distribution of work - directorate of public
distribution of work - directorate of public
.4:F *r,*i ^* S r+!4&_i EIr=.it. # #* rer 53i sr6: :zf ts\aL,!u=l: *es. &Sfice r :ny other seat in A Section) 2 )ornpnaints regarding transfer, promotion ancl {'or tra,nsfer of - --l%vvl rua --- request igh School Assistants. chers on compassiar.tate grou_nds, Schclcl Teacher,s Associatioli a_i.rc1 ve subject. \ A{21 *:at 1' (Employrnent of Dependents of all Govt.Emproyees dl,ing in , hareness in Thiruvananthapurar';r, Kollam, - pathanarnthitta, , Palakkad, Alappuzha, Kottayam Revenue Districts and files trrereon. 2.' Ge.,erar correspond,ence r-elated to cES: Ali correspondence , relating to Higher Secondary and vocational rrigher-be.or1dary Education. 3'' Establishment matter relating to HM of primary school (Gradua_te & , Non graduate) 4., tg interpellation relating to above subject, &fst 966 i ! t ; l- 'r._. s regarding Transfer, promotion and request for transfer of rool Assistants (Language Teachers) Deputation of :ted categories of teaching staff of Govt (except prirnary I t l.r'fr-^: . Lrrrlr.r ..-. i'f _)menl ul 3f rctF*r c ) l r-. --"-'](iqj .:,... b.!; r'Tn.-k.;..?_:f;. J{iU:..j Ur.J",'i. . _._5,-nr.l.ri-, ' rij.j r"L'v! ; l_j,, :iIj'SSl-; sS:-, ]'*'-''' l1-l(iir{}i, i,- -." :,' (''r'f':-., ,,,.,),t '"',';, ) I';I::l. InterDeiii '::, z, . ,..i..., '' . -, ' jjarness i L.A lrn ,^ -_16 LU z! LI]e a[Otrr3 Districts. if rs all esra b FiarijanofersofGovt.Scl f 2 ;[::1'::lteachers) School Tea S. Aii papers 'i:; Pre "J-"'::;:':': a.nds of associations lrscellaneous petitions. or. Govt [T;:51 4 All +. seat. ;fl's'#:i'J Op anJ *rLulPuratlon ,i]er --' B{zl 1 D a rJ 4 5. seat All esrablishm, ffj Sj3:ij't' Matt.iJl;;;,t" ArI miscelianeo Deputation to teachers and sp Request fo..e_o Aii OP and LA inter*peilation 4 p'imary ieachers rvhich cases relating to the above subjer u:* Language-t^eScher's 1o jnools and :hools. Spr ir Up St uectlons attachet :tors/youth werfare officers. g to .3. Nursery schools, for ernployment etc oI lea-ve cases rela-ting to the ai-,ove subjects eqa4Ee @:a@g E5rait Gf$lees Sa"*.{eeaC{e} Cem.treltiarg Gfffi*en Sr"tr.G Thii'r-rvananthapuraur District, Text Book Office, Pareeksha Ehanrai-r and General corresponience df Audit, Finance inspection report of the concerned Revenue District . Ke*:il'ffiur^ppuram & wayanac Revenue report of the col:roerned Revenue District. Distr'rcts. Finance inspection Kanrrur & KasaragodL Revenue Districts. Finance inspection repcrt of the concerned Revenue District. Alappuzha & Pathanamthitta Revenue Districts. Finance inspection report of the concerned Revenue District . 6s1P$ I ) Kottayam & Kollam Revenue Districts. Finance inspection report of the concerned Revenue District . Ernakulam & Idukki Revenue Districts . Finance inspection report of the concerned Revenue District. Thrissur & Palakkad Revenue Districts, Finance inspection report of the concerned Revenue District. 3f Acc*-r-rn:ani-- 96313141,s iFl reia_ti::.g t* fhir-u-rrananthaF;_rra,m" L,icilai;;, Krile_ira.rn. Pai aLi,-a-i" iiitaiaFp r;rarr., Kazhlkode and General fires of ccncerned Revenue District. iR. Finance inspection repo Accountant Lieneral tlt relating to f,orrner BGs (Fathanamthitta, Alppuzha, Iciukki, Iiozhikkode, Wayanad, Kasargode) c P:'tpt:a.ii,-r;, ,^,. E,;:1x:.i C{lFiFqnnnrj-,-^^ ---r e sl;,.ii il i:ji1rn,e,_. t -ri1'-1j: f.""i-;y_,:i.:=I?-dei:ce;;.1;;E'";"'-*'i;*:i:". Pr-eparation oi sutrject ?::i.t' heads of accouni, "o**ir*;?";:=, account proposals Frnn^o^r^ +^ _ r r., ," 'il'J,t1"::i 3::T::l Subject Ape :-f_":u*"nts, rneetlng, Reply of ^ .i L' n rDi,,_ ta- f::;-rcr s rjupplementa-ry g;:a-n1, Suppl"*entary cn proposaj of a1l _ -_*tion, Fii:aj grarit public , Audit cn et." Propriation Comrniitee Write Off, Refund of revenue and miscellaneous items,) appropriate accounts, Allotment of funds on ail Non-plan Heads. A 7 LqmEt C'a *f,ffi*er m.tr*I1i*g *f'fl"P er anc L"D"l1ip:'si' Li ki;rds of leave and ir:crefilents oi L'D'Clerks Drivers' .ompil.'s and Class iV eurployees inciuriing af nlmrees and admr empioyees Maintenarr.. oi 3.rrri"--Books of th- above A1i General PaPers cn group insurance Pension Contribr'rtions to be rernitte other institutions' ' Declaration of Prohaiior: of Junior Superintendents' AllestabLishmentmat'rersrelqtingtoConfidentiaiAssis Contingent Employees Attenders, Drivers, Class lV*employeJs' f service Associations (Governm( Sqc!ryn Establishment of V/ork Expenence Ct3! S.err't transfers' p( appointments' All the matter relating to sewice matters of L'D'Clerks' promotion, regularization and other of this Directorate. and Fair CoPY SuPerintendents a L.D.Clerks, UD Clerks, TlPrsts against action DisciPiinary this Direct-orate" Copy Superintendents of Transfer&PostingofempioyeesintheHeadQuartersunit. c S a Blol_;s ancl nis: Head .rr [: i]-i L Attencir.::s an.d +tht:: i'rrGi;,e oi arlir Z. Lsiab:ishlt:]]t ririr.-ra Ecu catioro r_;bra,j -.7 ,, . ..* - aa-:tri-:i-!:*,J I ai * {j; ::+t;:ss:gr:eci ici Ci *ter"l. t:;:#;"'Jf Jr#[T:;:ur:: 3. All kinds of leave increments of 4' p u i:'i Non-G azetied c Li brary,, C enrrai staff in the work Maintenance of service Bock of the non-Gazetted staff in the work experience Section. \ 1' All estabiishn, ent matters of uD clerks, Ftread clerks and Junior superintendents (ie.Transfers, postings) miscellaneous iterns of Ministeriai establishment not assig".e-'ro-';';;^o|;i"."other in c Section. 2. Amendments of KSR. 3- Disciplinary not against Head clerks and Junior superintefldents of this Directorate. 4. Transfer and posting in office of the CGE. 5. Establishment of Store keeper in DTBDS. 7// G ffsrit €er e*tltr*EEimg & **E i. j i Esta-hlishrrnent rnatters (issi.:e ai officiating ceriiiicate. sur-i:ender of Earneetr leave, anci all other kinds of leave) of Gazetted Cfficers of [4inisterial wing, Research Officer and above ofiicers of Statistics v/ing =-,ffifi1ft"*#ffi #f..T#ffi -*#?ffi ftrfff;fffi Vlrlrlg 3. F;:ei:arai.io;i cf seniorir, list *: Gazc-tt"ed c,if;cers ii."finisterial,; *,. Frcbe-iion r:t {i="zeti-ed *ff,ic*rs iri ti:e ir4in!sr.^r ial ii/irrg. -i .;'i | 't '' . '' ,:: ^- i1 -i*.ad-e of Head.maste::s Aesistant . ru:r LEl^1-r,-i,.; / 2. Probation of I-{R4DAtrO's r,ta-'',te::s. 1 -1 Educatione.i Gfficers 3. To Assist La:.;t, Officer. 4" Issue cf NCC to ali Gazetted Ofiicers of Teaching Branch & DItrT 5. Misceilaneous papers oi D Sectioil 1. trstablishment matters including leave of District Educational Cfficers and above Estabrlishment Register at Gazetted Cfiicers of teaching branch J. Amendment to Kerala- Subcrdir:,a'r-e Service Ruie s 4. Amendrnent and clarification in Yrerala State Service Manual Speciai Ruies relating to all State Service 5. Seniority list of Graduate Teachers upto 31.72.7A 6. Probation of the DEO's, DDE's JD , Additional Director's V" frll te/eii,|rS*"u*t rroa&o'r,s AEf r/*f' r-, z. Re-organisation of the Departrnent Delegation of pcwers Creation of posts in the Department {ali categories and continuance sanction of ali Temporary posts) 4. It4aintenance of register-s of Ternporary & Permanent Posts SenioriB list of Graduate Teachers uptc 3i"72-70. I 1. L, .B /J of Gaaeite ri e reiating ta e Ernplovees promotion tc the cad:-e i -r . 2. r.1 , . -. _r,SLa:DJtS,tmit-r r Ixe iiei.s- reia ircl Li.-^ i rrcarU-ItSSiet-S Oi Specie-J schocle. h4aintenancc of rr. : lc i-icaci62516r,,, AEC.s ar.i. C r. firgnej- grade of ffii?t#*merrt Register of HeadmasterlAEo g& 1 . .{i{-esffiis,+imenfmatteFs_D.I++s#fF 2.i DPC - Files relaring .). tc f*r-rner T -T. trsta:.:lish,rrula araties-s ( lyjit r:^*.-,_ n c a 1:i.,t r e i a t c .+,i d *-, ;.:j. 6. 7. ;: "i Establishmfrir rriatters of IED Establishrnent ct ED ry,@ .;;; ;;:# ;i f.j:-j :::, lT* ce.ll 7q and sristem Manager erc" Ministerial iJ*it CIf,facer eeretrqiElf.mg * FersemaE &ssistamt {GemeraE} SeEcEer &de"& ?g:.Estratfc,e Gff?eer eer Despatch of letters and other communications mmunlcations and RTI act communications. IvIan Dr'spatch of letters a-nd *thei- cornmunicatiorrs to ihe AEo,s rett"."?5 ",53lltJi,li::T;.::X""-tl"' communications by Registered po st, Des{4} Seat ",0 o,?ii,lfHffi:f:Hi 8ir#il.r /y communications to rhe Depury Directors i0 Efmit &fffi*er ee:atre33ieag *FfEeer ' fs Ii E ?r All rnattens including OF cases retrating to aided anci unaided High Schools, Higher Secondary Schoois and Teachers Training Institutes in Kollam, Kottarakkara and punalur E1d Distric Ail neatters inciuding op cases rerating to aided and unaided High schoois' Higher secondary schools and Teachers Training Institutes in Kottayam, pala ald Kaduthuruthy \ Edl Districts. ETB Seat au Ali matters matters inciuding op cases relating to aided end unaided High r:utruuis' Schools, i-fig'he:: Higher secondary Secondarv scjrools snhnnro and ..[rair:ing ^*j Teachers Faihanarnthitta, 'FLi---rr Thirualla r rrri Lrarla and and KanjirappaJiy vnniirn^*^Ji-_ Eciucational n" InstituteE ii: Districts AIr n:atters incruding op cases relating to aided and u_naided Fligh schools and reachers rraining trnstitutes in nT:::, Neyyattinkara l'rttingal' and Thiruvananthaprr* ga;;;1 ^:i::::, feconcarr ;;:,#t * General papers rerating to the above districts not assigned to arry other seats in ET section. Appear of appointrnents of staff and change of Managernent of Angl0 Indian schoois in the above districts. B ETmiB #fffieer C*ra*r*EEiuag #fffi*er F",tr.{GeneraEi e*FE {Ger:era3 All matters including S_chools, unaided High Institutes in Secondary Cherthaia, fuIaveli Higher Kuttanad, Districts. :.eiating ro ajied e L) K ali. a_ni T,eal.r_,:;s T:r,::i_. 1 ttai:pa:ie. E..jl" *isiric-rsl Aii mat*rers incluciing OP cases relating tc ald-ed Higr t:i --:. and ur-ralded High Schools, Higher Secondary Schoois and Tea-chers Training Institu-tes in trrnakuiam and h{uvattupuzha Edl. Districts" Ai1 matters inctruding OP cases reie-ting to Aided a*d :;1na-id-ed F1igh Schools, Higher Secondary School-q anC Teichers Trainirrg Institutes ln Thrissur ard Aluva Ecii Disiricts. All General papers rela'ring to the a-bove districts not assignec to arl! other seat-e in EC sectioi Appeal c,i appaintments cf staff ani change of Management ci Anglo indiair Schocis in the above districts. Aii matters including OP cases relating to Aided and unaided High Schoois, Higher Secondary Schools and Teichers Trainine institutes in Char.'aiihad ai:C Irir,jaiaki;cla ECI Disrljcio 72 a tr Se*tf*m. TTei* sri&& Fl v t\€E Ce'a:ereliing A* # *€r {trEameisag! A*PE {-€*adem.i*,p 1" Ali &{atters relating to Aidgd LPIUP and surrenderof schools, change of Ma:ragement etc. Relating to Thiruvananthapuram Rerrenue Districts. Teachers of the above districts. imary) and Op cases of the to Aided Lp/up in Thrissur Revenue Gene theT district" d to any cther seat in the section & oF cases of \ Al1 matters relating.to Aided Lp/Up in Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha, Revenue District & Op of the teacirers of the above districts. "ai"s matters relating to Aided Lp/up in Kol1am, Idukki Revenue District Preparation a',d feview of si:nioiity list oi't.r:.n.. A11 . Corporate Management. Preparation of seniorigr of non teaching staff and promotion of LD Clerks of aided schools in whole state. OP cases of teachers. F(51 Seat 1' Ail matters relating to Aided Lp/up in Kottayam, Ernakulam, Districts Revenue . ?.-o-B-ceqss--ql-!bq-te-a-c-heruql-th-e__abs_v_e_distric,rs_ 3. Appeal of appointment of staff -"J India:: Schools in the above districts. "rr""g; ,r Management of Angro I 't F""B {Fle:rr= A*Ps { All rnatters relating to Aided LP/UP and sur Management etc. in Palakkad & Kasargode R grant. G {21 Ser;,t rnatters relating- to Aideci Lp/Up and surren management etc. in Malappuram Revenue Distri A11 maintenance grant. G /31 Seot matters reiating to Aided Lp/Up and surren management etc. in Kozhlkkode and Wayanad therein and maintenance grant. A11 G (4! seat Ail matters relating to Aided Lpiup and surren management etc.in Kannur Revenue District. maintenance grant. Appeal of appointment Management of Anglo Indian Schools 1., tfr. abovc 16 6rJ n a- r-;'. r:ar'.'L:lta la' i::ili :iir::. Fir:it:- r cii,'-r:,t t+ maitir.eilan,iL !.i.-:'. Stamr ciutlr on petiiion -instruc'iicr-i s Carrection of date oi birth of pupiis :ILiJC]fIS. 1. Gen*ral paDeis reiating to s.i;-!;icfi 3:e g.';i.a-:!t ie ac hr e r" s an d c.*i:dl+"io:-,,s an:l c-q-laliiicatiti:s oI H e arilr: a ri r.: 1- s . General pajlers cf fixation of staif iir Aicied schccls. J. Recognition of Associatioi-r ancj dispobai of representations of Associatior-is of regu.lar teachers, managers arrci heacimasters. a Amenciment and clarification to KER on the su"nject dealt with" t Indivldual and joined representatioir of teachers and teache::s Associations (Aided) before and after dharma/strike, indirriduai repre sentation of teachers relating to qualiiicatior-r. 6. Rules relating to speciai fees anci utilization of accumulated baiance of atrl schools. 7 . Lev), of fees in schools such as tuiiion fee , admission fee etc. 8. Correspondence relaticg to Supernurnerary and proteeted teachers of Aided schools. 1. Generai papers connected with service conditions, qualification of language teachers and non-teaching staff. 2. Recognition of Association and disposal of representations of Association of Language teachers and Non-teaching staff, 3. General papers relating to academic matters referred to by Governrnent a-nd Sub Gcvt. Examinations etc officers like SCtrRT, Commissionei: " 4- Amrr-rdinent and clarification ta KtrR on the above items. 5. Introducrion of l\faiayalarl as official ianguage . 6" InaiviCual represerrtation of teachers relating ic c.ualificaticn sectionsi. 1'7 1l p+ for iPrfu:nar-y i l Sajil: ?: -:a-r:lilr. l.a: i1 )f v )! $r I/ i8 i11.'.-,;- ?-:.1-:i' l i 1 - ::: l:,'-: r r EiEait Gfffieer e*m.Ero13f.rag Sflffi*er : E* g€Eet ,ESFE {A*ade:ni*} Ecucatia:. al ar, Criiidrerl ce fo:- equipricnts tc sc]:'u+ls ias. per iire s issu= 'ur,,ith guidelines 2" Adrnission of C ient of (i) barrier free : (iii) Adapted toilets trained teachers 1n envir"onrnent (b) in general schoc 3' examination concessions to disabled students appearing rions conducted bv pareeksh; B;;;;" hke sSLc, T"Tc, A etc" 4. Action taken "fcr ;abijities [RvD] Act, I{ational Trust Ac 5. Training Prosrar T'eachers, Eciucat Learning Disabili (RCI) Act' Teachers, Special on IED programme, 5' co-ordination on IEDG urith sSA, *IEMAT, IccoNS, welfare corporation, Locar serf Government Intuitrons. fi. euality Education for Challenged Handicapped, Children Under this Frogramme a) Training programme to teachers on.Learning Disability & Autism b) *iil'L"tsm & Disebilir--a{c dearl il, rHli::ffl"l:n'1d1en . L;;;-s 2b i9 ,:, L?seit er::.rt"r *f#**r ei 13[rrg C flfi eer ciiiarion cf Recei in appuram, Kannur, Districts c* ci Ur:-i"ec*aciled st e,=t Ee-.renue th BG Section Reconciliation of Receipts in respect of E Districts *rr,i Co...*pordurr"e of Vr/ayanad rel,en:.re Reccnciliation of Receipts in spect Paiakkad Revenue Dis tric ts **'d frrrrr; u nin'g i; re cf =i"r- .F Kozhikocie & expend-itu-re" Aia-pp ttzhe_, siate m en == i Kcttayam & . {51 Sec:t rhrissur -hi " Re nf Do^^;.^+ . :it-T.'nT?;jfi*';?ijli,f"i#**ffifthitta, EF ?n an':l rdukki EJr!":_* elfs.*er ficrx."Ly+3Efmg * *6r armt ftf,$Ecer {Eil - {'8" eash TramsaetiCIms over all charges of a1l works relating tc the preparaii*n o;rncnth1, pay f;iils aad a::r-e;.:',Fa)/ i,=iiis, Il frr:. ai]-=u:igri *=rirlares. Ereparprtic;r ci ,=ir,l,:ocucts iss1js c,: LFCs. Ii4ain i,ifi=';;d#;;;i;Iii;1l 1' Genera-l corresilclldence , Ivfainrenance oi Fay biii registers, issue of, pay dravrn particulars. Tc assist r"r pr"p"*iiJ; of monthl3, pay bills & p::eparation of a-rrea!- bills based on the pay drav;n particuiai-s received lrom other offices. 2' Pieparaticn ci arrear ,:iiis, preparati*n of montl:l,. nt, I\4aintenance of absentee registe r, coliection expenditure af abse nte es jn this gffice Fleconciliation of rreasu.ry rigures ;:*lT:::,Yf"Tf.-:lt:l: to assist K2 seat in the preparationof^ rnonthry iLnd pay bills anJ}r'#::: state me 3' Preparation of arrear bills, calculation of excess payment, preparation of monthly pay bilis of NM Section. To assist K2 seat in the preparation of monthly pay bills and arrear bills. Kl4] Seo:t, eparation of GpF Bills. Maintenance credit particulars/ details of GpF, PF, LIC, SLi and Group Insurance. tion with the application for K2 seat for. preparation of rks which are not entrusted ev 2-t I,yfair:renaiice ol Acci:unts *I FtsS ci il.i* s..,.i:i {:i iil. ciil.,:t: ir_rr:i,-,.ding e Schrirrc. SLi, All comptaints FBS acccuet in of GIS of alj Employee s. ,*t 7 22 a2 il it' *t,T}a1..!|'=it,. Loan.n=i*ng.iag ic 2 C*ns.r-r-.;ciior,, '1oint .L,Acvar-ice on'bicu.se p-"J relta-se "' '"1 case s of ai:ove AdvSace *J.'-:"i" Eiou_se Buiicing rcleas z-'' 5;g custotlY-arrrf adl'ance s" = ^nnp a,rrtr then annual reconci'l-ia-uion' ;;;; -. ""d :ffu"m$***'3*"rs?:'1,"1.J'3;;;;;;;;suhjec'fs 1" Ekation of rer 2. Skriftjng of De I ;fH*llm ProPer$r 5. Ta><' ing taken on rexl-L fca' " Govi'pilrpcse s^ \ tiig n*p-'t*.n-ua1\i' proper'-uies ater charges' ,"t ?.irY-"harges' *'he section' rvith in dealt Mairiage ioan etc' subjects the the above subiects' 6 All misce*aneo.r= papers.on ;;; 'i^t'ngtcr 7 . Au op *.d i;-i;ffiuu.tio" 1. 1' 2 . gerrerai cases and other clcsttre advance' Funci- all ( General Provident Tlietricts or .? relaring ll::istricis r,rr,rlins advance g to All nratte. 3;;::?:ft";"jiiit' " hous*I*i?3,?fl[ffi:,';i;;;*J' K""""' to the above subjects '"I#Xll?'aiing '' 1 All e Districts cf KottaYam' 7 Th {Deaiyr abt':r''e 24 .3t ite oii' S**tEepee cJ SS {Emp:}eiyrrres:Ei *E}: ei*mer*5.3img eFflfie*r UffiTE &#F3{da**"S*rci*l rnentally challenged children. 2. Gralt-'in-aid in central Government and state Government 3. All matters retrating to chailenged children. Governrnent Special Schools for Ph3rsically 4. eorrespondence rvith the voiuniary orgaaization for tLre handicapped rnithin the state and outside the state. 5. Lrtilizaiion of fund of impi-cverrrenr of facilities in existing special schools for handicapped (iracluCing purchase and supply of articles to the special schools), Special Schooi Kalotsavam ald Special School Work experience -+^ C LU. I. -Language Teachers Training (Mal, Arabic, urdu, sanskrit, Tamil; Kannada, Hindi) 2. TTC Selection. 3. B.Ed Seiection- Department qrrota 4. Stipend and subsistence allowance. 5. Writ Petition's thereon 6. Requests for starting new training schools 7. A11 complaints regarding SSLC Examinations M {3} Seat ]. . . -Libraries----,---__ 2. Locai Library Authority 3. Bharat Scouts & Gr-rides 4. Election and Census 5. Health Educatiori programme 6. Yoga Cultrur-e Programme ))- 25 E>":i:ibirir:ns C Faper= relating to Cor:ri attachn-,oni r_.i rL: cilali uurlf ^rx^ r reccveries 'i oi a]i emplol-'e tr" othe:: tha-n r ::g Gazetieo Cificers San*ti*n ci coilverrrs,1cr lianCicappe,J- emplc-iires rvoi-i.jng in ihe E.Cucari V,relia::e t ferr:i" ;Gr:Bpi1. *i lierala iI'.-ho+i ci:iklrenS-rudents s ihraara x r-:L' : TE s=;i:. ,niic:-ej-j s L,i . fi:,: ,-,.. i ;i",-4" Att *ti*ns offices a_nd Institutioas 5. Va or iund Students strike and agrtation 2t . ssA ljoard .- 1.-.#..1 " --'-= s matter ]. A]i chi reiqti-o- *..+L^ ttr* iilr[L-r:* !: --. ciher sections in the p;:i"'at* schc'*is i'*:'F?i'sjga1i1,-chailenged aua ^-r ? nce u r{} 2h 33 dica_pped. iidreru. chi]dren. Se*t,imcB : : e*tatreE3img *f€?*er : Sedai *f$i'eer Umit ffif€ieer 1. A1i FA (EreapX*g:memt! *EE {Hsmg &} r:';r. &ElFe {4eademie} matters relating to Sainik Schools/NDA etc/ 2. Muslirn/Nadar, Anglo Indian & OBC Scholarships/LSS/USS i S. National Scholarship 4. EnCcrr,,ment 1. Premetric-Schoiarship for rninority communities. \ 2. N.M.M.S.Schoiarship - 2008-09 (Exam conducted by DPI) 3. Special Recruitment of SCi ST 4. Establishment of the contract and daily wages staffs. 5. Complaints, repair works of the electronic machines in N Section N /31 Sect ' 1. Linguistic Minoriry--2. Sanskrit Scholarship 3. Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education 4. Scholarship to the children of parents of unclean occupation 5. Matters relating to disposal of craft articles and other unserviceable articles Kuthakapattom auction sale of Government prr:perties. 6. Complaint received from students of SC/ST categories, 7 . All other Scholarships 8. N.M.M.S.Scholarship - 2AO9- 10 onwards J\ zt Ll:..qir, {:fii.;-ri:l {:li:i-r'*'l;!.:i::i5. *fi'i==:r f'::j+: t : -- : i'i!11-r} {$;*-::::'*3=alii riry instiiuticls) ca'iion in Iv{adrasa} il lDh,ti (Infrastructure De'''eicpri 2j SPQEM lSiLuto. for Froviding 1) DitrT i District Instiiute cf f;fi!'r:r:"i Edu raining) 2}oBBSch:eme(SperaticrlBiackhenrei-ResjdualV"Iorks 3) Audit, files 4i r Str nir ;:maiicn S ci'er: ct Eti",:ceti+:lj (1 - Ee =icua] Y."i *1 i's 1) IT@School Technology in Schools) 2) ICT in schools (Information & comrnunication 3) AIF (Area Intensive Program::ne -Cid Scheine) 4i CYhrer crirnes lg 28 I L* ?fc.-,it *f,t1-.=*r f-r *+i **:c:tl rrllirig SF:.trTi*ii : *eni=: j:**rrrim.ist:r"atf._r,E Assi*c=-!. t:{F,fi : 4tr3?i[*+s:*,raii 1. Gene;"aj Correspcni:nce 2. Mainte'a*ce of cash book reiating to sB A/c of NIl,f 3" Continuleg_Noon Meal Frogiamme 4" sport verification of schooi on the basis of petition received. . 5. LA interpeliation. r,vorks related to computerization Ir. *11 Audii 8. of NM programme. . Frepar-'aticn of AwpE and ai1 ccmi:runicaticn to IvtHF-*. \ I' Fassing cf bitrls received frora the Civit supplies reiated tc -rhe Noon I'{eal Programme. Visit report verification, of Noon meai programme (relating to Koilam, palakkad and pathna*thitta ) 1" Distribution of contingent charges tc all DDE,s funds aliotment to Municipality. C orp oration, =D i strict panchayat, Grama Panchayat. 2' Distribution of fund and register to all AEO's. Correspondence to Govt.press for printing forms. verification of DDE,s in respect of pD Account No.g443. 3. Ciearance to Demand DraJts from AEOs 4. Distribution Bills relating to Civil Supplies of eiits received frorn the Cjvil supplies reiated to the Noon . Programme. -Pissing Ir{eal Visit report verification, \rerffication of special rice, cond-ucting Noon Meal pi:ogramrne in Thi;:uvanantlr"prrr.o, idukki and Kasaragode Districts, )b i. Fassing of Eilis r"eceirreci irorn the Civii supillie s r*lated to the i'Iccn lvlea: Fi:cgrarnrne. irisi.t repcr:t rreriiicati*a. 'orerijjcadon oi special i-ice,, *oniuc'ring I{ccn lr.{eal Frcgi-amrnr in Jvfaiappul:ari1 and Kannur Distri:',-. 1, Passing of Biils received, frowi the cirrii supplies rej.ated to the l[oon MeaI Frogran'nme. Visit report verification. Verification of special rice, irrs Noon Meal- Progren-lrne in Wayanad Districts, i. ]r-nt+ qtra.- a1-**,-oL,^ Fassi::g of Biiis rec*iv*C frc;ri ij:e Ciyii sr:-p*licr relateC tc the i,jacn Ir4e:.1 Ilragrer;ime . r;isit repoii'*.r:.iiicaiio::i. Veriii:a,ti*r, *f speciai ricr, conri-ucting Noon t{eai Progra;:-rme in Thrissu_r, Errtakulam and Kazi:ik1;aCe. \ *fy 30 a ETaxft *fffieer ees:.tre3E€.azg 1. --AE dPLi" &&tr5 {#em.eran} G *er Ali nraiters of unaidec schoois regarding openmg ancr recognition Notification of pre-pri-"w *.lroot teicherst?aining course and matters relating to Nurser-y schools. AII matters reiating to uneconomic schools 6f reachers and ,.ro,. t**rrring staff 1 .lt . z,- ["T::rifent of Govt. and Aided Clcsure of Schoois (aided/Gor,t) under 1' Ali rnatters relating to openinglupgraiation of Go't. a,d schools. 2. on ; :lt:T, 2ls Certi Aicied l schoois) Exemption from minimum strength ^1. 2. trxemption from site, building etc. 3- sanction of Engrish and ram?t medium 4. Bifurcation of Schools (Government & crasses. 5" Amalgarnation of schools (Government Aided) & Aided) 6. Other miscel]aneous items 3i 9% * & Ee€ Umit Gf&ces ecratrellim.g Gffi.cer : : Se*t,i*m AA {Geraeral} Sr.A"& 'r. Cf,iic.e *rgittze-rian 3. Discipline in the cfiice 4" Collection anC review'of monthly business staternent 5. Inspection in Directorate - 6, General Fap 7. Issue of office Orders 8. Marking of reilrned tapp ls received from 9. Chief Minister's one year action plan" PA (General) 1" IMG Training /indian Institute of Public Admlnistration. 2. Review' of Business Statement from sub offices 3. Strike and Dharna 4.@vIPs 5. Permission for Public action of Books 6. Contesting in Society Elections, Participation in AIRi Doordarshan and other connected PaPers. permission for purchase/sale of movable or immovable properties 7, 8. Tentative tour Programme of ail Dy. Directors a&M { 3} Seat 1. General Communication, Correspondence on Right to Information, Act 2005- repiies to the General Communication from the State Information Commission, Govt. etc' 2. Marking of sections and Distribution - Registration of RTI Act 2005 Appiications (W, Vig, EM, ET, EC, H, NS, NEP, w, Y na "7 ) ri-,r-'ijlc'Lr:-ir ijree, a,', 6ii/1a: A:ti\h'., . &'o r\1 t' t:i, E* ' SF&T, ., D, O,&irt, F,G.;i;; i. {, Pti:sr*rr. i.t . I.li"I. FL, FF, I=. t .1;:;;:;t-;.,;'.;1; :.'...'i .. ::i ir':,.:r,..i.:...r-- i,,1:tl:::r, ;., r{-:l:;-:i-i-l *i :,.ij ,. .. : - ;:-- -.-l .,,.a-. .-.-:...'.. -; .r=,-*'.=--,...-'- i:.-:,,:_i':..,._:._:. l .;-. --. i:_::i_. r..,.,---.- .-..',-,-; , *isl,l-icl SCtrF-?', TBC, DIET a-rli .Densron reie-trng i.] Fareekskip.*-nAvall - - u u ' * u (or:1y Gazetted Cillcers) A1-I corl sspclidence v,/ith Golrt, Accountaitt General, I-Iigh Court of Kera1aet Directorate and ?"hiruvananthapurarn Revenue Districts. Froceeciing of last salary bills in respect of S*nior Su-perintendents in the Direc"r-orate e-nd othere from Th iri-rr,anarr thapu ram Distric t. Ccmpiali:t n'-LiLjcns regarciing rhr r::, recci::r- o: p.::sicl:aq,, clar;"ir,:. dela-', jn setrler:*nt ,:i p::-r-oiclari. ciarins e,;:, 1r! lcaptci c: ..1:', Gazetled arrd Noli-g.ez?t-ted ofiicers ci lhe abcve L,isirjc.r-s. PrcceeClngs of proposals for concjonatior: of i:reak il service in le sptcL of ail departmentatr staff and Aide d schc,ol staff of tl:Le above clistricts. Reviev; ol-l lixation of liabilities dcne b], the DDEs in respec-L of Gazetted and It{on -gazetted einployees of the districis mentionei above. l ; r .tr2 Ss*8 & l $oqeedings and settlernent of penslonary cl41ms and last pay biils, NLC in respect of ail Gazetted Officers, Senior Lectures and Princrp^i* of DIET of Kottayam and Ernakulam Revenue Districts. Proceeding of proposals for condonation of break in service in respect of ali departmental staff and Aided school staff of the above districts. Review on fixation of iiabilities done by the DDE's in respect of Gazetted a-nd Non-gazetted employees of the districts mentioned above. OP cases-ali correspondence vuith Governrnent, Acccuntant General, FIigh cour'r- of Keraia, sub ofiices, other States etc, Relating to pension cases of Gazetted and Non-Gazetted officers (teaching anci non teachingi cf the above districts. ccmpiaint petitions regarding the ncn receipt cf pensicnary claims. deiay in settlemeni cf pensionary cia-ims eic, in.respect af all Gazeited and I'{oa-gazetted. oflicers of the ahove Districis. Generai correspotldence, LA, Pension verific attt:rL " 4t 34 F*:.: seerd. i, Zttial ?-a t>. i..: l: !..:,Ji: - g 2.:a:, a..-:_:., i_. i-,_r i.i"r3'"r3. 4. OP cases aii c,:rresjr,Jrr.ieiice Fligtr Cour, of Lrerala, s u D - u.i-rh Gcveril*:erit, Accountant Generai- states etc. ,"r",i"s .; penslon cases ci Gazetted and ?ft^':":l ?lh-,.oflicers I\on-gazetted (teaching and ,_on -teaehjngj o 3:,:y1iti:f,.-ritions regarrring the non receipr of pensionary ciairas, y ctairns^;;; respect of altr Gazetted a*C FJon-gaeetied cfficers cf the Districts. t ^iror" @i, 1. Proceeding and settlement oi pe NLC in respect af atrl Gazeited Offi of DIETs of Thrissur and Koliam 2. Processing of proposals for concl of all departrnental staff and Aided 3. Review on fixation of liabilities Gazetted and Non_gazetted empl anci last pa,v bilis, ures urL+ and principals above. 5' complaint petitions r delay in settrement of and Non_gazetted offic i non rece.ipt of pensionary claims, aims etc. in respect of all Gazetted ve Districts. Processing and settrement of pensioriary claims and iast pay bils. NLc in respect of all Gazetted officei:s, senior Lecturer and principals of DIET Palakkad, Ir4aiappuram and Vy'ayanad Revenue Districts. Frccessing of proposals for ccndonaton of tlreak in service in respect ol ail departmental staff and Aided school stafr of the abou= ii=,.i"rr, 35 $r cn iixation oi iia"niiities" done by Gazeriecl and Non-Gazetted errrpl"3r".= tf Reviera' abcve. the DDEs in respeci of the di";.;; *"iiiorr.a oF cases-aii cori:espoadence r,l.i1-1: Gor.err:ment, Accountani General, i{igh ccui:t ci Kerala, sui: offices, ciher staies etc. reiating .ro pension case s af Gazetted aad l!-on-gazetr_ed o{ficers (teachers aira non ter.ching j oi'"he abc'.,,r cilsiricrs. ci pensi*r:aty claii-r:s, t'i'surci cl all Cazer-rrcj fi -:#H;"",i:: NLC in relpect or all Gazetted 6rfi,..;;, ;X=i of DIET of Kozhikkode, Kannur and Kasargode Revenue Districts J;l.ilIiJ 2" Processing of proposals for condonation of break in service in respect of all departmental staff and Aided school staff of the above districts. 3. Revielr; on fixation of triabilities done by the DDE,s in respect of Gazetted and l{on-gazetted empioyees of the districts mentioned above. 4. oP cases-all correspondence with Government, Accountant General, High court of Kerala, Sub offices, other States etc" relating to pension cases of Gaz,etted and Non-gazetted officers (teachers Lnd 5. non teaching ) of the above districts. complaint petitions regarding the non receipt of pensionary claims, delay in settlement of pensionary claims etc. in ,.=p.tt of Gazetted and Non- gazetted officers of the above Districts I I al1 I I i -l I I 1 I l 1 I 1 ( i { I ls JO eeetrE:e"F.& l P*ns+;:ed Scttente : .; ti i l Sanskrit :s : J;il".3"t8?il'-* Advisory Boar i-.lruri1"t#::'#*'fii:i.." o. Audit orao"ol"rts toons in H s s t,0.,,tu (planning Section) tFl:=q".,."s ---vu S Libraries .r._omrnission) .l onal In, onal In X#, ,lro,", i.",,i?:# I:slli!""% or or E:#q{ i;^ xsr:t,8n?,: #*0",,, 1 youlffi ks,Yiffililttn a Abhivan (RMsA) r s. Envir";;;;*;H;3l:", " 1 ;;;;,Jj::': :f t+I Bangarore sccie'fv Ejzait ffE"ffi*er ff*E*.trolnteag *ffiecr i. E*E€gEtr! lLElFg {&cae€emi*} I.ilirieries cf confererice+q oi DDEs, *E*s, AECs, Text Eook {}fficers- Pr-incipai, DIET etc" ccr:yryned i:y tlie *irector cf Fublic Instruction. 2, works related to training to newly prornoted FiM/AEo,s Training to Deputy Director of Education, DEo's AEO's 3" work related to evaluation - conducting workshops of teacher lnlrrg -uemlnars on evaluatron. 4" work related to the programme of etrpR-process of Adoption of schools below percentage of pass, berow state average ,.rd oth", 5. related activities to increase the percentage of pass. Need adsessment and need based trainin[. 6' fuIonitoring of acadernic programme, adopted schools, ir@school- subj ect courrcils - infrastructure facilitie s. 7. consolidation of all report of eip schemes and forwarding monthly progress report. 8. State level monitoring 9. Creative v',orkshop for text book 1O.National curriculum frame work 11. Regional seminar on curriculum 12. Grading 13. SIEMAT, SIET 14. On Site Support (OSS Training) --r- 5:H e ilt a ge oTSbh o o I s 16. NEUPA Training QIP {2} s.nt 1' Work related to training imptremention- Teachers training teachers training. Subject council scheme of work 2. 3. Monitoring of academic prograrflme, adopted schools, - Mass IT@school- Subject councils- infrastructure facilities including laboratory,librar-y, schooi club activities etc:4. State level activities related to Prathibha Sangamam 5. MLL in Std.IX (Std.X in the next year) 39 &,r il 1q. i rt ;: _; *-.--.:--..t-l-:- [Jmif $flf;cee" C+nfr+l!E;tg {}ff}cer I : i , r'r"-^,.... : AeccErrits $fficer(E{} " er.f'.( ! _:;_:--:,:;*::. if :'litj.r; ti, F:,-:, i].fri:1,;iiSSilt: ' tellciai ilal.:r-,, t Jr j F1ii i, ;.i:i, s ; i,_,r; fi _ * i ^ ' Generet! pip*..r o,']-,rru';-:;,:.''. '' "inii {'- 'tei ' ie-opi;oi: to irel''I scale eic. departinentut unc aicrecJ scho;,Jr,[n::ti?,jJr.tt"hers *n-,.*"nlng siaff i.,.,,j.i')"i\ _,. & 4. :..d 6. or r,ot]i a Fapels relatirru an,:i aieied I. fiveti^,. ..r..^ | .- ,.;j"',.,:#:X;lAlj,:L::;ft,,i;;lT:",X,:o.?:i:,!:H:lTfffflT,.J:: districl &Z]_.r-eaf Fapers reiaiing x; :;, &€) to fixation o1. J;;,:ffi ;:, ; ff m;' ;.:*r*i., j,,;] j r d. dil. n"'I,,,,r T;". lj;*:,T:l":r ;i srr,e Farpei.s r.eliiting ic flxalion of ;:ffi:Hffl,Jl".ii;t,',',,',;,";"f.;;"*l.j:jj.,.;i,';"';,.,,n::,i':1;.i.Tlg:i of It(4i in Sea r i . papcrs relating to ilxation cJepar.lmerral ancr ,id"d Wayanacl.i{ar_inur.Kasat.agod ;;o:1 [],r::: ri:: :rT, and 2. Irapers rerl21ir,* to investlgatiorr Kolia;l clis1r.ict.s. speciai allowance in all di.stricts. l sa.ctiou. pr.e_audrt revision. Non-cadre promotion of teaching staff and other NGO,s in bili. time barred arrear claims .t} n nr van an rh :.i}.rLJt-aflf apriranr :-- in cl udirng II*:i.::1,]],1.*: :r,.,r1 DPi.CGE,I-BO. .r_r.!.L,!1.. Koftalani.r<iukkr r\r,LLd_],aru.lOUlrkt ) I::n":l]i:l,uiuei.,AIsppuzha. & Elnakuia;I F cliSiiiCt_." :lli;;j,*::j]: ,: iniercsi rr.., n,silg3l o,10,o,,.. j i : Piiiheinanrrrrirta,Arappruha, irr T.nir;r,^,,!]'rrr*r,,- j.-o*aou,,,,r,r.",tLr1?;ll*.':';ilruJ;i:iJ:'ar:r. 1,. htiecliciii reirrtil,rrsen:enl iri Thris tr{arnnur a *r-r.r--ffi;:,ji:rrssui" 2 Fapsrs ..,,,,fi111il,1,jJ;J,ilT, irecii K*zhiir-'cle. E'a-r'a*rcl.Kannur Palai<l<ec, h{a1:rppui'am, cai acr.., ance i, Kozhikodr:. Kcllant, iir-,ria;ri. \,A,,;1ysn6,1, .r.r: *"-rrr-*";#;-,:.t'rssi',"' Pai:'rkkaii. Ivlalappuriim. and @_ Umit *f,fEees #eimt Sireet*r {Aeademaie} ; in Aided Schools it: General cCIrrespondence Revision appears on fixation of staff in Aided schools in Kottayam, Idukki, Ernakulam, and Thrissr r. Rev Wayanad s on fixation of st"aff in Aided schoors in Maiappuram, Revision appeals on fixation of staff in Aided schools in Kozhikkode, Kollam, Kasaragod and pathanamthitta. 1r $ 41 tr( ?r".-€i ,*j-.:.,:.i r-"re=* LTILIi{. I {;*r ti : ciilr;; C ff e-,+,i :iJ i?r'": ;: aii rii: st:,:i :-: cr!';r,,-,1 iai:r l;* r; *ati*ri ,*..L_- E+rjUUr trafrasirurt"ure faciiiries in sc):col.s, cojjection oi cjetajls of ufiecc}nomic sciiocls G. Details of schools run -:vise list ef sehe g-, Gf Administ!'arion rfr*c-i. Echo*i e*rendar, guidi: bcoi<s, |ffi:S:*c$ vrrlsuLL-!**r.! e,ziei ecmpiiation c{ crcpoui c: _qiueie-':ts, a3,-1r..: .n;s ei Ed.icationei , rur:Hcati#'of statieticar drt;, LA i.nterpeiiailon, "uirrority detaits Ln l5ta Juiy statistics ol!.l,'ifr*ff throrvn cui teachers, prot ers . 1' collection and consolidation of Flurrrerical ciata on the Ed.ucationai Institution of about s321 viz. LF,Hq,TSS, .FISS, THS, THSS, _y: T"rI, vrx, Government &private rnaustrial weaving, Tairr.,ring & Garment making centre. 2' collection and consoiiJation of f{umericar da a on the Educr-tional Institution of about 3S21 Nos. vrz.ITI, S.froof Comme dustrial S.t o"i=, iic, trndian 'nredi eenng coiege, a-I college, coile-ge. ^ collection and 3' consolidation of Nurnericai data on the Edu:irtional Instirution of about 3A21_Ncs, University, Arts& Science College,"irphr;i;t Ed CBSE &iCSg {_oliege, <1:.,:it_laya, Jawahar Nayo$a1.3, eolyle:hlr:, Fr" prl**r3, sehools, i,lr;rsing Schcols, Ivlusic a; n.ine Arts Schoofr, Col[i.*. 4' collection and consolication of Numericar data on the Edr-ir::,,,ional Institution of abor_lt SS2J. Nos. viz.institute of strength of students on 6tr wo.Ling Juy, in HSS & vHss, Details of sfudentu r*#*irg Aol mir:orir-v Ro1l 42 41 Imp:_r:,,ance, cf s. i. ranguag;:) ,. jents 'ii -fL l, l-\ I \\ Useft *ff3cer Ccmtre:jlimg &ffleer" ,qse : * tsy" Seeretary {Se} i Tr- ass_,sr -n o.,* ,, Z. i"' -.,; ff;;; p"pl.aLruiri]' paLhan il ri:is su:rpri "'".Y.1;'ff;""n ?i; " ira LurrnectiGll ;i, : - ^.,:,r d,-;,c rn'ith S"p.."il""te :rcheck inspeci. s s*"rir, 4' I lam and All comrnunications " To assisl -" iffiil:iJ,.il,Jn""\/ana-nrha.puram, the Depuf related to Higher rever verification of staff fixation. .supercheck Offictr ..rn= ."i.ooi"-;;;rn:Ji-.[ ..nrh conciucring surprise if,:ff:r'i;,]=" '" . ..i5 uonnection with supercheck 2. .pr;";;';.rur,.r* ro supercheck inspections 'ck :"^"^.. r,n Kolam fottayam districts" -3. Scrutiny , Alappuzha and of staff fixation files rles to AEOs aand Officers. Distnct Educatronai Directorof Educaticr.'"'"" appeal files - Papers b' in the office of the the Deputy reraLed ro i'prr"heck "' inspecrions in *.;r;;:, orhikko{g..g:qrr__ 44 5a j i:i'a'.-", :'.:r.i..t--,li i.:t-":. -':::-c-;'r:':-r--.-, .,- .-;, - ,,.-... ..-r--r:: ,r,-- l-,i ,--il. l-'.'t-:E:- ,-!.-a-,: a:,.;...::_ . _.-.-_i -.- -.- .-- ,._- r,::-:-;.-,,: ...:.'-;.::-::::.-r,-.- . F,t;:c,:-;i:tc:t ai--ri, fir:aiizaLtcrl ci Co*fic rn ;:ia I Assis ta-ylLz ari- Di-ivt rs;. riir [-1 'l c- r.,i,l,ir:rii-r, ll:,;"r *i Lt Cieri;s, T-,pisio, a=r;;::; {j *r. f 6-,f :."tC 6-..eeaai|.: iI i*. ^. r, {_i F"xr*has*F *eI. ftt ra ru +^ LtJ rtmentai ai Operafi and ! ' {c) Purchase/suppi1', ucation of cornputer, printer, photocopier A'7 't/ f3 and Rizo Machine i allila : -:".--.. : -. . 1 irr .'i i_: - ,--..1", -. " - -.. j, , .- I Um.it * €es ff*ez*re3Efeag #ffi*er i. FurchaselSuppii. Fc€r*fua**i of Cor:.puie:-, Fl-iniei-, Fhotccapier a;:dRiz= ii,iachine 47 1" Z. 4. 5' reiatirrg to the above subjects the Binding of Bcoks ani Registers of Direcior cf ti,,fair:tenance of ilit DpI,s affi*e . piescribei siock registers ,:f aii reiating rate conrr-acr fcr varlous #i^#35*r* r ciciLxrug to amendments to store purchase i, a J. +. I Storesr__. r Directorate . Maintenance of \). 7 r:r" ariicies and Go,s malntenance cornpound ts - miscelJaneorrcs 2" A ru.lesl st.ocj.;s g,: stcres of a-li vehicles under prescribed ffii[-"1fi:;r "t $,T,'.?: his stock registers of ari stocks & stores of the ement including, pBx, relephone ;;l?:'ft.f ;;;-;;;lating Ai1 *.',:fffftX?ffii.:'1,,o GO,s reiaring to amendments to store purchase i-uies. fia L- }.=agaE e*Ei*ee E"I*it *ffiser €}*nte*38$.m.g -t- E FgrsoruaE &,ssistaett {GeeaereS} *ffr*er Semt*r AcEEffi.iuE&strative Gf$eer Registratise of.S,Ps, EBsu Claeques amd faN rmessages im separate R.egisters, CaEE Eoek dis&rihuti.sla ef secti*cas i.Es tretters fs*rcE Gevermxmexzt, Ae**usrtaret GeleeraE are€ B.*.Letters" Reg*.etratsi*sa *tr R?E &eE 2**S appliea€t*msE&arki.reg ,ETG ers:t€cag ar:d Re.g€atra**iels *f #*r'*rsac,*:*F3t E*.*.€crc aEt*l E3-*"fuetEers iat s*pr.raEe F:*p:fl*ters, *.:L<i ar:E::ir;;1 *f {}r#iearyg T'apaEs" \ T4 HegE*Era&*.*m. *f Serviee E*eks TS &.egie*ere€ 3*tEere€* eswrE*re emd R.eg€etre€i*m ef srd*zaar5' €apaEs da 9> t, VLArtr I i ir it ftlfi cc, 'a:i,: ':;', r ir,r t :'.- r.at( ..' :. . . ;-I'i L:_ I ii' :: /: -.i 'i - 1" Discipiinary action ageinst schoois and vigilance cases, ail teaching and ncii-tea.ch;ng siaff of aideci arp-aet Director ot Education filed by the staff of aided schoois, revision petition 3. & Op cases thereon. Genera] papers relating maEllei tc \,rigitrance CASES, amendments to rules and =tc. 4" FeriodicaisfajMonthly s[eten-]ent oi sLisIlL-itsioil {irj pur;sh;-:enL rcgistei." 1' Ali cornplaints, grievances etc, not invorving in disciprinary action at Director's level relating to Thiruva.nanthapr-rianr, Kottayam, idukki and Pathanalntir itte Districts. ?. Feriodicals [a] Flalf yeariy statement of misappropriation cases and follort' up action [bJ Quarterly statement of disciplinary cases involving major penaities. ,V{&L$eet:- 1'' AII cornplaints, grievances etc. not involving in disciplinary action at Director's lever relating to Koil,am, Arappuzhi Ernakuram, Malappuram and Wayanad Districts. 2' collection, custody, scrutiny of property rerurns and ail general periodicals [a] Monthly statement vigilance cases [bJ collection & filing of prope rty return relating to rll Gazitted officers in the Department & NGOs in this office. V{4} Seat:- 1. Disciplinary action against _ 2. 3. 1 ail gazette & NGOs in the Department botli teaching and non _ teacl-ring. Appeal a:rri revision petition on the above cases, Punisi:nlcnt register AII conipla!nts, gi:iel,ances eic. noi invoiving iir disciplinary action Director's Ievel relaiing to Thri.ss Lr l', Pai akl,,a d, E{ozhikocie, Kannur a.i anri I{asar^god Districis. Kq, _ &_.1+l_p ctjon, rnaintenance, [iovt. scirool buildings, coi:-ipound rna1l, urinals, repalr-s of hostels, pla3. '.l.otlncs, land acquisiticn etc.rerating to the Kasaiagode. vya_r.anacr, i .annu:-, Kczhij<ode at:ci Maiappul-afi: Rer.ecue 1li,.;t:_ii:ts -EFJ€J.;.e@ * 'rl1 papers relating to the constructicn, mai'reife"ncej repairs oi i. lo',rt.School builciings, cci-np*und rnraif , urina-ls, hostels, pia5. r o.-r*ds, land acquisition etc" rerating ro the Thiruvananthapuram, I'ollam and_- 4pathanamthitta qLriqlaalrj.LrlrLLa 1- tEf n^ 1. Ar Kelrenue Districis. Revenu€ Disrri^+. W E.{ "' -'a* i irapers relating sclr,iol br,rildings, c 11isi1iora etC, re Ei i,.Lkulam Thrissu , ?t- 2' r , i'iers relating to rand such a-q acquisitions demarcation bo,.-r rCai-ies, oi enc::oachment, transfe r ol land to a-li categcries fuf r Gr''''''vn,,lent schcolsilp/IJp/FIigh Ciri,.:eSJ 5I a-nd- of Tra-ining schools ar:d ali Govt. 3. General papers; reic-.'elr-rg to ccilsaructicn. r:ainter:ance n*t assigned, to an--r cthe:: seat- in tiJ 4. Freparatioa cf piicri4,' lisr oi consft=.rcticri of buiiding 1-sliiggo; of progress report of ccnstructior:" br:ii+ings. 5, Fapers reiating to new'scheme for-ccnstruction of the building _ a"s food relief sci:e*r=, Glrl"s ed"ucation, RLE, OF eie su-ch " ii,:neral peprrc ::e!arir-rg tc a:tcu-ai r:tai::tes:anee an* rrBa:=s r:.f sclr+*. L'uiidinge, ho*'i*le *tc. and their .Frsgi'ecc. rep*rcs. 7. Fapers relating to electrification and 's'ater connection of school f-:" __ bu.ildings/Offices and student hostels in ali Districts" __ €.€ a tt Jt (?D (r : . [:'c.*c=. li{aii:err:atir:s. s**iai scie::.cr; cru-'b Aciiv:li=s ?:. iia'r-.t::a:: S;*tei:c* Seriii&ar- 3" 4. 6. ?. 8. 9" Sta.te Level CV Ran:.an Essay Competition State Levei trnvestigatory project ej. Sreenivasa Rannanujan paper Fresentation State Level News Reading Competition Statc i e'rel }"6ock parlian:ent State Le=,-ei Ta_lent Search E*lar:iir:ati+i: h*ational Children,s Science Congress i0" state science Fair, Mathematics Fair, social science Fair l" x. southern Inriia science Fair & science Dranta Festivai 12. Jawahartra-l Nehru Nationar science Exhibition 13. Sasthra Foshini Model Labs. 14. Grace Ivlarks 1, Youth Festivals,,Balakalolsavarn, 2' State Aw'ards and Nationai Awards to Teachers and other Awards, 3. selection of best school, LF, up and secondary schodli4. Other celebrations 5. ft4a-tters reiating to public relations 6. Collection of festivai funds i ' 2' To assist Pubtric Relations Gflicer in receiving the visitors of the Dire ctor-atc Distribution of Tappals reLating io LA rnterpeilatioa and follor,* up action. <n [,l/