Griswolds are going on vacation. In the driver’s seat, of course, is Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase), an Everyman eager to share the open road and the wonders of family togetherness with his wife and kids. Myriad mishaps, crude kin (Randy Quaid), encounters with a temptress (Christie Brinkley), financial woes, Aunt Edna (Imogene Coca) on the roof, one security guard (John Candy) and 2,460 miles later, it is indeed a wonder the Griswolds are together. There’s never been a family vacation like it. Except perhaps for yours. And that helps explain why National Lampoon’s Vacation remains so popular...and so very funny. Road Trips, Comedy 1983 98min. Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095028 Night At The Museum Collection (Blu-ray) Ben Stiller On The Job, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, 2 Packs, Adventure min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095195 Night Of The Demons On Halloween night, a group of friends partying at the notorious Broussard Mansion discover a horrifying secret and unleash the wrath of blood-thirsty demons. Devils And Demons, Horror 2009 96min. E1 Entertainment 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095443 Night Of The Demons (Blu-ray) On Halloween night, a group of friends partying at the notorious Broussard Mansion discover a horrifying secret and unleash the wrath of blood-thirsty demons. Devils And Demons, Horror 2009 96min. E1 Entertainment 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095475 Nite Tales: The Series Western 1970 99min. Paramount Pictures 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095502 Prepare yourself for a whole new „flavor“ of horror! Filled with twists and turns and packed with some oftoday’s hottest stars, NiteTales is a thrilling, new anthology series that puts an urban twist on terror - all presented by the ultimate master of „scaremonies,“ Flavor Flav the „Time Keeper.“ Moulin Rouge! (Blu-ray) Horror 2009 156min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 Ewan McGregor, Nicole Kidman, John Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095447 Image Ent. 19.10.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095523 each one featuring his daughter with a different man in compromising positions. Digging deeper into the mystery, he discovers a girl he barely knew, and unearths secrets he never wanted to confront. Perry Mason: Season 5 - Volume 2 Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2010 84min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095457 The Notorious Landlady Jack Lemmon, Kim Novak, Doris Lloyd, Fred Astaire, Lionel Jeffries Richard Quine directs Jack Lemmon in this story of an American diplomat stationed in London who rents a room from landlady Kim Novak only to discover she’s being watched by Scotland Yard. Written by Blake Edwards and co-starring Fred Astaire. Mystery, Classics, Comedy 1962 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 02.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095266 The Office: Digital Shorts Collection Perry Mason: Seasons 1 - 5 Work Sucks, Comedy, NBC min. Universal Studios 16.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095147 Open Water / Open Water 2: Adrift (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Double Features, High Seas, Sharks, Thrillers min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095298 Pain Beau (Yung Ro), struggling to find his identity amidst a world of drugs and street hustling, comes to grips with the reality that his lifestyle is destroying him and those he loves. Upon his meetingthe niece of his mentor in the drug trade, he begins to discover that there is only one way to stop his pain, but is he willing to do what it takes? Romance, Drama 2010 95min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095484 Paranormal Entity Samantha Finley was murdered in 2008. This film, that includes footage released for the first time, proves that nothing human caused her death. Crime, Horror 88min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095234 Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, Ray Collins, William Hopper, William Talman, Wesley Lau, Dan Tobin CBS, Classics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues min. Paramount Pictures 16.11.2010 521,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095504 Pet Sematary (Lenticular OSleeve) Fred Gwynne, Denise Crosby, Miko Hughes, Mary Louise Wilson, Susan Blommaert, Blaze Berdahl, Dale Midkiff, Brad Greenquist, Michael Lombard After moving to an idyllic home in the countryside, life seems perfect for the Creed family...but not for long. Louis and Rachel Creed and their two young children settle in to a house that sits next door to a pet cemetery - built on an ancient Indian burial ground. Their mysterious new neighbor, Jud Crandall (Fred Gwynne), hides the cemetery’s secret...until a family tragedy brings the secret to life. Now, an unthinkable evil is about to be resurrected. From Stephen King, Master of the Macabre, comes a journey that leads to hell and back. Though not everyone survives the trip. For the Creeds, home is where the horror is. Stephen King, Zombies, Horror 1989 min. Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095432 The Pillars Of The Earth Parks And Recreation: Season Two Pamela Reed, Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Aubrey Plaza, Paul Schneider, Chris Pratt, Nick Offerman, Aziz Ansari Comedy, Mockumentary, NBC, On The Job 2009 min. Universal Studios 30.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095423 Pee Wee’s Playhouse: The Complete Collection Rufus Sewell, Alison Pill, Hayley Atwell, Sarah Parish, Natalia Worner, Donald Sutherland, Ian McShane, Matthew Macfadyen, Tony Curran, Eddie Redmayne Based on the novel by Ken Follett and set in 12th Century England in the fictional town of Kingsbridge, this epic story revolves around the building of a cathedral and follows the lives of three men over 40 years as they each deal with politics, war, romance and personal ambition. Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Romance 2010 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 23.11.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095404 The Pillars Of The Earth (Blu-ray) Laurence Fishburne, Phil Hartman, Natasha Lyonne, S. Epatha Merkerson, Lynne Stewart, Paul Reubens, John Paragon, George McGrath Every day’s a wacky celebration at Pee-Wee’s Playhouse! Now you can see Miss Yvonne, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi the Genie, Captain Carl, Reba the Mail Lady, Tito, the King of Cartoons and the rest of the gang! Join the fun and scream the secret word to every great episode! It’s side-splitting hilarity in never-before-seen clarity! Hey, that rhymes! Get ‘em while they’re hot if you wanna be cool! Winner of an amazing 22 Emmy Awards during its six-year run, this show has enchanted millions of children and adults alike! Pee-Wee’s Playhouse: The Complete Collection includes all 45 episodes in Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Volume 1 and Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Volume 2, plus the bonus Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special! Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Family, Puppets 1151min. LASER HOTLINE Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, Ray Collins, William Hopper, William Talman, Richard Anderson, Wesley Lau, Dan Tobin, Lee Miller, Karl Held CBS, Classics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1962 773min. Paramount Pictures 16.11.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095503 Rufus Sewell, Alison Pill, Hayley Atwell, Sarah Parish, Natalia Worner, Donald Sutherland, Ian McShane, Matthew Macfadyen, Tony Curran, Eddie Redmayne Based on the novel by Ken Follett and set in 12th Century England in the fictional town of Kingsbridge, this epic story revolves around the building of a cathedral and follows the lives of three men over 40 years as they each deal with politics, war, romance and personal ambition. Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Romance, Thrillers 2010 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 23.11.2010 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095436 Playback When Detective Steve Lambord begins to investigate his daughter’s death, he discovers a closet full of videotapes, Playing For Time Vanessa Redgrave, Christine Baranski, Jane Alexander, Maud Adams TV Movies, World War II, Drama, Holocaust 1980 min. Olive Films 07.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095337 Please Give Catherine Keener, Rebecca Hall, Amanda Peet, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Sarah Steele, Oliver Platt Married antique-dealers, Kate and Alex (Catherine Keener and Oliver Platt) plan on gutting the apartment they own next door to expand their own pad once Andra, the cranky, elderly widow (Ann Guilbert) who lives there, finally dies. When Kate, conflicted with her own guilt, befriends Andra’s granddaughters (Rebecca Hall and Amanda Peet), the results are anything but predictable in this devastatingly funny comedy that examines life and death...and everything in between! Art House, Comedy, Drama 2010 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095005 Please Give (Blu-ray) Catherine Keener, Rebecca Hall, Amanda Peet, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Sarah Steele, Oliver Platt Married antique-dealers, Kate and Alex (Catherine Keener and Oliver Platt) plan on gutting the apartment they own next door to expand their own pad once Andra, the cranky, elderly widow (Ann Guilbert) who lives there, finally dies. When Kate, conflicted with her own guilt, befriends Andra’s granddaughters (Rebecca Hall and Amanda Peet), the results are anything but predictable in this devastatingly funny comedy that examines life and death...and everything in between! Comedy, Drama, Art House 2010 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 19.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095015 Poirot: Murder On The Orient Express (Blu-ray) Sarah Polley, Rachel McAdams, Martha Burns, Colm Feore, Don McKellar, Mark McKinney, Paul Gross, Stephen Ouimette, William Hutt Filmed in spectacular high definition, this „winningly moody new dramatization“ (The Seattle Times) of Agatha Christie’s beloved tale also includes a bonus documentary hosted by star David Suchet. Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Agatha Christie 2007 93min. Acorn Media 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095383 The Possession Of David O‘Reilly Compared favorably to The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, The Posession Of David O’Reilly marks the UK as the next hot source for original, inventive horror. Giles Alderson stars as David O’Reilly, a guy dumped by his girlfriend and looking to crash with his London friends for the night. Unfortunately, O’Reilly is bringing more than emotional baggage because something - a demon, a ghost, an alien? - is stalking his every move. O’Reilly knows more than he’s admitting - why else does he immediately pour a line of salt across the doorstep? - but is he possessed or just nutters? Uneasiness soon ramps up into sheer fright in a movie that Pax Romano admitted left him „surprised and scared witless.“ Watch it and - if you’re really brave - invite your friends over to join you. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Horror 85min. MPI 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095090 First Look Home Entertainment 14.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095112 Ramona And Beezus Predators Laurence Fishburne, Alice Braga, Adrien Brody, Danny Trejo, Topher Grace, Walton Goggins, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Oleg Taktarov, Louis Ozawa Changchien Robert Rodriguez presents Predators, a bold new chapter in the Predator universe. Adrien Brody stars as Royce, a mercenary who reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors mysteriously brought together on a jungle planet. But when these cold-blooded human „predators“ find themselves in allout war against a new breed of alien Predators, it’s the ultimate showdown between hunter and prey. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Aliens 2010 105min. 20th Century Fox 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095077 Bridget Moynahan, Ginnifer Goodwin, Selena Gomez, Joey King, John Corbett, Josh Duhamel Teen sensation Selena Gomez (Hannah Montana, Wizards Of Waverly Place) teams up with newcomer Joey King in this delightful coming-of-age comedy based on the best-selling books by Beverly Cleary. Ramona (King) is a little girl with a very big imagination and a nose for mischief. Her playful antics keep everyone in her loving family on their toes, including her older sister Beezus (Gomez), who’s just trying to survive her first year of high school. Through all the ups and downs of childhood, Ramona and Beezus learn that anything’s possible when you believe in yourself and rely on each other. Comedy, Family, Family Relationships 2010 103min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095472 Predators (Blu-ray) Laurence Fishburne, Alice Braga, Adrien Brody, Danny Trejo, Topher Grace, Walton Goggins, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Oleg Taktarov, Louis Ozawa Changchien Ramona And Beezus (Blu-ray) Robert Rodriguez presents Predators, a bold new chapter in the Predator universe. Adrien Brody stars as Royce, a mercenary who reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors mysteriously brought together on a jungle planet. But when these cold-blooded human „predators“ find themselves in allout war against a new breed of alien Predators, it’s the ultimate showdown between hunter and prey. Teen sensation Selena Gomez (Hannah Montana, Wizards Of Waverly Place) teams up with newcomer Joey King in this delightful coming-of-age comedy based on the best-selling books by Beverly Cleary. Ramona (King) is a little girl with a very big imagination and a nose for mischief. Her playful antics keep everyone in her loving family on their toes, including her older sister Beezus (Gomez), who’s just trying to survive her first year of high school. Through all the ups and downs of childhood, Ramona and Beezus learn that anything’s possible when you believe in yourself and rely on each other. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Aliens 2010 105min. 20th Century Fox 19.10.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095084 Premonition / Untraceable (2Pack) (Blu-ray) Mystery, Serial Killers, Technology, Thrillers, Drama, FBI, Killer Technology, 2 Packs min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095042 Prey (Blu-ray) Peter Weller, Bridget Moynahan, Carly Schroeder, Jamie Bartlett, Connor Dowds Out here you’re the endangered species.. In this tense and terrifying thriller, Bridget Moynahan (I, Robot) and Peter Weller (24) star as vacationers lost on an African game reserve, stalked by a pride of bloodthirsty lions. As each potential rescuer meets a gruesome death, the desperate family must battle to survive. Acclaimed director Darrell James Roodt (Cry, the Beloved Country) pits man’s intellect against the king of the jungle’s most primal killing instinct. Packed with edge-of-your-seat intensity, Prey won’t let you out of its jaws until the final frame. Will man outwit the beast...or be in the feast? Horror, Killer Animals, Thrillers 2006 88min. Weinstein Company 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095126 Private Practice: The Complete Third Season Kate Walsh, Amy Brenneman, Audra McDonald, Taye Diggs, Tim Daly, KaDee Strickland, Paul Adelstein, Chris Lowell ABC, Drama 2009 989min. Disney / Buena Vista 14.09.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095012 The Proposition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Thrillers, Western, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Action, Art House, Australian 2005 104min. LASER HOTLINE Bridget Moynahan, Ginnifer Goodwin, Selena Gomez, Joey King, John Corbett, Josh Duhamel Comedy, Family, Family Relationships 2010 103min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095478 Red Eye (Lenticular O-Sleeve) Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Brian Cox Fear takes flight at 30,000 feet in this non-stop action thriller! An overnight flight to Miami quickly becomes a battle for survival when Lisa (Rachel McAdams) realizes her seatmate plans to use her as part of a chilling assassination plot. As the miles tick by, she’s in a race against time to warn the potential victims before it’s too late. Get ready for the nonstop, adrenaline-pumping thrill-ride that Peter Travers of Rolling Stone claims „will pin you to your seat.“ Thrillers 2005 min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 09.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095433 Red Hot Zorro Did you think you’d heard all of the stories about Zorro and his fight for justice and peace? Well, think again. Here comes a masked avenger like you’ve never experienced before. While battling against his bitter foes, our hero Zorro never forgets to take some time off his vigilante duties to perform some extra tasks below the bed sheets. Mind you that good ol’ Zorro always knows how to please women who are looking for the thrills of erotic adventure, because his sword is always ready to fight the good battle. Swashbucklers, Western, Erotica, Foreign, French 1972 85min. Mya Communication 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095160 Romeo + Juliet (Blu-ray) Claire Danes, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brian Dennehy, Diane Venora, John Leguizamo, Pete Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino This brilliant and contemporary retelling of the world’s most tragic love affair makes this wildly inventive „Romeo & Juliet“ unforgettable. This special edition DVD contains audio commentary by Baz Luhrmann, early rehearsal scenes and an inside look at the making of the movie. Baz Lurhrmann’s dazzling and unconventional adaptation of William Shakespeare’s classic love story is spellbinding. Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes portray Romeo and Juliet, the youthful star-crossed lovers of the past. But the setting has been moved from its Elizabethan origins to the futuristic urban backdrop of Verona Beach. Drama, Romance, Shakespeare, Tragedies 1997 120min. 20th Century Fox 19.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095018 Room 33 When a group of stranded travelers spend the night at an abandoned institution, they discover an evil force still lives there - and doesn’t want them to leave. Devils And Demons, Horror 92min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095235 Samantha: An American Girl Holiday - Deluxe Edition Jackie Brown, Mia Farrow, AnnaSophia Robb, Olivia Ballantyne, Karen Eyo, Jordan Bridges TV Movies, Christmas, Drama, Family, Holidays 2004 86min. Warner Bros. 30.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095104 Samurai Vendetta TangeTenzenand Nakayama Yasubeiare honorable samurai living in an era of corrupt officials andtreacherous clans. But after finding themselves in opposing clans and ensnared in a love triangle, only bloodshed can ensue! An epic tale of slashing swords,cutting betrayal, and bloody revenge, Samurai Vendetta is justlyhailed as one of the best samurai films ever made! Samurai, Action, Adventure, Foreign, Japanese 1959 109min. AnimEigo 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095454 The Larry Sanders Show: Season Two Rip Torn, Janeane Garofalo, Penny Johnson, Jeffrey Tambor, Garry Shandling, Wallace Langham Comedy, HBO 1993 min. Shout Factory 02.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095151 The Larry Sanders Show: The Complete Series Rip Torn, Janeane Garofalo, Penny Johnson, Jeffrey Tambor, Garry Shandling, Wallace Langham Comedy, HBO 1992 min. Shout Factory 02.11.2010 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095150 Santa Claus: The Movie - 25th Anniversary Edition John Lithgow, Dudley Moore, Burgess Meredith, David Huddleston, Judy Cornwell This is the story of a master toymaker who discovers a magical kingdom of elves at the North Pole. He is entrusted with special powers to become Santa Claus! He meets Patch (Dudley Moore), an eager-to-please elf who becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon’s (John Lithgow) plans to take over Christmas. Christmas, Family, Holidays 1985 109min. Lionsgate 26.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095204 Santa Claus: The Movie - 25th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) John Lithgow, Dudley Moore, Burgess Meredith, David Huddleston, Judy Cornwell This is the story of a master toymaker who discovers a magical kingdom of elves at the North Pole. He is entrusted with special powers to become Santa Claus! He meets Patch (Dudley Moore), an eager-to-please elf who becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon’s (John Lithgow) plans to take Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) over Christmas. Christmas, Family, Holidays 1985 109min. Lionsgate 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095217 The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Complete Third Season Anjli Mohindra, Elisabeth Sladen, Mina Anwar, Yasmin Paige, Alexander Armstrong, Daniel Anthony, Ace Bhatti, Tommy Knight A return to 13 Bannerman Road finds Sarah Jane, along with her son Luke, and teenagers Rani and Clyde, with more earthvisiting aliens to investigate. These exciting new adventures include the return of their most fearsome enemy yet - the Judoon. They also encounter a lonely telepathic alien whose powers grow out of control, and explore unexplained phenomena in a haunted house. A priceless painting comes to life, and a pair of Slitheen, Leef and Tree Blathereen, attempt to overrun Earth with Rakweed. And, as Sarah Jane enjoys the happiest day of her life, she is joined by two old companions: her favorite robot dog and a certain time-traveler of great renown. Adventure, Aliens, BBC, British, Family, Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction 2009 335min. BBC Home Video 04.01.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095489 office of E. Edward Grey (James Spader). At first the work seems quite normal but soon, in between typing, filing and coffee making, Lee and Mr. Grey embark on a more personal relationship together, crossing the lines of conduct that would give any human resource director the vapors! Comedy, Erotica, Art House, On The Job, Romance, Sexy Comedies 2002 min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095299 Secrets Of Sex Dorothy Grumbar, Valentine Dyall, Janet Spearman, Anthony Rowlands, Richard Shulman Journey into the mind of the undead as a talking mummy guides us on a grand tour of the timeless „battle of the sexes“ between man and women. An erotic horror cult classic from Executive Producer Richard Gordon (Fiend Without A Face, Island Of Terror), Secrets Of Sex is an offbeat anthology film like no other. A sexy mix of sex, horror and humor filmed in varied styles, this is one of the strangest films you are ever likely to see. This version of Secrets Of Sex was previously released under the title Bizarre and contains deleted footage never before seen in the U.S. Science Fiction, Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Horror 1969 Ltbx 16x9 M 92min. CAV 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095247 Sex Drive Scream Dream A heavy metal singer’s satanic worshiping reputation turns out to be more than just a rumor in his shot-on-video cult classic! Michelle Shocked (Carol Carr) is a lead singer of a red hot heavy metal band. Her image as the new queen of rock is feed by rumors that she’s involved with witchcraft & Satan worship. There are even stories of disappearances of fans at her shows! But her manager Lou Sharkey has grown tried of dealing with media outrage, so he fires her & replaces her with Jamie Summers (Melissa Moore), a sexy blonde with a strong voice & less ego. However, when the band visits Shocked to tell her they had nothing to do with her firing, they discover the rumors are true - Shocked is a demon & the band is forced to kill her. But later that day, Jamie visits Shocked’s apartment to pick up some of her old stage clothes & finds the body. Drawn to it, she becomes possessed by Shocked’s spirit. With this fresh young body, Shocked will get the revenge she craves! Cult Film / TV, Devils And Demons, Horror 1989 69min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095367 Sculpture Haunted by dark images from a repressed past, struggling artist Ashley Steele (RaineBrown) returns to her childhood home following the death of her parents. Accepting a commission from a well-known art dealer (Alan Rowe Kelly), she enlists body-builders as models and enthusiastically embarks upon the project. However, her fragile, new-found confidence cannot withstand her brother’s obsessive behavior or her accelerating visions of childhood trauma. As a childhood friend (Misty Mundae) reaches out to help, Ashley spirals down a path of unspeakable horror, mutilation and murder. Thrillers, Horror 2009 155min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095451 Amanda Crew, Seth Green, James Marsden, Clark Duke, Josh Zuckerman Warning: Ruder. Cruder. Nuder.. Ian has a decision to make: stay home and stay a virgin or drive 800 miles to lose it with an online hottie. Decision made. Now Ian (Josh Zuckerman) and his horndog buddy Lance (Clark Duke) are off on a sex safari... with „BFF“ baggage Felicia (Amanda Crew) in tow. Their epic quest features a stolen GTO, kinky trailer park sex, a prison fight, topless Abstinence Xtreme dancers, a smartass Amish super-mechanic (Seth Green) and his drunken, boob-flashing friends, a gun-wielding Mexican donut and Ian’s „d-bag“ brother (James Marsden) in hot pursuit. Road Trips, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2008 109min. Summit Entertainment 12.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095029 SGU: Stargate Universe - The Complete First Season Lou Diamond Phillips, Alaina Huffman, Elyse Levesque, Robert Carlyle, Justin Louis, Brian J. Smith, Jamil Walker Smith A group of soldiers, scientists and civilians, fleeing an attack, is stranded billions of miles from Earth on an Ancient ship known as the Destiny. Locked on an unknown course, they must fight to survive and find a way home. The danger, adventure and hope they find on board the Destiny will reveal the heroes and villains among them. Action, Adventure, Science Fiction 2009 874min. MGM / UA 05.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095009 SGU: Stargate Universe - The Complete First Season (Blu-ray) Searchers 2.0 As child actors, Mel and Fred were beaten and whipped by an imperious screenwriter, Fritz Frobisher. Now the elderly Fritz is to appear at a tee-shirt signing ceremony in Monument Valley, AZ, where his great films were made. Still living in LA and seeking work as actors, Mel and Fred decide to go to Monument Valley and give Fritz a drubbing. Since neither of them has a working car, they invite Mel’s estranged daughter, Delilah, to give them a ride. Politics, Adventure, Comedy 2007 96min. Microcinema DVD 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095248 Secretary (Blu-ray) Lou Diamond Phillips, Alaina Huffman, Elyse Levesque, Robert Carlyle, Justin Louis, Brian J. Smith, Jamil Walker Smith A group of soldiers, scientists and civilians, fleeing an attack, is stranded billions of miles from Earth on an Ancient ship known as the Destiny. Locked on an unknown course, they must fight to survive and find a way home. The danger, adventure and hope they find on board the Destiny will reveal the heroes and villains among them. Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 2009 874min. MGM / UA 05.10.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095020 Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Spader, Lesley Ann Warren, Stephen McHattie, Jeremy Davies, Patrick Bauchau Shallow Hal (Repackaged) Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has a few strikes against her when she applies for a secretarial position at the law Directed by the guys who brought you There’s Something LASER HOTLINE Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jason Alexander, Susan Ward, Joe Viterelli About Mary and Me, Myself & Irene, this heavyweight hit comedy is „heartwarming and hilarious - an unbeatable combination!“ (WFLD-TV) Jack Black is Shallow Hal, a superficial skirt chaser who, after a mind altering experience with a self-help guru, doesn’t realize that his gorgeous girlfriend (Gwyneth Paltrow) is actually a 300-pound not-sohottie. Meanwhile, Hal’s playboy pal Mauricio (Jason Alexander) is determined to break the spell before someone gets... squashed! Packed with loads of laughs and non stop fun, it’s the biggest love story ever told! Romance, Comedy 2001 113min. 20th Century Fox 02.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095330 Sheeba Drama, Family 91min. Questar 18.01.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095499 Sherlock Jr. / Three Ages A movie projectionist and janitor (Buster Keaton) who is studying to become a detective is in love with a beautiful girl (Kathryn McGuire). On a date he presents her with chocolates and an engagement ring. However, there is another man who’s also interested in his girl (Ward Crane). One day he is accused of stealing his girlfriend’s father’s watch. He falls asleep on the job and dreams that he is a Sherlock Holmes-type detective, solving the case of who stole a valuable pearl necklace. Three plots in three different historical periods - prehistoric times, ancient Rome, and modern times (the Roaring Twenties) are intercut to prove the point that men’s love for woman have not significantly changed throughout history. In all three plots, characters played by Buster Keaton and Wallace Beery compete for the attention of the same woman, played by Margaret Leahy. Silent Film, Classics, Comedy, Detectives 1923 min. Kino Video 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095136 Sherlock: Season One Rupert Graves, Martin Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch A contemporary take on the classic Arthur Conan Doyle stories, Sherlock is a thrilling, funny, fast-paced adventure series set in present-day London. Co-created by Steven Moffat (Doctor Who, Coupling) and Mark Gatiss, Sherlock stars BAFTA-nominee Benedict Cumberbatch (Hawking, Amazing Grace) as the new Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman (The Office, Love Actually), as his loyal friend, Doctor John Watson. Rupert Graves plays Inspector Lestrade. The iconic details from Conan Doyle’s original books remain - they live at the same address, have the same names and, somewhere out there, Moriarty is waiting for them. And so across three thrilling, scary, action-packed and highly modern-day adventures, Sherlock and John navigate a maze of cryptic clues and lethal killers to get at the truth. BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mystery 2010 461min. BBC Home Video 09.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095103 Sherlock: Season One (Blu-ray) Rupert Graves, Martin Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch A contemporary take on the classic Arthur Conan Doyle stories, Sherlock is a thrilling, funny, fast-paced adventure series set in present-day London. Co-created by Steven Moffat (Doctor Who, Coupling) and Mark Gatiss, Sherlock stars BAFTA-nominee Benedict Cumberbatch (Hawking, Amazing Grace) as the new Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman (The Office, Love Actually), as his loyal friend, Doctor John Watson. Rupert Graves plays Inspector Lestrade. The iconic details from Conan Doyle’s original books remain - they live at the same address, have the same names and, somewhere out there, Moriarty is waiting for them. And so across three thrilling, scary, action-packed and highly modern-day adventures, Sherlock and John navigate a maze of cryptic clues and lethal killers to get at the truth. British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mystery, BBC 2010 461min. BBC Home Video 09.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095113 The Shiver Of The Vampires The Shiver Of The Vampires is one of director Jean Rollin’s most acclaimed and sought after vampire films. Featuring gorgeous lesbian vampires, Gallic vampire hippies, weird Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) vampires and lashings of weird hippie lesbian sex, The Shiver Of The Vampires. Vampires, Erotica, Foreign, French, Horror 1971 96min. Redemption USA 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095162 Sister Smile: The Tragic Tale Of The Singing Nun „Suor Sorriso“ in which the nun (Ginevra Colonna) emerges as a tormented, unstable woman who abruptly left the convent after her recording triumph before taking her final vows. Running a shelter for wayward girls, she and another ex-nun (Simona Caparrini) enter a passionate, tumultuous and destructive affair. Colonna’s volcanic Deckers craves spiritual redemption as well as the other woman’s love but is so beset by demons that she embarks on a flamboyant, drugfueled downward spiral that ultimately engulfs her lover as well as herself. „ Los Angeles Times“. Drama 2002 95min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095177 Sisters (Blu-ray) Stephen Rea, Chloe Sevigny, Lou Doillon, Dallas Roberts Reporter Grace Collier (Chloe Sevigny, TV’s Big Love, American Psycho) witnesses a woman committing a bizarre murder in this disturbing shocker based on Brian De Palma’s 1973 classic. When police fail to find a corpse or any trace of the crime, Collier undertakes her own investigation that leads her to a mental asylum and the discovery of the mysterious woman’s once-conjoined twin. Stephen Rea also stars as the twins’ controlling and controversial doctor in a chilling look at the deep and sometimes psychotic bond between Sisters. Horror, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2006 92min. Image Ent. 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095227 The Six Wives Of Henry Lefay After Henry Lefay is presumed dead, his daughter Barbara is left to make the funeral arrangements. But when his current wife and five exes wage a fierce power struggle over the burial, Barbara is hilariously caught in the middle. Romance, Comedy 2009 95min. E1 Entertainment 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095441 The Six Wives Of Henry Lefay (Blu-ray) After Henry Lefay is presumed dead, his daughter Barbara is left to make the funeral arrangements. But when his current wife and five exes wage a fierce power struggle over the burial, Barbara is hilariously caught in the middle. Romance, Comedy 2009 min. E1 Entertainment 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095473 Sarah Polley, Rachel McAdams, Martha Burns, Colm Feore, Don McKellar, Mark McKinney, Paul Gross, Stephen Ouimette, William Hutt Showered with awards and critical acclaim, this darkly comic Canadian series follows the fortunes of a dysfunctional Shakespearean theatre troupe, exposing the high drama, scorching battles, and electrifying thrills that happen behind the scenes. Paul Gross (Due South) stars as Geoffrey Tennant, the passionate but unstable artistic director of the New Burbage Theatre Festival. Haunted by the ghost of his predecessor (Stephen Ouimette), he struggles to realize his creative vision while handing touchy actors, a jittery general manager (Mark McKinney), a pretentious guest director (Don McKellar), and his own tempestuous romance with the festival’s leading lady (Martha Burns). The backstage bedlam mirrors the onstage angst as Geoffrey directs three of Shakespeare’s masterpieces - Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear - one in each season. Guest stars include Rachel McAdams (Wedding Crashers), Colm Feore (Chicago), Sarah Polley (Go, The Sweet Hereafter), and renowned Stratford Festival actor William Hutt in one of his last performances. Canadian, Drama, Foreign, International TV, On The Job, Performing Arts 2007 840min. Acorn Media 26.10.2010 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095382 Son Of The Beach: Back To The Beach Comedy, FX, Sexy Comedies min. Shout Factory 28.09.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095122 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Monica Bellucci, Alice Krige, Teresa Palmer, Nicolas Cage, Alfred Molina, Jay Baruchel, Toby Kebbell, Omar Benson Miller Magic is everywhere in Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - the fun family adventure from the creators of National Treasure. Balthazar Blake (Nicolas Cage) is a modern-day sorcerer with his hands full defending Manhattan against dark forces. When a seemingly average kid show hidden potential, Balthazar takes his reluctant recruit on a crash course in the art and science of magic to become the ultimate sorcerer’s apprentice. Experience more extraordinary thrills, heartstopping action and spectacular special effects than you can imagine as these unlikely partners show us that the real world is far more magical than we ever knew! Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Magic 2010 120min. Disney / Buena Vista 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095322 British, Comedy, Foreign 2010 94min. Indiepix 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095459 Skins: Volume 4 Critical darling Skins is back with another season of Effy and Co.’s misadventures! Volume Four begins with the suicide of a girl named Sophia (Amberley Gridley) while she is high on MDMA at Thomas’s club night. A police inspector (Pauline Quirke) questions the entire gang, and Thomas is expelled by the new headmaster (Chris Addison) for his unseemly connection to the incident. Thomas gives into temptation and sleeps with another girl, causing Pandora to break up with him. Meanwhile, Effy falls into a psychotic depression, JJ falls in love with a single mother, and Naomi and Emily have some baggage to sort through. With everyone so busy, is there ever time for school? BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Romance 2010 376min. BBC Home Video 11.01.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095488 Slings & Arrows: The Complete sorcerer with his hands full defending Manhattan against dark forces. When a seemingly average kid show hidden potential, Balthazar takes his reluctant recruit on a crash course in the art and science of magic to become the ultimate sorcerer’s apprentice. Experience more extraordinary thrills, heartstopping action and spectacular special effects than you can imagine as these unlikely partners show us that the real world is far more magical than we ever knew! Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Action, Adventure 2010 120min. Disney / Buena Vista 30.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095346 The Sound Of Music: 45th Anniversary Blu-ray Collection (Blu-ray) Christopher Plummer, Julie Andrews, Eleanor Parker, Richard Haydn, Peggy Wood Share the magical, heartwarming true-life story that has become the most popular family film of all time - Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music. Julie Andrews lights up the screen as Maria, the spirited young woman who leaves the convent to become governess to the seven children of Captain von Trapp, an autocratic widower whose strict household rules leave no room for music or entertainment. Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama, Family, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Romance 1965 175min. 20th Century Fox 02.11.2010 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095191 The Sound Of Music: 45th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Christopher Plummer, Julie Andrews, Eleanor Parker, Richard Haydn, Peggy Wood Share the magical, heartwarming true-life story that has become the most popular family film of all time - Rodgers and Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music. Julie Andrews lights up the screen as Maria, the spirited young woman who leaves the convent to become governess to the seven children of Captain von Trapp, an autocratic widower whose strict household rules leave no room for music or entertainment. Classics, Drama, Family, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Romance 1965 175min. 20th Century Fox 02.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095190 Staunton Hill (Blu-ray) The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Bluray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Bluray) Monica Bellucci, Alice Krige, Teresa Palmer, Nicolas Cage, Alfred Molina, Jay Baruchel, Toby Kebbell, Omar Benson Miller Skeletons LASER HOTLINE Collection (Blu-ray) Magic is everywhere in Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - the fun family adventure from the creators of National Treasure. Balthazar Blake (Nicolas Cage) is a modern-day sorcerer with his hands full defending Manhattan against dark forces. When a seemingly average kid show hidden potential, Balthazar takes his reluctant recruit on a crash course in the art and science of magic to become the ultimate sorcerer’s apprentice. Experience more extraordinary thrills, heartstopping action and spectacular special effects than you can imagine as these unlikely partners show us that the real world is far more magical than we ever knew! Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Action, Adventure 2010 120min. Disney / Buena Vista 30.11.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095347 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Bluray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Monica Bellucci, Alice Krige, Teresa Palmer, Nicolas Cage, Alfred Molina, Jay Baruchel, Toby Kebbell, Omar Benson Miller Magic is everywhere in Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - the fun family adventure from the creators of National Treasure. Balthazar Blake (Nicolas Cage) is a modern-day Kathy Lamkin, Christen Coppen, Kiko Ellsworth, David Roundtree It’s the fall of 19969, and winds of change are blowing across America. But on a remote family farm in the hills of Virginia, a storm of evil has been brewing for years. Now for a group of young people hitchhiking to a rally in Washington DC, a detour to the nightmare homestead of the Staunton’s will rip apart their young lives forever. A grisly secret is waiting. The raw terror is growing. And the clan’s brutal harvest is about to begin. Kathy Lamkin (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Kiko Ellsworth (Dexter) Cooper Huckabee (The Funhouse), Cristen Coppen and David Rountree star in this extreme shocker from Pittsburgh filmmaker Cameron Romero - son of legendary Night Of The Living Dead director George A. Romero - that unleashes a new generation of graphic horror. Horror, Thrillers 2009 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095201 Storm Martin Sheen, Luke Perry Thrillers 104min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095240 Sunday Waking one Sunday morning, two young lovers make a pact not to get out of bed all day... no matter what. This experimental love story attempts to create honest moments between two people and tickle your funny bone along the way. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Romance, Drama 2008 72min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095467 Tales Of The Dead Surf’s Up / The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (2-Pack) (Bluray) Sports, Watersports, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, 2 Packs, Action, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095043 Swamp Thing: The Series - The Legend Continues USA Network, Based On Comic Book, Cult Film / TV, Monsters, Science Fiction, Superheroes min. Shout Factory 28.09.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095123 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street (Lenticular O-Sleeve) Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Timothy Spall, Sacha Baron Cohen Set in an imaginative world that only Tim Burton and Johnny Depp could capture, Sweeney Todd has been hailed as a masterpiece by critics and audiences everywhere. Supported by a stellar cast including Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen. Depp’s „spellbinding“ (NY Magazine) performance as Sweeney brilliantly elevates Burton’s dark vision of a wronged man obsessed with revenge. Sweeney Todd is „mighty entertainment“ (NY Post) that will win your heart with a vengeance. Musical, Revenge, Thrillers, Academy Award Winners, Dark Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, Horror 2007 min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 15.09.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095430 Anthologies, Horror 2008 75min. Ryko Distribution 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095153 Teknolust Academy-Award winner Tilda Swinton plays four roles in this award-winning Sci-Fi about Rosetta Stone and her three SelfReplicating Automatons, (S.R.A.’s) which she cloned from her own DNA. Though they look human, the S.R.A. cyborgs were bred as intelligent machines and are immortal. In order to survive, they need sustenance of male Y chromosome, found only in sperm. Their task is to harvest sperm in the old fashioned way, which leads to a quest for love. Robots / Androids, Romance, Science Fiction, Drama 2003 82min. Microcinema DVD 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095249 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1992 91min. Troma Team Video 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095164 A Touch of Frost: Season 15 Award-winning Sir David Jason (Only Fools and Horses) returns as maverick detective Jack Frost in the final episodes of the U.K.’s long-running #1 rated detective series A Touch Of Frost. In 35 whodunits over 15 seasons, Jason’s Frost, a moody, rule-breaking „street copper,“ has sought out the unpleasant truth, often at great personal cost. In the two-part If Dogs Run Free, Frost raids an illegal dog fighting ring, hoping to nab a local gangster, but the thug eludes him, and a brutal killing follows. Meanwhile, Frost is disturbed to find that someone is copying a series of unsolved crimes from years earlier ? and Frost himself may be the killer’s next victim. Most unexpected of all, love finally finds the aging detective ? but will he get to live happily ever after? Detectives, Mystery 176min. MPI 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095492 The Touch Sweet William Jenny Agutter, Sam Waterston Romance, Drama 1980 90min. Scorpion Releasing 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095163 Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Family 2009 90min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095463 T.V. Sets: Christmas Treats Trailer Park Boys: The Complete First Season T.V. Sets: Holiday 2 Pack Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay, Mike Smith, Patrick Roach After 18 months in jail, Trailer Park Boys Julian and Ricky head back to Sunnyvale Trailer Park. They’re aiming to get their lives together, but wherever they go, trouble is not far behind. 2 Packs, Chanukah, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 401min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095079 Action, Comedy 2001 FF S 180min. Phase 4 Films 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095208 Tales From The Players Manual: Volume 1 Angel City, 2247. Trooper Jack Deth is battling the last disciples of Whistler, who used his powers to trance and control his army. When Deth discovers Whistler has time traveled to 1985 and is killing the ancestors of his enemies, he launches a deadly mission to stop a notorious murderer. Romeo (Tobi Gadison: Ray, Dukes of Hazard, Glory Road) is a true player in his own mind. He juggles multiple women and stays on 22’s. Life is a game, and Romeo knows how to play it. Or does he? Witness the triumphs and pitfalls of a „true player.“ Sam and his cousin Freddy are tired of being broke. Thus beginsSam journey to kingpin status, but is he smart enough to stay ahead of an obsessed FBI agent hot on his trail? Romance, Drama 2010 97min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095485 LASER HOTLINE Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 85min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095229 Trancers III Jack is time-jacked back to 2247 to save Angel City from a new wave of Trancers. His mission: find the origin of this new wave of Trancers and end it with extreme prejudice. For good - but Jack learns that the Trancer program is government sponsored, and that his usual shoot ‘em up style may not work this time. Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 75min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095230 Treeless Mountain There’s Nothing Out There!: 20th Anniversary Edition After a suicide attempt, Hannah finds herself on the steps of the church’s shelter. Not only does her life begin to change through a series of good „touches“ but the church is changed, and challenged, as well. This award winning film is based on the true story of the development of the Ministry Village by First Baptist Church of Leesburg, Florida. Chanukah, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 217min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095078 are around.... Trancers Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 76min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095228 Trancers II Los Angeles, 1991. It’s been six years since Jack Deth wiped out the last of the Trancers. Jack has rebuilt his life in the present with his new wife Lena (Helen Hunt). But Jack’s got a strange feeling in his gut - the kind you get when Trancers When their mother leaves in order to find their estranged father, 7-year-old Jin and her younger sister, Bin, are left to live with their Big Aunt for the summer. With only a small piggy bank and their mother’s promise to return when it is full, the two young girls are forced to acclimate to changes in their family life. The 2 bright-eyed young girls eagerly anticipate their mother’s homecoming. But when the bank fills up, and with their mother still not back, Big Aunt decides that she can no longer tend to the children. Taken to live on their grandparents’ farm, it is here that Jin comes to learn the importance of family bonds and self-reliance in this beautiful second feature from So Yong Kim. Art House, Drama, Foreign, Korean 2008 89min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 15.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095262 The Trial Robert Forster, Matthew Modine, Randy Wayne Matthew Modine delivers one of his finest performances in this gripping courtroom thriller based on the best-selling novel by Robert Whitlow. Modine stars as „Mac“ McClain, an emotionally crippled attorney who’s lost his faith in God and himself. That’s when Mac reluctantly decides to take on one last case: a young man (Randy Wayne, To Save A Life), facing the death penalty for first-degree murder. But nothing can prepare Mac for the startling twists and turns of the ensuing trial, as the determined lawyer fights for justice and seeks a path to his own redemption. Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2010 90min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095278 The Trial/ The List (2 Pack) Thrillers, 2 Packs, Drama, Family, Lawyers / Legal Issues 208min. 20th Century Fox 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095279 Twilight (Single Disc) Peter Facinelli, Kristen Stewart, Billy Burke, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner Bella Swan (Stewart) doesn’t expect much when she moves to the small town of Forks, Washington, until she meets the mysterious and handsome Edward Cullen (Pattinson) - a boy who’s hiding a dark secret: he’s a vampire. As their worlds and hearts collide, Edward must battle the bloodlust raging inside him as well as a coterie of undead that would make Bella their prey. Based on the #1 New York Times bestselling sensation by Stephanie Meyer, Twilight adds a dangerous twist to the classic story of star-crossed lovers. Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Drama, Fantasy 2008 122min. Summit Entertainment 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095021 The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Single Disc) Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Anna Kendrick, Ashley Greene, Christian Serratos, Billy Burke, Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Taylor Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 50 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) lose their heads over this old school splatter-fest. Lautner In the second chapter of Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling Twilight series, the romance between mortal Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) grows more intense as ancient secrets threaten to destroy them. When Edward leaves in order to keep Bella safe, she tests fate in increasingly reckless ways in order to glimpse her love once more. But when she’s saved from the brink by her friend, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), Bella will uncover mysteries of the supernatural world that will put her in more peril than ever before. Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Werewolves, Drama, Fantasy 2009 130min. Summit Entertainment 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095022 Uncle Nino (Blu-ray) Pierrino Mascarino, Gina Mantegna, Trevor Morgan Overworked executive Robert Micelli (Golden Globe nominee Joe Mantegna, Searching for Bobby Fischer) has little time for his loving wife (Academy Award nominee Anne Archer, Patriot Games), rebellious fourteen-year-old son, Bobby, (Trevor Morgan, Jurassic Park III) and twelve-year-old daughter, Gina (Gina Mantegna, 13 Going On 30), who desperately wants a dog. This disconnected family is transformed by long-lost Uncle Nino (Pierrino Mascarino, Tears of the Sun), an old world Italian who unexpectedly arrives on their doorstep for a visit. Nino’s simple, oldfashioned ways make him a curiosity to the neighborhood, and an embarrassment to Robert. But, Nino is slowly able to connect with each member of the family, and teach Robert how to enjoy life’s simple pleasures: good food, good music, and most important, La Famiglia! Uncle Nino is that rare family film whose simple story and gentle humor can be enjoyed by all ages. Comedy, Drama, Family, Family Relationships 110min. Questar 20.07.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095384 Vegas: Based On A True Story Eddie Parker, his wife Tracy and their 12-year-old son Mitch lead blue-collar lives on the outskirts of America’s pleasure capital, Las Vegas. A compulsive gambler, Eddie has never won big. Tending her small garden in the desert, Tracy tries to keep the fragile family life together. Then an elusive stranger shows up claiming there’s something special about their home and he makes an offer that quickly turns into the family’s obsession. The only question is how deep are they willing to go? Drama 2008 102min. Music Video Distribution 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095413 Vengeance Legendary director Johnnie To (The Election Trilogy, Triangle PTU) - the greatest master of Hong Kong action films since John Woo - returns with an instant modern classic compared by Roger Ebert to Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven, Vengeance is a visually stunning and gripping gangster tale about honor among thieves and a father determined to avenge his daughter. Pop legend Johnny Hallyday (often called the French Elvis) gives the performance of his life as Costello, a world-weary but dapper gourmet chef who clearly has violence in his past (and future) when he enlists the help of hired assassins to enact his bloody revenge on the Chinese gangsters who nearly killed his little girl. Two brilliantly staged shoot outs by To - one in the moonlight, the other at an abandoned dump are merely the highlights of a movie that crosses Memento with a spaghetti western and comes up with this international smash hit. Revenge, Action, Gangs 109min. MPI 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095091 Valhalla Rising Acclaimed Danish director Nicholas Winding Refn follows his worldwide smash Pusher trilogy and the widely praised Bronson with his most daring film yet. Valhalla Rising is a brutally beautiful Viking film with international star Mads Mikkelsen (Casino Royale, Clash Of The Titans) as One Eye, a chained prisoner forced to fight to the death for the entertainment of his captors. When One Eye escapes, he stumbles upon a group of warriors headed to the Crusades. But fate has something else in store, as the men drift into the New World, where savages stalk them one by one in increasingly violent ways. Is One Eye an avenging angel or just the guiltiest of them all? The answers can be found in this ruthless, hallucinatory, one of a kind journey Vikings, Fighting 93min. MPI 30.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095498 Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl The deranged genius behind Tokyo Gore Police is back with a chilling new flick that’s re-writing the hallowed history of the horror genre. Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl is the terrifying story of two classic monsters re-imagined as super hot - and extremely lethal - Japanese school girls. Gore rules supreme in this blood-cake cavalcade of carnage chosen as the winner of the Audience Award at the 2009 NY Asian Film Festival. Fan boys and movie blogs are already buzzing over this bloodbath du jour, and aficionados of psychedelic bloodfilled chocolates, mad scientist principals, sumo wrestlers from hell, and sex-crazed school nurses are guaranteed to lose their heads over this old school splatter-fest. Slasher, Vampires, Foreign, Frankenstein, Horror, Japanese 2009 85min. Funimation 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095400 Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl (Blu-ray) The deranged genius behind Tokyo Gore Police is back with a chilling new flick that’s re-writing the hallowed history of the horror genre. Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl is the terrifying story of two classic monsters re-imagined as super hot - and extremely lethal - Japanese school girls. Gore rules supreme in this blood-cake cavalcade of carnage chosen as the winner of the Audience Award at the 2009 NY Asian Film Festival. Fan boys and movie blogs are already buzzing over this bloodbath du jour, and aficionados of psychedelic bloodfilled chocolates, mad scientist principals, sumo wrestlers from hell, and sex-crazed school nurses are guaranteed to LASER HOTLINE Slasher, Vampires, Foreign, Frankenstein, Horror, Japanese 2009 85min. Funimation 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095434 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story / You Don’t Mess With The Zohan (2-Pack) (Blu-ray) Comedy, 2 Packs, Music min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095044 We Are Going To America Russian, Drama, Foreign 1992 118min. Facets Video 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095061 What Really Frightens You? In the offices of „Ghastly Horror“ Magazine, a reporter pitches his ideas for a survey of people and their innermost fears. The editor hires him and sends him to New York’s Time Square to find subjects. The first subject, an attorney, tells about his fear of being captured by gang members, a college student tells of her re-occurring nightmare of being attacked and a computer programmer describes his vision, since childhood, of a monster hiding beneath his bed. The three are eager to be interviewed, but unaware that something terrifying and deadly is about to happen to each when the final draft is written. Will fears come true? Who is this strange reporter? Horror 2009 74min. Celebrity Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095066 White Christmas Giftset Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Dean Jagger Musical, Romance, Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Family, Holidays 1954 120min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095107 White Christmas: Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Dean Jagger White Christmas. and the beloved holiday song, „White Christmas.“ In this incredible Anniversary Edition, you will find the timeless musical, plus new features that include backstage stories, a look at the actors and more! Two talented song-and-dance men (Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye) team up after the war to become one of the hottest acts in show business. One winter, they join forces with a sister act (Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen) and trek to Vermont for a white Christmas. Of course, there’s the requisite fun with the ladies, but the real adventure starts when Crosby & Kaye discover that the inn is run by their old army general who’s now in financial trouble. And the result is the stuff dreams are made of. Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Family, Holidays, Musical, Romance 1954 120min. Paramount Pictures 02.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095085 White On Rice Freshly divorced, Jimmy lives with his sister Aiko(Japanese Academy Award winner Nae) and her family while boldly searching for a new wife. His brother in-law, Tak(Mio Takada, Late Night with Conan O’Brien) thinks he’s a disaster. And although Jimmy may lack social grace, he is convinced the best years of his life are just beginning. His plan seems like it’s all falling into place when Tak’sbeautiful niece Ramona (Lynn Chen) moves in. But once Jimmy sets his sights on stealing her from his best friend Tim (James KysonLee, Heroes), he sees his intentions go hilariously awry. Comedy, Drama 2008 86min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095456 Wild Grass Emmanuelle Devos, Sabine Azema, Anne Consigny, Mathieu Amalric, Andre Dussollier, Edouard Baer, Michel Vuillermoz A wallet lost and found opens the door - slightly - to Georges and Marguerite’s romantic adventure. After finding a red wallet and examining the ID of it’s owner, it is not a simple matter for Geroges to turn it into the police. Nor can Marguerite retrieve her wallet without being piqued with curiosity about the person who found it. As they navigate the social protocols of giving and acknowledging thanks, turbulence enters their lives. Wild Grass is based on the novel L’incident by French novelist Christian Gailly. Romance, Art House, Drama, Foreign, French 2009 104min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095149 The Wiz (Blu-ray) Richard Pryor, Mabel King, Lena Horne, Diana Ross, Theresa Merritt, Thelma Carpenter, Michael Jackson, Nipsey Russell, Ted Ross Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Musical 1978 135min. Universal Studios 30.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095047 Wonderland (Blu-ray) Lisa Kudrow, Kate Bosworth, Val Kilmer, Josh Lucas, Dylan McDermott On the afternoon of July 1, 1981, Los Angeles police responded to a distress call on Wonderland Avenue and discovered a grisly quadruple homicide. The police investigation that followed uncovered two versions of the events leading up to the brutal murders - both involving legendary porn actor John Holmes. You’re about to experience both versions. Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2003 min. Lionsgate 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095293 WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? Adam Gregory, Maxine Bahns, John Schneider A powerful and thought-provoking story about 4 individuals a singer, a newspaper editor, a wealthy philanthropist and a Minister who lost his faith - all vowing to walk in „the steps of Jesus“. Every day and every decision becomes a turning point in their lives as they must ask themselves: „What Would Jesus Do?“ Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Religion/Spirituality, Family 2010 DD 5.0 88min. Phase 4 Films 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095207 You Might As Well Live Comedy 2008 78min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095445 Zombie Christ Religion/Spirituality, Zombies, Comedy, Horror 2010 100min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095184 Music GG Allin & The AIDS Brigade: Live In Boston 1989 This DVD features a live performance from GG Allin & The AIDS Brigade at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA from August 27, 1989. Also included is footage from various band rehearsals, pre-show makeup session, Merle and GG jamming and more. Bonus footage includes two 1993 shows from GG Allin & The Murder Junkies at Under The Rail in Seattle (May 26 - GG sets the stage on fire and defecates before the first song) and The Roseland Theater in Portland, OR (May 27 - GG sets the stage on fire again and gives himself a turkey baster enema). This is the vintage GG Allin you’ve come to know and love! Alternative, Concerts, Music, Punk min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095143 America’s Music Legacy: Country & Western Rock-a-Billy, Country, and Bluegrass all came from the simple form of story telling by music and modern Country and Western music has its roots in the folk songs of the rural south and the cowboy music popularized by the singing cowboys of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. The America’s Music Legacy series was recorded 1983-85 and produced by 20TH Century Home Entertainment. It showcases the musical legends performing the songs that continue to attract and entice the whole world, because they truly are the best of all that is America. The program is hosted by Gene Weed and features performances by Razzy Bailey, Patti Page, Moe Bandy, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ricky Skaggs, and many more. Western, Country Music, Music 1995 120min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095280 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095124 Blues, Music 1994 120min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095282 Documentary, Music, Progressive Rock min. Eagle Vision USA 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095125 America’s Music Legacy: Rock ‘N Roll Classic Albums: Rush - 2112 & Moving Pictures (Blu-ray) Rock and Roll grew from the melding of Black Rhythm and Blues with Country and Western. This mixture was so volatile that several southern congressmen went on record stating that Rock and Roll was a plot to destroy American values by encouraging race mixing. Originating in predominately black areas, Rock and Roll started out being labeled as rebellious, primative, black music until white artists like Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper introduced Rock and Roll to the „mainstream“ youth in the early 1950’s, and their influence along with others began the first true multi-racial and multi-cultural movement in America. The America’s Music Legacy series was recorded 1983-85 and produced by 20TH Century Home Entertainment. It showcases the musical legends performing the songs that continue to attract and entice the whole world, because they truly are the best of all that is America. The program is hosted by Fabian and features performances by The Coasters, Chubby Checker, Bo Diddley, The Diamonds, Little Anthony, and many more Music 1994 120min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095185 Bach: Matthaus-Passion - A Ballet By John Neumeier Ballet, Classical Music, Performing Arts 211min. Naxos 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095310 Big Country: Final Fling - Glasgow Barrowlands & Live In Berlin These two powerful concerts capture Big Country at their very best. The content on the first disc was recorded at an East Berlin Peace Concert the year before the wall came down. You could feel the yearning for freedom in the air as 150,000+ East Germans came to enjoy the kind of concert us Westerners take for granted. It was this concert that gave inspiration for the bands next studio album ‘Peace In Our Time’ to be released the following year. The second disc was recorded in May 2000 at the final date of the „Final Fling“ tour in their spiritual home of Glasgow’s Barrowlands. They had never sounded so good and the audience as feverent as ever. Concerts, Music 2000 207min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095283 America’s Music Legacy: Gospel From reggae to rumba, jazz to juju, Gospel is now expressed in as many ways as there are music genres. The only consistent thread is that it carries a Christian ‘good news’ message and remains defined by the influence of Christian expression in black music. The America’s Music Legacy series was recorded 1983-85 and produced by 20TH Century Home Entertainment. It showcases the musical legends performing the songs that continue to attract and entice the whole world, because they truly are the best of all that is America. The program is hosted by Levar Burton and features performances by Mahalia Jackson, The Chambers Family, Linda Hopkins, Mel Carter, Andrae Crouch, The Winans, and many more. Classic Gospel, Gospel, Music 1994 120min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095281 Joe Bonamassa: Live From The Royal Albert Hall (Blu-ray) The Road To The Royal Albert Hall Django The Ballad Of John Henry So It’s Like That Last Kiss So Many Roads Stop! Introducing Eric Clapton Further On Up The Road High Water Everywhere Sloe Gin I First Met B.B. King Lonesome Road Blues Happier Times Introducing Paul Jones Your Funeral My Trial Blues Deluxe Story Of A Quarryman The Great Flood Just Got Paid Mountain Time Asking Around For You Blues, Concerts, Music 2009 min. Fontana DVD 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095540 Bravo Pavarotti America’s Music Legacy: Rhythm & Blues Rhythm and Blues (now called R&B) can trace its roots directly from Jazz, Ragtime, and the old black Gospel and Spiritual standards. The narrative form and rich beat of these forms also form the basis for today’s RAP and Hip-Hop. The emphasis on rhythm and storytelling has always been part of what made this music popular reflecting the sum of the Black LASER HOTLINE experience in a way that is truly unique and American. The America’s Music Legacy series was recorded 1983-85 and produced by 20TH Century Home Entertainment. It showcases the musical legends performing the songs that continue to attract and entice the whole world, because they truly are the best of all that is America. The program is hosted by Billy Eckstine and features performances by Sam Moore, Sheer Delight, Brook Benton, Scatman Crothers, Mary Wells, and many more. Concerts, Music, Opera min. Universal - Music 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095535 Classic Albums: Rush - 2112 & Moving Pictures Documentary, Music, Progressive Rock min. Eagle Vision USA 28.09.2010 Classic Albums: Rush - 2112 & Moving Pictures (Blu-ray + DVD + CD Combo Deluxe Edition) (Bluray) Documentary, Music, Progressive Rock min. Eagle Vision USA 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095128 Dio: Holy Diver Live (Blu-ray) Dio Live In London. Captured live in front of a sold out London crowd, Dio delivers a truly memorable performance on this special night. Hailed as one of the finest voices in Heavy Metal for over 30 years now, due to his stints in Rainbow, Black Sabbath and as a solo artist, Dio is one of the few people in the history of music that can honestly say they have played on three classic albums, each under a different moniker. Not only does ‘Holy Diver Live’ features the classic Holy Diver album in its entirety, recorded live for the very first time, it also features among others Heaven & Hell, Sign Of The Southern Cross and Mob Rules from his Black Sabbath days, Tarot Woman, Man On The Silver Mountain and Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll from Rainbow days and We Rock from his solo career. 1.Tarot Woman 2.Sign Of The Southern Cross 3.One Night In The City 4.Evil Eyes 5.Stand Up And Shout 6.Holy Diver 7.Gypsy 8.Caught In The Middle 9.Don’t Talk To Strangers 10.Straight Through The Heart 11.Invisible 12.Rainbow In The Dark 13.Shame On The Night 14.Gates Of Babylon 15.Heaven & Hell 16.Man On The Silver Mountain 17.Long L Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2006 min. Eagle Rock 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095350 Good To See You Again, Alice Cooper Live 1973: The Billion Dollar Babies Tour (Blu-ray) Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 1974 min. Shout Factory Music 13.12.2005 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095543 Grand Finale: New Year’s Eve Concert 1999 An extraordinary program for an extraordinary night: The Berliner Philharmoniker celebrates the final day of the 20th Century with Grand Finales in the first part and heralds the leap into the 21st Century with an explosion of sparkling music pieces in the second half of the program. For the Grand Finales, Maestro Claudio Abbado conducts masterpieces including Beethoven’s finale of the 7th symphony, excerpts from Stravinsky’s Feuervogel and the final movement of Mahler’s 5th Symphony. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 1999 113min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095329 Green Day: Collector’s Box Emerging from a scene credited with introducing the American public to Punk Rock in the early 1990s, Green Day were quick to establish themselves as the most vital of their peers, their major label debut ‘Dookie’ going on to sell 20 million copies. Over the next decade a series of massive selling albums, sold out world tours and an array of awards kept the group in the limelight. But the release of 2004’s ‘American Idiot’ opened the band up to a whole new audience, making them the world’s most successful punk band in the process. Green Day - The DVD Collector’s Box includes one disc which charts the band’s rise to the top, featuring interviews with ex-band members, friends, and those who know them best. The second disc consists of an in-depth analysis of Green Day’s recorded output. Featuring live and studio performances and contributions from colleagues and peers. Finished with deluxe packaging & rare photos, this set will prove a must have for every one of the band’s millions of fans Collections, Music 2010 128min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095376 ray) INXS: Mystify Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival 1997 The Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival, held at the University of Idaho since 1967, brings together some of the greatest names in jazz. Over the years performances at this festival have included some of the biggest names in Jazz. This collection from the 1997 festival includes performances by Lionel Hampton and his big band, along with star turns by vocalists Diana Krall and Lou Rawls, plus legendary players Pete and Conte Candoli, Randy Brecker, Bill Watrous and more, backed by a swinging house band featuring Hank Jones and Herb Ellis. Concerts, Jazz, Music 1997 85min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095318 Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orchestral 120min. Allegro Entertainment 13.07.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095052 Hannah Montana Forever: Who Is Hannah Montana? World-famous superstar Hannah Montana has been living a double life as Malibu teen Miley Stewart?! Say what, say what? In the much-anticipated, 1-hour episode from the allnew season, Hannah Montana Forever, the whole world will watch as Hannah takes the wig off...for good! This is the must-have series collection that includes all of Hannah’s biggest moments when she takes off the wig and shares her true identity. Hannah has been rocking the world and living the celebrity life, but behind all the glitz and glamour, she’s just a normal teenage girl named Miley Stewart. Things get complicated when she has to keep her true identity from friends, classmates, crushes, paparazzi and millions of fans! Join Miley on a journey of self-discovery in 8 hilarious episodes - including the sensational series pilot! Watch as she confesses her double life to her BFFs Lilly and Oliver, then to Jake, and then to...? You’ll have to watch to find out! Will Hannah finally take center stage as Miley Stewart? It’s the big moment y’all have been waiting for - and you can see it first, only on this DVD! Sweet nibblets! Comedy, Disney Channel, Family, Music, Pop Music 2010 185min. Disney / Buena Vista 02.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095536 Colin Haye: Live At The Corner While Colin Haye’s voice and visage are familiar to millions as front-man, songwriter, and vocalist of pop sensation Men at Work („Down Under,“ „Overkill,“ „Who Can it Be Now?“), the past ten years have found him reintroducing himself to a new generation of fans. The frequent use of his music in TV and film - including hit shows such as Scrubs (on which he has made several cameo appearances) and Army Wives, and the hit soundtrack to the film Garden State - has proven the timeless appeal of his songs: quizzical, curious, cynical yet open-hearted. Colin Haye: Live At The Corner documents Colin and his band live in concert at the legendary Corner Hotel in Melbourne, Australia. Men at Work. unforgettable live performance make Live At The Corner a must-have for Colin Hay fans. Concerts, Music 142min. Naxos 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095132 Andrew Hill: Solos - The Jazz Sessions The Jazz Sessions spotlights Andrew Hill, a great and even groundbreaking composer and pianist. While many of his contemporaries were totally jettisoning the rhythmic and harmonic techniques of bop and hard bop, Hill worked to extend their possibilities; his was a revolution from within. He exhibited a determined command of his materials, however abstract they might sometimes be. His composed melodies were labyrinthine, rhythmically and harmonically complex tunes that exhibit a sophistication born of mastery, not chance or contingency. As a pianist, Hill had a flowing melodicism and an elastic sense of time. Like his composing, Hill’s playing had an ever-present air of spontaneity and was almost completely devoid of cliché. LASER HOTLINE Concerts, Documentary, Music 125min. Questar 24.08.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095386 Phish: Coral Sky Menotti: The Old Maid & The Thief; The Medium Musicals On Stage, Opera, Performing Arts 118min. Naxos 28.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095311 Minkus: Don Quichotte A Handel Celebration Jazz, Music 2008 50min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095285 Concerts, Music, Pop Music min. Eagle Vision USA 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095114 Classical Music, Foreign, French 122min. Naxos 28.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095315 Motorhead: Attack In Switzerland - Live In Concert We are Motörhead and we’re gonna kick your ass!, has become a legendary sentence that Lemmy bellows out as an opener for every Motörhead live show. It all started in 1975, when bassist/singer Lemmy formed his own group Motörhead with two of his buddies after he had been sacked from the psychedelic hard rock outfit Hawkwind. Named after the last song Lemmy had written for Hawkwind, Motörhead set out to conquer the globe with their own version of high speed rock ‘n’ roll. Also in 2002 „The World’s Loudest and Hardest Band“ rocked the Open Air in Gampel, Switzerland for swiss-TV. And still, their motto is: „a guitar riff shouldn’t be longer than it takes to open a bottle of beer.“ Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2010 67min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095183 Youssou N’Dour: I Bring What I Love A gorgeously photographed, music-infused cinematic portrait of world famous Senegalese pop sensation Youssou N’Dour. Best known in the West for his collaborations with Bono (U2) and Peter Gabriel, N’Dour is one of the most beloved musicians in popular music and his legendary career has spanned decades. World Music, Documentary, Music 2008 102min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 06.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095263 Passions Just Like Mine: Morrissey And Fan Culture Passions Just Like Mine is a documentary film telling the story of Latino music fans in the greater Los Angeles area whose lives have been utterly transformed by the words, music, and lifestyle of British pop star Morrissey. The film offers a stirring glimpse into how one’s course in life can be changed by a total stranger with seemingly no cultural similarities. The fans’ stories are revealed by the devoted themselves, providing powerful portraits of their obsession and transformative journeys. The camera follows these fans to Smiths tribute shows, Morrissey fan conventions and into Latino neighborhoods and family homes where the influence of the British pop icon resounds. One-on-one interviews with the fans are interspersed with personal archival materials including fanzines, fliers, and photographs, as well as livefootage from tribute bands such as Sweet and Tender Hooligans and These Handsome Devils. Passions Just Like Mine creates a window into a world where an eighteen-yearold Mexican immigrant can become obsessed with a forty-fiveyear-old man he’s never known, and even more profoundly, that th Documentary, Latin Music, Music 2010 60min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095440 Les Paul Live In New York On November 2nd, 1996, Phish performed at Coral Sky Amphitheater in West Palm Beach, FL; the only outdoor shed show of the Fall Tour. A long-time fan favorite, the show features special guests including Karl Perazzo (from Santana) on percussion throughout and Butch Trucks (from The Allman Brothers Band), playing drums during the encore. Along with a few palm trees, the DVD showcases the birth of the band’s more rhythmic, textured group improv style and conveys their and the crowd’s excitement at the breakthrough.The audio for the DVD is fully mixed and mastered for 5.1 surround. Track Listing: 1.Ya Mar 2.Julius 3.Fee 4.Taste 5.Cavern 6.Stash 7.The Lizards 8.Free 9.Johnny B. Goode 1.Crosseyed And Painless 2.Run Like An Antelope 3.Waste 4.Harry Hood 5.A Day In The Life 6.Sweet Adeline 7.Funky Bitch Stoners, Concerts, Jam Bands, Music 1996 min. WEA 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095260 Prime Suspect: Complete Collection Detectives, Murder Mysteries, Music, Mystery 1500min. Acorn Media 07.09.2010 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095252 Andre Rieu: Celebration Of Music Classical Music, Concerts, Music min. Fontana DVD 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095533 Sacred Music: An Easter Celebration Classical Music, Concerts, Holidays, Music 120min. Allegro Entertainment 11.05.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095056 Michael Schenker Group: Live In Tokyo - 30th Anniversary Japan Tour This performance was recorded in January 2010 during the 30th Anniversary Japan Tour. On this tour, the Michael Schenker Group consisted of Michael Schenker, Gary Barden, Simon Phillips, Wayne Findlay, and Neil Murray. The band, in impectable form, blasts through a track list highlighting all stages of Schenker’s career: from UFO and Scorpions hits, through MSG classic tracks, to his solo compositions. Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2010 min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095139 Michael Schenker Group: Live In Tokyo - 30th Anniversary Japan Tour (Blu-ray) This performance was recorded in January 2010 during the 30th Anniversary Japan Tour. On this tour, the Michael Schenker Group consisted of Michael Schenker, Gary Barden, Simon Phillips, Wayne Findlay, and Neil Murray. The band, in impectable form, blasts through a track list highlighting all stages of Schenker’s career: from UFO and Scorpions hits, through MSG classic tracks, to his solo compositions. Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2010 min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095173 Concerts, Documentary, Music 125min. Questar 24.08.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095369 Schumann: Homage To Robert Schumann - Live From The Frauenkirche Dresden 2010 Les Paul Live In New York (Blu- Classical Music, Opera min. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Naxos 28.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095313 ray) Schumann: Homage To Robert Schumann - Live From The Frauenkirche Dresden 2010 (Bluray) Until The Light Takes Us Classical Music, Opera min. Naxos 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095344 Shonen Knife: Live At Mohawk Place 2009 Osaka, Japan’s Shonen Knife perform a blazing set of their favorites from their nearly 3 decade reign as Japan’s first name in Indie Rock exports. Recorded live on their 2009 „Super Group“ Tour of North America, the band performs the final show of the tour at Buffalo, NY’s Mohawk Place. Highlights include an encore performance by original SK member Atsuko, 18 songs from their extensive catalog, tunes such as Giant Kitty, Antonio Baka Guy and Bear Up Bison, as well as selections from their recently released „Super Group“ album. Including bonus exclusive interview footage, this is a must have item for any Shonen Knife / J-Rock / Indie rock fan’s permanent collection. Concerts, Indie Rock, Music 2010 58min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095186 Snoop Dogg, Ja Rule & Jadakiss: Live! Three live Hip Hop DVDs included in this limited edition box set! Snoop Dogg - Drop it Like it’s Hot (live in Brussels 2005), Ja Rule - 2005 (live 2005 on his European tour), and Jadakiss - Kiss of Death Tour (Live in London 2005). An amazing value. Boxed Sets, Concerts, Music 2005 489min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095179 Black Metal, Death Metal, Documentary, Music 2008 93min. Factory 25 29.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095154 Until The Light Takes Us (Blu-ray) Black Metal, Death Metal, Documentary, Music 2008 min. Factory 25 29.09.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095174 Until The Light Takes Us: Limited Edition Black Metal, Death Metal, Documentary, Music 2008 min. Factory 25 29.09.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095155 Video Games Live: Level 2 Concerts, Music min. Shout Factory 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095530 Video Games Live: Level 2 (Bluray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Concerts, Music min. Shout Factory 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095541 Wagner: Rienzi - Der Letzte Der Tribunen Songs Of Love & Desire: New Year’s Eve Concert 1998 Love is the theme of this extraordinary 1998 New Year’s Eve Concert. And who wrote better music about love than Mozart and Verdi? The Berliner Philharmoniker is conducted by Maestro Claudio Abbado and he has chosen two of the best Mozart interpreters of our day, Christine Schäfer and Simon Keenlyside, for this traditionally meaningful event. Marcelo Álvarez from Argentina, compared by some to a young Plácido Domingo, sings highlights of the tenor repertoire, and Italian Prima-donna Mirella Freni tops the occasion with a breathtaking performance of the Letter scene of Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 1998 89min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095327 Soundtrack For A Revolution A fresh and exhilarating take on one of the most important social movements in American history, Soundtrack For A Revolution explores the civil rights struggle through the stirring songs that inspired a generation. In this deeply moving documentary, legends of the fight for equal rights such as Congressman John Lewis, Julian Bond, Ambassador Andrew Young and Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Coretta Scott King, testify to the indispensable role that songs of rebellion and hope played in helping activists fight against brutality and injustice. In riveting studio performances, top contemporary artists including John Legend, Wyclef Jean, The Roots and Joss Stone Reinvigorate and reinvent timeless songs like „We Shall Overcome“ and „Wade in the Water.“ Through a creative combination of historical footage, intimate interviews and heartfelt performances, Soundtrack For A Revolution makes an original, emotionally resonant contribution to the civil rights story. This stunning film is a testament to the vitality of music in the lives and times of those who strive for justice. Black Heritage, Documentary, Music 2009 FF S 82min. Docurama 28.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095131 Szymanowski: King Roger (Blu- LASER HOTLINE Classical Music, Performing Arts min. Naxos 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095345 Classical Music, Opera 182min. Naxos 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095312 Wagner: Rienzi - Der Letzte Der Tribunen (Blu-ray) Classical Music, Opera 182min. Naxos 28.09.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095343 Andy Williams Collection Documentary, Music 209min. Questar 16.11.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095495 Yes: Acoustic On January 26th 2004, in a simultaneous live satellite transmission from a studio in Los Angeles, across multiple time zones, to cinemas throughout the United States of America, a 75 minute version of the film Yesspeak was premiered. Following this live broadcast, the fans in the cinemas were treated to an exclusive, one time only, live performance from Yes. For the first time, the Yes classic lineup of Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Alan White and Rick Wakeman, performed ‘live and unplugged’. This is the recording of that digital transmission... Yes: Acousic Concerts, Guitar 2004 67min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095180 Special Interest The 12 Biggest Lies Every person on the planet walks around with opinions based on what they think they know. And those opinions direct how all of us act and react. But very few ever question the substance that forms those crucial opinions. Eternity’s biggest battle isn’t between good and evil... it is between truth and lies. From the very nature of truth to how our world began, from morality to religion, from population control to political correctness, from Israel to Islam, from atheism to God... our entire world runs on what we believe. Follow popular actor Kevin Sorbo as he introduces some of the World’s leading minds (Scientists, Historians, Theologians, Philosophers, Authors, and more) as they tackle the world’s 12 Biggest Lies. Documentary 2010 90min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095464 The 1984 Los Angeles Comedy Competition With Host Jay Leno Comedy min. Allegro Entertainment 13.07.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095050 33 Symbol Of The Elect And The JFK Murder This DVD takes you on a journey through the minds of 4 men who prove that secret societies where indeed the real culprits in the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. After seeing this film you will no longer doubt either the existence of the Illuminti or the evil power they wield against anyone who tries to take away their money-changer control of the United States and the world. Damian Chapa, your hose, ensures the American people that Kennedy was ritualistically murdered and by whom. This time you will see the actual trigger man. Jordan Maxwell also concludes that there are symbols used in Satanic and Freemasonic rituals at the site of the murder of J.F.K. Documentary, Presidents 2010 59min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095417 The Adonis Factor Documentary, Fitness, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2010 70min. Breaking Glass Pictures 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095032 America The Beautiful Documentary, Health min. Allegro Entertainment 13.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095051 American Sign Language Interpreter Training: Expressive Skills Practice Vol. 1 Once again,being an ASL interpreter is a labor of love.There are a number of steps and processes that every interpreter needs to use each and every time he or she interprets.One of the fundamental abilities that an interpreter must develop in order to work closely and efficiently with Deaf and Hard-ofHearing consumers is the maintenance and bolstering of expressive skills.Throughout the video,there will be 5 new and challenging chapters containing ASL Storytelling where Avery Posner will be expressing about the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center,healthy pomegranates, miracle helicopter and more.In every chapterviewers will first see a complete story with complete audio without the ASL/Voice-to-Sign interpretations.Immediately following the story,there will be over 40 challenging yet excellent training questions covering four main activities to aid interpreters and ASL students to develop expressive skills:Fingerspelling Check,Fact Check,Idiom & Phrase Check and Short Sentence Check. Educational, Instructional 2010 100min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095419 The Answer Is You Visionary teacher Michael Bernard Beckwith (The Secret, Spiritual Liberation) delves deep into practical methods for manifesting prosperity and health; living a rich, fulfilling life; understanding universal laws and gaining greater selfawareness, courage and self-reliance. Religion/Spirituality 2009 min. Kino Video 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095134 Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Anticancer With Dr. David Servan-Schreiber Based on the NY Times best-selling book, Anticancer: A New Way of Life, Dr. David Servan-Schreiber addresses the simple steps you can take to give your body a fighting chance. The way to do this is with prevention, and integrative oncology: supplementingmedical treatments with a healthy lifestyle. Learn about which foods fight cancer; which are cancer-promoting and contaminants that should be avoided; how exercises strengthen the body’s defenses;how social and mental well-being can actually improve your health and much more. Fitness, Health 2010 60min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095480 Best Of Europe: Belgium And Holland (Blu-ray) Rudy Maxa Documentary min. Questar 19.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095518 Best Of Travel: Beautiful Japan (Blu-ray) Documentary 50min. Questar 21.09.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095390 Aquarium 2.0 (Blu-ray) Best Of Travel: Beautiful Mexico (Blu-ray) Music, Atmosphere DVDs min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095511 Back From Hell: A Tribute To Sam Kinison Documentary min. Questar 21.09.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095392 the death of The Buddha. The caves and their sculptures were developed over a period of 800 years, but went abandoned and forgotten until rediscovered in 1819. The isolation of the caves account for the excellent preservation of the remarkable structure and paintings. Documentary, Photography/Art 1997 56min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095323 Cheezy Trailer Extravaganza Cheezy Flicks is proud to present the Cheezy Trailer Box Set on DVD! With so many cheezy movies out there, we here at Cheezy Flicks thought it would be fun to look at the cheezy trailers that go with them. We couldn’t find them all, but we can at least bring you some of the best, worst and cheeziest action, fantasy, science fiction, horror and exploitation movie trailers ever made! This box set contains over 500 trailers, including those from the following movies: Slaves In Bondage, Pin-Down Girl, A Taste Of Flesh, Tomorrows Children, I Passed For White, Hitler’s Captive Women, Reform School Girls, Let Me Die A Woman, Satan In, High Heels, Valley Of The Dragon, The Cyclopes, The Green Slime, The Incredible Melting Man, Attack Of The Puppet People, Mysterious Island, Flesh Eaters, The Brain Eaters, The Atomic Man, Day Of The Animals, Invisible Invaders, The Giant Spider Invasion, Forbidden Planet, Planet Of Vampires, Future World, and hundreds more! Comedy, Comedy Central, Documentary 2010 60min. Comedy Central 16.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095501 Best Of Travel: China (Blu-ray) Baroque Christmas Concert: From The Cathedral In Freiburg Bigfoot Is Real! Don Cherry’s Hard Hitting Hockey 4 Documentary 2010 250min. Reality Films 28.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095169 Sports, Hockey, NHL min. Warner Bros. (TM) 30.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095490 Black Dolemite The Best Of Rudy Ray Moore Christmas Lights Freiburg in winter. Accompanied by the sound of Johann Sebastian Bach’s concerto in D major, BWV972, the camera slowly glides over the snow-covered forests and roof tops of the half-timbered houses towards the Centre of the town, to the Freiburg Minster. The Minster is said to have the most beautiful spire in Christendom and is probably the oldest in Germany, having been completed during the Middle Ages and not added on during the 19th century as were the spires of the cathedrals in Ulm and Cologne. A magnificent setting, therefore, for a baroque Christmas concert. Documentary, Photography/Art 1997 60min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095326 Baseball: A Film By Ken Burns (Includes The Tenth Inning) Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major League Baseball, PBS 1994 min. PBS Home Video 05.10.2010 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095119 Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major League Baseball, PBS 2010 min. PBS Home Video 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095118 A Bridge Life : Finding Our Way Home Baseball: The Tenth Inning (Bluray) Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major League Baseball, PBS 2010 min. PBS Home Video 05.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095127 Disasters, Documentary 2009 57min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095479 Bill Burr: Let It Go Bill Burr It’s always been a dream of mine to do a show at the Fillmore. The name itself is synonymous with legendary performances. Countless iconic musicians and comedians have been on that stage. To be a part of that history was something I’ll never forget. As much as I was trying to keep my head together before the show, I couldn’t help but feel like a tourist or just some random dude who won a contest. Let It Go represents the culmination of material I developed on the road from 20082009. As always thanks to everyone who came out to my shows, laughed at the funny stuff and stared during the bombing. I hope you enjoy it. - Bill Burr The BBC Natural History Collection 2 Featuring Life Galapagos Wild China Life In Cold Blood Ganges BBC, Boxed Sets, Documentary min. BBC Home Video 19.10.2010 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095100 Best Of Europe: Beautiful France (Blu-ray) LASER HOTLINE For lifelong fans or first-time viewers, watching a live performance by Rudy Ray Moore is aunique experience. Moore lived to entertain; his quick, rhyming delivery backed by his loud and boisterous voice would keep the crowd’s attention. Moore’s dynamic performances, from delivering a „Dolemite For President“ campaign speech to his hilarious rendition of the ABC’s to his musical performances, made him an iconic figure beloved by audiences across generations. While Moore was often disappointed by not having a chance to regularly perform in larger venues, the truth is he was a raw club performer. This was the environment that he discovered in his teens and one that he would master. In a club, Moore was truly comfortable and his personality and material were at their peak when he could perform to an audience, making them a part of his show without the detachment and restrictions of larger stages. Comedy 2010 90min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095482 Baseball: The Tenth Inning Rudy Maxa Documentary min. Questar 19.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095517 Documentary 50min. Questar 21.09.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095391 Comedy 2010 65min. Image Ent. 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095219 Ajanta Caves: The History And The Mystery The Buddhist Caves of Ajanta, located in Maharashtra, India, were built between 200BC to 600AD almost 300 years after Boxed Sets, Comedy 2010 450min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095373 More than an hour of dazzling and amazing Christmas light displays in crystal clear quality. Full views of houses, lawns and buildings covered in lights. Remember driving around and looking at your neighbor’s lights? Forget the cold and enjoy the world’s most stunning Christmas light displays from the comfort of your own home. A soundtrack of classic Christmas songs in various styles fills out the program. Atmosphere DVDs, Holidays 2009 60min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095368 Leonard Cohen: Leonard Cohen’s Lonesome Heroes Although it can be difficult to detect the influences in the work of Leonard Cohen, he was informed by a far-reaching list of musicians, writers, poets and philosophies. In Leonard Cohen’s Lonesome Heroes, the scope and detail of his artistic inspirations are put under the microscope. Cohen’s first love was poetry and in the works of fellow Canadian Irving Layton, and the Spanish bard Federico Garcia Lorca, he found the words that moved him to create his own verse. The beat writers too hit a positive note and their work has lived with him throughout his career. While it may come as no surprise to find Bob Dylan and Judy Collins included in this film, a less acknowledged genre of interest to Leonard is country music, he was deeply affected by performers such as Hank Williams and Hank Snow. Religion and spirituality too have contributed enormously to Leonard’s life and music, particularly the faith into which he was born, Judaism, and his more recent study of Buddhism. Biography, Singer/Songwriter 2010 110min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095370 Scott Cole: The Perfect Balance Collection Scott Cole Physical pain, stiffness, and stress can result from blocked breathing and lack of chi (energy) moving through your body. By combining simple breathing techniques with ancient Chinese energy exercises, this program brings energy back into your body while improving strength, balance, flexibility, and lung capacity. Best of all, It’s Easy To Do!!! Tones and sculpts the hips, buns, and thighs, while working the core and back muscles through chair stability training. Post-toning, Scott leads you through a complete full-body stretch of all major muscle groups, guaranteed to help you improve posture, increase flexibility, and reduces stress. This program is great for all shapes, sizes, and levels of exercises, including beginners and mature adults. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Fitness, Health, Instructional 2010 FF S 70min. BayView Entertainment 20.04.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095076 The Continuum Project The Continuum Project. Shot entirely in High Definition, watch as Guy Lacelle, Audrey Gariepy and Mathieu Audibert establish terrifying new ice routes in Norway and Rob Pizem and Mike Anderson crush brawny off-widths and delicate face climbing in Zion. Get on route with Ines Papert and Cory Richards as they blitz Kwangde Shar in Nepal and witness Sarah Watson and Majka Burhardt free the Beckey Route on Elephant’s Perch in the Sawtooths. Discover the rewards and risks of exploration with Jon Walsh and Ian Welsted as they establish a beautiful new mixed line in the remote Icefall Brook range of British Columbia and cool down on the difficult sport routes of Lions Head in Ontario with Sam Elias, Emily Harrington and Lauren Lee. Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Mountain Climbing 82min. Passion River 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095243 Documentary, Educational, Family min. Questar 01.06.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095366 archive footage, dramatic reenactment and interviews with his closest companions, we detail the last hours of Morrison’s life and the gripping events that led to his tragic death in Paris Echoes Of Creation (Blu-ray) Biography, Documentary 2008 60min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095142 min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095510 The Edge Of Never Documentary 101min. Passion River 02.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095064 Elmo And Friends: The Letter Quest And Other Magical Tales Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street 48min. Warner Bros. 09.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095178 Pam Cosmi: Cardio Sculpt Fitness Elsewhere Kill two birds with one stone with Cardio Sculpt, a DVD workout from fitness favorite Pam Cosmi. By using hand weights and exercise tubing you will experience a sequence of lower and upper body-combined strength training moves that elevate your heart rate and metabolism. 30 minutes of cardio-sculpt plus another 20 minutes of isolated upper body and core exercises make this DVD a fantastic choice for those of you with limited time to tackle a full-length program. Of course, you can also do the whole thing for a full-body workout blast! Also included is a 20 minute hi/lo aerobics segment which you can do before or after your main workout. Documentary 2001 240min. Icarus Films 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095470 Fitness, Health, Instructional min. Bayview Entertainment 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095095 Pam Cosmi: Step In Rhythm Aerobics Fitness, Health, Instructional min. Bayview Entertainment 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095094 Documentary, Educational, High Seas min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095332 The Dhamma Brothers An overcrowded, violent maximum-security prison, the end of the line in Alabama’s prison system, is dramatically changed by the influence of an ancient meditation program. Behind high security towers and a double row of barbed wire and electrical fence live over 1,500 prisoners, many of whom will never again know life in the outside world. But for some of these men, a spark is ignited when it becomes the first maximum-security prison in North America to hold an extended Vipassana retreat, an emotionally and physically demanding program of silent meditation lasting ten days and requiring 100 hours of meditation. The Dhamma Brothers tells a dramatic tale of human potential and transformation as it closely follows and documents the stories of the prison inmates at Donaldson Correctional Facility as they enter into this arduous and intensive program. This film has the power to dismantle stereotypes about men behind prison bars. Documentary, Prison, Reality 76min. Passion River 26.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095245 Disney Parks Documentary, Educational, Family 107min. Questar 01.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095364 Disney Parks (Blu-ray) Documentary, Educational, Family 167min. Questar 01.06.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095385 LASER HOTLINE After leading the Dream Team to Olympic Gold and taking the Chicago Bulls to their third consecutive NBA championship, Michael Jordan walked away from the game of basketball. Jolted by the tragic loss of his father, Jordan decided to pursue a lifelong ambition - to play baseball. Jordan’s brief career in the minor leagues was subject to intense media scrutiny and ridicule, but those who knew him best understood his need to honor his father by fulfilling their shared dream. Ron Shelton (Bull Durham, Tin Cup) shares this surprisingly touching story about the motivations that drove the world’s most famous athlete to play a new sport in the relative obscurity of Birmingham, Alabama. Sports, Sports Entertainment, Baseball, Basketball, Documentary, ESPN 52min. ESPN (TM) 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095306 Danger In The Sea Disney Parks 6-Pack ESPN Films 30 For 30: Jordan Rides The Bus Final 24: His Final Hours - 2 Pac This compelling documentary series unlocks the hidden secrets, psychological flaws and events that result in the tragic deaths of famed notorious and the iconic. Every episode maps out the final 24 hours of a different famous person’s life. The series weaves the star’s back-story with events from their last day, which lays bare the threads of fate that led inextricably from childhood to the moment of death. These are no ordinary biographies. They’re psychological detective stories attempting to uncover the mystery of why the celebrity died. September 6, 1996: The most successful hip-hop artist of all time, Tupac Shakur has just finished shooting his latest video in Los Angeles. The ultimate gangster-rapper, Tupac says he will one day go out in a blaze of glory. In 24 hours, his prophecy will come true... Although reluctant about going to Las Vegas to play a gig, Tupac eventually relents, and enjoys some high stakes gambling before attending a heavyweight prizefight featuring his friend, Mike Tyson. Pumped up by Tyson’s victory, Tupac is himself involved in a violent brawl, and heads back to his hotel to Biography, Crime, Documentary, Gangs, Rap 2008 60min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095141 Final 24: His Final Hours - Jim Morrison This compelling documentary series unlocks the hidden secrets, psychological flaws and events that result in the tragic deaths of famed notorious and the iconic. Every episode maps out the final 24 hours of a different famous person’s life. The series weaves the star’s back-story with events from their last day, which lays bare the threads of fate that led inextricably from childhood to the moment of death. These are no ordinary biographies. They’re psychological detective stories attempting to uncover the mystery of why the celebrity died. July 2, 1971. Jim Morrison is one of the most famous rock singers in the world. He’s also the ultimate sex symbol, but Morrison is at war with his own dark demons. In 24 hours his darkness will consume him and he’ll be dead. Using Final 24: His Final Hours - John Kennedy Jr. This compelling documentary series unlocks the hidden secrets, psychological flaws and events that result in the tragic deaths of famed notorious and the iconic. Every episode maps out the final 24 hours of a different famous person’s life. The series weaves the star’s back-story with events from their last day, which lays bare the threads of fate that led inextricably from childhood to the moment of death. These are no ordinary biographies. They’re psychological detective stories attempting to uncover the mystery of why the celebrity died. He was American royalty and a cultural icon. JFK Jr.’s promise of living out his political legacy bequeathed to him on the day of his father’s assassination was cut short over the Atlantic Ocean one hot July night. Kennedy’s death and that of his wife and sister-in-law, were the result of a series of bad decisions Kennedy had made during his last day. A day plagued by stress when his life depended on his ability to think clearly. Final 24 examines the string of errors that led to his tragic demise Biography, Documentary, Mystery 2008 60min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095146 Florilegium: The Flowering Of The Pacific A reconstruction of the voyage of Sir Joseph Banks with Captain Cook through the Pacific to discover Australia in 1768-1771. Also chronicles the printing more than 200 hundred years after the voyage, of the original engraved plates made from the drawings and watercolors by Banks. The documentary, narrated by Robert Hughes, transports viewers to such beautiful locales as Java, Brazil, Madeira, New Zealand, and Australia. Documentary, Educational, Photography/Art 1997 59min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095321 Forbidden Lies Documentary, Drama 2007 70min. Indiepix 28.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095462 From Dawn Till Dracula: The True History Of The Vampire Vampires, Documentary, Horror 2010 70min. Artsmagic DVD 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095165 German Fighter Aircraft: 1939 1942 & 1942 - 1945 (Double Pack) War, World War II, 2 Packs, Aerial Action, Documentary 2005 109min. Artsmagic DVD 28.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095167 Ghost Adventures The original documentary that inspired the Travel Channel’s hit show. Zak Bagans and Nick Groff are padlocked in America’s scariest places overnight to capture the creepiest footage ever caught on tape. Documentary, Ghosts 87min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095236 Bernadette Giorgi: Pilates Circle Challenge Fitness, Health, Instructional min. Bayview Entertainment 26.10.2010 Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095099 Bernadette Giorgi: Pilates Power Ball Sculpt Fitness, Health, Instructional min. Bayview Entertainment 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095098 Goodbye Vietnam: Devil Dogs Of Nam Vietnam War, War, Documentary, Military 120min. Allegro Entertainment 13.07.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095053 Great Expectations Dancing, Documentary, Performing Arts, Photography/Art 2005 71min. Microcinema DVD 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095251 Hollywood Singing & Dancing: The Series Documentary 2007 105min. Icarus Films 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095468 Great People Of The Bible Documentary, Historical / Period Piece, Religion/Spirituality 720min. Questar 21.10.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095493 Kevin Hart: I’m A Grown Little Man (Blu-ray) Kevin Hart He electrifies the audience with a clever, animated style of comedy that cannot be duplicated and brings the audience to tears in this stand-up performance. He’s hilarious as he pokes fun at everybody, but he’s funniest when he’s the brunt of the jokes! Fans who know him as the congenial host of BET’s Comic View: One Mic Stand or from his outrageous characters in Fool’s Gold, Meet Dave, Soul Plane, The 40Year-Old Virgin, Scary Movie 3 and 4 and Superhero Movie will want to see Kevin Hart at his wisecracking best. Comedy 2008 75min. Image Ent. 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095340 Hollywood Singing and Dancing: The Series is a 13-part series exploring the grandest films that Hollywood has everproduced. You will thrill to the most entertaining and comprehensive series about the Hollywood musical ever produced. Hosted by Academy Award winning stage, screen and television star, Shirley Jones, it is a celebration of song and dance beginning with the Busby Berkeley era through the first musical to win an Academy Award in more than 30 years, Chicago, and on to the most recent smash hits like Dreamgirls and Hairspray. Music, Musical 2009 705min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095453 Hotel Terminus: The Life And Times Of Klaus Barbie World War II, Biography, Documentary, Holocaust 1988 267min. Icarus Films 26.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095469 I Am Comic Comedy, Documentary 2010 min. Monterey Home Video 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095287 HD Trains (Blu-ray) Transportation min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095349 I Knew It Was You: Rediscovering John Cazale HD Travel (Blu-ray) min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095508 He Who Hits First, Hits Twice: The Urgent Cinema Of Santiago Alvarez Documentary, Foreign, Mexican 1965 147min. Facets Video 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095063 Admired by actors and directors, adored by friends and lovers, yet unknown to most movie-goers, the venerable stage and screen actor John Cazale appeared in some of the most iconic films of the 1970’s - Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II and The Conversation, Sidney Lumet’s Dog Day Afternoon and Michael Cimino’s The Deer Hunter. The critically-lauded films collectively earned 40 Oscar nominations, including 14 for Cazale’s co-stars, and raked in millions at the box office. In 1978, just after wrapping The Deer Hunter, Cazale died tragically at age 42 and cinema was robbed of one its brightest. In I Knew It Was You, director Richard Shepard talks with Cazale’s co-stars and friends, Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, Francis Ford Coppola, Israel Horovitz, Phillip Seymor Hoffman, Steve Buscemi and Sam Rockwell, and paints a loving tribute to a talent taken too soon. Biography, Documentary, Film About Film 2009 103min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 09.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095212 Higher Ground Higher Ground celebrates mountain culture through the eyes of world-class climbers. The film focuses on these climbers’ drive to explore, their passion for the mountains and the climbing lifestyle. From big wall first ascents in Zion, Utah and winter alpine ascents in the Canadian Rockies to big wall ski descents in coastal British Columbia, Higher Ground. Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Mountain Climbing 84min. Passion River 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095242 Tatsumi Hijikata: Summer Storm Ankoku Butoh (Dance of Darkness) is the avant-garde dance form born out of the devastation of post WWII Japan but also influenced by Dadaism, Surrealism and Antonin Artaud’s LASER HOTLINE Theatre of Cruelty. It’s legendary founder, Hijikata Tatsumi, is the supreme figure in the last half-century of Japan’s experimental culture, a seminal and inspirational presence there for artists, choreographers, filmmakers, musicians and writers. His final performance with his dancers, Summer Storm, took place in 1973 at the Westside Auditorium of Kyoto University. Three cameramen with small 8mm cameras filmed the entire performance in color, one close-up to the dancers’ faces and bodies, the second from the middle of the auditorium, and the third from the back of the hall. As with the other performances, the ghostly images of Hijikata and his dancers were outlined against a deep, engulfing darkness. The following year, Hijikata would choose to live in seclusion until his death in 1986. The celluloid images were restored in 2003 and are presented on this DVD - a first for American audiences. Idioms & Phrases In American Sign Language Vol. 1: Teacher’s Instructional DVD This DVD is a excellent and designed for every ASL teacher as well as for full use part of an American Sign Language / Deaf Studies and Interpreter Training programs (ITP). Avery Posner, a CDI-P & Gallaudet University certified SCPI rater, will guide every viewer how to clearly use Idioms & Phrases in American Sign Language, Vol. 1 DVD in a classroom environment. You will learn how to incorporate activities, provide handouts from the workbook and plan your courses for 6 to 8 or more weeks. This DVD will show you how to provide quiz and do homework review. Over an hour and half of easy to follow introduction and instructions, every viewer will appreciate this most powerful teaching tool yet at a fraction of the cost! As a bonus, this DVD also includes all 52 idioms and phrases and their sentence examples seen in the student volume 1 DVD. Thus, you will have an all in one solution to teach the first 52 idioms! Teachers, Educational, Instructional 2010 152min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095420 Idioms & Phrases In American Sign Language: Vol. 4 Your experience learning idioms and phrases in American Sign Language (ASL) continues with us with our exciting 4th DVD! Throughout this DVD, you will learn new 50+ idioms and phrases in ASL about components related to everyday life. You will also learn how to use these expressions in complete English and ASL sentences. Since idioms and phrases are important part of daily conversations among Deaf/ Hard-of-Hearing students, ASL teachers, parents and professionals, it is normal for one to encounter difficulties interpreting and/or translating these expressions into ASL and English. Our unique teachings will involve a media-rich bilingual presentation that is excellent for both Deaf/Hard-ofHearing and hearing ASL enthusiasts. Idiom / Phrase Examples in this DVD: fed up, full of hot air, it’s for real, none of your business, pea-brained, point a finger at, the talk of the town, to become fully involved with, and much more! Educational, Instructional 2010 43min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095421 Idioms & Phrases In American Sign Language: Vol. 5 Your experience learning idioms and phrases in American Sign Language continues with us with our exciting „grand finale“ 5th DVD! Throughout this DVD, you will learn new 50+ idioms and phrases in ASL about components related to everyday life as well as additional bonus features. You will also learn how to use these expressions in complete English and ASL sentences. Since idioms and phrases are important part of daily conversations among Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing students, ASL teachers, parents and professionals, it is normal for one to encounter difficulties interpreting/translating these expressions into ASL and English. Our unique teachings will involve a media-rich bilingual presentation that is excellent for both Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing and hearing ASL enthusiasts. Idiom/Phrase Examples in this DVD: brainwashed, communication breakdown, I have been talking my head off, let bygones be bygones, not my cup of tea, paint the town red, take charge, worry wart and much more! Learn from the ASL experts! Educational, Instructional 2010 43min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095422 The In Danger And Deep Distress Middleway Spells Contain Death Documentary, Foreign, German 1974 90min. Facets Video 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095060 The Jesus Guy He looks like Jesus Christ. And preaches like St. Francis of Assisi. Some say he’s „a kook.“ Others, „a blessing from God.“ Barefoot, and clad in a white robe, he’s walked through 47 states [and 13 countries] on a 16-year mission that’s captured media attention from 20/20, Time and the Wall Street Journal. Yet who is this solitary figure who inspires faith and attracts controversy? „The Jesus Guy“ covers the mystical journey of America’s „Barefoot Evangelist.“ In a nation that worships money, he’s penniless. In a culture that idolizes celebrities, he’s forsaken his identity. Now, on a spiritual quest even he doesn’t fully understand, his faith and your own - will be tested every step of the way. With the intimacy of single-camera filmmaking, Director Sean Tracey allows us to walk in „The Jesus Guy’s“ steps as he encounters both skeptics and believers, changing them...for better, for worse, forever. Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 2007 66min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095357 Kings Of Chrome: Volume 7 This series is back, bigger and better than ever. This DVD features some of the hottest whips and also has a bangin’ soundtrack. Come watch as they ride dirty with the biggest and best cars from around the country. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Supercrack thirty years later to share memories, they come upon wisdom: simplicity is at the heart of climbing, even today, and the audacious foolishness of the past continues to resonate into the future. Documentary 60min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095410 Kings Of The Road In 1959 the fate of Portland’s hockey team was in doubt. With only a handful of players returning, an uncompleted arena, and thepress denouncing the team as the worst team ever fielded in the league all they could do was skate. Kings of the Road tells the story of that team, The Portland Buckaroos, and their eventual rise aschampions and division leaders year after year from 1960-1974. This full length version of the original short film includes 71 minutes of new material, 2 audio games from 1966 and 1972, new photo gallery, and trailers. Sports, Documentary, Historical / Period Piece, Hockey 2009 96min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095486 Robert Klein: Unfair & Unbalanced Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Mountain Climbing 48min. Passion River 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095244 Mania From the seed of Harry Glickman’s idea to start his own professional basketball team in Portland, through the years of struggle,improbable success, fall from grace and recovery, this comprehensive history of the Portland Trailblazers examines the unique bond between a city and its only professional sports team. Featuring unprecedented access to management and players on and off the court, the story unfolds through interviews with Glickman, Stu Inman, Bill Schonely, Maurice Lucas, Paul Knauls, Clyde Drexler, Damon Stoudamire, Brandon Roy, longtime Blazer fans like Everclear’sArt Alexakis, and more. Sports, Basketball, Documentary 2007 120min. E1 Entertainment 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095487 Robert Klein Comedy, HBO 2010 60min. HBO Home Video 14.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095220 Legends Of Air Combat: FA-18 Hornet Michel Troisgros Air Force, Documentary, Educational, Military 65min. Allegro Entertainment 08.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095059 Legends Of Penn State On The Clock Videos provides the rare collegiate highlights of your team’s All-Americans and Football Legends. As a bonus feature, this DVD also contain footage on select Heisman Trophy winners and other College Legends, when footage is available. Featuring the Penn State collegiate highlights of Larry Johnson, Curt Warner, LaVar Arrington, Tambi Hali, Michael Robinson, and Chris Harrell. The digital footage is top quality and is accompanied by professionallooking graphics. The narration is brief, letting the action tell the story. - Ken Thompson, NFL Sports Writer (The Journal and Courier). Sports, Football, NFL 60min. Music Video Distribution 26.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095412 Like Father Like Son Comedy, Family Relationships 2010 60min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095438 Mike Marino: Live From Los Angeles Mike Marino - affectionately known to thousands of his fans as New Jersey’s Bad Boy - is one of the most unique comics of our time. He has performed in every major comedy club from New York to Los Angeles including: The MGM Grand, Catch a Rising Star, The Comic Strip, Stand Up NY, The Improv, Rascals and The Icehouse. Mike has worked with some of the biggest names in the business and can be seen nightly as a top headliner at both the world famous Laugh Factory and The Comedy Store in Hollywood. A New Jersey native, Mike Marino has appeared in over 200 national television commercials, and has received a Best Actor Clio Award Nomination. Michael McDonald (MADtv, Austin Powers, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List) returns home to Orange County for his debut stand-up comedy special: Model. Citizen. In this hilarious, one-hour performance, Michael shares his views on a variety of topics from fame to family and gives the audience a peek at the seemingly normal person behind the whacked out characters he has developed for television (including his famous role as Stuart the baby). Part stand-up comedy, part one man show, this special is for anyone who - like Michael finds humor in the strange world all around us. Comedy 60min. Image Ent. 12.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095300 The Lottery Kylie Minogue: Rare & Unseen LASER HOTLINE Comedy 2010 60min. Music Video Distribution 05.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095439 Bill Moyers Genesis: A Living Conversation Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 1996 560min. Acorn Media 09.11.2010 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095275 Bill Moyers: On Faith And Reason Mystery Of The Maya Documentary 1982 457min. Icarus Films 21.09.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095465 In 1976, Indian Creek was a little-known, dried-up, ancient riverbed in southeastern Utah. But in that year the impossible became the possible: Earl Wiggins climbed Supercrack, a 300-foot vertical sandstone fracture from the ground up. Indian Creek is now considered one of the finest international climbing destinations in the world. Luxury Liner. When Wiggins’s ropemates Ed Webster and Bryan Becker return to Money Worries is an Hilariously told story about very serious issues. It is written and Directed by veteran writer/ director Paul O. Beale. Cast: Andrea ‘Delcita’ Wright, Garfield Reid, Stede ‘Jooky Jam’ Flash, Felisha Lord, Trudy Campbell, Patrick Smith, Donald Thompson, Sheldon Shepherd. Michael McDonald: Model. Citizen. Middletown Luxury Liner Money Worries Documentary, Educational, Religion/ Spirituality 2006 394min. Acorn Media 09.11.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095276 Transportation, Documentary 1999 61min. Artsmagic DVD 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095168 Documentary 2010 min. Breaking Glass Pictures 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095336 Alternative, Biography, Documentary, Punk 97min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095358 Comedy 81min. Kultur 26.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095316 The Lotschberg Railway In a country where 58% of African American 4th graders are functionally illiterate, The Lottery is a critically acclaimed documentary that uncovers the failures of the traditional public school system and reveals that hundreds of thousands of parents attempt to flee the system every year. The Lottery follows four of these families from Harlem and the Bronx who have entered their children in a charter school lottery. Out of thousands of hopefuls, only a small minority will win the chance of a better future. biggest names in the first wave of Canadian punk rock: SNFU. Like a lot of those original bands, they never found fame themselves but they influenced an entire generation of musicians from Jello Biafra and Moe Berg to Corb Lund, Matthew Good and Hot Hot Heat. The band’s visibility faded even if their influence didn’t, Kenny’s world filled with more drugs and alcohol, and he moved closer and closer to living on the street and suicide. What surprised everyone, including Mr. Chi Pig himself, was what that drug addiction masked, an even greater threat to his whole well being: schizophrenia. Reluctant to take drugs to treat it at first, he quickly realized that he was already heavily self-medicating just to deal with the day-to-day and slowly, his life began to tur This DVD looks at the Australian singer and actress Kylie Minogue. Told through missing-believed-wiped archive interviews and rare and unseen footage of the singer talking, this insightful DVD is a worthy addition to any Kylie collection. Items genuinely unseen and never before on DVD including film from the ITN archive. Includes lost and now restored TV interviews from the past and rare film of the singer talking about her career. A must for the die-hard fan! Documentary 2010 60min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095175 Mr. Chi Pig: Open Your Mouth And Say... Mr. Chi Pig You’re not going to need to know a lot about punk rock to love Mr. Chi Pig and his debut self-titled biographical documentary. You won’t even need to like punk rock to like him and his documentary. A survivor against odds, his story outlives madness itself. Born in Edmonton as Kendall Chinn (aka Kenny), Mr. Chi Pig was the front man for one of the One of the greatest empires history has ever known is on the verge of collapse, in desperation its leaders look to the heavens for answers. But little do they know that their future lies in the bloodshed of their own people and that, in the space of just single century, they will be wiped out. Why did this 2000 year-old civilization disappear so suddenly has been one of the world’s greatest enigmas - until now. Come with us as we unravel the Mystery of the Maya. Documentary, Educational 1997 85min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095319 National Geographic: Inside The DEA Crime, Documentary, National Geographic 2010 50min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 07.09.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095072 Nature: Extraordinary Animals Africa (Blu-ray) Documentary 110min. Questar 24.08.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095389 Nature: Extraordinary Animals Bears & Wolves (Blu-ray) Documentary min. Questar 24.08.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095388 Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy - 2 Disc Collector’s Edition (w/ Poster) Modern cinema’s eternal bogeyman finally gets his due in the ultimate tribute to the landmark horror franchise! Murderer. Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Dream Demon. The bastard son of a hundred maniacs. Any way you slice it, there can be only one man, one monster who epitomizes those words: Freddy Kruger. For decades he has slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, scaring up over a half a billion box office dollars across eight terrifying, spectacular films. What’s more, it has become evident that Freddy may never rest in peace. In this thrilling retrospective, fans will find everything they’ve ever dreamed of as they enter the world of A Nightmare On Elm Street like never before; exploring what spurred mastermind Wes Craven to craft the first groundbreaking film; delving deep behind the scenes of the original and all of its sequels; learning how the cast & crew brought their worst nightmares to life on the screen; and, finally, understanding the impact the series and its mythos have had on modern pop culture and the horror genre. This fast-paced, exciting „shockumentary“ narrated and starring Heather Lange Documentary, Film About Film, Horror 2010 Ltbx S 240min. CAV 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095246 up close and personal experience you won’t find anywhere else. From the bustling city of Anchorage to the ghost towns of the Klondike Gold Rush, you will discover the heritage and culture of Alaska that only compliment the diversity and beauty of this northern retreat. 2008 min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095513 Over America In High Definition (Blu-ray) Over America is a spectacular visual essay on the beauty and grandeur that is America. Shot in High Definition, every detail from wave swept coasts to majestic mountains is brilliantly captured to show the awe-inspiring scenic magnificence of our nation. Transcend to some of the nations most beautiful places with this incredible program. Over America. 2008 min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095512 Adam Sandler, David Duchovny, Chris Farley, Kirstie Alley, Shannen Doherty, Alec Baldwin, Rob Schneider, Michael Keaton, David Spade In the ’90s it was time to redefine what it meant to be a Saturday Night Live star, and Adam Sandler did just that. You’ll see Opera Man, Cajun Man, Canteen Boy, the Gap Girl, and many other completely original inventions that were always different and always funny. Also includes guests Alec Baldwin, Courteney Cox, Shannen Doherty, Kirstie Alley, Michael Keaton and SNL regulars Chris Farley, David Spade and Rob Schneider. Comedy, NBC, Sketch Comedy 2010 97min. Lionsgate 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095031 Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Eddie Murphy Eddie Murphy NFL: Ultimate NFL Alain Passard: Le Solfege Du Legume (Inventing Cuisine) Sports, Football, NFL min. Warner Bros. 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095036 Michel Troisgros Educational, Foreign, Instructional min. Allegro Entertainment 08.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095058 NFL: Ultimate NFL (Blu-ray) Sports, Football, NFL min. Warner Bros. 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095046 Please Remove Your Shoes NHL: Alex Ovechkin - The Great 8 Sports, Biography, Hockey, NHL 2010 min. Warner Bros. 16.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095037 No Impact Man Beavan, a New York City writer and liberal, has big plans for his new book. He decides on a grand experiment to live a year with as little impact on the environment as possible. The project requires his wife Michelle an espresso guzzling, Prada-worshipping business writer and their young daughter to be fully on board. As the family embarks on a year of no electricity, TV, cars, toilet paper, elevators, or newspapers, Michelle must contend with caffeine withdrawal, compost worms, limited retail, and defending her own dreams. What ensues is a not only a funny and entertaining look at wellintentioned environmentalism, but a touching, poignant take on the nature of contemporary marriage. Documentary, Environmental, Marriage Woes 2009 93min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 19.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095213 Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie Filmmaker Jay Delaney follows the exploits of Dallas and Wayne, 2 amateur Bigfoot researchers in a depressed southern Ohio town who have dedicated their lives to proving that Bigfoot is real. The pair claims to have had mysterious encounters with the legendary beast. Despite financial hardships, health problems, family strife, and halfhearted acceptance from the „mainstream“ Bigfoot community, Dallas and Wayne remain steadfast. This honest and often funny look at their lives shows that Bigfoot is very much alive and well in Dallas and Wayne’s world. The film is more than a portrait of small town dreamers; it’s an inspiring and humbling look at a quest for a small piece of the American dream. Please Remove Your Shoes is a revealing documentary about broken government process. It is also an empathetic story about a half dozen public servants who try to fix it. And it is a familiar topic to all of us who have flown in the last fifteen years:the security routine at the airport, first the FAA and now the TSA. Please Remove Your Shoes. Terrorism, Documentary 94min. Passion River 02.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095241 A Portrait Of Maurice Sendak: Tell Them Anything You Want From Lance Bangs and Spike Jonze, acclaimed director of Where The Wild Things Are, comes A Portrait Of Maurice Sendak, a loving look at one of the most cherished and controversial figures in children’s literature. Featuring Tell Them Anything You Want, this is a deeply moving tribute to Sendak, a seminal talent whose conflicts with success and lifelong obsession with death have subtly influenced his work. Now 81, Sendak is best known for his book, Where The Wild Things Are, which he wrote twelve years into his career as a writer and illustrator. Wild Things would go on to become one of the most beloved and critically lauded children’s books of all time and, much to Sendak’s chagrin, would come to define his career. Through his own words, personal photos, and illustrations, Sendak offers a rare, intimate, and unexpected look at his exceptional life. A Portrait Of Maurice Sendak also features James Gandolfini, Meryl Streep, Catherine Keener, and Tony Kushner honoring their friend and colleague. Art House, Biography, Documentary 2009 109min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 02.03.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095259 The Psycho Legacy Documentary 2008 63min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 29.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095258 Documentary, Film About Film, Horror 2010 min. Shout Factory 19.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095528 O.J. Monster Or Myth? Real Ghosts U.K. Documentary min. Celebrity Video Distribution 09.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095203 Documentary, Ghosts 2010 250min. Reality Films 28.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095170 Over Alaska In High Definition (Blu-ray) Sacred Earth (Blu-ray) Take flight on a breathtaking tour of our 49th state in Over Alaska. Soar over Mt. McKinley and the vast crevasses of electric blue glaciers, all shot in High Definition to display their brilliant detail. Navigate through glistening icebergs before touching down on land for an adventure through the wilderness where bears, whales and other wildlife roam in an LASER HOTLINE Adam Sandler min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095509 Saturday Night Live: The Best Of In the early 80s, Saturday Night Live was coming back alive and the reason was Eddie Murphy. It’s all here - Gumby, Buckwheat, Little Richard Simmons, and a dip in James Brown’s Hot Tub. Pay a visit to Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood and see the best of Velvet Jones, Stevie Wonder, Solomon and Pudge, and more. Plus there’s extra material, including outrageous outtakes and bloopers. Comedy, NBC, Sketch Comedy 2010 min. Lionsgate 28.09.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095030 Shooting Star(s) Biography, Documentary 2009 70min. Indiepix 05.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095461 Stomperobics: Version One - The Nutcracker Fitness Tony Victory’s Stomperobics is a Hi/Low Impact Cardio workout that is based on the college fraternity and sorority dance tradition called Stomping. Set to an explosive, original musical soundtrack composed by fitness expert Tony Victory, Stomperobics is great fun and can be done alone or with family and friends! This DVD contains a comprehensive tutorial with easy to follow instruction and choreography that can be modified for individuals of all fitness levels. Fitness expert, model, and dance instructor, Tony Victory developed the amazing Stomperobics workout over a 10 year period, refining it so that only the best and most effective moves are utilized. Enjoy this fun, original, energetic workout with Tony Victory and friends! Fitness, Health, Instructional min. Bayview Entertainment 01.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095096 The Sun Behind The Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle For Freedom A provocative and potent look at the Dalai Lama’s ceaseless struggle for justice and recognition for the Tibetan people, The Sun Behind The Clouds focuses on the pivotal and particularly tumultuous events of 2008. From Buddhist monks’ protests in Lhasa on the 50th anniversary of the Chinese invasion and the four-month march of exiled Tibetans through India to the Tibetan border, to the Beijing Olympics and the raucous talks the between the Dalai Lama’s representatives and the Chinese government, the film uncovers the growing rifts between younger Tibetans and their most respected spiritual leader. While His Holiness advocates for political autonomy within China rather than secession from it, a younger generation within Tibet has grown impatient and begun to chart a more confrontational course. Following the Dalai Lama’s political life with unprecedented personal access, Tibetan filmmaker Tenzing Sonam and co-director Ritu Sarin bring an impassioned focus to the myriad complexities in finding a peaceful solution based on compromise and dialogue. Buddhist, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 2010 79min. Zeitgeist Films 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095291 Swimsuit Sensations / Knockout Workout (Scream Queens Double Feature) Two lost cheesy classics are back! First up, Swimsuit Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) September 2010 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) Sensations stars Scream Queens Melissa Moore, Veronica Carothers & Jasae. It’s three of the most beautiful and voluptuous vixens in horror film history talking about their lives while revealing their inner-most beauty secrets (and outer most body parts) for keeping their sexy shapes and building a body that most women would kill for! Then stick around with the girls for Knock Out Work Out, designed to get your body in „knockout shape,“ and have you feeling good and looking great! It’s a fun and extremely effective workout session with three Hollywood starlets who know the value of staying in top condition! These two videos were thought lost forever but are now back - please note, due to the fact the original masters have been lost, these have been restored from the best possible materials available, but still may have audio or video drop outs. But they don’t detract from the camp fun of each of these „classic“ videos influence on other painters through the twentieth century, including such great masters as Manet, Picasso, and Francis Bacon. In 1990, filmmaker Didier Baussy-Oulianoff was given special access to film 79 Velázquez paintings at the Prado in Madrid, Spain, creating a portrait of the artist to reveal his character from his early artistic youth to the works for the royal family and its entourage destined for the walls of the Spanish palace. Fitness, Health, Instructional 1992 83min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095374 Transportation, War, Documentary, Educational min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095333 Tapout: The Complete Series Follow the Tapout crew as they travel around the country in search of promising MMA fighters to develop and possibly sponsor. Each episode follows the training of one fighter, culminating in a fight at a professional MMA event. Sports, Mixed Martial Arts, Reality 892min. Image Ent. 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095525 The Treasures Of Britain: The Ashmolean And The Fitzwilliam Museums Treasures of Britain reveals the stories of eight art treasures in the collections at the Ashmolean and the Fitzwilliam Museums in Britain. This program is a fascinating introduction into the world of art history. Documentary, Educational, Photography/Art 1997 54min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095324 Trekking The World: Ancient Routes (Blu-ray) 150min. Questar 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095520 Trekking The World: Collection 600min. Questar 16.11.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095497 Documentary, Educational, Photography/Art 1997 56min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095320 Warship 150min. Questar 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095521 Unmistaken Child This film follows the 4-year-search for the reincarnation of Lama Konchog, a world-renowned Tibetan master who passed away in 2001 at age 84. The Dalai Lama charges the deceased monk’s devoted disciple, Tenzin Zopa (who had been in his service since age 7), to search for his master’s reincarnation, a child who may be anywhere in the world. Tenzin sets off on foot, mule and even helicopter, through breathtaking landscapes and remote traditional Tibetan villages. He listens to stories about children with special characteristics, performs rituals and rarely seen tests designed to determine the likelihood of reincarnation, and eventually presents his chosen one to the Dalai Lama, who will make the final decision. War, War In The Middle East, Documentary min. Topics Entertainment 12.10.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095335 The Way We Get By Documentary, PBS 84min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 02.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095309 We Live In Public: 2 Disc Collector’s Edition Ten years in the making and culled from 5000 hours of footage, We Live In Public reveals the effect the web is having on our society, as seen through the eyes of „the greatest Internet pioneer you’ve never heard of,“ artist, futurist and visionary Josh Harris. Award-winning director Ondi Timoner documented Josh’s tumultuous life for more than a decade to create a riveting, cautionary tale of what to expect as the virtual world inevitably takes control of our lives. Through his experiments, including a six-month stint living with his girlfriend under 24-hour electronic surveillance which led to his mental collapse, Harris demonstrates the price we pay for living in public. Lots of extras included as well. Technology, Documentary 2009 90min. Music Video Distribution 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095418 Nadal and Williams dazzle as the sun shines on SW19. The 13 days of sunshine which graced The Championships 2010 mirrored the radiant happiness that lit up Rafael Nadal’s face as he paraded the famous golden-hued Men’s Singles trophy around Wimbledon’s Centre Court following victory over the conqueror of Roger Federer, the giant Czech and No.12 seed Tomas Berdych. Overawed Berdych was not, but he was no match for Nadal on this form as he was put to the sword by the Spaniard’s rapier like forehand 6-3, 7-5, 6-4. The same forehand decided the encounter. At the first time of asking on Championship point, Nadal produced a scintillating crosscourt forehand before falling flat on his back in the baseline dust. A celebratory forward roll and the broadest of grins said it all. Rafa was back. Viva Rafa! Some 24 hours earlier, in the Ladies’ Singles, the No.1 seed and defending champion, Serena Williams, was in imperious form having breezed into the final without losing a set to face the 21st seed Vera Zvonareva, who had already beaten Jelena Jankovic and Kim Clijsters. Zvonareva played as well as she could have Sports, Tennis 274min. Kultur 26.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095317 Buddhist, Documentary, Foreign, Israeli, Religion/Spirituality 2008 102min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 03.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40095214 Velazquez: The Painter Of Painters Passionate about painting, King Philip IV was the largest art collector of his time, and the greatest servant of this passion was Velázquez. Although he left a legacy of little more than one hundred canvasses, Velázquez exerted an enormous LASER HOTLINE Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen. Warzone Wimbledon: The 2010 Finals Trekking The World: Scenic Journeys (Blu-ray) Telefonische Bestellannahme: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** In der Zeit vom 28.09.- 04.10.2010 bleibt unser Büro geschlossen (70mm Festival!) Newsletter 15/10 (Nr. 278) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assisstenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2010) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler Seite 60