The Group Scoop - Al-Anon Portland, Oregon


The Group Scoop - Al-Anon Portland, Oregon
The Group Scoop
Al-Anon Information Service |Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area |September/October 2013
Inside this issue
Members Share
Service Corner
Upcoming Events
I would love to publish your sharing in the next issue of The Group
Scoop. Here are a couple of writing prompts:
“Good personal leadership
at all service levels is a
necessity. In the field of
world service the Board of
Trustees assumes the
primary leadership.”
Make a list of the times you felt/feel the most connected
to your Higher Power. Circle the experience that has the
most energy for you. Write about that.
Make a list of the most difficult places your Higher Power
has lead you on your recovery journey. Pick one and write
about it. What were the gifts of the experience?
What brought you to Al-Anon? What keeps you coming
Thanks to everyone who submitted content for this issue of The
Group Scoop. Happy Reading!
Chris W.
The Group Scoop Editor
“Service responsibility is
balanced by carefully defined
service authority and doubleheaded management is
Al-Anon Information Service
1750 SW Skyline Blvd. #133 Portland, OR 97221
(503) 292-1333
Open Monday – Friday; 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Spanish Info:
(503) 916-9913
Monday – Friday; 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday; 10:00 am – 5:00PM
“Sometimes we must accept ourselves, defects and all, before those defects are removed.”
From In All Our Affairs…, page 120, copyright 2005, by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Members Share
The Group Scoop
How I’ve Changed in Al-Anon
By Carleen C.; Faith & Freedom AFG
One of the ways I have been
affected by the family
disease of alcoholism is that,
early on, I formulated the
premise that I didn’t deserve
to live therefore, I wasn’t
entitled to eat; take up
space; be cared for; loved, or
in any way be deserving of
being seen. I was invisible!
To begin to change this
deeply entangled belief
system has been sort of like
trying to paint the Titanic
with a child’s water color
brush. It’s been hard!
When I first came to AlAnon, I was bound up in fear.
I was sure that I didn’t have a
right to be here. I brought
with me a lifetimes collection
of “wreckages of
relationships.” I was a
victim! It was how I saw
myself – how I defined
myself and the stories of my
pain were vivid in my mind.
But, my Higher Power gave
me two gifts: I wanted to
heal AND I had courage.
Perhaps that could be
translated as “willingness.”
I was very isolated in my fear
and very angry in my pain.
Twisting all of this together
was the insane belief that I
had to be my own Higher
Power! I had to handle all
the problems; come up with
all the solutions and
manufacture all the strength
to carry impossibly heavy
“Over a year ago, I
formally resigned
from being my
OWN Higher
Anytime something went
wrong, I blamed someone
else. In fact, I kept detailed
records on everyone else’s
offences and misdeeds –
specifically, what they did to
me! I would micro-scrutinize
other people’s behavior. It
was like watching a bug
under a microscope. It has
taken a very long time for me
to begin to peek at myself
and my own behavior – what
I was responsible for – what
part of the drama was mine!
I have a long way to go with
this but I have begun. Last
week, after getting very
frustrated, I behaved very
rudely to a store clerk. (I
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
have a history of verbally
abusing store clerks!) But,
this time, I was immediately
uncomfortable with my own
behavior. It took me an hour
to work up my courage but I
went back and apologized to
her. She was kind and
gracious. I felt better about
myself afterwards. It’s just
one step at a time but it’s
getting me there.
Over a year ago, I formally
resigned from being my
OWN Higher Power. Today, I
am focusing on learning to
trust – and listen – and ask
for help when I need it.
Today, I have a relationship
with my Higher Power.
Today, I am not so isolated. I
have a sponsor and a handful
of Al-Anon friends that I both
call and who call me. I am
taking more risks to reach
out. Last Sunday, I branched
out to a new meeting that I
hadn’t gone to before.
Today, I know that I am
powerless over other
people’s lives – even those I
am closest to. I have learned
that such powerlessness
allows me to remember to
be respectful to those I love.
I can give them the gift of
dignity and compassion and
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Members Share
recognize that each of them
has their own Higher Power
– and I’m not it! This has
also allowed me to begin to
experience my own
separateness and in doing so,
I am discovering the gift of
my own life!
I have learned something
about letting go. When I
volunteered to do service as
your Treasurer, I experienced
a wonderful sense of
purpose which helped me to
believe that I truly did belong
here. When it was time to
let go of that position, I was
afraid that I would lose that
sense of purpose and
belonging – but, I haven’t. I
now know truly that this is
my home group – my
fellowship – my recovery
program and I boldly claim it!
The last four months I have
been practicing a lot of
letting go in the rest of my
life and learning, in doing so,
that it is ok to trust God in
the scary things.
I have learned a lot about
myself over these last five
years. I am learning that it is
ok to like who I am
becoming; to take healthy
care of myself; to accept the
many things about my life
that I had hidden in shame
and rejection. I am slowly
taking more risks and
experimenting with new
behavior. I am wearing more
color and ever so slowly
The Group Scoop
letting go of my need to
wear plaid flannel shirts –
well, so, ok that may take a
lot longer. But, I’m
discovering the power of
being able to make choices. I
even realize that I can apply
that to my thinking. When I
get caught up in fear or
worry or in an obsessive
mental rut, where my
negative thinking goes round
and round, I know now that I
can choose to pray and ask
my Higher Power to help or I
can call a program friend or
read some of our wonderful
literature or go for a walk.
Any of these choices can help
to interrupt the negative
pattern. I don’t have to live
the way I used to live.
Today, I know that I deserve
to live and take up space and
be cared for and loved and
be seen and even be heard, if
I so choose.
“When I get caught
up in fear or worry
or in an obsessive
mental rut, where
my negative
thinking goes round
and round, I know
now that I can
choose to pray and
ask my Higher
Power to help”
Thank you – all of you, for
coming to these meetings.
You are a big part of my
recovery journey. I have
learned from your
experience, strength, and
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Members Share
The Group Scoop
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility Al-Anon Service History
By Cheryl F.
The inside and outside members want to thank each group and individual for their loving gifts that
support the service work done at CCCF. We thought you’d be interested in the history of the AFG
meeting at Coffee Creek.
Colleen G. worked with prison officials to establish a weekly Al-Anon meeting in the Medium Security
section. We committed to supporting this meeting for a year. The first meeting occurred in 2003/2004.
Al-Anon volunteers met on Sundays, about 2:00pm, in a conference room big enough for the 20+
members. Only women inmates can attend, due to the segregation policies.
A prison administrative staff person was required to be in the room (or sometimes just outside), during
the meetings. AA/NA were known and met without staff present. We did have a few meetings without
staff, but they were rare. It was uncomfortable for inside members to share openly.
The other major challenge was that our meeting was scheduled at the same time as inmate
family/friends came to visit. Our volunteers understood the inmate dilemma. We tried to get our
meeting moved to another time slot, but none were available. As a consequence of these two issues,
our meetings generally had fewer than 4 inmates and sometimes, none. Often, there were more
volunteers than inmates.
After a year we met with the volunteer program staff person and told her we didn’t think this was a
viable meeting schedule for the inmates and that perhaps in the future we could revisit reestablishing a
meeting. The staff person told us that an inmate in Minimum Security had been an Al-Anon member
before coming to CCCF, and had been asking for a meeting to be brought into Minimum for a few years.
After the volunteers discussed it, we decided to commit to a six-month period.
Our first meeting in Minimum was in 2004/2005. We met on Wednesdays, 7 – 8:30pm, weekly. No
CCCF staff was required! We had 3 or 4 volunteers and about 2 or 3 inmates arrive. One of them was
the inmate who repeatedly requested Al-Anon in Minimum. We gave out cards and pamphlets and
shared books for reading. In those first 6 months, the inmate attendance grew slowly, but continually.
By the end of the first 6 months, we regularly had about 6 inmates coming. The volunteers met again
and decided to continue coming as long as the inmate attendance stayed at or exceeded this level. It
was in these meetings, we established the meeting name, Hope at Coffee Creek. Boy! We are so glad
we did!
Over the following years, inmate attendance continued to grow (It currently averages about 15 per
meeting). One or two of the classes that some inmates attend for behavioral changes, heard from the
inmates how similar and successful Al-Anon was for them. Those class staff members began to
recognize and encourage the inmates to attend Al-Anon now, and when they were paroled back into the
communities from which they were incarcerated. We have women from all counties in Oregon and
some in California.
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Members Share
The Group Scoop
Per our traditions, we always remind the inmates and CCCF staff, that attendance is entirely voluntary
and confidential. In dealing with the professional community at CCCF, we provided a few copies of How
Al-Anon Works to the staff of these classes, and pamphlets to officers when they ask what Al-Anon is.
Our volunteers are invited to attend “graduations” from these classes by the inmates. Several of us
have attended as friends of the inmates and are welcomed by the CCCF staff.
Our 2nd year in Minimum, we began to have an annual “Open House” for about 50 inmates who were
not currently in Al-Anon. Officers and CCCF staff also attend to hear our general sharings and
information on Al-Anon. We have Inside/Outside members share their Experience, Strength, and Hope.
We give out customized newcomer packets and give three How Al-Anon Works books away. These have
become very upbeat and high-interest events. While we do service inmate-baked cinnamon rolls at the
end, we like to think the women have received much more than happy tummies. We always have
comments about “how familiar our sharings sounded,” and “how do I sign up to join?” The adult child
focus is very prevalent. Tears and laughter of understanding flow during the sharings. Each open house
has always generated new members, and we hope many women may use the newcomer
packets/schedules to attend our meetings after they parole out.
Volunteering to take meetings into Coffee Creek is open to all Al-Anon members, male and female and
dual members. Our hope is to develop an ever larger volunteer pool. Speaking for myself, I attend the
Hope at Coffee Creek meeting for the same reason I attend my outside meetings… it helps me to heal
and grow within my own program. After the Department of Corrections Disclaimer is read in our
meetings, it’s just like other Al-Anon meetings, and the women share their experience, strength, and
hope for their benefit, and to make that special connection we seem only to experience in Al-Anon.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Constance D., for me for details. If you or your
group would like to donate financially for literature and How Al-Anon Works books, please make your
checks payable to: Hope at Coffee Creek, AFG and send to: Constance. D. 16780 SW Monterey Lane,
King City, OR 97224.
Thank you for your openness and dedication in making this meeting a gateway for healing and recovery
for so many women who are committed to their recovery inside prison walls, and after their release.
We know your meetings will welcome these members with the same open arms and hearts that were
there for all of us.
Love in Service & Fellowship.
Constance D. (503) 757-4836
Cheryl F. (503) 648-0475
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Members Share
The Group Scoop
Cost: $1-$2 an Hour, Bills or Coins,
With Change Guaranteed
By Sharon W.W.
For years we launder
our recovery—
none of it routine
or left to Mondays only.
7 days a week:
the bleaching
of our souls,
until the old stains
no longer show,
scrubbing truth’s cuff
with a boatload of tears,
hanging our egos
out on the line
so the air can blow
the lint of resentment
out of our most
in-grained seams.
Every day, another chance
to empty the endless
at those places
where two or more
people gather
to never talk about
the weather.
Like religion, politics
and the alcoholic,
this is a soapbox
we don’t touch.
Strange as it seems,
by concentrating
on our own load,
we help iron out
the load of others.
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Service Corner
The Group Scoop
The Group Scoop
The Group Scoop is the Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) bi-monthly newsletter. I would LOVE to
publish any written sharing you have on your Al-Anon/Alateen journey, Al-Anon/Alateen news, and
upcoming Al-Anon/Alateen events.
Deadline for November/December
The Group Scoop submissions:
November 15th, 2013.
Submit sharing to:
Some guidelines for submitting articles to The Group Scoop:
 Keep the focus on yourself and your Al-Anon/Alateen recovery.
 Up to 1 ½ pages (maximum of 825 words).
 If you include quotes from Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Approved Literature be aware there are
restrictions on what can be quoted without first receiving written permission from the WSO.
 Let me know if you would like to have your article published with your first name and last initial
or as anonymous.
Love, Peace, & Joy,
Chris W.
AIS Office Information
Barbara O.
Diana D.
Fran P.
Jane R.
Judi W.
Pat C.
Call Stats
Barbara O.
Cheryl F.
Diana D.
Fran P.
Jane R.
Judi W.
Pat C.
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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The Group Scoop
Reflections – New Home beginning 9/13/2013.
Did you make it to the Welcome Home Reflections Al-Anon Speaker Meeting on September 13th at the
Mt. Scott Community Center? I did. It was FUN. Easy access from I205 and all the things we are used to
at Reflections – celebrating recovery through passing out birthday coins, hearing an AWESOME speaker
(go Judy J.!), and the raffle. Someone won a GPS and even better, someone walked away with a
BEAUTIFUL obsidian wind chime donated by Debbie and Richard. WOW.
Barbara O. is speaking in October. I hope you all get a chance to check out the new location. Thank you
to the Reflections Committee for all of your hard work!
Reflections Meeting New Home:
2nd Friday 7:30 – 9:30PM
Mt. Scott Community Center Auditorium
5530 SE 72nhd Avenue
Portland, OR 97206
~ Chris W.
Beaverton Hearts AFG has Moved
After many, many years at its old location, near the Beaverton Library and across from the Fountain,
Beaverton Hearts now has a new home. Beginning with the July 3, 2013 meeting we are located at:
Beaverton Hearts AFG
Wednesday’s 7:30pm – 8:45pm
Cedar Hills United Church of Christ
11695 SW Park Way
Portland OR
The new meeting place has ample parking and is wheelchair accessible; there’s a lift for those who need
it. The church is kitty-corner across the street from Cedar Park middle school and also across from
Cedar Hills Recreation Center. If you’ve ever attended Beaverton Hearts, come join us at our new
location. If you’ve never been to Beaverton Hearts, now is the time to try our meeting as we settle in at
our new home.
Please Join Us!!!
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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The Group Scoop
Beaverton Hearts AFG Announces Fifth Wednesday Speaker Meetings
In July, the Beaverton Hearts AFG began hosting a Speaker Meeting on the Fifth Wednesday of the
month. Future speaker meetings will be held as follows:
October 30th, 2013
January 29th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
July 30th, 2014
October 29th, 2014
New Al-Anon Meeting – East Side
Men Recovering, AFG
Thursday’s 6 – 7pm
Church of St. Joseph the Worker
2310 SE 148th Avenue
Portland, OR 97233
Save this Date: District 12 Writing Workshop, Potluck, and Dance
District 12 will be hosting a Writing Workshop on Saturday October 26th at 4PM facilitated by
Paula J. The workshop will be followed by a potluck and dance. A flyer will be coming out soon.
Grace Memorial Church
1535 NE 17th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Voluntary Contributions to AIS
The Group Scoop
“An AIS exists to aid the groups it serves in the common purpose
of carrying the Al-Anon message to the suffering families and friends of alcoholics.”
~ Al-Anon Information Services (AIS) G-4
Adult Sons & Daughters
Aloha Mon.Night
Bvtn. Hearts
Came to Believe
Courage to Live
Discovering Choices
Eastside Beginner's
Early Morning Meditation
Eastside 11th Step
Faith & Freedom
Family Lake Oswego
Five Plus
Friends of Lois
Friday Hope AFG
Friday Noon AFG*
Friday 12X12 AFG
Grshm Daytimers
Grshm New Hearts
Growing Toward Wisdom
Happy Destiny
Hillsboro Fri.Night
Hood River
How it works
Just For Me
Keep It Simple
Laurelhurst Family
Let Go Too
Love & Service
Monday Night Miracles
Mon.& Th.Night Live
Morning Glory
Contributions YTD 2013 $25,707.27
New Beginnings
New Me
Nimbus Al-Anon
No Mad
North Plains
Nueve Vida
NW at Noon
One Step at Time
Parents Aren't Perfect
Paths to Recovery
Principles and Progress
Primarily Parents Too
Rainbow Recovery Thur
Recovery AFG
Recovery in Progress*
Riverview AFG
Safe Haven
Saturday Sanity
Serenidad en Accion
Serenity Seekers
Serenity Trails
Set Free
Solutions and Serenity
Soaring Serenity Alateen
Stepping Up
Steps to Serenity
Sunday Strength
TGIF - Study Grp
Tigard Alateen
Tigard Mon Night
Together We Can Make
Tower AFG.
Un Dia a la vez
Una Luz En El Camino
Up The Steps
Valor para Cambiar
Walk Talk Know Show it
Wednesday Nite Hope
We Care
Weekend Survivors
West Linn
Westside Newcomers
Fundraisers - Other
Misc (Rnd-ups, Asmblies)
Circle' Spks. Meeting
Chapter 9 - Milwaukie
Spanish Fundraiser
Comite de la Convencion
SW WA Public Outreach
The Manual Study
If your home group would like to know more about the services the AIS offers, please give us a call at the office or stop by and
visit. The address and phone number are on the first page.
Did you know? The AIS Service Committee voted and approved a Group financial priority suggestion of 70% disbursements to
the AIS after Group expenses. Has your group had a chance to take a group conscience on disbursements to the AIS?
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Upcoming Events
The Group Scoop
Roger P (Westside Newcomers), Brent V (NW Noon),
Edna K (Tigard Mon Night), Candy N. (Hugs)
Open to all Al-Anon and AA members
Hosted by: Love & Service AFG
14645 SW Davis Road, Beaverton, OR 97007
Sunday 3rd November, 2013
4:30pm to 6:30pm
Raffles Prizes, Handmade gifts for sale
as part of a fundraiser for a Steps Workshop coming June 2014!!
Contact: Rachel L, 503 702 6138,
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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Upcoming Events
The Group Scoop
Speaker Meetings
District Meetings
“Don’t take yourself
too damn seriously!”
Love & Service
Sundays, 5:30 – 6:30PM
14645 SW Davis Road
Desiree C. (503) 449-7763
Deena S. (503) 330-6709
Babysitting Available
Rule 62
3rd Sat, 7PM
Central Bible Church
8815 NE Glisan Street
Tim W. (360) 391-9093
A.A. and Al-Anon Speakers
Al-Anon Sponsor: Came to Believe AFG
District 9
2nd Wed, 6PM – 7PM
Alano Club (SE Room)
909 NW 24th Ave.
SE Room 2nd Floor
District 10
3rd Tue, 7PM – 8:30PM
Calvin Presbyterian Church
10445 SW Canterbury
District 11
Contact your District Rep.
District 12
2nd Wed, 6:30PM – 8PM
Providence Hospital, Rm 2E
4805 NE Glisan Street
2nd Fri. 7:30PM
Mt. Scott Community Center
5530 SE 72nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97203
District 17
1st Thur, 7PM
3615 SE Hill Road
The Circle Speakers Meeting
4th Sat, 7:30PM
Orenomah Masonic Lodge
13680 Pacific Highway
Al-Anon Sponsor: AIS Office
AIS Meetings
3rd Thur, 7PM
Service Committee (ISR)
(odd months)
A.A. and Al-Anon Speakers
Service Board
Al-Anon Sponsor: Just for Me AFG
(even months)
1750 SW Skyline Boulevard
Conference Room
Al-Anon Sponsor: AIS Office
In celebration of one of the tools of recovery
“The problem is that stuffed feelings don’t just disappear. We can carry them around with
us for years. Sometimes our only hope for release from this increasingly oppressive burden is
to sit still and feel the feelings.”
From In All Our Affairs…, page 54, copyright 2005 by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Al-Anon Information Service | Serving the Greater Portland, Oregon area | September/October 2013
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