Message Carrier - Salt River Valley Al


Message Carrier - Salt River Valley Al
Message Carrier
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Arizona Area Al-Anon/Alateen Newsletter
Message Carrier
Panel 56
AWSC Spring 2016
Delegate’s Report
Barbara Long
AWSC — February 6, 2016 — Safford, Arizona
Alternate Delegate:
Claudia Milligan
Hi Everyone!
Mike Simmons
Recording Secretary:
Cherie Johnston
Paula Weech
Group Records Secretary:
Jane Brett
I would like to add my welcome to all of you to the first AWSC meeting for
Panel 56 and to thank you for being willing to be of service to the Area of
Arizona AFG. Each of you is important, and I am looking forward to listening to what you have to say.
It seems like it was a long time ago that our Election Assembly was held in
Casa Grande. I have waited patiently (not) for today to get here, and now I
must share with you I am excited but I am also nervous about starting on this
awesome journey as your Area Delegate! Maybe some of you are feeling that
way about your new position, and just maybe we can help each other along
the way.
AFG Connects
Inside this issue:
Delegate Report
Archive Report
Alternate Delegate Report
One of the new innovations that WSO has implemented is A FG Connects.
This is an on-line communication which provides delegates and other AWSC
members with access to WSO information and also discussion groups to share
Area and world topics with each other. Once I have sent your name, address,
phone, and email to WSO, they will send your member number and password.
For District Representatives, this member number and password also gives
you access to the WSO group records data base. It is important that I receive
this information on DRs as soon as possible. Based on AWSC group conscience, all AWSC members use their Area email for Area business. There
have been times when this is difficult in which case personal emails can be
used. If you have a different email preference for WSO communications,
please let me know.
Convention Report
Basic Flow Chart of Conference Structure
Treasurer Report
Earlier in my report, I mentioned that I am looking forward to listening to
what you have to say. This is a fact because I am truly interested in your
thoughts, but it is also a very important part of my job as your Delegate. You
see, I am a channel through which information can flow from you to the
World Service Conference and WSO, and I am also a channel through which
information can flow back from the World Service Conference and the World
Service Office to you. Let’s take a look at the Basic Flow Chart of Group
Conscience and Delegated Authority and back again that is on the back cover
Additional Reports
Spring Assembly Information
District Reports
Convention Information
Contact Information
(Continued on page 2)
Message Carrier
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(Continued from page 1)
of the Conference Summary 2015. As stated below
the structure, “Communication is what makes the
process work.” During my time with you at AWSC,
Assembly, and Delegate’s Day, I will be bringing
information back to you, and I will be asking you to
give me your responses to Chosen Agenda Items and
other business that will be discussed at the next Conference. So, we depend on each other in order for
this whole thing to work. Let’s commit today to
show up, to listen, to participate, and to help one another!
5 At-Large members, Literature Committee
5 At-Large members, Public Outreach Committee
2 At-Large members, Audit Committee
WSO News
Program Survey — Members who have not yet participated in a survey for members can do so until
February 26, 2016. Go to
members/ for the password, enter your group’s name
followed by the letters, AFG,/Click on “Individuals”/
Click on “Surveys for Members”/Click on the link
titled “Al-Anon Program Survey.” Your valuable
feedback on the WSO’s messages to the fellowship is
greatly appreciated and won’t take longer than ten
minutes of your time.
The Forum Book (wor king title) — If you have a
favorite Forum article that you would like to have
included in a book of special sharings, you are invited to let WSO know. You need to send the title,
month, and year in which it appeared in the magazine
(2005—present). You can submit this information
on line at, enter your password
(see above)/ click on “Individuals”/Featured Publications/The Forum/The Forum Book (working title).
Annual Vacancies at the WSO Level
As part of the twice yearly solicitation for service
volunteers at the WSO level, candidates who are interested in submitting a resume for Trustees at Large
and Regional Trustee Candidates need to let me
know in order to fill out the resume electronically.
Potential candidates’ resumes must be postmarked,
faxed, or emailed to the WSO on or before August
15, 2016. Regions up for election in 2017 are Northwest, Southwest, and South Central. The number of
positions available annually is as follows:
3 At-Large Trustees
3 Regional Trustees
1 At-Large member, Executive Committee for
Real Property Management
 1 At-Large member, Alateen Work Group (trial)
 5 At-Large members, Forum Editorial Advisory
65th Anniversary Celebration — This year, the AlAnon fellowship will be 65 years old. In order to
celebrate, members are invited to attend an open
house at the World Service Office followed by a
banquet at the Wyndham Virginia Beach Oceanfront
Hotel on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The open house
is free of charge and the banquet cost is $55.00. To
attend the banquet and/or open house, please fill out
the Anniversary Banquet order form on the back of
my report and mail to the WSO. Ticket sales for the
banquet will close on March 31, 2016, and will not
be sold at the door.
I have been receiving information daily regarding the
World Service Conference in April. As each new
piece of information fills my inbox, I am filled with
much gratitude and humility. Thank you for giving
me this opportunity to be your Delegate for Panel 56.
Love in service,
Barb Long
Arizona Area Delegate, Panel 56
Message Carrier
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Archive Coordinator
Thank you to everyone who participated in
The Forum rating workshop for the new book
at Assembly. It was wonderful to see so many
people putting their heads together and talking
about The Forum and the program. Since
Assembly, the copies of the feedback forms
have been sent back to the staff at WSO and
revisions were made to the criteria and rating
form. All the feedback was very helpful.
Here is a quote from Julie Miller, WSO staff
responsible for The Forum: "I just got back from
vacation yesterday and wanted to let you know
I received the magazines and everyone’s
favorites. How wonderful! I absolutely love the
criteria and will pass it along to FEAC. Thank
you so much. Special thanks to all who
participated." (FEAC is The Forum Editorial
Advisory Committee made up of at-large
members, staff, and a Trustee.)
I'm Sue Hetherington, a grateful member of Al-Anon
and your new Archive Coordinator for Panel 56. It
has been my privilege to serve as a committee member under our past Archive Coordinator Pat Holland
for the past three years.
In case any of you didn't know, our Area has a storage unit in Queen Creek filled with documents and
memorabilia preserving some of our history. We
(mostly Pat) have cleaned out a lot of stuff that was
not relevant and also duplicates. Pat has compiled an
index of the boxes we currently have, and two others
on that committee, Maureen and Jennifer P. as well
as myself, have boxes that we are sorting through.
We will continue with that.
We will be putting together a display for the upcoming Convention in Tucson on April 29. We will also
continue putting together our book with each meeting’s history and our Longtimer's book. If you have
any documentation or items that are Area related that
you feel should be preserved, please let me know.
Thank you for this opportunity to serve at the Area
Yours in grateful service,
Sue Hetherington
Please let me know how I’m doing or contact me with any questions you might
have about WSO or the World Service Conference. I would love to hear from you!
Barbara Long
19702 N. 93rd Dr., Peoria, AZ 85382
APRIL 11-15, 2016
2016 WSC Theme: “Realizing Our Spiritual Potential”
Message Carrier
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Alternate Delegate’s Report
Hi There,
I’m pretty thrilled to be joining you today and getting such a good seat for all the activities! Seriously, I’m so
grateful to be of service to our Area. I’m already learning so much and making so many amends. My fellow
officers are all very talented and very understanding. Service is such a gift. You know that or you wouldn’t be
here. Welcome to all the new District Representatives. Please hook up with a former DR or someone else who
can help guide you through your new service position. If you have questions or problems at the Area level, our
Chair, Mike S., is the first point of contact. He can tell you how to proceed with any issues.
Area Convention Committee 2016
It’s a gift to work with Sherrie and Gene and their committee on the Convention we are putting together this
April in Tucson. They are doing an amazing job, and I think I can guarantee a wonderful and very Al-Anon
Convention this year. We’ve been taking some time out of the Committee meeting to study the Traditions and
Concepts and looking at how they apply specifically to the Convention Committee. I’ve been seeing the legacies in action in the two Convention Committee Meetings I’ve attended. Sherrie will have a full report for you
Convention Bid Packets for 2017
We’re looking ahead to 2017 already. I’ve seen a lot of Alternate Delegates pitching the Convention Bid Packets. I’m excited that there is some interest in hosting the 2017 Al-Anon State Convention! There is always a
lot of assistance statewide for any district or Intergroup who takes a Convention bid. I have bid packets for
anyone who is interested. For those of you who aren’t quite ready, it’s not too early to be dreaming about 2018.
Come on up and get your bid packets. I brought five; I hope that’s enough.
AA State Convention 2016
The AA Convention will be held the first weekend in September (Labor Day weekend) at the Sheraton Crescent in North Phoenix at I-17 and Dunlap. The theme is “Heard it Through the Grapevine.” By the time I give
this report, I’m hoping to have an Al-Anon Chair.
Southwest Regional Delegates Meeting
SWRDM is scheduled for March 11 through March 13, 2016, in La Jolla, California. The Southwest Region is
comprised of eight Areas: Arizona, California North, California South, Colorado, Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico/El Paso, and Utah. This meeting is attended by new and past delegates as well as by alternate delegates, Area Chairs, and any interested Al-Anon. Our new Delegate, Barb L., will be there learning a lot about how to
prepare for the World Service Conference that’s coming up on April 11. Our Chair, Mike S., and I will also
attend, as well as several of our past delegates. I was at the 2014 SWRDM. There’s a lot of fascinating discussion on Al-Anon. At the 2014 SWRDM, I heard “You can’t fix Al-Anon and you can’t break Al-Anon.” That
encourages me all the time. Thanks for sending us to SWRDM. Please consider coming out to La Jolla and
meeting a lot of great people and getting fired up for service. If you are interested in attending, you would have no voice and no vote, but there’s so much
to learn. See me for the registration packet.
Guideline Work Group
I am hoping to meet with some of the past delegates soon and take a look at
the guidelines to see if they can be clarified and improved. If you can take a
look at the guidelines yourself and let me know if anything is confusing or
(Continued on page 5)
Message Carrier
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From the Newsletter Distributor
We have updated many home and email
addresses for the new Panel 56 Message
Carrier. I am reminded that it is “ progress,
not perfection” every time I find another
of my mistakes.
Please let me know if you find one too!
You can reach me at
— Marty M.
(Continued from page 4)
missing, I’d sure appreciate it. The guidelines are
available on the Area Website at
In conjunction with the work group, Mike asked me
to arrange for a Guideline Grammar Task Force.
The members would be responsible for going over
the changes with an eye to spelling, grammar, and
miscellaneous errors. Please, all you grammar experts, stand up and be of service. See me or email me
at the address listed below.
Motion AS 1506 was passed at the last Assembly
that allowed past delegates to be reimbursed for
travel expenses to the AWSCs, Assemblies, and
Delegate’s Day. Their experience, strength, and
hope is so important to the entire Area. Please let
your GRs know that service doesn’t have to break
the bank. I’ve made copies of the two pages of the
guidelines that have been affected and they are with
your paperwork.
2016 AZ AFG Convention Report
What an exciting conference of Opening Our Minds
and Hearts we have ahead of us. All of the committees are on track and working hard. We have a great
line-up of speakers, workshops, and marathon meetings with Alateen, Spanish, AA, AND ASL. The
fellowship and entertainment includes a celebration
dance of Al-Anon’s 65th birthday on Friday, a delicious banquet with a galactic skit on Saturday, and
fabulous hospitality set-up.
This is definitely a conference NOT to be missed!
We are halfway to the registrations and banquet reservations that are needed to meet the hotel commitment. This is the time to spread the word and get
registered. It is also time to talk with your groups
about sponsoring a gift basket – always a convention
Many fundraising items were loaned out in effort to
get them to groups throughout the area. We are requesting that all unsold items be returned at the
Spring Assembly.
Some exciting new venues for this year’s convention
include the birthday celebration dance, Saturday
lunch food trucks, and the deaf community with Sign
Language interpretation.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!!!
Sherrie Lee and Gene Thiel
Note: See pages 12 and 13 for more information
about the upcoming convention.
Info for Meetings — New and Established — and
the Coordinator Roster
Fundraising Report
These two documents were provided to you with
your other paperwork. Please keep them both handy
because you will need the contact information for the
coordinators and the officers that is included.
As the new Coordinator for Fundraising I hope
to put the FUN back into fundraising and
challenge all to help support our area at all
times and not just when a plea is out for help.
Thank you so much for allowing me to be of service!
Claudia Milligan, Area Alternate Delegate
Thank you,
Monta A.
Message Carrier
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Treasurer’s Report
I will begin by reporting on our current financial position as of January 31, 2016.
Checking Balance: $7146
Certificate of Deposit (Ample Reserve): $10,070
I will start by expressing gratitude to the groups and districts for their donations in 2015 which contributed to
our meeting the 2015 budget for donations. In addition, a very heartfelt thank you to the members for their response to the Area Annual Appeal which brought in $546.
And now, for the not-so-good news. Included in my report are the final 2015 Actual vs. Budget numbers.
Although total Income reported for 2015 is higher than the 2015 budget projection, we ended the year with a
deficit of $6339. The majority of the deficit is due to:
1) A significant increase in Area Meeting and Travel Expenses which exceeded the budget by $5403
and $5133 respectively.
2) The donation increase to WSO from the budgeted $500 to $1500, and the retroactive donation of
$1000 for 2014, carried by motion at the Spring 2015 Assembly.
Attached you will also find the 2016 Actual vs. Budget as of January 31, 2016. I will provide our first quarter
2016 actual vs budget at the Spring Assembly. It is a little early to report trending so early in the year but it is
great to see that donations are above the monthly projection. Once again, a big thank you to the Groups and
Districts for their support!
I have placed a just a few copies of the 2015 Group Donation spreadsheet at each table. An updated report is
posted on the Area website shortly after the close of each month with the exception of January. Please direct
your Groups to refer to the Area Website for the most current reports. Currently the Final
2015 Groups Donations Report and the 2015 Actual vs. Budget report is posted on the Treasurer’s Corner
I close my report with a request to remind your Group Treasurers that donations should be mailed to AFG of
Arizona, PO Box 16162, Tucson AZ 85732-6162. Most of the mail is being for war ded although it can be
greatly delayed in arriving in our current PO Box. I am still receiving mail addressed to Phoenix and Green
Valley PO Boxes. Donation Forms with all of the appropriate information are available on the Area website
and can be printed.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula J. Weech
Area Treasurer – Panel 56
Upcoming Events 
Spring Assembly
April 2, 2016
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
1844 E. Dana Ave., Mesa, AZ 85204
Arizona Al-Anon/Alateen
Area Convention
Apr. 29 - May 1, 2016
Hilton Tucson East, 7600 E. Broadway,
Tucson, AZ 85710
AA Convention with
Al-Anon Participation
September 3-4, 2016
Sheraton Crescent, North Phoenix
at I-17 and Dunlap
Message Carrier
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Group Records Report
Welcome to those of us returning from previous AWSC meetings and those new to AWSC. I am grateful to be
of service in a new position myself and look forward to the growth through learning new things, asking for
help, and practicing patience with myself. As Group Records Coordinator, I will be working with you in
keeping current and updating information on the 341 groups our Area on the WSO database. For those of you
new to the process or who would like a refresher, I would like to share the process and the importance of keeping records up to date.
Why is it important to keep the group records up to date?
 The CMA (Current Mailing Address) listed on the group’s records is the address to which all mail is sent
from WSO—an important link of communiction between WSO and the groups.
 Groups that have returned mail after three attempts are placed in a no mail status. After two years in a no
mail status, a group will be placed in an inactive status.
 The group’s meeting location and time listed on the WSO database is what is given out to the newcomers,
current members, and the public inquiring about where to go to a meeting on the WSO website.
Whose responsibility is it to keep current and update new information of the groups listed on the Group
Records Database?
 It is the District Representative’s responsibility to update the group records.
 It is the Group Representative’s responsibility to inform their District Representative of any changes.
 It is the Group Representative’s responsibility to update the group records if they have no DR.
 It is the person listed as the Current Mailing Address’s (CMA) or group contact person’s responsibility
to contact the District Representative (DR) and inform them of any changes if there is no Group Representative. If there is no District Representative, it is their responsibility to update the group records.
What is the process of updating group records?
It is a simple process that can be accomplished online. Those that require a paper form can print it from the
online location or get paper copies from me. Paper forms are to be mailed to: Jane Brett, 10516 E. Karen
Gannon Pl., Tucson, AZ 85747.
The group records are updated on the Area website
1. Go to the Area website
2. Click on the menu item, Members.
3. Enter the password: azafg
4. Click on the menu item, Group Records Corner.
5. Click on the GR-1 form, either online or printable, and make the changes. This will update both the
Area and WSO. Instructions for the GR-1 form are also available here. On this screen there are also
instructions, a List of Groups selection, and a selection to contact me. Information is listed in both
English and Spanish.
6. Contact your local Information Center (AIS/LDC) or Intergroup (AIS) with the changes, so the local
meeting list will be updated as well.
As a DR, how are group records useful?
You are able to access a list of your groups so you have information needed about the groups in your district.
That information is available to you on the Area website mentioned above under Group Records Corner. In
addition, a more current record can be found for your district at
using your same log-on information that you will receive or have received from WSO for e-Communities (a
great resource for communication and others’ experience on questions you might have).
Please email me with any questions. I will answer them the best I can and if I don’t know, I will find out.
Gratefully submitted, Jane B., Group Records
Message Carrier
Group Services Report
Greetings All!
As a newbie in this position, I would like to start by
sending a survey to all groups this spring to see what
may be needed. In order to be of service, I need to
know what the needs are so please let me know. I
am taking requests for any topics you may want
some help with as you navigate creating the healthiest groups possible in recovery.
Email me at groupservcoord@al-anon-org or call
me at 774-840-0622. Thanks!
Yours in service,
Newsletter Coordinator Report
I have finished with Archives now. I have disposed
of the old Brother scanner that we had so that is taken care of. I have taken to this meeting the items
that Jennifer Peck will sort through and keep or dispose of, whichever she decides, and a book belonging to Tucson Information Center which will go to
Jane B. to take back to Tucson. All of the rest of the
Archives material has been turned over to Sue H.
and its all hers now.
As Newsletter Coordinator, I am working with
Marty to find out how to do this. I now have the
software on my computer to do this job so will go
from there. I have met with Marty at least twice and
will again as we put this newsletter together. It is a
matter of learning as I do stuff and fortunately there
is lots of help. We will do this issue together and
then we shall see if I can do the next one by myself.
We will make some changes but it will still look like
your regular Message Carrier.
Pat Holland
Newsletter Coordinator
Page 8
Public Outreach Coordinator Report
Hi, I’m Mary Cancik, your new Public Outreach Coordinator for this new three-year Panel 56.
I have been a grateful member of Al-Anon for 15
years. Al-Anon has brought so many positive changes to my life, not only in helping me deal with alcoholics, drinking or not drinking, but how I interact
with others in my daily life, especially family members. In the beginning I thought that if everyone was
in recovery, life would be wonderful. But that is an
unrealistic expectation. What I have found is that,
through recovery, I have grown in ways I could never have imagined possible. One of the ways is
through service work. Learning how to work with
others, delegate, coordinate events, and ask for help.
I don’t have to do anything alone, and I need to remember that especially in service.
I am excited about this new opportunity to carry the
message to others through public outreach, to make
others aware that Al-Anon is there for anyone suffering from the disease of alcoholism. It is a program
that has given me sanity, peace, acceptance of others
and myself, and a HP that is always there for me. Of
course I have some fear never having done this position before, but that’s how I was when I first took on
the GR position for our group.
Remembering that I don’t have to do it alone and to
ask for help and trust that my HP will guide me
along the way. I’d like to have an organizational
meeting to form specific committees, breaking up
this task into little more manageable pieces in the
early part of March. So, I am asking now if anyone
would like to get involved with Public Outreach and
help carry the message in the state of Arizona, please
contact me.
Thank you.
Mary Cancik
Public Outreach Coordinator
The elevator to serenity is broken.
Please use the steps!
Message Carrier
Page 9
Arizona Area Assembly
St. Peter Lutheran Church
1844 E. Dana Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85204
Saturday, April 2, 2016
8:30-4:30 p.m.
(Registration and Breakfast open at 8:00 a.m.)
In addition to reports and workshops, the Spring Assembly begins with a Spiritual Speaker at 8:30
We are busy readying ourselves for the first Assembly of Panel 56! Our Groups, Committees, and
Service Boards have many wonderful service goals in process, bringing better opportunities for AlAnon/Alateen recovery in Arizona. I hope all Arizona Groups will make the necessary arrangements
to send a Group Representative to the Assembly. We find progress for our Groups with your direct
participation in our Group conscience and participation is the key to harmony!
(All Al-Anon/Alateen members are welcome to attend and participate at Area Assemblies in addition
to the requested Group Representative.)
Date & Time: Our Spring Assembly is April 2, 2016, from 8:30-4:30 p.m. A continental breakfast
and lunch are provided within your registration fee of $17.00 for Al-Anon and $5.00 for Alateen.
Meeting Location: St. Peter Lutheran Church, 1844 E. Dana Ave., Mesa, AZ 85204. Please
use this link for details:
Use password: azafg
Online Registration: Follow this link:
Online registration will remain open through March 23rd.
For mail-in registration: Please complete a registration form (available at the link above) and
mail your check payable to: AFG of Arizona, P. O. Box 16162, Tucson, AZ 85732. Please mail registration by March 15th so we can finalize the lunch order. If you are not able to mail your registration form in time but plan to attend, please contact Paula W. at mailto:
Overnight Guests: A negotiated rate of $118.00 is set for a room with two queen beds at:
Phoenix Marriott Mesa, 200 N. Centennial Way, Mesa, AZ 85201, Ph. #: 480-898-8300. St. Peter
Church is about a ten-minute drive from this hotel.
You must call and mention you are with Al-Anon Family Groups of Arizona
before March 4th to receive the discounted rate.
Thank you District 11 for being our Host!
Yours in service,
Mike S., Area Chairperson
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Coordinator & Liaison & District Reports
District 10S Report
1. District 10 S has been in existence for one year
since the vote at the Spring Assembly of March 28,
2015, in Sun City, Arizona. Arizona has now been
divided into two Spanish Districts, one for the north
in Phoenix and one for the south in Tucson.
2. There has been a District meeting monthly since
May, each of which has been followed by a workshop on the Traditions or the Guidelines.
3. A Coordinator for Public Outreach has been elected: Yolanda from the Sunday meeting Una Luz en
mi Camino.
4. A new Alateen group has begun at the meeting
place of the Nueva Vida group at 2549 S 6th Ave.
and 36th St. It meets Tuesdays from 5:30 -7 p.m.
5. Two groups have closed. They were groups which
had approximately 3 members for approximately 2
years. Newcomers to these groups did not return. At
the moment, there are 6 groups.
District 11 Report
As we enter 2016, we have 15 active meetings in our
district. Eight meetings were represented at our business meeting on January 9th. Reports on meeting activities and attendance was good, winter visitors are
back and we are also seeing more newcomers.
We are excited to be hosting the Spring Assembly
being held in Mesa on April 2, 2016. It will be at St.
Peter Lutheran Church, 1844 E. Dana Avenue. We
are also currently working on final details for our
annual picnic. It will be April 16, 2016, at Lost
Dutchman State Park, the Palo Verde Ramada. Flyers will be distributed soon and everyone is welcome
to join us.
Ann Synodis, DR, District 11
6. A new group is being formed. A location has been
secured for March.
7. The Nueva Vida group is planning a 20th anniversary for February 20.
8. A vote was taken at the Tucson Intergroup to eliminate the position of Spanish Coordinator. The District will now be in charge of the translation equipment and the hiring of interpreters.
Elvira Serventi
District Representative
Thank you to District 5
for hosting the
2016 Spring AWSC in Safford.
District 24 Report
The last District 24 Meeting was held on 2/3/16.
Donna B. was elected as the new District 24 Representative. Julie W. will serve as Alternate DR. A district meeting will be scheduled for March to encourage GRs to attend the Spring AZ Area Assembly and
to discuss any motions that will be voted on at Assembly.
The district continues to support public outreach by
supplying Al-Anon information at local libraries.
Yours in service,
Julie West, Alternate DR
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Coordinator & Liaison & District Reports
District 26 S Report
Hola a todos gracias por darse la oportunidad de
server. Bienvenido el nuevo pane 56.
El nuevo comite del distrito 26 S estamos planeando
trabajar con los grupos para encontrar mas unidad en
los grupos, motivar al servicio, y poder representar a
los grupos en la asamblea de la area. Se acaban de
abrir dos grupos mas son un total de 12 grupos y uno
de alateen.
Ya hicimos el programa para todo el ano 2016 empezando con un taller para los nuevos RG. Este 26
de Febrero en la oficina intergrupal 2340 NW Grand
Ave a las 10:00am. Tenemos una nueva servidora en
informacion al publico. Tere S. Hay muchos planes
estamos empezando y con la ayuda de nuestro poder
superior si se puede.
Con Muchisimo Amor Al Servicio
Maria L. Distrito 26 S
Hello to all and thank you for the opportunity to
serve! Welcome to the new Panel 56.
The new committee for District 26S is planning to
work with the groups to find more unity in the
groups, to motivate service, and to represent the
group in the Assembly for the Area. We just opened
two more groups for a total of twelve groups and one
Alateen group.
We just did a program for everyone in 2016 beginning with a workshop for our new GRs. On the 26th
of February in the Intergroup Office at 2340 NW
Grand Avenue at 10:00 a.m., we will have a new
public information person, Tere S. There are many
plans beginning and, with the help of all our Higher
Power, we will do it!
With much love for service,
Maria L., District 26S
District 14 Report
District 14 serves the southwest valley including the
cities of Tolleson, Avondale, Goodyear, Litchfield
Park, and Buckeye. We have six meetings, one each
day of the week except Saturday. I’m grateful that
each group participates at the District level, and most
groups regularly attend SRVAIS meetings. Most
groups also regularly send representatives to Assembly and Delegates Day.
District 14 held its 10th annual Holiday Speakers
meeting on Friday, December 4, and had participation from AA, Al-Anon, and Alateen speakers as
well as a potluck dinner. It was a great opportunity
for fellowship before the meeting, and we enjoyed
hearing the experience, strength, and hope from all
three speakers.
On Friday, February 12th, we held our annual
“Sweets for Your Sweetie” Valentine’s Day speakers
meeting. It’s our tradition to have a silent auction for
cakes, cookies, pasteries, and hand-made items to
support District functions. The evening was a success, and we enjoyed the opportunity to hear the stories of how it was before, what changed, and how it
is now from our AA and Al-Anon Speakers. Both
speakers were really inspiring.
District 14 has been sponsoring an Alateen meeting
for the past 3+ years. Effective Tuesday, March 1st,
the meeting will be moving to St. Peter’s Church in
Litchfield Park at 400 Old Litchfield Rd., Litchfield
Park, AZ 85340. The meeting will start at 7:00pm.
In service, Garth Matthews
...for all the information you
need about the upcoming
Message Carrier
Page 12
2016 Al-Anon/Alateen Convention Information
2016 AFG Convention Report
Thank you everyone at the Fall
Assembly for the overwhelming support!
Hotel reservations and Convention
Registrations can be made on-line.
We are live on-line at:
Fundraising items are selling quickly.
Speakers have been secured and
things are moving along very well.
We are so excited!!!
Grateful in Service,
Sherrie Lee & Gene Thiel
All Al-Anon Groups are invited to donate a gift
basket for fundraising at the Convention
Theme: Opening Our Minds and Hearts
Can include: Al-Anon literature and other
items that support the Al-Anon
principles. Items made by members
are encouraged.
Please do not include gift cards
or gift certificates!
Baskets can be dropped off
at the Convention on
Friday, April 29th, beginning at noon
Thank you for your support!
For information, please contact
the 2016 Convention
Co-Fundraising Chairpersons:
Robin C. — 520-818-1177
Claudia V. — 520-256-3196
2016 Arizona Area
Al-Anon/Alateen Convention
with AA Participation
Fabulous Speaker Line-Up
Friday Night AA Speakers:
Dennis and Vivian W., AZ
Saturday Night Al-Anon Speaker:
Larcine G., CA
Spanish Al-Anon Speaker:
Saul L., Mexico
Alateen Speaker: TBD
Sunday Morning Speaker:
Vali F., AZ
Friday Night Dance
Highlights include:
Theme Basket Raffle
 Ticket sales — 3:30 on Friday until 5:00 on Saturday
 Winning numbers posted in CR #3 on Saturday at 9:15
AMIAS Training
 New certifications: Saturday 9:00-noon
 Recertifications: Saturday 11:00-noon
 Located on the Champagne Terrace, 2nd Floor
 3:00-7:30 p.m. on Friday — 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. on
Saturday — 7:00-8:30 a.m. on Sunday
Prayer and Meditation Room
 For quiet reading, prayer, and reflection
 3:00-10:30 p.m. on Friday — 1:00-10:30 p.m. on
Saturday — 6:00 a.m.-noon on Sunday
Gift Baskets
 Sign language translation available
 English to Spanish/Spanish to English for all partici-
pants in room B and C
Message Carrier
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Message Carrier
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Al-Anon/Alateen Arizona Area World Service Committee Panel 56
Barbara Long
19702 N. 93rd Drive
Peoria, AZ 85382
(623) 572-5477
Sue Hetherington
4467 E. Meadow Land Drive
San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
(480) 463-5504
Sherrie Lee
2341 S. Lazy A Place
Tucson, AZ 85713
(520) 743-0608
Donna Morris
46024 W. Tulip Lane
Maricopa, AZ 85739
(480) 299-1726
Claudia Milligan
7904 E. Obispo Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85212
(480) 385-8454
Monta Anderson
2611 S. Jaguar Road
Tucson, AZ 85730
(520) 885-3823
Win Q.
8916 E. Lee St.
Tucson, AZ 85715
(520) 272-7762
Leanne Costa (contact)
3400 S Avenue 7E, Lot# 412
Yuma, AZ 85365
(928) 344-5358
Katie Wakeham
Heidi Tults
2565 Laverne Dr.
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406
(631) 373-4905
Ruth Davis
(248) 421-4016
Mike Simmons
4219 W. Calle Lejos
Glendale, AZ 85310
(602) 725-5073
Sunnee O.
9525 East Olla Circle
Mesa, AZ 85212
Cherie Johnston
PO Box 26811
Tucson, AZ 85726
(520) 488-6528
Jackie Swenson
8901 Nugget Circle
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
(928) 533-6591
Jane Brett
10516 E. Karen Gannon Pl.
Tucson, AZ 85747
(520) 909-6409
Pat Holland
729 S. Paustian Circle
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
(480) 288-0640
Paula Weech
2127 S. Roberto Pl.
Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 904-3541
Barbi Blattenberger
4372 W. Waldron Way
Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 262-7267
Clem Copillo
357 E. Arabian Drive
Gilbert, AZ 85296
(480) 889-4068
Marty Marsh
123 N. Washington Street, #27
Chandler, AZ. 85225
(716) 969-6519
Mary Cancik
311 E. Auburn Drive
Tempe, AZ 85283
(602) 316-6843
Scott Chapell
(623) 203-4306
MaryAnne Schrade
P. O. Box 1054
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
(928) 213-0312
Linda Clark
4540 E. Robin Drive
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 273-4608
Mary Scott
P. O. Box 265
Taylor, AZ 85939
(928) 243-7141
Barbara Kennedy
3485 Eagle Vista Dr.
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650
Elvira Serventi (contact)
1770 W. Elm St.
Tucson, AZ 85745
(520) 405-2011
Ann Synodis
PO Box 5058
Mesa, AZ 85211
(520) 705-9373
Barb Tebal (contact)
1352 E. Washington Ave.
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Elisabeth Broughton
(480) 567-4829
Garth Matthews
665 E. Palm St.
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
(623) 293-1038
Message Carrier
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Al-Anon/Alateen Arizona Area World Service Committee Panel 56
Freda Chase
3515 N. Navajo Trail
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(480) 495-5696
Freda Chase
3515 N. Navajo Trail
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(480) 495-5696
Sherrie Lee
2341 S. Lazy A Place
Tucson, AZ 85713
(520) 743-0608
Joan F.
Aimy Campbell
11874 N. Verismo Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85737
Donna Belcher
4511 N. Circulo De Kaoits
Tucson, AZ 85750
2432 W. Peoria Ave., #1027
Phoenix, AZ 85029
(602) 249-1257
Luz Neville
P.O. Box 35037
Tucson, AZ 85740
(520) 887-6330
Mildred Castro
2401 E. Eastland St.
Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 622-0382
SRVAIS Liaison
Garth Matthews
(623) 293-1038
Pam Burns
P. O. Box 885
Dewey, AZ 86327
(928) 699-2280
1011 N. Craycroft Rd. #450
Tucson, AZ 85711
(520) 323-2229
Maria Luna
1945 W. Chipman Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85041
(602) 821-4883
1320 E. Broadway #109
Mesa, AZ 85204
(480) 969-6144
EVIC Liaison
AIS Liaison
Veronica Valle
(623) 234-0504
We ask that reports to be presented at AWSC and Assembly
be submitted as soon as possible prior to the event so that
the interpreters have time to prepare the translations.
Please email your report to:
Donations to the Area may be mailed to:
AFG of Arizona
P. O. 16162
Tucson, AZ 85732-6162
Please be sure to include your group name and number.
Thank You !
Karen Rimmell
2209 S. Oak Park Drive
Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 751-7571
Cindy Medford
P.O. Box 91453
Tucson, AZ 85752-1453
(520) 544-9070
Virginia Schaefer
8919 W. Acapulco Lane
Peoria, AZ 85381
(623) 202-3787
Cecilia Koperno
10840 E. Walking Stick Drive
Tucson, AZ 85748
(520) 885-4682
Vali Fayen
3915 E. Enrose Street
Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 635-0008
Message Carrier
Page 16
Message Carrier
123 N. Washington Street, Unit #27
Chandler, AZ. 85225
The Message Carrier is a FREE Area Newsletter, published quarterly.
To receive the Message Carrier, please fill out this form and mail it to the above
address or e-mail the information to:
Please note that you will not receive your subscription until the next issue of the
newsletter. It could be as long as 3 months since this is a quarterly newsletter.
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