Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)


Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
Nr. 153 - April 2005
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
In dieser Ausgabe:
ein Exklusiv-Bericht vom WIDESCREEN WEEKEND in
Bradford, England
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: - Web:
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Kaum zu glauben: die TITANIC schwimmt
wieder! Nein, es handelt sich dabei nicht
etwa um einen verspäteten Aprilscherz,
sondern um knallharte Fakten aus der
DVD-Welt. Einer Pressemitteilung zufolge
nämlich wird James Camerons
”Oscar”prämiertes Meisterwerk im Oktober dieses Jahres in Form einer Special
Edition vom Stapel laufen. Und was die
Fans ganz speziell freuen dürfte ist die
Tatsache, dass eigens für diese Special
Edition ein neuer Bildtransfer hergestellt
wurde - anamorph, wohlgemerkt. Jetzt
endlich kommen wir der Sache näher.
Denn die bislang erhältliche ”Vanilla”Version von TITANIC bot dem Betrachter
leider nur ein 4x3 Bild im Letterbox-Format. Zusätzlich hat sich Cameron für eine
6.1-Tonmischung entschieden, die vermutlich in den beiden gängigen Techniken
Dolby Digital und DTS auf der neuen
DVD enthalten sein wird. Und damit die
Fans auch wirklich wieder die Qual der
Wahl haben, sollen gleichzeitig ein 2DVD-Set sowie ein 4-DVD-Set erscheinen.
Die Doppel-Disc bietet Audiokommentare
und einige Extras, das Vierer-Set noch
zwei weitere DVDs mit exklusivem Bonusmaterial, darunter über eine Stunde an
nicht verwendeten Szenen. Wer jetzt
glaubt, dass sich Cameron noch einmal an
seinem Magnum Opus mit der Schere zu
schaffen macht, der irrt. Cameron hat klargestellt, dass er mit der vorliegenden
Kinofassung mehr als zufrieden ist. Somit
wird es also keine ”Special Extended Version” oder ähnlichen Schnickschnack geben. Laut Pressemitteilung soll es jedoch
dem Betrachter möglich sein, die geschnittenen Szenen während dem Film
hinzuzuschalten und so seine eigene
Schnittfassung zu generieren. Bleibt noch
zu erwähnen, dass TITANIC in den USA
durch Paramount und im Rest der Welt
durch Fox vermarktet wird. Weitere Details werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt
Da warten die hartgesottenen Fans nun
schon seit Wochen auf eine der interessantesten DVD-Veröffentlichungen, die in
diesem Jahr erscheinen werden. Und fast
hätten sie es geschafft. Doch wieder einmal schlug das Schicksal unbarmherzig zu.
Denn Lars von Triers Spukserie GEISTER
1&2 wurde vom Hersteller Koch Media
vom 31. März auf den 12. Mai verschoben.
Wer also bereits ein langes DVD-Wochenende mit diesem Ausnahmewerk anberaumt
hat, der sollte sich schnellstmöglich nach
Ersatz umschauen oder seine Gäste auf
Mitte Mai vertrösten. Das ist zwar sehr
schade, doch andererseits bietet die
Terminverschiebung auch weiterhin die
Möglichkeit, sich auf die Begegnung mit
Lars von Triers Krankenhausgeschichte zu
freuen! Und was könnte es schöneres geben als die Vorfreude auf ein geniales
Mögen Sie’s asiatisch?
Darauf waren wir nun wirklich nicht vorbereitet und trauten unseren Augen kaum,
als wir das Paket zugestellt bekamen. Aber
es ist tatsächlich wahr: nach einer Wartezeit von mehr als einem Jahr ist die neueste Ausgabe der Hochglanzzeitschrift
CineAsia endklich erschienen! Wie immer
bietet auch die neue Ausgabe einen sehr
informativen Blick in die aktuelle asiatische Filmwelt mit vielen Hintergrundinfos
und Filmrezensionen - und das alles in
Deutsch. Wenn Sie asiatisches Kino mögen, dann wird Ihnen CineAsia garantiert
gefallen. Heft Nr. 7 kostet EUR 6,90 und
ist ab sofort bei uns zu haben.
Nimmt im Oktober wieder Fahrt auf: James Camerons TITANIC
bekommt ein „Face-Lifting“ in Form einer Special Edition
Totgesagte leben länger: nach langer Sendepause gibt’s
endlich das neue CINEASIA-Heft
Seite 2
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Der Tod ist für den Spanier Alejandro Amenábar ein Faszinosum.
Nach dem düsteren Mystery-Thriller „The Others“ greift er in „Mar
Adentro“ das brisante Thema Sterbehilfe auf. Basierend auf dem
Buch von Ramón Sampredo, der seinem Leben bewusst ein
Ende setzte, plädiert er ohne pädagogischen Zeigefinger für
Selbstbestimmung des Individuums und sorgte damit auf dem
Lido für kontroverse Diskussionen und für volle Kassen in den
spanischen Kinos.
die quälenden Minuten bis zum Exitus aus. Er nimmt sich die
Freiheit, die Charaktere der beiden Frauen neu zu zeichnen
bzw. aus verschiedenen anderen zusammenzusetzen, die
Ramón umgaben und auch Liebesgefühle für ihn hegten.
Weiterhin fokussiert er sich auf das Vater-Sohn ähnliche
Verhältnis des Gelähmten zu seinem Neffen, die Beziehung zu
seiner Schwägerin und zu seinem Bruder, einem
entschiedenen Gegner der Sterbehilfe.
„Ich bin ins Leben verliebt. Deshalb will ich etwas besseres“:
Ramón Sampedro wählte im Alter von 55 Jahren den Tod und
„Mar Adentro“ ist weder prätentiöses Rührstück mit massiver
musikalischer Unterstützung noch - wie die Deutsche Hospitz
entfachte damit 1998 eine hitzige Debatte um die Beihilfe zum
Suizid. Für den in Chile geborenen Amenábar war es nur logisch,
das Schicksal dieser Symbolfigur für den Kampf um ein
würdevolles Sterben zu verfilmen, geht es doch um die für ihn
existenzielle Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Tod. Und so nimmt
er mit auf eine Reise nach Galizien, hinaus auf die See und in die
innere Welt eines Mannes, der nach einem Badeunfall vom Hals
abwärts gelähmt und 30 Jahre auf die Hilfe von Verwandten und
Freunden angewiesen war. Was ihm blieb von der Außenwelt war
der Blick aus dem Fenster auf das Meer, die Träume von einem
anderen Dasein. Die intellektuelle Juristin Julia unterstützt ihn bei
der Auseinandersetzung mit der Justiz, auf der anderen Seite
versucht die herzliche und einfache Arbeiterin Rosa ihn von der
Wertigkeit eines jeden Lebens zu überzeugen. Wenn Sampredo
vor laufender Videokamera Gift trinkt, spart Amenábar auch nicht
Stiftung behauptet - eine unrealistische „Propaganda für
Euthanasie“, sondern ein aufwühlendes Melodram, das dem
Zuschauer zwar Tränen entlockt, aber nie in gefälligen Kitsch
abgleitet. Dafür sorgt schon der trockene Humor, der jegliche
falsche Sentimentalität relativiert und für die nötige
Erdenschwere sorgt. Und wenn der bildverliebte Regisseur mal
wieder in Poesie und Kamerafahrten über die galizische
Landschaft und das Meer schwelgt, ist es Javier Bardem
(verdient mit der Coppa Volpi als Bester Darsteller
ausgezeichnet), der mit einer irritierenden Mischung aus Trauer
und Selbstironie jeglicher Gefühlsdusselei einen Riegel
vorschiebt. mk.
Quelle: Blickpunkt:Film
NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1 (Spanisch)
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90 (gültig bis 04.05.2005)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 17. Mai 2005
Seite 3
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Ein persönlicher Eindruck vom diesjährigen
in Bradford
Foto (c) 2005 Tracey Schneider
Ein vollgepackter Kinosaal. Gedämpftes Licht. Ein edler roter Vorhang, der
bereits die Dimensionen der gekrümmten Bildwand dahinter erahnen lässt.
Nur noch ein paar Minuten bis zur offiziellen Eröffnung eines kleinen Festivals mit überbreiten Filmen. Da betritt
ein alter Mann mit weißem Bart die
Bühne, begleitet von einem Mitvierziger. Das Publikum lauscht gespannt. Der alte Herr wird uns vorgestellt als Todd-AO-Pionier Walter
Siegmund, der als Ehrengast während
der Dauer des Festivals zugegen sein
wird. Walter Siegmund nimmt das Mikrofon in die Hand und sagt mit präziser Stimme ”You don’t know how good
it feels to stand in front of a curved
screen again!”. Tosender Applaus!
Spätestens jetzt wird einem klar, dass
man sich inmitten einer vom Aussterben bedrohten Spezies von Filmfans
befindet, die noch wissen, was es bedeutet, einen für die große Leinwand
konzipierten Film im entsprechenden
Ambiente und der geeigneten Technik
zu erleben. Willkommen also zum alljährlich stattfindenden Widescreen
Weekend in Bradford, jenem Städtchen
in der landschaftlich wunderschönen
englischen Grafschaft Yorkshire, welches das National Museum of
Photography, Film & Television beher-
bergt. Diese staatlich geförderte Institution im Herzen von Bradford bietet
filminteressierten Menschen nicht nur
ein faszinierendes, sich auf mehrere
Etagen erstreckendes Museum mit Ausstellungsstücken zum Thema Film und
Fotografie von den Anfängen bis zur
Neuzeit, das zum nahezu ganztägigen
Verweilen und Forschen einlädt, sondern darüber hinaus auch noch gleich
drei Kinosäle: ein IMAX-Kino, ausgestattet mit dem neuesten 2D/3D-Projektor und einem bombastischen
Soundsystem, dem relativ kleinen
Cubby Broccoli Theatre und dem luxuriösen Pictureville Cinema, jenem
Erlebnistempel also, das wir während
der nächsten fünf Tage als unser Zuhause bezeichnen würden.
Vorangegangen war natürlich wie immer eine gründliche Reiseplanung. Von
Stuttgart aus mit dem Flugzeug nach
Manchester und von dort mit dem Bus
nach Bradford. Abgesehen von der Tatsache, dass wir unseren Flieger in
Stuttgart um ein Haar verpasst hätten,
da die Sicherheitschecks für Touristen
nach England doppelt und dreifach
durchgeführt werden und dadurch eine
ganze Menge an Zeitaufwand anfällt,
abgesehen von dieser kleinen Schrecksekunde also verlief die Reise voll-
kommen problemlos. Fast sekundengenau trafen wir am Zielort ein. Da es
jetzt allerdings schon Nachmittag war,
mussten wir notgedrungen auf den ersten Film des Festivals verzichten.
Aber wir hatten ja noch genügend viele
Filme vor uns und so fiel es uns nicht
schwer, auf die 70mm-Produktion
STAR! zu verzichten und stattdessen
in unserem Hotel eine kleine Erholungspause einzulegen. Schließlich
wollten wir ja für die erste Abendvorstellung richtig fit sein und wussten
auch schon, dass es mit Ruhepausen
während der kommenden Tage nicht
zum Besten bestellt sein würde.
Das Pictureville Cinema war vom Hotel in wenigen Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar, was uns jedoch durch den eisigen
Wind bedingt doppelt so lange vorkam! Im großzügigen Foyer konnten
wir uns dann erst einmal aufwärmen
und unsere vorbestellten, platzgebundenen Dauerkarten, die sogenannten ”Badges”, in Empfang nehmen. Und da man sich bei den Organisatoren des Widescreen Weekends sehr
wohl bewusst ist, dass es sich bei den
”Badge”-Besitzern fast ausschließlich
um Filmenthusiasten und -sammlern
handelt, erhielt jeder ”Badge”-Inhaber
noch eine große Tragetasche in die
Seite 4
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
Hand gedrückt, die randvoll gefüllt
war mit vielen ”Goodies”: eine DemoDVD, eine CD-ROM, ein
Thermobecher, eine Mütze, und und
und. Allesamt kostenlose Gaben der
Sponsoren des Festivals und allesamt
schöne Trophäen für die Sammlung
zuhause. Inzwischen war es richtig voll
geworden - nicht nur im Foyer mit seiner schönen Bar, an der es einen exzellenten Cappuccino gibt sowie eine
reichhaltige Auswahl an Kuchen und
Sandwiches - nein, auch der Kinosaal
war richtig voll. Unsere Sitzplätze im
amphitheatermäßig aufgebauten Saal
waren optimal. Nicht nur, dass wir eine
unbehinderte Sicht auf die Leinwand
hatten, man konnte von unseren Plätzen auch das Publikum wunderbar studieren. Höchst erstaunlich ist die Tatsache, dass man hier als Mitvierziger
April 2005
”Cinerama mit nur einem Projektor”
verwirklichte und der Filmwelt das von
ihm entwickelte Todd-AO Verfahren
präsentierte. Todd-AO bedeutet Aufnahme auf 65mm Negativfilm und Wiedergabe mit 70mm Positivfilm inklusive 6-Kanal Stereo-Magnetton. Ein Verfahren, das durch seine unglaubliche
Bildqualität auch heute noch besticht
und das leider schon seit Ende der 60er
Jahre nicht mehr zum Einsatz kommt von ganz wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen. Kein Wunder also, dass die nachgewachsenen Kinogängergenerationen
das ”Wunder von Todd-AO”, wie es
bereits zu den jüngeren Zuschauern
gehört! Ganz anders also wie beim
Fantasy Filmfest, wo wir schon zu den
Senioren zählen. Aber das ist wohl
nicht ohne Grund so. Das Motto dieses
Widescreen Weekends lautete ”50
Years of Todd-AO”. 1955 war es nämlich, als der amerikanische Unternehmer Michael Todd seinen Traum vom
die Werbung in den 50er Jahren deklarierte, nie zu Gesicht bekommen haben
und somit gar nicht wissen, welche
Qualität Kinofilme tatsächlich haben
können. Viele der anwesenden Besucher hatten das große Glück, die dama-
Seite 5
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
lige Kinoqualität miterlebt zu haben.
Und so war es denn für die überwiegende Anzahl dieser Seniorinnen und
Senioren ein Wiedersehen mit den
Kinoevents aus der Jugend. Damals
war der Gang ins Kino noch ein richtiges Ereignis und keineswegs zu vergleichen mit der heute üblichen Fast
Food Mentalität eines sterilen Multiplex-Kinos. Viele der in den 50er- und
60er-Jahren produzierten Todd-AOFilme waren mit Ouvertüren, Pausen
und Intermezzi ausgestattet und machten so das Kinogehen zu einem echten
Erlebnis. Und dass das Widescreen
Weekend diese großen Kinozeiten wieder heraufbeschwor, dafür sorgten zum
einen private Filmsammler, die einige
der gezeigten 70mm-Kopien beisteuerten und zum anderen das ausgezeichnete Projektionsteam, das mit viel Sachverstand und Sinn für gepflegte Vorführungen harte Knochenarbeit leistete. Wer Kino nur aus dem örtlichen
Multiplex kennt und ansonsten Filme
nur im kleinen Heimkino betrachtet,
dem sei eine Reise zum Widescreen
Weekend wärmstens empfohlen. Nun
mag man natürlich über Sinn und Unsinn der damals produzierten Filme
streiten. Doch in Anbetracht der phantastischen Qualität jener Streifen
drückt man hier und da schon gerne
mal ein Auge zu und sagt sich ”They
don’t do them like this anymore!” Und
das ist dann im positiven Sinn gemeint.
Einige der zur Aufführung gebrachten
Filme wurden liebevoll durch Filmexperten Tony Earnshaw mit einleitenden Worten versehen, die oft kleine,
aber feine Details über die Entstehung
des entsprechenden Films preisgaben
und beim Publikum mit viel Applaus
und Schmunzeln aufgenommen wurden. Überhaupt war das Publikum sehr
applausfreudig und es war schon bald
ganz normal, dass jede Vorführung beklatscht wurde - von ganzem Herzen,
wohlgemerkt. Wenn man den Dokumentarfilm CINEMANIA gesehen hat,
in welchem das Leben von ein paar
New Yorker Filmverrückten gezeigt
wird, so bleibt einem einer der dort
gesagten Sätze im Ohr: ”Film Fans do
not socialize”. Was soviel heißt wie
”Filmfans haben keine sozialen Kontakte”. Bradford hat uns aufs Neue
gelehrt, dass das offensichtlich nicht
für die Widescreen Enthusiasten gilt.
Zwischen den Vorstellungen nutzte ein
jeder die Gelegenheit, mit den
Nebensitzern über das gerade Erlebte
zu diskutieren, obwohl man sich gar
April 2005
Das Museum of
Film &
(NMPFT) in
Foto (c) 2005
Thomas Hauerslev
nicht kannte. So ergaben sich viele
schöne Gespräche. Kurz: man war eigentlich unter sich - und genoss es in
vollen Zügen. Besonders beim alljährlichen ”Come Together”, bei dem sich
alle ”Badge”-Inhaber bei einem (oder
zwei) Glas Wein zwanglos austauschen
können, war das Gemeinschaftsgefühl
richtig zu spüren. Den Veranstaltern
muss man es wirklich anerkennen, dass
sie das richtige Gespür für ihre Kunden haben und wissen, wie man Filmenthusiasten begeistern kann. Ein dikkes Lob an Bill Lawrence und sein
Team vom Pictureville Cinema.
Doch was gab es nun eigentlich tatsächlich auf der großen Leinwand zu
bestaunen? Hier nun die Fakten:
Donnerstag, 10. März 2005
14:00 Uhr
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Von uns aus reisetechnischen Gründen
leider nicht gesehen.
19:45 Uhr
70mm 1:1.85, 6-Kanal Dolby Stereo
Vorgeführt auf der flachen Leinwand
Mitte bis Ende der 80er Jahre war es
Sitte in Hollywood, alle wichtigen Filme auf 70mm aufzublasen, um von
dem gegenüber Dolby Stereo Lichtton
sehr viel besseren mehrkanaligen Magnetton mit Dolby-Rauschunterdrückung zu profitieren. Da mit
35mm Negativfilm aufgenommen wurde, gab es natürlich beim künstlich
erzeugten 70mm Bild keine Qualitätssteigerung. Die gezeigte Kopie, die
beträchtliche Farbsprünge zwischen
den einzelnen Akten aufwies, war ent-
täuschend. Das Bild war einfach unscharf und ohne Brillanz. Ein sehr
liebloser Blow-Up. Dennoch erstaunte
uns das extrem gut ausgeleuchtete
Freitag, 11. März 2005
10:00 Uhr
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
inklusive Pause und Intermezzo
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Ken Annakins Klassiker über das
Flugzeugrennen von London nach Paris
wurde im echten Todd-AO-Verfahren
aufgenommen und brillierte hier mit
seiner faszinierenden Schärfe und dem
herrlichen Stereoton. Leider waren die
Farben teilweise schon ziemlich ausgebleicht und man würde sich wünschen,
diesen Film in einer farbrestaurierten
Fassung zu erleben.
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal DTS Ton
inklusive Ouvertüre, Pause, Intermezzo
und Exit Music
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Twentieth Century Fox steuerte eine
nagelneue 70mm-Kopie dieses Filmmusicals mit Rex Harrison bei. Der in
Todd-AO produzierte Film konnte seine richtige Farbwirkung allerdings erst
nach der Pause entfalten, als die ganze
Szenerie in die Südsee verlagert wurde. Das waren satte, herrliche Farben
und eine sehr schöne Bildschärfe, die
keine 35mm-Kopie bieten kann. Nur
leider ist das Musical selbst ziemlich
langweilig und sorgte bei uns für
Durchhänger während der Vorführung.
Seite 6
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
18:00 Uhr
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal Dolby Stereo
Vorgeführt auf der flachen Leinwand
Ron Frickes Ethno-Doku wurde im
Original 70mm-Format aufgenommen
und besticht durch atemberaubende
Farben und Bildschärfe. Die aus Privatbesitz stammende Kopie hatte leider
schon gravierende Tonprobleme. Für
eine Kopie, die aus der Mitte der 90er
Jahre stammt, eigentlich ein Unding.
Wieder mehr ein Beweis dafür, dass
viel zu wenig getan wird in Bezug auf
optimale Lagerung solcher Filmschätze.
20:00 Uhr
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal DTS Ton
inklusive Pause und Intermezzo
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Mit diesem Musical bewies Regisseur
Gene Kelly, dass er es aufs
Vortrefflichste verstand, das Todd-AOFormat optimal zu nutzen. Dank dieser
nagelneuen Kopie, die in Bildschärfe
und Farbgebung nicht mehr zu überbieten war, wurde man von Barbra
Streisand und Walter Matthau wahrlich
mitgerissen. So sehr sogar, dass es immer wieder spontanen Szenenapplaus
gab. Ein absolutes Highlight!
Samstag, 12. März 2005
10:00 Uhr
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
inklusive Pause
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Mögen Sie Trash? Wir auch! Und da
war SCENT OF MYSTERY genau das
Richtige. Der ursprünglich als erster
”Smell-O-Vision”-Film in Todd-AO
gedrehte Film wurde in einer geruchsneutralen Kopie (also ohne die dazugehörigen Düfte) vorgeführt, dafür aber
mit makelloser Bildschärfe - nur leider
ohne Farben. Denn die Kopie war komplett rotstichig. Dennoch amüsierten
wir uns köstlich bei der wirklich abstrusen Handlung. Herrlich! Im
Anschluss an den Film stand Kameramann und Regisseur Jack Cardiff dem
Publikum Rede und Antwort und steuerte noch etliche heitere Anekdoten zu
seiner Entstehung bei. Mit seinen über
April 2005
Technicolor-Veteran Jack
Cardiff stand dem
Publikum Rede und
Foto (c) 2005
Thomas Hauerslev
90 Jahren ist Jack Cardiff ein Beweis
dafür, dass man auch im hohen Alter
noch geistig total fit sein kann - und
das macht Hoffnung!
3-Streifen Cinerama 1:3, 7-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
inklusive Ouvertüre, Pause, Intermezzo
und Exit Music
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Wer es noch nie erlebt hat, dem sei es
ans Herz gelegt. Das Pictureville Cinema ist das einzige kommerzielle Kino
in Europa, das Cinerama-Filme nach
dem 3-Streifen-Verfahren spielen kann.
ein Paradestück für dieses Filmformat.
Die aus unterschiedlichen Kopien zu
einer Komplettversion zusammengesetzte Fassung fasziniert immer wieder
aufs Neue. So also war es in jenen Tagen, als Cinerama das Kino revolutionierte, um das Publikum von dem damals neuen Medium Fernsehen wieder
in die großen Kinosäle zu holen.
70mm 1:2.21, 30fps*, 6-Kanal Stereo
inklusive Ouvertüre, Pause, Intermezzo
und Exit Music
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Der erste Todd-AO-Film der Filmgeschichte. Aufgenommen und vorgeführt mit 30 Bildern/Sekunde (im Gegensatz zu 24 Bildern/Sekunde). Die
höhere Bildfrequenz machte sich bei
dieser relativ neuen und intakten Kopie
auf der gekrümmten Leinwand durchaus bemerkbar. So waren beispielsweise Kameraschwenks sehr viel ruhiger
und gaben dem Film einen lebensechteren Charakter.
Stilecht gab es dazu als Vorprogramm
den Todd-AO Kurzfilm THE
in 70mm mit 30 Bildern/Sekunde.
*fps = frames per second
Sonntag, 13. März 2005
10:00 Uhr
Dieser Veranstaltungsteil ist immer
wieder für Überraschungen gut. Denn
hier spielt das Publikum
Programmmacher. Jeder, der interessante kleine Filme in seiner privaten
Sammlung besitzt, kann sich hier be-
Bill Lawrence, Head
of Film beim NMPFT,
begrüßt das
begeisterte Publikum
Foto (c) 2005
Thomas Hauerslev
Seite 7
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
teiligen und seine Schätze einem breiten Publikum präsentieren. Ein faszinierendes Sammelsurium von ”Bits &
Pieces” für echte Fans. Da gab es beispielsweise den Filmvorführer aus den
USA, der eigens angereist war, um den
treuen Fans den bekannten DTS-DemoFilm endlich einmal im 70mm-Format
zu zeigen. Oder jenen Herrn vom Filminstitut in Amsterdam, der das Publikum mit Trailern von EL CID, 55
THE WEST jeweils im 70mm-Format
ins Staunen versetzte. Sehr beeindrukkend auch die Anfangssequenz des 3Streifen Cinerama Films THE
BROTHERS GRIMM, der hier tatsächlich im original Cinerama-Verfahren präsentiert wurde. Da leider kein
Ton mehr vorhanden war, wurde dieser
von der entsprechenden LaserDisc eingespielt - und war erstaunlich synchron! Aus Holland wurde ein 70mmTrailer für RISING SUN beigesteuert,
der die Tonanlage schön zu nutzen
wusste. Hochinteressant auch das Mitbringsel eines weiteren Amerikaners:
ein Ausschnitt aus OKLAHOMA - in
35mm CinemaScope und 4-Kanal Stereo Magnetton. Die Anwesenden konnten hier direkt mit dem am Vorabend
gezeigten 70mm-Print desselben Films
vergleichen. Uns beeindruckte hier
insbesondere der 4-kanalige StereotonMix! Im Rahmen der ”Cineramacana”
gab es dann noch einen kurzen Vortrag
von Dion Hanson, dem Vorsitzenden
des Projected Picture Trust, einem gemeinnützigen Verein, der sich um die
Pflege und Restaurierung alter Kinoprojektoren und allem, was dazugehört, kümmert. Eine sehr lobenswerte
Einrichtung. Seinen Abschluss fand der
Vortrag mit einem kurzen Demo-Film
zum Thema ”Cyan Track”, jener neuen
Lichttonspur, die ab sofort weltweit
Einzug in die Kinos halten und damit
die bisherige Silbernitrat-Tonspur der
35mm-Kopien ablösen wird. Insgesamt
war ”Cineramacana” also eine sehr
interessante und abwechslungsreiche
Präsentation, die wie jedes Jahr im
sogenannten ”Audience on Stage
Picture” gipfelte. Wer wollte, der
konnte sich jetzt vor der gekrümmten
Cinerama-Leinwand zum ”Familienfoto” aufbauen. Klare Sache, dass man
sich das nicht zweimal sagen ließ. Das
Ergebnis können Sie im Internet auf anschauen.
April 2005
Mitentwickler Walter
Siegmund mit
Lieblingskind, einem
70mm Kinoprojektor
Foto (c) 2005
Thomas Hauerslev
35mm CinemaScope 1:2.35, Dolby
Vorgeführt auf der flachen Leinwand
Eigentlich hatte sich Chefkameramann
und Oscar-Preisträger Miroslav
Ondricek für diese Vorführung angemeldet. Doch in letzter Minute musste
er seine Teilnahme absagen. Sein
Zahnarzt hatte ihm die Reise aufgrund
einer bevorstehenden Operation verboten! Schade, doch ”such is Life!” Immerhin wurde die 35mm-Kopie des
Director’s Cuts von Milos Formans
genialem AMADEUS durch Herrn
Ondricek persönlich freigegeben und
so ließ sich das Publikum für fast drei
Stunden von der Rivalität zwischen
Mozart und Salieri auf angenehme Art
und Weise gefangen nehmen
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal DTS Ton
inklusive Pause, Intermezzo und Exit
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Und wieder eine nagelneue Kopie.
Charlton Heston in der Rolle des
Michelangelo und Rex Harrison als
Papst - was für ein Gespann. Der von
Carol Reed im 65mm-Format aufgenommene Film hatte eine sehr gute
Bildqualität und bewies aufs Neue,
dass sich der Aufwand mit dem größeren Bildnegativ lohnt. Im Vorprogramm gab es den sehr seltenen Film
TO PAINT zu sehen, für den eigens
Jerry Goldsmith die Musik komponierte.
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal DTS Ton
inklusive Pause und Intermezzo
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Der Klassiker unter den Musicals erfreute sein Publikum ebenfalls mit einer nagelneuen Kopie. Auch hier eine
tolle Bildschärfe und satte Farben, die
sich speziell in den Außenaufnahmen
in Salzburg bemerkbar machten.
Montag, 14. März 2005
70mm 1:2.21, 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton
Vorgeführt auf der gekrümmten Leinwand
Auch aus Privatbesitz stammend war
dies mit Abstand die schlechteste Kopie des Widescreen Weekends. Nicht
nur, dass das gesamte Bild rot war,
sondern auch die vielen Laufschrammen trübten das Erlebnis. Immerhin: der 6-Kanal Sound war unglaublich dynamisch und noch vollkommen intakt! Leider mussten wir
während der Vorstellung bereits den
Saal verlassen, um unsere Heimreise
pünktlich antreten zu können. Jedoch
trösteten uns Tony’s einleitenden Worte sehr. Denn im kommenden Jahr soll
eine komplett restaurierte Version des
Films zur Verfügung stehen. Na, wenn
das nicht Grund genug ist, im kommenden Jahr wieder eine Stippvisite nach
Bradford einzulegen. Übrigens gab es
im Vorprogramm zu SOUTH PACIFIC
einen weiteren Todd-AO-Demofilm zu
sehen: THE MARCH OF TODD-AO im 70mm-Format und in dänischer
Zusätzlich zu den Filmpräsentationen
gab es noch weitere interessante Veranstaltungen im Pictureville Cinema:
Seite 8
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
eine Abhandlung über Gene Kelly und
seine Filmwerke, eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Todd-AO-Pionier Walter Siegmund und eine Einführung in die technische Seite von Todd-AO durch Thomas Hauerslev. Bei einem solch geballten Programm gab es nicht viel Zeit
zum Essen. Optimale Voraussetzungen
also für Filmfans, die sowieso schon
lange mal eine Diät machen wollten!
Wer es aber gar nicht ohne Nahrung
aushielt, für den hatte die Museumsküche stets Leckeres zu bieten - zumindest was die Engländer darunter
April 2005
Ohne sie wäre das
Weekend nicbt das,
was es ist: die
Filmvorführer des
Pictureville Cinema
leisteten ganze
Foto (c) 2005
Thomas Hauerslev
Aber auch die schönste Veranstaltung
geht einmal zu Ende. Wir mussten uns
leider während der Vorführung von
SOUTH PACIFIC von Bradford verabschieden. Der Kinomarathon, der
uns an drei ganzen Tagen von morgens
um 10:00 Uhr bis kurz vor Mitternacht
in Bann hielt, war vorbei. Nicht aber
der Zauber, der die gesamte Veranstaltung umgab und der auch bis heute
noch anhält. Beim Gedanken an die
perfekte Vorführung von HELLO
DOLLY stellt sich auch Wochen später
noch eine wohlige Gänsehaut ein und
lässt uns schon mit Freude an das
nächste Jahr in Bradford denken.
Ein Bild fürs Familienalbum: das traditionelle „Audience on Stage“-Bild
Foto (c) 2005 Thomas Hauerslev
Seite 9
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Seite 10
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Galaxy Rangers - Season 1, Episoden 01-25
Dir. John A. Davis
Trickfilm 2002
Polyband 16.05.2005
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013172
Galaxy Rangers
Dir. Robert Mandell
Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 1986-1989 FF
AL!VE (Attraction Movies) 02.05.2005
69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013161
nedy, Raquel Welch, Will Geer, Clint
Ritchie, Denver Pyle, Rudy Diaz, Sean
McClory - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen
Audiokommentar, Multi-Angles, Featurettes, TV-Spots,
Entfallene Szenen, Sketches Galerie, Easter Eggs
Mit einer List gelingt es dem Revolverhelden Mace Bishop
(James Stewart), seinen Bruder Dee (Dean Martin) und
seine Bande aus dem Gefängnis zu befreien und vor dem
Galgen zu retten. Gemeinsam fliehen sie nach Mexiko,
gnadenlos verfolgt von Sheriff Johnson (George Kennedy). Als sie auf eine Bande mexikanischer Bandoleros
treffen, zieht sich die Schlinge um die Flüchtenden mehr
und mehr zu, denn nun müssen sie gegen zwei Todfeinde
Zeichentrick/Satire 1992-1993 FF DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E)
Fox 19.05.2005
65,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013133
Western 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 102min.
Fox 12.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013134
Die Simpsons - Season 5
Collection (4 DVDs)
The Simpsons - Season 5
Garfield und seine Freunde, Vol.
1, Disc 1, Episoden 01-08
Garfield And Friends
Dir. Phil Roman
Behind the Scenes
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1982-1991 FF DD
1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Fox 25.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013128
Slayers Next, Vol. 4
Slayers Next
Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 1996
AL!VE (Dynamic) 25.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013164
Wolfs Rain Vol. 4
Wolf’s Rain
Dir. Tensai Okamura
Garfield und seine Freunde, Vol.
1, Disc 2, Episoden 09-16
Garfield And Friends
Dir. Phil Roman
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1982-1991 FF DD
1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Fox 25.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013129
Vier Wölfe, als Menschen getarnt, machen sich zusammen
mit der Blumen-Jungfrau Cheza auf die Suche nach dem
Paradies. Unsicher, ob sie je dorthin gelangen werden,
legen ihnen der Wolfshasser Quent Yaiden und die Armeen der rivalisierenden Adligen Darcia und Orcham
weitere mörderische Steine in den Weg. Die gefährliche
Suche der Vier führt durch eine fantastische und bildgewaltige Welt, deren Atmosphäre sich niemand entziehen
kann ... Mit der Anime-TV-Serie Wolf´s Rain erlebt ihr den
neuesten Hit aus dem Studio Bones (u.a. Cowboy Bebop
– Der Film). Neben Regisseur Tensai Okamura (u.a. Neon
Genesis Evangelion) arbeiteten auch Character-Designer
Toshihiro Kawamoto (u.a. Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne –
The Movie) und Yôko Kanno (u.a. Arjuna, Cowboy Bebop),
die den mitreißenden Soundtrack komponierte, an diesem
Meisterwerk mit.
Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2003 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 2.0 (Jap)
AL!VE (OVA) 25.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013165
The Bravados
Gregory Peck, Joan Collins, Stephen Boyd,
Albert Salmi, Henry Silva - Dir. Henry King
Der wortkarge Farmer Jim Douglas (Gregory Peck) kommt
in die Stadt Rio Arriba, wo am nächsten Tag vier Verbrecher hingerichtet werden sollen. Er ist überzeugt davon,
dass es die Mörder und Vergewaltiger seiner Frau sind
und will ihren Tod miterleben. Doch kurz vor der Exekution
gelingt den Schurken die Flucht. Jim nimmt die Verfolgung
auf, eine mörderische Jagd zur mexikanischen Grenze
beginnt. Ohne Erbarmen tötet er drei der Banditen, die bis
zuletzt ihre Unschuld beteuern. Als er am Ende auch den
letzten in seine Gewalt bekommt, erwartet ihn eine grausige Erkenntnis
Western 1958 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 4.0
(E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 94min.
Fox 12.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013135
Bandidos - Ihr Gesetz ist Mord
und Gewalt (FSK 18)
Garfield und seine Freunde, Vol.
1, Disc 3, Episoden 17-24
Garfield And Friends
Dir. Phil Roman
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1982-1991 FF DD
1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Fox 25.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013130
Jimmy Neutron - Die neue Staffel,
Vol. 1
The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy
Enrico Maria Salerno, Terry Jenkins,
Venantino Venantini, Maria Martin, Chris
Huerta - Dir. Max Dillmann
Ein Kunstschütze, dem bei einem Eisenbahnüberfall von
seinem ehemaligen Komplizen beide Hände zerschossen
wurden, weist einen jungen Mann in die Schießkunst ein,
um sich mit seiner Hilfe rächen zu können
Trailer; Bildergalerie; Über „Bandidos“; Musikvideo; DVDROM Part
Western 1967 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
DD 1.0 (It) 91min.
NEW 01.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013190
Dean Martin, James Stewart, George Ken
Brombeerchen - Wie zählt man
ein Leben?
Minda Tender, Robert Stadlober, Birol Ünel,
Graham Roberts, Mara Vador - Dir. Oliver
Angeödet von der Spießigkeit des Seins entfliehen Abiturient Andre alias Brombeerchen und seine Freundin Lilian
dem heimatlichen Familiennest auf einen spontanen Road
Trip Richtung Süden mit unbekanntem Ziel. Nachdem
ihnen ein paar freundliche Chinesen unterwegs den fahrbaren Untersatz stibitzten, lässt sich das Pärchen von
Seite 11
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
dem sympathischen Gauner Sylvester in eine offenbar
frisch geknackte Villa einladen - samt gefesselter Großgrundbesitzer amerikanischer Herkunft im Fitnesskeller.
Elektra kennen und lieben, sondern muss sich auch mit
dem hünenhaften Gangsterboss Kingpin und dessen
skrupellosem Auftragskiller Bullseye herumschlagen.
Audiokommentar, Making of, 2 Bildergalerien,
Featurettes, 6 Multi-Angle-Szenen, 6 Clips, Trailer,
Musikvideos, Easter Eggs
Thriller/Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX
starmedia 18.05.2005
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013148
Action/Fantasy 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 128min.
Fox 19.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013132
Brutale Stadt
Città Violenta
Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, Jill Ireland,
Umberto Orsini, Michel Constantin - Dir.
Sergio Sollima
Gangsterfilm, in dem ein Berufskiller versucht, sein
Einzelgängertum gegen das Räsonverlangen einer erpresserischen Bande zu behaupten.
Dokumentation mit Regisseur Sergio Sollima, Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer
Action 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
Koch Media 31.03.2005
19,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20012563
Shannen Doherty
Fantasy/Komödie 1998 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD
1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 930min.
Paramount 12.05.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013151
Didi - Der Doppelgänger (Dieter
Hallervorden Collection)
Dieter Hallervorden, Tilo Prückner, RuthMaria Kubitschek, Barbara Nielsen - Dir.
Reinhard Schwabenitzky
Hallervorden, Deutschlands populärster Groteskkomiker
der 80er Jahre, in der Doppelrolle eines Kneipenwirts und
eines Großunternehmers, deren unterschiedliche Interessen und Charaktere bei dem Versuch aufeinanderprallen,
durch Rollentausch Kidnapper zu überlisten
Komödie 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D)
Turbine Medien 25.04.2005
11,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013162
Didi und die Rache der Enterbten
(Dieter Hallervorden Collection)
Dieter Hallervorden, Wolfgang Kieling, Gerhard Wollner, Christoph Hofrichter, Karl
Schulz, Manfred Tauchen, Wolfried Lier,
Margit Geissler, Gert Haucke - Dir. Christian Rateuke, Dieter Hallervorden
Buffalo Bill - Der weiße Indianer
Buffalo Bill
Joel McCrea, Maureen O’Hara, Linda
Darnell, Thomas Mitchell, Edgar Buchanan,
Anthony Quinn, Moroni Olsen - Dir. William
A. Wellman
Im Mittelpunkt dieses Klassikers stehen die wichtigsten
Lebensstationen des Büffeljägers William F. Cody (Joel
McCrea), der als „Buffalo Bill“ zur Legende des Wilden
Westens wurde: die Friedensverhandlungen, die er als
Colonel mit dem indianischen Führer „Yellow Hand“
(Anthony Quinn) führte, seine Heirat mit der SüdstaatenSchönheit Louisa (Maureen O’Hara) und die unvergessene Wild West-Show, mit der er auch in Europa auftrat.
Dieser spannende Western wirft einen Blick hinter den
Mythos und zeigt die indianische Kultur aus der Sicht des
Indianerfreundes, der auch im Weißen Haus für ihre
Rechte kämpfte
Western 1944 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 86min.
Fox 12.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013136
Dangerous Sex Date - Tod in Fesseln (k.J.)
Davide Devenuto, Stefania Bonafede,
Rocco Siffredi - Dir. Maria Martinelli
Beim Versuch, einem in der SM-Szene tätigen Serienkiller
das blutige Handwerk zu legen, segnet ein junger Undercover-Cop unterm Fesselspiel das Zeitliche. Die schöne
Xenia, Single-Dame auf der Suche nach exotischer Zerstreuung und in der Tatnacht scheinbar die einzige Anwesende, zweifelt an ihrem Verstand und zeigt in der Folgezeit ebenso viel Interesse, den wahren Täter zu ermitteln,
wie der junge Journalist Silver, seines Zeichens bester
Freund des Opfers. Als sich Xenias und Silvers Wege
kreuzen, wird es eng für den Mörder.
Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Unversehens wird Didi steinreich, als er eine Erbschaft
macht. Doch die enterbten Nichten und Neffen fühlen sich
übergangen. Sie setzen alles daran, den glücklosen
Glückspilz ins Grab zu bringen.
Komödie 1984 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D)
Turbine Medien 25.04.2005
11,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013163
Thriller/Erotik 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX
(D) DD 2.0 (E)
starmedia 18.05.2005
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013149
Daredevil (Director’s Cut, Special
Edition, 2 DVDs)
Charmed - Die komplette erste
Season, Volume 1
Shannen Doherty
Fantasy/Komödie 1998 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD
1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) DD 1.0 (It) 930min.
Paramount 12.05.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013150
Charmed - Die komplette erste
Season, Volume 2
Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Colin Farrell,
Michael Clarke Duncan, Jon Favreau, Scott
Terra, Ellen Pompeo, Joe Pantoliano,
Leland Orser, Lennie Loftin, Erick Avari,
Derrick O’Connor, Paul Ben-Victor, David
Keith, Casey McCarthy - Dir. Mark Steven
Tagsüber steht der blinde, verbitterte Anwalt Matt
Murdock auf der richtigen Seite des Gesetzes. Nachts
jedoch nimmt er seine zweite Identität als „Daredevil“ an,
zwängt sich ins rotlederne Teufelskostüm und wird zum
gnadenlosen Rächer unschuldiger Opfer. Bei seinen
Helden-Touren durch die Hell’s Kitchen von New York
lernt er nicht nur die undurchsichtige Kampfmaschine
Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh
All Creatures Great And Small
Sir Anthony Hopkins, Simon Ward, Lisa
Harrow, Freddie Jones, Brian Stirner, T. P.
McKenna, Brenda Bruce, John Collin - Dir.
Claude Whatham
1937 tritt der junge James Herriot in der nordenglischen
Provinz Yorkshire seinen Dienst bei dem exzentrischen
Tierarzt Siegfried Farnon an, der zusammen mit seinem
leichtlebigen Bruder Tristan eine kleine Praxis in dem
Örtchen Darrowby führt. Der erfahrene Farnon hilft dem
frisch gebackenen Veterinär, sich in seiner neuen Umgebung einzuleben. Abgesehen von kranken Hunden und
Seite 12
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
kalbenden Kühen muss James vor allem mit der Landbevölkerung zurechtkommen, die sich als ein äußerst
gewöhnungsbedürftiger Menschenschlag erweist. Trotzdem wachsen James Landschaft und Menschen ans Herz,
was unter anderem auch an der schönen Farmertochter
Helen liegt...
Komödie 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
Kinowelt 10.05.2005
12,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013153
Die Erben der 36 Kammern der
Pi Li Shi Jie
Hou Hsiao, Li-Li Li, Chia-Liang Liu - Dir.
Chia-Liang Liu
Eastern 1985
M.I.B. 26.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013173
Christian Hollbrink, Henrik Linnros, Fredrik
af Trampe - Dir. Mikael Hafstrom
Schweden in den fünfziger Jahren. Weil der 16-jährige
Erik sich mal wieder geprügelt hat, schickt ihn seine
Mutter auf das private Elite-Internat Stjärnsberg. Dies ist
gleichzeitig die letzte Chance auf einen ordentlichen
Abschluss. Das Schulsystem in Stjärnsberg funktioniert
nach dem System Demütigung und Unterdrückung, ein
Prinzip, das Erik von seinem sadistischen Stiefvater her
bestens kennt. Zwar ist er selbst den älteren Mitschülern
im Faustkampf überlegen. Doch Erik wagt es nicht zurückzuschlagen, denn sonst fliegt er.
Dt. Trailer, Biografie, Interviews, Behind the Scenes,
Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Making of
Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (Schwed) 109min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013184
Falling for a Dancer
Falling For A Dancer
Elizabeth Dermot-Walsh, Dermot Crowley,
Liam Cunningham - Dir. Richard Standeven
Drama 1998 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013185
Das Höllentor der Shaolin
Invincible Shaolin
Sun Chieng, Lu Feng, Lo Meng - Dir. Chang
Um die Shaolin des Nordens und des Südens gegeneinander aufzuwiegeln, läßt ein Manschugouverneur im 17.
Jahrhundert nach einem Wettkampf die unterlegenen
Shaolinkämpfer des Südens ermorden. Der
Shaolinmeister des Südens schickt darauf seine drei
besten Kämpfer in eine harte Ausbildung...
Eastern/Action 1979
M.I.B. 26.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013174
Wendung verleihen. Könnte er doch nur…If Only
Trailer; Cast & Crew Infos; Bildergalerie
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Universum Film (UFA) 30.05.2005
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013154
Im Todesnetz der gelben Spinne
Wu Du Tian Luo
Chiang Yang, Norman Chu, Ching Li - Dir.
Chor Yuen
Eastern 1976
M.I.B. 26.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013175
Inseln im Strom
Islands In The Stream
George C. Scott, David Hemmings, Gilbert
Roland, Claire Bloom, Susan Tyrell - Dir.
Franklin J. Schaffner
Aufgewühlt durch den Besuch seiner drei aus zwei geschiedenen Ehen stammenden Söhne und seiner ersten
Frau, will ein auf die Bahamas geflohener Künstler sein
Leben ändern. Beim Versuch, vor den Nazis geflohene
Juden auf Kuba in Sicherheit zu bringen, kommt er ums
Drama 1977
Paramount 12.05.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013152
Andreas Wilson, Linda Gyllenberg, Henrik
Lundström, Gustaf Skarsgård, Marie
Richardson, Johan Rabaeus, Kjell
Bergqvist, Magnus Roosmann, Jesper
Salen, Björn Granath, Lennart Hjulström,
Christian Hollbrink, Henrik Linnros, Fredrik
af Trampe - Dir. Mikael Hafstrom
Schweden in den fünfziger Jahren. Weil der 16-jährige
Erik sich mal wieder geprügelt hat, schickt ihn seine
Mutter auf das private Elite-Internat Stjärnsberg. Dies ist
gleichzeitig die letzte Chance auf einen ordentlichen
Abschluss. Das Schulsystem in Stjärnsberg funktioniert
nach dem System Demütigung und Unterdrückung, ein
Prinzip, das Erik von seinem sadistischen Stiefvater her
bestens kennt. Zwar ist er selbst den älteren Mitschülern
im Faustkampf überlegen. Doch Erik wagt es nicht zurückzuschlagen, denn sonst fliegt er.
Dt. Trailer, Biografie,, Interviews, Behind the Scenes,
Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende
Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (Schwed) 109min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013183
Evil (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Andreas Wilson, Linda Gyllenberg, Henrik
Lundström, Gustaf Skarsgård, Marie
Richardson, Johan Rabaeus, Kjell
Bergqvist, Magnus Roosmann, Jesper
Salen, Björn Granath, Lennart Hjulström,
Ice Bound - Gefangen im Eis
Ice Bound
Susan Sarandon, Aidan Devine, Cynthia
Mace, Paulino Nunes, Kenneth Welsh,
Linlyn Lue - Dir. Roger Spottiswoode
Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
Concorde 11.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013138
If Only
If Only
Jennifer Love Hewitt, Tom Wilkinson - Dir.
Gil Junger
Samantha ist eine amerikanische Musikstudentin, die an
einer renommierten Londoner Universität studiert. Sie ist
sorgenfrei, impulsiv und vor allem total verliebt in ihren
englischen Freund Ian. Ian hingegen scheint in erster
Linie mit seinem fordernden Job verheiratet zu sein,
vergisst darüber seine Gefühle, vernachlässigt seine
Freundin und übersieht, dass er Gefahr läuft sie zu verlieren. Als ihr Leben jedoch eine tragische Wendung nimmt,
gesteht sich Ian endlich seine Gefühle für Samantha ein:
Hätte er ihr doch bloß seine Liebe gezeigt. Wenn er doch
nur alles ungeschehen machen, noch einmal von vorne
anfangen könnte, dem schicksalhaften Tag eine andere
Jesse James - Mann ohne Gesetz
Jesse James
Tyrone Power jr., Henry Fonda, Jane
Darwell, Nancy Kelly, Randolph Scott, Henry Hull, Brian Donlevy, John Carradine, J.
Edward Bromberg - Dir. Henry King
Henry Kings Western erzählt die dramatische Lebensgeschichte von Jesse James, dem berüchtigtsten Revolverhelden des Wilden Westens. Als Jesses Mutter durch die
Schuld skrupelloser Land-Aufkäufer der Eisenbahngesellschaft ums Leben kommt, ist dies der Auslöser für einen
blutigen Rachefeldzug gegen das Eisenbahn-Kartell, den
er mit seinem Bruder Frank beginnt. Aus den einfachen
Farmjungen werden gefürchtete Outlaws, die mit ihrer
Bande auf spektakuläre Weise Züge und Banken ausrauben. Als jedoch ein hohes Kopfgeld auf Jesse ausgesetzt
wird, scheint sein Schicksal besiegelt zu sein...
Western 1939 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 101min.
Fox 12.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013137
Seite 13
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Ein Kapitel für sich (2 DVDs)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013159
Edda Seippel, Ernst von Klipstein, Stephan
Schwartz, Jens Weisser - Dir. Eberhard
Der bestialische Mord an zwei älteren Damen stellt die
Polizei vor ein Rätsel, ehe ein Privatdetektiv die verblüffende Lösung des Falles findet.
Horror 1986 DD 2.0 (D)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013186
Biografien, Interviews mit Walter Kempowski und Stephan
Drama 1979 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Polar Film (ZDF Video) 15.04.2005
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013156
Michael Gough, Margo Johns, Jess Conrad,
Claire Gordon, Austin Trevor, Jack Watson Dir. John Lamont
Verbrechen und Untergang eines Naturforschers, dem es
gelingt, ein Äffchen durch Pflanzensaft zur mordenden
Bestie von Kirchturmgröße umzuwandeln
Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring (2 DVDs)
Horror 1961
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 26.05.2005
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013179
Girl With A Pearl Earring
Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth, Cillian
Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, Essie Davis, Judy
Parfitt, Joanna Scanlan, Alakina Mann,
David Morissey, Anna Popplewell, Anaïs
Nepper, Nathan Nepper, Christopher
McHallem, Gabrielle Reidy, Leslie Woodhall
- Dir. Peter Webber
Kuan - Der unerbitterliche Rächer
Bo Sau
David Chiang, Wang Ping - Dir. Chang
Eastern 1970
M.I.B. 26.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013176
Johannes Vermeer lebt mit seiner Frau, der herrischen
Schwiegermutter Maria Thins und seiner Kinderschar in
Delft, stets abhängig vom Wohlwollen seines Gönners Van
Ruijven. Alle drängen den scheuen Künstler, schneller zu
malen, um den Auftraggeber zufrieden zu stellen und die
leere Haushaltskasse zu füllen. Doch Vermeer tut sich
schwer mit Motivsuche und Akkordarbeit. Bis die 16jährige Haushaltshilfe Griet bei ihm zu arbeiten anfängt,
auch im Atelier aushilft und ihn dabei mit ihrer schüchternintelligenten Art in ihren Bann zieht.
Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Engl.
Original-Kinotrailer, Dt. Trailer, Interviews,
Produktionnotizen, Informationen zu Cast und Credit,
Bildergalerie, Trailer,
Historienfilm/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min.
Concorde (Concorde Cine Collection)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013140
Naked Space - Trottel im Weltall
The Creature Wasn’t Nice
Cindy Williams, Leslie Nielsen, Patrick
Macnee, Gerrit Graham, Bruce Kimmel Dir. Bruce Kimmel
Sci-Fi-Komödie mit Leslie Nielsen über einen Trupp
Raumfahrer, die ein Monster an Bord nehmen, das sie der
Reihe nach verspeist. Bemerkenswert sind die MusikalEinlagen des Monsters.
Komödie 1981 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Kinowelt 10.05.2005
12,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013142
Landslide - Wenn die Welt versinkt
Vincent Spano, Alexandra Paul, Luke Eberl,
Robert Pine, Amy Van Nostrand, Jay Pickett
- Dir. Neil Kinsella
Drama/Abenteuer 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E)
Concorde 11.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013139
Liebe mich, wenn du dich traust
Jeux D’Enfants
Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard, Thibault
Verhaeghe, Joséphine Lebas-Joly,
Emmanuelle Grönvold, Gerard Watkins,
Gilles Lellouche, Julia Faure, Laetizia Venezia Tarnowska, Elodie Navarre, Frédéric
Geerts, Robert Willar, Nathalie Nattier - Dir.
Yann Samuell
Als Achtjährige lernten sich Julien und Sophie kennen und
führen seither eine von tiefer Liebe und zerstörerischem
Hass geprägte Beziehung. Was einst mit spielerischen
Neckereien begann, hat sich über die Jahre zu einem
tabulosen Machtspiel ausgeweitet, dessen einziges Ziel zu
sein scheint, den anderen so tief wie möglich zu verletzen.
Als Liebesbeweise verlangen sie nämlich vom jeweils
anderen immer neue, immer verwegenere Mutproben.
Doch irgendwann entgleitet den beiden die Situation - mit
verheerenden Folgen.
Making of, Audiokommentar, Musikvideo, Testszene
Drama/Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (F)
AL!VE (Alamode) 09.05.2005
Millennium - Season 3 (6 DVDs)
Lance Henriksen, Megan Gallagher, Don
Mackay, Mike Puttonen, Jim Thorburn,
George Josef, Stephen Holmes, Henry
Watson - Dir. David Nutter
Frank Black, Ex-FBI-Agent, zieht mit Frau und Tochter in
ein schönes, helles Heim in Seattle - ein erholsamer
Kontrast zu seiner dunklen Arbeitswelt. Als Berater der
„Millennium“-Gruppe schaltet sich Frank in schwierige
Serienkillerfälle ein. Seine Gabe, durch die Augen der
Killer sehen und sich in sie hineinversetzen zu können, ist
für ihn eine Last, befähigt ihn aber auch, die Killer vor
weiteren Verbrechen zu stellen.
Audiokommentare, Featurettes
Thriller 1996-1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E)
Fox 25.05.2005
65,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013131
Mord in der Rue Morgue
The Murders In The Rue Morgue
Rebecca De Mornay, Val Kilmer, George C.
Scott - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc
Nero - Die dunkle Seite der Macht
(2 DVDs)
Imperium: Nerone
Hans Matheson, Laura Morante, John
Simm, Rike Schmid, Matthias Habich, Angela Molina, Massimo Dapporto, Jochen
Horst, Simón Andreu, Jean Rochefort, Ian
Richardson - Dir. Paul Marcus
Weil in seinen Adern das Blut des Augustus fließt, ist das
Leben des kleinen Lucius Nero am Hofe Kaiser Caligulas
keinen Pfifferling wehrt, weshalb seine frisch verbannte
Mutter Agrippina es für angeraten hält, ihn inkognito in der
Provinz unter Sklaven aufwachsen zu lassen, wo Nero mit
Kunst, Philosophie und einer schönen Christin namens
Acte in Berührung kommt. Als auch Caligulas Nachfolger
Claudius auf unnatürliche Weise das Zeitliche segnet,
sorgt Agrippina dafür, dass kein anderer als Nero den
Thron besteigt - und in ihrem Sinne regiert.
Historienfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (D)
Seite 14
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 26.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013127
Chloe Bruce, Ashley Beck, Stuart Sinclair
Blyth - Dir. Richard Jobson
Im Glasgow der nicht allzu fernen Horrorzukunft beherrschen in Banden organisierte Kampfsportler die No-GoAreas der Innenstadt, derweil die Polizei im besser bestellten Vorort Däumchen dreht. Streetgang-Imperator
Moses möchte alle Banden unter seiner Fuchtel vereinen
und dann den großen Reibach machen. Die aufrechten
Purifiers, verpflichtet allein dem Wohl der direkten Nachbarschaft, machen da nicht mit und riskieren so, von allen
anderen Banden der Stadt gejagt zu werden.
Trailer; Featurette
Nero - Die dunkle Seite der Macht
Imperium: Nerone
Hans Matheson, Laura Morante, John
Simm, Rike Schmid, Matthias Habich, Angela Molina, Massimo Dapporto, Jochen
Horst, Simón Andreu, Jean Rochefort, Ian
Richardson - Dir. Paul Marcus
Action/Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Kinowelt 25.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013143
Weil in seinen Adern das Blut des Augustus fließt, ist das
Leben des kleinen Lucius Nero am Hofe Kaiser Caligulas
keinen Pfifferling wehrt, weshalb seine frisch verbannte
Mutter Agrippina es für angeraten hält, ihn inkognito in
der Provinz unter Sklaven aufwachsen zu lassen, wo Nero
mit Kunst, Philosophie und einer schönen Christin namens
Acte in Berührung kommt. Als auch Caligulas Nachfolger
Claudius auf unnatürliche Weise das Zeitliche segnet,
sorgt Agrippina dafür, dass kein anderer als Nero den
Thron besteigt - und in ihrem Sinne regiert.
Radhapura - Endstation der Verdammten (FSK 18)
Bob Cunningham, George Nader, Gordon
Mitchell, Carl Möhner, Femi Benussi - Dir.
Hans Albin
Historienfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (D)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 26.05.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013192
Um den Erfolg seiner Arbeit betrogen, rächt sich ein
Diamantenschürfer an einer Verbrecherbande, indem er in
der von ihr beherrschten Mine eine Revolte inszeniert
Promo-Trailer, Galerie, über “Radhapura”, PC-Part inkl.
ausdruckbaren Kinoaushangfotos und Kinoplakat, Quiz
zum Film, Trailershow
Owning Mahowny
Owning Mahowny
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Minnie Driver,
John Hurt, Maury Chaykin, Sonja Smits, Ian
Tracey, Roger Dunn, Jason Blicker, Chris
Collins, Judi Embden, M.J. Kang, Mike
„Nug“ Nahrgang, Joseph Scoren, Makyla
Smith - Dir. Richard Kwietniowski
Toronto, 1982. Als man den cleveren, aber farblosen
Bankangestellten Dan Mahowny zum stellvertretenden
Bankmanager befördert, beruft man unwissentlich den
Bock zum Gärtner. Seit Jahren von Spielsucht befallen,
nutzt Mahowny nämlich fortan seine neugewonnenen
Privilegien, um fiktiven Personen - also sich selbst Kredite zu gewähren und immer größere Summen an die
Casinos zu überweisen, in denen er regelmäßig große
Geldbeträge verliert. Als sein Gebaren auffliegt, schuldet
der Taugenichts seiner Bank 10,2 Millionen Dollar.
Featurette, Trailer
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 2.0 (E)
AL!VE (Red Planet) 09.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013160
Abenteuer 1967 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D)
NEW 01.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013191
Chazz Palminteri, Rick Schroder, Rod Steiger, Michael Rosenbaum, Mars Callahan,
Alison Eastwood, Christopher Walken - Dir.
Mars Callahan
Als ungeschliffenes Ausnahmetalent im Pool-Billard träumt
Danny Doyle von einer Karriere als Profi, doch sabotiert
ihn sein angeblicher Mentor, der hinterhältige Spielhallenhai Joe, weil er Danny doch zum Ausnehmen diverser
Angeber benötigt. Darob zerstritten, hängt Danny das
Spiel an den Nagel und widmet sich nur mehr Freundin
Tara. Als jedoch sein größter Fan und jüngerer Bruder
Johnny geradewegs in Joes Schuldenfalle zu stolpern
droht, sieht Danny sich gezwungen, noch einmal im großen Stil zum Queue zu greifen.
Audiokommentar, Trailer
Thriller/Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (E)
MC One (Ascot Elite) 27.05.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013157
The Pavilion
Patsy Kensit, Richard Chamberlain, Daniel
Riordan, Craig Sheffer, Dwight Ewell - Dir.
C. Grant Mitchell
Drama 1999 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013188
Point Blank
Savage Messiah
Point Blank
Mickey Rourke, Danny Trejo - Dir. Matt Earl
Savage Messiah
Polly Walker, Luc Picard, Isabelle Blais,
Isabelle Cyr, Julie La Rochelle, Pascale
Montpetit - Dir. Mario Azzopardi
Ex-Elitekrieger Rudy hat nach dem Krieg die Kurve zur
zivilen Existenz genommen und ist ein braver Landwirt
geworden. Sein Bruder Joe dagegen tötete einen Menschen und wartet seither in der Todeszelle auf sein letztes
Stündlein. Besser gesagt, wartete, denn jetzt steht der
Sheriff vor Rudys Haustür und bittet ihn um Hilfe: Joe ist
gemeinsam mit anderen gefährllichen Kriminellen geflohen und hält das örtliche Einkaufszentrum samt Kunden in
seiner Gewalt. Rudy, der seinen Bruder wie kein zweiter
kennt, soll eindringen und die Geiselnahme auf
Partisanenart beenden.
TV-Version (76min.); Schnittvergleich; Trailer;
Action 1997-1998 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
Atlantis 30.03.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013171
Poolhall Junkies
Poolhall Junkies
In der Provinz von Ontario regiert der charismatische
Kultführer Roch „Moses“ Theriault mit eiserner Hand über
ein grenzenlos ergebenes Fähnlein junger Frauen und
deren mittlerweile stattliche Kinderschar. Einzig die furchtlose Sozialarbeiterin Paula Johnson, selbst gebranntes
Kind in puncto Männergewalt, prangert die dort herrschenden Missstände an und versucht, offenkundig misshandelte Sektenmitglieder zum Ausstieg zu bewegen. Als
sie damit erste Erfolge erzielt, geht Theriault zum Gegenangriff über.
Originaltrailer, Roch Theriault - Info, Bildergalerie
The Purifiers
The Purifiers
Kevin McKidd, Gordon Alexander, Dominic
Monaghan, Amber Sainsbury, Rachel Grant,
Fraser James, Robyn Kerr, Jamie Cho,
Thriller/Drama 2002 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 91min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 26.05.2005
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013180
Der Schlangenkuss
The Serpent’s Kiss
Seite 15
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Ewan McGregor, Greta Scacchi, Pete
Postlethwaite, Richard E. Grant, Carmen
Chaplin, Donal McCann, Charley Boorman,
Gerard McSorley, Britta Smith, Susan
Fitzgerald, Pat Laffan, Rúaidhrí Conroy,
Henry King - Dir. Philippe Rousselot
England 1699: Der wohlhabende Thomas Smithers lädt
den jungen holländischen Architekten Chrome zu sich ein
und engagiert ihn zu Ehren seiner Frau Julia einen wundervollen Garten zu erschaffen. Juliana führt sich bald zu
dem gut aussehenden ernsten jungen Mann hingezogen,
dieser wiederum ist von Smithers schöner Tochter Thea
fasziniert. Doch das Gartenprojekt droht zu scheitern,
nicht nur durch einen starken Sturm, der die bisherigen
Arbeiten verwüstet, sondern auch durch Fitzmaurice,
Julianas verarmten Cousin, der durch seine Intrigen und
Ränke Smithers in den finanziellen Ruin zu treiben versucht.
Historienfilm/Kriminalfilm 1997 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Capelight 18.04.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013166
Das schwarze Museum
Horrors Of The Black Museum
Michael Gough, June Cunningham, Graham
Curnow, Shirley Anne Field, Geoffrey Keen,
Gerald Anderson, John Warwick, Beatrice
Varley, Austin Trevor, Malou Pantera,
Howard Greene - Dir. Arthur Crabtree
Ein verkrüppelter Schriftsteller, der sich auf Kriminalistik
spezialisiert hat, betätigt sich als Mörder
Alfred Müller, Gudrun Ritter - Dir. Günter
Die Gruft von Roggelin birgt ein Geheimnis, das der 13jährige Marco durch Zufall entdeckt: Er kann ins Jahr
1766 reisen. Kaum angekommen, muss er sich verstecken
und blickt dabei einem Jungen ins Gesicht, der genau wie
er aussieht. Der talentierte kleine Dieb Wilhelm hilft Marco
einige seiner Probleme zu lösen. Während Wilhelm sich in
unserer Zeit immer besser zurechtfindet, begegnet Marco
1766 der schwer kranken Marie, die er nicht im Stich
lassen will. Für die drei beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit,
denn das Tor in der Gruft wird sich schon bald für immer
Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer
Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D)
Capelight 18.04.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013167
Spuk aus der Gruft
Benjamin Sadler, Saskia Grasemann, Walter Plathe, Nina Hoger, Kurt Böwe, Jaecki
Schwarz - Dir. Günter Meyer
Vor fast 300 Jahren starb der junge Friedrich Freiherr von
Kuhlbanz, aber er ist über den Tod hinaus verflucht. “Ich
will im Grabe nicht verwesen, wenn ich den Mord am
Schäfer Dühn begangen habe”, schwor einst der Junker
und wurde als Mumie von Roggelin zur Legende. Eines
Nachts tritt er in leibhaftiger Gestalt dem Mädchen Maja
gegenüber, das in der Gruft eine Mutprobe bestehen will.
Und er kann sie mit seiner rätselhaften, traurigen Geschichte für sich gewinnen. Allen Warnungen zum Trotz ist
Maja fest entschlossen, Friedrichs Unschuld zu beweisen.
Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer
Horror 1959
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 26.05.2005
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013181
Kinderfilm 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (D)
Capelight 18.04.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013168
Spuk im Reich der Schatten
Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Virginia Madsen, Sandra Oh, Marielouise
Burke, Jessica Hecht, Missy Doty, M. C.
Gainey, Alysia Reiner, Shake Tukhmanyan,
Duke Moosekian, Robert Covarrubias,
Patrick Gallagher, Stephanie Faracy, Joe
Marinelli - Dir. Alexander Payne
Saskia Grasemann, Benjamin Sadler, Nina
Hoger, Matthias Schweighöfer, Ilja Richter,
Walter Plathe - Dir. Günter Meyer
Der verhinderte und geschiedene Schriftsteller Miles will
mit seinem Collegefreund Jack dessen letzte Woche vor
seiner Hochzeit im Weinland nördlich von Santa Barbara
zelebrieren. Partyboy Jack will noch einmal richtig auf die
Pauke hauen, bevor er unter die Haube kommt, und die
Weinproben im Gegensatz zu seinem sinnsuchenden
Freund Miles nutzen, um eine wilde Zeit mit der kessen
Stephanie zu verbringen. Gleichzeitig versucht er, den
zaudernden Miles zu einer Romanze mit der Kellnerin
Maya zu überreden
Der wahre Mörder des Schäfers Dühn hat den Platz im
Glassarg in der Gruft von Roggelin einnehmen müssen,
während Friedrich Freiherr von Kuhlbanz endlich seinen
Frieden im Schattenreich gefunden hat. Maja jedoch hält
an ihrer Liebe zu Friedrich fest und sucht immer noch
nach einem Weg zu ihm. Ihre Sehnsucht will Balthasar
von Kuhlbanz sich zunutze machen, um seinen Rachedurst zu stillen. Schwarze Magie und ein Opfer, von dem
er Besitz ergreifen kann, kommen Balthasar gerade recht
bei seinem teuflischen Plan.
Audiokommentar; Making of
Kinderfilm 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (D)
Capelight 18.04.2005
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013169
Komödie/Drama 2004
Fox 23.06.2005
tba BestellNr.: 20013126
Drama 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 118min.
Fox 19.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013144
Todesduell im Kaiserpalast
Shu Jian En Chou Lu
Da Shichang, Zhang Duo Fu, Liu Jian, Ai
Nuo - Dir. Ann Hui
Historienfilm 1987
M.I.B. 26.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013177
Der tödliche Schatten des Mr.
Call Him Mr. Shatter / Shatter
Stuart Whitman, Peter Cushing, Ti Lung Dir. Michael Carreras, Monte Hellman
In Hongkong wird ein afrikanischer Tyrann erschossen.
Der Täter flüchtet mit einer Dokumententasche. Die Jagd
beginnt, Mafia und Polizei sind hinter ihm her...
Trailer; Audiokommentare; Erstmals ungekürzte Fassung
Action 1976 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Cine Club 21.04.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013122
Trouble ohne Paddel
Without A Paddle
Seth Green, Matthew Lillard, Dax Shepard,
Ethan Suplee, Abraham Benrubi, Rachel
Blanchard, Burt Reynolds, Christina Ann
Moore, Danielle Cormack, Gregory Norman
Cruz, Ray Baker, Antony Starr, Morgan
Reese Fairhead, Bonnie Somerville, Nadine
Bernecker, Matthew Price, Andrew
Hampton, Jarred Rumbold, Carl Snell, David Stott, Scott Adsit, Liddy Holloway, Mia
Blake - Dir. Steven Brill
Drei Jugendfreunde, der Surfer Jerry, der ängstliche
Doktor Dan und der Herumtreiber Tom, wollen ihrem
verstorbenen Kumpel Billy zu Ehren zu einer Flussfahrt in
Oregon aufbrechen und sich einen gemeinsamen
Kindheitstraum erfüllen - die Suche nach dem Schatz des
legendären Räubers und Flugzeugentführers D.B. Cooper.
Die Großstädter bekommen natürlich in der unberührten
Wildnis alsbald allerlei Probleme - mit einem
misstrauischen Sheriff, einem liebesbedürftigen Mutterbären und zwei paranoiden Marihuana-Farmern
Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, MTVClips, Kinotrailer
Komödie 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 95min.
Paramount 16.06.2005
tba BestellNr.: 20013147
Bud Spencer Box (8 DVDs)
Si Puo Fare...Amigo / Una Ragione Per
Vivere E Una Per Morire / Banana Joe /
Cane E Gatto / Bomber / Uno Sceriffo
Extraterrestre - Poco Extra E Molto
Terrestre / Anche Gli Angeli Mangiano
Bud Spencer
Beinhaltet die Einzeltitel ”Auch die Engel essen Bohnen”,
”Banana Joe”, ”Bud, der Ganovenschreck”, ”Der Bomber”,
”Der Dicke und das Warzenschwein”, ”Der Dicke in Mexiko”, ”Der Große mit seinem außerirdischen Kleinen” und
”Sie verkaufen den Tod”
Action 1972-1982
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013182
Spuk am Tor der Zeit
Friedrich Lindner, Nina Hoger, Walter
Plathe, Jörg Malchow, Saskia Grasemann,
Reiner Heise, Christian Kuchenbuch, Franz
Viehmann, Laura Berghäuser, Marielle
Chakker, Tobias Retzlaff, Sarah Tkotsch,
Die Stunde des Siegers (Special
Edition, 2 DVDs)
Chariots Of Fire
Ben Cross, Ian Charleson, Nigel Havers, Sir
John Gielgud, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel
Davenport, Nicholas Farrell, Daniel Gerroll,
Sir Ian Holm - Dir. Hugh Hudson
Harold Abrahams und Eric Lidell kämpfen 1924 in Paris
bei den Olympischen Spielen um Sieg und persönlichen
Ruhm. „Dabeisein“ reicht ihnen nicht. Denn zu Hause in
England sind sie Außenseiter. - Vielgelobtes und mehrfach ausgezeichnetes (4 Oscars, Golden Globe, 4 BAFTAs
etc.) Sportlerdrama mit dem weltberühmt gewordenen
Soundtrack von Vangelis.
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurette, 7 entfallene
Szenen, Kinotrailer,
Der Typ vom Grab nebenan
Grabben I Graven Bredvid
Elisabeth Carlsson, Michael Nyqvist, Annika
Seite 16
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Olsson, Anna Azcárate, Rolf Degerlund,
Anita Heikkilä, Axelle Axell, Sara Amia,
Paula Brand, Lasse Petterson - Dir. Kjell
Als die studierte Bibliothekarin Desiree Wallin und der
waschechte Landwirt Benny Söderström sich auf dem
örtlichen Friedhof kennen lernen, ist es Liebe auf den
ersten Blick. Doch schon bald, nach reichlich wildem Sex,
guten Gesprächen, viel Spaß und blindem Verstehen
drängen sich Fragen auf: Kann er es intellektuell mit
Desirees Snob-Freunden aufnehmen und weiß er, wie
man mit Messer und Gabel umgeht? Kann sie, das Stadtkind, auch den Stall ausmisten, Kühe melken und - ganz
wichtig - feine Fleischbällchen machen?
Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie
Undercover Lover - Liebe auf Umwegen
Undercover Christmas
Jami Gertz, Shawn Christian, Tyne Daly,
Winston Rekert, Anne Hawthorne, Alexandra Harvey - Dir. Nadia Tass
Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
Concorde 11.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013141
Komödie/Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Schwed) DTS (Schwed)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 12.05.2005
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20013187
NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9 anamorph) oder FullFrame 1:1.33 (4x3) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90 (gültig bis 04.05.2005)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 24. Mai 2005
Seite 17
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Seite 18
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Cromartie High School #2: Hey
Batman: The Animated Series:
Secrets Of The Caped Crusader
There’s no such thing as an ordinary day at Cromartie. It
may seem like just another high school for delinquents,
but where else do robots have little brothers? And where
else do hijackers take over field trips? Or where else has
high-ranking ventriloquism teachers? And even when the
guys from Cromartie try to do something normal like play
baseball, it doesn’t exactly turn out like they’d planned.
So with all the chaos at Cromartie, and with the guys at
Bass and Destrade Highs plotting to take them down, just
getting through another day of school is an adventure.
Clean Opening Animation. Clean Closing Animation.
Cultural Notes & Comments. Original Japanese TV
Defending the streets of Gotham City, Batman stands as a
beacon of justice, a crusader for good, a one-man
crimefighting force. In these four fabulous adventures
from the Emmy-winning TV series, the Caped Crusader
takes on Gotham’s toughest criminals! When Batman’s
favorite feline villain Catwoman stirs up trouble, the Dark
Knight flirts with danger - literally! He certainly can’t
believe what he doesn’t see as he searches for an
invisible crook. And he gets a chillingly lethal reception
from archnemesis Mr. Freeze. Join the heroics with
Gotham’s finest for more than an hour of action-packed
thrills and excitement! Episodes: The Cat and the Claw
Parts I and II Heart of Ice See No Evil!
Pop-Up Trivia over „Heart Of Ice“ episode.
Animation, Comic Book, Superheroes 19921995 FF DD 2.0 89min.
Warner Brothers 29.03.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044615
Beast City 1
Central Park 21.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044822
Alistair Abell, Andrew Francis, Brad Swaile,
Ietomi Yoji, Keiko Imamura, Kelly Sheridan,
Kouji Yamamoto, Maki Mochida, Michael
Adamthwaite, Naoki Miyashita, Nicole Oliver, Rumi Shishido - Dir. Shigeyasu
Yamauchi, Shinzo Yuki, Yuki Yukie
Tsukasa and Shigeru’s relationship makes Tsukushi
miserable, especially because Shigeru constantly talks
about it! To make matters worse, Shigeru invites Tsukushi,
Rui, and Tsukasa to her hot spring villa for an overnight
double date. - Episodes: Surprise! A Double Date, Deep
Wounds of the Heart, You’re Not the One, Open Up Your
Heart, Hurricane Approaching!!
Viz 03.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044616
Boys Over Flowers #12:
Alistair Abell, Andrew Francis, Brad Swaile,
Chiara Zanni, Chiho Ohkawa, Daniella
Evangelista, Emika Sato, Fuuko Misaki,
Hiroki Takahashi, Ietomi Yoji, Keiko
Imamura, Kelly Sheridan, Kouji Yamamoto,
Maki Mochida, Michael Adamthwaite, Naoki
Miyashita, Nicole Oliver, Rumi Shishido,
Stephen Park - Dir. Shigeyasu Yamauchi,
Shinzo Yuki, Yuki Yukie
When Tsukushi finally accepts her true feelings and faces
reality, life at Eitoku returns to normal with a few changes
– The Terrible Trio is out of Tsukushi’s hair, the F4 is now
the F3 with Rui gone to Paris, and Tsukasa is getting
married. Tsukushi now just has to worry about
graduating… at least that’s what she thinks! - Episodes:
New Student Shigeru Causes Shockwave! Study Abroad!
Our New Relationship, Time to Call It Quits, Neverending.
Anime DD 2.0 125min.
Viz 05.07.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044579
Clean Opening & Closing.
ADV Films 31.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044456
Animation, Children/Family, Dragons
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044719
Elfen Lied #1: The First Vector
Adam Conlon, Asuka Tanii, Chihiro Suzuki,
Cynthia Martinez, Hajime Iijima, Hiroaki
Hirata, Hitomi Nabatame, Jay Hickman,
John Swasey, Jouji Nakata, Kira VincentDavis, Mamiko Noto, Maria Yamamoto,
Masakazu Kohara, Nancy Novotny, Naoki
Kinoshita, Osamu Hosoi, Sanae Kobayashi,
Sasha Paysinger, Yuki Matsuoka, Yuuki Tai
- Dir. Jin Ho Chung, Mamoru Kanbe
One girl washes up on shore – naked, scared, and alone.
The other uses psychic weapons to make a blood-soaked
break from captivity. One is named Nyu. The other is
Lucy. The two couldn’t be more different – if only they
didn’t have to share the same body! When star-crossed
students Kohta and Yuka rescue Nyu on the beach,
they’re blissfully unaware that she’s a diclonius, a mutant
bred to replace humanity. To make matters worse: she’s
escaped from captivity, leaving a trail of dead in her path
and the world’s most lethal hunters on her tail. - As the
rooms in Kohta’s rented house fill with runaways and
diclonius – danger mounts outside. But, what’s more
dangerous? The monsters beating down the door or the
demons within? The other uses psychic weapons to make
a blood-soaked break from captivity. One is named Nyu.
The other is Lucy. The two couldn’t be more different – if
only they didn’t have to share the same body! When starcrossed students Kohta and Yuka rescue Nyu on the
beach, they’re blissfully unaware that she’s a diclonius, a
mutant bred to replace humanity. To make matters worse:
she’s escaped from captivity, leaving a trail of dead in her
path and the world’s most lethal hunters on her tail. As
the rooms in Kohta’s rented house fill with runaways and
diclonius – danger mounts outside. But, what’s more
dangerous? The monsters beating down the door or the
demons within?
Clean Opening & Closing. ADV Previews.
ADV Films 17.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044444
Chrono Crusade #5: Between The
Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
A new evil has surfaced to wreak havoc on mankind! Only
the Order of the Magdalene and its band of elite exorcists
stands a chance of stopping this horrendous demonic
Clean Open & Closing.
Cyberteam In Akihabara #5:
Cyber Friends
Dragon Tales: Playing Fair Makes
Playing Fun
Boys Over Flowers #11: Open Up
Your Heart
ADV Films 10.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044440
ADV Films 10.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044441
Elfen Lied #1: The First Vector
(w/ Artbox)
Adam Conlon, Asuka Tanii, Chihiro Suzuki,
Cynthia Martinez, Hajime Iijima, Hiroaki
Hirata, Hitomi Nabatame, Jay Hickman,
John Swasey, Jouji Nakata, Kira VincentDavis, Mamiko Noto, Maria Yamamoto,
Masakazu Kohara, Nancy Novotny, Naoki
Kinoshita, Osamu Hosoi, Sanae Kobayashi,
Sasha Paysinger, Yuki Matsuoka, Yuuki Tai
- Dir. Jin Ho Chung, Mamoru Kanbe
One girl washes up on shore – naked, scared, and alone.
The other uses psychic weapons to make a blood-soaked
break from captivity. One is named Nyu. The other is
Lucy. The two couldn’t be more different – if only they
didn’t have to share the same body! When star-crossed
students Kohta and Yuka rescue Nyu on the beach,
they’re blissfully unaware that she’s a diclonius, a mutant
bred to replace humanity. To make matters worse: she’s
escaped from captivity, leaving a trail of dead in her path
and the world’s most lethal hunters on her tail. - As the
rooms in Kohta’s rented house fill with runaways and
diclonius – danger mounts outside. But, what’s more
dangerous? The monsters beating down the door or the
demons within?
Clean Opening & Closing. ADV Previews.
ADV Films 17.05.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044445
Eternal Gaze
Ventura 02.08.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044712
The Fairly Oddparents: School’s
Out - The Musical
School’s OUT for SUMMER!!!!!! And to celebrate this
momentous occasion Nickelodeon will be hosting a
channel-wide tent-pole event around the premiere of The
Fairly Odd Parents in their kick off to Summer special
‘Schools Out!’, a Fairly OddParents musical.
Animation, Children/Family, Musicals 2005
Paramount 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044735
Father Of The Pride: The
Complete Series
Carl Reiner, Cheryl Hines, John Goodman,
Orlando Jones
At work, Larry is the star of the show, but at home it’s a
different story. A hip and edgy look into the lives of a
pride of white lions.
Animation, Comedy, Television, Cats,
Animals 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 228min.
Universal 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044466
Fighting Spirit #6: Death Match
Animation, Children/Family, Boxing
Geneon / Pioneer 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044756
Full Metal Panic FUMOFFU #1:
Full Metal Pandemonium!
Chris Patton, Luci Christian, Satsuki
Yukino, Tiffany Grant, Tomokazu Seki,
Tomoko Kaneda - Dir. Don Rush, Jouji
Unoro, Yasuhiro Takemoto
Sousuke and Kaname are back in action! And this time,
the battleground is the school ground! High-yield explosives and hilarity come together with a bang, as the somber
soldier and his unwitting target brave everything from
lovesick ”terrorists” to an unforgiving teacher who is bent
on revenge. - But as good as he is with guns, Sousuke is
one clueless commando when it comes to girls –
especially Kaname! A day at the beach turns sour after
Sousuke misses the point one too many times (and even
fails to notice Kaname’s new bikini). Then, when Kaname
is suddenly kidnapped, it’s up to our dense hero to devise
a daring rescue! - Don’t miss the hilarious antics of
everyone’s favorite military maniac – and Jin High’s most
fiery female – as the full-throttle action begins!
The Mysteries of FUMOFFU. Clean Opening & Closing.
Original Japanese TV Spots. ADV Previews.
ADV Films 10.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044442
Full Metal Panic FUMOFFU #1:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 19
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Full Metal Pandemonium! (w/ Artbox)
Chris Patton, Luci Christian, Satsuki
Yukino, Tiffany Grant, Tomokazu Seki,
Tomoko Kaneda - Dir. Don Rush, Jouji
Unoro, Yasuhiro Takemoto
to make a buck?! Find out in the latest volume of
Clean opening & closing. Behind the scenes interviews.
ADV previews.
ADV Films 17.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044446
Sousuke and Kaname are back in action! And this time,
the battleground is the school ground! High-yield explosives and hilarity come together with a bang, as the somber
soldier and his unwitting target brave everything from
lovesick ”terrorists” to an unforgiving teacher who is bent
on revenge. - But as good as he is with guns, Sousuke is
one clueless commando when it comes to girls –
especially Kaname! A day at the beach turns sour after
Sousuke misses the point one too many times (and even
fails to notice Kaname’s new bikini). Then, when Kaname
is suddenly kidnapped, it’s up to our dense hero to devise
a daring rescue! - Don’t miss the hilarious antics of
everyone’s favorite military maniac – and Jin High’s most
fiery female – as the full-throttle action begins!
The Mysteries of FUMOFFU. Clean Opening & Closing.
Original Japanese TV Spots. ADV Previews.
ADV Films 10.05.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044443
Gad Guard #7: Star Travel
Geneon / Pioneer 28.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044848
Game Over: Complete Series
The story of your mild-mannered family in a not-so-normal
video game world. Mom is a Lara Croft rip-off, dad is a
Grand Prix racer, the neighbors are Kung Fu monks and
the kids... well, they try to be cool
Television 2004
Anchor Bay 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044772
Get Backers #6: Back In Business
(w/ Artbox)
Andrea Skola, Corey Gagne, Deanna
Shoemaker, Ellie McBride, J. Shannon
Weaver, Jason Liebrecht, Mitsuki Saiga,
Natsuko Kuwatani, Nobuo Tobita, Nobutoshi
Canna, Otoha, Rio Natsuki, Shoutarou
Morikubo - Dir. Kazuhiro Furuhashi, Keitaro
Motonaga, Lowell Bartholomee
Finally, they’re out of the Limitless Fortress and back to
doing what they do best: Finding stuff that’s lost and
never getting paid! - After hunting down a boy genius
bent on destroying the world, the GetBackers deserve a
few simple, in-and-out recovery jobs, right? Some easy
money is just what the doctor ordered. But with Ban and
Ginji doing the recovering, ”easy money” is anything but!
First stop: a hot springs vacation. But between a jewelry
thief and Natsumi’s demonic ping pong playing, this
vacation looks more like a study in stress. Then it’s off to
find a stolen briefcase with the help of a cute little high
school girl…from hell! Assuming Ban and Ginji can survive
her brutal put-downs, their next recovery request will be
even trickier: get back a man’s memory! Finally, Clayman
returns and sends them on a quest for the lost arms of the
Venus de Milo. - Can Ban and Ginji get it all back? Will
they go crazy in the process? And will they ever manage
to make a buck?! Find out in the latest volume of
Clean opening & closing. Behind the scenes interviews.
ADV previews.
ADV Films 17.05.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044447
Gantz #4: Terminal Dispatch
Girls Bravo #1
Bin Sasaki, Blake Shepherd, Chris Ayres,
Daisuke Namikawa, Hajime Iijima, Hitomi
Nabatame, Illich Guardiola, Masashi
Oosato, Shannon Emmerick - Dir. Ichiro
Itano, Matt Greenfield
Geneon / Pioneer 21.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044757
As Kato struggles to maintain control, Kishimoto realizes
that with her new body comes a new hope. Unfortunately,
before she can act on those options, the second game
begins! As new group of players is initiated into the world
of the sphere, the survivors of the first game are
confronted with an entirely different breed of opponent…
one that’s smarter, more aggressive and more
organized… and that’s before the real game even starts!
The series that shocked Japan continues in the fourth
electrifying volume of GANTZ!
Clean Opening & Closing
ADV Films 03.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044438
Get Backers #6: Back In Business
Andrea Skola, Corey Gagne, Deanna
Shoemaker, Ellie McBride, J. Shannon
Weaver, Jason Liebrecht, Mitsuki Saiga,
Natsuko Kuwatani, Nobuo Tobita, Nobutoshi
Canna, Otoha, Rio Natsuki, Shoutarou
Morikubo - Dir. Kazuhiro Furuhashi, Keitaro
Motonaga, Lowell Bartholomee
Finally, they’re out of the Limitless Fortress and back to
doing what they do best: Finding stuff that’s lost and
never getting paid! - After hunting down a boy genius
bent on destroying the world, the GetBackers deserve a
few simple, in-and-out recovery jobs, right? Some easy
money is just what the doctor ordered. But with Ban and
Ginji doing the recovering, ”easy money” is anything but!
First stop: a hot springs vacation. But between a jewelry
thief and Natsumi’s demonic ping pong playing, this
vacation looks more like a study in stress. Then it’s off to
find a stolen briefcase with the help of a cute little high
school girl…from hell! Assuming Ban and Ginji can survive
her brutal put-downs, their next recovery request will be
even trickier: get back a man’s memory! Finally, Clayman
returns and sends them on a quest for the lost arms of the
Venus de Milo. - Can Ban and Ginji get it all back? Will
they go crazy in the process? And will they ever manage
Girls Bravo #1 (w/ Box)
Animation, Children/Family
Geneon / Pioneer 21.06.2005
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044758
Gravion Zwei #2: Esoteric Truths
Allison Keith, Chris Patton, George Manley,
Greg Ayres, Haruna Ikezawa, Houko
Kuwashima, Jessica Boone, Jun Fukuyama,
Kenichi Suzumura, Kira Vincent-Davis, Luci
Christian, Mai Nakahara, Saeko Chiba, Sho
Hayami, Yuu Asakawa - Dir. Hitoshi Nagao,
Masami Obari
The Gran Knights are back with an interesting
assignment: To patrol an amusement park! While it may
be a fun time, it doesn’t last. There is an abundance of
Zeravire lurking around. Then, one of our heroes has a
shocking epiphany and finds out about her past… the hard
way. - The Gravion team is in total disarray. Two of the
Gran Knights turn up missing and one has fallen into a
deep coma. And, there seems to be no promise of
improvement. Even Sandman seems to be on the edge of
a breakdown. He’s discovered who is behind the Zeravire
attacks, and it isn’t a pretty picture. All we can hope for is
that the team can overcome all the challenges that are
associated with protecting the Earth. - Find out which
Gran Knight betrays the rest, who gets captured, who
reveals a true identity, and which Gran Knight will offer up
the ultimate sacrifice in this nail-biting volume of Gravion
Clean opening & closing.
ADV Films 03.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044439
Jack And The Beanstalk
Dir. Gisaburo Sugii, Peter J. Solmo
Jack, a poor farm boy, is sent to town by his mother to
sell their cow. Along the way, he encounters a wily
musician who tricks him into trading the cow for five
”magic” beans. Jack’s outraged mother throws away the
worthless beans. But during the night, they sprout into a
beanstalk, reaching as high as the heavens. Jack climbs
the stalk, accompanied by his faithful hound dog, Crosby.
- Emerging through the clouds, he comes upon a castle
and meets beautiful Princess Margaret, who’s been
enchanted by Hecuba, the wicked witch. Under the
influence of magic, the princess believes she is in love
with Hecuba’s son, a dim-witted giant named Tulip. With
the help of some mice, jack is led to the castle’s fabulous
treasure trove. He schemes to silence the giant’s talking
harp, free the lovely princess, and return home with the
giant’s wealth, including a magic goose who lays golden
Animation, Children/Family, Musicals,
Classic 1974 FF 89min.
Hens Tooth 28.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044488
Jubei-Chan 2 #1 (Limited Edition
w/ Box)
Geneon / Pioneer 28.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044849
Jubei-Chan 2 #1: Resurrection
Geneon / Pioneer 28.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044850
King Kong #1 (Cartoon)
Sony Music 15.11.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044670
King Kong #2 (Cartoon)
Sony Music 15.11.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044671
King Kong Set (Cartoon)
Sony Music 15.11.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044672
Kirby: Fight To The Finish
Funimation 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044603
Macross Plus (2-Disc)
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044743
Millionaire Dogs
Dir. Michael Schoemann
The story starts with Chuffie, a dog who is dumped on the
side of the road. He meets up with JD, another street dog.
While they rest under a bridge, they find a talking parrot
named Emmo who has lost his owner. The dogs try and
eat Emmo, but in order to save his life, the parrot
promises them a new home with his owner, the wealthy
Miss Lilly. The two dogs feel right at home at their new
mansion, along with Miss Lilly’s other pets (all strays): the
beautiful Bella, the frisky Velvet, and the guard dog
Sherman. Unfortuantely, it doesn’t take long for Miss Lilly
to „kick the bucket“, and the dogs’ future is in jeapordy,
especially since Miss Lilly’s scheaming niece & nephew,
Ronnie & Hannie (quite possibly the creepiest cartoons
ever created) have had their eyes on the estate for quite
some time. When the will reveals that the pets are to
inherit the estate (including the mansion and one million
dollars!), the twins decide to take matters into their own
hands to try and get what they think they deserve. It’s up
to JD, Chuffie, Emmo, Bella, Sherman, and Velvet to stop
the twins
Animation, Children/Family, Dogs, Animals
1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 80min.
Warner Brothers 24.05.2005
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 20
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044624
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044687
Peacemaker #5: The Spider’s
Rocky & Bullwinkle: Best Of #1
Braden Hunt, Chris Patton, Christine Auten,
Greg Ayres, jason douglas, John
Gremillion, Jouji Nakata, Jun’ichi Suwabe,
Kappei Yamaguchi, Kenji Nomura, Luci
Christian, Masashi Ebara, Mitsuki Saiga,
Yumiko Kobayashi - Dir. Masahiro Sato,
Tomohiro Hirata
Woven amidst the ruins of an old legacy, a web of
treachery awaits the men of the Shinsengumi. Spun by an
Onmyou mystic in the charge of a fallen and unbalanced
lord, it threatens to destroy the Shinsengumi altogether.
At the same time, a man posing as Okita has begun
cutting down Shogunate patrols, while a band of Choshu
ronin make a brazen assault in broad daylight! - But the
Shinsengumi have their own web-weavers – and they
send a spy straight into the heart of the Choshu clan. As
the trap closes its jaws, who is hunter and who is prey?
Find out in the fifth spine-tingling, heart-stopping volume
of Peacemaker!
Clean opening & closing. Character Collection.
ADV Films 24.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044452
R.O.D. - TV Series #7: The New
Geneon / Pioneer 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044763
R.O.D. - TV Series #7: The New
World (Limited Edition)
Geneon / Pioneer 21.06.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044764
RahXephon: Complete Collection
(Volume 1-7)
Allison Keith, Andy McAvin, Atsuko Tanaka,
Aya Hisakawa, Ayako Kawasumi, Chikao
Ohtsuka, Chris Patton, Christine M. Auten,
Cynthia Martinez, Fumiko Orikasa, Heather
Bryson LeMaster, Hiro Shimono, Hirofumi
Nojima, Houko Kuwashima, Kira VincentDavis, Monica Rial - Dir. Akitoshi
Yokoyama, Ikuo Sato, Masahiro Ando,
Mitsuo Iso, Soichi Masui, Susumu Kudoh,
Tomoki Kyoda, Yasuhiro Irie, Yutaka
The city of Tokyo has been overthrown, taken over by
Invaders who have devastated the rest of the planet. For
15 years, the remnants of the human race have fought a
losing battle against the Mu and their Dolem, knowing that
the key to victory lies within the domed walls of Tokyo
Jupiter, where time flows in a different path and none of
the mind-wiped citizens even know that the city has been
conquered. But no one has been able to get into Tokyo.
Until now. Prepare for the ultimate paradigm shift as one
young man learns the horrifying secret in RahXephon.
Anime DD 5.1 650min.
ADV Films 17.05.2005
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044449
Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends:
Season #3
Animated antics of flying squirrel Rocket J. Squirrel, or
Rocky, and his dim companion, Bullwinkle J. Moose. And
let’s not forget the two spies who always complicate
things for our heroes: Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale,
who incognito try and help Rocky and Bullwinkle then
immediately put them in life-threatening situations that
result in major cliffhangers. Also features Grimm Fairy
Tales Jay Ward—style and Peabody and Sherman taking
intriguing trips through time courtesy of the Way-Back
Television 1959-1961
Sony Music 13.09.2005
Animated antics of flying squirrel Rocket J. Squirrel, or
Rocky, and his dim companion, Bullwinkle J. Moose. And
let’s not forget the two spies who always complicate
things for our heroes: Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale,
who incognito try and help Rocky and Bullwinkle then
immediately put them in life-threatening situations that
result in major cliffhangers. Also features Grimm Fairy
Tales Jay Ward—style and Peabody and Sherman taking
intriguing trips through time courtesy of the Way-Back
Children/Family 1959-1961
Sony Music 13.09.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044688
Saint Seiya #12: Ultimate
Akira Kamiya, Allison Sumrall, Christine
Auten, Hideyuki Hori, Hirotaka Suzuoki,
Illich Guardiola, Kaneto Shiozawa, Keiichi
Nanba, Kouichi Hashimoto, Lisa Ann Beley,
Rick Burford, Tohru Furuya - Dir. Kozo
Morishita, Kyle Jones, Yasuhito Kikuchi
Only six hours remain before Saori succumbs to her
wounds. The Saints’ next battle pits them against the Gold
Saint Shaka, the so-called ”closest man to God!” Ikki’s
arrival gives the group a much-needed shot in the arm,
but will his cosmos be enough against such a petrifying
power? - Meanwhile, in the House of Libra, Hyoga
remains frozen in an ice coffin. If the Saints hope to
resurrect their brother-in-arms, they’ll have to clear the
path ahead. But Scorpio’s venomous Gold Saint Milo has
already prepared a nasty sting. No longer able to rely on
six senses alone, each Saint must convert his cosmos to
the ultimate cosmos! Awaken your Seventh Sense, Seiya!
Clean opening & closing. Saint Seiya Mythology. ADV
ADV Films 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044457
Saiyuki Reload #3
Geneon / Pioneer 28.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044851
Scholastic 3-Pack #5
Animation, Children/Family
New Video 31.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044548
Sister Princess #5: Gifts From
The Heart
Ayako Kawasumi, Braden Hunt, Chiemi
Chiba, Chiro Kanzaki, Christine Auten,
Cynthia Martinez, Greg Ayres, Hilary Haag,
Hisayo Mochizuki, Hisayoshi Izaki, Kenji
Nojima, Monica Rial, Yui Horie - Dir.
Kiyotaka Ohata, Scott McClennen, Yasunari
Wataru tries hard to be a good big brother, which means
spending a lot of quality time with thirteen younger sisters!
He’s found that his sisters have a lot to teach him, and
Haruka shows him that a girl who knows martial arts can
come in very handy! From Shirayuki, Wataru learns that
people don’t just need nutrition for their bodies, they also
need nutrition for their hearts!
Clean opening & closing. Behind the Scenes. ADV
ADV Films 17.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044450
Teacher’s Pet 3
Central Park 21.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044832
The Three Little Pigs
Children/Family 1995
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044572
Ultramaniac #2: Magical Friends
Geneon / Pioneer 21.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044768
Yu Yu Hakusho: Artifacts Of
Darkness (Edited)
Funimation 05.04.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044576
Yugo The Negotiator #1: Pakistan
Akemi Okamura, Banjou Ginga, Hiroshi
Yanaka, Jun Karasawa, Kenyuu Horiuchi,
Masaaki Tsukada, Michie Tomizawa,
Susumu Chiba, Takashi Hagino, Yui Horie,
Yuki Kaida, Yumi Kakazu - Dir. Seiji Kishi
Beppu Yugo is one of the world’s finest private
negotiators. His mastery of multiple languages,
psychology, and his iron will set him apart from others in
his trade. He has a proven track record of successful
negotiations in tense situations where most others fail.
Now the negotiator ’s skills will be put to the ultimate test
as he goes up against fundamentalist terrorists in Pakistan.
Clean opening & closing! Inteview with Shinji Makari
(Original Story) & Shu Akana (Original Character & Mecha
Designs). Interview with Director Kishi & Hanai. Interview
with Takashi Hagino &(Yugo).
ADV Films 24.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044454
Act Of War / Last Marshal
York 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044716
Action Bible #1 (10 Pack)
Chow Yuen Fat, Dragon Lee, Jet Li, Richard
The biggest, baddest and best in films from around the
world! Western, War, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Ninjas,
Women’s Wrestling, Karate Championships and much
more in this super package! - Films: Beijing Bodyguard,
Fireback, Women’s Extreme Wrestling, Brutal Kickboxer,
Ninja Champion, Executor, 101 Karate Strikes, Battlin’
Babes, Angry Gun, Desert Tigers, Godfather’s Daughter
…and more.
Action/Adventure, Special Interest, Martial
Ventura 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044464
Adam At 6 A.M.
Carolyn Conwell, Charles Aidman, Dana
Elcar, Ed Callahan, Grayson Hall, Joe Don
Baker, Lee Purcell, Louise Latham, Marge
Redmond, Michael Douglas - Dir. Robert
Young California college professor spends his summers in
Missouri working as a laborer.
Drama 1970
Paramount 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044732
Adventure 10 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044631
World War II, Airplanes / Aviation 2004 FF
DD 5.1 170min.
Warner Brothers 24.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044668
Alias El Alacran / Indio
Dir. Arturo Martínez
Foreign 1961
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044632
ria DeHaven, Ike Eisenmann, Jan Murray,
Jeff Corey, Jeff Morris, Jennifer Warren,
John O’Leary, L.Q. Jones, Richard Young,
Slim Pickens - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen
A traveling horse trader and his young nephew travel the
west in search of the boy’s prize Arabian horse, who has
been stolen by a bounty hunter.
Television, Western 1976 M 96min.
Columbia/TriStar 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044538
Alien Attack Collection
Image 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044821
Be Cool (Fullscreen)
Danny DeVito, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson,
John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Vince Vaughn
- Dir. F. Gary Gray
All Creatures Great & Small: 5th
The continuing adventures of Chili Palmer, strong-arm
debt collector turned Hollywood movie producer. By the
time the story begins, Chili has abandoned the fickle
movie industry. And so his adventures, this time around,
concern the music industry where he becomes the
promoter of a struggling singer who is being pursued by
the Russian mafia.
Christopher Timothy, Robert Hardy, Peter
Davison, Carol Drinkwater, Lynda
The trials and misadventures of the staff of a country
veterinary office in 1940’s Yorkshire
Comedy, Vigilante, Gangs, Crime 2005 FF
DD 5.1 114min.
MGM/UA 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044808
Drama 1978-1990
Warner Brothers 19.07.2005
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044798
All Over Me
Alison Folland, Tara Subkoff, Cole Hauser,
Wilson Cruz, Leisha Hailey, Pat Briggs, Ann
Dowd, Gene Canfield, Shawn Hatosy,
Vincent Pastore, David Lee Russek, Aaron
Marpole, John Ottavino, A. Russell
Andrews, Gary Lucas - Dir. Alex Sichel
Claude and Ellen are best friends who live in a not-sonice area of New York. They are involved in the
subculture of 90’s youth complete with drugs, live music,
and homophobia. All is changed one night when a violent
and meaningless death rocks their lives
Drama 1997
Image 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044816
America’s Prince
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044733
The Attractive One
Spirit Blue, Hei-Yi Cheng, Charlene Choi,
Ching Wan Lau, Fung Li, Chapman To,
Courtney Wu, Joey Yung - Dir. Matt Chow
Foreign 2004
Tai Seng 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044754
Avia The Vampire Hunter
York 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044755
The Aviator (Widescreen)
Adam Scott, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Brent
Spiner, Cate Blanchett, Danny Huston,
Frances Conroy, Gwen Stefani, Ian Holm,
John C. Reilly, Jude Law, Kate Beckinsale,
Kelli Garner, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Ross
- Dir. Martin Scorsese
An epic biopic depicting the early years of legendary
director and aviator Howard Hughes’ career, from the late
1920’s to the mid-1940’s.
Commentary by Scorsese; Modern Marvels: Howard
Hughes - a 45 minute Documentary By The History
Channel; The Role Of Howard Hughes In Aviation History;
An evening with Leonardo DiCaprio and Alan Alda; The
Affliction of Howard Hughes: Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder; OCD Panel Discussion With Leonardo DiCaprio,
Martin Scorsese, And Howard Hughes’ Widow Terry
Moore; The Age Of Glamour: The Hair And Makeup;
Visual Effects.
Drama, Hollywood, Romantic, Biopics,
World War II, Airplanes / Aviation 2004 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 170min.
Warner Brothers 24.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044690
Adam Scott, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Brent
Spiner, Cate Blanchett, Danny Huston,
Frances Conroy, Gwen Stefani, Ian Holm,
John C. Reilly, Jude Law, Kate Beckinsale,
Kelli Garner, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Ross
- Dir. Martin Scorsese
Drama, Hollywood, Romantic, Biopics,
Danny DeVito, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson,
John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Vince Vaughn
- Dir. F. Gary Gray
The continuing adventures of Chili Palmer, strong-arm
debt collector turned Hollywood movie producer. By the
time the story begins, Chili has abandoned the fickle
movie industry. And so his adventures, this time around,
concern the music industry where he becomes the
promoter of a struggling singer who is being pursued by
the Russian mafia.
The Aviator (Fullscreen)
An epic biopic depicting the early years of legendary
director and aviator Howard Hughes’ career, from the late
1920’s to the mid-1940’s.
Commentary by Scorsese; Modern Marvels: Howard
Hughes - a 45 minute Documentary By The History
Channel; The Role Of Howard Hughes In Aviation History;
An evening with Leonardo DiCaprio and Alan Alda; The
Affliction of Howard Hughes: Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder; OCD Panel Discussion With Leonardo DiCaprio,
Martin Scorsese, And Howard Hughes’ Widow Terry
Moore; The Age Of Glamour: The Hair And Makeup;
Visual Effects.
Be Cool (Widescreen)
Comedy, Vigilante, Gangs, Crime 2005 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 114min.
MGM/UA 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044843
Bells Of San Fernando
Banjo Hackett: Roamin Free
Anne Francis, Chuck Connors, Dan
O’Herlihy, David Young, Don Meredith, Glo-
Donald Woods, Gloria Warren, Byron Foulger, Shirley O’Hara, Anthony Warde, Monte
Blue, Paul Newlan, David Leonard, Gordon
Clark, Frank Cody, Gil Frye, Claire Du Brey,
Lusita Triana, Felipe Turich, Ray Dolciame Dir. Terry O. Morse
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 22
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Mendoza ruthlessly controls the valley of San Fernando
and his men guard the only entrance. When Mendoza
announces he will marry Michael’s girl friend Maria, Michael plans an escape. He hopes to reach the Governor
and bring back the troops
Western 1947
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044494
MPI 26.07.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044582
Black Cloud
Branscombe Richmond, Jeff Hammond,
Julia Jones, Justine Baker, Nathaniel
Arcand, Peter Greene, Pooch Hall, Richard
Roll, Russell Means, Saginaw Grant, Sunny
Doench, Tim McGraw, Wayne Knight - Dir.
Rick Schroder
Benji: Ultimate Collection
Children/Family, Dogs, Animals
Goodtimes 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044591
An inspirational story about a young Native American
boxer who overcomes challenges as he fights his way to a
spot on the US Olympic boxing team.
The Best Thief In The World
Jonah Bobo, Mary-Louise Parker, Michael
Silverman, David Warshofsky, Audra
McDonald, Lois Smith, Margo Martindale Dir. Jacob Kornbluth
Izzy, the youngest son of a troubled New York family,
takes a shine to breaking into people’s apartments as a
way to get attention
Drama 2004
Ventura 28.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044769
Big Boy Rides Again
Guinn ‘Big Boy’ Williams, Constance Bergen, Charles K. French, Lafe McKee, Victor
Potel, William Gould, Bud Osborne, Frank
Ellis, Louis Vincenot - Dir. Albert Herman
A man comes to town to claim the estate of his father,
who was shot by a masked killer. He sets out to find who
did it
Western 1935
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044495
Drama, Boxing, Las Vegas, Native American Indians 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 97min.
New Line 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044717
Bo Derek, George Kennedy, Andrea
Occhipinti, Ana Obregón, Olivia d’Abo,
Greg Bensen, Ian Cochrane, Mirta Miller,
Mickey Knox, Paul Stacey, James Stacey Dir. John Derek
Follows the tale of a young woman’s sexual awakening
and subsequent journey around the world in pursuit of her
ideal lover. Encounters include an Arabian sheik and a
Spanish bullfighter. Her friend and butler accompany her
and help to arrange her couplings. Moderate nudity and
Drama 1984
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044799
Bone Daddy
Big Town After Dark
Philip Reed, Hillary Brooke, Richard Travis,
Ann Gillis, Vince Barnett, Joe Sawyer, Robert Kent, Charles Arnt, Joseph Allen,
William Haade, Arthur Space, Richard
Keene, Sumner Getchell - Dir. William C.
A crusading newspaper reporter battles big-city gambling
Drama 1947
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044496
Rutger Hauer, Barbara Williams, R.H.
Thomson, Joseph Kell, Robin Gammell, Blu
Mankuma, Mimi Kuzyk, Wayne Best, Daniel
Kash, Peter Keleghan, Kirsten Bishop, Kyra
Azzopardi, Marc Donato, Michael Caruana,
Dean McDermott - Dir. Mario Azzopardi
A pathologist’s book about his work is a good recipe for
sick people
Mystery/Suspense 1998
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044553
Born To Be Wild
Ralph Byrd, Doris Weston, Ward Bond,
Robert Emmett Keane, Ben Hewlett,
Charles Williams, Davison Clark, Byron
Foulger, George Anderson, Edwin Stanley,
Ben Hendricks Jr., Stelita, Harrison Greene,
George Magrill - Dir. Joseph Kane
Action/Adventure 1938
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044497
Bill & Ted’s Most Excellent
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044786
Bitter Harvest
Colm Meaney, Adrian Dunbar, Cillian
Murphy, Kerry Condon, Pat Laffan, Gail
Fitzpatrick, Mairead Ni Conghaile, Catriona
Canavan - Dir. Goran Paskaljevic
Veteran Serbian director Goran Paskaljevic leaves the
battles in the Balkans behind for this drama set in rural
Ireland. Believing that „a man is measured by his
enemies,“ Harry Maloney (Colm Meany) sets out to ruin
George O’Flaherty — the most powerful man in town, who
not only owns the local pub and most of the businesses in
the area, but is also the local matchmaker. When Harry’s
son Gus — upon whom Harry regularly heaps abuse —
falls for the lovely Eileen, George helps broker their
nuptials. All the while, Harry quietly mobilizes his
dastardly plans. This film was screened at the 2001
Toronto Film Festival
Comedy 2001
Ardustry 31.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044782
Black And Blue
Breakfast In Hollywood
Tom Breneman, Bonita Granville, Beulah
Bondi, Edward Ryan, Raymond Walburn,
Billie Burke, Zasu Pitts, Hedda Hopper,
Andy Russell, Spike Jones, Nat ‘King’ Cole
- Dir. Harold D. Schuster
Drama 1946
Falcon Picture Group 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044465
Broken Lance
Carl Benton Reid, E.G. Marshall, Earl
Holliman, Eduard Franz, Harry Carter, Hugh
O’Brian, Jean Peters, Katy Jurado, Philip
Ober, Richard Widmark, Robert Adler, Robert Burton, Robert Grandin, Robert Wagner, Spencer Tracy - Dir. Edward Dmytryk
The feisty, domineering cattle baron Matt Devereaux
(Tracy) rules his vast empire with a ruthless hand.
Because Matt’s greatest love id for his Indian wife,
Princess (Jurado) and their son Joe, Matt’s three sons
from a previous marriage deeply resent them. After Joe
agrees to go to jail for a crime his father commits, he
returns three years later to a different world-his father has
died and his vengeful brothers control the land.
Western 1954 Ltbx S
Fox 24.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044451
Brooklyn Bound
Christopher Amitrano, Nikki Arlyn, Kevin
Baxtor, Louis K. Breazil, Peter Byrnes, Kim
Campoli, Alfred Cherry, Celeste Cruz, Miz
Cutting, Eric Daurghity, Richie Devaney,
Bart Downing, Timothy Goerg, John Guiffre,
Tommy Guiffre, Lauren Gunsel, Nigel
Harvey, Jamie Hector, Kalil, Tschi Hun Kim,
Christopher Le Crenn, David Ley, David
Maldonado, Tasha Maranda - Dir. Richie
Sean deals drugs but can he prevent his younger brother
from following in his footsteps?
Drama 2004
Image 07.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044809
Brother To Brother
Anthony Mackie, Aunjanue Ellis, Daniel
Sunjata, Roger Robinson - Dir. Rodney
Brother to Brother is a feature length narrative film which
follows the emotional and psychological journey of a
young black gay artist as he discovers the hidden legacies
of the gay and lesbian subcultures within the Harlem
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian, Independent, Art & Artists 2004
Wolfe 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044600
Bullitt (Special Edition)
Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn, Jacqueline
Bisset, Don Gordon, Robert Duvall, Simon
Oakland, Norman Fell, Georg Stanford
Brown, Justin Tarr, Carl Reindel, Felice
Orlandi, Vic Tayback, Robert Lipton, Ed
Peck, Pat Renella - Dir. Peter Yates
An all guts, no glory San Francisco cop becomes
determined to find the underworld kingpin that killed the
witness in his protection
Action/Adventure 1968
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044539
Callas Forever
Fanny Ardant, Jeremy Irons, Joan
Plowright, Jay Rodan, Gabriel Garko, Manuel de Blas, Justino Díaz, Jean Dalric,
Stephen Billington, Anna Lelio, Alessandro
Bertolucci, Olivier Galfione, Roberto
Sanchez, Achille Brugnini, Eugene Kohn Dir. Franco Zeffirelli
A fictionalized account of the last days of opera singer
Maria Callas (Ardant)
Drama 2002
Image 21.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044823
Celos (Jealousy)
Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Aitor Merino, Alicia
Sanchez, Andres Lima, Carlos Caniowski,
Daniel Gimenez Cacho, Empar Ferrer, Itziar
Miranda, Joan Gadea, Luis Tosar, Maria
Botto, Marta Belenguer, Pepo Oliva, Silvio
Pullani, Trinidad Rugero - Dir. Vicente
Celos tells a story of human jealousy that begins when
Antonio discovers a photo of his fiancée Carmen with
another man. Suddenly overcome by a need to learn
more, Antonio is swept away by an obsession to uncover
Carmen’s secret past, risking everything to learn the truth.
Starring Aitana Sánchez-Gijón (THE MACHINIST,
WITHOUT A TRACE), Daniel Giménez Cacho (BAD
historia que comienza cuando Antonio descubre una foto
de su novia Carmen con otro hombre. Antonio siente una
necesidad de saber más y se deja llevar por una obsesión
para descubrir el pasado de Carmen arriesgando todo
para saber la verdad. Estelarizada por Aitana SánchezGijón (EL MAQUINISTA, SIN DEJAR HUELLA), Daniel
Drama, Foreign, Spanish Cinema 1999
Ventura 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044608
Chandu On Magic Island
Bela Lugosi, Maria Alba, Murdock
MacQuarrie, Josef Swickard, Dean Benton,
Jack Clark, Clara Kimball Young, Phyllis
Ludwig, Wilfred Lucas - Dir. Ray Taylor
On the mystic island of Lemuria, the cult of Ubasti seek
the Egyptian Princess Nadji to sacrifice so that their
goddess Ossana, whose soul resides in Nadji’s body, may
be resurrected by Black Magic. Nadji is located in the Far
East port of Suva, but shielded by the White Magical
powers of Frank Chandler, an American raised by Eastern
mystics who is also known as Chandu. When Chandu
takes a voyage alone, however, the evil Voice of Ubasti is
able to magically spirit her to Lemuria, where Black Magic
reigns supreme. Chandu sets out in pursuit with his sister
Dorothy, niece Betty and nephew Bob; but, shipwrecked
on the magic island, Chandu finds his family also held
prisoner for sacrifice while he is plunged into an endless
maze of caverns beneath the evil temple, where both his
mortal and magical strength seem rendered useless
Action/Adventure 1935
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044498
MPI 26.07.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044583
Sonny Chiba
Drama, Sports, Teen, High School, Basketball, Gangs, Drugs, Suburbia, San Francisco, Urban Drama 2005 FF DD 5.1 136min.
Paramount 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044691
Get two fistfuls of action from the master of disaster with
this pair of double feature epics!
Action/Adventure, Special Interest, Martial
Ventura 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044472
Coach Carter (Widescreen)
Sonny Chiba
Antwon Tanner, Channing Tatum, Nana
Gbewonyo, Rick Gonzalez, Rob Brown,
Robert Ri’chard, Samuel L. Jackson - Dir.
Thomas Carter
Get two fistfuls of action from the master of disaster with
this pair of double feature epics! Reservoir Dogs-style
heist blended with John Woo’s ballistic bloodshed . . .
Samuel L. Jackson plays the controversial high school
basketball coach who benched his undefeated team due
to their collective poor academic record in 1999.
Action/Adventure, Special Interest, Martial
Ventura 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044473
Drama, Sports, Teen, High School, Basketball, Gangs, Drugs, Suburbia, San Francisco, Urban Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Paramount 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044692
Sonny Chiba: Streetfighter Squad
/ 101 Knockouts
Chilling 20 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044633
Chinatown After Dark
Carmel Myers, Rex Lease, Barbara Kent,
Edmund Breese, Frank Mayo, Billy Gilbert,
Lloyd Whitlock, Laska Winters, Michael
Visaroff - Dir. Stuart Paton
The female head of a criminal gang in Chinatown is after a
valuable jewel, and she lets nothing get in her way of
finding it
Drama 1931
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044499
The Cincinnati Kid
Steve McQueen, Edward G. Robinson, AnnMargret, Karl Malden, Tuesday Weld, Joan
Blondell, Rip Torn, Jack Weston, Cab
Calloway, Jeff Corey, Theodore Marcuse,
Milton Selzer, Karl Swenson, Émile Genest,
Ron Soble - Dir. Norman Jewison
An up-and-coming poker player tries to prove himself in a
high-stakes match against a long-time master of the game
Action/Adventure 1965
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044540
City Called Heaven
Linette Hardie, Gerald Orange, Victor Orange, Lorene Spain, Phalana Tiller, Omkari
Sister Glen Moore’s dying wishes include a eulogy by
Jesse Jackson; a spiritual delivered by „the big opera
star,“ Benita Cross; and a final face-to-face with her
estranged mother, the redoubtable Mrs. Gerturde Hudson.
Reverend Dexter, of Brooklyn’s New Canaan Church,
must rely on his full reserves of wisdom, patience and
heavenly guidance to negotiate the late sister’s exquisitely
orchestrated funeral and the little secret that she carries
with her to the grave
Classic Cops & Robbers
Sonny Chiba: Shogun’s Shadow
Samuel L. Jackson plays the controversial high school
basketball coach who benched his undefeated team due
to their collective poor academic record in 1999.
Comedy 1998
Music Video 31.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044854
Change Of Heart
Ventura 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044607
Sonny Chiba: Soul Of Karate /
Soul Fighter
Drama, Cops, Crime
Sony Music 13.09.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044681
Coach Carter (Fullscreen)
Antwon Tanner, Channing Tatum, Nana
Gbewonyo, Rick Gonzalez, Rob Brown,
Robert Ri’chard, Samuel L. Jackson - Dir.
Thomas Carter
Cold & Dark
Luke Goss - Dir. Andrew Goth
Horror 2005
First Look 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044602
Combat 10 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044634
Comedy 10 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044635
County General
Maverick Entertainment 31.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044455
Crash Dive
Michael Dudikoff, Frederic Forrest, Reiner
Schöne, Jay Acovone, Clay Greenbush,
Catherine Bell, Michael Cavanaugh, Cyrus
Farmer, Time Winters, Elena DeBurdo,
Pavel Lychnikoff, Mio R. Jakula, Chris
Titus, Brittain Marcus, Adam G. - Dir.
Andrew Stevens
The crew of the nuclear submarine USS Ulysses rescues
supposed victims of a boat disaster, but the victims turn
out to be terrorists intent on capturing nuclear weapons
aboard the sub. Only a former SEAL, now a submarine
consultant, can save the crew by sliding aboard while the
sub is underwater. The term „crash dive“ refers to the
sudden dropping of a sub to escape detection, an act that
a nuclear sub is never supposed to make. Of course, it
comes into play in this film.
Action/Adventure 1996
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044554
The Joan Crawford Collection
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044479
The Crooked Circle
Ben Lyon, Zasu Pitts, James Gleason, Irene Purcell, C. Henry Gordon, Raymond
Hatton, Roscoe Karns, Berton Churchill,
Spencer Charters, Robert Frazer, Ethel
Clayton, Frank Reicher, Christian Rub, Tom
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
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Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Kennedy, Paul Panzer - Dir. H. Bruce
A group of amateur detectives sets out to expose The
Crooked Circle, a secretive group of hooded occultists
Drama 1932
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044500
ADV Films 03.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044437
The Damned Don’t Cry
El Cuerpazo Del Delito
Elsa Aguirre, Eduardo Alcaraz, Emma
Arvizu, Carolina Barret, Roberto Cañedo,
Carlos Cardán, Óscar Chávez, José
Gálvez, Mauricio Garcés, Roberto Gómez
Bolaños, Tito Junco, José Loza, Fernando
Luján, Angélica María, Alejandra Meyer,
Carlos Nieto, Polo Ortín, Silvia Pinal,
Enrique Rambal, Alejandro Suárez, Ramón
Valdés - Dir. Rafael Baledón, René Cardona
Foreign 1970
Music Video 10.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044778
Joan Crawford, David Brian, Steve
Cochran, Kent Smith, Hugh Sanders,
Selena Royle, Jacqueline deWit, Morris
Ankrum, Edith Evanson, Richard Egan,
Sara Perry, Jimmy Moss, Eddie Marr - Dir.
Vincent Sherman
Flashbacks follow a working class woman as she climbs
from man to man toward high society...and organized
Drama 1950
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044476
Dark Shadows Set #19
MPI 26.07.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044584
Custer’s Last Stand
Dark Victory
Rex Lease, Lona Andre, William Farnum,
Ruth Mix, Jack Mulhall, Nancy Caswell,
George Chesebro, Dorothy Gulliver, Frank
McGlynn Jr., Helen Gibson, Josef Swickard,
Chief Thundercloud, Reed Howes, Bobby
Nelson, Robert Walker - Dir. Elmer Clifton
Bette Davis, George Brent, Humphrey Bogart, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Ronald Reagan,
Henry Travers, Cora Witherspoon, Dorothy
Peterson, Virginia Brissac, Charles
Richman, Herbert Rawlinson, Leonard
Mudie, Fay Helm, Lottie Williams - Dir. Edmund Goulding
When some men are attacked by Indians, a survivor
obtains an Indian medicine arrow. An Indian tells Blade he
has found gold but will not tell him where until he has that
arrow. So Blade starts killing the survivors of the attack
but fails to get the arrow. One of the men he kills is John
Cardigan and Kit Cardigan, a Scout for Custer, now starts
looking for the killer of his father
Action/Adventure 1936
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044501
Devon Aoki, Geoff Stults, Holland Taylor, Jill
Ritchie, Jimmi Simpson, Jordana Brewster,
Meagan Good, Michael Clarke Duncan,
Sara Foster - Dir. Angela Robinson
Plaid-skirted schoolgirls are groomed by a secret
government agency to become the newest members of
the elite national-defense group, D.E.B.S
Action/Adventure, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044718
Daddy Who?
Veronica Alicino, Gabrielle Anwar, Willow
Anwar, Philippe Angers, Sean Astin, Thomas Burke, Peter Bush, Colleen Byrne,
Peggy Cafferty, Patty Duke, Jean De Baer,
Jim Gaffigan, Dixon Gillis, Amanda Harvey,
Randy Hock - Dir. Frederic Golchan
Four young men fall in love with the same woman and
struggle to keep their pact with each other not to woo her
Comedy 1999
Ardustry 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044734
Bank robbery pulled off by the bank officials, not the usual
James gang. Songs include „Echo Mountain,“ „I’m a Son
of a Cowboy,“ and „Saddle Your Dreams.“
Western 1939
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044502
Dead Like Me: Season #2
Britt McKillip, Callum Blue, Cynthia
Stevenson, Ellen Muth, Jasmine Guy, Laura
Harris, Mandy Patankin, Rebecca Gayheart
- Dir. David Grossman, Kevin Dowling, Peter Lauer, Robert Duncan McNeill, Scott
Television 2004
MGM/UA 19.07.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044846
Dead Ringer
Bette Davis, Karl Malden, Peter Lawford,
Philip Carey, Jean Hagen, George
Macready, Estelle Winwood, George
Chandler, Mario Alcalde, Cyril Delevanti,
Monika Henreid, Bert Remsen, Charles
Watts, Ken Lynch - Dir. Paul Henreid
Judith Traherne is at the height of young society when Dr.
Frederick Steele diagnoses a brain tumor. After surgery
she falls in love with Steele. The doctor tells her secretary
that the tumor will come back and eventually kill her.
Learning this, Judith becomes manic and depressive. Her
horse trainer Michael, who loves her, tells her to get as
much out of life as she can. She marries Steele who
intends to find a cure for her illness. As he goes off to a
conference in New York failing eyesight indicates to Judith
that she is dying
Broke Edith murders and assumes the identity of her
recently widowed, well-to-do twin sister Margaret, who
had married Edith’s former flame 20 years before. Can
she fool the servants and the authorities and keep her
new-found wealth?
Drama 1939
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044477
Detectives 10 Movie Set
The Bette Davis Collection
Horror 1964
Warner Brothers 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044811
Mystery/Suspense, Detective
Ventura 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044636
Bette Davis
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044475
The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Yelena Drapeko, Yekaterina Markova, Olga
Ostroumova, Irina Shevchuk, Irina
Dolganova, Andrei Martynov, Lyudmila
Zajtseva, Alla Meshcheryakova, Aleksei
Chernov, Yuri Sorokin, Viktor Avdyushko,
Vladimir Ivashov, Kirill Stolyarov, Boris
Tokarev, N. Yemelyanov - Dir. Stanislav
Foreign 1972
Image 21.06.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044824
A Day In Paradise
Daimajin #3: Return Of Daimajin
Riki Hashimoto, Shinji Hori, Shiei Iizuki,
Masahide Kizuka, Hideki Ninomiya - Dir.
Kazuo Mori
Once again, evil has come to plague the peasants of
Japan. As a vicious overlord brutally crushes the life from
a tiny village, only one group of young warriors remain to
seek salvation for their people. Stalked and hunted like
animals, the youngsters make a desperate trek across a
blood-stained landscape of ice and stone seeking the
legendary God of Vengeance, Daimajin. The hand of
vengeance is coming… and the children shall guide it.
Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Japanese Cinema, Monsters
Roy Rogers, George ‘Gabby’ Hayes, Don
‘Red’ Barry, Pauline Moore, Harry Woods,
Arthur Loft, Wade Boteler, Ethel Wales,
Scotty Beckett, Harry Worth, Glenn
Strange, Olin Howland, Monte Blue, Jack
Rockwell, Fred Burns - Dir. Joseph Kane
Jorge Castillo, Raúl Santamaría, Leticia
Valenzuela, Mónica Lavalle, Waldo Facco,
Félix Lozano, Carlos Ortega, Tania
Mascareño, Ixchel Prada, Eduardo Azuri,
Roberto Peredo, Valeria España, Mario
Cisneros Jr., Elda Rojas, Fabrizio Prada Dir. Fabrizio Prada
Foreign 2002
Image 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044810
Days Of Jesse James
Diamond Head
Aline MacMahon, Charlton Heston, Edward
Mallory, Elizabeth Allen, France Nuyen,
George Chakiris, Harold Fong, James Darren, Marc Marno, Philip Ahn, Vaughn Taylor,
Yvette Mimieux - Dir. Guy Green
Charlton Heston nearly ruins his family with his
domineering dictates in this steamy drama set in Hawaii.
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Heston is a wealthy pineapple plantation owner and a
bigoted bully who, despite the fact that he himself has a
Chinese mistress, flatly refuses to allow his young sister
to marry a good-looking, full-blooded Hawaiian.
Drama, Classic 1963 M 107min.
Columbia/TriStar 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044541
York 03.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044775
The Essential Steve McQueen
Direct Action
Dolph Lundgren, Polly Shannon, Donald
Burda, Rothaford Gray, Conrad Dunn, Walter Alza, Alex Karzis, Larry Day, Natacha La
Ferriere, Daniel Kash, Stacey Coke,
Vanessa Thompson, Tim Sell, Jim
Codrington, Ian Alden - Dir. Sidney J. Furie
Steve McQueen
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044542
Frank Gannon, a veteran cop, is being hunted by his
fellow police officers after they learned he has betrayed
the brotherhood and exposed to the feds wide scale
corruption of the LAPD. He has one day left to prove his
case and survive
Anchor Bay 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044771
Action/Adventure 2004
First Look 07.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044592
Fake Preacher
York 31.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044783
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
Peter Fonda, Susan George, Adam Roarke,
Kenneth Tobey, Eugene Daniels, Lynn Borden, Janear Hines, Elizabeth James,
Adrianne Herman, Tom Castranova, James
W. Gavin, Al Rossi, Ben Niems, George
Westcott, Tom O’Neill - Dir. John Hough
Mary and Larry are two lovers who, with Larry’s ace
mechanic, kidnap the daughter of a grocery story owner,
and make off with the ransom. They are chased over hill,
over vale by the cops, who deploy everything from 426
Hemis to helicopters to stop Larry’s Dodge Charger
Action/Adventure 1974
Anchor Bay 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044770
The Disappearing Act
Patty Duke, Kelly Rowan, Robert Floyd,
Rosemary Dunsmore, Dave Nichols, Karen
Glave, John Bourgeois, Barry Flatman - Dir.
Paul Schneider
A mother (Patty Duke) goes to Chicago to try to find her
son (Robert Floyd) who has suddenly quit contacting her
and can’t be reached
Drama 1998
MPI 26.07.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044585
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044637
Jorge Negrete, Pedro Infante, Carmelita
González, Yolanda Varela, Carlos Orellana,
José Elías Moreno, Queta Lavat, Arturo
Soto Rangel, Mimí Derba, Manuel Noriega Dir. Carlos Orellana, Ismael Rodríguez
Foreign 1953
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044484
East Side Kids Double Feature 6
Falcon Picture Group 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044529
East Side Kids Double Feature 7
Falcon Picture Group 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044530
Escape Velocity / Interceptor
Sunset Carson, Al Terr, Pat Starling, Felice
Richmond, Polly McKay, William Val,
Forrest Matthews, Lee Roberts, Bob Curtis,
Stephen Keyes, Tex Wilson, Al Ferguson,
Hugh Hooker, Dale Harrison, Little Joe’s
Wranglers - Dir. Oliver Drake
Sunset has two problems. Rustlers and the disertion of
the Kid he helped make a Ranger. The rustlers reside in
an area not as yet part of the state and out of the Rangers jurisdiction. When the rustlers are informed as to the
location of the ballot box that will mean annexation of
their territory to the state, the Kid learns of their intentions
and to redeem himself, rides off to alert Sunset
Western 1948
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044503
Fighting Tommy Riley
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044485
Eddie Jones, J.P. Davis, Christina
Chambers, Diane Tayler, Scot Belsky - Dir.
Eddie O’Flaherty
An aging trainer and a young fighter, both in need of a
second chance, team-up to overcome the demons of their
past...and chase the dreams of their future
Jacqueline Bisset, Adam Garcia, Alice
Evans, James Naughton, Stuart Wilson,
Craig Cady, Vincent Castellanos, Jaime
Bello, Ann Michelle Fitzgerald, Ted Richard,
Gary Davies, Cucho Viera, William Sloan,
Elia Enid Cadilla - Dir. Klaus Menzel
Only a few weeks after her husband’s mysterious death,
Maureen (Jacqueline Bisset) returns from a cruise with
handsome Brit Oliver Vance (Stuart Wilson) in tow. Her
son Scott is mortified. He still can’t believe that his father
- a world-class athlete - actually drowned. When Maureen
and Oliver announce wedding-plans, Scott’s world begins
to fall apart. Oliver ’s attractive daughter Kelly shares
Scott’s distrust of the impending marriage - and proposes
a theory of her own: is it possible that Maureen and Oliver
have known each other longer than just a few weeks; and
if so, could they have possibly killed Scott’s father? The
two start to investigate - and soon fall in love. But while
they are united by a horrible suspicion, the investigation
soon reveals some secrets that keep them apart. Scott
has to realize that he can truly trust no one - not Oliver,
not Maureen and definitely not Kelly
Fat Actress: Season #1
Dos Tipos De Ciudado
Fighting Mustang
Falling Hard
Mystery/Suspense 2004
MGM/UA 31.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044838
Diva 20 Movie Set
Alberta Watson, Don Francks, Eugene Robert Glazer, Matthew Ferguson, Peta
Wilson, Roy Dupuis
Drama, Television 1997-2001
Warner Brothers 28.06.2005
398,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044490
Bryan Callen, Carmen Electra, John
Travolta, Kelly Preston, Kid Rock, Kirstie
Alley, Leah Remini, Rachel Harris
Loosely based on Kirstie Alley’s real life struggles, this
unscripted reality/comedy hybrid follows a semi-fictional
film and TV star, in an ongoing attempt to find work and
love in the cruel environment of Hollywood. Kirstie
comically contends with an unforgiving public and media
in the wake of her struggles with weight.
Drama 2005
Universal 26.07.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044715
Follow The River
Sheryl Lee, Ellen Burstyn, Eric Schweig,
Tim Guinee, Renée O’Connor, Tyler Noyes,
Andy Stahl, Gabriel Macht, Tony Amendola,
Sammy D. Miller, Graeme Malcolm,
Juddson Keith Linn, Jimmie F. Skaggs - Dir.
Martin Davidson
An „inspirational“ saga of a pioneer woman who is
abducted by Shawnee indians
Action/Adventure 1995
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044555
Un Gallo En Corral Ajeno
Jorge Negrete, Gloria Marín, Andrés Soler,
Julio Villarreal, Eduardo Arozamena, Maruja
Grifell, Miguel Bermejo, Queta Lavat,
Alejandro Ciangherotti, Ismael Larumbe,
Héctor Godoy, Víctor Alcocer, Humberto
Rodríguez, Nicolás Rodríguez, Consuelo
Monteagudo - Dir. Julián Soler
Foreign 1952
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044493
Comedy, Television, Spoof, Reality TV 2005
Showtime 24.05.2005
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044537
Image 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044812
La Femme Nikita: Season #3
Mackenzie Astin, Anthony Newley, Katie
Barberi, Ron MacLachlan, J.P. Amateau,
Marjory Graue, Debbie Lee Carrington,
Kevin Thompson, Phil Fondacaro, Larry
Green, Arturo Gil, Susan Rossitto, Bobby
Bell, Chloe Amateau, Jim Cummings - Dir.
Rodney Amateau
Alberta Watson, Don Francks, Eugene Robert Glazer, Matthew Ferguson, Peta
Wilson, Roy Dupuis
Drama, Television 1997-2001
Warner Brothers 28.06.2005
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044489
La Femme Nikita: Seasons #1 - #3
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
Seven disgusting kids but nevertheless of interesting
personality are being made of the green mud coming out
of garbage can. Once alive their master gives them rules
to obey although they think that life is funnier without
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April 2005
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox (16x9 anamorph) oder
Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3)
Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90
(gültig bis 25.05.2005)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab
07. Juni 2005
Seite 27
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
following stupid regulations like no television or no candy.
Naturally this will cause some conflicts
Comedy 1987
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044787
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044461
Cowboy and his friends set out to track down his father’s
killer. On the way, they discover a vein of gold. The killer
finds out about it, and returns to try to take it from them
The Great Rupert
Western 1937
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044506
Sony Music 16.08.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044651
Godzilla Set (5-Disc Set)
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1956-1975
Sony Music 11.10.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044674
Get Thee Behind Me
York 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044693
Godzilla Vs Monster Zero
The Getaway (Deluxe Edition)
Steve McQueen, Ali MacGraw, Ben
Johnson, Sally Struthers, Al Lettieri, Slim
Pickens, Richard Bright, Jack Dodson, Dub
Taylor, Bo Hopkins, Roy Jenson, John
Bryson, Bill Hart, Tom Runyon, Whitney
Jones - Dir. Sam Peckinpah
Doc McCoy has been granted parole. The catch is that
Sheriff Beynon expects a small favour from McCoy for his
generocity: robbing another bank! Beynon does not really
intend to let McCoy walk away after the heist and neither
does co-robber Rudy Butler, but stopping Doc proves a
trifle difficult
Action/Adventure 1972
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044543
Nick Adams, Akira Takarada, Jun Tazaki,
Akira Kubo, Kumi Mizuno, Keiko Sawai,
Yoshio Tsuchiya, Takamaru Sasaki, Gen
Shimizu, Kenzo Tabu, Yoshifumi Tajima,
Nadao Kirino, Koji Uno, Toru Ibuki, Kazuo
Suzuki - Dir. Ishirô Honda
Aliens from the mysterious Planet X, which resides on the
dark side of of Jupiter, come to Earth asking its people to
help them save their world from the dreaded King Ghidrah
by letting them „borrow“ Godzilla and Rodan. The aliens
are actually planning to use the three monsters to take
over our planet
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1965
Sony Music 11.10.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044675
Godzilla Vs Mothra
Ghost Town Law
Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, Raymond Hatton,
Virginia Carpenter, Murdock MacQuarrie,
Charles King, Tom London, Howard
Masters, Ben Corbett - Dir. Howard
When two of their Marshal friends are killed, the Rough
Riders are sent to investigate. They have to find the
killers in a ghost town where the houses and an old mine
are interconnected by secret passages and tunnels
Western 1942
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044504
Akira Takarada, Yuriko Hoshi, Hiroshi
Koizumi, Yu Fujiki, Emi Ito, Yûmi Ito,
Yoshifumi Tajima, Kenji Sahara, Jun Tazaki,
Kenzo Tabu, Yutaka Sada, Akira Tani,
Susumu Fujita, Ikio Sawamura, Ren
Yamamoto - Dir. Ishirô Honda
A greedy developer has placed huge machines to suck dry
a part of the ocean near Tokyo so he can put luxury
condos there. After a storm, a giant egg washes up on the
beach nearby and is immediately put on public display.
The developer’s plans go awry when he disrupts
Godzilla’s rest and the monster goes stomping through
Tokyo again. It’s up to the elderly Mothra, and then to its
two offspring, to save Tokyo from destruction
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1964
Sony Music 11.10.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044676
Girl From Rio
Hugh Laurie, Vanessa Nunes, Santiago
Segura, Lia Williams, Patrick Barlow, Nelson Xavier, Hugh Lloyd, John Junkin, Julio
Levi, Paul Jerrico, Kacey Ainsworth, Glynis
Brooks, Arthur Cox, Ann Morrish, Paul Mari
- Dir. Christopher Monger
Discovering your wife is sleeping with your boss can make
a man do strange things. For a Samba-obsessed London
clerk, robbing a bank and boarding the first flight to Rio
are just the beginning
Comedy 2001
Ventura 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044663
Godzilla’s Revenge
Tomonori Yazaki, Eisei Amamoto, Sachio
Sakai, Kazuo Suzuki, Kenji Sahara,
Machiko Naka, Shigeki Ishida, Midori
Uchiyama, Yoshifumi Tajima, Chotaro Togin,
Yutaka Sada, Yutaka Nakayama, Ikio
Sawamura, Haruo Nakajima, ‘Little Man’
Machan - Dir. Ishirô Honda
Using footage from previous films, the story revolves
around a boy who uses his imagination to take him to
Monster Island so he can escape the pains of real life
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1969
Sony Music 11.10.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044677
Go For Broke!
Van Johnson, Lane Nakano, George Miki,
Akira Fukunaga, Ken K. Okamoto, Henry
Oyasato, Harry Hamada, Henry Nakamura,
Warner Anderson, Don Haggerty, Gianna
Maria Canale, Dan Riss - Dir. Robert Pirosh
The story of Japanese-American soldiers who fought in
Europe during World War II
War 1951
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044505
God’s Country & The Man
Tom Keene, Betty Compson, Charlotte Henry, Charles King, Billy Bletcher, James
Sheridan, Eddie Parker, Robert McKenzie,
Merrill McCormick - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury
Gran Casino
Julio Ahuet, Fernande Albany, Meche
Barba, José Baviera, Alfonso Bedoya, Trío
Calaveras, Agustín Isunza, Francisco
Jambrina, Libertad Lamarque, Bertha
Lehar, Gloria Marín, Jorge Negrete, Ignacio
Peón, Charles Rooner, Julio Villarreal - Dir.
Luis Buñuel
Foreign 1947
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044487
Grandes De La Cocina Espanola
EMI 26.04.2005
Jimmy Durante, Terry Moore, Tom Drake,
Frank Orth, Sara Haden, Queenie Smith,
Chick Chandler, Jimmy Conlin, Rupert,
Hugh Sanders, Don Beddoe, Candy
Candido, Clancy Cooper, Harold Goodwin,
Frank Cady - Dir. Irving Pichel
A little squirrel with lots of charm accidently helps two
poor, down-but-NOT-out families overcome their obstacles
Comedy 1950
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044507
Gun Fury
Bob Herron, Don Carlos, Donna Reed,
Forrest Lewis, John L. Cason, Lee Marvin,
Leo Gordon, Mel Welles, Neville Brand, Pat
Hogan, Phil Rawlins, Philip Carey, Ray Thomas, Roberta Haynes, Rock Hudson - Dir.
Raoul Walsh
Hudson and Reed are newlyweds traveling to the West.
Carey, in a wonderful performance as a psychotic outlaw,
kidnaps Reed. Hudson is then forced to pursue the gang
and tries to maintain his composure but ends up becoming
just as crazed as Carey.
Western, Classic 1953 M 82min.
Columbia/TriStar 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044544
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044556
Hercules / Hercules II
Lou Ferrigno, Sybil Danning, Brad Harris,
Ingrid Anderson, William Berger, Rossana
Podestà, Mirella D’Angelo, Bobby Rhodes,
Gianni Garko, Yehuda Efroni, Delia
Boccardo, Claudio Cassinelli, Franco
Garofalo, Gabriella Giorgelli, Raf
Baldassarre - Dir. Luigi Cozzi / Lou
Ferrigno, Milly Carlucci, Sonia Viviani,
William Berger, Carla Ferrigno, Claudio
Cassinelli, Ferdinando Poggi, Maria Rosaria
Omaggio, Venantino Venantini, Laura Lenzi,
Margit Evelyn Newton, Cindy Leadbetter,
Raf Baldassarre, Sandra Venturini, Andrea
Belfiore - Dir. Luigi Cozzi
Hercules: The story of the Greek mythological figure,
updated in this 80’s version - Hercules II: Hercules
searches for the Seven Thunderbolts of Zeus, which have
been stolen by renegade gods
Action/Adventure 1983-1985
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044788
Hide And Seek (Fullscreen)
Amy Irving, Dakota Fanning, Dylan Baker,
Elisabeth Shue, Famke Janssen, Melissa
Leo, Robert DeNiro, Robert John Burke Dir. John Polson
As a widower tries to piece together his life in the wake of
his wife’s suicide, his daughter finds solace — at first — in
her imaginary friend
Drama, Horror, Mystery/Suspense,
Psychiatrists 2005 FF DD 5.1 101min.
Fox 05.07.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044844
Hide And Seek (Widescreen)
Amy Irving, Dakota Fanning, Dylan Baker,
Elisabeth Shue, Famke Janssen, Melissa
Leo, Robert DeNiro, Robert John Burke Dir. John Polson
As a widower tries to piece together his life in the wake of
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
his wife’s suicide, his daughter finds solace — at first — in
her imaginary friend
Illegally Yours
Drama, Horror, Mystery/Suspense,
Psychiatrists 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Fox 05.07.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044845
Rob Lowe, Colleen Camp, Kenneth Mars,
Kim Myers, Marshall Colt, Harry Carey Jr.,
George Morfogen, Linda MacEwen, Rick
Jason, Jessica James, Ira Heiden, Tony
Longo, Howard Hirdler, L.B. Straten, David
Reeves - Dir. Peter Bogdanovich
High Lonesome
Called up for jury duty, Richard Dice finds his first crush
and only real, but unrequited love, on trial for murder.
Richard desperately tries to prove Mollys innocence while
untangling a complicated web of murder, blackmail and
perjury, and still trying to win over the girl of his dreams
MPI 26.07.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044586
Drama 1988
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044789
Highlander: The Raven
Elizabeth Gracen, Paul Johansson
A female Immortal and thief tries to redeem herself with
the help of an ex-cop
Ilya Muromets
Boris Andreyev, Shukur Burkhanov, Andrei
Abrikosov, Natalya Medvedeva, Yelena
Myshkova, Sovol Martinson, Georgi
Dyomin, Aleksandr Shvorin, Nikolai
Glazkov, Vladimir Solovyov, Mikhail
Pugovkin, Sergei Stolyarov, Sh.
Tyumenbayev, S. Dzhamanov, V.
Tyagushchyov - Dir. Aleksandr Ptushko
Television 1998-1999
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044737
Hood Angels / Nikita Blues
Drama 2001-2003
York 17.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044780
The Hoosier Schoolmaster
Norman Foster, Charlotte Henry, Dorothy
Libaire, Tommy Bupp, Otis Harlan, Fred
Kohler Jr., William V. Mong, Russell
Simpson, Joseph E. Bernard, Wallace Reid
Jr., George ‘Gabby’ Hayes, Sarah Padden Dir. Lewis D. Collins
Western 1935
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044508
Hopalong Cassidy Triple Feature
Falcon Picture Group 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044467
Hostile Intent
Rob Lowe, Sofia Shinas, James Kidnie,
John Savage, Saul Rubinek, Louis Del
Grande, Ronn Sarosiak, Rino Romano,
Christopher Kennedy, Gerry Quigley, Jody
Racicot, Simon Reynolds, Patrick Chilvers,
Marlon Brand, Sean Sullivan - Dir. Jonathan
Paint-ball playing computer geeks who invent a computer
chip which can keep the government or any agency from
gaining access to computer files are targeted by
government assassins during a paint-ball competition
Action/Adventure 1997
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044557
Ben Johnson, Burt Reynolds, Catherine
Deneuve, Eddie Albert, Eileen Brennan,
Ernest Borgnine, Jack Carter, Paul
Winfield, Sharon Kelly - Dir. Robert Aldrich
Everybody „hustles“ - especially in Los Angeles where
suicides, strip joints, shootouts, porno movies, the mob
and murder combine into a collage. Caught in this web of
modern reality is an old fashioned detective (Burt
Reynolds). A moralist who still sees the difference
between right and wrong, he can hardly reconcile himself
to the ugliness of his job. - By day he investigates a
young girl’s suicide; at night he relaxes with Catherine
Deneuve, a high-priced Paris call girl. Director Robert
Aldrich elicits fine performances from Reynolds and
Deneuve while his perceptive direction explains why
they’re never quite able to escape the hustle they’re so
uncomfortable with.
Drama, Mystery/Suspense, Los Angeles,
Detective, Crime 1975 Ltbx 120min.
Paramount 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044759
I, Mobster
Steve Cochran, Lita Milan, Robert Strauss,
Celia Lovsky, Lili St. Cyr, John Brinkley,
Grant Withers, Yvette Vickers, Frank
Gerstle, Robert Shayne, Wally Cassell, Jeri
Southern - Dir. Roger Corman
The rise and fall of gang lord Joe Sante
Foreign 1956
Image 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044825
I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can
Albert Salmi, Cordis Heard, Dianne Wiest,
Ellen Greene, Geraldine Page, James
Sutorius, Jill Clayburgh, Joe Pesci, Nicol
Williamson - Dir. Jack Hofsiss
One of today’s most gifted and brilliant actresses, Jill
Clayburgh, brings her special sensitivity to the role of
Barbara Gordon, a successful television documentary
producer who became hopelessly dependent on
tranquilizers. But this is much more than a story of
addiction and withdrawal; it is an examination of the
success syndrome that affects the lives of people whose
career triumphs are achieved at great personal sacrifice.
It is the dramatic and suspenseful story of one woman’s
survival in a battle for her sanity- and her life. In this
urgent quest, she must discover her inner strength,
independence, and ability to be truly happy.
Drama, Literary (Based on Book) 1982
Paramount 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044760
Drama 1958
Sony Music 13.09.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044683
If Someone Had Known
Joan Crawford, John Garfield, Oscar
Levant, J. Carrol Naish, Joan Chandler,
Tom D’Andrea, Peggy Knudsen, Ruth Nelson, Craig Stevens, Paul Cavanagh, Richard Gaines, John Abbott, Robert Blake,
Tommy Cook, Don McGuire - Dir. Jean
Kellie Martin, Kevin Dobson, Linda Kelsey,
Ivan Sergei, Kristin Dattilo, Anna Gunn,
Alan Fudge, Jennifer Savidge, Tom
Amandes, James Harper, Noah Emmerich,
Ted Hayden, Jennifer Griffin, Ramsay
Midwood, Rodney Rowland - Dir. Eric
Helen Wright, a neurotic society woman, sets her sights
on ambitious young violinist Paul Boray, who returns her
love, but is undeterred from his music. She becomes his
patron, helping him to great success, but cannot abide
being of secondary importance („second fiddle?“) in his
life. Tragedy ensues
Katie marries her first boy friend and at first they are very
happy together. But when their first son arrives he
becomes nasty being jealous about the boy, beating her
and hanging around with friends all day leaving all the
work to her. When their second child is on its way things
get even worse, so that Katie decides to leave the house;
but when she packs her suitcase the conflict climaxes to
him getting shot. A trial is about to find out what happened
Drama 1946
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044478
Drama 1995
MPI 26.07.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044587
Ilya is a cripple without the use of his legs. When he aids
some weary travellers, they surprise him by giving him a
potion that restores his legs. He immediately becomes
powerful and sets off to prove himself to his King. Doing
so, he fights the evil Tugars, a wind demon that looks like
a cross between a goblin and The Noid, a zeppelin-like
ambassador, and the evil Tugars. Ilya gets framed for a
crime he didn’t commit, then is freed, then finally
dispatches the Tugars and their dragon
Imaginary Heroes
Deirdre O’Connell, Emile Hirsch, Jeff Daniels, Kip Pardue, Michelle Williams, Ryan
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Donowho, Sigourney Weaver, Suzanne
Santo - Dir. Dan Harris
The Travis family façade is destroyed by an event
incomprehensible to them — an event which will open
locked doors and finally reveal the secrets that have
haunted them for decades
Comedy, Drama, Drugs 2004
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044720
Michael Rooker, John White, Sam Malkin,
David B. Nichols, Diane Douglass, Diana
Reis, Christian Matheson, Tyrone Benskin,
Michelle Jaeger, Reg Dreger, Bunty Webb,
B.J. McQueen, Carl Amari, Len Foley, Kevin
Duhaney - Dir. William Bindley
Children/Family 1995
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044560
The Incident
Walter Matthau, Susan Blakely, Robert
Carradine, Peter Firth, Barnard Hughes,
Harry Morgan, William Schallert, Ariana
Richards, Norbert Weisser, Douglas Rowe,
Joe Horváth, Helen Stenborg, Henry
Crowell Jr., David Underwood, Robert
MacKenzie - Dir. Joseph Sargent
Small town lawyer, Harmon Cobb, defends a Nazi prisoner
of war against murder charges. Set post World War II,
Cobb has to contend with the difficulties of defending the
devil when the town’s only doctor (Barnard Hughes) dies
while at „Camp Bremen“ in the fictitious town of Bremen,
Drama 1990
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044559
Incident In A Small Town
Walter Matthau, Harry Morgan, Stephanie
Zimbalist, Nick Stahl, Bernard Behrens, Lori
Hallier, David Nerman, Dennis Strong,
James Blendick, Dee McCafferty, Cara
Pifko, Eve Crawford, Jim Warren, Jeremy
Tracz, Bruce McFee - Dir. Delbert Mann
Drama 1994
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044558
Jaws (30th Anniversary Edition /
Carl Gottlieb, Jeffrey Kramer, Jonathan
Filley, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw, Roy
Scheider, Susan Backlinie - Dir. Steven
A police chief, a scientist, and a grizzled sailor set out to
kill a shark that is menacing the seaside community of
Amity Island
Action/Adventure, Horror, Literary (Based
on Book), Sharks, Hunting, Cult 1975 FF
DD 5.1 124min.
Universal 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044738
Jaws (30th Anniversary Edition /
Carl Gottlieb, Jeffrey Kramer, Jonathan
Filley, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw, Roy
Scheider, Susan Backlinie - Dir. Steven
Sterling Hayden, Eve Miller, Barton
MacLane, Harry Shannon, Tom Fadden,
Reed Hadley, Douglas Fowley, Robert Keys,
Irving Bacon, Myron Healey, James Griffith,
Clayton Moore, Jonathan Hale - Dir. Ray
With the Civil War about to begin, Southern saboteurs
attack frontier railroad construction
Western 1953
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044509
The Karate Kid (Special Edition)
Chad McQueen, Elisabeth Shue, Israel
Juarbe, Martin Kove, Pat Morita, Ralph
Macchio, Randee Heller, Rob Garrison, Ron
Thomas, Tony O’Dell, William Bassett,
William Zabka - Dir. John G. Avildsen
A fatherless teenager faces his moment of truth in THE
KARATE KID. Daniel (Ralph Macchio) arrives in Los
Angeles from the east coast and faces the difficult task of
making new friends. However, he becomes the object of
bullying by the Cobras, a menacing gang of karate
students, when he strikes up a relationship with Ali (Elisabeth Shue), the Cobra leader ’s ex-girlfriend. Eager to fight
back and impress his new girlfriend but afraid to confront
the dangerous gang, Daniel asks his handyman Miyagi
(Noriyuki ‘Pat’ Morita), whom he learns is a master of the
martial arts, to teach him karate. - Miyagi teaches Daniel
that karate is a mastery over the self, mind, and body and
that fighting is always the last answer to a problem. Under
Miyagi’s guidance, Daniel develops not only physical skills
but also the faith and self-confidence to compete despite
tremendous odds as he encounters the fight of his life in
the exciting finale to this entertaining film.
Action/Adventure, Children/Family, Drama,
Teen, ’80s, Martial Arts, Cheerleader 1984
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044721
King Of The Monsters
Raymond Burr, Takashi Shimura, Akira
Takarada, Momoko Kochi, Akihiko Hirata,
Frank Iwanaga, Sachio Sakai, Ren
Yamamoto, Toyoaki Suzuki, Fuyuki
Murakami, Takeo Oikawa, Kokuten Kodo,
Toranosuke Ogawa, Tadashi Okabe, Ren
Imaizumi - Dir. Ishirô Honda, Terry O. Morse
A 400-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex, woken from undersea
hibernation off the Japanese coast by atomic bomb
testing, attacks Tokyo
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1956
Sony Music 11.10.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044678
Action/Adventure, Foreign, Hong Kong Cinema, Martial Arts 1974 Ltbx 16x9 110min.
Pathfinder 03.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044618
Action/Adventure, Horror, Literary (Based
on Book), Sharks, Hunting, Cult 1975 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 124min.
Universal 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044739
Pedro Armendáriz, Jorge Arriaga, Paco
Astol, Luis G. Barreiro, Guillermo Calles,
Clifford Carr, Raúl Guerrero, Alfonso
Jiménez, Tito Junco, Toña La Negra, Max
Langler, Carlos López Moctezuma, Leonor
de Martorel, José L. Murillo, Ignacio Peón,
María Antonieta Pons, Salvador Quiroz,
Wello Rivas, José Ignacio Rocha, Alfredo
Varela, Hernán Vera - Dir. Alejandro
Galindo / María Félix, Domingo Soler, Carlos López Moctezuma, Fernando
Fernández, Arturo Soto Rangel, Eduardo
Arozamena, Columba Domínguez, Juan
García, Manuel Dondé, Carlos Múzquiz,
Agustín Isunza, Roberto Cañedo, Lupe del
Castillo, María Germán Valdés, Jaime
Jiménez Pons - Dir. Emilio Fernández
Foreign 1943-1948
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044639
Kung Fu 20 Movie Set
Action/Adventure, Martial Arts
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044640
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Sylvia Kristel, Shane Briant, Nicholas Clay,
Ann Mitchell, Elizabeth Spriggs, Pascale
Rivault, Peter Bennett, Anthony Head,
Frank Moorey, Bessie Love, John Tynan,
Michael Huston, Fran Hunter, Ryan Michael, Mark Colleano - Dir. Just Jaeckin
A film adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s novel. After a
crippling injury leaves her husband impotent, Lady
Chatterly is torn between her love for her husband and
her physical desires. With her husband’s consent, she
seeks out other means of fulfilling her needs
Drama 1981
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044802
Latinologues #1
Image 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044813
The Law Rides Again
Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson, Jack La Rue,
Betty Miles, Emmett Lynn, Kenneth Harlan,
Chief Thundercloud, Chief Many Treaties,
Bryant Washburn, Fred Hoose, Kenne
Duncan, Roy Brent, John Bridges, John
Merton, Hank Bell - Dir. Alan James
US government agents Ken Maynard and Hoot Gibson,
aka „The Trail Blazers“, make a deal with captured outlaw
Duke Dillon to catch crooked Indian agent John Hampton,
who has been using his authority to steal from the local
tribe. Dillon double-crosses the inept and lethargic
heroes, making it difficult for them to carry out their
A police chief, a scientist, and a grizzled sailor set out to
kill a shark that is menacing the seaside community of
Amity Island
A cab driver who needs money to pay for his blind sister’s
operation must take on a trio of brothers and their
dangerous auntie, who are seeking revenge for their
father ’s death.
Konga Roja / Rio Escondido
Kansas Pacific
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 2004
First Look 21.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044606
Johnny & Clyde
Knight Errant
Gam Guk Tse, Jimmy Wang Yu, Yasuaki
Kurata, Yu Wang - Dir. Sin Saai Ding, Ting
Western 1943
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044510
The Legend Of Condor Hero #5
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Tai Seng 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044827
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044561
Let Em Have It
The Lightship
Richard Arlen, Virginia Bruce, Alice Brady,
Bruce Cabot, Harvey Stephens, Eric Linden,
Joyce Compton, Gordon Jones, J. Farrell
MacDonald, Bodil Rosing, Paul Stanton,
Hale Hamilton, Dorothy Appleby, Barbara
Pepper, Matthew Betz - Dir. Sam Wood
Arliss Howard, Badja Djola, Klaus Maria
Brandauer, Michael Lyndon, Robert
Costanzo, Robert Duvall, Tom Bower,
William Forsythe - Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski
Young Federal gang-busters in action, with pauses for
Drama 1935
Sony Music 13.09.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044684
Conflict breaks out aboard a sea-going lightship, resulting
in violence and murder
Lost & Found
Jordan Chan, Moses Chan, Teddy Chan,
Kelly Chen, Tat-Ming Cheung, Maria
Cordero, Henry Fong, Josie Ho, Takeshi
Kaneshiro, Hilary Tsui, Michael Wong - Dir.
Chi-Ngai Lee
Foreign 1996
Tai Seng 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044762
Drama, Gay / Lesbian, Independent 1985
Paramount 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044742
Life With Elizabeth #1
Betty White
Television 1953-1955
Falcon Picture Group 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044531
Lost Lake
Angel Boris, Mark Collie - Dir. Anthony
Lois & Clark: Season #1
Dean Cain, Eddie Jones, John Shea, K.
Callan, Lane Smith, Michael Landes, Teri
Hatcher, Tracy Scoggins - Dir. Jerry Siegel,
Joe Shuster
Anne Archer, Kathleen Quinlan, Parker
Stevenson, Sam Elliott, Sharon Clark,
Stephen Young, Steve Burns - Dir. Daniel
Sam Elliot drew waves of accolades for his sensitive and
sexy portrayal of the aging lifeguard who’s compelled to
reassess his life and career as a professional lifeguard.
To keep things status quo or pursue things statusconscious-that’s Elliott’s dilemma. It’s an agonizing
decision compounded on one side by an adoring beach
groupie (Breakdown’s Kathleen Quinlan) and on the other
by a former high school flame (Fatal Attraction’s Anne
Archer) who’s game for rekindling, but only if he’s serious
about trading in his swimsuits for three-piecers.
Casting a fresh look on a timeless legend, this exciting,
action-packed update of the DC Comics Superman
captures the daring exploits of the mysterious visitor from
another planet and brings the city of Metropolis to life.
Originally aired in the 90’s on ABC, this humorously
romantic action/adventure hour-long series puts a modern
twist on the time-honored, legendary superhero, bringing
to life the comic book characters Clark Kent (Dean Cain);
his superhuman alter-ego, Superman; and Lois Lane (Teri
Hatcher), fiction’s first lady of the press, in the most
unrequited romance of all time.
Television, Romantic, Comic Book,
Superheroes 1993 FF DD 2.0 1074min.
Warner Brothers 07.06.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044594
Drama, Beach Movies, Los Angeles 1976
Paramount 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044761
The Long Way Home
Los Fruttis #5
Robert Loggia, Jessica Tuck, Stan Shaw,
Adam Storke, Kelli Williams, Ed Gale, CCH
Pounder, Ron Silver, Lisa Waltz, Sam
Whipple, Cork Hubbert, John Mahon, Pat
Destro - Dir. Ron Silver
EMI 26.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044462
Lifepod cronicles the trip of eight passengers after the
ship they were traveling on blew up on Christmas Eve.
Immediately people start dying. The passengers begin to
investigate why the ship blew up and how it relates to
EMI 26.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044463
Mystery/Suspense 1993
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044562
When KAT WALKER, an exotically beautiful free spirit,
takes a job at rustic Tamarack Lodge, she appears to
have little in common with her strange new companions.
Soon, amazing interconnections between them are
revealed and their lives intertwine with passion and humor
as they challenge one another on the steepest slopes of
the body, mind and soul. After an avalanche traps Kat and
her friends in the isolated lodge, she becomes
increasingly haunted by seductive and terrifying visions.
As a secret world unfolds, her mysterious past emerges
and her new life awakens. With its fascinating characters
and compelling story, LOST LAKE is a captivating journey
into the light and shadows of the human heart.
Mystery/Suspense 2003 Ltbx DD 2.0
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044627
Love At First Bite
George Hamilton, Susan Saint James, Richard Benjamin, Dick Shawn, Arte Johnson,
Sherman Hemsley, Isabel Sanford, Barry
Gordon, Ronnie Schell, Bob Basso, Bryan
O’Byrne, Michael Pataki, Hazel Shermet,
Stanley Brock, Danny Dayton - Dir. Stan
This vampire spoof has Count Dracula moving to New
York to find his Bride, after being forced to move out of
his Transylvanian castle. There with the aid of assistant
Renfield, he stumbles through typical New York city life
situations while pursuing Cindy Soundheim. But her
boyfriend, Doctor Jeff Rosenberg, realizes she is under
the influence of a vampire, and tries his bumbling best to
convince police Lt Ferguson of what is going on, and to
help him stop Dracula
Comedy 1979
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044790
Los Fruttis #6
Love Can Seriously Damage Your
Health (El Amor Perjudica
Seriamente La Salud)
Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Ana Belen, Carles
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sans, Gabino Diego, Jaime Ruiz Penas,
Jose Antonio Navarro, Jose Corbacho,
Juanjo Puigcorbe, Laura Conejero, Lola
Herrera, Luis Fernando Alves, Miguel
Palenzuela, Penelope Cruz, Santi Millan,
Victor Ruiz Penas - Dir. Manuel Gomez
Penélope Cruz stars in this screwball comedy about a
hotel bellboy and a beautiful, but crazed Beatles fan who
accidentally come together inside John Lennon’s hotel
room. The on-again, off-again affair of Diana and Santi
stretches over the next 30 years, through marriages,
children, and notable world events. Unable to let each
other go in the best and worst of times, Love Can
Seriously Damage Your Health is a glorious romantic lark.
Also stars 5-time Goya award nominees Ana Belén and
Gabino Diego, and Juanjo Puigcorbé. - Penélope Cruz
encabeza el reparto de esta deliciosa comedia sobre un
botones de hotel y una bella y alocada fan de Los Beatles
que se conocen accidentalmente en la habitacion de John
Lennon. El romance de Diana y Santi continúa a través de
30 años a través de matrimonios, hijos y eventos
mundiales. Sin poder dejarse durante los mejores y los
SALUD es una estupendia comedia romántica. Con la
actuacion de los 5 veces nominados al Goya Ana Belén,
Gabino Diego y Juanjo Puigcorbé.
Comedy, Foreign, Romantic, Spanish Cinema 1996
Ventura 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044611
A Lust To Kill
Jim Davis, Don Megowan, Allison Hayes,
Claire Carleton, John Holland, Tom
Hubbard, Rickie Sorensen, Gerald Milton,
Fred Sherman, Roger Williams, James
Maloney, Al Terr, Toni Turner, Sandra Giles
- Dir. Oliver Drake
A cowboy escapes from jail with the help of his girlfriend,
and goes after the men he believes are responsible for his
brother being shot down by lawmen
Western 1959
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044511
Anderson Jr., Michael Pate, R.G.
Armstrong, Richard Harris, Senta Berger,
Slim Pickens, Warren Oates - Dir. Sam
A U.S. Cavalry officer leads a makeshift army against
bloodthirsty Apaches. Filmed entirely on location in
Western, Classic 1965 M 136min.
Columbia/TriStar 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044545
The Man From Left Field
Burt Reynolds, Reba McEntire, Kauwela
Acocella, Derek Baxter, Adam Cronan,
Sean Dunne, Billy Gardner III, Adam Ohren,
Tino Taylor, Joe Theismann, Bradley
Barfield, Jonathan Bouck, Suzanne Dodd,
Clarence Goss, Danniel Greene - Dir. Burt
After taking a job managing a little league team, a
homeless man inspires the kids to reach for it all and they
inspire him to reclaim his life
Drama 1993
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044563
Mata Hari
Sylvia Kristel, Christopher Cazenove, Oliver
Tobias, Gaye Brown, Gottfried John,
William Fox, Michael Anthony, Vernon
Dobtcheff, Anthony Newlands, Brian
Badcoe, Tutte Lemkow, Taylor Ryan, Victor
Langley, Nicholas Selby, Malcolm Terris Dir. Curtis Harrington
Based loosely on the real-life story of the World War I
spy. The exotic dancer uses her contacts in European
high society, along with her seductive charm, to collect
military secrets during the war. She successfully plays
both sides against each other until at last her deceptions
catch up with her
Drama 1985
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044803
The Magic Sword
Mexican Blow / Escape From
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044791
Foreign 2002-2003
York 14.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044744
Magnificent Gold Shield
Ventura 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044620
Midnight Faces
Ralph Bushman, Jack Perrin, Kathryn
McGuire, Edward Peil Sr., Charles Belcher,
Nora Cecil, Martin Turner, Eddie Dennis, Al
Hallett, Andrew Waldron, Larry Fisher - Dir.
Bennett Cohen
Silent 1926
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044513
Midnight Limited
John ‘Dusty’ King, Marjorie Reynolds,
George Cleveland, Monte Collins, Edward
Keane, Lita Chevret, Pat Flaherty, Herbert
Ashley, Buck Woods, I. Stanford Jolley Dir. Howard Bretherton
Major Dundee (Extended Edition)
The Phantom Robber (I. Stanford Jolley) gets a fortune in
jewels and some valuable papers from a robbery on the
crack train „The Midnight Limited“ and Val Lennon (John
King, not yet known as Dusty) and his pretty assistant,
Joan Marshall (Marjorie Reynolds), are on his trail. But
the Phantom strikes three more times and adds murder to
his list. Val decides to use himself as bait, although Chief
Harrigan (Edward Keane) and Joan beg him not to risk his
life. But Val, disguised as a wealthy Canadian, boards the
train for a rendezvous with a killer
Ben Johnson, Brock Peters, Charlton
Heston, James Coburn, Jim Hutton, Karl
Swenson, L.Q. Jones, Mario Adorf, Michael
Drama 1940
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044514
Mr. & Mrs. North #4
Barbara Britton, Richard Denning, Francis
De Sales
Jerry and Pamela North live in Greenwich Village in New
York City. Jerry is a mystery magazine publisher who
thinks he is a good amateur detective. He and his wife
investigate various crimes and solve them before the
police do.
Television 1952
Falcon Picture Group 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044532
Mr. & Mrs. North #5
Barbara Britton, Richard Denning, Francis
De Sales
Jerry and Pamela North live in Greenwich Village in New
York City. Jerry is a mystery magazine publisher who
thinks he is a good amateur detective. He and his wife
investigate various crimes and solve them before the
police do.
Television 1952
Falcon Picture Group 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044533
Mr. Skeffington
Bette Davis, Claude Rains, Walter Abel,
George Coulouris, Richard Waring, Marjorie
Riordan, Robert Shayne, John Alexander,
Jerome Cowan, Johnny Mitchell, Dorothy
Peterson, Peter Whitney, Bill Kennedy, Tom
Stevenson, Halliwell Hobbes - Dir. Vincent
Job Skeffington informs Fanny Trellis’ that her brother
Trippy has embezzled from the Skeffington bank. She
marries Job to save Trippy who, angry with her, goes to
World War I and is killed. She divorces Job and sends her
daughter to live with him in Europe. She now takes up
with host of lovers. As World War II rolls around her
daughter rejoins her. After a bout of diphtheria she loses
her fabuluous beauty and her daughter runs off with
Fanny’s most recent lover. Job is returning to America,
penniless anf furtunately also blind
Drama 1944
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044480
El Misterio Del Trinidad
Rebecca Jones - Dir. José Luis García
Foreign 2003
Maverick Entertainment 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044435
Momentos Infantiles
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044491
Monk: Season #3
Bitty Schram, Gail O’Grady, Ted Levine,
Tony Shalhoub
Former police detective Adrian Monk ( Tony Shalhoub)
has suffered from intensified obsessive- compulsive
disorder and a variety of phobias since the murder of his
wife, Trudy, in 1997. Despite his photographic memory
and his amazing ability to piece tiny clues together, he is
now on psychiatric leave from the San Francisco Police
Department. Aided by his friend and practical nurse,
Sharona Fleming ( Bitty Schram), Monk works as a
freelance detective/consultant, hoping to convince his
former boss, Captain Stottlemeyer ( Ted Levine), to allow
him to return to the force. Stottlemeyer wavers between
admiration for Monk and annoyance at his eccentricities.
Moreover, he harbors serious doubts about the wisdom of
allowing Monk to carry a gun. Stottlemeyer’s second-incommand, Lieutenant Disher ( Jason Gray-Stanford), also
has his doubts about Monk but seems to be developing a
reluctant admiration for the „defective detective.“
Television 2002-2004
Universal 05.07.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044785
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Seite 32
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Monster Madness Collection
Newlyweds: Seasons #2 & #3
Image 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044828
Jessica Simpson, Nick Lachey
America’s favorite superstar couple, Jessica Simpson and
Nick Lachey, are back for not one but two seasons of
Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica! That means twice the
romance, twice the Jessica moments, and twice the
craziness of being married in the spotlight. Things are
more exciting than ever in Seasons Two and Three, with
exotic locales, superstar performances, even a new
housemate. But will the honeymoon last with lovers’
quarrels, swirling rumors, and the paparazzi at the gate?
My Hero #1
Robert Cummings
Television 1952-1953
Falcon Picture Group 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044468
Mystery Plane
John Trent, Marjorie Reynolds, Milburn
Stone, Jason Robards Sr., George Lynn,
Lucien Littlefield, Polly Ann Young, Tommy
Bupp, Betsy Gay, William P. Carleton, John
Elliott, John S. Peters, Sayre Dearing,
Bruce Mitchell, Mickey Martin - Dir. George
Action/Adventure 1939
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044515
National Lampoon’s Class Reunion
Gerrit Graham, Michael Lerner, Misty Rowe,
Blackie Dammett, Fred McCarren, Miriam
Flynn, Stephen Furst, Mews Small, Shelley
Smith, Zane Buzby, Jacklyn Zeman, Barry
Diamond, Art Evans, Marla Pennington,
Randy Powell - Dir. Michael Miller
Lizzie Borden High’s class of ’72 are going through the
motions at their tenth-year reunion, until deranged alum
Walter Baylor, driven insane by a sadistic senior-year
prank, escapes from the mental institution and crashes
the party. When guests start getting bumped off, the other
alumni, including snooty yacht salesman Bob Spinnaker,
class tease Bunny Packard, and class zero Gary Nash,
spring into action to uncover the culprit. Chuck Berry
makes an onstage appearance
Comedy 1982
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044792
Peter Riegert, Diane Lane, Candy Clark,
Teresa Ganzel, Ann Dusenberry, Robert
Culp, Titos Vandis, Bobby Di Cicco, Joe
Spinell, Margaret Whitton, Fred Willard,
Olympia Dukakis, Gary Cookson, Mary
Woronov, Dick Miller - Dir. Bob Giraldi,
Henry Jaglom
A parody of film genres, with 3 shorts, spoofing personal
growth films, glossy soap operas and police stories
Comedy 1983
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044793
Ventura 05.04.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044641
Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida, Peter
Lawford, Steve McQueen, Richard Johnson,
Paul Henreid, Brian Donlevy, Dean Jones,
Charles Bronson, Philip Ahn, Robert Bray,
Kipp Hamilton, John Hoyt, Whit Bissell,
Richard Lupino - Dir. John Sturges
Captain Tom Reynolds and his band of skilled O.S.S.
operatives are in WWII Burma to train the Kachin natives
in modern warfare. But jungle combat, particularly against
a Japanese army as familiar with the terrain as the
Kachin, is more grueling than Reynolds had reckoned.
Some respite is found in the arms of beautiful Carla, but
after Chinese rebels cross the border to loot and murder
American soldiers, Reynolds abandons all notions of
„military protocol“ and seeks requital
Well, the world has finally managed to blow itself up. Only
Australia has been spared from nuclear destruction and a
gigantic wave of radiation is floating in on the breezes.
Only 2 months are left. One American sub located in the
Pacific has survived and is met with disdain by the
Australians when it arrives. All of the calculations of
Australia’s most renowned scientist (Bryan Brown) says
the country is at doomsday - get ready. However, one of
his rivals say that is incorrect. He believes that a 1000
people can be relocated into the northern hemisphere,
where his assumptions indicate the radiation levels may
be lower. The American Captain (Armand Assante) is
asked to take a mission to the north to determine which
scientist is right (and along the way check out the
devastation in Alaska & California - seemingly all bodies
and vehicles were disintegrated). However, before the
mission, all kinds of bland soap opera relationships are
played out. Brown & his ex-fiancee (Rachel Ward) battle it
out in a love-hate relationship. Meanwhile she also takes
a liking to Assante, who is divided in his loyalties to his
men and his love for his now-dead wife and children
Drama 2000
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044564
No Blood, No Tears
Once Upon A Time In Cuba
Do-yeon Jeon, Hye-yeong Lee, Jae-yeong
Jeong, Goo Shin, Doo-hong Jung - Dir.
Seung-wan Ryoo
York 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044723
Prepare for a classic heist thriller that will launch you
headlong into an underworld where dog eats dog and the
only code of honor is the one you keep yourself.
Gyungsun is a washed out taxi-driver dragged down by
the gambling debts of her deadbeat husband. When her
taxi is wrecked by gangster moll Sujin, the two women
conspire to get out of their dead-end rackets once and for
all. Sujin’s notorious boyfriend, however, has doublecrossing plans of his own! - They all have pasts: ex-thief,
ex-ring girl, ex-boxer. They all have dreams: going
straight, becoming a pop star, money and power. But for
this trio, reconciling the past with the present in the hopes
of a new future is going to take more than hard work and
ingenuity. Before the end, there will be plenty of tears
cried and plenty of blood shed in this high octane tour-deforce of action and intrigue!
Foreign, Heist, Korean Cinema 2002
ADV Films 17.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044448
Bette Davis, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains,
Gladys Cooper, Bonita Granville, John
Loder, Ilka Chase, Lee Patrick, Franklin
Pangborn, Katharine Alexander, James
Rennie, Mary Wickes - Dir. Irving Rapper
Boston spinster blossoms under therapy and finds
impossible romance
Drama 1942
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044481
The Nut Farm
Never So Few
La Nina De Tus Ojos / El Callejon
De Los Milagros
Now, Voyager
National Lampoon’s Movie
Drama 1959
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044546
Comedy, Television, Reality TV 2004 FF
Paramount 07.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044722
Beamer, Jonathan Oldham, Trent Huen Dir. Russell Mulcahy
Wallace Ford, Betty Alden, Florence Roberts, Spencer Charters, Oscar Apfel,
Bradley Page, Lorin Raker, Arnold Gray,
Joan Gale - Dir. Melville W. Brown
Bob and Helen decide to move to California and make a
fresh start. Bob wants to buy a nut farm, but Helen
dreams of being in the movies. While Bob is looking for a
farm to buy, Helen is taken in by a group of scam artists
who promise to make her a star. Helen’s brother Willie
tries to prevent her and Bob from losing all their money to
the scam artists
Comedy 1935
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044516
Only The Lonely
John Candy, Maureen O’Hara, Ally Sheedy,
Kevin Dunn, Milo O’Shea, Bert Remsen,
Anthony Quinn, James Belushi, Joe Greco,
Marvin J. McIntyre, Macaulay Culkin, Kieran
Culkin, Allen Hamilton, Teri McEvoy, Bernie
Landis - Dir. Chris Columbus
A Chicago cop must balance loyalty to his overbearing
mother and a relationship with a shy funeral home worker
Comedy 1991
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044745
George C. Scott, Don Ameche, Sylvia
Sidney, Susan Rinell, James Greene, Lenka
Peterson, Richard Hamilton, Jean Hale,
Kenneth French, Marc Gowan, Georgia
Allen, Bruce Taylor, Randy Martin, Jane
Berman, Rick Maley - Dir. Lou Antonio
Comedy 1987
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044565
Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman, Victor
Jory, Don Gordon, Anthony Zerbe, Robert
Deman, Woodrow Parfrey, Bill Mumy,
George Coulouris, Ratna Assan, William
Smithers, Val Avery, Gregory Sierra, Vic
Tayback, Mills Watson - Dir. Franklin J.
Based on the true story of Henri Charriere, also known as
Papillon, which is French for ‘butterfly’ (the character even
sports a large tattoo of a butterfly. A petty criminal, Papillon is wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in
a French penal colony in ‘Guiane’ (French Guiana, South
America). Papillon is determined to escape but attempt
after attempt meets with difficulty, resulting in eventual
recapture. He continues his attempts to escape despite
incarcerations in solitary confinement as punishment
Action/Adventure 1973
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044547
On The Beach
Armand Assante, Rachel Ward, Bryan
Brown, Jacqueline McKenzie, Grant Bowler,
Allison Webber, Tieghan Webber, Steve
Bastoni, David Paterson, Kevin Copeland,
Todd MacDonald, Joe Petruzzi, Craig
The Party Animal
Matthew Causey, Timothy Carhart, Jerry
Jones, Robin Harlan, Frank Galati, Luci
Roucis, Joan Dykman, Barbara Baylis,
Frannie James, Leland Crooke, Billi Gor-
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
don, Suzanne Ashley, Julie Casey, Rachel
Frantz, Donna Robb - Dir. David Beaird
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044746
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044625
Pondo Sinatra is a college boy with a problem: women will
have nothing to do with him. It’s not that he was raised on
a chicken farm and, literally, came to school on the back
of a turnip truck. It’s not that he is a virgin and jinxed, and
every move he makes around a woman backfires. The
problem is that god and heaven have set themselves
against Pondo loosing his virginity. That is until Pondo
discovers the secret formula to the most powerful
aphrodisiac in the world and becomes....... „The Party
The Prisoner Of Zenda, Inc.
Race With The Devil
Jonathan Jackson, Richard Lee Jackson,
William Shatner, Jay Brazeau, Don S. Davis, Katharine Isabelle, John Tench, Jed
Rees, Mark Acheson, Howard Dell, Sean
Amsing, Demetri Goritsas, David Kaye,
Alan Robertson, Stephen E. Miller - Dir.
Stefan Scaini
Children/Family 1996
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044566
Peter Fonda, Warren Oates, Loretta Swit,
Lara Parker, R.G. Armstrong, Clay Tanner,
Carol Blodgett, Phil Hoover, Ricci Ware,
Paul A. Partain, James N. Harrell, Karen
Miller, Arkey Blue, Jack Starrett, Wes
Bishop - Dir. Jack Starrett
Comedy 1984
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044794
Piano Man
Seung-yeon Lee, Min-su Choi, Kyoung-In
Hong, Cheol Park, Jeong-suk Kim, Seongho Shin, Hak Seo, Hyeon-ju Son, Seunghwan Lee, Tae-yeong Kim - Dir. Sang-wook
A serial killer begins leaving clues and his trademark toy
piano for the police, leading them into a deadly game of
cat-and-mouse with the life of a nightclub singer on the
Foreign 1996
Tai Seng 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044829
Private Secretary #2
Ann Sothern, Don Porter, Ann Tyrrell, Jesse
White, Joan Banks
Susie is secretary to handsome talent agent Peter Sands
and keeps getting messed up in (and messing up) his
private life. She’s assisted (usually) by receptionist Vi and
semi-rival Sylvia. Cagey is Peter’s business rival. The
show alternated Sunday nights with „The Jack Benny
Television 1953-1957
Falcon Picture Group 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044534
Jennie Raymond, Shaun Smyth, Anna
Wedlock, Ellen Page
Television 1998
Goodtimes 28.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044612
A Place Called Home
Ann-Margret, Matthew Settle, Hunter Tylo,
Shailene Woodley, Gary Sandy - Dir. Michael Tuchner
The story of Southern Belle, Tula (Ann-Margret), who is
living her older years in huge, yet crumbling, country
house. Wary of visitors, her routine is shaken by two conartists, Hank Ford (Matthew Settle) and his daughter Cali
(Shailene Woodley), who are eying up Tula as their next
Drama 2004
Goodtimes 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044595
Racket Squad #1
Reed Hadley
This series dramatizes confidence games which fall under
the jurisdiction of Captain John Braddock
Television 1950
Falcon Picture Group 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044471
Ann Sothern, Don Porter, Ann Tyrrell, Jesse
White, Joan Banks
Ramar Of The Jungle #8
Susie is secretary to handsome talent agent Peter Sands
and keeps getting messed up in (and messing up) his
private life. She’s assisted (usually) by receptionist Vi and
semi-rival Sylvia. Cagey is Peter’s business rival. The
show alternated Sunday nights with „The Jack Benny
Four (more) exciting episodes of the extremely popular
adventure series starring Jon Hall as the great white witch
doctor who faces the terrors of the jungle.
Television 1953-1957
Falcon Picture Group 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044469
Private Secretary #4
Ann Sothern, Don Porter, Ann Tyrrell, Jesse
White, Joan Banks
Susie is secretary to handsome talent agent Peter Sands
and keeps getting messed up in (and messing up) his
private life. She’s assisted (usually) by receptionist Vi and
semi-rival Sylvia. Cagey is Peter’s business rival. The
show alternated Sunday nights with „The Jack Benny
Television 1953-1957
Falcon Picture Group 07.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044470
Poverty Row Theater
Image 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044818
Pros & Cons
Pretty Boy Floyd
John Ericson, Barry Newman, Roy Fant,
Joan Harvey, Carl York, Jason Evers, Effie
Afton, Shirley Smith, Casey Peyson, Peter
Falk, Al Lewis, Leo Bloom, Norman Burton,
Philip Kenneally, Charles Braswell - Dir.
Herbert J. Leder
Drama 1960
Sony Music 13.09.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044685
Andre Rosey Brown, Rick Cramer, Tommy
Davidson, Eddie Driscoll, Dennis Dun, Christine Ebersole, Mike Grief, Wayne Knight,
Delroy Lindo, Darren McGavin, Larry Miller,
Phil Nee, David Rasche, Paul Reiser,
Emilio Rivera, Michael Edward Rose, Jerry
Seinfeld, Terry Sweeney, Julie Warner - Dir.
Boris Damast
An awkward accountant winds up in jail and accidentally
gains a reputation as a tough guy
Comedy 1999
Image 21.06.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044830
Prime Cut
Lee Marvin, Gene Hackman, Angel
Tompkins, Gregory Walcott, Sissy Spacek,
Janit Baldwin, William Morey, Clint Ellison,
Howard Platt, Les Lannom, Eddie Egan,
Therese Reinsch, Bob Wilson, Gordon
Signer, Gladys Watson - Dir. Michael
A Question Of Love
A Chicago mob enforcer is sent to Kansas City to settle a
debt with a cattle rancher who not only grinds his enemies
into sausage, but sells women as sex slaves
Phenomenal, poignant made-for-TV drama about a
lesbian woman fighting for custody of her son
Horror 1975
Anchor Bay 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044773
Private Secretary #3
Pit Pony: Season #1
Action/Adventure 1972
Paramount 14.06.2005
Frank and Roger and their wives take off for Colorado in a
recreational vehicle, looking forward to some skiing and
dirt biking. While camping en route, they witness a satanic
ritual sacrifice, but the local sheriff finds no evidence to
support their claims and urges them to continue on their
vacation. On the way, however, they find themselves
repeatedly attacked by cult members, and they take
measures to defend themselves
Gena Rowlands, Jane Alexander, Ned
Beatty, Clu Gulager, Bonnie Bedelia, James
Sutorius, Keith Coogan, Josh Albee,
Jocelyn Brando, Gwen Arner, John Harkins,
Nancy McKeon, S. John Launer, Philip Sterling, Donald Hotton - Dir. Jerry Thorpe
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian 1978
Pacific Media 24.05.2005
Jon Hall
Television 1953
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044517
Raw Deal
Dennis O’Keefe, Claire Trevor, Marsha
Hunt, John Ireland, Raymond Burr, Curt
Conway, Chili Williams, Regis Toomey, Whit
Bissell, Cliff Clark - Dir. Anthony Mann
Joe Sullivan is itching to get out of prison. He’s taken the
rap for Rick, who owes him $50 Grand. Rick sets up an
escape for Joe, knowing that Joe will be caught escaping
and be shot or locked away forever. But with the help of
his love-struck girl Pat and his sympathetic legal
caseworker Ann, Joe gets further than he’s supposed to,
and we are posed with two very important questions: Is
Joe really the cold and heartless criminal he appears to
be, or is there a heart of gold under that gritty exterior?
And does Joe belong with the tough, street-wise Pat, or
with the prim, moralizing Ann?
Drama 1948
Sony Music 13.09.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044686
The Reivers
Clifton James, Juano Hernandez, Lonny
Chapman, Michael Constantine, Mitch Vogel, Ruth White, Sharon Farrell, Steve
McQueen - Dir. Mark Rydell
Based on William Faulkner’s novel, THE REIVERS is a
coming-of-age story laced with adventure and comedy.
Young Lucius McCaslin (Mitch Vogel) leaves home and
sets off on a journey with Boon (Steve McQueen), the
family handyman, who is a reiver (cheating philanderer);
and his best friend, Ned (Rupert Crosse). The three set
off for the big city, where the boy, inspired by Boon, learns
some valuable lessons about the world (like cheating,
lying, brawling and womanizing).
Comedy, Drama, Independent, Literary
(Based on Book) 1969
Paramount 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044747
Reno 911: Season #2
Cedric Yarbrough, Niecy Nash, Ben Garant
- Dir. Michael Patrick Jann
Television 2004
Paramount 14.06.2005
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044748
Rocky the Horse - Dir. J.P. McGowan
Rescue Me: Season #1
Sinclair has a government lease on range land that is
about to expire. George Ringold wants the land and hires
Roberts and his men. But they turn out to be a gang of
killers and trouble soon arises
Andrea Roth, Daniel Sunjata, Denis Leary,
Jack McGee, James McCaffrey, John
Scurti, Mike Lombardi, Steven Pasquale
Tommy Gavin (Leary) deals with the fears of his job as a
firefighter and seeing his ex-wife dating other men
Comedy, Drama, Television, New York,
Firefighters 2004 FF 594min.
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044726
Retro Science Fiction Adventures
Alpha Video 05.04.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044458
Retro Science Fiction Adventures
Alpha Video 05.04.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044459
Retro Science Fiction Adventures
Alpha Video 05.04.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044460
Return Of Chandu: Feature
Bela Lugosi, Maria Alba, Lucien Prival,
Clara Kimball Young, Dean Benton, Phyllis
Ludwig, Cyril Armbrister, Elias Lazaroff,
Dick Botiller, Frazer Acosta, Bryant
Washburn, Baby Peggy, Isabel La Mal,
Charles Meecham, Don Brodie - Dir. Ray
Western 1937
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044519
Richard Hall, Gregory Isaacs, Jacob Miller,
Marjorie Norman, Winston Rodney, Leroy
Wallace, Frank Dowding, Robbie Shakespeare, Leroy Smart - Dir. Ted Bafaloukos
Demond Wilson, Redd Foxx
Drama 1978
Music Video 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044766
Comedy, Television, Los Angeles, ’70s,
Remake, Urban Comedy 1977 FF M
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044727
Edward James Olmos, Sarah Lassez, Sonia
Braga, Maria Conchita Alonso, Danny
Nucci, Valente Rodriguez, Mark Dacascos,
L. Ignacio Gameros, Arin Pasquel Real,
Grace Keagy, James Robert Lee, Frank
Soto, William Warren, Maud Winchester,
Luisa Leschin - Dir. Robert M. Young
Gallo Morales is the proud patriach returning home after a
seven-year stint for manslaughter. Seeking to re-establish
his legendary status as a champion breeder, he comes
back for the rooster bred by his father. But it is Hector, his
son who inherits the prize-winning bird and neither are
about to give in. The fall-out from their conflict has
consequences for the whole family, especially for Angela,
the sensitive 14-year-old daughter unable to cope with the
brutal world that surrounds her and her own emerging
womanhood, despite the best efforts of Juana, her strong
but long-suffering mother
Drama 1993
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044567
Sanford And Son: Season #6
(Limited Edition)
Demond Wilson, Redd Foxx
The misadventures of a cantankerous junk dealer and his
frustrated son
Limited Edition, Back to Back Giftset: (3 discs with
Collectible Scrapbook)...
Comedy, Television, Los Angeles, ’70s,
Remake, Urban Comedy 1977
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044728
Sasquatch Horror
Image 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044819
Saved By The Bell - The New
Class: Season #3
Bianca Lawson, Bonnie Russavage, Christian Oliver, Dennis Haskins, Isaac Lidsky,
Jonathan Angel, Natalia Cigliuti, Robert
Sutherland Telfer, Sarah Lancaster - Dir.
Don Barnhart
The adventures and the laughs never end at Bayside
High, Southern California’s coolest school. Now Tommy
„D,“ Megan, Lindsay, Weasel, Vicki and Scott are roaming
the halls, trying to get through each day under the
watchful eye of Principal Belding, concocting wild
schemes, looking for love and having as much fun as they
can. In this complete first season of 13 episodes, sweettalking schemer Scott tries to sneak into the girls’
sleepover; dorky Weasel becomes radio’s „Dr. Love“;
Tommy D must earn an A to get a car; the girls battle for a
single spot on the cheerleading squad and much, much
more! Episodes include: The Date Lottery, The Slumber
Party, A Kicking Weasel, Home Shopping, Love Is on the
Air, George Washington Kissed Here, Homecoming King,
Belding’s Baby, Good-Bye Megan, Swap Meet, Weasel
Love, Tommy A, Running the Max.
Eun-Kyung Shin, Seung-hyeon Lee, Jinyeong Jeong, Chang-wan Kim, Du-na Bae Dir. Dong-bin Kim
Comedy, Television, Teen, High School
Image 14.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044820
An urban legend is being murmured among the streets of
a strange video that kills you exactly one week after you
watch it. Presumably, after the tape finishes, the phone
rings telling the person who saw the video that he will die
in seven days. After her niece presumably dies like that, A
young journalist begins to investigate the mystery and
finds the deadly tape. Although she has been warned not
to, she still watches the tape. A little while later the phone
Sanford And Son: Season #6
The misadventures of a cantankerous junk dealer and his
frustrated son
The Ring Virus
SCTV - Disc 1
John Candy
Comedy parody about TV.
Rory O’Shea Was Here
Brenda Fricker, Gerard McSorley, James
McAvoy, Romola Garai, Steven Robertson,
Tom Hickey - Dir. Damien O’Donnell
Kermit Maynard, Mary Hayes, Sam Flint,
John Merton, Budd Buster, Robert Fiske,
Ed Cassidy, Curley Dresden, Dick
Morehead, Slim Whitaker, Earle Hodgins,
Action/Adventure 1996-2001
York 12.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044695
Harder They Come meets Hard Days Night. No real plot
just lots of reggae
Mystery/Suspense 1934
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044518
Roaring Six Guns
Comedy, Drama 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 105min.
Universal 14.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044482
Rough Air / Street Corner Justice
Rockers (25th Anniversary Edition)
The cult of Ubasti, headquartered on the isle of Lemuria,
believes that Princess Nadji of Egypt is a reincarnation of
their long-dead goddess, Ossana, and intend to sacrifice
her so that Ossana may be resurrected. Nadji has sought
refuge at the California home of Frank Chandler, an
American educated in the Ancient East and familiar with
White Magic and thus calls himself „Chandu“. Vindhyan,
high priest of the cult’s California base has learned of
this, however, and works his Black Magic to gain control
of Nadji. Chandu is able to rescue her but she is in a deep
trance which he cannot penetrate, so attempts to move
her to safety in the South Seas, unaware that the cult has
a base there also and that Vindhyan has stowed aboard
his chartered yacht
Foreign 1999
Tai Seng 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044765
the rebellious Rory O’Shea (James McAvoy) bursts onto
the scene. Now, with the help of the beautiful young
Siobhan (Romola Garai), who signs on as the boys’ live-in
aide, Rory will show Michael what it takes to truly be free.
From the producers of Bridget Jones’s Diary and Billy
Elliot comes Rory O’Shea Was Here - an inspiring story of
independence that follows two unlikely friends determined
to face the world on their own terms. Young Michael
(Steven Robertson) is a patient resigned to his quiet life
within an institution’s safe, predictable boundaries. Then,
Television 1981-1983
Sony Music 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044655
SCTV - Disc 2
John Candy
Comedy parody about TV.
Television 1981-1983
Sony Music 07.06.2005
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Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox (16x9 anamorph) oder Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90 (gültig bis 22.06.2005)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 05. Juli 2005
Seite 36
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
rooms with 5s and something in Naoko’s closet is taking
on a gruesome form.
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044656
Horror, Japanese Cinema, Supernatural /
Ventura 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044613
SCTV #4: Network 90
John Candy
Comedy parody about TV.
Television 1981-1983
Sony Music 02.08.2005
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044648
Shaolin Super Dragon
Ventura 10.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044621
Shinobi #4: A Way Out
The country of Iga is deep in the throws of war. With
smaller villages falling one by one, the largest families are
in position to vie for their share of the power. Sankai of
Minamiyama has his sinister eyes fixed – not only on total
control of the area, but on Kagerou as well. After fleeing
the village of Shiroyama, Kagerou and Aoi have been
relentlessly hunted. And now, with the civil war in full flux,
and Aoi in enemy hands, it is time for one last attempt to
escape the clutches of the deadly Shinobi hierarchy – or
die trying. They are all alone. They can trust no one. The
country of Iga is deep in the throws of war. With smaller
villages falling one by one, the largest families are in
position to vie for their share of the power. Sankai of
Minamiyama has his sinister eyes fixed – not only on total
control of the area, but on Kagerou as well. After fleeing
the village of Shiroyama, Kagerou and Aoi have been
relentlessly hunted. And now, with the civil war in full flux,
and Aoi in enemy hands, it is time for one last attempt to
escape the clutches of the deadly Shinobi hierarchy – or
die trying. They are all alone. They can trust no one. They
must find a way out.
ADV Previews. Shinobi: The Literal Dub Part 4.
Action/Adventure, Foreign, Martial Arts,
Video Games
ADV Films 24.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044453
Sinbad Of The Seven Seas
The Sea Inside
Alberto Jiminez, Belen Rueda, Celso
Bugallo, Clara Sequra, Javier Bardem, Joan
Dalmau, Lola Duenas, Mabel Rivera - Dir.
Alejandro Amenabar
Academy Award nominee Javier Bardem (Before Night
Falls) delivers a powerful and sensitive portrayal of a
quadriplegic who fights to win the right to end his life with
dignity. Based on a true story.
Drama, Foreign, Spanish Cinema 2004 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 125min.
New Line 17.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044536
Shadow Of Chinatown
Bela Lugosi, Bruce Bennett, Joan Barclay,
Luana Walters, Maurice Liu, Charles King,
William Buchanan, Forrest Taylor, Jack
Cowell, James B. Leong, Henry T. Tung,
Paul Fung, George Chan, Moy Ming - Dir.
Robert F. Hill
A madman sets out to destroy a group of Chinatown
Action/Adventure 1936
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044520
Shadow Of The Wraith
Asumi Miwa, Hitomi Miwa, Koji Matsuo,
Yuichi Matsuo - Dir. Toshiharu Ikeda
It wasn’t by chance that Asaji fell in love with Ryoji. His
casual ways gave form to her secret love. Ryoji senses
her presence wherever he goes. Ryoji disregards the girl,
thinking of her as a mere stalker. Asaji begins stalking
Mariko, Ryoji’s girlfriend as well, saying, „He loves me
too.“ In addition, friend of Ryoji is killed in an accident
while talking with him on the phone. The friend murmurs
her last word, „Asaji...“ But, Asaji was with Ryoji at the
moment . . . As soon as Naoko moves into Room 505 of
her new condominium, she finds out about a rumour that
accidents and eerie phenomena keep occurring in rooms
with „5.“ On her first day at her new school, she meets
Kazuhiko, Ryoji’s brother, whom she saw taking photos of
her condo the preceding day. He hides what he was doing
and warns her to be careful. Accidents repeatedly occur at
Lou Ferrigno, John Steiner, Roland
Wybenga, Yehuda Efroni, Alessandra
Martines, Teagan Clive, Leo Gullotta,
Stefania Girolami Goodwin, Donald Hodson,
Cork Hubbert, Romano Puppo, Armando
MacRory, Giada Cozzi, Daria Nicolodi - Dir.
Enzo G. Castellari
Sinbad and his shipmates aid a young prince, who must
battle an evil wizard to gain the hand of a beautiful
Action/Adventure 1989
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044795
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044521
Sky Dancers
Children/Family 1996
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044568
Somebody To Love
Rosie Perez, Harvey Keitel, Anthony Quinn,
Michael DeLorenzo, Steve Buscemi, Stanley
Tucci, Gerardo Mejía, Steven Randazzo,
Paul Herman, Samuel Fuller, Helena,
Elizabeth Bracco, Angel Aviles, Lorelei
Leslie, Julie Shannon - Dir. Alexandre
Mercedes is a taxi dancer who wants to be an actress.
She’s involved with the married Harry, who considers
himself a respected actor. Ernesto is in love with
Mercedes, but he doesn’t dance or have money
Drama 1994
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044569
The Star
Bette Davis, Sterling Hayden, Natalie
Wood, Warner Anderson, Minor Watson,
June Travis, Paul Frees, Robert Warwick,
Barbara Lawrence, Fay Baker, Herb Vigran
- Dir. Stuart Heisler
Margaret Elliot is a former oscar winning actress who’s
career is over and is completely broke. She then
desperately tries to get her career and life back, while Jim
and daughter, Gretchen try to get her back to reality
Drama 1952
Warner Brothers 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044483
Star Power 20 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044642
Stargate Atlantis Pilot Episode
Television 2004
MGM/UA 07.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044814
The Sisterhood
Michelle Borth - Dir. David DeCoteau
Teen horror flick about a vampire that corrupts a college
Horror 2004
Image 28.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044835
Sky Bandits
James Newill, Louise Stanley, Dewey
Robinson, William Pawley, Joe De Stefani,
Jim Farley, Dave O’Brien, Karl Hackett, Ted
Adams, Dwight Frye, Jack Clifford, Bob
Terry, Kenne Duncan, Eddie Fetherston Dir. Ralph Staub
Sgt. Renfrew and Constable Kelly go aloft to search for a
plane missing with a shipment of gold from the Yukon
Mine Company. Inventor Speavy has devised a power ray
which disrupts electrical impulses, and Morgan and his
gang of crooks has brought in Prof. Lewis to increase the
ray’s range, telling him he’s helping the government
develop this new weapon. Speavy spills the beans to Prof.
Lewis and his daughter Madeleine,and Morgan threatens
to implicate them in his crimes unless they cooperate.
Morgan kills Speavy when he tries to warn Renfrew, but
when Madeleine stows away on board the doomed plane
Renfrew is piloting, will the crooks be able to make Prof.
Lewis use the power ray to bring the plane down?
Action/Adventure 1040
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
Starting Over
Austin Pendleton, Burt Reynolds, Candice
Bergen, Charles Durning, Frances Sternhagen, Jill Clayburgh, MacIntyre Dixon,
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
rebellions at that time of China. His friend betrayed Jet Li
and his rebellion friends for money from the China
government. Jet Li went crazy and discovered the art of
Tai Chi at the recover period. Revenge seem to the only
thing he is going to do
Mary Kay Place - Dir. Alan J. Pakula
Burt Reynolds plays Phil Potter, a low-key, contented
magazine writer who tries to put his life back together
after his wife (Candice Bergen) opts for independence as
a singer-songwriter. Jill Clayburgh, a wacky nursery
school teacher, tries to help him surmount the emotional
hurdles, but it’s rough going in this delightful
contemporary tale; he’s still hung up on his ex-wife.
Starting Over is sprinkled with comedy, from Bergen’s
cacophonous singing to Reynolds’ near-breakdown in
Bloomingdale’s. Both Clayburgh and Bergen received
Academy Award. nominations.
Foreign 1993
Tai Seng 21.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044831
Tail Sting / Kolobus
Comedy, Christmas, Literary (Based on
Book), Divorce 1979
Paramount 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044767
Horror 1999-2001
York 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044694
Strange Bedfellows
Brad Williams, Gayle Hunnicutt, Gene
Hackman, Ilona Grubel, Matt Dillon, Randy
Moore, Tomas Hnevsa - Dir. Arthur Penn
Paul Hogan, Michael Caton, Pete
Postlethwaite, Amanda Monroe - Dir. Dean
Chris Lloyd does not get along with his father Walter.
Walter is too careful, cautious, and boring to Chris, and
never tries anything new, and Chris had to live by the
same standards when he was growing up. But when his
mother is kidnapped while in Europe, to Chris’s confusion,
Walter suddenly turns into a man of action. Just who is his
father anyway?
Two ‘very straight’ old timers (Hogan and Caton) have to
learn how to pass as a loving gay couple after falsely
claiming same-sex status to take advantage of newly
leglislated tax laws
Comedy 2004
Universal 05.07.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044713
Action/Adventure, Drama, Independent,
Paris 1985
Paramount 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044749
Steven Seagal - Dir. Anthony Hickox
There’s a submarine crew trapped at the bottom of the
ocean and after cases of a biological agent are broken.
The crew have to fight against the mutated creatures that
are attacking them, a U.S. destroyer that has turned
against them and traitors from within
Horror 2005
Columbia/TriStar 31.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044549
Sunset Range
Hoot Gibson, Mary Doran, James Eagles,
Walter McGrail, John Elliott, Ralph Lewis,
Eddie Lee, Kitty McHugh - Dir. Ray
Grant hides stolen money in the luggage of Bonnie Shea
who is moving west. Later when he and his men arrive to
retrieve the money, they also kidnap Bonnie. This sends
Reasonin’ Bates and his cowhands on their horses after
the gangsters in their cars
Western 1935
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044522
Suspense! 20 Movie Set
Stripes (Extended Cut)
Bill Murray, Conrad Dunn, Harold Ramis,
John Candy, John Diehl, John Larroquette,
John Voldstad, Judge Reinhold, Lance
LeGault, P.J. Soles, Roberta Leighton,
Sean Young, Warren Oates - Dir. Ivan
Bill Murray has joined the Army, and the Army will never
be the same! When John Winger (Murray) loses his job,
his car, his apartment and his girlfriend, all in one day, he
decides he only has one option: volunteer for Uncle Sam.
He talks his friend Russell (Harold Ramis) into enlisting
with him. Where else, they figure, can they help save the
world for democracy and meet girls! - John and Russell
find basic training a snap: they are arrested twice, have
endless run-ins with their drill sergeant (Warren Oates)
and get into a big mess at a female mud-wrestling match.
They even steal a top secret government vehicle to take
some gorgeous female MPs on a date, and wind up
behind the Iron Curtain. Stripes is outrageous fun! And
that’s the fact Jack!
Comedy, Military Service 1981
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044729
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044643
Peter O’Toole, Jodie Foster, Elizabeth
Ashley, Larry Joshua, Pamela Blair, Barbara Bryne, Ron Weyand, Robin Thomas,
Brian Carney, Madeleine Potter, Holly
Hunter, Vera Mayer, Stuart Charno, Peter
Boruchowitz, Ed Vadas - Dir. Anthony
Drama 1983
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044570
The Tai Chi Master
Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Siu-hou Chin, Fennie
Yuen, Cheung-Yan Yuen, Shun Lau, Hai Yu
- Dir. Woo-ping Yuen
Jet Li was a monk in Shaolin. In a friendly competition for
a higher place in Shaolin, he was betrayed and framed for
using weapons (which cannot be used in the competition).
He and his friend got kicked out of the Shaolin. They met
Tears Of The Sun (Director’s Extended Cut)
Bruce Willis, Chad Smith, Charles Ingram,
Cole Hauser, Eamonn Walker, Johnny
Messner, Malick Bowens, Monica Bellucci,
Nick Chinlund, Paul Francis, Tom Skerritt Dir. Antoine Fuqua
Loyal veteran Navy S.E.A.L. Lt. A.K. Waters (Bruce Willis)
is sent into the heart of war-torn Africa on a hazardous
mission to rescue Dr. Lena Hendricks (Monica Bellucci), a
U.S. citizen who runs a missionary. When the beautiful
doctor refuses to abandon the refugees in her care, Lt.
Waters finds himself having to choose between following
orders and the dictates of his own conscience. Together,
they begin a dangerous trek through the deadly jungle, all
the while being pursued by a rebel militia group, with only
one goal in mind: to assassinate Lt. Waters’ unit and the
refugees in his care.
Action/Adventure, Drama, War, Special
Armed Forces, Military Service 2003
Columbia/TriStar 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044730
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 38
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Lyn May, Pancho Cordova - Dir. Alberto
Teen Witch
From Alberto Isaac (director of 1970 Oscar nominee for
best documentary ”Olimpiada en Mexico”). A nostalgic film
of the infamous Tivoli Theater, which had its heyday in the
40s and early 50s in Mexico City. The theater showcases
burlesque performances with incredible costumes and
sets, seductive stripteases and comedic variety acts. A
plan to tear down the theater by politicians and city
officials is met with resistance by the entertainers. A recreation of the nightlife of Mexico City which has
disappeared forever.
Robyn Lively, Dan Gauthier, Joshua John
Miller, Caren Kaye, Dick Sargent, Lisa
Fuller, Amanda Ingber, Zelda Rubinstein,
Noah Blake, Tina Caspary, Megan Gallivan,
Alsari Al-Shehali, Shelley Berman, Marcia
Wallace, Dan Carter - Dir. Dorian Walker
Louise is not very popular at her highschool. Then she
learns that she’s descended from the witches of Salem
and has inherited their powers. At first she uses them to
get back at the girls and teachers who teased her and to
win the heart of the handsome footballer’s captain. But
soon she has doubts if it’s right to ‘cheat’ her way to
Comedy, Foreign, Spanish Cinema, Latino
1974 Ltbx DD 2.0 105min.
Desert Mountain Media 03.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044619
Comedy 1989
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044796
Dennis O’Keefe, Mary Meade, Alfred Ryder,
Wallace Ford, June Lockhart, Charles
McGraw, Jane Randolph, Art Smith, Herbert
Heyes, Jack Overman, John Wengraf, Jim
Bannon, William Malten - Dir. Anthony
Terminal Justice
Lorenzo Lamas, Chris Sarandon, Peter
Coyote, Kari Wuhrer, Barry Flatman, Tod
Thawley, Barry Yourgrau, Calvin Green,
Catherine Blythe, Lori Heath, Lynne
Cormack, Christopher Kennedy, Roy Lewis,
Kelley Grando, Dana Brooks - Dir. Rick
In 2008 Cybersex can only be surpassed by one thing:
Cloned women, especially created for their clients. This
puts Pamela Travis (Kari Salin), a famous and much
sought-after cybersex star in great danger - Dr. Vivyan,
scientist and genius in the field of biotechnology wants
her DNA to clone her for his many customers. Sergeant
Bobby Chase (Lorenzo Lamas) is assigned to protect her,
but can’t prevent her from being kidnapped. In order to
free Pamela, Chase has to risk his life in a deadly virtual
reality game called „Hellraiser“ ...
Action/Adventure 1995
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044571
Terror Of Mechagodzilla
Katsuhiko Sasaki, Tomoko Ai, Akihiko
Hirata, Katsumasa Uchida, Goro Mutsumi,
Tadao Nakamaru, Shin Roppongi, Tomoe
Mari, Toru Ibuki, Kenji Sahara, Kotaro
Tomita, Ikio Sawamura, Masaaki Daimon,
Toshio Kirishima, Kazuo Suzuki - Dir. Ishirô
Aliens rebuild Mechagodzilla with the help of a demented
scientist who has discovered a creature called
Titanosaurus, which they intend to team up to defeat
Godzilla. This was the last Godzilla movie made until 1985
Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1975
Sony Music 11.10.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044679
United States Treasury agents O’Brien and Genaro
infiltrate a counterfeiting ring which has some dangerously
good paper. This is supposedly based on several actual
Treasury cases
Pickett, the only cowpunch at the Diamond R who’s not
buffaloed by a band of rustlers robbing Widow Rawlins.
Western, Classic 1932
Columbia/TriStar 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044550
The Thomas Crown Affair
Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway, Paul
Burke, Jack Weston, Biff McGuire, Addison
Powell, Astrid Heeren, Gordon Pinsent,
Yaphet Kotto, Sidney Armus, Richard Bull,
Peg Shirley, Patrick Horgan, Carol Corbett,
Tom Rosqui - Dir. Norman Jewison
Four men pull off a daring daytime robbery at a bank,
dump the money in a trash can and go their separate
ways. Thomas Crown, a successful, wealthy businessman
pulls up in his Rolls and collects it. Vickie Anderson, an
independent insurance investigator is called in to recover
the huge haul. She begins to examine the people who
knew enough about the bank to have pulled the robbery
and discovers Crown. She begins a tight watch on his
every move and begins seeing him socially. How does the
planner of the perfect crime react to pressure?
Mystery/Suspense 1968
MGM/UA 17.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044622
Thrills Movie 10 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044644
Terror Of The Plains
Tom Tyler, Roberta Gale, William Gould,
Slim Whitaker, Fern Emmett, Nelson
McDowell, Frank Rice, Ralph Lewis, Robert
Walker, Murdock MacQuarrie - Dir. Harry S.
Tom Horn
Steve McQueen, Linda Evans, Richard
Farnsworth, Billy Green Bush, Slim
Pickens, Peter Canon, Elisha Cook Jr., Roy
Jenson, James Kline, Geoffrey Lewis, Harry
Northup, Stephen Oliver, Bill Thurman, Bert
Williams, Bobby Bass - Dir. William Wiard
A renowned former army scout is hired by ranchers to
hunt down rustlers but finds himself on trial for the murder
of a boy when he carries out his job too well. Tom Horn
finds that the simple skills he knows are of no help in
dealing with the ambitions of ranchers and corrupt
officials as progress marches over him and the old west
Western 1980
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044551
Tough Guys 10 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044645
Mystery/Suspense 2004
First Look 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044605
Twilight Zone: Season #3 - Definitive Collection
Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Television 1959-1965
Image 28.06.2005
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044836
The man that framed Tom Lansing’s father for murder is
at a ghost town where no one is allowed in or out. Tom
gets in by posing as an escaping outlaw with his sidekick
Banty posing as the Sheriff that is chasing him. Tom
learns that the boss Cramer is the man he is after but
there is trouble when Banty later gets caught. Cramer
holds a kangaroo court planning to kill Banty if he doesn’t
tell who his confederate is
Twilight Zone: Seasons #2 & #3
Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Television 1986-1989
Image 28.06.2005
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044837
Western 1934
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044523
Twilight Zone: The 80’s: Season
Texas Cyclone
Harry Cording, Jim Farley, John Wayne,
Mary Gordon, Shirley Grey, Tim McCoy,
Vernon Dent, Wallace MacDonald, Walter
Brennan, Wheeler Oakman - Dir. D. Ross
A young soon-to-be legendary John Wayne stars as Steve
Drama 1947
Sony Music 13.09.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044689
Alfonso Arau, Carmen Salinas, Ernesto
Gomez Cruz, Gerardo Zepeda, Gina Morett,
Adrienne Barbeau, Ben Cross, Brad Davis,
Bruce Willis, Clive Revill, Dan Hedaya,
Danny Kaye, David Dukes, Dee Wallace
Stone, Dick Shawn, Elliott Gould, Eric
Bogosian, Exene Cervenka, Fritz Weaver,
Gary Cole, Gerrit Graham, James Coco,
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 39
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
James Whitmore, Jenny Agutter, John
Carradine, Jonathan Frakes, Julia MigenesJohnson, Lorna Luft, M. Emmet Walsh,
Mare Winningham, Meg Foster, Melinda
Dillon, Morgan Freeman, Pam Dawber, Peter Coyote, Peter Riegert, Piper Laurie,
Ralph Bellamy, Richard Kiley, Richard
Mulligan, Robert Carradine, Robert Klein,
Ron Glass, Season Hubley, Sherman
Hemsley, Steve Railsback, Tony Lo Bianco,
Victor Garber, Vincent Gardenia - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc, Joe Dante, John Milius, Martha
Coolidge, Peter Medak, Robert Downey,
Tommy Lee Wallace, Wes Craven, William
The Unspoken Truth
Travel into the fifth dimension once again with The
Twilight Zone, testing the limits of reality and exploring the
mysteries of the universe. Airing from 1985 to 1989, this
critically acclaimed anthology series carried on the legacy
of the original Rod Serling program and attracted a brandnew audience of fans. The series features major stars in
compelling tales of intrigue by such noted writers as Ray
Bradbury, Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Rockne S.
O’Bannon, Arthur C. Clarke and Theodore Sturgeon. Now
the entire thrilling first season of 24 one-hour episodes
can be seen in their entirety! - Episodes: Shatterday, A
Little Peace and Quiet, Wordplay, Dreams for Sale,
Chameleon, Healer, Children’s Zoo, Kentucky Rye, Little
Boy Lost, The Wish Bank, Nightcrawlers, If She Dies, Ye
Gods, Examination Day, A Message from Charity,
Teacher ’s Aide, Paladin of the Lost Hour, Act Break, The
Burning Man, Dealer’s Choice, Dead Woman’s Shoes,
Wong’s Lost and Found Emporium, The Shadow Man, The
Uncle Devil Show, Opening Day, The Beacon, One Life,
Furnished in Early Poverty , Her Pilgrim Soul, I of Newton,
Night of the Meek, But Can She Type?, The Star, Still Life,
Wes Craven Video Interview.
Drama 1995
MPI 26.07.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044589
Mystery/Suspense, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Television, Twilight Zone, ’80s, Something Weird
1985 FF S 1440min.
Image 28.12.2004
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044784
Two Comrades Were Serving
Oleg Yankovsky, Rolan Bykov, Anatoli
Papanov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Alla Demidova,
Vladimir Vysotsky, Iya Savvina, Nikolai
Burlyayev, Pyotr Krylov, Rostislav
Yankovsky, Roman Tkachuk, Nikolai
Parfyonov - Dir. Yevgeni Karelov
Two soldiers become best friends during the Civil War in
Russia in the 1920’s
Foreign 1968
Image 21.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044833
Ulysses Against The Son Of
Georges Marchal, Mike Lane, Alessandra
Panaro, Gianni Santuccio, Dominique
Boschero, Yvette Lebon, Raffaella Carrà,
Gabriele Tinti, Raffaele Pisu, Tino Bianchi,
Nando Angelini, Raf Baldassarre, Eleonora
Bianchi - Dir. Mario Caiano
Action/Adventure 1961
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044524
Undeclared: Complete Series
Jay Baruchel, Carla Gallo, Charlie Hunnam,
Monica Keena, Seth Rogen, Timm Sharp,
Loudon Wainwright III
College freshman Steve Karp and his fellow dorm-mates
embark on one the greatest experiences of their
lives...unfortunately for Steve, his lonely and recently
divorced father is tagging along for the ride
Television 2001-2002
Sony Music 05.07.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044653
Lea Thompson, Patricia Kalember, Robert
Englund, Dick O’Neill, Karis Paige Bryant,
James Marshall, Gail Cronauer, Freda
Williams, Mona Lee Fultz, Tony Frank, Marina Palmier, Gary Glasgow, Gary Carter,
Jed Reghanti, Derek Cecil - Dir. Peter Werner
Based on the true story of Brianne Hawkins, whose
husband Clay was violently unstable. When a man tries to
chat up Brianne one night, Clay shoots him dead. Clay
pressures Briane into lying to the police by saying she
shot the man by accident. The plan fails and they both go
to prison for life sentences. When Briannes father dies
and she fears she will lose custody of her daughter, Lily,
she learns a horrible truth about her past and makes a
decision about her sentencing
Walker, Texas Ranger: Final
Chuck Norris, Clarence Gilyard Jr., Sheree
J. Wilson
Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas
Rangers. They make it their business to battle crime in
Dallas and all around the State of Texas
Action/Adventure, Drama, Television, Western, Martial Arts, Crime 2001 FF
Paramount 14.06.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044753
Wanted: Dead Or Alive - Season
Steve McQueen
Own the hit television series that launched the career of
big-screen legend Steve McQueen. Josh Randall
(McQueen) was not a typical rough-hewn bounty hunter of
the Old West; he was a consummate gentleman who
always gave half - or even all - of his reward money to
charity. He was a man of few words, and he carried a
Winchester sawed-off shotgun, which he wore on his belt
and fondly called his „Mare’s leg.“
Television 1958-1961 FF M 1008min.
New Line 07.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044731
Warm Summer Rain
Kelly Lynch, Barry Tubb, Ron Sloan, Larry
Poindexter, Lupe Amador, Peter
McPherson, Vanessa Conti, Dianne Turley
Travis, Stanley Grover, Gene Knight, Tony
Markes, Cindy Guyer, Queenie, Susan
Sherriffe, Jean Pflieger - Dir. Joe Gayton
A woman tries to kill herself and ends up in the hospital.
She escapes and wanders into the desert. There she
comes upon a roadside bar where she gets extremely
drunk with the locals and a mysterious man, who seems
to be shy of policemen. She wakes up in bed with the
stranger, not remembering much from the night before, in
a nearby abandoned house and finds out that she got
married to him at the bar. They try and find an answer to
their lives and love in this isolated nowhere
Drama 1989
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044806
Weekend At Bernie’s
Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Silverman,
Catherine Mary Stewart, Terry Kiser, Don
Calfa, Catherine Parks, Eloise Broady,
Gregory Salata, Louis Giambalvo, Ted
Kotcheff, Margaret Hall, Timothy Perez,
Mark Kenneth Smaltz, Anthony Mannino,
Polly Segal - Dir. Ted Kotcheff
A pair of losers try to pretend that their murdered
employer is really alive, but the murderer is out to „finish
him off.“
Comedy 1989
MGM/UA 12.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044797
Whistling Bullets
Kermit Maynard, Harley Wood, Maston
Williams, Karl Hackett, Jack Ingram, Bruce
Mitchell, James Sheridan, Cliff Parkinson,
Cherokee Alcorn, Rocky the Horse - Dir.
John English
Ace Beldon is in prison, but with his stolen bonds not
recovered, Capt. Saunders has an idea. He sends
Graham to prison and has him and Beldon break out. With
Ranger Raymond assisting, they make their escape and
get to the hangout run by Stone. But the plan starts to go
awry when Sam overhears Graham talking with the
Captain and reports back to Stone
Western 1937
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044525
The Wickeds
Justin Alvarez, Bryan Donoghue, Ron
Jeremy, Michael T. Schneider - Dir. John
Horror 2005
Maverick Entertainment 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044434
Wild Orchid 2: Blue Movie Blue
Nina Siemaszko, Wendy Hughes, Tom
Skerritt, Robert Davi, Brent David Fraser,
Christopher McDonald, Joe Dallesandro,
Casey Sander, Stafford Morgan, Don
Bloomfield, Liane Alexandra Curtis, Bridgit
Ryan, Lydie Denier, Gloria Reuben, Victoria
Mahoney - Dir. Zalman King
Blue is a teenage girl who lives with her Jazz playing
father Ham. Ham gets very sick and dies, and now Blue
must support herself somehow. Elle, the headmistress at
a brothel, talks her into living and working at her
establishment. She decides to leave the business and
lead a normal life. Elle is hellbent to see that she never
has one
Drama 1992
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044807
George O’Brien, Constance Worth, William
Hall, Brandon Evans, Gavin Gordon, Stanley Blystone, Lal Chand Mehra, Ben
Hendricks Jr., Lee Shumway, Frank
Hagney, Sam Flint - Dir. Ewing Scott
The fourth and last of the George A. Hirliman-produced
films starring George O’Brien (preceded by „Daniel
Boone“, „Park Avenue Logger“ and „Hollywood Cowboy“)
that were distributed by RKO Radio. Hirliman sold
O’Brien’s contract to RKO, which then produced 18 series
westerns starring O’Brien that ended when O’Brien went
into the Navy at the outbreak of WW II. Long-time (past
and future) O’Brien director David Howard served as
Hirliman’s Associate Producer on this film. „Windjammer“
finds O’Brien as a subpoena server ordered to serve a
subpoena on Brandon Evans (The Commondore) for a
senate inquiry or lose his job. Posing as a playboy, he
boards the Commondore’s yacht during a yacht race, and
the yacht is wrecked by a gun-running windjammer
commanded by Captain Morgan (William Hall.) All hands
are picked up by the windjammer, including the
Commondore’s daughter (played by Constance Worth, at
her blonde, plumpish best) and put to work as galley
slaves and such, but it isn’t long before O’Brien starts
knocking heads, and making the gun-runners wish they
had left him swimming
Western 1937
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044526
Winners Of The West
Dick Foran, Anne Nagel, James Craig, Tom
Fadden, Harry Woods, Charles Stevens,
Edward Keane, Trevor Bardette, Edgar Edwards, Edmund Cobb, William Desmond,
Roy Barcroft, Slim Whitaker, Veola Vonn,
Evelyn Selbie - Dir. Ford Beebe, Ray Taylor
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
One of the writers of this serial, George H. Plympton,
dusted the story off and re-sold it to Sam Katzman for a
Columbia 1951 serial called „Roar of the Iron Horse“.
„Winners of the West“ was Universal’s 47th sound-era
serial, falling between „Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe“ and „Junior G-Men“, and while it utilizes plenty of
stock footage featuring Cliff Lyons doubling Buck Jones
and Johnny Mack Brown from earlier Universal serials, the
use of such is less than in most Universal serials of the
time. Jeff Ramsay (Dick Foran), assistant to John Hartford
(Edward Keane), President of the Hartford
Transcontinental Railroad, is fighting to advance the line
through Hell’s Gate Pass. King Carter (Harry Woods),
self-styled ruler of the land beyond the pass, plans to
block the contruction of the railroad. Carter hires Snakeye
(Charles Stevens), a renegade half-breed, to lead the
Indians on raids against the construction camps.
Hartford’s daughter, Claire (Anne Nagel), is captured and
held hostage until Jeff and scout Tex Houston (Tom
Fadden) come to her rescue. Spurred on by Carter, the
Indians and some hired henchmen rob supply trains, drive
surveyors off and burn down the telegraph station. Finally,
in a battle at Black Hawk, Carter’s gang is wiped out by
Jeff and Jim Jackson (James Craig.) Carter is turned over
to the law, and a peace treaty is signed with Chief War
Eagle (Chief Yowlachie) . Jeff, and his bride, Claire are
happy as pioneers welcome the first transcontinental train
Western 1940
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044527
Wonder Woman: Seasons #1 - #3
Lynda Carter
The adventures of the greatest of the female superheroes
Television, Comic Book, ’70s, Superheroes
Warner Brothers 07.06.2005
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044474
Image 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044815
You I Love
Damir Badmaev, Lyubov Tolkalina, Evgeny
Koryakovsky - Dir. Olga Stolpovskaja,
Dmitry Troitsky
On their first anniversary, Vera comes home to discover
her boyfriend Tim in bed with another man
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian 2004
Pacific Media 12.07.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044581
The Young Poisoner’s Handbook
Tobias Arnold, Ruth Sheen, Roger LloydPack, Hugh O’Conor, Norman Caro, Dorothea Alexander, Charlotte Coleman, Paul
Stacey, Samantha Edmonds, Robert Demeger, Jack Deam, Peter Pacey, Joost
Siedhoff, Vilma Hollingbery, Frank Mills Dir. Benjamin Ross
This film is based on a true story about a British teenager
who allegedly poisoned family, friends, and co-workers.
Graham is highly intelligent, but completely amoral. He
becomes interested in science, especially chemistry, and
begins to read avidly. Something of a social misfit, he is
fascinated by morbid subjects such as poisons and
murder. His family environment is intolerable to him and,
in particular, his stepmother torments him. He decides to
poison those who annoy him, first with antimony and later
with thallium. He smugly thinks himself cleverer than all
those around him, but nevertheless he is caught and
sentenced to ‘rehabilitation’ at a psychiatric institution.
Once there, he undertakes to deceive the new eminent
psychiatrist sent there to ‘cure’ him, thereby securing his
Drama 1995
Platinum 05.04.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044575
Wonder Woman: Season #3
Beatrice Colen, Lyle Waggoner, Lynda Carter, Richard Eastham, Saundra Sharp, Tom
Kratochzil - Dir. William M. Marston
Megalomaniacs. Spies. Thieves. Phantoms. Mad
scientists. The world is full of dangerous people. But don’t
fear — Wonder Woman is here! Lynda Carter returns as
Wonder Woman for all 24 episodes of the third and final
thrill-packed season of the series. Teamed with flint-jawed
government agent Steve Trevor (Lyle Waggoner) and
using the alias of Diana Prince, Wonder Woman whips out
her bracelets and lariat to battle evil. And what a battle it
is. Her foes include a time traveler from the year 2155, a
brain with no body, a dating service that’s serving up
death, bazillions of hungry ants and a sculptor whose
statues come to life and become his partners in crime.
Wonder Woman saved the best adventures for last!
Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Feminist Icon“ — A
featurette on Wonder Woman’s influence as a female role
model - includes interviews w/ Lynda Carter „Wonder
Woman“; Dawn Heinecken, Author of „The Women
Warriors of Television“; Nina Jaffe, Author of Wonder
Woman children’s books; Karen Berger- VP/Executive
Editor Vertigo and Wonder Woman Editor 1986-1991;
Lillian Robinson, Author of „Wonder Women: Feminisms
and Superheroes“ (DISC 4)
Action/Adventure, Television, Comic Book,
Superheroes 1976 FF M 1137min.
Warner Brothers 07.06.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044596
encounter between Rattle and world-famous pianist
Daniel Barenboim.
Music, Classical / Recital, Concert Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 128min.
Naxos 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044423
Bruckner: Symphony 8
Naxos 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044424
The Dick Cavett Show Rock Icons
Music, Television, Pop & Rock
Sony Music 26.07.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044654
Chicago: Earth Wind & Fire
Image 28.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044834
Billy Cobham: Culturemix Paris
MVD 10.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044528
Carl Davis: A Simple Man
Christopher Gable, Moira Shearer
Commissioned to celebrate the centenary of the birth of
the painter L.S.Lowry in 1987, this award-winning ballet
celebrates the life and work of a unique artist. Created by
Gillian Lynne in collaboration with the composer Carl
Davis this memorable production, filmed in 1987, is
performed by the Northern Ballet Theatre and led by exRoyal Ballet stars Christopher Gable and Moira Shearer.
Re-mastered for DVD, with the addition of recent
interviews with Lynne and Davis, it gives a fascinating
insight into the creation of an inspirational icon in the
history of modern dance, which remains as fresh as ever.
‘LOOKING BACK’ - interview with Gillian Lynne and Carl
Special Interest, Ballet, BBC 1987 FF 16x9
S 88min.
Naxos 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044425
Duke Ellington: Copenhagen 1 &
Duke Ellington
Music, Concert
Image 14.06.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044817
50 Cent: Who Dares Wins
Eminem: The Glory Years
50 Cent
Music, Special Interest, Rap
Music Video 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044852
Music, Special Interest, Rap
Music Video 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044855
The Best Of Broadway Musicals
Fly Thought On Golden Wings
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044552
Naxos 19.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044428
Blow Monkeys: LIVE In London
Robben Ford: New Morning Paris
Blow Monkeys
Music, Concert
Music Video 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044696
MVD 10.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044535
Gustav Holst: The Planets
Brahms: Europa Konzert From
Daniel Barenboim, Sir Simon Rattle
Johannes Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1, Piano Quartet
No. 1. - Daniel Barenboim: Berliner Philharmoniker. - Sir
Simon Rattle - This concert represents the first musical
David Atherton, Gustav Holst - Dir. Rhodri
This lavish visualisation of Gustav Holst’s orchestral
masterpiece The Planets and Colin Matthews’ additional
movement Pluto, the Renewer features spectacular
images which enhance the symbolic meaning attributed to
each planet by the composer. Directed by Rhodri Huw,
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April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
this memorable audiovisual experience enthralled a massive TV audience with a spellbinding blend of images
filmed in many locations around the world (including New
Mexico, Arizona and Scandinavia), computer graphics,
animatronics and a splendidly atmospheric performance
by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.
Music, Classical / Recital, Computer
Graphics, BBC 2004 Ltbx 16x9 S 59min.
Naxos 19.04.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044429
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044706
Original Dancehall Jam Jam #3
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044707
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater
Special Interest
Naxos 19.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044431
Hustle Up Dvd Magazine
Music Video 19.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044698
Pointer Sisters: LIVE In Concert
Imperial Crowns: Preachin The
Blues Live
Music, Concert
Music Video 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044856
Pointer Sisters
Music, Concert
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044708
Ana Popovic: Ana!
Music, Concert
Music Video 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044853
Island Explosion 2005 Part 1
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044702
Riverdance: Best Of Riverdance
Kultur 31.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044841
Island Explosion 2005 Part 2
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044703
Smokey Robinson: Definitive
Universal Music 03.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044777
Lamb Of God: Killadelphia
Lamb Of God
Sony Music 03.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044776
Sadaharu: New Alternative
Erich Leinsdorf: In Rehearsal
Music, Concert
Music Video 31.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044858
Special Interest
Naxos 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044427
Sex Pistols: Great Rock ‘N Roll
Lunch At Allen’s
Music Video 26.04.2005
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044704
Ian Matthews: LIVE In London
Sex Pistols
Music, Special Interest, Pop & Rock
Sony Music 17.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044667
Ian Matthews
Music, London, Concert
Music Video 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044699
Sinbad Soul Festival: Rose Royce
Bobby Mcferrin: Try This At
Sinbad Soul Festival: Zapp & Roger
Naxos 19.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044422
Ventura 20.09.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044630
Daniel O’Donnell: Showtime
Johann Strauss II: La Chauve
Ventura 20.09.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044629
Music Video 26.04.2005
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044701
Allessandra Ferri, Johann Strauss, Luigi
Bonino, Massimo Murru - Dir. Roland Petit
Original Dancehall Jam Jam #1
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044705
Original Dancehall Jam Jam #2
Music Video 26.04.2005
The name of Roland Petit is almost synonymous with
ballet itself, and although now 80, he still radiates vitality.
Here he takes the opportunity to show off the strengths of
his young, dazzlingly well-schooled and highly virtuosic
dancers. La Chauve-Souris contains dance of every kind:
classical ballet, waltz, clownish pantomime with Hungarian
influence, and a rousing French cancan from a line-up of
sexy, long legged revue girls. The resulting mix of
Parisian ésprit, Viennese charm and Milanese elegance is
simply irresistible. - Roland Petit’s „Fledermaus à la
française“, La Chauve-souris, was originally created for
the Ballet National de Marseille in 1979 with Petit’s wife
Zizi Jeanmaire partnered by Denis Ganio, and Luigi
Bonino as the mastermind of the nocturnal escapades.
The action was transferred from the operetta’s Vienna to
the Paris of Vaudeville theatres, the original source of
Johann Strauss’s celebrated operetta. - The ballet was
re-staged for La Scala in their temporary home in the
Teatro degli Arcimboldi in 2003. Directed by Luigi Bonino,
Petit’s long standing assistant, who also dances the role
of Ulrich, it features two more dancing stars from the
„Petit school“ in the principal roles: Massimo Murru, the
male star dancer of La Scala’s company, for whom Petit
wrote several ballets and Allessandra Ferri, who currently
counts among the world’s finest ballerinas. She holds the
coveted title of „Prima Ballerina Assoluta“ at La Scala,
and was once described by Roland Petit as the only
rightful successor to the legendary Zizi Jeanmaire.
Special Interest, Ballet, Stage Production
2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min.
Naxos 19.04.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044430
Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du
Naxos 19.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044432
Teen Splash 2005
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044709
Unity Splash Part 1
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044710
Unity Splash Part 2
Music Video 26.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044711
Cedar Walton Quartet: Recorded
Live At The Umbria Jazz Festival
Billy Higgins, Cedar Walton, George
Coleman, Sam Jones
Four legends teamed up in 1975 and gave birth to the
band named Eastern Rebellion: George Coleman, Sam
Jones, Billy Higgins and Cedar Walton. TDK documents a
concert that they gave a year later at the Umbria Jazz
Festival in Orvieto, Italy. - Thirty years on, this band
seems like a herald of things to come, taking the musical
direction that was to find favour again in the 80s. The four
musicians had played music at the highest level all their
lives and gained their status as legends mostly in the
important sideman function. Each of them had participated
in many of jazz’s great moments. All four shared the
ability, documented on many albums, to inspire their
fellow musicians to even greater heights. - Documented
on many discs, the team comprised of Walton, Higgins
and Sam Jones was one of the best rhythm groups of the
Seventies. Backing tenors like Hank Mobley, Bob Berg
and Clifford Jordan and indeed George Coleman was
something like a speciality of theirs. The trio worked
together like a dream, as Cedar Walton confirmed „With
Billy, you were right in the music from the very first
moment; you never had to warm up“. - TDK releases this
DVD of a jazz night with piano legend Cedar Walton in
their series of Jazz greats. As it was recorded at the
Umbria Festival in Italy in 1976, the video quality of the
film does not always conform to highest present-day DVD
standards. Nonetheless, this recording has considerable
value among Jazz recordings because of its documentary
character and the artistic excellence it portrays.
Music, Jazz, Concert 1976 FF M 62min.
Naxos 19.04.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044426
Johnny Guitar Watson: In
Music, Concert
Music Video 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044857
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Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044623
West Coast All Stars
Best Of Fractured Fairy Tales
Special Interest
Naxos 19.04.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044433
Children/Family, Fairy Tales
Sony Music 13.09.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044680
X: Live In Los Angeles
Music, Pop & Rock, Los Angeles, Techno /
Electronica / DJ, Concert
Sony Music 10.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044665
Special Interest
America’s Funniest Home Videos
Television, Reality TV
Sony Music 12.07.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044580
L’Amour Dangereux
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian
Pacific Media 26.07.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044588
Arthur: Arthur’s Computer
Sony Music 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044597
Arthur: Arthur’s First Crush
Sony Music 02.08.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044646
Arthur: Collection #2
Sony Music 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044598
Arthur: Collection #3
Sony Music 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044599
Arthur: D.W. Rides Again
Sony Music 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044657
Arthur: Nerves Of Steal
Sony Music 02.08.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044647
Atlanta Unplugged #2
Special Interest
Music Video 26.04.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044700
Bareknuckle Beatdowns
Special Interest
Ventura 07.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044590
Milton Berle’s Workout
Special Interest
York 24.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044781
Breakin’ Out
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian
Pacific Media 31.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044626
Gates Of Heaven
Dir. Errol Morris
A documentary about a pet cemetary in California, and the
people who have pets buried there
Special Interest 1978
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044801
Girls Gone Wild: On Campus 3
Jean Butler’s Irish Dance
Late Night
Ventura 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044736
Special Interest
Kultur 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044839
Glitter Awards 2005
Can You Be A Pornstar: Episodes
#7 & #8
Late Night, Special Interest
Music Video 19.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044697
Casper: Casper’s Spookiest Tales
Sony Music 16.08.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044649
Casper: Spirited Beginning
Sony Music 16.08.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044650
Clara’s Summer
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian
Pacific Media 14.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044601
Crazy Chicks: Wild Beach Parties
In the never ending search for the craziest chicks in the
US Peach DVD and Vertical Smiles’ teams up once again
to bring you the wildest beach parties in America. From
the beer soaked sands of the southern coast to the topless shores of college coed filled lakes Peach DVD
captures it all. This DVD gives you an up close look at the
craziest on stage antics and wildest wet t-shirt contests
ever caught on tape. Sit back pop a top and get your fill of
sin in the sun.
Late Night, Reality TV
Peach 03.05.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044617
Dodger Blue: Championship
Special Interest, Sports, Baseball
Sony Music 17.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044666
Family 20 Movie Set
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044638
Errol Morris’ First Person:
Complete Series
Dir. Errol Morris
Special Interest 2000
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044800
Freestyle: Art Of Rhyme
Special Interest
Universal Music 24.05.2005
Special Interest
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044486
Leisa Hart: Sexy Abs
Leisa Hart
Special Interest, Exercise, Health
Goldhil 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044609
Leisa Hart: Sexy Legs
Leisa Hart
Special Interest, Exercise, Health
Goldhil 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044610
Harveytoons Set
Sony Music 13.09.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044682
Iron Yoga
Special Interest, Exercise, Health, Yoga
Goodtimes 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044593
Journalists Killed In The Line Of
Special Interest
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044740
Kenny & Co
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044741
La Lucha: The Struggle
Special Interest, Wrestling
Image 21.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044826
Legend Of Frosty
Sony Music 04.10.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044673
Major League Baseball
Special Interest, Sports, Baseball
Sony Music 05.07.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044652
Masters Of The Congo Jungle
Dir. Henry Brandt, Heinz Sielmann
A documentary showcasing the struggles of the people
who lived in the Belgian Congo
Documentary 1959
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Seite 43
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Alpha Video 29.03.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044512
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044659
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044714
Arthur Miller Collection
Sesame Street: Sing Along w/
Sesame Street Set
Undercover Sex / Diary Of
Special Interest
Kultur 22.03.2005
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044436
Sony Music 14.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044660
Late Night
Ventura 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044774
The Errol Morris Collection
Sesame Street: Sleepytime Songs
& Stories
Veggietales: Minnesota Cuke
Special Interest
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044847
National Geographic: King Tut’s
Final Secrets
Special Interest, History, National
Warner Brothers 31.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044840
Sexy Latinas Go Wilder
Ardustry 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044724
Late Night
Vanguard 28.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044492
Phat Comedy Tuesdays #3
The Thin Blue Line
Ardustry 07.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044725
Dir. Errol Morris
A film that successfully argued that a man was wrongly
convicted for murder by a corrupt justice system in Dallas
County, Texas
Special Interest 1988
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044804
Poker Superstars Invitational
Tournament: Series #1
Special Interest, Gambling
Goldhil 14.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044604
Thomas & Friends: Best Of
James w/ Train
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044750
Pretty Boy
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian
Pacific Media 23.08.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044578
Sesame Street: Big Bird’s Story
Children/Family, Sesame Street
Sony Music 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044658
Sesame Street: Check-Up Time
Sesame Street: Play Along
Games & Songs
Sesame Street: Stories, Games &
Songs Set
Children/Family, Sesame Street
Sony Music 14.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044662
Phat Comedy Tuesdays #2
Sony Music 04.10.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044842
Children/Family, Sesame Street
Sony Music 14.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044661
Thomas & Friends: James Learns
A Lesson
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044751
Thomas & Friends: James Learns
A Lesson w/ Train
Anchor Bay 14.06.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044752
Children/Family, Religion / Spirituality
Sony Music 28.06.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044664
Vernon, Florida
Dir. Errol Morris
Early Errol Morris documentary intersplices random
chatter he captured on film of the genuinely eccentric
residents of Vernon, Florida. A few examples? The
preacher giving a sermon on the definition of the word
„Therefore,“ and the obsessive turkey hunter who speaks
reverentially of the „gobblers“ he likes to track down and
Special Interest 1981
MGM/UA 26.07.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044805
The Very Best Of Ed Sullivan #1
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044573
The Very Best Of Ed Sullivan #2
Ventura 05.04.2005
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044574
The War Of The Worlds
Special Interest
Goldhil 31.05.2005
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044628
Special Interest
Music Video 10.05.2005
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044779
Without Conscience
Special Interest, Gay / Lesbian
Pacific Media 28.06.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044614
WWE: Backlash
Thunder In The Desert
Special Interest, Wrestling
Sony Music 31.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044669
Special Interest
Ventura 19.07.2005
Young Gods
Special Interest
Pacific Media 09.08.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40044577
Children/Family, Sesame Street
Sony Music 14.06.2005
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox (16x9 anamorph)
oder Full Frame (4x3)
Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90
(gültig bis 08.06.2005)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab
21. Juni 2005
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 44
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Seite 45
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Ace O Nerae! Movie
(1979 / DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aesop World Vol. 1
(1999 / DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aesop World Vol. 2
(1999 / DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aesop World Vol. 3
(1999 / DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ah! My Goddess Vol. 2
Animation 27.05.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Air Vol. 3 (PCM)
Animation 01.06.2005
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Air Vol. 3 (PCM)
Animation 01.06.2005
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aishiteruze Baby Vol. 8
Animation 21.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A-Kuei To Gatchin-Po
Vol. 2 (PCM)
Animation 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A-Kuei To Gatchin-Po
Vol. 3 (PCM)
Animation 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aladdin And The King Of
Thieves (1996 / DD)
Animation 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
B-Densetsu! Battle
Bedaman Vol. 13 (DD)
Animation 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
B-Densetsu! Battle
Bedaman Vol. 14 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Final Approach Vol. 3
(DD) (Limited Edition)
Beck: Mongolian Chop
Squad DVD-Box 5 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 08.06.2005
221,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Futakoi Vol. 5 (DD)
Beck: Mongolian Chop
Squad Vol. 8 (DD)
Animation 08.06.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Beck: Mongolian Chop
Squad Vol. 9 (DD)
Animation 08.06.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Beet The Vandel Buster
Vol. 2 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bleach Vol. 5 (PCM)
Animation 01.06.2005
72,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Boku Wa Imouto Ni Koi
O Suru (2005 / PCM)
Animation 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Croquette! Vol. 22 (DD)
Animation 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dead Aggressor Fafner:
Arcadian Project 09
Animation 08.06.2005
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Detective Conan Part 11
Vol. 5
Animation 27.05.2005
70,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Detective Conan Part 11
Vol. 6
Animation 27.05.2005
70,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fantastic Children Vol. 3
Animation 27.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Final Approach Vol. 3
Animation 25.05.2005
76,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gakuen Alice Vol. 4
Animation 25.05.2005
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Galaxy Angel: Character
Coll. Vol. 4 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Karas Vol. 1 (2005 / DD)
Animation 28.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Karas Vol. 1: Collector’s
Ed. (2005 / DD)
Animation 28.05.2005
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Keroro Gunsou Vol. 10
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kirameki Project Vol. 1
Animation 24.06.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kirameki Project Vol. 1
(PCM) (LImited Edition)
Gankutsuou Vol. 4
Animation 24.06.2005
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.05.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Konjiki No Gash Bell!!
Level 2 Vol. 1 (DD)
Genshiken Vol. 6 (PCM)
Animation 25.05.2005
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Getter Robo Vol. 1
Animation 21.05.2005
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Grenadier: Hohoemi No
Senshi Vol. 5
Animation 28.05.2005
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Groizer X: Box Set Vol. 2
Animation 27.07.2005
404,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gundam Seed Destiny
Vol. 4 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Harukanaru Toki No
Naka De: Hachiyoushou
Animation 27.05.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Jinki: Extend Phase 02
Animation 25.05.2005
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 18.05.2005
48,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kurau Phantom Memory
Vol. 8
Animation 25.05.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kyou Kara Maou! 2nd
Series Vol. 2 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Legendz: Yomigaeru
Ryuuou Densetsu Vol. 8
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Magic Knight Rayearth:
Memorial Box
Animation 27.05.2005
770,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mahoraba: Heartful Days
Vol. 1 (DD)
Animation 08.06.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mahoraba: Heartful Days
Vol. 2 (DD)
Animation 08.06.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 46
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Melody Of Oblivion Vol.
11 (PCM)
Animation 27.05.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Collection Set
(Limited Edition)
Animation 25.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Samurai 7 Vol. 9 (DD 5.1)
Animation 27.05.2005
102,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pinmen Rework (2004)
Animation 25.05.2005
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Melody Of Oblivion Vol.
11 (PCM) (Limited Edition)
Animation 25.05.2005
67,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Samurai 7 Vol. 9 (DD 5.1)
(Limited Edition)
Animation 27.05.2005
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pretty Cure Vol. 10 (DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mohou Shoujo Lyrical
Nanoha Vol. 5 (DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Monkey Turn V Vol. 6
Animation 25.05.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Monster: DVD-Box
Chapter 3 (DD)
Animation 22.06.2005
374,90 EUR BestellNr.:
My-Hime Vol. 5 (PCM)
Animation 27.05.2005
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Naruto 3rd Stage 2005
Vol. 6 (2004 / PCM)
Animation 01.06.2005
66,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Onmyou Taisenki Vol. 2
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Otogizoushi Vol. 7
Animation 25.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Otogizoushi Vol. 7
(PCM) (Limited Edition)
Animation 25.05.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Peach Girl Vol. 2 (DD)
Animation 18.05.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Piccolino No Bouken:
Box 1 (1976 / DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
413,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pinmen Real Figure
Animation 18.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
School Rumble Vol. 5
Prince Of Tennis Vol. 40
Animation 25.05.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shiroi Inu No Jake
Quest For Camelot (1998
/ DD 5.1)
Animation 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Slam Dunk Vol. 16
The Return Of Jafar
(1994 / DD)
Animation 21.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Slam Dunk Vol. 17
Rockman Exe Axess Vol.
17 (DD)
Animation 21.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rockman Exe Stream
Vol. 1 (DD)
Animation 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rolie Polie Olie Vol. 16
Animation 27.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rolie Polie Olie Vol. 17
Animation 27.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rolie Polie Olie Vol. 18
Animation 27.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sailor Moon Supers Vol.
1 (1995)
Animation 21.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
South Park: Bigger
Longer & Uncut (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Animation 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sukina Mono Wa Suki
Dakara Shouganai 3
Animation 27.05.2005
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tomtom Boo: Dokidoki
Oekaki (2003 / DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
42,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tomtom Boo: Doronko
Kutsushita (2003 / DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
42,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tomtom Boo: Futari No
Ningyou (2003 / DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
42,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tomtom Boo: Tobeta Yo
Tobeta (2003 / DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
42,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tottemo! Lucky Man:
Box 2 (1994 / DD)
Animation 25.05.2005
356,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Transformer Super Link
Vol. 13 (DD)
Animation 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Twin Spica Vol. 5 (DD)
Animation 08.06.2005
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
UFO Princess Valkyrie:
Seirei-Setsu Vol. 1 (DD)
Sunabozu Vol. 4 (PCM)
Animation 25.05.2005
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 18.05.2005
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ug Ultimate Girl Vol. 2
Sunabozu Vol. 4 (PCM)
(Limited Edition)
Animation 01.06.2005
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 18.05.2005
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Uta-Kata Vol. 5 (DD)
Sweet Valerian Vol. 1
Animation 27.05.2005
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.05.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Wagamama Fairy
Mirumo De Pon 3nenme
Vol. 8 (DD)
Tactics Vol. 5 (PCM)
Animation 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sailor Moon Supers Vol.
2 (1995)
Animation 27.05.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 21.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tactics Vol. 5 (PCM)
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Yakitate!! Japan Vol. 3
Seite 47
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Animation 25.05.2005
91,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Z Gundam: Memorial
Box Part 1 (DD)
Animation 26.05.2005
431,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Z Gundam: Memorial
Box Part 2 (DD)
Amazons And Gladiators
(2001 / DD)
Batman & Robin (DD
Film 01.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Apollo 13 (1995)
Beethoven (1992)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Arena (2001 / DD)
Beethoven’s 2nd (1993)
Animation 26.05.2005
374,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 01.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Z Gundam: Memorial
Box Part 3 (DD)
Art Heist (2004 / DD 5.1)
Before Sunrise (1995 /
DD 5.1)
Animation 26.05.2005
374,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zentrix Vol. 3 (DD)
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Babe (1995)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zentrix Vol. 4 (DD)
Babe: Pig In The City
Animation 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zipang Vol. 5 (PCM)
Back To The Future
Animation 18.05.2005
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Back To The Future Part
II (1989)
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
8 Mile (2002)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
About A Boy (2002)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Above The Law (1988 /
DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Acid House (1998)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ali G Indahouse (2002 /
DD 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Back To The Future Part
III (1990)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Backdraft (1991)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bali High (1981 / DD)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Barefoot Adventure
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Batman / Batman Returns (DD 5.1)
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Before Sunset (2004 /
DD 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Casper (1995)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Casual Sex? (1988)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Come September (1961)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Comme Une Image (2004
/ DD 5.1)
Film 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen (DD
Before Sunset / Before
Sunrise (DD 5.1)
Film 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 10.06.2005
108,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Behind Enemy Lines /
Broken Arrow (DD)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Being There (1979)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Benny Goodman
Story (1955)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Connie And Carla (2004 /
DD 5.1)
Film 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Conspiracy Theory
(1997 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Cook The Thief His
Wife & Her Lover
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Blood Alley (1955)
Cotton Mary (1999 / DD
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Blood Work (2002 / DD
A Countess From Hong
Kong (1967)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Blue Crush (2002)
Daredevil: Director’s
Cut (2003 / DD 5.1 + DTS
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Boys (1996)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Batman Forever /
Buraikan (1970 / DD)
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 20.05.2005
63,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Daydream Believers:
The Monkees Story
(2000 / DD)
Seite 48
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Film 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Face Of Terror (2003 /
DD 5.1)
Densou Ningen (1960 /
Film 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fair Game (1995 / DD
Disclosure (1994 / DD
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Falling Down (1993 / DD)
Drumline / Bootmen (DD
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fight Club / Waking Life
(DD 5.1)
Ed (1996 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Fourth Angel (2001 /
Edward Scissorhands /
In America (DD)
Film 01.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The French Connection /
French Connection II
Edward Scissorhands /
Say Anything (DD)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Girl Next Door /
Woman On Top (DD 5.1)
Eight Legged Freaks
(2002 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gladiator (2000)
End Of The Century
Film 08.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
End Of The Century
(2003) (Limited Edition)
Film 08.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Endless Summer
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Eraser (1996 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Executive Decision
(1996 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Imagine: Surfing As
Sadhana (1999 / DD)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Independence Day /
Enemy Mine (DD)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Innerspace (1987 / DD
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hearts In Atlantis (2001 /
DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Henry & June (1990 /
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Miss Congeniality:
Deluxe Ed. (2000 / DD
Monster (2003 / DD 5.1 +
DTS 5.1)
Kamen Rider Blade:
Missing Ace
Film 28.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 21.05.2005
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Monster: Premium Ed.
(2003 / DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Kaseki No Mori (1973 /
Film 28.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Motorcycle Diaries
(2004 / DD)
Keisuke Kinoshita DVDVox Vol. 3
Film 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 28.05.2005
518,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hanare Goze Orin (1977
/ DD)
McQ (1974)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Grinch (2000)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Just Cause (1995 / DD)
The League Of
Extraordinary Gentlemen / Entrapment
Gummo (1997 / DD)
Many Classic Moments
(1978 / DD)
Film 20.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 25.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The League Of
Extraordinary Gentlemen / Rising Sun
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Liar Liar (1997 / DD 5.1 +
DTS 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Longest Day / Courage Under Fire (DD)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Man For All Seasons
(DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
The Motorcycle Diaries
(2004 / DD) (First
Film 27.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Moulin Rouge! / Ever
After (DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
MVP 2: Most Vertical
Primate (2001 / DD)
Film 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
MVP: Most Valuable
Primate (2000 / DD)
Film 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
MXP: Most Xtreme Primate (2003 / DD)
Film 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Never Die Alone /
Seite 49
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Miller’s Crossing (DD
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Non Ti Muovere (2004 /
DD 5.1)
Film 03.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ocean Tribe (1997 / DD)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
On The Waterfront (DD
5.1 + DTS 5.1) (SuperBit)
Film 25.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Patch Adams (1998 / DD)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Psycho Beach Party
(2000 / DD 5.1)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Quadrophenia (1979 /
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ray (2004 / DD 5.1)
Film 10.06.2005
67,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ray: Memorial Box
(2004 / DD 5.1)
Film 10.06.2005
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Red Dragon (2002)
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rock Star (2001 / DD
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sakura No Mori No Mankai No Shita (1975)
Film 27.05.2005
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Salton Sea (2002 /
DD 5.1)
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Sea Chase (1955)
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shakespeare In Love
Film 07.04.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Siestas & Olas (1997 /
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Singles (1992 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Slippery When Wet
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Smokey And The Bandit:
Film 27.05.2005
72,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Somewhere In Time
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Train Robbers
Film 10.06.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tremors: Box Set
Film 27.05.2005
127,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Twin Sisters (2002 / DD)
Music 25.05.2005
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Unstoppable (2004 / DD
5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Vampires: The Turning
(2005 / DD 5.1)
Film 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The War (1994 / DD 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Warai No Daigaku (2004)
Warai No Daigaku (2004)
(First Pressing)
Sphere (1998 / DD 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Surf Crazy (1959)
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Surfing Hollow Days
Film 18.05.2005
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Titanic / The Beach (DD)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 20.04.2005
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Undercover Brother
(2002 / DD 5.1)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chie Ayado: Live! Viii
Elvis Costello & The
Imposters: Live In Memphis (DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Film 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Streetcar Named Desire: Director’s Cut
Music 01.06.2005
145,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Sound Of Music /
South Pacific (DD)
Film 20.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Marc Bolan / T.Rex:
Born To Boogie (DD 5.1
+ DTS 5.1)
White Palace (1990 / DD
Film 27.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Wicker Park (2004 / DD
Film 18.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Eddie Lockjaw Davis: In
Montreux ’77 (1977 / DD
5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
European Jazz Trio:
Music 01.06.2005
63,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fischer & Zurich Opera
House O: Donizetti: Linda Di Chamounix (DD
5.1 + DTS 5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tommy Flanagan: In
Montreux ’77 (1977 / DD
5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Galactika Vol. 13
Music 06.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gazen Parapara!!
Music 18.05.2005
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dizzy Gillespie: In Montreux ’77 (1977 / DD 5.1
+ PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
All Access Front Row.
Backstage. Live! (2003)
Godsmack: Changes
(2004 / DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1
+ PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 50
Newsletter 07/05 (Nr. 153)
April 2005
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
J.A.T.P: In Montreux ’75
(1975 / DD 5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022777
Keith Jarrett: The Art Of
Improvisation (DD)
Music 25.05.2005
78,90 EUR BNr..: 50022778
Jefferson Starship: The
Definitive Concert
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022703
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022535
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman
Vol. 5 (1998)
Kintetsu Express
Graffiti Vol. 2
Seinfeld: DVD Box Vol. 1
Special Interest 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022545
TV Program
Tetsuya Kumakawa: Don
Quixote (DD)
24-7 TV Vol. 1
Music 18.05.2005
124,90 EUR BNr..: 50022686
TV Program 04.04.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022531
Little Feat: Highwire Act
Live In St Louis 2003
(DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
24-7 TV Vol. 2
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022704
Nagano & Berlin German
Opera O: Berlin Opera
Night 2003 (DD 5.1 +
DTS 5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022799
Oscar Peterson: In Montreux ’75 (1975 / DD 5.1
+ PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022779
Quiet Riot: Live In Japan 1989 (DD 5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022705
Vadim Repin / Jansons
& BPO: Waldbuhne
2002: A Night Of
Encores (DD 5.1 + DTS
5.1 + PCM)
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022801
Sailor Moon: Shin
Kaguyajima Densetsu
(2005 / DD)
Music 27.05.2005
79,90 EUR BNr..: 50022685
Clark Terry: In Montreux
’77 (1977 / DD 5.1 +
Music 25.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022719
Wyclef Jean All Star Jam
At Carnegie Hall
Music 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022783
TV Program 05.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022706
Agon The Atomic
Dragon (1964 / DD)
TV Program 08.06.2005
78,90 EUR BNr..: 50022800
Battlehawk: DVD Box
TV Program 25.05.2005
505,90 EUR BNr..: 50022584
Hey Hey We’re The
Monkees (1997 / DD)
TV Program 25.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022707
Kamen Rider Black Rx
Vol. 1 (1988)
TV Program 21.05.2005
191,90 EUR BNr..: 50022532
Kamen Rider Blade Vol.
10 (2004)
TV Program 21.05.2005
94,90 EUR BNr..: 50022533
Kamen Rider Hibiki Vol.
1 (2005)
TV Program 21.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022534
Lizzie McGuire: 1st
Season Vol. 10 (DD)
TV Program 21.05.2005
154,90 EUR BNr..: 50022536
TV Program 25.05.2005
154,90 EUR BNr..: 50022689
Sesame Street: English
On Street Excellent-Hen
TV Program 18.05.2005
49,90 EUR BNr..: 50022621
Sh15uya: Shibuya
Fifteen Vol. 2 (2005)
TV Program 21.05.2005
94,90 EUR BNr..: 50022537
Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Telefonische Bestellannahme:
Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (Baden-Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf
So Little Time
TV Program 10.06.2005
127,90 EUR BNr..: 50022781
The Sopranos:
Complete 2nd Season
TV Program 10.06.2005
161,90 EUR BNr..: 50022782
Special Police
Dekaranger Vol. 10
TV Program 21.05.2005
94,90 EUR BNr..: 50022538
Uchuu Kara No
Message: Ginga Taisen
Vol. 2 (1978)
TV Program 21.05.2005
154,90 EUR BNr..: 50022539
Ultimate Force 3:
Deadlier Than The Male
TV Program 01.06.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022622
Ultimate Force 3: Never
Go Back (DD)
TV Program 01.06.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022623
Ultraman Nexus Vol. 5
(2004 / DD)
TV Program 27.05.2005
64,90 EUR BNr..: 50022690
TV Program 25.05.2005
51,90 EUR BNr..: 50022687
Lizzie McGuire: 1st
Season Vol. 9 (DD)
TV Program 25.05.2005
51,90 EUR BNr..: 50022688
Magiranger Vs Super
TV Program 01.06.2005
40,90 EUR BNr..: 50022620
Mahou Sentai Magiranger Vol. 1 (2005)
TV Program 21.05.2005
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Newsletter 07 / 05 (Nr. 153)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
© (2005) by LASER
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision.
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol sind
Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
Der NEWSLETTER ist die
offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
kein Verkaufsangebot dar,
sondern dienen nur zur
offizieller Sponsor der
Dolby Merchandise
Seite 51