September 27, 2015 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
September 27, 2015 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish, Fenton Michigan POPCAN & BOTTLE DRIVE We are collecting your pop cans and bottles Next Weekend: October 3rd & 4th 100% of the proceeds go to the S T . J OHN O UTREACH M INISTRY Page 2 Some Notes from Fr. Dwight’s Desk……. Many Thanks for A Successful Applefest 43 What amazing days! From the time the tents arrived a week ago this past Saturday to the time everything was taken down and cleaned up, I have witnessed what more than one observer called “a well-oiled machine.” And yet, Applefest is so much more than that. It’s not so much a machine as it is the Body of Christ at work building up community within our parish and within the greater Fenton area. My thanks to everyone who had a hand in planning, preparing, setting-up, cooking, baking, parking, cleaning, tearing down, cleaning up and any of dozens of other jobs and responsibilities that have to be managed in order to make this festival a success and in order for it to run as smoothly as it does. My thanks also go to everyone within and outside the parish who patronized Applefest in every aspect. There were smiles everywhere I went as I visited with folks across all four days of the festival. Once all the bills are paid, the net proceeds will be announced at all the Masses the weekend of October 25. A list of winners for the various raffles can be found in today’s bulletin. Soon, the process of planning for Applefest 44 will begin. Until then, I hope everyone enjoys a bit of rest, savoring the good feelings that come from knowledge of a job well done, thankful to God for the many talents he has placed in our parish community that make possible something as wonderful as Applefest. Help Spread the Faith this Weekend Thank you for making last year’s annual Evangelization Appeal a success. Thank you for answering Christ’s call to evangelize. The Help Spread the FAITH Appeal makes our own local evangelization efforts, like FAITH Magazine and the televised Outreach Mass, possible. Bishop Boyea believes that FAITH is an important part of our evangelization plan. As the Editor of Lansing’s edition of FAITH (one of almost 40 we now publish for diocese across the United States with a combined circulation of over 1.7-million) and Chairman of FAITH Publishing, this work is near and dear to my heart. FAITH is sent to your home and every Catholic home each month by our parishes and diocese. Your generous gift to the Evangelization Appeal helps directly offset the cost to our parish community for providing FAITH to every registered household. Many of our fellow Catholics have become disconnected from the life of the Church, and Bishop Boyea believes that FAITH Magazine is a great way to reach out to them. In addition to FAITH, our diocese continues to evangelize with interactive Web sites, weekly television Masses, the U.S. bishops’ national efforts and local parish initiatives by supporting the Help Spread the FAITH Appeal, you will help us continue to answer Christ’s call to reach out with the Gospel message. The Evangelization Appeal this weekend. Please make use of either the envelope contained in your annual envelope booklet or the one included in the letter you received from Bishop Boyea. Thank you for your generosity! Web-Based Parish Offertory Giving and Fee Payment Now Available Like so many folks these days, I have made the switch to on-line bill payment for the vast majority of my regular bills. I have also made the switch to using the web to offer my regular financial support to our parish community. Our web-based giving option is safe, secure and very easy to use. It is similar to the e-tithing program that has been in place here at St. John, but has greater flexibility. It also allows offertory giving to be drawn from a checking account or from a credit or debit card. There are several advantages to the new web-based offertory giving option. First, it is safe and secure. It makes use of the highest level of encryption. Secondly, it provides an easy way to make regularly-scheduled and one-time gifts to support a variety of offertory funds, just like those that can be supported using traditional envelopes. Third, it allows givers to see and monitor their own offertory giving. Finally, it is very easy to use. Creating a user profile and setting up a recurring or one-time gift is very simple. Just go to our parish website ( and click on the “ETithing” button. Simple instructions are there to create a user profile. Once your profile has been created, making an offertory gift to any of the funds listed there is very simple. The funds will change regularly to reflect those that are available for each month. Recently, we have also added the ability to accept payment for religious formation tuition and fees, registration fees for adult faith formation, as well as other non-tax-deductible fees like those associated with purchase of graves in our parish cemetery as well as niches in the columbaria. This makes it easy to make such payments using credit or debit cards. Page 3 Oct. 3rd & 4th Mass Intentions for the Week Mass Lectors Monday, September 28, Weekday-Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr, Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, -Zec 8: 1-8/Lk 9: 46-50 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Ronald Alexander Merta- Anna Slater 5:00 Pm Sat. 10-3 Dorland, S (1) Verhelle, M. (2) Alger, T. Bombach, S. Herrman, G. Husse, J. Medich, K. Sechan, C. Sechan, M. Sleva, E. Claxton, K. Herrman, D. Lueck, J. Verhelle, D. Verhelle, T. Beth & Laura Jacoby, Geoffrey Simberg 8:00 am Sun. 10-4 Bastian, J. (1) Spaniola, J. (2) Archmbault, C. Briggs, J. Cornillie, C. Kunkel, L. Olkowski, D> Tata, G. Tata, R. Turczyn, T. Bastian, B. Gifford, K. Jewell, M. Patthanacharo enphon, O. Zonca, J. Emily & Olivia Battaglia, Katie Olkowski 10:00 am Sun. 10-4 Faricy, T (1) Faricy L. (2) Bradburn, K. Burdick, K. Burdick, S. Frakes, J. Frederick, T. Grederick, G. Sass, J. VanGilder, N. Clark, B. Crantas, J. Draeger, T. Liedel, M. Cannazzaro, M. Gardner, G. Redden, B. Rothley, R. Rothley, W. Wagner, D. John & Will Gavin, Cameron Cislo 12:00 pm Sun 10-4 Hook, C.(1) Lockwood P (2) Buchanan, Katie Carney, M. Dziadzio, J. Miller, T. Monahan, R. Rymarz, T. Tomalia, R. Wolf, L. Glinke, T. Gonzalez, C. Langeway, C. Niec, M. Rheingans, J. Thomas, J. Maria & Anna Ebert Celia Hardimon 6:00 pm Sun 10-4 Haiss, V. (1) Jankowski , L. (2) Bundy, T. Carino, F. Carino, Kendall Carino, Kristie Champlin, C. Haiss, A. Wolf, N. Beste, Megan Darling, E. Darling, S. Gilbert, M. Ladwig, S. Chelsea Bujak, Emily Gilsdorf, Allie Daskey Tuesday, September 29, Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels Dn 7: 9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12: 7-12a Jn 1: 47-51 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Holy Hour for Vocations - Chapel Wednesday, September 30, Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church Neh 2: 1-8 Lk 9: 57-62 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour for Vocations Church Thursday, October 1, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church-Neh8: 1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12 Lk 10: 1-12 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Holy Hour for Vocations - Chapel Friday, October 2, The Holy Guardian Angels-Bar 1: 15-22 Mt 18: 1-5 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Special intentions of the Bartosik Family - Wygant Family Adoration in the Chapel following Mass until 4:45p.m. Anointing of sick after all Masses-Church Saturday, October 3, Weekday-Bar 4: 5-12, 27-29 Lk 10:17-24 2:00 p.m. Wedding-Church Kevin Lee & Meggin Mogford 2:00 p.m. Wedding-Chapel Christopher Campbell & Lesia Bartkiw Twenty-Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time Gn 2: 18-24 Heb 2: 9-11 Mk 10: 2-16 or 10: 2-12 5:00 p.m. Glen Pieczynski - Jankowski Family Sunday, October 4, 8:00 a.m. Joseph Schaefer Jerry & Lynn Eisenbeis 10:00 a.m Carol Gardner, 1st anniversary of death - 10 a.m. Ushers 12:00 p.m. Stanley & Harriet Mataczynski John & Connie Cislo 6:00 p.m. People of the Parish The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Church this week in memory of Stanley & Harriet Mataczynski. The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Chapel this week in memory of Carol Gardner. E. M. Usher Servers Page 4 from Fr. Jim …. Worship Tim Garbach ..… If you want to be challenged by Scripture look no further than today’s 2nd Reading from St. James. He writes, “Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries. Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten, your gold and silver have corroded, and that corrosion will be a testimony against you; it will devour your flesh like a fire. You have stored up treasure for the last days. You have lived on earth in luxury and pleasure; you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter” (James 5:1-3,5). Yikes! We remember that wealth and possessions are not evil or wrong in themselves, but they are to the extent that they take our focus away from God. Let’s take a moment to examine where our hearts are at when it comes to wealth and possessions. The first question we should ask ourselves is: Where is my hope? We always have to recognize that money, wealth, possessions, and power cannot save us – only Jesus can do that. While many of us probably recognize this on an intellectual level it is much harder to live out in our daily lives. All of our hope must be in Jesus, He is our only means of salvation. Often we seek money or wealth in an attempt to feel secure and safe when we should really be spending time with God. Wealth in itself is not evil, but when it becomes the center of our attention and activity it becomes a false idol. We must also recognize that everything is a gift from God, including our wealth and possessions. Then we must ask ourselves: Am I generous with the wealth that God has given me? We are reminded of the story of Jesus watching people putting money into the temple treasury. He saw rich men putting in huge sums of money and a poor widow putting in two small coins. Jesus says, “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood” (Mk 12:43-44). In the end we cannot take anything with us when we die. Our wealth and possessions cannot pass over into the next life, but what we have done with the gifts that God has given us do pass over. Jesus says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Mt 6:19-21). Jesus challenges when it comes to wealth and possessions, but He will not be outdone in generosity. When we give anything to Him we know that He will give us back even more. I would encourage you to take some time this week and reflect on these points: Where is my hope? Am I generous with the wealth that God has given me? Is my heart set on God or on the things of this world? 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Now that Applefest has come and gone, it only means one thing...the start of our St. John Choirs! Here is your chance to join our bell/ chime and adult choirs. No formal experience is necessary. All choirs are open to men and women 18 and over. Here are the particulars: Adult Bell & Chime Choir Plays twice a month throughout the liturgical year. NEW TIME! Rehearsals Thursday nights 5:30 p.m. Church Loft. Adult Choir Sings at the 10:00 a.m. Liturgy on Sundays throughout the Liturgical Year. We need Tenors and Basses. Rehearsals Thursday nights 7:00 p.m. Church Loft. Cantor Proclaim the Responsorial Psalm and lead Assembly singing. You must be able to read music. Please call for an audition. A special thanks to Scott Burdick for purchasing and installing our new 32” monitor. Great job, Scott!! Pax Christe, Timothy J. Garback Director of Music Ministries/Liturgy 1 (810) 629-2251 Youth Choir returns on Wednesday, September 23rd. We’ll sing every second Sunday at noon mass, starting on October 11th. If you love to sing and are in 2nd— 12th grade, please join us. Bring a friend. Any questions, please call or text Amy O’Rourke at 810-919-8962 Or email at: Page 5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Kyle Ulrich …… Greetings in Christ, Thank you to all the youth and volunteers that helped make Applefest happen! Here are some photos of what happened at the HAPPY APPLE TREE!!! Director of Religious Education Helene Paulik …… Let’s give a heart-felt “THANK-YOU” to all St. John Catechists! Today is St. John’s Catechetical Sunday (It was celebrated nation-wide last Sunday, but we wanted to wait until after “Applefest”) This year’s theme is: Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person The volunteers who make a commitment to our young people give a great deal of themselves to our faith community. If you know someone who teaches religious education or mentors our youth please be sure to say thanks. -Jr. High Youth Group 7th and 8th grade Sunday 4:45pm-5:45pm -Mass at 6:00 PM (youth group has a section reserved at the front of church by Saint Joseph. -Sr. High Youth Group 7:15 to 9:00pm down in the youth room September 13th . -Confirmation Rehearsal Dinner Oct. 18th, 4:00 PM, meet in school cafeteria. Confirmation Mass October 19th -Confirmation Class of 2016, register now. First Parent Meeting November 1st at 1:30 PM, Activity Center, Grand Hall. Page 6 Director of Adult Education Dan Medich …… Outreach Maureen Ottney …… There is still time ! That Man is You is off to a great start. A Thank You from a Grateful Family We have had over One Hundred of Dear St. John Outreach, our men join in the first two weeks. To You have saved our family in so many ways. the other men in our parish if you are looking for a night of fun and fellowship focusing on being better men of God. Please join us this coming Monday in the school cafeteria at 7:00pm. Endow is also off to a great start. They have over Seventy women registered with the Wednesday evening session having their first night. Monday and Tuesday morning session starting this week. If you are interested to be Educated on the Nature and Dignity Of Women through small group fellowship there is still time to join. If interested in registering use Interested in growing closer to God through the study of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition? If so join the A short time ago, when it was clear we could no longer pay the bills, we decided to call you to see if you could help us. Our Consumer’s Energy bill was too high for us to pay. My husband lost his job. We signed up for the plan where no matter what our payment should be we would only need to pay a small amount. Suddenly Consumer’s Energy said we needed to pay the entire bill or get the shut-off. If this happens then we would need to pay to get the energy turned on again. Thank you for helping us get through this ordeal. My husband has been interviewing for another job so we are hoping. Thank you for all that you did for our family. Joyce Disciples Journey and study either the scripture of Galatians or the first four hundred years of the early church through Epic. The Sunday afternoon session started today and the Monday evening and Wednesday morning sessions are starting this week. If you are interested in joining use Dan Medich Jr 248.982.5355 The Next Our Lady of Compassionate Care Rosary 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 14th in the Chapel You are welcome to join us. Page 7 Xwâvtà|ÉÇ |Ç Yt|à{ ‹AAA St. John School ZÜtàxyâÄ yÉÜ ZÜtÇwÑtÜxÇàá St. John School celebrated Grandparents Day during our school mass September 16th. Starting the day with mass is always a beautiful gift. Sharing it with our grandparents made it extra special! Please save for St. John School: Box Tops for Education Alpine Receipts Campbell’s Labels Spartan Labels All items can be dropped off in the school office. It is greatly appreciated if these items are pre-sorted. Please note: VG’s has discontinued their Community Share program. As a result, we no longer accept VG’s receipts. Page 8 Our Parish Life Together …... Financial Barometer Events for the Week Monday, September 28, 9:00 a.m. ENDOW - Grand Hall 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - A Room 6:30 p.m. Bible Study - Activity Center 7:00 p.m. Men’s “CRHP” - Gospel Room 7:00 p.m. Gabrielle Project - Convent Tuesday, September 29, 8:30 a.m. Rosary - Chapel 9:00 a.m. ENDOW - Grand Hall 9:40 a.m. Novena - Chapel 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.Works of Mercy-Activity Center 3:30 p.m. Bible Study - Conference Room 6:00 p.m. Women’s “CRHP” - Gospel Room 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus 5th Tuesday Euchre - St John Knights Hall Wednesday, September 30, 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - A Room 4:00 p.m. Youth Choir - Church 5:00 p.m. Open Gate Garden Club - Grand Hall 7:00 p.m. RCIA - Activity Center 7:00 p.m. Charismatic Intercessory Prayer Chapel 7:00 p.m. Venture Crew 212 - A Room 7:00 p.m. Festival Evaluation Meeting Grand Hall Thursday, October 1, 9:00 a.m. ENDOW– Founder’s Hall 10:00 a.m.& 7:00p.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Conference Room 6:00 p.m. ID 916 - Chapel & Founder’s Hall 6:30 p.m. 1st Eucharist Meeting - Grand Hall 7:00 p.m. Divorce Survival Guide - Gospel Room Friday, October 2, AA Meeting - A Room Bible Study - Conference Room Knights of Columbus Bingo St John Knights Hall 10:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, October 3, 12:00-3:00p.m. Knights of Columbus Open House St John Knights Hall 3:00 p.m. Vet to Vet Support Group St John Knights Hall 3:30 p.m. Confessions - Church Sunday, October 4, 8 & 10:00a.m. “CRHP” hosts coffee & donuts following 8 & 10a.m. Masses-Grand Hall 9:00 a.m. RCIA - Activity Center 4:15-5:45 p.m. Jr High Youth Group - Activity Ctr. 7:15-9:00 p.m. Sr High Youth Group - Youth Room for Week Ending Sept. 6 Total Donors……………………………......... .....610 Envelopes………………………………..…18,551.00 Loose………………………………………...3,144.18 E-Tithing ……………...…………………….9,296.00 Total………………………………………..30,991.18 Offertory Observation… St James warns in today’s second reading that those who hoard their wealth and live only for themselves will be condemned. But in the Gospel, Jesus assures us that all who give of themselves for His sake will be rewarded. Vocation Views… All who serve in the name of Jesus will receive a reward. Encourage someone you know who would be of service as a priest, deacon, brother, or sister. Today, the special collection for the American Evangelization Appeal will be taken up during all of the Mases. Next week, the monthly collection for newspapers & magazines will be taken up during all the Masses. Marriage Banns III III II Kevin Lee & Meggin Mogford Christopher Campbell & Lesia Bartkiw Richard Pokrefky & Amanda Jones Please Pray for Our Sick Jerry Bell Mamie Berta Robert Boyd Patrick Carmody Virginia Carmody Rosemary Cashin John Cislo Charlie Cole Christine Cole Carol Cornillie Rick Coscia Erin Dagenais Phyllis Davis Kristin Deleeuw Lori Delecki Mary Douglas Pamela Daoust John Engle Mercedes Fisk Beth Grahl Rachel Hagan Liam Harrison Lou Hanks Walt Henry Stacy MetcalfHickey Ileen Holsinger Lee Johnson Michelle Joseph Joe & Heidi Jozwik Margaret Keck Mark Kelley Jackie Kepsel Linda Lach Michael Lenze Gerald Loviska Catherine Lord Eloise Wild Jackie Macksood James Williams Ed Madsen Maureen Williams Linda Maniak Jim Perczak Renee Polidan James Rausch Jim Roan Doris Rohen Rose Sekulich And he told Emily Sharp them a parable Russel Stidham to show them Leo Strominger that they ought Fred Tryles always to pray Deborah Van and not Wormer Orpha Verhelle lose heart . Gary Wagner Luke 18:1 Virginia Westfall Page 9 In the Peace of Christ: Helen Fital died September 17, 2015. Her funeral mass was celebrated at the St. John Chapel September 24th, Fr. David Harvey celebrant. Helen was a long time member of our parish, most recently residing with her sister Veronica Parr at Caretel. Anne M. Kean died September 18, 2015. Funeral mass was celebrated September 22 at St. John Church, Fr. David Harvey celebrant. Anne was born in Paw Paw, MI and was a resident of Fenton for 65 years and a member of our parish. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH Women’s Retreat “Christ, Be Our Light” Mt 5:16 8a.m., October 17th until 4p.m., October 18th St. John the Evangelist Church Christ renews His Parish is a dynamic faith based program centered on Christ. The weekend offers you an opportunity to reflect on where you are now and where you are going in your relationship with God and others. There is no charge for this weekend. SPACE IS LIMITED RSVP by Sunday, October, 11th Marie Cavanagh 810-813-2282 1ST PLACE: Glenna Davis Purchased by LaJoice Family for $3,400 2ND PLACE Winner: Luann Hoyes Purchased by the Sharp Family $2,700. 3RD PLACE Winner: Dylan McGaffey Purchased by Cal Rapson October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. You are invited to join your fellow parishioners praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary one half hour before the 5:00 p.m.,8 :00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. masses.. October is also Respect Life Month. FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION, WHEN LIFE BEGINS, TO ITS NATURAL END. As always your personal intentions will be included. Come join us, your Mother Mary, is waiting for to spend time with you and draw you closer to her Son . Page 10 VET TO VET SUPPORT GROUP 1st Saturday of the Month 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall Fenton, MI Call Richard at 810-516-1397 for more information Intercessory Prayer Training Course – All are Welcome Saturdays, October 17, 31 and November 7. 8:00 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral 9:00 – 5:00 p.m. Instruction and prayer in Madonna Hall NO COST – just bring Bible and notebook, sack lunch (drinks will be provided) REGISTRATION: then click on Events and open October calendar, click on Oct. 17 Intercessory Prayer….. from there you can register. In response to Bishop Boyea’s call for each parish to raise up intercessors to pray for the Church, Sister Stephen and other members of Christ the King, Ann Arbor, with the Bishop’s approval, are offering a training course on how to intercede effectively. Contact Mary at with questions. O C TO B E R 1 3 T H AT NOON BRING A FRIEND! THANK YOU! The 43rd Applefest is officially over. The entertainment tent is closed, the grills are packed away, we've picked the raffle winner, and there are no more elephant ears for another year. It will be a few weeks before we know the final results, but it was certainly one of the best festivals ever. Actually, we're positive it was the best festival ever because no matter how the numbers come back, there were more smiles, more laughter, and more old friends than we ever thought possible. Each year we are amazed at everything we pack into 4 short days. Did you realize that Applefest is one of the largest festivals in Michigan? Over 35,000 people attend each year. But the thing that makes Applefest special isn’t the attendees or the apple pies. The thing that makes Applefest special is the volunteers. Without our volunteers, Applefest would never happen. Our Core Team members start meeting in February to ensure that each of the 45+ individual events has a chair and everything they need to be successful. This year’s Core Team included Sue & John Dasky, Suzanne & Tom Danner, Pat & John Hajec, Bri & Mike Johnson, and our newest members Kim & Eric Heethuis. It takes 2 weeks to do the physical set-up and then tear down Applefest. Our Set-Up team (led by John & Pat Hajec with Mike & Bri Johnson)starts the Saturday before festival, working every day through the week after festival is over to make sure we have everything we need to be successful. They do an amazing job. The 45+ individual events require another 150 chair and co-chairs, with almost 1,000 volunteers, working countless hours to ensure every moment of Applefest is your favorite. The greatest among you will be your servant. (Matthew 23:11) We hope your family enjoyed Applefest as much as ours did. We can’t thank you enough for all the time and effort you put into making this another wonderful festival. We are humbled by your dedication. Thank you! Dave & Sara McDermott Page 11 PRIZE # NAME GRAND Lori Pucke PRIZE TICKET 3-yr prepaid Lease 54763 1 Paul Cavanagh Fenton Home Furnishings $1,500 gi cert. 12626 2 Tim Black Cislo Title Co. $1,000 value Apple products 28612 3 Albert Hermsen Thomas Appliance - Danby Designer Wine Cooler $1,000 value 34028 4 Ma hew Tucker K.C. Baran, A orney at Law, $500 Estate Planning Package 43590 5 Janie Mansue Macksood's in Flushing, Weber Gas Grill $400 value 57374 6 Ashley Rubitaille Uncle Ray's Dairyland $300 Gi Cert. 41738 7 R. W. Zientek Sears Hometown Store, Cra sman Professional Power Washer $300 value 14553 8 Mike Hartley Steven Bliss, Acorn Wealth Mgmt., Camera value $350 42212 9 Louise Eible Crust, Ar san Bread for 1 year, $300 value 25621 10 Francine Boser The Laundry, dinner for 4 with wine, $300 value 63650 12 Joe Kelly Johnny's Pizzeria, $300 gi cer ficate 63558 13 Victor Trecha Today's Dental Comfort-The Bundy's, i-pad mini package, $300 value 47796 14 Paul Cherwinski Dr. Steven Sulfaro, Digital Camera, $350 value 24585 15 Gates Edward Jones-Kevin Messing, Bose Portable Speaker System, $300 value 14735 16 Bill Hajec Auto One Glass & Accessories, $300 gi card 17629 17 Greg Johnston Wireless Zone/Verizon, $300 gi card 35089 18 Jerry Sandlin Goin' Postal of Fenton, $300 gi cer ficate 64140 19 Linda Arndt Hick's Studio, $300 Portrait Package 24588 20 C.J. Callaghan Hick's Studio, $300 Portrait Package 59445 21 John Ghostley Auto Lab of Fenton, $100 gi card O2352 22 Mar e Reigle Auto Lab of Fenton, $100 gi card 59593 23 Jon Adrian Auto Lab of Fenton, $100 gi card 63967 24 Suzanne Perkins Auto Lab of Fenton, $100 gi card 29961 25 Anne Kusch J. D. Michel Salon, $100 gi cer ficate 64732 26 Chris Dilger J. D. Michel Salon, $100 gi cer ficate 60299 27 Helen Fital/Veronica Parr J. D. Michel Salon, $100 gi cer ficate O7715 28 Jo-Lee Wambach Sawyer's Jewelry, $100 gi cer ficate 31604 29 Howard Schrock Sawyer's Jewelry, $100 gi cer ficate 05020 30 Ann Witak Sawyer's Jewelry, $100 gi cer ficate 51648 31 Dorothy Medicus Gerych's Flowers & Gi s, $100 gi cer ficate 21078 32 Kris Cumming Gerych's Flowers & Gi s, $100 gi cer ficate 48425 33 Beste Gerych's Flowers & Gi s, $100 gi cer ficate 05848 Misc.1 Lisa Mora White Baby Blanket by Gracie Phillips 0696 2 Marlene Cartwright Handmade Baby Blanket by the Felician Sisters 0532 3 Angela Szcodronski Brown Blanket 0530 4 Paul Dorland Pineapple Runner 0676 5 Wendy Eden Baby Blanket 0511 6 Cris ne McDunnough White Baby Blanket 0705 7 John Jorgensen Christening Gown by Kathy Urbin 0682 8 Alaina Linders American Girl Doll 1056 COOL CASH $1,500.00 TICKET COOL CASH $1,000.00 08566 Pamela Redden Teresa & Ashley Griswold TICKET COOL CASH $500.00 TICKET 60689 63241 Glen Peters COOL CASH $200.00 Vicki Coughlin TICKET 08252 Page 12 Page 13 DENISE R. KETCHMARK Attorney at Law Parish Member Since 1971 611 W. Court Street, Suite 203, Flint 810-232-6096 By Mentioning This Ad, 10% of all Monies Collected From Client for Legal Services Will be Donated to the St John GIFT Campaign, Phase II “Your PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ Lender for Life” Located inside VG’s on Leroy St. 24/7 HELP ........ (810) 600-4372 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Dr. Jeffrey T. Pinkston Parishioner Dr. Dennis B. Pinkston Dr. Carole A. Cocagne Dr. Krista L. Kline Dr. Nicole L. Stilson Parishioner 10010 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Phone: 810-635-4015 Fax: 810-635-4017 HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9-12, 2-5:30 Sat. 9-12 WHY IS IT Lovely piano solos of many favorite songs and hymns for listening pleasure. Shall We Gather by Jerry Galipeau Available on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 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Business, Real Estate 14165 Fenton Rd., Ste. 104 G 810-714-4302 Irrigation Services Landscaping • Fertilization Lawn & Bed Maintenance J Douglas Mercer Ins Agcy Inc. • Free consultations. • Open every Saturday. • Low down payment options. • Interest free financing. No referral needed. Just give us a call. Downtown Linden 810.458.6188 1-800-248-0280 Jeff Gottron, Parishioner 391100 St John Church (B) “Top Producing Realtor for over Doug Mercer, Agent 2813 Silver Lake Road Fenton, MI 48430 Bus: 810-714-0370 See why State Farm® insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. Great service, plus discounts of up to 40 percent.* Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. *Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 “Your Hometown Dealer”. See Our Website For Specials Tim and Jennifer Hall Parishioner 15123 North Road • 810-714-3300 1-800-714-9505 • EASY TO FIND - US23 at EXIT 80 QUALITY EYE CARE AT A GREAT VALUE Designer Contacts Frames Eye Exams 3140 Silver Lake Rd. at US 23 • 810-593-1000 Family Owned 1225 W. Hill Road Flint, MI 48507 “Your Local Real Estate Advisors!” KEN BRANT 810-853-8440 (810) 235-2345 • Game Room For Customers Only • Non-Smoking • Alcohol Free • Great For Families • Separate Room for Private Get-Togethers • Dine In • Take Out 102 N. Adelaide • Fenton, MI 48430 (810) 750-8300 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 BUY 1 MEAL AT FULL PRICE Life Is Too Short Not To Dance! Dancing enhances your life in so many ways: Health & Confidence • Self-Expression Social Life • Relaxation • Fun! 810-629-0661 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA GET SECOND AT 1/2 PRICE 413 S. LEROY • DIBBLEVILLE Owned & Operated by the LaJoice Family - Parish Members ASSOCIATED FOOT CLINIC *Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fenton House Restaurant FREE BREAD Physicians and Surgeons of the foot New Location SHANNON BRANT 810-853-8444 WITH $5 PURCHASE CARRY OUT ONLY Jeffrey C. Noroyan, D.P.M.* Tim Snyder, D.P.M.* Allan Kalmus, D.P.M.* Law Offices of K.C. Baran, P.C. Attorney & Counselor Serving Linden & Fenton Area • Chapter 7 Bankruptcies • Wills • Trusts, Estates • Family Law • Custody Support • DUI / Criminal Defense Parish Member, K of C Member 810-936-5211 JOHN’S PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT Argentine Tango Bolero Cha-Cha Country Two-Step East Coast Swing Foxtrot Hustle Mambo Merengue Nightclub Slow Nightclub Two-Step Quickstep Rumba Salsa Samba Tango Viennese Waltz Waltz West Coast Swing 810-629-506 0 1492 LeRoy NEW BANQUET ROOM Book Your Parties Now! Large and Small, We Can Handle Them All Catering for All Occasions Serving Genesee Cty. for Over 40 Years AGA Gymnastics Competitive, recreational & Cheer Tumbling year round! 810-234-9900 for details Creative Learning Academy Child Care Center Infant, toddler, pre-school and Kindergarten programs year round. 810-234-8448 for details Both Voted Number 1 in Genesee County! 3180 W. Silver Lake Road • Fenton, MI 48430 810.750.1360 • 248.701.5235 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers (810) 733-7090 Serving business owners & executives in the Fenton community. Tom & Barbara Doescher, new parishioners of St. John Parish Call us today for a FREE Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! QUOTE! 265 N. Alloy, Ste. 100 • Fenton, MI 48430 HOLLY: (248) 634-7731 • FENTON: (810) 629-1504 West have 1 Communion Apparel 495 N. FENWAY, SUITE 3, FENTON 607 N. Saginaw, Holly, MI Active Parish Member 391100 St John Church (A) 810.519.8202 248-634-4671 WWW.CHARLIEKAEFORMALS.COM For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 fàA ]É{Ç à{x XätÇzxÄ|áà Vtà{ÉÄ|v ctÜ|á{ 600 North Adelaide Street Fenton, Michigan 48430 Phone: 810-629-2251 Fax: 810-629-2302 Website: School Phone: 810-629-6551 The Pastoral Team Pastor: Rev. Dwight Ezop 810-629-2251 ( Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jim Rolph 810-629-2251 - ( St. John School Principal: Kit White 810-629-6551 ( Minister of Music: Timothy Garback 810-629-2251 ( Outreach Coordinator: Maureen Ottney 810-629-1817 Coordinator of Adult Formation: Dan Medich 248-982-5355 ( Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Kyle Ulrich 810-938-9411 ( Director of Religious Formation: Helene Paulik 810-629-1850 ( Baptismal Prep.: Deacon Terry & Mary Carsten 810-397-8703 ( Transitional Deacon: Ryan Riley 810-629-2251 ( Parish Support Staff Business Manager: Anthony Delecki 810-629-2251 Bookkeeper: Danielle Sphar 810-629-1850 Parish Secretaries: 810-629-2251 Tricia Jorgensen ( Melanie French ( RFP & School Support Staff RFP Secretary: 810-629-1850 Carol Beck ( School Office Manager: 810-629-6551 Angie Haiss ( Secretary: 810-629-6551 Andrea Kehoe ( Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., & 6:00 p.m. Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: See Parish Bulletin Confessions Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Also, anytime by appointment. Baptism Baptism is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of the month. Parents must call Deacon Terry and Mary Carsten to register their child before the last day of the month prior to their selected date. Their number is 810-397-8703. Marriage Please contact the Parish Office at least nine months prior to wedding date, if possible. Anointing of the Sick This sacrament offers the Lord’s healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill or hospitalized. Please call the parish office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is for anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or for any adult who has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call 810-629-1850. Facilities Parish Office—810-629-2251 St. John School—810-629-6551 RFP Office—810-629-1850 Powers High School—810-591-4741 Outreach Office—810-629-1817 Activity Center—810-629-9883 St. John Knights Hall—810-750-0469 We offer these NEW MEMBERS a warm welcome to the Community of St. John Church: Jon and Kylie Rush Michael and Leigh Crumm Nathan and Rachel Windy James and Carol Malenich Michael jr. and Sara LaFontaine Joann Magda Brennen and Melissa Kerr Carrie Wharff Jill Kienitz Diana Mayfield We are glad you’re here! On Saturday, August 22nd, 2015, Katie Waudby and James McKinnon were united in marriage at St. John the Evangelist Church presided by Fr. Dwight Ezop. Katie is the daughter of Phil and Carol Waudby and James is the son of Gerry and Kelly Kragenbrink. Kim Von Myhr and Jarred Frick were the main witnesses. Are you new to the Neighborhood? Registering as a St. John parishioner really is simple….just come to the office in the stone chapel building, introduce yourself and fill out a short registration form. We are collecting this weekend! S T . J OHN Need Food? Call St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry At St. John Church for Help! If you are in need of food, St. Vincent de Paul at St. John the Evangelist Church in Fenton can help you. We have operated a food pantry, with volunteers from St. John Parish, for the Fenton community since 1980. If you live in another community, we can refer you to a food pantry in your community. We welcome these children into the St. John the Evangelist Body of Christ: To get help with food, call St. Vincent de Paul in Fenton (810) 750-0469 and leave a message. We will return your call. Or you can call LOVE, INC in Flint at 810-235-4990 for help with food. We ask all of our clients to call LOVE, INC for a short intake interview at the beginning of each calendar year. They will send us a fax—if you are in our ser- Carly Jean Cosby, daughter of Cameron and Jaclyn Cosby, was baptized August 16, 2015. Her Godfather is Scott Hiller and witness is Elizabeth Cosby. Deacon Terry Carsten was the celebrant. Charlotte Ann Cosby, daughter of Cameron and Jaclyn Cosby, was baptized August 16, 2015. Her godfather is Craig Williamson and witness is Jill Glass. Deacon Terry Carsten was celebrant. Harper Lynne Irvin, daughter of Jacob Irvin and Jessica Ann Keller, was baptized on August 16th, 2015. Her Godfather is Kevin Upp, her godmother is Katie Keller. Deacon Ron Kenney celebrant. In the Peace of Christ: Christopher Floyd Norwood, son of Shawn and Jennifer Norwood, was baptized on August 16, 2015. His Godmother is Theresa Vermeesch, and witness Nathan Coats. The celebrant was Deacon Terry Carsten. May the God of hope fill you with all joy Maria Lyn Tirrell, daughter of Jeffery and Nadja Tirrell, was baptized on August 23, 2015. Her godmother is Gina Jacoby and witness is Greg Jacoby. The celebrant was Fr. Jim Rolph. the Holy Spirit. Noah Ryder Ward, son of Timothy and Jessica Ward, was baptized on August 23, 2015. John Christensen is the godfather and Gina Bellisario is the godmother. Deacon Terry Carsten was the celebrant. May they grow in love of the Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of Romans 15:13
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